1.0.17 (2021-09-08)
- deps: update dependency axios to v0.21.2 [security] (7a117f9)
1.0.16 (2021-07-25)
- deps: update dependency vue-scrollto to v2.20.0 (11e4231)
1.0.15 (2021-07-25)
1.0.14 (2021-07-20)
- deps: update dependency video.js to v7.13.3 (66bd35d)
1.0.13 (2021-07-20)
- deps: update dependency bootstrap-vue to v2.21.2 (5f7c659)
1.0.12 (2021-07-20)
- deps: update dependency vuex to v3.6.2 (0d932e6)
1.0.11 (2021-07-20)
- deps: update dependency @nuxtjs/google-analytics to v2.4.0 (e561922)
1.0.10 (2021-07-19)
1.0.9 (2021-07-19)
- deps: update dependency @nuxtjs/google-tag-manager to v2.3.2 (f73c589)
1.0.8 (2021-07-19)
- deps: update dependency vuelidate to v0.7.6 (ecd9e05)
1.0.7 (2021-07-19)
- deps: update dependency nuxt-i18n to v5.12.7 (2db68db)
1.0.6 (2021-07-18)
- 404: move fallback to generate (d0f90eb)
- deps: update dependency jquery to v3 [security] (#32) (1405dad)
1.0.5 (2021-07-18)
- request: import utils (8f5e932)
1.0.4 (2021-07-18)
- add typescript (19c2171)
- deps: pin dependency nuxt to v2.7.1 (#12) (dbfec95)
- deps: pin dependency vuex to v3.1.1 (#11) (cb4567e)
1.0.3 (2021-07-18)
- notification: key by message (f4e9b6c)
1.0.2 (2021-07-17)
1.0.1 (2021-07-17)
- replace window with global for ssr (513e16f)
- 500: remove old copy (57753a9)
- about: card 4 learn more link (e9bf6b7)
- about: card one break out (1641437)
- about: remove background color for images (ab23e3d)
- birthday: allow value to be Date (0e458de)
- birthday: french numbers (07ba3cb)
- birthday: month is 0 based for new Date() and getMonth() (8c89887)
- birthday: month is 0 based!? (38847b9)
- birthday: only give value when all fileds (20456ca)
- birthday: output value as yyyy-mm-dd (f3233e3)
- birthday: to not be UTC (769ad2c)
- birthday: update month values (859023c)
- birthday: validation ticks (22952cf)
- birthday: year is valid number (3925eff)
- blog: add margin to feature post bottom (c1f6e90)
- blog: banner xs mq (4b56b48)
- blog: heading translated (eb49385)
- blog: use hero image (c5d2683)
- brand: link to index with translations (aacc9f4)
- card: remove background color (d18c98d)
- cards: make them not touch on mobile (943f290)
- cards: remove white background (75f6b3f)
- close: add page title for win page (#6) (95f5224)
- close: revert hero title (9162b50)
- close: use redirect instead of push (b00ffc8)
- closed: add page title (85f6167)
- confirm: add padding bottom (767f168)
- confirm: header on small fone (35ee059)
- confirm: make background iamge better (dd9ddcd)
- confirm: translate lern more button (6827127)
- confirm: udpate twitter text (a72d798)
- cookie: add class to french (89380a0)
- cookie: add opening span (e6972e4)
- cookie: add space next to informatin link (e21e042)
- cookie: check window before getting local storage. (97b62ef)
- cookie: french link (619d98b)
- cookie: lower z-index below other pop ups (e40a8ff)
- cookie: move click to button (130d1e2)
- cookie: uppercase continue button (e9c3291)
- copy: american blog intro holiday to vacation (64a966a)
- copy: update (a1a8d42)
- copy: update about page card1 para3 : to , (711dba6)
- copy: update translations (681a008)
- css: remove text color on break out (9dcfb0a)
- deals: Eli mobile breakpoint hell (1605fd3)
- deals: heron island description AU (04df9f8)
- deals: info black (c081b5f)
- deps: remove broken vac to fix IE11 (cfc161b)
- dob: validation (d5b4670)
- emailshare: check form valid before submit (e054539)
- entry: loading submit spinner wait for axios (d53d7a9)
- entry: otherlevels teq opt in tag (d39c132)
- env: update app url (bea56fc)
- fb:app_id: add hard coded string (74e65eb)
- footer: add alt to image (936e0a6)
