- Fix functional test suite (@phahn)
- Python 3.12 is supported (@phahn)
- Improve documentation (@phahn)
- Improve PEP-484 type hinting (@phahn)
- Fix mouse dragging (@phahn)
- fixes for api.shutdown and disconnect raise exceptions, #256
Huge thanks to @pmhahn for single handedly driving conversion to modern Python3, as well as cleaning up a ton of outstanding issues.
- [BREAKING] drop python 2.x support, thanks @pmhahn
- Use built-in Unittest and mock for testing
- PEP-484 type hinting, thanks @pmhahn
- Doc improvements, thanks @luke-jr, @pmhahn, @samiraguiar
- Test for byte handling, thanks @ponty, refs #177
- Internal implementation of DES replaced by PyCrotodomeX
- Support for Apple Remote Desktop (ARD), thanks @andywgrant, @pmhahn
- Support for pseudo-encoding LastRec, thanks @pmhahn
- Support for Extended QEMU Key Events, thanks @pmhahn
- Support IPv6 addresses for server connection, thanks @pmhahn
- Bugfix, use configured log outputs over stdout, thanks @pevogam
- Bugfix, handle invalid password, thanks @dozysun
- Bugfixes for loggingproxy, thanks @joachimmetz, @pmhahn, @guicho271828
- add ZRLE encoding, thanks Adrian Weiler
- drop python2 support
- fix mouseDrag behaviour, thanks Samir Aguiar
- new flag --incremental-refreshes, increased compatibility of capture, thanks Amir Rossert
- exit non-zero and print to stderr for unknown commands, thanks Amir Rossert
- bugfix expectRegion to use cropped images for compare, thanks Michael Fürnschuß
- direct support for building RPMs, thanks Plamen Dimitrov
- connect via UNIX sockets, thanks Matteo Cafasso
- bugfix, XTightVNC initial connection, thanks Antti Kervinen
- fix version metadata, thanks Kevin Gottsman
- add api.client.disconnect()
- fix python2.x compatibility, thanks Ostrosablin Vitaly
- enable PSEUDO_DESKTOP_SIZE_ENCODING by default to allow desktop resizing, thanks rebasegod
- python 3.0 support, thanks jamtwister
- added pastefile command, thanks Rogan Dawes
- debian packaging improvements, thanks Alexander Kläser
- fix loggingproxy, thanks Matthias Weckbecker
- drop official 2.6 support, it'll probably work for a while still
- use frombytes rather than fromstring for compatibility with PIL
- vnclog works with password protected servers using --password-required
- exit more reliably after an error
- use increatmental frameBufferUpdateRequests, appears to be compatible with more servers
- include basic version negotiation with servers, thanks Ezra Bühler
- add special keys [~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:"<>?] to --force-caps, for servers that don't handle them, Tyler Oderkirk, Aragats Amirkhanyan
- improve vnclog performance with TCP_NODELAY, Ian Britten
- by default pause 10ms between sending commands, better compatibility with servers
- better handle screen resizing, Daniel Stelter-Gliese
- API, fix deadlocks due to threaded init of PIL, thanks Antti Kervinen
- API, support password protected server, thanks Antti Kervinen
- API, able to connect to multiple servers, Daniel Stelter-Gliese
- drop official support for py2.4 and py2.5
- use Pillow rather than PIL
Thanks to Jan Sedlák, Daniel Stelter-Gliese, Antti Kervinen, Anatoly Techtonik, Tyler Oderkirk and Aragats Amirkhanyan for helping make this release possible
- improved documentation using sphinx
- regional capture and expect that operate on a portion of the display
- --force-caps, better compatibility when sending UPPERCASE to servers
- --timeout, exit with an error after a given number of seconds
- experimental synchronous API for easier integration with non-Twisted apps
- main program renamed to vncdo, vncdotool continues an alias for now
- use host:display, host::port syntax like other vnc tools, removed -d
- read/play commands from stdin or file
- vnclog, creates scripts from captured interactive sessions
- better control over mouse in screen captures with --nocursor and --localcursor
- mousemove, sleep command aliases to match xdotool
- keyup/keydown commands for more control over keypresses
- send SetEncodings on connect, thanks Matias Suarez for fix
- debian packaging
- type "Hello World" now preserves capitalization
- basic compatibility with VNC 4.0 servers, found in some KVMs
- improved frameUpdate handling
- --warp to replay script faster than real-time
- --delay, insert a delay between sending commands
- add pause, mouseup, mousedown, drag commands
- only require Twisted 11.1.0, so we can have py2.4 support
- bugfixes, thanks Christopher Holm for reporting
- vncdotool type -something now works
- no longer silently fail for unsupported image formats
- add PIL to requires
- fix bug where incorrect mouse button is sent
- first release
- commands: press, type, move, click, capture, expect