From 1fdce8baee0d94d000b08c8ddcb8a91974e78c34 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sendya <> Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2016 11:46:09 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] Update & Fix Option,Node,Message,Mail,Cron --- .gitignore | 5 +- Data/Config.simple.php | 11 + Library/Contactable/ICron.php | 18 + Library/Contactable/IMailer.php | 29 + Library/Contactable/IPay.php | 21 + Library/Controller/Admin/Message.php | 86 +- Library/Controller/Admin/Node.php | 7 +- Library/Controller/Admin/Setting.php | 59 + Library/Controller/Auth.php | 75 +- Library/Controller/Form.php | 187 - Library/Controller/Member.php | 25 +- Library/Helper/Cron/ClearTransfer.php | 46 + Library/Helper/Cron/StopExpireUser.php | 47 + Library/Helper/CronTab.php | 84 + Library/Helper/Mail.php | 91 + Library/Helper/Mailer/Mail.php | 60 + Library/Helper/Mailer/Smtp.php | 163 + Library/Helper/Option.php | 3 + Library/Model/Card.php | 94 + Library/Model/Mail.php | 21 + Library/Model/Message.php | 4 +- Library/Model/User.php | 8 + 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Resource/Default/js/jquery-validate/localization/messages_tj.js delete mode 100644 Resource/Default/js/jquery-validate/localization/messages_tj.min.js delete mode 100644 Resource/Default/js/jquery-validate/localization/messages_tr.js delete mode 100644 Resource/Default/js/jquery-validate/localization/messages_tr.min.js delete mode 100644 Resource/Default/js/jquery-validate/localization/messages_uk.js delete mode 100644 Resource/Default/js/jquery-validate/localization/messages_uk.min.js delete mode 100644 Resource/Default/js/jquery-validate/localization/messages_vi.js delete mode 100644 Resource/Default/js/jquery-validate/localization/messages_vi.min.js delete mode 100644 Resource/Default/js/jquery-validate/localization/messages_zh.js delete mode 100644 Resource/Default/js/jquery-validate/localization/messages_zh.min.js delete mode 100644 Resource/Default/js/jquery-validate/localization/messages_zh_TW.js delete mode 100644 Resource/Default/js/jquery-validate/localization/messages_zh_TW.min.js delete mode 100644 Resource/Default/js/jquery-validate/localization/methods_de.js delete mode 100644 Resource/Default/js/jquery-validate/localization/methods_de.min.js delete mode 100644 Resource/Default/js/jquery-validate/localization/methods_es_CL.js delete mode 100644 Resource/Default/js/jquery-validate/localization/methods_es_CL.min.js delete mode 100644 Resource/Default/js/jquery-validate/localization/methods_fi.js delete mode 100644 Resource/Default/js/jquery-validate/localization/methods_fi.min.js delete mode 100644 Resource/Default/js/jquery-validate/localization/methods_nl.js delete mode 100644 Resource/Default/js/jquery-validate/localization/methods_nl.min.js delete mode 100644 Resource/Default/js/jquery-validate/localization/methods_pt.js delete mode 100644 Resource/Default/js/jquery-validate/localization/methods_pt.min.js delete mode 100644 Resource/Misc/Error.css create mode 100644 Template/Default/admin/setting.htm delete mode 100644 Template/Default/admin/test.htm diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index ca09573c..2ec777cd 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -32,5 +32,6 @@ Data/**/* # Front-end Resources (compiled) -Public/**/* -!Public/**/*.php +#Public/**/* +#!Public/**/*.php + diff --git a/Data/Config.simple.php b/Data/Config.simple.php index ed6960e9..5bc234c5 100644 --- a/Data/Config.simple.php +++ b/Data/Config.simple.php @@ -19,6 +19,17 @@ */ define('THEME', 'Default'); +/** + * Mailer config + */ +$MAIL = array( + 'host' => '', + 'username' => '', + 'password' => 'password', + 'from' => '某科学的h本 ', + 'secure' => '' +); + /** * Rewrite setting: * remove "index.php" from url, needs to config apache/nginx manually diff --git a/Library/Contactable/ICron.php b/Library/Contactable/ICron.php new file mode 100644 index 00000000..82477b5a --- /dev/null +++ b/Library/Contactable/ICron.php @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ + + */ +namespace Contactable; + + +interface ICron { + + /** Cron 的运行方法 */ + public function run(); + + /** 返回下次执行时间 */ + public function getStep(); + +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Library/Contactable/IMailer.php b/Library/Contactable/IMailer.php new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0a6d671d --- /dev/null +++ b/Library/Contactable/IMailer.php @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ + + * Time: 2016/3/26 16:18 + */ +namespace Contactable; + +use Model\Mail as MailModel; + +/** + * 邮件发送接口 + * 怎么发送,使用什么方法自行继承并实现相应功能 + * + * Interface Mailer + */ +interface Mailer { + + /** 是否可以 */ + public function isAvailable(); + + /** 发送方法 */ + public function send(MailModel $mail); + + /** 邮件发送测试 */ + public function test(); + +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Library/Contactable/IPay.php b/Library/Contactable/IPay.php new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4298532a --- /dev/null +++ b/Library/Contactable/IPay.php @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ + + */ + +namespace Contactable; + +/** + * Interface IPay + * 支付接口 + * + * @package Contactable + */ +interface IPay { + + public function pay(); + + public function status(); +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Library/Controller/Admin/Message.php b/Library/Controller/Admin/Message.php index 4fa3a69e..f425b76d 100644 --- a/Library/Controller/Admin/Message.php +++ b/Library/Controller/Admin/Message.php @@ -27,20 +27,25 @@ public function index() { Template::setView('admin/message'); } - public function change() { - global $user; + /** + * 修改 or 新增 + * + * @JSON + * @return array + */ + public function update() { + $result = array('error'=> 1, 'message'=> 'Request failed'); if($_POST['message_id'] != null) { // 修改 - - $msg = MessageModel::GetMessageById(trim($_POST['message_id'])); + $msg = MessageModel::getMessageById(trim($_POST['message_id'])); if($msg) { // 修改 $msg->content = $_POST['message_content']==null ? "" : $_POST['message_content']; $msg->pushTime = $_POST['message_pushTime']==null ? 0 : strtotime($_POST['message_pushTime']); $msg->pushUsers = $_POST['message_pushUsers']==null ? -1 : $_POST['message_pushUsers']; $msg->type = $_POST['message_type']==null ? 0 : $_POST['message_type']; $msg->pushEndTime = $_POST['message_pushEndTime']==null ? 0 : strtotime($_POST['message_pushEndTime']); - $msg->update(); + $msg->save(); $result = array('error'=> 0, 'message'=> '更新成功'); } } else { @@ -50,43 +55,82 @@ public function change() { $msg->pushUsers = $_POST['message_pushUsers']==null ? 0 : $_POST['message_pushUsers']; $msg->type = $_POST['message_type']==null ? 0 : $_POST['message_type']; $msg->pushEndTime = $_POST['message_pushEndTime']==null ? 0 : strtotime($_POST['message_pushEndTime']); - $msg->insertToDB(); + $msg->save(); $result = array('error'=> 0, 'message'=> '添加新消息成功'); } - // $msg = new MessageModel(); // 新增 + $msg->content = mb_substr(htmlspecialchars($msg->content),0,20,'utf-8'); + $msg->pushEndTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $msg->pushEndTime); + $type = ""; + switch($msg->type) { + case '-1': + $type = "重复消息"; + break; + case '-2': + $type = "系统公告"; + break; + case '-3': + $type = "套餐处说明"; + break; + case '-4': + $type = "首页浮动提示"; + break; + case '-5': + $type = "登录页公告"; + break; + case '0': + default: + $type = "正常消息"; + break; + } + $msg->type = $type; + $pushTo = ""; + switch($msg->pushUsers){ + case '-2': + $pushTo = "系统固定消息"; + break; + case '-1': + $pushTo = "系统消息"; + break; + default: + $pushTo = "用户:" . $msg->pushUsers; + break; + } + $msg->pushUsers = $pushTo; + $result['modal'] = $msg; - echo json_encode($result); - exit(); + return $result; } + /** + * 删除 + * @JSON + */ public function delete() { - global $user; $result = array('error'=> 1, 'message'=> 'Request failed'); if($_POST['message_id'] != null) { - - $rs = MessageModel::deleteMsgById(trim($_POST['message_id'])); - if($rs) - $result = array('error'=> 0, 'message'=> '删除成功'); + MessageModel::deleteMessageById(intval(trim($_POST['message_id']))); + $result = array('error'=> 0, 'message'=> '删除成功'); } - echo json_encode($result); - exit(); + return $result; } + /** + * 查询 + * @JSON + */ public function query() { - global $user; $result = array('error'=> 1, 'message'=> 'Request failed'); $result['message_id'] = $_GET['message_id']; if($_GET['message_id'] != null) { - $rs = MessageModel::GetMessageById(trim($_GET['message_id'])); + $rs = MessageModel::getMessageById(trim($_GET['message_id'])); $rs->pushTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $rs->pushTime); $rs->pushEndTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $rs->pushEndTime); if($rs) - $result = array('error'=> 0, 'message'=> 'success', 'data'=> $rs); + $result = array('error'=> 0, 'message'=> 'success', 'modal'=> $rs); } - echo json_encode($result); - exit(); + return $result; } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Library/Controller/Admin/Node.php b/Library/Controller/Admin/Node.php index 0044f75b..23a3bc95 100644 --- a/Library/Controller/Admin/Node.php +++ b/Library/Controller/Admin/Node.php @@ -66,13 +66,12 @@ public function update() { * @JSON */ public function query() { - $result = array('error' => 1, 'message' => '获取节点信息失败'); + $result = array('error' => 1); if($_GET['node_id']!=null) { - $result['data'] = NodeModel::getNodeById(trim($_GET['node_id'])); + $result['node'] = NodeModel::getNodeById(trim($_GET['node_id'])); $result['error'] = 0; } - echo json_encode($result); - exit(); + return $result; } /** diff --git a/Library/Controller/Admin/Setting.php b/Library/Controller/Admin/Setting.php new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9506c363 --- /dev/null +++ b/Library/Controller/Admin/Setting.php @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ + + */ + +namespace Controller\Admin; + +use Core\Template; +use Helper\Option; +use Model\User; + +/** + * Class Setting + * @Admin + * @Authorization + * @package Controller\Admin + */ +class Setting { + + public function index() { + $data['user'] = User::getCurrent(); + $data['options'] = Option::getOptions(); + + Template::setContext($data); + Template::setView("admin/setting"); + } + + /** + * 读取option详细配置 + * + * @JSON + */ + public function query() { + $result['error'] = 0; + $result['message'] = 'success'; + + $result['modal'] = Option::get(trim($_GET['option'])); + $result['isArray'] = false; + return $result; + } + + /** + * 修改 + * @JSON + */ + public function update() { + + $result['error'] = 0; + $result['message'] = '保存完成'; + if($_POST['option_v'] != null && $_POST['option_k'] != null) { + Option::set(trim($_POST['option_k']), trim($_POST['option_v'])); + // 初始化一次系统设置 + Option::init(); + } + return $result; + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Library/Controller/Auth.php b/Library/Controller/Auth.php index e38aedf1..f06d3107 100644 --- a/Library/Controller/Auth.php +++ b/Library/Controller/Auth.php @@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ use Model\Message as MessageModel; use Core\Template; -use Helper\Message; use Helper\Utils; use Helper\Option; +use Helper\Mail; class Auth { @@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ public function login() { header("Location:/member"); } else if (isset($_REQUEST['email']) && isset($_REQUEST['passwd'])) { $result = array('error' => 1, 'message' => '账户不存在啊喂!'); - $email = htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['email']); - $passwd = htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['passwd']); - $remember_me = htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['remember_me']); + $email = htmlspecialchars(trim($_REQUEST['email'])); + $passwd = htmlspecialchars(trim($_REQUEST['passwd'])); + $remember_me = htmlspecialchars(trim($_REQUEST['remember_me'])); $user = User::getUserByEmail($email); @@ -64,40 +64,13 @@ public function login() { } } - public function Lockscreen() { - global $user; - if (isset($_POST['email']) && isset($_POST['passwd'])) { - $result = array("status" => 0, "message" => "验证失败"); - $passwd = htmlspecialchars($_POST['passwd']); - $result['passwd'] = $passwd; - $user = User::getInstance(); - $user = $user->GetUserByEmail($user->email); - if(!$user) { - setcookie("auth", '', time() - 3600, "/"); - setcookie("token", '', time() - 3600, "/"); - $result['message'] = "账户不存在. 请手动退回到登录页"; - echo json_encode($result); - exit(); - } - $result['obj'] = $user; - if ($user->verifyPassword($passwd)) { - Util::setToken(); - $result['status'] = 1; - $result['message'] = "验证成功, 将跳转到 >> 仪表盘"; - } else { - $result['message'] = "我跟你讲, 你密码错的在试2遍就给你锁了."; - } - - echo json_encode($result); - exit(); - } else { - if (!\Helper\Listener::checkLogin()) { - \Core\Response::redirect('/auth/login'); - exit(); - } - include Template::load('/panel/lockscreen'); - } - exit(); + /** + * 锁屏 + * @JSON + */ + public function lockScreen() { + // TODO -- 这个功能可能会弃用 + // 2016-04-09 } public function logout() { @@ -179,7 +152,7 @@ public function forgePwd() { if(isset($_POST['email']) && $_POST['email'] != '') { - $user = User::GetUserByEmail($_POST['email']); + $user = User::getUserByEmail(htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['email']))); if(!$user) { echo json_encode($result); exit(); @@ -187,11 +160,10 @@ public function forgePwd() { $user->lastFindPasswdTime = time(); if($user->lastFindPasswdCount != 0 && $user->lastFindPasswdCount > 2) { $result['message'] = '找回密码重试次数已达上限!'; - echo json_encode($result); - exit(); + return $result; } - $code = Util::GetRandomChar(10); + $code = Utils::randomChar(10); $user->forgePwdCode = $code; $content = <<email, "[". SITE_NAME ."] Password Recovery", $content); - $user->updateUser(); + $user->save(); $result['uid'] = $user->uid; $result['message'] = '验证代码已经发送到该注册邮件地址,请注意查收!'; $result['error'] = 0; - + return $result; } else if($_POST['code'] != '' && $_POST['uid'] != '') { $uid = $_POST['uid']; $code = trim($_POST['code']); $user = User::GetUserByUserId(trim($uid)); if($user->forgePwdCode == $code) { - $newPassword = Util::GetRandomChar(10); - $user->savePassword($newPassword); + $newPassword = Utils::randomChar(10); + $user->setPassword($newPassword); $user->lastFindPasswdCount = 0; $user->lastFindPasswdTime = 0; - $user->updateUser(); + $user->save(); $content = <<nickname}:
@@ -249,14 +221,13 @@ public function forgePwd() { $result['message'] = '验证码不正确。请确认'; $result['error'] = -1; } - + return $result; } else { - include Template::load('/home/forgePwd'); - exit(); + Template::putContext('user', User::getCurrent()); + Template::setView('home/forgePwd'); } - echo json_encode($result); - exit(); + return $result; } } diff --git a/Library/Controller/Form.php b/Library/Controller/Form.php deleted file mode 100644 index a305049b..00000000 --- a/Library/Controller/Form.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,187 +0,0 @@ - - */ -namespace Controller; - - -use Core\Error; -use Helper\Option; -use Helper\Utils; -use Model\Invite; -use Model\User; - -/** - * Class Form - * @Authorization - * @package Controller - */ -class Form { - const PLAN_A = 'A', PLAN_B = 'B', PLAN_C = 'C', PLAN_D = 'D', PLAN_VIP = 'VIP'; - - public function index() { - throw new Error("This is an empty page", 404); - } - - public function ChangeNickname() { - global $user; - $result = array('error' => 1, 'message' => '修改失败'); - $nickname = trim($_POST['nickname']); - - if ('' != $nickname) { - $user = User::GetUserByUserId($user->uid); - $user->nickname = $nickname; - $user->updateUser(); - $result = array('error' => 0, 'message' => '修改成功'); - } - - echo json_encode($result); - exit(); - } - - public function changeSSPwd() { - global $user; - $result = array('error' => 1, 'message' => '修改失败'); - $sspwd = trim(($_POST['sspwd'])); - if ('' == $sspwd || $sspwd == null) - $sspwd = Util::GetRandomPwd(); - - $user = User::GetUserByUserId($user->uid); - $user->sspwd = $sspwd; - $user->updateUser(); - $result = array('error' => 0, 'message' => '修改SS连接密码成功', 'sspwd' => $sspwd); - - echo json_encode($result); - exit(); - } - - public function UpdatePlan() { - global $user; - $result = array('error' => 1, 'message' => '升级账户类型失败.'); - - switch ($user->plan) { - case self::PLAN_A: - - if ($user->money >= 15) { - $user->money = $user->money - 15;//扣除15 升级到B套餐 - $user->plan = self::PLAN_B; - $user->transfer = Util::GetGB() * 100; - $user->updateUser(); - $result['error'] = 0; - $result['message'] = '升级成功,您的当前等级为'; - } else { - $result['message'] = '升级失败,您的余额不足'; - } - break; - case self::PLAN_B: - if ($user->money >= 25) { - $user->money = $user->money - 25;//扣除15 升级到B套餐 - $user->plan = self::PLAN_C; - $user->transfer = Util::GetGB() * 200; - $user->updateUser(); - $result['error'] = 0; - $result['message'] = '升级成功,您的当前等级为'; - } else { - $result['message'] = '升级失败,您的余额不足'; - } - break; - case self::PLAN_C: - if ($user->money >= 40) { - $user->money = $user->money - 40;//扣除15 升级到B套餐 - $user->plan = self::PLAN_D; - $user->transfer = Util::GetGB() * 500; - $user->updateUser(); - $result['error'] = 0; - $result['message'] = '升级成功,您的当前等级为'; - } else { - $result['message'] = '升级失败,您的余额不足'; - } - break; - case self::PLAN_VIP: - $result['error'] = 0; - $result['message'] = '卧槽,你不给肛凭什么给你VIP'; - break; - default: - $result['message'] = '不知道服务器娘哪里出问题了喵.请求失败'; - break; - } - - echo json_encode($result); - exit(); - } - - /** - * 签到 - * @JSON - */ - public function checkIn() { - $user = User::getUserByUserId(User::getCurrent()->uid); - $result = array('error' => 1, 'message' => ''); - if ($user->lastCheckinTime <= strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', time())) ) - { - $checkinTransfer = rand(Option::get('check_transfer_min'), Option::get('check_transfer_max')) * Utils::mb(); - $user->lastCheckinTime = time(); - $user->transfer = $user->transfer + $checkinTransfer; - $user->save(); - $result['user'] = $user; - $result['time'] = date("m-d H:i:s", $user->lastCheckinTime); - $result['message'] = '签到成功, 获得' . Utils::flowAutoShow($checkinTransfer) . ' 流量'; - } else { - $result['message'] = '你已经在 ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $user->lastCheckinTime) . " 时签到过."; - } - echo json_encode($result); - exit(); - } - - public function buyInvite() { - global $user; - $user = User::GetUserByUserId($user->uid); - $tr = 10 * Util::GetGB(); - $result = array('error' => 1, 'message' => '购买失败,至少需要20GB流量才能购买邀请码。'); - if ($user->transfer > ($tr*2)) { - $user->transfer = $user->transfer - $tr; - $user->invite_num = $user->invite_num + 1; - $user->updateUser(); - $result = array('error' => 0, 'message' => '购买成功,扣除手续费10GB流量', 'invite_num' => $user->invite_num); - } - echo json_encode($result); - exit(); - } - - public function addInvite() { - global $user; - $user = User::GetUserByUserId($user->uid); - $result = array('error' => 1, 'message' => '创建邀请码失败,您没有再次创建邀请码的次数了。当然,你可以用流量购买次数。(10GB/个)'); - if ($user->invite_num > 0) { - $user->invite_num = $user->invite_num-1; - $user->updateUser(); - Invite::addInvite($user->uid, 'A'); - $result = array('error' => 0, 'message' => '创建邀请码成功,刷新后可见', 'invite_num' => $user->invite_num); - } - - echo json_encode($result); - exit(); - } - - public function userAddInvite() { - global $user; - $result = array('error' => 1, 'message' => '添加邀请码失败'); - if (!$user) { - $result = array('error' => 1, 'message' => '没有权限'); - } - if ($user->getFlow() > 10) { - - $invite = InviteModel::addInvite($user->uid); - if ($invite != null) { - $result = array('error' => 0, 'message' => '添加成功,邀请码为:' . $invite . " ,您可以稍后在列表内查看到您新增的邀请码"); - } - } else { - $result = array('error' => 1, 'message' => '您的流量不足'); - } - echo json_encode($result); - exit(); - } - -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Library/Controller/Member.php b/Library/Controller/Member.php index 034f4792..0cf655f8 100644 --- a/Library/Controller/Member.php +++ b/Library/Controller/Member.php @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class Member { /** - * 主页面 + * 主页面 仪表盘 */ public function index() { $user = User::getUserByUserId(User::getCurrent()->uid); @@ -263,6 +263,29 @@ public function expireDate() { return array('error' => 0, 'message' => '您的到期时间:' .$expireTime , 'expireTime' => $expireTime); } + /** + * 签到 + * + * @JSON + */ + public function checkIn() { + $user = User::getUserByUserId(User::getCurrent()->uid); + $result = array('error' => 1, 'message' => '签到失败或已签到。'); + if ($user->lastCheckinTime <= strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', time())) ) + { + $checkinTransfer = rand(intval(Option::get('check_transfer_min')), intval(Option::get('check_transfer_max'))) * Utils::MB; + $user->lastCheckinTime = time(); + $user->transfer = $user->transfer + $checkinTransfer; + $user->save(); + $result['time'] = date("m-d H:i:s", $user->lastCheckinTime); + $result['message'] = '签到成功, 获得' . Utils::flowAutoShow($checkinTransfer) . ' 流量'; + $result['error'] = 0; + } else { + + $result['message'] = '你已经在 ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $user->lastCheckinTime) . " 时签到过."; + } + return $result; + } /** * 删除自己的账户(在本站彻底清空自己注册的账户) * diff --git a/Library/Helper/Cron/ClearTransfer.php b/Library/Helper/Cron/ClearTransfer.php new file mode 100644 index 00000000..22aadca3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Library/Helper/Cron/ClearTransfer.php @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +inTransaction(); + if (!$inTransaction) { + DB::getInstance()->beginTransaction(); + } + $st = DB::sql("UPDATE member SET flow_up=0, flow_down=0"); + $rs = $st->execute(); + if (!$inTransaction) { + DB::getInstance()->commit(); + } + return $rs; + } + return false; + } + + public function getStep() { + return strtotime(date('Y-m-01 00:00:00', strtotime("1 month"))); // 下个月 + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Library/Helper/Cron/StopExpireUser.php b/Library/Helper/Cron/StopExpireUser.php new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e0a81e2a --- /dev/null +++ b/Library/Helper/Cron/StopExpireUser.php @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +stop(); + /* + if($mailPost) + new Mailer(new Mail($user->uid, '用户 {$user->nickname},您的账户由于未续费超时已停用', $mailContent)); + */ + } + + } + public function getStep() { + return time()+self::STEP; + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Library/Helper/CronTab.php b/Library/Helper/CronTab.php new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0aef9fef --- /dev/null +++ b/Library/Helper/CronTab.php @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +now = time(); + } + + /** + * @return string|void + */ + public function run() { + if (!defined('ENABLE_CRON')) return; + + $next = $this->getNextRun(); + if($next != null) { + $this->cronId = $next->id; + $cl = ucfirst($this->cronId); + $cl = "\\Helper\\Cron\\{$cl}"; + $obj = new $cl; + $obj->run(); + $this->setNextRun($obj->getStep()); + } + } + + private function getNextRun() { + + $st = DB::sql("SELECT * FROM cron WHERE nextrun<{$this->now} AND enable=1 ORDER BY `order` LIMIT 0,1"); + $st->execute(); + return $st->fetchObject(__CLASS__); + } + + private function setNextRun($step) { + $inTransaction = DB::getInstance()->inTransaction(); + if (!$inTransaction) { + DB::getInstance()->beginTransaction(); + } + $st = DB::sql("UPDATE cron SET nextrun={$step} WHERE id='{$this->cronId}'"); + $rs = $st->execute(); + if (!$inTransaction) { + DB::getInstance()->commit(); + } + return $rs; + } + + private function start($name) { + + + } + + private function stop() { + + } + + private function add() { + + } + + private function remove() { + + } + + private function disable() { + + } + + private function restart() { + + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Library/Helper/Mail.php b/Library/Helper/Mail.php new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f0b3485c --- /dev/null +++ b/Library/Helper/Mail.php @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ + + * Date: 2016/3/3 22:12 + */ + +namespace Helper; + +use Nette\Mail\Message; +use Nette\InvalidArgumentException; + +class Mail extends Message +{ + + public $config; + protected $from; + protected $to; + protected $title; + protected $body; + + /** + * @param $to 收件人,可多人(多人容易被标记为垃圾邮件) + * @param $title 邮件标题 + * @param $content 邮件内容 + * @throws InvalidArgumentException + */ + public static function mail_send($to, $title, $content) { + global $MAIL; + $mail = Mail::to($to) + ->from($MAIL['from']) + ->title($title) + ->content($content); + if ( $mail instanceof Mail ) { + $mailer = new \Nette\Mail\SmtpMailer($mail->config); + $mailer->send($mail); + } + } + + function __construct($to) + { + global $MAIL; + $this->config = $MAIL; + + $this->setFrom($this->config['username']); + + if (is_array($to)) { + foreach ($to as $email) { + $this->addTo($email); + } + } else { + $this->addTo($to); + } + } + + public function from($from = null) + { + if (!$from) { + throw new InvalidArgumentException("邮件发送地址不能为空!"); + } + $this->setFrom($from); + return $this; + } + + public static function to($to = null) + { + if (!$to) { + throw new InvalidArgumentException("邮件接收地址不能为空!"); + } + return new Mail($to); + } + + public function title($title = null) + { + if (!$title) { + throw new InvalidArgumentException("邮件标题不能为空!"); + } + $this->setSubject($title); + return $this; + } + + public function content($content = null) + { + if (!$content) { + throw new InvalidArgumentException("邮件内容不能为空!"); + } + $this->setHTMLBody($content); + return $this; + } + +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Library/Helper/Mailer/Mail.php b/Library/Helper/Mailer/Mail.php new file mode 100644 index 00000000..13b6f7d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/Library/Helper/Mailer/Mail.php @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ + + * Time: 2016/3/31 22:34 + */ + + +namespace Helper\Mailer; + +use Contactable\Mailer; +use Helper\Option; +use Model\Mail as MailModel; + +/** + * Class Mail + * @description 通过 PHP 的 Mail() 函数发送邮件 + * @package Helper\Mailer + */ +class Mail implements Mailer { + + public function isAvailable() { + $className = "mail_" . __CLASS__; + $config = Option::get($className); + if(!$config) + return false; + + + return true; + } + + /** + * Send mail + * @param MailModel $mail + * @return bool true if the mail was successfully accepted for delivery, false otherwise. + */ + public function send(MailModel $mail) { + $address = $mail->address; + $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; + $headers .= "Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8\r\n"; + $headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: Base64\r\n"; + $headers .= 'From: =?UTF-8?B?'.base64_encode(SITE_NAME).'?= <'.$this->_get_setting('from').">\r\n"; + $result = mail($address, '=?UTF-8?B?'.base64_encode($mail->subject).'?=', base64_encode($mail->message), $headers); + return $result; + } + + public function test() { + if(!$this->isAvailable()) + return false; + + global $user; + $mail = new MailModel(); + $mail->address = $user->email; + $mail->subject = "这是一封测试邮件"; + $mail->content = "


如果你收到这封邮件代表邮件系统正常!"; + + return $this->send($mail); + } + +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Library/Helper/Mailer/Smtp.php b/Library/Helper/Mailer/Smtp.php new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7bb2768f --- /dev/null +++ b/Library/Helper/Mailer/Smtp.php @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ + + * Time: 2016/3/31 22:58 + */ + + +namespace Helper\Mailer; + + +use Contactable\Mailer; +use Model\Mail as MailModel; + +/** + * Class Smtp + * @description SMTP 方式发送邮件,需要指定SMTP服务器以及账户密码 + * @package Helper\Mailer + */ +class Smtp implements Mailer{ + + private $smtpServer = ''; + private $port = '25'; + private $timeout = '45'; + private $username = ''; + private $password = ''; + private $address = ''; + private $newline = "\r\n"; + private $localdomain = 'localhost'; + private $charset = 'utf-8'; + private $contentTransferEncoding = false; + private $debug = false; + + private $smtpConnect = false; + private $to = false; + private $subject = false; + private $message = false; + private $headers = false; + private $logArray = array(); + public $Error = ''; + + private $config; + + public function isAvailable() { + // TODO: Implement isAvailable() method. + } + + public function send(MailModel $mail) { + $this->to = $mail->address; + $this->subject = $mail->subject; + $this->message = $mail->content; + + if(!$this->Connect2Server()) { + if(!$this->debug) return false; + echo $this->Error.$this->newline.''.$this->newline; + return false; + } + return true; + } + + public function test() { + if(!$this->isAvailable()) + return false; + + global $user; + $mail = new MailModel(); + $mail->address = $user->email; + $mail->subject = "这是一封测试邮件"; + $mail->content = "


如果你收到这封邮件代表邮件系统正常!"; + + return $this->send($mail); + } + + + public function Smtp(){ + $this->smtpServer = $this->config['server']; + $this->address = $this->config['address']; + $this->username = $this->config['smtp_name']; + $this->password = $this->config['smtp_pass']; + } + + private function Connect2Server() { + $this->smtpConnect = fsockopen($this->smtpServer, $this->port, $errno, $error, $this->timeout); + $this->logArray['CONNECT_RESPONSE'] = $this->readResponse(); + if (!is_resource($this->smtpConnect)) return false; + $this->logArray['connection'] = 'Connection accepted: '.$this->readResponse(); + $this->sendCommand("EHLO {$this->localdomain}"); + $this->logArray['EHLO'] = $this->readResponse(); + $this->sendCommand('AUTH LOGIN'); + $this->logArray['AUTH_REQUEST'] = $this->readResponse(); + $this->sendCommand(base64_encode($this->username)); + $this->logArray['REQUEST_USER'] = $this->readResponse(); + $this->sendCommand(base64_encode($this->password)); + $this->logArray['REQUEST_PASSWD'] = $this->readResponse(); + if (substr($this->logArray['REQUEST_PASSWD'], 0, 3)!='235') { + $this->Error .= 'Authorization error! '.$this->logArray['REQUEST_PASSWD'].$this->newline; + return false; + } + $this->sendCommand("MAIL FROM: {$this->address}"); + $this->logArray['MAIL_FROM_RESPONSE'] = $this->readResponse(); + if (substr($this->logArray['MAIL_FROM_RESPONSE'], 0, 3)!='250') { + $this->Error .= 'Mistake in sender\'s address! '.$this->logArray['MAIL_FROM_RESPONSE'].$this->newline; + return false; + } + $this->sendCommand("RCPT TO: {$this->to}"); + $this->logArray['RCPT_TO_RESPONCE'] = $this->readResponse(); + if (substr($this->logArray['RCPT_TO_RESPONCE'], 0, 3)!='250') { + $this->Error .= 'Mistake in reciepent address! '.$this->logArray['RCPT_TO_RESPONCE'].$this->newline; + } + $this->sendCommand('DATA'); + $this->logArray['DATA_RESPONSE'] = $this->readResponse(); + if (!$this->sendMail()) return false; + $this->sendCommand('QUIT'); + $this->logArray['QUIT_RESPONSE'] = $this->readResponse(); + fclose($this->smtpConnect); + return true; + } + + private function sendMail() { + $this->sendHeaders(); + $this->sendCommand($this->message); + $this->sendCommand('.'); + $this->logArray['SEND_DATA_RESPONSE'] = $this->readResponse(); + if(substr($this->logArray['SEND_DATA_RESPONSE'], 0, 3)!='250') { + $this->Error .= 'Mistake in sending data! '.$this->logArray['SEND_DATA_RESPONSE'].$this->newline; + return false; + } + return true; + } + + private function readResponse() { + $data = ''; + while($str = fgets($this->smtpConnect, 4096)) { + $data .= $str; + if(substr($str, 3, 1) == " ") { break; } + } + return $data; + } + + private function sendCommand($string) { + fputs($this->smtpConnect, $string.$this->newline); + return ; + } + + private function sendHeaders() { + $this->sendCommand('Date: '.date('D, j M Y G:i:s').' +0700'); + $this->sendCommand("From: <{$this->address}>"); + $this->sendCommand("Reply-To: <{$this->address}>"); + $this->sendCommand("To: <{$this->to}>"); + $this->sendCommand("Subject: {$this->subject}"); + $this->sendCommand('MIME-Version: 1.0'); + $this->sendCommand("Content-Type: text/html; charset={$this->charset}"); + if ($this->contentTransferEncoding) $this->sendCommand("Content-Transfer-Encoding: {$this->contentTransferEncoding}"); + $this->sendCommand($this->newline); + return ; + } + + public function __destruct() { + if (is_resource($this->smtpConnect)) fclose($this->smtpConnect); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Library/Helper/Option.php b/Library/Helper/Option.php index d8bc21ad..4ae881da 100644 --- a/Library/Helper/Option.php +++ b/Library/Helper/Option.php @@ -67,10 +67,13 @@ public static function init() { $stn->execute(); $opt = $stn->fetchAll(DB::FETCH_UNIQUE | DB::FETCH_COLUMN); // $GLOBALS['OPTIONS'] = $opt; + self::$list = $opt; return $opt; } public static function getOptions() { + if(!self::$list) + self::$list = self::init(); return self::$list; } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Library/Model/Card.php b/Library/Model/Card.php new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8daf4b0b --- /dev/null +++ b/Library/Model/Card.php @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ + + * Time: 2016/3/21 21:11 + */ + + +namespace Model; + +use Core\Database as DB; + +class Card { + + public $id; + public $card; + public $add_time; + public $type; + public $status; + + public static function QueryCard($card) { + $st = DB::prepare("SELECT * FROM card WHERE card=:card"); + $st->bindValue(":card", $card, \PDO::PARAM_STR); + $st->execute(); + $st->setFetchMode(\PDO::FETCH_CLASS, '\\Model\\Card'); + return $st->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_CLASS); + } + + public static function QueryCardById($id) { + $st = DB::prepare("SELECT * FROM card WHERE id=:id"); + $st->bindValue(":id", $id, \PDO::PARAM_INT); + $st->execute(); + $st->setFetchMode(\PDO::FETCH_CLASS, '\\Model\\Card'); + return $st->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_CLASS); + } + + public static function delete($param) { + $sqlParam = "DELETE FROM card WHERE card=:card"; + $st = DB::prepare($sqlParam); + $st->bindValue(":card", $param, \PDO::PARAM_STR); + $rs = $st->execute(); + return $rs; + } + + public function insertToDB() { + $inTransaction = DB::inTransaction(); + if (!$inTransaction) { + DB::beginTransaction(); + } + $st = DB::prepare("INSERT INTO card SET card=:card, add_time=:add_time, `type`=:type, status=:status"); + $st->bindValue(":card", $this->card, \PDO::PARAM_STR); + $st->bindValue(":add_time", $this->add_time, \PDO::PARAM_INT); + $st->bindValue(":type", $this->type, \PDO::PARAM_INT); + $st->bindValue(":status", $this->status, \PDO::PARAM_INT); + $st->execute(); + $this->id = DB::lastInsertId(); + if (!$inTransaction) { + DB::commit(); + } + return $this->id; + } + + public function update() { + $inTransaction = DB::inTransaction(); + if (!$inTransaction) { + DB::beginTransaction(); + } + $st = DB::prepare("UPDATE card SET card=:card, add_time=:add_time, `type`=:type, status=:status WHERE id:id"); + $st->bindValue(":card", $this->card, \PDO::PARAM_STR); + $st->bindValue(":add_time", $this->add_time, \PDO::PARAM_INT); + $st->bindValue(":type", $this->type, \PDO::PARAM_INT); + $st->bindValue(":status", $this->status, \PDO::PARAM_INT); + $st->bindValue(":id", $this->id, \PDO::PARAM_INT); + $flag = $st->execute(); + + if (!$inTransaction) { + DB::commit(); + } + return $flag; + } + + public static function destroy($card) { + $inTransaction = DB::inTransaction(); + if (!$inTransaction) { + DB::beginTransaction(); + } + $st = DB::prepare("UPDATE card SET status=0 WHERE card=:card"); // 失效卡 + $st->bindValue(":card", $card, \PDO::PARAM_STR); + $flag = $st->execute(); + if(!$inTransaction) + DB::commit(); + return $flag; + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Library/Model/Mail.php b/Library/Model/Mail.php new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a4776a65 --- /dev/null +++ b/Library/Model/Mail.php @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ + + * Time: 2016/3/25 23:41 + */ + + +namespace Model; + +/** + * Class Mail + * @package Model + */ +class Mail { + + public $address; + public $subject; + public $content; + +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Library/Model/Message.php b/Library/Model/Message.php index a2a0e2eb..635b445e 100644 --- a/Library/Model/Message.php +++ b/Library/Model/Message.php @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ public static function getGlobalMessage() { public static function deleteOuttimeMessage() { $inTransaction = DB::getInstance()->inTransaction(); if (!$inTransaction) DB::getInstance()->beginTransaction(); - $statement = DB::getInstance()->prepare("DELETE * FROM message WHERE pushEndTime< :pushEndTime"); + $statement = DB::getInstance()->prepare("DELETE FROM `message` WHERE pushEndTime< :pushEndTime"); $statement->bindValue(':pushEndTime', time(), DB::PARAM_INT); $result = $statement->execute(); if (!$inTransaction) DB::getInstance()->commit(); @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ public static function deleteOuttimeMessage() { public static function deleteMessageById($id) { $inTransaction = DB::getInstance()->inTransaction(); if (!$inTransaction) DB::getInstance()->beginTransaction(); - $statement = DB::getInstance()->prepare("DELETE * FROM message WHERE id=:id"); + $statement = DB::getInstance()->prepare("DELETE FROM `message` WHERE id=:id"); $statement->bindValue(':id', $id, DB::PARAM_INT); $result = $statement->execute(); if (!$inTransaction) DB::getInstance()->commit(); diff --git a/Library/Model/User.php b/Library/Model/User.php index 9d163a72..22b65c98 100644 --- a/Library/Model/User.php +++ b/Library/Model/User.php @@ -109,6 +109,14 @@ public static function getCount() { return $stn->fetch(DB::FETCH_NUM)[0]; } + public static function getUserArrayByExpire() { + $selectSQL = "SELECT * FROM member WHERE expireTime<:expireTime OR (flow_up+flow_down)>transfer ORDER BY uid"; + $statement = DB::sql($selectSQL); + $statement->bindValue(":expireTime", time(), DB::PARAM_INT); + $statement->execute(); + return $statement->fetchAll(DB::FETCH_CLASS, __CLASS__); + } + public static function checkUserPortIsAvailable($port = 0, $uid) { if($port != 0) { $stn = DB::sql("SELECT * FROM member WHERE port=? AND uid<>?"); diff --git a/Resource/Default/css/bootstrap.css b/Public/Resource/Default/css/bootstrap.css similarity index 100% rename from Resource/Default/css/bootstrap.css rename to Public/Resource/Default/css/bootstrap.css diff --git a/Resource/Default/css/custom.css b/Public/Resource/Default/css/custom.css similarity index 100% rename from Resource/Default/css/custom.css rename to Public/Resource/Default/css/custom.css diff --git a/Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/css/animation.css b/Public/Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/css/animation.css similarity index 100% rename from Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/css/animation.css rename to Public/Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/css/animation.css diff --git a/Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/css/elusive-codes.css b/Public/Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/css/elusive-codes.css similarity index 100% rename from Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/css/elusive-codes.css rename to Public/Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/css/elusive-codes.css diff --git a/Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/css/elusive-embedded.css b/Public/Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/css/elusive-embedded.css similarity index 100% rename from Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/css/elusive-embedded.css rename to Public/Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/css/elusive-embedded.css diff --git a/Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/css/elusive-ie7-codes.css b/Public/Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/css/elusive-ie7-codes.css similarity index 100% rename from Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/css/elusive-ie7-codes.css rename to Public/Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/css/elusive-ie7-codes.css diff --git a/Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/css/elusive-ie7.css b/Public/Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/css/elusive-ie7.css similarity index 100% rename from Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/css/elusive-ie7.css rename to Public/Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/css/elusive-ie7.css diff --git a/Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/css/elusive.css b/Public/Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/css/elusive.css similarity index 100% rename from Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/css/elusive.css rename to Public/Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/css/elusive.css diff --git a/Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/font/elusive.eot b/Public/Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/font/elusive.eot similarity index 100% rename from Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/font/elusive.eot rename to Public/Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/font/elusive.eot diff --git a/Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/font/elusive.svg b/Public/Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/font/elusive.svg similarity index 100% rename from Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/font/elusive.svg rename to Public/Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/font/elusive.svg diff --git a/Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/font/elusive.ttf b/Public/Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/font/elusive.ttf similarity index 100% rename from Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/font/elusive.ttf rename to Public/Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/font/elusive.ttf diff --git a/Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/font/elusive.woff b/Public/Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/font/elusive.woff similarity index 100% rename from Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/font/elusive.woff rename to Public/Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/font/elusive.woff diff --git a/Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/index.html b/Public/Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/index.html similarity index 100% rename from Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/index.html rename to Public/Resource/Default/css/fonts/elusive/index.html diff --git a/Resource/Default/css/fonts/fontawesome/css/font-awesome.css b/Public/Resource/Default/css/fonts/fontawesome/css/font-awesome.css similarity index 100% rename from Resource/Default/css/fonts/fontawesome/css/font-awesome.css rename to Public/Resource/Default/css/fonts/fontawesome/css/font-awesome.css diff --git a/Resource/Default/css/fonts/fontawesome/css/font-awesome.min.css b/Public/Resource/Default/css/fonts/fontawesome/css/font-awesome.min.css similarity index 100% rename from Resource/Default/css/fonts/fontawesome/css/font-awesome.min.css rename to Public/Resource/Default/css/fonts/fontawesome/css/font-awesome.min.css diff --git a/Resource/Default/css/fonts/fontawesome/fonts/FontAwesome.otf b/Public/Resource/Default/css/fonts/fontawesome/fonts/FontAwesome.otf similarity index 100% rename from Resource/Default/css/fonts/fontawesome/fonts/FontAwesome.otf rename to Public/Resource/Default/css/fonts/fontawesome/fonts/FontAwesome.otf diff --git a/Resource/Default/css/fonts/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot b/Public/Resource/Default/css/fonts/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot similarity index 100% rename from Resource/Default/css/fonts/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot rename to Public/Resource/Default/css/fonts/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot diff --git a/Resource/Default/css/fonts/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg b/Public/Resource/Default/css/fonts/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg similarity index 100% rename from Resource/Default/css/fonts/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg rename to Public/Resource/Default/css/fonts/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg diff --git a/Resource/Default/css/fonts/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf b/Public/Resource/Default/css/fonts/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf similarity index 100% rename from Resource/Default/css/fonts/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf rename to Public/Resource/Default/css/fonts/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf diff --git a/Resource/Default/css/fonts/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff b/Public/Resource/Default/css/fonts/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff similarity index 100% rename from Resource/Default/css/fonts/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff rename to 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this._includedCtors.slice(0) : []; - inheritor.prototype.constructor = inheritor; - inheritor.redefine(members); - return inheritor - }; - return classImpl - }(); - function createQueue(discardPendingTasks) { - var _tasks = [], - _busy = false; - function exec() { - while (_tasks.length) { - _busy = true; - var task = _tasks.shift(), - result = task(); - if (result === undefined) - continue; - if (result.then) { - $.when(result).always(exec); - return - } - throw Error("Queued task returned unexpected result"); - } - _busy = false - } - function add(task, removeTaskCallback) { - if (!discardPendingTasks) - _tasks.push(task); - else { - if (_tasks[0] && removeTaskCallback) - removeTaskCallback(_tasks[0]); - _tasks = [task] - } - if (!_busy) - exec() - } - function busy() { - return _busy - } - return { - add: add, - busy: busy - } - } - var parseUrl = function() { - var a = document.createElement("a"), - props = ["protocol", "hostname", "port", "pathname", "search", "hash"]; - var normalizePath = function(value) { - if (value.charAt(0) !== "/") - value = "/" + value; - return value - }; - return function(url) { - a.href = url; - var result = {}; - $.each(props, function() { - result[this] = a[this] - }); - result.pathname = normalizePath(result.pathname); - return result - } - }(); - global.DevExpress = global.DevExpress || {}; - var enqueueAsync = function(task) { - var deferred = $.Deferred(); - setTimeout(function() { - deferred.resolve(task()) - }, 60); - return deferred - }; - var hideTopOverlayCallback = function() { - var callbacks = []; - return { - add: function(callback) { - var indexOfCallback = $.inArray(callback, callbacks); - if (indexOfCallback === -1) - callbacks.push(callback) - }, - remove: function(callback) { - var indexOfCallback = $.inArray(callback, callbacks); - if (indexOfCallback !== -1) - callbacks.splice(indexOfCallback, 1) - }, - fire: function() { - var callback = callbacks.pop(), - result = !!callback; - if (result) - callback(); - return result - }, - hasCallback: function() { - return callbacks.length > 0 - }, - reset: function() { - callbacks = [] - } - } - }(); - var overlayTargetContainer = function() { - var defaultTargetContainer = "body"; - return function(targetContainer) { - if (arguments.length) - defaultTargetContainer = targetContainer; - return defaultTargetContainer - } - }(); - $.extend(global.DevExpress, { - VERSION: "14.1.7", - abstract: function() { - throw Error("Not implemented"); - }, - Class: Class, - createQueue: createQueue, - enqueue: createQueue().add, - enqueueAsync: enqueueAsync, - parseUrl: parseUrl, - hideTopOverlayCallback: hideTopOverlayCallback, - hardwareBackButton: $.Callbacks(), - overlayTargetContainer: overlayTargetContainer, - rtlEnabled: false - }) - })(jQuery, this); - /*! Module core, file inflector.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var _normalize = function(text) { - if (text === undefined || text === null) - return ""; - return String(text) - }; - var _ucfirst = function(text) { - return _normalize(text).charAt(0).toUpperCase() + text.substr(1) - }; - var _chop = function(text) { - return _normalize(text).replace(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/g, "$1 $2").split(/[\s_-]+/) - }; - var dasherize = function(text) { - return $.map(_chop(text), function(p) { - return p.toLowerCase() - }).join("-") - }; - var underscore = function(text) { - return dasherize(text).replace(/-/g, "_") - }; - var camelize = function(text, upperFirst) { - return $.map(_chop(text), function(p, i) { - p = p.toLowerCase(); - if (upperFirst || i > 0) - p = _ucfirst(p); - return p - }).join("") - }; - var humanize = function(text) { - return _ucfirst(dasherize(text).replace(/-/g, " ")) - }; - var titleize = function(text) { - return $.map(_chop(text), function(p) { - return _ucfirst(p.toLowerCase()) - }).join(" ") - }; - DX.inflector = { - dasherize: dasherize, - camelize: camelize, - humanize: humanize, - titleize: titleize, - underscore: underscore - } - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file utils.common.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var isDefined = function(object) { - return object !== null && object !== undefined - }; - var isString = function(object) { - return $.type(object) === 'string' - }; - var isNumber = function(object) { - return typeof object === "number" && isFinite(object) || $.isNumeric(object) - }; - var isObject = function(object) { - return $.type(object) === 'object' - }; - var isArray = function(object) { - return $.type(object) === 'array' - }; - var isDate = function(object) { - return $.type(object) === 'date' - }; - var isFunction = function(object) { - return $.type(object) === 'function' - }; - var isExponential = function(value) { - return isNumber(value) && value.toString().indexOf('e') !== -1 - }; - var extendFromObject = function(target, source, overrideExistingValues) { - target = target || {}; - for (var prop in source) - if (source.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { - var value = source[prop]; - if (!(prop in target) || overrideExistingValues) - target[prop] = value - } - return target - }; - var clone = function() { - function Clone(){} - return function(obj) { - Clone.prototype = obj; - return new Clone - } - }(); - var executeAsync = function(action, context) { - var deferred = $.Deferred(), - normalizedContext = context || this; - setTimeout(function() { - var result =; - if (result && result.done && $.isFunction(result.done)) - result.done(function() { - deferred.resolveWith(normalizedContext) - }); - else - deferred.resolveWith(normalizedContext) - }, 0); - return deferred.promise() - }; - var stringFormat = function() { - var s = arguments[0]; - for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length - 1; i++) { - var reg = new RegExp("\\{" + i + "\\}", "gm"); - s = s.replace(reg, arguments[i + 1]) - } - return s - }; - var findBestMatches = function(targetFilter, items, mapFn) { - var bestMatches = [], - maxMatchCount = 0; - $.each(items, function(index, itemSrc) { - var matchCount = 0, - item = mapFn ? mapFn(itemSrc) : itemSrc; - $.each(targetFilter, function(paramName) { - var value = item[paramName]; - if (value === undefined) - return; - if (value === targetFilter[paramName]) { - matchCount++; - return - } - matchCount = -1; - return false - }); - if (matchCount < maxMatchCount) - return; - if (matchCount > maxMatchCount) { - bestMatches.length = 0; - maxMatchCount = matchCount - } - bestMatches.push(itemSrc) - }); - return bestMatches - }; - var preg_quote = function(str) { - return (str + "").replace(/([\+\*\?\\\.\[\^\]\$\(\)\{\}\>\<\|\=\!\:])/g, "\\$1") - }; - var replaceAll = function(text, searchToken, replacementToken) { - return text.replace(new RegExp("(" + preg_quote(searchToken) + ")", "gi"), replacementToken) - }; - var splitPair = function(raw) { - switch (typeof raw) { - case"string": - return raw.split(/\s+/, 2); - case"object": - return [raw.x || raw.h, raw.y || raw.v]; - case"number": - return [raw]; - default: - return raw - } - }; - var stringPairToObject = function(raw) { - var pair = splitPair(raw), - x = parseInt(pair && pair[0], 10), - y = parseInt(pair && pair[1], 10); - if (!isFinite(x)) - x = 0; - if (!isFinite(y)) - y = x; - return { - x: x, - y: y - } - }; - function icontains(elem, text) { - var result = false; - $.each($(elem).contents(), function(index, content) { - if (content.nodeType === 3 && (content.textContent || content.nodeValue || "").toLowerCase().indexOf((text || "").toLowerCase()) > -1) { - result = true; - return false - } - }); - return result - } - $.expr[":"].dxicontains = $.expr.createPseudo(function(text) { - return function(elem) { - return icontains(elem, text) - } - }); - function deepExtendArraySafe(target, changes) { - var prevValue, - newValue; - for (var name in changes) { - prevValue = target[name]; - newValue = changes[name]; - if (target === newValue) - continue; - if ($.isPlainObject(newValue) && !(newValue instanceof $.Event)) - target[name] = deepExtendArraySafe($.isPlainObject(prevValue) ? prevValue : {}, newValue); - else if (newValue !== undefined) - target[name] = newValue - } - return target - } - function unwrapObservable(value) { - if ( - return ko.utils.unwrapObservable(value); - return value - } - DX.utils = { - isDefined: isDefined, - isString: isString, - isNumber: isNumber, - isObject: isObject, - isArray: isArray, - isDate: isDate, - isFunction: isFunction, - isExponential: isExponential, - extendFromObject: extendFromObject, - clone: clone, - executeAsync: executeAsync, - stringFormat: stringFormat, - findBestMatches: findBestMatches, - replaceAll: replaceAll, - deepExtendArraySafe: deepExtendArraySafe, - splitPair: splitPair, - stringPairToObject: stringPairToObject, - unwrapObservable: unwrapObservable - } - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file utils.console.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var logger = function() { - var console = window.console; - function info(text) { - if (!console || !$.isFunction( - return; - - } - function warn(text) { - if (!console || !$.isFunction(console.warn)) - return; - console.warn(text) - } - function error(text) { - if (!console || !$.isFunction(console.error)) - return; - console.error(text) - } - return { - info: info, - warn: warn, - error: error - } - }(); - var debug = function() { - function assert(condition, message) { - if (!condition) - throw new Error(message); - } - function assertParam(parameter, message) { - assert(parameter !== null && parameter !== undefined, message) - } - return { - assert: assert, - assertParam: assertParam - } - }(); - $.extend(DX.utils, { - logger: logger, - debug: debug - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file utils.math.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var PI = Math.PI, - LN10 = Math.LN10; - var cos = Math.cos, - sin = Math.sin, - abs = Math.abs, - log = Math.log, - floor = Math.floor, - ceil = Math.ceil, - max = Math.max, - min = Math.min, - isNaN = window.isNaN, - Number = window.Number, - NaN = window.NaN; - var isNumber = DX.utils.isNumber, - isExponential = DX.utils.isExponential; - var getPrecision = function(value) { - var stringFraction, - stringValue = value.toString(), - pointIndex = stringValue.indexOf('.'), - startIndex, - precision; - if (isExponential(value)) { - precision = getDecimalOrder(value); - if (precision < 0) - return Math.abs(precision); - else - return 0 - } - if (pointIndex !== -1) { - startIndex = pointIndex + 1; - stringFraction = stringValue.substring(startIndex, startIndex + 20); - return stringFraction.length - } - return 0 - }; - var getLog = function(value, base) { - if (!value) - return 0; - return Math.log(value) / Math.log(base) - }; - var raiseTo = function(power, base) { - return Math.pow(base, power) - }; - var sign = function(value) { - if (value === 0) - return 0; - return value / abs(value) - }; - var normalizeAngle = function(angle) { - return (angle % 360 + 360) % 360 - }; - var convertAngleToRendererSpace = function(angle) { - return 90 - angle - }; - var degreesToRadians = function(value) { - return PI * value / 180 - }; - var getCosAndSin = function(angle) { - var angleInRadians = degreesToRadians(angle); - return { - cos: cos(angleInRadians), - sin: sin(angleInRadians) - } - }; - var DECIMAL_ORDER_THRESHOLD = 1E-14; - var getDecimalOrder = function(number) { - var n = abs(number), - cn; - if (!isNaN(n)) { - if (n > 0) { - n = log(n) / LN10; - cn = ceil(n); - return cn - n < DECIMAL_ORDER_THRESHOLD ? cn : floor(n) - } - return 0 - } - return NaN - }; - var getAppropriateFormat = function(start, end, count) { - var order = max(getDecimalOrder(start), getDecimalOrder(end)), - precision = -getDecimalOrder(abs(end - start) / count), - format; - if (!isNaN(order) && !isNaN(precision)) { - if (abs(order) <= 4) { - format = 'fixedPoint'; - precision < 0 && (precision = 0); - precision > 4 && (precision = 4) - } - else { - format = 'exponential'; - precision += order - 1; - precision > 3 && (precision = 3) - } - return { - format: format, - precision: precision - } - } - return null - }; - var getFraction = function(value) { - var valueString, - dotIndex; - if (isNumber(value)) { - valueString = value.toString(); - dotIndex = valueString.indexOf('.'); - if (dotIndex >= 0) - if (isExponential(value)) - return valueString.substr(dotIndex + 1, valueString.indexOf('e') - dotIndex - 1); - else { - valueString = value.toFixed(20); - return valueString.substr(dotIndex + 1, valueString.length - dotIndex + 1) - } - } - return '' - }; - var getSignificantDigitPosition = function(value) { - var fraction = getFraction(value), - i; - if (fraction) - for (i = 0; i < fraction.length; i++) - if (fraction.charAt(i) !== '0') - return i + 1; - return 0 - }; - var adjustValue = function(value) { - var fraction = getFraction(value), - nextValue, - i; - if (fraction) - for (i = 1; i <= fraction.length; i++) { - nextValue = roundValue(value, i); - if (nextValue !== 0 && fraction[i - 2] && fraction[i - 1] && fraction[i - 2] === fraction[i - 1]) - return nextValue - } - return value - }; - var roundValue = function(value, precision) { - if (precision > 20) - precision = 20; - if (isNumber(value)) - if (isExponential(value)) - return Number(value.toExponential(precision)); - else - return Number(value.toFixed(precision)) - }; - var applyPrecisionByMinDelta = function(min, delta, value) { - var minPrecision = getPrecision(min), - deltaPrecision = getPrecision(delta); - return roundValue(value, minPrecision < deltaPrecision ? deltaPrecision : minPrecision) - }; - $.extend(DX.utils, { - getLog: getLog, - raiseTo: raiseTo, - sign: sign, - normalizeAngle: normalizeAngle, - convertAngleToRendererSpace: convertAngleToRendererSpace, - degreesToRadians: degreesToRadians, - getCosAndSin: getCosAndSin, - getDecimalOrder: getDecimalOrder, - getAppropriateFormat: getAppropriateFormat, - getFraction: getFraction, - adjustValue: adjustValue, - roundValue: roundValue, - applyPrecisionByMinDelta: applyPrecisionByMinDelta, - getSignificantDigitPosition: getSignificantDigitPosition - }); - DX.utils.getPrecision = getPrecision - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var isObject = DX.utils.isObject, - isString = DX.utils.isString, - isDate = DX.utils.isDate; - var dateUnitIntervals = ['millisecond', 'second', 'minute', 'hour', 'day', 'week', 'month', 'quarter', 'year']; - var addSubValues = function(value1, value2, isSub) { - return value1 + (isSub ? -1 : 1) * value2 - }; - var toMilliseconds = function(value) { - switch (value) { - case'millisecond': - return 1; - case'second': - return toMilliseconds('millisecond') * 1000; - case'minute': - return toMilliseconds('second') * 60; - case'hour': - return toMilliseconds('minute') * 60; - case'day': - return toMilliseconds('hour') * 24; - case'week': - return toMilliseconds('day') * 7; - case'month': - return toMilliseconds('day') * 30; - case'quarter': - return toMilliseconds('month') * 3; - case'year': - return toMilliseconds('day') * 365; - default: - return 0 - } - }; - function parseISO8601(isoString) { - var result = new Date(0); - var chunks = isoString.replace("Z", "").split("T"), - date = String(chunks[0]).split("-"), - time = String(chunks[1]).split(":"); - var year, - month, - day, - hours, - minutes, - seconds, - milliseconds; - year = Number(date[0]); - month = Number(date[1]) - 1; - day = Number(date[2]); - result.setUTCDate(day); - result.setUTCMonth(month); - result.setUTCFullYear(year); - if (time.length) { - hours = Number(time[0]); - minutes = Number(time[1]); - seconds = Number(String(time[2]).split(".")[0]); - milliseconds = Number(String(time[2]).split(".")[1]) || 0; - result.setUTCHours(hours); - result.setUTCMinutes(minutes); - result.setUTCSeconds(seconds); - result.setUTCMilliseconds(milliseconds) - } - return result - } - function formatISO8601(date) { - function pad(n) { - if (n < 10) - return "0".concat(n); - return String(n) - } - return [date.getFullYear(), "-", pad(date.getMonth() + 1), "-", pad(date.getDate()), "T", pad(date.getHours()), ":", pad(date.getMinutes()), ":", pad(date.getSeconds()), "Z"].join("") - } - var convertMillisecondsToDateUnits = function(value) { - var i, - dateUnitCount, - dateUnitInterval, - dateUnitIntervals = ['millisecond', 'second', 'minute', 'hour', 'day', 'month', 'year'], - result = {}; - for (i = dateUnitIntervals.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { - dateUnitInterval = dateUnitIntervals[i]; - dateUnitCount = Math.floor(value / toMilliseconds(dateUnitInterval)); - if (dateUnitCount > 0) { - result[dateUnitInterval + 's'] = dateUnitCount; - value -= convertDateUnitToMilliseconds(dateUnitInterval, dateUnitCount) - } - } - return result - }; - var convertDateTickIntervalToMilliseconds = function(tickInterval) { - var milliseconds = 0; - if (isObject(tickInterval)) - $.each(tickInterval, function(key, value) { - milliseconds += convertDateUnitToMilliseconds(key.substr(0, key.length - 1), value) - }); - if (isString(tickInterval)) - milliseconds = convertDateUnitToMilliseconds(tickInterval, 1); - return milliseconds - }; - var convertDateUnitToMilliseconds = function(dateUnit, count) { - return toMilliseconds(dateUnit) * count - }; - var getDateUnitInterval = function(tickInterval) { - var maxInterval = -1, - i; - if (isString(tickInterval)) - return tickInterval; - if (isObject(tickInterval)) { - $.each(tickInterval, function(key, value) { - for (i = 0; i < dateUnitIntervals.length; i++) - if (value && (key === dateUnitIntervals[i] + 's' || key === dateUnitIntervals[i]) && maxInterval < i) - maxInterval = i - }); - return dateUnitIntervals[maxInterval] - } - return '' - }; - var correctDateWithUnitBeginning = function(date, dateInterval) { - var dayMonth, - firstQuarterMonth, - dateUnitInterval = getDateUnitInterval(dateInterval); - switch (dateUnitInterval) { - case'second': - date.setMilliseconds(0); - break; - case'minute': - date.setSeconds(0, 0); - break; - case'hour': - date.setMinutes(0, 0, 0); - break; - case'year': - date.setMonth(0); - case'month': - date.setDate(1); - case'day': - date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - break; - case'week': - dayMonth = date.getDate(); - if (date.getDay() !== 0) - dayMonth += 7 - date.getDay(); - date.setDate(dayMonth); - date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - break; - case'quarter': - firstQuarterMonth = DX.formatHelper.getFirstQuarterMonth(date.getMonth()); - if (date.getMonth() !== firstQuarterMonth) - date.setMonth(firstQuarterMonth); - date.setDate(1); - date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - break - } - }; - var getDatesDifferences = function(date1, date2) { - var differences, - counter = 0; - differences = { - year: date1.getFullYear() !== date2.getFullYear(), - month: date1.getMonth() !== date2.getMonth(), - day: date1.getDate() !== date2.getDate(), - hour: date1.getHours() !== date2.getHours(), - minute: date1.getMinutes() !== date2.getMinutes(), - second: date1.getSeconds() !== date2.getSeconds() - }; - $.each(differences, function(key, value) { - if (value) - counter++ - }); - differences.count = counter; - return differences - }; - var addInterval = function(value, interval, isNegative) { - var result = null, - intervalObject; - if (isDate(value)) { - intervalObject = isString(interval) ? getDateIntervalByString(interval.toLowerCase()) : interval; - result = new Date(value.getTime()); - if (intervalObject.years) - result.setFullYear(addSubValues(result.getFullYear(), intervalObject.years, isNegative)); - if (intervalObject.quarters) - result.setMonth(addSubValues(result.getMonth(), 3 * intervalObject.quarters, isNegative)); - if (intervalObject.months) - result.setMonth(addSubValues(result.getMonth(), intervalObject.months, isNegative)); - if (intervalObject.weeks) - result.setDate(addSubValues(result.getDate(), 7 * intervalObject.weeks, isNegative)); - if (intervalObject.days) - result.setDate(addSubValues(result.getDate(), intervalObject.days, isNegative)); - if (intervalObject.hours) - result.setHours(addSubValues(result.getHours(), intervalObject.hours, isNegative)); - if (intervalObject.minutes) - result.setMinutes(addSubValues(result.getMinutes(), intervalObject.minutes, isNegative)); - if (intervalObject.seconds) - result.setSeconds(addSubValues(result.getSeconds(), intervalObject.seconds, isNegative)); - if (intervalObject.milliseconds) - result.setMilliseconds(addSubValues(value.getMilliseconds(), intervalObject.milliseconds, isNegative)) - } - else - result = addSubValues(value, interval, isNegative); - return result - }; - var getDateIntervalByString = function(intervalString) { - var result = {}; - switch (intervalString) { - case'year': - result.years = 1; - break; - case'month': - result.months = 1; - break; - case'quarter': - result.months = 3; - break; - case'week': - result.days = 7; - break; - case'day': - result.days = 1; - break; - case'hour': - result.hours = 1; - break; - case'minute': - result.minutes = 1; - break; - case'second': - result.seconds = 1; - break; - case'millisecond': - result.milliseconds = 1; - break - } - return result - }; - var sameMonthAndYear = function(date1, date2) { - return date1 && date2 && date1.getFullYear() === date2.getFullYear() && date1.getMonth() === date2.getMonth() - }; - var getFirstMonthDate = function(date) { - return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), 1) - }; - var dateInRange = function(date, min, max) { - return normalizeDate(date, min, max) === date - }; - var normalizeDate = function(date, min, max) { - var normalizedDate = date; - if (date < min) - normalizedDate = min; - else if (date > max) - normalizedDate = max; - return normalizedDate - }; - var getPower = function(value) { - return value.toExponential().split("e")[1] - }; - $.extend(DX.utils, { - dateUnitIntervals: dateUnitIntervals, - parseIso8601Date: parseISO8601, - formatIso8601Date: formatISO8601, - convertMillisecondsToDateUnits: convertMillisecondsToDateUnits, - convertDateTickIntervalToMilliseconds: convertDateTickIntervalToMilliseconds, - convertDateUnitToMilliseconds: convertDateUnitToMilliseconds, - getDateUnitInterval: getDateUnitInterval, - getDatesDifferences: getDatesDifferences, - correctDateWithUnitBeginning: correctDateWithUnitBeginning, - addInterval: addInterval, - getDateIntervalByString: getDateIntervalByString, - sameMonthAndYear: sameMonthAndYear, - getFirstMonthDate: getFirstMonthDate, - dateInRange: dateInRange, - normalizeDate: normalizeDate, - getPower: getPower - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file utils.dom.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var IOS_APP_BAR_HEIGHT = "20px"; - var timeRedrawOnResize = 100; - var createResizeHandler = function(callback) { - var $window = $(window), - timeout; - var debug_callback = arguments[1]; - var handler = function() { - var width = $window.width(), - height = $window.height(); - clearTimeout(timeout); - timeout = setTimeout(function() { - $window.width() === width && $window.height() === height && callback(); - debug_callback && debug_callback() - }, timeRedrawOnResize) - }; - handler.stop = function() { - clearTimeout(timeout); - return this - }; - return handler - }; - var windowResizeCallbacks = function() { - var prevSize, - callbacks = $.Callbacks(), - jqWindow = $(window), - resizeEventHandlerAttached = false, - originalCallbacksAdd = callbacks.add, - originalCallbacksRemove = callbacks.remove; - var formatSize = function() { - return [jqWindow.width(), jqWindow.height()].join() - }; - var handleResize = function() { - var now = formatSize(); - if (now === prevSize) - return; - prevSize = now; - setTimeout( - }; - prevSize = formatSize(); - callbacks.add = function() { - var result = originalCallbacksAdd.apply(callbacks, arguments); - if (!resizeEventHandlerAttached && callbacks.has()) { - jqWindow.on("resize", handleResize); - resizeEventHandlerAttached = true - } - return result - }; - callbacks.remove = function() { - var result = originalCallbacksRemove.apply(callbacks, arguments); - if (!callbacks.has() && resizeEventHandlerAttached) { -"resize", handleResize); - resizeEventHandlerAttached = false - } - return result - }; - return callbacks - }(); - var resetActiveElement = function() { - var activeElement = document.activeElement; - if (activeElement && activeElement !== document.body && activeElement.blur) - activeElement.blur() - }; - var createMarkupFromString = function(str) { - var tempElement = $("
"); - if (window.WinJS) - WinJS.Utilities.setInnerHTMLUnsafe(tempElement.get(0), str); - else - tempElement.append(str); - return tempElement.contents() - }; - var initMobileViewport = function(options) { - options = $.extend({}, options); - var device = DX.devices.current(); - var realDevice = DX.devices.real(); - var allowZoom = options.allowZoom, - allowPan = options.allowPan, - allowSelection = "allowSelection" in options ? options.allowSelection : device.platform == "desktop"; - DX.overlayTargetContainer(".dx-viewport"); - var metaSelector = "meta[name=viewport]"; - if (!$(metaSelector).length) - $("").attr("name", "viewport").appendTo("head"); - var metaVerbs = ["width=device-width"], - msTouchVerbs = []; - if (allowZoom) - msTouchVerbs.push("pinch-zoom"); - else - metaVerbs.push("initial-scale=1.0", "maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no"); - if (allowPan) - msTouchVerbs.push("pan-x", "pan-y"); - if (!allowPan && !allowZoom) - $("html, body").css({ - "-ms-content-zooming": "none", - "-ms-user-select": "none", - overflow: "hidden" - }); - else - $("html").css("-ms-overflow-style", "-ms-autohiding-scrollbar"); - if (!allowSelection) { - if (realDevice.ios) - $(document).on("selectstart", function() { - return false - }); - $(".dx-viewport").css("user-select", "none") - } - $(metaSelector).attr("content", metaVerbs.join()); - $("html").css("-ms-touch-action", msTouchVerbs.join(" ") || "none"); - if ( - $(document).off(".dxInitMobileViewport").on("touchmove.dxInitMobileViewport", function(e) { - var count = e.originalEvent.touches.length, - zoomDisabled = !allowZoom && count > 1, - panDisabled = !allowPan && count === 1 && !e.isScrollingEvent; - if (zoomDisabled || panDisabled) - e.preventDefault() - }); - realDevice = DX.devices.real(); - if (realDevice.ios) { - var isPhoneGap = document.location.protocol === "file:"; - if (!isPhoneGap) - windowResizeCallbacks.add(function() { - var windowWidth = $(window).width(); - $("body").width(windowWidth) - }); - else if (realDevice.version[0] > 6) { - $(".dx-viewport").css("position", "relative"); - $("body").css({"box-sizing": "border-box"}); - $("body").css("padding-top", IOS_APP_BAR_HEIGHT); - if (realDevice.version[0] === 7 && realDevice.version[1] < 1) { - var setDeviceHeight = function() { - var deviceHeight = "height=device-" + (Math.abs(window.orientation) === 90 ? "width" : "height"); - $(metaSelector).attr("content", metaVerbs.join() + "," + deviceHeight) - }; - $(window).on("orientationchange", setDeviceHeight); - setDeviceHeight() - } - } - } - }; - var triggerVisibilityChangeEvent = function(event) { - return function(element) { - $(element || "body").find(".dx-visibility-change-handler").each(function() { - $(this).triggerHandler(event) - }) - } - }; - $.extend(DX.utils, { - createResizeHandler: createResizeHandler, - windowResizeCallbacks: windowResizeCallbacks, - resetActiveElement: resetActiveElement, - createMarkupFromString: createMarkupFromString, - triggerShownEvent: triggerVisibilityChangeEvent("dxshown"), - triggerHidingEvent: triggerVisibilityChangeEvent("dxhiding"), - initMobileViewport: initMobileViewport - }); - DX.utils.__timeRedrawOnResize = timeRedrawOnResize - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var isFunction = DX.utils.isFunction, - iDevice = /iphone|ipad/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()); - var processSeriesTemplate = function(seriesTemplate, items) { - var customizeSeries = isFunction(seriesTemplate.customizeSeries) ? seriesTemplate.customizeSeries : $.noop, - nameField = seriesTemplate.nameField || 'series', - generatedSeries = {}, - seriesOrder = [], - series; - for (var i = 0, length = items.length; i < length; i++) { - var data = items[i]; - if (nameField in data) { - series = generatedSeries[data[nameField]]; - if (!series) { - series = generatedSeries[data[nameField]] = { - name: data[nameField], - data: [] - }; - seriesOrder.push( - } - - } - } - return $.map(seriesOrder, function(orderedName) { - var group = generatedSeries[orderedName], - seriesOptions =,; - return $.extend(group, seriesOptions) - }) - }; - var getNextDefsSvgId = function() { - var numDefsSvgElements = 1; - return function() { - return 'DevExpress_' + numDefsSvgElements++ - } - }(); - var getRootOffset = function(renderer) { - var node, - result = { - left: 0, - top: 0 - }, - pointTransform, - root = renderer.getRoot(); - if (root) { - node = root.element; - if (node.getScreenCTM && !iDevice) { - var ctm = node.getScreenCTM(); - if (ctm) { - pointTransform = node.createSVGPoint().matrixTransform(ctm); - result.left = pointTransform.x + (document.body.scrollLeft || document.documentElement.scrollLeft); - = pointTransform.y + (document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop) - } - else { - result.left = document.body.scrollLeft || document.documentElement.scrollLeft; - = document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop - } - } - else - result = $(node).offset() - } - return result - }; - $.extend(DX.utils, { - processSeriesTemplate: processSeriesTemplate, - getNextDefsSvgId: getNextDefsSvgId, - getRootOffset: getRootOffset - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file utils.arrays.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var wrapToArray = function(entity) { - return $.isArray(entity) ? entity : [entity] - }; - var removeDublicates = function(from, what) { - if (!$.isArray(from) || from.length === 0) - return []; - if (!$.isArray(what) || what.length === 0) - return from.slice(); - var result = []; - $.each(from, function(_, value) { - var bIndex = $.inArray(value, what); - if (bIndex === -1) - result.push(value) - }); - return result - }; - $.extend(DX.utils, { - wrapToArray: wrapToArray, - removeDublicates: removeDublicates - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file devices.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var KNOWN_UA_TABLE = { - iPhone: "iPhone", - iPhone5: "iPhone 5", - iPad: "iPad", - iPadMini: "iPad Mini", - androidPhone: "Android Mobile", - androidTablet: "Android", - win8: "MSAppHost", - win8Phone: "Windows Phone 8", - msSurface: "MSIE ARM Tablet PC", - desktop: "desktop", - tizen: "Tizen Mobile" - }; - var DEFAULT_DEVICE = { - deviceType: "", - platform: "", - version: [], - phone: false, - tablet: false, - android: false, - ios: false, - win8: false, - tizen: false, - generic: false - }; - var GENERIC_DEVICE = $.extend(DEFAULT_DEVICE, { - platform: "generic", - deviceType: "desktop", - generic: true - }); - var uaParsers = { - win8: function(userAgent) { - var isPhone = /windows phone/i.test(userAgent), - isTablet = !isPhone && /arm(.*)trident/i.test(userAgent), - isDesktop = !isPhone && !isTablet && /msapphost/i.test(userAgent); - if (!(isPhone || isTablet || isDesktop)) - return; - var matches = userAgent.match(/windows phone (\d+).(\d+)/i) || userAgent.match(/windows nt (\d+).(\d+)/i), - version = matches ? [parseInt(matches[1], 10), parseInt(matches[2], 10)] : []; - return { - deviceType: isPhone ? "phone" : isTablet ? "tablet" : "desktop", - platform: "win8", - version: version - } - }, - ios: function(userAgent) { - if (!/ip(hone|od|ad)/i.test(userAgent)) - return; - var isPhone = /ip(hone|od)/i.test(userAgent); - var matches = userAgent.match(/os (\d+)_(\d+)_?(\d+)?/i); - var version = matches ? [parseInt(matches[1], 10), parseInt(matches[2], 10), parseInt(matches[3] || 0, 10)] : []; - return { - deviceType: isPhone ? "phone" : "tablet", - platform: "ios", - version: version - } - }, - android: function(userAgent) { - if (!/android|htc_|silk/i.test(userAgent)) - return; - var isPhone = /mobile/i.test(userAgent); - var matches = userAgent.match(/android (\d+)\.(\d+)\.?(\d+)?/i); - var version = matches ? [parseInt(matches[1], 10), parseInt(matches[2], 10), parseInt(matches[3] || 0, 10)] : []; - return { - deviceType: isPhone ? "phone" : "tablet", - platform: "android", - version: version - } - }, - tizen: function(userAgent) { - if (!/tizen/i.test(userAgent)) - return; - var isPhone = /mobile/i.test(userAgent); - var matches = userAgent.match(/tizen (\d+)\.(\d+)/i); - var version = matches ? [parseInt(matches[1], 10), parseInt(matches[2], 10)] : []; - return { - deviceType: isPhone ? "phone" : "tablet", - platform: "tizen", - version: version - } - } - }; - DX.Devices = DX.Class.inherit({ - ctor: function(options) { - this._window = options && options.window || window; - this._realDevice = this._getDevice(); - this._currentDevice = undefined; - this._currentOrientation = undefined; - this.orientationChanged = $.Callbacks(); - this._recalculateOrientation(); - DX.utils.windowResizeCallbacks.add($.proxy(this._recalculateOrientation, this)) - }, - current: function(deviceOrName) { - if (deviceOrName) { - this._currentDevice = this._getDevice(deviceOrName); - DX.ui.themes.init({_autoInit: true}) - } - else { - if (!this._currentDevice) { - deviceOrName = undefined; - try { - deviceOrName = this._getDeviceOrNameFromWindowScope() - } - catch(e) { - deviceOrName = this._getDeviceNameFromSessionStorage() - } - finally { - if (!deviceOrName) - deviceOrName = this._getDeviceNameFromSessionStorage() - } - this._currentDevice = this._getDevice(deviceOrName) - } - return this._currentDevice - } - }, - real: function() { - var forceDevice = arguments[0]; - if ($.isPlainObject(forceDevice)) { - $.extend(this._realDevice, forceDevice); - return - } - return $.extend({}, this._realDevice) - }, - orientation: function() { - return this._currentOrientation - }, - isRippleEmulator: function() { - return !!this._window.tinyHippos - }, - attachCssClasses: function(element, device) { - var realDevice = this._realDevice, - $element = $(element); - device = device || this.current(); - if (device.deviceType) - $element.addClass("dx-device-" + device.deviceType); - $element.addClass("dx-device-" + realDevice.platform); - if (realDevice.version && realDevice.version.length) - $element.addClass("dx-device-" + realDevice.platform + "-" + realDevice.version[0]); - if (DX.devices.isSimulator()) - $element.addClass("dx-simulator"); - if (DX.rtlEnabled) - $element.addClass("dx-rtl") - }, - isSimulator: function() { - try { - return this._isSimulator || !== this._window.self &&["dx-force-device"] || this.isRippleEmulator() - } - catch(e) { - return false - } - }, - forceSimulator: function() { - this._isSimulator = true - }, - _getDevice: function(deviceName) { - if (deviceName === "genericPhone") - deviceName = { - deviceType: "phone", - platform: "generic", - generic: true - }; - if ($.isPlainObject(deviceName)) - return this._fromConfig(deviceName); - else { - var ua; - if (deviceName) { - ua = KNOWN_UA_TABLE[deviceName]; - if (!ua) - throw Error("Unknown device"); - } - else - ua = navigator.userAgent; - return this._fromUA(ua) - } - }, - _getDeviceOrNameFromWindowScope: function() { - var result; - if (["dx-force-device-object"] ||["dx-force-device"]) - result =["dx-force-device-object"] ||["dx-force-device"]; - return result - }, - _getDeviceNameFromSessionStorage: function() { - return this._window.sessionStorage && (sessionStorage.getItem("dx-force-device") || sessionStorage.getItem("dx-simulator-device")) - }, - _fromConfig: function(config) { - var shortcuts = { - phone: config.deviceType === "phone", - tablet: config.deviceType === "tablet", - android: config.platform === "android", - ios: config.platform === "ios", - win8: config.platform === "win8", - tizen: config.platform === "tizen", - generic: config.platform === "generic" - }; - return $.extend({}, DEFAULT_DEVICE, this._currentDevice, shortcuts, config) - }, - _fromUA: function(ua) { - var config; - $.each(uaParsers, function(platform, parser) { - config = parser(ua); - return !config - }); - if (config) - return this._fromConfig(config); - return GENERIC_DEVICE - }, - _changeOrientation: function() { - var $window = $(this._window), - orientation = $window.height() > $window.width() ? "portrait" : "landscape"; - if (this._currentOrientation === orientation) - return; - this._currentOrientation = orientation; -{orientation: orientation}) - }, - _recalculateOrientation: function() { - var windowWidth = $(this._window).width(); - if (this._currentWidth === windowWidth) - return; - this._currentWidth = windowWidth; - this._changeOrientation() - } - }); - DX.devices = new DX.Devices - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file browser.js */ - (function($, DX, global, undefined) { - var webkitRegExp = /(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/, - operaRegExp = /(opera)(?:.*version)?[ \/]([\w.]+)/, - ieRegExp = /(msie) (\d{1,2}\.\d)/, - ie11RegExp = /(trident).*rv:(\d{1,2}\.\d)/, - mozillaRegExp = /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+))?/; - var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); - var browser = function() { - var result = {}, - matches = webkitRegExp.exec(ua) || operaRegExp.exec(ua) || ieRegExp.exec(ua) || ie11RegExp.exec(ua) || ua.indexOf("compatible") < 0 && mozillaRegExp.exec(ua) || [], - browserName = matches[1], - browserVersion = matches[2]; - if (browserName === "trident") - browserName = "msie"; - if (browserName) { - result[browserName] = true; - result.version = browserVersion - } - return result - }(); - DX.browser = browser - })(jQuery, DevExpress, this); - /*! Module core, file support.js */ - (function($, DX, window) { - var cssPrefixes = ["", "Webkit", "Moz", "O", "ms"], - styles = document.createElement("dx").style; - var transitionEndEventNames = { - WebkitTransition: 'webkitTransitionEnd', - MozTransition: 'transitionend', - OTransition: 'oTransitionEnd', - msTransition: 'MsTransitionEnd', - transition: 'transitionend' - }; - var styleProp = function(prop) { - prop = DX.inflector.camelize(prop, true); - for (var i = 0, cssPrefixesCount = cssPrefixes.length; i < cssPrefixesCount; i++) { - var specific = cssPrefixes[i] + prop; - if (specific in styles) - return specific - } - }; - var supportProp = function(prop) { - return !!styleProp(prop) - }; - var isNativeScrollingSupported = function(device) { - var realDevice = DX.devices.real(), - realPlatform = realDevice.platform, - realVersion = realDevice.version, - isObsoleteAndroid = realVersion && realVersion[0] < 4 && realPlatform === "android", - isNativeScrollDevice = !isObsoleteAndroid && $.inArray(realPlatform, ["ios", "android", "win8"]) > -1; - return isNativeScrollDevice - }; - = { - touch: "ontouchstart" in window, - pointer: window.navigator.pointerEnabled, - transform3d: supportProp("transform"), - transition: supportProp("transition"), - transitionEndEventName: transitionEndEventNames[styleProp("transition")], - animation: supportProp("animation"), - nativeScrolling: isNativeScrollingSupported(), - winJS: "WinJS" in window, - styleProp: styleProp, - supportProp: supportProp, - hasKo: !!window.ko, - hasNg: !window.ko && !!window.angular, - inputType: function(type) { - if (type === "text") - return true; - var input = document.createElement("input"); - try { - input.setAttribute("type", type); - input.value = "wrongValue"; - return !input.value - } - catch(e) { - return false - } - } - } - })(jQuery, DevExpress, this); - /*! Module core, file position.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var horzRe = /left|right/, - vertRe = /top|bottom/, - collisionRe = /fit|flip|none/; - var normalizeAlign = function(raw) { - var result = { - h: "center", - v: "center" - }; - var pair = DX.utils.splitPair(raw); - if (pair) - $.each(pair, function() { - var w = String(this).toLowerCase(); - if (horzRe.test(w)) - result.h = w; - else if (vertRe.test(w)) - result.v = w - }); - return result - }; - var normalizeOffset = function(raw) { - var values = DX.utils.stringPairToObject(raw); - return { - h: values.x, - v: values.y - } - }; - var normalizeCollision = function(raw) { - var pair = DX.utils.splitPair(raw), - h = String(pair && pair[0]).toLowerCase(), - v = String(pair && pair[1]).toLowerCase(); - if (!collisionRe.test(h)) - h = "none"; - if (!collisionRe.test(v)) - v = h; - return { - h: h, - v: v - } - }; - var getAlignFactor = function(align) { - switch (align) { - case"center": - return 0.5; - case"right": - case"bottom": - return 1; - default: - return 0 - } - }; - var inverseAlign = function(align) { - switch (align) { - case"left": - return "right"; - case"right": - return "left"; - case"top": - return "bottom"; - case"bottom": - return "top"; - default: - return align - } - }; - var calculateOversize = function(data, bounds) { - var oversize = 0; - if (data.myLocation < bounds.min) - oversize += bounds.min - data.myLocation; - if (data.myLocation > bounds.max) - oversize += data.myLocation - bounds.max; - return oversize - }; - var initMyLocation = function(data) { - data.myLocation = data.atLocation + getAlignFactor(data.atAlign) * data.atSize - getAlignFactor(data.myAlign) * data.mySize + data.offset - }; - var decolliders = { - fit: function(data, bounds) { - var result = false; - if (data.myLocation > bounds.max) { - data.myLocation = bounds.max; - result = true - } - if (data.myLocation < bounds.min) { - data.myLocation = bounds.min; - result = true - } - return result - }, - flip: function(data, bounds) { - if (data.myAlign === "center" && data.atAlign === "center") - return false; - if (data.myLocation < bounds.min || data.myLocation > bounds.max) { - var inverseData = $.extend({}, data, { - myAlign: inverseAlign(data.myAlign), - atAlign: inverseAlign(data.atAlign), - offset: -data.offset - }); - initMyLocation(inverseData); - inverseData.oversize = calculateOversize(inverseData, bounds); - if (inverseData.myLocation >= bounds.min && inverseData.myLocation <= bounds.max || inverseData.myLocation > data.myLocation || inverseData.oversize < data.oversize) { - data.myLocation = inverseData.myLocation; - data.oversize = inverseData.oversize; - return true - } - } - return false - } - }; - var scrollbarWidth; - var defaultPositionResult = { - h: { - location: 0, - flip: false, - fit: false, - oversize: 0 - }, - v: { - location: 0, - flip: false, - fit: false, - oversize: 0 - } - }; - var calculatePosition = function(what, options) { - var $what = $(what), - currentOffset = $what.offset(), - result = $.extend(true, {}, defaultPositionResult, { - h: {location: currentOffset.left}, - v: {location:} - }); - if (!options) - return result; - var my = normalizeAlign(, - at = normalizeAlign(, - of = options.of || window, - offset = normalizeOffset(options.offset), - collision = normalizeCollision(options.collision), - boundaryOffset = normalizeOffset(options.boundaryOffset); - var h = { - mySize: $what.outerWidth(), - myAlign: my.h, - atAlign: at.h, - offset: offset.h, - collision: collision.h, - boundaryOffset: boundaryOffset.h - }; - var v = { - mySize: $what.outerHeight(), - myAlign: my.v, - atAlign: at.v, - offset: offset.v, - collision: collision.v, - boundaryOffset: boundaryOffset.v - }; - if (of.preventDefault) { - h.atLocation = of.pageX; - v.atLocation = of.pageY; - h.atSize = 0; - v.atSize = 0 - } - else { - of = $(of); - if ($.isWindow(of[0])) { - h.atLocation = of.scrollLeft(); - v.atLocation = of.scrollTop(); - h.atSize = of.width(); - v.atSize = of.height() - } - else if (of[0].nodeType === 9) { - h.atLocation = 0; - v.atLocation = 0; - h.atSize = of.width(); - v.atSize = of.height() - } - else { - var o = of.offset(); - h.atLocation = o.left; - v.atLocation =; - h.atSize = of.outerWidth(); - v.atSize = of.outerHeight() - } - } - initMyLocation(h); - initMyLocation(v); - var bounds = function() { - var win = $(window), - windowWidth = win.width(), - windowHeight = win.height(), - left = win.scrollLeft(), - top = win.scrollTop(), - hScrollbar = document.width > document.documentElement.clientWidth, - vScrollbar = document.height > document.documentElement.clientHeight, - hZoomLevel = ? document.documentElement.clientWidth / (vScrollbar ? windowWidth - scrollbarWidth : windowWidth) : 1, - vZoomLevel = ? document.documentElement.clientHeight / (hScrollbar ? windowHeight - scrollbarWidth : windowHeight) : 1; - if (scrollbarWidth === undefined) - scrollbarWidth = calculateScrollbarWidth(); - return { - h: { - min: left + h.boundaryOffset, - max: left + windowWidth / hZoomLevel - h.mySize - h.boundaryOffset - }, - v: { - min: top + v.boundaryOffset, - max: top + windowHeight / vZoomLevel - v.mySize - v.boundaryOffset - } - } - }(); - h.oversize = calculateOversize(h, bounds.h); - v.oversize = calculateOversize(v, bounds.v); - if (decolliders[h.collision]) - result.h[h.collision] = decolliders[h.collision](h, bounds.h); - if (decolliders[v.collision]) - result.v[v.collision] = decolliders[v.collision](v, bounds.v); - $.extend(true, result, { - h: { - location: Math.round(h.myLocation), - oversize: Math.round(h.oversize) - }, - v: { - location: Math.round(v.myLocation), - oversize: Math.round(v.oversize) - } - }); - return result - }; - var position = function(what, options) { - var $what = $(what); - if (!options) - return $what.offset(); - DX.translator.resetPosition($what); - var offset = $what.offset(), - targetPosition = options.h && options.v ? options : calculatePosition($what, options); - DX.translator.move($what, { - left: Math.round(targetPosition.h.location - offset.left), - top: Math.round(targetPosition.v.location - - }); - return targetPosition - }; - $.extend(DX, { - calculatePosition: calculatePosition, - position: position, - inverseAlign: inverseAlign - }); - var calculateScrollbarWidth = function() { - var $scrollDiv = $("
