- Time is the most important resource to be measured and controlled
- When goal is shared with someone else you will gain it easier
- Unifying initiatives should be free for people - now and forever
So, don't wait any longer - sign contract for working towards your goal and share it with your goal's partner.
/newgoal RunEveryDay 1h everyday
/newgoal MoveToHouse 3h every saturday,sunday
You can improve yourself by running everyday and share this goal with your neighbour to run together. Or, for instance, your family is planning to move to the house, so you can create a contract with yourself to spend the time for exploring the right place for the house, searching for good mortgage conditions, etc. This goal can be shared with your wife.
/contract Adidas/RunEveryDay 45min everyday
/contract bongiozzo/sg 1h everyday
You can inspire yourself with some public goals from the catalogue - or you can receive a short command for the goal's contract from your friend. You can change the contract details like duration and occurency and sign it.
/commit sg 90min "Some fixes" "Finish /commit"
You should commit your progress every time you've made a specific contract - how much time was spent, what you've done and what you are going to do. SG will highligt the progress for your goal's partners nicely. Assure you - they will envy that you're hero ;)
That's it!
Choose your favorite platform from the list and make your dreams come true together!