Apply suggestion
Apply suggestion
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Apply suggestion
Apply suggestion
Force push
Add WPT test
Add WPT test
Force push
Make description of quirks-mode test more helpful
Make description of quirks-mode test more helpful
Force push
Make description of quirks-mode test more helpful
Make description of quirks-mode test more helpful
Force push
Use width instead of transform in test;
Use width instead of transform in test;
Force push
Use width instead of transform in test;
Use width instead of transform in test;
Force push
Use parent BC zoom level, not PresContext's.
Use parent BC zoom level, not PresContext's.
Use width instead of transform in test;
Use width instead of transform in test;
Force push
layout: Ensure compatible positioning context during flexbox block co…
layout: Ensure compatible positioning context during flexbox block co…
Force push
layout: Ensure compatible positioning context during flexbox block co…
layout: Ensure compatible positioning context during flexbox block co…
Force push
Actualizar mixed-containing-blocks-crash.html
Actualizar mixed-containing-blocks-crash.html
Force push
Add WPTs for not dispatching cookiechange event when setting already-…
Add WPTs for not dispatching cookiechange event when setting already-…
[SRI Message Signatures] Accept unknown parameters.
[SRI Message Signatures] Accept unknown parameters.
layout: Ensure compatible positioning context during flexbox block co…
layout: Ensure compatible positioning context during flexbox block co…
Force push
layout: Ensure compatible positioning context during flexbox block co…
layout: Ensure compatible positioning context during flexbox block co…
Use width instead of transform in test;
Use width instead of transform in test;
Force push
Make description of quirks-mode test more helpful
Make description of quirks-mode test more helpful
Force push
Column rule painting for wrapped columns.
Column rule painting for wrapped columns.
Use width instead of transform in test;
Use width instead of transform in test;
Force push
Add tests for advanced calc() in font-variation-settings
Add tests for advanced calc() in font-variation-settings
Stop looking for active scroll marker when targets are empty
Stop looking for active scroll marker when targets are empty
Make input element display-inside always flow-root
Make input element display-inside always flow-root
Force push
Make input element display-inside always flow-root
Make input element display-inside always flow-root
Force push