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How to release a new Shopware version

Michael Telgmann edited this page Jun 14, 2023 · 4 revisions


Make sure that, the file is up-to-date and has the correct version

There should be at least a heading for each version with a link to the change from the version before. Example

New version in the Shopware Business Platform (SBP)

Ping a Shopware employee, to create the new version in the SBP. This is needed for the extension store and plugin manufacturers.

Run package test pipeline

Make sure that the package testsuite is running and green. (To be moved to GitHub)


  • Create a new tag GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="$(git show --format=%aD | head -1)" git tag -s -a v5.7.20 -m "Tag version 5.7.20"
  • git push --tags

This will trigger the release workflow. After the action is finished, a new releases should be published. The action of the release cache should be executed, to make the release available for the auto-updater.

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