- footer: body text small (2d8a32a)
- footer: button hover color black (ce224c4)
- footer: link color white only on desktop (52edc91)
- footer: links add rel="noopener" (daa803c)
- form: add id (91481e1)
- french: update footer body with google translate (fd79eae)
- hero: enter now button to win path (9aedf91)
- hero: hide h1 if no content (fe03a59)
- hero: mobile french (d9f17f2)
- hero: remove padding for chrome to make video centered (e0be078)
- hero: smaller english (5965ff2)
- hero: video resize (cc53f5b)
- i18n: set base URL for canonical meta (4748fd0)
- iamges: add alt tag (b33124f)
- icons: swap 3 and 4 on requests page (832cc25)
- links: add rel="noopener" (da7dff6)
- logos: mitch fixed Elis tiny logo svgs (249a780)
- meta: add canonical link for explore page (c81b95b)
- meta: add page canonical link (518dfab)
- meta: remove "page name -" from titles (#4) (7adcff4)
- meta: remove data-vue-meta-server-rendered (91bced2)
- mq: update mq to bootstrap values (8a3c1ee)
- offers: geoip async route change (ca3b46f)
- og:image: set to staging (68bcbb0)
- otherlevels: current page (853a99a)
- otherlevels: pass route to set up (b17664b)
- otherlevels: preloadContent (792110f)
- otherlevels: remove double init (0d4fef5)
- otherlevels: remove on load setup (3f2a557)
- otherlevels: remove push (ebe8705)
- otherlevels: set service worker location (27ac9ba)
- otherlevels: set timeout for ask permission (40529bc)
- otherlevels: unsupported push (62e5d55)
- postcode: does not check length of null (360d01e)
- request: idk (e34b59d)
- request: map padding (125e5c9)
- request: padding right again!!! (967a8df)
- request: ride image update from uber (e33ccd6)
- request: rows (442b8f9)
- request: swap iamges (22ce2eb)
- share: remove api share event calls (a5f1a5f)
- translations: add alt keys for images (4853f6c)
- video: about original size (417720c)
- video: add mp4 source (b143184)
- video: call video update every second (bd390f1)
- video: final video (664cf7b)
- video: final video win (a297755)
- video: IE AND EDGE (9286345)
- video: remove timeout (04955c6)
- video: update media query check to bootstrap values (f6545b3)
- video: xs media query (20c98ea)
- win: button enter now scroll stuff (173a385)
- win: update mobile video (d33b6b9)
- win: video? (71fa06e)
- otherlevels (93b9aee)
- about: card4 list mobile responsive (5ae038b)
- about: images (4c187e2)
- about: two by one padding smaller (d695207)
- birthday: use birthday component to submit (c3cd8ec)
- blog: blog post use image (0ecd046)
- blog: remove full width (4c27b91)
- bootstrap: add missing form components (cccab04)
- brand: display when menu open (6c45758)
- build: remove missing files (41210e5)
- comingsoon: set time to 10:30 (cbfcbbc)
- css: remove duplicate css (d4cc90d)
- deal: dynamic image (ed1eb5a)
- deps: update nuxt-i18n for lazy load fallback (3cea353)
- english: remove closing curly (18bd283)
- entry: 4 rem top padding on form (1de16af)
- entry: add commer to hero blurb (82be4f8)
- entry: add entry text label (1cda24b)
- entry_text: move word count out of entry text (fc5b273)
- footer: display mobile (9dc016f)
- footer: padding on rows (bd0f99c)
- footer: spell uber correct (8f1d29a)
- form: add input touch (9af53a0)
- form: postcode reset use component data (09b8b87)
- form: remove formdata from vuex (9ee0d60)
- french: remove old copy (1b746f7)
- french: translate postcode (222b43a)
- french: update from cta (dc1d70c)
- gtm: add id (045e422)
- heading: use smaller text to fit on mobile (51b6b75)
- hero: image remove (a42c548)
- hero: link text display when videojs hls (60d81d3)
- hero: load video js css (84c4645)
- hero: make hero 90 view height (772ec79)