").css({ - width: 100, - height: 100, - overflow: "scroll", - position: "absolute", - top: -9999 - }).appendTo($("body")), - result = $scrollDiv.get(0).offsetWidth - $scrollDiv.get(0).clientWidth; - $scrollDiv.remove(); - return result - } - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file action.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var actionExecutors = {}; - var registerExecutor = function(name, executor) { - if ($.isPlainObject(name)) { - $.each(name, registerExecutor); - return - } - actionExecutors[name] = executor - }; - var unregisterExecutor = function(name) { - var args = $.makeArray(arguments); - $.each(args, function() { - delete actionExecutors[this] - }) - }; - registerExecutor({ - func: {execute: function(e) { - if ($.isFunction(e.action)) { - e.result = e.action.apply(e.context, e.args); - e.handled = true - } - }}, - url: {execute: function(e) { - if (typeof e.action === "string" && e.action.charAt(0) !== "#") - document.location = e.action - }}, - hash: {execute: function(e) { - if (typeof e.action === "string" && e.action.charAt(0) === "#") - document.location.hash = e.action - }} - }); - var Action = DX.Class.inherit({ - ctor: function(action, config) { - config = config || {}; - this._action = action || $.noop; - this._context = config.context || window; - this._beforeExecute = config.beforeExecute || $.noop; - this._afterExecute = config.afterExecute || $.noop; - this._component = config.component; - this._excludeValidators = config.excludeValidators - }, - execute: function() { - var e = { - action: this._action, - args:, - context: this._context, - component: this._component, - cancel: false, - handled: false - }; - if (!this._validateAction(e)) - return; -, e); - if (e.cancel) - return; - var result = this._executeAction(e); -, e); - return result - }, - _validateAction: function(e) { - var excludeValidators = this._excludeValidators; - $.each(actionExecutors, function(name, executor) { - if (excludeValidators && $.inArray(name, excludeValidators) > -1) - return; - if (executor.validate) - executor.validate(e); - if (e.cancel) - return false - }); - return !e.cancel - }, - _executeAction: function(e) { - var result; - $.each(actionExecutors, function(index, executor) { - if (executor.execute) - executor.execute(e); - if (e.handled) { - result = e.result; - return false - } - }); - return result - } - }); - $.extend(DX, { - registerActionExecutor: registerExecutor, - unregisterActionExecutor: unregisterExecutor, - Action: Action - }); - DX.__internals = {actionExecutors: actionExecutors} - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file translator.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var support =, - TRANSLATOR_DATA_KEY = "dxTranslator", - TRANSFORM_MATRIX_REGEX = /matrix(3d)?\((.+?)\)/, - TRANSLATE_REGEX = /translate(?:3d)?\((.+?)\)/; - var locate = function($element) { - var result, - position, - finalPosition; - if (support.transform3d) { - var translate = getTranslate($element); - result = { - left: translate.x, - top: translate.y - } - } - else { - var originalTop = $element.css("top"), - originalLeft = $element.css("left"); - position = $element.position(); - $element.css({ - transform: "none", - top: 0, - left: 0 - }); - clearCache($element); - finalPosition = $element.position(); - result = { - left: position.left - finalPosition.left || parseInt(originalLeft) || 0, - top: - || parseInt(originalTop) || 0 - }; - $element.css({ - top: originalTop, - left: originalLeft - }) - } - return result - }; - var move = function($element, position) { - if (!support.transform3d) { - $element.css(position); - return - } - var translate = getTranslate($element), - left = position.left, - top =; - if (left !== undefined) - translate.x = left || 0; - if (top !== undefined) - translate.y = top || 0; - $element.css({transform: getTranslateCss(translate)}); - if (isPersentValue(left) || isPersentValue(top)) - clearCache($element) - }; - var isPersentValue = function(value) { - return $.type(value) === "string" && value[value.length - 1] === "%" - }; - var getTranslate = function($element) { - var result = $; - if (!result) { - var transformValue = $element.css("transform") || getTranslateCss({ - x: 0, - y: 0 - }), - matrix = transformValue.match(TRANSFORM_MATRIX_REGEX), - is3D = matrix && matrix[1]; - if (matrix) { - matrix = matrix[2].split(","); - if (is3D === "3d") - matrix = matrix.slice(12, 15); - else { - matrix.push(0); - matrix = matrix.slice(4, 7) - } - } - else - matrix = [0, 0, 0]; - result = { - x: parseFloat(matrix[0]), - y: parseFloat(matrix[1]), - z: parseFloat(matrix[2]) - }; - cacheTranslate($element, result) - } - return result - }; - var cacheTranslate = function($element, translate) { - $, translate) - }; - var clearCache = function($element) { - $element.removeData(TRANSLATOR_DATA_KEY) - }; - var resetPosition = function($element) { - $element.css({ - left: 0, - top: 0, - transform: "none" - }); - clearCache($element) - }; - var parseTranslate = function(translateString) { - var result = translateString.match(TRANSLATE_REGEX); - if (!result || !result[1]) - return; - result = result[1].split(","); - result = { - x: parseFloat(result[0]), - y: parseFloat(result[1]), - z: parseFloat(result[2]) - }; - return result - }; - var getTranslateCss = function(translate) { - translate.x = translate.x || 0; - translate.y = translate.y || 0; - var xValueString = isPersentValue(translate.x) ? translate.x : translate.x + "px"; - var yValueString = isPersentValue(translate.y) ? translate.y : translate.y + "px"; - return "translate(" + xValueString + ", " + yValueString + ")" - }; - DX.translator = { - move: move, - locate: locate, - clearCache: clearCache, - parseTranslate: parseTranslate, - getTranslate: getTranslate, - getTranslateCss: getTranslateCss, - resetPosition: resetPosition - } - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file animationFrame.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var FRAME_ANIMATION_STEP_TIME = 1000 / 60, - requestAnimationFrame = function(callback, element) { - return this.setTimeout(callback, FRAME_ANIMATION_STEP_TIME) - }, - cancelAnimationFrame = function(requestID) { - return this.clearTimeout(requestID) - }, - nativeRequestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame, - nativeCancelAnimationFrame = window.cancelAnimationFrame || window.webkitCancelAnimationFrame || window.mozCancelAnimationFrame || window.oCancelAnimationFrame || window.msCancelAnimationFrame; - if (nativeRequestAnimationFrame && nativeCancelAnimationFrame) { - requestAnimationFrame = nativeRequestAnimationFrame; - cancelAnimationFrame = nativeCancelAnimationFrame - } - if (nativeRequestAnimationFrame && !nativeCancelAnimationFrame) { - var cancelledRequests = {}; - requestAnimationFrame = function(callback) { - var requestId =, function() { - try { - if (requestId in cancelledRequests) - return; - callback.apply(this, arguments) - } - finally { - delete cancelledRequests[requestId] - } - }); - return requestId - }; - cancelAnimationFrame = function(requestId) { - cancelledRequests[requestId] = true - } - } - requestAnimationFrame = $.proxy(requestAnimationFrame, window); - cancelAnimationFrame = $.proxy(cancelAnimationFrame, window); - $.extend(DX, { - requestAnimationFrame: requestAnimationFrame, - cancelAnimationFrame: cancelAnimationFrame - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file animator.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - DX.Animator = DX.Class.inherit({ - ctor: function() { - this._finished = true; - this._stopped = false - }, - start: function() { - this._stopped = false; - this._finished = false; - this._stepCore() - }, - stop: function() { - this._stopped = true - }, - _stepCore: function() { - if (this._isStopped()) { - this._stop(); - return - } - if (this._isFinished()) { - this._finished = true; - this._complete(); - return - } - this._step(); -, $.proxy(this._stepCore, this)) - }, - _step: DX.abstract, - _isFinished: $.noop, - _stop: $.noop, - _complete: $.noop, - _isStopped: function() { - return this._stopped - }, - inProgress: function() { - return !(this._stopped || this._finished) - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file fx.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var translator = DX.translator, - support =, - transitionEndEventName = support.transitionEndEventName + ".dxFX"; - var CSS_TRANSITION_EASING_REGEX = /cubic-bezier\((\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\)/, - RELATIVE_VALUE_REGEX = /^([+-])=(.*)/i, - ANIM_DATA_KEY = "dxAnimData", - ANIM_QUEUE_KEY = "dxAnimQueue", - TRANSFORM_PROP = "transform"; - var TransitionAnimationStrategy = { - animate: function($element, config) { - var that = this, - deferred = $.Deferred(); - config.transitionAnimation = {finish: function() { - that._cleanup($element, config); - deferred.resolveWith($element, [config, $element]) - }}; - this._startAnimation($element, config); - this._completeAnimationCallback($element, config).done(function() { - config.transitionAnimation.finish() - }); - if (!config.duration) - config.transitionAnimation.finish(); - return deferred.promise() - }, - _completeAnimationCallback: function($element, config) { - var startTime = $.now() + config.delay, - deferred = $.Deferred(), - transitionEndFired = $.Deferred(), - simulatedTransitionEndFired = $.Deferred(); - $, function(e) { - if ($.now() - startTime >= config.duration) - transitionEndFired.reject() - }); - config.transitionAnimation.simulatedEndEventTimer = setTimeout(function() { - simulatedTransitionEndFired.reject() - }, config.duration + config.delay); - $.when(transitionEndFired, simulatedTransitionEndFired).fail($.proxy(function() { - deferred.resolve() - }, this)); - return deferred.promise() - }, - _startAnimation: function($element, config) { - $element.css("transform"); - $element.css({ - transitionProperty: "all", - transitionDelay: config.delay + "ms", - transitionDuration: config.duration + "ms", - transitionTimingFunction: config.easing - }); - setProps($element, - }, - _cleanup: function($element, config) { - $element.css("transition", "none").off(transitionEndEventName); - clearTimeout(config.transitionAnimation.simulatedEndEventTimer) - }, - stop: function($element, config, jumpToEnd) { - if (!config) - return; - if (jumpToEnd) - config.transitionAnimation.finish(); - else { - $.each(, function(key) { - $element.css(key, $element.css(key)) - }); - this._cleanup($element, config) - } - } - }; - var FrameAnimationStrategy = { - animate: function($element, config) { - var deferred = $.Deferred(), - that = this; - if (!config) - return deferred.reject().promise(); - $.each(, function(prop) { - if (config.from[prop] === undefined) - config.from[prop] = that._normalizeValue($element.css(prop)) - }); - if ([TRANSFORM_PROP]) { - config.from[TRANSFORM_PROP] = that._parseTransform(config.from[TRANSFORM_PROP]); -[TRANSFORM_PROP] = that._parseTransform([TRANSFORM_PROP]) - } - config.frameAnimation = { - to:, - from: config.from, - currentValue: config.from, - easing: convertTransitionTimingFuncToJQueryEasing(config.easing), - duration: config.duration, - startTime: (new Date).valueOf(), - finish: function() { - this.currentValue =; - this.draw(); - deferred.resolve() - }, - draw: function() { - var currentValue = $.extend({}, this.currentValue); - if (currentValue[TRANSFORM_PROP]) - currentValue[TRANSFORM_PROP] = $.map(currentValue[TRANSFORM_PROP], function(value, prop) { - if (prop === "translate") - return translator.getTranslateCss(value); - else if (prop === "scale") - return "scale(" + value + ")"; - else if (prop.substr(0, prop.length - 1) === "rotate") - return prop + "(" + value + "deg)" - }).join(" "); - $element.css(currentValue) - } - }; - if (config.delay) { - config.frameAnimation.startTime += config.delay; - config.frameAnimation.delayTimeout = setTimeout(function() { - that._animationStep($element, config) - }, config.delay) - } - else - that._animationStep($element, config); - return deferred.promise() - }, - _parseTransform: function(transformString) { - var result = {}; - $.each(transformString.match(/(\w|\d)+\([^\)]*\)\s*/g), function(i, part) { - var translateData = translator.parseTranslate(part), - scaleData = part.match(/scale\((.+?)\)/), - rotateData = part.match(/(rotate.)\((.+)deg\)/); - if (translateData) - result.translate = translateData; - if (scaleData && scaleData[1]) - result.scale = parseFloat(scaleData[1]); - if (rotateData && rotateData[1]) - result[rotateData[1]] = parseFloat(rotateData[2]) - }); - return result - }, - stop: function($element, config, jumpToEnd) { - var frameAnimation = config && config.frameAnimation; - if (!frameAnimation) - return; - clearTimeout(frameAnimation.delayTimeout); - if (jumpToEnd) - frameAnimation.finish(); - delete config.frameAnimation - }, - _animationStep: function($element, config) { - var frameAnimation = config && config.frameAnimation; - if (!frameAnimation) - return; - var now = (new Date).valueOf(); - if (now >= frameAnimation.startTime + frameAnimation.duration) { - frameAnimation.finish(); - return - } - frameAnimation.currentValue = this._calcStepValue(frameAnimation, now - frameAnimation.startTime); - frameAnimation.draw(); - DX.requestAnimationFrame($.proxy(function() { - this._animationStep($element, config) - }, this)) - }, - _calcStepValue: function(frameAnimation, currentDuration) { - var calcValueRecursively = function(from, to) { - var result = $.isArray(to) ? [] : {}; - var calcEasedValue = function(propName) { - var x = currentDuration / frameAnimation.duration, - t = currentDuration, - b = 1 * from[propName], - c = to[propName] - from[propName], - d = frameAnimation.duration; - return $.easing[frameAnimation.easing](x, t, b, c, d) - }; - $.each(to, function(propName, endPropValue) { - if (typeof endPropValue === "string" && parseFloat(endPropValue, 10) === false) - return true; - result[propName] = typeof endPropValue === "object" ? calcValueRecursively(from[propName], endPropValue) : calcEasedValue(propName) - }); - return result - }; - return calcValueRecursively(frameAnimation.from, - }, - _normalizeValue: function(value) { - var numericValue = parseFloat(value, 10); - if (numericValue === false) - return value; - return numericValue - } - }; - var animationStrategies = { - transition: support.transition ? TransitionAnimationStrategy : FrameAnimationStrategy, - frame: FrameAnimationStrategy - }; - var getAnimationStrategy = function(config) { - return animationStrategies[config && config.strategy || "transition"] - }; - var TransitionTimingFuncMap = { - linear: "cubic-bezier(0, 0, 1, 1)", - ease: "cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1)", - "ease-in": "cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 1, 1)", - "ease-out": "cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.58, 1)", - "ease-in-out": "cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1)" - }; - var convertTransitionTimingFuncToJQueryEasing = function(cssTransitionEasing) { - cssTransitionEasing = TransitionTimingFuncMap[cssTransitionEasing] || cssTransitionEasing; - var bezCoeffs = cssTransitionEasing.match(CSS_TRANSITION_EASING_REGEX); - if (!bezCoeffs) - return "linear"; - bezCoeffs = bezCoeffs.slice(1, 5); - $.each(bezCoeffs, function(index, value) { - bezCoeffs[index] = parseFloat(value) - }); - var easingName = "cubicbezier_" + bezCoeffs.join("_").replace(/\./g, "p"); - if (!$.isFunction($.easing[easingName])) { - var polynomBezier = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) { - var Cx = 3 * x1, - Bx = 3 * (x2 - x1) - Cx, - Ax = 1 - Cx - Bx, - Cy = 3 * y1, - By = 3 * (y2 - y1) - Cy, - Ay = 1 - Cy - By; - var bezierX = function(t) { - return t * (Cx + t * (Bx + t * Ax)) - }; - var bezierY = function(t) { - return t * (Cy + t * (By + t * Ay)) - }; - var findXfor = function(t) { - var x = t, - i = 0, - z; - while (i < 14) { - z = bezierX(x) - t; - if (Math.abs(z) < 1e-3) - break; - x = x - z / derivativeX(x); - i++ - } - return x - }; - var derivativeX = function(t) { - return Cx + t * (2 * Bx + t * 3 * Ax) - }; - return function(t) { - return bezierY(findXfor(t)) - } - }; - $.easing[easingName] = function(x, t, b, c, d) { - return c * polynomBezier(bezCoeffs[0], bezCoeffs[1], bezCoeffs[2], bezCoeffs[3])(t / d) + b - } - } - return easingName - }; - var baseConfigValidator = function(config, animationType) { - $.each(["from", "to"], function() { - if (!$.isPlainObject(config[this])) - throw Error("Animation with the '" + animationType + "' type requires '" + this + "' configuration as an plain object."); - }) - }; - var CustomAnimationConfigurator = {setup: function($element, config){}}; - var SlideAnimationConfigurator = { - validateConfig: function(config) { - baseConfigValidator(config, "slide") - }, - setup: function($element, config) { - var location = translator.locate($element); - this._setUpConfig(location, config.from); - this._setUpConfig(location,; - translator.clearCache($element); - if (!support.transform3d && $element.css("position") === "static") - $element.css("position", "relative") - }, - _setUpConfig: function(location, config) { - config.left = "left" in config ? config.left : "+=0"; - = "top" in config ? : "+=0"; - this._initNewPosition(location, config) - }, - _initNewPosition: function(location, config) { - var position = { - left: config.left, - top: - }; - delete config.left; - delete; - var relativeValue = this._getRelativeValue(position.left); - if (relativeValue !== undefined) - position.left = relativeValue + location.left; - else - config.left = 0; - relativeValue = this._getRelativeValue(; - if (relativeValue !== undefined) - = relativeValue +; - else - = 0; - var translate = { - x: 0, - y: 0 - }; - if (support.transform3d) - translate = { - x: position.left, - y: - }; - else { - config.left = position.left; - = - } - config[TRANSFORM_PROP] = translator.getTranslateCss(translate) - }, - _getRelativeValue: function(value) { - var relativeValue; - if (typeof value === "string" && (relativeValue = RELATIVE_VALUE_REGEX.exec(value))) - return parseInt(relativeValue[1] + "1") * relativeValue[2] - } - }; - var FadeAnimationConfigurator = {setup: function($element, config) { - var from = config.from, - fromOpacity = $.isPlainObject(from) ? $element.css("opacity") : String(from), - toOpacity = String(; - config.from = {opacity: fromOpacity}; - = {opacity: toOpacity} - }}; - var PopAnimationConfigurator = { - validateConfig: function(config) { - baseConfigValidator(config, "pop") - }, - setup: function($element, config) { - var from = config.from, - to =, - fromOpacity = "opacity" in from ? from.opacity : $element.css("opacity"), - toOpacity = "opacity" in to ? to.opacity : 1, - fromScale = "scale" in from ? from.scale : 0, - toScale = "scale" in to ? to.scale : 1; - config.from = {opacity: fromOpacity}; - var translate = translator.getTranslate($element); - config.from[TRANSFORM_PROP] = this._getCssTransform(translate, fromScale); - = {opacity: toOpacity}; -[TRANSFORM_PROP] = this._getCssTransform(translate, toScale) - }, - _getCssTransform: function(translate, scale) { - return translator.getTranslateCss(translate) + "scale(" + scale + ")" - } - }; - var animationConfigurators = { - custom: CustomAnimationConfigurator, - slide: SlideAnimationConfigurator, - fade: FadeAnimationConfigurator, - pop: PopAnimationConfigurator - }; - var getAnimationConfigurator = function(type) { - var result = animationConfigurators[type]; - if (!result) - throw Error("Unknown animation type \"" + type + "\""); - return result - }; - var defaultConfig = { - type: "custom", - from: {}, - to: {}, - duration: 400, - start: $.noop, - complete: $.noop, - easing: "ease", - delay: 0 - }; - var animate = function(element, config) { - var $element = $(element); - config = $.extend(true, {}, defaultConfig, config); - if (!$element.length) - return $.Deferred().resolve().promise(); - var configurator = getAnimationConfigurator(config.type); - if ($.isFunction(configurator.validateConfig)) - configurator.validateConfig(config); - return pushInAnimationQueue($element, config) - }; - var pushInAnimationQueue = function($element, config) { - config.deferred = config.deferred || $.Deferred(); - var queueData = getAnimQueueData($element); - writeAnimQueueData($element, queueData); - queueData.push(config); - if (!isAnimating($element)) - shiftFromAnimationQueue($element, queueData); - return config.deferred.promise() - }; - var getAnimQueueData = function($element) { - return $ || [] - }; - var writeAnimQueueData = function($element, queueData) { - $, queueData) - }; - var destroyAnimQueueData = function($element) { - $element.removeData(ANIM_QUEUE_KEY) - }; - var isAnimating = function($element) { - return !!$ - }; - var shiftFromAnimationQueue = function($element, queueData) { - var queueData = getAnimQueueData($element); - if (!queueData.length) - return; - var config = queueData.shift(); - if (queueData.length === 0) - destroyAnimQueueData($element); - executeAnimation($element, config).done(function() { - shiftFromAnimationQueue($element) - }) - }; - var executeAnimation = function($element, config) { - setupPosition($element, config.from); - setupPosition($element,; - var configurator = getAnimationConfigurator(config.type); - configurator.setup($element, config); - $, config); - if ( - config.duration = 0; - setProps($element, config.from); - config.start.apply(this, [$element, config]); - return getAnimationStrategy(config).animate($element, config).done(function() { - $element.removeData(ANIM_DATA_KEY); - config.complete.apply(this, [$element, config]); - config.deferred.resolveWith(this, [$element, config]) - }) - }; - var setupPosition = function($element, config) { - if (!config.position) - return; - var position = DX.calculatePosition($element, config.position), - offset = $element.offset(), - currentPosition = $element.position(); - $.extend(config, { - left: position.h.location - offset.left + currentPosition.left, - top: position.v.location - + - }); - delete config.position - }; - var setProps = function($element, props) { - $.each(props, function(key, value) { - $element.css(key, value) - }) - }; - var stop = function(element, jumpToEnd) { - var $element = $(element), - queueData = getAnimQueueData($element); - $.each(queueData, function(_, config) { - config.duration = 0 - }); - var config = $; - getAnimationStrategy(config).stop($element, config, jumpToEnd); - $element.removeData(ANIM_DATA_KEY); - destroyAnimQueueData($element) - }; - DX.fx = { - off: false, - animationTypes: animationConfigurators, - animate: animate, - isAnimating: isAnimating, - stop: stop - }; - DX.fx.__internals = {convertTransitionTimingFuncToJQueryEasing: convertTransitionTimingFuncToJQueryEasing} - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file endpointSelector.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var location = window.location, - DXPROXY_HOST = "", - WIN_JS = location.protocol === "ms-appx:", - IS_DXPROXY = === DXPROXY_HOST, - IS_LOCAL = isLocalHostName(location.hostname); - function isLocalHostName(url) { - return /^(localhost$|127\.)/i.test(url) - } - var extractProxyAppId = function() { - return location.pathname.split("/")[1] - }; - var formatProxyUrl = function(localUrl) { - var urlData = DX.parseUrl(localUrl); - if (!isLocalHostName(urlData.hostname)) - return localUrl; - return "http://" + DXPROXY_HOST + "/" + extractProxyAppId() + "_" + urlData.port + urlData.pathname + - }; - var EndpointSelector = DX.EndpointSelector = function(config) { - this.config = config - }; - EndpointSelector.prototype = {urlFor: function(key) { - var bag = this.config[key]; - if (!bag) - throw Error("Unknown endpoint key"); - if (IS_DXPROXY) - return formatProxyUrl(bag.local); - if (bag.production) - if (WIN_JS && !Debug.debuggerEnabled || !WIN_JS && !IS_LOCAL) - return bag.production; - return bag.local - }} - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file formatHelper.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var utils = DX.utils; - DX.NumericFormat = { - currency: 'C', - fixedpoint: 'N', - exponential: '', - percent: 'P', - decimal: 'D' - }; - DX.LargeNumberFormatPostfixes = { - 1: 'K', - 2: 'M', - 3: 'B', - 4: 'T' - }; - var MAX_LARGE_NUMBER_POWER = 4, - DECIMAL_BASE = 10; - DX.LargeNumberFormatPowers = { - largenumber: 'auto', - thousands: 1, - millions: 2, - billions: 3, - trillions: 4 - }; - DX.DateTimeFormat = { - longdate: 'D', - longtime: 'T', - monthandday: 'M', - monthandyear: 'Y', - quarterandyear: 'qq', - shortdate: 'd', - shorttime: 't', - millisecond: 'fff', - second: 'T', - minute: 't', - hour: 't', - day: 'dd', - week: 'dd', - month: 'MMMM', - quarter: 'qq', - year: 'yyyy', - longdatelongtime: 'D', - shortdateshorttime: 'd' - }; - DX.formatHelper = { - defaultQuarterFormat: 'Q{0}', - romanDigits: ['I', 'II', 'III', 'IV'], - _addFormatSeparator: function(format1, format2) { - var separator = ' '; - if (format2) - return format1 + separator + format2; - return format1 - }, - _getDateTimeFormatPattern: function(dateTimeFormat) { - return Globalize.findClosestCulture().calendar.patterns[DX.DateTimeFormat[dateTimeFormat.toLowerCase()]] - }, - _isDateFormatContains: function(format) { - var result = false; - $.each(DX.DateTimeFormat, function(key, value) { - result = key === format.toLowerCase(); - return !result - }); - return result - }, - getQuarter: function(month) { - return Math.floor(month / 3) - }, - getFirstQuarterMonth: function(month) { - return this.getQuarter(month) * 3 - }, - _getQuarterString: function(date, format) { - var quarter = this.getQuarter(date.getMonth()); - switch (format) { - case'q': - return this.romanDigits[quarter]; - case'qq': - return utils.stringFormat(this.defaultQuarterFormat, this.romanDigits[quarter]); - case'Q': - return (quarter + 1).toString(); - case'QQ': - return utils.stringFormat(this.defaultQuarterFormat, (quarter + 1).toString()) - } - return '' - }, - _formatCustomString: function(value, format) { - var regExp = /qq|q|QQ|Q/g, - quarterFormat, - result = '', - index = 0; - regExp.lastIndex = 0; - while (index < format.length) { - quarterFormat = regExp.exec(format); - if (!quarterFormat || quarterFormat.index > index) - result += Globalize.format(value, format.substring(index, quarterFormat ? quarterFormat.index : format.length)); - if (quarterFormat) { - result += this._getQuarterString(value, quarterFormat[0]); - index = quarterFormat.index + quarterFormat[0].length - } - else - index = format.length - } - return result - }, - _parseNumberFormatString: function(format) { - var formatList, - formatObject = {}; - if (!format || typeof format !== 'string') - return; - formatList = format.toLowerCase().split(' '); - $.each(formatList, function(index, value) { - if (value in DX.NumericFormat) - formatObject.formatType = value; - else if (value in DX.LargeNumberFormatPowers) - formatObject.power = DX.LargeNumberFormatPowers[value] - }); - if (formatObject.power && !formatObject.formatType) - formatObject.formatType = 'fixedpoint'; - if (formatObject.formatType) - return formatObject - }, - _calculateNumberPower: function(value, base, minPower, maxPower) { - var number = Math.abs(value); - var power = 0; - if (number > 1) - while (number && number >= base && (maxPower === undefined || power < maxPower)) { - power++; - number = number / base - } - else if (number > 0 && number < 1) - while (number < 1 && (minPower === undefined || power > minPower)) { - power--; - number = number * base - } - return power - }, - _getNumberByPower: function(number, power, base) { - var result = number; - while (power > 0) { - result = result / base; - power-- - } - while (power < 0) { - result = result * base; - power++ - } - return result - }, - _formatNumber: function(value, formatObject, precision) { - var powerPostfix; - if (formatObject.power === 'auto') - formatObject.power = this._calculateNumberPower(value, 1000, 0, MAX_LARGE_NUMBER_POWER); - if (formatObject.power) - value = this._getNumberByPower(value, formatObject.power, 1000); - powerPostfix = DX.LargeNumberFormatPostfixes[formatObject.power] || ''; - return this._formatNumberCore(value, formatObject.formatType, precision) + powerPostfix - }, - _formatNumberExponential: function(value, precision) { - var power = this._calculateNumberPower(value, DECIMAL_BASE), - number = this._getNumberByPower(value, power, DECIMAL_BASE), - powString; - precision = precision === undefined ? 1 : precision; - if (number.toFixed(precision || 0) >= DECIMAL_BASE) { - power++; - number = number / DECIMAL_BASE - } - powString = (power >= 0 ? '+' : '') + power.toString(); - return this._formatNumberCore(number, 'fixedpoint', precision) + 'E' + powString - }, - _formatNumberCore: function(value, format, precision) { - if (format === 'exponential') - return this._formatNumberExponential(value, precision); - else - return Globalize.format(value, DX.NumericFormat[format] + (utils.isNumber(precision) ? precision : 0)) - }, - _formatDate: function(date, format, formatString) { - var resultFormat = DX.DateTimeFormat[format.toLowerCase()]; - format = format.toLowerCase(); - if (format === 'quarterandyear') - resultFormat = this._getQuarterString(date, resultFormat) + ' yyyy'; - if (format === 'quarter') - return this._getQuarterString(date, resultFormat); - if (format === 'longdatelongtime') - return this._formatDate(date, 'longdate') + ' ' + this._formatDate(date, 'longtime'); - if (format === 'shortdateshorttime') - return this._formatDate(date, 'shortDate') + ' ' + this._formatDate(date, 'shortTime'); - return Globalize.format(date, resultFormat) - }, - format: function(value, format, precision) { - if (format && format.format) - if (format.dateType) - return this._formatDateEx(value, format); - else if (utils.isNumber(value) && isFinite(value)) - return this._formatNumberEx(value, format); - return this._format(value, format, precision) - }, - _format: function(value, format, precision) { - var numberFormatObject; - if (!utils.isString(format) || format === '' || !utils.isNumber(value) && !utils.isDate(value)) - return utils.isDefined(value) ? value.toString() : ''; - numberFormatObject = this._parseNumberFormatString(format); - if (utils.isNumber(value) && numberFormatObject) - return this._formatNumber(value, numberFormatObject, precision); - if (utils.isDate(value) && this._isDateFormatContains(format)) - return this._formatDate(value, format); - if (!numberFormatObject && !this._isDateFormatContains(format)) - return this._formatCustomString(value, format) - }, - _formatNumberEx: function(value, formatInfo) { - var that = this, - numericFormatType = DX.NumericFormat[formatInfo.format.toLowerCase()], - numberFormat = Globalize.culture().numberFormat, - currencyFormat = formatInfo.currencyCulture && Globalize.cultures[formatInfo.currencyCulture] ? Globalize.cultures[formatInfo.currencyCulture].numberFormat.currency : numberFormat.currency, - percentFormat = numberFormat.percent, - formatSettings = that._getUnitFormatSettings(value, formatInfo), - unit = formatSettings.unit, - precision = formatSettings.precision, - showTrailingZeros = formatSettings.showTrailingZeros, - includeGroupSeparator = formatSettings.includeGroupSeparator, - groupSymbol = numberFormat[","], - floatingSymbol = numberFormat["."], - number, - isNegative, - pattern, - currentFormat, - regexParts = /n|\$|-|%/g, - result = ""; - value = that._applyUnitToValue(value, unit); - number = Math.abs(value); - isNegative = value < 0; - switch (numericFormatType) { - case DX.NumericFormat.decimal: - pattern = "n"; - number = Math[isNegative ? "ceil" : "floor"](number); - if (precision > 0) { - var str = "" + number; - for (var i = str.length; i < precision; i += 1) - str = "0" + str; - number = str - } - if (isNegative) - number = "-" + number; - break; - case DX.NumericFormat.fixedpoint: - currentFormat = numberFormat; - case DX.NumericFormat.currency: - currentFormat = currentFormat || currencyFormat; - case DX.NumericFormat.percent: - currentFormat = currentFormat || percentFormat; - pattern = isNegative ? currentFormat.pattern[0] : currentFormat.pattern[1] || "n"; - number = Globalize.format(number * (numericFormatType === DX.NumericFormat.percent ? 100 : 1), "N" + precision); - if (!showTrailingZeros) - number = that._excludeTrailingZeros(number, floatingSymbol); - if (!includeGroupSeparator) - number = number.replace(new RegExp('\\' + groupSymbol, 'g'), ''); - break; - case DX.NumericFormat.exponential: - return that._formatNumberExponential(value, precision); - default: - throw"Illegal numeric format: '" + numericFormatType + "'"; - } - for (; ; ) { - var lastIndex = regexParts.lastIndex, - matches = regexParts.exec(pattern); - result += pattern.slice(lastIndex, matches ? matches.index : pattern.length); - if (matches) - switch (matches[0]) { - case"-": - if (/[1-9]/.test(number)) - result += numberFormat["-"]; - break; - case"$": - result += currencyFormat.symbol; - break; - case"%": - result += percentFormat.symbol; - break; - case"n": - result += number + unit; - break - } - else - break - } - return ( && value > 0 ? "+" : '') + result - }, - _excludeTrailingZeros: function(strValue, floatingSymbol) { - var floatingIndex = strValue.indexOf(floatingSymbol), - stopIndex, - i; - if (floatingIndex < 0) - return strValue; - stopIndex = strValue.length; - for (i = stopIndex - 1; i >= floatingIndex && (strValue[i] === '0' || i === floatingIndex); i--) - stopIndex--; - return strValue.substring(0, stopIndex) - }, - _getUnitFormatSettings: function(value, formatInfo) { - var unit = formatInfo.unit || '', - precision = formatInfo.precision || 0, - includeGroupSeparator = formatInfo.includeGroupSeparator || false, - showTrailingZeros = formatInfo.showTrailingZeros === undefined ? true : formatInfo.showTrailingZeros, - significantDigits = formatInfo.significantDigits || 1, - absValue; - if (unit.toLowerCase() === 'auto') { - showTrailingZeros = false; - absValue = Math.abs(value); - if (significantDigits < 1) - significantDigits = 1; - if (absValue >= 1000000000) { - unit = 'B'; - absValue /= 1000000000 - } - else if (absValue >= 1000000) { - unit = 'M'; - absValue /= 1000000 - } - else if (absValue >= 1000) { - unit = 'K'; - absValue /= 1000 - } - else - unit = ''; - if (absValue == 0) - precision = 0; - else if (absValue < 1) { - precision = significantDigits; - var smallValue = Math.pow(10, -significantDigits); - while (absValue < smallValue) { - smallValue /= 10; - precision++ - } - } - else if (absValue >= 100) - precision = significantDigits - 3; - else if (absValue >= 10) - precision = significantDigits - 2; - else - precision = significantDigits - 1 - } - if (precision < 0) - precision = 0; - return { - unit: unit, - precision: precision, - showTrailingZeros: showTrailingZeros, - includeGroupSeparator: includeGroupSeparator - } - }, - _applyUnitToValue: function(value, unit) { - if (unit == 'B') - return value.toFixed(1) / 1000000000; - if (unit == 'M') - return value / 1000000; - if (unit == 'K') - return value / 1000; - return value - }, - _formatDateEx: function(value, formatInfo) { - var that = this, - format = formatInfo.format, - dateType = formatInfo.dateType, - calendar = Globalize.culture().calendars.standard, - time = undefined, - index, - dateStr; - format = format.toLowerCase(); - if (dateType !== 'num' || format === 'dayofweek') - switch (format) { - case'monthyear': - return that._formatDate(value, 'monthandyear'); - case'quarteryear': - return that._getQuarterString(value, 'QQ') + ' ' + value.getFullYear(); - case'daymonthyear': - return that._formatDate(value, dateType + 'Date'); - case'datehour': - time = new Date(value.getTime()); - time.setMinutes(0); - dateStr = dateType === 'timeOnly' ? '' : that._formatDate(value, dateType + 'Date'); - return dateType === 'timeOnly' ? that._formatDate(time, 'shorttime') : dateStr + ' ' + that._formatDate(time, 'shorttime'); - case'datehourminute': - dateStr = dateType === 'timeOnly' ? '' : that._formatDate(value, dateType + 'Date'); - return dateType === 'timeOnly' ? that._formatDate(value, 'shorttime') : dateStr + ' ' + that._formatDate(value, 'shorttime'); - case'datehourminutesecond': - dateStr = dateType === 'timeOnly' ? '' : that._formatDate(value, dateType + 'Date'); - return dateType === 'timeOnly' ? that._formatDate(value, 'longtime') : dateStr + ' ' + that._formatDate(value, 'longtime'); - case'year': - dateStr = value.toString(); - return dateType === 'abbr' ? dateStr.slice(2, 4) : dateStr; - case'quarter': - return utils.stringFormat(that.defaultQuarterFormat, value.toString()); - case'month': - index = value - 1; - return dateType === 'abbr' ? calendar.months.namesAbbr[index] : calendar.months.names[index]; - case'hour': - if (dateType === 'long') { - time = new Date; - time.setHours(value); - time.setMinutes(0); - return that._formatDate(time, 'shorttime') - } - else - return value.toString(); - case'dayofweek': - index = utils.isString(value) ? $.inArray(value, ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday']) : value; - if (dateType !== 'num') - return dateType === 'abbr' ? calendar.days.namesAbbr[index] : calendar.days.names[index]; - else - return ((index - calendar.firstDay + 1 + 7) % 8).toString(); - default: - return value.toString() - } - else - return value.toString() - }, - getTimeFormat: function(showSecond) { - if (showSecond) - return this._getDateTimeFormatPattern('longtime'); - return this._getDateTimeFormatPattern('shorttime') - }, - getDateFormatByDifferences: function(dateDifferences) { - var resultFormat = ''; - if (dateDifferences.millisecond) - resultFormat = DX.DateTimeFormat.millisecond; - if (dateDifferences.hour || dateDifferences.minute || dateDifferences.second) - resultFormat = this._addFormatSeparator(this.getTimeFormat(dateDifferences.second), resultFormat); - if (dateDifferences.year && dateDifferences.month && - return this._addFormatSeparator(this._getDateTimeFormatPattern('shortdate'), resultFormat); - if (dateDifferences.year && dateDifferences.month) - return DX.DateTimeFormat['monthandyear']; - if (dateDifferences.year) - return DX.DateTimeFormat['year']; - if (dateDifferences.month && - return this._addFormatSeparator(this._getDateTimeFormatPattern('monthandday'), resultFormat); - if (dateDifferences.month) - return DX.DateTimeFormat['month']; - if ( - return this._addFormatSeparator('dddd, dd', resultFormat); - return resultFormat - }, - getDateFormatByTicks: function(ticks) { - var resultFormat, - maxDif, - currentDif, - i, - dateUnitInterval; - if (ticks.length > 1) { - maxDif = utils.getDatesDifferences(ticks[0], ticks[1]); - for (i = 1; i < ticks.length - 1; i++) { - currentDif = utils.getDatesDifferences(ticks[i], ticks[i + 1]); - if (maxDif.count < currentDif.count) - maxDif = currentDif - } - } - else - maxDif = { - year: true, - month: true, - day: true, - hour: ticks[0].getHours() > 0, - minute: ticks[0].getMinutes() > 0, - second: ticks[0].getSeconds() > 0 - }; - resultFormat = this.getDateFormatByDifferences(maxDif); - return resultFormat - }, - getDateFormatByTickInterval: function(startValue, endValue, tickInterval) { - var resultFormat, - dateDifferences, - dateUnitInterval, - dateDifferencesConverter = { - quarter: 'month', - week: 'day' - }, - correctDateDifferences = function(dateDifferences, tickInterval, value) { - switch (tickInterval) { - case'year': - dateDifferences.month = value; - case'quarter': - case'month': - = value; - case'week': - case'day': - dateDifferences.hour = value; - case'hour': - dateDifferences.minute = value; - case'minute': - dateDifferences.second = value; - case'second': - dateDifferences.millisecond = value - } - }, - correctDifferencesByMaxDate = function(differences, minDate, maxDate) { - if (!maxDate.getMilliseconds() && maxDate.getSeconds()) { - if (maxDate.getSeconds() - minDate.getSeconds() === 1) { - differences.millisecond = true; - differences.second = false - } - } - else if (!maxDate.getSeconds() && maxDate.getMinutes()) { - if (maxDate.getMinutes() - minDate.getMinutes() === 1) { - differences.second = true; - differences.minute = false - } - } - else if (!maxDate.getMinutes() && maxDate.getHours()) { - if (maxDate.getHours() - minDate.getHours() === 1) { - differences.minute = true; - differences.hour = false - } - } - else if (!maxDate.getHours() && maxDate.getDate() > 1) { - if (maxDate.getDate() - minDate.getDate() === 1) { - differences.hour = true; - = false - } - } - else if (maxDate.getDate() === 1 && maxDate.getMonth()) { - if (maxDate.getMonth() - minDate.getMonth() === 1) { - = true; - differences.month = false - } - } - else if (!maxDate.getMonth() && maxDate.getFullYear()) - if (maxDate.getFullYear() - minDate.getFullYear() === 1) { - differences.month = true; - differences.year = false - } - }; - tickInterval = utils.isString(tickInterval) ? tickInterval.toLowerCase() : tickInterval; - dateDifferences = utils.getDatesDifferences(startValue, endValue); - if (startValue !== endValue) - correctDifferencesByMaxDate(dateDifferences, startValue > endValue ? endValue : startValue, startValue > endValue ? startValue : endValue); - dateUnitInterval = utils.getDateUnitInterval(dateDifferences); - correctDateDifferences(dateDifferences, dateUnitInterval, true); - dateUnitInterval = utils.getDateUnitInterval(tickInterval || 'second'); - correctDateDifferences(dateDifferences, dateUnitInterval, false); - dateDifferences[dateDifferencesConverter[dateUnitInterval] || dateUnitInterval] = true; - resultFormat = this.getDateFormatByDifferences(dateDifferences); - return resultFormat - } - } - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file color.js */ - (function(DX, undefined) { - var standardColorNames = { - aliceblue: 'f0f8ff', - antiquewhite: 'faebd7', - aqua: '00ffff', - aquamarine: '7fffd4', - azure: 'f0ffff', - beige: 'f5f5dc', - bisque: 'ffe4c4', - black: '000000', - blanchedalmond: 'ffebcd', - blue: '0000ff', - blueviolet: '8a2be2', - brown: 'a52a2a', - burlywood: 'deb887', - cadetblue: '5f9ea0', - chartreuse: '7fff00', - chocolate: 'd2691e', - coral: 'ff7f50', - cornflowerblue: '6495ed', - cornsilk: 'fff8dc', - crimson: 'dc143c', - cyan: '00ffff', - darkblue: '00008b', - darkcyan: '008b8b', - darkgoldenrod: 'b8860b', - darkgray: 'a9a9a9', - darkgreen: '006400', - darkkhaki: 'bdb76b', - darkmagenta: '8b008b', - darkolivegreen: '556b2f', - darkorange: 'ff8c00', - darkorchid: '9932cc', - darkred: '8b0000', - darksalmon: 'e9967a', - darkseagreen: '8fbc8f', - darkslateblue: '483d8b', - darkslategray: '2f4f4f', - darkturquoise: '00ced1', - darkviolet: '9400d3', - deeppink: 'ff1493', - deepskyblue: '00bfff', - dimgray: '696969', - dodgerblue: '1e90ff', - feldspar: 'd19275', - firebrick: 'b22222', - floralwhite: 'fffaf0', - forestgreen: '228b22', - fuchsia: 'ff00ff', - gainsboro: 'dcdcdc', - ghostwhite: 'f8f8ff', - gold: 'ffd700', - goldenrod: 'daa520', - gray: '808080', - green: '008000', - greenyellow: 'adff2f', - honeydew: 'f0fff0', - hotpink: 'ff69b4', - indianred: 'cd5c5c', - indigo: '4b0082', - ivory: 'fffff0', - khaki: 'f0e68c', - lavender: 'e6e6fa', - lavenderblush: 'fff0f5', - lawngreen: '7cfc00', - lemonchiffon: 'fffacd', - lightblue: 'add8e6', - lightcoral: 'f08080', - lightcyan: 'e0ffff', - lightgoldenrodyellow: 'fafad2', - lightgrey: 'd3d3d3', - lightgreen: '90ee90', - lightpink: 'ffb6c1', - lightsalmon: 'ffa07a', - lightseagreen: '20b2aa', - lightskyblue: '87cefa', - lightslateblue: '8470ff', - lightslategray: '778899', - lightsteelblue: 'b0c4de', - lightyellow: 'ffffe0', - lime: '00ff00', - limegreen: '32cd32', - linen: 'faf0e6', - magenta: 'ff00ff', - maroon: '800000', - mediumaquamarine: '66cdaa', - mediumblue: '0000cd', - mediumorchid: 'ba55d3', - mediumpurple: '9370d8', - mediumseagreen: '3cb371', - mediumslateblue: '7b68ee', - mediumspringgreen: '00fa9a', - mediumturquoise: '48d1cc', - mediumvioletred: 'c71585', - midnightblue: '191970', - mintcream: 'f5fffa', - mistyrose: 'ffe4e1', - moccasin: 'ffe4b5', - navajowhite: 'ffdead', - navy: '000080', - oldlace: 'fdf5e6', - olive: '808000', - olivedrab: '6b8e23', - orange: 'ffa500', - orangered: 'ff4500', - orchid: 'da70d6', - palegoldenrod: 'eee8aa', - palegreen: '98fb98', - paleturquoise: 'afeeee', - palevioletred: 'd87093', - papayawhip: 'ffefd5', - peachpuff: 'ffdab9', - peru: 'cd853f', - pink: 'ffc0cb', - plum: 'dda0dd', - powderblue: 'b0e0e6', - purple: '800080', - red: 'ff0000', - rosybrown: 'bc8f8f', - royalblue: '4169e1', - saddlebrown: '8b4513', - salmon: 'fa8072', - sandybrown: 'f4a460', - seagreen: '2e8b57', - seashell: 'fff5ee', - sienna: 'a0522d', - silver: 'c0c0c0', - skyblue: '87ceeb', - slateblue: '6a5acd', - slategray: '708090', - snow: 'fffafa', - springgreen: '00ff7f', - steelblue: '4682b4', - tan: 'd2b48c', - teal: '008080', - thistle: 'd8bfd8', - tomato: 'ff6347', - turquoise: '40e0d0', - violet: 'ee82ee', - violetred: 'd02090', - wheat: 'f5deb3', - white: 'ffffff', - whitesmoke: 'f5f5f5', - yellow: 'ffff00', - yellowgreen: '9acd32' - }; - var standardColorTypes = [{ - re: /^rgb\((\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3})\)$/, - process: function(colorString) { - return [parseInt(colorString[1], 10), parseInt(colorString[2], 10), parseInt(colorString[3], 10)] - } - }, { - re: /^rgba\((\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(\d*\.*\d+)\)$/, - process: function(colorString) { - return [parseInt(colorString[1], 10), parseInt(colorString[2], 10), parseInt(colorString[3], 10), parseFloat(colorString[4])] - } - }, { - re: /^#(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})$/, - process: function(colorString) { - return [parseInt(colorString[1], 16), parseInt(colorString[2], 16), parseInt(colorString[3], 16)] - } - }, { - re: /^#(\w{1})(\w{1})(\w{1})$/, - process: function(colorString) { - return [parseInt(colorString[1] + colorString[1], 16), parseInt(colorString[2] + colorString[2], 16), parseInt(colorString[3] + colorString[3], 16)] - } - }, { - re: /^hsv\((\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3})\)$/, - process: function(colorString) { - var h = parseInt(colorString[1], 10), - s = parseInt(colorString[2], 10), - v = parseInt(colorString[3], 10), - rgb = hsvToRgb(h, s, v); - return [rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], 1, [h, s, v]] - } - }, { - re: /^hsl\((\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3})\)$/, - process: function(colorString) { - var h = parseInt(colorString[1], 10), - s = parseInt(colorString[2], 10), - l = parseInt(colorString[3], 10), - rgb = hslToRgb(h, s, l); - return [rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], 1, null, [h, s, l]] - } - }]; - function Color(value) { - this.baseColor = value; - var color; - if (value) { - color = String(value).toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, ''); - color = standardColorNames[color] ? '#' + standardColorNames[color] : color; - color = parseColor(color) - } - if (!color) - this.colorIsInvalid = true; - color = color || {}; - this.r = normalize(color[0]); - this.g = normalize(color[1]); - this.b = normalize(color[2]); - this.a = normalize(color[3], 1, 1); - if (color[4]) - this.hsv = { - h: color[4][0], - s: color[4][1], - v: color[4][2] - }; - else - this.hsv = toHsvFromRgb(this.r, this.g, this.b); - if (color[5]) - this.hsl = { - h: color[5][0], - s: color[5][1], - l: color[5][2] - }; - else - this.hsl = toHslFromRgb(this.r, this.g, this.b) - } - function parseColor(color) { - if (color === "transparent") - return [0, 0, 0, 0]; - var result, - i = 0, - ii = standardColorTypes.length, - str; - for (; i < ii; ++i) { - str = standardColorTypes[i].re.exec(color); - if (str) - return standardColorTypes[i].process(str) - } - return null - } - function normalize(colorComponent, def, max) { - def = def || 0; - max = max || 255; - return colorComponent < 0 || isNaN(colorComponent) ? def : colorComponent > max ? max : colorComponent - } - function toHexFromRgb(r, g, b) { - return '#' + (0X01000000 | r << 16 | g << 8 | b).toString(16).slice(1) - } - function toHsvFromRgb(r, g, b) { - var max = Math.max(r, g, b), - min = Math.min(r, g, b), - delta = max - min, - H, - S, - V; - V = max; - S = max === 0 ? 0 : 1 - min / max; - if (max === min) - H = 0; - else - switch (max) { - case r: - H = 60 * ((g - b) / delta); - if (g < b) - H = H + 360; - break; - case g: - H = 60 * ((b - r) / delta) + 120; - break; - case b: - H = 60 * ((r - g) / delta) + 240; - break - } - S *= 100; - V *= 100 / 255; - return { - h: Math.round(H), - s: Math.round(S), - v: Math.round(V) - } - } - function hsvToRgb(h, s, v) { - var Vdec, - Vinc, - Vmin, - Hi, - a, - r, - g, - b; - Hi = Math.floor(h / 60); - Vmin = (100 - s) * v / 100; - a = (v - Vmin) * (h % 60 / 60); - Vinc = Vmin + a; - Vdec = v - a; - switch (Hi) { - case 0: - r = v; - g = Vinc; - b = Vmin; - break; - case 1: - r = Vdec; - g = v; - b = Vmin; - break; - case 2: - r = Vmin; - g = v; - b = Vinc; - break; - case 3: - r = Vmin; - g = Vdec; - b = v; - break; - case 4: - r = Vinc; - g = Vmin; - b = v; - break; - case 5: - r = v; - g = Vmin; - b = Vdec; - break - } - return [Math.round(r * 2.55), Math.round(g * 2.55), Math.round(b * 2.55)] - } - function calculateHue(r, g, b, delta) { - var max = Math.max(r, g, b); - switch (max) { - case r: - return (g - b) / delta + (g < b ? 6 : 0); - case g: - return (b - r) / delta + 2; - case b: - return (r - g) / delta + 4 - } - } - function toHslFromRgb(r, g, b) { - r = convertTo01Bounds(r, 255); - g = convertTo01Bounds(g, 255); - b = convertTo01Bounds(b, 255); - var max = Math.max(r, g, b), - min = Math.min(r, g, b), - maxMinSumm = max + min, - h, - s, - l = maxMinSumm / 2; - if (max === min) - h = s = 0; - else { - var delta = max - min; - if (l > 0.5) - s = delta / (2 - maxMinSumm); - else - s = delta / maxMinSumm; - h = calculateHue(r, g, b, delta); - h /= 6 - } - return { - h: _round(h * 360), - s: _round(s * 100), - l: _round(l * 100) - } - } - function makeTc(colorPart, h) { - var Tc = h; - if (colorPart === "r") - Tc = h + 1 / 3; - if (colorPart === "b") - Tc = h - 1 / 3; - return Tc - } - function modifyTc(Tc) { - if (Tc < 0) - Tc += 1; - if (Tc > 1) - Tc -= 1; - return Tc - } - function hueToRgb(p, q, Tc) { - Tc = modifyTc(Tc); - if (Tc < 1 / 6) - return p + (q - p) * 6 * Tc; - if (Tc < 1 / 2) - return q; - if (Tc < 2 / 3) - return p + (q - p) * (2 / 3 - Tc) * 6; - return p - } - function hslToRgb(h, s, l) { - var r, - g, - b, - h = convertTo01Bounds(h, 360), - s = convertTo01Bounds(s, 100), - l = convertTo01Bounds(l, 100); - if (s === 0) - r = g = b = l; - else { - var q = l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s, - p = 2 * l - q; - r = hueToRgb(p, q, makeTc("r", h)); - g = hueToRgb(p, q, makeTc("g", h)); - b = hueToRgb(p, q, makeTc("b", h)) - } - return [_round(r * 255), _round(g * 255), _round(b * 255)] - } - function convertTo01Bounds(n, max) { - n = Math.min(max, Math.max(0, parseFloat(n))); - if (Math.abs(n - max) < 0.000001) - return 1; - return n % max / parseFloat(max) - } - function isIntegerBtwMinAndMax(number, min, max) { - min = min || 0; - max = max || 255; - if (number % 1 !== 0 || number < min || number > max || typeof number !== 'number' || isNaN(number)) - return false; - return true - } - var _round = Math.round; - Color.prototype = { - constructor: Color, - highlight: function(step) { - step = step || 10; - return this.alter(step).toHex() - }, - darken: function(step) { - step = step || 10; - return this.alter(-step).toHex() - }, - alter: function(step) { - var result = new Color; - result.r = normalize(this.r + step); - result.g = normalize(this.g + step); - result.b = normalize(this.b + step); - return result - }, - blend: function(blendColor, opacity) { - var other = blendColor instanceof Color ? blendColor : new Color(blendColor), - result = new Color; - result.r = normalize(_round(this.r * (1 - opacity) + other.r * opacity)); - result.g = normalize(_round(this.g * (1 - opacity) + other.g * opacity)); - result.b = normalize(_round(this.b * (1 - opacity) + other.b * opacity)); - return result - }, - toHex: function() { - return toHexFromRgb(this.r, this.g, this.b) - }, - getPureColor: function() { - var rgb = hsvToRgb(this.hsv.h, 100, 100); - return new Color("rgb(" + rgb.join(",") + ")") - }, - isValidHex: function(hex) { - return /(^#[0-9A-F]{6}$)|(^#[0-9A-F]{3}$)/i.test(hex) - }, - isValidRGB: function(r, g, b) { - if (!isIntegerBtwMinAndMax(r) || !isIntegerBtwMinAndMax(g) || !isIntegerBtwMinAndMax(b)) - return false; - return true - }, - isValidAlpha: function(a) { - if (isNaN(a) || a < 0 || a > 1 || typeof a !== 'number') - return false; - return true - }, - colorIsInvalid: false - }; - DX.Color = Color - })(DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file localization.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - Globalize.localize = function(key, cultureSelector) { - var neutral = (cultureSelector || this.cultureSelector || "").substring(0, 2); - return this.findClosestCulture(cultureSelector).messages[key] || this.findClosestCulture(neutral).messages[key] || this.cultures["default"].messages[key] - }; - var localization = function() { - var newMessages = {}; - return { - setup: function(localizablePrefix) { - this.localizeString = function(text) { - var regex = new RegExp("(^|[^a-zA-Z_0-9" + localizablePrefix + "-]+)(" + localizablePrefix + "{1,2})([a-zA-Z_0-9-]+)", "g"), - escapeString = localizablePrefix + localizablePrefix; - return text.replace(regex, function(str, prefix, escape, localizationKey) { - var result = prefix + localizablePrefix + localizationKey; - if (escape !== escapeString) - if (Globalize.cultures["default"].messages[localizationKey]) - result = prefix + Globalize.localize(localizationKey); - else - newMessages[localizationKey] = DX.inflector.humanize(localizationKey); - return result - }) - } - }, - localizeNode: function(node) { - var that = this; - $(node).each(function(index, nodeItem) { - if (!nodeItem.nodeType) - return; - if (nodeItem.nodeType === 3) - nodeItem.nodeValue = that.localizeString(nodeItem.nodeValue); - else { - $.each(nodeItem.attributes || [], function(index, attr) { - if (typeof attr.value === "string") { - var localizedValue = that.localizeString(attr.value); - if (attr.value !== localizedValue) - attr.value = localizedValue - } - }); - $(nodeItem).contents().each(function(index, node) { - that.localizeNode(node) - }) - } - }) - }, - getDictionary: function(onlyNew) { - if (onlyNew) - return newMessages; - return $.extend({}, newMessages, Globalize.cultures["default"].messages) - } - } - }(); - localization.setup("@"); - DX.localization = localization - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file localization.en.js */ - Globalize.addCultureInfo("default", {messages: { - Yes: "Yes", - No: "No", - Cancel: "Cancel", - Clear: "Clear", - Done: "Done", - Loading: "Loading...", - Select: "Select...", - Search: "Search", - Back: "Back", - OK: "OK", - "dxLookup-searchPlaceholder": "Minimum character number: {0}", - "dxCollectionContainerWidget-noDataText": "No data to display", - "dxList-pullingDownText": "Pull down to refresh...", - "dxList-pulledDownText": "Release to refresh...", - "dxList-refreshingText": "Refreshing...", - "dxList-pageLoadingText": "Loading...", - "dxList-nextButtonText": "More", - "dxListEditDecorator-delete": "Delete", - "dxListEditDecorator-more": "More", - "dxScrollView-pullingDownText": "Pull down to refresh...", - "dxScrollView-pulledDownText": "Release to refresh...", - "dxScrollView-refreshingText": "Refreshing...", - "dxScrollView-reachBottomText": "Loading...", - "dxSwitch-onText": "ON", - "dxSwitch-offText": "OFF", - "dxDateBox-simulatedDataPickerTitleTime": "Select time", - "dxDateBox-simulatedDataPickerTitleDate": "Select date", - "dxDateBox-simulatedDataPickerTitleDateTime": "Select date and time", - "dxDataGrid-columnChooserTitle": "Column Chooser", - "dxDataGrid-columnChooserEmptyText": "Drag a column here to hide it", - "dxDataGrid-groupContinuesMessage": "Continues on the next page", - "dxDataGrid-groupContinuedMessage": "Continued from the previous page", - "dxDataGrid-editingEditRow": "Edit", - "dxDataGrid-editingSaveRowChanges": "Save", - "dxDataGrid-editingCancelRowChanges": "Cancel", - "dxDataGrid-editingDeleteRow": "Delete", - "dxDataGrid-editingUndeleteRow": "Undelete", - "dxDataGrid-editingConfirmDeleteMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete this record?", - "dxDataGrid-editingConfirmDeleteTitle": "", - "dxDataGrid-groupPanelEmptyText": "Drag a column header here to group by that column", - "dxDataGrid-noDataText": "No data", - "dxDataGrid-searchPanelPlaceholder": "Search...", - "dxDataGrid-filterRowShowAllText": "(All)", - "dxDataGrid-filterRowResetOperationText": "Reset", - "dxDataGrid-filterRowOperationEquals": "Equals", - "dxDataGrid-filterRowOperationNotEquals": "Does not equal", - "dxDataGrid-filterRowOperationLess": "Less than", - "dxDataGrid-filterRowOperationLessOrEquals": "Less than or equal to", - "dxDataGrid-filterRowOperationGreater": "Greater than", - "dxDataGrid-filterRowOperationGreaterOrEquals": "Greater than or equal to", - "dxDataGrid-filterRowOperationStartsWith": "Starts with", - "dxDataGrid-filterRowOperationContains": "Contains", - "dxDataGrid-filterRowOperationNotContains": "Does not contain", - "dxDataGrid-filterRowOperationEndsWith": "Ends with", - "dxDataGrid-trueText": "true", - "dxDataGrid-falseText": "false", - "dxDataGrid-sortingAscendingText": "Sort Ascending", - "dxDataGrid-sortingDescendingText": "Sort Descending", - "dxDataGrid-sortingClearText": "Clear Sorting" - }}); - /*! Module core, file data.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var bracketsToDots = function(expr) { - return expr.replace(/\[/g, ".").replace(/\]/g, "") - }; - var unwrapObservable = DX.utils.unwrapObservable; - var isObservable = function(value) { - return && ko.isObservable(value) - }; - var readPropValue = function(obj, propName) { - if (propName === "this") - return obj; - return obj[propName] - }; - var assignPropValue = function(obj, propName, value) { - if (propName === "this") - throw Error("Cannot assign to self"); - var propValue = obj[propName]; - if (isObservable(propValue)) - propValue(value); - else - obj[propName] = value - }; - var compileGetter = function(expr) { - if (arguments.length > 1) - expr = $.makeArray(arguments); - if (!expr || expr === "this") - return function(obj) { - return obj - }; - if ($.isFunction(expr)) - return expr; - if ($.isArray(expr)) - return combineGetters(expr); - expr = bracketsToDots(expr); - var path = expr.split("."); - return function(obj, options) { - options = options || {}; - var current = unwrapObservable(obj); - $.each(path, function() { - if (!current) - return false; - var next = unwrapObservable(current[this]); - if ($.isFunction(next) && !options.functionsAsIs) - next =; - current = next - }); - return current - } - }; - var combineGetters = function(getters) { - var compiledGetters = {}; - $.each(getters, function() { - compiledGetters[this] = compileGetter(this) - }); - return function(obj, options) { - var result = {}; - $.each(compiledGetters, function(name) { - var value = this(obj, options), - current, - path, - last, - i; - if (value === undefined) - return; - current = result; - path = name.split("."); - last = path.length - 1; - for (i = 0; i < last; i++) - current = current[path[i]] = {}; - current[path[i]] = value - }); - return result - } - }; - var compileSetter = function(expr) { - expr = expr || "this"; - expr = bracketsToDots(expr); - var pos = expr.lastIndexOf("."), - targetGetter = compileGetter(expr.substr(0, pos)), - targetPropName = expr.substr(1 + pos); - return function(obj, value, options) { - options = options || {}; - var target = targetGetter(obj, {functionsAsIs: options.functionsAsIs}), - prevTargetValue = readPropValue(target, targetPropName); - if (!options.functionsAsIs && $.isFunction(prevTargetValue) && !isObservable(prevTargetValue)) - target[targetPropName](value); - else { - prevTargetValue = unwrapObservable(prevTargetValue); - if (options.merge && $.isPlainObject(value) && (prevTargetValue === undefined || $.isPlainObject(prevTargetValue)) && !(value instanceof $.Event)) { - if (!prevTargetValue) - assignPropValue(target, targetPropName, {}); - DX.utils.deepExtendArraySafe(unwrapObservable(readPropValue(target, targetPropName)), value) - } - else - assignPropValue(target, targetPropName, value) - } - } - }; - var normalizeBinaryCriterion = function(crit) { - return [crit[0], crit.length < 3 ? "=" : String(crit[1]).toLowerCase(), crit.length < 2 ? true : crit[crit.length - 1]] - }; - var normalizeSortingInfo = function(info) { - if (!$.isArray(info)) - info = [info]; - return $.map(info, function(i) { - return { - selector: $.isFunction(i) || typeof i === "string" ? i : i.getter || i.field || i.selector, - desc: !!(i.desc || String(i.dir).charAt(0).toLowerCase() === "d") - } - }) - }; - var Guid = DX.Class.inherit({ - ctor: function(value) { - if (value) - value = String(value); - this._value = this._normalize(value || this._generate()) - }, - _normalize: function(value) { - value = value.replace(/[^a-f0-9]/ig, "").toLowerCase(); - while (value.length < 32) - value += "0"; - return [value.substr(0, 8), value.substr(8, 4), value.substr(12, 4), value.substr(16, 4), value.substr(20, 12)].join("-") - }, - _generate: function() { - var value = ""; - for (var i = 0; i < 32; i++) - value += Math.round(Math.random() * 15).toString(16); - return value - }, - toString: function() { - return this._value - }, - valueOf: function() { - return this._value - }, - toJSON: function() { - return this._value - } - }); - var toComparable = function(value, caseSensitive) { - if (value instanceof Date) - return value.getTime(); - if (value instanceof Guid) - return value.valueOf(); - if (!caseSensitive && typeof value === "string") - return value.toLowerCase(); - return value - }; - var keysEqual = function(keyExpr, key1, key2) { - if ($.isArray(keyExpr)) { - var names = $.map(key1, function(v, k) { - return k - }), - name; - for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { - name = names[i]; - if (toComparable(key1[name], true) != toComparable(key2[name], true)) - return false - } - return true - } - return toComparable(key1, true) == toComparable(key2, true) - }; - var BASE64_CHARS = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="; - var base64_encode = function(input) { - if (!$.isArray(input)) - input = stringToByteArray(String(input)); - var result = ""; - for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i += 3) { - var octet1 = input[i], - octet2 = input[i + 1], - octet3 = input[i + 2]; - result += $.map([octet1 >> 2, (octet1 & 3) << 4 | octet2 >> 4, isNaN(octet2) ? 64 : (octet2 & 15) << 2 | octet3 >> 6, isNaN(octet3) ? 64 : octet3 & 63], function(item) { - return BASE64_CHARS.charAt(item) - }).join("") - } - return result - }; - var stringToByteArray = function(str) { - var bytes = [], - code, - i; - for (i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { - code = str.charCodeAt(i); - if (code < 128) - bytes.push(code); - else if (code < 2048) - bytes.push(192 + (code >> 6), 128 + (code & 63)); - else if (code < 65536) - bytes.push(224 + (code >> 12), 128 + (code >> 6 & 63), 128 + (code & 63)); - else if (code < 2097152) - bytes.push(240 + (code >> 18), 128 + (code >> 12 & 63), 128 + (code >> 6 & 63), 128 + (code & 63)) - } - return bytes - }; - var errorMessageFromXhr = function() { - var textStatusMessages = { - timeout: "Network connection timeout", - error: "Unspecified network error", - parsererror: "Unexpected server response" - }; - var textStatusDetails = { - timeout: "possible causes: the remote host is not accessible, overloaded or is not included into the domain white-list when being run in the native container", - error: "if the remote host is located on another domain, make sure it properly supports cross-origin resource sharing (CORS), or use the JSONP approach instead", - parsererror: "the remote host did not respond with valid JSON data" - }; - var explainTextStatus = function(textStatus) { - var result = textStatusMessages[textStatus]; - if (!result) - return textStatus; - result += " (" + textStatusDetails[textStatus] + ")"; - return result - }; - return function(xhr, textStatus) { - if (xhr.status < 400) - return explainTextStatus(textStatus); - return xhr.statusText - } - }(); - var data = = { - utils: { - compileGetter: compileGetter, - compileSetter: compileSetter, - normalizeBinaryCriterion: normalizeBinaryCriterion, - normalizeSortingInfo: normalizeSortingInfo, - toComparable: toComparable, - keysEqual: keysEqual, - errorMessageFromXhr: errorMessageFromXhr - }, - Guid: Guid, - base64_encode: base64_encode, - queryImpl: {}, - queryAdapters: {}, - query: function() { - var impl = $.isArray(arguments[0]) ? "array" : "remote"; - return data.queryImpl[impl].apply(this, arguments) - }, - errorHandler: null, - _handleError: function(error) { - if (window.console) - console.warn("[]: " + error); - if (data.errorHandler) - data.errorHandler(error) - } - } - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file data.query.array.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var Class = DX.Class, - data =, - queryImpl = data.queryImpl, - compileGetter = data.utils.compileGetter, - toComparable = data.utils.toComparable; - var Iterator = Class.inherit({ - toArray: function() { - var result = []; - this.reset(); - while ( - result.push(this.current()); - return result - }, - countable: function() { - return false - } - }); - var ArrayIterator = Iterator.inherit({ - ctor: function(array) { - this.array = array; - this.index = -1 - }, - next: function() { - if (this.index + 1 < this.array.length) { - this.index++; - return true - } - return false - }, - current: function() { - return this.array[this.index] - }, - reset: function() { - this.index = -1 - }, - toArray: function() { - return this.array.slice(0) - }, - countable: function() { - return true - }, - count: function() { - return this.array.length - } - }); - var WrappedIterator = Iterator.inherit({ - ctor: function(iter) { - this.iter = iter - }, - next: function() { - return - }, - current: function() { - return this.iter.current() - }, - reset: function() { - return this.iter.reset() - } - }); - var MapIterator = WrappedIterator.inherit({ - ctor: function(iter, mapper) { - this.callBase(iter); - this.index = -1; - this.mapper = mapper - }, - current: function() { - return this.mapper(this.callBase(), this.index) - }, - next: function() { - var hasNext = this.callBase(); - if (hasNext) - this.index++; - return hasNext - } - }); - var SortIterator = Iterator.inherit({ - ctor: function(iter, getter, desc) { - if (!(iter instanceof MapIterator)) - iter = new MapIterator(iter, this._wrap); - this.iter = iter; - this.rules = [{ - getter: getter, - desc: desc - }] - }, - thenBy: function(getter, desc) { - var result = new SortIterator(this.sortedIter || this.iter, getter, desc); - if (!this.sortedIter) - result.rules = this.rules.concat(result.rules); - return result - }, - next: function() { - this._ensureSorted(); - return - }, - current: function() { - this._ensureSorted(); - return this.sortedIter.current() - }, - reset: function() { - delete this.sortedIter - }, - countable: function() { - return this.sortedIter || this.iter.countable() - }, - count: function() { - if (this.sortedIter) - return this.sortedIter.count(); - return this.iter.count() - }, - _ensureSorted: function() { - if (this.sortedIter) - return; - $.each(this.rules, function() { - this.getter = compileGetter(this.getter) - }); - this.sortedIter = new MapIterator(new ArrayIterator(this.iter.toArray().sort($.proxy(this._compare, this))), this._unwrap) - }, - _wrap: function(record, index) { - return { - index: index, - value: record - } - }, - _unwrap: function(wrappedItem) { - return wrappedItem.value - }, - _compare: function(x, y) { - var xIndex = x.index, - yIndex = y.index; - x = x.value; - y = y.value; - if (x === y) - return xIndex - yIndex; - for (var i = 0, rulesCount = this.rules.length; i < rulesCount; i++) { - var rule = this.rules[i], - xValue = toComparable(rule.getter(x)), - yValue = toComparable(rule.getter(y)), - factor = rule.desc ? -1 : 1; - if (xValue < yValue) - return -factor; - if (xValue > yValue) - return factor; - if (xValue !== yValue) - return !xValue ? -factor : factor - } - return xIndex - yIndex - } - }); - var compileCriteria = function() { - var compileGroup = function(crit) { - var operands = [], - bag = ["return function(d) { return "], - index = 0, - pushAnd = false; - $.each(crit, function() { - if ($.isArray(this) || $.isFunction(this)) { - if (pushAnd) - bag.push(" && "); - operands.push(compileCriteria(this)); - bag.push("op[", index, "](d)"); - index++; - pushAnd = true - } - else { - bag.push(/and|&/i.test(this) ? " && " : " || "); - pushAnd = false - } - }); - bag.push(" }"); - return new Function("op", bag.join(""))(operands) - }; - var toString = function(value) { - return DX.utils.isDefined(value) ? value.toString() : '' - }; - var compileBinary = function(crit) { - crit = data.utils.normalizeBinaryCriterion(crit); - var getter = compileGetter(crit[0]), - op = crit[1], - value = crit[2]; - value = toComparable(value); - switch (op.toLowerCase()) { - case"=": - return compileEquals(getter, value); - case"<>": - return compileEquals(getter, value, true); - case">": - return function(obj) { - return toComparable(getter(obj)) > value - }; - case"<": - return function(obj) { - return toComparable(getter(obj)) < value - }; - case">=": - return function(obj) { - return toComparable(getter(obj)) >= value - }; - case"<=": - return function(obj) { - return toComparable(getter(obj)) <= value - }; - case"startswith": - return function(obj) { - return toComparable(toString(getter(obj))).indexOf(value) === 0 - }; - case"endswith": - return function(obj) { - var getterValue = toComparable(toString(getter(obj))); - return getterValue.lastIndexOf(value) === getterValue.length - toString(value).length - }; - case"contains": - return function(obj) { - return toComparable(toString(getter(obj))).indexOf(value) > -1 - }; - case"notcontains": - return function(obj) { - return toComparable(toString(getter(obj))).indexOf(value) === -1 - } - } - throw Error("Unknown filter operation: " + op); - }; - function compileEquals(getter, value, negate) { - return function(obj) { - obj = toComparable(getter(obj)); - var result = useStrictComparison(value) ? obj === value : obj == value; - if (negate) - result = !result; - return result - } - } - function useStrictComparison(value) { - return value === "" || value === 0 || value === null || value === false || value === undefined - } - return function(crit) { - if ($.isFunction(crit)) - return crit; - if ($.isArray(crit[0])) - return compileGroup(crit); - return compileBinary(crit) - } - }(); - var FilterIterator = WrappedIterator.inherit({ - ctor: function(iter, criteria) { - this.callBase(iter); - this.criteria = compileCriteria(criteria) - }, - next: function() { - while ( - if (this.criteria(this.current())) - return true; - return false - } - }); - var GroupIterator = Iterator.inherit({ - ctor: function(iter, getter) { - this.iter = iter; - this.getter = getter - }, - next: function() { - this._ensureGrouped(); - return - }, - current: function() { - this._ensureGrouped(); - return this.groupedIter.current() - }, - reset: function() { - delete this.groupedIter - }, - countable: function() { - return !!this.groupedIter - }, - count: function() { - return this.groupedIter.count() - }, - _ensureGrouped: function() { - if (this.groupedIter) - return; - var hash = {}, - keys = [], - iter = this.iter, - getter = compileGetter(this.getter); - iter.reset(); - while ( { - var current = iter.current(), - key = getter(current); - if (key in hash) - hash[key].push(current); - else { - hash[key] = [current]; - keys.push(key) - } - } - this.groupedIter = new ArrayIterator($.map(keys, function(key) { - return { - key: key, - items: hash[key] - } - })) - } - }); - var SelectIterator = WrappedIterator.inherit({ - ctor: function(iter, getter) { - this.callBase(iter); - this.getter = compileGetter(getter) - }, - current: function() { - return this.getter(this.callBase()) - }, - countable: function() { - return this.iter.countable() - }, - count: function() { - return this.iter.count() - } - }); - var SliceIterator = WrappedIterator.inherit({ - ctor: function(iter, skip, take) { - this.callBase(iter); - this.skip = Math.max(0, skip); - this.take = Math.max(0, take); - this.pos = 0 - }, - next: function() { - if (this.pos >= this.skip + this.take) - return false; - while (this.pos < this.skip && - this.pos++; - this.pos++; - return - }, - reset: function() { - this.callBase(); - this.pos = 0 - }, - countable: function() { - return this.iter.countable() - }, - count: function() { - return Math.min(this.iter.count() - this.skip, this.take) - } - }); - queryImpl.array = function(iter, queryOptions) { - queryOptions = queryOptions || {}; - if (!(iter instanceof Iterator)) - iter = new ArrayIterator(iter); - var handleError = function(error) { - var handler = queryOptions.errorHandler; - if (handler) - handler(error); - data._handleError(error) - }; - var aggregate = function(seed, step, finalize) { - var d = $.Deferred().fail(handleError); - try { - iter.reset(); - if (arguments.length < 2) { - step = arguments[0]; - seed = ? iter.current() : undefined - } - var accumulator = seed; - while ( - accumulator = step(accumulator, iter.current()); - d.resolve(finalize ? finalize(accumulator) : accumulator) - } - catch(x) { - d.reject(x) - } - return d.promise() - }; - var select = function(getter) { - if (!$.isFunction(getter) && !$.isArray(getter)) - getter = $.makeArray(arguments); - return chainQuery(new SelectIterator(iter, getter)) - }; - var selectProp = function(name) { - return select(compileGetter(name)) - }; - var chainQuery = function(iter) { - return queryImpl.array(iter, queryOptions) - }; - return { - toArray: function() { - return iter.toArray() - }, - enumerate: function() { - var d = $.Deferred().fail(handleError); - try { - d.resolve(iter.toArray()) - } - catch(x) { - d.reject(x) - } - return d.promise() - }, - sortBy: function(getter, desc) { - return chainQuery(new SortIterator(iter, getter, desc)) - }, - thenBy: function(getter, desc) { - if (iter instanceof SortIterator) - return chainQuery(iter.thenBy(getter, desc)); - throw Error(); - }, - filter: function(criteria) { - if (!$.isArray(criteria)) - criteria = $.makeArray(arguments); - return chainQuery(new FilterIterator(iter, criteria)) - }, - slice: function(skip, take) { - if (take === undefined) - take = Number.MAX_VALUE; - return chainQuery(new SliceIterator(iter, skip, take)) - }, - select: select, - groupBy: function(getter) { - return chainQuery(new GroupIterator(iter, getter)) - }, - aggregate: aggregate, - count: function() { - if (iter.countable()) { - var d = $.Deferred().fail(handleError); - try { - d.resolve(iter.count()) - } - catch(x) { - d.reject(x) - } - return d.promise() - } - return aggregate(0, function(count) { - return 1 + count - }) - }, - sum: function(getter) { - if (getter) - return selectProp(getter).sum(); - return aggregate(0, function(sum, item) { - return sum + item - }) - }, - min: function(getter) { - if (getter) - return selectProp(getter).min(); - return aggregate(function(min, item) { - return item < min ? item : min - }) - }, - max: function(getter) { - if (getter) - return selectProp(getter).max(); - return aggregate(function(max, item) { - return item > max ? item : max - }) - }, - avg: function(getter) { - if (getter) - return selectProp(getter).avg(); - var count = 0; - return aggregate(0, function(sum, item) { - count++; - return sum + item - }, function(sum) { - return count ? sum / count : undefined - }) - } - } - } - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file data.query.remote.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var data =, - queryImpl = data.queryImpl; - queryImpl.remote = function(url, queryOptions, tasks) { - tasks = tasks || []; - queryOptions = queryOptions || {}; - var createTask = function(name, args) { - return { - name: name, - args: args - } - }; - var exec = function(executorTask) { - var d = $.Deferred(), - adapterFactory, - adapter, - taskQueue, - currentTask; - var rejectWithNotify = function(error) { - var handler = queryOptions.errorHandler; - if (handler) - handler(error); - data._handleError(error); - d.reject(error) - }; - try { - adapterFactory = queryOptions.adapter || "odata"; - if (!$.isFunction(adapterFactory)) - adapterFactory = data.queryAdapters[adapterFactory]; - adapter = adapterFactory(queryOptions); - taskQueue = [].concat(tasks).concat(executorTask); - while (taskQueue.length) { - currentTask = taskQueue[0]; - if (String( !== "enumerate") - if (!adapter[] || adapter[].apply(adapter, currentTask.args) === false) - break; - taskQueue.shift() - } - adapter.exec(url).done(function(result, extra) { - if (!taskQueue.length) - d.resolve(result, extra); - else { - var clientChain = queryImpl.array(result, {errorHandler: queryOptions.errorHandler}); - $.each(taskQueue, function() { - clientChain = clientChain[].apply(clientChain, this.args) - }); - clientChain.done($.proxy(d.resolve, d)).fail($.proxy(d.reject, d)) - } - }).fail(rejectWithNotify) - } - catch(x) { - rejectWithNotify(x) - } - return d.promise() - }; - var query = {}; - $.each(["sortBy", "thenBy", "filter", "slice", "select", "groupBy"], function() { - var name = this; - query[name] = function() { - return queryImpl.remote(url, queryOptions, tasks.concat(createTask(name, arguments))) - } - }); - $.each(["count", "min", "max", "sum", "avg", "aggregate", "enumerate"], function() { - var name = this; - query[name] = function() { - return, createTask(name, arguments)) - } - }); - return query - } - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file data.odata.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var data =, - utils = DX.utils, - Guid = data.Guid; - var VERBOSE_DATE_REGEX = /^\/Date\((-?\d+)((\+|-)?(\d+)?)\)\/$/; - var ISO8601_DATE_REGEX = /^(\d{4})(?:-?W(\d+)(?:-?(\d+)D?)?|(?:-(\d+))?-(\d+))(?:[T ](\d+):(\d+)(?::(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?)?)?(?:Z(-?\d*))?$/; - var TIMEZONE_OFFSET = (new Date).getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000; - var JSON_VERBOSE_MIME_TYPE = "application/json;odata=verbose"; - function stringify(object) { - return JSON.stringify(object, replacer); - function replacer(key, value) { - if (this[key] instanceof Date) - return utils.formatIso8601Date(this[key]); - return value - } - } - var ajaxOptionsForRequest = function(request, requestOptions) { - request = $.extend({ - method: "get", - url: "", - params: {}, - payload: null, - headers: {} - }, request); - requestOptions = requestOptions || {}; - var beforeSend = requestOptions.beforeSend; - if (beforeSend) - beforeSend(request); - var method = (request.method || "get").toLowerCase(), - isGet = method === "get", - useJsonp = isGet && requestOptions.jsonp, - params = $.extend({}, request.params), - ajaxData = isGet ? params : stringify(request.payload), - qs = !isGet && $.param(params), - url = request.url, - contentType = !isGet && JSON_VERBOSE_MIME_TYPE; - if (qs) - url += (url.indexOf("?") > -1 ? "&" : "?") + qs; - if (useJsonp) - ajaxData["$format"] = "json"; - return { - url: url, - data: ajaxData, - dataType: useJsonp ? "jsonp" : "json", - jsonp: useJsonp && "$callback", - type: method, - timeout: 30000, - headers: request.headers, - contentType: contentType, - accepts: {json: [JSON_VERBOSE_MIME_TYPE, "text/plain"].join()}, - xhrFields: {withCredentials: requestOptions.withCredentials} - } - }; - var sendRequest = function(request, requestOptions) { - var d = $.Deferred(); - $.ajax(ajaxOptionsForRequest(request, requestOptions)).always(function(obj, textStatus) { - var tuplet = interpretJsonFormat(obj, textStatus), - error = tuplet.error, - data =, - nextUrl = tuplet.nextUrl, - extra; - if (error) - d.reject(error); - else if (requestOptions.countOnly) - d.resolve(tuplet.count); - else if (nextUrl) - sendRequest({url: nextUrl}, requestOptions).fail($.proxy(d.reject, d)).done(function(nextData) { - d.resolve(data.concat(nextData)) - }); - else { - if (isFinite(tuplet.count)) - extra = {totalCount: tuplet.count}; - d.resolve(data, extra) - } - }); - return d.promise() - }; - var formatDotNetError = function(errorObj) { - var message, - currentError = errorObj; - if ("message" in errorObj) - if (errorObj.message.value) - message = errorObj.message.value; - else - message = errorObj.message; - while (currentError = currentError.innererror || currentError.internalexception) { - message = currentError.message; - if (currentError.internalexception && message.indexOf("inner exception") === -1) - break - } - return message - }; - var errorFromResponse = function(obj, textStatus) { - if (textStatus === "nocontent") - return null; - var httpStatus = 200, - message = "Unknown error", - response = obj; - if (textStatus !== "success") { - httpStatus = obj.status; - message = data.utils.errorMessageFromXhr(obj, textStatus); - try { - response = $.parseJSON(obj.responseText) - } - catch(x) {} - } - var errorObj = response && (response.error || response["@odata.error"]); - if (errorObj) { - message = formatDotNetError(errorObj) || message; - if (httpStatus === 200) - httpStatus = 500; - if (errorObj.code) - httpStatus = Number(errorObj.code); - return $.extend(Error(message), { - httpStatus: httpStatus, - errorDetails: errorObj - }) - } - else if (httpStatus !== 200) - return $.extend(Error(message), {httpStatus: httpStatus}) - }; - var interpretJsonFormat = function(obj, textStatus) { - var error = errorFromResponse(obj, textStatus), - value; - if (error) - return {error: error}; - if (!$.isPlainObject(obj)) - return {data: obj}; - if ("d" in obj && (utils.isArray(obj.d) || utils.isObject(obj.d))) - value = interpretVerboseJsonFormat(obj, textStatus); - else - value = interpretLightJsonFormat(obj, textStatus); - transformDates(value); - return value - }; - var interpretVerboseJsonFormat = function(obj, textStatus) { - var data = obj.d; - if (!data) - return {error: Error("Malformed or unsupported JSON response received")}; - data = data.results || data; - return { - data: data, - nextUrl: obj.d.__next, - count: parseInt(obj.d.__count, 10) - } - }; - var interpretLightJsonFormat = function(obj, textStatus) { - var data = obj.value || obj; - if (!data) - return {error: Error("Malformed or unsupported JSON response received")}; - return { - data: data, - nextUrl: obj["@odata.nextLink"], - count: parseInt(obj["@odata.count"], 10) - } - }; - var EdmLiteral = DX.Class.inherit({ - ctor: function(value) { - this._value = value - }, - valueOf: function() { - return this._value - } - }); - var transformDates = function(obj) { - $.each(obj, function(key, value) { - if (value !== null && typeof value === "object") - transformDates(value); - else if (typeof value === "string") - if (value.match(VERBOSE_DATE_REGEX)) - obj[key] = new Date(TIMEZONE_OFFSET + Number(RegExp.$1) + RegExp.$2 * 60000); - else if (ISO8601_DATE_REGEX.test(value)) - obj[key] = new Date(TIMEZONE_OFFSET + utils.parseIso8601Date(obj[key]).valueOf()) - }) - }; - var serializeDate = function() { - var pad = function(part) { - part = String(part); - if (part.length < 2) - part = "0" + part; - return part - }; - return function(date) { - var result = ["datetime'", date.getFullYear(), "-", pad(date.getMonth() + 1), "-", pad(date.getDate())]; - if (date.getHours() || date.getMinutes() || date.getSeconds() || date.getMilliseconds()) { - result.push("T", pad(date.getHours()), ":", pad(date.getMinutes()), ":", pad(date.getSeconds())); - if (date.getMilliseconds()) - result.push(".", date.getMilliseconds()) - } - result.push("'"); - return result.join("") - } - }(); - var serializeString = function(value) { - return "'" + value.replace(/": createBinaryOperationFormatter("ne"), - ">": createBinaryOperationFormatter("gt"), - ">=": createBinaryOperationFormatter("ge"), - "<": createBinaryOperationFormatter("lt"), - "<=": createBinaryOperationFormatter("le"), - startswith: createStringFuncFormatter("startswith"), - endswith: createStringFuncFormatter("endswith") - }; - var formattersV2 = $.extend({}, formatters, { - contains: createStringFuncFormatter("substringof", true), - notcontains: createStringFuncFormatter("not substringof", true) - }); - var formattersV4 = $.extend({}, formatters, { - contains: createStringFuncFormatter("contains"), - notcontains: createStringFuncFormatter("not contains") - }); - var compileBinary = function(criteria, bag, protocolVersion) { - criteria = data.utils.normalizeBinaryCriterion(criteria); - var op = criteria[1], - formatters = protocolVersion === 4 ? formattersV4 : formattersV2, - formatter = formatters[op.toLowerCase()]; - if (!formatter) - throw Error("Unknown filter operation: " + op); - formatter(serializePropName(criteria[0]), serializeValue(criteria[2], protocolVersion), bag) - }; - var compileGroup = function(criteria, bag, protocolVersion) { - var pushAnd = false; - $.each(criteria, function() { - if ($.isArray(this)) { - if (pushAnd) - bag.push(" and "); - bag.push("("); - compileCore(this, bag, protocolVersion); - bag.push(")"); - pushAnd = true - } - else { - bag.push(/and|&/i.test(this) ? " and " : " or "); - pushAnd = false - } - }) - }; - var compileCore = function(criteria, bag, protocolVersion) { - if ($.isArray(criteria[0])) - compileGroup(criteria, bag, protocolVersion); - else - compileBinary(criteria, bag, protocolVersion) - }; - return function(criteria, protocolVersion) { - var bag = []; - compileCore(criteria, bag, protocolVersion); - return bag.join("") - } - }(); - var createODataQueryAdapter = function(queryOptions) { - var sorting = [], - criteria = [], - select, - skip, - take, - countQuery; - var hasSlice = function() { - return skip || take !== undefined - }; - var sortCore = function(getter, desc, reset) { - if (hasSlice() || typeof getter !== "string") - return false; - if (reset) - sorting = []; - var rule = serializePropName(getter); - if (desc) - rule += " desc"; - sorting.push(rule) - }; - var generateExpand = function() { - var hash = {}; - if (queryOptions.expand) - $.each($.makeArray(queryOptions.expand), function() { - hash[serializePropName(this)] = 1 - }); - if (select) - $.each(select, function() { - var path = this.split("."); - if (path.length < 2) - return; - path.pop(); - hash[serializePropName(path.join("."))] = 1 - }); - return $.map(hash, function(k, v) { - return v - }).join() || undefined - }; - var requestData = function() { - var result = {}; - if (!countQuery) { - if (sorting.length) - result["$orderby"] = sorting.join(","); - if (skip) - result["$skip"] = skip; - if (take !== undefined) - result["$top"] = take; - if (select) - result["$select"] = serializePropName(select.join()); - result["$expand"] = generateExpand() - } - if (criteria.length) - result["$filter"] = compileCriteria(criteria.length < 2 ? criteria[0] : criteria, queryOptions.version); - if (countQuery) - result["$top"] = 0; - if (queryOptions.requireTotalCount || countQuery) - if (queryOptions.version !== 4) - result["$inlinecount"] = "allpages"; - else - result["$count"] = "true"; - return result - }; - return { - exec: function(url) { - return sendRequest({ - url: url, - params: $.extend(requestData(), queryOptions && queryOptions.params) - }, { - beforeSend: queryOptions.beforeSend, - jsonp: queryOptions.jsonp, - withCredentials: queryOptions.withCredentials, - countOnly: countQuery - }) - }, - sortBy: function(getter, desc) { - return sortCore(getter, desc, true) - }, - thenBy: function(getter, desc) { - return sortCore(getter, desc, false) - }, - slice: function(skipCount, takeCount) { - if (hasSlice()) - return false; - skip = skipCount; - take = takeCount - }, - filter: function(criterion) { - if (hasSlice() || $.isFunction(criterion)) - return false; - if (!$.isArray(criterion)) - criterion = $.makeArray(arguments); - if (criteria.length) - criteria.push("and"); - criteria.push(criterion) - }, - select: function(expr) { - if (select || $.isFunction(expr)) - return false; - if (!$.isArray(expr)) - expr = $.makeArray(arguments); - select = expr - }, - count: function() { - countQuery = true - } - } - }; - $.extend(true, data, { - EdmLiteral: EdmLiteral, - utils: {odata: { - sendRequest: sendRequest, - serializePropName: serializePropName, - serializeValue: serializeValue, - serializeKey: serializeKey, - keyConverters: keyConverters - }}, - queryAdapters: {odata: createODataQueryAdapter} - }); - data.OData__internals = {interpretJsonFormat: interpretJsonFormat} - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var Class = DX.Class, - abstract = DX.abstract, - data =, - normalizeSortingInfo = data.utils.normalizeSortingInfo; - var STORE_CALLBACK_NAMES = ["loading", "loaded", "modifying", "modified", "inserting", "inserted", "updating", "updated", "removing", "removed"]; - function multiLevelGroup(query, groupInfo) { - query = query.groupBy(groupInfo[0].selector); - if (groupInfo.length > 1) - query = { - return $.extend({}, g, {items: multiLevelGroup(data.query(g.items), groupInfo.slice(1)).toArray()}) - }); - return query - } - data.utils.multiLevelGroup = multiLevelGroup; - function arrangeSortingInfo(groupInfo, sortInfo) { - var filteredGroup = []; - $.each(groupInfo, function(_, group) { - var collision = $.grep(sortInfo, function(sort) { - return group.selector == sort.selector - }); - if (collision.length < 1) - filteredGroup.push(group) - }); - return filteredGroup.concat(sortInfo) - } - data.Store = Class.inherit({ - ctor: function(options) { - var that = this; - options = options || {}; - $.each(STORE_CALLBACK_NAMES, function() { - var callbacks = that[this] = $.Callbacks(); - if (this in options) - callbacks.add(options[this]) - }); - this._key = options.key; - this._errorHandler = options.errorHandler; - this._useDefaultSearch = true - }, - _customLoadOptions: function() { - return null - }, - key: function() { - return this._key - }, - keyOf: function(obj) { - if (!this._keyGetter) - this._keyGetter = data.utils.compileGetter(this.key()); - return this._keyGetter(obj) - }, - _requireKey: function() { - if (!this.key()) - throw Error("Key expression is required for this operation"); - }, - load: function(options) { - var that = this; - options = options || {}; -; - return this._loadImpl(options).done(function(result, extra) { -, extra) - }) - }, - _loadImpl: function(options) { - var filter = options.filter, - sort = options.sort, - select =, - group =, - skip = options.skip, - take = options.take, - q = this.createQuery(options); - if (filter) - q = q.filter(filter); - if (group) - group = normalizeSortingInfo(group); - if (sort || group) { - sort = normalizeSortingInfo(sort || []); - if (group) - sort = arrangeSortingInfo(group, sort); - $.each(sort, function(index) { - q = q[index ? "thenBy" : "sortBy"](this.selector, this.desc) - }) - } - if (select) - q =; - if (group) - q = multiLevelGroup(q, group); - if (take || skip) - q = q.slice(skip || 0, take); - return q.enumerate() - }, - createQuery: abstract, - totalCount: function(options) { - return this._addFailHandlers(this._totalCountImpl(options)) - }, - _totalCountImpl: function(options) { - options = options || {}; - var q = this.createQuery(), - group =, - filter = options.filter; - if (filter) - q = q.filter(filter); - if (group) { - group = normalizeSortingInfo(group); - q = multiLevelGroup(q, group) - } - return q.count() - }, - byKey: function(key, extraOptions) { - return this._addFailHandlers(this._byKeyImpl(key, extraOptions)) - }, - _byKeyImpl: abstract, - insert: function(values) { - var that = this; -; -; - return that._addFailHandlers(that._insertImpl(values).done(function(callbackValues, callbackKey) { -, callbackKey); - - })) - }, - _insertImpl: abstract, - update: function(key, values) { - var that = this; -; -, values); - return that._addFailHandlers(that._updateImpl(key, values).done(function(callbackKey, callbackValues) { -, callbackValues); - - })) - }, - _updateImpl: abstract, - remove: function(key) { - var that = this; -; -; - return that._addFailHandlers(that._removeImpl(key).done(function(callbackKey) { -; - - })) - }, - _removeImpl: abstract, - _addFailHandlers: function(deferred) { - return, data._handleError) - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var data =, - Guid = data.Guid; - var trivialPromise = function(_) { - var d = $.Deferred(); - return d.resolve.apply(d, arguments).promise() - }; - var rejectedPromise = function(_) { - var d = $.Deferred(); - return d.reject.apply(d, arguments).promise() - }; - data.ArrayStore = data.Store.inherit({ - ctor: function(options) { - if ($.isArray(options)) - options = {data: options}; - else - options = options || {}; - this.callBase(options); - var initialArray =; - if (initialArray && !$.isArray(initialArray)) - throw Error("Invalid 'data' option value"); - this._array = initialArray || [] - }, - createQuery: function() { - return data.query(this._array, {errorHandler: this._errorHandler}) - }, - _byKeyImpl: function(key) { - return trivialPromise(this._array[this._indexByKey(key)]) - }, - _insertImpl: function(values) { - var keyExpr = this.key(), - keyValue, - obj = {}; - $.extend(obj, values); - if (keyExpr) { - keyValue = this.keyOf(obj); - if (keyValue === undefined || typeof keyValue === "object" && $.isEmptyObject(keyValue)) { - if ($.isArray(keyExpr)) - throw Error("Compound keys cannot be auto-generated"); - keyValue = obj[keyExpr] = String(new Guid) - } - else if (this._array[this._indexByKey(keyValue)] !== undefined) - return rejectedPromise(Error("Attempt to insert an item with the duplicate key")) - } - else - keyValue = obj; - this._array.push(obj); - return trivialPromise(values, keyValue) - }, - _updateImpl: function(key, values) { - var target; - if (this.key()) { - var index = this._indexByKey(key); - if (index < 0) - return rejectedPromise(Error("Data item not found")); - target = this._array[index] - } - else - target = key; - DX.utils.deepExtendArraySafe(target, values); - return trivialPromise(key, values) - }, - _removeImpl: function(key) { - var index = this._indexByKey(key); - if (index > -1) - this._array.splice(index, 1); - return trivialPromise(key) - }, - _indexByKey: function(key) { - for (var i = 0, arrayLength = this._array.length; i < arrayLength; i++) - if (data.utils.keysEqual(this.key(), this.keyOf(this._array[i]), key)) - return i; - return -1 - }, - clear: function() { - this._array = [] - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var Class = DX.Class, - abstract = DX.abstract, - data =; - var LocalStoreBackend = Class.inherit({ - ctor: function(store, storeOptions) { - this._store = store; - this._dirty = false; - var immediate = this._immediate = storeOptions.immediate; - var flushInterval = Math.max(100, storeOptions.flushInterval || 10 * 1000); - if (!immediate) { - var saveProxy = $.proxy(, this); - setInterval(saveProxy, flushInterval); - $(window).on("beforeunload", saveProxy); - if (window.cordova) - document.addEventListener("pause", saveProxy, false) - } - }, - notifyChanged: function() { - this._dirty = true; - if (this._immediate) - - }, - load: function() { - this._store._array = this._loadImpl(); - this._dirty = false - }, - save: function() { - if (!this._dirty) - return; - this._saveImpl(this._store._array); - this._dirty = false - }, - _loadImpl: abstract, - _saveImpl: abstract - }); - var DomLocalStoreBackend = LocalStoreBackend.inherit({ - ctor: function(store, storeOptions) { - this.callBase(store, storeOptions); - var name =; - if (!name) - throw Error("Name is required"); - this._key = "dx-data-localStore-" + name - }, - _loadImpl: function() { - var raw = localStorage.getItem(this._key); - if (raw) - return JSON.parse(raw); - return [] - }, - _saveImpl: function(array) { - if (!array.length) - localStorage.removeItem(this._key); - else - localStorage.setItem(this._key, JSON.stringify(array)) - } - }); - var localStoreBackends = {dom: DomLocalStoreBackend}; - data.LocalStore = data.ArrayStore.inherit({ - ctor: function(options) { - if (typeof options === "string") - options = {name: options}; - else - options = options || {}; - this.callBase(options); - this._backend = new localStoreBackends[options.backend || "dom"](this, options); - this._backend.load() - }, - clear: function() { - this.callBase(); - this._backend.notifyChanged() - }, - _insertImpl: function(values) { - var b = this._backend; - return this.callBase(values).done($.proxy(b.notifyChanged, b)) - }, - _updateImpl: function(key, values) { - var b = this._backend; - return this.callBase(key, values).done($.proxy(b.notifyChanged, b)) - }, - _removeImpl: function(key) { - var b = this._backend; - return this.callBase(key).done($.proxy(b.notifyChanged, b)) - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var Class = DX.Class, - data =, - odataUtils = data.utils.odata; - var escapeServiceOperationParams = function(params, version) { - if (!params) - return params; - var result = {}; - $.each(params, function(k, v) { - result[k] = odataUtils.serializeValue(v, version) - }); - return result - }; - var convertSimpleKey = function(keyType, keyValue) { - var converter = odataUtils.keyConverters[keyType]; - if (!converter) - throw Error("Unknown key type: " + keyType); - return converter(keyValue) - }; - var SharedMethods = { - _extractServiceOptions: function(options) { - options = options || {}; - this._url = String(options.url).replace(/\/+$/, ""); - this._beforeSend = options.beforeSend; - this._jsonp = options.jsonp; - this._version = options.version; - this._withCredentials = options.withCredentials - }, - _sendRequest: function(url, method, params, payload) { - return odataUtils.sendRequest({ - url: url, - method: method, - params: params || {}, - payload: payload - }, { - beforeSend: this._beforeSend, - jsonp: this._jsonp, - withCredentials: this._withCredentials - }) - }, - version: function() { - return this._version - } - }; - var ODataStore = data.Store.inherit({ - ctor: function(options) { - this.callBase(options); - this._extractServiceOptions(options); - this._keyType = options.keyType - }, - _customLoadOptions: function() { - return ["expand", "customQueryParams"] - }, - _byKeyImpl: function(key, extraOptions) { - var params = {}; - if (extraOptions) - if (extraOptions.expand) - params["$expand"] = $.map($.makeArray(extraOptions.expand), odataUtils.serializePropName).join(); - return this._sendRequest(this._byKeyUrl(key), "GET", params) - }, - createQuery: function(loadOptions) { - loadOptions = loadOptions || {}; - return data.query(this._url, { - beforeSend: this._beforeSend, - errorHandler: this._errorHandler, - jsonp: this._jsonp, - version: this._version, - withCredentials: this._withCredentials, - params: escapeServiceOperationParams(loadOptions.customQueryParams, this._version), - expand: loadOptions.expand, - requireTotalCount: loadOptions.requireTotalCount - }) - }, - _insertImpl: function(values) { - this._requireKey(); - var that = this, - d = $.Deferred(); - $.when(this._sendRequest(this._url, "POST", null, values)).done(function(serverResponse) { - d.resolve(values, that.keyOf(serverResponse)) - }).fail($.proxy(d.reject, d)); - return d.promise() - }, - _updateImpl: function(key, values) { - var d = $.Deferred(); - $.when(this._sendRequest(this._byKeyUrl(key), "MERGE", null, values)).done(function() { - d.resolve(key, values) - }).fail($.proxy(d.reject, d)); - return d.promise() - }, - _removeImpl: function(key) { - var d = $.Deferred(); - $.when(this._sendRequest(this._byKeyUrl(key), "DELETE")).done(function() { - d.resolve(key) - }).fail($.proxy(d.reject, d)); - return d.promise() - }, - _byKeyUrl: function(key) { - var keyType = this._keyType; - if ($.isPlainObject(keyType)) - $.each(keyType, function(subKeyName, subKeyType) { - key[subKeyName] = convertSimpleKey(subKeyType, key[subKeyName]) - }); - else if (keyType) - key = convertSimpleKey(keyType, key); - return this._url + "(" + encodeURIComponent(odataUtils.serializeKey(key, this._version)) + ")" - } - }).include(SharedMethods); - var ODataContext = Class.inherit({ - ctor: function(options) { - var that = this; - that._extractServiceOptions(options); - that._errorHandler = options.errorHandler; - $.each(options.entities || [], function(entityAlias, entityOptions) { - that[entityAlias] = new ODataStore($.extend({}, options, {url: that._url + "/" + encodeURIComponent( || entityAlias)}, entityOptions)) - }) - }, - get: function(operationName, params) { - return this.invoke(operationName, params, "GET") - }, - invoke: function(operationName, params, httpMethod) { - httpMethod = httpMethod || "POST"; - var d = $.Deferred(); - $.when(this._sendRequest(this._url + "/" + encodeURIComponent(operationName), httpMethod, escapeServiceOperationParams(params, this._version))).done(function(r) { - if (r && operationName in r) - r = r[operationName]; - d.resolve(r) - }).fail([this._errorHandler, data._handleError, $.proxy(d.reject, d)]); - return d.promise() - }, - objectLink: function(entityAlias, key) { - var store = this[entityAlias]; - if (!store) - throw Error("Unknown entity name or alias: " + entityAlias); - return {__metadata: {uri: store._byKeyUrl(key)}} - } - }).include(SharedMethods); - $.extend(data, { - ODataStore: ODataStore, - ODataContext: ODataContext - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var data =; - function createAjaxFailureHandler(deferred) { - return function(xhr, textStatus) { - if (!xhr || !xhr.getResponseHeader) - deferred.reject.apply(deferred, arguments); - else - deferred.reject(Error(data.utils.errorMessageFromXhr(xhr, textStatus))) - } - } - function operationCustomizerPropName(operationName) { - return "_customize" + DX.inflector.camelize(operationName, true) - } - function pathPropName(operationName) { - return "_" + operationName + "Path" - } - data.RestStore = data.Store.inherit({ - ctor: function(options) { - DX.utils.logger.warn("RestStore is deprecated, use CustomStore instead"); - var that = this; - that.callBase(options); - options = options || {}; - that._url = String(options.url).replace(/\/+$/, ""); - that._jsonp = options.jsonp; - that._withCredentials = options.withCredentials; - $.each(["Load", "Insert", "Update", "Remove", "ByKey", "Operation"], function() { - var value = options["customize" + this]; - if (value) - that[operationCustomizerPropName(this)] = value - }); - $.each(["load", "insert", "update", "remove", "byKey"], function() { - var value = options[this + "Path"]; - if (value) - that[pathPropName(this)] = value - }) - }, - _loadImpl: function(options) { - var d = $.Deferred(), - ajaxOptions = { - url: this._formatUrlNoKey("load"), - type: "GET" - }; - $.when(this._createAjax(ajaxOptions, "load", options)).done($.proxy(d.resolve, d)).fail(createAjaxFailureHandler(d)); - return this._addFailHandlers(d.promise()) - }, - createQuery: function() { - throw Error("Not supported"); - }, - _insertImpl: function(values) { - var d = $.Deferred(), - that = this, - ajaxOptions = { - url: this._formatUrlNoKey("insert"), - type: "POST", - contentType: "application/json", - data: JSON.stringify(values) - }; - $.when(this._createAjax(ajaxOptions, "insert")).done(function(serverResponse) { - d.resolve(values, that.key() && that.keyOf(serverResponse)) - }).fail(createAjaxFailureHandler(d)); - return d.promise() - }, - _updateImpl: function(key, values) { - var d = $.Deferred(), - ajaxOptions = { - url: this._formatUrlWithKey("update", key), - type: "PUT", - contentType: "application/json", - data: JSON.stringify(values) - }; - $.when(this._createAjax(ajaxOptions, "update")).done(function() { - d.resolve(key, values) - }).fail(createAjaxFailureHandler(d)); - return d.promise() - }, - _removeImpl: function(key) { - var d = $.Deferred(), - ajaxOptions = { - url: this._formatUrlWithKey("remove", key), - type: "DELETE" - }; - $.when(this._createAjax(ajaxOptions, "remove")).done(function() { - d.resolve(key) - }).fail(createAjaxFailureHandler(d)); - return d.promise() - }, - _byKeyImpl: function(key) { - var d = $.Deferred(), - ajaxOptions = { - url: this._formatUrlWithKey("byKey", key), - type: "GET" - }; - $.when(this._createAjax(ajaxOptions, "byKey")).done(function(data) { - d.resolve(data) - }).fail(createAjaxFailureHandler(d)); - return d.promise() - }, - _createAjax: function(ajaxOptions, operationName, extra) { - var customizationFunc, - customizationResult; - function isDeferred(obj) { - return "done" in obj && "fail" in obj - } - if (this._jsonp && ajaxOptions.type === "GET") - ajaxOptions.dataType = "jsonp"; - else - $.extend(true, ajaxOptions, {xhrFields: {withCredentials: this._withCredentials}}); - customizationFunc = this[operationCustomizerPropName("operation")]; - if (customizationFunc) { - customizationResult = customizationFunc(ajaxOptions, operationName, extra); - if (customizationResult) { - if (isDeferred(customizationResult)) - return customizationResult; - ajaxOptions = customizationResult - } - } - customizationFunc = this[operationCustomizerPropName(operationName)]; - if (customizationFunc) { - customizationResult = customizationFunc(ajaxOptions, extra); - if (customizationResult) { - if (isDeferred(customizationResult)) - return customizationResult; - ajaxOptions = customizationResult - } - } - return $.ajax(ajaxOptions) - }, - _formatUrlNoKey: function(operationName) { - var url = this._url, - path = this[pathPropName(operationName)]; - if (!path) - return url; - if ($.isFunction(path)) - return path(url); - return url + "/" + path - }, - _formatUrlWithKey: function(operationName, key) { - var url = this._url, - path = this[pathPropName(operationName)]; - if (!path) - return url + "/" + encodeURIComponent(key); - if ($.isFunction(path)) - return path(url, key); - return url + "/" + path + "/" + encodeURIComponent(key) - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var data =; - var ERROR_QUERY_NOT_SUPPORTED = "CustomStore does not support creating queries", - ERROR_MISSING_USER_FUNC = "Required option is not specified or is not a function: ", - ERROR_INVALID_RETURN = "Invalid return value: "; - var TOTAL_COUNT = "totalCount", - LOAD = "load", - BY_KEY = "byKey", - INSERT = "insert", - UPDATE = "update", - REMOVE = "remove"; - function isPromise(obj) { - return obj && $.isFunction(obj.done) && $.isFunction( && $.isFunction(obj.promise) - } - function trivialPromise(value) { - return $.Deferred().resolve(value).promise() - } - function ensureRequiredFuncOption(name, obj) { - if (!$.isFunction(obj)) - throw Error(ERROR_MISSING_USER_FUNC + name); - } - function throwInvalidUserFuncResult(name) { - throw Error(ERROR_INVALID_RETURN + name); - } - function createUserFuncFailureHandler(pendingDeferred) { - function errorMessageFromXhr(promiseArguments) { - var xhr = promiseArguments[0], - textStatus = promiseArguments[1]; - if (!xhr || !xhr.getResponseHeader) - return null; - return data.utils.errorMessageFromXhr(xhr, textStatus) - } - return function(arg) { - var error; - if (arg instanceof Error) - error = arg; - else - error = Error(errorMessageFromXhr(arguments) || arg && String(arg) || "Unknown error"); - pendingDeferred.reject(error) - } - } - data.CustomStore = data.Store.inherit({ - ctor: function(options) { - options = options || {}; - this.callBase(options); - this._useDefaultSearch = false; - this._loadFunc = options[LOAD]; - this._totalCountFunc = options[TOTAL_COUNT]; - this._byKeyFunc = options[BY_KEY] || options.lookup; - this._insertFunc = options[INSERT]; - this._updateFunc = options[UPDATE]; - this._removeFunc = options[REMOVE] - }, - createQuery: function() { - throw Error(ERROR_QUERY_NOT_SUPPORTED); - }, - _totalCountImpl: function(options) { - var userFunc = this._totalCountFunc, - userResult, - d = $.Deferred(); - ensureRequiredFuncOption(TOTAL_COUNT, userFunc); - userResult = userFunc(options); - if (!isPromise(userResult)) { - userResult = Number(userResult); - if (!isFinite(userResult)) - throwInvalidUserFuncResult(TOTAL_COUNT); - userResult = trivialPromise(userResult) - } - userResult.done(function(count) { - d.resolve(Number(count)) - }).fail(createUserFuncFailureHandler(d)); - return d.promise() - }, - _loadImpl: function(options) { - var userFunc = this._loadFunc, - userResult, - d = $.Deferred(); - ensureRequiredFuncOption(LOAD, userFunc); - userResult = userFunc(options); - if ($.isArray(userResult)) - userResult = trivialPromise(userResult); - else if (userResult === null || userResult === undefined) - userResult = trivialPromise([]); - else if (!isPromise(userResult)) - throwInvalidUserFuncResult(LOAD); - userResult.done(function(data, extra) { - d.resolve(data, extra) - }).fail(createUserFuncFailureHandler(d)); - return this._addFailHandlers(d.promise()) - }, - _byKeyImpl: function(key) { - var userFunc = this._byKeyFunc, - userResult, - d = $.Deferred(); - ensureRequiredFuncOption(BY_KEY, userFunc); - userResult = userFunc(key); - if (!isPromise(userResult)) - userResult = trivialPromise(userResult); - userResult.done(function(obj) { - d.resolve(obj) - }).fail(createUserFuncFailureHandler(d)); - return d.promise() - }, - _insertImpl: function(values) { - var userFunc = this._insertFunc, - userResult, - d = $.Deferred(); - ensureRequiredFuncOption(INSERT, userFunc); - userResult = userFunc(values); - if (!isPromise(userResult)) - userResult = trivialPromise(userResult); - userResult.done(function(newKey) { - d.resolve(values, newKey) - }).fail(createUserFuncFailureHandler(d)); - return d.promise() - }, - _updateImpl: function(key, values) { - var userFunc = this._updateFunc, - userResult, - d = $.Deferred(); - ensureRequiredFuncOption(UPDATE, userFunc); - userResult = userFunc(key, values); - if (!isPromise(userResult)) - userResult = trivialPromise(); - userResult.done(function() { - d.resolve(key, values) - }).fail(createUserFuncFailureHandler(d)); - return d.promise() - }, - _removeImpl: function(key) { - var userFunc = this._removeFunc, - userResult, - d = $.Deferred(); - ensureRequiredFuncOption(REMOVE, userFunc); - userResult = userFunc(key); - if (!isPromise(userResult)) - userResult = trivialPromise(); - userResult.done(function() { - d.resolve(key) - }).fail(createUserFuncFailureHandler(d)); - return d.promise() - } - }); - data.CustomStore_internals = {ERRORS: { - QUERY_NOT_SUPPORTED: ERROR_QUERY_NOT_SUPPORTED, - MISSING_USER_FUNC: ERROR_MISSING_USER_FUNC, - INVALID_RETURN: ERROR_INVALID_RETURN - }} - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file data.dataSource.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var data =, - CustomStore = data.CustomStore, - Class = DX.Class; - var storeTypeRegistry = { - jaydata: "JayDataStore", - breeze: "BreezeStore", - odata: "ODataStore", - local: "LocalStore", - array: "ArrayStore" - }; - function normalizeDataSourceOptions(options) { - var store; - function createCustomStoreFromLoadFunc() { - var storeConfig = {}; - $.each(["key", "load", "byKey", "lookup", "totalCount", "insert", "update", "remove"], function() { - storeConfig[this] = options[this]; - delete options[this] - }); - return new CustomStore(storeConfig) - } - function createStoreFromConfig(storeConfig) { - var storeCtor = data[storeTypeRegistry[storeConfig.type]]; - delete storeConfig.type; - return new storeCtor(storeConfig) - } - function createCustomStoreFromUrl(url) { - return new CustomStore({load: function() { - return $.getJSON(url) - }}) - } - if (typeof options === "string") - options = createCustomStoreFromUrl(options); - if (options === undefined) - options = []; - if ($.isArray(options) || options instanceof data.Store) - options = {store: options}; - else - options = $.extend({}, options); - if ( === undefined) - = []; - store =; - if ("load" in options) - store = createCustomStoreFromLoadFunc(); - else if ($.isArray(store)) - store = new data.ArrayStore(store); - else if ($.isPlainObject(store)) - store = createStoreFromConfig($.extend({}, store)); - = store; - return options - } - function normalizeStoreLoadOptionAccessorArguments(originalArguments) { - switch (originalArguments.length) { - case 0: - return undefined; - case 1: - return originalArguments[0] - } - return $.makeArray(originalArguments) - } - function generateStoreLoadOptionAccessor(optionName) { - return function() { - var args = normalizeStoreLoadOptionAccessorArguments(arguments); - if (args !== undefined) - this._storeLoadOptions[optionName] = args; - return this._storeLoadOptions[optionName] - } - } - function addOldUserDataSourceBackwardCompatibilityOptions(dataSource, storeLoadOptions) { - storeLoadOptions.refresh = !dataSource._paginate || dataSource._pageIndex === 0; - if (storeLoadOptions.searchValue !== null) - storeLoadOptions.searchString = storeLoadOptions.searchValue - } - var DataSource = Class.inherit({ - ctor: function(options) { - options = normalizeDataSourceOptions(options); - this._store =; - this._storeLoadOptions = this._extractLoadOptions(options); - this._mapFunc =; - this._postProcessFunc = options.postProcess; - this._pageIndex = 0; - this._pageSize = options.pageSize !== undefined ? options.pageSize : 20; - this._items = []; - this._totalCount = -1; - this._isLoaded = false; - this._loadingCount = 0; - this._preferSync = options._preferSync; - this._loadQueue = this._createLoadQueue(); - this._searchValue = "searchValue" in options ? options.searchValue : null; - this._searchOperation = options.searchOperation || "contains"; - this._searchExpr = options.searchExpr; - this._paginate = options.paginate; - if (this._paginate === undefined) - this._paginate = !; - this._isLastPage = !this._paginate; - this._userData = {}; - this.changed = $.Callbacks(); - this.loadError = $.Callbacks(); - this.loadingChanged = $.Callbacks() - }, - dispose: function() { - this.changed.empty(); - this.loadError.empty(); - this.loadingChanged.empty(); - delete this._store; - this._disposed = true - }, - _extractLoadOptions: function(options) { - var result = {}, - names = ["sort", "filter", "select", "group", "requireTotalCount"], - customNames = this._store._customLoadOptions(); - if (customNames) - names = names.concat(customNames); - $.each(names, function() { - result[this] = options[this] - }); - return result - }, - loadOptions: function() { - return this._storeLoadOptions - }, - items: function() { - return this._items - }, - pageIndex: function(newIndex) { - if (newIndex !== undefined) { - this._pageIndex = newIndex; - this._isLastPage = !this._paginate - } - return this._pageIndex - }, - paginate: function(value) { - if (arguments.length < 1) - return this._paginate; - value = !!value; - if (this._paginate !== value) { - this._paginate = value; - this.pageIndex(0) - } - }, - isLastPage: function() { - return this._isLastPage - }, - sort: generateStoreLoadOptionAccessor("sort"), - filter: function() { - var newFilter = normalizeStoreLoadOptionAccessorArguments(arguments); - if (newFilter !== undefined) { - this._storeLoadOptions.filter = newFilter; - this.pageIndex(0) - } - return this._storeLoadOptions.filter - }, - group: generateStoreLoadOptionAccessor("group"), - select: generateStoreLoadOptionAccessor("select"), - searchValue: function(value) { - if (value !== undefined) { - this.pageIndex(0); - this._searchValue = value - } - return this._searchValue - }, - searchOperation: function(op) { - if (op !== undefined) { - this.pageIndex(0); - this._searchOperation = op - } - return this._searchOperation - }, - searchExpr: function(expr) { - var argc = arguments.length; - if (argc) { - if (argc > 1) - expr = $.makeArray(arguments); - this.pageIndex(0); - this._searchExpr = expr - } - return this._searchExpr - }, - store: function() { - return this._store - }, - key: function() { - return this._store && this._store.key() - }, - totalCount: function() { - return this._totalCount - }, - isLoaded: function() { - return this._isLoaded - }, - isLoading: function() { - return this._loadingCount > 0 - }, - _createLoadQueue: function() { - return DX.createQueue() - }, - _changeLoadingCount: function(increment) { - var oldLoading = this.isLoading(), - newLoading; - this._loadingCount += increment; - newLoading = this.isLoading(); - if (oldLoading ^ newLoading) - - }, - _scheduleLoadCallbacks: function(deferred) { - var thisSource = this; - thisSource._changeLoadingCount(1); - deferred.always(function() { - thisSource._changeLoadingCount(-1) - }) - }, - _scheduleChangedCallbacks: function(deferred) { - var that = this; - deferred.done(function() { - - }) - }, - loadSingle: function(propName, propValue) { - var that = this; - var d = $.Deferred().fail(, - key = this.key(), - store = this._store, - loadOptions = this._createStoreLoadOptions(); - function handleSuccess(data) { - d.resolve(that._transformLoadedData(data)[0]) - } - if (arguments.length < 2) { - propValue = propName; - propName = key - } - delete loadOptions.skip; - delete; - delete loadOptions.refresh; - delete loadOptions.pageIndex; - delete loadOptions.searchString; - if (propName === key || store instanceof data.CustomStore) - store.byKey(propValue, loadOptions).done(handleSuccess).fail(d.reject); - else { - loadOptions.take = 1; - loadOptions._preferSync = true; - loadOptions.filter = loadOptions.filter ? [loadOptions.filter, [propName, propValue]] : [propName, propValue]; - store.load(loadOptions).done(handleSuccess).fail(d.reject) - } - return d.promise() - }, - load: function() { - var thisSource = this, - d = $.Deferred(), - errorCallback = this.loadError, - storeLoadOptions; - this._scheduleLoadCallbacks(d); - this._scheduleChangedCallbacks(d); - storeLoadOptions = this._createStoreLoadOptions(); - function loadTask() { - if (thisSource._disposed) - return undefined; - return thisSource._loadFromStore(storeLoadOptions, d) - } - this._loadQueue.add(function() { - loadTask(); - return d.promise() - }, function() { - thisSource._changeLoadingCount(-1) - }); - return d.promise().fail($.proxy(, errorCallback)) - }, - _addSearchOptions: function(storeLoadOptions) { - if (this._disposed) - return; - if ( - this._addSearchFilter(storeLoadOptions); - else { - storeLoadOptions.searchValue = this._searchValue; - storeLoadOptions.searchExpr = this._searchExpr - } - }, - _createStoreLoadOptions: function() { - var result = $.extend({}, this._storeLoadOptions); - this._addSearchOptions(result); - if (this._paginate) { - result.pageIndex = this._pageIndex; - if (this._pageSize) { - result.skip = this._pageIndex * this._pageSize; - result.take = this._pageSize - } - } - result.userData = this._userData; - addOldUserDataSourceBackwardCompatibilityOptions(this, result); - return result - }, - _addSearchFilter: function(storeLoadOptions) { - var value = this._searchValue, - op = this._searchOperation, - selector = this._searchExpr, - searchFilter = []; - if (!value) - return; - if (!selector) - selector = "this"; - if (!$.isArray(selector)) - selector = [selector]; - $.each(selector, function(i, item) { - if (searchFilter.length) - searchFilter.push("or"); - searchFilter.push([item, op, value]) - }); - if (storeLoadOptions.filter) - storeLoadOptions.filter = [searchFilter, storeLoadOptions.filter]; - else - storeLoadOptions.filter = searchFilter - }, - _loadFromStore: function(storeLoadOptions, pendingDeferred) { - var thisSource = this; - function handleSuccess(data, extra) { - function processResult() { - thisSource._processStoreLoadResult(data, extra, storeLoadOptions, pendingDeferred) - } - if (thisSource._preferSync) - processResult(); - else - DX.utils.executeAsync(processResult) - } - return$.proxy(pendingDeferred.reject, pendingDeferred)) - }, - _processStoreLoadResult: function(data, extra, storeLoadOptions, pendingDeferred) { - var thisSource = this; - function resolvePendingDeferred() { - thisSource._isLoaded = true; - thisSource._totalCount = isFinite(extra.totalCount) ? extra.totalCount : -1; - return pendingDeferred.resolve(data, extra) - } - function proceedLoadingTotalCount() { - { - extra.totalCount = count; - resolvePendingDeferred() - }).fail(function(){}) - } - if (thisSource._disposed) - return; - data = thisSource._transformLoadedData(data); - if (!$.isPlainObject(extra)) - extra = {}; - thisSource._items = data; - if (!data.length || !thisSource._paginate || thisSource._pageSize && data.length < thisSource._pageSize) - thisSource._isLastPage = true; - if (storeLoadOptions.requireTotalCount && !isFinite(extra.totalCount)) - proceedLoadingTotalCount(); - else - resolvePendingDeferred() - }, - _transformLoadedData: function(data) { - var result = $.makeArray(data); - if (this._mapFunc) - result = $.map(result, this._mapFunc); - if (this._postProcessFunc) - result = this._postProcessFunc(result); - return result - } - }); - data.Store.redefine({toDataSource: function(options) { - DX.utils.logger.warn("toDataSource() method is deprecated, use 'new' instead"); - return new DataSource($.extend({store: this}, options)) - }}); - $.extend(true, data, { - DataSource: DataSource, - createDataSource: function(options) { - DX.utils.logger.warn("createDataSource() method is deprecated, use 'new' instead"); - return new DataSource(options) - }, - utils: { - storeTypeRegistry: storeTypeRegistry, - normalizeDataSourceOptions: normalizeDataSourceOptions - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file ko.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - if (! - return; - var ko = window.ko; - (function checkKnockoutVersion(version) { - version = version.split("."); - if (version[0] < 2 || version[0] == 2 && version[1] < 3) - throw Error("Your version of KnockoutJS is too old. Please upgrade KnockoutJS to 2.3.0 or later."); - })(ko.version) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file ng.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - if (! - return; - = {module: window.angular.module("dx", ["ngSanitize"])} - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file component.