These are Helm charts for installation and maintenance of Aqua Container Security Enforcer
The Aqua server (Console and Gateway) components are available in our private repository, which requires authentication. By default, the charts create a secret based on the values.yaml.
First, create a new namespace named "aqua":
kubectl create namespace aqua
Next, (Optional) create the secret:
kubectl create secret docker-registry csp-registry-secret --docker-server="" --namespace aqua --docker-username="[email protected]" --docker-password="Truckin" --docker-email="[email protected]"
Clone the GitHub repository with the charts
git clone
cd aqua-helm/
helm upgrade --install --namespace aqua csp-enforcer ./enforcer --set imageCredentials.username=<>,imageCredentials.password=<>,enforcerToken=<aquasec-token>
Parameter | Description | Default |
imageCredentials.create |
Set if to create new pull image secret | false | |
Your Docker pull image secret name | aqua-image-pull-secret |
imageCredentials.username |
Your Docker registry (DockerHub, etc.) username | N/A |
imageCredentials.password |
Your Docker registry (DockerHub, etc.) password | N/A |
enforcerToken |
Aqua Enforcer token | N/A |
server |
Gateway host name | aqua-gateway |
port |
Gateway port | 3622 |
If you encounter any problems or would like to give us feedback on deployments, we encourage you to raise issues here on GitHub.
If you encounter any problems or would like to give us feedback on deployments, we encourage you to raise issues here on GitHub please contact us at