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Serenity.Net.Entity assembly

Serenity.Data namespace

signature name description
static class  AliasedFields Contains extension method to create aliased fields
class  BooleanField Field with boolean value
class  ByteArrayField Field with a byte[] value
class  CustomClassField<TValue> Base class for custom fields with reference type values
class  DateTimeField Field with a DateTime value
class  DateTimeOffsetField Field with a DateTimeOffset value
class  DecimalField Field with a Decimal value
class  DefaultRowFieldsProvider Default row fields instance provider, that resolves row fields instances using ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance through a IServiceProvider.
class  DefaultRowTypeRegistry Default row type registry
class  DialectExpressionSelector Selects field expressions based on dialect
class  DoubleField Field with a Double value
static class  EntityConnectionExtensions Contains extension methods to perform entity CRUD operations directly on connections. Please note that all these methods operate on a low level, and none of them call service behaviors or performs service validations.
static class  EntityFieldExtensions Contains static extension methods for Field objects.
static class  EntityQueryExtensions Extensions for objects implementing IDbWhere interface.
static class  EntitySqlHelper Contains extension methods to query entities directly
static class  EntitySqlQueryExtensions Extensions for SqlQuery.
class  EnumField<TEnum> Field with an Enum value
class  FallbackRowFieldsProvider Fallback row fields provider for cases where a IServiceProvider is not available.
abstract class  Field Base Field class
enum  FieldType Enumeration of field types
abstract class  GenericClassField<TValue> Base class for fields with reference type values
abstract class  GenericField<TValue> Base generic class for fields with a value
abstract class  GenericValueField<TValue> Base class for fields with a value type value
class  GuidField Field with a Guid value
interface  IDeleteLogRow Interface for rows that have DeleteUserId and DeleteDate fields.
interface  IDisplayNameRow An interface to provide access to a display name field
interface  IDisplayOrderRow Basic interface for rows that has a display order field and provides a default sorting order.
interface  IEditableRow Methods and properties of a row to support desktop app grid etc. editing
interface  IEmailRow An interface that provides access to email field
interface  IEntity An interface for entities with Table property
interface  IEntityWithJoins Interface for an entity with join information
interface  IEnumTypeField Interface for fields with an enum type property
interface  IFieldWithJoinInfo Interface for a field with join and referenced join alias information
interface  IIdRow Basic interface for rows that has an ID field. You should put [IdProperty] attribute to corresponding field.
interface  IInsertLogRow Interface for rows that have InsertUserId and InsertDate fields
interface  IIsActiveDeletedRow Marks an IIsActiveRow that -1 is used as deleted value
interface  IIsActiveRow Interface for an entity with active field
interface  IIsDeletedRow Determines that this row uses soft delete and the field that holds this flag
interface  ILoggingRow A combination of IUpdateLogRow and IInsertLogRow
interface  INameRow Marks a row as having a Name field (e.g. description for row). You should put [NameProperty] attribute to corresponding field
class  Int16Field Field with Int16 value
class  Int32Field Field with Int32 value
class  Int64Field Field with Int64 value
interface  IParentIdRow Interface for rows that has a ParentId field
interface  IPasswordRow An interface that provides access to password hash and salt fields
interface  IRow<TFields> Base interface for Rows with a known Fields type
interface  IRow Row interface
interface  IRowFieldsProvider Abstraction for row fields instance providers
interface  IRowTypeRegistry Abstraction for row type registry.
interface  IUpdateLogRow Interface for rows that has a UpdateUserId and UpdateDate fields
class  JsonField<TValue> Field with JSON value
class  JsonRowConverter Serialize/deserialize a row
class  ListField<TItem> Field with a list value
abstract class  Row<TFields> Base class for Serenity entities
static class  RowExtensions Contains extensions for row objects
class  RowField<TForeign> Field with a Row value
class  RowFieldsBase Base class for row fields collection
static class  RowFieldsProvider Contains extension methods and settings for row fields providers
class  RowListField<TForeign> Field with a RowList value
class  SingleField Field with a Single value
class  StreamField Field with a Stream value
class  StringField Field with a String value
class  TimeSpanField Field with a TimeSpan value
class  VariantField Field with a Variant (e.g. SQL VARIANT) value

Serenity.Extensions.DependencyInjection namespace

signature name description
static class  EntityServiceCollectionExtensions Contains extensions to register entity services

Serenity.Localization namespace

signature name description
static class  EntityLocalTexts EntityLocalTexts

Serenity.PropertyGrid namespace

signature name description
class  BasicPropertyProcessor Basic property processor
class  DefaultPropertyItemProvider Default property item provider
interface  IPropertyItemProvider Abstraction for the provider that returns a list of property items for a given type
interface  IPropertyProcessor Interface for property processors, which sets properties of a PropertyItem object by analysing a IPropertySource object.
interface  IPropertySource Abstracts the property source that returns PropertyInfo and some other info
class  PropertyInfoSource Property info source for a reflection PropertyInfo object
abstract class  PropertyProcessor Base class for property processors, which sets properties of a PropertyItem object by analysing a IPropertySource object.

Serenity.Services namespace

signature name description
class  RowValidationContext A validation context for rows