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var ui = DX.ui, - utils = DX.utils, - dataUtils =; - var Component = DX.Class.inherit({ - NAME: "Component", - _deprecatedOptions: {}, - _optionAliases: {}, - _setDefaultOptions: function(){}, - _defaultOptionsRules: function() { - return [] - }, - _setOptionsByDevice: function() { - var rules = this._defaultOptionsRules(), - currentDevice = DX.devices.current(), - result = {}; - if (this._customRules) - rules = rules.concat(this._customRules); - var deviceMatch = function(device, filter) { - filter = $.makeArray(filter); - return filter.length === 1 && $.isEmptyObject(filter[0]) || utils.findBestMatches(device, filter).length > 0 - }; - $.each(rules, function(index, rule) { - var deviceFilter = rule.device || {}, - match; - if ($.isFunction(deviceFilter)) - match = deviceFilter(currentDevice); - else - match = deviceMatch(currentDevice, deviceFilter); - if (match) - $.extend(result, rule.options) - }); - this.option(result) - }, - _optionsByReference: function() { - return {} - }, - ctor: function(options) { - if (!this.NAME) - throw Error("NAME is not specified"); - this._options = {}; - this._updateLockCount = 0; - this.optionChanged = $.Callbacks(); - this.beginUpdate(); - try { - this._suppressDeprecatedWarnings(); - this._setDefaultOptions(); - this._setOptionsByDevice(); - this._resumeDeprecatedWarnings(); - this._initialOptions = $.extend({}, this.option()); - this._initOptions(options || {}) - } - finally { - this.endUpdate() - } - }, - _initOptions: function(options) { - this.option(options) - }, - _optionValuesEqual: function(name, oldValue, newValue) { - oldValue = dataUtils.toComparable(oldValue, true); - newValue = dataUtils.toComparable(newValue, true); - if (oldValue && newValue && oldValue.jquery && newValue.jquery) - return; - if (oldValue === null || typeof oldValue !== "object") - return oldValue === newValue; - return false - }, - _init: $.noop, - _optionChanged: $.noop, - instance: function() { - return this - }, - beginUpdate: function() { - this._updateLockCount++ - }, - endUpdate: function() { - this._updateLockCount--; - if (!this._updateLockCount) - if (!this._initializing && !this._initialized) { - this._initializing = true; - try { - this._init() - } - finally { - this._initializing = false; - this._initialized = true - } - } - }, - _logWarningIfDeprecated: function(option) { - var info = this._deprecatedOptions[option]; - if (info && !this._deprecatedOptionsSuppressed) - this._logDeprecatedWarning(option, info) - }, - _logDeprecatedWarningCount: 0, - _logDeprecatedWarning: function(option, info) { - utils.logger.warn("'" + option + "' option is deprecated since " + info.since + ". " + info.message); - ++this._logDeprecatedWarningCount - }, - _suppressDeprecatedWarnings: function() { - this._deprecatedOptionsSuppressed = true - }, - _resumeDeprecatedWarnings: function() { - this._deprecatedOptionsSuppressed = false - }, - _getOptionAliases: function(option) { - return $.map(this._optionAliases, function(aliasedOption, alias) { - return option === aliasedOption ? alias : undefined - }) - }, - _notifyOptionChanged: function(option, value, previousValue) { - var that = this, - optionWithAliases; - if (this._initialized) { - optionWithAliases = this._getOptionAliases(option); - optionWithAliases.push(option); - $.each(optionWithAliases, function(index, name) { - var topLevelName = name.split(/[.\[]/)[0]; - that.optionChanged.fireWith(that, [topLevelName, value, previousValue]); - that._optionChanged(topLevelName, value, previousValue) - }) - } - }, - initialOption: function(optionName) { - var options = this._initialOptions; - return options[optionName] - }, - option: function(options) { - var that = this, - name = options, - value = arguments[1]; - if (arguments.length < 2 && $.type(name) !== "object") { - if (name) { - this._logWarningIfDeprecated(name); - if (this._optionAliases[name]) - name = this._optionAliases[name] - } - $.each(this._optionAliases, function(alias, option) { - that._options[alias] = dataUtils.compileGetter(option)(that._options, {functionsAsIs: true}) - }); - return dataUtils.compileGetter(name)(that._options, {functionsAsIs: true}) - } - if (typeof name === "string") { - options = {}; - options[name] = value - } - that.beginUpdate(); - try { - $.each(options, function(name, value) { - that._logWarningIfDeprecated(name); - if (that._optionAliases[name]) - name = that._optionAliases[name]; - var prevValue = dataUtils.compileGetter(name)(that._options, {functionsAsIs: true}); - if (that._optionValuesEqual(name, prevValue, value)) - return; - dataUtils.compileSetter(name)(that._options, value, { - functionsAsIs: true, - merge: !that._optionsByReference()[name] - }); - that._notifyOptionChanged(name, value, prevValue) - }) - } - finally { - that.endUpdate() - } - } - }); - $.extend(DX, {Component: Component}) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file DOMComponent.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var windowResizeCallbacks = DX.utils.windowResizeCallbacks; - var RTL_DIRECTION_CLASS = "dx-rtl", - COMPONENT_NAMES_DATA_KEY = "dxComponents", - VISIBILITY_CHANGE_CLASS = "dx-visibility-change-handler", - VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENTNAMESPACE = "dxVisibilityChange"; - var DOMComponent = DX.Component.inherit({ - NAME: "DOMComponent", - NAMESPACE: DX, - _setDefaultOptions: function() { - this.callBase(); - this.option({rtlEnabled: DX.rtlEnabled}) - }, - ctor: function(element, options) { - this._$element = $(element); - this._element().data(this.NAME, this); - this._attachInstanceToElement(this._$element); - this.disposing = $.Callbacks(); - this.callBase(options) - }, - _attachInstanceToElement: $.noop, - _visibilityChanged: DX.abstract, - _dimensionChanged: DX.abstract, - _init: function() { - this.callBase(); - this._attachWindowResizeCallback() - }, - _attachWindowResizeCallback: function() { - if (this._isDimensionChangeSupported()) { - var windowResizeCallBack = this._windowResizeCallBack = $.proxy(this._dimensionChanged, this); - windowResizeCallbacks.add(windowResizeCallBack) - } - }, - _isDimensionChangeSupported: function() { - return this._dimensionChanged !== DX.abstract - }, - _render: function() { - this._toggleRTLDirection(this.option("rtlEnabled")); - this._renderVisiblityChange() - }, - _renderVisiblityChange: function() { - if (!this._isVisibilityChangeSupported()) - return; - this._element().addClass(VISIBILITY_CHANGE_CLASS); - this._attachVisiblityChangeHandlers() - }, - _attachVisiblityChangeHandlers: function() { - var that = this; - that._element().off("." + VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENTNAMESPACE).on("dxhiding." + VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENTNAMESPACE, function() { - that._visibilityChanged(false) - }).on("dxshown." + VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENTNAMESPACE, function() { - that._visibilityChanged(true) - }) - }, - _isVisibilityChangeSupported: function() { - return this._visibilityChanged !== DX.abstract - }, - _clean: $.noop, - _modelByElement: $.noop, - _invalidate: function() { - if (!this._updateLockCount) - throw Error("Invalidate called outside update transaction"); - this._requireRefresh = true - }, - _refresh: function() { - this._clean(); - this._render() - }, - _dispose: function() { - this._clean(); - this._detachWindowResizeCallback(); - this.optionChanged.empty(); - this.disposing.fireWith(this).empty() - }, - _detachWindowResizeCallback: function() { - if (this._isDimensionChangeSupported()) - windowResizeCallbacks.remove(this._windowResizeCallBack) - }, - _toggleRTLDirection: function(rtl) { - this._element().toggleClass(RTL_DIRECTION_CLASS, rtl) - }, - _createAction: function(actionSource, config) { - var that = this; - config = $.extend({}, config); - var element = config.element || that._element(), - model = that._modelByElement(element); - config.context = model || that; - config.component = that; - var action = new DX.Action(actionSource, config); - return function(e) { - if (!arguments.length) - e = {}; - if (e instanceof $.Event) - throw Error("Action must be executed with jQuery.Event like action({ jQueryEvent: event })"); - if (!$.isPlainObject(e)) - e = {actionValue: e}; - return, $.extend(e, { - component: that, - element: element, - model: model - })) - } - }, - _createActionByOption: function(optionName, config) { - if (typeof optionName !== "string") - throw Error("Option name type is unexpected"); - this._suppressDeprecatedWarnings(); - var action = this._createAction(this.option(optionName), config); - this._resumeDeprecatedWarnings(); - return action - }, - _optionChanged: function(name, value, prevValue) { - if (name === "rtlEnabled") - this._invalidate() - }, - _element: function() { - return this._$element - }, - endUpdate: function() { - var requireRender = !this._initializing && !this._initialized; - this.callBase.apply(this, arguments); - if (!this._updateLockCount) - if (requireRender) - this._render(); - else if (this._requireRefresh) { - this._requireRefresh = false; - this._refresh() - } - } - }); - var registerComponent = function(name, componentClass) { - componentClass.redefine({_attachInstanceToElement: function($element) { - $, this); - if (!$ - $, []); - $ - }}); - componentClass.prototype.NAMESPACE[name] = componentClass; - componentClass.prototype.NAME = name; - componentClass.defaultOptions = function(rule) { - componentClass.prototype._customRules = componentClass.prototype._customRules || []; - componentClass.prototype._customRules.push(rule) - }; - $.fn[name] = function(options) { - var isMemberInvoke = typeof options === "string", - result; - if (isMemberInvoke) { - var memberName = options, - memberArgs = $.makeArray(arguments).slice(1); - this.each(function() { - var instance = $(this).data(name); - if (!instance) - throw Error(DX.utils.stringFormat("Component {0} has not been initialized on this element", name)); - var member = instance[memberName], - memberValue = member.apply(instance, memberArgs); - if (result === undefined) - result = memberValue - }) - } - else { - this.each(function() { - var instance = $(this).data(name); - if (instance) - instance.option(options); - else - new componentClass(this, options) - }); - result = this - } - return result - } - }; - var getComponents = function(element) { - element = $(element); - var names =; - if (!names) - return []; - return $.map(names, function(name) { - return - }) - }; - var disposeComponents = function() { - $.each(getComponents(this), function() { - this._dispose() - }) - }; - var originalCleanData = $.cleanData; - $.cleanData = function(element) { - $.each(element, disposeComponents); - return originalCleanData.apply(this, arguments) - }; - registerComponent("DOMComponent", DOMComponent); - DX.registerComponent = registerComponent - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file social.js */ - = {}; - /*! Module core, file facebook.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - function notifyDeprecated() { - DX.utils.logger.warn(" API is deprecated. Use official Facebook library instead") - } - var social =; - var location = window.location, - navigator = window.navigator, - encodeURIComponent = window.encodeURIComponent, - decodeURIComponent = window.decodeURIComponent, - iosStandaloneMode = navigator.standalone, - cordovaMode = false; - if (window.cordova) - $(document).on("deviceready", function() { - cordovaMode = true - }); - var ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY = "dx-facebook-access-token", - IOS_STANDALONE_STEP1_KEY = "dx-facebook-step1", - IOS_STANDALONE_STEP2_KEY = "dx-facebook-step2"; - var accessToken = null, - expires = null, - connectionChanged = $.Callbacks(); - var pendingLoginRedirectUrl; - var isConnected = function() { - return !!accessToken - }; - var getAccessTokenObject = function() { - return { - accessToken: accessToken, - expiresIn: accessToken ? expires : 0 - } - }; - var FB = social.Facebook = { - loginRedirectUrl: "FacebookLoginCallback.html", - connectionChanged: connectionChanged, - isConnected: isConnected, - getAccessTokenObject: getAccessTokenObject, - jsonp: false - }; - var login = function(appId, options) { - notifyDeprecated(); - options = options || {}; - if (cordovaMode) - pendingLoginRedirectUrl = ""; - else - pendingLoginRedirectUrl = formatLoginRedirectUrl(); - var scope = (options.permissions || []).join(), - url = "" + appId + "&redirect_uri=" + encodeURIComponent(pendingLoginRedirectUrl) + "&scope=" + encodeURIComponent(scope) + "&response_type=token"; - if (iosStandaloneMode) - putData(IOS_STANDALONE_STEP1_KEY, location.href); - if (cordovaMode) - startLogin_cordova(url); - else - startLogin_browser(url) - }; - var formatLoginRedirectUrl = function() { - var pathSegments = location.pathname.split(/\//g); - pathSegments.pop(); - pathSegments.push(FB.loginRedirectUrl); - return location.protocol + "//" + + pathSegments.join("/") - }; - var startLogin_browser = function(loginUrl) { - var width = 512, - height = 320, - left = (screen.width - width) / 2, - top = (screen.height - height) / 2; -, null, "width=" + width + ",height=" + height + ",toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,status=0,resizable=0,menuBar=0,left=" + left + ",top=" + top) - }; - var startLogin_cordova = function(loginUrl) { - var ref =, "_blank"); - ref.addEventListener('exit', function(event) { - pendingLoginRedirectUrl = null - }); - ref.addEventListener('loadstop', function(event) { - var url = unescape(event.url); - if (url.indexOf(pendingLoginRedirectUrl) === 0) { - ref.close(); - _processLoginRedirectUrl(url) - } - }) - }; - var handleLoginRedirect = function() { - var opener = window.opener; - if (iosStandaloneMode) { - putData(IOS_STANDALONE_STEP2_KEY, location.href); - location.href = getData(IOS_STANDALONE_STEP1_KEY) - } - else if (opener && opener.DevExpress) { -; - window.close() - } - }; - var _processLoginRedirectUrl = function(url) { - var params = parseUrlFragment(url); - expires = params.expires_in; - changeToken(params.access_token); - pendingLoginRedirectUrl = null - }; - var parseUrlFragment = function(url) { - var hash = url.split("#")[1]; - if (!hash) - return {}; - var pairs = hash.split(/&/g), - result = {}; - $.each(pairs, function(i) { - var splitPair = this.split("="); - result[splitPair[0]] = decodeURIComponent(splitPair[1]) - }); - return result - }; - var logout = function() { - notifyDeprecated(); - changeToken(null) - }; - var changeToken = function(value) { - if (value === accessToken) - return; - accessToken = value; - putData(ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY, value); -!!value) - }; - var api = function(resource, method, params) { - notifyDeprecated(); - if (!isConnected()) - throw Error("Not connected"); - if (typeof method !== "string") { - params = method; - method = undefined - } - method = (method || "get").toLowerCase(); - var d = $.Deferred(); - var args = arguments; - $.ajax({ - url: "" + resource, - type: method, - data: $.extend({access_token: accessToken}, params), - dataType: FB.jsonp && method === "get" ? "jsonp" : "json" - }).done(function(response) { - response = response || simulateErrorResponse(); - if (response.error) - d.reject(response.error); - else - d.resolve(response) - }).fail(function(xhr) { - var response; - try { - response = $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText); - var tries = args[3] || 0; - if (tries++ < 3 && response.error.code == 190 && response.error.error_subcode == 466) { - setTimeout(function() { - api(resource, method, params, tries).done(function(result) { - d.resolve(result) - }).fail(function(error) { - d.reject(error) - }) - }, 500); - return - } - } - catch(x) { - response = simulateErrorResponse() - } - d.reject(response.error) - }); - return d.promise() - }; - var simulateErrorResponse = function() { - return {error: {message: "Unknown error"}} - }; - var ensureStorageBackend = function() { - if (!hasStorageBackend()) - throw Error("HTML5 sessionStorage or jQuery.cookie plugin is required"); - }; - var hasStorageBackend = function() { - return !!($.cookie || window.sessionStorage) - }; - var putData = function(key, data) { - ensureStorageBackend(); - data = JSON.stringify(data); - if (window.sessionStorage) - if (data === null) - sess.removeItem(key); - else - sessionStorage.setItem(key, data); - else - $.cookie(key, data) - }; - var getData = function(key) { - ensureStorageBackend(); - try { - return JSON.parse(window.sessionStorage ? sessionStorage.getItem(key) : $.cookie(key)) - } - catch(x) { - return null - } - }; - if (hasStorageBackend()) - accessToken = getData(ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY); - if (iosStandaloneMode) { - var url = getData(IOS_STANDALONE_STEP2_KEY); - if (url) { - _processLoginRedirectUrl(url); - putData(IOS_STANDALONE_STEP1_KEY, null); - putData(IOS_STANDALONE_STEP2_KEY, null) - } - } - $.extend(FB, { - login: login, - logout: logout, - handleLoginRedirect: handleLoginRedirect, - _processLoginRedirectUrl: _processLoginRedirectUrl, - api: api - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file ui.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var ui = DX.ui = {}; - var TemplateProvider = DX.Class.inherit({ - getTemplateClass: function() { - return Template - }, - supportDefaultTemplate: function() { - return false - }, - getDefaultTemplate: function() { - return null - } - }); - var Template = DX.Class.inherit({ - ctor: function(element, owner) { - this._template = this._element = $(element).detach(); - this._owner = owner - }, - render: function(container) { - var renderedTemplate = this._template.clone(); - container.append(renderedTemplate); - return renderedTemplate - }, - dispose: function() { - this._owner = null - }, - owner: function() { - return this._owner - } - }); - var GESTURE_LOCK_KEY = "dxGestureLock"; - DX.registerActionExecutor({ - designMode: {validate: function(e) { - if (DX.designMode) - e.cancel = true - }}, - gesture: {validate: function(e) { - if (!e.args.length) - return; - var args = e.args[0], - jQueryEvent = args.jQueryEvent; - if (!jQueryEvent) - return; - var element = $(; - while (element && element.length) { - if ( { - e.cancel = true; - break - } - element = element.parent() - } - }}, - disabled: {validate: function(e) { - if (!e.args.length) - return; - var args = e.args[0], - element = args.itemElement || args.element; - if (element &&".dx-state-disabled, .dx-state-disabled *")) - e.cancel = true - }} - }); - $.extend(ui, { - TemplateProvider: TemplateProvider, - Template: Template, - initViewport: function() { - DX.utils.logger.warn("DevExpress.ui.initViewport is deprecated. Use DX.utils.initMobileViewport instead"); - DX.utils.initMobileViewport() - } - }); - ui.__internals = ui.__internals || {}; - $.extend(ui.__internals, {Template: Template}) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file ko.components.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - if (! - return; - var ko = window.ko, - ui = DX.ui, - LOCKS_DATA_KEY = "dxKoLocks", - CREATED_WITH_KO_DATA_KEY = "dxKoCreation"; - var Locks = function() { - var info = {}; - var currentCount = function(lockName) { - return info[lockName] || 0 - }; - return { - obtain: function(lockName) { - info[lockName] = currentCount(lockName) + 1 - }, - release: function(lockName) { - var count = currentCount(lockName); - if (count < 1) - throw Error("Not locked"); - if (count === 1) - delete info[lockName]; - else - info[lockName] = count - 1 - }, - locked: function(lockName) { - return currentCount(lockName) > 0 - } - } - }; - var registerComponentKoBinding = function(componentName) { - ko.bindingHandlers[componentName] = {init: function(domNode, valueAccessor) { - var element = $(domNode), - ctorOptions = {}, - optionNameToModelMap = {}; - var applyModelValueToOption = function(optionName, modelValue) { - var component =, - locks =, - optionValue = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(modelValue); - if (ko.isWriteableObservable(modelValue)) - optionNameToModelMap[optionName] = modelValue; - if (component) { - if (locks.locked(optionName)) - return; - locks.obtain(optionName); - try { - component.option(optionName, optionValue) - } - finally { - locks.release(optionName) - } - } - else - ctorOptions[optionName] = optionValue - }; - var handleOptionChanged = function(optionName, optionValue) { - if (!(optionName in optionNameToModelMap)) - return; - var element = this._$element, - locks =; - if (locks.locked(optionName)) - return; - locks.obtain(optionName); - try { - optionNameToModelMap[optionName](optionValue) - } - finally { - locks.release(optionName) - } - }; - var createComponent = function() { -, true); - element[componentName](ctorOptions); - ctorOptions = null; -, new Locks); - - }; - ko.computed(function() { - var component =; - if (component) - component.beginUpdate(); - $.each(ko.unwrap(valueAccessor()), function(modelName, modelValueExpr) { - ko.computed(function() { - applyModelValueToOption(modelName, modelValueExpr) - }, null, {disposeWhenNodeIsRemoved: domNode}) - }); - if (component) - component.endUpdate(); - else - createComponent() - }, null, {disposeWhenNodeIsRemoved: domNode}); - return {controlsDescendantBindings: ui[componentName] && ui[componentName].subclassOf(ui.Widget)} - }} - }; - var KoComponent = DX.DOMComponent.inherit({_modelByElement: function(element) { - if (element.length) - return ko.dataFor(element.get(0)) - }}); - var originalRegisterComponent = DX.registerComponent; - var registerKoComponent = function(name, componentClass) { - originalRegisterComponent(name, componentClass); - registerComponentKoBinding(name) - }; - ko.bindingHandlers.dxAction = {update: function(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel) { - var $element = $(element); - var unwrappedValue = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor()), - actionSource = unwrappedValue, - actionOptions = {context: element}; - if (unwrappedValue.execute) { - actionSource = unwrappedValue.execute; - $.extend(actionOptions, unwrappedValue) - } - var action = new DX.Action(actionSource, actionOptions); - $".dxActionBinding").on("dxclick.dxActionBinding", function(e) { - action.execute({ - element: $element, - model: viewModel, - evaluate: function(expression) { - var context = viewModel; - if (expression.length > 0 && expression[0] === "$") - context = ko.contextFor(element); - var getter =; - return getter(context) - }, - jQueryEvent: e - }); - if (!actionOptions.bubbling) - e.stopPropagation() - }) - }}; - var cleanKoData = function(element, andSelf) { - var cleanNode = function() { - ko.cleanNode(this) - }; - if (andSelf) - element.each(cleanNode); - else - element.find("*").each(cleanNode) - }; - var originalEmpty = $.fn.empty; - $.fn.empty = function() { - cleanKoData(this, false); - return originalEmpty.apply(this, arguments) - }; - var originalRemove = $.fn.remove; - $.fn.remove = function(selector, keepData) { - if (!keepData) { - var subject = this; - if (selector) - subject = subject.filter(selector); - cleanKoData(subject, true) - } - return, selector, keepData) - }; - var originalHtml = $.fn.html; - $.fn.html = function(value) { - if (typeof value === "string") - cleanKoData(this, false); - return originalHtml.apply(this, arguments) - }; - DX.registerComponent = registerKoComponent; - registerKoComponent("DOMComponent", KoComponent) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file ng.components.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - if (! - return; - var ui = DX.ui, - compileSetter =, - compileGetter =; - var CREATED_WITH_NG_DATA_KEY = "dxNgCreation", - TEMPLATES_DATA_KEY = "dxTemplates", - COMPILER_DATA_KEY = "dxNgCompiler", - DEFAULT_COMPILER_DATA_KEY = "dxDefaultCompilerGetter", - ANONYMOUS_TEMPLATE_NAME = "template"; - var phoneJsModule =; - var ComponentBuilder = DX.Class.inherit({ - ctor: function(options) { - this._componentName = options.componentName; - this._$element = options.$element; - this._$templates = options.$templates; - this._scope = options.scope; - this._compile = options.compile; - this._ngOptions = options.ngOptions; - this._componentDisposing = $.Callbacks(); - this._$, true); - if ( - this._initDataScope( - }, - initDefaultCompilerGetter: function() { - var that = this; - that._$, function($template) { - return that._compilerByTemplate($template) - }) - }, - initTemplateCompilers: function() { - var that = this; - if (this._$templates) - this._$templates.each(function(i, template) { - $(template).data(COMPILER_DATA_KEY, that._compilerByTemplate(template)) - }) - }, - initComponentWithBindings: function() { - this._initComponent(this._scope); - this._initComponentBindings() - }, - _initDataScope: function(data) { - if (typeof data === "string") { - var dataStr = data, - rootScope = this._scope; - data = rootScope.$eval(data); - this._scope = rootScope.$new(); - this._synchronizeDataScopes(rootScope, this._scope, data, dataStr) - } - $.extend(this._scope, data) - }, - _synchronizeDataScopes: function(parentScope, childScope, data, parentPrefix) { - var that = this; - $.each(data, function(fieldPath) { - that._synchronizeScopeField({ - parentScope: parentScope, - childScope: childScope, - fieldPath: fieldPath, - parentPrefix: parentPrefix - }) - }) - }, - _initComponent: function(scope) { - this._component = this._$element[this._componentName](this._evalOptions(scope)).data(this._componentName) - }, - _initComponentBindings: function() { - var that = this, - optionDependencies = {}; - if (that._ngOptions.bindingOptions) - $.each(that._ngOptions.bindingOptions, function(optionPath, valuePath) { - var separatorIndex =\[|\./), - optionForSubscribe = separatorIndex > -1 ? optionPath.substring(0, separatorIndex) : optionPath, - watchMethod = $.isArray(that._scope.$eval(valuePath)) ? "$watchCollection" : "$watch"; - if (!optionDependencies[optionForSubscribe]) - optionDependencies[optionForSubscribe] = {}; - optionDependencies[optionForSubscribe][optionPath] = valuePath; - var clearWatcher = that._scope[watchMethod](valuePath, function(newValue, oldValue) { - if (newValue !== oldValue) - that._component.option(optionPath, newValue) - }, true); - that._component.disposing.add(function() { - clearWatcher(); - - }) - }); - that._component.optionChanged.add(function(optionName, optionValue) { - if (that._scope.$root.$$phase === "$digest" || !optionDependencies || !optionDependencies[optionName]) - return; - safeApply(function(scope) { - $.each(optionDependencies[optionName], function(optionPath, valuePath) { - var setter = compileSetter(valuePath), - getter = compileGetter(optionPath); - var tmpData = {}; - tmpData[optionName] = optionValue; - setter(scope, getter(tmpData)) - }) - }, that._scope) - }) - }, - _compilerByTemplate: function(template) { - var that = this, - scopeItemsPath = this._getScopeItemsPath(); - return function(data, index) { - var $resultMarkup = $(template).clone(), - templateScope; - if (data !== undefined) { - var dataIsScope = data.$id, - templateScope = dataIsScope ? data : that._createScopeWithData(data); - $resultMarkup.on("$destroy", function() { - var destroyAlreadyCalled = !templateScope.$parent; - if (destroyAlreadyCalled) - return; - templateScope.$destroy() - }) - } - else - templateScope = that._scope; - if (scopeItemsPath) - that._synchronizeScopes(templateScope, scopeItemsPath, index); - safeApply(that._compile($resultMarkup), templateScope); - return $resultMarkup - } - }, - _getScopeItemsPath: function() { - if (ui[this._componentName].subclassOf(ui.CollectionContainerWidget) && this._ngOptions.bindingOptions) - return this._ngOptions.bindingOptions.items - }, - _createScopeWithData: function(data) { - var newScope = this._scope.$new(true); - if (typeof data === "object") - $.extend(newScope, data); - else - newScope.scopeValue = data; - return newScope - }, - _synchronizeScopes: function(itemScope, parentPrefix, itemIndex) { - var that = this, - item = compileGetter(parentPrefix + "[" + itemIndex + "]")(this._scope); - if (!$.isPlainObject(item)) - item = {scopeValue: item}; - $.each(item, function(itemPath) { - that._synchronizeScopeField({ - parentScope: that._scope, - childScope: itemScope, - fieldPath: itemPath, - parentPrefix: parentPrefix, - itemIndex: itemIndex - }) - }) - }, - _synchronizeScopeField: function(args) { - var parentScope = args.parentScope, - childScope = args.childScope, - fieldPath = args.fieldPath, - parentPrefix = args.parentPrefix, - itemIndex = args.itemIndex; - var innerPathSuffix = fieldPath === "scopeValue" ? "" : "." + fieldPath, - collectionField = itemIndex !== undefined, - optionOuterBag = [parentPrefix], - optionOuterPath; - if (collectionField) - optionOuterBag.push("[", itemIndex, "]"); - optionOuterBag.push(innerPathSuffix); - optionOuterPath = optionOuterBag.join(""); - var clearParentWatcher = parentScope.$watch(optionOuterPath, function(newValue, oldValue) { - if (newValue !== oldValue) - compileSetter(fieldPath)(childScope, newValue) - }); - var clearItemWatcher = childScope.$watch(fieldPath, function(newValue, oldValue) { - if (newValue !== oldValue) { - if (collectionField && !compileGetter(parentPrefix)(parentScope)[itemIndex]) { - clearItemWatcher(); - return - } - compileSetter(optionOuterPath)(parentScope, newValue) - } - }); - this._componentDisposing.add([clearParentWatcher, clearItemWatcher]) - }, - _evalOptions: function(scope) { - var result = $.extend({}, this._ngOptions); - delete; - delete result.bindingOptions; - if (this._ngOptions.bindingOptions) - $.each(this._ngOptions.bindingOptions, function(key, value) { - result[key] = scope.$eval(value) - }); - return result - } - }); - var safeApply = function(func, scope) { - if (scope.$root.$$phase) - func(scope); - else - scope.$apply(function() { - func(scope) - }) - }; - var extractTemplates = function($element, componentName) { - if ($ - return $; - var $templates; - if (ui[componentName] && ui[componentName].subclassOf(ui.Widget) && $.trim($element.html())) { - var isAnonymousTemplate = !$element.children().first().attr("data-options"); - if (isAnonymousTemplate) - $templates = $("
").attr("data-options", "dxTemplate: { name: '" + ANONYMOUS_TEMPLATE_NAME + "' }").append($element.contents()); - else - $templates = $element.children().detach(); - $, $templates) - } - return $templates - }; - var NgComponent = DX.DOMComponent.inherit({ - _modelByElement: function(element) { - if (element.length) - return element.scope() - }, - _createActionByOption: function() { - var action = this.callBase.apply(this, arguments); - var component = this, - wrappedAction = function() { - var that = this, - scope = component._modelByElement(component._element()), - args = arguments; - if (!scope || scope.$root.$$phase) - return action.apply(that, args); - return scope.$apply(function() { - return action.apply(that, args) - }) - }; - return wrappedAction - } - }); - var originalRegisterComponent = DX.registerComponent; - var registerNgComponent = function(componentName, componentClass) { - originalRegisterComponent(componentName, componentClass); - phoneJsModule.directive(componentName, ["$compile", function(compile) { - return { - restrict: "A", - compile: function($element) { - var $templates = extractTemplates($element, componentName); - return function(scope, $element, attrs) { - var componentBuilder = new ComponentBuilder({ - componentName: componentName, - compile: compile, - $element: $element, - scope: scope, - ngOptions: attrs[componentName] ? scope.$eval(attrs[componentName]) : {}, - $templates: $templates - }); - componentBuilder.initTemplateCompilers(); - componentBuilder.initDefaultCompilerGetter(); - componentBuilder.initComponentWithBindings() - } - } - } - }]) - }; - DX.registerComponent = registerNgComponent; - registerNgComponent("DOMComponent", NgComponent) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file ko.templates.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - if (! - return; - var ko = window.ko, - ui = DX.ui, - CREATED_WITH_KO_DATA_KEY = "dxKoCreation"; - var KoTemplate = ui.Template.inherit({ - ctor: function(element) { - this.callBase.apply(this, arguments); - this._template = $("
").append(element); - this._registerKoTemplate() - }, - _cleanTemplateElement: function() { - this._element.each(function() { - ko.cleanNode(this) - }) - }, - _registerKoTemplate: function() { - var template = this._template.get(0); - new ko.templateSources.anonymousTemplate(template)['nodes'](template) - }, - render: function(container, data) { - data = data !== undefined ? data : ko.dataFor(container.get(0)) || {}; - var containerBindingContext = ko.contextFor(container[0]); - var bindingContext = containerBindingContext ? containerBindingContext.createChildContext(data) : data; - var renderBag = $("
").appendTo(container); - ko.renderTemplate(this._template.get(0), bindingContext, null, renderBag.get(0)); - var result = renderBag.contents(); - container.append(result); - renderBag.remove(); - return result - }, - dispose: function() { - this.callBase(); - this._template.remove() - } - }); - var KoTemplateProvider = ui.TemplateProvider.inherit({ - getTemplateClass: function(widget) { - return this._createdWithKo(widget) ? KoTemplate : this.callBase(widget) - }, - supportDefaultTemplate: function(widget) { - return this._createdWithKo(widget) ? true : this.callBase(widget) - }, - getDefaultTemplate: function(widget) { - if (this._createdWithKo(widget)) - return defaultKoTemplate(widget.NAME) - }, - _createdWithKo: function(widget) { - return !!widget._element().data(CREATED_WITH_KO_DATA_KEY) - } - }); - var defaultKoTemplate = function() { - var cache = {}; - return function(widgetName) { - if (!DEFAULT_ITEM_TEMPLATE_GENERATORS[widgetName]) - widgetName = "base"; - if (!cache[widgetName]) { - var html = DEFAULT_ITEM_TEMPLATE_GENERATORS[widgetName](), - markup = DX.utils.createMarkupFromString(html); - cache[widgetName] = new KoTemplate(markup) - } - return cache[widgetName] - } - }(); - var createElementWithBindAttr = function(tagName, bindings, closeTag, additionalProperties) { - closeTag = closeTag === undefined ? true : closeTag; - var bindAttr = $.map(bindings, function(value, key) { - return key + ":" + value - }).join(","); - additionalProperties = additionalProperties || ""; - return "<" + tagName + " data-bind=\"" + bindAttr + "\" " + additionalProperties + ">" + (closeTag ? "" : "") - }; - var defaultKoTemplateBasicBindings = {css: "{ 'dx-state-disabled': $data.disabled, 'dx-state-invisible': !($data.visible === undefined || ko.unwrap($data.visible)) }"}; - var DEFAULT_ITEM_TEMPLATE_GENERATORS = {base: function() { - var template = [createElementWithBindAttr("div", defaultKoTemplateBasicBindings, false)], - htmlBinding = createElementWithBindAttr("div", {html: "html"}), - textBinding = createElementWithBindAttr("div", {text: "text"}), - primitiveBinding = createElementWithBindAttr("div", {text: "String($data)"}); - template.push("", htmlBinding, "", "", textBinding, "", "", primitiveBinding, "", "
"); - return template.join("") - }}; - DEFAULT_ITEM_TEMPLATE_GENERATORS.dxPivotTabs = function() { - var template = DEFAULT_ITEM_TEMPLATE_GENERATORS.base(), - titleBinding = createElementWithBindAttr("span", {text: "title"}); - var divInnerStart = template.indexOf(">") + 1, - divInnerFinish = template.length - 6; - template = [template.substring(0, divInnerStart), titleBinding, template.substring(divInnerFinish, template.length)]; - return template.join("") - }; - DEFAULT_ITEM_TEMPLATE_GENERATORS.dxPanorama = function() { - var template = DEFAULT_ITEM_TEMPLATE_GENERATORS.base(), - headerBinding = createElementWithBindAttr("div", {text: "header"}, true, 'class="dx-panorama-item-header"'); - var divInnerStart = template.indexOf(">") + 1; - template = [template.substring(0, divInnerStart), "", headerBinding, "", template.substring(divInnerStart, template.length)]; - return template.join("") - }; - DEFAULT_ITEM_TEMPLATE_GENERATORS.dxList = function() { - var template = DEFAULT_ITEM_TEMPLATE_GENERATORS.base(), - keyBinding = createElementWithBindAttr("div", {text: "key"}); - template = [template.substring(0, template.length - 6), "" + keyBinding + "", "
"]; - return template.join("") - }; - DEFAULT_ITEM_TEMPLATE_GENERATORS.dxToolbar = function() { - var template = DEFAULT_ITEM_TEMPLATE_GENERATORS.base(); - template = [template.substring(0, template.length - 6), ""]; - $.each(["button", "tabs", "dropDownMenu"], function() { - var bindingName = DX.inflector.camelize(["dx", "-", this].join("")), - bindingObj = {}; - bindingObj[bindingName] = "$data.options"; - template.push("", createElementWithBindAttr("div", bindingObj), "") - }); - template.push(""); - return template.join("") - }; - DEFAULT_ITEM_TEMPLATE_GENERATORS.dxGallery = function() { - var template = DEFAULT_ITEM_TEMPLATE_GENERATORS.base(), - primitiveBinding = createElementWithBindAttr("div", {text: "String($data)"}), - imgBinding = createElementWithBindAttr("img", {attr: "{ src: String($data) }"}, false); - template = template.replace(primitiveBinding, imgBinding); - return template - }; - DEFAULT_ITEM_TEMPLATE_GENERATORS.dxTabs = function() { - var template = DEFAULT_ITEM_TEMPLATE_GENERATORS.base(), - baseTextBinding = createElementWithBindAttr("div", {text: "text"}), - iconBinding = createElementWithBindAttr("span", { - attr: "{ 'class': 'dx-icon-' + $data.icon }", - css: "{ 'dx-icon': true }" - }), - iconSrcBinding = createElementWithBindAttr("img", { - attr: "{ src: $data.iconSrc }", - css: "{ 'dx-icon': true }" - }, false), - textBinding = "" + iconBinding + "" + "" + iconSrcBinding + "" + ""; - template = template.replace("", "").replace(baseTextBinding, textBinding); - return template - }; - DEFAULT_ITEM_TEMPLATE_GENERATORS.dxActionSheet = function() { - return createElementWithBindAttr("div", {dxButton: "{ text: $data.text, clickAction: $data.clickAction, type: $data.type, disabled: !!ko.unwrap($data.disabled) }"}) - }; - DEFAULT_ITEM_TEMPLATE_GENERATORS.dxNavBar = DEFAULT_ITEM_TEMPLATE_GENERATORS.dxTabs; - DEFAULT_ITEM_TEMPLATE_GENERATORS.dxMenu = function() { - var template = [createElementWithBindAttr("div", defaultKoTemplateBasicBindings, false)], - iconBinding = createElementWithBindAttr("span", { - attr: "{ 'class': 'dx-icon-' + $data.icon }", - css: "{ 'dx-icon': true }" - }), - iconSrcBinding = createElementWithBindAttr("img", { - attr: "{ src: $data.iconSrc }", - css: "{ 'dx-icon': true }" - }), - textBinding = createElementWithBindAttr("span", { - text: "text", - css: "{ 'dx-menu-item-text': true }" - }), - primitiveBinding = createElementWithBindAttr("span", { - text: "String($data)", - css: "{ 'dx-menu-item-text': true }" - }), - popout = '
'; - template.push('
', '', iconBinding, '', '', iconSrcBinding, '', '', textBinding, '', '', primitiveBinding, '', '', popout, '', '
', '
'); - return template.join("") - }; - DEFAULT_ITEM_TEMPLATE_GENERATORS.dxContextMenu = DEFAULT_ITEM_TEMPLATE_GENERATORS.dxMenu; - $.extend(ui, { - TemplateProvider: KoTemplateProvider, - Template: KoTemplate, - defaultTemplate: defaultKoTemplate - }); - ui.__internals = ui.__internals || {}; - $.extend(ui.__internals, {KoTemplate: KoTemplate}) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file ng.templates.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - if (! - return; - var ui = DX.ui; - var CREATED_WITH_NG_DATA_KEY = "dxNgCreation", - COMPILER_DATA_KEY = "dxNgCompiler", - DEFAULT_COMPILER_DATA_KEY = "dxDefaultCompilerGetter"; - var NgTemplate = ui.Template.inherit({ - ctor: function() { - this.callBase.apply(this, arguments); - this._compiler = - }, - render: function(container, data, index) { - var compiler = this._compiler, - result = $.isFunction(compiler) ? compiler(data, index) : compiler; - container.append(result); - return result - }, - setCompiler: function(compilerGetter) { - this._compiler = compilerGetter(this._element) - } - }); - var NgTemplateProvider = ui.TemplateProvider.inherit({ - getTemplateClass: function(widget) { - if (this._createdWithNg(widget)) - return NgTemplate; - return this.callBase(widget) - }, - supportDefaultTemplate: function(widget) { - return this._createdWithNg(widget) ? true : this.callBase(widget) - }, - getDefaultTemplate: function(widget) { - if (this._createdWithNg(widget)) { - var compilerGetter = widget._element().data(DEFAULT_COMPILER_DATA_KEY), - template = defaultNgTemplate(widget.NAME); - template.setCompiler(compilerGetter); - return template - } - }, - _createdWithNg: function(widget) { - return !!widget._element().data(CREATED_WITH_NG_DATA_KEY) - } - }); - var defaultNgTemplate = function() { - var cache = {}; - return function(widgetName) { - if (!DEFAULT_ITEM_TEMPLATE_GENERATORS[widgetName]) - widgetName = "base"; - if (!cache[widgetName]) - cache[widgetName] = DEFAULT_ITEM_TEMPLATE_GENERATORS[widgetName](); - return new NgTemplate(cache[widgetName]) - } - }(); - var baseElements = { - container: function() { - return $("
").attr("ng-class", "{ 'dx-state-invisible': !visible && visible != undefined, 'dx-state-disabled': !!disabled }") - }, - html: function() { - return $("
").attr("ng-if", "html").attr("ng-bind-html", "html") - }, - text: function() { - return $("
").attr("ng-if", "text").attr("ng-bind", "text") - }, - primitive: function() { - return $("
").attr("ng-if", "scopeValue").attr("ng-bind-html", "'' + scopeValue") - } - }; - var DEFAULT_ITEM_TEMPLATE_GENERATORS = {base: function() { - return baseElements.container().append(baseElements.html()).append(baseElements.text()).append(baseElements.primitive()) - }}; - DEFAULT_ITEM_TEMPLATE_GENERATORS.dxList = function() { - return DEFAULT_ITEM_TEMPLATE_GENERATORS.base().append($("
").attr("ng-if", "key").attr("ng-bind", "key")) - }; - DEFAULT_ITEM_TEMPLATE_GENERATORS.dxToolbar = function() { - var template = DEFAULT_ITEM_TEMPLATE_GENERATORS.base(); - $.each(["button", "tabs", "dropDownMenu"], function(i, widgetName) { - var bindingName = "dx-" + DX.inflector.dasherize(this); - $("
").attr("ng-if", "widget === '" + widgetName + "'").attr(bindingName, "options").appendTo(template) - }); - return template - }; - DEFAULT_ITEM_TEMPLATE_GENERATORS.dxGallery = function() { - return baseElements.container().append(baseElements.html()).append(baseElements.text()).append($("").attr("ng-if", "scopeValue").attr("ng-src", "{{'' + scopeValue}}")) - }; - DEFAULT_ITEM_TEMPLATE_GENERATORS.dxTabs = function() { - var container = baseElements.container(); - var text = $("").addClass("dx-tab-text").attr("ng-bind", "text").attr("ng-if", "text"), - icon = $("").attr("ng-if", "icon").addClass("dx-icon").attr("ng-class", "'dx-icon-' + icon"), - iconSrc = $("").attr("ng-if", "iconSrc").addClass("dx-icon").attr("ng-src", "{{iconSrc}}"); - return container.append(baseElements.html()).append(icon).append(iconSrc).append(text).append(baseElements.primitive()) - }; - DEFAULT_ITEM_TEMPLATE_GENERATORS.dxMenu = function() { - var container = baseElements.container(); - var content = $("
").addClass("dx-menu-item-content"), - text = $("").attr("ng-if", "text").addClass("dx-menu-item-text").attr("ng-bind", "text"), - icon = $("").attr("ng-if", "icon").addClass("dx-icon").attr("ng-class", "'dx-icon-' + icon"), - iconSrc = $("").attr("ng-if", "iconSrc").addClass("dx-icon").attr("ng-src", "{{iconSrc}}"), - popout = $("").addClass("dx-menu-item-popout-container").attr("ng-if", "items").append($("
").addClass("dx-menu-item-popout")); - content.append(baseElements.html()).append(icon).append(iconSrc).append(text).append(popout).append(baseElements.primitive()).appendTo(container); - return container - }, - DEFAULT_ITEM_TEMPLATE_GENERATORS.dxActionSheet = function() { - return $("
").attr("dx-button", "{ bindingOptions: { text: 'text', clickAction: 'clickAction', type: 'type', disabled: 'disabled' } }") - }; - DEFAULT_ITEM_TEMPLATE_GENERATORS.dxNavBar = DEFAULT_ITEM_TEMPLATE_GENERATORS.dxTabs; - $.extend(ui, { - Template: NgTemplate, - TemplateProvider: NgTemplateProvider - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file ui.themes.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var DX_LINK_SELECTOR = "link[rel=dx-theme]", - THEME_ATTR = "data-theme", - ACTIVE_ATTR = "data-active"; - var context, - $activeThemeLink, - knownThemes, - currentThemeName, - pendingThemeName; - var THEME_MARKER_PREFIX = "dx."; - function readThemeMarker() { - var element = $("
", context).addClass("dx-theme-marker").appendTo(context.documentElement), - result; - try { - result = element.css("font-family"); - if (!result) - return null; - result = result.replace(/["']/g, ""); - if (result.substr(0, THEME_MARKER_PREFIX.length) !== THEME_MARKER_PREFIX) - return null; - return result.substr(THEME_MARKER_PREFIX.length) - } - finally { - element.remove() - } - } - function waitForThemeLoad(themeName, callback) { - var timerId, - waitStartTime; - pendingThemeName = themeName; - function handleLoaded() { - pendingThemeName = null; - callback() - } - if (isPendingThemeLoaded()) - handleLoaded(); - else { - waitStartTime = $.now(); - timerId = setInterval(function() { - var isLoaded = isPendingThemeLoaded(), - isTimeout = !isLoaded && $.now() - waitStartTime > 15 * 1000; - if (isTimeout) - DX.utils.logger.warn("Theme loading timed out: " + pendingThemeName); - if (isLoaded || isTimeout) { - clearInterval(timerId); - handleLoaded() - } - }, 10) - } - } - function isPendingThemeLoaded() { - return !pendingThemeName || readThemeMarker() === pendingThemeName - } - function processMarkup() { - var $allThemeLinks = $(DX_LINK_SELECTOR, context); - if (!$allThemeLinks.length) - return; - knownThemes = {}; - $activeThemeLink = $(DX.utils.createMarkupFromString(""), context); - $allThemeLinks.each(function() { - var link = $(this, context), - fullThemeName = link.attr(THEME_ATTR), - url = link.attr("href"), - isActive = link.attr(ACTIVE_ATTR) === "true"; - knownThemes[fullThemeName] = { - url: url, - isActive: isActive - } - }); - $allThemeLinks.last().after($activeThemeLink); - $allThemeLinks.remove() - } - function resolveFullThemeName(desiredThemeName) { - var desiredThemeParts = desiredThemeName.split("."), - result = null; - if (knownThemes) - $.each(knownThemes, function(knownThemeName, themeData) { - var knownThemeParts = knownThemeName.split("."); - if (knownThemeParts[0] !== desiredThemeParts[0]) - return; - if (desiredThemeParts[1] && desiredThemeParts[1] !== knownThemeParts[1]) - return; - if (!result || themeData.isActive) - result = knownThemeName; - if (themeData.isActive) - return false - }); - return result - } - function initContext(newContext) { - try { - if (newContext !== context) - knownThemes = null - } - catch(x) { - knownThemes = null - } - context = newContext - } - function init(options) { - options = options || {}; - initContext(options.context || document); - processMarkup(); - currentThemeName = undefined; - current(options) - } - function current(options) { - if (!arguments.length) - return currentThemeName || readThemeMarker(); - options = options || {}; - if (typeof options === "string") - options = {theme: options}; - var isAutoInit = options._autoInit, - loadCallback = options.loadCallback, - currentThemeData; - currentThemeName = options.theme || currentThemeName; - if (isAutoInit && !currentThemeName) - currentThemeName = themeNameFromDevice(DX.devices.current()); - currentThemeName = resolveFullThemeName(currentThemeName); - if (currentThemeName) - currentThemeData = knownThemes[currentThemeName]; - if (currentThemeData) { - $activeThemeLink.removeAttr("href"); - $activeThemeLink.attr("href", knownThemes[currentThemeName].url); - if (loadCallback) - waitForThemeLoad(currentThemeName, loadCallback); - else if (pendingThemeName) - pendingThemeName = currentThemeName - } - else if (isAutoInit) { - if (loadCallback) - loadCallback() - } - else - throw Error("Unknown theme: " + currentThemeName); - } - function themeNameFromDevice(device) { - var themeName = device.platform, - majorVersion = device.version && device.version[0]; - if (themeName === "ios" && (!majorVersion || majorVersion > 6)) - themeName += "7"; - return themeName - } - function getCssClasses(themeName) { - themeName = themeName || current(); - var result = [], - themeNameParts = themeName && themeName.split("."); - if (themeNameParts) { - result.push("dx-theme-" + themeNameParts[0], "dx-theme-" + themeNameParts[0] + "-typography"); - if (themeNameParts.length > 1) - result.push("dx-color-scheme-" + themeNameParts[1]) - } - return result - } - function attachCssClasses(element, themeName) { - $(element).addClass(getCssClasses(themeName).join(" ")) - } - function detachCssClasses(element, themeName) { - $(element).removeClass(getCssClasses(themeName).join(" ")) - } - $.holdReady(true); - init({ - _autoInit: true, - loadCallback: function() { - $.holdReady(false) - } - }); - $(function() { - if ($(DX_LINK_SELECTOR, context).length) - throw Error("LINK[rel=dx-theme] tags must go before DevExpress included scripts"); - }); - DX.ui.themes = { - init: init, - current: current, - attachCssClasses: attachCssClasses, - detachCssClasses: detachCssClasses - }; - DX.ui.themes.__internals = { - themeNameFromDevice: themeNameFromDevice, - waitForThemeLoad: waitForThemeLoad, - resetTheme: function() { - $activeThemeLink.attr("href", "about:blank"); - currentThemeName = null; - pendingThemeName = null - } - } - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var ui = DX.ui, - eventNS = $.event, - specialNS = eventNS.special, - EVENT_SOURCES_REGEX = { - mouse: /(mouse|wheel|click)/i, - wheel: /wheel/i, - touch: /^touch/i, - keyboard: /^key/i, - pointer: /pointer/i - }; - var eventSource = function(e) { - var result = "other"; - $.each(EVENT_SOURCES_REGEX, function(key) { - if (this.test(e.type)) { - result = key; - return false - } - }); - return result - }; - var isPointerEvent = function(e) { - return eventSource(e) === "pointer" - }; - var isMouseEvent = function(e) { - return eventSource(e) === "mouse" || isPointerEvent(e) && e.pointerType === "mouse" - }; - var isTouchEvent = function(e) { - return eventSource(e) === "touch" || isPointerEvent(e) && e.pointerType === "touch" - }; - var isKeyboardEvent = function(e) { - return eventSource(e) === "keyboard" - }; - var isMouseWheelEvent = function(e) { - return EVENT_SOURCES_REGEX["wheel"].test(e.type) - }; - var addNamespace = function(eventNames, namespace) { - if (!namespace) - throw Error("Namespace is not defined"); - if (typeof eventNames === "string") - return addNamespace(eventNames.split(/\s+/g), namespace); - $.each(eventNames, function(index, eventName) { - eventNames[index] = eventName + "." + namespace - }); - return eventNames.join(" ") - }; - var eventData = function(e) { - if (isPointerEvent(e) && isTouchEvent(e)) { - var touch = (e.originalEvent.originalEvent || e.originalEvent).changedTouches[0]; - return { - x: touch.pageX, - y: touch.pageY, - time: e.timeStamp - } - } - if (isMouseEvent(e)) - return { - x: e.pageX, - y: e.pageY, - time: e.timeStamp - }; - if (isTouchEvent(e)) { - var touch = (e.changedTouches || e.originalEvent.changedTouches)[0]; - return { - x: touch.pageX, - y: touch.pageY, - time: e.timeStamp - } - } - }; - var eventDelta = function(from, to) { - return { - x: to.x - from.x, - y: to.y - from.y, - time: to.time - from.time || 1 - } - }; - var hasTouches = function(e) { - if (isTouchEvent(e)) - return (e.originalEvent.touches || []).length; - return 0 - }; - var needSkipEvent = function(e) { - var $target = $(, - touchInInput = $"input, textarea, select"); - if (isMouseWheelEvent(e) && touchInInput) - return false; - if (isMouseEvent(e)) - return touchInInput || e.which > 1; - if (isTouchEvent(e)) - return touchInInput && $":focus") || (e.originalEvent.changedTouches || e.originalEvent.originalEvent.changedTouches).length !== 1 - }; - var createEvent = function(sourceEvent, props) { - var event = $.Event(sourceEvent), - originalEvent = event.originalEvent, - propNames = $.event.props.slice(); - if (isMouseEvent(sourceEvent) || isTouchEvent(sourceEvent)) - $.merge(propNames, $.event.mouseHooks.props); - if (isKeyboardEvent(sourceEvent)) - $.merge(propNames, $.event.keyHooks.props); - if (originalEvent) - $.each(propNames, function() { - event[this] = originalEvent[this] - }); - if (props) - $.extend(event, props); - return event - }; - var fireEvent = function(props) { - var event = createEvent(props.originalEvent, props); - $.event.trigger(event, null, ||; - return event - }; - var handleGestureEvent = function(e, type) { - var gestureEvent = $("dxGestureEvent"); - if (!gestureEvent || gestureEvent === type) { - $("dxGestureEvent", type); - return true - } - return false - }; - var registerEvent = function(eventName, eventObject) { - var strategy = {}; - if ("noBubble" in eventObject) - strategy.noBubble = eventObject.noBubble; - if ("bindType" in eventObject) - strategy.bindType = eventObject.bindType; - if ("delegateType" in eventObject) - strategy.delegateType = eventObject.delegateType; - $.each(["setup", "teardown", "add", "remove", "trigger", "handle", "_default", "dispose"], function(_, methodName) { - if (!eventObject[methodName]) - return; - strategy[methodName] = function() { - var args = $.makeArray(arguments); - args.unshift(this); - return eventObject[methodName].apply(eventObject, args) - } - }); - specialNS[eventName] = strategy - }; - = { - eventSource: eventSource, - isPointerEvent: isPointerEvent, - isMouseEvent: isMouseEvent, - isTouchEvent: isTouchEvent, - isKeyboardEvent: isKeyboardEvent, - addNamespace: addNamespace, - hasTouches: hasTouches, - eventData: eventData, - eventDelta: eventDelta, - needSkipEvent: needSkipEvent, - createEvent: createEvent, - fireEvent: fireEvent, - handleGestureEvent: handleGestureEvent, - registerEvent: registerEvent - } - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - if (! - return; - var ko = window.ko, - events =; - var originalRegisterEvent = events.registerEvent; - var registerKoEvent = function(eventName, eventObject) { - originalRegisterEvent(eventName, eventObject); - var koBindingEventName = events.addNamespace(eventName, eventName + "Binding"); - ko.bindingHandlers[eventName] = {update: function(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel) { - var $element = $(element), - unwrappedValue = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor()), - eventSource = unwrappedValue.execute ? unwrappedValue.execute : unwrappedValue; - $, $.isPlainObject(unwrappedValue) ? unwrappedValue : {}, function(e) { - eventSource(viewModel, e) - }) - }} - }; - $.extend(events, {registerEvent: registerKoEvent}) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - if (! - return; - var events =; - var originalRegisterEvent = events.registerEvent; - var registerNgEvent = function(eventName, eventObject) { - originalRegisterEvent(eventName, eventObject); - var ngEventName = eventName.slice(0, 2) + eventName.charAt(2).toUpperCase() + eventName.slice(3); -, ['$parse', function($parse) { - return function(scope, element, attr) { - var attrValue = $.trim(attr[ngEventName]), - handler, - eventOptions = {}; - if (attrValue.charAt(0) === "{") { - eventOptions = scope.$eval(attrValue); - handler = $parse(eventOptions.execute) - } - else - handler = $parse(attr[ngEventName]); - element.on(eventName, eventOptions, function(e) { - scope.$apply(function() { - handler(scope, {$event: e}) - }) - }) - } - }]) - }; - $.extend(events, {registerEvent: registerNgEvent}) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file ui.hierarchicalKeyDownProcessor.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var ui = DX.ui, - events =; - ui.HierarchicalKeyDownProcessor = DX.Class.inherit({ - _keydown: events.addNamespace("keydown", "HierarchicalKeyDownProcessor"), - codes: { - "9": "tab", - "13": "enter", - "27": "escape", - "33": "pageUp", - "34": "pageDown", - "37": "leftArrow", - "38": "upArrow", - "39": "rightArrow", - "40": "downArrow", - "32": "space", - "70": "F", - "65": "A" - }, - ctor: function(options) { - var _this = this; - options = options || {}; - if (options.element) - this._element = $(options.element); - this._handler = options.handler; - this._context = options.context; - this._childProcessors = []; - if (this._element) - this._element.on(this._keydown, function(e) { - _this.process(e) - }) - }, - dispose: function() { - if (this._element) -; - this._element = undefined; - this._handler = undefined; - this._context = undefined; - this._childProcessors = undefined - }, - attachChildProcessor: function() { - var childProcessor = new ui.HierarchicalKeyDownProcessor; - this._childProcessors.push(childProcessor); - return childProcessor - }, - reinitialize: function(childHandler, childContext) { - this._context = childContext; - this._handler = childHandler; - return this - }, - process: function(e) { - var args = { - key:[e.which], - ctrl: e.ctrlKey, - shift: e.shiftKey, - originalEvent: e - }; - if ([e.which] && this._handler &&, args)) - $.each(this._childProcessors, function(index, childProcessor) { - childProcessor.process(e) - }) - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file ui.dialog.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var ui = DX.ui, - utils = DX.utils; - var DEFAULT_BUTTON = { - text: "OK", - clickAction: function() { - return true - } - }; - var DX_DIALOG_CLASSNAME = "dx-dialog", - DX_DIALOG_WRAPPER_CLASSNAME = DX_DIALOG_CLASSNAME + "-wrapper", - DX_DIALOG_ROOT_CLASSNAME = DX_DIALOG_CLASSNAME + "-root", - DX_DIALOG_CONTENT_CLASSNAME = DX_DIALOG_CLASSNAME + "-content", - DX_DIALOG_MESSAGE_CLASSNAME = DX_DIALOG_CLASSNAME + "-message", - DX_DIALOG_BUTTONS_CLASSNAME = DX_DIALOG_CLASSNAME + "-buttons", - DX_DIALOG_BUTTON_CLASSNAME = DX_DIALOG_CLASSNAME + "-button"; - var FakeDialogComponent = DX.Component.inherit({ - NAME: "dxDialog", - ctor: function(element, options) { - this.callBase(options) - }, - _defaultOptionsRules: function() { - return this.callBase().slice(0).concat([{ - device: [{platform: "ios"}, {platform: "ios7"}], - options: {width: 276} - }, { - device: {platform: "android"}, - options: { - lWidth: "60%", - pWidth: "80%" - } - }, { - device: { - platform: "win8", - phone: false - }, - options: {width: function() { - return $(window).width() - }} - }, { - device: { - platform: "win8", - phone: true - }, - options: {position: { - my: "top center", - at: "top center", - of: window, - offset: "0 0" - }} - }]) - } - }); - var dialog = function(options) { - var that = this, - result; - if (!ui.dxPopup) - throw new Error("DevExpress.ui.dxPopup required"); - var deferred = $.Deferred(); - var defaultOptions = (new FakeDialogComponent).option(); - options = $.extend(defaultOptions, options); - var $holder = $(DX.overlayTargetContainer()); - var $element = $("
").addClass(DX_DIALOG_CLASSNAME).appendTo($holder); - var $message = $("
").addClass(DX_DIALOG_MESSAGE_CLASSNAME).html(String(options.message)); - var $buttons = $("
").addClass(DX_DIALOG_BUTTONS_CLASSNAME); - var popupInstance = $element.dxPopup({ - title: options.title || that.title, - height: "auto", - width: function() { - var isPortrait = $(window).height() > $(window).width(), - key = (isPortrait ? "p" : "l") + "Width", - widthOption = options.hasOwnProperty(key) ? options[key] : options["width"]; - return $.isFunction(widthOption) ? widthOption() : widthOption - }, - contentReadyAction: function() { - popupInstance.content().addClass(DX_DIALOG_CONTENT_CLASSNAME).append($message).append($buttons) - }, - animation: { - show: { - type: "pop", - duration: 400 - }, - hide: { - type: "pop", - duration: 400, - to: { - opacity: 0, - scale: 0 - }, - from: { - opacity: 1, - scale: 1 - } - } - }, - rtlEnabled: DX.rtlEnabled - }).data("dxPopup"); - popupInstance._wrapper().addClass(DX_DIALOG_WRAPPER_CLASSNAME); - if (options.position) - popupInstance.option("position", options.position); - $.each(options.buttons || [DEFAULT_BUTTON], function() { - var button = $("
").addClass(DX_DIALOG_BUTTON_CLASSNAME).appendTo($buttons); - var action = new DX.Action(this.clickAction, {context: popupInstance}); - button.dxButton($.extend(this, {clickAction: function() { - result = action.execute(arguments); - hide() - }})) - }); - popupInstance._wrapper().addClass(DX_DIALOG_ROOT_CLASSNAME); - function show() { -; - utils.resetActiveElement(); - return deferred.promise() - } - function hide(value) { - popupInstance.hide().done(function() { - popupInstance._element().remove() - }); - deferred.resolve(result || value) - } - return { - show: show, - hide: hide - } - }; - var alert = function(message, title) { - var dialogInstance, - options = $.isPlainObject(message) ? message : { - title: title, - message: message - }; - dialogInstance = ui.dialog.custom(options); - return - }; - var confirm = function(message, title) { - var dialogInstance, - options = $.isPlainObject(message) ? message : { - title: title, - message: message, - buttons: [{ - text: Globalize.localize("Yes"), - clickAction: function() { - return true - } - }, { - text: Globalize.localize("No"), - clickAction: function() { - return false - } - }] - }; - dialogInstance = ui.dialog.custom(options); - return - }; - var notify = function(message, type, displayTime) { - var options = $.isPlainObject(message) ? message : {message: message}; - if (!ui.dxToast) { - alert(options.message); - return - } - var userHiddenAction = options.hiddenAction; - $.extend(options, { - type: type, - displayTime: displayTime, - hiddenAction: function(args) { - args.element.remove(); - new DX.Action(userHiddenAction, {context: args.model}).execute(arguments) - } - }); - $("
").appendTo(DX.overlayTargetContainer()).dxToast(options).dxToast("instance").show() - }; - $.extend(ui, { - notify: notify, - dialog: { - custom: dialog, - alert: alert, - confirm: confirm, - FakeDialogComponent: FakeDialogComponent - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file ui.dataHelper.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var data =; - var DATA_SOURCE_OPTIONS_METHOD = "_dataSourceOptions", - DATA_SOURCE_CHANGED_METHOD = "_handleDataSourceChanged", - DATA_SOURCE_LOAD_ERROR_METHOD = "_handleDataSourceLoadError", - DATA_SOURCE_LOADING_CHANGED_METHOD = "_handleDataSourceLoadingChanged"; - DX.ui.DataHelperMixin = { - ctor: function() { - this.disposing.add(function() { - this._disposeDataSource() - }) - }, - _refreshDataSource: function() { - this._initDataSource(); - this._loadDataSource() - }, - _initDataSource: function() { - var dataSourceOptions = this.option("dataSource"), - widgetDataSourceOptions, - dataSourceType; - this._disposeDataSource(); - if (dataSourceOptions) { - if (dataSourceOptions instanceof data.DataSource) { - this._isSharedDataSource = true; - this._dataSource = dataSourceOptions - } - else { - widgetDataSourceOptions = DATA_SOURCE_OPTIONS_METHOD in this ? this[DATA_SOURCE_OPTIONS_METHOD]() : {}; - dataSourceType = this._dataSourceType ? this._dataSourceType() : data.DataSource; - this._dataSource = new dataSourceType($.extend(true, {}, widgetDataSourceOptions, data.utils.normalizeDataSourceOptions(dataSourceOptions))) - } - this._addDataSourceHandlers() - } - }, - _addDataSourceHandlers: function() { - if (DATA_SOURCE_CHANGED_METHOD in this) - this._addDataSourceChangeHandler(); - if (DATA_SOURCE_LOAD_ERROR_METHOD in this) - this._addDataSourceLoadErrorHandler(); - if (DATA_SOURCE_LOADING_CHANGED_METHOD in this) - this._addDataSourceLoadingChangedHandler() - }, - _addDataSourceChangeHandler: function() { - var that = this, - dataSource = this._dataSource; - this._dataSourceChangedHandler = function() { - that[DATA_SOURCE_CHANGED_METHOD](dataSource.items()) - }; - dataSource.changed.add(this._dataSourceChangedHandler) - }, - _addDataSourceLoadErrorHandler: function() { - this._dataSourceLoadErrorHandler = $.proxy(this[DATA_SOURCE_LOAD_ERROR_METHOD], this); - this._dataSource.loadError.add(this._dataSourceLoadErrorHandler) - }, - _addDataSourceLoadingChangedHandler: function() { - this._dataSourceLoadingChangedHandler = $.proxy(this[DATA_SOURCE_LOADING_CHANGED_METHOD], this); - this._dataSource.loadingChanged.add(this._dataSourceLoadingChangedHandler) - }, - _loadDataSource: function() { - if (this._dataSource) { - var dataSource = this._dataSource; - if (dataSource.isLoaded()) - this._dataSourceChangedHandler(); - else - dataSource.load() - } - }, - _loadSingle: function(key, value) { - key = key === "this" ? this._dataSource.key() || "this" : key; - return this._dataSource.loadSingle(key, value) - }, - _disposeDataSource: function() { - if (this._dataSource) { - if (this._isSharedDataSource) { - delete this._isSharedDataSource; - this._dataSource.changed.remove(this._dataSourceChangedHandler); - this._dataSource.loadError.remove(this._dataSourceLoadErrorHandler); - this._dataSource.loadingChanged.remove(this._dataSourceLoadingChangedHandler) - } - else - this._dataSource.dispose(); - delete this._dataSource; - delete this._dataSourceChangedHandler; - delete this._dataSourceLoadErrorHandler; - delete this._dataSourceLoadingChangedHandler - } - } - } - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var POINTER_TYPE_MAP = { - 2: "touch", - 3: "pen", - 4: "mouse" - }; - var pointerEventHook = { - filter: function(event, originalEvent) { - var pointerType = originalEvent.pointerType; - if ($.isNumeric(pointerType)) - event.pointerType = POINTER_TYPE_MAP[pointerType]; - return event - }, - props: $.event.mouseHooks.props.concat(["pointerId", "originalTarget", "namespace", "width", "height", "pressure", "result", "tiltX", "charCode", "tiltY", "detail", "isPrimary", "prevValue"]) - }; - $.each(["MSPointerDown", "MSPointerMove", "MSPointerUp", "MSPointerCancel", "MSPointerOver", "MSPointerOut", "MSPointerEnter", "MSPointerLeave", "pointerdown", "pointermove", "pointerup", "pointercancel", "pointerover", "pointerout", "pointerenter", "pointerleave"], function() { - $.event.fixHooks[this] = pointerEventHook - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var touchEventHook = { - filter: function(event, originalEvent) { - if (originalEvent.changedTouches.length) - $.each(["pageX", "pageY", "screenX", "screenY", "clientX", "clientY"], function() { - event[this] = originalEvent.changedTouches[0][this] - }); - return event - }, - props: $.event.mouseHooks.props.concat(["touches", "changedTouches", "targetTouches", "detail", "result", "namespace", "originalTarget", "charCode", "prevValue"]) - }; - $.each(["touchstart", "touchmove", "touchend", "touchcancel"], function() { - $.event.fixHooks[this] = touchEventHook - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var ui = DX.ui, - support =, - device = $.proxy(DX.devices.real, DX.devices), - events =; - var POINTER_EVENTS_NAMESPACE = "dxPointerEvents", - MouseStrategyEventMap = { - dxpointerdown: "mousedown", - dxpointermove: "mousemove", - dxpointerup: "mouseup", - dxpointercancel: "" - }, - TouchStrategyEventMap = { - dxpointerdown: "touchstart", - dxpointermove: "touchmove", - dxpointerup: "touchend", - dxpointercancel: "touchcancel" - }, - PointerStrategyEventMap = { - dxpointerdown: "pointerdown", - dxpointermove: "pointermove", - dxpointerup: "pointerup", - dxpointercancel: "pointercancel" - }, - MouseAndTouchStrategyEventMap = { - dxpointerdown: "touchstart mousedown", - dxpointermove: "touchmove mousemove", - dxpointerup: "touchend mouseup", - dxpointercancel: "touchcancel" - }; - var eventMap = function() { - if (support.touch && !(device().tablet || device().phone)) - return MouseAndTouchStrategyEventMap; - if (support.touch) - return TouchStrategyEventMap; - return MouseStrategyEventMap - }(); - var skipTouchWithSameIdentifier = function(pointerEvent) { - return device().platform === "ios" && (pointerEvent === "dxpointerdown" || pointerEvent === "dxpointerup") - }; - var SingleEventStrategy = DX.Class.inherit({ - ctor: function(eventName, originalEvents) { - this._eventName = eventName; - this._eventNamespace = [POINTER_EVENTS_NAMESPACE, ".", this._eventName].join(""); - this._originalEvents = originalEvents; - this._pointerId = 0; - this._handlerCount = 0 - }, - _handler: function(e) { - if (this._eventName === "dxpointerdown") - $("dxGestureEvent", null); - if (events.isTouchEvent(e) && skipTouchWithSameIdentifier(this._eventName)) { - var touch = e.changedTouches[0]; - if (this._pointerId === touch.identifier && this._pointerId !== 0) - return; - this._pointerId = touch.identifier - } - return events.fireEvent({ - type: this._eventName, - pointerType: events.eventSource(e), - originalEvent: e - }) - }, - setup: function() { - if (this._handlerCount > 0) - return; - $(document).on(events.addNamespace(this._originalEvents, this._eventNamespace), $.proxy(this._handler, this)) - }, - add: function() { - this._handlerCount++ - }, - remove: function() { - this._handlerCount-- - }, - teardown: function() { - if (this._handlerCount) - return; - $(document).off("." + this._eventNamespace) - }, - dispose: function() { - $(document).off("." + this._eventNamespace) - } - }); - var MultiEventStrategy = SingleEventStrategy.inherit({ - EVENT_LOCK_TIMEOUT: 100, - _handler: function(e) { - if (events.isTouchEvent(e)) - this._skipNextEvents = true; - if (events.isMouseEvent(e) && this._mouseLocked) - return; - if (events.isMouseEvent(e) && this._skipNextEvents) { - this._skipNextEvents = false; - this._mouseLocked = true; - clearTimeout(this._unlockMouseTimer); - this._unlockMouseTimer = setTimeout($.proxy(function() { - this._mouseLocked = false - }, this), this.EVENT_LOCK_TIMEOUT); - return - } - return this.callBase(e) - }, - dispose: function() { - this.callBase(); - this._skipNextEvents = false; - this._mouseLocked = false; - clearTimeout(this._unlockMouseTimer) - } - }); - var getStrategy = function() { - return eventMap === MouseAndTouchStrategyEventMap ? MultiEventStrategy : SingleEventStrategy - }; - $.each(eventMap, function(pointerEvent, originalEvents) { - var Strategy = getStrategy(); - events.registerEvent(pointerEvent, new Strategy(pointerEvent, originalEvents)) - }); - = || {}; - $.extend(, { - SingleEventStrategy: SingleEventStrategy, - MultiEventStrategy: MultiEventStrategy, - MouseStrategyEventMap: MouseStrategyEventMap, - TouchStrategyEventMap: TouchStrategyEventMap, - PointerStrategyEventMap: PointerStrategyEventMap, - MouseAndTouchStrategyEventMap: MouseAndTouchStrategyEventMap, - eventMap: eventMap - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file */ - (function($, DX, wnd, undefined) { - var ua = navigator.userAgent, - screen = wnd.screen, - ui = DX.ui, - utils = DX.utils, - events =, - support =, - device = $.proxy(DX.devices.real, DX.devices), - EVENTS_NAME_SPACE = "dxSpecialEvents", - CLICK_NAME_SPACE = "dxClick" + EVENTS_NAME_SPACE, - CLICK_EVENT_NAME = "dxclick", - SCROLLABLE_PARENT_DATA_KEY = "dxClickScrollableParent", - SCROLLABLE_PARENT_SCROLL_OFFSET_DATA_KEY = "dxClickScrollableParentOffset", - preferNativeClick = function() { - var iPhone4SAndElder = device().deviceType === "phone" && screen.height <= 480, - iPad2AndElder = device().deviceType === "tablet" && wnd.devicePixelRatio < 2, - IOS7AndNewer = device().platform === "ios" && device().version[0] > 6; - return IOS7AndNewer && (iPhone4SAndElder || iPad2AndElder) - }(), - useNativeClick = function() { - if (!support.touch) - return true; - var chromeInfo = ua.match(/Chrome\/([0-9]+)/) || [], - chrome = !!chromeInfo[0], - chromeVersion = ~~chromeInfo[1], - android = device().platform === "android"; - if (chrome) - if (android) { - if ($("meta[name=viewport][content*='width=device-width']").length) - return false; - if (chromeVersion > 31 && wnd.innerWidth <= screen.width) - return true; - if ($("meta[name=viewport][content*='user-scalable=no']").length) - return true - } - else - return true; - return false - }(); - var SimulatedStrategy = DX.Class.inherit({ - TOUCH_BOUNDARY: 10, - ctor: function() { - this._startX = 0; - this._startY = 0; - this._handlerCount = 0; - this._target = null - }, - _touchWasMoved: function(e) { - var boundary = this.TOUCH_BOUNDARY; - return Math.abs(e.pageX - this._startX) > boundary || Math.abs(e.pageY - this._startY) > boundary - }, - _getClosestScrollable: function($element) { - var $scrollParent = $(); - if ($ - $scrollParent = $; - else { - var $current = $element; - while ($current.length) { - if ($current[0].scrollHeight - $current[0].offsetHeight > 1) { - $scrollParent = $current; - $, $scrollParent); - break - } - $current = $current.parent() - } - } - return $scrollParent - }, - _saveClosestScrollableOffset: function($element) { - var $scrollable = this._getClosestScrollable($element); - if ($scrollable.length) - $, $scrollable.scrollTop()) - }, - _closestScrollableWasMoved: function($element) { - var $scrollable = $; - return $scrollable && $scrollable.scrollTop() !== $ - }, - _hasClosestScrollable: function($element) { - var $scrollable = this._getClosestScrollable($element); - if (!$scrollable.length) - return false; - if ($"body")) - return false; - if ($scrollable === window) - return false; - if ($scrollable.css("overflow") === "hidden") - return false; - return true - }, - _handleStart: function(e) { - this._reset(); - if (events.isMouseEvent(e) && e.which !== 1) - return; - this._saveClosestScrollableOffset($(; - this._target =; - this._startX = e.pageX; - this._startY = e.pageY - }, - _handleEnd: function(e) { - var $target = $(; - if (!$ || this._touchWasMoved(e)) - return; - if (this._nativeClickShouldBeUsed($target) || this._closestScrollableWasMoved($target)) - return; - var targetIsInput = $"input, textarea"); - if (!targetIsInput && !e.dxPreventBlur) - utils.resetActiveElement(); - this._fireClickEvent(e) - }, - _handleCancel: function(e) { - this._reset() - }, - _reset: function() { - this._target = null - }, - _handleClick: function(e) { - var $target = $(; - if ($ { - if (this._nativeClickShouldBeUsed($target)) - this._fireClickEvent(e) - } - else if ($"input, textarea")) - utils.resetActiveElement() - }, - _nativeClickShouldBeUsed: function($target) { - return preferNativeClick && this._hasClosestScrollable($target) - }, - _fireClickEvent: function(e) { - if (events.handleGestureEvent(e, CLICK_EVENT_NAME)) - events.fireEvent({ - type: CLICK_EVENT_NAME, - originalEvent: e - }) - }, - _makeElementClickable: function($element) { - if (!$element.attr("onclick")) - $element.attr("onclick", "void(0)") - }, - setup: function(element) { - var $element = $(element); - this._makeElementClickable($element); - if (this._handlerCount > 0) - return; - var $doc = $(document).on(events.addNamespace("dxpointerdown", CLICK_NAME_SPACE), $.proxy(this._handleStart, this)).on(events.addNamespace("dxpointerup", CLICK_NAME_SPACE), $.proxy(this._handleEnd, this)).on(events.addNamespace("dxpointercancel", CLICK_NAME_SPACE), $.proxy(this._handleCancel, this)).on(events.addNamespace("click", CLICK_NAME_SPACE), $.proxy(this._handleClick, this)) - }, - add: function() { - this._handlerCount++ - }, - remove: function() { - this._handlerCount-- - }, - teardown: function(element) { - if (this._handlerCount) - return; - $(element).off("." + CLICK_NAME_SPACE); - this.dispose() - }, - dispose: function() { - $(document).off("." + CLICK_NAME_SPACE) - } - }); - var NativeStrategy = DX.Class.inherit({ - bindType: "click", - delegateType: "click", - handle: function(element, event) { - event.type = "dxclick"; - if (events.handleGestureEvent(event, CLICK_EVENT_NAME)) - return, event) - } - }); - events.registerEvent(CLICK_EVENT_NAME, new(useNativeClick ? NativeStrategy : SimulatedStrategy)); - = || {}; - $.extend(, { - NativeClickStrategy: NativeStrategy, - SimulatedClickStrategy: SimulatedStrategy, - preferNativeClickAccessor: function(value) { - if (!arguments.length) - return preferNativeClick; - preferNativeClick = value - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress, window); - /*! Module core, file */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var ui = DX.ui, - events =, - jqSpecialEvent = $.event.special, - EVENTS_NAME_SPACE = "dxSpecialEvents", - HOLD_NAME_SPACE = "dxHold", - HOLD_EVENT_NAME = "dxhold", - HOLD_TIMER_DATA_KEY = EVENTS_NAME_SPACE + "HoldTimer"; - var Hold = DX.Class.inherit({ - HOLD_TIMEOUT: 750, - TOUCH_BOUNDARY: 5, - _startX: 0, - _startY: 0, - _touchWasMoved: function(e) { - var boundary = this.TOUCH_BOUNDARY; - return Math.abs(e.pageX - this._startX) > boundary || Math.abs(e.pageY - this._startY) > boundary - }, - setup: function(element, data) { - var $target, - holdInited = false; - var handleStart = function(e) { - if (holdInited) - return; - $target = $(; - holdInited = true; - if ($ - return; - this._startX = e.pageX; - this._startY = e.pageY; - var holdTimeout = data && "timeout" in data ? data.timeout : this.HOLD_TIMEOUT; - var holdTimer = setTimeout(function() { - $target.removeData(HOLD_TIMER_DATA_KEY); - if (events.handleGestureEvent(e, HOLD_EVENT_NAME)) - events.fireEvent({ - type: HOLD_EVENT_NAME, - originalEvent: e - }) - }, holdTimeout); - $, holdTimer) - }; - var handleMove = function(e) { - if (!this._touchWasMoved(e)) - return; - handleEnd() - }; - var handleEnd = function() { - if ($target) { - clearTimeout($; - $target.removeData(HOLD_TIMER_DATA_KEY); - $target = null; - holdInited = false - } - }; - $(element).on(events.addNamespace("dxpointerdown", HOLD_NAME_SPACE), $.proxy(handleStart, this)).on(events.addNamespace("dxpointermove", HOLD_NAME_SPACE), $.proxy(handleMove, this)).on(events.addNamespace("dxpointerup", HOLD_NAME_SPACE), $.proxy(handleEnd, this)) - }, - teardown: function(element) { - element = $(element); - clearTimeout(; - element.removeData(HOLD_TIMER_DATA_KEY).off("." + HOLD_NAME_SPACE) - } - }); - events.registerEvent(HOLD_EVENT_NAME, new Hold) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var ui = DX.ui, - events =; - var HOVER_EVENTS_NAMESPACE = "dxSpecialEvents", - HOVER_START = "dxhoverstart", - HOVER_END = "dxhoverend", - MOUSE_ENTER = "mouseenter", - MOUSE_LEAVE = "mouseleave", - TOUCH_START = "dxpointerdown"; - var HoverStart = DX.Class.inherit({ - ctor: function() { - this._wasTouch = false; - this._selector = undefined - }, - setup: function(element, data) { - var $element = $(element); - this._selector = data ? data.selector : undefined; - if (!!$"dxHoverStart")) - return; - $"dxHoverStart", true).on(events.addNamespace(MOUSE_ENTER, HOVER_EVENTS_NAMESPACE), this._selector, $.proxy(this._handleEnter, this)).on(events.addNamespace(TOUCH_START, HOVER_EVENTS_NAMESPACE), $.proxy(this._handleTouchStart, this)) - }, - _handleEnter: function(e) { - if (!this._wasTouch) - events.fireEvent({ - type: HOVER_START, - originalEvent: e - }) - }, - _handleTouchStart: function(e) { - this._wasTouch = events.isTouchEvent(e) - }, - teardown: function(element) { - $(element).data("dxHoverStart", false).off(events.addNamespace(MOUSE_ENTER, HOVER_EVENTS_NAMESPACE), this._selector).off(events.addNamespace(TOUCH_START, HOVER_EVENTS_NAMESPACE)) - } - }); - var HoverEnd = DX.Class.inherit({ - ctor: function() { - this._wasTouch = false; - this._selector = undefined - }, - setup: function(element, data) { - var $element = $(element); - this._selector = data ? data.selector : undefined; - if (!!$"dxHoverEnd")) - return; - $"dxHoverEnd", true).on(events.addNamespace(MOUSE_LEAVE, HOVER_EVENTS_NAMESPACE), this._selector, $.proxy(this._handleLeave, this)).on(events.addNamespace(TOUCH_START, HOVER_EVENTS_NAMESPACE), $.proxy(this._handleTouchStart, this)) - }, - _handleLeave: function(e) { - if (!this._wasTouch) - events.fireEvent({ - type: HOVER_END, - originalEvent: e - }) - }, - _handleTouchStart: function(e) { - this._wasTouch = events.isTouchEvent(e) - }, - teardown: function(element) { - $(element).data("dxHoverEnd", false).off(events.addNamespace(MOUSE_LEAVE, HOVER_EVENTS_NAMESPACE), this._selector).off(events.addNamespace(TOUCH_START, HOVER_EVENTS_NAMESPACE)) - } - }); - events.registerEvent(HOVER_START, new HoverStart); - events.registerEvent(HOVER_END, new HoverEnd) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var ui = DX.ui, - events =; - var EVENT_NAME = "dxmousewheel", - EVENT_NAMESPACE = "dxWheel"; - var WHEEL_DISTANCE = 10; - $.event.fixHooks["wheel"] = $.event.mouseHooks; - var wheelEvent = document.onmousewheel !== undefined ? "mousewheel" : "wheel"; - var wheel = { - setup: function(element, data) { - var $element = $(element); - $element.on(events.addNamespace(wheelEvent, EVENT_NAMESPACE), $.proxy(wheel._handleWheel, wheel)) - }, - teardown: function(element) { - var $element = $(element); - $"." + EVENT_NAMESPACE) - }, - _handleWheel: function(e) { - $("dxGestureEvent", null); - var delta = this._getWheelDelta(e.originalEvent); - events.fireEvent({ - type: EVENT_NAME, - originalEvent: e, - delta: delta - }); - e.stopPropagation() - }, - _getWheelDelta: function(event) { - return event.wheelDelta / 60 || -event.deltaY - } - }; - events.registerEvent(EVENT_NAME, wheel) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file ui.gestureEmitter.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var ui = DX.ui, - events =; - var GestureEmitter = DX.Class.inherit({ - ctor: function(element) { - this._$element = $(element); - this._cancelCallback = $.Callbacks() - }, - getElement: function() { - return this._$element - }, - getDirection: function() { - return this.direction - }, - validate: function(e) { - return e.type !== "dxmousewheel" - }, - configurate: function(data) { - $.extend(this, data) - }, - addCancelCallback: function(callback) { - this._cancelCallback.add(callback) - }, - removeCancelCallback: function() { - this._cancelCallback.empty() - }, - init: $.noop, - start: $.noop, - move: $.noop, - end: $.noop, - cancel: $.noop, - wheel: $.noop, - _fireEvent: function(eventName, event, params) { - var eventData = { - type: eventName, - originalEvent: event, - target: this.getElement().get(0) - }; - event = events.fireEvent($.extend(eventData, params)); - if (event.cancel) - this._cancel(event); - return event - }, - _cancel: function(e) { - - } - }); - var gestureEmitters = []; - $.extend(ui, { - GestureEmitter: GestureEmitter, - gestureEmitters: gestureEmitters - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file ui.scrollEmitter.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var ui = DX.ui, - events =; - var SCROLL_INIT_EVENT = "dxscrollinit", - SCROLL_START_EVENT = "dxscrollstart", - SCROLL_MOVE_EVENT = "dxscroll", - SCROLL_END_EVENT = "dxscrollend", - SCROLL_STOP_EVENT = "dxscrollstop", - SCROLL_CANCEL_EVENT = "dxscrollcancel", - SCROLL_WHEEL_EVENT = "dxscrollwheel", - INERTIA_TIMEOUT = 100, - VELOCITY_CALC_TIMEOUT = 200, - FRAME_DURATION = Math.round(1000 / 60); - var ScrollEmitter = ui.GestureEmitter.inherit({ - ctor: function(element) { - this.callBase(element); - this.direction = "vertical" - }, - init: function(e) { - this._savedEventData = this._prevEventData = events.eventData(e); - this._fireEvent(SCROLL_INIT_EVENT, e) - }, - start: function(e) { - this._fireEvent(SCROLL_START_EVENT, e, {delta: events.eventDelta(this._prevEventData, events.eventData(e))}) - }, - move: function(e) { - var currentEventData = events.eventData(e); - this._fireEvent(SCROLL_MOVE_EVENT, e, {delta: events.eventDelta(this._prevEventData, currentEventData)}); - var eventDelta = events.eventDelta(this._savedEventData, currentEventData); - if (eventDelta.time > VELOCITY_CALC_TIMEOUT) - this._savedEventData = this._prevEventData; - this._prevEventData = currentEventData - }, - end: function(e) { - var endEventDelta = events.eventDelta(this._prevEventData, events.eventData(e)); - var velocity = { - x: 0, - y: 0 - }; - if (endEventDelta.time < INERTIA_TIMEOUT) { - var deltaEventData = events.eventDelta(this._savedEventData, this._prevEventData); - velocity = { - x: deltaEventData.x * FRAME_DURATION / deltaEventData.time, - y: deltaEventData.y * FRAME_DURATION / deltaEventData.time - } - } - this._fireEvent(SCROLL_END_EVENT, e, {velocity: velocity}) - }, - stop: function(e) { - this._fireEvent(SCROLL_STOP_EVENT, e) - }, - cancel: function(e) { - this._fireEvent(SCROLL_CANCEL_EVENT, e) - }, - wheel: function(e) { - this._fireEvent(SCROLL_WHEEL_EVENT, e, {delta:}) - } - }); - ui.gestureEmitters.push({ - emitter: ScrollEmitter, - events: [SCROLL_INIT_EVENT, SCROLL_START_EVENT, SCROLL_MOVE_EVENT, SCROLL_END_EVENT, SCROLL_STOP_EVENT, SCROLL_CANCEL_EVENT, SCROLL_WHEEL_EVENT] - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file ui.swipeEmitter.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var ui = DX.ui, - utils = DX.utils, - events =, - SWIPE_START_EVENT = "dxswipestart", - SWIPE_EVENT = "dxswipe", - SWIPE_END_EVENT = "dxswipeend"; - var HorizontalStrategy = { - defaultItemSizeFunc: function() { - return this.getElement().width() - }, - getBounds: function() { - return [this._maxLeftOffset, this._maxRightOffset] - }, - calcOffsetRatio: function(e) { - var endEventData = events.eventData(e); - return (endEventData.x - (this._startEventData && this._startEventData.x || 0)) / this._itemSizeFunc().call(this, e) - }, - isFastSwipe: function(e) { - var endEventData = events.eventData(e); - return this.FAST_SWIPE_SPEED_LIMIT * Math.abs(endEventData.x - this._tickData.x) >= endEventData.time - this._tickData.time - } - }; - var VerticalStrategy = { - defaultItemSizeFunc: function() { - return this.getElement().height() - }, - getBounds: function() { - return [this._maxTopOffset, this._maxBottomOffset] - }, - calcOffsetRatio: function(e) { - var endEventData = events.eventData(e); - return (endEventData.y - (this._startEventData && this._startEventData.y || 0)) / this._itemSizeFunc().call(this, e) - }, - isFastSwipe: function(e) { - var endEventData = events.eventData(e); - return this.FAST_SWIPE_SPEED_LIMIT * Math.abs(endEventData.y - this._tickData.y) >= endEventData.time - this._tickData.time - } - }; - var STRATEGIES = { - horizontal: HorizontalStrategy, - vertical: VerticalStrategy - }; - var SwipeEmitter = ui.GestureEmitter.inherit({ - TICK_INTERVAL: 300, - FAST_SWIPE_SPEED_LIMIT: 5, - ctor: function(element) { - this.callBase(element); - this.direction = "horizontal"; - this.elastic = true - }, - _getStrategy: function() { - return STRATEGIES[this.direction] - }, - _defaultItemSizeFunc: function() { - return this._getStrategy() - }, - _itemSizeFunc: function() { - return this.itemSizeFunc || this._defaultItemSizeFunc - }, - init: function(e) { - this._startEventData = events.eventData(e); - this._tickData = {time: 0} - }, - start: function(e) { - e = this._fireEvent(SWIPE_START_EVENT, e); - if (!e.cancel) { - this._maxLeftOffset = e.maxLeftOffset; - this._maxRightOffset = e.maxRightOffset; - this._maxTopOffset = e.maxTopOffset; - this._maxBottomOffset = e.maxBottomOffset - } - }, - move: function(e) { - var strategy = this._getStrategy(), - moveEventData = events.eventData(e), - offset =, e); - offset = this._fitOffset(offset, this.elastic); - if (moveEventData.time - this._tickData.time > this.TICK_INTERVAL) - this._tickData = moveEventData; - this._fireEvent(SWIPE_EVENT, e, {offset: offset}); - e.preventDefault() - }, - end: function(e) { - var strategy = this._getStrategy(), - offsetRatio =, e), - isFast =, e), - startOffset = offsetRatio, - targetOffset = this._calcTargetOffset(offsetRatio, isFast); - startOffset = this._fitOffset(startOffset, this.elastic); - targetOffset = this._fitOffset(targetOffset, false); - this._fireEvent(SWIPE_END_EVENT, e, { - offset: startOffset, - targetOffset: targetOffset - }) - }, - _fitOffset: function(offset, elastic) { - var strategy = this._getStrategy(), - bounds =; - if (offset < -bounds[0]) - return elastic ? (-2 * bounds[0] + offset) / 3 : -bounds[0]; - if (offset > bounds[1]) - return elastic ? (2 * bounds[1] + offset) / 3 : bounds[1]; - return offset - }, - _calcTargetOffset: function(offsetRatio, isFast) { - var result; - if (isFast) { - result = Math.ceil(Math.abs(offsetRatio)); - if (offsetRatio < 0) - result = -result - } - else - result = Math.round(offsetRatio); - return result - } - }); - ui.gestureEmitters.push({ - emitter: SwipeEmitter, - events: [SWIPE_START_EVENT, SWIPE_EVENT, SWIPE_END_EVENT] - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file ui.dragEmitter.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var ui = DX.ui, - utils = DX.utils, - events =, - wrapToArray = utils.wrapToArray; - var DRAG_START_EVENT = "dxdragstart", - DRAG_EVENT = "dxdrag", - DRAG_END_EVENT = "dxdragend", - DRAG_ENTER_EVENT = "dxdragenter", - DRAG_LEAVE_EVENT = "dxdragleave", - DROP_EVENT = "dxdrop"; - var knownDropTargets = [], - knownDropTargetConfigs = []; - var dropTargetRegistration = { - setup: function(element, data) { - var knownDropTarget = $.inArray(element, knownDropTargets) !== -1; - if (!knownDropTarget) { - knownDropTargets.push(element); - knownDropTargetConfigs.push(data || {}) - } - }, - teardown: function(element, data) { - var elementEvents = $._data(element, "events"), - handlersCount = 0; - $.each([DRAG_ENTER_EVENT, DRAG_LEAVE_EVENT, DROP_EVENT], function(_, eventName) { - var eventHandlers = elementEvents[eventName]; - if (eventHandlers) - handlersCount += eventHandlers.length - }); - if (!handlersCount) { - var index = $.inArray(element, knownDropTargets); - knownDropTargets.splice(index, 1); - knownDropTargetConfigs.splice(index, 1) - } - } - }; - events.registerEvent(DRAG_ENTER_EVENT, dropTargetRegistration); - events.registerEvent(DRAG_LEAVE_EVENT, dropTargetRegistration); - events.registerEvent(DROP_EVENT, dropTargetRegistration); - var getItemConfig = function($element) { - var dropTargetIndex = $.inArray($element.get(0), knownDropTargets); - return knownDropTargetConfigs[dropTargetIndex] - }; - var getItemPosition = function($element) { - var dropTargetConfig = getItemConfig($element); - if (dropTargetConfig.itemPositionFunc) - return dropTargetConfig.itemPositionFunc(); - else - return $element.offset() - }; - var getItemSize = function($element) { - var dropTargetConfig = getItemConfig($element); - if (dropTargetConfig.itemSizeFunc) - return dropTargetConfig.itemSizeFunc(); - else - return { - width: $element.width(), - height: $element.height() - } - }; - var DragEmitter = ui.GestureEmitter.inherit({ - ctor: function(element) { - this.callBase(element); - this.direction = "both" - }, - init: function(e) { - var eventData = events.eventData(e); - this._startEventData = eventData - }, - start: function(e) { - e = this._fireEvent(DRAG_START_EVENT, e); - this._maxLeftOffset = e.maxLeftOffset; - this._maxRightOffset = e.maxRightOffset; - this._maxTopOffset = e.maxTopOffset; - this._maxBottomOffset = e.maxBottomOffset; - var dropTargets = wrapToArray(e.targetElements || knownDropTargets); - this._$dropTargetElements = $.map(dropTargets, function(element) { - return $(element) - }) - }, - move: function(e) { - var eventData = events.eventData(e), - dragOffset = this._calculateOffset(eventData); - this._fireEvent(DRAG_EVENT, e, {offset: dragOffset}); - this._processDropTargets(e, dragOffset); - e.preventDefault() - }, - _calculateOffset: function(eventData) { - return { - x: this._calculateXOffset(eventData), - y: this._calculateYOffset(eventData) - } - }, - _calculateXOffset: function(eventData) { - if (this.direction !== "vertical") { - var offset = eventData.x - this._startEventData.x; - return this._fitOffset(offset, this._maxLeftOffset, this._maxRightOffset) - } - return 0 - }, - _calculateYOffset: function(eventData) { - if (this.direction !== "horizontal") { - var offset = eventData.y - this._startEventData.y; - return this._fitOffset(offset, this._maxTopOffset, this._maxBottomOffset) - } - return 0 - }, - _fitOffset: function(offset, minOffset, maxOffset) { - if (minOffset != null) - offset = Math.max(offset, -minOffset); - if (maxOffset != null) - offset = Math.min(offset, maxOffset); - return offset - }, - _processDropTargets: function(e, dragOffset) { - var target = this._findDropTarget(e), - sameTarget = target === this._$currentDropTarget; - if (!sameTarget) { - this._fireDropTargetEvent(e, DRAG_LEAVE_EVENT); - this._$currentDropTarget = target; - this._fireDropTargetEvent(e, DRAG_ENTER_EVENT) - } - }, - _fireDropTargetEvent: function(event, eventName) { - if (!this._$currentDropTarget) - return; - var eventData = { - type: eventName, - originalEvent: event, - draggingElement: this._$element.get(0), - target: this._$currentDropTarget.get(0) - }; - events.fireEvent(eventData) - }, - _findDropTarget: function(e) { - var that = this, - $result; - $.each(this._$dropTargetElements, function(_, $target) { - if (that._checkDropTarget($target, e)) { - $result = $target; - return false - } - }); - return $result - }, - _checkDropTarget: function($target, e) { - var isDraggingElement = $target.get(0) === this._$element.get(0); - if (isDraggingElement) - return false; - var targetPosition = getItemPosition($target); - if (e.pageX < targetPosition.left) - return false; - if (e.pageY < - return false; - var targetSize = getItemSize($target); - if (e.pageX > targetPosition.left + targetSize.width) - return false; - if (e.pageY > + targetSize.height) - return false; - return $target - }, - end: function(e) { - var eventData = events.eventData(e); - this._fireEvent(DRAG_END_EVENT, e, {offset: this._calculateOffset(eventData)}); - this._fireDropTargetEvent(e, DROP_EVENT); - delete this._$currentDropTarget - } - }); - ui.gestureEmitters.push({ - emitter: DragEmitter, - events: [DRAG_START_EVENT, DRAG_EVENT, DRAG_END_EVENT] - }); - = || {}; - $.extend(, {dropTargets: knownDropTargets}) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var ui = DX.ui, - events =, - utils = DX.utils; - var abs = Math.abs; - var GESTURE_EVENT = "dxGesture", - GESTURE_EVENT_DATA = "dxGestureEmitter", - GESTURE_LOCK_KEY = "dxGestureLock", - GESTURE_UNLOCK_TIMEOUT = 400, - TOUCH_BOUNDARY = 10, - HORIZONTAL = "horizontal", - VERTICAL = "vertical", - BOTH = "both"; - var GestureEventManager = DX.Class.inherit({ - SLEEP: 0, - INITED: 1, - STARTED: 2, - ctor: function() { - this._attachHandlers(); - this.reset() - }, - _attachHandlers: function() { - $(document).on(events.addNamespace("dxpointerdown", GESTURE_EVENT), $.proxy(this._handlePointerDown, this)).on(events.addNamespace("dxpointermove", GESTURE_EVENT), $.proxy(this._handlePointerMove, this)).on(events.addNamespace("dxpointerup dxpointercancel", GESTURE_EVENT), $.proxy(this._handlePointerUp, this)).on(events.addNamespace("dxmousewheel", GESTURE_EVENT), $.proxy(this._handleMouseWheel, this)) - }, - _eachEmitter: function(callback) { - $.each(this._activeEmitters || {}, function(direction, emitter) { - return callback(emitter, direction) - }) - }, - _noEmitters: function() { - return $.isEmptyObject(this._activeEmitters) - }, - reset: function() { - this._eachEmitter(function(emitter) { - emitter.removeCancelCallback() - }); - this._forgetGesture(); - this._stage = this.SLEEP; - this._activeEmitters = {} - }, - _handlePointerDown: function(e) { - if (events.needSkipEvent(e) || events.hasTouches(e) > 1) - return; - this.reset(); - this._activeEmitters = this._closestEmitter(e); - if (this._noEmitters()) - return; - this._startEvent = e; - this._startEventData = events.eventData(e); - this._stage = this.INITED; - this._applyToActive("init", e) - }, - _applyToActive: function(method) { - var args = $.makeArray(arguments).slice(1); - this._eachEmitter(function(emitter) { - if (method in emitter) - emitter[method].apply(emitter, args) - }) - }, - _closestEmitter: function(e) { - var result = {}, - foundForAllDirections = false, - $element = $(; - while ($element.length && !foundForAllDirections) { - var emitter = $; - if (emitter && emitter.validate(e)) { - var direction = emitter.getDirection(e); - if (direction) { - emitter.addCancelCallback($.proxy(this._handleCancel, this, emitter, e)); - result[direction] = result[direction] || emitter - } - } - foundForAllDirections = result[HORIZONTAL] && result[VERTICAL] || result[BOTH]; - $element = $element.parent() - } - return result - }, - _handleCancel: function(canceledEmitter, e) { - var canceledDirection; - this._eachEmitter(function(emitter, direction) { - if (emitter === canceledEmitter) { - canceledDirection = direction; - emitter.removeCancelCallback() - } - }); - this._forgetGesture([canceledEmitter]); - this._cancelEmitter(canceledEmitter, e); - if (this._noEmitters()) - this.reset() - }, - _handlePointerMove: function(e) { - if (this._stage === this.INITED && this._directionDetected(e)) - this._handleStart(e); - if (this._stage === this.STARTED) - this._handleMove(e) - }, - _directionDetected: function(e) { - var delta = events.eventDelta(this._startEventData, events.eventData(e)); - return delta.x || delta.y - }, - _handleStart: function(e) { - this._filterEmitters(e); - if (this._noEmitters()) - return; - this._resetActiveElement(); - this._applyToActive("start", this._startEvent); - this._stage = this.STARTED - }, - _resetActiveElement: function() { - if (DX.devices.real().platform !== "ios") - return; - this._eachEmitter(function(emitter) { - if ($(":focus", emitter.getElement()).length) - utils.resetActiveElement() - }) - }, - _filterEmitters: function(e) { - this._filterByDirection(e); - if (this._emitersAmount() > 1) - this._takeFirstEmitter() - }, - _emitersAmount: function() { - var result = 0; - this._eachEmitter(function() { - result++ - }); - return result - }, - _filterByDirection: function(e) { - var delta = events.eventDelta(this._startEventData, events.eventData(e)), - horizontalMove = abs(delta.y) < abs(delta.x), - verticalMove = abs(delta.y) > abs(delta.x), - horizontalEmmiter = this._activeEmitters[HORIZONTAL], - verticalEmmiter = this._activeEmitters[VERTICAL], - bothEmitter = this._activeEmitters[BOTH], - existsHorizontalEmitter = horizontalEmmiter || bothEmitter, - existsVerticalEmitter = verticalEmmiter || bothEmitter; - if (horizontalMove && existsHorizontalEmitter) - this._cancelEmitter(verticalEmmiter, e); - else if (verticalMove && existsVerticalEmitter) - this._cancelEmitter(horizontalEmmiter, e) - }, - _cancelEmitter: function(canceledEmmiter, e) { - if (!canceledEmmiter) - return; - canceledEmmiter.cancel(e); - delete this._activeEmitters[canceledEmmiter.getDirection(e)] - }, - _takeFirstEmitter: function() { - var activeEmitters = {}; - this._eachEmitter(function(emitter, direction) { - activeEmitters[direction] = emitter; - return false - }); - this._activeEmitters = activeEmitters - }, - _prepareGesture: function() { - this._gestureLocked = true; - clearTimeout(this._gestureEndTimer); - this._eachEmitter(function(emitter) { - emitter.getElement().data(GESTURE_LOCK_KEY, true) - }); - - }, - _handleMove: function(e) { - if (!this._gestureLocked) { - var delta = events.eventDelta(this._startEventData, events.eventData(e)); - if (abs(delta.x) > TOUCH_BOUNDARY || abs(delta.y) > TOUCH_BOUNDARY) { - events.handleGestureEvent(e, GESTURE_EVENT); - this._prepareGesture() - } - } - this._applyToActive("move", e) - }, - _forgetGesture: function(activeEmitters) { - activeEmitters = activeEmitters || this._activeEmitters; - if (this._noEmitters()) - return; - this._gestureLocked = false; - this._gestureEndTimer = setTimeout(function() { - $.each(activeEmitters, function(_, emitter) { - emitter.getElement().data(GESTURE_LOCK_KEY, false) - }) - }, GESTURE_UNLOCK_TIMEOUT) - }, - _handlePointerUp: function(e) { - if (!DX.devices.isRippleEmulator() && events.hasTouches(e)) - return; - if (this._stage === this.STARTED) - this._applyToActive("end", e); - else if (this._stage === this.INITED) - this._applyToActive("stop", e); - this.reset() - }, - _handleMouseWheel: function(e) { - this._handlePointerDown(e); - if (this._stage !== this.INITED) - return; - this._takeFirstEmitter(); - this._eachEmitter(function(emitter, direction) { - var prop = direction !== "horizontal" ? "pageY" : "pageX"; - e[prop] += - }); - this._handlePointerMove(e); - this._handlePointerUp(e) - }, - isActive: function(element) { - var result = false; - this._eachEmitter(function(emitter) { - result = result || emitter.getElement().is(element) - }); - return result - } - }); - var gestureEventManager = new GestureEventManager; - var registerEmitter = function(emitterConfig) { - var emitterClass = emitterConfig.emitter; - $.each(, function(_, eventName) { - events.registerEvent(eventName, { - noBubble: true, - setup: function(element, data) { - var emitter = $(element).data(GESTURE_EVENT_DATA) || new emitterClass(element); - emitter.configurate(data); - $(element).data(GESTURE_EVENT_DATA, emitter) - }, - teardown: function(element) { - if (gestureEventManager.isActive(element)) - gestureEventManager.reset(); - $(element).removeData(GESTURE_EVENT_DATA) - } - }) - }) - }; - $.each(ui.gestureEmitters, function(_, emitterConfig) { - registerEmitter(emitterConfig) - }); - events.__internals = events.__internals || {}; - $.extend(events.__internals, {registerEmitter: registerEmitter}) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file ui.widget.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var ui = DX.ui, - UI_FEEDBACK = "UIFeedback", - UI_FEEDBACK_CLASS = "dx-feedback", - ACTIVE_STATE_CLASS = "dx-state-active", - DISABLED_STATE_CLASS = "dx-state-disabled", - INVISIBLE_STATE_CLASS = "dx-state-invisible", - HOVER_STATE_CLASS = "dx-state-hover", - FEEDBACK_SHOW_TIMEOUT = 30, - FEEDBACK_HIDE_TIMEOUT = 400, - HOVER_START = "dxhoverstart", - HOVER_END = "dxhoverend", - ANONYMOUS_TEMPLATE_NAME = "template", - TEMPLATE_SELECTOR = "[data-options*='dxTemplate']", - TEMPLATES_DATA_KEY = "dxTemplates"; - var getTemplateOptions = function(element) { - var options = $(element).data("options"); - if ($.trim(options).charAt(0) !== "{") - options = "{" + options + "}"; - return new Function("return " + options)().dxTemplate - }; - var activeElement, - events =; - = {reset: function() { - handleEnd(true) - }}; - ui.Widget = DX.DOMComponent.inherit({ - NAME: "Widget", - NAMESPACE: ui, - _setDefaultOptions: function() { - this.callBase(); - this.option({ - disabled: false, - visible: true, - activeStateEnabled: true, - width: undefined, - height: undefined, - contentReadyAction: null, - hoverStateEnabled: false - }) - }, - _init: function() { - this.callBase(); - this._feedbackShowTimeout = FEEDBACK_SHOW_TIMEOUT; - this._feedbackHideTimeout = FEEDBACK_HIDE_TIMEOUT; - if (this._templatesSupported()) { - this._initTemplates(); - this._initContentReadyAction() - } - }, - _templatesSupported: function() { - return this._renderContentImpl !== DX.abstract - }, - _initTemplates: function() { - var that = this, - templates = {}, - dataTemplateElements = this._element().data(TEMPLATES_DATA_KEY), - templateElements = dataTemplateElements ? dataTemplateElements : this._element().contents().filter(TEMPLATE_SELECTOR); - this._templateProvider = new ui.TemplateProvider; - this._templateClass = this._templateProvider.getTemplateClass(this); - if (templateElements.length) { - var templatesMap = {}; - templateElements.each(function() { - var templateOptions = getTemplateOptions(this); - if (!templateOptions) - return; - if (! - throw Error("Template name was not specified"); - templatesMap[] = templatesMap[] || []; - templatesMap[].push(this) - }); - $.each(templatesMap, function(templateName, value) { - var deviceTemplate = that._findTemplateByDevice(value); - if (deviceTemplate) - templates[templateName] = that._createTemplate(deviceTemplate) - }) - } - else - templates[ANONYMOUS_TEMPLATE_NAME] = that._createTemplate(that._element().contents()); - this.option("_templates", templates) - }, - _getTemplateByOption: function(optionName) { - return this._getTemplate(this.option(optionName)) - }, - _getTemplate: function(templateName) { - var result = this._acquireTemplate.apply(this, arguments); - if (!result && this._templateProvider.supportDefaultTemplate(this)) { - result = this._templateProvider.getDefaultTemplate(this); - if (!result) - throw Error(DX.utils.stringFormat("Template \"{0}\" was not found and no default template specified!", templateName)); - } - return result - }, - _acquireTemplate: function(templateSource) { - if (templateSource == null) - return templateSource; - if (templateSource instanceof this._templateClass) - return templateSource; - if (templateSource.nodeType || templateSource.jquery) { - templateSource = $(templateSource); - if ("script")) - templateSource = templateSource.html(); - return this._createTemplate(templateSource) - } - if (typeof templateSource === "string") - return this.option("_templates")[templateSource]; - if ($.isFunction(templateSource)) { - var args = $.makeArray(arguments).slice(1); - return this._acquireTemplate(templateSource.apply(this, args)) - } - return this._acquireTemplate(templateSource.toString()) - }, - _createTemplate: function(element) { - return new this._templateClass(element, this) - }, - _findTemplateByDevice: function(templates) { - var suitableTemplate = DX.utils.findBestMatches(DX.devices.current(), templates, function(template) { - return getTemplateOptions(template) - })[0]; - $.each(templates, function(index, template) { - if (template !== suitableTemplate) - $(template).remove() - }); - return suitableTemplate - }, - _cleanTemplates: function() { - var that = this; - $.each(this.option("_templates"), function(templateName, template) { - if (that === template.owner()) - template.dispose() - }) - }, - _initContentReadyAction: function() { - this._contentReadyAction = this._createActionByOption("contentReadyAction", {excludeValidators: ["gesture", "designMode", "disabled"]}) - }, - _render: function() { - this.callBase(); - this._element().addClass("dx-widget"); - this._toggleDisabledState(this.option("disabled")); - this._toggleVisibility(this.option("visible")); - this._refreshFeedback(); - this._renderDimensions(); - if (this._templatesSupported()) - this._renderContent(); - this._attachHoverEvents() - }, - _renderContent: function() { - this._renderContentImpl(); - this._fireContentReadyAction() - }, - _renderContentImpl: DX.abstract, - _fireContentReadyAction: function() { - this._contentReadyAction({excludeValidators: ["disabled", "gesture"]}) - }, - _dispose: function() { - if (this._templatesSupported()) - this._cleanTemplates(); - this._contentReadyAction = null; - this._clearTimers(); - if (activeElement && activeElement.closest(this._element()).length) - activeElement = null; - this.callBase() - }, - _clean: function() { - this.callBase(); - this._element().empty() - }, - _clearTimers: function() { - clearTimeout(this._feedbackHideTimer); - clearTimeout(this._feedbackShowTimer) - }, - _toggleVisibility: function(visible) { - this._element().toggleClass(INVISIBLE_STATE_CLASS, !visible) - }, - _attachHoverEvents: function() { - var that = this, - hoverableSelector = that._activeStateUnit, - nameStart = events.addNamespace(HOVER_START, UI_FEEDBACK), - nameEnd = events.addNamespace(HOVER_END, UI_FEEDBACK); - that._element().off(nameStart, hoverableSelector).off(nameEnd, hoverableSelector); - if (this.option("hoverStateEnabled")) { - var startAction = new DX.Action(function(args) { - var $target = args.element; - that._refreshHoveredElement($target) - }); - that._element().on(nameStart, hoverableSelector, {selector: hoverableSelector}, function(e) { - startAction.execute({element: $(}) - }).on(nameEnd, hoverableSelector, {selector: hoverableSelector}, function(e) { - e.stopImmediatePropagation(); - that._forgetHoveredElement() - }) - } - else - this._toggleHoverClass(false) - }, - _refreshHoveredElement: function(hoveredElement) { - var selector = this._activeStateUnit || this._element(); - this._forgetHoveredElement(); - this._hoveredElement = hoveredElement.closest(selector); - this._toggleHoverClass(true) - }, - _forgetHoveredElement: function() { - this._toggleHoverClass(false); - delete this._hoveredElement - }, - _toggleHoverClass: function(value) { - if (this._hoveredElement) - this._hoveredElement.toggleClass(HOVER_STATE_CLASS, value && this.option("hoverStateEnabled")) - }, - _renderDimensions: function() { - var width = this.option("width"), - height = this.option("height"); - this._setDimension(width, "width"); - this._setDimension(height, "height") - }, - _setDimension: function(dimensionSize, dimension) { - var $element = this._element(); - dimensionSize = $.isFunction(dimensionSize) ? dimensionSize() : dimensionSize; - if ($.isNumeric(dimensionSize)) - dimensionSize = dimensionSize + "px"; - if (!dimensionSize && dimension === "width") - dimensionSize = this._calculateWidth(); - $element.css(dimension, dimensionSize) - }, - _calculateWidth: function() { - var $element = this._element(), - explicitWidth = $element[0].style.width, - calculatedWidth; - if (explicitWidth[explicitWidth.length - 1] === "%" && !this.option("width")) - return explicitWidth; - else - calculatedWidth = explicitWidth && explicitWidth !== "auto" && explicitWidth !== "inherit" ? $element.outerWidth() : this.option("width"); - return calculatedWidth - }, - _refreshFeedback: function() { - if (this._feedbackDisabled()) { - this._feedbackOff(true); - this._element().removeClass(UI_FEEDBACK_CLASS) - } - else - this._element().addClass(UI_FEEDBACK_CLASS) - }, - _feedbackDisabled: function() { - return !this.option("activeStateEnabled") || this.option("disabled") - }, - _feedbackOn: function(element, immediate) { - if (this._feedbackDisabled()) - return; - this._clearTimers(); - if (immediate) - this._feedbackShow(element); - else - this._feedbackShowTimer = window.setTimeout($.proxy(this._feedbackShow, this, element), this._feedbackShowTimeout); - this._saveActiveElement() - }, - _feedbackShow: function(element) { - var activeStateElement = this._element(); - if (this._activeStateUnit) - activeStateElement = $(element).closest(this._activeStateUnit); - if (!activeStateElement.hasClass(DISABLED_STATE_CLASS)) { - activeStateElement.addClass(ACTIVE_STATE_CLASS); - this._toggleHoverClass(false) - } - }, - _saveActiveElement: function() { - activeElement = this._element() - }, - _feedbackOff: function(immediate) { - this._clearTimers(); - if (immediate) - this._feedbackHide(); - else - this._feedbackHideTimer = window.setTimeout($.proxy(this._feedbackHide, this), this._feedbackHideTimeout) - }, - _feedbackHide: function() { - var activeStateElement = this._element(); - if (this._activeStateUnit) - activeStateElement = activeStateElement.find(this._activeStateUnit); - activeStateElement.removeClass(ACTIVE_STATE_CLASS); - this._toggleHoverClass(!this.option("disabled")); - this._clearActiveElement() - }, - _clearActiveElement: function() { - var rootDomElement = this._element().get(0), - activeDomElement = activeElement && activeElement.get(0); - if (activeDomElement && (activeDomElement === rootDomElement || $.contains(rootDomElement, activeDomElement))) - activeElement = null - }, - _toggleDisabledState: function(value) { - this._element().toggleClass(DISABLED_STATE_CLASS, Boolean(value)); - this._toggleHoverClass(!value) - }, - _optionChanged: function(name, value) { - switch (name) { - case"disabled": - this._toggleDisabledState(value); - this._refreshFeedback(); - break; - case"activeStateEnabled": - this._refreshFeedback(); - break; - case"hoverStateEnabled": - this._attachHoverEvents(); - break; - case"visible": - this._toggleVisibility(value); - break; - case"width": - case"height": - this._renderDimensions(); - break; - case"contentReadyAction": - this._initContentReadyAction(); - break; - case"_templates": - this._refresh(); - break; - default: - this.callBase.apply(this, arguments) - } - }, - repaint: function() { - this._refresh() - } - }); - var handleStart = function(args, immediate) { - var e = args.jQueryEvent, - $target = args.element, - widget; - if (events.needSkipEvent(e)) - return; - if (activeElement) { - widget = getWidget(activeElement); - if (widget) - widget._feedbackOff(true) - } - var closestFeedbackElement = $target.closest("." + UI_FEEDBACK_CLASS); - if (closestFeedbackElement.length) { - widget = getWidget(closestFeedbackElement); - if (!widget) - return; - widget._feedbackOn($target, immediate); - if (immediate) - widget._feedbackOff() - } - }; - var handleEnd = function(immediate) { - if (!activeElement) - return; - var widget = getWidget(activeElement); - if (widget) - widget._feedbackOff(immediate) - }; - var getWidget = function(widgetElement) { - var result; - $.each("dxComponents") || [], function(index, componentName) { - if (ui[componentName] && ui[componentName].subclassOf(ui.Widget)) { - result =; - return false - } - }); - return result - }; - $(function() { - var startAction = new DX.Action(handleStart); - $(document).on(events.addNamespace("dxpointerdown", UI_FEEDBACK), function(e) { - startAction.execute({ - jQueryEvent: e, - element: $( - }) - }).on(events.addNamespace("dxpointerup dxpointercancel", UI_FEEDBACK), function(e) { - var activeElementClicked = activeElement && $("." + UI_FEEDBACK_CLASS).get(0) === activeElement.get(0); - if (activeElementClicked) - startAction.execute({ - jQueryEvent: e, - element: $( - }, true); - handleEnd() - }) - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file ui.editor.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var ui = DX.ui; - DX.registerComponent("dxEditor", ui.Widget.inherit({ - _setDefaultOptions: function() { - this.callBase(); - this.option({ - value: undefined, - valueChangeAction: undefined - }) - }, - _recreateValueChangeAction: function() { - this._valueChangeAction = this._createActionByOption("valueChangeAction") - }, - _suppressValueChangeAction: function() { - this._valueChangeActionSuppressed = true - }, - _resumeValueChangeAction: function() { - this._valueChangeActionSuppressed = false - }, - _render: function() { - this._recreateValueChangeAction(); - this.callBase() - }, - _raiseValueChangeAction: function(value, previousValue, extraArguments) { - var args = { - value: value, - previousValue: previousValue, - jQueryEvent: this._valueChangeEventInstance - }; - if (extraArguments) - args = $.extend(args, extraArguments); - this._valueChangeAction(args) - }, - _optionChanged: function(name, value, previousValue) { - switch (name) { - case"valueChangeAction": - this._recreateValueChangeAction(); - break; - case"value": - if (!this._valueChangeActionSuppressed) - this._raiseValueChangeAction(value, previousValue); - this._valueChangeEventInstance = undefined; - break; - default: - this.callBase.apply(this, arguments) - } - } - })) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file ui.template.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var isString = DX.utils.isString; - var currentTemplateEngine; - var templateEngines = []; - var BaseTemplate = DevExpress.Class.inherit({ - _compile: function(html, element) { - return element - }, - _render: function(template, data) { - return template - }, - ctor: function(element) { - this._element = $(element); - if (this._element.length === 1) { - if (this._element[0].nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "script") - this._element = $("
