Python script that scrapes players ratings from the USCF database, sorts them in rating order, and writes them to a google spreadsheet. Currently the script is built to work for the WWP HSN Chess Club
The script requires and OAuth2 credentials from Google Developers Console.
In order for the script to work with a spreadsheet of your club create a google spreadsheet that is formatted as seen in the picture:
Then edit line 53 in from:
wks ="HSN Chess Club POWER RANKINGS 2017-2018").get_worksheet(0)
wks ="NAME OF YOUR SPREADSHEET HERE").get_worksheet(0)
Run the script every month when USCF ratings are officialy updated and the script will handle the ordering of all the players for you!
Implement a column that displays the change in a players rank from last month and create a different input of players method and output of players rankings so a google spreadsheets api is not necessary