- hero: make long video display content over the top (dc47939)
- hero: play video on mounted (7373350)
- hero: set dataSetup to string for JSON parse (7b27b12)
- hero: title (0370c8a)
- hero: update video (c4c811f)
- hero: win title make it bigger (f3f840c)
- icon: remove old favicon config link (0fee309)
- image: tile white space (b73671b)
- imagecard: full width take up correct space (db76eb3)
- lang: prefix and default (324020a)
- lang select: use select drop down (8877b05)
- layer card: remove margin on mobile card (2cac8f0)
- layercard: make image 100% (07e3794)
- layercard: make it full width mobile (4341311)
- layercard: xl size smaller width (1cc26d0)
- layout: add gtmk noscript (60d1493)
- layout: navbar color (0f58f03)
- layout: remove nav and footer from in default (0f49561)
- layout: remove row causing padding issue (edfb1e1)
- link: index instead of about (105835c)
- loading: black background (cadedaa)
- loading: update mask (d16d60f)
- logo: update scuber queensland logo (f90098c)
- navbar: hide brand on about page (9fe5a73)
- olvsdk: remove async and defer (c5d2d6f)
- pagination: [BACREP-22] hide on mobile (f6bc568)
- pagination: exact link (0984528)
- postcode: remove visual bug and allow submit invalid postcode country iso (6a37a47)
- request: french no break : (233176c)
- select: allow numbers (eb11736)
- select: allow options to be disabled (de089c6)
- select: set key to index to allow duplicates (3331c5b)
- tiles: remove ordering (9770c6a)
- translations: en-ca to use en-CA lang file (38798f4)
- video: disable hls native (233ed05)
- about: add alt to images (ff2ad76)
- about: card 2 close text (c70d130)
- about: close iamges (de8a00c)
- about: french images (5348957)
- about: make first heading h1 (3046585)
- about: padding (ce250cf)
- about: remove winners will be announced copy (d5476c8)
- about: upade images (8af025a)
- about: update card 5 image (02bd941)
- about: update video (6a782bf)
- banner: info postion below when mobile (13938d2)
- birthday: add translations (a6b5a20)
- birthday: month text (28a29d5)
- blog: featured center text mobile (279e0b7)
- blog: featured post move up 3rem (44a55a7)
- blog: intro link target blank (8cae588)
- card: remove and move into min right content (4d7ed9c)
- card: translate tiles (0008d9a)
- check-subscriber-hash: add middle ware to send ol tag (19aeb6e)
- close: add Australian winner (50dd4ca)
- close: add hero image (5e755be)
- close: add winners (1936071)
- close: style winners (7f43b57)
- comingsoon: update time (81ca499)
- confirm: init FB (85904ff)
- confirm: learn more button (7623953)
- confirm: teal text (466ddc1)
- cookie: GDPR notice forcookies (0135259)
- cookie: save to local storage (dc62020)
- cookie: translate (a97fa90)
- copy: add alt tags for tiles (9f1ea12)
- copy: add blog line breaks (77984ec)
- copy: add target blank to teq opt in copy (3d64b27)
- copy: dob months (eecfeee)
- copy: french (9eb555c)
- copy: french about title (ed17f3e)
- copy: link utm (53bcd48)
- copy: meta (9521494)
- copy: update (ef3d0f3)
- copy: update (5343316)
- copy: update (12b507a)
- copy: update (ff6443f)
- copy: update AU (1e72d09)
- copy: update translations (5acb543)
- copy: updated (32d1d56)
- copy: US CA blog update (e91543e)
- deal: add link around whole deal (bf5dd1a)
- deal: info allow html (a556730)
- deals: rename deals to offers (fefd4f2)
- deals: update images (a24bd75)
- deals: update images (abb8a13)
- emailshare: add button black (c7ca8a2)
- emailshare: add button bold (2d7792f)
- entry: right side margin left auto (4febd3f)
- fonts: import fonts (9d89b1a)
- footer: add managed by disclaimer (8a2fd75)