").append(this._element); - this._template = this._compile(this._element.html() || "", this._element) - } - }, - render: function(container, data) { - var result; - if (this._template) { - result = this._render(this._template, data); - if (isString(result)) - result = $.parseHTML(result); - result = $(result); - if (container) - container.append(result); - return result - } - }, - owner: $.noop, - dispose: $.noop - }); - var createTemplateEngine = function(options) { - if (options && options.compile && options.render) - return BaseTemplate.inherit({ - allowRenderToDetachedContainer: options.allowRenderToDetachedContainer !== false, - _compile: options.compile, - _render: options.render - }); - else - throw Error("Template Engine must contains compile and render methods"); - }; - if (window.ko) { - var koCustomTemplateEngine = function(){}; - koCustomTemplateEngine.prototype = ko.utils.extend(new ko.templateEngine, { - renderTemplateSource: function(templateSource, bindingContext, options) { - var precompiledTemplate = templateSource["data"]("precompiledTemplate"); - if (!precompiledTemplate) { - precompiledTemplate = new currentTemplateEngine(templateSource.domElement); - templateSource["data"]("precompiledTemplate", precompiledTemplate) - } - return precompiledTemplate.render(null, bindingContext.$data) - }, - allowTemplateRewriting: false - }) - } - DevExpress.ui.setTemplateEngine = function(templateEngine) { - if (isString(templateEngine)) { - currentTemplateEngine = templateEngines && templateEngines[templateEngine]; - if (!currentTemplateEngine && templateEngine !== "default") - throw Error(DX.utils.stringFormat("Template Engine \"{0}\" is not supported", templateEngine)); - } - else - currentTemplateEngine = createTemplateEngine(templateEngine) || currentTemplateEngine; - if (window.ko) - ko.setTemplateEngine(currentTemplateEngine ? new koCustomTemplateEngine : new ko.nativeTemplateEngine) - }; - DevExpress.ui.TemplateProvider = DevExpress.ui.TemplateProvider.inherit({getTemplateClass: function() { - if (currentTemplateEngine) - return currentTemplateEngine; - return this.callBase.apply(this, arguments) - }}); - var registerTemplateEngine = function(name, templateOptions) { - templateEngines[name] = createTemplateEngine(templateOptions) - }; - registerTemplateEngine("jquery-tmpl", { - compile: function(html, element) { - return element - }, - render: function(template, data) { - return template.tmpl(data) - } - }); - registerTemplateEngine("jsrender", { - compile: function(html) { - return $.templates(html) - }, - render: function(template, data) { - return template.render(data) - } - }); - registerTemplateEngine("mustache", { - compile: function(html) { - return Mustache.compile(html) - }, - render: function(template, data) { - return template(data) - } - }); - registerTemplateEngine("hogan", { - compile: function(html) { - return Hogan.compile(html) - }, - render: function(template, data) { - return template.render(data) - } - }); - registerTemplateEngine("underscore", { - compile: function(html) { - return _.template(html) - }, - render: function(template, data) { - return template(data) - } - }); - registerTemplateEngine("handlebars", { - compile: function(html) { - return Handlebars.compile(html) - }, - render: function(template, data) { - return template(data) - } - }); - registerTemplateEngine("doT", { - compile: function(html) { - return doT.template(html) - }, - render: function(template, data) { - return template(data) - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file ui.collectionContainerWidget.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var ui = DX.ui, - events =; - var CollectionContainerWidget = ui.Widget.inherit({ - _setDefaultOptions: function() { - this.callBase(); - this.option({ - items: [], - itemTemplate: "item", - itemRender: null, - itemRenderedAction: null, - itemClickAction: null, - itemHoldAction: null, - itemHoldTimeout: 750, - noDataText: Globalize.localize("dxCollectionContainerWidget-noDataText"), - dataSource: null, - selectedIndex: -1, - itemSelectAction: null - }) - }, - _init: function() { - this.callBase(); - this._cleanRenderedItems(); - this._refreshDataSource() - }, - _dataSourceOptions: function() { - var options = { - paginate: false, - _preferSync: false - }; - if ($.isArray(this.option("dataSource"))) - options._preferSync = true; - return options - }, - _cleanRenderedItems: function() { - this._renderedItemsCount = 0 - }, - _fireSelectItemEvent: function(index, prevIndex) { - if (this._selectionEnabled()) { - this._updateSelectedIndex(index, prevIndex); - this._handleItemEvent(this._selectedItemElement(index), "itemSelectAction", { - selectedIndex: index, - previousIndex: prevIndex - }, {excludeValidators: ["gesture", "disabled"]}) - } - }, - _optionChanged: function(name, value, prevValue) { - switch (name) { - case"items": - if (this._selectionEnabled()) { - var itemsCount = value && value.length || 0, - maxIndex = Math.max(itemsCount - 1, 0); - if (maxIndex < this.option("selectedIndex")) - this.option("selectedIndex", 0) - } - this._cleanRenderedItems(); - this._invalidate(); - break; - case"dataSource": - this._refreshDataSource(); - if (!this._dataSource) - this.option("items", []); - this._renderEmptyMessage(); - break; - case"noDataText": - this._renderEmptyMessage(); - break; - case"itemTemplate": - this._invalidate(); - break; - case"itemRender": - this._itemRender = null; - this._invalidate(); - break; - case"itemRenderedAction": - this._createItemRenderAction(); - break; - case"itemClickAction": - break; - case"itemHoldAction": - case"itemHoldTimeout": - this._attachHoldEvent(); - break; - case"selectedIndex": - this._fireSelectItemEvent(value, prevValue); - break; - case"itemSelectAction": - break; - default: - this.callBase(name, value, prevValue) - } - }, - _expectNextPageLoading: function() { - this._startIndexForAppendedItems = 0 - }, - _expectLastItemLoading: function() { - this._startIndexForAppendedItems = -1 - }, - _forgetNextPageLoading: function() { - this._startIndexForAppendedItems = null - }, - _handleDataSourceChanged: function(newItems) { - var items = this.option("items"); - if (this._initialized && items && this._shouldAppendItems()) { - this._renderedItemsCount = items.length; - if (!this._dataSource.isLastPage() || this._startIndexForAppendedItems !== -1) - this.option().items = items.concat(newItems.slice(this._startIndexForAppendedItems)); - this._renderContent(); - this._forgetNextPageLoading() - } - else - this.option("items", newItems) - }, - _handleDataSourceLoadError: function() { - this._forgetNextPageLoading() - }, - _shouldAppendItems: function() { - return this._startIndexForAppendedItems != null && this._allowDinamicItemsAppend() - }, - _allowDinamicItemsAppend: function() { - return false - }, - _clean: function() { - this._itemContainer().empty() - }, - _refresh: function() { - this._cleanRenderedItems(); - this.callBase.apply(this, arguments) - }, - _itemContainer: function() { - return this._element() - }, - _itemClass: DX.abstract, - _itemSelector: function() { - return "." + this._itemClass() - }, - _itemDataKey: DX.abstract, - _itemElements: function() { - return this._itemContainer().find(this._itemSelector()) - }, - _render: function() { - this.callBase(); - this._attachClickEvent(); - this._attachHoldEvent(); - if (this._selectionEnabled()) { - this._renderSelectedIndex(this.option("selectedIndex")); - this._attachSelectedEvent() - } - }, - _selectionEnabled: function() { - return this._renderSelectedIndex !== DX.abstract - }, - _selectionByClickEnabled: function() { - return true - }, - _renderSelectedIndex: DX.abstract, - _attachSelectedEvent: function() { - if (!this._selectionByClickEnabled()) - return; - var itemSelector = this._itemSelector(), - itemSelectHandler = this._createAction($.proxy(function(e) { - this._handleItemSelect(e.jQueryEvent) - }, this)), - eventName = events.addNamespace("dxclick", this.NAME); - this._element().off(eventName, itemSelector).on(eventName, itemSelector, $.proxy(function(e) { - var $itemElement = $(; - itemSelectHandler({ - itemElement: $itemElement, - jQueryEvent: e - }); - this._handleItemClick(e) - }, this)) - }, - _handleItemSelect: function(e) { - if (events.needSkipEvent(e)) - return; - var items = this.option("items"), - selectedItem = $(e.currentTarget).data(this._itemDataKey()), - selectedItemIndex = $.inArray(selectedItem, items); - this.option("selectedIndex", selectedItemIndex) - }, - _updateSelectedIndex: function() { - this._renderSelectedIndex.apply(this, arguments) - }, - _selectedItemElement: function(index) { - return this._itemElements().eq(index) - }, - _attachClickEvent: function() { - if (this._selectionEnabled() && this._selectionByClickEnabled()) - return; - var itemSelector = this._itemSelector(), - eventName = events.addNamespace("dxclick", this.NAME); - this._itemContainer().off(eventName, itemSelector).on(eventName, itemSelector, $.proxy(this._handleItemClick, this)) - }, - _handleItemClick: function(e) { - this._handleItemJQueryEvent(e, "itemClickAction") - }, - _attachHoldEvent: function() { - var $itemContainer = this._itemContainer(), - itemSelector = this._itemSelector(), - eventName = events.addNamespace("dxhold", this.NAME); - $, itemSelector); - if (this._shouldAttachHoldEvent()) - $itemContainer.on(eventName, itemSelector, {timeout: this.option("itemHoldTimeout")}, $.proxy(this._handleItemHold, this)) - }, - _shouldAttachHoldEvent: function() { - return this.option("itemHoldAction") - }, - _handleItemHold: function(e) { - this._handleItemJQueryEvent(e, "itemHoldAction") - }, - _renderContentImpl: function() { - var items = this.option("items") || []; - if (this._renderedItemsCount) - this._renderItems(items.slice(this._renderedItemsCount)); - else - this._renderItems(items) - }, - _renderItems: function(items) { - if (items.length) - $.each(items, $.proxy(this._renderItem, this)); - this._renderEmptyMessage() - }, - _renderItem: function(index, itemData, container) { - container = container || this._itemContainer(); - var itemRenderer = this._getItemRenderer(), - itemTemplateName = this._getItemTemplateName(itemData), - itemTemplate = this._getTemplate(itemTemplateName, index, itemData), - itemElement, - renderArgs = { - index: index, - item: itemData, - container: container - }; - if (itemRenderer) - itemElement = this._createItemByRenderer(itemRenderer, renderArgs); - else if (itemTemplate) - itemElement = this._createItemByTemplate(itemTemplate, renderArgs); - else - itemElement = this._createItemByRenderer(this._itemRenderDefault, renderArgs); - itemElement.addClass(this._itemClass()).data(this._itemDataKey(), itemData); - var postprocessRenderArgs = { - itemElement: itemElement, - itemData: itemData, - itemIndex: index - }; - this._postprocessRenderItem(postprocessRenderArgs); - this._getItemRenderAction()({ - itemElement: itemElement, - itemData: itemData - }); - return itemElement - }, - _createItemRenderAction: function() { - return this._itemRenderAction = this._createActionByOption("itemRenderedAction", { - element: this._element(), - excludeValidators: ["gesture", "designMode", "disabled"] - }) - }, - _getItemRenderAction: function() { - return this._itemRenderAction || this._createItemRenderAction() - }, - _getItemRenderer: function() { - this._itemRender = this._itemRender || this.option("itemRender"); - return this._itemRender - }, - _createItemByRenderer: function(itemRenderer, renderArgs) { - var itemElement = $("
").appendTo(renderArgs.container); - var rendererResult =, renderArgs.item, renderArgs.index, itemElement); - if (rendererResult != null && itemElement[0] !== rendererResult[0]) - itemElement.append(rendererResult); - return itemElement - }, - _getItemTemplateName: function(itemData) { - return itemData && itemData.template || this.option("itemTemplate") - }, - _createItemByTemplate: function(itemTemplate, renderArgs) { - return itemTemplate.render(renderArgs.container, renderArgs.item, renderArgs.index, "ignoreTarget") - }, - _itemRenderDefault: function(item, index, itemElement) { - if ($.isPlainObject(item)) { - if (item.visible !== undefined && !item.visible) - itemElement.hide(); - if (item.disabled) - itemElement.addClass("dx-state-disabled"); - if (item.text) - itemElement.text(item.text); - if (item.html) - itemElement.html(item.html) - } - else - itemElement.html(String(item)) - }, - _postprocessRenderItem: $.noop, - _renderEmptyMessage: function() { - if (!this._selectionEnabled()) { - var noDataText = this.option("noDataText"), - items = this.option("items"), - dataSourceLoading = this._dataSource && this._dataSource.isLoading(), - hideNoData = !noDataText || items && items.length || dataSourceLoading; - if (hideNoData && this._$nodata) { - this._$nodata.remove(); - this._$nodata = null - } - if (!hideNoData) { - this._$nodata = this._$nodata || $("
").addClass("dx-empty-message"); - this._$nodata.appendTo(this._itemContainer()).text(noDataText) - } - } - }, - _handleItemJQueryEvent: function(jQueryEvent, handlerOptionName, actionArgs, actionConfig) { - this._handleItemEvent(, handlerOptionName, $.extend(actionArgs, {jQueryEvent: jQueryEvent}), actionConfig) - }, - _handleItemEvent: function(initiator, handlerOptionName, actionArgs, actionConfig) { - var action = this._createActionByOption(handlerOptionName, actionConfig); - return this._handleItemEventImpl(initiator, action, actionArgs) - }, - _handleItemEventByHandler: function(initiator, handler, actionArgs, actionConfig) { - var action = this._createAction(handler, actionConfig); - return this._handleItemEventImpl(initiator, action, actionArgs) - }, - _handleItemEventImpl: function(initiator, action, actionArgs) { - var $itemElement = this._closestItemElement($(initiator)); - actionArgs = $.extend({ - itemElement: $itemElement, - itemData: this._getItemData($itemElement) - }, actionArgs); - return action(actionArgs) - }, - _closestItemElement: function($element) { - return $($element).closest(this._itemSelector()) - }, - _getItemData: function($itemElement) { - return $ - }, - itemElements: function() { - return this._itemElements() - }, - itemsContainer: function() { - return this._itemContainer() - } - }).include(ui.DataHelperMixin); - ui.CollectionContainerWidget = CollectionContainerWidget - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module core, file ui.tooltip.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var $tooltip = null; - var createTooltip = function(options) { - options = $.extend({position: "top"}, options); - var content = options.content; - delete options.content; - return $("
").html(content).appendTo(DX.overlayTargetContainer()).dxTooltip(options) - }; - var removeTooltip = function() { - if (!$tooltip) - return; - $tooltip.remove(); - $tooltip = null - }; - var tooltip = { - show: function(options) { - removeTooltip(); - $tooltip = createTooltip(options); - return $tooltip.dxTooltip("show") - }, - hide: function() { - if (!$tooltip) - return $.when(); - return $tooltip.dxTooltip("hide").done(removeTooltip).promise() - } - }; - DX.ui.tooltip = tooltip - })(jQuery, DevExpress) -} -if (!DevExpress.MOD_VIZ_CORE) { - if (!window.DevExpress) - throw Error('Required module is not referenced: core'); - /*! Module viz-core, file namespaces.js */ - (function(DevExpress) { - DevExpress.viz = {} - })(DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file namespaces.js */ - (function(DevExpress) { - DevExpress.viz.core = {} - })(DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file errorsWarnings.js */ - (function(DevExpress) { - DevExpress.viz.core.errorsWarnings = { - E2001: "Invalid data source", - E2002: "Axis type and data type are incompatible", - E2003: "\"{0}\" data source field contains data of unsupported type", - E2004: "\"{0}\" data source field is inconsistent", - E2101: "Unknown series type was specified: {0}", - E2102: "Ambiguity occurred between two value axes with the same name", - E2103: "\"{0}\" option must be a function", - E2104: "Invalid logarithm base", - E2105: "Invalid value of a \"{0}\"", - E2106: "Invalid visible range", - E2201: "Invalid type of data source field", - E2202: "Invalid scale {0} value", - E2203: "The \"{0}\" field of the \"selectedRange\" configuration object is not valid", - W2001: "{0} cannot be drawn because its container is invisible", - W2002: "The {0} data field is absent", - W2003: "Tick interval is too small", - W2101: "\"{0}\" pane does not exist; \"{1}\" pane is used instead", - W2102: "Value axis with the \"{0}\" name was created automatically", - W2103: "Chart title was hidden due to container size", - W2104: "Legend was hidden due to container size", - W2105: "Title of \"{0}\" axis was hidden due to container size", - W2106: "Labels of \"{0}\" axis were hidden due to container size", - W2301: "Invalid value range" - } - })(DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file tickProvider.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var utils = DX.utils, - math = Math, - mathCeil = math.ceil, - mathFloor = math.floor, - mathAbs = math.abs, - mathRound = math.round, - core = DX.viz.core; - var TICKS_COUNT_LIMIT = 2000; - core.outOfScreen = { - x: -1000, - y: -1000 - }; - core.tickIntervalCalculator = { - _defaultNumberMultipliers: [1, 2, 3, 5], - _defaultGridSpacingFactor: 30, - _getCommonTickInterval: function(deltaCoef, numberMultipliers) { - var factor, - result = 0, - hasResult = false, - i; - for (factor = 1; !hasResult; factor *= 10) - for (i = 0; i < numberMultipliers.length; i++) { - result = numberMultipliers[i] * factor; - if (deltaCoef <= result) { - hasResult = true; - break - } - } - return result - }, - _getNumericTickInterval: function(deltaCoef, numberMultipliers) { - var factor, - result = 0, - newResult, - hasResult = false, - i; - if (deltaCoef > 1.0) - result = this._getCommonTickInterval(deltaCoef, numberMultipliers); - else if (deltaCoef > 0) { - result = 1; - for (factor = 0.1; !hasResult; factor /= 10) - for (i = numberMultipliers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { - newResult = numberMultipliers[i] * factor; - if (deltaCoef > newResult) { - hasResult = true; - break - } - result = newResult - } - } - return utils.adjustValue(result) - }, - _getLogarithmicTickInterval: function(deltaCoef, numberMultipliers) { - var result = 0; - if (deltaCoef !== 0) - result = this._getCommonTickInterval(deltaCoef, numberMultipliers); - return utils.adjustValue(result) - }, - _getDateTimeTickInterval: function(deltaCoef, numberMultipliers) { - var dateTimeMultipliers = { - millisecond: [1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 100, 250, 300, 500], - second: [1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30], - minute: [1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30], - hour: [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12], - day: [1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 14], - month: [1, 2, 3, 6] - }, - result = {}, - factor, - key, - specificMultipliers, - yearsCount, - i; - if (deltaCoef > 0 && deltaCoef < 1.0) - return {milliseconds: 1}; - else if (deltaCoef === 0) - return 0; - for (key in dateTimeMultipliers) - if (dateTimeMultipliers.hasOwnProperty(key)) { - specificMultipliers = dateTimeMultipliers[key]; - for (i = 0; i < specificMultipliers.length; i++) - if (deltaCoef <= utils.convertDateUnitToMilliseconds(key, specificMultipliers[i])) { - result[key + 's'] = specificMultipliers[i]; - return result - } - } - for (factor = 1; ; factor *= 10) - for (i = 0; i < numberMultipliers.length; i++) { - yearsCount = factor * numberMultipliers[i]; - if (deltaCoef <= utils.convertDateUnitToMilliseconds('year', yearsCount)) - return {years: yearsCount} - } - return null - }, - getTickInterval: function(options) { - var that = this, - gridSpacingFactor = options.gridSpacingFactor || that._defaultGridSpacingFactor, - numberMultipliers = options.numberMultipliers || that._defaultNumberMultipliers, - businessDelta = options.businessDelta, - screenDelta = options.screenDelta, - deltaCoef = screenDelta > 0 && gridSpacingFactor < screenDelta ? gridSpacingFactor * businessDelta / screenDelta : 0; - that._testNumberMultipliers = numberMultipliers; - if (options.axisType === 'logarithmic') - return that._getLogarithmicTickInterval(deltaCoef, numberMultipliers); - else - switch (options.dataType) { - case'numeric': - return that._getNumericTickInterval(deltaCoef, numberMultipliers); - break; - case'datetime': - return that._getDateTimeTickInterval(deltaCoef, numberMultipliers); - break - } - return null - } - }; - core.minorTickIntervalCalculator = { - _defaultNumberMultipliers: [2, 4, 5, 8, 10], - _defaultGridSpacingFactor: 15, - _getDateTimeTickInterval: function(businessDelta, deltaCoef, numberMultipliers) { - var result, - i; - for (i = numberMultipliers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { - this.testResultNumberMultiplier = numberMultipliers[i]; - result = mathFloor(businessDelta / numberMultipliers[i]); - if (deltaCoef <= result) - return utils.convertMillisecondsToDateUnits(result) - } - return 0 - }, - _getCommonTickInterval: function(businessDelta, deltaCoef, numberMultipliers) { - var result, - i; - for (i = numberMultipliers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { - this.testResultNumberMultiplier = numberMultipliers[i]; - result = businessDelta / numberMultipliers[i]; - if (deltaCoef <= result) - return utils.adjustValue(result) - } - return 0 - }, - getTickInterval: function(options) { - var that = this, - gridSpacingFactor = !utils.isDefined(options.gridSpacingFactor) ? that._defaultGridSpacingFactor : options.gridSpacingFactor, - numberMultipliers = options.numberMultipliers || that._defaultNumberMultipliers, - businessDelta = options.businessDelta, - deltaCoef = gridSpacingFactor * businessDelta / options.screenDelta; - if (options.axisType === 'logarithmic') - return that._getCommonTickInterval(businessDelta, deltaCoef, numberMultipliers); - else - switch (options.dataType) { - case'numeric': - return that._getCommonTickInterval(businessDelta, deltaCoef, numberMultipliers); - case'datetime': - return that._getDateTimeTickInterval(businessDelta, deltaCoef, numberMultipliers) - } - return 0 - } - }; - core.tickProvider = { - _appendFakeSVGElement: function(value, text, options) { - var textOptions = $.extend({}, options.textOptions, {rotate: 0}); - return options.renderer.createText(text, core.outOfScreen.x + (options.translator.translate(value) || 0), core.outOfScreen.y, textOptions).append() - }, - _getDistanceByAngle: function(elementHeight, rotationAngle) { - return elementHeight / mathAbs(math.sin(rotationAngle * (math.PI / 180))) - }, - _areDisplayValuesValid: function(value1, value2, options) { - var that = this, - getText = that._getTextFunc(options), - rotationAngle = options.textOptions && utils.isNumber(options.textOptions.rotate) ? options.textOptions.rotate : 0, - svgElement1 = that._appendFakeSVGElement(value1, getText(value1), options), - svgElement2 = that._appendFakeSVGElement(value2, getText(value2), options), - bBox1 = svgElement1.getBBox(), - bBox2 = svgElement2.getBBox(), - result, - translator = options.translator; - if (rotationAngle !== 0) - result = that._getDistanceByAngle(bBox1.height, rotationAngle) <= mathAbs(bBox2.x - bBox1.x); - else if (options.isHorizontal) - result = !translator.getBusinessRange().invert ? bBox1.x + bBox1.width < bBox2.x : bBox2.x + bBox2.width < bBox1.x; - else - result = mathAbs(translator.translate(value1) - translator.translate(value2)) > bBox1.height; - svgElement1.remove(); - svgElement2.remove(); - return result - }, - _removeInvalidDatesWithUnitBegining: function(dates, options) { - if (dates.length <= 1 || !options.setTicksAtUnitBeginning || !utils.isDate(options.min)) - return; - if (!this._areDisplayValuesValid(dates[0], dates[1], options)) - dates.splice(1, 1) - }, - _getValueSize: function(values, options) { - var that = this, - value, - rotationAngle = options.textOptions ? options.textOptions.rotate : 0, - svgElement, - bBox, - result, - getText = that._getTextFunc(options), - i; - if (values.length === 0) - return 0; - options.isRotate = utils.isNumber(rotationAngle) && rotationAngle !== 0; - if (options.isRotate || !options.isHorizontal) - value = getText(values[0]); - else { - value = []; - for (i = 0; i < values.length; i++) - value.push(getText(values[i])); - value = value.join('\n') - } - svgElement = that._appendFakeSVGElement(value, value, options); - bBox = svgElement.getBBox(); - if (options.isRotate) - result = that._getDistanceByAngle(bBox.height, rotationAngle); - else - result = options.isHorizontal ? bBox.width : bBox.height; - svgElement.remove(); - return mathCeil(result) - }, - _adjustNumericTickValue: function(value, interval, min) { - return utils.isExponential(value) ? utils.adjustValue(value) : utils.applyPrecisionByMinDelta(min, interval, value) - }, - _generateStartTick: function(tickInterval, options) { - var that = this, - milliseconds = 0, - boundedRule = options.min - options.max < 0, - startTick = options.min, - isDate = utils.isDate(options.min), - currentTickInterval = isDate ? utils.convertDateTickIntervalToMilliseconds(tickInterval) : tickInterval, - nextTick; - if (options.axisType === 'logarithmic') - startTick = utils.raiseTo(mathFloor(utils.adjustValue(utils.getLog(options.min, options.base)) / currentTickInterval * currentTickInterval), options.base); - else { - startTick = mathFloor(options.min / currentTickInterval) * currentTickInterval; - startTick = isDate ? new Date(startTick) : that._adjustNumericTickValue(startTick, currentTickInterval, options.min) - } - while (boundedRule === startTick - options.min < 0 && startTick !== options.min) { - nextTick = that._nextTick(startTick, tickInterval, options); - if (nextTick !== startTick) - startTick = nextTick; - else - return nextTick - } - return startTick - }, - _nextTick: function(tick, tickInterval, options) { - var nextTick, - lgPower, - that = this; - if (options.axisType === 'logarithmic') { - lgPower = utils.addInterval(utils.adjustValue(utils.getLog(tick, options.base)), tickInterval, options.min > options.max); - nextTick = utils.raiseTo(lgPower, options.base); - nextTick = that._adjustNumericTickValue(nextTick, tickInterval, math.min(options.min, options.max)) - } - else { - nextTick = utils.addInterval(tick, tickInterval, options.min > options.max); - if (options.dataType === 'numeric') - nextTick = that._adjustNumericTickValue(nextTick, tickInterval, options.min); - if (options.dataType === 'datetime' && options.setTicksAtUnitBeginning) - utils.correctDateWithUnitBeginning(nextTick, tickInterval) - } - return nextTick - }, - _addMinorTicks: function(majorTick1, majorTick2, ticksInfo, options, isReverse) { - var that = this, - i, - dataType = options.dataType, - businessDelta, - minorTicks = [], - interval = 0, - minorTickIntervalsCount = options.minorTickCount + 1, - intervalsCount, - tickInterval; - options.min = majorTick1; - options.max = majorTick2; - if (!utils.isDefined(options.tickInterval)) { - options.businessDelta = businessDelta = mathAbs(options.max - options.min); - options.screenDelta = businessDelta * options.deltaCoef; - if (utils.isDefined(options.minorTickCount)) { - if (!ticksInfo.majorTicks.autoArrangementStep || ticksInfo.majorTicks.autoArrangementStep <= 1) { - intervalsCount = options.minorTickCount + 1; - interval = dataType === 'datetime' ? utils.convertDateTickIntervalToMilliseconds(ticksInfo.majorTickInterval) : ticksInfo.majorTickInterval; - minorTickIntervalsCount = mathRound(businessDelta / interval * intervalsCount) || 1 - } - tickInterval = dataType === 'datetime' ? utils.convertMillisecondsToDateUnits(businessDelta / minorTickIntervalsCount) : businessDelta / minorTickIntervalsCount; - if ($.isNumeric(tickInterval)) - tickInterval = utils.adjustValue(tickInterval) - } - else if (utils.isDate(majorTick1)) - tickInterval = core.minorTickIntervalCalculator.getTickInterval(options) - } - options = $.extend(true, {}, options, {tickInterval: tickInterval}); - minorTicks = that.getTicks(options); - if (isReverse) - minorTicks.reverse(); - if (minorTicks.length > 0) - if (mathCeil(mathAbs(majorTick2 - minorTicks[minorTicks.length - 1]) * options.deltaCoef) < 2) - minorTicks.pop(); - for (i = 0; i < minorTicks.length; i++) { - ticksInfo.minorTicks.push(minorTicks[i]); - ticksInfo.fullTicks.push(minorTicks[i]) - } - }, - _addLeftBoudedTicks: function(ticksInfo, min, minorTicksOptions) { - if (utils.isDefined(min) && ticksInfo.majorTicks[0].valueOf() !== min.valueOf()) { - minorTicksOptions.addMinMax.max = true; - this._addMinorTicks(ticksInfo.majorTicks[0], min, ticksInfo, minorTicksOptions, true); - minorTicksOptions.addMinMax.max = false; - if (minorTicksOptions.showCustomBoundaryTicks) { - if (ticksInfo.minorTicks.length > 0 && ticksInfo.minorTicks[0].valueOf() === min.valueOf()) - ticksInfo.minorTicks.shift(min); - ticksInfo.customBoundaryTicks.push(min); - ticksInfo.fullTicks.unshift(min) - } - } - }, - _addRightBoudedTicks: function(ticksInfo, max, minorTicksOptions) { - var lastMajorTick = ticksInfo.majorTicks[ticksInfo.majorTicks.length - 1]; - ticksInfo.fullTicks.push(lastMajorTick); - if (utils.isDefined(max) && lastMajorTick.valueOf() !== max.valueOf()) { - minorTicksOptions.addMinMax.min = false; - minorTicksOptions.addMinMax.max = true; - this._addMinorTicks(lastMajorTick, max, ticksInfo, minorTicksOptions); - if (minorTicksOptions.showCustomBoundaryTicks) { - if (ticksInfo.minorTicks.length > 0 && ticksInfo.minorTicks[ticksInfo.minorTicks.length - 1].valueOf() === max.valueOf()) - ticksInfo.minorTicks.pop(max); - ticksInfo.customBoundaryTicks.push(max); - ticksInfo.fullTicks.push(max) - } - } - }, - _correctBoundedTicks: function(min, max, ticks, addMinMax) { - addMinMax = $.extend({}, { - min: true, - max: true - }, addMinMax); - if (ticks.length > 0) { - if (!addMinMax.min && ticks[0].valueOf() === min.valueOf()) - ticks.shift(); - if (!addMinMax.max || ticks[ticks.length - 1].valueOf() !== max.valueOf()) - ticks.pop() - } - }, - _initializeMinorTicksOptions: function(min, max, screenDelta, ticksInfo, options) { - var that = this, - businessDelta, - hasMinorsCount = utils.isDefined(options.minorTickCount); - $.extend(true, options, { - addMinMax: { - min: false, - max: false - }, - deltaCoef: that._getDeltaCoef(screenDelta, max, min, options.axisType, options.base) - }, options); - options.numberMultipliers = hasMinorsCount ? [options.minorTickCount + 1] : options.numberMultipliers; - options.gridSpacingFactor = hasMinorsCount ? 0 : options.gridSpacingFactor; - if (!hasMinorsCount && ticksInfo.majorTicks.length > 1) { - options.businessDelta = businessDelta = that._getBusinessDelta(options.axisType, ticksInfo.majorTicks[0], ticksInfo.majorTicks[1], options.base); - if (that.needTickIntervalCalculation(businessDelta, ticksInfo.minorTickInterval, options.incidentOccured)) { - options.screenDelta = businessDelta * options.deltaCoef; - ticksInfo.minorTickInterval = core.minorTickIntervalCalculator.getTickInterval(options); - if (utils.isNumber(min)) - options.tickInterval = ticksInfo.minorTickInterval; - else - options.tickInterval = undefined - } - } - }, - _getDataType: function(value) { - return utils.isDate(value) ? 'datetime' : 'numeric' - }, - _getBusinessDelta: function(type, min, max, base) { - return type === 'logarithmic' ? mathRound(mathAbs(utils.getLog(min, base) - utils.getLog(max, base))) : mathAbs(min - max) - }, - _getDeltaCoef: function(screenDelta, max, min, type, base) { - return screenDelta / this._getBusinessDelta(type, min, max, base) - }, - _initializeMajorTicksOptions: function(min, max, screenDelta, ticksInfo, options) { - var businessDelta; - options.screenDelta = screenDelta; - $.extend(true, options, { - min: min, - max: max, - screenDelta: screenDelta, - isHorizontal: true - }); - if (utils.isDefined(min) && utils.isDefined(max)) { - options.businessDelta = businessDelta = this._getBusinessDelta(options.axisType, min, max, options.base); - if (this.needTickIntervalCalculation(businessDelta, ticksInfo.majorTickInterval, options.incidentOccured)) { - options.isStartTickGenerated = true; - ticksInfo.majorTickInterval = core.tickIntervalCalculator.getTickInterval(options); - options.tickInterval = ticksInfo.majorTickInterval - } - } - }, - _getTextFunc: function(options) { - return options.getText || function(value) { - return value.toString() - } - }, - _generateTicks: function(options) { - var that = this, - ticks = [], - tick, - boundedRule = options.max - options.min > 0, - leftBound, - rightBound, - tickInterval, - isStartTickGenerated = options.isStartTickGenerated, - businessDelta, - useTicksAutoArrangement = options.useTicksAutoArrangement; - options.dataType = options.dataType || that._getDataType(options.min); - options.businessDelta = businessDelta = that._getBusinessDelta(options.axisType, options.min, options.max, options.base); - if (!utils.isDefined(options.min) || !utils.isDefined(options.max) || isNaN(options.min) || isNaN(options.max)) { - ticks = options.isHorizontal ? ['canvas_position_left', 'canvas_position_center', 'canvas_position_right'] : ['canvas_position_bottom', 'canvas_position_middle', 'canvas_position_top']; - useTicksAutoArrangement = false; - ticks.hideLabels = true - } - else { - tickInterval = $.isNumeric(options.min) && $.isNumeric(options.max) && !$.isNumeric(options.tickInterval) ? undefined : options.tickInterval; - if (this.needTickIntervalCalculation(businessDelta, tickInterval, options.incidentOccured)) { - isStartTickGenerated = utils.isDefined(isStartTickGenerated) ? isStartTickGenerated : true; - tickInterval = core.tickIntervalCalculator.getTickInterval(options) - } - ticks.tickInterval = tickInterval; - that.isTestStartTickGenerated = isStartTickGenerated; - that.isTestTickInterval = tickInterval; - that.testGridSpacingFactor = options.gridSpacingFactor; - if (tickInterval && tickInterval.valueOf() !== 0 && options.min.valueOf() !== options.max.valueOf()) { - tick = isStartTickGenerated ? that._generateStartTick(tickInterval, options) : options.min; - do { - ticks.push(tick); - tick = that._nextTick(tick, tickInterval, options); - if (ticks[ticks.length - 1].valueOf() === tick.valueOf()) - break; - leftBound = tick - options.min > 0; - rightBound = options.max - tick > 0 - } while (boundedRule === leftBound && boundedRule === rightBound); - ticks.push(tick); - that._correctBoundedTicks(options.min, options.max, ticks, options.addMinMax) - } - if (options.min.valueOf() === options.max.valueOf()) { - tick = options.min; - ticks.push(tick) - } - } - return ticks - }, - _getAutoArrangementStep: function(ticks, options) { - var that = this, - requiredValuesCount, - addedSpacing = options.isHorizontal ? options.textSpacing : 0; - if (options.getCustomAutoArrangementStep) - return options.getCustomAutoArrangementStep(ticks, options); - if (options.maxDisplayValueSize > 0) { - requiredValuesCount = mathFloor((options.screenDelta + options.textSpacing) / (options.maxDisplayValueSize + addedSpacing)); - return mathCeil((options.ticksCount || ticks.length) / requiredValuesCount) - } - return 1 - }, - _getAutoArrangementTicks: function(ticks, options, step) { - var that = this, - resultTicks = ticks, - i; - if (step > 1) { - resultTicks = []; - for (i = 0; i < ticks.length; i += step) - resultTicks.push(ticks[i]); - resultTicks.tickInterval = ticks.tickInterval * step - } - return resultTicks - }, - isOverlappedTicks: function(ticks, options) { - options.maxDisplayValueSize = this._getValueSize(ticks, options); - return this._getAutoArrangementStep(ticks, options) > 1 - }, - getCorrectedTicks: function(ticks, ticksOptions) { - var step = Math.ceil(core.tickIntervalCalculator.getTickInterval({ - screenDelta: ticksOptions.screenDelta * 4, - businessDelta: ticks.length, - gridSpacingFactor: ticksOptions.gridSpacingFactor, - numberMultipliers: ticksOptions.numberMultipliers, - dataType: "numeric" - })) || ticks.length; - return this._getAutoArrangementTicks(ticks, ticksOptions, step) - }, - needTickIntervalCalculation: function(businessDelta, tickInterval, incidentOccured) { - var date; - if (utils.isDefined(tickInterval)) { - if (!utils.isNumber(tickInterval)) { - date = new Date; - tickInterval = utils.addInterval(date, tickInterval) - date; - if (!tickInterval) - return true - } - if (utils.isNumber(tickInterval)) - if (tickInterval > 0 && businessDelta / tickInterval > TICKS_COUNT_LIMIT) { - if (incidentOccured) - incidentOccured('W2003') - } - else - return false - } - return true - }, - getTickIntervals: function(min, max, screenDelta, majorTicksOptions, minorTicksOptions, options) { - var that = this, - i, - options = options || {}, - ticksInfo = { - majorTickInterval: majorTicksOptions.tickInterval, - minorTickInterval: minorTicksOptions.tickInterval, - majorTicks: [] - }; - majorTicksOptions.base = minorTicksOptions.base = options.base; - majorTicksOptions.axisType = minorTicksOptions.axisType = options.axisType; - majorTicksOptions.dataType = minorTicksOptions.dataType = options.dataType; - that._initializeMajorTicksOptions(min, max, screenDelta, ticksInfo, majorTicksOptions); - if (utils.isDefined(min) && utils.isDefined(max)) { - ticksInfo.majorTicks.push(min); - ticksInfo.majorTicks.push(that._nextTick(min, ticksInfo.majorTickInterval, { - min: min, - max: max, - setTicksAtUnitBeginning: majorTicksOptions.setTicksAtUnitBeginning, - dataType: options.dataType, - axisType: options.axisType, - base: options.base - })); - that._initializeMinorTicksOptions(min, max, screenDelta, ticksInfo, minorTicksOptions) - } - return ticksInfo - }, - getFullTicks: function(min, max, screenDelta, majorTicksOptions, minorTicksOptions, options) { - var that = this, - i, - options = options || {}, - ticksInfo = { - customBoundaryTicks: [], - fullTicks: [], - majorTickInterval: majorTicksOptions.tickInterval, - majorTicks: [], - minorTickInterval: minorTicksOptions.tickInterval, - minorTicks: [] - }; - majorTicksOptions.base = minorTicksOptions.base = options.base; - majorTicksOptions.axisType = minorTicksOptions.axisType = options.axisType; - majorTicksOptions.dataType = minorTicksOptions.dataType = options.dataType || that._getDataType(min); - that._initializeMajorTicksOptions(min, max, screenDelta, ticksInfo, majorTicksOptions); - ticksInfo.majorTicks = that.getTicks(majorTicksOptions); - if (utils.isDefined(min) && utils.isDefined(max) && ticksInfo.majorTicks.length > 0) { - if (ticksInfo.majorTicks.autoArrangementStep && ticksInfo.majorTicks.autoArrangementStep > 1 && !utils.isDefined(minorTicksOptions.tickInterval) && !utils.isDefined(minorTicksOptions.minorTickCount)) - minorTicksOptions.tickInterval = ticksInfo.minorTickInterval = majorTicksOptions.tickInterval; - that._initializeMinorTicksOptions(min, max, screenDelta, ticksInfo, minorTicksOptions); - that._addLeftBoudedTicks(ticksInfo, min, minorTicksOptions); - for (i = 0; i < ticksInfo.majorTicks.length - 1; i++) { - ticksInfo.fullTicks.push(ticksInfo.majorTicks[i]); - that._addMinorTicks(ticksInfo.majorTicks[i], ticksInfo.majorTicks[i + 1], ticksInfo, minorTicksOptions) - } - that._addRightBoudedTicks(ticksInfo, max, minorTicksOptions) - } - return ticksInfo - }, - getTicks: function(options) { - var that = this, - step, - maxDisplayValue, - ticks = options.customTicks ? options.customTicks : that._generateTicks(options); - if (options.useTicksAutoArrangement) { - options.maxDisplayValueSize = that._getValueSize(ticks, options); - step = that._getAutoArrangementStep(ticks, options); - if (step > 1) { - if (utils.isDefined(options.tickInterval) || utils.isDefined(options.customTicks)) { - utils.isDefined(options.customTicks) && (ticks.tickInterval = options.tickInterval); - ticks = that._getAutoArrangementTicks(ticks, options, step) - } - else - ticks = that._generateTicks($.extend({}, options, {gridSpacingFactor: options.maxDisplayValueSize})); - ticks.autoArrangementStep = step - } - that._removeInvalidDatesWithUnitBegining(ticks, options) - } - return ticks - } - } - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file numericTranslator.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var utils = DX.utils, - isDefined = utils.isDefined, - getPower = utils.getPower, - round = Math.round; - DX.viz.core.numericTranslatorFunctions = { - translate: function(bp) { - var that = this, - canvasOptions = that._canvasOptions, - doubleError = canvasOptions.rangeDoubleError, - specialValue = that.translateSpecialCase(bp); - if (isDefined(specialValue)) - return specialValue; - if (isNaN(bp) || bp.valueOf() + doubleError < canvasOptions.rangeMin || bp.valueOf() - doubleError > canvasOptions.rangeMax) - return null; - return round(that._calculateProjection((bp - canvasOptions.rangeMinVisible) * canvasOptions.ratioOfCanvasRange)) - }, - untranslate: function(pos) { - var canvasOptions = this._canvasOptions, - startPoint = canvasOptions.startPoint; - if (pos < startPoint || pos > canvasOptions.endPoint) - return null; - return this._calculateUnProjection((pos - startPoint) / canvasOptions.ratioOfCanvasRange) - }, - getInterval: function() { - return round(this._canvasOptions.ratioOfCanvasRange * (this._businessRange.interval || Math.abs(this._canvasOptions.rangeMax - this._canvasOptions.rangeMin))) - } - } - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file datetimeTranslator.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var core = DX.viz.core, - numericTranslator = core.numericTranslatorFunctions; - core.datetimeTranslatorFunctions = { - translate: numericTranslator.translate, - untranslate: function(pos) { - var result =, pos); - return result === null ? result : new Date(result) - }, - getInterval: numericTranslator.getInterval - } - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file categoryTranslator.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var isDefined = DX.utils.isDefined, - round = Math.round; - function doubleRound(value) { - return round(round(value * 10) / 10) - } - DX.viz.core.categoryTranslatorFunctions = { - translate: function(category) { - var that = this, - canvasOptions = that._canvasOptions, - categoryRecord = that._categoriesToPoints[category], - stickDelta, - specialValue = that.translateSpecialCase(category); - if (isDefined(specialValue)) - return specialValue; - if (!categoryRecord) - return 0; - stickDelta = that._businessRange.stick ? categoryRecord.index : categoryRecord.index + 0.5; - return round(canvasOptions.startPoint + canvasOptions.interval * stickDelta) - }, - untranslate: function(pos) { - var that = this, - canvasOptions = that._canvasOptions, - startPoint = canvasOptions.startPoint, - categoriesLength = that._categories.length, - result = 0; - if (pos < startPoint || pos > canvasOptions.endPoint) - return null; - result = doubleRound((pos - startPoint) / canvasOptions.interval + (that._businessRange.stick ? 0.5 : 0) - 0.5); - if (categoriesLength === result) - result--; - if (canvasOptions.invert) - result = categoriesLength - result - 1; - return that._categories[result] - }, - getInterval: function() { - return this._canvasOptions.interval - } - } - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file logarithmicTranslator.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var core = DX.viz.core, - numericTranslator = core.numericTranslatorFunctions, - utils = DX.utils, - raiseTo = utils.raiseTo, - getLog = utils.getLog; - core.logarithmicTranslatorFunctions = { - translate: function(bp) { - var that = this, - specialValue = that.translateSpecialCase(bp); - if (utils.isDefined(specialValue)) - return specialValue; - return, getLog(bp, that._businessRange.base)) - }, - untranslate: function(pos) { - var result =, pos); - return result === null ? result : raiseTo(result, this._businessRange.base) - }, - getInterval: numericTranslator.getInterval - } - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file translator1D.js */ - (function(DX, undefined) { - var _Number = Number; - function Translator1D() { - this.setDomain(arguments[0], arguments[1]).setCodomain(arguments[2], arguments[3]) - } - Translator1D.prototype = { - constructor: Translator1D, - setDomain: function(domain1, domain2) { - var that = this; - that._domain1 = _Number(domain1); - that._domain2 = _Number(domain2); - that._domainDelta = that._domain2 - that._domain1; - return that - }, - setCodomain: function(codomain1, codomain2) { - var that = this; - that._codomain1 = _Number(codomain1); - that._codomain2 = _Number(codomain2); - that._codomainDelta = that._codomain2 - that._codomain1; - return that - }, - getDomain: function() { - return [this._domain1, this._domain2] - }, - getCodomain: function() { - return [this._codomain1, this._codomain2] - }, - getDomainStart: function() { - return this._domain1 - }, - getDomainEnd: function() { - return this._domain2 - }, - getCodomainStart: function() { - return this._codomain1 - }, - getCodomainEnd: function() { - return this._codomain2 - }, - getDomainRange: function() { - return this._domainDelta - }, - getCodomainRange: function() { - return this._codomainDelta - }, - translate: function(value) { - var ratio = (_Number(value) - this._domain1) / this._domainDelta; - return 0 <= ratio && ratio <= 1 ? this._codomain1 + ratio * this._codomainDelta : NaN - }, - adjust: function(value) { - var ratio = (_Number(value) - this._domain1) / this._domainDelta, - result = NaN; - if (ratio < 0) - result = this._domain1; - else if (ratio > 1) - result = this._domain2; - else if (0 <= ratio && ratio <= 1) - result = _Number(value); - return result - } - }; - DX.viz.core.Translator1D = Translator1D - })(DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file translator2D.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var core = DX.viz.core, - utils = DX.utils, - getLog = utils.getLog, - getPower = utils.getPower, - raiseTo = utils.raiseTo, - isDefined = utils.isDefined, - CANVAS_PROP = ["width", "height", "left", "top", "bottom", "right"], - NUMBER_EQUALITY_CORRECTION = 1, - DATETIME_EQUALITY_CORRECTION = 60000; - var validateCanvas = function(canvas) { - $.each(CANVAS_PROP, function(_, prop) { - canvas[prop] = parseInt(canvas[prop]) || 0 - }); - return canvas - }; - var raiseToFlooredLog = function(value, base, correction) { - return raiseTo(Math.floor(getLog(value, base)) + (correction || 0), base) - }; - var makeCategoriesToPoints = function(categories, invert) { - var categoriesToPoints = {}, - category, - length = categories.length, - i; - for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { - category = categories[i]; - categoriesToPoints[category] = { - name: category, - index: invert ? length - 1 - i : i - } - } - return categoriesToPoints - }; - var validateBusinessRange = function(businessRange) { - function validate(valueSelector, baseValueSeletor) { - if (!isDefined(businessRange[valueSelector]) && isDefined(businessRange[baseValueSeletor])) - businessRange[valueSelector] = businessRange[baseValueSeletor] - } - validate("minVisible", "min"); - validate("maxVisible", "max"); - return businessRange - }; - core.Translator2D = function(businessRange, canvas, options) { - var that = this; - that._options = $.extend(that._options || {}, options); - that._canvas = validateCanvas(canvas); - that.updateBusinessRange(businessRange) - }; - $.extend(core.Translator2D.prototype, { - reinit: function() { - var that = this, - range = that._businessRange, - categories = range.categories || [], - script = {}, - canvasOptions = that._prepareCanvasOptions(), - interval, - correctedCategoriesCount; - switch (range.axisType) { - case"logarithmic": - script = core.logarithmicTranslatorFunctions; - break; - case"discrete": - script = core.categoryTranslatorFunctions; - that._categories = categories; - correctedCategoriesCount = categories.length - (range.stick ? 1 : 0); - if (correctedCategoriesCount > 0) - interval = canvasOptions.canvasLength / correctedCategoriesCount; - else - interval = canvasOptions.canvasLength; - canvasOptions.interval = interval; - that._categoriesToPoints = makeCategoriesToPoints(categories, canvasOptions.invert); - break; - default: - if (range.dataType === "datetime") - script = core.datetimeTranslatorFunctions; - else - script = core.numericTranslatorFunctions - } - that.translate = script.translate; - that.untranslate = script.untranslate; - that.getInterval = script.getInterval - }, - _getCanvasBounds: function(range) { - var min = range.min, - max = range.max, - minVisible = range.minVisible, - maxVisible = range.maxVisible, - newMin, - newMax, - base = range.base, - isDateTime = utils.isDate(max) || utils.isDate(min), - correction = isDateTime ? DATETIME_EQUALITY_CORRECTION : NUMBER_EQUALITY_CORRECTION; - if (isDefined(min) && isDefined(max) && min.valueOf() === max.valueOf()) { - newMin = min.valueOf() - correction; - newMax = max.valueOf() + correction; - if (isDateTime) { - min = new Date(newMin); - max = new Date(newMax) - } - else { - min = min !== 0 ? newMin : 0; - max = newMax - } - } - if (isDefined(minVisible) && isDefined(maxVisible) && minVisible.valueOf() === maxVisible.valueOf()) { - newMin = minVisible.valueOf() - correction; - newMax = maxVisible.valueOf() + correction; - if (isDateTime) { - minVisible = newMin < min.valueOf() ? min : new Date(newMin); - maxVisible = newMax > max.valueOf() ? max : new Date(newMax) - } - else { - if (minVisible !== 0) - minVisible = newMin < min ? min : newMin; - maxVisible = newMax > max ? max : newMax - } - } - if (range.axisType === 'logarithmic') { - maxVisible = getLog(maxVisible, base); - minVisible = getLog(minVisible, base); - min = getLog(min, base); - max = getLog(max, base) - } - return { - base: base, - rangeMin: min, - rangeMax: max, - rangeMinVisible: minVisible, - rangeMaxVisible: maxVisible - } - }, - _prepareCanvasOptions: function() { - var that = this, - rangeMin, - rangeMax, - rangeMinVisible, - rangeMaxVisible, - businessRange = that._businessRange, - canvasOptions = that._canvasOptions = that._getCanvasBounds(businessRange), - length; - if (that._options.direction === "horizontal") { - canvasOptions.startPoint = that._canvas.left; - length = that._canvas.width; - canvasOptions.endPoint = that._canvas.width - that._canvas.right; - canvasOptions.invert = businessRange.invert - } - else { - canvasOptions.startPoint =; - length = that._canvas.height; - canvasOptions.endPoint = that._canvas.height - that._canvas.bottom; - canvasOptions.invert = !businessRange.invert - } - that.canvasLength = canvasOptions.canvasLength = canvasOptions.endPoint - canvasOptions.startPoint; - canvasOptions.rangeDoubleError = Math.pow(10, getPower(canvasOptions.rangeMax - canvasOptions.rangeMin) - getPower(length) - 2); - canvasOptions.ratioOfCanvasRange = canvasOptions.canvasLength / (canvasOptions.rangeMaxVisible - canvasOptions.rangeMinVisible); - return canvasOptions - }, - updateBusinessRange: function(businessRange) { - this._businessRange = validateBusinessRange(businessRange); - this.reinit() - }, - getBusinessRange: function() { - return this._businessRange - }, - getCanvasVisibleArea: function() { - return { - min: this._canvasOptions.startPoint, - max: this._canvasOptions.endPoint - } - }, - translateSpecialCase: function(value) { - var that = this, - canvasOptions = that._canvasOptions, - startPoint = canvasOptions.startPoint, - endPoint = canvasOptions.endPoint, - range = that._businessRange, - minVisible = range.minVisible, - maxVisible = range.maxVisible, - invert, - result = null; - switch (value) { - case"canvas_position_default": - if (minVisible <= 0 && maxVisible >= 0) - result = that.translate(0); - else { - invert = range.invert ^ (minVisible <= 0 && maxVisible <= 0); - if (that._options.direction === "horizontal") - result = invert ? endPoint : startPoint; - else - result = invert ? startPoint : endPoint - } - break; - case"canvas_position_left": - case"canvas_position_top": - result = startPoint; - break; - case"canvas_position_center": - case"canvas_position_middle": - result = startPoint + canvasOptions.canvasLength / 2; - break; - case"canvas_position_right": - case"canvas_position_bottom": - result = endPoint; - break; - case"canvas_position_start": - result = range.invert ? endPoint : startPoint; - break; - case"canvas_position_end": - result = range.invert ? startPoint : endPoint; - break - } - return result - }, - _calculateProjection: function(distance) { - var canvasOptions = this._canvasOptions; - return canvasOptions.invert ? canvasOptions.endPoint - distance : canvasOptions.startPoint + distance - }, - _calculateUnProjection: function(distance) { - var canvasOptions = this._canvasOptions; - return canvasOptions.invert ? canvasOptions.rangeMaxVisible.valueOf() - distance : canvasOptions.rangeMinVisible.valueOf() + distance - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file rectangle.js */ - (function(DX, undefined) { - var isFinite = window.isFinite; - DX.viz.core.Rectangle = DX.Class.inherit({ - ctor: function(options) { - var that = this; - options = options || {}; - that.left = Number(options.left) || 0; - that.right = Number(options.right) || 0; - = Number( || 0; - that.bottom = Number(options.bottom) || 0 - }, - width: function() { - return this.right - this.left - }, - height: function() { - return this.bottom - - }, - horizontalMiddle: function() { - return (this.left + this.right) / 2 - }, - verticalMiddle: function() { - return ( + this.bottom) / 2 - }, - raw: function() { - var that = this; - return { - left: that.left, - top:, - right: that.right, - bottom: that.bottom - } - }, - clone: function() { - return new this.constructor(this.raw()) - }, - move: function(dx, dy) { - var result = this.clone(); - if (isFinite(dx) && isFinite(dy)) { - result.left += Number(dx); - result.right += Number(dx); - += Number(dy); - result.bottom += Number(dy) - } - return result - }, - inflate: function(dx, dy) { - var result = this.clone(); - if (isFinite(dx) && isFinite(dy)) { - result.left -= Number(dx); - result.right += Number(dx); - -= Number(dy); - result.bottom += Number(dy) - } - return result - }, - scale: function(factor) { - var that = this; - if (factor > 0) - return that.inflate(that.width() * (factor - 1) / 2, that.height() * (factor - 1) / 2); - return that.clone() - } - }) - })(DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file themes.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var viz = DX.viz, - core = viz.core; - var currentThemeId = 0; - var findThemeId = function(themeName) { - var themeId, - themes = viz.themes; - for (themeId = 0; themeId < themes.length; themeId++) - if (themes[themeId].name === themeName) - return themeId; - return -1 - }; - core.findTheme = function(themeName) { - var themeId = findThemeId(themeName), - themes = viz.themes; - if (themeId < 0) - themeId = currentThemeId; - return themes[themeId] - }; - core.currentTheme = function(themeName, colorScheme, version) { - var themeId = -1, - themes = viz.themes; - if (themeName === undefined) - return themes[currentThemeId].name; - else { - if (version && colorScheme) - themeId = findThemeId(themeName + ':' + version + '-' + colorScheme); - if (themeId < 0 && version) - themeId = findThemeId(themeName + ':' + version); - if (colorScheme && themeId < 0) - themeId = findThemeId(themeName + '-' + colorScheme); - if (themeId < 0) - themeId = findThemeId(themeName); - currentThemeId = themeId >= 0 ? themeId : 0 - } - }; - core.registerTheme = function(theme, basedOnThemeName) { - var baseTheme, - extendedTheme, - themes = viz.themes; - if (!theme || ! || !core.findTheme( - return; - baseTheme = core.findTheme(basedOnThemeName); - if (baseTheme) { - extendedTheme = $.extend(true, {}, baseTheme, theme); - themes.push(extendedTheme) - } - else - themes.push(theme) - } - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file palette.js */ - (function(DX, $, undefined) { - var _String = window.String, - _Color = DX.Color, - _isArray = DX.utils.isArray, - _isString = DX.utils.isString, - _extend = $.extend; - var palettes = { - 'default': { - simpleSet: ['#5f8b95', '#ba4d51', '#af8a53', '#955f71', '#859666', '#7e688c'], - indicatingSet: ['#a3b97c', '#e1b676', '#ec7f83'], - gradientSet: ['#5f8b95', '#ba4d51'] - }, - 'harmony light': { - simpleSet: ['#fcb65e', '#679ec5', '#ad79ce', '#7abd5c', '#e18e92', '#b6d623', '#b7abea', '#85dbd5'], - indicatingSet: ['#b6d623', '#fcb65e', '#e18e92'], - gradientSet: ['#7abd5c', '#fcb65e'] - }, - 'soft pastel': { - simpleSet: ['#60a69f', '#78b6d9', '#6682bb', '#a37182', '#eeba69', '#90ba58', '#456c68', '#7565a4'], - indicatingSet: ['#90ba58', '#eeba69', '#a37182'], - gradientSet: ['#78b6d9', '#eeba69'] - }, - pastel: { - simpleSet: ['#bb7862', '#70b3a1', '#bb626a', '#057d85', '#ab394b', '#dac599', '#153459', '#b1d2c6'], - indicatingSet: ['#70b3a1', '#dac599', '#bb626a'], - gradientSet: ['#bb7862', '#70b3a1'] - }, - bright: { - simpleSet: ['#70c92f', '#f8ca00', '#bd1550', '#e97f02', '#9d419c', '#7e4452', '#9ab57e', '#36a3a6'], - indicatingSet: ['#70c92f', '#f8ca00', '#bd1550'], - gradientSet: ['#e97f02', '#f8ca00'] - }, - soft: { - simpleSet: ['#cbc87b', '#9ab57e', '#e55253', '#7e4452', '#e8c267', '#565077', '#6babac', '#ad6082'], - indicatingSet: ['#9ab57e', '#e8c267', '#e55253'], - gradientSet: ['#9ab57e', '#e8c267'] - }, - ocean: { - simpleSet: ['#75c099', '#acc371', '#378a8a', '#5fa26a', '#064970', '#38c5d2', '#00a7c6', '#6f84bb'], - indicatingSet: ['#c8e394', '#7bc59d', '#397c8b'], - gradientSet: ['#acc371', '#38c5d2'] - }, - vintage: { - simpleSet: ['#dea484', '#efc59c', '#cb715e', '#eb9692', '#a85c4c', '#f2c0b5', '#c96374', '#dd956c'], - indicatingSet: ['#ffe5c6', '#f4bb9d', '#e57660'], - gradientSet: ['#efc59c', '#cb715e'] - }, - violet: { - simpleSet: ['#d1a1d1', '#eeacc5', '#7b5685', '#7e7cad', '#a13d73', '#5b41ab', '#e287e2', '#689cc1'], - indicatingSet: ['#d8e2f6', '#d0b2da', '#d56a8a'], - gradientSet: ['#eeacc5', '#7b5685'] - } - }; - var currentPaletteName = 'default'; - function currentPalette(name) { - if (name === undefined) - return currentPaletteName; - else { - name = String(name).toLowerCase(); - currentPaletteName = name in palettes ? name : 'default' - } - } - function getPalette(palette, parameters) { - var result; - if (_isArray(palette)) - result = palette; - else { - parameters = parameters || {}; - var type = parameters.type || 'simpleSet'; - if (_isString(palette)) { - var name = palette.toLowerCase(), - baseContainer = palettes[name], - themedContainer = parameters.theme && palettes[name + '_' + _String(parameters.theme).toLowerCase()]; - result = themedContainer && themedContainer[type] || baseContainer && baseContainer[type] - } - if (!result) - result = palettes[currentPaletteName][type] - } - return result ? result.slice(0) : null - } - function registerPalette(name, palette, theme) { - var item = {}; - if (_isArray(palette)) - item.simpleSet = palette.slice(0); - else if (palette) { - item.simpleSet = _isArray(palette.simpleSet) ? palette.simpleSet.slice(0) : undefined; - item.indicatingSet = _isArray(palette.indicatingSet) ? palette.indicatingSet.slice(0) : undefined; - item.gradientSet = _isArray(palette.gradientSet) ? palette.gradientSet.slice(0) : undefined - } - if (item.simpleSet || item.indicatingSet || item.gradientSet) { - var paletteName = _String(name).toLowerCase(); - if (theme) - paletteName = paletteName + '_' + _String(theme).toLowerCase(); - _extend(palettes[paletteName] = palettes[paletteName] || {}, item) - } - } - function RingBuf(buf) { - var ind = 0; - = function() { - var res = buf[ind++]; - if (ind == buf.length) - this.reset(); - return res - }; - this.reset = function() { - ind = 0 - } - } - function Palette(palette, parameters) { - parameters = parameters || {}; - this._originalPalette = getPalette(palette, parameters); - var stepHighlight = parameters ? parameters.stepHighlight || 0 : 0; - this._paletteSteps = new RingBuf([0, stepHighlight, -stepHighlight]); - this._resetPalette() - } - _extend(Palette.prototype, { - dispose: function() { - this._originalPalette = this._palette = this._paletteSteps = null; - return this - }, - getNextColor: function() { - var that = this; - if (that._currentColor >= that._palette.length) - that._resetPalette(); - return that._palette[that._currentColor++] - }, - _resetPalette: function() { - var that = this; - that._currentColor = 0; - var step =, - originalPalette = that._originalPalette; - if (step) { - var palette = that._palette = [], - i = 0, - ii = originalPalette.length; - for (; i < ii; ++i) - palette[i] = getNewColor(originalPalette[i], step) - } - else - that._palette = originalPalette.slice(0) - }, - reset: function() { - this._paletteSteps.reset(); - this._resetPalette(); - return this - } - }); - function getNewColor(currentColor, step) { - var newColor = new _Color(currentColor).alter(step), - lightness = getLightness(newColor); - if (lightness > 200 || lightness < 55) - newColor = new _Color(currentColor).alter(-step / 2); - return newColor.toHex() - } - function getLightness(color) { - return color.r * 0.3 + color.g * 0.59 + color.b * 0.11 - } - function GradientPalette(source, size) { - var palette = getPalette(source, {type: 'gradientSet'}); - palette = size > 0 ? createGradientColors(palette[0], palette[1], size) : []; - this.getColor = function(index) { - return palette[index] || null - }; - this._DEBUG_source = source; - this._DEBUG_size = size - } - function createGradientColors(start, end, count) { - var startColor = new _Color(start), - endColor = new _Color(end); - if (count === 1) - return [startColor.blend(endColor, 0.5).toHex()]; - else { - var list = [], - step = 1 / (count - 1), - i, - ii = count; - list.push(0); - for (i = 1; i < ii - 1; ++i) - list.push(step * i); - list.push(1); - for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) - list[i] = startColor.blend(endColor, list[i]).toHex(); - return list - } - } - _extend(DX.viz.core, { - registerPalette: registerPalette, - getPalette: getPalette, - Palette: Palette, - GradientPalette: GradientPalette, - currentPalette: currentPalette - }); - DX.viz.core._DEBUG_palettes = palettes - })(DevExpress, jQuery); - /*! Module viz-core, file baseThemeManager.js */ - (function(DX, $, undefined) { - var _isString = DX.utils.isString, - _findTheme = DX.viz.core.findTheme, - _extend = $.extend, - _each = $.each; - DX.viz.core.BaseThemeManager = DX.Class.inherit({ - dispose: function() { - this._theme = this._font = null; - return this - }, - setTheme: function(theme) { - theme = theme || {}; - var that = this, - themeObj = _findTheme(_isString(theme) ? theme :; - that._themeName =; - that._font = _extend({}, themeObj.font, theme.font); - that._themeSection && _each(that._themeSection.split('.'), function(_, path) { - themeObj = _extend(true, {}, themeObj[path], that._IE8 ? themeObj[path + 'IE8'] : {}) - }); - that._theme = _extend(true, {}, themeObj, _isString(theme) ? {} : theme); - that._initializeTheme(); - return that - }, - theme: function() { - return this._theme - }, - themeName: function() { - return this._themeName - }, - _initializeTheme: function(){}, - _initializeFont: function(font) { - _extend(font, this._font, _extend({}, font)) - } - }) - })(DevExpress, jQuery); - /*! Module viz-core, file textCloud.js */ - (function(DX, undefined) { - var min = Math.min; - DX.viz.core.TextCloud = DX.Class.inherit(function() { - var DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { - horMargin: 8, - verMargin: 4, - tailLength: 10 - }; - var COEFFICIENTS_MAP = {}; - COEFFICIENTS_MAP['right-bottom'] = COEFFICIENTS_MAP['rb'] = [0, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0]; - COEFFICIENTS_MAP['bottom-right'] = COEFFICIENTS_MAP['br'] = [-1, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0, 1]; - COEFFICIENTS_MAP['left-bottom'] = COEFFICIENTS_MAP['lb'] = [0, -1, 1, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0]; - COEFFICIENTS_MAP['bottom-left'] = COEFFICIENTS_MAP['bl'] = [1, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1]; - COEFFICIENTS_MAP['left-top'] = COEFFICIENTS_MAP['lt'] = [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0]; - COEFFICIENTS_MAP['top-left'] = COEFFICIENTS_MAP['tl'] = [1, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, -1]; - COEFFICIENTS_MAP['right-top'] = COEFFICIENTS_MAP['rt'] = [0, 1, -1, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0]; - COEFFICIENTS_MAP['top-right'] = COEFFICIENTS_MAP['tr'] = [-1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, -1]; - return { - setup: function(options) { - var that = this, - ops = $.extend({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS, options), - x = ops.x, - y = ops.y, - type = COEFFICIENTS_MAP[ops.type], - cloudWidth = ops.textWidth + 2 * ops.horMargin, - cloudHeight = ops.textHeight + 2 * ops.verMargin, - tailWidth = ops.tailLength, - tailHeight = tailWidth, - cx = x, - cy = y; - if (type[0] & 1) - tailHeight = min(tailHeight, cloudHeight / 3); - else - tailWidth = min(tailWidth, cloudWidth / 3); - that._points = [x, y, x += type[0] * (cloudWidth + tailWidth), y += type[1] * (cloudHeight + tailHeight), x += type[2] * cloudWidth, y += type[3] * cloudHeight, x += type[4] * cloudWidth, y += type[5] * cloudHeight, x += type[6] * (cloudWidth - tailWidth), y += type[7] * (cloudHeight - tailHeight)]; - that._cx = cx + type[0] * tailWidth + (type[0] + type[2]) * cloudWidth / 2; - that._cy = cy + type[1] * tailHeight + (type[1] + type[3]) * cloudHeight / 2; - that._cloudWidth = cloudWidth; - that._cloudHeight = cloudHeight; - that._tailLength = ops.tailLength; - return that - }, - points: function() { - return this._points.slice(0) - }, - cx: function() { - return this._cx - }, - cy: function() { - return this._cy - }, - width: function() { - return this._cloudWidth - }, - height: function() { - return this._cloudHeight - }, - tailLength: function() { - return this._tailLength - } - } - }()) - })(DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file parseUtils.js */ - (function($, DX) { - var viz = DX.viz, - core = viz.core, - Class = DX.Class, - isDefined = DX.utils.isDefined; - var parseUtils = Class.inherit({ - ctor: function(options) { - options = options || {}; - this._incidentOccured = $.isFunction(options.incidentOccured) ? options.incidentOccured : $.noop - }, - correctValueType: function(type) { - return type === 'numeric' || type === 'datetime' || type === 'string' ? type : '' - }, - _parsers: { - string: function(val) { - return isDefined(val) ? '' + val : val - }, - numeric: function(val) { - if (!isDefined(val)) - return val; - var parsedVal = Number(val); - if (isNaN(parsedVal)) - parsedVal = undefined; - return parsedVal - }, - datetime: function(val) { - if (!isDefined(val)) - return val; - var parsedVal, - numVal = Number(val); - if (!isNaN(numVal)) - parsedVal = new Date(numVal); - else - parsedVal = new Date(val); - if (isNaN(Number(parsedVal))) - parsedVal = undefined; - return parsedVal - } - }, - getParser: function(valueType, entity) { - var that = this, - parser, - message = 'valueType is unknown.'; - if (entity) - message = 'The type specified as the "valueType" field of the ' + entity + ' configuration object is unknown.'; - valueType = that.correctValueType(valueType); - parser = that._parsers[valueType]; - if (!parser) -, message); - return parser || $.noop - } - }); - core.ParseUtils = parseUtils - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file utils.js */ - (function($, DX) { - var core = DX.viz.core, - math = Math; - core.utils = {decreaseGaps: function(object, keys, decrease) { - var arrayGaps, - eachDecrease, - middleValue; - do { - arrayGaps = $.map(keys, function(key) { - return object[key] ? object[key] : null - }); - middleValue = math.ceil(decrease / arrayGaps.length); - arrayGaps.push(middleValue); - eachDecrease = math.min.apply(null, arrayGaps); - $.each(keys, function(_, key) { - if (object[key]) { - object[key] -= eachDecrease; - decrease -= eachDecrease - } - }) - } while (decrease > 0 && arrayGaps.length > 1); - return decrease - }} - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file loadIndicator.js */ - (function($, DX) { - var viz = DX.viz, - core = viz.core, - ANIMATION_SETTINGS = { - easing: 'linear', - duration: 150 - }, - INVISIBLE_POINT = { - x: -10000, - y: -10000 - }; - var applySettings = function(element, settings, animate, complete) { - var prevAnimation = element.animation; - if (prevAnimation) { - prevAnimation.options.complete = null; - prevAnimation.stop() - } - if (animate) - element.animate(settings, {complete: complete}); - else { - element.applySettings(settings); - complete && complete() - } - }; - core.LoadIndicator = DX.Class.inherit({ - ctor: function(options, widgetContainer) { - var that = this; - that._$widgetContainer = $(widgetContainer); - that._$container = $('
', {css: { - position: 'relative', - height: 0, - padding: 0, - margin: 0, - border: 0 - }}).appendTo(that._$widgetContainer); - that._updateContainer(); - that.applyOptions(options); - that._endLoadingCompleteHandler = function() { - that._endLoad = false; - that._externalComplete && that._externalComplete(); - that._externalComplete = null; - that._onCompleteAction && that[that._onCompleteAction](); - that._onCompleteAction = null - }; - that._$container.hide() - }, - _updateRenderer: function(width, height, top) { - if (this._renderer) - this._renderer.recreateCanvas(width, height); - else if (this._$container.get(0)) { - this._renderer = new viz.renderers.Renderer({ - width: width, - height: height, - animation: ANIMATION_SETTINGS - }); - this._renderer.draw(this._$container[0]) - } - this._renderer && this._renderer.getRoot().applySettings({style: { - position: 'absolute', - top: top, - left: 0 - }}); - return this._renderer - }, - applyOptions: function(options, width, height) { - var pane = this._pane; - if (pane && options) { - pane.rect.applySettings({fill: options.backgroundColor}); - pane.text.applySettings({ - font: options.font, - text: options.text - }) - } - if (this.isShown && (width || height)) - this._updateContainer(width, height) - }, - _draw: function() { - var pane, - renderer = this._renderer; - if (renderer) { - pane = this._pane = {}; - pane.rect = renderer.createRect(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, {opacity: 0}).append(); - pane.text = renderer.createText('', 0, 0, { - align: 'center', - translateX: INVISIBLE_POINT.x, - translateY: INVISIBLE_POINT.y - }).append() - } - }, - _updateContainer: function(width, height) { - var that = this, - $widgetContainer = that._$widgetContainer, - canvasTop; - width = width || $widgetContainer.width(); - height = height || $widgetContainer.height(); - if ($widgetContainer.get(0)) - canvasTop = $widgetContainer.offset().top - that._$container.offset().top; - else - canvasTop = -height; - that._updateRenderer(width, height, canvasTop); - if (!that._pane) - that._draw(); - else { - that._pane.rect.applySettings({ - width: width, - height: height - }); - that._pane.text.move(width / 2, height / 2) - } - }, - dispose: function() { - this._$widgetContainer = null; - this._$container.remove().detach(); - this._$container = null; - this._renderer.dispose(); - this._renderer = null; - this._pane = null - }, - toForeground: function() { - this._$container.appendTo(this._$widgetContainer) - }, - show: function(width, height) { - if (this._endLoad) { - this._onCompleteAction = 'show'; - return - } - this._$; - this._updateContainer(width, height); - applySettings(this._pane.rect, {opacity: 0.85}, true); - this.isShown = true - }, - endLoading: function(complete, disableAnimation) { - this._externalComplete = complete; - if (this._endLoad) - return; - if (this.isShown) { - this._endLoad = true; - applySettings(this._pane.rect, {opacity: 1}, !disableAnimation, this._endLoadingCompleteHandler) - } - else - complete && complete() - }, - hide: function() { - var that = this; - if (this._endLoad) { - this._onCompleteAction = 'hide'; - return - } - if (this.isShown) { - this._pane.text.move(INVISIBLE_POINT.x, INVISIBLE_POINT.y); - applySettings(that._pane.rect, {opacity: 0}, true, function() { - that._$container.hide() - }); - this.isShown = false - } - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file tooltip.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var ARROW_WIDTH = 20, - MAX_SHADOW_SIZE = 10, - formatHelper = DX.formatHelper, - X_INTERVAL = 15, - _max = Math.max, - _round = Math.round, - _isFunction = DX.utils.isFunction, - _isDefined = DX.utils.isDefined, - _extend = $.extend, - FORMAT_PRECISION = { - argument: ['argumentFormat', 'argumentPrecision'], - percent: ['percent', 'percentPrecision'], - value: ['format', 'precision'] - }, - VISIBLE = {visibility: 'visible'}, - HIDDEN = {visibility: 'hidden'}, - LEFT = 'left', - RIGHT = 'right'; - DX.viz.core.Tooltip = DX.Class.inherit({ - ctor: function(options, group, renderer) { - this._state = {}; - this._options = {}; - this._renderer = renderer; - this._group = group; - this._cloud = renderer.createArea(); - this._textGroup = renderer.createGroup(); - if (!$.isEmptyObject(options)) - this.update(options); - this._createTextContent() - }, - dispose: function() { - this._shadow.dispose(); - this._shadow = null; - this._cloud = null; - this._text = null; - this._group = null; - this._options = null; - this._renderer = null; - this._tooltipTextArray = null; - this._textGroup = null; - return this - }, - update: function(options) { - options = options || {}; - var that = this, - group = that._group, - shadowOptions = options.shadow || {}, - shadow = that._shadow = that._shadow || that._renderer.createFilter('shadow').applySettings({ - width: '200%', - height: '200%', - color: shadowOptions.color, - opacity: shadowOptions.opacity, - dx: shadowOptions.offsetX, - dy: shadowOptions.offsetY, - blur: shadowOptions.blur, - x: '-50%', - y: '-50%' - }), - borderSettings = options.border, - shapeSettings = _extend({ - opacity: options.opacity, - filter: shadow.append().ref - }, borderSettings && borderSettings.visible ? { - strokeWidth: borderSettings.width, - stroke: borderSettings.color, - strokeOpacity: borderSettings.opacity, - dashStyle: borderSettings.dashStyle - } : { - strokeWidth: null, - stroke: null - }), - textSettings = _extend({}, { - align: 'center', - font: options.font - }, options.text); - that._options = options; - that.setSize(options.canvasWidth, options.canvasHeight); - that._customizeTooltip = _isFunction(options.customizeTooltip) ? options.customizeTooltip : null; - if (!that._customizeTooltip && _isFunction(options.customizeText)) - that._customizeTooltip = function() { - return {text: options.customizeText.apply(this, arguments)} - }; - that._cloud.applySettings(shapeSettings).append(group); - that._text && options.font && that._text.applySettings({font: {size: options.font.size}}); - that._textGroup.applySettings(textSettings).append(group); - that.hide(); - return that - }, - formatValue: function(value, specialFormat) { - var formatObj = FORMAT_PRECISION[specialFormat || 'value'], - format = formatObj[0] in this._options ? this._options[formatObj[0]] : specialFormat; - return formatHelper.format(value, format, this._options[formatObj[1]] || 0) - }, - prepare: function(formatObject, params, defaultTextValueField) { - this._state = this._state || {}; - defaultTextValueField = defaultTextValueField || 'valueText'; - var defaultText = formatObject[defaultTextValueField] || ''; - _extend(this._state, params); - if (this._customizeTooltip) { - var customize =, formatObject); - customize = $.isPlainObject(customize) ? customize : {}; - if ('text' in customize) - this._state.text = _isDefined(customize.text) ? String(customize.text) : ''; - else { - if ($.isArray(defaultText)) { - this._options._justify = true; - this._createTextContent(); - defaultText = defaultText.join('
') - } - this._state.text = defaultText - } - this._state.color = customize.color || this._options.color - } - else { - this._state.text = defaultText; - this._state.color = this._options.color - } - if (this._options._justify) - this._state.text = this._state.text.split('
'); - if (this._state.visibility == VISIBLE && !!this._state.text) -; - return !!this._state.text - }, - enabled: function() { - return !!this._options.enabled - }, - formatColorTooltip: function(that) { - return that._customizeTooltip &&, this) - }, - _getData: function() { - var that = this, - x = that._state.x, - y = that._state.y, - xt = x, - yt = y, - align = 'center', - points = [], - bbox = that._state.textBBox, - options = that._options, - paddingLeftRight = options.paddingLeftRight, - paddingTopBottom = options.paddingTopBottom, - arrowLength = options.arrowLength > 0 ? options.arrowLength : 0, - horPosition = options.cloudHorizontalPosition, - verPosition = options.cloudVerticalPosition, - isHorPositionDefined = horPosition !== undefined && horPosition !== null, - isVerPositionDefined = verPosition !== undefined && verPosition !== null, - cloudWidth = bbox.width + paddingLeftRight * 2, - cloudHeight = bbox.height + paddingTopBottom * 2, - updatedText; - updatedText = that._checkWidthText(cloudWidth, cloudHeight); - if (updatedText) { - that._state.textBBox = bbox = updatedText.bbox; - cloudWidth = updatedText.cloudWidth; - cloudHeight = updatedText.cloudHeight; - paddingLeftRight = updatedText.paddingLeftRight; - paddingTopBottom = updatedText.paddingTopBottom - } - if (isHorPositionDefined ? horPosition === RIGHT : cloudWidth / 2 > x) { - points = that._setArrowLeft(cloudWidth, cloudHeight, arrowLength, x, y); - align = LEFT; - xt += paddingLeftRight - } - else if (isHorPositionDefined ? horPosition === LEFT : x + cloudWidth / 2 > that._canvasWidth) { - points = that._setArrowRight(cloudWidth, cloudHeight, arrowLength, x, y); - align = RIGHT; - xt -= paddingLeftRight - } - else - points = that._setArrowCenter(cloudWidth, cloudHeight, arrowLength, x, y); - if (isVerPositionDefined ? verPosition === 'top' : cloudHeight + arrowLength < y) { - yt -= arrowLength + cloudHeight / 2 - bbox.height / 2 + that._state.offset; - that.tooltipInverted = false - } - else { - yt += arrowLength + cloudHeight / 2 + bbox.height / 2 + that._state.offset; - that.tooltipInverted = true - } - yt = that._correctYTextContent(yt); - return { - points: points, - text: { - x: xt, - y: yt, - align: align - } - } - }, - _updateTextContent: function() { - if (this._options._justify) { - this._textGroup.clear(); - this._calculateTextContent(); - this._locateTextContent(0, 0, 'center') - } - else - this._text.updateText(this._state.text); - this._state.textBBox = this._textGroup.getBBox() - }, - _correctYTextContent: function(y) { - var bbox; - if (this._options._justify) { - this._locateTextContent(0, y, 'center'); - bbox = this._textGroup.getBBox() - } - else { - this._text.applySettings({y: y}); - bbox = this._text.getBBox() - } - return y - (bbox.y + bbox.height - y) - }, - _adjustTextContent: function(data) { - if (this._options._justify) - this._locateTextContent(data.text.x, data.text.y, data.text.align); - else - this._text.applySettings({ - x: data.text.x, - y: data.text.y, - align: data.text.align - }) - }, - _updateTooltip: function() { - var that = this, - box, - data, - scale; - data = that._getData(); - that._cloud.applySettings({ - points: data.points, - fill: that._state.color, - 'class': that._state.className - }); - that._adjustTextContent(data); - box = that._group.getBBox(); - if (box.y + box.height > that._canvasHeight) { - scale = (that._canvasHeight - box.y) / box.height; - that._group.applySettings({ - scale: scale, - translateX: that._state.x * (1 - scale), - translateY: that._state.y * (1 - scale) - }) - } - else - that._group.applySettings({ - scale: 1, - translateX: 0, - translateY: 0 - }) - }, - _createTextContent: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - fontSize; - that._textGroup.clear(); - that._text = null; - if (!options._justify) { - fontSize = options.font && options.font.size; - that._text = that._renderer.createText(undefined, 0, 0, {font: {size: fontSize}}).append(that._textGroup) - } - }, - _getTextContentParams: function() { - var that = this, - i, - text, - textBBox, - textArray = that._state.text, - textArrayLength = textArray.length, - textParams = { - width: [], - height: [] - }; - that._tooltipTextArray = []; - for (i = 0; i < textArrayLength; i++) { - text = that._renderer.createText(textArray[i], 0, 0, {}).append(this._textGroup); - that._tooltipTextArray.push(text); - textBBox = text.getBBox(); - textParams.width.push(textBBox.width) - } - that._lineHeight = -2 * textBBox.y - textBBox.height; - return textParams - }, - _locateTextContent: function(x, y, alignment) { - var that = this, - tooltipTextArray = that._tooltipTextArray, - textWidth = that._textContentWidth, - lineSpacing = that._options.lineSpacing, - yDelta = (lineSpacing > 0 ? lineSpacing : 0) + that._lineHeight, - leftXCoord, - rightXCoord, - i, - rtl = that._options._rtl; - if (alignment === LEFT) - leftXCoord = x; - else if (alignment === RIGHT) - leftXCoord = x - textWidth; - else - leftXCoord = _round(x - textWidth / 2); - rightXCoord = leftXCoord + textWidth; - for (i = tooltipTextArray.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 2) { - tooltipTextArray[i].applySettings({ - x: !rtl ? rightXCoord : leftXCoord, - y: y, - align: !rtl ? RIGHT : LEFT - }); - if (tooltipTextArray[i - 1]) - tooltipTextArray[i - 1].applySettings({ - x: !rtl ? leftXCoord : rightXCoord, - y: y, - align: !rtl ? LEFT : RIGHT - }); - y -= yDelta - } - }, - _calculateTextContent: function() { - var that = this, - textArray = that._state.text, - textArrayLength = textArray.length, - textParams, - width, - stringWidthArray = [], - i; - textParams = that._getTextContentParams(); - for (i = 0; i < textArrayLength; i += 2) { - if (textParams.width[i + 1]) - width = textParams.width[i] + X_INTERVAL + textParams.width[i + 1]; - else - width = textParams.width[i]; - stringWidthArray.push(width) - } - that._textContentWidth = _max.apply(null, stringWidthArray) - }, - setSize: function(width, height) { - this._canvasWidth = _isDefined(width) ? width : this._canvasWidth; - this._canvasHeight = _isDefined(height) ? height : this._canvasHeight; - return this - }, - getBBox: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - paddingLeftRight = options.paddingLeftRight || 0, - paddingTopBottom = options.paddingTopBottom || 0, - borderWidth = options.border.visible && options.border.width || 0, - tooltipBBox = that._textGroup.getBBox(); - return tooltipBBox.isEmpty ? tooltipBBox : { - x: tooltipBBox.x - paddingLeftRight - borderWidth / 2 - MAX_SHADOW_SIZE, - y: tooltipBBox.y - paddingTopBottom - borderWidth / 2 - MAX_SHADOW_SIZE, - height: tooltipBBox.height + 2 * paddingTopBottom + borderWidth + MAX_SHADOW_SIZE * 2, - width: tooltipBBox.width + 2 * paddingLeftRight + borderWidth + MAX_SHADOW_SIZE * 2, - isEmpty: false - } - }, - show: function() { - this._state.visibility = VISIBLE; - this._updateTextContent(); - this.move(this._state.x, this._state.y, this._state.offset); - this._cloud.applySettings(VISIBLE); - this._textGroup.applySettings(VISIBLE); - return this - }, - hide: function() { - this._state.visibility = HIDDEN; - this._cloud.applySettings(HIDDEN); - this._textGroup.applySettings(HIDDEN); - return this - }, - move: function(x, y, offset) { - this._state.x = _isDefined(x) ? x : this._state.x || 0; - this._state.y = _isDefined(y) ? y : this._state.y || 0; - this._state.offset = _isDefined(offset) ? offset : this._state.offset || 0; - this._updateTooltip(); - return this - }, - _setArrowCenter: function(cloudWidth, cloudHeight, arrowLength, x, y) { - var that = this, - position = that._options.cloudVerticalPosition, - isPosDefined = position !== undefined && position !== null, - verticalInvert = !(isPosDefined ? position === 'top' : cloudHeight + arrowLength < y), - x0 = x, - y0 = verticalInvert ? y + that._state.offset : y - that._state.offset, - x1 = x0 + ARROW_WIDTH / 2, - y1 = verticalInvert ? y0 + arrowLength : y0 - arrowLength, - x2 = x1 + cloudWidth / 2 - ARROW_WIDTH / 2, - y2 = y1, - x3 = x2, - y3 = verticalInvert ? y2 + cloudHeight : y2 - cloudHeight, - x4 = x3 - cloudWidth, - y4 = y3, - x5 = x4, - y5 = verticalInvert ? y4 - cloudHeight : y4 + cloudHeight, - x6 = x5 + cloudWidth / 2 - ARROW_WIDTH / 2, - y6 = y5; - return [x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, x5, y5, x6, y6] - }, - _setArrowLeft: function(cloudWidth, cloudHeight, arrowLength, x, y) { - var that = this, - position = that._options.cloudVerticalPosition, - isPosDefined = position !== undefined && position !== null, - verticalInvert = !(isPosDefined ? position === 'top' : cloudHeight + arrowLength < y), - x0 = x, - y0 = verticalInvert ? y + that._state.offset : y - that._state.offset, - x1 = x0 + ARROW_WIDTH, - y1 = verticalInvert ? y0 + arrowLength : y0 - arrowLength, - x2 = x1 + cloudWidth - ARROW_WIDTH, - y2 = y1, - x3 = x2, - y3 = verticalInvert ? y2 + cloudHeight : y2 - cloudHeight, - x4 = x3 - cloudWidth, - y4 = y3, - x5 = x4, - y5 = verticalInvert ? y4 - cloudHeight - arrowLength : y4 + cloudHeight + arrowLength; - return [x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, x5, y5] - }, - _setArrowRight: function(cloudWidth, cloudHeight, arrowLength, x, y) { - var that = this, - position = that._options.cloudVerticalPosition, - isPosDefined = position !== undefined && position !== null, - verticalInvert = !(isPosDefined ? position === 'top' : cloudHeight + arrowLength < y), - x0 = x, - y0 = verticalInvert ? y + that._state.offset : y - that._state.offset, - x1 = x0, - y1 = verticalInvert ? y0 + arrowLength + cloudHeight : y0 - arrowLength - cloudHeight, - x2 = x1 - cloudWidth, - y2 = y1, - x3 = x2, - y3 = verticalInvert ? y2 - cloudHeight : y2 + cloudHeight, - x4 = x3 + cloudWidth - ARROW_WIDTH, - y4 = y3, - x5 = x4 + ARROW_WIDTH, - y5 = verticalInvert ? y4 - arrowLength : y4 + arrowLength; - return [x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, x5, y5] - }, - _checkWidthText: function(cloudWidth, cloudHeight) { - if (this._options._justify) - return; - var x = this._state.x, - text = this._state.text, - index, - paddingLeftRight = this._options.paddingLeftRight, - paddingTopBottom = this._options.paddingTopBottom, - textLength, - maxTooltipWidth, - remainLength, - newIndex, - bbox = this._state.textBBox; - if (cloudWidth < x || x + cloudWidth < this._canvasWidth || cloudWidth / 2 < x && x + cloudWidth / 2 < this._canvasWidth) - return false; - if (text.indexOf("
") === -1 && text.indexOf(" ") !== -1) { - maxTooltipWidth = _max(x, this._canvasWidth - x, 2 * Math.min(x, this._canvasWidth - x)); - textLength = text.length * maxTooltipWidth / bbox.width; - index = text.substr(0, ~~textLength).lastIndexOf(" "); - if (index === -1) - index = text.substr(0).indexOf(" "); - remainLength = text.substr(index + 1).length; - this._state.text = text.substr(0, index) + "
"; - while (textLength <= remainLength) { - newIndex = text.substr(index + 1, ~~textLength).lastIndexOf(" "); - if (newIndex === -1) - newIndex = text.substr(index + 1).indexOf(" "); - if (newIndex !== -1) { - this._state.text += text.substr(index + 1, newIndex) + "
