=> buffer explorer\
=> buffer explorer in horizontal split\
=> buffer explorer in vertical split
- :Ggrep 'stuff' **/*.filetype (wildcard within)
- :cope opens search results in a buffer
- :cn goes to next result
- :cp goes to previous result
=> opens nerd treeo
=> opens file in previous windows
=> opens file in new splitshift
=> resize nerd tree windowx
=> closes current directoryctrl
=> move tree up a big chunkctrl
=> move tree down a big chunk
=> moving
any number
+ hjkl
=> moves you that number
=> new line below with insert modeshift + o
=> new line above with insert modea
=> insert after cursorshift + a
=> end of line in insert modei
=> regular insertshift + i
=> beginning of line in insert modev
=> enter visual modectrl
=> visual block modeshift + v
=> visually highlights entire line (p
to replace)c
=> changeshift
=> change to end of liner
=> replace character under cursor w/out insert modes
=> delete and enter insert mode~
=> change case of character under cursor (like why would you do this that much, but actually I have used it)x
=> delete character under cursord
=> delete and copy to clipboardd
=> delete line, also yanks at the same time to default registershift + d
=> delete to end of line (alsod
+shift 4 [$]
=> puts after cursorshift + p
=> puts before cursoru
=> undoctrl
=> redo
=> move to beginning of a word moving fowrards or word in combination including trailing spacee
=> move to end of a word moving forwards, not including trailing spaceb
=> move to beginning of a word going backwardsg
=> go to beginning of fileshift + g
=> go to end of file or usex number
selector to choose linef
=> find forward # [x] charactershift + f
=> find backwards # [x] charactert
=> find til # [x] character, cursor ends up space beforeshift + t
=> find backwards # [x]` character, cursor ends up beforectrl + f
=> move page up one linectrl + b
=> move page down one lineshift + [
=> move down to next empty returnshift + ]
=> move up to next empty return
=> change in tagd
=> delete surrounding tags?``{
+n or N
=> when in class selectv
=> visually select with tagsv
=> visually select within tagsv
=> class selection
=> repeats last thing, not including movementsq
+a [letter for accessing macro]
=> starts recording macro toa
or whatever letterq
=> stop recording@
=> excecute macro@
=> excecute againany number
=> allows you to type a new line and once escaping copies line byx number
=> yanky
|shift + y
=> yank line, yanks to "0 register automaticallyshift + '
+[1 – 9 or a – z]
=> save in registershift + '
+shift + [a – z]
=> save in register and append to originalshift + '
=> blackhole register
ctrl + w
+ w => move windows in vimctrl + w
+ v => new vertical vim window splitctrl + w
+ s => new horizontal vim window splitctrl + w
=> move around windows
- :reg => view registers
- :set syntax _ => set syntax for page
- :set paste => stop crazy pasting (turns indentation off)
- :set nopaste => turns indentation on again
- :noh => turn off highlight after /pattern search
- :%s/foo/bar => replace foo with bar on the page you're on
- :%s/foo/bar/? => replace foo with bar, on the page you're on, but ask
- :so $MYVIMRC => refresh vimrc
+surrounding character
=> wraps word in surrounding character of choiced``s
+surrounding character
=> deletes wrapping character of choice\
=> fuzzy find\
=> comment out visually selected code
ctrl+ a
=> new horizontal splitctrl + a
=> new vertical splitctrl + a
=> move around in tmux windowsctrl + a
=> toggle tabsctrl + a
=> create new tabctrl + a
=> close tabctrl + a
+ # => move to that # tabctrl + a
=> rename tabctrl + a
+shift + [
=> swap splitsctrl + a
+- or +
=> moves tmux splitctrl
+shift + a
+ d => disconnectctrl
=> disconnect and killtmux kill-session -t sessionname
=> kill tmux session
ps ax
=> list the processes runninglsof -i <port>
=> list ports in usekill -9 <process id>
=> kill the processdf -h
=> shows disk usagedu -hs <path/>
=> shows human readable summary of how big directory is
rm -rf node_modules
=> remove junknpm cache cleane
=> remove junk