- footer: add more padding (776cbe3)
- form: add submit info (066ebcd)
- form: disable copy (5903a9b)
- form: entry form teq_opt_in_info (6a9d68c)
- form: remove bottom padding on mobile (2b3b645)
- form: remove margin between checkboxes (6fbbbeb)
- form: submit info (ff3d93f)
- formfield: hide label nad description if there are none (af4fed2)
- heading: move heading up out of container (21d0cb5)
- hero: tilte (3e7e402)
- iamges: french merc tiles (b204e1e)
- icons: rename (da728fd)
- icons: update about icons (ab8a149)
- icons: update and set size 43 (eec9a47)
- images: update images (e8d8918)
- lang: add aria-label (530cbd9)
- langselect: negative tab index (838fad6)
- link: target blank (6a1291c)
- links: add rel="noopener" (147a8ac)
- logo: update logo to tiny Eli svg (d467b08)
- meta: fix head (cccddc3)
- meta: update (5195869)
- meta: update page titles (d8be6b2)
- nav: rename ondemand to request (187ee7d)
- nav: update deals to offers page (b4fe828)
- navbar: add alt to brand logo (d3a6b75)
- offers: geoip (821c73c)
- offers: redirect offers to home (e913f19)
- og: add translated meta for facebook share (7c643ff)
- og:image: add og image (93cdfd4)
- ondemand: disclaimer over 18 (8e4aa6b)
- otherlevels: add cookie tag (ff1a07d)
- otherlevels: add form submit tag (ee988e9)
- otherlevels: add preoload content (9f7dd41)
- otherlevels: pageview win (8de6330)
- otherlevels: placement 2 (9c106ad)
- otherlevels: remove ask permission call (a4ea966)
- otherlevels: setup middleware (a809c5c)
- otherlevels: update win page view event (8a23782)
- requests: update layout with copy (81af7e8)
- terms: add terms and conditons (10ab229)
- tiles: add link (603a349)
- translations: update french blog (50ea2af)
- add robot txt (d4d597b)
- request: update card image (572244b)
- requests: add layout components (7a0058c)
- robots.txt: add sitemap url (43bf91c)
- share: add facebook app id to env (d2ae3a3)
- sitemap: add (1fd018e)
- terms: update french terms and conditons (c9e1dca)
- terms: update start time to 11:30 (7114576)
- translate: errors (85f499b)
- translate: head (af7f7a1)
- translations: french (ea06238)
- translations: french (b7c42de)
- twitter: add link (ebe86ff)
- video: about mobile (9ccdf02)
- video: mobile about video (671b1f5)
- video: new close video (a9c4fba)
- video: update win video (92d8f4d)
- video: win video hls (1c2708a)
- win: indent list (04850cf)
- win: prize dot points (f61c79c)
- add media query js (328204b)
- ** win:** Please remove the queensland & Uber logos from the video overlay [BAC-199] (4870af2)
- about: add barnd (de8e581)
- about: external links (3bd7351)
- about: iamge links (01bb343)
- about: lazy load images (4758298)
- blog: full width header (7c50c4d)
- blog: iamge heading (c1b5d29)
- blog: images (927b550)
- blog: replace featured post (87f7a40)
- brand: turn on brand for entry page (0215bea)
- card: lazy load images (370a59e)
- confirm: add image and blog posts (ff28144)
- confirm: update confirm page layout to default (8057f2f)
- deals: add sectins to deals (94fdc36)
- deals: images (67025ac)
- deals: style by design with eli (660d9c3)
- deals: translations (ae8924c)
- emailshare: close button (cfaf72e)
- emailshare: default layout (df8cbce)
- emailshare: remove lastname (49a3096)
- entry: add bottom form text (0fbf511)
- entry: remove blurb (b863e3d)
- entry: remove brand in nav (8e93c14)
- entry: remove top padding desktop (2e71ba1)
- entry: set teq opt in tag (b096fc6)
- entry: submit loading spinner (cf6d580)
- entry: update copy layout (0149f84)
- explore: title and intro (21cdd91)
- font: reduce body font size (95741b7)
- footer: lazy load image (e9c14b7)