"; - remainLength = text.substr(index + 1 + newIndex).length; - index += newIndex + 1 - } - else - break - } - this._state.text += text.substr(index + 1); - this._text.updateText(this._state.text); - bbox = this._text.getBBox(); - cloudWidth = bbox.width + paddingLeftRight * 2; - cloudHeight = bbox.height + paddingTopBottom * 2 - } - if (cloudWidth > x && x + cloudWidth > this._canvasWidth && (cloudWidth / 2 > x || x + cloudWidth / 2 > this._canvasWidth)) { - paddingLeftRight = 5; - paddingTopBottom = 5; - cloudWidth = bbox.width + 2 * paddingLeftRight; - cloudHeight = bbox.height + 2 * paddingTopBottom - } - return { - bbox: bbox, - cloudWidth: cloudWidth, - cloudHeight: cloudHeight, - paddingTopBottom: paddingTopBottom, - paddingLeftRight: paddingLeftRight - } - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file legend.js */ - (function(DX, $, undefined) { - var DEFAULT_MARGIN = 10, - _math = Math, - _round = _math.round, - _ceil = _math.ceil, - _floor = _math.floor, - CENTER = 'center', - RIGHT = 'right', - LEFT = 'left', - TOP = 'top', - BOTTOM = 'bottom', - HORIZONTAL = 'horizontal', - VERTICAL = 'vertical', - INSIDE = 'inside', - OUTSIDE = 'outside', - NONE = 'none', - decreaseGaps = DevExpress.viz.core.utils.decreaseGaps, - DEFAULT_MARKER_HATCHING_WIDTH = 2, - DEFAULT_MARKER_HATCHING_STEP = 5; - function getPatternId(renderer, states, action, color) { - if (!states) - return; - var direction = states[action].hatching.direction, - hatching, - colorFromAction = states[action].fill; - color = colorFromAction === NONE ? color : colorFromAction; - direction = !direction || direction === NONE ? RIGHT : direction; - hatching = $.extend({}, states[action].hatching, { - direction: direction, - step: DEFAULT_MARKER_HATCHING_STEP, - width: DEFAULT_MARKER_HATCHING_WIDTH - }); - return renderer.createPattern(color, hatching).append().id - } - DX.viz.core.Legend = DX.Class.inherit({ - ctor: function(data, options, renderer, group) { - var that = this; - that._renderer = renderer; - that._legendGroup = group; - that._markersPatternsIds = []; - that._data = data; - that._init(options) - }, - _init: function(options) { - if (!options) - return; - var debug = DX.utils.debug; - debug.assertParam(options.visible, 'Visibility was not passed'); - debug.assertParam(options.markerSize, 'markerSize was not passed'); - debug.assertParam(options.font.color, 'fontColor was not passed'); - debug.assertParam(, 'fontFamily was not passed'); - debug.assertParam(options.font.size, 'fontSize was not passed'); - debug.assertParam(options.paddingLeftRight, 'paddingLeftRight was not passed'); - debug.assertParam(options.paddingTopBottom, 'paddingTopBottom was not passed'); - debug.assertParam(options.columnItemSpacing, 'columnItemSpacing was not passed'); - debug.assertParam(options.rowItemSpacing, 'rowItemSpacing was not passed'); - debug.assertParam(options.equalColumnWidth, 'equalColumnWidth was not passed'); - var that = this, - i; - that._parseMargins(options); - that._parseAlignments(options); - options.orientation = (options.orientation || '').toLowerCase(); - if (options.orientation !== VERTICAL && options.orientation !== HORIZONTAL) { - if (options.horizontalAlignment === CENTER) - options.orientation = HORIZONTAL; - if (options.horizontalAlignment === RIGHT || options.horizontalAlignment === LEFT) - options.orientation = VERTICAL - } - if (!options.itemTextPosition) - options.itemTextPosition = options.orientation === HORIZONTAL ? BOTTOM : RIGHT; - else - options.itemTextPosition = options.itemTextPosition; - options.position = (options.position || '').toLowerCase(); - if (options.position !== OUTSIDE && options.position !== INSIDE) - options.position = OUTSIDE; - options.hoverMode = (options.hoverMode || '').toLowerCase(); - options.customizeText = $.isFunction(options.customizeText) ? options.customizeText : function() { - return this.seriesName - }; - that._options = options; - !that._trackerGroup && (that._trackerGroup = that._renderer.createGroup({ - 'class': 'dxc-legend-trackers', - stroke: NONE, - fill: 'grey', - opacity: 0.0001 - })); - that.__initialized = true - }, - _parseMargins: function(options) { - if (options.margin >= 0) { - options.margin = Number(options.margin); - options.margin = { - top: options.margin, - bottom: options.margin, - left: options.margin, - right: options.margin - } - } - else - options.margin = { - top: >= 0 ? Number( : DEFAULT_MARGIN, - bottom: options.margin.bottom >= 0 ? Number(options.margin.bottom) : DEFAULT_MARGIN, - left: options.margin.left >= 0 ? Number(options.margin.left) : DEFAULT_MARGIN, - right: options.margin.right >= 0 ? Number(options.margin.right) : DEFAULT_MARGIN - } - }, - _parseAlignments: function(options) { - options.horizontalAlignment = (options.horizontalAlignment || '').toLowerCase(); - if (options.horizontalAlignment !== CENTER && options.horizontalAlignment !== RIGHT && options.horizontalAlignment !== LEFT) - options.horizontalAlignment = RIGHT; - options.verticalAlignment = (options.verticalAlignment || '').toLowerCase(); - if (options.verticalAlignment !== TOP && options.verticalAlignment !== BOTTOM) { - if (options.horizontalAlignment === CENTER) - options.verticalAlignment = BOTTOM; - if (options.horizontalAlignment === RIGHT || options.horizontalAlignment === LEFT) - options.verticalAlignment = TOP - } - }, - update: function(data, options) { - this._data = data; - this.boundingRect = { - width: 0, - height: 0, - x: 0, - y: 0 - }; - this._init(options); - return this - }, - setSize: function(size) { - this._size = size; - return this - }, - draw: function() { - if (!this._options) - return this; - var that = this, - renderer = that._renderer, - options = that._options, - items = that._data, - itemsLength = items.length, - seriesGroups = [], - i, - label, - marker, - singleSeriesGroup, - trackers = [], - insideLegendGroup, - markersId = new Array(itemsLength), - passedId, - border = options.border, - borderVisible = border.visible && border.width && border.color && border.color !== NONE, - markers = new Array(itemsLength); - if (!(options.visible && items && itemsLength)) { - that._disposeTrackers(); - return that - } - that._cleanLegendGroups(); - insideLegendGroup = that._insideLegendGroup = renderer.createGroup().append(that._legendGroup); - that._createBackground(borderVisible); - for (i = 0; i < itemsLength; i++) { - singleSeriesGroup = renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxc-item'}).append(insideLegendGroup); - marker = that._createMarker(items[i], singleSeriesGroup, i); - passedId = items[i].id; - label = that._createLabel(items[i], passedId, singleSeriesGroup); - markersId[i] = passedId; - that._locateLabelAndMarker(label, marker); - markers[i] = marker; - trackers.push({ - rect: renderer.createRect(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, { - stroke: NONE, - fill: 'grey', - opacity: 0.0001, - inh: true - }), - id: passedId - }); - seriesGroups.push(singleSeriesGroup) - } - that._seriesGroups = seriesGroups; - that._trackers = trackers; - that.drawTrackers(); - that._markers = markers; - that._markersId = markersId; - that._locateElements(options); - return that - }, - _locateElements: function(options) { - var that = this, - border = options.border, - borderVisible = border.visible && border.width && border.color && border.color !== NONE; - that._moveInInitialValues(); - that._locateRowsColumns(that._seriesGroups, that._trackers, that._data.length, that._background, options); - if (that._background) - that._adjustBackgroundSettings(that._background, borderVisible, options); - that._setBoundingRect(options) - }, - _moveInInitialValues: function() { - var that = this; - that._legendGroup && that._legendGroup.move(0, 0); - that._trackerGroup && that._trackerGroup.move(0, 0); - that._background && that._background.applySettings({ - x: 0, - y: 0, - width: 0, - height: 0 - }) - }, - _applyMarkerOptions: function(marker, options) { - if (marker) - marker.applySettings(options) - }, - applySelected: function(id) { - var index = this._getIndexById(id); - if (index !== null) - this._applyMarkerOptions(this._markers[index], {fill: this._markersPatternsIds[index].selectedPatternId}); - return this - }, - applyHover: function(id) { - var index = this._getIndexById(id); - if (index !== null) - this._applyMarkerOptions(this._markers[index], {fill: this._markersPatternsIds[index].hoverPatternId}); - return this - }, - resetItem: function(id) { - var index = this._getIndexById(id); - if (index !== null) - this._applyMarkerOptions(this._markers[index], {fill: this._data[index].color || this._data[index].states.normal.fill}) - }, - _getIndexById: function(id) { - var i, - markersId = this._markersId, - markersIdLen = markersId.length; - for (i = 0; i < markersIdLen; i++) - if (markersId[i] === id) - return i; - return null - }, - drawTrackers: function() { - if (!this._options.visible || !this._insideLegendGroup) - return; - var that = this, - trackerGroup = that._trackerGroup.append(that._legendGroup); - $.each(that._trackers || [], function(i, tracker) { - var trackerRect = tracker.rect; -{ - itemIndex:, - mode: that._options.hoverMode - }); - trackerRect.append(trackerGroup) - }); - return that - }, - _disposeTrackers: function() { - var that = this; - $.each(that._trackers || [], function(_, tracker) { - tracker.rect.removeData() - }); - that._trackers = null - }, - _createMarker: function(data, group, markerIndex) { - var that = this, - renderer = that._renderer, - markersPatternsIds = that._markersPatternsIds, - size = that._options.markerSize, - states = data.states, - marker; - marker = renderer.createRect(0, 0, size, size, 0, {fill: data.color}).append(group); - markersPatternsIds[markerIndex] = { - hoverPatternId: getPatternId(renderer, states, 'hover', data.color), - selectedPatternId: getPatternId(renderer, states, 'selection', data.color) - }; - return marker - }, - _createLabel: function(data, index, group) { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - position = options.itemTextPosition, - align = position === TOP || position === BOTTOM ? CENTER : LEFT, - text, - label, - labelFormatObject = { - seriesName: data.text, - seriesNumber: index, - seriesColor: data.color - }; - text =, options); - label = that._renderer.createText(text, 0, 0, { - font: options.font, - align: align - }).append(group); - return label - }, - _cleanLegendGroups: function() { - var that = this, - trackerGroup = that._trackerGroup, - legendGroup = that._legendGroup; - if (legendGroup) { - legendGroup.clear(); - that._insideLegendGroup && that._insideLegendGroup.dispose(); - that._insideLegendGroup = null - } - if (trackerGroup) - trackerGroup.clear() - }, - _createBackground: function(borderVisible) { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - isInside = options.position === INSIDE, - color = options.backgroundColor, - fill = color || (isInside ? options.containerBackgroundColor : NONE); - if (isInside || color || borderVisible) - that._background = that._renderer.createRect(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, { - fill: fill, - 'class': 'dxc-border' - }).append(that._insideLegendGroup) - }, - _formatLabel: function(options) { - return, this) - }, - _locateLabelAndMarker: function(label, marker) { - var that = this, - defaultXMargin = 7, - defaultTopMargin = 4, - defaultBottomMargin = 2, - labelX = 0, - labelY = 0, - markerX, - markerY, - labelBox = label.getBBox(), - markerWidth = that._options.markerSize, - markerHeight = markerWidth, - approximateLabelY = markerHeight / 2 - (labelBox.y + labelBox.height / 2), - approximateLabelX = markerWidth / 2 - (labelBox.x + labelBox.width / 2); - switch (that._options.itemTextPosition) { - case LEFT: - labelY = _round(approximateLabelY); - markerX = labelBox.width + defaultXMargin; - break; - case RIGHT: - labelX = markerWidth + defaultXMargin; - labelY = _round(approximateLabelY); - break; - case TOP: - labelX = _round(approximateLabelX); - markerY = defaultTopMargin; - break; - case BOTTOM: - labelX = _round(approximateLabelX); - labelY = markerHeight + defaultBottomMargin - labelBox.y; - break - } - label.applySettings({ - x: labelX, - y: labelY - }); - marker.applySettings({ - x: markerX, - y: markerY - }) - }, - _locateRowsColumns: function(groups, trackers, count, background, options) { - var that = this, - itemTextPosition = options.itemTextPosition, - size = that._size, - legendBox, - rowsColumns = that._getRowsColumns(count), - rows = rowsColumns.rows, - columns = rowsColumns.columns, - margin = options.margin, - paddingLeftRight = background ? options.paddingLeftRight : 0, - paddingTopBottom = background ? options.paddingTopBottom : 0, - placeholderWidth = size.width - margin.left - margin.right - 2 * paddingLeftRight, - placeholderHeight = size.height - - margin.bottom - 2 * paddingTopBottom, - rowsColumnsData, - condition; - var moveRowsColumns = function(rows, columns) { - rowsColumnsData = that._getDataRowsColumns(groups, columns, rows); - that._moveItems(rowsColumnsData, groups, itemTextPosition, trackers, options) - }; - moveRowsColumns(rows, columns); - legendBox = that._insideLegendGroup ? that._insideLegendGroup.getBBox() : {}; - if (rowsColumns.autoEdit) - if (rows === 1) { - if (legendBox.width > placeholderWidth && columns > 1) { - columns = _floor(columns * placeholderWidth / legendBox.width) || 1; - columns = validate(columns, count); - rows = _ceil(count / columns); - moveRowsColumns(rows, columns) - } - } - else if (columns === 1) - if (legendBox.height > placeholderHeight && rows > 1) { - rows = _floor(rows * placeholderHeight / legendBox.height) || 1; - rows = validate(rows, count); - columns = _ceil(count / rows); - moveRowsColumns(rows, columns) - } - that._rowsCountDrawed = rows; - that._columnsCountDrawed = columns; - function validate(rowsOrColumns, count) { - if (rowsOrColumns > count || rowsOrColumns < 1) - rowsOrColumns = count; - return rowsOrColumns - } - }, - _moveItems: function(data, seriesGroups, horizontalTextPosition, trackers, options) { - var that = this, - i, - j, - rows, - cols, - number, - group, - box, - xShift = 0, - yShift = 0, - widthColumn, - xPadding = options.columnItemSpacing, - yPadding = options.rowItemSpacing, - equalColumnWidth = options.equalColumnWidth, - renderer = that._renderer, - maxWidthPerColumn = [], - maxWidthColumn = 0, - maxHeightRow = 0; - rows = data.rows; - cols = data.cols; - maxHeightRow = data.maxHeightRow; - maxWidthColumn = data.maxWidthColumn; - maxWidthPerColumn = data.maxWidthPerColumn; - for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) { - for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) { - if (rows < cols) - number = i * cols + j; - else - number = i + j * rows; - group = seriesGroups[number]; - if (!group) - break; - box = group.getBBox(); - widthColumn = !equalColumnWidth ? maxWidthPerColumn[j] : maxWidthColumn; - if (horizontalTextPosition === RIGHT) { - group.move(xShift - box.x, yShift); - trackers[number].rect.applySettings({ - x: xShift - xPadding / 2, - y: yShift + box.y - yPadding / 2, - height: maxHeightRow + yPadding, - width: widthColumn + xPadding - }) - } - else if (horizontalTextPosition === LEFT) { - group.move(box.x + widthColumn - box.width + xShift - xPadding / 2, yShift); - trackers[number].rect.applySettings({ - x: box.x + widthColumn - box.width + xShift - xPadding / 2, - y: yShift + box.y - yPadding / 2, - height: maxHeightRow + yPadding, - width: widthColumn + xPadding - }) - } - else { - group.move(xShift - box.x - box.width / 2 + widthColumn / 2, yShift); - trackers[number].rect.applySettings({ - x: xShift - xPadding / 2, - y: yShift + box.y - yPadding / 2, - height: maxHeightRow + yPadding, - width: widthColumn + xPadding - }) - } - xShift = xShift + widthColumn + xPadding - } - yShift = yShift + maxHeightRow + yPadding; - xShift = 0 - } - }, - _getDataRowsColumns: function(seriesGroups, cols, rows) { - var that = this, - i, - j, - options = that._options, - equalColumnWidth = options.equalColumnWidth, - series = that.series || {}, - maxWidthPerColumn = [], - maxWidthColumn = 0, - maxHeightRow = 0, - group, - box; - for (i = 0; i < cols; i++) - maxWidthPerColumn[i] = 0; - for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) - for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) { - if (rows < cols) - group = seriesGroups[i * cols + j]; - else - group = seriesGroups[i + j * rows]; - if (!group) - break; - box = group.getBBox(); - if (maxHeightRow < box.height) - maxHeightRow = box.height; - if (!equalColumnWidth) { - if (maxWidthPerColumn[j] < box.width) - maxWidthPerColumn[j] = box.width - } - else if (maxWidthColumn < box.width) - maxWidthColumn = box.width - } - return { - rows: rows, - cols: cols, - maxWidthPerColumn: maxWidthPerColumn, - maxWidthColumn: maxWidthColumn, - maxHeightRow: maxHeightRow - } - }, - _getRowsColumns: function(count) { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - isHorizontal = options.orientation === HORIZONTAL, - rows = options.rowCount, - onRows = _ceil(count / rows), - columns = options.columnCount, - onColumns = _ceil(count / columns), - autoEdit; - if (columns && !rows) - rows = onColumns; - else if (!columns && rows) - columns = onRows; - else if (columns && rows) { - if (isHorizontal && columns < onRows) - columns = onRows; - else if (!isHorizontal && rows < onColumns) - rows = onColumns - } - else { - autoEdit = true; - if (isHorizontal) { - rows = 1; - columns = count - } - else { - columns = 1; - rows = count - } - } - return { - rows: rows, - columns: columns, - autoEdit: autoEdit - } - }, - _adjustBackgroundSettings: function(background, borderVisible, options) { - var that = this, - border = options.border, - legendBox = that._insideLegendGroup.getBBox(), - backgroundSettings = { - x: _round(legendBox.x - options.paddingLeftRight), - y: _round(legendBox.y - options.paddingTopBottom), - width: _round(legendBox.width) + 2 * options.paddingLeftRight, - height: _round(legendBox.height) + 2 * options.paddingTopBottom, - opacity: options.backgroundOpacity - }; - if (borderVisible) { - backgroundSettings.strokeWidth = border.width; - backgroundSettings.stroke = border.color; - backgroundSettings.strokeOpacity = border.opacity; - backgroundSettings.dashStyle = border.dashStyle; - backgroundSettings.rx = border.cornerRadius || 0; - backgroundSettings.ry = border.cornerRadius || 0 - } - background.applySettings(backgroundSettings) - }, - _setBoundingRect: function(options) { - var that = this, - box, - margin = options.margin; - if (!that._insideLegendGroup) - return; - box = that._insideLegendGroup.getBBox(); - box.height += + margin.bottom; - box.width += margin.left + margin.right; - box.x -= margin.left; - box.y -=; - that.boundingRect = box - }, - changeSize: function(size) { - var that = this, - options = $.extend(true, {}, that._options), - margin = options.margin; - if (size.height >= 0) { - size.height = decreaseGaps(margin, ["top", "bottom"], size.height); - if (options.border.visible) - size.height = 2 * decreaseGaps(options, ["paddingTopBottom"], size.height / 2); - if (that._rowsCountDrawed - 1) - size.height = (that._rowsCountDrawed - 1) * decreaseGaps(options, ["rowItemSpacing"], size.height / (that._rowsCountDrawed - 1)) - } - if (size.width >= 0) { - size.width = decreaseGaps(margin, ["left", "right"], size.width); - if (options.border.visible) - size.width = 2 * decreaseGaps(options, ["paddingLeftRight"], size.width / 2); - if (that._columnsCountDrawed - 1) - size.width = (that._columnsCountDrawed - 1) * decreaseGaps(options, ["columnItemSpacing"], size.width / (that._columnsCountDrawed - 1)) - } - if (that._insideLegendGroup) - if (size.height > 0 || size.width > 0) { - that._options._incidentOccured("W2104"); - that._insideLegendGroup.remove(); - that._insideLegendGroup = null; - that._trackerGroup && that._trackerGroup.clear() - } - else - that._locateElements(options) - }, - getTrackerGroup: function() { - return this._trackerGroup - }, - getActionCallback: function(point) { - var that = this; - if (that._options.visible) - return function(act) { - var pointType = point.type, - isSeries = pointType ? true : false, - seriesType = pointType || point.series.type; - if (isSeries || seriesType === 'pie' || seriesType === 'doughnut' || seriesType === 'donut') - that[act] && that[act](point.index) - }; - else - return $.noop - }, - getLayoutOptions: function() { - var options = this._options, - boundingRect = this._insideLegendGroup ? this.boundingRect : { - width: 0, - height: 0, - x: 0, - y: 0 - }; - if (options) { - boundingRect.verticalAlignment = options.verticalAlignment; - boundingRect.horizontalAlignment = options.horizontalAlignment; - if (options.orientation === 'horizontal') - boundingRect.cutLayoutSide = options.verticalAlignment; - else - boundingRect.cutLayoutSide = options.horizontalAlignment === 'center' ? options.verticalAlignment : options.horizontalAlignment; - return boundingRect - } - return null - }, - shift: function(x, y) { - var that = this, - settings = {}, - box = that.getLayoutOptions(); - settings.translateX = x - box.x; - settings.translateY = y - box.y; - that._insideLegendGroup && that._insideLegendGroup.applySettings(settings); - that._trackerGroup && that._trackerGroup.applySettings(settings) - }, - getPosition: function() { - return this._options.position - }, - dispose: function() { - var that = this; - that._disposeTrackers(); - that._legendGroup = null; - that._trackerGroup = null; - that._insideLegendGroup = null; - that._renderer = null; - that._options = null; - that._data = null; - return that - } - }) - })(DevExpress, jQuery); - /*! Module viz-core, file range.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var core = DX.viz.core, - utils = DX.utils, - isDefinedUtils = utils.isDefined, - isDateUtils = utils.isDate, - getLogUtils = utils.getLog, - raiseToUtils = utils.raiseTo; - var NUMBER_EQUALITY_CORRECTION = 1, - DATETIME_EQUALITY_CORRECTION = 60000; - var minSelector = 'min', - maxSelector = 'max', - minVisibleSelector = 'minVisible', - maxVisibleSelector = 'maxVisible', - minValueMarginSelector = 'minValueMargin', - maxValueMarginSelector = 'maxValueMargin', - categoriesSelector = 'categories', - keepValueMarginsSelector = 'keepValueMargins', - baseSelector = 'base', - axisTypeSelector = 'axisType'; - var raiseToFlooredLog = function(value, base, correction) { - return raiseToUtils(Math.floor(getLogUtils(value, base)) + (correction || 0), base) - }; - var otherLessThan = function(thisValue, otherValue) { - return otherValue < thisValue - }; - var otherGreaterThan = function(thisValue, otherValue) { - return otherValue > thisValue - }; - var compareAndReplace = function(thisValue, otherValue, setValue, compare) { - var otherValueDefined = isDefinedUtils(otherValue); - if (isDefinedUtils(thisValue)) { - if (otherValueDefined && compare(thisValue, otherValue)) - setValue(otherValue) - } - else if (otherValueDefined) - setValue(otherValue) - }; - var applyMargin = function(value, margin, rangeLength, coef, isDateTime) { - value = value.valueOf() + coef * rangeLength * margin; - return isDateTime ? new Date(value) : value - }; - DX.viz.core.__NUMBER_EQUALITY_CORRECTION = NUMBER_EQUALITY_CORRECTION; - DX.viz.core.__DATETIME_EQUALITY_CORRECTION = DATETIME_EQUALITY_CORRECTION; - core.Range = function(range) { - range && $.extend(this, range) - }; - $.extend(core.Range.prototype, { - dispose: function() { - this[categoriesSelector] = null - }, - addRange: function(otherRange) { - var that = this, - categories = that[categoriesSelector], - categoriesValues, - otherCategories = otherRange[categoriesSelector], - i, - j, - length, - found; - var setIndentByPriority = function(prefix) { - var prioritySelector = prefix + 'Priority', - priorityRelation = (that[prioritySelector] || 0) - (otherRange[prioritySelector] || 0); - if ((that[prefix] || 0) < otherRange[prefix] && priorityRelation === 0 || priorityRelation < 0) { - that[prefix] = otherRange[prefix]; - that[prioritySelector] = otherRange[prioritySelector] - } - }; - var compareAndReplaceByField = function(field, compare) { - compareAndReplace(that[field], otherRange[field], function(value) { - that[field] = value - }, compare) - }; - var controlValuesByVisibleBounds = function(valueField, visibleValueField, compare) { - compareAndReplace(that[valueField], that[visibleValueField], function(value) { - isDefinedUtils(that[valueField]) && (that[valueField] = value) - }, compare) - }; - var checkField = function(field) { - that[field] = that[field] || otherRange[field] - }; - if (utils.isDefined(otherRange["stick"])) - that["stick"] = otherRange["stick"]; - checkField('invert'); - checkField(axisTypeSelector); - checkField('dataType'); - checkField(keepValueMarginsSelector); - if (that[axisTypeSelector] === 'logarithmic') - checkField(baseSelector); - else - that[baseSelector] = undefined; - compareAndReplaceByField(minSelector, otherLessThan); - compareAndReplaceByField(maxSelector, otherGreaterThan); - compareAndReplaceByField(minVisibleSelector, otherLessThan); - compareAndReplaceByField(maxVisibleSelector, otherGreaterThan); - compareAndReplaceByField('interval', otherLessThan); - setIndentByPriority(minValueMarginSelector); - setIndentByPriority(maxValueMarginSelector); - controlValuesByVisibleBounds(minSelector, minVisibleSelector, otherLessThan); - controlValuesByVisibleBounds(minSelector, maxVisibleSelector, otherLessThan); - controlValuesByVisibleBounds(maxSelector, maxVisibleSelector, otherGreaterThan); - controlValuesByVisibleBounds(maxSelector, minVisibleSelector, otherGreaterThan); - if (categories === undefined) - that[categoriesSelector] = otherCategories; - else { - length = categories.length; - if (otherCategories && otherCategories.length) - for (i = 0; i < otherCategories.length; i++) { - for (j = 0, found = false; j < length; j++) - if (categories[j].valueOf() === otherCategories[i].valueOf()) { - found = true; - break - } - !found && categories.push(otherCategories[i]) - } - } - return this - }, - isDefined: function() { - return isDefinedUtils(this[minSelector]) && isDefinedUtils(this[maxSelector]) || isDefinedUtils(this[categoriesSelector]) - }, - setStubData: function(dataType) { - var that = this, - year = (new Date).getYear() - 1, - isDate = dataType === 'datetime', - isCategories = that.axisType === 'discrete'; - if (isCategories) - that.categories = ['0', '1', '2']; - else { - that[minSelector] = isDate ? new Date(year, 0, 1) : 0; - that[maxSelector] = isDate ? new Date(year, 11, 31) : 10 - } - that.stubData = true; - return that - }, - applyValueMargins: function() { - var that = this, - base = that[baseSelector], - isDateTime = isDateUtils(that[maxSelector]) || isDateUtils(that[minSelector]); - var applyMarginWithZeroCorrection = function(min, max, rangeLength) { - var minValue = that[min], - maxValue = that[max], - minMargin = that[minValueMarginSelector], - maxMargin = that[maxValueMarginSelector], - minCorrected = false, - maxCorrected = false; - if (rangeLength && !isDateTime && !that[keepValueMarginsSelector]) { - if (minValue <= 0 && maxValue <= 0 && maxMargin > maxValue / (minValue - maxValue)) { - that[max] = 0; - maxCorrected = true - } - if (minValue >= 0 && maxValue >= 0 && minMargin > minValue / (maxValue - minValue)) { - that[min] = 0; - minCorrected = true - } - } - if (isDefinedUtils(maxValue) && !maxCorrected && maxMargin) - that[max] = applyMargin(maxValue, maxMargin, rangeLength, 1, isDateTime); - if (isDefinedUtils(minValue) && !minCorrected && minMargin) - that[min] = applyMargin(minValue, minMargin, rangeLength, -1, isDateTime) - }; - var correctValueByBoundaries = function(visibleSelector, valueSelector) { - that[visibleSelector] = isDefinedUtils(that[visibleSelector]) ? that[visibleSelector] : that[valueSelector] - }; - var processLogarithmicMinValue = function(valueField) { - if (isDefinedUtils(that[valueField])) { - var intermediateValue = raiseToFlooredLog(that[valueField], base); - if (getLogUtils(that[valueField] / intermediateValue, base) < 0.1 && that.alwaysCorrectMin && !that[keepValueMarginsSelector]) - that[valueField] = raiseToFlooredLog(that[valueField], base, -1); - else if (that.alwaysCorrectMin && !that[keepValueMarginsSelector]) - that[valueField] = intermediateValue; - else if (getLogUtils(that[valueField] / intermediateValue, base) < 0.5) - that[valueField] = intermediateValue - } - }; - var processLogarithmicMaxValue = function(valueField) { - if (isDefinedUtils(that[valueField])) { - var intermediateValue = raiseToFlooredLog(that[valueField], base); - if (getLogUtils(that[valueField] / intermediateValue, base) > 0.5) - that[valueField] = raiseToUtils(Math.ceil(getLogUtils(that[valueField], base)), base) - } - }; - var correctLogVisibleValue = function(visibleValueSelector, valueSelector, compare) { - if (!isDefinedUtils(that[visibleValueSelector]) || compare) - that[visibleValueSelector] = that[valueSelector] - }; - if (that[axisTypeSelector] === 'logarithmic' && that[minSelector] !== that[maxSelector]) { - processLogarithmicMinValue(minSelector); - processLogarithmicMaxValue(maxSelector); - if (that.isValueRange && that[minVisibleSelector] !== that[maxVisibleSelector]) { - processLogarithmicMinValue(minVisibleSelector); - processLogarithmicMaxValue(maxVisibleSelector) - } - correctLogVisibleValue(minVisibleSelector, minSelector, that[minVisibleSelector] < that[minSelector]); - correctLogVisibleValue(maxVisibleSelector, maxSelector, that[maxVisibleSelector] > that[maxSelector]) - } - else { - correctValueByBoundaries(minVisibleSelector, minSelector); - correctValueByBoundaries(maxVisibleSelector, maxSelector); - applyMarginWithZeroCorrection(minSelector, maxSelector, that[maxSelector] - that[minSelector]); - applyMarginWithZeroCorrection(minVisibleSelector, maxVisibleSelector, that[maxVisibleSelector] - that[minVisibleSelector]) - } - return this - }, - correctValueZeroLevel: function() { - var that = this; - if (isDateUtils(that[maxSelector]) || isDateUtils(that[minSelector])) - return that; - function setZeroLevel(min, max) { - that[min] < 0 && that[max] < 0 && (that[max] = 0); - that[min] > 0 && that[max] > 0 && (that[min] = 0) - } - setZeroLevel(minSelector, maxSelector); - setZeroLevel(minVisibleSelector, maxVisibleSelector); - return that - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file seriesConsts.js */ - (function(DX) { - DX.viz.core.series = DX.viz.core.series || {}; - DX.viz.core.series.helpers = DX.viz.core.series.helpers || {}; - DX.viz.core.series.helpers.consts = { - events: { - mouseover: "mouseover", - mouseout: "mouseout", - mousemove: "mousemove", - touchstart: "touchstart", - touchmove: "touchmove", - touchend: "touchend", - mousedown: "mousedown", - mouseup: "mouseup", - click: "click", - selectSeries: "selectseries", - deselectSeries: "deselectseries", - selectPoint: "selectpoint", - deselectPoint: "deselectpoint", - showPointTooltip: "showpointtooltip", - hidePointTooltip: "hidepointtooltip" - }, - states: { - hover: "hover", - normal: "normal", - selected: "selected", - normalMark: 0, - hoverMark: 1, - selectedMark: 2 - }, - animations: { - showDuration: {duration: 400}, - hideGroup: {opacity: 0.0001}, - showGroup: {opacity: 1} - } - } - })(DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file seriesFamily.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var utils = DX.utils, - _round = Math.round, - _abs = Math.abs, - _pow = Math.pow; - DX.viz.core.series.helpers.SeriesFamily = DX.Class.inherit(function() { - var ctor = function(options) { - var debug = DX.utils.debug; - debug.assert(options.type, "type was not passed or empty"); - var that = this, - stubFunction = $.noop; - $.extend(that, options); - that.type = that.type.toLowerCase(); - that.series = []; - switch (that.type) { - case"bar": - that.adjustSeriesDimensions = adjustBarSeriesDimensions; - that.adjustSeriesValues = stubFunction; - that.updateSeriesValues = updateBarSeriesValues; - break; - case"rangebar": - that.adjustSeriesDimensions = adjustBarSeriesDimensions; - that.adjustSeriesValues = stubFunction; - that.updateSeriesValues = stubFunction; - break; - case"fullstackedbar": - that.fullStacked = true; - that.adjustSeriesDimensions = adjustStackedBarSeriesDimensions; - that.adjustSeriesValues = adjustStackedSeriesValues; - that.updateSeriesValues = updateStackedSeriesValues; - break; - case"stackedbar": - that.adjustSeriesDimensions = adjustStackedBarSeriesDimensions; - that.adjustSeriesValues = adjustStackedSeriesValues; - that.updateSeriesValues = updateStackedSeriesValues; - break; - case"fullstackedarea": - case"fullstackedline": - that.fullStacked = true; - that.adjustSeriesDimensions = stubFunction; - that.adjustSeriesValues = adjustStackedSeriesValues; - that.updateSeriesValues = stubFunction; - break; - case"stackedarea": - case"stackedline": - that.adjustSeriesDimensions = stubFunction; - that.adjustSeriesValues = adjustStackedSeriesValues; - that.updateSeriesValues = stubFunction; - break; - case"candlestick": - case"stock": - that.adjustSeriesDimensions = adjustCandlestickSeriesDimensions; - that.adjustSeriesValues = stubFunction; - that.updateSeriesValues = stubFunction; - break; - case"bubble": - that.adjustSeriesDimensions = adjustBubbleSeriesDimensions; - that.adjustSeriesValues = stubFunction; - that.updateSeriesValues = stubFunction; - break; - default: - that.adjustSeriesDimensions = stubFunction; - that.adjustSeriesValues = stubFunction; - that.updateSeriesValues = stubFunction; - break - } - }; - var dispose = function() { - this.series = null; - this.translators = null - }; - var add = function(series) { - var that = this, - singleSeries, - i; - if (!$.isArray(series)) - series = [series]; - for (i = 0; i < series.length; i++) { - singleSeries = series[i]; - if (singleSeries.type.toLowerCase() === that.type) - that.series.push(singleSeries) - } - }; - var adjustBarSeriesDimensionsCore = function(series, interval, stackCount, equalBarWidth, seriesStackIndexCallback) { - var spacing, - width, - maxWidth, - middleIndex, - stackIndex, - i, - point, - points, - seriesOffset, - stackName, - argumentsKeeper = {}, - stackKeepers = {}, - stacksWithArgument, - count; - if (equalBarWidth) { - width = equalBarWidth.width && equalBarWidth.width < 0 ? 0 : equalBarWidth.width; - spacing = equalBarWidth.spacing && equalBarWidth.spacing < 0 ? 0 : equalBarWidth.spacing; - if (width && !spacing) - if (stackCount > 1) { - spacing = _round((interval * 0.7 - width * stackCount) / (stackCount - 1)); - if (spacing < 1) - spacing = 1 - } - else - spacing = 0; - else if (spacing && !width) { - width = _round((interval * 0.7 - spacing * (stackCount - 1)) / stackCount); - if (width < 2) - width = 2 - } - else if (!spacing && !width) { - if (stackCount > 1) { - spacing = _round(interval * 0.7 / stackCount * 0.2); - if (spacing < 1) - spacing = 1 - } - else - spacing = 0; - width = _round((interval * 0.7 - spacing * (stackCount - 1)) / stackCount); - if (width < 2) - width = 2 - } - if (width * stackCount + spacing * (stackCount - 1) > interval) { - spacing = _round((interval * 0.7 - width * stackCount) / (stackCount - 1)); - if (spacing < 1) { - spacing = 1; - maxWidth = _round((interval * 0.7 - spacing * (stackCount - 1)) / stackCount) - } - } - middleIndex = stackCount / 2; - for (i = 0; i < series.length; i++) { - stackIndex = seriesStackIndexCallback(i); - points = series[i].getPoints(); - seriesOffset = (stackIndex - middleIndex + 0.5) * (maxWidth || width) - (middleIndex - stackIndex - 0.5) * spacing; - $.each(points, function(_, point) { - point.correctCoordinates({ - width: width, - offset: seriesOffset - }) - }) - } - } - else { - $.each(series, function(i, singleSeries) { - stackName = singleSeries.getStackName && singleSeries.getStackName(); - stackName = stackName || i.toString(); - if (!stackKeepers[stackName]) - stackKeepers[stackName] = []; - stackKeepers[stackName].push(singleSeries) - }); - $.each(series, function(i, singleSeries) { - $.each(singleSeries.getPoints(), function(_, point) { - var argument = point.argument; - if (!argumentsKeeper.hasOwnProperty(argument)) - argumentsKeeper[argument.valueOf()] = 1 - }) - }); - for (var argument in argumentsKeeper) { - if (!argumentsKeeper.hasOwnProperty(argument)) - continue; - stacksWithArgument = []; - $.each(stackKeepers, function(stackName, seriesInStack) { - $.each(seriesInStack, function(i, singleSeries) { - point = singleSeries.getPointByArg(argument); - if (point && point.value) { - stacksWithArgument.push(stackName); - return false - } - }) - }); - count = stacksWithArgument.length; - spacing = _round(interval * 0.7 / count * 0.2); - if (spacing < 1) - spacing = 1; - width = _round((interval * 0.7 - spacing * (count - 1)) / count); - if (width < 2) - width = 2; - middleIndex = count / 2; - $.each(stackKeepers, function(stackName, seriesInStack) { - stackIndex = $.inArray(stackName, stacksWithArgument); - if (stackIndex === -1) - return; - seriesOffset = (stackIndex - middleIndex + 0.5) * width - (middleIndex - stackIndex - 0.5) * spacing; - $.each(seriesInStack, function(i, singleSeries) { - var point = singleSeries.getPointByArg(argument); - if (point && point.value) - point.correctCoordinates({ - width: width, - offset: seriesOffset - }) - }) - }) - } - } - }; - var getVisibleSeries = function(that) { - return $.map(that.series, function(s) { - return s.isVisible() ? s : null - }) - }; - var adjustBarSeriesDimensions = function(translators) { - var debug = DX.utils.debug; - debug.assert(translators, "translator was not passed or empty"); - var that = this, - equalBarWidth = that.equalBarWidth, - series = getVisibleSeries(that); - adjustBarSeriesDimensionsCore(series, getInterval(that, translators), series.length, equalBarWidth, function(seriesIndex) { - return seriesIndex - }) - }; - var adjustStackedBarSeriesDimensions = function(translators) { - var debug = DX.utils.debug; - debug.assert(translators, "translators was not passed or empty"); - var that = this, - interval, - series = getVisibleSeries(that), - stackIndexes = {}, - stackCount = 0, - equalBarWidth = that.equalBarWidth; - $.each(series, function() { - var stackName = this.getStackName(); - if (!stackIndexes.hasOwnProperty(stackName)) - stackIndexes[stackName] = stackCount++ - }); - adjustBarSeriesDimensionsCore(series, getInterval(that, translators), stackCount, equalBarWidth, function(seriesIndex) { - return stackIndexes[series[seriesIndex].getStackName()] - }) - }; - var adjustStackedSeriesValues = function() { - var that = this, - series = getVisibleSeries(that), - stackKeepers = { - positive: {}, - negative: {} - }; - $.each(series, function(_, singleSeries) { - var points = singleSeries.getPoints(); - $.each(points, function(index, point) { - var value = point.initialValue, - argument = point.argument, - stackName = singleSeries.getStackName ? singleSeries.getStackName() : "default", - valueType = value >= 0 ? "positive" : "negative", - currentStack; - stackKeepers[valueType][stackName] = stackKeepers[valueType][stackName] || {}; - currentStack = stackKeepers[valueType][stackName]; - if (currentStack[argument.valueOf()]) { - points[index].correctValue(currentStack[argument.valueOf()]); - currentStack[argument.valueOf()] += value - } - else { - currentStack[argument.valueOf()] = value; - points[index].resetCorrection() - } - }) - }); - setPercentStackedValues(series, stackKeepers, that.fullStacked) - }; - var setPercentStackedValues = function(series, stackKeepers, fullStacked) { - $.each(series, function(_, singleSeries) { - var points = singleSeries.getPoints(); - $.each(points, function(index, point) { - var value = point.value, - stackName = singleSeries.getStackName ? singleSeries.getStackName() : "default", - valueType = value >= 0 ? "positive" : "negative", - currentStack; - stackKeepers[valueType][stackName] = stackKeepers[valueType][stackName] || {}; - currentStack = stackKeepers[valueType][stackName]; - points[index].setPercentValue(currentStack[point.argument.valueOf()], fullStacked) - }) - }) - }; - var getMinShownBusinessValue = function(that, translators, minBarSize) { - var rotated = that.rotated, - valTranslator = rotated ? translators.x : translators.y, - canvas = valTranslator.getCanvasVisibleArea(); - if (minBarSize) - return _abs(valTranslator.untranslate(canvas.min) - valTranslator.untranslate(canvas.min + minBarSize)) - }; - var updateStackedSeriesValues = function(translators) { - var that = this, - series = getVisibleSeries(that), - stackKeepers = { - positive: {}, - negative: {} - }; - $.each(series, function(_, singleSeries) { - var points = singleSeries.getPoints(), - minBarSize = singleSeries.getOptions().minBarSize; - $.each(points, function(index, point) { - var value = point.value, - minValue = point.minValue, - argument = point.argument, - updateValue, - pointSize, - minShownBusinessValue, - stackName = singleSeries.getStackName ? singleSeries.getStackName() : "default", - valueType = value >= 0 ? "positive" : "negative", - currentStack; - minShownBusinessValue = getMinShownBusinessValue(that, translators, minBarSize); - currentStack = stackKeepers[valueType][stackName] = stackKeepers[valueType][stackName] || {}; - if (currentStack[argument.valueOf()]) { - minValue = utils.isNumber(minValue) ? minValue : 0, - pointSize = _abs(minValue - value); - if (minShownBusinessValue && pointSize < minShownBusinessValue) - updateValue = minShownBusinessValue; - else - updateValue = value - minValue; - points[index].minValue = currentStack[argument.valueOf()]; - points[index].value = currentStack[argument.valueOf()] + updateValue; - currentStack[argument.valueOf()] += updateValue - } - else { - pointSize = value; - if (minShownBusinessValue && pointSize < minShownBusinessValue) - updateValue = minShownBusinessValue; - else - updateValue = value; - points[index].value = updateValue; - currentStack[argument.valueOf()] = updateValue - } - }) - }); - if (that.fullStacked) - updateFullStackedSeriesValues(series, stackKeepers) - }; - var updateFullStackedSeriesValues = function(series, stackKeepers) { - $.each(series, function(_, singleSeries) { - var stackName = singleSeries.getStackName ? singleSeries.getStackName() : "default", - points = singleSeries.getPoints(); - $.each(points, function(index, point) { - var value = point.value, - argument = point.argument, - valueType = value >= 0 ? "positive" : "negative", - currentStack; - stackKeepers[valueType][stackName] = stackKeepers[valueType][stackName] || {}; - currentStack = stackKeepers[valueType][stackName]; - points[index].value = points[index].value / currentStack[argument.valueOf()] || 0; - if (DX.utils.isNumber(points[index].minValue)) - points[index].minValue = points[index].minValue / currentStack[argument.valueOf()] || 0 - }) - }) - }; - var updateBarSeriesValues = function(translators) { - var that = this; - $.each(that.series, function(_, singleSeries) { - var points = singleSeries.getPoints(), - minBarSize = singleSeries.getOptions().minBarSize; - $.each(points, function(index, point) { - var value = point.value, - updateValue, - pointSize, - minShownBusinessValue; - minShownBusinessValue = getMinShownBusinessValue(that, translators, minBarSize); - pointSize = _abs(value); - if (minShownBusinessValue && pointSize < minShownBusinessValue) - updateValue = value >= 0 ? minShownBusinessValue : -minShownBusinessValue; - else - updateValue = value; - points[index].value = updateValue - }) - }) - }; - var adjustCandlestickSeriesDimensions = function(translators) { - var debug = DX.utils.debug; - debug.assert(translators, "translator was not passed or empty"); - var that = this, - series = getVisibleSeries(that); - adjustBarSeriesDimensionsCore(series, getInterval(that, translators), series.length, true, function(seriesIndex) { - return seriesIndex - }) - }; - var getInterval = function(that, translators) { - var argTranslator = !that.rotated ? translators.x : translators.y; - return that.interval = argTranslator.getInterval() - }; - var adjustBubbleSeriesDimensions = function(translators) { - var debug = DX.utils.debug; - debug.assert(translators, "translator was not passed or empty"); - var that = this, - series = getVisibleSeries(that), - points, - i, - visibleAreaX = translators.x.getCanvasVisibleArea(), - visibleAreaY = translators.y.getCanvasVisibleArea(), - min = Math.min(visibleAreaX.max - visibleAreaX.min, visibleAreaY.max - visibleAreaY.min), - minBubbleArea = _pow(that.minBubbleSize, 2), - maxBubbleArea = _pow(min * that.maxBubbleSize, 2), - equalBubbleSize = (min * that.maxBubbleSize + that.minBubbleSize) / 2, - minPointSize = Infinity, - maxPointSize = 0, - pointSize, - bubbleArea, - sizeProportion, - sizeDispersion, - areaDispersion; - for (i = 0; i < series.length; i++) { - points = series[i].getPoints(); - $.each(points, function(_, point) { - maxPointSize = maxPointSize > point.size ? maxPointSize : point.size; - minPointSize = minPointSize < point.size ? minPointSize : point.size - }) - } - sizeDispersion = maxPointSize - minPointSize; - areaDispersion = _abs(maxBubbleArea - minBubbleArea); - minPointSize = minPointSize < 0 ? 0 : minPointSize; - for (i = 0; i < series.length; i++) { - points = series[i].getPoints(); - $.each(points, function(_, point) { - if (maxPointSize === minPointSize) - pointSize = _round(equalBubbleSize); - else { - sizeProportion = _abs(point.size - minPointSize) / sizeDispersion; - bubbleArea = areaDispersion * sizeProportion + minBubbleArea; - pointSize = _round(Math.sqrt(bubbleArea)) - } - point.correctCoordinates(pointSize) - }) - } - }; - return { - ctor: ctor, - dispose: dispose, - add: add - } - }()) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file baseSeries.js */ - (function($, DX) { - var viz = DX.viz, - utils = DX.utils, - _isDefined = utils.isDefined, - _each = $.each, - _extend = $.extend, - _isEmptyObject = $.isEmptyObject, - _Event = $.Event, - _noop = $.noop, - SELECTED_STATE = 2, - HOVER_STATE = 1, - NONE_MODE = "none", - INCLUDE_POINTS = "includepoints", - EXLUDE_POINTS = "excludepoints", - ALL_SERIES_POINTS_MODE = "allseriespoints", - APPLY_SELECTED = "applySelected", - APPLY_HOVER = "applyHover", - getEmptyBusinessRange = function() { - return { - arg: {}, - val: {} - } - }; - viz.core.series.mixins = { - chart: {}, - pieChart: {} - }; - viz.core.series.Series = DX.Class.inherit({ - ctor: function(renderer, options) { - this.fullState = 0; - this._renderer = renderer; - this._group = renderer.createGroup({"class": "dxc-series"}); - this.updateOptions(options) - }, - update: function(data, options) { - this.updateOptions(options); - this.updateData(data) - }, - _createLegendState: function(styleOptions, defaultColor) { - return { - fill: styleOptions.color || defaultColor, - hatching: styleOptions.hatching - } - }, - getLegendStyles: function() { - return this._styles.legendStyles - }, - _createStyles: function(options) { - var mainSeriesColor = options.mainSeriesColor, - specialMainColor = this._getSpecialColor(mainSeriesColor); - this._styles = { - normal: this._parseStyle(options, mainSeriesColor, mainSeriesColor), - hover: this._parseStyle(options.hoverStyle || {}, specialMainColor, mainSeriesColor), - selection: this._parseStyle(options.selectionStyle || {}, specialMainColor, mainSeriesColor), - legendStyles: { - normal: this._createLegendState(options, mainSeriesColor), - hover: this._createLegendState(options.hoverStyle || {}, specialMainColor), - selection: this._createLegendState(options.selectionStyle || {}, specialMainColor) - } - } - }, - setAdjustSeriesLabels: function(adjustSeriesLabels) { - _each(this._points || [], function(_, point) { - point.setAdjustSeriesLabels(adjustSeriesLabels) - }) - }, - setClippingParams: function(id, forceClipping) { - this._paneClipRectID = id; - this._forceClipping = forceClipping - }, - getTagField: function() { - return this._options.tagField || "tag" - }, - getValueFields: _noop, - getArgumentField: _noop, - getPoints: function() { - return this._points - }, - _createPoint: function(data, pointsArray, index) { - data.index = index; - if (this._checkData(data)) { - var point = pointsArray[index], - options = this._customizePoint(data) || this._getCreatingPointOptions(); - if (point) - point.update(data, options); - else { - point = viz.core.CoreFactory.createPoint(data, options); - pointsArray.push(point) - } - this.pointsByArgument[point.argument.valueOf()] = this.pointsByArgument[point.argument.valueOf()] || point; - return true - } - }, - getRangeData: function(zoomArgs, calcIntervalFunction) { - return this._visible ? _extend(true, {}, this._getRangeData(zoomArgs, calcIntervalFunction)) : getEmptyBusinessRange() - }, - _deleteElementsGroup: function() { - if (this._elementsGroup) { - this._elementsGroup.detach(); - this._elementsGroup = null - } - }, - _deleteBordersGroup: function() { - if (this._bordersGroup) { - this._bordersGroup.detach(); - this._bordersGroup = null - } - }, - _saveOldAnimationMethods: function() { - this._oldClearingAnimation = this._clearingAnimation; - this._oldUpdateElement = this._updateElement - }, - _deleteOldAnimationMethods: function() { - this._oldClearingAnimation = null; - this._oldUpdateElement = null - }, - updateOptions: function(newOptions) { - var that = this, - widgetType = newOptions.widgetType, - oldType = that.type, - newType = newOptions.type; - that.type = newType && newType.toString().toLowerCase(); - if (!that._checkType(widgetType)) { - that.dispose(); - that.isUpdated = false; - return - } - if (oldType !== that.type) { - that._firstDrawing = true; - that._saveOldAnimationMethods(); - that._resetType(oldType, widgetType); - that._setType(that.type, widgetType) - } - that._options = newOptions; - that._pointOptions = null; - that._deletePatterns(); - that._patterns = []; - =; - that.pane = newOptions.pane; - that.axis = newOptions.axis; - that.tag = newOptions.tag; - that._createStyles(newOptions); - that._updateOptions(newOptions); - that._visible = newOptions.visible; - that.isUpdated = true - }, - _disposePoints: function(points) { - $.each(points || [], function(_, p) { - p.dispose() - }) - }, - _correctPointsLength: function(length, points) { - this._disposePoints(this._oldPoints); - this._oldPoints = points.splice(length, points.length) - }, - _getTicksForAggregation: function(min, max, screenDelta, pointSize) { - return viz.core.tickProvider.getTicks({ - min: min, - max: max, - screenDelta: screenDelta, - gridSpacingFactor: pointSize - }) - }, - updateDataType: function(settings) { - var that = this; - that.argumentType = settings.argumentType; - that.valueType = settings.valueType; - that.argumentAxisType = settings.argumentAxisType; - that.valueAxisType = settings.valueAxisType - }, - getValueCategories: function() { - return this._options.valueCategories || [] - }, - getOptions: function() { - return this._options - }, - getArgumentCategories: function() { - return this._options.argumentCategories || [] - }, - updateData: function(data) { - var that = this, - points, - lastPointIndex = 0, - options = that._options, - pointData; - that.pointsByArgument = {}; - points = that._originalPoints || []; - that._rangeData = getEmptyBusinessRange(); - if (data && data.length) - that._canRenderCompleteHandle = true; - that._beginUpdateData(); - _each(data, function(index, dataItem) { - pointData = that._getPointData(dataItem, options); - if (that._createPoint(pointData, points, lastPointIndex)) { - that._processRange(points[lastPointIndex], lastPointIndex > 0 ? points[lastPointIndex - 1] : null); - lastPointIndex++ - } - }); - that._points = that._originalPoints = points; - that._correctPointsLength(lastPointIndex, points); - that._endUpdateData() - }, - getTeamplatedFields: function() { - var that = this, - fields = that.getValueFields(), - teampleteFields = []; - fields.push(that.getTagField()); - _each(fields, function(_, field) { - var fieldsObject = {}; - fieldsObject.teamplateField = field +; - fieldsObject.originalField = field; - teampleteFields.push(fieldsObject) - }); - return teampleteFields - }, - resamplePoints: function(translators, min, max) { - var that = this, - originalPoints = that.getAllPoints(), - argTranslator = that._options.rotated ? translators.y : translators.x, - minI, - maxI, - sizePoint, - ticks; - if (originalPoints.length) { - _each(originalPoints, function(i, point) { - minI = point.argument - min <= 0 ? i : minI; - if (!maxI) - maxI = point.argument - max > 0 ? i : null - }); - minI = minI ? minI : 1; - maxI = utils.isDefined(maxI) ? maxI : originalPoints.length - 1; - min = originalPoints[minI - 1].argument; - max = originalPoints[maxI].argument; - sizePoint = that._getPointSize(); - if (that.argumentAxisType !== "discrete" && that.valueAxisType !== "discrete") - ticks = that._getTicksForAggregation(min, max, argTranslator.canvasLength, sizePoint); - else - ticks = argTranslator.canvasLength / sizePoint; - that._points = that._resample(ticks, ticks.tickInterval) - } - }, - _removeOldSegments: function(startIndex) { - var that = this; - _each(that._graphics.splice(startIndex, that._graphics.length) || [], function(_, elem) { - that._removeElement(elem) - }); - if (that._trackers) - _each(that._trackers.splice(startIndex, that._trackers.length) || [], function(_, elem) { - elem.remove() - }) - }, - draw: function(translators, animationEnabled, hideLayoutLabels, legendCallback) { - var that = this; - if (that._oldClearingAnimation && animationEnabled && that._firstDrawing) { - var drawComplete = function() { - that._draw(translators, true, hideLayoutLabels) - }; - that._oldClearingAnimation(translators, drawComplete) - } - else - that._draw(translators, animationEnabled, hideLayoutLabels, legendCallback) - }, - _clearSeries: function() { - this._deleteElementsGroup(); - this._deleteBordersGroup(); - this._deleteTrackers(); - this._graphics = []; - this._trackers = [] - }, - _draw: function(translators, animationEnabled, hideLayoutLabels, legendCallback) { - var that = this, - points = that._points || [], - segment = [], - segmentCount = 0, - firstDrawing = that._firstDrawing, - markersGroup, - labelsGroup; - that._graphics = that._graphics || [], - that._graphics = that._graphics || []; - that._prepareSeriesToDrawing(); - if (!that._visible) { - animationEnabled = false; - this._group.detach(); - return - } - else - that._group.append(that._options.seriesGroup); - that.translators = translators; - that._createGroups(animationEnabled, undefined, firstDrawing); - that._segments = []; - markersGroup = that._markersGroup; - labelsGroup = that._labelsGroup; - that._drawedPoints = []; - that._firstDrawing = points.length ? false : true; - _each(this._patterns || [], function(_, pattern) { - pattern.append() - }); - _each(points, function(i, p) { - p.translate(translators); - if (p.hasValue()) { - that._drawPoint(p, markersGroup, labelsGroup, animationEnabled, firstDrawing); - segment.push(p) - } - else if (segment.length) { - that._drawSegment(segment, animationEnabled, segmentCount++); - segment = [] - } - }); - segment.length && that._drawSegment(segment, animationEnabled, segmentCount++); - that._removeOldSegments(segmentCount); - that._defaultSegments = that._generateDefaultSegments(); - that._adjustLabels(firstDrawing); - hideLayoutLabels && that.hideLabels(); - animationEnabled && that._animate(firstDrawing); - if (that.isSelected()) - that._changeStyle(legendCallback, APPLY_SELECTED); - else if (this.isHovered()) - this._changeStyle(legendCallback, APPLY_HOVER) - }, - drawTrackers: function() { - var that = this, - trackers = that._trackers = that._trackers || [], - trackersGroup = that._trackersGroup = that._trackersGroup || that._renderer.createGroup(), - markerTrackerGroup = that._markerTrackerGroup = that._markerTrackerGroup || that._renderer.createGroup(); - if (!that.isVisible()) { - trackersGroup.detach(); - markerTrackerGroup.detach(); - return - } - else { - trackersGroup.append(that._options.trackersGroup); - markerTrackerGroup.append(that._options.markerTrackerGroup) - } - _each(that._segments || [], function(i, segment) { - if (!trackers[i]) { - trackers[i] = that._drawTrackerElement(segment).append(trackersGroup); - trackers[i].data({series: that}) - } - else - that._updateTrackerElement(segment, trackers[i]) - }); - _each(that.getVisiblePoints(), function(_, p) { - p.drawTracker(that._renderer, markerTrackerGroup) - }); - that._applyTrackersClippings() - }, - _checkType: function(widgetType) { - return !!viz.core.series.mixins[widgetType][this.type] - }, - _resetType: function(seriesType, widgetType) { - var that = this; - if (seriesType) - _each(viz.core.series.mixins[widgetType][seriesType], function(methodName) { - delete that[methodName] - }) - }, - _setType: function(seriesType, widgetType) { - var that = this; - _each(viz.core.series.mixins[widgetType][seriesType], function(methodName, method) { - that[methodName] = method - }) - }, - _setSelectedState: function(state, mode, legendCallback) { - this.lastSelectionMode = mode = (mode || this._options.selectionMode).toLowerCase(); - if (state && !this.isSelected()) { - this.fullState = this.fullState | SELECTED_STATE; - this._changeStyle(legendCallback, APPLY_SELECTED) - } - else if (!state && this.isSelected()) { - this.fullState = this.fullState & ~SELECTED_STATE; - if (this.isHovered()) - this._changeStyle(legendCallback, APPLY_HOVER); - else - this._changeStyle(legendCallback, "resetItem") - } - }, - _setHoverState: function(state, mode, legendCallback) { - this.lastHoverMode = mode = (mode || this._options.hoverMode).toLowerCase(); - if (state && !this.isHovered()) { - this.fullState = this.fullState | HOVER_STATE; - !this.isSelected() && this._changeStyle(legendCallback, APPLY_HOVER) - } - else if (!state && this.isHovered()) { - this.fullState = this.fullState & ~HOVER_STATE; - !this.isSelected() && this._changeStyle(legendCallback, "resetItem") - } - }, - setHoverState: function(mode, legendCallback) { - this._setHoverState(true, mode, legendCallback) - }, - releaseHoverState: function(mode, legendCallback) { - this._setHoverState(false, mode, legendCallback) - }, - setSelectedState: function(mode, legendCallback) { - this._setSelectedState(true, mode, legendCallback) - }, - releaseSelectedState: function(mode, legendCallback) { - this._setSelectedState(false, mode, legendCallback) - }, - isFullStackedSeries: function() { - return this.type.indexOf("fullstacked") === 0 - }, - isStackedSeries: function() { - return this.type.indexOf("stacked") === 0 - }, - isFinancialSeries: function() { - return this.type === "stock" || this.type === "candlestick" - }, - _changeStyle: function(legendCallBack, legendAction) { - var style = this._calcStyle(), - pointStyle; - if (style.mode === NONE_MODE) - return; - legendCallBack && legendCallBack(legendAction); - if (style.mode === INCLUDE_POINTS || style.mode === ALL_SERIES_POINTS_MODE) { - pointStyle = style.pointStyle; - _each(this._points || [], function(_, p) { - !p.isSelected() && p.applyStyle(pointStyle) - }) - } - this._applyStyle(style.series) - }, - _calcStyle: function() { - var styles = this._styles, - isHoverIncludeModeAndSeriesExcludeMode = false, - result; - switch (this.fullState & 3) { - case 0: - result = { - pointStyle: "normal", - mode: INCLUDE_POINTS, - series: styles.normal - }; - break; - case 1: - result = { - pointStyle: "hover", - mode: this.lastHoverMode, - series: styles.hover - }; - break; - case 2: - result = { - pointStyle: "selection", - mode: this.lastSelectionMode, - series: styles.selection - }; - break; - case 3: - isHoverIncludeModeAndSeriesExcludeMode = this.lastSelectionMode === EXLUDE_POINTS && (this.lastHoverMode === INCLUDE_POINTS || this.lastHoverMode === ALL_SERIES_POINTS_MODE); - result = { - pointStyle: isHoverIncludeModeAndSeriesExcludeMode ? "normal" : "selection", - mode: isHoverIncludeModeAndSeriesExcludeMode ? INCLUDE_POINTS : this.lastSelectionMode, - series: styles.selection - } - } - return result - }, - _getMainAxisName: function() { - return this._options.rotated ? "X" : "Y" - }, - areLabelsVisible: function() { - return !_isDefined(this._options.maxLabelCount) || this._points.length <= this._options.maxLabelCount - }, - getLabelVisibility: function() { - return this.areLabelsVisible() && this._options.label && this._options.label.visible - }, - _customizePoint: function(pointData) { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - customizePoint = that._options.customizePoint, - customizeObject, - pointOptions, - customLabelOptions, - customOptions, - customizeLabel = that._options.customizeLabel, - useLabelCustomOptions, - usePointCustomOptions; - if (customizeLabel && { - customizeObject = _extend({ - seriesName:, - series: that - }, pointData); - customLabelOptions =, customizeObject); - useLabelCustomOptions = customLabelOptions && !_isEmptyObject(customLabelOptions); - customLabelOptions = useLabelCustomOptions ? _extend(true, {}, options.label, customLabelOptions) : null - } - if (customizePoint && { - customizeObject = customizeObject || _extend({ - seriesName:, - series: that - }, pointData); - customOptions =, customizeObject); - usePointCustomOptions = customOptions && !_isEmptyObject(customOptions) - } - if (useLabelCustomOptions || usePointCustomOptions) { - pointOptions = that._parsePointOptions(that._preparePointOptions(customOptions), customLabelOptions || options.label); - pointOptions.styles.useLabelCustomOptions = useLabelCustomOptions; - pointOptions.styles.usePointCustomOptions = usePointCustomOptions - } - return pointOptions - }, - _getLabelOptions: function(labelOptions, defaultColor) { - var opt = labelOptions || {}, - labelFont = opt.font || {}, - labelBorder = opt.border || {}, - labelConnector = opt.connector || {}, - labelAttributes = { - align: opt.alignment, - font: { - color: opt.backgroundColor === "none" && labelFont.color.toLowerCase() === "#ffffff" && opt.position !== "inside" ? defaultColor : labelFont.color, - family:, - weight: labelFont.weight, - size: labelFont.size, - opacity: labelFont.opacity - }, - style: - }, - backgroundAttr = { - fill: opt.backgroundColor || defaultColor, - strokeWidth: labelBorder.visible ? labelBorder.width || 0 : 0, - stroke: labelBorder.visible && labelBorder.width ? labelBorder.color : "none", - dashStyle: labelBorder.dashStyle - }, - connectorAttr = { - stroke: labelConnector.visible && labelConnector.width ? labelConnector.color || defaultColor : "none", - strokeWidth: labelConnector.visible ? labelConnector.width || 0 : 0 - }; - return { - format: opt.format, - argumentFormat: opt.argumentFormat, - precision: opt.precision, - argumentPrecision: opt.argumentPrecision, - percentPrecision: opt.percentPrecision, - customizeText: $.isFunction(opt.customizeText) ? opt.customizeText : undefined, - attributes: labelAttributes, - visible: labelFont.size !== 0 ? opt.visible : false, - showForZeroValues: opt.showForZeroValues, - horizontalOffset: opt.horizontalOffset, - verticalOffset: opt.verticalOffset, - radialOffset: opt.radialOffset, - background: backgroundAttr, - position: opt.position, - connector: connectorAttr, - rotationAngle: opt.rotationAngle, - resolveLabelsOverlapping: this._options.resolveLabelsOverlapping - } - }, - show: function() { - if (!this._visible) { - this._visible = true; - this.hidePointTooltip(); - this._options.visibilityChanged() - } - }, - hide: function() { - if (this._visible) { - this._visible = false; - this.hidePointTooltip(); - this._options.visibilityChanged() - } - }, - hideLabels: function() { - _each(this._points, function(_, point) { - point._label.hide() - }) - }, - _parsePointOptions: function(pointOptions, labelOptions) { - var options = this._options, - styles = this._createPointStyles(pointOptions), - parsedOptions; - parsedOptions = _extend(true, {}, pointOptions, { - type: options.type, - tag: this.tag, - rotated: options.rotated, - series: this, - styles: styles, - visibilityChanged: options.visibilityChanged - }); - parsedOptions.label = this._getLabelOptions(labelOptions, styles.normal.fill); - return parsedOptions - }, - _resample: function(ticks, ticksInterval) { - var that = this, - fusPoints = [], - arrayFusPoints, - nowIndexTicks = 0, - lastPointIndex = 0, - originalPoints = that.getAllPoints(); - if (that.argumentAxisType === "discrete" || that.valueAxisType === "discrete") { - ticksInterval = originalPoints.length / ticks; - arrayFusPoints = $.map(originalPoints, function(point, index) { - if (Math.floor(nowIndexTicks) <= index) { - nowIndexTicks += ticksInterval; - return point - } - point.setInvisibility(); - return null - }); - return arrayFusPoints - } - that._aggregatedPoints = that._aggregatedPoints || []; - _each(originalPoints, function(_, point) { - switch (that._isInInterval(point.argument, ticks, nowIndexTicks, ticksInterval)) { - case true: - fusPoints.push(point); - break; - case"nextInterval": - var pointData = that._fusionPoints(fusPoints, ticks[nowIndexTicks], nowIndexTicks); - while (that._isInInterval(point.argument, ticks, nowIndexTicks, ticksInterval) === "nextInterval") - nowIndexTicks++; - fusPoints = []; - that._isInInterval(point.argument, ticks, nowIndexTicks, ticksInterval) === true && fusPoints.push(point); - if (that._createPoint(pointData, that._aggregatedPoints, lastPointIndex)) - lastPointIndex++ - } - }); - if (fusPoints.length) { - var pointData = that._fusionPoints(fusPoints, ticks[nowIndexTicks], nowIndexTicks); - if (that._createPoint(pointData, that._aggregatedPoints, lastPointIndex)) - lastPointIndex++ - } - that._correctPointsLength(lastPointIndex, that._aggregatedPoints); - that._endUpdateData(); - return that._aggregatedPoints - }, - _isInInterval: function(argument, ticks, nowIndexTicks, ticksInterval) { - var minTick = ticks[nowIndexTicks], - maxTick = ticks[nowIndexTicks + 1], - sumMinTickTicksInterval; - ticksInterval = $.isNumeric(ticksInterval) ? ticksInterval : utils.convertDateTickIntervalToMilliseconds(ticksInterval); - sumMinTickTicksInterval = utils.isDate(minTick) ? new Date(minTick.getTime() + ticksInterval) : minTick + ticksInterval; - if (argument >= minTick && argument < sumMinTickTicksInterval) - return true; - if (argument < minTick || maxTick === undefined) - return false; - return "nextInterval" - }, - canRenderCompleteHandle: function() { - var result = this._canRenderCompleteHandle; - delete this._canRenderCompleteHandle; - return !!result - }, - isHovered: function() { - return !!(this.fullState & 1) - }, - isSelected: function() { - return !!(this.fullState & 2) - }, - isVisible: function() { - return this._visible - }, - getAllPoints: function() { - return (this._originalPoints || []).slice() - }, - getPointByPos: function(pos) { - return (this._points || [])[pos] - }, - getVisiblePoints: function() { - return (this._drawedPoints || []).slice() - }, - setPointHoverState: function(point, legendCallback) { - point.fullState = point.fullState | HOVER_STATE; - if (!(this.isSelected() && (this.lastSelectionMode === ALL_SERIES_POINTS_MODE || this.lastSelectionMode === INCLUDE_POINTS)) && !point.isSelected()) { - point.applyStyle("hover"); - legendCallback && legendCallback("applyHover") - } - }, - releasePointHoverState: function(point, legendCallback) { - point.fullState = point.fullState & ~HOVER_STATE; - if (!(this.isSelected() && (this.lastSelectionMode === ALL_SERIES_POINTS_MODE || this.lastSelectionMode === INCLUDE_POINTS)) && !point.isSelected()) - if (!(this.isHovered() && (this.lastHoverMode === ALL_SERIES_POINTS_MODE || this.lastHoverMode === INCLUDE_POINTS))) { - point.applyStyle("normal"); - legendCallback && legendCallback("resetItem") - } - }, - setPointSelectedState: function(point, legendCallback) { - point.fullState = point.fullState | SELECTED_STATE; - point.applyStyle("selection"); - legendCallback && legendCallback("applySelected") - }, - releasePointSelectedState: function(point, legendCallback) { - point.fullState = point.fullState & ~SELECTED_STATE; - if (this.isHovered() && (this.lastHoverMode === ALL_SERIES_POINTS_MODE || this.lastHoverMode === INCLUDE_POINTS) || point.isHovered()) { - point.applyStyle("hover"); - legendCallback && legendCallback("applyHover") - } - else if (this.isSelected() && (this.lastSelectionMode === ALL_SERIES_POINTS_MODE || this.lastSelectionMode === INCLUDE_POINTS)) { - point.applyStyle("selection"); - legendCallback && legendCallback("applySelected") - } - else { - point.applyStyle("normal"); - legendCallback && legendCallback("resetItem") - } - }, - selectPoint: function(point) { - this._options.seriesGroup && this._options.seriesGroup.trigger(new _Event("selectpoint"), point) - }, - deselectPoint: function(point) { - this._options.seriesGroup && this._options.seriesGroup.trigger(new _Event("deselectpoint"), point) - }, - showPointTooltip: function(point) { - this._options.seriesGroup && this._options.seriesGroup.trigger(new _Event("showpointtooltip"), point) - }, - hidePointTooltip: function(point) { - this._options.seriesGroup && this._options.seriesGroup.trigger(new _Event("hidepointtooltip"), point) - }, - select: function() { - this._options.seriesGroup && this._options.seriesGroup.trigger(new _Event("selectseries", {target: this}), this._options.selectionMode); - this._group.toForeground(); - this._trackersGroup && this._trackersGroup.toBackground() - }, - clearSelection: function clearSelection() { - this._options.seriesGroup && this._options.seriesGroup.trigger(new _Event("deselectseries", {target: this}), this._options.selectionMode) - }, - getPointByArg: function(arg) { - return this.pointsByArgument[arg.valueOf()] || null - }, - _deletePoints: function() { - this._disposePoints(this._originalPoints); - this._disposePoints(this._aggregatedPoints); - this._disposePoints(this._oldPoints); - this._points = null; - this._oldPoints = null; - this._aggregatedPoints = null; - this._originalPoints = null; - this._drawedPoint = null - }, - _deletePatterns: function() { - _each(this._patterns || [], function(_, pattern) { - pattern && pattern.dispose() - }); - this._patterns = null - }, - _deleteTrackers: function() { - var that = this; - _each(that._trackers || [], function(_, tracker) { - tracker.remove() - }); - that._trackersGroup && that._trackersGroup.detach(); - that._markerTrackerGroup && that._markerTrackerGroup.detach(); - that._trackers = that._trackersGroup = that._markerTrackerGroup = null - }, - dispose: function() { - this._deletePoints(); - this._group.detach(); - this._labelsGroup && this._labelsGroup.detach(); - this._deletePatterns(); - this._deleteTrackers(); - this._group = null; - this._markersGroup = null; - this._elementsGroup = null; - this._bordersGroup = null; - this._labelsGroup = null; - this._graphics = null; - this._rangeData = null; - this._renderer = null; - this.translators = null; - this._styles = null; - this._options = null; - this._pointOptions = null; - this._drawedPoints = null; - this._aggregatedPoints = null; - this.pointsByArgument = null; - this._segments = null - }, - correctPosition: _noop, - getColor: function() { - return this.getLegendStyles().normal.fill - }, - getStackName: function() { - return this.type === "stackedbar" || this.type === "fullstackedbar" ? this._stackName : null - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file rangeDataCalculator.js */ - (function($, DX) { - var _math = Math, - _abs = _math.abs, - _min = _math.min, - _each = $.each, - _isEmptyObject = $.isEmptyObject, - _isDefined = DevExpress.utils.isDefined, - FULLSTACKED_SERIES_VALUE_MARGIN_PRIORITY = 15, - BAR_ZERO_VALUE_MARGIN_PRIORITY = 20, - SERIES_VALUE_MARGIN_PRIORITY = 20, - SERIES_LABEL_VALUE_MARGIN = 0.3, - CATEGORIES_SELECTOR = "categories", - INTERVAL_SELECTOR = "interval", - MIN_VALUE_MARGIN_SELECTOR = "minValueMargin", - MAX_VALUE_MARGIN_SELECTOR = "maxValueMargin", - MIN = "min", - MAX = "max", - MIN_VISIBLE = "minVisible", - MAX_VISIBLE = "maxVisible"; - DevExpress.viz.core.series.helpers.rangeDataCalculator = function() { - var _truncateValue = function(data, minField, maxField, value) { - var min = data[minField], - max = data[maxField]; - data[minField] = value < min || !_isDefined(min) ? value : data[minField]; - data[maxField] = value > max || !_isDefined(max) ? value : data[maxField] - }; - var _processTwoValues = function(series, point, prevPoint, highValueName, lowValueName) { - var val = point[highValueName], - minVal = point[lowValueName], - arg = point.argument, - prevVal = prevPoint && prevPoint[highValueName], - prevMinVal = prevPoint && prevPoint[lowValueName], - prevArg = prevPoint && prevPoint.argument; - point.hasValue() && _processRangeValue(series, val, minVal, prevVal, prevMinVal); - _processValue(series, "arg", arg, prevArg) - }; - var _processValue = function(series, type, value, prevValue, calcInterval) { - var axis = type === "arg" ? "argument" : "value", - data = series._rangeData[type], - minInterval = data[INTERVAL_SELECTOR], - interval; - if (series[axis + "AxisType"] === "discrete") { - data[CATEGORIES_SELECTOR] = data[CATEGORIES_SELECTOR] || []; - data[CATEGORIES_SELECTOR].push(value) - } - else { - _truncateValue(data, "min", "max", value); - if (type === "arg") { - interval = _isDefined(prevValue) ? _abs(calcInterval ? calcInterval(value, prevValue) : value - prevValue) : interval; - data[INTERVAL_SELECTOR] = _isDefined(interval) && (interval < minInterval || !_isDefined(minInterval)) ? interval : minInterval - } - } - }; - var _addToVisibleRange = function(series, value) { - var data = series._rangeData.val, - isDiscrete = series.valueAxisType === "discrete"; - if (isDiscrete) { - data.visibleCategories = data.visibleCategories || []; - data.visibleCategories.push(value) - } - else { - if (value < data.minVisible || !_isDefined(data.minVisible)) - data.minVisible = value; - if (value > data.maxVisible || !_isDefined(data.maxVisible)) - data.maxVisible = value - } - }; - var _processRangeValue = function(series, val, minVal, prevVal, prevMinVal) { - var data = series._rangeData.val, - interval, - currentInterval = data[INTERVAL_SELECTOR]; - if (series.valueAxisType === "discrete") { - data.categories = data.categories || []; - data.categories.push(val, minVal) - } - else { - _truncateValue(data, MIN, MAX, val); - _truncateValue(data, MIN, MAX, minVal) - } - }; - var _unique = function(array) { - var values = {}; - return $.map(array, function(item) { - var result = !values[item] ? item : null; - values[item] = true; - return result - }) - }; - var _processZoomArgument = function(series, zoomArgs) { - var data = series._rangeData.arg, - minArg, - maxArg; - minArg = zoomArgs.minArg < zoomArgs.maxArg ? zoomArgs.minArg : zoomArgs.maxArg; - maxArg = zoomArgs.maxArg > zoomArgs.minArg ? zoomArgs.maxArg : zoomArgs.minArg; - data.min = minArg < data.min ? minArg : data.min; - data.max = maxArg > data.max ? maxArg : data.max; - data.minVisible = minArg; - data.maxVisible = maxArg - }; - var _correctZoomValue = function(series, zoomArgs) { - var minVal, - maxVal; - if (_isDefined(zoomArgs.minVal) && _isDefined(zoomArgs.maxVal)) { - minVal = zoomArgs.minVal < zoomArgs.maxVal ? zoomArgs.minVal : zoomArgs.maxVal; - maxVal = zoomArgs.maxVal > zoomArgs.minVal ? zoomArgs.maxVal : zoomArgs.minVal - } - if (_isDefined(zoomArgs.minVal)) { - series._rangeData.val.min = minVal < series._rangeData.val.min ? minVal : series._rangeData.val.min; - series._rangeData.val.minVisible = minVal - } - if (_isDefined(zoomArgs.maxVal)) { - series._rangeData.val.max = maxVal > series._rangeData.val.max ? maxVal : series._rangeData.val.max; - series._rangeData.val.maxVisible = maxVal - } - }; - var _processZoomValue = function(series, zoomArgs) { - var adjustOnZoom = zoomArgs.adjustOnZoom, - points = series._points || [], - lastVisibleIndex, - prevPointAdded = false; - _each(points, function(index, point) { - var arg = point.argument, - prevPoint = index > 0 ? points[index - 1] : null; - if (adjustOnZoom && arg >= series._rangeData.arg.minVisible && arg <= series._rangeData.arg.maxVisible) { - if (!prevPointAdded) { - prevPoint && prevPoint.hasValue() && _addToVisibleRange(series, prevPoint.value); - prevPointAdded = true - } - point.hasValue() && _addToVisibleRange(series, point.value); - lastVisibleIndex = index - } - }); - if (_isDefined(lastVisibleIndex) && lastVisibleIndex < points.length - 1 && points[lastVisibleIndex + 1].hasValue()) - _addToVisibleRange(series, points[lastVisibleIndex + 1].value); - _correctZoomValue(series, zoomArgs) - }; - var _processZoomRangeValue = function(series, zoomArgs, maxValueName, minValueName) { - var adjustOnZoom = zoomArgs.adjustOnZoom, - points = series._points || [], - lastVisibleIndex, - prevPointAdded = false; - _each(points, function(index, point) { - var arg = point.argument, - prevPoint = index > 0 ? points[index - 1] : null; - if (adjustOnZoom && arg >= series._rangeData.arg.minVisible && arg <= series._rangeData.arg.maxVisible) { - if (!prevPointAdded) { - if (prevPoint && prevPoint.hasValue()) { - _addToVisibleRange(series, prevPoint[maxValueName]); - _addToVisibleRange(series, prevPoint[minValueName]) - } - prevPointAdded = true - } - if (point.hasValue()) { - _addToVisibleRange(series, point[maxValueName]); - _addToVisibleRange(series, point[minValueName]) - } - lastVisibleIndex = index - } - }); - if (_isDefined(lastVisibleIndex) && lastVisibleIndex < points.length - 1 && points[lastVisibleIndex + 1].hasValue()) - _addToVisibleRange(series, points[lastVisibleIndex + 1].value); - _correctZoomValue(series, zoomArgs) - }; - var _processNewInterval = function(series, calcInterval) { - var data = series._rangeData, - points = series._points || [], - isArgumentAxisDiscrete = series.argumentAxisType === "discrete"; - delete data.arg.interval; - _each(points, function(index, point) { - var arg = point.argument, - prevPoint = index > 0 ? points[index - 1] : null, - prevArg = prevPoint && prevPoint.argument; - !isArgumentAxisDiscrete && _processValue(series, "arg", arg, prevArg, calcInterval) - }) - }; - var _fillRangeData = function(series) { - var data = series._rangeData, - mainAxis = series._getMainAxisName(), - axis = mainAxis === "X" ? "Y" : "X"; - data.arg.categories && (data.arg.categories = _unique(data.arg.categories)); - data.val.categories && (data.val.categories = _unique(data.val.categories)); - data.arg.visibleCategories && (data.arg.visibleCategories = _unique(data.arg.visibleCategories)); - data.val.visibleCategories && (data.val.visibleCategories = _unique(data.val.visibleCategories)); - data.arg.axisType = series.argumentAxisType; - data.arg.dataType = series.argumentType; - data.val.axisType = series.valueAxisType; - data.val.dataType = series.valueType; - data.val.isValueRange = true - }; - var _setPadding = function(range, prefix, val, priority) { - range[prefix] = val; - range[prefix + "Priority"] = priority - }; - var _setZeroPadding = function(range, val, prefix) { - val === 0 && _setPadding(range, prefix, 0, BAR_ZERO_VALUE_MARGIN_PRIORITY) - }; - var _calculateRangeMinValue = function(series, zoomArgs) { - var data = series._rangeData.val, - minVisible = data[MIN_VISIBLE], - maxVisible = data[MAX_VISIBLE]; - zoomArgs = zoomArgs || {}; - if (data) { - data.alwaysCorrectMin = true; - series._rangeData.arg.keepValueMargins = true; - if (series.valueAxisType !== "logarithmic" && series.valueType !== "datetime" && series.getOptions().showZero !== false) { - data[MIN_VISIBLE] = minVisible > (zoomArgs.minVal || 0) ? zoomArgs.minVal || 0 : minVisible; - data[MAX_VISIBLE] = maxVisible < (zoomArgs.maxVal || 0) ? zoomArgs.maxVal || 0 : maxVisible; - data[MIN] = data[MIN] > 0 ? 0 : data[MIN]; - _setZeroPadding(data, data[MIN], MIN_VALUE_MARGIN_SELECTOR); - data[MAX] = data[MAX] < 0 ? 0 : data[MAX]; - if (data[MAX] === 0 || data[MAX] > 0 && data[MIN] < 0) { - data[MIN_VALUE_MARGIN_SELECTOR] = data[MAX_VALUE_MARGIN_SELECTOR]; - data[MIN_VALUE_MARGIN_SELECTOR + "Priority"] = data[MAX_VALUE_MARGIN_SELECTOR + "Priority"] - } - _setZeroPadding(data, data[MAX], MAX_VALUE_MARGIN_SELECTOR) - } - } - }; - var _processFullStackedRange = function(series) { - var data = series._rangeData.val, - isRangeEmpty = _isEmptyObject(data); - _setPadding(data, "minValueMargin", 0, FULLSTACKED_SERIES_VALUE_MARGIN_PRIORITY); - _setPadding(data, "maxValueMargin", 0, FULLSTACKED_SERIES_VALUE_MARGIN_PRIORITY); - !isRangeEmpty && (data.min = 0) - }; - var _processRange = function(series, point, prevPoint) { - var val = point.value, - arg = point.argument, - prevVal = prevPoint && prevPoint.value, - prevArg = prevPoint && prevPoint.argument; - point.hasValue() && _processValue(series, "val", val, prevVal); - _processValue(series, "arg", arg, prevArg) - }; - var _addLabelPaddings = function(series) { - var labelOptions = series.getOptions().label; - if (series.areLabelsVisible() && labelOptions && labelOptions.visible && labelOptions.position !== "inside") - _setPadding(series._rangeData.val, "maxValueMargin", SERIES_LABEL_VALUE_MARGIN, SERIES_VALUE_MARGIN_PRIORITY) - }; - var _addRangeSeriesLabelPaddings = function(series) { - var data = series._rangeData.val; - if (series.areLabelsVisible() && series._options.label.visible && series._options.label.position !== "inside") { - _setPadding(data, "maxValueMargin", SERIES_LABEL_VALUE_MARGIN, SERIES_VALUE_MARGIN_PRIORITY); - _setPadding(data, "minValueMargin", SERIES_LABEL_VALUE_MARGIN, SERIES_VALUE_MARGIN_PRIORITY) - } - }; - var _calculateRangeData = function(series, zoomArgs, calcIntervalFunction) { - var valueData = series._rangeData.val; - if (series.argumentAxisType !== "discrete" && zoomArgs && _isDefined(zoomArgs.minArg) && _isDefined(zoomArgs.maxArg)) { - valueData[MIN_VISIBLE] = zoomArgs.minVal; - valueData[MAX_VISIBLE] = zoomArgs.maxVal; - _processZoomArgument(series, zoomArgs); - _processZoomValue(series, zoomArgs) - } - else if (!zoomArgs && calcIntervalFunction) - _processNewInterval(series, calcIntervalFunction); - _fillRangeData(series) - }; - var _calculateTwoValuesRangeData = function(series, zoomArgs, calcIntervalFunction, maxValueName, minValueName) { - var valueData = series._rangeData.val; - if (series.argumentAxisType !== "discrete" && zoomArgs && _isDefined(zoomArgs.minArg) && _isDefined(zoomArgs.maxArg)) { - valueData[MIN_VISIBLE] = zoomArgs.minVal; - valueData[MAX_VISIBLE] = zoomArgs.maxVal; - _processZoomArgument(series, zoomArgs); - _processZoomRangeValue(series, zoomArgs, maxValueName, minValueName) - } - else if (!zoomArgs && calcIntervalFunction) - _processNewInterval(series); - _fillRangeData(series) - }; - return { - processRange: _processRange, - calculateRangeData: _calculateRangeData, - calculateTwoValuesRangeData: _calculateTwoValuesRangeData, - addLabelPaddings: _addLabelPaddings, - addRangeSeriesLabelPaddings: _addRangeSeriesLabelPaddings, - processFullStackedRange: _processFullStackedRange, - calculateRangeMinValue: _calculateRangeMinValue, - processTwoValues: _processTwoValues - } - } - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file scatterSeries.js */ - (function($, DX) { - var viz = DX.viz, - series = viz.core.series, - rangeCalculator = series.helpers.rangeDataCalculator(), - _each = $.each, - _extend = $.extend, - _map = $.map, - _noop = $.noop, - _isDefined = DX.utils.isDefined, - _floor = Math.floor, - DEFAULT_SYMBOL_POINT_SIZE = 2, - DEFAULT_TRACKER_WIDTH = 20, - DEFAULT_DURATION = 400; - series.mixins.chart.scatter = { - _defaultDuration: DEFAULT_DURATION, - _defaultTrackerWidth: DEFAULT_TRACKER_WIDTH, - _applyStyle: _noop, - _adjustLabels: _noop, - _updateOptions: _noop, - _parseStyle: _noop, - _prepareSegment: _noop, - _drawSegment: _noop, - _generateDefaultSegments: _noop, - _prepareSeriesToDrawing: function() { - this._deleteOldAnimationMethods(); - this._firstDrawing && this._clearSeries(); - this._disposePoints(this._oldPoints); - this._oldPoints = null - }, - _applyTrackersClippings: function() { - this._markerTrackerGroup.applySettings({clipId: this._forceClipping ? this._paneClipRectID : null}) - }, - updateTeamplateFieldNames: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._options; - options.valueField = that.getValueFields()[0] +; - options.tagField = that.getTagField() + - }, - _applyElementsClipRect: function(settings) { - settings.clipId = this._paneClipRectID - }, - _applyMarkerClipRect: function(settings) { - settings.clipId = this._forceClipping ? this._paneClipRectID : null - }, - _createGroup: function(groupName, parent, target, settings) { - var group = parent[groupName]; - if (!group) - parent[groupName] = group = this._renderer.createGroup(settings); - else - group.applySettings(settings); - group.append(target) - }, - _applyClearingSettings: function(settings) { - settings.opacity = null; - settings.scale = null; - if (this._options.rotated) - settings.translateX = null; - else - settings.translateY = null - }, - _createMarkerGroup: function() { - var settings = this._getPointOptions().styles.normal; - settings["class"] = "dxc-markers"; - settings.opacity = 1; - this._applyMarkerClipRect(settings); - this._createGroup("_markersGroup", this, this._group, settings) - }, - _createLabelGroup: function() { - var settings = { - "class": "dxc-labels", - visibility: this.getLabelVisibility() ? "visible" : "hidden" - }; - this._applyElementsClipRect(settings); - this._applyClearingSettings(settings); - this._createGroup("_labelsGroup", this, this._options.labelsGroup, settings) - }, - _createGroups: function(animationEnabled) { - this._createMarkerGroup(); - this._createLabelGroup(); - animationEnabled && this._labelsGroup && this._labelsGroup.applySettings({opacity: 0.001}) - }, - _getCreatingPointOptions: function() { - if (!this._predefinedPointOptions) { - var defaultPointOptions = this._getPointOptions(), - r = defaultPointOptions.styles && defaultPointOptions.styles.normal && defaultPointOptions.styles.normal.r, - strokeWidth = defaultPointOptions.styles && defaultPointOptions.styles.normal && defaultPointOptions.styles.normal.strokeWidth, - creatingPointOptions = _extend(true, {}, defaultPointOptions); - creatingPointOptions.styles = creatingPointOptions.styles || {}; - creatingPointOptions.styles.normal = { - r: r, - strokeWidth: strokeWidth - }; - this._predefinedPointOptions = creatingPointOptions - } - return this._predefinedPointOptions - }, - _getSpecialColor: function(mainSeriesColor) { - return mainSeriesColor - }, - _getPointOptions: function() { - return this._pointOptions || (this._pointOptions = this._parsePointOptions(this._preparePointOptions(), this._options.label)) - }, - _preparePointOptions: function(customOptions) { - return customOptions ? _extend(true, {}, this._options.point, customOptions) : this._options.point - }, - _parsePointStyle: function(style, defaultColor, defaultBorderColor) { - var border = style.border || {}; - return { - fill: style.color || defaultColor, - stroke: border.color || defaultBorderColor, - strokeWidth: border.visible ? border.width : 0, - r: style.size / 2 + (border.visible && style.size !== 0 ? ~~(border.width / 2) || 0 : 0) - } - }, - _createPointStyles: function(pointOptions) { - var mainPointColor = pointOptions.color || this._options.mainSeriesColor, - containerColor = this._options.containerBackgroundColor, - normalStyle = this._parsePointStyle(pointOptions, mainPointColor, mainPointColor); - normalStyle.visibility = pointOptions.visible ? "visible" : "hidden"; - return { - normal: normalStyle, - hover: this._parsePointStyle(pointOptions.hoverStyle, containerColor, mainPointColor), - selection: this._parsePointStyle(pointOptions.selectionStyle, containerColor, mainPointColor) - } - }, - _checkData: function(data) { - return _isDefined(data.argument) && data.value !== undefined - }, - _processRange: function(point, prevPoint) { - rangeCalculator.processRange(this, point, prevPoint) - }, - _getRangeData: function(zoomArgs, calcIntervalFunction) { - rangeCalculator.calculateRangeData(this, zoomArgs, calcIntervalFunction); - rangeCalculator.addLabelPaddings(this); - return this._rangeData - }, - _getPointData: function(data, options) { - var argumentField = options.argumentField || "arg", - valueField = options.valueField || "val", - tagField = options.tagField || "tag"; - return { - value: data[valueField], - argument: data[argumentField], - tag: data[tagField] - } - }, - _drawPoint: function(point, markersGroup, labelsGroup, animationEnabled, firstDrawing) { - if (point.isInVisibleArea()) { - point.clearVisibility(); - point.draw(this._renderer, markersGroup, labelsGroup, animationEnabled, firstDrawing); - this._drawedPoints.push(point) - } - else - point.setInvisibility() - }, - _clearingAnimation: function(translators, drawComplete) { - var that = this, - params = {opacity: 0.001}, - options = { - duration: that._defaultDuration, - partitionDuration: 0.5 - }; - that._labelsGroup && that._labelsGroup.animate(params, options, function() { - that._markersGroup && that._markersGroup.animate(params, options, drawComplete) - }) - }, - _animate: function(complete) { - var that = this, - lastPointIndex = that._drawedPoints.length - 1, - labelAnimFunc = function() { - that._labelsGroup && that._labelsGroup.animate({opacity: 1}, {duration: that._defaultDuration}) - }, - settings; - _each(that._drawedPoints || [], function(i, p) { - settings = {translate: { - x: p.x, - y: p.y - }}; - p.animate(i === lastPointIndex ? labelAnimFunc : undefined, settings) - }) - }, - _getPointSize: function() { - return this._options.point.visible ? this._options.point.size : DEFAULT_SYMBOL_POINT_SIZE - }, - _calcMedianValue: function(fusionPoints, valueField) { - var result, - allValue; - allValue = _map(fusionPoints, function(point) { - return point[valueField] - }); - allValue.sort(function(a, b) { - return a - b - }); - result = allValue[_floor(allValue.length / 2)]; - return _isDefined(result) ? result : null - }, - _fusionPoints: function(fusionPoints, tick, index) { - var result = this._calcMedianValue(fusionPoints, "value"); - return { - value: result, - argument: tick, - tag: null, - index: index, - seriesName: - } - }, - _endUpdateData: function() { - delete this._predefinedPointOptions - }, - getArgumentField: function() { - return this._options.argumentField || "arg" - }, - getValueFields: function() { - return [this._options.valueField || "val"] - }, - _beginUpdateData: $.noop - } - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file lineSeries.js */ - (function($, DX) { - var viz = DX.viz, - series = viz.core.series.mixins.chart, - utils = DX.utils, - scatterSeries = series.scatter, - _extend = $.extend, - _map = $.map, - _each = $.each; - series.line = _extend({}, scatterSeries, { - _createElementsGroup: function(elementsStyle) { - var settings = _extend({"class": "dxc-elements"}, elementsStyle); - this._applyElementsClipRect(settings); - this._createGroup("_elementsGroup", this, this._group, settings) - }, - _createBordersGroup: function(borderStyle) { - var settings = _extend({"class": "dxc-borders"}, borderStyle); - this._applyElementsClipRect(settings); - this._createGroup("_bordersGroup", this, this._group, settings) - }, - _applyTrackersClippings: function() { -; - this._trackersGroup.applySettings({clipId: this._paneClipRectID}) - }, - _createGroups: function(animationEnabled, style) { - var style = style || this._styles.normal; - this._createElementsGroup(style.elements); - this._areBordersVisible() && this._createBordersGroup(style.border); -, animationEnabled, {}); - animationEnabled && this._markersGroup && this._markersGroup.applySettings({opacity: 0.001}) - }, - _areBordersVisible: function() { - return false - }, - _getDefaultSegment: function(segment) { - return {line: _map(segment.line || [], function(pt) { - return pt.getDefaultCoords() - })} - }, - _prepareSegment: function(points) { - return {line: points} - }, - _parseLineOptions: function(options, defaultColor) { - return { - stroke: options.color || defaultColor, - strokeWidth: options.width, - dashStyle: options.dashStyle || 'solid' - } - }, - _parseStyle: function(options, defaultColor) { - return {elements: this._parseLineOptions(options, defaultColor)} - }, - _applyStyle: function(style) { - this._elementsGroup && this._elementsGroup.applySettings(style.elements); - _each(this._graphics || [], function(_, graphic) { - graphic.line && graphic.line.applySettings({strokeWidth: style.elements.strokeWidth}) - }) - }, - _drawElement: function(segment, group) { - return {line: this._createMainElement(segment.line, {strokeWidth: this._styles.normal.elements.strokeWidth}).append(group)} - }, - _removeElement: function(element) { - element.line.remove() - }, - _generateDefaultSegments: function() { - var that = this, - segments = []; - _each(that._segments || [], function(_, segment) { - segments.push(that._getDefaultSegment(segment)) - }); - return segments - }, - _updateElement: function(element, segment, animate, animateParams, complete) { - var params = {points: segment.line}; - animate ? element.line.animate(params, animateParams, complete) : element.line.applySettings(params) - }, - _clearingAnimation: function(translator, drawComplete) { - var that = this, - lastIndex = that._graphics.length - 1, - settings = {opacity: 0.001}, - options = { - duration: that._defaultDuration, - partitionDuration: 0.5 - }; - that._labelsGroup && that._labelsGroup.animate(settings, options, function() { - that._markersGroup && that._markersGroup.animate(settings, options, function() { - _each(that._defaultSegments || [], function(i, segment) { - that._oldUpdateElement(that._graphics[i], segment, true, {partitionDuration: 0.5}, i === lastIndex ? drawComplete : undefined) - }) - }) - }) - }, - _animate: function() { - var that = this, - lastIndex = that._graphics.length - 1; - _each(that._graphics || [], function(i, elem) { - that._updateElement(elem, that._segments[i], true, {complete: i === lastIndex ? function() { - that._labelsGroup && that._labelsGroup.animate({opacity: 1}, {duration: that._defaultDuration}); - that._markersGroup && that._markersGroup.animate({opacity: 1}, {duration: that._defaultDuration}) - } : undefined}) - }) - }, - _drawPoint: function(point, group, labelsGroup) { -, point, group, labelsGroup) - }, - _createMainElement: function(points, settings) { - return this._renderer.createPath(points, settings) - }, - _drawSegment: function(points, animationEnabled, segmentCount) { - var segment = this._prepareSegment(points, this._options.rotated); - this._segments.push(segment); - if (!this._graphics[segmentCount]) - this._graphics[segmentCount] = this._drawElement(animationEnabled ? this._getDefaultSegment(segment) : segment, this._elementsGroup); - else if (!animationEnabled) - this._updateElement(this._graphics[segmentCount], segment) - }, - _getTrackerSettings: function() { - return { - strokeWidth: this._styles.normal.elements.strokeWidth > this._defaultTrackerWidth ? this._styles.normal.elements.strokeWidth : this._defaultTrackerWidth, - fill: "none" - } - }, - _getMainPointsFromSegment: function(segment) { - return segment.line - }, - _drawTrackerElement: function(segment) { - return this._createMainElement(this._getMainPointsFromSegment(segment), this._getTrackerSettings(segment)) - }, - _updateTrackerElement: function(segment, element) { - var settings = this._getTrackerSettings(segment); - settings.points = this._getMainPointsFromSegment(segment); - element.applySettings(settings) - } - }); - series.stepline = _extend({}, series.line, { - _calculateStepLinePoints: function(points) { - var segment = []; - _each(points, function(i, pt) { - var stepY; - if (!i) { - segment.push(pt); - return - } - stepY = segment[segment.length - 1].y; - if (stepY !== pt.y) { - var point = utils.clone(pt); - point.y = stepY; - segment.push(point) - } - segment.push(pt) - }); - return segment - }, - _prepareSegment: function(points) { - return series.line._prepareSegment(this._calculateStepLinePoints(points)) - } - }); - series.stackedline = _extend({}, series.line, {}); - series.fullstackedline = _extend({}, series.line, {_getRangeData: function(zoomArgs, calcIntervalFunction) { - var rangeCalculator = viz.core.series.helpers.rangeDataCalculator(); - rangeCalculator.calculateRangeData(this, zoomArgs, calcIntervalFunction); - rangeCalculator.addLabelPaddings(this); - rangeCalculator.processFullStackedRange(this); - return this._rangeData - }}); - series.spline = _extend({}, series.line, { - _calculateBezierPoints: function(src, rotated) { - var bezierPoints = [], - pointsCopy = src; - var checkExtr = function(otherPointCoord, pointCoord, controlCoord) { - return otherPointCoord > pointCoord && controlCoord > otherPointCoord || otherPointCoord < pointCoord && controlCoord < otherPointCoord ? otherPointCoord : controlCoord - }; - var clonePoint = function(point, newX, newY) { - var p = utils.clone(point); - p.x = newX; - p.y = newY; - return p - }; - if (pointsCopy.length !== 1) - _each(pointsCopy, function(i, curPoint) { - var leftControlX, - leftControlY, - rightControlX, - rightControlY, - prevPoint, - nextPoint, - xCur, - yCur, - x1, - x2, - y1, - y2, - delta, - lambda = 0.5, - curIsExtremum, - leftPoint, - rightPoint, - a, - b, - c, - xc, - yc, - shift; - if (!i) { - bezierPoints.push(curPoint); - bezierPoints.push(curPoint); - return - } - prevPoint = pointsCopy[i - 1]; - if (i < pointsCopy.length - 1) { - nextPoint = pointsCopy[i + 1]; - xCur = curPoint.x; - yCur = curPoint.y; - x1 = prevPoint.x; - x2 = nextPoint.x; - y1 = prevPoint.y; - y2 = nextPoint.y; - curIsExtremum = !!(!rotated && (yCur <= prevPoint.y && yCur <= nextPoint.y || yCur >= prevPoint.y && yCur >= nextPoint.y) || rotated && (xCur <= prevPoint.x && xCur <= nextPoint.x || xCur >= prevPoint.x && xCur >= nextPoint.x)); - if (curIsExtremum) - if (!rotated) { - rightControlY = leftControlY = yCur; - rightControlX = (xCur + nextPoint.x) / 2; - leftControlX = (xCur + prevPoint.x) / 2 - } - else { - rightControlX = leftControlX = xCur; - rightControlY = (yCur + nextPoint.y) / 2; - leftControlY = (yCur + prevPoint.y) / 2 - } - else { - a = y2 - y1; - b = x1 - x2; - c = y1 * x2 - x1 * y2; - if (!rotated) { - xc = xCur; - yc = -1 * (a * xc + c) / b; - shift = yc - yCur || 0; - y1 -= shift; - y2 -= shift - } - else { - yc = yCur; - xc = -1 * (b * yc + c) / a; - shift = xc - xCur || 0; - x1 -= shift; - x2 -= shift - } - rightControlX = (xCur + lambda * x2) / (1 + lambda); - rightControlY = (yCur + lambda * y2) / (1 + lambda); - leftControlX = (xCur + lambda * x1) / (1 + lambda); - leftControlY = (yCur + lambda * y1) / (1 + lambda) - } - if (!rotated) { - leftControlY = checkExtr(prevPoint.y, yCur, leftControlY); - rightControlY = checkExtr(nextPoint.y, yCur, rightControlY) - } - else { - leftControlX = checkExtr(prevPoint.x, xCur, leftControlX); - rightControlX = checkExtr(nextPoint.x, xCur, rightControlX) - } - leftPoint = clonePoint(curPoint, leftControlX, leftControlY); - rightPoint = clonePoint(curPoint, rightControlX, rightControlY); - bezierPoints.push(leftPoint, curPoint, rightPoint) - } - else { - bezierPoints.push(curPoint, curPoint); - return - } - }); - else - bezierPoints.push(pointsCopy[0]); - return bezierPoints - }, - _prepareSegment: function(points, rotated) { - return series.line._prepareSegment(this._calculateBezierPoints(points, rotated)) - }, - _createMainElement: function(points, settings) { - return this._renderer.createBezierPath(points, settings) - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file areaSeries.js */ - (function($, DX) { - var viz = DX.viz, - utils = DX.utils, - series = viz.core.series.mixins.chart, - lineSeries = series.line, - _map = $.map, - _extend = $.extend, - HOVER_COLOR_HIGHLIGHTING = 20; - series.area = _extend({}, lineSeries, { - _createBorderElement: lineSeries._createMainElement, - _processSinglePointsAreaSegment: function(points, rotated) { - if (points.length == 1) { - var p = points[0], - p1 = utils.clone(p), - coord = rotated ? "y" : "x"; - p1[coord] += 1; - return [p, p1] - } - return points - }, - _prepareSegment: function(points, rotated) { - var processedPoints = this._processSinglePointsAreaSegment(points, rotated); - return { - line: processedPoints, - area: _map(processedPoints, function(pt) { - return pt.getCoords() - }).concat(_map(processedPoints.slice().reverse(), function(pt) { - return pt.getCoords(true) - })), - singlePointSegment: processedPoints !== points - } - }, - _getSpecialColor: function(color) { - return this._options._IE8 ? new DX.Color(color).highlight(HOVER_COLOR_HIGHLIGHTING) : color - }, - _getRangeData: function(zoomArgs, calcIntervalFunction) { - var rangeCalculator = viz.core.series.helpers.rangeDataCalculator(); - rangeCalculator.calculateRangeData(this, zoomArgs, calcIntervalFunction); - rangeCalculator.addLabelPaddings(this); - rangeCalculator.calculateRangeMinValue(this, zoomArgs); - return this._rangeData - }, - _getDefaultSegment: function(segment) { - var defaultSegment = lineSeries._getDefaultSegment(segment); - defaultSegment.area = defaultSegment.line.concat(defaultSegment.line.slice().reverse()); - return defaultSegment - }, - _updateElement: function(element, segment, animate, animateParams, complete) { - var lineParams = {points: segment.line}, - areaParams = {points: segment.area}, - borderElement = element.line; - if (animate) { - borderElement && borderElement.animate(lineParams, animateParams); - element.area.animate(areaParams, animateParams, complete) - } - else { - borderElement && borderElement.applySettings(lineParams); - element.area.applySettings(areaParams) - } - }, - _removeElement: function(element) { - element.line && element.line.remove(); - element.area.remove() - }, - _drawElement: function(segment, group) { - return { - line: this._bordersGroup && this._createBorderElement(segment.line, {strokeWidth: this._styles.normal.border.strokeWidth}).append(this._bordersGroup), - area: this._createMainElement(segment.area).append(this._elementsGroup) - } - }, - _applyStyle: function(style) { - this._elementsGroup && this._elementsGroup.applySettings(style.elements); - this._bordersGroup && this._bordersGroup.applySettings(style.border); - $.each(this._graphics || [], function(_, graphic) { - graphic.line && graphic.line.applySettings({strokeWidth: style.border.strokeWidth}) - }) - }, - _createPattern: function(color, hatching) { - if (hatching) { - var pattern = this._renderer.createPattern(color, hatching); - this._patterns.push(pattern); - return - } - return color - }, - _parseStyle: function(options, defaultColor, defaultBorderColor) { - var borderOptions = options.border || {}, - borderStyle = lineSeries._parseLineOptions(borderOptions, defaultBorderColor); - borderStyle.strokeWidth = borderOptions.visible ? borderStyle.strokeWidth : 0; - return { - border: borderStyle, - elements: { - stroke: "none", - fill: this._createPattern(options.color || defaultColor, options.hatching), - opacity: options.opacity - } - } - }, - _areBordersVisible: function() { - var options = this._options; - return options.border.visible || options.hoverStyle.border.visible || options.selectionStyle.border.visible - }, - _createMainElement: function(points, settings) { - return this._renderer.createArea(points, settings) - }, - _getTrackerSettings: function(segment) { - return {strokeWidth: segment.singlePointSegment ? this._defaultTrackerWidth : 0} - }, - _getMainPointsFromSegment: function(segment) { - return segment.area - } - }); - series.steparea = _extend({}, series.area, {_prepareSegment: function(points, rotated) { - points = series.area._processSinglePointsAreaSegment(points, rotated); - return, series.stepline._calculateStepLinePoints(points)) - }}); - series.splinearea = _extend({}, series.area, { - _areaPointsToSplineAreaPoints: function(areaPoints) { - var lastFwPoint = areaPoints[areaPoints.length / 2 - 1], - firstBwPoint = areaPoints[areaPoints.length / 2]; - areaPoints.splice(areaPoints.length / 2, 0, { - x: lastFwPoint.x, - y: lastFwPoint.y - }, { - x: firstBwPoint.x, - y: firstBwPoint.y - }); - if (lastFwPoint.defaultCoords) - areaPoints[areaPoints.length / 2].defaultCoords = true; - if (firstBwPoint.defaultCoords) - areaPoints[areaPoints.length / 2 - 1].defaultCoords = true - }, - _prepareSegment: function(points, rotated) { - var areaSeries = series.area, - processedPoints = areaSeries._processSinglePointsAreaSegment(points, rotated), - areaSegment =, series.spline._calculateBezierPoints(processedPoints, rotated)); - this._areaPointsToSplineAreaPoints(areaSegment.area); - areaSegment.singlePointSegment = processedPoints !== points; - return areaSegment - }, - _getDefaultSegment: function(segment) { - var areaDefaultSegment = series.area._getDefaultSegment(segment); - this._areaPointsToSplineAreaPoints(areaDefaultSegment.area); - return areaDefaultSegment - }, - _createMainElement: function(points, settings) { - return this._renderer.createBezierArea(points, settings) - }, - _createBorderElement: series.spline._createMainElement - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file barSeries.js */ - (function($, DX) { - var viz = DX.viz, - series = viz.core.series.mixins.chart, - scatterSeries = series.scatter, - areaSeries = series.area, - _extend = $.extend, - _each = $.each, - DEFAULT_BAR_POINT_SIZE = 3; - = _extend({}, scatterSeries, { - _getSpecialColor: areaSeries._getSpecialColor, - _createPattern: areaSeries._createPattern, - _updateOptions: function(options) { - this._stackName = "axis_" + (options.axis || "default") + "_stack_" + (options.stack || "default") - }, - _getRangeData: function(zoomArgs, calcIntervalFunction) { - var rangeData = areaSeries._getRangeData.apply(this, arguments); - rangeData.arg.stick = false; - return rangeData - }, - _parsePointStyle: function(style, defaultColor, defaultBorderColor) { - var color = this._createPattern(style.color || defaultColor, style.hatching), - base =, style, color, defaultBorderColor); - base.fill = color; - delete base.r; - return base - }, - _applyMarkerClipRect: function(settings) { - settings.clipId = null - }, - _applyTrackersClippings: function() { - this._markerTrackerGroup.applySettings({clipId: this._paneClipRectID}) - }, - _clearingAnimation: function(translators, drawComplete) { - var that = this, - settings; - if (that._options.rotated) - settings = { - scale: { - x: 0.001, - y: 1 - }, - translate: {x: translators.x.translate("canvas_position_default")} - }; - else - settings = { - scale: { - x: 1, - y: 0.001 - }, - translate: {y: translators.y.translate("canvas_position_default")} - }; - that._labelsGroup && that._labelsGroup.animate({opacity: 0.001}, { - duration: that._defaultDuration, - partitionDuration: 0.5 - }, function() { - that._markersGroup.animate(settings, {partitionDuration: 0.5}, function() { - that._markersGroup.applySettings({ - scale: null, - translateX: 0, - translateY: 0 - }); - drawComplete() - }) - }) - }, - _createGroups: function(animationEnabled, style, firstDrawing) { - var settings = {}; - scatterSeries._createGroups.apply(this, arguments); - if (animationEnabled && firstDrawing) - if (!this._options.rotated) - settings = { - scale: { - x: 1, - y: 0.001 - }, - translateY: this.translators.y.translate("canvas_position_default") - }; - else - settings = { - scale: { - x: 0.001, - y: 1 - }, - translateX: this.translators.x.translate("canvas_position_default") - }; - else if (!animationEnabled) - settings = { - scale: { - x: 1, - y: 1 - }, - translateX: 0, - translateY: 0 - }; - this._markersGroup.applySettings(settings) - }, - _drawPoint: function(point, markersGroup, labelsGroup, animationEnabled, firstDrawing) { -, point, markersGroup, labelsGroup, animationEnabled && !firstDrawing) - }, - _getMainColor: function() { - return this._options.mainSeriesColor - }, - _createPointStyles: function(pointOptions) { - var mainColor = pointOptions.color || this._getMainColor(), - specialMainColor = this._getSpecialColor(mainColor); - return { - normal: this._parsePointStyle(pointOptions, mainColor, mainColor), - hover: this._parsePointStyle(pointOptions.hoverStyle || {}, specialMainColor, mainColor), - selection: this._parsePointStyle(pointOptions.selectionStyle || {}, specialMainColor, mainColor) - } - }, - _preparePointOptions: function(customOptions) { - return customOptions ? _extend(true, {}, this._options, customOptions) : this._options - }, - _animate: function(firstDrawing) { - var that = this, - labelAnimFunc = function() { - that._labelsGroup && that._labelsGroup.animate({opacity: 1}, {duration: that._defaultDuration}) - }, - lastPointIndex; - that._markersGroup.animate({ - scale: { - x: 1, - y: 1 - }, - translate: { - y: 0, - x: 0 - } - }, undefined, labelAnimFunc); - if (!firstDrawing) { - lastPointIndex = that._drawedPoints.length - 1; - _each(this._drawedPoints || [], function(i, point) { - point.animate(i === lastPointIndex ? labelAnimFunc : undefined, { - x: point.x, - y: point.y, - height: point.height, - width: point.width - }) - }) - } - }, - _getPointSize: function() { - return DEFAULT_BAR_POINT_SIZE - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file rangeSeries.js */ - (function($, DX) { - var viz = DX.viz, - series = viz.core.series.mixins.chart, - _extend = $.extend, - _isDefined = DX.utils.isDefined, - _map = $.map, - rangeCalculator = viz.core.series.helpers.rangeDataCalculator(), - areaSeries = series.area; - var baseRangeSeries = { - _checkData: function(data) { - return _isDefined(data.argument) && data.value !== undefined && data.minValue !== undefined - }, - updateTeamplateFieldNames: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - valueFields = that.getValueFields(), - name =; - options.rangeValue1Field = valueFields[0] + name; - options.rangeValue2Field = valueFields[1] + name; - options.tagField = that.getTagField() + name - }, - _processRange: function(point, prevPoint) { - rangeCalculator.processTwoValues(this, point, prevPoint, "value", "minValue") - }, - _getRangeData: function(zoomArgs, calcIntervalFunction) { - rangeCalculator.calculateTwoValuesRangeData(this, zoomArgs, calcIntervalFunction, "value", "minValue"); - rangeCalculator.addRangeSeriesLabelPaddings(this); - return this._rangeData - }, - _getPointData: function(data, options) { - var argumentField = options.argumentField || "arg", - tagField = options.tagField || "tag", - rangeValue1Field = options.rangeValue1Field || "val1", - rangeValue2Field = options.rangeValue2Field || "val2"; - return { - tag: data[tagField], - minValue: data[rangeValue1Field], - value: data[rangeValue2Field], - argument: data[argumentField] - } - }, - _fusionPoints: function(fusionPoints, tick, index) { - var scatterSeries = series.scatter, - value =, fusionPoints, "value"), - minValue =, fusionPoints, "minValue"), - pointData; - if (value === null || minValue === null) - value = minValue = null; - pointData = { - minValue: minValue, - value: value, - argument: tick, - tag: null - }; - return pointData - }, - getValueFields: function() { - return [this._options.rangeValue1Field || "val1", this._options.rangeValue2Field || "val2"] - } - }; - series.rangebar = _extend({},, baseRangeSeries); - series.rangearea = _extend({}, areaSeries, { - _drawPoint: function(point, markersGroup, labelsGroup, animationEnabled) { - if (point.isInVisibleArea()) { - point.clearVisibility(); - point.draw(this._renderer, markersGroup, labelsGroup, animationEnabled); - this._drawedPoints.push(point); - if (!point.visibleTopMarker) - point.hideMarker("top"); - if (!point.visibleBottomMarker) - point.hideMarker("bottom") - } - else - point.setInvisibility() - }, - _prepareSegment: function(points, rotated) { - var processedPoints = this._processSinglePointsAreaSegment(points, rotated), - processedMinPointsCoords = $.map(processedPoints, function(pt) { - return pt.getCoords(true) - }); - return { - line: processedPoints, - bottomLine: processedMinPointsCoords, - area: $.map(processedPoints, function(pt) { - return pt.getCoords() - }).concat(processedMinPointsCoords.slice().reverse()), - singlePointSegment: processedPoints !== points - } - }, - _getDefaultSegment: function(segment) { - var defaultSegment =, segment); - defaultSegment.bottomLine = defaultSegment.line; - return defaultSegment - }, - _removeElement: function(element) { -, element); - element.bottomLine && element.bottomLine.remove() - }, - _drawElement: function(segment, group) { - var drawnElement =, segment, group); - drawnElement.bottomLine = this._bordersGroup && this._createBorderElement(segment.bottomLine, {strokeWidth: this._styles.normal.border.strokeWidth}).append(this._bordersGroup); - return drawnElement - }, - _applyStyle: function(style) { - this._elementsGroup && this._elementsGroup.applySettings(style.elements); - this._bordersGroup && this._bordersGroup.applySettings(style.border); - $.each(this._graphics || [], function(_, graphic) { - graphic.line && graphic.line.applySettings({strokeWidth: style.border.strokeWidth}); - graphic.bottomLine && graphic.bottomLine.applySettings({strokeWidth: style.border.strokeWidth}) - }) - }, - _updateElement: function(element, segment, animate, animateParams, complete) { -, element, segment, animate, animateParams, complete); - var bottomLineParams = {points: segment.bottomLine}, - bottomBorderElement = element.bottomLine; - if (bottomBorderElement) - animate ? bottomBorderElement.animate(bottomLineParams, animateParams) : bottomBorderElement.applySettings(bottomLineParams) - } - }, baseRangeSeries) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file bubbleSeries.js */ - (function($, DX) { - var viz = DX.viz, - series = viz.core.series.mixins.chart, - scatterSeries = series.scatter, - barSeries =, - _isDefined = DX.utils.isDefined, - _extend = $.extend, - _each = $.each; - series.bubble = _extend({}, scatterSeries, { - _applyTrackersClippings: barSeries._applyTrackersClippings, - _getMainColor: barSeries._getMainColor, - _createPointStyles: barSeries._createPointStyles, - _createPattern: barSeries._createPattern, - _preparePointOptions: barSeries._preparePointOptions, - _getSpecialColor: barSeries._getSpecialColor, - _applyMarkerClipRect: series.line._applyElementsClipRect, - _parsePointStyle: function(style, defaultColor, defaultBorderColor) { - var color = this._createPattern(style.color || defaultColor, style.hatching), - base =, style, color, defaultBorderColor); - base.fill = color; - base.opacity = style.opacity; - delete base.r; - return base - }, - _createMarkerGroup: function() { - var markersSettings = this._getPointOptions().styles.normal, - groupSettings; - markersSettings["class"] = "dxc-markers"; - this._applyMarkerClipRect(markersSettings); - groupSettings = _extend({}, markersSettings); - delete groupSettings.opacity; - this._createGroup("_markersGroup", this, this._group, groupSettings) - }, - _getCreatingPointOptions: function() { - if (!this._predefinedPointOptions) { - var styles, - defaultPointOptions = this._getPointOptions(), - strokeWidth = defaultPointOptions.styles && defaultPointOptions.styles.normal && defaultPointOptions.styles.normal.strokeWidth, - r = defaultPointOptions.styles && defaultPointOptions.styles.normal && defaultPointOptions.styles.normal.r, - opacity = defaultPointOptions.styles && defaultPointOptions.styles.normal && defaultPointOptions.styles.normal.opacity, - creatingPointOptions = _extend(true, {}, defaultPointOptions); - creatingPointOptions.styles = styles = creatingPointOptions.styles || {}; - styles.normal = { - strokeWidth: strokeWidth, - r: r, - opacity: opacity - }; - this._predefinedPointOptions = creatingPointOptions - } - return this._predefinedPointOptions - }, - _checkData: function(data) { - return _isDefined(data.argument) && _isDefined(data.size) && data.value !== undefined - }, - _getPointData: function(data, options) { - var pointData =, data, options), - sizeField = options.sizeField || "size"; - pointData.size = data[sizeField]; - return pointData - }, - _fusionPoints: function(fusionPoints, tick, index) { - var medianValue =, fusionPoints, "value"), - medianSize =, fusionPoints, "size"); - return { - size: medianSize, - value: medianValue, - argument: tick, - tag: null - } - }, - getValueFields: function() { - return [this._options.valueField || "val", this._options.sizeField || "size"] - }, - updateTeamplateFieldNames: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - valueFields = that.getValueFields(), - name =; - options.valueField = valueFields[0] + name; - options.sizeField = valueFields[1] + name; - options.tagField = that.getTagField() + name - }, - _clearingAnimation: function(translators, drawComplete) { - var that = this, - settings = {r: 0}, - partitionDuration = 0.5, - lastPointIndex = that._drawedPoints.length - 1; - that._labelsGroup && that._labelsGroup.animate({opacity: 0.001}, { - duration: that._defaultDuration, - partitionDuration: partitionDuration - }, function() { - _each(that._drawedPoints || [], function(i, p) { - p.animate(i === lastPointIndex ? drawComplete : undefined, settings, partitionDuration) - }) - }) - }, - _animate: function(firstDrawing) { - var that = this, - lastPointIndex = that._drawedPoints.length - 1, - labelAnimFunc = function() { - that._labelsGroup && that._labelsGroup.animate({opacity: 1}, {duration: that._defaultDuration}) - }; - _each(that._drawedPoints || [], function(i, p) { - p.animate(i === lastPointIndex ? labelAnimFunc : undefined, { - r: p.bubbleSize, - translate: { - x: p.x, - y: p.y - } - }) - }) - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file pieSeries.js */ - (function($, DX) { - var viz = DX.viz, - mixins = viz.core.series.mixins, - pieSeries = mixins.pieChart, - utils = DX.utils, - scatterSeries = mixins.chart.scatter, - barSeries =, - _extend = $.extend, - _each = $.each, - _noop = $.noop, - _map = $.map, - _isFinite = isFinite, - _max = Math.max; - pieSeries.pie = _extend({}, barSeries, { - _createLabelGroup: scatterSeries._createLabelGroup, - _createGroups: scatterSeries._createGroups, - _drawPoint: function(point) { - scatterSeries._drawPoint.apply(this, arguments); - !point.isVisible() && point.setInvisibility() - }, - _applyTrackersClippings: _noop, - _processRange: _noop, - _applyElementsClipRect: _noop, - _updateDataType: _noop, - getColor: _noop, - _prepareSeriesToDrawing: _noop, - _endUpdateData: scatterSeries._prepareSeriesToDrawing, - resetLabelEllipsis: function() { - _each(this._points || [], function(_, point) { - point._label.setLabelEllipsis = false - }) - }, - _adjustLabels: function(firstDrawing) { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - canvas = that.canvas, - points = that._points || [], - labelsBBoxes = [], - labelsSpaces = [], - labelSpace = 0, - maxLabelLength, - paneSpaceHeight, - paneSpaceWidth, - min; - if (options.label.position !