- footer: mobile buttons (21589db)
- form: add formfiled around birthday (ea55e5e)
- form: birthday label center vertical (400b4e4)
- form: submit data layer push for invalid (cefd536)
- gtm: add to coming soon page (1a1c807)
- hero: style text for mobile (86466d7)
- hero: style win title like brand guide? (55591a9)
- hero: video js for all videos (121dd21)
- hero: win hero hls (d1c9e4b)
- icons: add pwa icons (1f280d1)
- images: update images (17ab9ee)
- nav: udpate brand logo (f7d6fec)
- navbar: add brand slot (c619ecc)
- ondeamand: add sections (aed6cfd)
- ondemand: add map images (f68e148)
- otherlevels: placements (eb205f4)
- otherlevels: update cookie element selector (b8f5b41)
- pages: rename ondemand to request (79b15e6)
- pagination: breakout (806f217)
- translations: add empty lines to match height (813528c)
- translations: au nz make au primary (fe0eaf6)
- translations: en-CA deals (4a5bc9f)
- translations: en-US deals (669815a)
- translations: fr-FR deal price smaller (60aff3d)
- translations: french deals (07e54d1)
- translations: merge first two blog into paragraphs (3ea9676)
- translations: smaller french prices (7fb7877)
- translations: update AU translations (d3caa2c)
- translations: update copy (ca6dbe6)
- birthday input component (ec6877e)
- about: add card 3 title (7732eb1)
- about: add card 5 (ca65df4)
- about: hls video (b8cae20)
- about: translate (7f0d37c)
- about: translate images and alt text (bf6cac5)
- blog: add alt text (1d6c7ca)
- blog: add posts to banner (6d27f22)
- blog: images (f122f85)
- blog: make white post smaller (86c4f25)
- blog: remove post description (38a8150)
- blog: translate blog posts (d624d4e)
- card: add third card (8b839e2)
- card: background grey (3947784)
- closed: add english translations (a778b37)
- comingson: add coming soon html (49254df)
- comingsoon: translate description (72cbfd3)
- commingsoon: translate timer (f0c7c40)
- confirmation: add blog posts (4570535)
- confirmed: images (79e33ba)
- deals: set UK heading (b10db8f)
- deps: add vuelidate (9f67d44)
- emailshare: add validation translations (2106844)
- emailshare: remove copy above form (3884665)
- emailshare: submit button disabled when loading (4361365)
- entry: add prize package body (0740c2b)
- entry: add right side images (b714874)
- entry: color body text (bce8d32)
- entry: format prize details as list (a9747cb)
- entry: update entry form heading (216fb4f)
- entry_text: warning feedback (a3b5979)
- env: add prod env file (2714bd9)
- env: add stage api url (1e00c76)
- env: add stage env (2d87a0c)
- footer: translate footer links (c0de034)
- form: add feedback props (306f00d)
- form: add feedback translations (52b6fa5)
- form: add maxlength (20813b9)
- form: add rows (ec74995)
- hero: link text black (b343a1d)
- hero: update video (c4b8422)
- images: update images (ba8398b)
- in_app: add english translations to file (42a9f3f)
- lang: [BACREP-16] prefix for every locale (d90d38a)
- layer card: add full width flag (870e969)
- loading: add onerror hide image (432f216)
- loading: image assets (0880fcc)
- loading: update loading page with animation (cc32738)
- menu: font size smaller (9d1b7ea)
- meta: og:video (88b229b)
- navbar: translate dropdown full screen menu (0ad3754)
- navigation: add in-app experience link (4dbb3df)
- ondemand: add new in app page (eb5c99b)
- ondemand: new layout (8e9afda)
- rightside: add padding top (52ae475)
- unsubscribed: update tile (bbd4d6e)
- video: add hero video into static files (6c2f972)
- video: add hls hero video into static files (ddc98e2)
- video: remove letter boxing from video (299db94)
- videojs: async defer min (1d0b68c)
- win: smaller heading (19fc894)