== "inside") { - _each(points, function(_, point) { - if (point._label.hasText()) - labelsBBoxes.push(point._label.getTextCoords().width) - }); - if (labelsBBoxes.length) { - maxLabelLength = _max.apply(null, labelsBBoxes); - _each(points, function(_, point) { - if (point._label.hasText()) { - point._label.updatePosition(maxLabelLength); - point._label.setLabelEllipsis = true - } - }); - that._firstDrawing = !that.redraw && firstDrawing; - that.redraw = true - } - } - else - _each(points, function(i, point) { - if (point._label.hasText()) { - point._label.setLabelEllipsis = true; - point._label.updatePosition() - } - }) - }, - _getCreatingPointOptions: function() { - return this._getPointOptions() - }, - _updateOptions: function(options) { - this.labelSpace = 0; - this.innerRadius = this.type === "pie" ? 0 : options.innerRadius; - this.redraw = false - }, - _checkData: function(data) { - var base = barSeries._checkData(data); - return this._options.paintNullPoints ? base : base && data.value !== null - }, - _createMarkerGroup: function() { - if (!this._markersGroup) - this._markersGroup = this._renderer.createGroup({"class": "dxc-markers"}).append(this._group) - }, - _getMainColor: function() { - return this._options.mainSeriesColor() - }, - _getPointOptions: function() { - return this._parsePointOptions(this._preparePointOptions(), this._options.label) - }, - _getRangeData: function() { - return this._rangeData - }, - _getArrangeTotal: function(points) { - var total = 0; - _each(points, function(_, point) { - if (point.isVisible()) - total += point.initialValue - }); - return total - }, - _createPointStyles: function(pointOptions) { - var mainColor = pointOptions.color || this._getMainColor(), - specialMainColor = this._getSpecialColor(mainColor); - return { - normal: this._parsePointStyle(pointOptions, mainColor, mainColor), - hover: this._parsePointStyle(pointOptions.hoverStyle, specialMainColor, mainColor), - selection: this._parsePointStyle(pointOptions.selectionStyle, specialMainColor, mainColor), - legendStyles: { - normal: this._createLegendState(pointOptions, mainColor), - hover: this._createLegendState(pointOptions.hoverStyle, specialMainColor), - selection: this._createLegendState(pointOptions.selectionStyle, specialMainColor) - } - } - }, - _getArrangeMinShownValue: function(points, total) { - var minSegmentSize = this._options.minSegmentSize, - totalMinSegmentSize = 0, - totalNotMinValues = 0; - total = total || points.length; - _each(points, function(_, point) { - if (point.isVisible()) - if (point.initialValue < minSegmentSize * total / 360) - totalMinSegmentSize += minSegmentSize; - else - totalNotMinValues += point.initialValue - }); - return totalMinSegmentSize < 360 ? minSegmentSize * totalNotMinValues / (360 - totalMinSegmentSize) : 0 - }, - _applyArrangeCorrection: function(points, minShownValue, total) { - var options = this._options, - isClockWise = options.segmentsDirection !== "anticlockwise", - shiftedAngle = _isFinite(options.startAngle) ? utils.normalizeAngle(options.startAngle) : 0, - minSegmentSize = options.minSegmentSize, - percent, - correction = 0, - zeroTotalCorrection = 0; - if (total === 0) { - total = points.length; - zeroTotalCorrection = 1 - } - _each(isClockWise ? points : points.concat([]).reverse(), function(_, point) { - var val = point.isVisible() ? zeroTotalCorrection || point.initialValue : 0, - updatedZeroValue; - if (minSegmentSize && point.isVisible() && val < minShownValue) - updatedZeroValue = minShownValue; - percent = val / total; - point.correctValue(correction, percent, zeroTotalCorrection + (updatedZeroValue || 0)); - point.shiftedAngle = shiftedAngle; - correction = correction + (updatedZeroValue || val) - }); - this._rangeData = {val: { - min: 0, - max: correction - }} - }, - arrangePoints: function() { - var that = this, - minSegmentSize = that._options.minSegmentSize, - minShownValue, - pointIndex = 0, - total, - points = that._originalPoints = that._points = _map(that._originalPoints || [], function(point) { - if (point.value === null || point.value < 0 || point.value === 0 && !minSegmentSize) { - point.dispose(); - return null - } - else { - point.index = pointIndex++; - return point - } - }); - total = that._getArrangeTotal(points); - if (minSegmentSize) - minShownValue = this._getArrangeMinShownValue(points, total); - that._applyArrangeCorrection(points, minShownValue, total) - }, - correctPosition: function(correction) { - var debug = DX.utils.debug; - debug.assert(correction, "correction was not passed"); - debug.assertParam(correction.centerX, "correction.centerX was not passed"); - debug.assertParam(correction.centerY, "correction.centerY was not passed"); - debug.assertParam(correction.radiusInner, "correction.radiusInner was not passed"); - debug.assertParam(correction.radiusOuter, "correction.radiusOuter was not passed"); - _each(this._points, function(_, point) { - point.correctPosition(correction) - }) - }, - _animate: function(firstDrawing) { - var that = this, - index = 0, - timeThreshold = 0.2, - points = that._points, - pointsCount = points && points.length, - duration = 1 / (timeThreshold * (pointsCount - 1) + 1), - animateP = function() { - points[index] && points[index++].animate(index === pointsCount ? completeFunc : undefined, duration, stepFunc) - }, - stepFunc = function(_, progress) { - if (progress >= timeThreshold) { - this.step = null; - animateP() - } - }, - completeFunc = function() { - that._labelsGroup && that._labelsGroup.animate({opacity: 1}, {duration: 400}) - }; - if (firstDrawing) - animateP(); - else - $.each(points, function(i, p) { - p.animate(i == pointsCount - 1 ? completeFunc : undefined) - }) - }, - getVisiblePoints: function() { - return _map(this._points, function(p) { - return p.isVisible() ? p : null - }) - }, - _beginUpdateData: function() { - this._deletePatterns(); - this._patterns = [] - } - }); - pieSeries.doughnut = pieSeries.donut = pieSeries.pie - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file financialSeries.js */ - (function($, DX) { - var viz = DX.viz, - series = viz.core.series.mixins.chart, - scatterSeries = series.scatter, - barSeries =, - rangeCalculator = viz.core.series.helpers.rangeDataCalculator(), - _isDefined = DX.utils.isDefined, - _extend = $.extend, - _each = $.each, - _noop = $.noop, - DEFAULT_FINANCIAL_POINT_SIZE = 10; - series.stock = _extend({}, scatterSeries, { - _animate: _noop, - _applyMarkerClipRect: series.line._applyElementsClipRect, - _applyTrackersClippings: barSeries._applyTrackersClippings, - _createPattern: barSeries._createPattern, - _preparePointOptions: barSeries._preparePointOptions, - _createMarkerGroup: function() { - var that = this, - markersGroup, - styles = that._getPointOptions().styles, - defaultStyle = styles.normal, - defaultPositiveStyle = styles.positive.normal, - reductionStyle = styles.reduction.normal, - reductionPositiveStyle = styles.reductionPositive.normal, - markerSettings = {"class": "dxc-markers"}; - that._applyMarkerClipRect(markerSettings); - defaultStyle["class"] = "default-markers"; - defaultPositiveStyle["class"] = "default-positive-markers"; - reductionStyle["class"] = "reduction-markers"; - reductionPositiveStyle["class"] = "reduction-positive-markers"; - that._createGroup("_markersGroup", that, that._group, markerSettings); - markersGroup = that._markersGroup; - that._createGroup("defaultMarkersGroup", markersGroup, markersGroup, defaultStyle); - that._createGroup("reductionMarkersGroup", markersGroup, markersGroup, reductionStyle); - that._createGroup("defaultPositiveMarkersGroup", markersGroup, markersGroup, defaultPositiveStyle); - that._createGroup("reductionPositiveMarkersGroup", markersGroup, markersGroup, reductionPositiveStyle) - }, - _createGroups: function() { -, false) - }, - _clearingAnimation: function(translators, drawComplete) { - drawComplete() - }, - _getCreatingPointOptions: function() { - if (!this._predefinedPointOptions) { - var styles, - defaultPointOptions = this._getPointOptions(), - strokeWidth = defaultPointOptions.styles && defaultPointOptions.styles.normal && defaultPointOptions.styles.normal.strokeWidth, - creatingPointOptions = _extend(true, {}, defaultPointOptions); - creatingPointOptions.styles = styles = creatingPointOptions.styles || {}; - styles.normal = styles.positive.normal = styles.reduction.normal = styles.reductionPositive.normal = {strokeWidth: strokeWidth}; - this._predefinedPointOptions = creatingPointOptions - } - return this._predefinedPointOptions - }, - _checkData: function(data) { - return _isDefined(data.argument) && data.highValue !== undefined && data.lowValue !== undefined && data.openValue !== undefined && data.closeValue !== undefined - }, - _processRange: function(point, prevPoint) { - rangeCalculator.processTwoValues(this, point, prevPoint, "highValue", "lowValue") - }, - _getRangeData: function(zoomArgs, calcIntervalFunction) { - rangeCalculator.calculateTwoValuesRangeData(this, zoomArgs, calcIntervalFunction, "highValue", "lowValue"); - rangeCalculator.addRangeSeriesLabelPaddings(this); - return this._rangeData - }, - _getPointData: function(data, options) { - var that = this, - level, - argumentField = options.argumentField || "date", - tagField = options.tagField || "tag", - openValueField = options.openValueField || "open", - closeValueField = options.closeValueField || "close", - highValueField = options.highValueField || "high", - lowValueField = options.lowValueField || "low", - reductionValue; - that.level = options.reduction.level; - switch ((that.level || "").toLowerCase()) { - case"open": - level = openValueField; - break; - case"high": - level = highValueField; - break; - case"low": - level = lowValueField; - break; - default: - level = closeValueField; - that.level = "close"; - break - } - reductionValue = data[level]; - return { - argument: data[argumentField], - highValue: data[highValueField], - lowValue: data[lowValueField], - closeValue: data[closeValueField], - openValue: data[openValueField], - reductionValue: reductionValue, - tag: data[tagField], - isReduction: this._checkReduction(reductionValue) - } - }, - _parsePointStyle: function(style, defaultColor, innerColor) { - return { - stroke: style.color || defaultColor, - strokeWidth: style.width, - fill: style.color || innerColor - } - }, - updateTeamplateFieldNames: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - valueFields = that.getValueFields(), - name =; - options.openValueField = valueFields[0] + name; - options.highValueField = valueFields[1] + name; - options.lowValueField = valueFields[2] + name; - options.closeValueField = valueFields[3] + name; - options.tagField = that.getTagField() + name - }, - _getDefaultStyle: function(options) { - var mainPointColor = options.color || this._options.mainSeriesColor; - return { - normal: this._parsePointStyle(options, mainPointColor, mainPointColor), - hover: this._parsePointStyle(options.hoverStyle, mainPointColor, mainPointColor), - selection: this._parsePointStyle(options.selectionStyle, mainPointColor, mainPointColor) - } - }, - _getReductionStyle: function(options) { - var reductionColor = options.reduction.color, - normalStyle = this._parsePointStyle({ - color: reductionColor, - width: options.width, - hatching: options.hatching - }, reductionColor, reductionColor); - return { - normal: normalStyle, - hover: this._parsePointStyle(options.hoverStyle, reductionColor, reductionColor), - selection: this._parsePointStyle(options.selectionStyle, reductionColor, reductionColor) - } - }, - _createPointStyles: function(pointOptions) { - var that = this, - innerColor = that._options.innerColor, - styles = that._getDefaultStyle(pointOptions), - positiveStyle, - reductionStyle, - reductionPositiveStyle; - positiveStyle = _extend(true, {}, styles); - reductionStyle = that._getReductionStyle(pointOptions); - reductionPositiveStyle = _extend(true, {}, reductionStyle); - positiveStyle.normal.fill = positiveStyle.hover.fill = positiveStyle.selection.fill = innerColor; - reductionPositiveStyle.normal.fill = reductionPositiveStyle.hover.fill = reductionPositiveStyle.selection.fill = innerColor; - styles.positive = positiveStyle; - styles.reduction = reductionStyle; - styles.reductionPositive = reductionPositiveStyle; - return styles - }, - _endUpdateData: function() { - delete this.prevLevelValue; - delete this._predefinedPointOptions - }, - _checkReduction: function(value) { - var result = false; - if (value != null) { - if (_isDefined(this.prevLevelValue)) - result = value < this.prevLevelValue; - this.prevLevelValue = value - } - return result - }, - _fusionPoints: function(fusionPoints, tick, nowIndexTicks) { - var fusedPointData = {}, - reductionLevel, - highValue = -Infinity, - lowValue = +Infinity, - openValue, - closeValue; - if (!fusionPoints.length) - return {}; - _each(fusionPoints, function(_, point) { - if (!point.hasValue()) - return; - highValue = Math.max(highValue, point.highValue); - lowValue = Math.min(lowValue, point.lowValue); - openValue = openValue !== undefined ? openValue : point.openValue; - closeValue = point.closeValue !== undefined ? point.closeValue : closeValue - }); - fusedPointData.argument = tick; - fusedPointData.openValue = openValue; - fusedPointData.closeValue = closeValue; - fusedPointData.highValue = highValue; - fusedPointData.lowValue = lowValue; - fusedPointData.tag = null; - switch ((this.level || "").toLowerCase()) { - case"open": - reductionLevel = openValue; - break; - case"high": - reductionLevel = highValue; - break; - case"low": - reductionLevel = lowValue; - break; - default: - reductionLevel = closeValue; - break - } - fusedPointData.reductionValue = reductionLevel; - fusedPointData.isReduction = this._checkReduction(reductionLevel); - return fusedPointData - }, - _getPointSize: function() { - return DEFAULT_FINANCIAL_POINT_SIZE - }, - getValueFields: function() { - var options = this._options; - return [options.openValueField || "open", options.highValueField || "high", options.lowValueField || "low", options.closeValueField || "close"] - }, - getArgumentField: function() { - return this._options.argumentField || "date" - } - }); - series.candlestick = _extend({}, series.stock, {_parsePointStyle: function(style, defaultColor, innerColor) { - var color = this._createPattern(style.color || innerColor, style.hatching), - base =, style, defaultColor, color); - base.fill = color; - return base - }}) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file stackedSeries.js */ - (function($, DX) { - var viz = DX.viz, - series = viz.core.series.mixins.chart, - areaSeries = series.area, - barSeries =, - lineSeries = series.line, - rangeCalculator = viz.core.series.helpers.rangeDataCalculator(), - _extend = $.extend, - _noop = $.noop, - baseStackedSeries = { - _processRange: _noop, - _processStackedRange: function() { - var that = this, - prevPoint; - $.each(that.getAllPoints(), function(i, p) { - rangeCalculator.processRange(that, p, prevPoint); - prevPoint = p - }) - }, - _getRangeData: function() { - this._processStackedRange(); - return areaSeries._getRangeData.apply(this, arguments) - } - }, - baseFullStackedSeries = _extend({}, baseStackedSeries, { - _getRangeData: function(zoomArgs, calcIntervalFunction) { - this._processStackedRange(); - rangeCalculator.calculateRangeData(this, zoomArgs, calcIntervalFunction); - rangeCalculator.addLabelPaddings(this); - rangeCalculator.processFullStackedRange(this); - rangeCalculator.calculateRangeMinValue(this, zoomArgs); - return this._rangeData - }, - isFullStackedSeries: function() { - return true - } - }); - series.stackedline = _extend({}, lineSeries, baseStackedSeries, {_getRangeData: function() { - this._processStackedRange(); - return lineSeries._getRangeData.apply(this, arguments) - }}); - series.fullstackedline = _extend({}, lineSeries, baseFullStackedSeries, {_getRangeData: function(zoomArgs, calcIntervalFunction) { - this._processStackedRange(); - var rangeCalculator = viz.core.series.helpers.rangeDataCalculator(); - rangeCalculator.calculateRangeData(this, zoomArgs, calcIntervalFunction); - rangeCalculator.addLabelPaddings(this); - rangeCalculator.processFullStackedRange(this); - return this._rangeData - }}); - series.stackedbar = _extend({}, barSeries, baseStackedSeries, {_getRangeData: function() { - this._processStackedRange(); - return barSeries._getRangeData.apply(this, arguments) - }}); - series.fullstackedbar = _extend({}, barSeries, baseFullStackedSeries, {_getRangeData: function(zoomArgs, calcIntervalFunction) { - var rangeData = baseFullStackedSeries._getRangeData.apply(this, arguments); - rangeData.arg.stick = false; - return rangeData - }}); - series.stackedarea = _extend({}, areaSeries, baseStackedSeries); - series.fullstackedarea = _extend({}, areaSeries, baseFullStackedSeries) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file basePoint.js */ - (function($, DX) { - var viz = DX.viz, - statesConsts = viz.core.series.helpers.consts.states, - _each = $.each, - _extend = $.extend, - _isDefined = DX.utils.isDefined, - _noop = $.noop, - pointTypes = { - scatter: "symbolPoint", - line: "symbolPoint", - spline: "symbolPoint", - stepline: "symbolPoint", - stackedline: "symbolPoint", - fullstackedline: "symbolPoint", - area: "symbolPoint", - splinearea: "symbolPoint", - steparea: "symbolPoint", - stackedarea: "symbolPoint", - fullstackedarea: "symbolPoint", - rangearea: "rangeSymbolPoint", - bar: "barPoint", - stackedbar: "barPoint", - fullstackedbar: "barPoint", - rangebar: "rangeBarPoint", - bubble: "bubblePoint", - pie: "piePoint", - doughnut: "piePoint", - donut: "piePoint", - stock: "stockPoint", - candlestick: "candlestickPoint" - }; - viz.core.series.points = {}; - viz.core.series.points.Point = DX.Class.inherit({ - ctor: function(dataItem, options) { - this.update(dataItem, options); - this._emptySettings = { - fill: null, - stroke: null - } - }, - getColor: function() { - return this._styles.normal.fill || this.series.getColor() - }, - _getStyle: function() { - var styles = this._styles, - style; - if (this.isSelected()) - style = styles.selection; - else if (this.isHovered()) - style = styles.hover; - else { - this.fullState = statesConsts.normalMark; - style = styles.normal - } - return style - }, - update: function(dataItem, options) { - this.updateOptions(options); - this.updateData(dataItem) - }, - updateData: function(dataItem) { - this._updateData(dataItem); - if (!this.hasValue()) - this.setInvisibility(); - else { - this._updateLabelData(); - this._fillStyle() - } - }, - deleteMarker: function() { - this.graphic && this.graphic.detach(); - this.graphic = null - }, - deleteTrackerMarker: function() { - this.trackerGraphic && this.trackerGraphic.remove(); - this.trackerGraphic = null - }, - draw: function(renderer, markersGroup, labelsGroup, animationEnabled, firstDrawing) { - if (this._needDeletingOnDraw) { - this.deleteMarker(); - this.deleteTrackerMarker(); - this._needDeletingOnDraw = false - } - if (this._needClearingOnDraw) { - this.clearMarker(); - this._needClearingOnDraw = false - } - if (!this._hasGraphic()) - this._options.visible && this._drawMarker(renderer, markersGroup, animationEnabled, firstDrawing); - else - this._updateMarker(animationEnabled, undefined, markersGroup); - this._drawLabel(renderer, labelsGroup) - }, - applyStyle: function(style) { - if (this.graphic) { - if (style === "normal") - this.clearMarker(); - else - this.graphic.toForeground(); - this._updateMarker(true, this._styles[style]) - } - }, - setHoverState: function() { - this.series.setPointHoverState(this) - }, - releaseHoverState: function(callback) { - this.series.releasePointHoverState(this, callback); - if (this.graphic) - !this.isSelected() && this.graphic.toBackground() - }, - setSelectedState: function() { - this.series.setPointSelectedState(this) - }, - releaseSelectedState: function() { - this.series.releasePointSelectedState(this) - }, - select: function() { - this.series.selectPoint(this) - }, - clearSelection: function() { - this.series.deselectPoint(this) - }, - showTooltip: function() { - this.series.showPointTooltip(this) - }, - hideTooltip: function() { - this.series.hidePointTooltip(this) - }, - _checkLabelsChanging: function(oldType, newType) { - if (oldType) { - var isNewRange = ~newType.indexOf("range"), - isOldRange = ~oldType.indexOf("range"); - return isOldRange && !isNewRange || !isOldRange && isNewRange - } - else - return false - }, - updateOptions: function(newOptions) { - if (!_isDefined(newOptions)) - return; - var that = this, - oldOptions = that._options, - oldType = oldOptions && oldOptions.type, - newType = newOptions.type; - if (pointTypes[oldType] !== pointTypes[newType]) { - that._needDeletingOnDraw = true; - that._needClearingOnDraw = false; - that._checkLabelsChanging(oldType, newType) && that.deleteLabel(); - that._resetType(oldType); - that._setType(newType) - } - else { - that._needDeletingOnDraw = that._checkSymbol(oldOptions, newOptions); - that._needClearingOnDraw = that._checkCustomize(oldOptions, newOptions) - } - that.series = newOptions.series; - that._options = newOptions; - that._fillStyle(); - that._updateLabelOptions(pointTypes[newType]) - }, - translate: function(translators) { - this.translators = translators || this.translators; - this.translators && this.hasValue() && this._translate(this.translators) - }, - drawTracker: function(renderer, group) { - if (!this.trackerGraphic) - this._drawTrackerMarker(renderer, group); - else - this._updateTracker() - }, - _checkCustomize: function(oldOptions, newOptions) { - return oldOptions.styles.usePointCustomOptions && !newOptions.styles.usePointCustomOptions - }, - _getCustomLabelVisibility: function() { - if (this._styles.useLabelCustomOptions) - return this._options.label.visible ? "visible" : "hidden" - }, - _getGraphicSettings: function() { - return { - x: this.graphic.settings.x || 0, - y: this.graphic.settings.y || 0, - height: this.graphic.settings.height || 0, - width: this.graphic.settings.width || 0 - } - }, - _resetType: function(type) { - var that = this; - if (type) - _each(viz.core.series.points.mixins[pointTypes[type]], function(methodName) { - delete that[methodName] - }) - }, - _setType: function(type) { - var that = this; - _each(viz.core.series.points.mixins[pointTypes[type]], function(methodName, method) { - that[methodName] = method - }) - }, - _prepareStatesOptions: function() { - var that = this; - if (that._options.states && that._options.states.normal) - that._populatePointShape(that._options.states.normal.r) - }, - isInVisibleArea: function() { - return this.inVisibleArea - }, - isSelected: function() { - return !!(this.fullState & statesConsts.selectedMark) - }, - isHovered: function() { - return !!(this.fullState & statesConsts.hoverMark) - }, - getOptions: function() { - return this._options - }, - animate: function(complete, settings, partitionDuration) { - if (!this.graphic) { - complete && complete(); - return - } - this.graphic.animate(settings, {partitionDuration: partitionDuration}, complete) - }, - getCoords: function(min) { - if (!min) - return { - x: this.x, - y: this.y - }; - if (!this._options.rotated) - return { - x: this.x, - y: this.minY - }; - return { - x: this.minX, - y: this.y - } - }, - getDefaultCoords: function() { - return !this._options.rotated ? { - x: this.x, - y: this.defaultY - } : { - x: this.defaultX, - y: this.y - } - }, - _calculateVisibility: function(x, y, width, height) { - var that = this, - visibleAreaX, - visibleAreaY, - rotated = that._options.rotated; - if (that.translators) { - visibleAreaX = that.translators.x.getCanvasVisibleArea(); - visibleAreaY = that.translators.y.getCanvasVisibleArea(); - if (visibleAreaX.min > x + (width || 0) || visibleAreaX.max < x || visibleAreaY.min > y + (height || 0) || visibleAreaY.max < y || rotated && _isDefined(width) && width !== 0 && (visibleAreaX.min === x + width || visibleAreaX.max === x) || !rotated && _isDefined(height) && height !== 0 && (visibleAreaY.min === y + height || visibleAreaY.max === y)) - that.inVisibleArea = false; - else - that.inVisibleArea = true - } - }, - correctPosition: _noop, - hasValue: function() { - return this.value !== null && this.minValue !== null - }, - _populatePointShape: _noop, - _checkSymbol: _noop, - hide: _noop, - show: _noop, - hideMarker: _noop, - setInvisibility: _noop, - clearVisibility: _noop, - isVisible: _noop, - resetCorrection: _noop, - correctValue: _noop, - setPercentValue: _noop, - correctCoordinates: _noop, - dispose: function() { - this.deleteMarker(); - this.deleteTrackerMarker(); - this.deleteLabel(); - this._options = null; - this._styles = null; - this.series = null; - this.translators = null - }, - getTooltipFormatObject: function(tooltip) { - var that = this, - tooltipFormatObject = that._getFormatObject(tooltip), - sharedTooltipValuesArray = [], - tooltipStackPointsFormatObject = []; - if (that.stackPoints) { - _each(that.stackPoints, function(_, point) { - if (!point.isVisible()) - return; - var formatObject = point._getFormatObject(tooltip); - tooltipStackPointsFormatObject.push(point._getFormatObject(tooltip)); - sharedTooltipValuesArray.push(formatObject.seriesName + ": " + formatObject.valueText) - }); - _extend(tooltipFormatObject, { - points: tooltipStackPointsFormatObject, - valueText: sharedTooltipValuesArray.join("\n"), - stackName: that.stackPoints.stackName - }) - } - return tooltipFormatObject - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file label.js */ - (function($, DX) { - var _isDefined = DX.utils.isDefined, - _extend = $.extend, - _math = Math, - _round = _math.round, - _floor = _math.floor, - _isEmptyObject = $.isEmptyObject, - _noop = $.noop, - LABEL_BACKGROUND_PADDING_X = 8, - LABEL_BACKGROUND_PADDING_Y = 4, - LABEL_OFFSET = 10, - setPositionFuncCollection = { - symbolPoint: "_setPositionForSymbol", - barPoint: "_setPositionForBar", - bubblePoint: "_setPositionForBubble", - rangeSymbolPoint: "_setPositionForSymbol", - rangeBarPoint: "_setPositionForBar", - stockPoint: "_setPositionForFinancial", - candlestickPoint: "_setPositionForFinancial" - }, - checkPositionFuncCollection = { - symbolPoint: "_checkPositionForSymbol", - barPoint: "_checkPositionForBar", - bubblePoint: "_checkPositionForSymbol", - rangeSymbolPoint: "_checkPositionForSymbol", - rangeBarPoint: "_checkPositionForBar", - stockPoint: "_checkPositionForBar", - candlestickPoint: "_checkPositionForBar" - }; - DX.viz.core.series.points.Label = DX.Class.inherit({ - ctor: function(data, options) { - this._offset = LABEL_OFFSET; - this.updateData(data); - this.setOptions(options) - }, - clearVisibility: function() { - if (this._group && this._group.settings.visibility) - this._group.applySettings({visibility: null}) - }, - hide: function() { - if (this._group && this._group.settings.visibility !== "hidden") - this._group.applySettings({visibility: "hidden"}) - }, - updateData: function(data) { - if (_isDefined(data)) { - this._data = data.formatObject; - this._initialValue = data.initialValue - } - }, - updateOptions: function(options) { - this.setOptions(_extend(true, {}, {options: this._options}, options)) - }, - setOptions: function(newOptions) { - var that = this, - oldOptions = that._options, - newOptions = newOptions || {}, - pointType = newOptions.type || "symbolPoint"; - that._options = newOptions.options; - that._rotated = newOptions.rotated; - that._isFullStacked = newOptions.isFullStacked; - that._isRange = newOptions.isRange; - that._setPosition = that[setPositionFuncCollection[pointType]]; - that._checkPosition = that[checkPositionFuncCollection[pointType]]; - if (oldOptions) { - that._isBackgroundChanged(oldOptions.background, that._options.background) && that._deleteBackground(); - that._isConnectorChanged(oldOptions.connector, that._options.connector) && that._deleteConnector() - } - }, - setDataField: function(fieldName, fieldValue) { - this._data = this._data || {}; - this._data[fieldName] = fieldValue - }, - getData: function() { - return this._data - }, - setCoords: function(coords, graphicBbox, location, visibleArea) { - this._coords = coords; - this._graphicBbox = graphicBbox; - this._visibleArea = visibleArea; - this._location = location - }, - hasText: function() { - return !!this._text - }, - getTextCoords: function() { - return this._text && this._text.getBBox() - }, - getCoords: function() { - var coords = {}, - insideGroup = this._insideGroup; - if (insideGroup) { - coords = insideGroup.getBBox(); - coords.x = insideGroup.settings.translateX || 0; - coords.y = insideGroup.settings.translateY || 0 - } - return coords - }, - updatePosition: function(x, y) { - var settings = {}, - insideGroup = this._insideGroup; - insideGroup.applySettings({ - translateX: x, - translateY: y - }); - this._connector && this._drawConnector() - }, - _deleteElements: function() { - this._deleteConnector(); - this._deleteBackground(); - this._deleteText(); - this._deleteGroups() - }, - dispose: function() { - this._data = null; - this._options = null; - this._positioningFunction = null; - this._graphicBbox = null; - this._visibleArea = null; - this._coords = null; - this._deleteElements() - }, - _deleteText: function() { - this._text && this._text.detach(); - this._text = null - }, - _deleteGroups: function() { - this._insideGroup = null; - this._group && this._group.detach(); - this._group = null - }, - _drawGroups: function(renderer, group) { - if (!this._group) - this._group = renderer.createGroup().append(group); - if (!this._insideGroup) - this._insideGroup = renderer.createGroup().append(this._group) - }, - _drawText: function(renderer, text) { - if (!this._text) - this._text = renderer.createText(text, 0, 0, this._options.attributes).append(this._insideGroup); - else - this._text.applySettings({text: text}, this._options.attributes) - }, - _drawBackground: function(renderer) { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - background = options.background || {}, - settings; - if (that._checkBackground(background)) { - settings = _extend(that._getBackgroundSettings(), background); - if (!that._background) - that._background = renderer.createRect(settings.x, settings.y, settings.width, settings.height, 0, background).append(that._insideGroup); - else - that._background.applySettings(settings); - that._background.toBackground() - } - }, - _drawConnector: function(renderer) { - var that = this, - connector = that._options.connector || {}, - points; - if (that._checkConnector(connector)) { - points = that._getConnectorPoints() || []; - if (!that._connector) - that._connector = renderer.createPath(points, connector).append(that._group); - else - that._connector.applySettings(_extend({points: points}, connector)); - that._connector.toBackground() - } - }, - _setVisibility: function(visibility) { - this._group && this._group.applySettings({visibility: visibility}) - }, - draw: function(renderer, group, visibility) { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - background = options.background, - text = that._format(); - if (_isDefined(text) && text !== "") { - that._drawGroups(renderer, group); - that._setVisibility(visibility); - that._drawText(renderer, text); - that._drawBackground(renderer); - that._rotateLabel(); - that._setPosition(); - that._drawConnector(renderer) - } - else - that._setVisibility("hidden") - }, - _deleteBackground: function() { - this._background && this._background.detach(); - this._background = null - }, - _isBackgroundChanged: function(oldBackground, newBackground) { - return this._checkBackground(oldBackground || {}) !== this._checkBackground(newBackground || {}) - }, - _checkBackground: function(background) { - var hasColor = background.fill && background.fill !== "none", - hasBorder = background.strokeWidth && background.stroke && background.stroke !== "none"; - return hasColor || hasBorder - }, - _getBackgroundSettings: function() { - var bbox = this._text.getBBox(); - return { - x: bbox.x - LABEL_BACKGROUND_PADDING_X, - y: bbox.y - LABEL_BACKGROUND_PADDING_Y, - width: bbox.width + 2 * LABEL_BACKGROUND_PADDING_X, - height: bbox.height + 2 * LABEL_BACKGROUND_PADDING_Y - } - }, - _deleteConnector: function() { - this._connector && this._connector.detach(); - this._connector = null - }, - _isConnectorChanged: function(oldConnector, newConnector) { - return this._checkConnector(oldConnector || {}) !== this._checkConnector(newConnector || {}) - }, - _checkConnector: function(connector) { - return connector && connector.strokeWidth - }, - _getConnectorPoints: function() { - var that = this, - rotated = that._rotated, - labelBbox = that._insideGroup.getBBox(), - graphicBbox = that._graphicBbox, - centerLabelY, - centerLabelX, - rightLabelCoord, - bottomLabelCoord, - x1, - x2, - y1, - y2; - labelBbox.x += that._insideGroup.settings.translateX || 0; - labelBbox.y += that._insideGroup.settings.translateY || 0; - centerLabelY = that._background ? labelBbox.y + labelBbox.height / 2 : null; - centerLabelX = that._background ? labelBbox.x + labelBbox.width / 2 : null, - rightLabelCoord = labelBbox.x + labelBbox.width; - bottomLabelCoord = labelBbox.y + labelBbox.height; - x1 = _floor(labelBbox.x + labelBbox.width / 2); - x2 = _floor(graphicBbox.x + graphicBbox.width / 2); - if (bottomLabelCoord < graphicBbox.y) { - y1 = centerLabelY || bottomLabelCoord; - y2 = graphicBbox.y - } - else if (labelBbox.y > graphicBbox.y + graphicBbox.height) { - y1 = centerLabelY || labelBbox.y; - y2 = graphicBbox.y + graphicBbox.height - } - else { - if (labelBbox.x > graphicBbox.x + graphicBbox.width) { - x1 = centerLabelX || labelBbox.x; - x2 = graphicBbox.x + graphicBbox.width - } - else if (rightLabelCoord < graphicBbox.x) { - x1 = centerLabelX || rightLabelCoord; - x2 = graphicBbox.x - } - else - return; - y1 = _floor(labelBbox.y + labelBbox.height / 2); - y2 = _floor(graphicBbox.y + graphicBbox.height / 2) - } - return [{ - x: x1, - y: y1 - }, { - x: x2, - y: y2 - }] - }, - _rotateLabel: function() { - var bbox = this._insideGroup.getBBox(); - this._insideGroup.rotate(this._options.rotationAngle) - }, - _format: function() { - var that = this, - data = that._data, - options = that._options, - formatHelper = DX.formatHelper; - data.valueText = formatHelper.format(data.value, options.format, options.precision); - data.argumentText = formatHelper.format(data.argument, options.argumentFormat, options.argumentPrecision); - if (data.percent !== undefined) - data.percentText = formatHelper.format(data.percent, "percent", options.percentPrecision); - if ( !== undefined) - data.totalText = formatHelper.format(, options.format, options.precision); - if (data.openValue !== undefined) - data.openValueText = formatHelper.format(data.openValue, options.format, options.precision); - if (data.closeValue !== undefined) - data.closeValueText = formatHelper.format(data.closeValue, options.format, options.precision); - if (data.lowValue !== undefined) - data.lowValueText = formatHelper.format(data.lowValue, options.format, options.precision); - if (data.highValue !== undefined) - data.highValueText = formatHelper.format(data.highValue, options.format, options.precision); - if (data.reductionValue !== undefined) - data.reductionValueText = formatHelper.format(data.reductionValue, options.format, options.precision); - return options.customizeText ?, data) : data.valueText - }, - _getOutsideLabelCoords: function(labelBbox) { - var graphicBbox = this._graphicBbox, - x = 0, - y = 0, - isTop = this._location === "top"; - if (!this._rotated) { - x += graphicBbox.width / 2 + graphicBbox.x; - if (isTop) - y += graphicBbox.y - labelBbox.y - labelBbox.height - this._offset; - else - y += graphicBbox.y + graphicBbox.height - labelBbox.y + this._offset - } - else { - y += graphicBbox.y - labelBbox.y - labelBbox.height / 2 + graphicBbox.height / 2; - if (isTop) - x += graphicBbox.x + graphicBbox.width - labelBbox.x + this._offset; - else - x += graphicBbox.x - labelBbox.x - labelBbox.width - this._offset - } - return { - x: x, - y: y - } - }, - _getInsideLabelCoords: function(labelBbox) { - var graphicBbox = this._graphicBbox, - isTop = this._location === "top", - x = 0, - y = 0; - if (!this._isRange) - if (!this._rotated) { - x += graphicBbox.width / 2 + graphicBbox.x; - y += graphicBbox.y - labelBbox.y - labelBbox.height / 2 + graphicBbox.height / 2 - } - else { - y += graphicBbox.y - labelBbox.y - labelBbox.height / 2 + graphicBbox.height / 2; - x += graphicBbox.x - labelBbox.x - labelBbox.width / 2 + graphicBbox.width / 2 - } - else if (!this._rotated) { - x += graphicBbox.width / 2 + graphicBbox.x; - if (isTop) - y += graphicBbox.y - labelBbox.y - labelBbox.height + this._offset + labelBbox.height; - else - y += graphicBbox.y + graphicBbox.height - labelBbox.y - this._offset - labelBbox.height - } - else { - y += graphicBbox.y - labelBbox.y - labelBbox.height / 2 + graphicBbox.height / 2; - if (isTop) - x += graphicBbox.x + graphicBbox.width - labelBbox.x - labelBbox.width - this._offset; - else - x += graphicBbox.x - labelBbox.x + this._offset - } - return { - x: x, - y: y - } - }, - _getFullstackedLabelCoords: function(labelBbox) { - var x = 0, - y = 0, - graphicBbox = this._graphicBbox; - if (!this._rotated) { - x += graphicBbox.width / 2 + graphicBbox.x; - y += this._coords.defaultY - labelBbox.y - labelBbox.height - this._offset - } - else { - y += graphicBbox.y - labelBbox.y - labelBbox.height / 2 + graphicBbox.height / 2; - x += this._coords.defaultX - labelBbox.x + this._offset - } - return { - x: x, - y: y - } - }, - _setPositionForSymbol: function() { - var that = this, - offset = that._offset, - labelBBox = that._insideGroup.getBBox(), - graphicBbox = that._graphicBbox, - isTop = that._location === "top", - correctionY = 0, - correctionX = 0, - x = 0, - y = 0; - if (!that._rotated) { - correctionX = that._coords.x; - correctionY = isTop ? -labelBBox.y - labelBBox.height - offset : graphicBbox.height - labelBBox.y + offset; - correctionY += graphicBbox.y - } - else { - correctionY = graphicBbox.y - labelBBox.y - labelBBox.height / 2 + graphicBbox.height / 2; - correctionX = isTop ? graphicBbox.width - labelBBox.x + offset : -labelBBox.x - labelBBox.width - offset; - correctionX += graphicBbox.x - } - x += correctionX + that._options.horizontalOffset; - y += correctionY + that._options.verticalOffset; - that._checkPosition({ - x: labelBBox.x + x, - y: labelBBox.y + y, - height: labelBBox.height, - width: labelBBox.width - }, x, y) - }, - _checkPositionForSymbol: function(labelBbox, x, y) { - var that = this, - graphicBbox = that._graphicBbox, - visibleArea = that._visibleArea, - offset = that._offset; - if (!that._rotated) { - if (visibleArea.minX <= graphicBbox.x + graphicBbox.width && visibleArea.maxX >= graphicBbox.x) { - if (visibleArea.minX > labelBbox.x && that.adjustSeriesLabels) - x += visibleArea.minX - labelBbox.x; - if (visibleArea.maxX < labelBbox.x + labelBbox.width && that.adjustSeriesLabels) - x -= labelBbox.x + labelBbox.width - visibleArea.maxX; - if (visibleArea.minY > labelBbox.y) - y += graphicBbox.y + graphicBbox.height - labelBbox.y + offset; - if (visibleArea.maxY < labelBbox.y + labelBbox.height) - y -= labelBbox.y + labelBbox.height - graphicBbox.y + offset - } - } - else if (visibleArea.minY <= graphicBbox.y + graphicBbox.height && visibleArea.maxY >= graphicBbox.y) { - if (visibleArea.minX > labelBbox.x) - x += graphicBbox.x + graphicBbox.width - labelBbox.x + offset; - if (visibleArea.maxX < labelBbox.x + labelBbox.width) - x -= labelBbox.x + labelBbox.width - graphicBbox.x + offset; - if (visibleArea.minY > graphicBbox.y && that.adjustSeriesLabels) - y += visibleArea.minY - labelBbox.y; - if (visibleArea.maxY < labelBbox.y + labelBbox.height && that.adjustSeriesLabels) - y -= labelBbox.y + labelBbox.height - visibleArea.maxY - } - that._insideGroup.applySettings({ - translateX: _round(x), - translateY: _round(y) - }) - }, - _setPositionForBar: function() { - var that = this, - offset = that._offset, - labelPosition = that._options.position, - labelBbox = that._insideGroup.getBBox(), - coords; - if (that._initialValue === 0 && that._isFullStacked) - coords = that._getFullstackedLabelCoords(labelBbox); - else if (labelPosition === "inside") - coords = that._getInsideLabelCoords(labelBbox); - else - coords = that._getOutsideLabelCoords(labelBbox); - coords.x += that._options.horizontalOffset; - coords.y += that._options.verticalOffset; - that._checkPosition({ - x: labelBbox.x + coords.x, - y: labelBbox.y + coords.y, - height: labelBbox.height, - width: labelBbox.width - }, coords.x, coords.y) - }, - _checkPositionForBar: function(labelBbox, x, y) { - var that = this, - graphicBbox = that._graphicBbox, - visibleArea = that._visibleArea; - if (visibleArea.minX <= graphicBbox.x + graphicBbox.width && visibleArea.maxX >= graphicBbox.x && visibleArea.minY <= graphicBbox.y + graphicBbox.height && visibleArea.maxY >= graphicBbox.y) - if (!that._rotated) { - if (visibleArea.minX > labelBbox.x && that.adjustSeriesLabels) - x += visibleArea.minX - labelBbox.x; - if (visibleArea.maxX < labelBbox.x + labelBbox.width && that.adjustSeriesLabels) - x -= labelBbox.x + labelBbox.width - visibleArea.maxX; - if (visibleArea.minY > labelBbox.y) - y += visibleArea.minY - labelBbox.y; - if (visibleArea.maxY < labelBbox.y + labelBbox.height) - y -= labelBbox.y + labelBbox.height - visibleArea.maxY - } - else { - if (visibleArea.minX > labelBbox.x) - x += visibleArea.minX - labelBbox.x; - if (visibleArea.maxX < labelBbox.x + labelBbox.width) - x -= labelBbox.x + labelBbox.width - visibleArea.maxX; - if (visibleArea.minY > labelBbox.y && that.adjustSeriesLabels) - y += visibleArea.minY - labelBbox.y; - if (visibleArea.maxY < labelBbox.y + labelBbox.height && that.adjustSeriesLabels) - y -= labelBbox.y + labelBbox.height - visibleArea.maxY - } - if (that._options.resolveLabelsOverlapping && that._options.position === "inside") - if (that._rotated) { - if (labelBbox.width > graphicBbox.width || labelBbox.height > graphicBbox.height) { - that.hide(); - return - } - } - else if (labelBbox.height > graphicBbox.height || labelBbox.width > graphicBbox.width) { - that.hide(); - return - } - that._insideGroup.applySettings({ - translateX: _round(x), - translateY: _round(y) - }) - }, - _setPositionForBubble: function() { - var that = this, - labelBbox = that._insideGroup.getBBox(), - graphicBbox = that._graphicBbox, - x = 0, - y = 0; - if (that._options.position === "inside") { - x = that._coords.x; - y += graphicBbox.y + graphicBbox.height / 2 - labelBbox.y - labelBbox.height / 2; - x += that._options.horizontalOffset; - y += that._options.verticalOffset; - that._checkPosition({ - x: labelBbox.x + x, - y: labelBbox.y + y, - height: labelBbox.height, - width: labelBbox.width - }, x, y) - } - else - that._setPositionForSymbol() - }, - _setPositionForFinancial: function() { - var that = this, - offset = that._offset, - labelBbox = that._insideGroup.getBBox(), - coords; - coords = that._getOutsideLabelCoords(labelBbox); - coords.x += that._options.horizontalOffset; - coords.y += that._options.verticalOffset; - that._checkPosition({ - x: labelBbox.x + coords.x, - y: labelBbox.y + coords.y, - height: labelBbox.height, - width: labelBbox.width - }, coords.x, coords.y) - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file pieLabel.js */ - (function($, DX) { - var getCosAndSin = DX.utils.getCosAndSin, - _extend = $.extend, - _math = Math, - _round = _math.round, - _max = _math.max, - _inArray = $.inArray, - _isDefined = DX.utils.isDefined, - INDENT_FROM_PIE = 30, - CONNECTOR_LENGTH = 20; - DX.viz.core.series.points.PieLabel = DX.viz.core.series.points.Label.inherit({ - ctor: function(data, options) { - this.setLabelEllipsis = false; - this.indentFromPie = INDENT_FROM_PIE; - this.updateData(data); - this.setOptions(options) - }, - updateData: function(data) { - if (_isDefined(data)) - this._data = data.formatObject - }, - setOptions: function(newOptions) { - var that = this, - oldOptions = that._options, - newOptions = newOptions || {}; - that._options = newOptions.options; - that._borderWidth = newOptions.borderWidth; - if (oldOptions) { - that._isBackgroundChanged(oldOptions.background, that._options.background) && that._deleteBackground(); - that._isConnectorChanged(oldOptions.connector, that._options.connector) && that._deleteConnector() - } - }, - setCoords: function(coords, canvas) { - this._middleAngle = coords.middleAngle; - this._radiusOuter = coords.radiusOuter; - this._centerX = coords.centerX; - this._centerY = coords.centerY; - this._canvas = canvas - }, - updatePosition: function(maxLabelLength) { - this._setPosition(maxLabelLength); - this._checkEllipsis(); - this._drawBackground(); - this._rotateLabel(); - this._checkPosition(); - this._connector && this._drawConnector() - }, - dispose: function() { - this._data = null; - this._options = null; - this._canvas = null; - this._deleteElements() - }, - draw: function(renderer, group, visibility) { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - background = options.background, - text = that._format(); - if (_isDefined(text) && text !== "") { - that._drawGroups(renderer, group); - that._setVisibility(visibility); - that._drawText(renderer, text); - that._setPosition(); - that._checkEllipsis(); - that._drawBackground(renderer); - that._rotateLabel(); - that._checkPosition(); - that._drawConnector(renderer) - } - else - that._setVisibility("hidden") - }, - _getOutsideGroupLabelPosition: function() { - this._deleteConnector(); - return this._group && this._group.getBBox() - }, - _setPosition: function(maxLabelLength) { - var that = this, - bbox = that._text.getBBox(), - options = that._options, - angleFunctions = getCosAndSin(that._middleAngle), - align = "center", - rad = that._radiusOuter + options.radialOffset, - canvas = that._canvas, - rightBorderX = canvas.width - canvas.right, - leftBorderX = canvas.left, - x, - y; - if (options.position === 'inside') { - rad -= that.indentFromPie; - x = that._centerX + rad * angleFunctions.cos - } - else if (options.position === 'columns') { - rad += CONNECTOR_LENGTH; - if (angleFunctions.cos >= 0) { - align = "right"; - x = maxLabelLength ? that._centerX + rad + maxLabelLength : rightBorderX; - x = x > rightBorderX ? rightBorderX : x - } - else if (angleFunctions.cos < 0) { - align = "left"; - x = maxLabelLength ? that._centerX - rad - maxLabelLength : leftBorderX; - x = x < leftBorderX ? leftBorderX : x - } - } - else { - rad += that.indentFromPie; - if (angleFunctions.cos > 0.1) - align = "left"; - else if (angleFunctions.cos < -0.1) - align = "right"; - x = that._centerX + rad * angleFunctions.cos - } - y = _round(that._text.settings.y + that._centerY - rad * angleFunctions.sin - bbox.y - bbox.height / 2); - that._text.applySettings({ - x: x, - y: y, - align: align - }) - }, - _getConnectorPoints: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - position = options.position, - angleFunctions, - rad = that._radiusOuter, - box, - x, - y, - points = []; - if (position !== "inside") { - angleFunctions = getCosAndSin(_round(that._middleAngle)); - points.push({ - x: _round(that._centerX + (rad - that._borderWidth) * angleFunctions.cos), - y: _round(that._centerY - (rad - that._borderWidth) * angleFunctions.sin) - }); - x = _round(that._centerX + (rad + options.radialOffset + CONNECTOR_LENGTH) * angleFunctions.cos); - if (position === "columns") { - box = that._insideGroup.getBBox(); - box.x = box.x + (that._insideGroup.settings.translateX || 0); - box.y = box.y + (that._insideGroup.settings.translateY || 0); - y = box.y + box.height / 2; - points.push({ - x: x, - y: y - }); - if (that._background) - x = box.x + box.width / 2; - else if (angleFunctions.cos < 0) - x = box.x + box.width; - else if (angleFunctions.cos > 0) - x = box.x; - points.push({ - x: x, - y: y - }) - } - else { - y = _round(that._centerY - (rad + options.radialOffset + CONNECTOR_LENGTH) * angleFunctions.sin); - points.push({ - x: x, - y: y - }) - } - } - return points - }, - _rotateLabel: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - shift = that._radiusOuter + options.radialOffset * 2 + CONNECTOR_LENGTH, - angleFunctions = getCosAndSin(that._middleAngle), - x, - y, - box = that._insideGroup.getBBox(); - if (options.position === "inside" || options.position === "columns") { - x = box.x + box.width / 2; - y = box.y + box.height / 2 - } - else { - x = that._centerX + shift * angleFunctions.cos; - y = that._centerY - shift * angleFunctions.sin - } - that._insideGroup.applySettings({ - x: x, - y: y, - rotate: options.rotationAngle - }) - }, - _checkEllipsis: function() { - var that = this, - i, - LABEL_OFFSET = 10, - labelBox, - text, - textLength = 0, - linesLength = [], - numLastSpan = [], - maxLength, - numSpan, - index, - x, - y, - width, - rotationAngleFunction = getCosAndSin(that._options.rotationAngle), - canvas = that._canvas, - labelOptions = that._options, - angleFunctions = getCosAndSin(that._middleAngle), - borderX = that._centerX + (that._radiusOuter + CONNECTOR_LENGTH) * angleFunctions.cos; - if (!that._text.tspans || !that.setLabelEllipsis) - return; - labelBox = that._text.getBBox(); - x = labelBox.x + labelBox.width < that._centerX ? labelBox.x + labelBox.width : labelBox.x; - y = labelBox.y + labelBox.height / 2; - width = labelBox.x + labelBox.width < that._centerX ? -labelBox.width : labelBox.width; - if (y + width * rotationAngleFunction.sin > canvas.height - canvas.bottom + LABEL_OFFSET || y + width * rotationAngleFunction.sin < - LABEL_OFFSET || x + width * rotationAngleFunction.cos < canvas.left - LABEL_OFFSET || x + width * rotationAngleFunction.cos > canvas.width - canvas.right + LABEL_OFFSET || labelOptions.position === "columns" && (angleFunctions.cos < 0 && borderX < x || angleFunctions.cos > 0 && borderX > x)) - for (i = 0; i < that._text.tspans.length; i++) { - textLength += that._text.tspans[i].element.getNumberOfChars(); - if (!that._text.tspans[i + 1] || that._text.tspans[i + 1].settings.dy > 0) { - linesLength.push(textLength); - numLastSpan.push(i); - textLength = 0 - } - } - while (y + width * rotationAngleFunction.sin > canvas.height - canvas.bottom + LABEL_OFFSET || y + width * rotationAngleFunction.sin < - LABEL_OFFSET || x + width * rotationAngleFunction.cos < canvas.left - LABEL_OFFSET || x + width * rotationAngleFunction.cos > canvas.width - canvas.right + LABEL_OFFSET || labelOptions.position === "columns" && (angleFunctions.cos < 0 && borderX < x || angleFunctions.cos > 0 && borderX > x)) { - maxLength = _max.apply(null, linesLength); - if (maxLength === 0) - break; - index = _inArray(maxLength, linesLength); - numSpan = numLastSpan[index]; - if (that._text.tspans[numSpan].element.textContent === "...") { - if (that._text.tspans[numSpan].settings.dy > 0 || !that._text.tspans[numSpan - 1]) - linesLength[index] = 0; - else if (that._text.tspans[numSpan - 1]) { - that._text.tspans[numSpan].element.textContent = ""; - numLastSpan[index] -= 1; - that._text.tspans[numSpan - 1].element.textContent += "..." - } - } - else { - text = that._text.tspans[numSpan].element.textContent; - text = text.substr(0, text.length - 1 - 3) + "..."; - that._text.tspans[numSpan].element.textContent = text; - linesLength[index] -= 1 - } - labelBox = that._text.getBBox(); - x = labelBox.x + labelBox.width < that._centerX ? labelBox.x + labelBox.width : labelBox.x; - y = labelBox.y + labelBox.height / 2; - width = labelBox.x + labelBox.width < that._centerX ? -labelBox.width : labelBox.width - } - }, - _checkPosition: function() { - var that = this, - group = that._insideGroup, - box = group.getBBox(), - canvas = that._canvas, - x = 0, - y = 0; - if (box.y + box.height > canvas.height - canvas.bottom) - y = canvas.height - box.y - box.height - canvas.bottom; - else if (box.y < - y = - box.y; - if (box.x + box.width > canvas.width - canvas.right) - x = canvas.width - canvas.right - box.x - box.width; - else if (box.x < canvas.left) - x = canvas.left - box.x; - group.applySettings({ - translateX: x, - translateY: y - }) - }, - setPosition: function(position) { - this._options.position = position - }, - getPosition: function() { - return this._options.position - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file symbolPoint.js */ - (function($, DX) { - var viz = DevExpress.viz, - core = viz.core, - series = core.series, - _extend = $.extend, - _each = $.each, - _isNumber = DX.utils.isNumber, - _isDefined = DX.utils.isDefined, - _isEmptyObject = $.isEmptyObject, - _math = Math, - _round = _math.round, - _floor = _math.floor, - _ceil = _math.ceil, - DEFAULT_IMAGE_WIDTH = 20, - DEFAULT_IMAGE_HEIGHT = 20, - CANVAS_POSITION_DEFAULT = "canvas_position_default"; - series.points.mixins = series.points.mixins || {}; - series.points.mixins.symbolPoint = { - deleteLabel: function() { - this._label.dispose(); - this._label = null - }, - _hasGraphic: function() { - return this.graphic - }, - _clearTrackerVisibility: function() { - if (this.trackerGraphic && this.trackerGraphic.settings.visibility) - this.trackerGraphic.applySettings({visibility: null}) - }, - clearVisibility: function() { - if (this.graphic && this.graphic.settings.visibility) - this.graphic.applySettings({visibility: null}); - this._clearTrackerVisibility(); - this._label.clearVisibility() - }, - isVisible: function() { - return this.inVisibleArea && this.series.isVisible() - }, - _setTrackerInvisibility: function() { - if (this.trackerGraphic && this.trackerGraphic.settings.visibility !== "hidden") - this.trackerGraphic.applySettings({visibility: "hidden"}) - }, - setInvisibility: function() { - if (this.graphic && this.graphic.settings.visibility !== "hidden") - this.graphic.applySettings({visibility: "hidden"}); - this._setTrackerInvisibility(); - this._label.hide() - }, - clearMarker: function() { - this.graphic && this.graphic.applySettings(this._emptySettings) - }, - setAdjustSeriesLabels: function(adjustSeriesLabels) { - this._label.adjustSeriesLabels = adjustSeriesLabels - }, - _getLabelOptions: function(type) { - var options = this._options; - return { - options: options.label, - rotated: options.rotated, - type: type, - isFullStacked: options.series.isFullStackedSeries(), - isRange: options.type.indexOf("range") !== -1 - } - }, - _createLabel: function() { - this._label = core.CoreFactory.createLabel(this._options.type) - }, - _updateLabelData: function() { - this._label.updateData({ - formatObject: this._getLabelFormatObject(), - initialValue: this.initialValue - }) - }, - _updateLabelOptions: function(type) { - !this._label && this._createLabel(); - this._label.setOptions(this._getLabelOptions(type)) - }, - _checkImage: function(image) { - return _isDefined(image) && (typeof image === "string" || _isDefined(image.url)) - }, - _fillStyle: function() { - this._styles = this._options.styles - }, - _checkSymbol: function(oldOptions, newOptions) { - var oldSymbol = oldOptions.symbol, - newSymbol = newOptions.symbol, - symbolChanged = oldSymbol === "circle" && newSymbol !== "circle" || oldSymbol !== "circle" && newSymbol === "circle", - imageChanged = this._checkImage(oldOptions.image) !== this._checkImage(newOptions.image); - if (symbolChanged || imageChanged) - return true; - return false - }, - _getSquareMarkerCoords: function(radius) { - return [{ - x: -radius, - y: -radius - }, { - x: radius, - y: -radius - }, { - x: radius, - y: radius - }, { - x: -radius, - y: radius - }, { - x: -radius, - y: -radius - }] - }, - _getPolygonMarkerCoords: function(radius) { - var r = _ceil(radius); - return [{ - x: -r, - y: 0 - }, { - x: 0, - y: -r - }, { - x: r, - y: 0 - }, { - x: 0, - y: r - }, { - x: -r, - y: 0 - }] - }, - _getTriangleMarkerCoords: function(radius) { - return [{ - x: -radius, - y: -radius - }, { - x: radius, - y: -radius - }, { - x: 0, - y: radius - }, { - x: -radius, - y: -radius - }] - }, - _getCrossMarkerCoords: function(radius) { - var r = _ceil(radius), - floorHalfRadius = _floor(r / 2), - ceilHalfRadius = _ceil(r / 2); - return [{ - x: -r, - y: -floorHalfRadius - }, { - x: -floorHalfRadius, - y: -r - }, { - x: 0, - y: -ceilHalfRadius - }, { - x: floorHalfRadius, - y: -r - }, { - x: r, - y: -floorHalfRadius - }, { - x: ceilHalfRadius, - y: 0 - }, { - x: r, - y: floorHalfRadius - }, { - x: floorHalfRadius, - y: r - }, { - x: 0, - y: ceilHalfRadius - }, { - x: -floorHalfRadius, - y: r - }, { - x: -r, - y: floorHalfRadius - }, { - x: -ceilHalfRadius, - y: 0 - }] - }, - _populatePointShape: function(symbol, radius) { - switch (symbol) { - case"square": - return this._getSquareMarkerCoords(radius); - case"polygon": - return this._getPolygonMarkerCoords(radius); - case"triangle": - return this._getTriangleMarkerCoords(radius); - case"cross": - return this._getCrossMarkerCoords(radius) - } - }, - correctValue: function(correction) { - if (this.hasValue()) { - this.value = this.initialValue + correction; - this.minValue = correction; - this.translate() - } - }, - resetCorrection: function() { - this.value = this.initialValue; - this.minValue = CANVAS_POSITION_DEFAULT - }, - _getTranslates: function(animationEnabled) { - var translateX, - translateY; - translateX = this.x; - translateY = this.y; - if (animationEnabled) - if (this._options.rotated) - translateX = this.defaultX; - else - translateY = this.defaultY; - return { - x: translateX, - y: translateY - } - }, - _createImageMarker: function(renderer, settings, options) { - var url, - width, - height, - offsetY, - attr = { - location: "center", - translateX: settings.attr.translateX, - translateY: settings.attr.translateY, - visibility: settings.attr.visibility - }; - url = options.url ? options.url.toString() : options.toString(); - width = options.width || DEFAULT_IMAGE_WIDTH; - height = options.height || DEFAULT_IMAGE_HEIGHT; - return renderer.createImage(-_round(width * 0.5), -_round(height * 0.5), width, height, url, attr) - }, - _createSymbolMarker: function(renderer, pointSettings, animationEnabled) { - var marker, - options = this._options; - switch (options.symbol) { - case"circle": - marker = renderer.createCircle(0, 0, pointSettings.r, pointSettings.attr); - break; - case"square": - case"polygon": - case"triangle": - case"cross": - marker = renderer.createArea(pointSettings.points, pointSettings.attr); - break - } - return marker - }, - _createMarker: function(renderer, group, image, settings, animationEnabled) { - var marker = this._checkImage(image) ? this._createImageMarker(renderer, settings, image) : this._createSymbolMarker(renderer, settings, animationEnabled); - marker && marker.append(group); - return marker - }, - _getSymbolBbox: function(x, y, r) { - var bbox = {}; - bbox.x = x - r; - bbox.y = y - r; - bbox.width = bbox.height = r * 2; - return bbox - }, - _getImageBbox: function(x, y) { - var bbox = {}, - image = this._options.image, - width = image.width || DEFAULT_IMAGE_WIDTH, - height = image.height || DEFAULT_IMAGE_HEIGHT; - bbox.x = x - _round(width / 2); - bbox.y = y - _round(height / 2); - bbox.width = width; - bbox.height = height; - return bbox - }, - _getGraphicBbox: function() { - var options = this._options, - x = this.x, - y = this.y, - bbox; - if (options.visible) - bbox = this._checkImage(options.image) ? this._getImageBbox(x, y) : this._getSymbolBbox(x, y, options.styles.normal.r); - else - bbox = { - x: x, - y: y, - width: 0, - height: 0 - }; - return bbox - }, - _drawLabel: function(renderer, group) { - var that = this, - customVisibility = that._getCustomLabelVisibility(), - visibleArea, - translators = that.translators; - if ((that._options.series.getLabelVisibility() || customVisibility) && that.hasValue()) { - if (translators) - visibleArea = { - minX: translators.x.getCanvasVisibleArea().min, - maxX: translators.x.getCanvasVisibleArea().max, - minY: translators.y.getCanvasVisibleArea().min, - maxY: translators.y.getCanvasVisibleArea().max - }; - that._label.setCoords({ - x: that.x, - y: that.y - }, that._getGraphicBbox(), that._getLabelPosition(), visibleArea); - that._label.draw(renderer, group, customVisibility) - } - else - that._label.hide() - }, - _drawMarker: function(renderer, group, animationEnabled) { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - translates = that._getTranslates(animationEnabled), - marker, - style = that._getStyle(), - pointAttributes = _extend({ - translateX: translates.x, - translateY: translates.y - }, style), - pointSettings = { - attr: pointAttributes, - points: that._populatePointShape(options.symbol, style.r), - r: style.r - }; - marker = that._createMarker(renderer, group, options.image, pointSettings, animationEnabled); - that.graphic = marker - }, - _drawTrackerMarker: function(renderer, group) { - var radius = this._options.trackerR || this.storeTrackerR(); - this.trackerGraphic = renderer.createCircle(this.x, this.y, radius).append(group); -{point: this}) - }, - getTooltipCoords: function() { - var coords; - if (this.graphic) - coords = { - x: this.x, - y: this.y, - offset: this.graphic.getBBox().height / 2 - }; - else - coords = { - x: this.x, - y: this.y, - offset: 0 - }; - return coords - }, - hasValue: function() { - return this.value !== null && this.minValue !== null - }, - setPercentValue: function(total) { - var valuePercent = this.value / total || 0, - percent = valuePercent, - minValuePercent = this.minValue / total || 0; - percent -= _isNumber(this.minValue) ? minValuePercent : 0; - this._label.setDataField("percent", percent); - this._label.setDataField("total", total); - if (this._options.series.isFullStackedSeries() && this.hasValue()) { - this.value = valuePercent; - this.minValue = !minValuePercent ? this.minValue : minValuePercent; - this.translate() - } - }, - storeTrackerR: function() { - var navigator = window.navigator, - r = this._options.styles.normal.r, - minTrackerSize; - navigator = this.__debug_navigator || navigator; - this.__debug_browserNavigator = navigator; - minTrackerSize = "ontouchstart" in window || navigator.msPointerEnabled && navigator.msMaxTouchPoints || navigator.pointerEnabled && navigator.maxTouchPoints ? 20 : 6; - this._options.trackerR = r < minTrackerSize ? minTrackerSize : r; - return this._options.trackerR - }, - _translate: function(translators) { - var that = this, - mainAxis = that._options.rotated ? "x" : "y", - upperMainAxis = mainAxis.toUpperCase(), - mainTranslator = translators[mainAxis], - axis = that._options.rotated ? "y" : "x"; - that[mainAxis] = mainTranslator.translate(that.value); - that[axis] = translators[axis].translate(that.argument); - that["min" + upperMainAxis] = mainTranslator.translate(that.minValue); - that["default" + upperMainAxis] = mainTranslator.translate(CANVAS_POSITION_DEFAULT); - that._calculateVisibility(that.x, that.y); - that._prepareStatesOptions() - }, - _changeData: function(data) { - this.value = this.initialValue = this.originalValue = data.value; - this.argument = this.initialArgument = this.originalArgument = data.argument; - this.minValue = this.initialMinValue = this.originalMinValue = _isDefined(data.minValue) ? data.minValue : CANVAS_POSITION_DEFAULT; - this.tag = data.tag; - this.index = data.index - }, - _updateData: function(data) { - if (this.argument !== data.argument || this.value !== data.value || this.tag !== data.tag) - this._changeData(data) - }, - _getImageSettings: function(image) { - return { - href: image.url || image.toString(), - width: image.width || DEFAULT_IMAGE_WIDTH, - height: image.height || DEFAULT_IMAGE_HEIGHT - } - }, - _updateMarker: function(animationEnabled, style) { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - style = style || this._getStyle(), - settings, - image = options.image; - if (that._checkImage(image)) - settings = _extend({}, {visibility: style.visibility}, that._getImageSettings(image)); - else - settings = _extend({}, style, {points: that._populatePointShape(options.symbol, style.r)}); - if (!animationEnabled) { - settings.translateX = that.x; - settings.translateY = that.y - } - that.graphic.applySettings(settings) - }, - _updateTracker: function() { - this.trackerGraphic.applySettings({ - cx: this.x, - cy: this.y, - r: this.storeTrackerR() - }) - }, - _getLabelFormatObject: function() { - return { - argument: this.initialArgument, - value: this.initialValue, - originalArgument: this.originalArgument, - originalValue: this.originalValue, - seriesName:, - point: this - } - }, - _getLabelPosition: function() { - if (this._options.series.isFullStackedSeries() || this.initialValue > 0) - return "top"; - else - return "bottom" - }, - _getFormatObject: function(tooltip) { - var labelFormatObject = this._label.getData(), - valueObject = { - argumentText: tooltip.formatValue(this.initialArgument, "argument"), - valueText: tooltip.formatValue(this.initialValue) - }, - percentObject = _isDefined(labelFormatObject.percent) ? {percentText: tooltip.formatValue(labelFormatObject.percent, "percent")} : {}, - totalObject = _isDefined( ? {totalText: tooltip.formatValue(} : {}; - return _extend({}, labelFormatObject, valueObject, percentObject, totalObject) - } - } - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file barPoint.js */ - (function($, DX) { - var viz = DevExpress.viz, - points = viz.core.series.points.mixins, - _extend = $.extend, - _math = Math, - _round = _math.round, - _abs = _math.abs, - _min = _math.min, - CANVAS_POSITION_DEFAULT = "canvas_position_default", - DEFAULT_BAR_TRACKER_SIZE = 9, - CORRECTING_BAR_TRACKER_VALUE = 4; - points.barPoint = _extend({}, points.symbolPoint, { - correctCoordinates: function(correctOptions) { - var correction = correctOptions.offset - _round(correctOptions.width / 2), - rotated = this._options.rotated, - valueSelector = rotated ? "height" : "width", - correctionSelector = (rotated ? "y" : "x") + "Correction"; - this[valueSelector] = correctOptions.width; - this[correctionSelector] = correction - }, - _getGraphicBbox: function() { - var bbox = {}; - bbox.x = this.x; - bbox.y = this.y; - bbox.width = this.width; - bbox.height = this.height; - return bbox - }, - _getLabelPosition: function() { - var position, - invertX = this.translators.x.getBusinessRange().invert, - invertY = this.translators.y.getBusinessRange().invert, - isDiscreteValue = this.series.valueAxisType === "discrete", - isFullStacked = this.series.isFullStackedSeries(), - notVerticalInverted = !isDiscreteValue && (this.initialValue >= 0 && !invertY || this.initialValue < 0 && invertY) || isDiscreteValue && !invertY || isFullStacked, - notHorizontalInverted = !isDiscreteValue && (this.initialValue >= 0 && !invertX || this.initialValue < 0 && invertX) || isDiscreteValue && !invertX || isFullStacked; - if (!this._options.rotated) - position = notVerticalInverted ? "top" : "bottom"; - else - position = notHorizontalInverted ? "top" : "bottom"; - return position - }, - _drawLabel: function(renderer, group) { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - coords, - commonVisibility = options.series.getLabelVisibility(), - customVisibility = that._getCustomLabelVisibility(), - visibleArea, - translators = that.translators; - if (that.hasValue() && (options.label.showForZeroValues || that.initialValue) && (customVisibility || commonVisibility)) { - coords = { - x: that.x, - y: that.y, - defaultX: that.defaultX, - defaultY: that.defaultY - }; - if (translators) - visibleArea = { - minX: translators.x.getCanvasVisibleArea().min, - maxX: translators.x.getCanvasVisibleArea().max, - minY: translators.y.getCanvasVisibleArea().min, - maxY: translators.y.getCanvasVisibleArea().max - }; - that._label.setCoords(coords, that._getGraphicBbox(), that._getLabelPosition(), visibleArea); - that._label.draw(renderer, group, customVisibility) - } - else - that._label.hide() - }, - _drawMarker: function(renderer, group, animationEnabled) { - var style = this._getStyle(), - x = this.x, - y = this.y, - width = this.width, - height = this.height; - if (animationEnabled) - if (this._options.rotated) { - width = 0; - x = this.defaultX - } - else { - height = 0; - y = this.defaultY - } - this.graphic = renderer.createRect(x, y, width, height, this._options.cornerRadius, style).append(group) - }, - _getSettingsForTracker: function() { - var that = this, - y = that.y, - height = that.height, - x = that.x, - width = that.width; - if (that._options.rotated) { - if (width === 1) { - width = DEFAULT_BAR_TRACKER_SIZE; - x -= CORRECTING_BAR_TRACKER_VALUE - } - } - else if (height === 1) { - height = DEFAULT_BAR_TRACKER_SIZE; - y -= CORRECTING_BAR_TRACKER_VALUE - } - return { - x: x, - y: y, - width: width, - height: height - } - }, - _drawTrackerMarker: function(renderer, group) { - var settings = this._getSettingsForTracker(); - this.trackerGraphic = renderer.createRect(settings.x, settings.y, settings.width, settings.height, this._options.cornerRadius).append(group); -{point: this}) - }, - getGraphicSettings: function() { - return { - x: this.graphic.settings.x || 0, - y: this.graphic.settings.y || 0, - height: this.graphic.settings.height || 0, - width: this.graphic.settings.width || 0 - } - }, - getTooltipCoords: function() { - var x = this.x + this.width / 2, - y = this.y + this.height / 2; - return { - x: x, - y: y, - offset: 0 - } - }, - _truncateCoord: function(coord, minBounce, maxBounce) { - if (coord < minBounce) - return minBounce; - if (coord > maxBounce) - return maxBounce; - return coord - }, - _translate: function(translators) { - var that = this, - rotated = that._options.rotated, - valAxis = rotated ? "x" : "y", - argAxis = rotated ? "y" : "x", - valIntervalName = rotated ? "width" : "height", - argIntervalName = rotated ? "height" : "width", - argTranslator = translators[argAxis], - valTranslator = translators[valAxis], - argVisibleArea = argTranslator.getCanvasVisibleArea(), - valVisibleArea = valTranslator.getCanvasVisibleArea(), - arg, - minArg, - val, - minVal; - arg = minArg = argTranslator.translate(that.argument) + (that[argAxis + "Correction"] || 0); - val = valTranslator.translate(that.value); - minVal = valTranslator.translate(that.minValue); - that[valIntervalName] = _abs(val - minVal); - that._calculateVisibility(rotated ? _min(val, minVal) : _min(arg, minArg), rotated ? _min(arg, minArg) : _min(val, minVal), that.width, that.height); - val = that._truncateCoord(val, valVisibleArea.min, valVisibleArea.max); - minVal = that._truncateCoord(minVal, valVisibleArea.min, valVisibleArea.max); - that[argAxis] = arg; - that["min" + argAxis.toUpperCase()] = minArg; - that[valIntervalName] = _abs(val - minVal); - that[valAxis] = _min(val, minVal) + (that[valAxis + "Correction"] || 0); - that["min" + valAxis.toUpperCase()] = minVal + (that[valAxis + "Correction"] || 0); - that["default" + valAxis.toUpperCase()] = valTranslator.translate(CANVAS_POSITION_DEFAULT); - if (that.inVisibleArea) { - if (that[argAxis] < argVisibleArea.min) { - that[argIntervalName] = that[argIntervalName] - (argVisibleArea.min - that[argAxis]); - that[argAxis] = argVisibleArea.min; - that["min" + argAxis.toUpperCase()] = argVisibleArea.min - } - if (that[argAxis] + that[argIntervalName] > argVisibleArea.max) - that[argIntervalName] = argVisibleArea.max - that[argAxis] - } - }, - _updateMarker: function(animationEnabled, style) { - var style = style || this._getStyle(), - attributes = _extend({}, style); - if (!animationEnabled) { - attributes.x = this.x; - attributes.y = this.y; - attributes.width = this.width; - attributes.height = this.height - } - else - attributes.sharpEdges = false; - this.graphic.applySettings(attributes) - }, - _updateTracker: function() { - this.trackerGraphic.applySettings(this._getSettingsForTracker()) - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file bubblePoint.js */ - (function($, DX) { - var viz = DX.viz, - points = viz.core.series.points.mixins, - _extend = $.extend, - MIN_BUBBLE_HEIGHT = 20; - points.bubblePoint = _extend({}, points.symbolPoint, { - correctCoordinates: function(diameter) { - this.bubbleSize = diameter / 2 - }, - _drawMarker: function(renderer, group, animationEnabled) { - var style = this._getStyle(), - attr = _extend({ - translateX: this.x, - translateY: this.y - }, style), - marker = renderer.createCircle(0, 0, animationEnabled ? 0 : this.bubbleSize, attr).append(group); - this.graphic = marker - }, - _drawTrackerMarker: function(renderer, group) { - this.trackerGraphic = renderer.createCircle(this.x, this.y, this.bubbleSize).append(group); -{point: this}) - }, - getTooltipCoords: function() { - if (this.graphic) { - var height = this.graphic.getBBox().height; - return { - x: this.x, - y: this.y, - offset: height < MIN_BUBBLE_HEIGHT ? height / 2 : 0 - } - } - }, - _getLabelFormatObject: function() { - var symbolMethods = points.symbolPoint, - formatObject =; - formatObject.size = this.initialSize; - return formatObject - }, - _updateData: function(data) { - var symbolMethods = points.symbolPoint; - if (this.argument !== data.argument || this.value !== data.value || this.size !== data.size || this.tag !== data.tag) { -, data); - this.size = this.initialSize = data.size - } - }, - _getGraphicBbox: function() { - return this._getSymbolBbox(this.x, this.y, this.bubbleSize) - }, - _updateMarker: function(animationEnabled, style) { - var style = style || this._getStyle(); - if (!animationEnabled) - style = $.extend({ - r: this.bubbleSize, - translateX: this.x, - translateY: this.y - }, style); - this.graphic.applySettings(style) - }, - _updateTracker: function() { - this.trackerGraphic.applySettings({ - cx: this.x, - cy: this.y, - r: this.bubbleSize - }) - }, - _getFormatObject: function(tooltip) { - var symbolMethods = points.symbolPoint, - formatObject =, tooltip); - formatObject.sizeText = tooltip.formatValue(this.initialSize); - return formatObject - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file piePoint.js */ - (function($, DX) { - var viz = DevExpress.viz, - points = viz.core.series.points.mixins, - _extend = $.extend, - _round = Math.round, - _getCosAndSin = DX.utils.getCosAndSin; - points.piePoint = _extend({}, points.symbolPoint, { - _populatePointShape: function(target, deltaRadius) { - var angleFunctions = _getCosAndSin(point.middleAngle); - target.x = point.centerX - ~~(deltaRadius * angleFunctions.cos); - target.y = point.centerY + ~~(deltaRadius * angleFunctions.sin); - target.outerRadius = this.radiusOuter + deltaRadius; - target.innerRadius = this.radiusInner; - target.startAngle = this.toAngle; - target.endAngle = this.fromAngle - }, - _changeData: function(data) { - var that = this; - that.value = that.initialValue = that.originalValue = data.value; - that.argument = that.initialArgument = that.originalArgument = data.argument; - that.minValue = that.initialMinValue = that.originalMinValue = DevExpress.utils.isDefined(data.minValue) ? data.minValue : 0; - that.tag = data.tag; - that._visible = true; - that.index = data.index - }, - animate: function(complete, duration, step) { - this.graphic.animate({ - x: this.centerX, - y: this.centerY, - outerRadius: this.radiusOuter, - innerRadius: this.radiusInner, - startAngle: this.toAngle, - endAngle: this.fromAngle - }, { - partitionDuration: duration, - step: step - }, complete) - }, - correctPosition: function(correction) { - this.radiusInner = correction.radiusInner; - this.radiusOuter = correction.radiusOuter; - this.centerX = correction.centerX; - this.centerY = correction.centerY - }, - correctValue: function(correction, percent, base) { - this.value = (base || this.initialValue) + correction; - this.minValue = correction; - this.percent = percent; - this._label.setDataField("percent", percent) - }, - _getLabelOptions: function() { - var options = this._options, - series = options.series, - seriesStyle = this._options.styles.normal, - borderWidth = series._options.containerBackgroundColor === seriesStyle.stroke ? _round(seriesStyle.strokeWidth / 2) : _round(-seriesStyle.strokeWidth / 2); - return { - options: options.label, - borderWidth: borderWidth - } - }, - _updateLabelData: function() { - this._label.updateData({formatObject: this._getLabelFormatObject()}) - }, - _updateLabelOptions: function() { - !this._label && this._createLabel(); - this._label.setOptions(this._getLabelOptions()) - }, - _drawLabel: function(renderer, group) { - var commonVisibility = this._options.series.getLabelVisibility(), - customVisibility = this._getCustomLabelVisibility(); - if ((commonVisibility || customVisibility) && this.hasValue()) { - this._label.setCoords({ - middleAngle: this.middleAngle, - radiusOuter: this.radiusOuter, - centerX: this.centerX, - centerY: this.centerY - }, this._options.series.canvas); - this._label.draw(renderer, group, customVisibility) - } - else - this._label.hide() - }, - _drawMarker: function(renderer, group, animationEnabled, firstDrawing) { - var styles = this._getStyle(), - radiusOuter = this.radiusOuter, - radiusInner = this.radiusInner, - fromAngle = this.fromAngle, - toAngle = this.toAngle; - if (animationEnabled) { - radiusInner = radiusOuter = 0; - if (!firstDrawing) - fromAngle = toAngle = this.shiftedAngle - } - this.graphic = renderer.createArc(this.centerX, this.centerY, radiusOuter, radiusInner, toAngle, fromAngle, styles).append(group) - }, - _drawTrackerMarker: function(renderer, group) { - this.trackerGraphic = renderer.createArc(this.centerX, this.centerY, this.radiusOuter, this.radiusInner, this.toAngle, this.fromAngle).append(group); -{point: this}) - }, - getTooltipCoords: function() { - var angleFunctions = _getCosAndSin(this.middleAngle); - return { - x: this.centerX + (this.radiusInner + (this.radiusOuter - this.radiusInner) / 2) * angleFunctions.cos, - y: this.centerY - (this.radiusInner + (this.radiusOuter - this.radiusInner) / 2) * angleFunctions.sin, - offset: 0 - } - }, - _translate: function(translator) { - var angle = this.shiftedAngle || 0; - this.fromAngle = translator.translate(this.minValue) + angle; - this.toAngle = translator.translate(this.value) + angle; - this.middleAngle = translator.translate((this.value - this.minValue) / 2 + this.minValue) + angle; - if (!this.isVisible()) - this.middleAngle = this.toAngle = this.fromAngle = this.fromAngle || angle - }, - _updateMarker: function(animationEnabled, style) { - style = style || this._getStyle(); - if (!animationEnabled) - style = _extend({ - x: this.centerX, - y: this.centerY, - outerRadius: this.radiusOuter, - innerRadius: this.radiusInner, - startAngle: this.toAngle, - endAngle: this.fromAngle - }, style); - this.graphic.applySettings(style) - }, - _updateTracker: function() { - this.trackerGraphic.applySettings({ - x: this.centerX, - y: this.centerY, - outerRadius: this.radiusOuter, - innerRadius: this.radiusInner, - startAngle: this.toAngle, - endAngle: this.fromAngle - }) - }, - getLegendStyles: function() { - return this._styles.legendStyles - }, - isInVisibleArea: function() { - return true - }, - hide: function() { - if (this._visible) { - this._visible = false; - this.hideTooltip(); - this._options.visibilityChanged(this) - } - }, - show: function() { - if (!this._visible) { - this._visible = true; - this._options.visibilityChanged(this) - } - }, - setInvisibility: function() { - this._setTrackerInvisibility(); - this._label.hide() - }, - isVisible: function() { - return this._visible - }, - _getFormatObject: function(tooltip) { - var symbolMethods = points.symbolPoint, - formatObject =, tooltip); - formatObject.percent = this.percent; - formatObject.percentText = tooltip.formatValue(this.percent, "percent"); - return formatObject - }, - getColor: function() { - return this._styles.normal.fill - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file rangeSymbolPoint.js */ - (function($, DX) { - var viz = DevExpress.viz, - points = viz.core.series.points.mixins, - _extend = $.extend, - _isDefined = DX.utils.isDefined, - _math = Math, - _abs = _math.abs, - _min = _math.min, - _max = _math.max, - _round = _math.round, - DEFAULT_IMAGE_WIDTH = 20, - DEFAULT_IMAGE_HEIGHT = 20; - points.rangeSymbolPoint = _extend({}, points.symbolPoint, { - deleteLabel: function() { - this._topLabel.dispose(); - this._topLabel = null; - this._bottomLabel.dispose(); - this._bottomLabel = null - }, - hideMarker: function(type) { - var marker = this.graphic && this.graphic[type + "Marker"], - label = this["_" + type + "Label"]; - if (marker && marker.settings.visibility !== "hidden") - marker.applySettings({visibility: "hidden"}); - label.hide() - }, - setInvisibility: function() { - this.hideMarker("top"); - this.hideMarker("bottom"); - this._setTrackerInvisibility() - }, - clearVisibility: function() { - var graphic = this.graphic; - if (graphic) { - if (graphic.topMarker && graphic.topMarker.settings.visibility) - graphic.topMarker.applySettings({visibility: null}); - if (graphic.bottomMarker && graphic.bottomMarker.settings.visibility) - graphic.bottomMarker.applySettings({visibility: null}) - } - this._clearTrackerVisibility(); - this._topLabel.clearVisibility(); - this._bottomLabel.clearVisibility() - }, - clearMarker: function() { - if (this.graphic) { - this.graphic.topMarker && this.graphic.topMarker.applySettings(this._emptySettings); - this.graphic.bottomMarker && this.graphic.bottomMarker.applySettings(this._emptySettings) - } - }, - _getLabelPosition: function(markerType) { - var position, - rotated = this._options.rotated, - invertY = this.translators.y.getBusinessRange().invert, - invertX = this.translators.x.getBusinessRange().invert, - isDiscreteValue = this._options.series._options.valueAxisType === "discrete", - notInverted = isDiscreteValue && (!invertY && !rotated || invertX && rotated) || !isDiscreteValue && this.value > this.minValue && (!invertY && !rotated || !invertX && rotated); - if (markerType === "top") - position = notInverted ? "top" : "bottom"; - else - position = notInverted ? "bottom" : "top"; - return position - }, - _getLabelMinFormatObject: function() { - return { - index: 0, - argument: this.initialArgument, - value: this.initialMinValue, - seriesName:, - originalValue: this.originalMinValue, - originalArgument: this.originalArgument, - point: this - } - }, - _updateLabelData: function() { - var maxFormatObject = this._getLabelFormatObject(); - maxFormatObject.index = 1; - this._topLabel.updateData({ - formatObject: maxFormatObject, - initialValue: this.initialValue - }); - this._bottomLabel.updateData({ - formatObject: this._getLabelMinFormatObject(), - initialValue: this.initialMinValue - }) - }, - _updateLabelOptions: function(type) { - var options = this._getLabelOptions(type); - (!this._topLabel || !this._bottomLabel) && this._createLabel(); - this._topLabel.setOptions(options); - this._bottomLabel.setOptions(options) - }, - setAdjustSeriesLabels: function(adjustSeriesLabels) { - this._topLabel.adjustSeriesLabels = adjustSeriesLabels; - this._bottomLabel.adjustSeriesLabels = adjustSeriesLabels - }, - _createLabel: function() { - this._topLabel = viz.core.CoreFactory.createLabel(); - this._bottomLabel = viz.core.CoreFactory.createLabel() - }, - _getLabelCoords: function(location) { - var coords = {}, - isTop = location === "top"; - if (!this._options.rotated) { - coords.x = this.x; - coords.y = isTop ? _min(this.y, this.minY) : _max(this.y, this.minY) - } - else { - coords.x = isTop ? _max(this.x, this.minX) : _min(this.x, this.minX); - coords.y = this.y - } - return coords - }, - _getGraphicBbox: function(location) { - var options = this._options, - rotated = options.rotated, - isTop = location === "top", - images = this._getImage(options.image), - image = isTop ? this._checkImage( : this._checkImage(images.bottom), - bbox, - x, - y; - if (!rotated) { - x = this.x; - y = isTop ? _min(this.y, this.minY) : _max(this.y, this.minY) - } - else { - x = isTop ? _max(this.x, this.minX) : _min(this.x, this.minX); - y = this.y - } - if (options.visible) - bbox = image ? this._getImageBbox(x, y) : this._getSymbolBbox(x, y, options.styles.normal.r); - else - bbox = { - x: x, - y: y, - width: 0, - height: 0 - }; - return bbox - }, - _checkOverlay: function(bottomCoord, topCoord, topValue) { - return bottomCoord < topCoord + topValue - }, - _getOverlayCorrections: function(type, topCoords, bottomCoords) { - var isVertical = type === "vertical", - coordSelector = isVertical ? "y" : "x", - valueSelector = isVertical ? "height" : "width", - visibleArea = this.translators[coordSelector].getCanvasVisibleArea(), - minBound = visibleArea.min, - maxBound = visibleArea.max, - delta = _round((topCoords[coordSelector] + topCoords[valueSelector] - bottomCoords[coordSelector]) / 2), - coord1 = topCoords[coordSelector] - delta, - coord2 = bottomCoords[coordSelector] + delta; - if (coord1 < minBound) { - delta = minBound - topCoords[coordSelector]; - coord1 += delta; - coord2 += delta - } - else if (coord2 + bottomCoords[valueSelector] > maxBound) { - delta = -(bottomCoords[coordSelector] + bottomCoords[valueSelector] - maxBound); - coord1 += delta; - coord2 += delta - } - return { - coord1: coord1, - coord2: coord2 - } - }, - _checkLabelsOverlay: function(topLocation) { - var that = this, - topCoords = that._topLabel.getCoords(), - bottomCoords = that._bottomLabel.getCoords(), - corrections = {}; - if (!that._options.rotated) { - if (topLocation === "top") { - if (this._checkOverlay(bottomCoords.y, topCoords.y, topCoords.height)) { - corrections = this._getOverlayCorrections("vertical", topCoords, bottomCoords); - that._topLabel.updatePosition(undefined, corrections.coord1); - that._bottomLabel.updatePosition(undefined, corrections.coord2) - } - } - else if (this._checkOverlay(topCoords.y, bottomCoords.y, bottomCoords.height)) { - corrections = this._getOverlayCorrections("vertical", bottomCoords, topCoords); - that._topLabel.updatePosition(undefined, corrections.coord2); - that._bottomLabel.updatePosition(undefined, corrections.coord1) - } - } - else if (topLocation === "top") { - if (this._checkOverlay(topCoords.x, bottomCoords.x, bottomCoords.width)) { - corrections = this._getOverlayCorrections("horizontal", bottomCoords, topCoords); - that._topLabel.updatePosition(corrections.coord2); - that._bottomLabel.updatePosition(corrections.coord1) - } - } - else if (this._checkOverlay(bottomCoords.x, topCoords.x, topCoords.width)) { - corrections = this._getOverlayCorrections("horizontal", topCoords, bottomCoords); - that._topLabel.updatePosition(corrections.coord1); - that._bottomLabel.updatePosition(corrections.coord2) - } - }, - _drawLabel: function(renderer, group) { - var topCoords, - bottomCoords, - rotated = this._options.rotated, - topLocation = this._getLabelPosition("top"), - bottomLocation = this._getLabelPosition("bottom"), - isInside = this._options.label.position === "inside", - topPosition = isInside ? bottomLocation : topLocation, - bottomPosition = isInside ? topLocation : bottomLocation, - translators = this.translators, - visibleArea, - customVisibility = this._getCustomLabelVisibility(), - commonVisibility = this._options.series.getLabelVisibility(); - if ((commonVisibility || customVisibility) && this.hasValue()) { - if (translators) - visibleArea = { - minX: translators.x.getCanvasVisibleArea().min, - maxX: translators.x.getCanvasVisibleArea().max, - minY: translators.y.getCanvasVisibleArea().min, - maxY: translators.y.getCanvasVisibleArea().max - }; - this._topLabel.setCoords(this._getLabelCoords(topLocation), this._getGraphicBbox(topLocation), topPosition, visibleArea); - this._bottomLabel.setCoords(this._getLabelCoords(bottomLocation), this._getGraphicBbox(bottomLocation), bottomPosition, visibleArea); - this.visibleTopMarker && this._topLabel.draw(renderer, group, customVisibility); - this.visibleBottomMarker && this._bottomLabel.draw(renderer, group, customVisibility); - this._checkLabelsOverlay(topLocation) - } - else { - this._topLabel.hide(); - this._bottomLabel.hide() - } - }, - _getImage: function(imageOption) { - var image = {}; - if (_isDefined(imageOption)) - if (typeof imageOption === "string") - = image.bottom = imageOption; - else { - = { - url: typeof imageOption.url === "string" ? imageOption.url : imageOption.url && imageOption.url.rangeMaxPoint, - width: typeof imageOption.width === "number" ? imageOption.width : imageOption.width && imageOption.width.rangeMaxPoint, - height: typeof imageOption.height === "number" ? imageOption.height : imageOption.height && imageOption.height.rangeMaxPoint - }; - image.bottom = { - url: typeof imageOption.url === "string" ? imageOption.url : imageOption.url && imageOption.url.rangeMinPoint, - width: typeof imageOption.width === "number" ? imageOption.width : imageOption.width && imageOption.width.rangeMinPoint, - height: typeof imageOption.height === "number" ? imageOption.height : imageOption.height && imageOption.height.rangeMinPoint - } - } - return image - }, - _checkSymbol: function(oldOptions, newOptions) { - var oldSymbol = oldOptions.symbol, - newSymbol = newOptions.symbol, - symbolChanged = oldSymbol === "circle" && newSymbol !== "circle" || oldSymbol !== "circle" && newSymbol === "circle", - oldImages = this._getImage(oldOptions.image), - newImages = this._getImage(newOptions.image), - topImageChanged = this._checkImage( !== this._checkImage(, - bottomImageChanged = this._checkImage(oldImages.bottom) !== this._checkImage(newImages.bottom); - return symbolChanged || topImageChanged || bottomImageChanged - }, - _getSettingsForTwoMarkers: function(style) { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - settings = {}, - x = options.rotated ? _min(that.x, that.minX) : that.x, - y = options.rotated ? that.y : _min(that.y, that.minY), - radius = style.r, - points = that._populatePointShape(options.symbol, radius); - = { - r: radius, - points: points, - attr: _extend({ - translateX: x + that.width, - translateY: y - }, style) - }; - settings.bottom = { - r: radius, - points: points, - attr: _extend({ - translateX: x, - translateY: y + that.height - }, style) - }; - return settings - }, - _hasGraphic: function() { - return this.graphic && this.graphic.topMarker && this.graphic.bottomMarker - }, - _drawOneMarker: function(renderer, markerType, imageSettings, settings) { - if (this.graphic[markerType]) - this._updateOneMarker(markerType, settings); - else - this.graphic[markerType] = this._createMarker(renderer, this.graphic, imageSettings, settings) - }, - _drawMarker: function(renderer, group, animationEnabled, style) { - var that = this, - style = style || that._getStyle(), - settings = that._getSettingsForTwoMarkers(style), - image = that._getImage(that._options.image); - if (that._checkImage( - = that._getImageSettings(,; - if (that._checkImage(image.bottom)) - settings.bottom = that._getImageSettings(settings.bottom, image.bottom); - that.graphic = that.graphic || renderer.createGroup().append(group); - that.visibleTopMarker && that._drawOneMarker(renderer, 'topMarker',,; - that.visibleBottomMarker && that._drawOneMarker(renderer, 'bottomMarker', image.bottom, settings.bottom) - }, - _getSettingsForTracker: function(radius) { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - x = options.rotated ? _min(that.x, that.minX) - radius : that.x - radius, - y = options.rotated ? that.y - radius : _min(that.y, that.minY) - radius, - width = that.width + 2 * radius, - height = that.height + 2 * radius; - return { - translateX: x, - translateY: y, - width: width, - height: height - } - }, - _drawTrackerMarker: function(renderer, group) { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - radius = options.trackerR || that.storeTrackerR(), - settings = that._getSettingsForTracker(radius), - attr = { - translateX: settings.translateX, - translateY: settings.translateY - }; - that.trackerGraphic = renderer.createRect(0, 0, settings.width, settings.height, 0, attr).append(group); -{point: that}) - }, - isInVisibleArea: function() { - var that = this, - minArgument = _min(that.minX, that.x) || that.x, - maxArgument = _max(that.minX, that.x) || that.x, - maxValue = _max(that.minY, that.y) || that.y, - minValue = _min(that.minY, that.y) || that.y, - notVisibleBothMarkersRight, - notVisibleBothMarkersLeft, - notVisibleBothMarkersBottom, - notVisibleBothMarkersTop, - visibleTopMarker = true, - visibleBottomMarker = true, - visibleRangeArea = true, - visibleAreaX, - visibleAreaY; - if (that.translators) { - visibleAreaX = that.translators.x.getCanvasVisibleArea(); - visibleAreaY = that.translators.y.getCanvasVisibleArea(); - notVisibleBothMarkersRight = visibleAreaX.max < minArgument && visibleAreaX.max < maxArgument; - notVisibleBothMarkersLeft = visibleAreaX.min > minArgument && visibleAreaX.min > maxArgument; - notVisibleBothMarkersTop = visibleAreaY.min > minValue && visibleAreaY.min > maxValue; - notVisibleBothMarkersBottom = visibleAreaY.max < minValue && visibleAreaY.max < maxValue; - if (notVisibleBothMarkersTop || notVisibleBothMarkersBottom || notVisibleBothMarkersRight || notVisibleBothMarkersLeft) - visibleTopMarker = visibleBottomMarker = visibleRangeArea = false; - else if (!that._options.rotated) { - visibleTopMarker = visibleAreaY.min < minValue && visibleAreaY.max > minValue; - visibleBottomMarker = visibleAreaY.min < maxValue && visibleAreaY.max > maxValue - } - else { - visibleBottomMarker = visibleAreaX.min < minArgument && visibleAreaX.max > minArgument; - visibleTopMarker = visibleAreaX.min < maxArgument && visibleAreaX.max > maxArgument - } - } - that.visibleTopMarker = visibleTopMarker; - that.visibleBottomMarker = visibleBottomMarker; - that.visibleRangeArea = visibleRangeArea; - return visibleRangeArea - }, - getTooltipCoords: function() { - var that = this, - x, - y, - min, - max, - minValue, - visibleAreaX = that.translators.x.getCanvasVisibleArea(), - visibleAreaY = that.translators.y.getCanvasVisibleArea(); - if (!that._options.rotated) { - minValue = _min(that.y, that.minY); - x = that.x; - min = visibleAreaY.min > minValue ? visibleAreaY.min : minValue; - max = visibleAreaY.max < minValue + that.height ? visibleAreaY.max : minValue + that.height; - y = min + (max - min) / 2 - } - else { - minValue = _min(that.x, that.minX); - y = that.y; - min = visibleAreaX.min > minValue ? visibleAreaX.min : minValue; - max = visibleAreaX.max < minValue + that.width ? visibleAreaX.max : minValue + that.width; - x = min + (max - min) / 2 - } - return { - x: x, - y: y, - offset: 0 - } - }, - _translate: function(translators) { - var symbolMethods = points.symbolPoint; - this.minX = this.minY = translators.y.translate(this.minValue); -, translators); - this.height = this._options.rotated ? 0 : _abs(this.minY - this.y); - this.width = this._options.rotated ? _abs(this.x - this.minX) : 0 - }, - _updateData: function(data) { - if (this.argument !== data.argument || this.value !== data.value || this.minValue !== data.minValue || this.tag !== data.tag) { - this._changeData(data); - this.minValue = this.initialMinValue = this.originalMinValue = data.minValue - } - }, - _getImageSettings: function(settings, image) { - var x = settings.attr.translateX, - y = settings.attr.translateY; - return { - href: image.url || image.toString(), - width: image.width || DEFAULT_IMAGE_WIDTH, - height: image.height || DEFAULT_IMAGE_HEIGHT, - attr: { - translateX: x, - translateY: y - } - } - }, - _updateOneMarker: function(markerType, settings) { - this.graphic && this.graphic[markerType] && this.graphic[markerType].applySettings(_extend({}, settings, settings.attr)) - }, - _updateMarker: function(animationEnabled, style) { - this._drawMarker(undefined, undefined, undefined, style) - }, - _updateTracker: function() { - var radius = this.storeTrackerR(), - settings = this._getSettingsForTracker(radius); - this.trackerGraphic.applySettings(settings) - }, - _getFormatObject: function(tooltip) { - var minValue = tooltip.formatValue(this.initialMinValue), - value = tooltip.formatValue(this.initialValue); - return { - argument: this.initialArgument, - argumentText: tooltip.formatValue(this.initialArgument, "argument"), - valueText: minValue + " - " + value, - rangeValue1Text: minValue, - rangeValue2Text: value, - rangeValue1: this.initialMinValue, - rangeValue2: this.initialValue, - seriesName:, - point: this, - originalMinValue: this.originalMinValue, - originalValue: this.originalValue, - originalArgument: this.originalArgument - } - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file rangeBarPoint.js */ - (function($, DX) { - var viz = DevExpress.viz, - points = viz.core.series.points.mixins, - _isDefined = DX.utils.isDefined, - rangeSymbolPointMethods = points.rangeSymbolPoint, - _extend = $.extend; - points.rangeBarPoint = _extend({}, points.barPoint, { - deleteLabel: rangeSymbolPointMethods.deleteLabel, - _getFormatObject: rangeSymbolPointMethods._getFormatObject, - setAdjustSeriesLabels: rangeSymbolPointMethods.setAdjustSeriesLabels, - clearVisibility: function() { - if (this.graphic && this.graphic.settings.visibility) - this.graphic.applySettings({visibility: null}); - this._topLabel.clearVisibility(); - this._bottomLabel.clearVisibility() - }, - setInvisibility: function() { - if (this.graphic && this.graphic.settings.visibility !== "hidden") - this.graphic.applySettings({visibility: "hidden"}); - this._topLabel.hide(); - this._bottomLabel.hide() - }, - _translate: function(translator) { - var barMethods = points.barPoint; -, translator); - if (this._options.rotated) - this.width = this.width || 1; - else - this.height = this.height || 1 - }, - _updateData: rangeSymbolPointMethods._updateData, - _getLabelPosition: rangeSymbolPointMethods._getLabelPosition, - _getLabelMinFormatObject: rangeSymbolPointMethods._getLabelMinFormatObject, - _updateLabelData: rangeSymbolPointMethods._updateLabelData, - _updateLabelOptions: rangeSymbolPointMethods._updateLabelOptions, - _createLabel: rangeSymbolPointMethods._createLabel, - _checkOverlay: rangeSymbolPointMethods._checkOverlay, - _getOverlayCorrections: rangeSymbolPointMethods._getOverlayCorrections, - _drawLabel: function(renderer, group) { - var topCoords, - bottomCoords, - rotated = this._options.rotated, - topLocation = this._getLabelPosition("top"), - bottomLocation = this._getLabelPosition("bottom"), - bbox = this._getGraphicBbox(), - coords = { - x: this.x, - y: this.y, - defaultX: this.defaultX, - defaultY: this.defaultY - }, - translators = this.translators, - visibleArea, - customVisibility = this._getCustomLabelVisibility(), - commonVisibility = this._options.series.getLabelVisibility(); - if ((customVisibility || commonVisibility) && this.hasValue()) { - if (translators) - visibleArea = { - minX: translators.x.getCanvasVisibleArea().min, - maxX: translators.x.getCanvasVisibleArea().max, - minY: translators.y.getCanvasVisibleArea().min, - maxY: translators.y.getCanvasVisibleArea().max - }; - this._topLabel.setCoords(coords, bbox, topLocation, visibleArea); - this._bottomLabel.setCoords(coords, bbox, bottomLocation, visibleArea); - this._topLabel.draw(renderer, group, customVisibility); - this._bottomLabel.draw(renderer, group, customVisibility); -, topLocation) - } - else { - this._topLabel.hide(); - this._bottomLabel.hide() - } - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file candlestickPoint.js */ - (function($, DX) { - var viz = DevExpress.viz, - points = viz.core.series.points.mixins, - _isNumeric = $.isNumeric, - _extend = $.extend, - _math = Math, - _abs = _math.abs, - _min = _math.min, - _max = _math.max, - _round = _math.round, - DEFAULT_FINANCIAL_TRACKER_MARGIN = 2; - points.candlestickPoint = _extend({}, points.barPoint, { - _getContinuousPoints: function(minValueName, maxValueName) { - var that = this, - x = that.x, - createPoint = that._options.rotated ? function(x, y) { - return { - x: y, - y: x - } - } : function(x, y) { - return { - x: x, - y: y - } - }, - width = that.width, - min = that[minValueName], - max = that[maxValueName], - points; - if (min === max) - points = [createPoint(x, that.highY), createPoint(x, that.lowY), createPoint(x, that.closeY), createPoint(x - width / 2, that.closeY), createPoint(x + width / 2, that.closeY), createPoint(x, that.closeY)]; - else - points = [createPoint(x, that.highY), createPoint(x, max), createPoint(x + width / 2, max), createPoint(x + width / 2, min), createPoint(x, min), createPoint(x, that.lowY), createPoint(x, min), createPoint(x - width / 2, min), createPoint(x - width / 2, max), createPoint(x, max)]; - return points - }, - _getCategoryPoints: function(y) { - var that = this, - x = that.x, - createPoint = that._options.rotated ? function(x, y) { - return { - x: y, - y: x - } - } : function(x, y) { - return { - x: x, - y: y - } - }; - return [createPoint(x, that.highY), createPoint(x, that.lowY), createPoint(x, y), createPoint(x - that.width / 2, y), createPoint(x + that.width / 2, y), createPoint(x, y)] - }, - _getPoints: function() { - var that = this, - points, - minValueName, - maxValueName, - openValue = that.openValue, - closeValue = that.closeValue; - if (_isNumeric(openValue) && _isNumeric(closeValue)) { - minValueName = openValue > closeValue ? "closeY" : "openY"; - maxValueName = openValue > closeValue ? "openY" : "closeY"; - points = that._getContinuousPoints(minValueName, maxValueName) - } - else if (openValue === closeValue) - points = [{ - x: that.x, - y: that.highY - }, { - x: that.x, - y: that.lowY - }]; - else - points = that._getCategoryPoints(_isNumeric(openValue) ? that.openY : that.closeY); - return points - }, - getColor: function() { - return this._isReduction ? this._options.reduction.color : this._styles.normal.stroke || this.series.getColor() - }, - _drawMarkerInGroup: function(group, attributes, renderer) { - this.graphic = renderer.createArea(this._getPoints(), attributes).append(group) - }, - _fillStyle: function() { - var styles = this._options.styles; - if (this._isReduction && this._isPositive) - this._styles = styles.reductionPositive; - else if (this._isReduction) - this._styles = styles.reduction; - else if (this._isPositive) - this._styles = styles.positive; - else - this._styles = styles - }, - _getMinTrackerWidth: function() { - return 1 + 2 * this._styles.normal.strokeWidth - }, - correctCoordinates: function(correctOptions) { - var minWidth = this._getMinTrackerWidth(), - maxWidth = 10; - this.width = correctOptions.width < minWidth ? minWidth : correctOptions.width > maxWidth ? maxWidth : correctOptions.width; - this.xCorrection = correctOptions.offset - }, - _getMarkerGroup: function(group) { - var markerGroup; - if (this._isReduction && this._isPositive) - markerGroup = group.reductionPositiveMarkersGroup; - else if (this._isReduction) - markerGroup = group.reductionMarkersGroup; - else if (this._isPositive) - markerGroup = group.defaultPositiveMarkersGroup; - else - markerGroup = group.defaultMarkersGroup; - return markerGroup - }, - _drawMarker: function(renderer, group) { - var attributes = this._getStyle(), - rotated = this._options.rotated, - pointGroup = this._getMarkerGroup(group); - this._drawMarkerInGroup(pointGroup, attributes, renderer) - }, - _getSettingsForTracker: function() { - var that = this, - highY = that.highY, - lowY = that.lowY, - rotated = that._options.rotated, - x, - y, - width, - height; - if (highY === lowY) { - highY = rotated ? highY + DEFAULT_FINANCIAL_TRACKER_MARGIN : highY - DEFAULT_FINANCIAL_TRACKER_MARGIN; - lowY = rotated ? lowY - DEFAULT_FINANCIAL_TRACKER_MARGIN : lowY + DEFAULT_FINANCIAL_TRACKER_MARGIN - } - if (rotated) { - x = _min(lowY, highY); - y = that.x - that.width / 2; - width = _abs(lowY - highY); - height = that.width - } - else { - x = that.x - that.width / 2; - y = _min(lowY, highY); - width = that.width; - height = _abs(lowY - highY) - } - return { - x: x, - y: y, - width: width, - height: height - } - }, - _drawTrackerMarker: function(renderer, group) { - var settings = this._getSettingsForTracker(); - this.trackerGraphic = renderer.createRect(settings.x, settings.y, settings.width, settings.height, 0).append(group); -{point: this}) - }, - _getGraphicBbox: function() { - var bbox = {}, - rotated = this._options.rotated; - bbox.x = !rotated ? this.x - _round(this.width / 2) : this.lowY; - bbox.y = !rotated ? this.highY : this.x - _round(this.width / 2); - bbox.width = !rotated ? this.width : this.highY - this.lowY; - bbox.height = !rotated ? this.lowY - this.highY : this.width; - return bbox - }, - _drawLabel: function(renderer, group) { - var coords, - commonVisibility = this._options.series.getLabelVisibility(), - customVisibility = this._getCustomLabelVisibility(), - visibleArea, - reductionColor = this._options.reduction.color, - translators = this.translators; - if (this.hasValue() && (commonVisibility || customVisibility)) { - visibleArea = { - minX: translators.x.getCanvasVisibleArea().min, - maxX: translators.x.getCanvasVisibleArea().max, - minY: translators.y.getCanvasVisibleArea().min, - maxY: translators.y.getCanvasVisibleArea().max - }; - if (this._isReduction) - this._label.updateOptions({options: { - background: {fill: reductionColor}, - connector: {stroke: reductionColor} - }}); - coords = this._options.rotated ? { - x: this.highY, - y: this.x - } : { - x: this.x, - y: this.highY - }; - this._label.setCoords(coords, this._getGraphicBbox(), "top", visibleArea); - this._label.draw(renderer, group, customVisibility) - } - }, - getTooltipCoords: function() { - var that = this; - if (that.graphic) { - var x, - y, - min, - max, - minValue = _min(that.lowY, that.highY), - maxValue = _max(that.lowY, that.highY), - visibleAreaX = that.translators.x.getCanvasVisibleArea(), - visibleAreaY = that.translators.y.getCanvasVisibleArea(); - if (!that._options.rotated) { - min = _max(visibleAreaY.min, minValue); - max = _min(visibleAreaY.max, maxValue); - x = that.x; - y = min + (max - min) / 2 - } - else { - min = _max(visibleAreaX.min, minValue); - max = _min(visibleAreaX.max, maxValue); - y = that.x; - x = min + (max - min) / 2 - } - return { - x: x, - y: y, - offset: 0 - } - } - }, - hasValue: function() { - return this.highValue !== null && this.lowValue !== null - }, - _translate: function(translator) { - var that = this, - rotated = that._options.rotated, - argTranslator = rotated ? that.translators.y : that.translators.x, - valTranslator = rotated ? that.translators.x : that.translators.y, - centerValue, - height; - that.x = argTranslator.translate(that.argument) + (that.xCorrection || 0); - that.openY = that.openValue !== null ? valTranslator.translate(that.openValue) : null; - that.highY = valTranslator.translate(that.highValue); - that.lowY = valTranslator.translate(that.lowValue); - that.closeY = that.closeValue !== null ? valTranslator.translate(that.closeValue) : null; - height = _abs(that.lowY - that.highY); - centerValue = _min(that.lowY, that.highY) + _abs(that.lowY - that.highY) / 2; - that._calculateVisibility(!rotated ? that.x : centerValue, !rotated ? centerValue : that.x) - }, - _updateData: function(data) { - var that = this; - if (that.argument !== data.argument || that.reductionValue !== data.reductionValue || that.highValue !== data.highValue || that.lowValue !== data.lowValue || that.openValue !== data.openValue || that.closeValue !== data.closeValue || that.tag !== data.tag) { - that.value = that.initialValue = data.reductionValue; - that.originalValue = data.value; - that.argument = that.initialArgument = data.argument; - that.originalArgument = data.argument; - that.lowValue = data.lowValue; - that.originalLowValue = data.lowValue; - that.highValue = data.highValue; - that.originalHighValue = data.highValue; - that.openValue = data.openValue; - that.originalOpenValue = data.openValue; - that.closeValue = data.closeValue; - that.originalCloseValue = data.closeValue; - that.tag = data.tag; - that.pointClassName = data.pointClassName; - that._isPositive = data.openValue < data.closeValue; - that._isReduction = data.isReduction - } - }, - _updateMarker: function(animationEnabled, style, group) { - var style = style || this._getStyle(); - this.graphic.applySettings(_extend({points: this._getPoints()}, style)); - group && this.graphic.append(this._getMarkerGroup(group)) - }, - _updateTracker: function() { - this.trackerGraphic.applySettings(this._getSettingsForTracker()) - }, - _getLabelFormatObject: function() { - return { - openValue: this.openValue, - highValue: this.highValue, - lowValue: this.lowValue, - closeValue: this.closeValue, - reductionValue: this.initialValue, - argument: this.initialArgument, - value: this.initialValue, - seriesName:, - originalOpenValue: this.originalOpenValue, - originalCloseValue: this.originalCloseValue, - originalLowValue: this.originalLowValue, - originalHighValue: this.originalHighValue, - originalArgument: this.originalArgument, - point: this - } - }, - _getFormatObject: function(tooltip) { - var highValue = tooltip.formatValue(this.highValue), - openValue = tooltip.formatValue(this.openValue), - closeValue = tooltip.formatValue(this.closeValue), - lowValue = tooltip.formatValue(this.lowValue), - symbolMethods = points.symbolPoint, - formatObject =, tooltip); - return _extend({}, formatObject, { - valueText: "h: " + highValue + (openValue !== "" ? " o: " + openValue : "") + (closeValue !== "" ? " c: " + closeValue : "") + " l: " + lowValue, - highValueText: highValue, - openValueText: openValue, - closeValueText: closeValue, - lowValueText: lowValue - }) - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file stockPoint.js */ - (function($, DX) { - var viz = DevExpress.viz, - points = viz.core.series.points.mixins, - _extend = $.extend, - _isNumeric = $.isNumeric; - points.stockPoint = _extend({}, points.candlestickPoint, { - _getPoints: function() { - var that = this, - createPoint = that._options.rotated ? function(x, y) { - return { - x: y, - y: x - } - } : function(x, y) { - return { - x: x, - y: y - } - }, - openYExist = _isNumeric(that.openY), - closeYExist = _isNumeric(that.closeY), - x = that.x, - width = that.width, - points = [createPoint(x, that.highY), openYExist && createPoint(x, that.openY), openYExist && createPoint(x - width / 2, that.openY), openYExist && createPoint(x, that.openY), closeYExist && createPoint(x, that.closeY), closeYExist && createPoint(x + width / 2, that.closeY), closeYExist && createPoint(x, that.closeY), createPoint(x, that.lowY)]; - return points - }, - _drawMarkerInGroup: function(group, attributes, renderer) { - this.graphic = renderer.createPath(this._getPoints(), attributes).append(group) - }, - _getMinTrackerWidth: function() { - return 2 + this._styles.normal.strokeWidth - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file default.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - DX.viz.themes = DX.viz.themes || []; - var fontFamilyDefault = "'Segoe UI', 'Helvetica Neue', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana", - fontFamilyLight = "'Segoe UI Light', 'Helvetica Neue Light', 'Segoe UI', 'Helvetica Neue', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana", - baseChartTheme = { - containerBackgroundColor: '#ffffff', - animation: { - enabled: true, - duration: 1000, - easing: 'easeOutCubic', - maxPointCountSupported: 300 - }, - commonSeriesSettings: { - border: { - visible: false, - width: 2 - }, - showInLegend: true, - visible: true, - hoverMode: 'excludePoints', - selectionMode: 'includePoints', - hoverStyle: { - hatching: { - direction: 'right', - width: 2, - step: 6, - opacity: 0.75 - }, - border: { - visible: false, - width: 3 - } - }, - selectionStyle: { - hatching: { - direction: 'right', - width: 2, - step: 6, - opacity: 0.5 - }, - border: { - visible: false, - width: 3 - } - }, - label: { - visible: false, - alignment: 'center', - rotationAngle: 0, - horizontalOffset: 0, - verticalOffset: 0, - radialOffset: 0, - format: '', - argumentFormat: '', - precision: 0, - argumentPrecision: 0, - percentPrecision: 0, - showForZeroValues: true, - customizeText: undefined, - maxLabelCount: undefined, - position: 'outside', - font: {color: '#ffffff'}, - border: { - visible: false, - width: 1, - color: '#d3d3d3', - dashStyle: 'solid' - }, - connector: { - visible: false, - width: 1 - } - } - }, - redrawOnResize: true, - margin: { - left: 0, - top: 0, - right: 0, - bottom: 0 - }, - seriesSelectionMode: 'single', - pointSelectionMode: 'single', - legend: { - hoverMode: 'includePoints', - verticalAlignment: 'top', - horizontalAlignment: 'right', - position: 'outside', - visible: true, - customizeText: undefined, - itemTextPosition: undefined, - margin: 10, - equalColumnWidth: false, - markerSize: 12, - backgroundColor: undefined, - backgroundOpacity: undefined, - border: { - visible: false, - width: 1, - color: '#d3d3d3', - cornerRadius: 0, - dashStyle: 'solid' - }, - paddingLeftRight: 20, - paddingTopBottom: 15, - columnCount: 0, - rowCount: 0, - columnItemSpacing: 20, - rowItemSpacing: 8 - }, - tooltip: { - enabled: false, - border: { - width: 1, - color: '#d3d3d3', - dashStyle: 'solid', - visible: true - }, - font: { - family: fontFamilyDefault, - weight: 400, - size: 12, - color: '#232323' - }, - color: '#ffffff', - arrowLength: 10, - paddingLeftRight: 18, - paddingTopBottom: 15, - shared: false, - format: '', - argumentFormat: '', - precision: 0, - argumentPrecision: 0, - percentPrecision: 0, - customizeText: undefined, - customizeTooltip: undefined, - shadow: { - opacity: 0.4, - offsetX: 0, - offsetY: 4, - blur: 2, - color: '#000000' - } - }, - size: { - width: undefined, - height: undefined - }, - loadingIndicator: { - font: {}, - backgroundColor: '#ffffff', - text: 'Loading...' - }, - dataPrepareSettings: { - checkTypeForAllData: false, - convertToAxisDataType: true, - sortingMethod: true - }, - title: { - font: { - family: fontFamilyLight, - weight: 200, - color: '#232323', - size: 28 - }, - margin: 10 - }, - adaptiveLayout: { - width: 80, - height: 80, - keepLabels: true - }, - _rtl: {legend: {itemTextPosition: 'left'}} - }, - baseDarkChartTheme = { - containerBackgroundColor: '#2b2b2b', - commonSeriesSettings: {label: {border: {color: '#494949'}}}, - legend: {border: {color: '#494949'}}, - loadingIndicator: {backgroundColor: '#2b2b2b'}, - title: {font: {color: '#929292'}}, - tooltip: { - color: '#2b2b2b', - border: {color: '#494949'}, - font: {color: '#929292'} - } - }; - DX.viz.themes.push({ - name: 'desktop', - font: { - color: '#767676', - family: fontFamilyDefault, - weight: 400, - size: 12, - cursor: 'default' - }, - chart: $.extend(true, {}, baseChartTheme, { - commonSeriesSettings: { - type: 'line', - stack: 'default', - point: { - visible: true, - symbol: 'circle', - size: 12, - border: { - visible: false, - width: 1 - }, - hoverMode: 'onlyPoint', - selectionMode: 'onlyPoint', - hoverStyle: { - border: { - visible: true, - width: 4 - }, - size: 12 - }, - selectionStyle: { - border: { - visible: true, - width: 4 - }, - size: 12 - } - }, - scatter: {}, - line: { - width: 2, - dashStyle: 'solid', - hoverStyle: { - width: 3, - hatching: {direction: 'none'} - }, - selectionStyle: {width: 3} - }, - stackedline: { - width: 2, - dashStyle: 'solid', - hoverStyle: { - width: 3, - hatching: {direction: 'none'} - }, - selectionStyle: {width: 3} - }, - fullstackedline: { - width: 2, - dashStyle: 'solid', - hoverStyle: { - width: 3, - hatching: {direction: 'none'} - }, - selectionStyle: {width: 3} - }, - stepline: { - width: 2, - dashStyle: 'solid', - hoverStyle: { - width: 3, - hatching: {direction: 'none'} - }, - selectionStyle: {width: 3} - }, - area: { - point: {visible: false}, - opacity: 0.5 - }, - stackedarea: { - point: {visible: false}, - opacity: 0.5 - }, - fullstackedarea: { - point: {visible: false}, - opacity: 0.5 - }, - steparea: { - border: { - visible: true, - width: 2 - }, - point: {visible: false}, - hoverStyle: {border: { - visible: true, - width: 3 - }}, - selectionStyle: {border: { - visible: true, - width: 3 - }}, - opacity: 0.5 - }, - spline: { - width: 2, - hoverStyle: { - width: 3, - hatching: {direction: 'none'} - }, - selectionStyle: {width: 3} - }, - splinearea: { - point: {visible: false}, - opacity: 0.5 - }, - bar: { - cornerRadius: 0, - point: { - hoverStyle: {border: {visible: false}}, - selectionStyle: {border: {visible: false}} - } - }, - stackedbar: { - cornerRadius: 0, - point: { - hoverStyle: {border: {visible: false}}, - selectionStyle: {border: {visible: false}} - }, - label: {position: "inside"} - }, - fullstackedbar: { - cornerRadius: 0, - point: { - hoverStyle: {border: {visible: false}}, - selectionStyle: {border: {visible: false}} - }, - label: {position: "inside"} - }, - rangebar: { - cornerRadius: 0, - point: { - hoverStyle: {border: {visible: false}}, - selectionStyle: {border: {visible: false}} - } - }, - rangearea: { - point: {visible: false}, - opacity: 0.5 - }, - rangesplinearea: { - point: {visible: false}, - opacity: 0.5 - }, - bubble: { - opacity: 0.5, - point: { - hoverStyle: {border: {visible: false}}, - selectionStyle: {border: {visible: false}} - } - }, - candlestick: { - width: 1, - innerColor: '#ffffff', - reduction: {color: '#ff0000'}, - hoverStyle: { - width: 3, - hatching: {direction: 'none'} - }, - selectionStyle: {width: 3}, - point: {border: {visible: true}} - }, - stock: { - width: 1, - reduction: {color: '#ff0000'}, - hoverStyle: { - width: 3, - hatching: {direction: 'none'} - }, - selectionStyle: {width: 3}, - point: {border: {visible: true}} - } - }, - crosshair: { - enabled: false, - color: '#c6c6c6', - width: 1, - dashStyle: 'solid', - verticalLine: {visible: true}, - horizontalLine: {visible: true} - }, - commonAxisSettings: { - tickInterval: undefined, - setTicksAtUnitBeginning: true, - valueMarginsEnabled: true, - placeholderSize: null, - logarithmBase: 10, - discreteAxisDivisionMode: 'betweenLabels', - visible: false, - color: '#d3d3d3', - width: 1, - multipleAxesSpacing: 5, - label: { - visible: true, - overlappingBehavior: { - mode: 'auto', - rotationAngle: 90, - staggeringSpacing: 5 - }, - precision: 0, - format: '', - customizeText: undefined, - indentFromAxis: 10 - }, - grid: { - visible: false, - color: '#d3d3d3', - width: 1 - }, - tick: { - visible: false, - color: '#d3d3d3' - }, - title: { - font: {size: 16}, - margin: 10 - }, - stripStyle: { - paddingLeftRight: 10, - paddingTopBottom: 5 - }, - constantLineStyle: { - paddingLeftRight: 10, - paddingTopBottom: 10, - width: 1, - color: '#000000', - dashStyle: 'solid', - label: { - visible: true, - position: 'inside' - } - } - }, - horizontalAxis: { - isHorizontal: true, - position: 'bottom', - axisDivisionFactor: 50, - label: {alignment: "center"}, - stripStyle: {label: { - horizontalAlignment: 'center', - verticalAlignment: 'top' - }}, - constantLineStyle: {label: { - horizontalAlignment: 'right', - verticalAlignment: 'top' - }}, - constantLines: {} - }, - verticalAxis: { - isHorizontal: false, - position: 'left', - axisDivisionFactor: 30, - label: { - alignment: 'right', - overlappingBehavior: {mode: 'enlargeTickInterval'} - }, - stripStyle: {label: { - horizontalAlignment: 'left', - verticalAlignment: 'center' - }}, - constantLineStyle: {label: { - horizontalAlignment: 'left', - verticalAlignment: 'top' - }}, - constantLines: {} - }, - argumentAxis: {}, - valueAxis: {grid: {visible: true}}, - commonPaneSettings: { - backgroundColor: 'none', - border: { - color: '#d3d3d3', - width: 1, - visible: false, - top: true, - bottom: true, - left: true, - right: true, - dashStyle: 'solid' - } - }, - useAggregation: false, - adjustOnZoom: true, - rotated: false, - synchronizeMultiAxes: true, - equalBarWidth: true, - minBubbleSize: 12, - maxBubbleSize: 0.2 - }), - pie: $.extend(true, {}, baseChartTheme, { - commonSeriesSettings: { - type: 'pie', - pie: { - border: { - visible: false, - width: 2, - color: '#ffffff' - }, - hoverStyle: { - hatching: { - direction: 'right', - width: 4, - step: 10, - opacity: 0.75 - }, - border: { - visible: false, - width: 2 - } - }, - selectionStyle: { - hatching: { - direction: 'right', - width: 4, - step: 10, - opacity: 0.5 - }, - border: { - visible: false, - width: 2 - } - } - }, - doughnut: { - innerRadius: 0.5, - border: { - visible: false, - width: 2, - color: '#ffffff' - }, - hoverStyle: { - hatching: { - direction: 'right', - width: 4, - step: 10, - opacity: 0.75 - }, - border: { - visible: false, - width: 2 - } - }, - selectionStyle: { - hatching: { - direction: 'right', - width: 4, - step: 10, - opacity: 0.5 - }, - border: { - visible: false, - width: 2 - } - } - }, - donut: { - innerRadius: 0.5, - border: { - visible: false, - width: 2, - color: '#ffffff' - }, - hoverStyle: { - hatching: { - direction: 'right', - width: 4, - step: 10, - opacity: 0.75 - }, - border: { - visible: false, - width: 2 - } - }, - selectionStyle: { - hatching: { - direction: 'right', - width: 4, - step: 10, - opacity: 0.5 - }, - border: { - visible: false, - width: 2 - } - } - } - }, - legend: {hoverMode: 'markPoint'}, - adaptiveLayout: {keepLabels: false} - }), - pieIE8: {commonSeriesSettings: { - pie: { - hoverStyle: {border: { - visible: true, - color: '#ffffff' - }}, - selectionStyle: {border: { - visible: true, - color: '#ffffff' - }} - }, - donut: { - hoverStyle: {border: { - visible: true, - color: '#ffffff' - }}, - selectionStyle: {border: { - visible: true, - color: '#ffffff' - }} - }, - doughnut: { - hoverStyle: {border: { - visible: true, - color: '#ffffff' - }}, - selectionStyle: {border: { - visible: true, - color: '#ffffff' - }} - } - }}, - gauge: { - containerBackgroundColor: '#ffffff', - scale: { - majorTick: { - visible: true, - length: 5, - width: 2, - showCalculatedTicks: true, - useTicksAutoArrangement: true, - color: '#ffffff' - }, - minorTick: { - visible: false, - length: 3, - width: 1, - showCalculatedTicks: true, - color: '#ffffff' - }, - label: { - visible: true, - font: {} - } - }, - rangeContainer: { - offset: 0, - width: 5, - backgroundColor: '#808080' - }, - valueIndicator: { - _default: {color: '#c2c2c2'}, - rangebar: { - space: 2, - size: 10, - color: '#cbc5cf', - backgroundColor: 'none', - text: { - indent: 0, - font: { - size: 14, - color: null - } - } - }, - twocolorneedle: {secondColor: '#e18e92'}, - twocolorrectangle: {secondColor: '#e18e92'} - }, - subvalueIndicator: { - _default: {color: '#8798a5'}, - trianglemarker: { - space: 2, - length: 14, - width: 13, - color: '#8798a5' - }, - triangle: { - space: 2, - length: 14, - width: 13, - color: '#8798a5' - }, - textcloud: { - arrowLength: 5, - horizontalOffset: 6, - verticalOffset: 3, - color: '#679ec5', - text: {font: { - color: '#ffffff', - size: 18 - }} - } - }, - valueIndicators: { - _default: {color: '#c2c2c2'}, - rangebar: { - space: 2, - size: 10, - color: '#cbc5cf', - backgroundColor: 'none', - text: { - indent: 0, - font: { - size: 14, - color: null - } - } - }, - twocolorneedle: {secondColor: '#e18e92'}, - trianglemarker: { - space: 2, - length: 14, - width: 13, - color: '#8798a5' - }, - textcloud: { - arrowLength: 5, - horizontalOffset: 6, - verticalOffset: 3, - color: '#679ec5', - text: {font: { - color: '#ffffff', - size: 18 - }} - } - }, - title: { - layout: { - horizontalAlignment: 'center', - verticalAlignment: 'top', - overlay: 0 - }, - font: { - size: 16, - color: '#232323', - family: fontFamilyDefault, - weight: 400 - } - }, - subtitle: {font: { - size: 14, - color: '#232323', - family: fontFamilyDefault, - weight: 400 - }}, - indicator: { - hasPositiveMeaning: true, - layout: { - horizontalAlignment: 'center', - verticalAlignment: 'bottom', - overlay: 0 - }, - text: {font: {size: 18}} - }, - tooltip: { - arrowLength: 10, - paddingLeftRight: 18, - paddingTopBottom: 15, - enabled: false, - border: { - width: 1, - color: '#d3d3d3', - dashStyle: 'solid', - visible: true - }, - color: '#ffffff', - font: { - color: '#232323', - size: 12, - family: fontFamilyDefault, - weight: 400 - }, - 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Module viz-core, file android.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var baseChartTheme = { - containerBackgroundColor: '#050506', - title: {font: {color: '#ffffff'}}, - commonSeriesSettings: {label: {border: {color: '#4c4c4c'}}}, - legend: { - font: { - color: '#ffffff', - size: 11 - }, - border: {color: '#4c4c4c'} - }, - loadingIndicator: {backgroundColor: '#050506'}, - tooltip: { - color: '#050506', - border: {color: '#4c4c4c'}, - font: {color: '#ffffff'} - } - }, - baseLightChartTheme = { - containerBackgroundColor: '#e8e8e8', - title: {font: {color: '#808080'}}, - legend: {font: { - color: '#000000', - size: 11 - }}, - loadingIndicator: {backgroundColor: '#e8e8e8'}, - tooltip: { - color: '#e8e8e8', - font: {color: '#808080'} - } - }; - DX.viz.core.registerTheme({ - name: 'android', - chart: $.extend(true, {}, baseChartTheme, { - commonSeriesSettings: {candlestick: {innerColor: '#050506'}}, - commonAxisSettings: { - color: '#4c4c4c', - grid: {color: '#4c4c4c'}, - tick: {color: '#4c4c4c'}, - title: {font: {color: '#545455'}}, - label: {font: { - color: '#ffffff', - size: 11 - }} - }, - commonPaneSettings: {border: {color: '#4c4c4c'}} - }), - pie: $.extend(true, {}, baseChartTheme), - pieIE8: {commonSeriesSettings: { - pie: { - hoverStyle: {border: {color: '#050506'}}, - selectionStyle: {border: {color: '#050506'}} - }, - donut: { - hoverStyle: {border: {color: '#050506'}}, - selectionStyle: {border: {color: '#050506'}} - }, - doughnut: { - hoverStyle: {border: {color: '#050506'}}, - selectionStyle: {border: {color: '#050506'}} - } - }}, - gauge: { - containerBackgroundColor: '#050506', - title: {font: {color: '#ffffff'}}, - subtitle: {font: {color: '#ffffff'}}, - loadingIndicator: {backgroundColor: '#050506'}, - tooltip: { - color: '#050506', - border: {color: '#4c4c4c'}, - font: {color: '#ffffff'} - } - }, - barGauge: { - title: {font: {color: '#ffffff'}}, - subtitle: {font: {color: '#ffffff'}}, - tooltip: { - color: '#050506', - border: {color: '#4c4c4c'}, - font: {color: '#ffffff'} - }, - loadingIndicator: {backgroundColor: '#050506'} - }, - rangeSelector: { - containerBackgroundColor: '#050506', - loadingIndicator: {backgroundColor: '#050506'} - }, - map: { - loadingIndicator: {backgroundColor: '#050506'}, - tooltip: { - color: '#050506', - border: {color: '#4c4c4c'}, - font: {color: '#ffffff'} - } - }, - sparkline: {tooltip: { - color: '#050506', - border: {color: '#4c4c4c'}, - font: {color: '#ffffff'} - }}, - bullet: {tooltip: { - color: '#050506', - border: {color: '#4c4c4c'}, - font: {color: '#ffffff'} - }} - }, 'desktop-dark'); - DX.viz.core.registerTheme({ - name: 'android-holo-light', - chart: $.extend(true, {}, baseLightChartTheme, { - commonSeriesSettings: {candlestick: {innerColor: '#e8e8e8'}}, - commonAxisSettings: { - title: {font: {color: '#939393'}}, - label: {font: { - color: '#404040', - size: 11 - }} - } - }), - pie: $.extend(true, {}, baseLightChartTheme), - pieIE8: {commonSeriesSettings: { - pie: { - hoverStyle: {border: {color: '#e8e8e8'}}, - selectionStyle: {border: {color: '#e8e8e8'}} - }, - donut: { - hoverStyle: {border: {color: '#e8e8e8'}}, - selectionStyle: {border: {color: '#e8e8e8'}} - }, - doughnut: { - hoverStyle: {border: {color: '#e8e8e8'}}, - selectionStyle: {border: {color: '#e8e8e8'}} - } - }}, - gauge: { - containerBackgroundColor: '#e8e8e8', - title: {font: {color: '#808080'}}, - subtitle: {font: {color: '#808080'}}, - loadingIndicator: {backgroundColor: '#e8e8e8'}, - tooltip: { - color: '#e8e8e8', - font: {color: '#808080'} - } - }, - barGauge: { - title: {font: {color: '#808080'}}, - subtitle: {font: {color: '#808080'}}, - tooltip: { - color: '#e8e8e8', - font: {color: '#808080'} - }, - loadingIndicator: {backgroundColor: '#e8e8e8'} - }, - rangeSelector: { - containerBackgroundColor: '#e8e8e8', - loadingIndicator: {backgroundColor: '#e8e8e8'} - }, - map: { - loadingIndicator: {backgroundColor: '#e8e8e8'}, - tooltip: { - color: '#e8e8e8', - font: {color: '#808080'} - } - }, - sparkline: {tooltip: { - color: '#e8e8e8', - font: {color: '#808080'} - }}, - bullet: {tooltip: { - color: '#e8e8e8', - font: {color: '#808080'} - }} - }, 'desktop') - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file ios.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var baseChartTheme = { - containerBackgroundColor: '#cbd0da', - title: {font: {color: '#808080'}}, - commonSeriesSettings: {label: {border: {color: '#b0b3ba'}}}, - legend: { - font: { - color: '#000000', - size: 11 - }, - border: {color: '#b0b3ba'} - }, - loadingIndicator: {backgroundColor: '#cbd0da'}, - tooltip: {font: {color: '#808080'}} - }, - baseIos7ChartTheme = { - containerBackgroundColor: '#ffffff', - title: {font: {color: '#808080'}}, - commonSeriesSettings: {label: {border: {color: '#d3d3d3'}}}, - legend: { - font: { - color: '#000000', - size: 11 - }, - border: {color: '#d3d3d3'} - }, - loadingIndicator: {backgroundColor: '#ffffff'}, - tooltip: {font: {color: '#808080'}} - }; - DX.viz.core.registerTheme({ - name: 'ios', - chart: $.extend(true, {}, baseChartTheme, { - commonSeriesSettings: {candlestick: {innerColor: '#cbd0da'}}, - commonAxisSettings: { - color: '#b0b3ba', - grid: {color: '#b0b3ba'}, - tick: {color: '#b0b3ba'}, - title: {font: {color: '#939393'}}, - label: {font: { - color: '#000000', - size: 11 - }} - }, - commonPaneSettings: {border: {color: '#b0b3ba'}} - }), - pie: $.extend(true, {}, baseChartTheme), - pieIE8: {commonSeriesSettings: { - pie: { - hoverStyle: {border: {color: '#cbd0da'}}, - selectionStyle: {border: {color: '#cbd0da'}} - }, - donut: { - hoverStyle: {border: {color: '#cbd0da'}}, - selectionStyle: {border: {color: '#cbd0da'}} - }, - doughnut: { - hoverStyle: {border: {color: '#cbd0da'}}, - selectionStyle: {border: {color: '#cbd0da'}} - } - }}, - gauge: { - title: {font: {color: '#808080'}}, - subtitle: {font: {color: '#808080'}}, - tooltip: {font: {color: '#808080'}} - }, - barGauge: { - title: {font: {color: '#808080'}}, - subtitle: {font: {color: '#808080'}}, - tooltip: {font: {color: '#808080'}} - }, - map: {tooltip: {font: {color: '#808080'}}}, - sparkline: {tooltip: {font: {color: '#808080'}}}, - bullet: {tooltip: {font: {color: '#808080'}}} - }, 'desktop'); - DX.viz.core.registerTheme({ - name: 'ios:7', - chart: $.extend(true, {}, baseIos7ChartTheme, { - commonAxisSettings: { - color: '#d3d3d3', - grid: {color: '#d3d3d3'}, - tick: {color: '#d3d3d3'}, - title: {font: {color: '#939393'}}, - label: {font: { - color: '#000000', - size: 11 - }} - }, - commonPaneSettings: {border: {color: '#d3d3d3'}} - }), - pie: $.extend(true, {}, baseIos7ChartTheme), - gauge: { - title: {font: {color: '#808080'}}, - subtitle: {font: {color: '#808080'}}, - tooltip: {font: {color: '#808080'}} - }, - barGauge: { - title: {font: {color: '#808080'}}, - subtitle: {font: {color: '#808080'}}, - tooltip: {font: {color: '#808080'}} - }, - map: {tooltip: {font: {color: '#808080'}}}, - sparkline: {tooltip: {font: {color: '#808080'}}}, - bullet: {tooltip: {font: {color: '#808080'}}} - }, 'desktop') - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file win8.js */ - (function($, DX) { - var baseChartTheme = { - containerBackgroundColor: '#000000', - title: {font: {color: '#ffffff'}}, - commonSeriesSettings: {label: {border: {color: '#454545'}}}, - legend: { - font: { - color: '#ffffff', - size: 11 - }, - border: {color: '#454545'} - }, - loadingIndicator: {backgroundColor: '#000000'}, - tooltip: { - color: '#000000', - font: {color: '#ffffff'} - } - }, - baseWhiteChartTheme = { - title: {font: {color: '#808080'}}, - legend: {font: { - color: '#000000', - size: 11 - }}, - tooltip: {font: {color: '#808080'}} - }; - DX.viz.core.registerTheme({ - name: 'win8', - chart: $.extend(true, {}, baseChartTheme, { - commonSeriesSettings: {candlestick: {innerColor: '#000000'}}, - commonAxisSettings: { - color: '#454545', - grid: {color: '#454545'}, - tick: {color: '#454545'}, - title: {font: {color: '#535353'}}, - label: {font: { - color: '#ffffff', - size: 11 - }} - }, - commonPaneSettings: {border: {color: '#454545'}} - }), - pie: $.extend(true, {}, baseChartTheme), - pieIE8: {commonSeriesSettings: { - pie: { - hoverStyle: {border: {color: '#000000'}}, - selectionStyle: {border: {color: '#000000'}} - }, - donut: { - hoverStyle: {border: {color: '#000000'}}, - selectionStyle: {border: {color: '#000000'}} - }, - doughnut: { - hoverStyle: {border: {color: '#000000'}}, - selectionStyle: {border: {color: '#000000'}} - } - }}, - gauge: { - containerBackgroundColor: '#000000', - title: {font: {color: '#ffffff'}}, - subtitle: {font: {color: '#ffffff'}}, - loadingIndicator: {backgroundColor: '#000000'}, - tooltip: { - color: '#000000', - font: {color: '#ffffff'} - } - }, - barGauge: { - title: {font: {color: '#ffffff'}}, - subtitle: {font: {color: '#ffffff'}}, - tooltip: { - color: '#000000', - font: {color: '#ffffff'} - }, - loadingIndicator: {backgroundColor: '#000000'} - }, - rangeSelector: { - containerBackgroundColor: '#000000', - loadingIndicator: {backgroundColor: '#000000'} - }, - map: { - loadingIndicator: {backgroundColor: '#000000'}, - tooltip: { - color: '#000000', - font: {color: '#ffffff'} - } - }, - sparkline: {tooltip: { - color: '#000000', - font: {color: '#ffffff'} - }}, - bullet: {tooltip: { - color: '#000000', - font: {color: '#ffffff'} - }} - }, 'desktop-dark'); - DX.viz.core.registerTheme({ - name: 'win8-white', - chart: $.extend(true, {}, baseWhiteChartTheme, {commonAxisSettings: { - title: {font: {color: '#939393'}}, - label: {font: { - color: '#404040', - size: 11 - }} - }}), - pie: $.extend(true, {}, baseWhiteChartTheme), - gauge: { - title: {font: {color: '#808080'}}, - subtitle: {font: {color: '#808080'}}, - tooltip: {font: {color: '#808080'}} - }, - barGauge: { - title: {font: {color: '#808080'}}, - subtitle: {font: {color: '#808080'}}, - tooltip: {font: {color: '#808080'}} - }, - map: {tooltip: {font: {color: '#808080'}}}, - sparkline: {tooltip: {font: {color: '#808080'}}}, - bullet: {tooltip: {font: {color: '#808080'}}} - }, 'desktop') - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file others.js */ - (function($, DX) { - DX.viz.core.registerTheme({name: 'generic'}, 'desktop'); - DX.viz.core.registerTheme({name: 'generic-dark'}, 'desktop-dark'); - DX.viz.core.registerTheme({name: 'tizen'}, 'desktop'); - DX.viz.core.registerTheme({name: 'tizen-black'}, 'desktop-dark') - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file namespaces.js */ - (function(DevExpress) { - DevExpress.viz.renderers = {} - })(DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file svgRenderer.js */ - (function($, DX) { - var renderers = DX.viz.renderers, - utils = DX.utils, - Class = DX.Class, - doc = document, - MAX_PIXEL_COUNT = 10000000000; - function createElement(name) { - return doc.createElementNS('', name) - } - function getPatternUrl(id, pathModified) { - return id !== null ? 'url(' + (pathModified ? window.location.href : '') + '#' + id + ')' : null - } - var BaseSvgElement = Class.inherit({ - ctor: function baseSvgElementCtor(renderer, name, params) { - this.renderer = renderer; - this.element = this.createElement(name); - this.$element = $(this.element); - this.applySettings($.extend({}, this.defaultSettings(), params)); - this.__passedParams = params - }, - defaultSettings: $.noop, - createElement: function(nodeName) { - this._nodeName = nodeName; - return createElement(nodeName) - }, - dispose: function() { -; - this.remove(); - this.renderer = null; - this.element = null; - this.settings = null; - this.$element = null; - this.transformation = null; - this.__passedParams = null; - this.__appliedSettings = null; - this.__appliedStyle = null - }, - append: function(svgElement) { - var toElement = svgElement || this.renderer.getRoot(); - toElement.element.appendChild(this.element); - return this - }, - insertBefore: function(target) { - target.element.parentNode.insertBefore(this.element, target.element); - return this - }, - toBackground: function() { - this.element.parentNode && this.element.parentNode.insertBefore(this.element, this.element.parentNode.firstChild); - return this - }, - toForeground: function() { - this.element.parentNode && this.element.parentNode.appendChild(this.element); - return this - }, - addClass: function(className) { - var classAttribute = this.$element.attr('class'), - classNameIndex, - classNames; - if (className) { - if (classAttribute) { - classNames = classAttribute.split(' '); - classNameIndex = $.inArray(className, classNames); - if (classNameIndex === -1) - classAttribute += ' ' + className - } - else - classAttribute = className; - this.$element.attr('class', classAttribute) - } - return this.$element - }, - removeClass: function(className) { - var classAttribute = this.$element.attr('class'), - classNames, - indexDeleteElement, - resultClassNames = '', - i; - if (classAttribute && className) { - classNames = classAttribute.split(' '); - indexDeleteElement = $.inArray(className, classNames); - if (indexDeleteElement !== -1) { - for (i = 0; i < classNames.length; i++) - if (i !== indexDeleteElement) - resultClassNames += classNames[i] + ' '; - this.$element.attr('class', resultClassNames.replace(/ $/, '')) - } - } - return this.$element - }, - applySettings: function(settings) { - var normalized; - this.settings = $.extend(this.settings || {}, settings || {}); - this.adjustSettings(); - normalized = this._normalizeSettings(this.settings); - this.applyStyle(this._style); - this._applyAttributes(normalized); - return this - }, - _applyAttributes: function(settings) { - this.$element.attr(settings); - this.__appliedSettings = settings - }, - adjustSettings: function(){}, - applyStyle: function(style) { - this.$element.css(style || {}); - this.__appliedStyle = style || {}; - return this - }, - trigger: function(event, data) { - this.$element.trigger(event, data) - }, - on: function(events, data, handler) { - this.$element.on.apply(this.$element, arguments); - return this - }, - data: function(key, value) { - this.$, value); - return this - }, - removeData: function() { - this.$element.removeData(); - return this - }, - off: function(events) { - this.$; - return this - }, - getBBox: function() { - var that = this, - bBox, - element = this.element, - transformation = that.transformation, - rotateAngle = transformation.rotateAngle || 0, - rotateX = transformation.rotateX || 0, - rotateY = transformation.rotateY || 0, - mabs = Math.abs, - mmin = Math.min; - function bBox(el) { - var ret = {}; - try { - if (!$.isFunction(el.getBBox)) - throw{}; - else - ret = el.getBBox() - } - catch(e) { - ret = { - x: 0, - y: 0, - width: el.offsetWidth || 0, - height: el.offsetHeight || 0 - } - } - return ret - } - bBox = $.extend({}, bBox(element)); - if (rotateAngle) { - var cossin = utils.getCosAndSin(rotateAngle), - sin = cossin.sin.toFixed(3), - cos = cossin.cos.toFixed(3), - ltx = bBox.x - rotateX, - lty = bBox.y - rotateY, - rtx = bBox.x + bBox.width - rotateX, - rty = bBox.y - rotateY, - lbx = bBox.x - rotateX, - lby = bBox.y + bBox.height - rotateY, - rbx = bBox.x + bBox.width - rotateX, - rby = bBox.y + bBox.height - rotateY, - w, - h; - w = mabs(bBox.height * sin) + mabs(bBox.width * cos); - h = mabs(bBox.height * cos) + mabs(bBox.width * sin); - bBox.x = mmin(ltx * cos - lty * sin + rotateX, rtx * cos - rty * sin + rotateX, lbx * cos - lby * sin + rotateX, rbx * cos - rby * sin + rotateX); - bBox.y = mmin(ltx * sin + lty * cos + rotateY, rtx * sin + rty * cos + rotateY, lbx * sin + lby * cos + rotateY, rbx * sin + rby * cos + rotateY); - bBox.width = w; - bBox.height = h - } - return that._normalizeBBox(bBox) - }, - _normalizeBBox: function(bBox) { - var ceil = Math.ceil, - floor = Math.floor, - $isNumeric = $.isNumeric, - rxl = floor(bBox.x), - ryt = floor(bBox.y), - rxr = ceil(bBox.width + bBox.x), - ryb = ceil(bBox.height + bBox.y), - width, - height; - bBox.x = $isNumeric(rxl) && rxl < MAX_PIXEL_COUNT && rxl > -MAX_PIXEL_COUNT ? rxl : 0; - bBox.y = $isNumeric(ryt) && ryt < MAX_PIXEL_COUNT && ryt > -MAX_PIXEL_COUNT ? ryt : 0; - width = rxr - rxl; - height = ryb - ryt; - bBox.width = $isNumeric(width) && width < MAX_PIXEL_COUNT && width > -MAX_PIXEL_COUNT ? width : 0; - bBox.height = $isNumeric(height) && height < MAX_PIXEL_COUNT && height > -MAX_PIXEL_COUNT ? height : 0; - bBox.isEmpty = !bBox.x && !bBox.y && !bBox.width && !bBox.height; - return bBox - }, - clear: function(selector) { - selector ? this.$element.find(selector).remove() : this.$element.empty(); - return this - }, - detach: function() { - this.$element.detach(); - return this - }, - animate: function(params, options, complete) { - options = options || {}; - var that = this, - animationParams = {}; - if (complete) - $.extend(options, {complete: complete}); - if (this.renderer.animOptions.enabled) { - $.each(params, function(name, to) { - switch (name) { - case'scale': - animationParams['transform'] = animationParams['transform'] || {}; - var scale = that.transformation.scale || {}; - animationParams['transform'].scale = { - x: { - from: utils.isDefined(scale.x) ? scale.x : 1, - to: utils.isDefined(to.x) ? to.x : 1 - }, - y: { - from: utils.isDefined(scale.y) ? scale.y : 1, - to: utils.isDefined(to.y) ? to.y : 1 - } - }; - break; - case'rotate': - animationParams['transform'] = animationParams['transform'] || {}; - animationParams['transform'].rotate = { - angle: { - from: that.transformation.rotateAngle || 0, - to: to.angle - }, - y: to.y || 0, - x: to.x || 0 - }; - break; - case'translate': - animationParams['transform'] = animationParams['transform'] || {}; - animationParams['transform'].translate = { - x: { - from: that.transformation.translateX || 0, - to: to.x || 0 - }, - y: { - from: that.transformation.translateY || 0, - to: to.y || 0 - } - }; - break; - case'arc': - case'points': - animationParams[name] = to; - break; - default: - animationParams[name] = { - from: that.settings[name] || 0, - to: to - } - } - }); - that.renderer.animateElement(that, animationParams, $.extend({}, this.renderer.animOptions, options)) - } - else { - if (params.translate) { - if ('x' in params.translate) - params.translateX = params.translate.x; - if ('y' in params.translate) - params.translateY = params.translate.y; - delete params.translate - } - if (options) { - options.step &&, 1, 1); - options.complete && - } - this.applySettings(params) - } - }, - stopAnimation: function(disableComplete) { - var that = this; - that.animation && that.animation.stop(true, disableComplete); - return that - }, - move: function(x, y, animate, animOptions) { - x = x || 0, - y = y || 0; - animOptions = animOptions || {}; - if (!animate) - this.applySettings({ - translateX: x, - translateY: y - }); - else - this.animate({translate: { - x: x, - y: y - }}, animOptions); - return this - }, - rotate: function(angle, x, y, animate, animOptions) { - angle = angle || 0; - x = x || 0; - y = y || 0; - animOptions = animOptions || {}; - if (!animate) - this.applySettings({rotate: [angle, x, y]}); - else - this.animate({rotate: { - angle: angle, - x: x, - y: y - }}, animOptions) - }, - remove: function() { - this.$element.remove() - }, - _normalizeSettings: function(settings) { - var key, - style, - firstChar, - styleName, - prop, - value, - normalized = {}, - fontSetting, - rtl = this.renderer.rtl; - for (key in settings) { - prop = key, - value = settings[prop]; - if (prop === 'align') { - prop = 'text-anchor'; - value = { - left: rtl ? 'end' : 'start', - center: 'middle', - right: rtl ? 'start' : 'end' - }[value] - } - else if (prop === 'font') { - style = this['_style'] = this['_style'] || {}; - if (!$.isPlainObject(value)) - continue; - $.each(value, function(fontSetting) { - switch (fontSetting) { - case'color': - styleName = 'fill'; - break; - case'opacity': - styleName = 'fillOpacity'; - break; - case'cursor': - styleName = fontSetting; - break; - default: - firstChar = fontSetting.charAt(0); - styleName = 'font' + fontSetting.replace(firstChar, firstChar.toUpperCase()) - } - style[styleName] = value[fontSetting] - }); - continue - } - else if (prop === 'dashStyle') { - prop = 'stroke-dasharray'; - value = value.toLowerCase(); - if (value === 'solid' || value === 'none') - value = null; - else { - value = value.replace(/longdash/g, '8,3,').replace(/dash/g, '4,3,').replace(/dot/g, '1,3,').replace(/,$/, '').split(','); - value = $.map(value, function(p) { - return +p * (settings.strokeWidth || 1) - }).join(',') - } - } - else if (/^(linecap|linejoin)$/i.test(prop)) - prop = 'stroke-' + prop; - else if (/^(translateX|translateY|rotate|scale)$/i.test(prop)) { - this['_' + prop] = value; - continue - } - else if (prop === 'clipId') { - prop = 'clip-path'; - value = getPatternUrl(value, this.renderer.pathModified) - } - else if (prop === 'style') { - this['_style'] = this['_style'] || {}; - $.extend(true, this['_style'], value); - continue - } - else if (prop === 'sharpEdges') - continue; - else if (prop === 'text') - continue; - else if (prop === 'segments') - continue; - else - prop = DX.inflector.dasherize(prop); - normalized[prop] = value - } - return this._applyTransformation(normalized) - }, - _applyTransformation: function(settings) { - this.transformation = { - translateX: this._translateX, - translateY: this._translateY, - rotateAngle: 0, - rotateX: 0, - rotateY: 0 - }; - var tr = this.transformation, - rotate = this._rotate, - scale = this._scale, - transformations = []; - if (utils.isDefined(tr.translateX) || utils.isDefined(tr.translateY)) - transformations.push('translate(' + (tr.translateX || 0) + ',' + (tr.translateY || 0) + ')'); - if (utils.isDefined(rotate)) { - if (utils.isNumber(rotate)) { - tr.rotateAngle = rotate; - tr.rotateX = settings.x || 0; - tr.rotateY = settings.y || 0 - } - else if ($.isArray(rotate)) { - tr.rotateAngle = rotate[0] || 0; - tr.rotateX = rotate[1] || 0; - tr.rotateY = rotate[2] || 0 - } - else if (utils.isObject(rotate)) { - tr.rotateAngle = rotate.angle || 0; - tr.rotateX = rotate.x || 0; - tr.rotateY = rotate.y || 0 - } - transformations.push('rotate(' + tr.rotateAngle + ',' + tr.rotateX + ',' + tr.rotateY + ')') - } - if (utils.isNumber(scale)) { - var value = utils.isDefined(scale) ? scale : 1; - transformations.push('scale(' + value + ',' + value + ')'); - tr.scale = { - x: value, - y: value - } - } - else if (utils.isObject(scale)) { - var valueX = utils.isDefined(scale.x) ? scale.x : 1; - var valueY = utils.isDefined(scale.y) ? scale.y : 1; - transformations.push('scale(' + valueX + ',' + valueY + ')'); - tr.scale = { - x: valueX, - y: valueY - } - } - if (transformations.length) - settings.transform = transformations.join(' '); - return settings - } - }); - var RootSvgElement = BaseSvgElement.inherit({ - defaultSettings: function() { - return { - width: 0, - height: 0, - style: { - '-webkit-tap-highlight-color': 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)', - display: 'block', - overflow: 'hidden' - }, - xmlns: '', - 'xmlns:xlink': '', - version: '1.1', - stroke: 'none', - strokeWidth: 0, - fill: 'none' - } - }, - ctor: function(renderer, params) { - this.callBase(renderer, 'svg', params) - } - }); - var RectSvgBaseElement = { - defaultSettings: function() { - return { - x: 0, - y: 0, - width: 0, - height: 0 - } - }, - adjustSettings: function() { - if (!utils.isDefined(this.settings.sharpEdges) || this.settings.sharpEdges) { - this.sharpEdges(); - delete this.settings.sharpEdges - } - }, - prepareSettings: function(settings) { - var prevStrokeWidth = this.settings ? Number(this.settings.strokeWidth) || 0 : 0, - newStrokeWidth, - maxStrokeWidth, - strokeWidthChanged = false; - if (utils.isDefined(settings.width)) - this._realWidth = Number(settings.width); - if (utils.isDefined(settings.height)) - this._realHeight = Number(settings.height); - if (utils.isDefined(settings.x)) - this._realX = Number(settings.x); - if (utils.isDefined(settings.y)) - this._realY = Number(settings.y); - if (utils.isDefined(settings.strokeWidth)) - this._realStrokeWidth = Number(settings.strokeWidth); - this._realStrokeWidth = this._realStrokeWidth || this.defaultSettings().strokeWidth || 0; - maxStrokeWidth = ~~((this._realWidth < this._realHeight ? this._realWidth : this._realHeight) / 2); - newStrokeWidth = this._realStrokeWidth < maxStrokeWidth ? this._realStrokeWidth : maxStrokeWidth; - if (newStrokeWidth !== prevStrokeWidth) { - strokeWidthChanged = true; - settings.sharpEdges = true; - newStrokeWidth > 0 && (settings.strokeWidth = newStrokeWidth) - } - (utils.isDefined(settings.x) || strokeWidthChanged) && (settings.x = this._realX + newStrokeWidth / 2); - (utils.isDefined(settings.y) || strokeWidthChanged) && (settings.y = this._realY + newStrokeWidth / 2); - (utils.isDefined(settings.width) || strokeWidthChanged) && (settings.width = this._realWidth - newStrokeWidth); - (utils.isDefined(settings.height) || strokeWidthChanged) && (settings.height = this._realHeight - newStrokeWidth) - }, - applySettings: function(settings) { - var settings = $.extend(true, {}, settings); - this.prepareSettings(settings); - return this.callBase(settings) - }, - sharpEdges: function() { - var strokeWidth = Math.round(this.settings.strokeWidth || 0), - correction = strokeWidth % 2 / 2; - this.settings.x = Math.floor(this.settings.x - correction || 0) + correction; - this.settings.y = Math.floor(this.settings.y - correction || 0) + correction; - this.settings.width = Math.floor(this.settings.width || 0); - this.settings.height = Math.floor(this.settings.height || 0); - this.settings.strokeWidth > 0 && (this.settings.strokeWidth = strokeWidth) - } - }; - var ImageSvgElement = BaseSvgElement.inherit(RectSvgBaseElement).inherit({ - ctor: function(renderer, params, href, location) { - var locationToPreserveAspectRatioMap = { - full: 'none', - lefttop: 'xMinYMin', - leftcenter: 'xMinYMid', - leftbottom: 'xMinYMax', - centertop: 'xMidYMin', - center: 'xMidYMid', - centerbottom: 'xMidYMax', - righttop: 'xMaxYMin', - rightcenter: 'xMaxYMid', - rightbottom: 'xMaxYMax' - }; - this.href = utils.isDefined(href) ? href : ''; - this.preserveAspectRatio = locationToPreserveAspectRatioMap[(location || '').toLowerCase()]; - this.preserveAspectRatio = this.preserveAspectRatio || 'none'; - this.callBase(renderer, 'image', params) - }, - adjustSettings: function() { - this.callBase(); - this.element.setAttributeNS('', 'href', this.href); - if (this.preserveAspectRatio) - this.element.setAttribute('preserveAspectRatio', this.preserveAspectRatio) - } - }); - var RectSvgElement = BaseSvgElement.inherit(RectSvgBaseElement).inherit({ - defaultSettings: function() { - return { - x: 0, - y: 0, - width: 0, - height: 0, - rx: 0, - ry: 0 - } - }, - ctor: function(renderer, params) { - this.callBase(renderer, 'rect', params) - } - }); - var PathSvgElement = BaseSvgElement.inherit({ - defaultSettings: function() { - return {points: { - x: 0, - y: 0 - }} - }, - getNodeName: function() { - return 'path' - }, - getPathAttributeName: function() { - return 'd' - }, - ctor: function(renderer, params) { - this.callBase(renderer, this.getNodeName(), params) - }, - dispose: function() { - this.segments = null; - this.fromSegments = null; - this.callBase() - }, - adjustSettings: function() { - this.prepareSegments(this.settings) - }, - applySettings: function(settings) { - var settings = settings || {}; - if (this.settings && settings.strokeWidth && this.settings.strokeWidth !== settings.strokeWidth) - settings.sharpEdges = true; - return this.callBase(settings) - }, - prepareSegments: function(params) { - if ('points' in params) { - var points = params.points, - firstElem = points[0], - close = this.closePath || params.closePath, - segments = [], - i; - if (utils.isObject(firstElem)) - segments = $.map(points, function(pt, i) { - if (!pt) - return null; - if (!i) - return [['M', pt.x, pt.y]]; - return [['L', pt.x, pt.y]] - }); - else if (utils.isNumber(firstElem)) - for (i = 0; i < points.length; i += 2) { - if (!i) { - segments = [['M', points[i] || 0, points[i + 1] || 0]]; - continue - } - segments.push(['L', points[i] || 0, points[i + 1] || 0]) - } - else - segments = [['M', 0, 0]]; - if (close) - segments.push(['Z']); - this.segments = segments; - delete params.points; - delete params.closePath; - params.sharpEdges = true - } - if (params.sharpEdges) { - this.sharpEdges(); - this.combinePathParams(params); - delete params.sharpEdges - } - }, - customizeSegments: function(segments) { - return segments - }, - combinePathParams: function(params) { - var path; - this.segments = this.customizeSegments(this.segments); - if (this.segments) { - path = $.map(this.segments, function(seg, i) { - return seg.join(' ') - }); - path = path.join(' '); - params[this.getPathAttributeName()] = path - } - }, - _prepareDifferrentPath: function(from, to) { - var end = {}, - constsSeg; - if (to.length > from.length) - this._makeEqualPath(from, to); - else { - this.combinePathParams(end); - this._makeEqualPath(to, from) - } - return end.d - }, - _prepareConstSegment: function(seg) { - seg[0] = "L" - }, - _makeEqualPath: function(short, long) { - var constSeg = short[short.length - 1].slice(); - this._prepareConstSegment(constSeg); - for (var i = short.length; i < long.length; i++) - short[i] = constSeg - }, - animate: function(params, options, complete) { - var that = this; - if (!('points' in params) || !that.renderer.animOptions.enabled) - return that.callBase(params, options, complete); - var fromPath = that.segments, - end; - that.prepareSegments(params); - delete params.d; - if (fromPath.length === that.segments.length) - params.points = { - from: fromPath, - to: that.segments - }; - else - end = that._prepareDifferrentPath(fromPath, that.segments); - params.points = { - from: fromPath, - to: that.segments, - end: end - }; - that.callBase(params, options, complete) - }, - sharpEdges: function() { - var that = this, - segLength = that.segments.length, - i = 0, - curSeg, - nextSeg, - curX, - curY, - nextX, - nextY, - curXIdx, - curYIdx, - nextXIdx, - nextYIdx, - strokeWidth = Math.round(that.settings.strokeWidth || 0), - correction = strokeWidth % 2 / 2; - for (i; i < segLength - 1; i++) { - curSeg = that.segments[i]; - nextSeg = that.segments[i + 1]; - if (nextSeg[0] === 'Z' && i) - nextSeg = that.segments[0]; - switch (curSeg[0]) { - case'M': - case'L': - curXIdx = 1; - curYIdx = 2; - break; - case'C': - curXIdx = 5; - curYIdx = 6; - break; - case'A': - curXIdx = 6; - curYIdx = 7; - break; - case'Z': - continue - } - switch (nextSeg[0]) { - case'M': - case'L': - nextXIdx = 1; - nextYIdx = 2; - break; - case'C': - nextXIdx = 5; - nextYIdx = 6; - break; - case'A': - nextXIdx = 6; - nextYIdx = 7; - break; - case'Z': - continue - } - curX = Math.floor(curSeg[curXIdx]); - curY = Math.floor(curSeg[curYIdx]); - nextX = nextSeg[nextXIdx] = Math.floor(nextSeg[nextXIdx]); - nextY = nextSeg[nextYIdx] = Math.floor(nextSeg[nextYIdx]); - curSeg[curXIdx] = i == 0 ? curX : curSeg[curXIdx]; - curSeg[curYIdx] = i == 0 ? curY : curSeg[curYIdx]; - if (curX == nextX) { - curSeg[curXIdx] = curX + correction; - nextSeg[nextXIdx] = nextX + correction - } - if (curY == nextY) { - curSeg[curYIdx] = curY + correction; - nextSeg[nextYIdx] = nextY + correction - } - } - } - }); - var SegmentRectSvgElement = PathSvgElement.inherit(RectSvgBaseElement).inherit({ - defaultSettings: function() { - return $.extend(true, {}, this.callBase(), {segments: { - top: true, - bottom: true, - left: true, - right: true - }}) - }, - prepareSegments: function() { - var that = this, - settings = that.settings, - left = settings.x, - right = left + settings.width, - top = settings.y, - bottom = top + settings.height, - segments = [], - segmentSequence, - visiblyOpt = 0, - prevSegmentVisibility = 0; - var allSegment = { - top: [['M', left, top], ['L', right, top]], - right: [['M', right, top], ['L', right, bottom]], - bottom: [['M', right, bottom], ['L', left, bottom]], - left: [['M', left, bottom], ['L', left, top]] - }; - $.each(allSegment, function(seg, _) { - var visibility = !!that.settings.segments[seg]; - visiblyOpt = visiblyOpt * 2 + ~~visibility - }); - switch (visiblyOpt) { - case(13): - case(9): - segmentSequence = ['left', 'top', 'right', 'bottom']; - break; - case(11): - segmentSequence = ['bottom', 'left', 'top', 'right']; - break; - default: - segmentSequence = ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'] - } - $.each(segmentSequence, function(_, seg) { - var segmentVisibility = !!that.settings.segments[seg]; - if (segmentVisibility) - $.each(allSegment[seg].slice(prevSegmentVisibility), function(_, segment) { - segments.push(segment) - }); - prevSegmentVisibility = ~~segmentVisibility - }); - visiblyOpt == 15 && segments.push(['Z']); - this.segments = segments.length ? segments : [['M', 0, 0], ['Z']]; - this.combinePathParams(settings) - }, - adjustSettings: function() { - this.callBase(); - this.prepareSegments() - }, - applySettings: function(settings) { - var segments = this.settings && this.settings.segments || this.defaultSettings().segments; - settings.segments = $.extend(true, {}, segments || {}, settings.segments); - return this.callBase(settings) - } - }); - var baseAreaElement = { - defaultSettings: function() { - return {points: { - x: 0, - y: 0 - }} - }, - ctor: function(renderer, params) { - this.closePath = true; - this.callBase(renderer, params) - }, - _tailIndex: 0, - _makeEqualPath: function(short, long) { - var i, - tail, - head, - constsSeg1, - constsSeg2, - newTail = []; - if ((short.length - 1) % 2 == 0 && (long.length - 1) % 2 == 0) { - i = (short.length - 1) / 2 - 1; - tail = short.slice(i + 1); - head = short.slice(0, i + 1); - constsSeg1 = head[head.length - 1]; - constsSeg2 = tail[this._tailIndex]; - this._prepareConstSegment(constsSeg1); - for (var j = i; j < (long.length - 1) / 2 - 1; j++) { - head.push(constsSeg1); - newTail.push(constsSeg2) - } - head = this._concatAnimationSegment(head, newTail, tail); - for (i = 0; i < head.length; i++) - short[i] = head[i] - } - }, - _concatAnimationSegment: function(head, newTail, tail) { - return head.concat(newTail, tail) - } - }; - var AreaSvgElement = PathSvgElement.inherit(baseAreaElement); - var BezierSvgElement = PathSvgElement.inherit({ - defaultSettings: function() { - return {points: { - x: 0, - y: 0 - }} - }, - _prepareConstSegment: function(seg) { - var x = seg[seg.length - 2], - y = seg[seg.length - 1]; - seg[0] = "C"; - seg[5] = seg[3] = seg[1] = x; - seg[6] = seg[4] = seg[2] = y - }, - prepareSegments: function(params) { - if (!('points' in params)) - return; - var points = params.points, - firstElem = points[0], - close = this.closePath || params.closePath, - segments = [], - seg = [], - i, - x, - y; - var cnt = 0; - if (utils.isObject(firstElem)) { - for (i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { - x = points[i].x; - y = points[i].y; - if (!i) { - segments = [['M', x, y]]; - continue - } - if ((i - 1) % 3 == 0) { - if (seg.length > 0) - segments.push(seg); - seg = ['C', x, y]; - continue - } - seg.push(x); - seg.push(y) - } - if (seg.length > 0) - segments.push(seg) - } - else if (utils.isNumber(firstElem)) { - for (i = 0; i < points.length; i += 2) { - x = points[i]; - y = points[i + 1]; - if (!i) { - segments = [['M', x, y || 0]]; - continue - } - if ((i - 2) % 6 == 0) { - if (seg.length > 0) - segments.push(seg); - seg = ['C', x, y || 0]; - continue - } - seg.push(x); - seg.push(y || 0) - } - if (seg.length > 0) - segments.push(seg) - } - else - segments = [['M', 0, 0]]; - if (close) - segments.push(['Z']); - this.segments = segments; - delete params.points; - delete params.closePath; - this.combinePathParams(params) - } - }); - var BezierAreaSvgElement = BezierSvgElement.inherit(baseAreaElement).inherit({ - _concatAnimationSegment: function(head, newTail, tail) { - var point = tail.splice(0, 1); - return head.concat(point.concat(newTail), tail) - }, - _tailIndex: 1 - }); - var ArcSvgElement = PathSvgElement.inherit({ - defaultSettings: function() { - return { - x: 0, - y: 0, - linejoin: 'round' - } - }, - createArcSegments: function(x, y, innerR, outerR, startAngle, endAngle, isCircle) { - var longFlag = Math.floor(Math.abs(endAngle - startAngle) / Math.PI) % 2 ? '1' : '0', - xOuterStart = x + outerR * Math.cos(startAngle), - yOuterStart = y - outerR * Math.sin(startAngle), - xOuterEnd = x + outerR * Math.cos(endAngle), - yOuterEnd = y - outerR * Math.sin(endAngle), - xInnerStart = x + innerR * Math.cos(endAngle), - yInnerStart = y - innerR * Math.sin(endAngle), - xInnerEnd = x + innerR * Math.cos(startAngle), - yInnerEnd = y - innerR * Math.sin(startAngle); - return [['M', xOuterStart, yOuterStart], ['A', outerR, outerR, 0, longFlag, 0, xOuterEnd, yOuterEnd], [isCircle ? 'M' : 'L', xInnerStart, yInnerStart], ['A', innerR, innerR, 0, longFlag, 1, xInnerEnd, yInnerEnd], ['Z']] - }, - prepareSegments: function(params) { - if (!('x' in params) && !('y' in params) && !('outerRadius' in params) && !('innerRadius' in params) && !('startAngle' in params) && !('endAngle' in params)) - return; - var x = utils.isNumber(params.x) ? Number(params.x) : 0, - y = utils.isNumber(params.y) ? Number(params.y) : 0, - outerR = utils.isNumber(params.outerRadius) ? Number(params.outerRadius) : 0, - innerR = utils.isNumber(params.innerRadius) ? Number(params.innerRadius) : 0, - startAngle = utils.isNumber(params.startAngle) ? Number(params.startAngle) : 0, - endAngle = utils.isNumber(params.endAngle) ? Number(params.endAngle) : 360, - isCircle; - this.segments = [['M', 0, 0], ['Z']]; - if (outerR || innerR) { - var tmp = Math.min(outerR, innerR); - outerR = Math.max(outerR, innerR); - innerR = tmp; - if (Math.round(startAngle) != Math.round(endAngle)) { - if (Math.abs(endAngle - startAngle) % 360 == 0) { - startAngle = 0; - endAngle = 360; - isCircle = true; - endAngle -= 0.0001 - } - if (startAngle > 360) - startAngle = startAngle % 360; - if (endAngle > 360) - endAngle = endAngle % 360; - if (startAngle > endAngle) - startAngle -= 360; - startAngle = startAngle * Math.PI / 180; - endAngle = endAngle * Math.PI / 180; - this.segments = this.createArcSegments(x, y, innerR, outerR, startAngle, endAngle, isCircle) - } - } - this.x = params.x; - this.y = params.y; - this.outerRadius = params.outerRadius; - this.innerRadius = params.innerRadius; - this.startAngle = params.startAngle; - this.endAngle = params.endAngle; - delete params.x; - delete params.y; - delete params.outerRadius; - delete params.innerRadius; - delete params.startAngle; - delete params.endAngle; - this.combinePathParams(params) - }, - animate: function(params) { - var _this = this; - if ('x' in params && 'y' in params && 'outerRadius' in params && 'innerRadius' in params && 'startAngle' in params && 'endAngle' in params && this.renderer.animOptions.enabled) { - var settings = this.settings; - params.arc = { - from: { - x: this.x, - y: this.y, - outerRadius: this.outerRadius, - innerRadius: this.innerRadius, - startAngle: this.startAngle, - endAngle: this.endAngle - }, - to: { - x: params.x, - y: params.y, - outerRadius: params.outerRadius, - innerRadius: params.innerRadius, - startAngle: params.startAngle, - endAngle: params.endAngle - } - }; - delete params.d; - delete params.x; - delete params.y; - delete params.outerRadius; - delete params.innerRadius; - delete params.startAngle; - delete params.endAngle - } - this.callBase.apply(this, arguments) - } - }); - var CircleSvgElement = BaseSvgElement.inherit({ - defaultSettings: function() { - return { - cx: 0, - cy: 0, - r: 0 - } - }, - ctor: function(renderer, params) { - this.callBase(renderer, 'circle', params) - } - }); - var TextSvgElement = BaseSvgElement.inherit({ - defaultSettings: function() { - return { - x: 0, - y: 0 - } - }, - ctor: function(renderer, params) { - this.tspans = []; - this.callBase(renderer, 'text', params) - }, - dispose: function() { - this.tspans = null; - this.callBase() - }, - updateText: function(text) { - if (!utils.isDefined(text)) - text = ''; - this.applySettings({text: text}) - }, - adjustSettings: function() { - if (!('text' in this.settings)) { - this.changeX(); - return - } - this._createElementWithText(this.settings.text) - }, - changeX: function() { - for (var i = 0; i < this.tspans.length; i++) - if (this.tspans[i].settings.x != undefined) - this.tspans[i].applySettings({x: this.settings.x}) - }, - _createElementWithText: function(text) { - var div, - i; - this.clear(); - text = text.toString().replace(/\r/g, ""); - text = text.replace(/\n/g, "
"); - div = doc.createElement("div"); - div.innerHTML = text; - div.params = {style: {}}; - this._orderText(div) - }, - clear: function() { - this.callBase(); - this.tspans = [] - }, - _orderText: function(node) { - var textArray = [], - defaultFontSize = (this.settings.font ? this.settings.font.size : 12) || 12; - var order = function(strCount, node, textArray) { - var params = {style: {}}, - textArray = textArray || []; - node.params = node.params || {}; - if (node.parentNode && node.nodeName != "#text") - if (node.parentNode.params) - for (var i in node.parentNode.params) - node.params[i] = node.parentNode.params[i]; - switch (node.tagName) { - case"B" || "STRONG": - node.params.fontWeight = "bold"; - break; - case"I" || "EM": - node.params.fontStyle = "italic"; - break; - case"U": - node.params.textDecoration = "underline"; - break; - case"BR": - strCount++; - break - } - if ( { - if ( - node.params.fontSize = (parseInt( || node.params.fontSize) + "px"; - node.params.fill = || node.params.fill; - node.params.fontStyle = || node.params.fontStyle; - node.params.fontWeight = || node.params.fontWeight; - node.params.textDecoration = || node.params.textDecoration - } - var childnum = node.childNodes.length; - var count = 0; - while (count != childnum) - strCount = order(strCount, node.childNodes[count++], textArray); - if (node.wholeText != undefined) { - params.fill = node.parentNode.params.fill; - params.text = node.wholeText; - node.parentNode.params.fontSize && ( = node.parentNode.params.fontSize); - node.parentNode.params.fontStyle && ( = node.parentNode.params.fontStyle); - node.parentNode.params.fontWeight && ( = node.parentNode.params.fontWeight); - node.parentNode.params.textDecoration && ( = node.parentNode.params.textDecoration); - textArray.push({ - params: params, - line: strCount - }) - } - return strCount - }; - order(0, node, textArray); - for (var txt = 0; txt < textArray.length; txt++) { - if (txt != 0) - if (textArray[txt].line != textArray[txt - 1].line) { - textArray[txt].params.dy = textArray[txt] || defaultFontSize; - textArray[txt].params.x = this.settings.x - } - else { - textArray[txt].params.dy = 0; - textArray[txt].params.dx = 0 - } - else { - textArray[txt].params.x = this.settings.x; - textArray[txt].params.dy = 0 - } - var tspan = new TspanSvgElement(this.renderer, textArray[txt].params); - tspan.append(this); - this.tspans.push(tspan) - } - } - }); - var TspanSvgElement = BaseSvgElement.inherit({ctor: function(renderer, params) { - var text = params.text || ''; - delete params.text; - this.callBase(renderer, 'tspan', params); - this.element.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(text)) - }}); - var GroupSvgElement = BaseSvgElement.inherit({ - ctor: function(renderer, params) { - this.callBase(renderer, 'g', params) - }, - update: $.noop - }); - var PatternSvgElement = BaseSvgElement.inherit({ - ctor: function(renderer, params) { - this.__patternParams = $.extend({}, params); - var id = utils.getNextDefsSvgId(), - color = params.color, - hatching = params.hatching, - opacity = hatching.opacity, - width = hatching.width || 1, - step = hatching.step || 6, - direction = hatching.direction, - options = { - strokeWidth: width, - stroke: color - }; - this.callBase(renderer, 'pattern', { - id: id, - width: step, - height: step - }); - this.element.setAttribute('patternUnits', 'userSpaceOnUse'); - this._rect = renderer.createRect(0, 0, step, step, 0, { - fill: color, - opacity: opacity - }).append(this); - this._path = renderer.createPath(0, options).append(this); - if (direction === 'right') - this._path.applySettings({d: "M " + step / 2 + " " + -step / 2 + " L " + -step / 2 + " " + step / 2 + "M 0 " + step + " L " + step + " 0 M " + step * 1.5 + " " + step / 2 + " L " + step / 2 + " " + step * 1.5}); - else if (direction === 'left') - this._path.applySettings({d: "M 0 0 L " + step + ' ' + step + " M " + -step / 2 + " " + step / 2 + " L " + step / 2 + " " + step * 1.5 + " M " + step / 2 + -step / 2 + " L " + step * 1.5 + " " + step / 2}); - = getPatternUrl(id, renderer.pathModified) - }, - append: function() { - return this.callBase(this.renderer.getDefsSvg()) - }, - clear: function() { - this.callBase(); - this._path = null - }, - dispose: function() { - this._path = null; - this.callBase() - } - }); - var ClipRectSvgElement = BaseSvgElement.inherit({ - ctor: function(renderer, params) { - this.__clipRectParams = $.extend({}, params); - var x = params.x, - y = params.y, - w = params.w, - h = params.h, - id = utils.getNextDefsSvgId(); - delete params.x; - delete params.y; - delete params.w; - delete params.h; - this.callBase(renderer, 'clipPath', {id: id}); - = id; - this._rect = renderer.createRect(x, y, w, h, 0, params); - this._rect.append(this) - }, - append: function() { - return this.callBase(this.renderer.getDefsSvg()) - }, - updateRectangle: function(settings) { - this._rect.applySettings(settings) - }, - dispose: function() { - this._rect = null; - this.callBase() - } - }); - var BaseFilterSvgElement = BaseSvgElement.inherit({ - ctor: function(renderer) { - this.applySettings = $.noop; - this.callBase(renderer, 'filter'); - delete this.applySettings; - this.ref = null; - this._create() - }, - append: function() { - return this.callBase(this.renderer.getDefsSvg()) - }, - dispose: function() { - while (this.element.firstChild) - this.element.removeChild(this.element.firstChild); - this.callBase(); - return this - }, - applySettings: function(settings) { - settings = settings || {}; - = utils.getNextDefsSvgId(); - this.$element.attr({ - id:, - x: settings.x || null, - y: settings.y || null, - width: settings.width || null, - height: settings.height || null - }); - this.ref = ? getPatternUrl(, this.renderer.pathModified) : null; - this._update(settings); - return this - } - }); - function setAttributes(element, attr) { - $.each(attr, function(name, value) { - element.setAttribute(name, value) - }) - } - var ShadowFilterSvgElement = BaseFilterSvgElement.inherit({ - _create: function() { - var that = this, - gaussianBlur = that._gaussianBlur = createElement('feGaussianBlur'), - offset = that._offset = createElement('feOffset'), - flood = that._flood = createElement('feFlood'), - composite = that._composite = createElement('feComposite'), - finalComposite = createElement('feComposite'); - setAttributes(gaussianBlur, { - 'in': 'SourceGraphic', - result: 'gaussianBlurResult' - }); - setAttributes(offset, { - 'in': 'gaussianBlurResult', - result: 'offsetResult' - }); - setAttributes(flood, {result: 'floodResult'}); - setAttributes(composite, { - 'in': 'floodResult', - in2: 'offsetResult', - operator: 'in', - result: 'compositeResult' - }); - setAttributes(finalComposite, { - 'in': 'SourceGraphic', - in2: 'compositeResult', - operator: 'over' - }); - that.element.appendChild(gaussianBlur); - that.element.appendChild(offset); - that.element.appendChild(flood); - that.element.appendChild(composite); - that.element.appendChild(finalComposite) - }, - _update: function(settings) { - setAttributes(this._gaussianBlur, {stdDeviation: settings.blur || 0}); - setAttributes(this._offset, { - dx: settings.dx || 0, - dy: settings.dy || 0 - }); - setAttributes(this._flood, { - 'flood-color': settings.color, - 'flood-opacity': settings.opacity - }) - } - }); - renderers.SvgRenderer = Class.inherit({ - ctor: function(options) { - var that = this; - options = options || {}; - that._setAnimationOptions(options.animation || {}); - that.animationController = new renderers.AnimationController; - that.pathModified = options.pathModified; - that.rtl = !!options.rtl; - that.cssClass = options.cssClass || ''; - that.recreateCanvas(options.width, options.height) - }, - dispose: function() { - var that = this; - that.detachContainer(); - that.svgRoot && (that.svgRoot.remove(), that.svgRoot = null); - that.animationController.dispose(); - that.animOptions = null; - that.animationController = null - }, - _setAnimationOptions: function(options) { - this.animOptions = { - enabled: true, - duration: 1000, - easing: 'easeOutCubic' - }; - if ('enabled' in options) - this.animOptions.enabled = options.enabled; - if ('duration' in options) - this.animOptions.duration = options.duration; - if ('easing' in options) - this.animOptions.easing = options.easing - }, - animationEnabled: function() { - return !!this.animOptions.enabled - }, - updateAnimationOptions: function(newOptions) { - this._setAnimationOptions($.extend(this.animOptions || {}, newOptions)) - }, - stopAllAnimations: function(lock) { - lock ? this.animationController.lock() : this.animationController.stop() - }, - detachContainer: function() { - var that = this; - that.svgRoot && that.svgRoot.detach(); - that.defsSvg && (that.defsSvg.remove(), that.defsSvg = null); - that.drawn = null - }, - recreateCanvas: function(width, height, cssClass) { - if (width >= 0 && height >= 0) { - if (!this.svgRoot) { - this.cssClass = cssClass || this.cssClass; - this.svgRoot = new RootSvgElement(this, { - width: width, - height: height, - 'class': this.cssClass, - direction: this.rtl ? 'rtl' : 'ltr' - }); - this.animationController.element = this.svgRoot.element - } - else - this.svgRoot.applySettings({ - width: width, - height: height - }); - this.defsSvg && this.defsSvg.clear("pattern") - } - }, - resize: function(width, height) { - var root = this.getRoot(); - root && width > 0 && height > 0 && root.applySettings({ - width: width, - height: height - }) - }, - getRoot: function() { - return this.svgRoot - }, - isInitialized: function() { - return !!this.svgRoot - }, - draw: function(container) { - if (!container || this.drawn) - return; - container.appendChild(this.getRoot().element); - this.drawn = true - }, - updateParams: function(params, options) { - if (options && options.strokeWidth) - params.strokeWidth = options.strokeWidth - }, - animateElement: function(element, params, options) { - this.animationController.animateElement(element, params, options) - }, - createRect: function(x, y, w, h, r, options) { - var params = { - x: x, - y: y, - width: w, - height: h, - rx: r, - ry: r - }; - if (options && !options.inh) - $.extend(params, options); - this.updateParams(params, options); - return new RectSvgElement(this, params) - }, - createSegmentRect: function(x, y, w, h, r, segments, options) { - var params = $.extend({}, options || {}, { - x: x, - y: y, - width: w, - height: h, - rx: r, - ry: r, - segments: segments - }); - return new SegmentRectSvgElement(this, params) - }, - createClipRect: function(x, y, w, h) { - var attr = { - x: x, - y: y, - w: w, - h: h, - fill: 'none', - stroke: 'none', - strokeWidth: 0 - }; - return new ClipRectSvgElement(this, attr) - }, - createPattern: function(color, hatching) { - hatching = hatching || {}; - hatching.direction = (hatching.direction || '').toLowerCase(); - if (hatching.direction !== 'right' && hatching.direction !== 'left') - return { - id: color, - append: function() { - return this - }, - clear: function(){}, - dispose: function(){} - }; - return new PatternSvgElement(this, { - hatching: hatching, - color: color - }) - }, - createImage: function(x, y, w, h, href, options) { - var params = $.extend({}, options || {}, { - x: x, - y: y, - width: w, - height: h - }); - return new ImageSvgElement(this, params, href, params.location) - }, - createLine: function(x1, y1, x2, y2, options) { - var params = {points: [x1, y1, x2, y2]}; - if (options && !options.inh) - $.extend(params, options); - this.updateParams(params, options); - return new PathSvgElement(this, params) - }, - createPath: function(points, options) { - var params = {points: points}; - if (options && !options.inh) - $.extend(params, options); - this.updateParams(params, options); - return new PathSvgElement(this, params) - }, - createSimplePath: function(options) { - return new BaseSvgElement(this, 'path', options) - }, - createBezierPath: function(points, options) { - var params = {points: points}; - if (options && !options.inh) - $.extend(params, options); - this.updateParams(params, options); - return new BezierSvgElement(this, params) - }, - createArea: function(points, options) { - var params = {points: points}; - if (options && !options.inh) - $.extend(params, options); - this.updateParams(params, options); - return new AreaSvgElement(this, params) - }, - createBezierArea: function(points, options) { - var params = {points: points}; - if (options && !options.inh) - $.extend(params, options); - this.updateParams(params, options); - return new BezierAreaSvgElement(this, params) - }, - createCircle: function(x, y, r, options) { - var params = { - cx: x, - cy: y, - r: r - }; - if (options && !options.inh) - $.extend(params, options); - return new CircleSvgElement(this, params) - }, - createArc: function(x, y, outerRadius, innerRadius, startAngle, endAngle, options) { - var params = { - x: x, - y: y, - outerRadius: outerRadius, - innerRadius: innerRadius, - startAngle: startAngle, - endAngle: endAngle - }; - if (options && !options.inh) - $.extend(params, options); - this.updateParams(params, options); - return new ArcSvgElement(this, params) - }, - createText: function(text, x, y, options) { - var params = { - x: x, - y: y, - text: text - }; - if (options && !options.inh) - $.extend(params, options); - return new TextSvgElement(this, params) - }, - createGroup: function(options) { - return new GroupSvgElement(this, options) - }, - createFilter: function(type) { - var filterType = type === 'shadow' ? ShadowFilterSvgElement : null; - if (filterType) - return new filterType(this); - return null - }, - getDefsSvg: function() { - this.defsSvg = this.defsSvg || new BaseSvgElement(this, 'defs').append(); - return this.defsSvg - }, - svg: function() { - return this.svgRoot.$element.parent().html() - } - }); - function buildPath(points) { - var i = 0, - ii = points.length, - list = []; - for (; i < ii; ) - list.push('L', points[i++].toFixed(2), points[i++].toFixed(2)); - if (ii) { - list[0] = 'M'; - list.push('Z'); - list = list.join(' ') - } - else - list = ''; - return list - } - function processCircleSettings(x, y, size, borderWidth) { - var correct = size + ~~borderWidth & 1; - return { - cx: correct ? x + 0.5 : x, - cy: correct ? y + 0.5 : y, - r: size / 2 - } - } - renderers._svgBuildPath = buildPath; - renderers._svgProcessCircleSettings = processCircleSettings; - renderers._svgRendererInternals = { - BaseSvgElement: BaseSvgElement, - RootSvgElement: RootSvgElement, - RectSvgElement: RectSvgElement, - ImageSvgElement: ImageSvgElement, - PathSvgElement: PathSvgElement, - AreaSvgElement: AreaSvgElement, - BezierSvgElement: BezierSvgElement, - BezierAreaSvgElement: BezierAreaSvgElement, - CircleSvgElement: CircleSvgElement, - TextSvgElement: TextSvgElement, - TspanSvgElement: TspanSvgElement, - GroupSvgElement: GroupSvgElement, - ArcSvgElement: ArcSvgElement, - RectSvgBaseElement: RectSvgBaseElement, - SegmentRectSvgElement: SegmentRectSvgElement, - ClipRectSvgElement: ClipRectSvgElement, - PatternSvgElement: PatternSvgElement, - ShadowFilterSvgElement: ShadowFilterSvgElement - } - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file vmlRenderer.js */ - (function($, DX) { - var renderers = DX.viz.renderers, - utils = DX.utils, - doc = document, - svgRendererInternals = renderers._svgRendererInternals, - documentFragment = doc.createDocumentFragment(); - function createVmlElement(nodeName) { - var element = doc.createElement(nodeName); - return documentFragment.appendChild(element) - } - var appendTimerID; - var vmlElementsToAppend = []; - var CSS_PROPERTIES = ['position', 'display', 'visibility', 'filter', 'margin', 'marginTop', 'marginLeft', 'marginRight', 'marginBottom', 'whiteSpace', 'clip', 'overflow']; - var INHERITABLE_PROPERTIES = ['stroke', 'fill', 'opacity', 'strokeWidth', 'align', 'dashStyle']; - var defaultVmlSettings = { - x: 0, - y: 0, - width: 1, - height: 1, - position: 'absolute', - behavior: 'url(#default#VML)', - display: 'inline-block', - xmlns: "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" - }; - var CLIP_RECT_CLASS = "dx-vml-clip-rect"; - var extendDefaultVmlOptions = function(customOptions, baseOptions) { - return $.extend(true, baseOptions || {}, defaultVmlSettings, customOptions) - }; - var parseRotateParameter = function(rotate, defaultX, defaultY) { - var rotateObject; - if (utils.isDefined(rotate)) - if (utils.isNumber(rotate)) - rotateObject = { - angle: rotate, - x: defaultX || 0, - y: defaultY || 0 - }; - else if ($.isArray(rotate)) - rotateObject = { - angle: rotate[0] || 0, - x: rotate[1] || 0, - y: rotate[2] || 0 - }; - else if (utils.isObject(rotate)) - rotateObject = { - angle: rotate.angle || 0, - x: rotate.x || 0, - y: rotate.y || 0 - }; - return rotateObject - }; - function adjustOpacity(value) { - return value >= 0.002 ? value : value === null ? 1 : 0.002 - } - var applySubElementAttribute = function(vmlElement, params, name) { - var element = vmlElement.element, - subElement, - value = params[name]; - if (name === 'opacity' || name === 'fillOpacity') - if (element.fill) - element.fill.opacity = adjustOpacity(value); - if (name === 'joinStyle') - if (element.stroke) - element.stroke.joinStyle = value; - if (name === 'opacity' || name === 'strokeOpacity') - if (element.stroke) - element.stroke.opacity = value >= 0.002 ? value : value === null ? 1 : 0.002; - if (name === 'dashstyle') - if (element.stroke) - element.stroke.dashstyle = value - }; - var getBoundingClientRect = function(element) { - var i, - resultRect, - rect, - tagName = element.tagName.toLowerCase(), - points, - value, - halfStrokeWidth; - if (element.className && element.className.indexOf(CLIP_RECT_CLASS) !== -1) - return; - if (tagName === 'div') { - if (element.childNodes.length > 0) { - resultRect = {}; - for (i = 0; i < element.childNodes.length; i++) { - rect = getBoundingClientRect(element.childNodes[i]); - if (!rect) - continue; - resultRect.left = resultRect.left === undefined || rect.left < resultRect.left ? rect.left : resultRect.left; - = === undefined || < ? :; - resultRect.right = resultRect.right === undefined || rect.right > resultRect.right ? rect.right : resultRect.right; - resultRect.bottom = resultRect.bottom === undefined || rect.bottom > resultRect.bottom ? rect.bottom : resultRect.bottom - } - } - } - else if (tagName === 'shape' || tagName === 'vml:shape') { - points = (element.path.value || element.path).match(/[-0-9]+/g); - resultRect = {}; - rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); - for (i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { - value = parseInt(points[i]); - if (i % 2) { - = === undefined || value < ? value :; - resultRect.bottom = resultRect.bottom === undefined || value > resultRect.bottom ? value : resultRect.bottom - } - else { - resultRect.left = resultRect.left === undefined || value < resultRect.left ? value : resultRect.left; - resultRect.right = resultRect.right === undefined || value > resultRect.right ? value : resultRect.right - } - } - resultRect.left = resultRect.left || 0; - = || 0; - resultRect.right = resultRect.right || 0; - resultRect.bottom = resultRect.bottom || 0; - if (rect.right - rect.left <= 1 && - rect.bottom <= 1) { - resultRect.right = resultRect.right + rect.left; - resultRect.bottom = resultRect.bottom +; - resultRect.left = resultRect.left + rect.left; - = + - } - else { - resultRect.right = resultRect.right - resultRect.left + rect.left; - resultRect.bottom = resultRect.bottom - +; - resultRect.left = rect.left; - = - } - halfStrokeWidth = Math.ceil(parseFloat(element.strokeweight) / 2); - if (halfStrokeWidth && halfStrokeWidth > 1) { - resultRect.left -= halfStrokeWidth; - -= halfStrokeWidth; - resultRect.right += halfStrokeWidth; - resultRect.bottom += halfStrokeWidth - } - } - else - resultRect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); - return resultRect - }; - var BaseVmlElement = { - isVml: function() { - return true - }, - dispose: function() { - this.childElements = null; - this._style = null; - this._fullSettings = null; - this.callBase() - }, - defaultSettings: function(customOptions) { - return extendDefaultVmlOptions(customOptions, this.callBase ? this.callBase() : {}) - }, - createElement: function(nodeName) { - this._nodeName = nodeName; - this.childElements = []; - this._fullSettings = {}; - if (this.isVml()) { - var result = createVmlElement('vml:' + nodeName); - return result - } - else - return doc.createElement(nodeName) - }, - append: function(element) { - var toElement = element || this.renderer.getRoot(); - if (toElement) { - toElement.element.appendChild(this.element); - toElement.childElements.push(this); - if (this.parentElement) - this.parentElement.childElements.splice($.inArray(this, this.parentElement.childElements), 1); - this.parentElement = toElement - } - if (toElement === this.renderer.getRoot() || toElement._isAppended) - this.appendComplete(); - return this - }, - insertBefore: function(target) { - var parent = target.parentElement; - parent.element.insertBefore(this.element, target.element); - this.parentElement = parent; - parent.childElements.splice($.inArray(target, parent.childElements), 0, this); - parent._isAppended && this.appendComplete(); - return this - }, - remove: function() { - this.callBase.apply(this, arguments); - if (this.parentElement) { - this.parentElement.childElements.splice($.inArray(this, this.parentElement.childElements), 1); - this.parentElement = null - } - return this - }, - detach: function() { - this.callBase.apply(this, arguments); - this._delayAttributes(['opacity']); - this._onDetach(); - if (this.parentElement) { - this.parentElement.childElements.splice($.inArray(this, this.parentElement.childElements), 1); - this.parentElement = null - } - return this - }, - clear: function() { - this.callBase.apply(this, arguments); - $.each(this.childElements, function(_, element) { - element._delayAttributes(['opacity']); - element._onDetach(); - element.parentElement = null - }); - this.childElements = []; - return this - }, - applyStyle: function(style) { - this.callBase(style); - if (style.opacity) - = style.opacity; - if (style.clip) - try { - = style.clip - } - catch(e) {} - }, - _fillAttributesFromParentAndCurrentStyle: function(attributes) { - var element = this.element, - parent = this.parentElement, - i, - settingToStyleMap = {strokeWidth: 'stroke-width'}, - propertyName, - styleName, - settingsToApply = {}; - if (parent) - for (i = 0; i < INHERITABLE_PROPERTIES.length; i++) { - propertyName = INHERITABLE_PROPERTIES[i]; - if (!this.settings[propertyName] && parent._fullSettings[propertyName]) - settingsToApply[propertyName] = parent._fullSettings[propertyName] - } - if ( && element.currentStyle) - for (i = 0; i < INHERITABLE_PROPERTIES.length; i++) { - propertyName = INHERITABLE_PROPERTIES[i]; - styleName = settingToStyleMap[propertyName] || propertyName; - if (element.currentStyle[styleName]) - settingsToApply[propertyName] = element.currentStyle[styleName] - } - $.extend(this._fullSettings, this.settings, settingsToApply); - if (this.isVml()) - $.extend(attributes, this._normalizeSettings(settingsToApply)) - }, - _applyAttributes: function(params) { - var name, - value; - if (params && params.arcsize !== undefined) { - try { - this.element.setAttribute('arcsize', params.arcsize) - } - catch(e) {} - this.__appliedSettings = {arcsize: params.arcsize}; - delete params.arcsize - } - if (params && params['class']) { - this.element.className = params['class']; - delete params['class'] - } - if (!this._isAppended) - this._delayedAttributes = params; - else { - params = params || this._delayedAttributes; - if (params) { - this._fillAttributesFromParentAndCurrentStyle(params); - if (this.isVml()) { - for (name in params) { - value = params[name]; - if (name === 'opacity' || name === 'fillOpacity' || name === 'strokeOpacity' || name === 'dashstyle' || name === 'joinStyle') - applySubElementAttribute(this, params, name); - else - this.element[name] = value - } - $.each(this.element.children, function(_, e) { - = 'url(#default#VML)'; - = 'inline-block'; - e.xmlns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" - }) - } - this.__appliedSettings = this.isVml() ? params : {}; - delete this._delayedAttributes - } - } - }, - _onDetach: function() { - this._isAppended = false; - $.each(this.childElements, function(_, child) { - child._onDetach() - }) - }, - appendComplete: function() { - if (this.renderer.isElementAppendedToPage(this)) { - this._isAppended = true; - this._applyAttributes(); - $.each(this.childElements, function(_, child) { - child.appendComplete() - }); - if (this.parentElement instanceof GroupVmlElement && this.parentElement._clipRect && this.parentElement._clipRect !== this) - if (this.parentElement._clipRect._isAppended) - this.parentElement._clipRect.toForeground(); - else - this.parentElement._clipRect.append(this.parentElement) - } - else { - vmlElementsToAppend.push(this); - $(this.element).data('vmlNeedAppendComplete', true); - if (appendTimerID === undefined) - appendTimerID = setTimeout(function() { - appendTimerID = undefined; - var vmlElements = vmlElementsToAppend; - vmlElementsToAppend = []; - $.each(vmlElements, function() { - if ($(this.element).data('vmlNeedAppendComplete') && !this._isAppended) - this.appendComplete() - }) - }, 200) - } - }, - _delayAttributes: function(attributes) { - var attr, - val, - i, - settings = this.settings || {}; - attributes = attributes || []; - this._delayedAttributes = this._delayedAttributes || {}; - for (i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) { - attr = attributes[i]; - val = settings[attr]; - if (val) - this._delayedAttributes[attr] = val - } - $.each(this.childElements || [], function(_, child) { - child._delayAttributes(attributes) - }) - }, - _normalizeSettings: function(settings) { - var key, - style = {}, - normalized = {}, - clipRect, - pos, - prop, - value; - for (key in settings) { - prop = key; - value = settings[prop]; - if (prop === 'x' || prop === 'translateX') { - pos = settings.x || 0; - if (settings.translateX) - pos += settings.translateX; - style.left = pos + 'px' - } - else if (prop === 'y' || prop === 'translateY') { - pos = settings.y || 0; - if (settings.translateY) - pos += settings.translateY; - = pos + 'px' - } - else if (prop === 'width') - style.width = value + 'px'; - else if (prop === "behavior") - style[prop] = value; - else if (prop === 'height') - style.height = value + 'px'; - else if (prop === 'align') - continue; - else if (prop === 'scale') - continue; - else if ($.inArray(prop, CSS_PROPERTIES) != -1) - style[prop] = value !== null ? value : ''; - else if (prop === 'font') { - if (!$.isPlainObject(value)) - continue; - $.each(value, function(fontSetting) { - var styleName, - firstChar; - switch (fontSetting) { - case'color': - styleName = "fill"; - break; - case'opacity': - styleName = "opacity"; - break; - case'cursor': - styleName = fontSetting; - break; - default: - firstChar = fontSetting.charAt(0); - styleName = 'font' + fontSetting.replace(firstChar, firstChar.toUpperCase()) - } - if (styleName) - style[styleName] = value[fontSetting] - }) - } - else if (prop === 'style') - $.extend(true, style, value); - else if (prop === 'rotate') - this['_rotate'] = value; - else if (prop === 'clipId') { - clipRect = this.renderer.getClipRect(value, this); - if (clipRect) { - var width = clipRect.width, - height = clipRect.height, - x = clipRect.x, - y = clipRect.y, - clipWidth = width + x, - clipHeight = height + y, - canvasSize = this.renderer._getSize(); - style.width = canvasSize.width; - style.height = canvasSize.height; - style.clip = "rect(" + y + "px, " + clipWidth + "px, " + clipHeight + "px, " + x + "px)" - } - } - else if (prop === 'segments') - continue; - else if (prop === 'fill') { - normalized.filled = value === 'none' ? 'f' : 't'; - normalized.fillcolor = value === 'grey' ? '#808080' : value - } - else if (prop === 'opacity') - normalized.opacity = value < 0.002 ? value : value; - else if (prop === 'stroke') { - normalized.stroked = value === 'none' ? 'f' : 't'; - normalized.strokecolor = value - } - else if (prop === 'strokeWidth') - normalized.strokeweight = value + 'px'; - else if (prop === 'lineJoin') - normalized.joinStyle = value; - else if (prop === 'dashStyle') { - value = value.toLowerCase(); - normalized.dashstyle = value - } - else - normalized[prop] = value - } - this['_style'] = style; - return normalized - }, - _getBBox: function() { - var width, - height, - rect, - parentRect, - x = 0, - y = 0, - element = this.element, - parent; - try { - rect = getBoundingClientRect(element); - width = rect.right - rect.left; - height = rect.bottom -; - parent = this.element.parentNode || this.renderer.getRoot().element; - parentRect = parent.getBoundingClientRect(); - x = rect.left - parentRect.left; - y = -; - if (element.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'div') { - x = x - (parseInt(, 10) || 0); - y = y - (parseInt(, 10) || 0) - } - } - catch(e) { - width = element.offsetWidth || 0; - height = element.offsetHeight || 0 - } - return { - x: x, - y: y, - width: width, - height: height, - isEmpty: !x && !y && !width && !height - } - }, - getBBox: function() { - return this._getBBox() - }, - sharpEdges: function(){} - }; - var convertSvgPathCommandToVml = function(command) { - switch (command) { - case'M': - return 'm'; - case'L': - return 'l'; - case'Z': - return 'x e' - } - return command - }; - var BasePathVmlElement = { - defaultSettings: function() { - return $.extend(this.callBase(), {coordsize: '1,1'}) - }, - getNodeName: function() { - return 'shape' - }, - getPathAttributeName: function() { - return 'path' - }, - customizeSegments: function(segments) { - var result = segments; - if (segments) - result = $.map(segments, function(s, i) { - var pos, - segmentArray = [], - command = convertSvgPathCommandToVml(s[0]); - segmentArray.push(command); - for (pos = 1; pos < s.length; pos++) - segmentArray.push(Math.floor(s[pos])); - return [segmentArray] - }); - return result - } - }; - var RootVmlElement = svgRendererInternals.BaseSvgElement.inherit(BaseVmlElement).inherit({ - isVml: function() { - return false - }, - defaultSettings: function() { - return { - width: 0, - height: 0, - position: 'relative', - display: 'inline-block', - overflow: 'hidden', - stroke: 'none', - strokeWidth: 0, - fill: 'none' - } - }, - ctor: function(renderer, params) { - this.callBase(renderer, 'div', params) - } - }); - var ImageVmlElement = svgRendererInternals.BaseSvgElement.inherit(svgRendererInternals.RectSvgBaseElement).inherit(BaseVmlElement).inherit({ - ctor: function(renderer, params) { - this.callBase(renderer, 'image', params) - }, - defaultSettings: function() { - return $.extend(this.callBase(), { - strokeWidth: 0, - fill: 'none', - stroke: 'none' - }) - }, - adjustSettings: function() { - var defaultSettings = this.defaultSettings(); - this.callBase(); - if (this.settings.href) { - this.settings.src = this.settings.href; - delete this.settings.href - } - this.settings.fill = defaultSettings.fill; - this.settings.stroke = defaultSettings.stroke; - this.settings.strokeWidth = defaultSettings.strokeWidth - } - }); - var RectVmlElement = svgRendererInternals.BaseSvgElement.inherit(svgRendererInternals.RectSvgBaseElement).inherit(BaseVmlElement).inherit({ - defaultSettings: function() { - return extendDefaultVmlOptions({ - stroked: 'f', - strokeWidth: 0, - rx: 0, - ry: 0 - }) - }, - recreateElement: function(name) { - this._nodeName = name; - var parent = this.$element.parent()[0]; - if (parent) { - var $oldElement = this.$element; - this.element = this.createElement(name); - this.$element = $(this.element); - this.$element.insertBefore($oldElement); - $oldElement.remove() - } - else { - this.element = this.createElement(name); - this.$element = $(this.element) - } - this.applySettings() - }, - _adjustArcSize: function() { - var settings = this.settings; - var rx = settings.rx || 0, - ry = settings.ry || 0, - width = settings.width, - height = settings.height, - r, - halfsize, - arcsize; - if (settings.rx !== undefined || settings.ry !== undefined) { - r = Math.max(rx, ry); - halfsize = Math.max(width, height) / 2; - arcsize = r / halfsize; - settings.arcsize = arcsize; - if ($.isNumeric(arcsize) && arcsize != 0) - this._nodeName !== 'roundrect' && this.recreateElement('roundrect'); - else - this._nodeName === 'roundrect' && this.recreateElement('rect'); - delete settings.rx; - delete settings.ry - } - }, - _adjustRotation: function() { - var settings = this.settings; - var rotate = this.settings.rotate, - rotateAngle, - radianAngle, - cos, - sin, - rotateX, - rotateY, - marginTop, - marginLeft, - cx, - cy, - rotateObject; - rotateObject = parseRotateParameter(rotate, settings.x, settings.y); - if (rotateObject) { - rotateAngle = rotateObject.angle; - rotateX = rotateObject.x; - rotateY = rotateObject.y; - radianAngle = rotateAngle * Math.PI / 180.0; - cos = Math.cos(radianAngle); - sin = Math.sin(radianAngle); - cx = settings.x + (settings.translateX || 0) + settings.width / 2; - cy = settings.y + (settings.translateY || 0) + settings.height / 2; - marginLeft = (cx - rotateX) * cos - (cy - rotateY) * sin + rotateX - cx; - marginTop = (cx - rotateX) * sin + (cy - rotateY) * cos + rotateY - cy; - this.settings.marginLeft = Math.round(marginLeft) + 'px'; - this.settings.marginTop = Math.round(marginTop) + 'px'; - this.settings.rotation = rotateAngle - } - }, - adjustSettings: function() { - this.callBase(); - this._adjustArcSize(); - this._adjustRotation() - }, - ctor: function(renderer, params) { - this.callBase(renderer, 'rect', params) - } - }); - var PathVmlElement = svgRendererInternals.PathSvgElement.inherit(BaseVmlElement).inherit(BasePathVmlElement).inherit({prepareSegments: function(settings) { - var that = this, - rotate = settings.rotate, - rotateAngle, - rotateX, - rotateY, - oldSegments, - radianAngle, - cos, - sin, - x, - y, - rotatedX, - rotatedY, - rotateObject; - this.callBase(settings); - oldSegments = that.segments; - rotateObject = parseRotateParameter(rotate, settings.x, settings.y); - if (rotateObject) { - rotateAngle = rotateObject.angle; - rotateX = rotateObject.x; - rotateY = rotateObject.y; - if (that.segments) { - radianAngle = rotateAngle * Math.PI / 180.0; - cos = Math.cos(radianAngle); - sin = Math.sin(radianAngle); - that.segments = $.map(that.segments, function(s, i) { - if (s.length === 3) { - x = s[1], - y = s[2]; - rotatedX = (x - rotateX) * cos - (y - rotateY) * sin + rotateX; - rotatedY = (x - rotateX) * sin + (y - rotateY) * cos + rotateY; - return [[s[0], Math.floor(rotatedX), Math.floor(rotatedY)]] - } - else - return [s] - }); - that.combinePathParams(settings); - that.segments = oldSegments - } - } - }}); - var SimplePathVmlElement = svgRendererInternals.BaseSvgElement.inherit(BaseVmlElement).inherit({ - ctor: function(renderer, options) { - this.callBase(renderer, 'shape', options) - }, - defaultSettings: function() { - return extendDefaultVmlOptions({coordsize: '1,1'}) - }, - adjustSettings: function() { - var settings = this.settings; - if (settings.d !== undefined) { - settings.path = settings.d; - delete settings.d - } - } - }); - var AreaVmlElement = PathVmlElement.inherit({ - defaultSettings: function() { - var baseOptions = this.callBase(); - return extendDefaultVmlOptions({points: { - x: 0, - y: 0 - }}, baseOptions) - }, - ctor: function(renderer, params) { - this.closePath = true; - this.callBase(renderer, params) - } - }); - var SegmentRectVmlElement = svgRendererInternals.SegmentRectSvgElement.inherit(BaseVmlElement).inherit(BasePathVmlElement).inherit({ - defaultSettings: function() { - var settings = this.callBase(); - settings.lineJoin = 'miter'; - delete settings.fill; - delete settings.stroke; - delete settings.strokecolor; - delete settings.stroked; - return settings - }, - prepareSegments: function() { - this.callBase(); - this.segments = this.customizeSegments(this.segments); - this.settings.x = 0; - this.settings.y = 0; - this.settings.width = 1; - this.settings.height = 1 - }, - applySettings: function(settings) { - var x = settings.x, - y = settings.y, - w = settings.width, - h = settings.height; - this.callBase(settings); - this.settings.x = x; - this.settings.y = y; - this.settings.width = w; - this.settings.height = h; - return this - } - }); - var BezierVmlElement = svgRendererInternals.BezierSvgElement.inherit(BaseVmlElement).inherit(BasePathVmlElement); - var BezierAreaVmlElement = BezierVmlElement.inherit({ - defaultSettings: function() { - var baseOptions = this.callBase(); - return extendDefaultVmlOptions({points: { - x: 0, - y: 0 - }}, baseOptions) - }, - ctor: function(renderer, params) { - this.closePath = true; - this.callBase(renderer, params) - } - }); - var ArcVmlElement = svgRendererInternals.ArcSvgElement.inherit(BaseVmlElement).inherit(BasePathVmlElement).inherit({createArcSegments: function(x, y, innerR, outerR, startAngle, endAngle, isCircle) { - var xOuterStart = x + outerR * Math.cos(startAngle), - yOuterStart = y - outerR * Math.sin(startAngle), - xOuterEnd = x + outerR * Math.cos(endAngle), - yOuterEnd = y - outerR * Math.sin(endAngle), - xInnerStart = x + innerR * Math.cos(endAngle), - yInnerStart = y - innerR * Math.sin(endAngle), - xInnerEnd = x + innerR * Math.cos(startAngle), - yInnerEnd = y - innerR * Math.sin(startAngle); - return [['wr', x - innerR, y - innerR, x + innerR, y + innerR, xInnerStart, yInnerStart, xInnerEnd, yInnerEnd], [isCircle ? 'wr' : 'at', x - outerR, y - outerR, x + outerR, y + outerR, xOuterStart, yOuterStart, xOuterEnd, yOuterEnd], ['x e']] - }}); - var CircleVmlElement = svgRendererInternals.BaseSvgElement.inherit(BaseVmlElement).inherit({ - defaultSettings: function() { - return extendDefaultVmlOptions({ - cx: 0, - cy: 0, - r: 0 - }) - }, - applySettings: function(settings) { - = || settings.x; - = || settings.y; - return this.callBase(settings) - }, - adjustSettings: function() { - var r, - cx, - cy; - if ( !== undefined || !== undefined || this.settings.r !== undefined) { - r = 'r' in this.settings ? this.settings.r : this.settings.width / 2; - cx = 'cx' in this.settings ? : this.settings.x + this.settings.width / 2; - cy = 'cy' in this.settings ? : this.settings.y + this.settings.width / 2; - this.settings.x = cx - r; - this.settings.y = cy - r; - this.settings.width = this.settings.height = r * 2; - delete; - delete; - delete this.settings.r - } - }, - ctor: function(renderer, params) { - this.callBase(renderer, 'oval', params) - } - }); - var TextVmlElement = svgRendererInternals.BaseSvgElement.inherit(BaseVmlElement).inherit({ - isVml: function() { - return false - }, - defaultSettings: function() { - return { - x: 0, - y: 0, - position: 'absolute', - whiteSpace: 'nowrap' - } - }, - ctor: function(renderer, params) { - this.callBase(renderer, 'span', params) - }, - adjustSettings: function() { - var text, - settings = this.settings; - if (settings.font) { - settings.fill = settings.fill || settings.font.color; - settings.opacity = settings.opacity || settings.font.opacity - } - if ('text' in settings) { - text = utils.isDefined(settings.text) ? settings.text : ''; - text = text.toString().replace(/\r/g, ""); - text = text.replace(/\n/g, "
"); - $(this.element).html(text); - delete settings.text - } - if (this.renderer.rtl) - $(this.element).css('direction', 'rtl') - }, - updateText: function(text) { - this.applySettings({text: utils.isDefined(text) ? text : ''}) - }, - _applyAttributes: function(settings) { - this.callBase(settings); - settings = this._fullSettings; - var rotate = settings.rotate, - rotateAngle = 0, - rotateX, - rotateY, - cos = 1, - sin = 0, - osin = 0, - ocos = 1, - angle, - otg, - rad, - y = settings.y + (settings.translateY || 0), - x = settings.x + (settings.translateX || 0), - align = settings.align, - bBox = this.getBBox(), - style = this._style || {}, - marginLeft = 0, - marginTop = 0, - fontHeightOffset, - alignMultiplier, - rotateObject, - textWidth, - textHeight; - if (this._oldRotate && !bBox.isEmpty) { - rad = this._oldRotate.angle * Math.PI / 180.0; - osin = Math.sin(rad); - ocos = Math.cos(rad); - if ((this._oldRotate.angle | 0) % 90 !== 0) - if ((this._oldRotate.angle | 0) % 45 === 0) - textWidth = bBox.width, - textHeight = bBox.height; - else { - otg = Math.abs(Math.tan(rad)); - var b = (bBox.width - bBox.height * otg) / (1 - otg * otg); - var a = bBox.width - b; - textHeight = Math.abs(a / osin); - textWidth = Math.abs(b / ocos) - } - else { - textHeight = Math.abs(bBox.height * ocos - bBox.width * osin); - textWidth = Math.abs(bBox.width * ocos - bBox.height * osin) - } - } - else - textWidth = bBox.width, - textHeight = bBox.height; - this.__textWidth = textWidth; - this.__textHeight = textHeight; - if (textHeight || textWidth) { - rotateObject = parseRotateParameter(rotate, x, y); - this._oldRotate = rotateObject; - if (rotateObject) { - rotateAngle = rotateObject.angle; - rotateX = rotateObject.x; - rotateY = rotateObject.y; - if (Math.abs(rotateAngle) > 360) - rotateAngle = rotateAngle % 360; - if (rotateAngle < 0) - rotateAngle = rotateAngle + 360; - if (rotateAngle) { - rad = rotateAngle * Math.PI / 180.0; - cos = Math.cos(rad); - sin = Math.sin(rad); - style.filter = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(sizingMethod="auto expand", M11 = ' + cos.toFixed(5) + ', M12 = ' + (-sin).toFixed(5) + ', M21 = ' + sin.toFixed(5) + ', M22 = ' + cos.toFixed(5) + ')' - } - else { - style.filter = ''; - this._oldRotate = null - } - marginLeft = (x - rotateX) * (cos - 1) - (y - rotateY) * sin; - marginTop = (x - rotateX) * sin + (y - rotateY) * (cos - 1) - } - fontHeightOffset = textHeight * (0.55 + 0.45 / 2); - if (rotateAngle < 90) { - marginTop -= fontHeightOffset * cos; - marginLeft -= (textHeight - fontHeightOffset) * sin - } - else if (rotateAngle < 180) { - marginTop += (textHeight - fontHeightOffset) * cos; - marginLeft += textWidth * cos - (textHeight - fontHeightOffset) * sin - } - else if (rotateAngle < 270) { - marginTop += (textHeight - fontHeightOffset) * cos + textWidth * sin; - marginLeft += textWidth * cos + fontHeightOffset * sin - } - else { - marginTop += textWidth * sin - fontHeightOffset * cos; - marginLeft += fontHeightOffset * sin - } - if (rotateAngle && this.renderer.rtl) - marginLeft -= textWidth - (textHeight * Math.abs(sin) + textWidth * Math.abs(cos)); - alignMultiplier = { - center: 0.5, - right: 1 - }[align]; - if (alignMultiplier) { - marginLeft -= textWidth * alignMultiplier * cos; - marginTop -= textWidth * alignMultiplier * sin - } - style.marginLeft = Math.round(marginLeft) + 'px'; - style.marginTop = Math.round(marginTop) + 'px' - } - if (settings.fill && settings.fill !== 'none') - style.color = settings.fill; - if (settings.opacity) - = 'alpha(opacity=' + settings.opacity * 100 + ')'; - this.applyStyle(style) - } - }); - var GroupVmlElement = svgRendererInternals.BaseSvgElement.inherit(BaseVmlElement).inherit({ - isVml: function() { - return false - }, - defaultSettings: function() { - return { - x: 0, - y: 0, - position: 'absolute' - } - }, - ctor: function(renderer, params) { - this.callBase(renderer, 'div', params) - }, - adjustSettings: function() { - if (this.settings.clipId || this._clipRect) { - var rect = this.renderer.getClipRect(this.settings.clipId, this); - if (this._clipRect) - if (rect) - this._clipRect.applySettings({ - x: rect.x, - y: rect.y, - width: rect.width, - height: rect.height - }); - else { - this._clipRect.remove(); - this._clipRect = null - } - else - this._clipRect = this.renderer.createRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, 0, { - fill: "none", - opacity: 0.002, - "class": CLIP_RECT_CLASS - }); - if (this._clipRect) - this.childElements.length && this._clipRect.append(this) - } - }, - applySettings: function(settings) { - var rotate; - settings = settings || {}; - rotate = settings.rotate; - if (rotate) { - if (utils.isNumber(rotate)) - rotate = [rotate, settings.x || 0, settings.y || 0]; - $.each(this.childElements, function(_, child) { - child.applySettings({rotate: rotate}) - }) - } - delete settings.rotate; - delete settings.x; - delete settings.y; - this.callBase(settings); - $.each(this.childElements || [], function(_, c) { - c.applySettings({}) - }); - return this - }, - getBBox: function() { - return this._getBBox() - }, - update: function() { - if (this.settings.clipId) { - var bbox = this.getBBox(); - this.applyStyle({ - left: bbox.x + (this.settings.translateX || 0), - right: bbox.y + (this.settings.translateY || 0), - width: bbox.width, - height: bbox.height - }) - } - } - }); - renderers.VmlRenderer = renderers.SvgRenderer.inherit({ - ctor: function(options) { - options = options || {}; - options.animation = {enabled: false}; - if (doc.namespaces && !doc.namespaces.vml) { - doc.namespaces.add('vml', 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml'); - var cssText = 'vml\\:fill, vml\\:path, vml\\:shape, vml\\:stroke, vml\\:rect, vml\\:oval' + '{ behavior:url(#default#VML); display: inline-block; };'; - try { - doc.createStyleSheet().cssText = cssText - } - catch(e) { - doc.styleSheets[0].cssText += cssText - } - } - this._clipRects = {}; - this.cssClass = options.cssClass || ''; - this.callBase(options) - }, - dispose: function() { - this.callBase(); - this._clipRects = null; - this._size = null - }, - updateAnimationOptions: $.noop, - draw: function(container) { - var root = this.getRoot(); - this.callBase(container); - if (root) - root.appendComplete() - }, - recreateCanvas: function(width, height, cssClass) { - if (width >= 0 && height >= 0) { - this._size = { - width: width, - height: height - }; - if (!this.svgRoot) { - this.cssClass = cssClass || this.cssClass; - this.svgRoot = new RootVmlElement(this, { - width: width, - height: height, - 'class': this.cssClass - }) - } - else - this.svgRoot.applySettings({ - width: width, - height: height - }); - this.defsSvg && this.defsSvg.clear() - } - }, - _getSize: function() { - return this._size || {} - }, - isElementAppendedToPage: function(element) { - return $(element.element).closest(doc.documentElement).length - }, - createRect: function(x, y, w, h, r, options) { - var params = $.extend(true, {}, options || {}, { - x: x, - y: y, - width: w, - height: h, - rx: r, - ry: r - }); - return new RectVmlElement(this, params) - }, - createSegmentRect: function(x, y, w, h, r, segments, options) { - var params = $.extend({}, options || {}, { - x: x, - y: y, - width: w, - height: h, - rx: r, - ry: r, - segments: segments - }); - return new SegmentRectVmlElement(this, params) - }, - createClipRect: function(x, y, width, height) { - var clipId = utils.getNextDefsSvgId(), - elements = [], - clipRect = { - id: clipId, - x: x, - y: y, - width: width, - height: height, - addElement: function(element) { - var hasElement = false; - $.each(elements, function() { - if (this === element) { - hasElement = true; - return false - } - }); - if (!hasElement) - elements.push(element) - }, - append: function() { - return this - }, - remove: function(){}, - dispose: function(){}, - updateRectangle: function(settings) { - if ('x' in settings) - this.x = settings.x; - if ('translateX' in settings) - this.x += settings.translateX; - if ('y' in settings) - this.y = settings.y; - if ('translateY' in settings) - this.y += settings.translateY; - if ('width' in settings) - this.width = settings.width; - if ('height' in settings) - this.height = settings.height; - $.each(elements, function() { - this.applySettings({clipId: clipId}) - }); - return this - } - }; - this._clipRects[clipId] = clipRect; - return clipRect - }, - getClipRect: function(clipId, element) { - var clipRect = this._clipRects[clipId]; - if (clipRect && element) - clipRect.addElement(element); - return this._clipRects[clipId] - }, - createImage: function(x, y, w, h, href, options) { - var params = $.extend(true, {}, options && !options.inh ? options : {}, { - x: x, - y: y, - width: w, - height: h, - href: href - }); - return new ImageVmlElement(this, params) - }, - createLine: function(x1, y1, x2, y2, options) { - var params = $.extend(true, {}, options && !options.inh ? options : {}, {points: [x1, y1, x2, y2]}); - return new PathVmlElement(this, params) - }, - createPath: function(points, options) { - var params = $.extend(true, {}, options && !options.inh ? options : {}, {points: points}); - return new PathVmlElement(this, params) - }, - createSimplePath: function(options) { - return new SimplePathVmlElement(this, options) - }, - createBezierPath: function(points, options) { - var params = $.extend(true, {}, options && !options.inh ? options : {}, {points: points}); - return new BezierVmlElement(this, params) - }, - createArea: function(points, options) { - var params = $.extend(true, {}, options && !options.inh ? options : {}, {points: points}); - return new AreaVmlElement(this, params) - }, - createBezierArea: function(points, options) { - var params = $.extend(true, {}, options && !options.inh ? options : {}, {points: points}); - return new BezierAreaVmlElement(this, params) - }, - createCircle: function(x, y, r, options) { - var params = $.extend(true, {}, options && !options.inh ? options : {}, { - cx: x, - cy: y, - r: r - }); - return new CircleVmlElement(this, params) - }, - createArc: function(x, y, outerRadius, innerRadius, startAngle, endAngle, options) { - var params = $.extend(true, {}, options && !options.inh ? options : {}, { - x: x, - y: y, - outerRadius: outerRadius, - innerRadius: innerRadius, - startAngle: startAngle, - endAngle: endAngle - }); - return new ArcVmlElement(this, params) - }, - createText: function(text, x, y, options) { - var params = $.extend(true, {}, options && !options.inh ? options : {}, { - x: x, - y: y, - text: text - }); - return new TextVmlElement(this, params) - }, - createGroup: function(options) { - return new GroupVmlElement(this, options) - }, - createPattern: function(color, hatching) { - return { - id: color, - append: function() { - return this - }, - clear: function(){}, - dispose: function(){} - } - }, - createFilter: function(type) { - if (type === 'shadow') - return { - ref: null, - append: function() { - return this - }, - dispose: function() { - return this - }, - applySettings: function() { - return this - } - }; - return null - }, - svg: function() { - return '' - } - }); - function buildPath(points) { - var i = 0, - ii = points.length, - list = []; - for (; i < ii; ) - list.push('l', points[i++].toFixed(0), points[i++].toFixed(0)); - if (ii) { - list[0] = 'm'; - list.push('x e'); - list = list.join(' ') - } - else - list = ''; - return list - } - function processCircleSettings(x, y, size) { - return { - cx: x, - cy: y, - r: size / 2 - } - } - renderers._vmlBuildPath = buildPath; - renderers._vmlProcessCircleSettings = processCircleSettings; - renderers.__vmlRendererInternals = { - RootVmlElement: RootVmlElement, - RectVmlElement: RectVmlElement, - ImageVmlElement: ImageVmlElement, - PathVmlElement: PathVmlElement, - AreaVmlElement: AreaVmlElement, - BezierVmlElement: BezierVmlElement, - BezierAreaVmlElement: BezierAreaVmlElement, - SimplePathVmlElement: SimplePathVmlElement, - CircleVmlElement: CircleVmlElement, - TextVmlElement: TextVmlElement, - GroupVmlElement: GroupVmlElement, - ArcVmlElement: ArcVmlElement, - SegmentRectVmlElement: SegmentRectVmlElement - } - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file renderer.js */ - (function($, DX) { - var renderers = DX.viz.renderers, - browser = DX.browser; - function isSvg() { - return !(browser.msie && browser.version < 9) || !!document.createElementNS && !!document.createElementNS('', "svg").createSVGRect - } - if (!isSvg()) { - renderers.Renderer = renderers.VmlRenderer; - renderers.buildPath = renderers._vmlBuildPath; - renderers.processCircleSettings = renderers._vmlProcessCircleSettings - } - else { - renderers.Renderer = renderers.SvgRenderer; - renderers.buildPath = renderers._svgBuildPath; - renderers.processCircleSettings = renderers._svgProcessCircleSettings - } - renderers.isSvg = isSvg - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file animation.js */ - (function(DX) { - var renderers = DX.viz.renderers, - Class = DX.Class, - noop = function(){}, - easingFunctions = { - easeOutCubic: function(pos, start, end) { - return pos === 1 ? end : (1 - Math.pow(1 - pos, 3)) * (end - start) + +start - }, - linear: function(pos, start, end) { - return pos === 1 ? end : pos * (end - start) + +start - } - }; - renderers.easingFunctions = easingFunctions; - renderers.animationSvgStep = { - points: function(elem, params, progress, easing, currentParams) { - var from = params.from, - to =, - path = [], - i, - j, - seg, - d; - for (i = 0; i < from.length; i++) { - seg = [from[i][0]]; - if (from[i].length > 1) - for (j = 1; j < from[i].length; j++) - seg.push(easing(progress, from[i][j], to[i][j])); - path[i] = seg.join(' ') - } - d = path.join(' '); - currentParams.d = params.end && progress === 1 ? params.end : d; - elem.element.setAttribute('d', d) - }, - arc: function(elem, params, progress, easing) { - var from = params.from, - to =, - current = {}; - for (var i in from) - current[i] = easing(progress, from[i], to[i]); - elem.applySettings(current) - }, - transform: function(elem, params, progress, easing, currentParams) { - var translate = params.translate, - rotate = params.rotate, - scale = params.scale, - transformations = [], - elemSettings = elem.settings; - if (translate) { - currentParams.translateX = easing(progress, translate.x.from,; - currentParams.translateY = easing(progress, translate.y.from,; - transformations.push('translate(' + currentParams.translateX + ',' + currentParams.translateY + ')') - } - else if (elemSettings.translateX || elemSettings.translateY) - transformations.push('translate(' + (elemSettings.translateX || 0) + ',' + (elemSettings.translateY || 0) + ')'); - if (rotate) { - currentParams.rotate = { - angle: easing(progress, rotate.angle.from,, - x: rotate.x, - y: rotate.y - }; - transformations.push('rotate(' + currentParams.rotate.angle + ',' + rotate.x + ',' + rotate.y + ')') - } - else if (elemSettings.rotate) - transformations.push('rotate(' + elemSettings.rotate.angle + ',' + (elemSettings.rotate.x || 0) + ',' + (elemSettings.rotate.y || 0) + ')'); - if (scale) { - currentParams.scale = { - x: easing(progress, scale.x.from,, - y: easing(progress, scale.y.from, - }; - transformations.push('scale(' + currentParams.scale.x + ',' + currentParams.scale.y + ')') - } - else if (elemSettings.scale) - transformations.push('scale(' + elemSettings.scale.x + ',' + elemSettings.scale.y + ')'); - elem.element.setAttribute('transform', transformations.join()) - }, - base: function(elem, params, progress, easing, currentParams, attributeName) { - currentParams[attributeName] = easing(progress, params.from,; - elem.element.setAttribute(attributeName, currentParams[attributeName]) - }, - _: noop, - complete: function(element, currentSettings) { - element.applySettings(currentSettings) - } - }; - var Animation = Class.inherit({ - ctor: function(element, params, options) { - var that = this; - that._progress = 0; - that.element = element; - that.params = params; - that.options = options; - that.duration = options.partitionDuration ? options.duration * options.partitionDuration : options.duration; - that._animateStep = options.animateStep || renderers.animationSvgStep; - that._easing = easingFunctions[options.easing] || easingFunctions['easeOutCubic']; - that._currentParams = {}; - that.tick = that._start - }, - _calcProgress: function(now) { - return Math.min(1, (now - this._startTime) / this.duration) - }, - _step: function(now) { - var that = this, - animateStep = that._animateStep, - attrName; - that._progress = that._calcProgress(now); - for (attrName in that.params) { - if (!that.params.hasOwnProperty(attrName)) - continue; - var anim = animateStep[attrName] || animateStep.base; - anim(that.element, that.params[attrName], that._progress, that._easing, that._currentParams, attrName) - } - that.options.step && that.options.step(that._easing(that._progress, 0, 1), that._progress); - if (that._progress === 1) - return that.stop(); - return true - }, - _start: function(now) { - this._startTime = now; - this.tick = this._step; - return true - }, - _end: function(disableComplete) { - var that = this; - that.stop = noop; - that.tick = noop; - that._animateStep.complete && that._animateStep.complete(that.element, that._currentParams); - that.options.complete && !disableComplete && that.options.complete() - }, - tick: function(now) { - return true - }, - stop: function(breakAnimation, disableComplete) { - var options = this.options; - if (!breakAnimation && options.repeatCount && --options.repeatCount > 0) { - this.tick = this._start; - return true - } - else - this._end(disableComplete) - } - }); - renderers.AnimationController = Class.inherit(function() { - var FPS = 1000 / 60, - requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(callback) { - setTimeout(callback, FPS) - }; - return { - ctor: function() { - var that = this; - that.requestAnimationFrame = requestAnimationFrame; - that._animationCount = 0; - that._timerId = null; - that._animations = {} - }, - _loop: function() { - var that = this, - animations = that._animations, - activeAnimation = 0, - now = (new Date).getTime(), - an; - for (an in animations) { - if (!animations.hasOwnProperty(an)) - continue; - if (!animations[an].tick(now)) - delete animations[an]; - activeAnimation++ - } - if (activeAnimation === 0) { - that.stop(); - return - } - that._timerId =, function() { - that._loop() - }, that.element) - }, - addAnimation: function(animation) { - var that = this; - that._animations[that._animationCount++] = animation; - if (!that._timerId) { - clearTimeout(that._startDelay); - that._startDelay = setTimeout(function() { - that._timerId = 1; - that._loop() - }, 0) - } - }, - animateElement: function(elem, params, options) { - if (elem && params && options) { - elem.animation && elem.animation.stop(true); - this.addAnimation(elem.animation = new Animation(elem, params, options)) - } - }, - dispose: function() { - this.stop(); - this.element = null - }, - stop: function() { - this._animations = {}; - this._animationCount = 0; - clearTimeout(this._startDelay); - this._timerId = null - }, - lock: function() { - var animations = this._animations; - for (var an in animations) - animations.hasOwnProperty(an) && animations[an].stop(true, true); - this.stop() - } - } - }()); - renderers.Animation = Animation; - renderers.noop = noop - })(DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file namespaces.js */ - (function(DevExpress) { - DevExpress.viz.charts = {series: {}} - })(DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file chartsConsts.js */ - (function(DX) { - DX.viz.charts.consts = { - dataTypes: { - STRING: 'string', - NUMERIC: 'numeric', - DATETIME: 'datetime' - }, - axisTypes: { - DISCRETE: 'discrete', - CONTINUOUS: 'continuous', - LOGARITHMIC: 'logarithmic' - } - } - })(DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file dataValidator.js */ - (function($, DX) { - var viz = DX.viz, - parseUtils = new viz.core.ParseUtils, - chartConst = viz.charts.consts, - dataTypes = chartConst.dataTypes, - axisTypes = chartConst.axisTypes, - utils = DX.utils, - _each = $.each, - _isDefined = utils.isDefined; - var mergeSort = function(data, field) { - function merge_sort(array, low, high, field) { - if (low < high) { - var mid = Math.floor((low + high) / 2); - merge_sort(array, low, mid, field); - merge_sort(array, mid + 1, high, field); - merge(array, low, mid, high, field) - } - } - var n = data.length; - merge_sort(data, 0, n - 1, field); - return data - }; - var merge = function(array, low, mid, high, field) { - var newArray = new Array(high - low + 1), - countL = low, - countR = mid + 1, - k, - i = 0; - while (countL <= mid && countR <= high) { - if (array[countL][field] <= array[countR][field] || !_isDefined(array[countR][field])) { - newArray[i] = array[countL]; - countL++ - } - else { - newArray[i] = array[countR]; - countR++ - } - i++ - } - if (countL > mid) - for (k = countR; k <= high; k++, i++) - newArray[i] = array[k]; - else - for (k = countL; k <= mid; k++, i++) - newArray[i] = array[k]; - for (k = 0; k <= high - low; k++) - array[k + low] = newArray[k]; - return array - }; - viz.charts.DataValidator = DX.Class.inherit({ - ctor: function(data, groups, incidentOccured, dataPrepareOptions) { - var that = this; - groups = groups || [[]]; - if (!data) - that._nullData = true; - that.groups = groups; - = data || []; - that._parsers = {}; - that._errorShowList = {}; - that._skipFields = {}; - that.options = dataPrepareOptions || {}; - that.incidentOccured = incidentOccured; - that.userArgumentCategories = that.groups.length && that.groups[0].length && that.groups[0][0].getArgumentCategories(); - if (!incidentOccured) - that.incidentOccured = $.noop - }, - validate: function validate() { - var that = this; - that._data =; - if (!utils.isArray( || that._nullData) - that._incorrectDataMessage(); - that.groups.argumentType = null; - that.groups.argumentAxisType = null; - $.each(that.groups, function(_, group) { - group.valueType = null; - group.valueAxisType = null; - $.each(group, function(_, series) { - series.updateDataType({}) - }) - }); - that._checkType(); - that._checkAxisType(); - if (that.options.convertToAxisDataType) { - that._createParser(); - that._parse() - } - that._groupData(); - that._sort(); - $.each(that._skipFields, function(field, fieldValue) { - if (fieldValue === that._data.length) - that.incidentOccured("W2002", [field]) - }); - return that._data - }, - _checkType: function _checkType() { - var that = this, - groupsWithUndefinedValueType = [], - groupsWithUndefinedArgumentType = [], - checkValueTypeOfGroup = function checkValueTypeOfGroup(group, cell) { - $.each(group, function(_, series) { - $.each(series.getValueFields(), function(_, field) { - group.valueType = that._getType(cell[field], group.valueType) - }) - }); - if (group.valueType) - return true - }, - checkArgumentTypeOfGroup = function checkArgumentTypeOfGroup(group, cell) { - $.each(group, function(_, series) { - that.groups.argumentType = that._getType(cell[series.getArgumentField()], that.groups.argumentType) - }); - if (that.groups.argumentType) - return true - }; - $.each(that.groups, function(_, group) { - if (!group.length) - return null; - var options = group[0].getOptions(), - valueTypeGroup = options.valueType, - argumentTypeGroup = options.argumentType; - group.valueType = valueTypeGroup; - that.groups.argumentType = argumentTypeGroup; - valueTypeGroup ? null : groupsWithUndefinedValueType.push(group); - argumentTypeGroup ? null : groupsWithUndefinedArgumentType.push(group) - }); - if (groupsWithUndefinedValueType.length || groupsWithUndefinedArgumentType.length) - $.each(, function(_, cell) { - var define = true; - if (!utils.isObject(cell)) - return; - $.each(groupsWithUndefinedValueType, function(index, group) { - define = define && checkValueTypeOfGroup(group, cell) - }); - $.each(groupsWithUndefinedArgumentType, function(index, group) { - define = define && checkArgumentTypeOfGroup(group, cell) - }); - if (!that.options.checkTypeForAllData && define) - return false - }) - }, - _checkAxisType: function _checkAxisType() { - var that = this; - $.each(that.groups, function(_, group) { - $.each(group, function(_, series) { - var optionsSeries = {}, - existingSeriesOptions = series.getOptions(); - optionsSeries.argumentAxisType = that._correctAxisType(that.groups.argumentType, existingSeriesOptions.argumentAxisType, !!that.userArgumentCategories.length); - optionsSeries.valueAxisType = that._correctAxisType(group.valueType, existingSeriesOptions.valueAxisType, !!series.getValueCategories().length); - that.groups.argumentAxisType = that.groups.argumentAxisType || optionsSeries.argumentAxisType; - group.valueAxisType = group.valueAxisType || optionsSeries.valueAxisType; - optionsSeries.argumentType = that.groups.argumentType; - optionsSeries.valueType = group.valueType; - series.updateDataType(optionsSeries) - }) - }) - }, - _createParser: function _createParser() { - var that = this; - $.each(that.groups, function(index, group) { - $.each(group, function(_, series) { - that._parsers[series.getArgumentField()] = that._createParserUnit(that.groups.argumentType, that.groups.argumentAxisType === axisTypes.LOGARITHMIC ? that._filterForLogAxis : null); - $.each(series.getValueFields(), function(_, field) { - that._parsers[field] = that._createParserUnit(group.valueType, group.valueAxisType === axisTypes.LOGARITHMIC ? that._filterForLogAxis : null, series.getOptions().ignoreEmptyPoints) - }); - if (series.getTagField()) - that._parsers[series.getTagField()] = null - }) - }) - }, - _parse: function _parse() { - var that = this, - parsedData = []; - $.each(, function(_, cell) { - var parserObject = {}; - if (!utils.isObject(cell)) { - cell && that._incorrectDataMessage(); - return - } - $.each(that._parsers, function(field, parser) { - parserObject[field] = parser ? parser(cell[field], field) : cell[field]; - parserObject['original' + field] = cell[field] - }); - parsedData.push(parserObject) - }); - this._data = parsedData - }, - _groupMinSlices: function(argumentField, valueField, smallValuesGrouping) { - var that = this, - smallValuesGrouping = smallValuesGrouping || {}, - mode = smallValuesGrouping.mode, - count = smallValuesGrouping.topCount, - threshold = smallValuesGrouping.threshold, - name = smallValuesGrouping.groupName || 'others', - others = {}, - data = that._data.slice(), - index; - var groupingValues = function(index) { - if (!_isDefined(index) || index < 0) - return; - _each(data.slice(index), function(_, cell) { - if (!_isDefined(cell[valueField])) - return; - others[valueField] += cell[valueField]; - cell[valueField] = undefined; - cell['original' + valueField] = undefined - }) - }; - if (!mode || mode === 'none') - return; - others[argumentField] = name + ''; - others[valueField] = 0; - data.sort(function(a, b) { - if (_isDefined(b[valueField]) && _isDefined(a[valueField])) - return b[valueField] - a[valueField]; - else if (!_isDefined(b[valueField]) && a[valueField]) - return -1; - else if (!_isDefined(a[valueField]) && b[valueField]) - return 1 - }); - if (mode === 'smallValueThreshold') { - _each(data, function(i, cell) { - if (_isDefined(index) || !_isDefined(cell[valueField])) - return; - if (threshold > cell[valueField]) - index = i - }); - groupingValues(index) - } - else if (mode === 'topN') - groupingValues(count); - others[valueField] && that._data.push(others) - }, - _groupData: function() { - var that = this, - groups = that.groups, - isPie = groups.length && groups[0].length && (groups[0][0].type === 'pie' || groups[0][0].type === 'doughnut' || groups[0][0].type === 'donut'), - argumentField, - valueFields; - if (!isPie) - return; - _each(groups, function(_, group) { - _each(group, function(_, series) { - argumentField = series.getArgumentField(); - valueFields = series.getValueFields(); - if (groups.argumentAxisType === axisTypes.DISCRETE) - that._groupSameArguments(argumentField, valueFields); - that._groupMinSlices(argumentField, valueFields[0], series.getOptions().smallValuesGrouping) - }) - }) - }, - _groupSameArguments: function(argumentField, valueFields) { - var that = this, - argument, - dataOfArguments = {}, - parsedData = that._data; - _each(parsedData, function(i, cell) { - if (!_isDefined(cell[argumentField]) || !_isDefined(cell[valueFields[0]])) - return; - argument = cell[argumentField]; - if (_isDefined(dataOfArguments[argument])) { - var data = parsedData[dataOfArguments[argument]]; - _each(valueFields, function(_, field) { - data[field] += cell[field]; - cell[field] = undefined; - cell['original' + field] = undefined - }) - } - else - dataOfArguments[argument] = i - }) - }, - _getType: function _getType(unit, type) { - if (type === dataTypes.STRING || utils.isString(unit)) - return dataTypes.STRING; - if (type === dataTypes.DATETIME || utils.isDate(unit)) - return dataTypes.DATETIME; - if (utils.isNumber(unit)) - return dataTypes.NUMERIC; - return type - }, - _correctAxisType: function _correctAxisType(type, axisType, hasCategories) { - if (type === dataTypes.STRING && (axisType === axisTypes.CONTINUOUS || axisType === axisTypes.LOGARITHMIC)) - this.incidentOccured("E2002"); - if (axisType === axisTypes.LOGARITHMIC) - return axisTypes.LOGARITHMIC; - axisType = (hasCategories || axisType === axisTypes.DISCRETE || type === dataTypes.STRING) && axisTypes.DISCRETE; - return axisType || axisTypes.CONTINUOUS - }, - _filterForLogAxis: function(val, field) { - if (val <= 0) { - this.incidentOccured("E2004", [field]); - return null - } - return val - }, - _createParserUnit: function _createParserUnit(type, filter, ignoreEmptyPoints) { - var that = this, - parser = type ? parseUtils.getParser(type, undefined, true) : function(unit) { - return unit - }; - return function(unit, field) { - var parseUnit = parser(unit); - if (filter) - parseUnit =, parseUnit, field); - parseUnit === null && ignoreEmptyPoints && (parseUnit = undefined); - if (parseUnit === undefined) { - that._addSkipFields(field); - that._validUnit(unit, field, type) - } - return parseUnit - } - }, - _validUnit: function _validUnit(unit, field, type) { - if (!unit) - return; - if (!utils.isNumber(unit) && !utils.isDate(unit) && !utils.isString(unit)) { - this.incidentOccured("E2003", [field]); - return - } - this.incidentOccured("E2004", [field]) - }, - _sort: function _sort() { - var that = this, - groups = that.groups, - hash = {}, - argumentField = groups.length && groups[0].length && groups[0][0].getArgumentField(); - if (utils.isFunction(that.options.sortingMethod)) - that._data.sort(that.options.sortingMethod); - else if (that.userArgumentCategories.length) { - $.each(that.userArgumentCategories, function(index, value) { - hash[value] = index - }); - that._data.sort(function sortCat(a, b) { - a = a[argumentField]; - b = b[argumentField]; - return hash[a] - hash[b] - }) - } - else if (that.options.sortingMethod === true && groups.argumentType !== dataTypes.STRING) - mergeSort(that._data, argumentField) - }, - _addSkipFields: function _addSkipFields(field) { - this._skipFields[field] = (this._skipFields[field] || 0) + 1 - }, - _incorrectDataMessage: function() { - if (this._erorrDataSource !== true) { - this._erorrDataSource = true; - this.incidentOccured("E2001") - } - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file themeManager.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var viz = DX.viz, - Palette = viz.core.Palette, - utils = DX.utils; - var HOVER_COLOR_HIGHLIGHTING = 20, - HIGHLIGHTING_STEP = 50; - viz.charts.ThemeManager = viz.core.BaseThemeManager.inherit(function() { - var ctor = function(options, themeGroupName) { - var that = this; - options = options || {}; - that._userOptions = options; - that._mergeAxisTitleOptions = []; - themeGroupName && (that._themeSection = themeGroupName); - that._IE8 = DX.browser.msie && DX.browser.version < 9; - that.setTheme(options.theme); - that.palette = new Palette(options.palette, { - stepHighlight: HIGHLIGHTING_STEP, - theme: that._themeName - }) - }; - var dispose = function() { - var that = this; - that.palette.dispose(); - that.palette = that._userOptions = that._mergedSettings = null; - that.callBase() - }; - var initDefaultSeriesTheme = function(that) { - var commonSeriesSettings = that._theme.commonSeriesSettings; - commonSeriesSettings.point = commonSeriesSettings.point || {}; - commonSeriesSettings.label = commonSeriesSettings.label || {}; - that._initializeFont(commonSeriesSettings.label.font) - }; - var initAxisTheme = function(that) { - var axisTheme = that._theme.commonAxisSettings; - if (axisTheme) { - axisTheme.label = axisTheme.label || {}; - axisTheme.grid = axisTheme.grid || {}; - axisTheme.ticks = axisTheme.ticks || {}; - axisTheme.line = axisTheme.line || {}; - axisTheme.title = axisTheme.title || {}; - axisTheme.label.font = axisTheme.label.font || {}; - that._initializeFont(axisTheme.label.font); - axisTheme.title.font = axisTheme.title.font || {}; - that._initializeFont(axisTheme.title.font) - } - }; - var resetPalette = function() { - this.palette.reset() - }; - var updatePalette = function(palette) { - this.palette = new Palette(palette || this._theme.defaultPalette, { - stepHighlight: HIGHLIGHTING_STEP, - theme: this.themeName - }) - }; - var processTitleOptions = function(options) { - return utils.isString(options) ? {text: options} : options - }; - var processAxisOptions = function(axisOptions, name) { - if (!axisOptions) - return; - axisOptions = $.extend(true, {}, axisOptions); - axisOptions.title = processTitleOptions(axisOptions.title); - if (axisOptions.type === 'logarithmic' && axisOptions.logarithmBase <= 0 || axisOptions.logarithmBase && !$.isNumeric(axisOptions.logarithmBase)) { - axisOptions.logarithmBase = undefined; - axisOptions.logarithmBaseError = true - } - if (axisOptions.label) { - if (axisOptions.label.alignment) - axisOptions.label['userAlignment'] = true; - if (!axisOptions.label.overlappingBehavior) { - if (axisOptions.label.staggered) - axisOptions.label.overlappingBehavior = { - mode: 'stagger', - staggeringSpacing: axisOptions.label.staggeringSpacing - }; - if (axisOptions.label.rotationAngle) - axisOptions.label.overlappingBehavior = { - mode: 'rotate', - rotationAngle: axisOptions.label.rotationAngle - } - } - if (utils.isString(axisOptions.label.overlappingBehavior)) - axisOptions.label.overlappingBehavior = {mode: axisOptions.label.overlappingBehavior}; - if (!axisOptions.label.overlappingBehavior || !axisOptions.label.overlappingBehavior.mode) - axisOptions.label.overlappingBehavior = axisOptions.label.overlappingBehavior || {} - } - return axisOptions - }; - var applyParticularAxisOptions = function(name, userOptions, rotated) { - var theme = this._theme, - position = !(rotated ^ name === "valueAxis") ? "horizontalAxis" : "verticalAxis", - commonAxisSettings = processAxisOptions(this._userOptions["commonAxisSettings"], name); - return $.extend(true, {}, theme.commonAxisSettings, theme[position], theme[name], commonAxisSettings, processAxisOptions(userOptions, name)) - }; - var mergeOptions = function(name, userOptions) { - userOptions = userOptions || this._userOptions[name]; - var theme = this._theme[name], - result = this._mergedSettings[name]; - if (result) - return result; - if ($.isPlainObject(theme) && $.isPlainObject(userOptions)) - result = $.extend(true, {}, theme, userOptions); - else - result = utils.isDefined(userOptions) ? userOptions : theme; - this._mergedSettings[name] = result; - return result - }; - var applyParticularTheme = { - base: mergeOptions, - argumentAxis: applyParticularAxisOptions, - valueAxisRangeSelector: function() { - return, 'valueAxis') - }, - valueAxis: applyParticularAxisOptions, - title: function(name) { - var userOptions = processTitleOptions(this._userOptions[name]); - return, name, userOptions) - }, - series: function(name, userOptions, isPie) { - var theme = this._theme, - userCommonSettings = this._userOptions.commonSeriesSettings || {}, - themeCommonSettings = theme.commonSeriesSettings, - type = ((userOptions.type || userCommonSettings.type || themeCommonSettings.type) + '').toLowerCase(), - settings, - palette = this.palette, - isBar = ~type.indexOf('bar'), - isBubble = ~type.indexOf('bubble'), - mainSeriesColor, - containerBackgroundColor = this.getOptions("containerBackgroundColor"); - if (isBar || isBubble) { - userOptions = $.extend(true, {}, userCommonSettings, userCommonSettings[type], userOptions); - var seriesVisibility = userOptions.visible; - userCommonSettings = {type: {}}; - $.extend(true, userOptions, userOptions.point); - userOptions.visible = seriesVisibility - } - settings = $.extend(true, {}, themeCommonSettings, themeCommonSettings[type], userCommonSettings, userCommonSettings[type], userOptions); - settings.type = type; - settings.containerBackgroundColor = containerBackgroundColor; - if (!isPie) { - settings.widgetType = 'chart'; - mainSeriesColor = settings.color || palette.getNextColor() - } - else { - settings.widgetType = 'pieChart'; - mainSeriesColor = function() { - return palette.getNextColor() - } - } - settings.mainSeriesColor = mainSeriesColor; - settings._IE8 = this._IE8; - return settings - }, - pieSegment: function(name, seriesSettings, segmentSettings) { - var settings = $.extend(true, {}, seriesSettings, segmentSettings); - var mainColor = new DX.Color(settings.color || this.palette.getNextColor()); - settings.color = mainColor.toHex(); - settings.border.color = settings.border.color || mainColor.toHex(); - settings.hoverStyle.color = settings.hoverStyle.color || this._IE8 && mainColor.highlight(HOVER_COLOR_HIGHLIGHTING) || mainColor.toHex(); - settings.hoverStyle.border.color = settings.hoverStyle.border.color || mainColor.toHex(); - settings.selectionStyle.color = settings.selectionStyle.color || this._IE8 && mainColor.highlight(HOVER_COLOR_HIGHLIGHTING) || mainColor.toHex(); - settings.selectionStyle.border.color = settings.selectionStyle.border.color || mainColor.toHex(); - return settings - }, - animation: function(name) { - var userOptions = this._userOptions[name]; - userOptions = $.isPlainObject(userOptions) ? userOptions : utils.isDefined(userOptions) ? {enabled: !!userOptions} : {}; - return, name, userOptions) - } - }; - return { - _themeSection: 'chart', - ctor: ctor, - dispose: dispose, - _initializeTheme: function() { - var that = this, - theme = this._theme; - theme.legend = theme.legend || {}; - theme.legend.font = theme.legend.font || {}; - that._initializeFont(theme.legend.font); - initDefaultSeriesTheme(that); - initAxisTheme(that); - theme.title = theme.title || {}; - theme.title.font = theme.title.font || {}; - that._initializeFont(theme.title.font); - theme.tooltip = theme.tooltip || {}; - theme.tooltip.font = theme.tooltip.font || {}; - that._initializeFont(theme.tooltip.font); - theme.loadingIndicator = theme.loadingIndicator || {}; - theme.loadingIndicator.font = theme.loadingIndicator.font || {}; - that._initializeFont(theme.loadingIndicator.font) - }, - resetPalette: resetPalette, - getOptions: function(name) { - return (applyParticularTheme[name] || applyParticularTheme["base"]).apply(this, arguments) - }, - setTheme: function(theme) { - var that = this; - that._mergedSettings = {}; - that.callBase(theme); - that.getOptions('rtlEnabled') && $.extend(true, that._theme, that._theme._rtl) - }, - resetOptions: function(name) { - this._mergedSettings[name] = null - }, - update: function(options) { - this._userOptions = options - }, - updatePalette: updatePalette - } - }()) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file factory.js */ - (function($, DX) { - var viz = DX.viz, - charts = viz.charts, - series = charts.series; - charts.factory = function() { - var createSeriesFamily = function(options) { - return new series.SeriesFamily(options) - }; - var createAxis = function(renderer, options) { - return new charts.Axis(renderer, options) - }; - var createThemeManager = function(options, groupName) { - return new charts.ThemeManager(options, groupName) - }; - var createDataValidator = function(data, groups, incidentOccured, dataPrepareOptions) { - return new charts.DataValidator(data, groups, incidentOccured, dataPrepareOptions) - }; - var createTracker = function(options) { - return new charts.Tracker(options) - }; - var createTitle = function(renderer, canvas, options, group) { - return new charts.ChartTitle(renderer, canvas, options, group) - }; - var createChartLayoutManager = function(options) { - return new charts.LayoutManager(options) - }; - return { - createSeriesFamily: createSeriesFamily, - createAxis: createAxis, - createThemeManager: createThemeManager, - createDataValidator: createDataValidator, - createTracker: createTracker, - createChartLayoutManager: createChartLayoutManager, - createTitle: createTitle - } - }() - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file baseWidget.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var core = DX.viz.core, - utils = DX.utils; - DX.viz.core.BaseWidget = DX.DOMComponent.inherit({ - NAMESPACE: DX.ui, - _init: function() { - this._setRedrawOnResize(this._getOptionRedrawOnResize()); - this._incidentOccured = this._createIncidentOccured(); - this._renderVisiblityChange() - }, - _optionChanged: function(name, value, prevValue) { - var that = this; - switch (name) { - case'redrawOnResize': - that._setRedrawOnResize(that._getOptionRedrawOnResize()); - break; - case'loadingIndicator': - that._updateLoadIndicator(that._getLoadIndicatorOption()); - break; - default: - that._invalidate() - } - that.callBase(name, value, prevValue) - }, - _getOptionRedrawOnResize: function() { - var redrawOnResize = this.option('redrawOnResize'); - redrawOnResize = redrawOnResize !== undefined ? !!redrawOnResize : true; - return redrawOnResize - }, - _getLoadIndicatorOption: function() { - return this.option('loadingIndicator') - }, - _dispose: function() { - var that = this; - if (that._resizeHandlerCallback) - that._removeResizeCallbacks(); - that._incidentOccured = null; - that.callBase() - }, - _visibilityChanged: function(visible) { - if (visible) - this.render() - }, - _setRedrawOnResize: function(redrawOnResize) { - var that = this; - if (redrawOnResize) { - if (!that._resizeHandlerCallback && utils.isFunction(that._resize)) { - that._resizeHandlerCallback = DX.utils.createResizeHandler(function() { - that._resize() - }); - utils.windowResizeCallbacks.add(that._resizeHandlerCallback) - } - } - else - that._removeResizeCallbacks() - }, - _removeResizeCallbacks: function() { - var that = this; - that._resizeHandlerCallback && that._resizeHandlerCallback.stop(); - utils.windowResizeCallbacks.remove(that._resizeHandlerCallback); - delete that._resizeHandlerCallback - }, - _showLoadIndicator: function(options, canvas) { - var that = this; - that._loadIndicator = this._loadIndicator || core.CoreFactory.createLoadIndicator(options, that._element()); -, canvas.height); - that._initializing && that._loadIndicator.endLoading(undefined, true) - }, - _updateLoadIndicator: function(options, width, height) { - this._loadIndicator && this._loadIndicator.applyOptions(options, width, height) - }, - _endLoading: function(complete) { - if (this._loadIndicator) - this._loadIndicator.endLoading(complete); - else - complete && complete() - }, - _reappendLoadIndicator: function() { - this._loadIndicator && this._loadIndicator.toForeground() - }, - _disposeLoadIndicator: function() { - this._loadIndicator && this._loadIndicator.dispose(); - this._loadIndicator = null - }, - _setDefaultOptions: function() { - this.callBase(); - this.option({incidentOccured: function(options) { - var message = "" + + " - " + options.text, - majorVerision = options.version.split(".").slice(0, 2).join("_"), - url = "" + majorVerision + "/" +; - utils.logger.warn(message + "\n" + url) - }}) - }, - _createIncidentOccured: function() { - var that = this; - return function(errorOrWarningId, options) { - var isError = errorOrWarningId[0] === 'E', - type = isError ? "error" : "warning", - formattingArray = options ? options.slice(0) : [], - text, - incidentOccuredFunc = that.option('incidentOccured'); - formattingArray.unshift(core.errorsWarnings[errorOrWarningId]); - text = utils.stringFormat.apply(null, formattingArray); - if (utils.isFunction(incidentOccuredFunc)) - setTimeout(function() { - incidentOccuredFunc({ - id: errorOrWarningId, - type: type, - args: options, - text: text, - widget: that.NAME, - version: DevExpress.VERSION - }) - }) - } - }, - _normalizeHtml: function(html) { - var re = /xmlns="[\s\S]*?"/gi, - first = true; - html = html.replace(re, function(match) { - if (!first) - return ""; - first = false; - return match - }); - return html.replace(/xmlns:NS1="[\s\S]*?"/gi, "").replace(/NS1:xmlns:xlink="([\s\S]*?)"/gi, 'xmlns:xlink="$1"') - }, - _drawn: function() { - var that = this, - drawnCallback = that.option('drawn'); - utils.isFunction(drawnCallback) && setTimeout(function() { - drawnCallback(that) - }) - }, - showLoadingIndicator: function() { - this._showLoadIndicator(this.option('loadingIndicator'), this.canvas || {}) - }, - hideLoadingIndicator: function() { - this._loadIndicator && this._loadIndicator.hide() - }, - endUpdate: function() { - if (this._updateLockCount === 1 && !this._requireRefresh) - this.hideLoadingIndicator(); - this.callBase() - }, - svg: function() { - var renderer = this.renderer || this._renderer; - return renderer ? this._normalizeHtml(renderer.svg()) : '' - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-core, file CoreFactory.js */ - (function(DX, undefined) { - var renderers = DX.viz.renderers, - core = DX.viz.core; - DX.viz.core.CoreFactory = function() { - return { - createSeries: function(renderer, options) { - return new core.series.Series(renderer, options) - }, - createPoint: function(data, options) { - return new core.series.points.Point(data, options) - }, - createLabel: function(type, data, options) { - if (type === "pie" || type === "doughnut" || type === "donut") - return new core.series.points.PieLabel(data, options); - else - return new core.series.points.Label(data, options) - }, - createRenderer: function(options) { - return new renderers.Renderer(options) - }, - createTranslator1D: function(fromValue, toValue, fromAngle, toAngle) { - return (new core.Translator1D).setDomain(fromValue, toValue).setCodomain(fromAngle, toAngle) - }, - createTranslator2D: function(range, canvas, options) { - return new core.Translator2D(range, canvas, options) - }, - getTickProvider: function() { - return core.tickProvider - }, - createTooltip: function(options, group, renderer) { - return new core.Tooltip(options, group, renderer) - }, - createLoadIndicator: function(options, group) { - return new core.LoadIndicator(options, group) - }, - createLegend: function(data, options, renderer, group) { - return new core.Legend(data, options, renderer, group) - }, - createSeriesFamily: function(options) { - return new core.series.helpers.SeriesFamily(options) - } - } - }() - })(DevExpress); - DevExpress.MOD_VIZ_CORE = true -} -if (!DevExpress.MOD_VIZ_CHARTS) { - if (!DevExpress.MOD_VIZ_CORE) - throw Error('Required module is not referenced: viz-core'); - /*! Module viz-charts, file chartTitle.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var isDefined = DX.utils.isDefined, - endsWith = function(value, pattern) { - return value.substr(value.length - pattern.length) === pattern - }, - startsWith = function(value, pattern) { - return value.indexOf(pattern) === 0 - }, - decreaseGaps = DevExpress.viz.core.utils.decreaseGaps, - DEFAULT_MARGIN = 10; - DX.viz.charts.ChartTitle = DX.Class.inherit({ - ctor: function(renderer, options, width, group) { - var that = this; - that._init(options, width); - that.renderer = renderer; - that.titleGroup = group - }, - dispose: function() { - var that = this; - that.renderer = null; - that.clipRect = null; - that.title = null; - that.innerTitleGroup = null; - that.titleGroup = null; - that.options = null - }, - update: function(options, width) { - this._init(options, width) - }, - _init: function(options, width) { - var that = this; - if (options) { - that._parseAlignments(options); - that.horizontalAlignment = options.horizontalAlignment; - that.verticalAlignment = options.verticalAlignment; - that._parseMargins(options); - that.margin = options.margin; - that.options = options - } - that.setSize({width: width}) - }, - _parseMargins: function(options) { - options.margin = isDefined(options.margin) ? options.margin : {}; - if (typeof options.margin === 'number') { - options.margin = options.margin >= 0 ? options.margin : DEFAULT_MARGIN; - options.margin = { - top: options.margin, - bottom: options.margin, - left: options.margin, - right: options.margin - } - } - else { - = >= 0 ? : DEFAULT_MARGIN; - options.margin.bottom = options.margin.bottom >= 0 ? options.margin.bottom : DEFAULT_MARGIN; - options.margin.left = options.margin.left >= 0 ? options.margin.left : DEFAULT_MARGIN; - options.margin.right = options.margin.right >= 0 ? options.margin.right : DEFAULT_MARGIN - } - }, - _parseAlignments: function(options) { - if (isDefined(options.position) && !(isDefined(options.verticalAlignment) && isDefined(options.horizontalAlignment))) { - options.position = options.position.toLowerCase(); - options.verticalAlignment = endsWith(options.position, 'top') ? 'top' : 'bottom'; - options.horizontalAlignment = startsWith(options.position, 'left') ? 'left' : startsWith(options.position, 'center') && 'center' || 'right'; - return - } - options.verticalAlignment = (options.verticalAlignment || '').toLowerCase(); - options.horizontalAlignment = (options.horizontalAlignment || '').toLowerCase(); - if (options.verticalAlignment !== 'top' && options.verticalAlignment !== 'bottom') - options.verticalAlignment = 'top'; - if (options.horizontalAlignment !== 'left' && options.horizontalAlignment !== 'center' && options.horizontalAlignment !== 'right') - options.horizontalAlignment = 'center' - }, - _setBoundingRect: function() { - var that = this, - options = that.options, - margin = that.changedMargin || that.margin, - box; - if (!that.innerTitleGroup) - return; - box = that.innerTitleGroup.getBBox(); - box.height += + margin.bottom; - box.width += margin.left + margin.right; - box.x -= margin.left; - box.y -=; - if (isDefined(options.placeholderSize)) - box.height = options.placeholderSize; - that.boundingRect = box - }, - draw: function() { - var that = this, - titleOptions = that.options, - renderer = that.renderer, - attr; - if (!titleOptions.text) - return; - that.changedMargin = null; - if (!that.innerTitleGroup) { - that.innerTitleGroup = renderer.createGroup(); - that.clipRect = that.createClipRect(); - that.titleGroup && that.clipRect && that.titleGroup.applySettings({clipId:}) - } - else - that.innerTitleGroup.clear(); - that.innerTitleGroup.append(that.titleGroup); - attr = { - font: titleOptions.font, - align: that.horizontalAlignment, - style: titleOptions.fontStyle - }; - that.title = renderer.createText(titleOptions.text, 0, 0, attr).append(that.innerTitleGroup); - that.title.text = titleOptions.text; - that._correctTitleLength(); - that._setClipRectSettings() - }, - _correctTitleLength: function() { - var that = this, - text = that.title.text, - updateText, - lineLength, - box; - that.title.updateText(text); - that._setBoundingRect(); - box = that.getLayoutOptions(); - if (that._width > box.width || text.indexOf("
") !== -1) - return; - lineLength = text.length * that._width / box.width; - updateText = text.substr(0, ~~lineLength - 1 - 3) + "..."; - that.title.updateText(updateText); - that._setBoundingRect() - }, - changeSize: function(size) { - var that = this, - margin = $.extend(true, {}, that.margin); - if ( + margin.bottom < size.height) { - if (this.innerTitleGroup) { - that.options._incidentOccured("W2103"); - this.innerTitleGroup.remove(); - this.innerTitleGroup = null - } - if (that.clipRect) { - that.clipRect.remove(); - that.clipRect = null - } - } - else if (size.height > 0) { - decreaseGaps(margin, ["top", "bottom"], size.height); - size.height && (that.changedMargin = margin) - } - that._correctTitleLength(); - that._setBoundingRect(); - that._setClipRectSettings() - }, - getLayoutOptions: function() { - var options = this.options, - boundingRect = this.innerTitleGroup ? this.boundingRect : { - width: 0, - height: 0, - x: 0, - y: 0 - }; - boundingRect.verticalAlignment = options.verticalAlignment; - boundingRect.horizontalAlignment = options.horizontalAlignment; - boundingRect.cutLayoutSide = options.verticalAlignment; - return boundingRect - }, - setSize: function(size) { - this._width = size.width || this._width - }, - shift: function(x, y) { - var that = this, - box = that.getLayoutOptions(); - x -= box.x; - y -= box.y; - that.innerTitleGroup && that.innerTitleGroup.move(x, y); - that.clipRect && that.clipRect.updateRectangle({ - translateX: x, - translateY: y - }) - }, - createClipRect: function() { - if (isDefined(this.options.placeholderSize)) - return this.renderer.createClipRect(0, 0, 0, 0) - }, - _setClipRectSettings: function() { - var bbox = this.getLayoutOptions(), - clipRect = this.clipRect; - if (clipRect) { - clipRect.append(); - clipRect.updateRectangle({ - x: bbox.x, - y: bbox.y, - width: bbox.width, - height: bbox.height - }) - } - } - }); - DX.viz.charts.ChartTitle.__DEFAULT_MARGIN = DEFAULT_MARGIN - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-charts, file axis.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var utils = DX.utils, - isDefinedUtils = utils.isDefined, - isDateUtils = utils.isDate, - mathAbs = Math.abs, - core = DX.viz.core, - AXIS_VALUE_MARGIN_PRIORITY = 100, - DEFAULT_AXIS_LABEL_SPACING = 5, - AXIS_STAGGER_OVERLAPPING_KOEF = 2, - MAX_GRID_BORDER_ADHENSION = 4, - CANVAS_POSITION_PREFIX = 'canvas_position_', - CANVAS_POSITION_START = 'canvas_position_start', - CANVAS_POSITION_END = 'canvas_position_end', - TOP = 'top', - BOTTOM = 'bottom', - LEFT = 'left', - RIGHT = 'right', - CENTER = 'center'; - DX.viz.charts.AXIS_STAGGER_OVERLAPPING_KOEF = AXIS_STAGGER_OVERLAPPING_KOEF; - var processCustomOptions = function(options) { - var label = options.label, - position = options.position; - if (options.isHorizontal) { - if (!(position === BOTTOM || position === TOP)) - position = BOTTOM - } - else if (!(position === LEFT || position === RIGHT)) - position = LEFT; - options.position = position; - if (position === RIGHT && !label.userAlignment) - label.alignment = LEFT - }; - var formatLabel = function(value, options, axisMinMax) { - var formatObject = { - value: value, - valueText: DX.formatHelper.format(value, options.format, options.precision) || '' - }; - if (axisMinMax) { - formatObject.min = axisMinMax.min; - formatObject.max = axisMinMax.max - } - return options.customizeText ?, formatObject) : formatObject.valueText - }; - var nextState = function(state) { - switch (state) { - case'overlap': - return 'stagger'; - case'stagger': - return 'rotate'; - case'rotate': - default: - return 'end' - } - }; - DX.viz.charts.Axis = function(renderer, options) { - var debug = DX.utils.debug; - debug.assertParam(renderer, 'renderer was not passed'); - debug.assertParam(options.label, 'label was not passed'); - debug.assertParam(options.tick, 'tick was not passed'); - debug.assertParam(options.grid, 'grid was not passed'); - debug.assertParam(options.title, 'title was not passed'); - debug.assert(options.axisDivisionFactor, 'axisDivisionFactor was not passed'); - debug.assert(options.stripStyle, 'stripStyle was not passed'); - debug.assert(options.constantLineStyle, 'constantLineStyle was not passed'); - debug.assert(options.position, 'position was not passed'); - debug.assertParam(options.isHorizontal, 'isHorizontal was not passed'); - this.renderer = renderer; - this._init(options) - }; - $.extend(DX.viz.charts.Axis.prototype, { - dispose: function() { - var that = this; - that._axisElementsGroup && that._axisElementsGroup.dispose(); - $.each(that.labels || [], function(_, label) { - label.removeData() - }); - that.labels = null; - that.title = null; - that.stripLabels = null; - that.stripRects = null; - that.constantLineLabels = null; - that.constantLines = null; - that._axisStripGroup = null; - that._axisConstantLineGroup = null; - that._axisLableGroup = null; - that._axisLineGroup = null; - that._axisElementsGroup = null; - that._axisGridGroup = null; - that._axisGroup = null; - that.axesContainerGroup = null; - that.stripsGroup = null; - that.constantLinesGroup = null; - that._axisTitleGroup = null; - that.renderer = null; - that.translator = null; - that.orthogonalTranslator = null; - that.options = null; - that.textOptions = null; - that._tickValues = null; - that._fullTickValues = null; - that._fullTickPositions = null - }, - _init: function(options) { - var that = this, - categories = options.categories, - labelOptions = options.label; - options.hoverMode = options.hoverMode ? options.hoverMode.toLowerCase() : 'none'; - that.hasLabelFormat = labelOptions.format !== '' && isDefinedUtils(labelOptions.format); - that.options = options; - that.staggered = labelOptions.staggered; - labelOptions.minSpacing = isDefinedUtils(labelOptions.minSpacing) ? labelOptions.minSpacing : DEFAULT_AXIS_LABEL_SPACING; - processCustomOptions(options); - if (categories) { - that.labelsNumber = categories.length; - that.ticksNumber = that.labelsNumber - } - options.range = { - min: options.min, - max: options.max, - categories: options.categories && options.categories.slice(0) - }; - that.pane = options.pane; - that.textOptions = { - align: labelOptions.alignment, - font: labelOptions.font, - opacity: labelOptions.opacity, - style: - }; - if (options.type === 'logarithmic') { - if (options.logarithmBaseError) { - options.incidentOccured('E2104'); - delete options.logarithmBaseError - } - that.calcInterval = function(value, prevValue) { - return utils.getLog(value / prevValue, options.logarithmBase) - } - } - }, - updateSize: function(clearAxis) { - var that = this, - options = that.options, - direction = options.isHorizontal ? "horizontal" : "vertical"; - if (that.title && that._axisTitleGroup) { - options.incidentOccured('W2105', [direction]); - that._axisTitleGroup.remove(); - that._axisTitleGroup = null - } - if (clearAxis && that._axisElementsGroup && that.labels) { - options.incidentOccured('W2106', [direction]); - that._axisElementsGroup.remove(); - that._axisElementsGroup = null - } - that._setBoundingRect() - }, - _updateTranslatorInterval: function() { - var that = this, - i, - tickValues, - businessRange = that.translator.getBusinessRange(); - if (businessRange && businessRange.addRange && !that.options.categories) { - tickValues = that.getTickValues(); - for (i = 0; i < tickValues.length - 1; i++) - businessRange.addRange({interval: mathAbs(tickValues[i] - tickValues[i + 1])}) - } - }, - setTranslator: function(translator, orthogonalTranslator) { - var that = this; - var debug = DX.utils.debug; - debug.assertParam(translator, 'translator was not passed'); - that.translator = translator; - orthogonalTranslator && (that.orthogonalTranslator = orthogonalTranslator); - that.resetTicks(); - that._updateTranslatorInterval() - }, - resetTicks: function() { - var that = this; - that._tickValues = that._tickPositions = that._fullTickValues = that._fullTickPositions = null - }, - setRange: function(range) { - var debug = DX.utils.debug; - debug.assertParam(range, 'range was not passed'); - var options = this.options; - options.min = range.minVisible; - options.max = range.maxVisible; - options.categories = range.categories; - options.stubData = range.stubData; - this.resetTicks() - }, - _drawAxis: function() { - var that = this, - translator = that.translator, - options = that.options, - hasCategories = !!options.categories, - axisPosition = that.axisPosition, - p11, - p12, - p21, - p22; - if (!options.visible) - return; - p11 = translator.translateSpecialCase(CANVAS_POSITION_START); - p21 = translator.translateSpecialCase(CANVAS_POSITION_END); - if (options.isHorizontal) - p12 = p22 = axisPosition; - else { - p12 = p11; - p22 = p21; - p11 = p21 = axisPosition - } - that.renderer.createLine(p11, p12, p21, p22, { - strokeWidth: options.width, - stroke: options.color, - strokeOpacity: options.opacity - }).append(that._axisLineGroup) - }, - _getOptimalRotationAngle: function(tick1, tick2, labelOptions) { - var that = this, - translator = that.options.isHorizontal ? that.translator : that.orthogonalTranslator, - renderer = that.renderer, - outOfScreen = core.outOfScreen, - textOptions = that.textOptions, - svgElement1 = renderer.createText(formatLabel(tick1, labelOptions), outOfScreen.x + translator.translate(tick1), outOfScreen.y, textOptions).append(), - svgElement2 = renderer.createText(formatLabel(tick2, labelOptions), outOfScreen.x + translator.translate(tick2), outOfScreen.y, textOptions).append(), - bBox1 = svgElement1.getBBox(), - bBox2 = svgElement2.getBBox(), - angle = Math.asin((bBox1.height + labelOptions.minSpacing) / (bBox2.x - bBox1.x)) * 180 / Math.PI; - svgElement1.remove(); - svgElement2.remove(); - return isNaN(angle) ? 90 : Math.ceil(angle) - }, - _applyOptimalOverlappingBehavior: function(ticks, ticksOptions) { - var that = this, - overlappingBehavior = that.overlappingBehavior, - isOverlapped = false, - rotationAngle = null, - mode = null, - options = $.extend({}, ticksOptions), - state = 'overlap'; - while (state !== 'end') { - isOverlapped = rotationAngle && rotationAngle !== 90 ? false : that.options.tickProvider.isOverlappedTicks(ticks, options); - state = nextState(isOverlapped ? state : null); - that.testAutoOverlappingState = state; - switch (state) { - case'stagger': - options.screenDelta *= AXIS_STAGGER_OVERLAPPING_KOEF; - mode = state; - break; - case'rotate': - rotationAngle = that._getOptimalRotationAngle(ticks[0], ticks[1], that.options.label); - that.testAutoOverlappingRotationAngle = rotationAngle; - options.screenDelta = ticksOptions.screenDelta; - options.textOptions.rotate = rotationAngle; - mode = state; - break - } - } - that.testAutoOverlappingOptions = options; - overlappingBehavior.isOverlapped = isOverlapped; - overlappingBehavior.mode = mode; - overlappingBehavior.rotationAngle = rotationAngle - }, - _getTicksOptions: function() { - var that = this, - options = that.options, - translator = that.translator, - screenDelta = mathAbs(translator.translateSpecialCase(CANVAS_POSITION_START) - translator.translateSpecialCase(CANVAS_POSITION_END)), - min = options.min, - max = options.max, - digitPosition = utils.getSignificantDigitPosition(mathAbs(max - min) / screenDelta), - correctingValue, - getText = function() { - return '' - }; - if (utils.isNumber(min) && options.type !== 'logarithmic') { - min = utils.roundValue(options.min, digitPosition); - if (min < options.min) { - correctingValue = Math.pow(10, -digitPosition); - min = utils.applyPrecisionByMinDelta(min, correctingValue, min + correctingValue) - } - if (min > max) - min = options.min - } - if (!options.stubData) - getText = function(value) { - return formatLabel(value, options.label, { - min: min, - max: max - }) - }; - return { - min: min, - max: max, - base: options.type === 'logarithmic' ? options.logarithmBase : undefined, - axisType: options.type, - dataType: options.dataType, - customTicks: $.isArray(options.categories) ? options.categories : that._tickValues, - useTicksAutoArrangement: false, - textOptions: that.textOptions, - getText: getText, - renderer: that.renderer, - textSpacing: options.label.minSpacing, - translator: translator, - tickInterval: options.stubData ? null : options.tickInterval, - screenDelta: screenDelta, - gridSpacingFactor: options.axisDivisionFactor, - isHorizontal: options.isHorizontal, - setTicksAtUnitBeginning: options.setTicksAtUnitBeginning, - incidentOccured: options.incidentOccured - } - }, - getTickValues: function() { - var that = this, - correctedScreenDelta, - options = that.options, - tickProvider = options.tickProvider, - labelOptions = options.label, - categories = options.categories, - ticksOptions = that._getTicksOptions(); - that._fullTickValues = that._tickValues = tickProvider.getTicks(ticksOptions); - if ((isDateUtils(options.min) || isDateUtils(categories && categories[0])) && !that.hasLabelFormat && that._tickValues.length) - labelOptions.format = DX.formatHelper.getDateFormatByTicks(that._tickValues); - that.overlappingBehavior = labelOptions.overlappingBehavior ? $.extend({}, labelOptions.overlappingBehavior) : null; - if (that.overlappingBehavior) { - if (!options.isHorizontal && that.overlappingBehavior.mode !== 'ignore') - that.overlappingBehavior.mode = 'enlargeTickInterval'; - ticksOptions.useTicksAutoArrangement = that.overlappingBehavior.mode !== 'ignore'; - if (ticksOptions.useTicksAutoArrangement) - that._fullTickValues = that._tickValues = tickProvider.getCorrectedTicks(that._fullTickValues, ticksOptions); - if (that.overlappingBehavior.mode === 'auto') { - that.textOptions.rotate = 0; - that._applyOptimalOverlappingBehavior(that._fullTickValues, ticksOptions); - ticksOptions.useTicksAutoArrangement = that.overlappingBehavior.isOverlapped - } - if (that.overlappingBehavior.mode === 'rotate') { - that.textOptions.rotate = that.overlappingBehavior.rotationAngle; - if (!labelOptions.userAlignment) - that.textOptions.align = LEFT - } - else if (!labelOptions.userAlignment) - that.textOptions.align = labelOptions.alignment - } - if (ticksOptions.useTicksAutoArrangement) { - correctedScreenDelta = that._tickValues.length ? that.translator.translate(that._tickValues[that._tickValues.length - 1]) - that.translator.translate(that._tickValues[0]) : null; - if (correctedScreenDelta) { - ticksOptions.screenDelta = mathAbs(correctedScreenDelta); - ticksOptions.ticksCount = that._tickValues.length - 1 - } - else - ticksOptions.ticksCount = that._tickValues.length; - if (that.overlappingBehavior && that.overlappingBehavior.mode === 'stagger') - ticksOptions.screenDelta *= AXIS_STAGGER_OVERLAPPING_KOEF; - ticksOptions.customTicks = that._tickValues; - that._tickValues = tickProvider.getTicks(ticksOptions) - } - that._testTKScreenDelta = ticksOptions.screenDelta; - that._autoArrangementStep = that._tickValues.autoArrangementStep; - that._useTicksAutoArrangement = ticksOptions.useTicksAutoArrangement; - if (that.options.stubData) { - that._testSkippedFormattingAndOverlapping = true; - return that._tickValues - } - if (!$.isArray(categories)) - that._fullTickValues = that._tickValues; - return that._tickValues - }, - setTickValues: function(tickValues) { - this.resetTicks(); - this._fullTickValues = this._tickValues = tickValues - }, - _prepareLabelsToDraw: function() { - var that = this, - ticksValues = that.getTickValues(), - ticks = [], - i; - if (ticksValues.hideLabels || that.options.stubData) - ticks.hideLabels = true; - for (i = 0; i < ticksValues.length; i++) - ticks.push({ - text: ticksValues[i], - pos: that.translator.translate(ticksValues[i]) - }); - return ticks - }, - _correctTicksPosition: function(ticks) { - var that = this, - options = that.options, - tickDelta = that.translator.getInterval() / 2, - i; - if (options.categories && (options.discreteAxisDivisionMode !== 'crossLabels' || !options.discreteAxisDivisionMode)) { - if (options.isHorizontal) { - if (!options.valueMarginsEnabled) - ticks = ticks.slice(0, ticks.length - 1) - } - else { - tickDelta = -tickDelta; - if (!options.valueMarginsEnabled) - ticks = ticks.slice(1, ticks.length) - } - for (i = 0; i < ticks.length; i++) - ticks[i].pos = ticks[i].pos + tickDelta - } - return ticks - }, - _prepareFullTicksToDraw: function() { - var that = this, - ticksValues = that._fullTickValues, - ticks = [], - i; - if (!that._fullTickPositions) { - if (!ticksValues) { - that.getTickValues(); - ticksValues = that._fullTickValues || [] - } - for (i = 0; i < ticksValues.length; i++) - ticks.push({pos: that.translator.translate(ticksValues[i])}); - that._fullTickPositions = that._correctTicksPosition(ticks) - } - return that._fullTickPositions - }, - _drawTicks: function() { - var that = this, - options = that.options, - ticksOptions = options.tick, - i, - axisPosition = that.axisPosition, - tickStart = axisPosition - 4, - tickEnd = axisPosition + 4, - tick, - ticksToDraw; - if (!ticksOptions.visible) - return; - var drawLine = function(p11, p12, p21, p22) { - that.renderer.createLine(p11, p12, p21, p22, { - strokeWidth: 1, - stroke: ticksOptions.color, - strokeOpacity: ticksOptions.opacity - }).append(that._axisLineGroup) - }; - ticksToDraw = that._prepareFullTicksToDraw(); - if (options.isHorizontal) - for (i = 0; i < ticksToDraw.length; i++) { - tick = ticksToDraw[i]; - drawLine(tick.pos, tickStart, tick.pos, tickEnd) - } - else - for (i = 0; i < ticksToDraw.length; i++) { - tick = ticksToDraw[i]; - drawLine(tickStart, tick.pos, tickEnd, tick.pos) - } - }, - setPercentLabelFormat: function() { - var labelOptions = this.options.label; - if (!this.hasLabelFormat) - labelOptions.format = 'percent' - }, - resetAutoLabelFormat: function() { - var labelOptions = this.options.label; - if (!this.hasLabelFormat) - delete labelOptions.format - }, - _drawLabels: function() { - var that = this, - i, - options = that.options, - renderer = that.renderer, - axisPosition = that.axisPosition, - labelOptions = options.label, - labelOffset = labelOptions.indentFromAxis, - labelsToDraw, - labelPoint, - label, - labels = [], - createText = options.isHorizontal ? renderer.createText : function(text, y, x, textOptions) { - return this.createText(text, x, y, textOptions) - }, - emptyStrRegExp = /^\s+$/, - currentLabelConst = options.position === TOP || options.position === LEFT ? axisPosition - labelOffset : axisPosition + labelOffset, - text; - if (!labelOptions.visible || !that._axisElementsGroup) - return; - labelsToDraw = that._prepareLabelsToDraw(); - if (labelsToDraw.length === 0 || labelsToDraw.hideLabels) - return true; - for (i = 0; i < labelsToDraw.length; i++) { - labelPoint = labelsToDraw[i]; - text = formatLabel(labelPoint.text, labelOptions, { - min: options.min, - max: options.max - }); - if (isDefinedUtils(text) && text !== '' && !emptyStrRegExp.test(text)) { - label =, text, labelPoint.pos, currentLabelConst, that.textOptions); - labels.push(label); - label.append(that._axisElementsGroup); -{argument: labelPoint.text}) - } - } - that.labels = labels - }, - getMultipleAxesSpacing: function() { - return this.options.multipleAxesSpacing || 0 - }, - _drawTitle: function() { - var that = this, - i, - options = that.options, - renderer = that.renderer, - axisPosition = that.axisPosition, - titleOptions = options.title, - title, - attr = { - font: titleOptions.font, - opacity: titleOptions.opacity, - align: CENTER, - 'class': 'dx-chart-axis-title' - }, - centerPosition = that.translator.translateSpecialCase(CANVAS_POSITION_PREFIX + CENTER), - x, - y; - if (!titleOptions.text || !that._axisTitleGroup) - return; - if (options.isHorizontal) { - x = centerPosition; - y = axisPosition - } - else { - if (options.position === LEFT) - attr.rotate = 270; - else - attr.rotate = 90; - x = axisPosition; - y = centerPosition - } - that.title = renderer.createText(titleOptions.text, x, y, attr).append(that._axisTitleGroup) - }, - _drawGrid: function(borderOptions) { - var that = this, - positionsToDraw, - options = that.options, - gridOptions = options.grid, - i; - if (!gridOptions.visible) - return; - borderOptions = borderOptions || {visible: false}; - var drawLine = function() { - var translator = that.translator, - orthogonalTranslator = that.orthogonalTranslator, - isHorizontal = options.isHorizontal, - canvasStart = isHorizontal ? LEFT : TOP, - canvasEnd = isHorizontal ? RIGHT : BOTTOM, - positionFrom = orthogonalTranslator.translateSpecialCase(CANVAS_POSITION_START), - positionTo = orthogonalTranslator.translateSpecialCase(CANVAS_POSITION_END), - firstBorderLinePosition = borderOptions.visible && borderOptions[canvasStart] ? translator.translateSpecialCase(CANVAS_POSITION_PREFIX + canvasStart) : undefined, - lastBorderLinePosition = borderOptions.visible && borderOptions[canvasEnd] ? translator.translateSpecialCase(CANVAS_POSITION_PREFIX + canvasEnd) : undefined; - return function(tick) { - if (mathAbs(tick.pos - firstBorderLinePosition) < MAX_GRID_BORDER_ADHENSION || mathAbs(tick.pos - lastBorderLinePosition) < MAX_GRID_BORDER_ADHENSION) - return; - var p11 = tick.pos, - p12 = positionFrom, - p21 = tick.pos, - p22 = positionTo; - if (!isHorizontal) { - p11 = positionFrom; - p12 = p22 = tick.pos; - p21 = positionTo - } - that.renderer.createLine(p11, p12, p21, p22, { - strokeWidth: gridOptions.width, - stroke: gridOptions.color, - strokeOpacity: gridOptions.opacity - }).append(that._axisGridGroup) - } - }(); - positionsToDraw = that._prepareFullTicksToDraw(); - for (i = 0; i < positionsToDraw.length; i++) - drawLine(positionsToDraw[i]) - }, - _drawConstantLine: function() { - var that = this, - group = that._axisConstantLineGroup, - renderer = that.renderer, - options = that.options, - data = options.constantLines, - translator = that.translator, - orthogonalTranslator = that.orthogonalTranslator, - isHorizontal = options.isHorizontal, - i, - lines = [], - labels = [], - positionFrom = orthogonalTranslator.translateSpecialCase(CANVAS_POSITION_START), - positionTo = orthogonalTranslator.translateSpecialCase(CANVAS_POSITION_END), - canvasStart = translator.translateSpecialCase(CANVAS_POSITION_START), - canvasEnd = translator.translateSpecialCase(CANVAS_POSITION_END), - range = translator.getBusinessRange(); - var getPos = function(lineValue) { - var parsedValue = that.validateUnit(lineValue, "E2105", 'constantLine'), - value = translator.translate(parsedValue), - isContinous = !!(range.minVisible || range.maxVisible); - if (!isContinous && $.inArray(lineValue, range.categories || []) === -1 || !isDefinedUtils(value) || value < Math.min(canvasStart, canvasEnd) || value > Math.max(canvasStart, canvasEnd)) - return {}; - return { - value: value, - parsedValue: parsedValue - } - }; - var drawLinesAndLabels = function(lineOptions) { - if (lineOptions.value === undefined) - return; - var pos = getPos(lineOptions.value), - labelOptions = lineOptions.label || {}, - value = pos.value, - line, - attr = { - stroke: lineOptions.color, - strokeWidth: lineOptions.width, - dashStyle: lineOptions.dashStyle - }; - if (!isDefinedUtils(value)) { - lines.push(null); - if (labelOptions.visible) - labels.push(null); - return - } - line = isHorizontal ? renderer.createLine(value, positionTo, value, positionFrom, attr) : renderer.createLine(positionFrom, value, positionTo, value, attr); - lines.push(line.append(group)); - if (labelOptions.visible) - labels.push(that._drawConstantLineLabels(pos.parsedValue, labelOptions, value, group)); - else - labels.push(null) - }; - for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) - drawLinesAndLabels(data[i]); - that.constantLines = lines; - that.constantLineLabels = labels - }, - _checkAlignmentConstantLineLabels: function(labelOptions) { - var options = this.options; - labelOptions.verticalAlignment = (labelOptions.verticalAlignment || '').toLowerCase(); - labelOptions.horizontalAlignment = (labelOptions.horizontalAlignment || '').toLowerCase(); - if (options.isHorizontal && labelOptions.position === 'outside') { - labelOptions.verticalAlignment = labelOptions.verticalAlignment === BOTTOM ? BOTTOM : TOP; - labelOptions.horizontalAlignment = CENTER - } - if (options.isHorizontal && labelOptions.position === 'inside') { - labelOptions.verticalAlignment = labelOptions.verticalAlignment === CENTER ? CENTER : labelOptions.verticalAlignment === BOTTOM ? BOTTOM : TOP; - labelOptions.horizontalAlignment = labelOptions.horizontalAlignment === LEFT ? LEFT : RIGHT - } - if (!options.isHorizontal && labelOptions.position === 'outside') { - labelOptions.verticalAlignment = CENTER; - labelOptions.horizontalAlignment = labelOptions.horizontalAlignment === LEFT ? LEFT : RIGHT - } - if (!options.isHorizontal && labelOptions.position === 'inside') { - labelOptions.verticalAlignment = labelOptions.verticalAlignment === BOTTOM ? BOTTOM : TOP; - labelOptions.horizontalAlignment = labelOptions.horizontalAlignment === RIGHT ? RIGHT : labelOptions.horizontalAlignment === CENTER ? CENTER : LEFT - } - }, - _drawConstantLineLabels: function(parsedValue, lineLabelOptions, value, group) { - var that = this, - text = lineLabelOptions.text, - orthogonalTranslator = that.orthogonalTranslator, - options = that.options, - labelOptions = options.label, - attr = { - align: CENTER, - font: $.extend({}, labelOptions.font, lineLabelOptions.font) - }, - x, - y; - that._checkAlignmentConstantLineLabels(lineLabelOptions); - text = isDefinedUtils(text) ? text : formatLabel(parsedValue, labelOptions); - if (options.isHorizontal) { - x = value; - switch (lineLabelOptions.horizontalAlignment) { - case LEFT: - attr.align = RIGHT; - break; - case RIGHT: - attr.align = LEFT; - break - } - y = orthogonalTranslator.translateSpecialCase(CANVAS_POSITION_PREFIX + lineLabelOptions.verticalAlignment) - } - else { - y = value; - x = orthogonalTranslator.translateSpecialCase(CANVAS_POSITION_PREFIX + lineLabelOptions.horizontalAlignment); - switch (lineLabelOptions.horizontalAlignment) { - case LEFT: - attr.align = lineLabelOptions.position === 'inside' ? LEFT : RIGHT; - break; - case CENTER: - attr.align = CENTER; - break; - case RIGHT: - attr.align = lineLabelOptions.position === 'inside' ? RIGHT : LEFT; - break - } - } - return that.renderer.createText(text, x, y, attr).append(group) - }, - _adjustConstantLineLabels: function() { - var that = this, - options = that.options, - isHorizontal = options.isHorizontal, - lines = that.constantLines, - labels = that.constantLineLabels, - label, - line, - lineBox, - linesOptions, - labelOptions, - box, - x, - y, - i, - padding = isHorizontal ? { - top: 0, - bottom: 0 - } : { - left: 0, - right: 0 - }; - if (labels === undefined && lines === undefined) - return; - for (i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) { - x = y = 0; - linesOptions = options.constantLines[i]; - labelOptions = linesOptions.label; - label = labels[i]; - if (label !== null) { - line = lines[i]; - box = label.getBBox(); - lineBox = line.getBBox(); - if (isHorizontal) - if (labelOptions.position === 'inside') { - switch (labelOptions.horizontalAlignment) { - case LEFT: - x -= linesOptions.paddingLeftRight; - break; - default: - x += linesOptions.paddingLeftRight; - break - } - switch (labelOptions.verticalAlignment) { - case CENTER: - y += lineBox.y + lineBox.height / 2 - box.y - box.height / 2; - break; - case BOTTOM: - y -= linesOptions.paddingTopBottom; - break; - default: - y += linesOptions.paddingTopBottom + box.height; - break - } - } - else - switch (labelOptions.verticalAlignment) { - case BOTTOM: - y += box.height + linesOptions.paddingTopBottom - (box.y + box.height - that.orthogonalTranslator.translateSpecialCase(CANVAS_POSITION_PREFIX + labelOptions.verticalAlignment)); - if (padding[BOTTOM] < box.height + linesOptions.paddingTopBottom) - padding[BOTTOM] = box.height + linesOptions.paddingTopBottom; - break; - default: - y -= linesOptions.paddingTopBottom; - if (padding[TOP] < linesOptions.paddingTopBottom + box.height) - padding[TOP] = linesOptions.paddingTopBottom + box.height; - break - } - else if (labelOptions.position === 'inside') { - switch (labelOptions.horizontalAlignment) { - case CENTER: - x += lineBox.x + lineBox.width / 2 - box.x - box.width / 2; - break; - case RIGHT: - x -= linesOptions.paddingLeftRight; - break; - default: - x += linesOptions.paddingLeftRight; - break - } - switch (labelOptions.verticalAlignment) { - case BOTTOM: - y += lineBox.y - box.y + linesOptions.paddingTopBottom; - break; - default: - y -= linesOptions.paddingTopBottom; - break - } - } - else { - y += lineBox.y + lineBox.height / 2 - box.y - box.height / 2; - switch (labelOptions.horizontalAlignment) { - case RIGHT: - x += linesOptions.paddingLeftRight; - if (padding[RIGHT] < linesOptions.paddingLeftRight + box.width) - padding[RIGHT] = linesOptions.paddingLeftRight + box.width; - break; - default: - x -= linesOptions.paddingLeftRight; - if (padding[LEFT] < linesOptions.paddingLeftRight + box.width) - padding[LEFT] = linesOptions.paddingLeftRight + box.width; - break - } - } - label.move(x, y) - } - } - that.padding = padding - }, - _drawStrip: function() { - var that = this, - renderer = that.renderer, - options = that.options, - stripData = options.strips, - translator = that.translator, - orthogonalTranslator = that.orthogonalTranslator, - range = translator.getBusinessRange(), - i, - stripLabels = [], - stripRects = [], - rect, - isHorizontal = options.isHorizontal, - stripOptions, - positionFrom, - positionTo, - stripPos, - stripLabelOptions, - attr; - if (options.stubData) - return; - var getPos = function(startV, endV) { - var isContinous = !!(range.minVisible || range.maxVisible), - cateories = range.categories || [], - start = translator.translate(that.validateUnit(startV, "E2105", "strip")), - end = translator.translate(that.validateUnit(endV, "E2105", "strip")), - canvasStart = translator.translateSpecialCase(CANVAS_POSITION_START), - canvasEnd = translator.translateSpecialCase(CANVAS_POSITION_END), - min = range.minVisible; - if (!isContinous && ($.inArray(startV, cateories) === -1 || $.inArray(endV, cateories) === -1)) - return { - stripFrom: 0, - stripTo: 0 - }; - if (!isDefinedUtils(start) && isContinous) - start = startV < min ? canvasStart : canvasEnd; - if (!isDefinedUtils(end) && isContinous) - end = endV < min ? canvasStart : canvasEnd; - return start < end ? { - stripFrom: start, - stripTo: end - } : { - stripFrom: end, - stripTo: start - } - }; - positionFrom = orthogonalTranslator.translateSpecialCase(CANVAS_POSITION_START); - positionTo = orthogonalTranslator.translateSpecialCase(CANVAS_POSITION_END); - for (i = 0; i < stripData.length; i++) { - stripOptions = stripData[i]; - stripLabelOptions = stripOptions.label || {}; - attr = {fill: stripOptions.color}; - if (stripOptions.startValue !== undefined && stripOptions.endValue !== undefined && stripOptions.color !== undefined) { - stripPos = getPos(stripOptions.startValue, stripOptions.endValue); - if (stripPos.stripTo - stripPos.stripFrom === 0 || !stripPos.stripTo && stripPos.stripTo !== 0 || !stripPos.stripFrom && stripPos.stripFrom !== 0) { - stripRects.push(null); - if (stripLabelOptions.text) - stripLabels.push(null); - continue - } - rect = isHorizontal ? renderer.createRect(stripPos.stripFrom, Math.min(positionFrom, positionTo), stripPos.stripTo - stripPos.stripFrom, mathAbs(positionFrom - positionTo), 0, attr) : renderer.createRect(Math.min(positionFrom, positionTo), stripPos.stripFrom, mathAbs(positionFrom - positionTo), stripPos.stripTo - stripPos.stripFrom, 0, attr); - stripRects.push(rect.append(that._axisStripGroup)); - if (stripLabelOptions.text) - stripLabels.push(that._drawStripLabel(stripLabelOptions, stripPos.stripFrom, stripPos.stripTo)); - else - stripLabels.push(null) - } - } - that.stripLabels = stripLabels; - that.stripRects = stripRects - }, - _drawStripLabel: function(stripLabelOptions, stripFrom, stripTo) { - var that = this, - orthogonalTranslator = that.orthogonalTranslator, - options = that.options, - isHorizontal = options.isHorizontal, - attr = { - align: isHorizontal ? CENTER : LEFT, - font: $.extend({}, options.label.font, stripLabelOptions.font) - }, - x, - y; - if (isHorizontal) { - if (stripLabelOptions.horizontalAlignment === CENTER) { - x = stripFrom + (stripTo - stripFrom) / 2; - attr.align = CENTER - } - else if (stripLabelOptions.horizontalAlignment === LEFT) { - x = stripFrom; - attr.align = LEFT - } - else if (stripLabelOptions.horizontalAlignment === RIGHT) { - x = stripTo; - attr.align = RIGHT - } - y = orthogonalTranslator.translateSpecialCase(CANVAS_POSITION_PREFIX + stripLabelOptions.verticalAlignment) - } - else { - x = orthogonalTranslator.translateSpecialCase(CANVAS_POSITION_PREFIX + stripLabelOptions.horizontalAlignment); - attr.align = stripLabelOptions.horizontalAlignment; - if (stripLabelOptions.verticalAlignment === TOP) - y = stripFrom; - else if (stripLabelOptions.verticalAlignment === CENTER) - y = stripTo + (stripFrom - stripTo) / 2; - else if (stripLabelOptions.verticalAlignment === BOTTOM) - y = stripTo - } - return that.renderer.createText(stripLabelOptions.text, x, y, attr).append(that._axisLableGroup) - }, - _initAxisPositions: function() { - var that = this, - position = that.options.position, - delta = 0; - if ( - delta =[position] || 0; - that.axisPosition = that.orthogonalTranslator.translateSpecialCase(CANVAS_POSITION_PREFIX + position) + delta - }, - _adjustLabels: function() { - var that = this, - options = that.options, - isHorizontal = options.isHorizontal, - position = options.position, - labels = that.labels, - label, - labelHeight, - isNeedLabelAdjustment, - staggeringSpacing, - i, - xt, - shift = that.padding && that.padding[position] || 0, - boxAxis = that._axisElementsGroup && that._axisElementsGroup.getBBox() || {}, - box; - if (!options.label.visible || !labels || !labels.length) - return; - for (i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) { - label = labels[i]; - box = label.getBBox(); - if (isHorizontal && position === BOTTOM) - label.applySettings({y: 2 * label.settings.y - box.y + shift}); - else if (!isHorizontal) { - if (position === LEFT) - if (that.textOptions.align === RIGHT) - xt = box.x + box.width - shift; - else if (that.textOptions.align === CENTER) - xt = box.x + box.width / 2 - shift - (boxAxis.width / 2 || 0); - else - xt = box.x - shift - (boxAxis.width || 0); - else if (that.textOptions.align === CENTER) - xt = box.x + box.width / 2 + (boxAxis.width / 2 || 0) + shift; - else if (that.textOptions.align === RIGHT) - xt = box.x + box.width + (boxAxis.width || 0) + shift; - else - xt = box.x + shift; - label.applySettings({ - x: xt, - y: label.settings.y + ~~(label.settings.y - box.y - box.height / 2) - }) - } - else if (isHorizontal && position === TOP) - label.applySettings({y: 2 * label.settings.y - box.y - box.height - shift}) - } - isNeedLabelAdjustment = isHorizontal && that.overlappingBehavior && that.overlappingBehavior.mode === 'stagger'; - that._testIsNeedLabelAdjustment = isNeedLabelAdjustment; - if (isNeedLabelAdjustment) { - labelHeight = 0; - for (i = 0; i < labels.length; i = i + 2) { - label = labels[i]; - box = label.getBBox(); - if (box.height > labelHeight) - labelHeight = box.height - } - staggeringSpacing = that.overlappingBehavior.staggeringSpacing; - that._testStaggeringSpacing = staggeringSpacing; - labelHeight = Math.round(labelHeight) + staggeringSpacing; - for (i = 1; i < labels.length; i = i + 2) { - label = labels[i]; - if (position === BOTTOM) - label.move(0, labelHeight); - else if (position === TOP) - label.move(0, -labelHeight) - } - for (i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) - labels[i].rotate(0) - } - }, - _adjustStripLabels: function() { - var that = this, - labelOptions, - labels = that.stripLabels, - rects = that.stripRects, - label, - i, - box, - rectBox, - stripOptions, - x, - y; - if (labels === undefined && rects === undefined) - return; - for (i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) { - x = y = 0; - stripOptions = that.options.strips[i]; - labelOptions = stripOptions.label; - label = labels[i]; - if (label !== null) { - box = label.getBBox(); - rectBox = rects[i].getBBox(); - if (labelOptions.horizontalAlignment === LEFT) - x += stripOptions.paddingLeftRight; - else if (labelOptions.horizontalAlignment === RIGHT) - x -= stripOptions.paddingLeftRight; - if (labelOptions.verticalAlignment === TOP) - y += rectBox.y - box.y + stripOptions.paddingTopBottom; - else if (labelOptions.verticalAlignment === CENTER) - y += rectBox.y + rectBox.height / 2 - box.y - box.height / 2; - else if (labelOptions.verticalAlignment === BOTTOM) - y -= stripOptions.paddingTopBottom; - label.move(x, y) - } - } - }, - _adjustTitle: function() { - var that = this, - options = that.options, - position = options.position, - title = that.title, - margin = options.title.margin, - boxGroup, - boxTitle; - if (!title || !that._axisElementsGroup) - return; - boxTitle = title.getBBox(); - boxGroup = that._axisElementsGroup.getBBox(); - if (options.isHorizontal) - if (position === BOTTOM) - title.applySettings({ - y: boxGroup.isEmpty ? undefined : boxGroup.y + boxGroup.height, - translateY: margin + boxTitle.height - }); - else - title.applySettings({ - y: boxGroup.isEmpty ? undefined : boxGroup.y, - translateY: -margin - }); - else if (position === LEFT) - title.applySettings({ - x: boxGroup.isEmpty ? undefined : boxGroup.x, - translateX: -margin - }); - else - title.applySettings({ - x: boxGroup.isEmpty ? undefined : boxGroup.x + boxGroup.width, - translateX: margin - }) - }, - draw: function(externalOptions, adjustAxis) { - var that = this, - options = that.options, - isHorizontal = options.isHorizontal, - cssClass = isHorizontal ? 'dxc-h-axis' : 'dxc-v-axis', - stripClass = isHorizontal ? 'dxc-h-strips' : 'dxc-v-strips', - constantLineClass = isHorizontal ? 'dxc-h-constant-lines' : 'dxc-v-constant-lines'; - externalOptions = externalOptions || {}; - var debug = DX.utils.debug; - debug.assertParam(this.translator, 'translator was not set before Draw call'); - if (that._axisGroup) { - that._axisGroup.detach(); - that._axisStripGroup.detach(); - that._axisLableGroup.detach(); - that._axisConstantLineGroup.detach(); - that._axisTitleGroup ? that._axisTitleGroup.clear() : !adjustAxis && (that._axisTitleGroup = that.renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxc-title'}).append(that._axisGroup)); - that._axisGridGroup.clear(); - that._axisElementsGroup ? that._axisElementsGroup.clear() : !adjustAxis && (that._axisElementsGroup = that.renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxc-elements'}).append(that._axisGroup)); - that._axisLineGroup.clear(); - that._axisStripGroup.clear(); - that._axisConstantLineGroup.clear(); - that._axisLableGroup.clear() - } - else { - that._axisGroup = that.renderer.createGroup({ - 'class': cssClass, - clipId: that.clipRectID - }); - that._axisStripGroup = that.renderer.createGroup({'class': stripClass}); - that._axisGridGroup = that.renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxc-grid'}).append(that._axisGroup); - that._axisElementsGroup = that.renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxc-elements'}).append(that._axisGroup); - that._axisLineGroup = that.renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxc-line'}).append(that._axisGroup); - that._axisTitleGroup = that.renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxc-title'}).append(that._axisGroup); - that._axisConstantLineGroup = that.renderer.createGroup({'class': constantLineClass}); - that._axisLableGroup = that.renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxc-axis-labels'}) - } - that._initAxisPositions(); - if (!that._virtual) { - that._drawAxis(); - that._drawTicks(); - that._drawLabels(); - that._drawTitle() - } - if (options.strips) - that._drawStrip(); - if (options.constantLines) - that._drawConstantLine(); - that._drawGrid(externalOptions.borderOptions); - that._axisStripGroup.append(that.stripsGroup); - that._axisConstantLineGroup.append(that.constantLinesGroup); - that._axisGroup.append(that.axesContainerGroup); - that._axisLableGroup.append(that.labelAxesGroup); - that._adjustConstantLineLabels(); - that._adjustLabels(); - that._adjustStripLabels(); - that._adjustTitle(); - that._setBoundingRect() - }, - _setBoundingRect: function() { - var that = this, - options = that.options, - axisBox = that._axisElementsGroup ? that._axisElementsGroup.getBBox() : { - x: 0, - y: 0, - width: 0, - height: 0, - isEmpty: true - }, - lineBox = that._axisLineGroup.getBBox(), - placeholderSize = options.placeholderSize, - start, - isHorizontal = options.isHorizontal, - coord = isHorizontal && 'y' || 'x', - side = isHorizontal && 'height' || 'width', - axisTitleBox = that.title && that._axisTitleGroup ? that._axisTitleGroup.getBBox() : axisBox; - if (axisBox.isEmpty && axisTitleBox.isEmpty && !placeholderSize) { - that.boundingRect = axisBox; - return - } - start = lineBox[coord] || that.axisPosition; - if (options.position === (isHorizontal && BOTTOM || RIGHT)) { - axisBox[side] = placeholderSize || axisTitleBox[coord] + axisTitleBox[side] - start; - axisBox[coord] = start - } - else { - axisBox[side] = placeholderSize || lineBox[side] + start - axisTitleBox[coord]; - axisBox[coord] = axisTitleBox.isEmpty ? start : axisTitleBox[coord] - } - that.boundingRect = axisBox - }, - getBoundingRect: function() { - return this._axisElementsGroup ? this.boundingRect : { - x: 0, - y: 0, - width: 0, - height: 0 - } - }, - shift: function(x, y) { - var settings = {}; - if (x) - settings.translateX = x; - if (y) - settings.translateY = y; - this._axisGroup.applySettings(settings) - }, - applyClipRect: function(clipId) { - this._axisStripGroup.applySettings({clipId: clipId}) - }, - validate: function(isArgumentAxis, incidentOccured) { - var that = this, - options = that.options, - range = options.range, - parseUtils = new core.ParseUtils, - dataType = isArgumentAxis ? options.argumentType : options.valueType, - parser = dataType ? parseUtils.getParser(dataType, 'axis') : function(unit) { - return unit - }; - that.parser = parser; - that.incidentOccured = incidentOccured; - options.dataType = dataType; - if (options.min) - options.min = that.validateUnit(options.min, "E2106"); - if (options.max) - options.max = that.validateUnit(options.max, "E2106"); - if (range.min) - range.min = that.validateUnit(range.min); - if (range.max) - range.max = that.validateUnit(range.max) - }, - validateUnit: function(unit, idError, parameters) { - var that = this, - dataType = that.options.dataType; - unit = that.parser(unit); - if (unit === undefined && idError) - that.incidentOccured(idError, [parameters]); - return unit - }, - adjustZoomValues: function(min, max) { - var that = this, - range = that.options.range; - min = that.validateUnit(min); - max = that.validateUnit(max); - if (range && isDefinedUtils(range.min)) { - min = isDefinedUtils(min) ? range.min < min ? min : range.min : min; - max = isDefinedUtils(max) ? range.min < max ? max : range.min : max - } - if (range && isDefinedUtils(range.max)) { - max = isDefinedUtils(max) ? range.max > max ? max : range.max : max; - min = isDefinedUtils(min) ? range.max > min ? min : range.max : min - } - that.minRangeArg = min; - that.maxRangeArg = max; - return { - min: min, - max: max - } - }, - getRangeData: function() { - var that = this, - options = that.options, - optionsRange = options.range, - range = {}, - min, - max; - var addValueMarginToRange = function(prefix) { - if (options.valueMarginsEnabled) { - if (isDefinedUtils(options[prefix])) { - range[prefix] = options[prefix]; - range[prefix + 'Priority'] = AXIS_VALUE_MARGIN_PRIORITY - } - } - else { - range[prefix] = 0; - range[prefix + 'Priority'] = AXIS_VALUE_MARGIN_PRIORITY - } - }; - if (isDefinedUtils(optionsRange.min) && isDefinedUtils(optionsRange.max)) { - min = optionsRange.min < optionsRange.max ? optionsRange.min : optionsRange.max; - max = optionsRange.max > optionsRange.min ? optionsRange.max : optionsRange.min - } - else { - min = optionsRange.min; - max = optionsRange.max - } - range.min = min; - range.max = max; - addValueMarginToRange('minValueMargin'); - addValueMarginToRange('maxValueMargin'); - range.stick = !options.valueMarginsEnabled; - range.categories = optionsRange.categories; - range.dataType = options.dataType; - range.axisType = options.type; - if (range.axisType === 'logarithmic') - range.base = options.logarithmBase; - if (options.isHorizontal) { - range.minVisible = isDefinedUtils(that.minRangeArg) ? that.minRangeArg : optionsRange.min; - range.maxVisible = isDefinedUtils(that.maxRangeArg) ? that.maxRangeArg : optionsRange.max; - range.invert = options.inverted - } - else { - range.minVisible = optionsRange.min; - range.maxVisible = optionsRange.max; - range.invert = options.inverted || options.type === 'discrete' && options.oppositeDirectionYAxis - } - return range - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-charts, file baseChart.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var ui = DX.ui, - charts = DX.viz.charts, - utils = DX.utils, - TRACKER_RENDERING_DELAY = 1200, - resizeRedrawOptions = { - animate: false, - isResize: true - }, - ACTIONS_BY_PRIORITY = ['reinit', '_reinitDataSource', '_handleDataSourceChanged', 'force_render'], - core = DX.viz.core, - DEFAULT_ANIMATION_OPTIONS = { - asyncSeriesRendering: true, - asyncTrackersRendering: true, - trackerRenderingDelay: TRACKER_RENDERING_DELAY - }; - charts.BaseChart = core.BaseWidget.inherit({ - _setDefaultOptions: function() { - this.callBase(); - this.option({ - done: $.noop, - drawn: $.noop, - seriesClick: null, - pointClick: null, - legendClick: null, - argumentAxisClick: null, - seriesHover: null, - pointHover: null, - seriesSelected: null, - pointSelected: null, - seriesSelectionChanged: null, - pointSelectionChanged: null, - seriesHoverChanged: null, - pointHoverChanged: null - }) - }, - _createThemeManager: function() { - return charts.factory.createThemeManager(this.option()) - }, - _init: function() { - this.__TRACKER_RENDERING_DELAY = TRACKER_RENDERING_DELAY; - var that = this; - that.callBase(); - that.themeManager = this._createThemeManager(); - that._initRenderer(); - that.canvasClipRect = that.renderer.createClipRect(); - that._createHtmlStructure(); - that._needHandleRenderComplete = true; - that.layoutManager = charts.factory.createChartLayoutManager(that.themeManager.getOptions("adaptiveLayout")); - that._reinit(); - that._element().css({webkitUserSelect: 'none'}).on('contextmenu', function(event) { - that.eventType = 'contextmenu'; - if ( || - event.preventDefault() - }).on('MSHoldVisual', function(event) { - that.eventType = 'MSHoldVisual'; - event.preventDefault() - }) - }, - _reinit: function() { - var that = this; - that.layoutManager.update(that); - that._createTracker(); - that._reinitDataSource() - }, - _createHtmlStructure: function() { - var that = this, - renderer = that.renderer; - that._panesBackgroundGroup = renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxc-background'}); - that._titleGroup = renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxc-title'}); - that._legendGroup = renderer.createGroup({ - 'class': 'dxc-legend', - clipId: that._getCanvasClipRectID() - }); - that._stripsGroup = renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxc-strips-group'}); - that._constantLinesGroup = renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxc-constant-lines-group'}); - that._axesGroup = renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxc-axes-group'}); - that._panesBorderGroup = renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxc-border'}); - that._labelAxesGroup = renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxc-strips-labels-group'}); - that._seriesGroup = renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxc-series-group'}); - that._labelsGroup = renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxc-labels-group'}); - that._tooltipGroup = renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxc-tooltip'}); - that._trackerGroup = renderer.createGroup({ - 'class': 'dxc-trackers', - opacity: 0.0001, - stroke: "gray", - fill: "gray" - }); - that._crosshairTrackerGroup = renderer.createGroup({ - 'class': 'dxc-crosshair-trackers', - stroke: 'none', - fill: 'grey' - }).append(that._trackerGroup); - that._seriesTrackerGroup = renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxc-series-trackers'}).append(that._trackerGroup); - that._markerTrackerGroup = renderer.createGroup({ - 'class': 'dxc-markers-trackers', - stroke: 'none', - fill: 'grey' - }).append(that._trackerGroup); - that._crossHairCursorGroup = renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxc-crosshair-cursor'}) - }, - _cleanHtmlStructure: function() { - var that = this; - that._panesBackgroundGroup && that._panesBackgroundGroup.clear(); - that._titleGroup && that._titleGroup.clear(); - that._legendGroup && (that._legendGroup.detach(), that._legendGroup.clear()); - that._stripsGroup && (that._stripsGroup.detach(), that._stripsGroup.clear()); - that._constantLinesGroup && (that._constantLinesGroup.detach(), that._constantLinesGroup.clear()); - that._axesGroup && (that._axesGroup.detach(), that._axesGroup.clear()); - that._labelAxesGroup && (that._labelAxesGroup.detach(), that._labelAxesGroup.clear()); - that._seriesGroup && (that._seriesGroup.detach(), that._seriesGroup.clear()); - that._labelsGroup && (that._labelsGroup.detach(), that._labelsGroup.clear()); - that._trackerGroup && (that._trackerGroup.detach(), that._seriesTrackerGroup.clear(), that._markerTrackerGroup.clear(), that._crosshairTrackerGroup.clear()); - that._panesBorderGroup && that._panesBorderGroup.clear(); - that._tooltipGroup && that._tooltipGroup.clear(); - that._crossHairCursorGroup && (that._crossHairCursorGroup.clear(), that._crossHairCursorGroup.detach()) - }, - _disposeObjectsInArray: function(propName, fieldNames) { - $.each(this[propName] || [], function(_, item) { - if (fieldNames && item) - $.each(fieldNames, function(_, field) { - item[field] && item[field].dispose() - }); - else - item && item.dispose() - }); - this[propName] = null - }, - _dispose: function() { - var that = this, - disposeObject = function(propName) { - that[propName] && that[propName].dispose(), - that[propName] = null - }, - detachGroup = function(groupName) { - that[groupName] && that[groupName].detach() - }, - disposeObjectsInArray = this._disposeObjectsInArray; - clearTimeout(that.delayedRedraw); - that.callBase(); -, "businessRanges", ["arg", "val"]); - that.translators = null; -, "series"); - disposeObject("layoutManager"); - disposeObject("themeManager"); - disposeObject("renderer"); - disposeObject("tracker"); - disposeObject("tooltip"); - disposeObject("chartTitle"); - that.paneAxis = null; - that._userOptions = null; - that.dirtyCanvas = null; - that.canvas = null; - detachGroup("_legendGroup"); - detachGroup("_stripsGroup"); - detachGroup("_constantLinesGroup"); - detachGroup("_axesGroup"); - detachGroup("_labelAxesGroup"); - detachGroup("_seriesGroup"); - detachGroup("_labelsGroup"); - detachGroup("_trackerGroup"); - detachGroup("_crossHairCursorGroup"); - disposeObject("canvasClipRect"); - disposeObject("_panesBackgroundGroup"); - disposeObject("_titleGroup"); - disposeObject("_legendGroup"); - disposeObject("_stripsGroup"); - disposeObject("_constantLinesGroup"); - disposeObject("_axesGroup"); - disposeObject("_labelAxesGroup"); - disposeObject("_panesBorderGroup"); - disposeObject("_seriesGroup"); - disposeObject("_labelsGroup"); - disposeObject("_tooltipGroup"); - disposeObject("_crossHairCursorGroup"); - disposeObject("_seriesTrackerGroup"); - disposeObject("_markerTrackerGroup"); - disposeObject("_crosshairTrackerGroup"); - disposeObject("_trackerGroup"); - that._disposeLoadIndicator() - }, - _clean: function _clean(hideLoadIndicator) { - this.renderer && this.renderer.stopAllAnimations(); - hideLoadIndicator && this.hideLoadingIndicator(); - this._cleanHtmlStructure(); - this.callBase(); - this._saveDirtyCanvas() - }, - _getAnimationOptions: function() { - return $.extend({}, DEFAULT_ANIMATION_OPTIONS, this.themeManager.getOptions("animation")) - }, - _initRenderer: function _initRenderer() { - if (this.renderer) - return; - this.renderer = core.CoreFactory.createRenderer({ - animation: this._getAnimationOptions(), - cssClass: 'dxc dxc-chart', - pathModified: this.option('pathModified'), - rtl: this.themeManager.getOptions('rtlEnabled') - }) - }, - _initSeries: function() { - this.series = this.series || this._populateSeries() - }, - _reinitDataSource: function() { - this._refreshDataSource() - }, - _saveDirtyCanvas: function() { - this.dirtyCanvas = $.extend({}, this.canvas) - }, - _resize: function() { - this._render(resizeRedrawOptions) - }, - _calculateCanvas: function() { - var canvas = this.themeManager.getOptions('size'), - result = {}, - container = this._element(); - if (!utils.isDefined(canvas.width)) - result.width = container.width() || 400; - else - result.width = canvas.width < 0 ? 0 : canvas.width; - if (!utils.isDefined(canvas.height)) - result.height = container.height() || 400; - else - result.height = canvas.height < 0 ? 0 : canvas.height; - return $.extend({}, result, this.themeManager.getOptions('margin')) - }, - _createTracker: function() { - var that = this, - tooltipOptions = that.themeManager.getOptions('tooltip') || {}; - if (that.tracker) - that.tracker.dispose(); - that.tracker = charts.factory.createTracker({ - series: that.series, - valueAxis: that._valueAxes, - argumentAxis: that._argumentAxes, - seriesSelectionMode: that.themeManager.getOptions('seriesSelectionMode'), - pointSelectionMode: that.themeManager.getOptions('pointSelectionMode'), - tooltipShown: that.option('tooltipShown'), - tooltipHidden: that.option('tooltipHidden'), - markerTrackerGroup: that._markerTrackerGroup, - crossHairOptions: that._crossHairOptions, - seriesTrackerGroup: that._seriesTrackerGroup, - seriesGroup: that._seriesGroup, - tooltipEnabled: tooltipOptions.enabled, - renderer: that.renderer, - events: { - seriesClick: that.option('seriesClick'), - pointClick: that.option('pointClick'), - argumentAxisClick: that.option('argumentAxisClick'), - seriesHover: that.option('seriesHover'), - seriesSelected: that.option('seriesSelected'), - pointHover: that.option('pointHover'), - pointSelected: that.option('pointSelected'), - legendClick: that.option('legendClick'), - seriesSelectionChanged: that.option('seriesSelectionChanged'), - pointSelectionChanged: that.option('pointSelectionChanged'), - seriesHoverChanged: that.option('seriesHoverChanged'), - pointHoverChanged: that.option('pointHoverChanged') - } - }) - }, - _updateTracker: function() { - var that = this; - if (!that.tracker) - that._createTracker(); - else - that.tracker._reinit({ - series: that.series, - valueAxis: that._valueAxes, - argumentAxis: that._argumentAxes, - legendGroup: that.legend.getTrackerGroup(), - legendCallback: $.proxy(that.legend.getActionCallback, that.legend) - }) - }, - _render: function(drawOptions) { - this._optionsInitializing = false; - var that = this, - renderer = that.renderer, - updatedCanvas = that.canvas, - container = this._element(), - currentDirtyCanvas = that._calculateCanvas(), - oldDirtyCanvas = that.dirtyCanvas; - drawOptions = drawOptions || {recreateCanvas: true}; - drawOptions.recreateCanvas = drawOptions.recreateCanvas || !renderer.isInitialized(); - if (!drawOptions.force && oldDirtyCanvas && oldDirtyCanvas.width === currentDirtyCanvas.width && oldDirtyCanvas.height === currentDirtyCanvas.height && !that.hiddenContainer) { - that.stopRedraw = true; - return - } - clearTimeout(that.delayedRedraw); - if (drawOptions.recreateCanvas) - that.canvas = updatedCanvas = that._calculateCanvas(); - if (updatedCanvas.width && updatedCanvas.height &&':visible')) - that.hiddenContainer = false; - else { - that._incidentOccured('W2001', [that.NAME]); - that.hiddenContainer = true; - that.stopRedraw = true; - renderer.detachContainer(); - return - } - if (drawOptions.recreateCanvas) { - renderer.recreateCanvas(that.canvas.width, that.canvas.height); - renderer.draw(that._element()[0]); - that._reappendLoadIndicator(); - that._updateLoadIndicator(undefined, updatedCanvas.width, updatedCanvas.height); - that._updateCanvasClipRect() - } - that.renderer.stopAllAnimations(true); - that.layoutManager.update(that); - that._cleanGroups(drawOptions); - that._saveDirtyCanvas() - }, - _cleanGroups: function(drawOptions) { - var that = this; - that._stripsGroup.detach(); - that._constantLinesGroup.detach(); - that._axesGroup.detach(); - that._labelAxesGroup.detach(); - that._labelsGroup.detach(); - that._tooltipGroup.detach(); - that._crossHairCursorGroup.detach(); - if (!drawOptions || drawOptions.drawLegend) { - that._legendGroup.detach(); - that._legendGroup.clear() - } - if (!drawOptions || drawOptions.drawTitle) { - that._titleGroup.detach(); - that._titleGroup.clear() - } - that._stripsGroup.clear(); - that._constantLinesGroup.clear(); - that._axesGroup.clear(); - that._labelAxesGroup.clear(); - that._labelsGroup.clear(); - that._tooltipGroup.clear(); - that._crossHairCursorGroup.clear(); - that._crosshairTrackerGroup.clear() - }, - _drawTitle: function() { - var that = this, - options = that.themeManager.getOptions("title"), - width = that.canvas.width - that.canvas.left - that.canvas.right; - options._incidentOccured = that._incidentOccured; - if (that.chartTitle) - that.chartTitle.update(options, width); - else - that.chartTitle = charts.factory.createTitle(that.renderer, options, width, that._titleGroup) - }, - _createTooltip: function() { - var that = this, - tooltipOptions = $.extend(true, { - canvasWidth: that.canvas.width, - canvasHeight: that.canvas.height - }, that.themeManager.getOptions('tooltip') || {}), - tooltipCoords, - point = this.tracker.pointAtShownTooltip; - if (!$.isFunction(tooltipOptions.customizeText) && utils.isDefined(tooltipOptions.customizeText)) { - that._incidentOccured("E2103", ['customizeText']); - tooltipOptions.customizeText = undefined - } - if (that.tooltip) - that.tooltip.update(tooltipOptions); - else - that.tooltip = core.CoreFactory.createTooltip(tooltipOptions, that._tooltipGroup, that.renderer); - that.tracker.setTooltip(that.tooltip); - if (point) { - tooltipCoords = point.getTooltipCoords(); - that.tooltip.move(~~tooltipCoords.x, ~~tooltipCoords.y, tooltipCoords.offset); - - } - }, - _prepareDrawOptions: function(drawOptions) { - var animationOptions = this._getAnimationOptions(), - options; - options = $.extend({}, { - force: false, - adjustAxes: true, - drawLegend: true, - drawTitle: true, - adjustSeriesLabels: true, - animate: animationOptions.enabled, - animationPointsLimit: animationOptions.maxPointCountSupported, - asyncSeriesRendering: animationOptions.asyncSeriesRendering, - asyncTrackersRendering: animationOptions.asyncTrackersRendering, - trackerRenderingDelay: animationOptions.trackerRenderingDelay - }, drawOptions); - if (!utils.isDefined(options.recreateCanvas)) - options.recreateCanvas = options.adjustAxes && options.drawLegend && options.drawTitle; - return options - }, - _processRefreshData: function(newRefreshAction) { - var currentRefreshActionPosition = $.inArray(this._currentRefreshData, ACTIONS_BY_PRIORITY), - newRefreshActionPosition = $.inArray(newRefreshAction, ACTIONS_BY_PRIORITY); - if (!this._currentRefreshData || currentRefreshActionPosition >= 0 && newRefreshActionPosition < currentRefreshActionPosition) - this._currentRefreshData = newRefreshAction - }, - _disposeSeries: function() { - var that = this; - that.tracker._clean(); - $.each(that.series || [], function(_, series) { - series.dispose() - }); - that.series = null; - $.each(that.seriesFamilies || [], function(_, family) { - family.dispose() - }); - that.seriesFamilies = null - }, - _optionChanged: function(name) { - var that = this, - themeManager = this.themeManager; - themeManager.resetOptions(name); - themeManager.update(that._options); - if (name === 'animation') { - that.renderer.updateAnimationOptions(this._getAnimationOptions()); - return - } - clearTimeout(that.delayedRedraw); - switch (name) { - case'dataSource': - that._needHandleRenderComplete = true; - that._processRefreshData('_reinitDataSource'); - break; - case'palette': - that.themeManager.updatePalette(this.option(name)); - that._disposeSeries(); - that._needHandleRenderComplete = true; - that._processRefreshData('_handleDataSourceChanged'); - break; - case'series': - case'commonSeriesSettings': - case'containerBackgroundColor': - case'dataPrepareSettings': - that._disposeSeries(); - that._needHandleRenderComplete = true; - that._processRefreshData('_handleDataSourceChanged'); - break; - case'legend': - case'seriesTemplate': - that._processRefreshData('_handleDataSourceChanged'); - break; - case'title': - that._processRefreshData('force_render'); - break; - case'valueAxis': - case'argumentAxis': - case'commonAxisSettings': - that._needHandleRenderComplete = true; - that._processRefreshData('reinit'); - that._disposeSeries(); - that.paneAxis = {}; - break; - case'panes': - case'defaultPane': - that._disposeSeries(); - that.paneAxis = {}; - that._needHandleRenderComplete = true; - that._processRefreshData('reinit'); - break; - case'size': - that._processRefreshData('force_render'); - break; - case'rotated': - case'equalBarWidth': - case'customizePoint': - case'customizeLabel': - that._disposeSeries(); - that._needHandleRenderComplete = true; - that._processRefreshData('reinit'); - break; - case'theme': - that._disposeSeries(); - themeManager.setTheme(that.option(name)); - that._processRefreshData('reinit'); - break; - default: - that._processRefreshData('reinit') - } - that.callBase.apply(that, arguments) - }, - _getLoadIndicatorOption: function() { - return this.themeManager.getOptions("loadingIndicator") - }, - _refresh: function() { - var that = this; - this.renderer.stopAllAnimations(true); - if (that._currentRefreshData) { - switch (that._currentRefreshData) { - case'force_render': - that._render({force: true}); - break; - case'reinit': - that._reinit(true); - break; - default: - that[that._currentRefreshData] && that[that._currentRefreshData]() - } - delete that._currentRefreshData - } - else - that._render({force: true}) - }, - _dataSourceOptions: function() { - return { - paginate: false, - _preferSync: true - } - }, - _updateCanvasClipRect: function(canvas) { - var that = this, - width, - height; - canvas = canvas || that.canvas; - width = Math.max(canvas.width - canvas.left - canvas.right, 0); - height = Math.max(canvas.height - - canvas.bottom, 0); - that.canvasClipRect.updateRectangle({ - x: canvas.left, - y:, - width: width, - height: height - }); - that.canvasClipRect.append() - }, - _getCanvasClipRectID: function() { - return - }, - _handleDataSourceChanged: function() { - clearTimeout(this.delayedRedraw); - this._dataSpecificInit(true) - }, - _groupSeries: function() { - this._groupedSeries = [this.series] - }, - _dataSpecificInit: function(needRedraw) { - this._initSeries(); - this._repopulateSeries(); - this._handleSeriesPopulated(needRedraw) - }, - _processSingleSeries: function(){}, - _repopulateSeries: function() { - var that = this, - parsedData, - data = that._dataSource && that._dataSource.items(), - dataValidatorOptions = that.themeManager.getOptions('dataPrepareSettings'), - seriesTemplate = that.themeManager.getOptions('seriesTemplate'); - if (that._dataSource && seriesTemplate) { - that._templatedSeries = utils.processSeriesTemplate(seriesTemplate, that._dataSource.items()); - that._populateSeries(); - delete that._templatedSeries; - data = that.teamplateData || data - } - that._groupSeries(); - that._dataValidator = charts.factory.createDataValidator(data, that._groupedSeries, that._incidentOccured, dataValidatorOptions); - parsedData = that._dataValidator.validate(); - that.themeManager.resetPalette(); - $.each(that.series, function(_, singleSeries) { - singleSeries.updateData(parsedData); - that._processSingleSeries(singleSeries) - }) - }, - _handleRenderComplete: function() { - var that = this, - userHandle = this.option('done'), - allSeriesInited = true; - if (that._needHandleRenderComplete) { - $.each(that.series, function(_, s) { - allSeriesInited = allSeriesInited && s.canRenderCompleteHandle() - }); - if (allSeriesInited) { - that._needHandleRenderComplete = false; - $.isFunction(userHandle) && - } - } - }, - _renderTitleAndLegend: function(drawOptions, legendHasInsidePosition) { - var that = this, - titleOptions = that.themeManager.getOptions("title"), - drawTitle = titleOptions.text && drawOptions.drawTitle, - drawLegend = drawOptions.drawLegend && that.legend && !legendHasInsidePosition, - drawElements = []; - if (drawTitle) { - that._titleGroup.append(); - that._drawTitle(); - drawElements.push(that.chartTitle) - } - if (drawLegend) { - that._legendGroup.append(); - drawElements.push(that.legend) - } - drawElements.length && that.layoutManager.drawElements(drawElements, that.canvas); - if (drawTitle) - that.layoutManager.correctSizeElement(that.chartTitle, that.canvas) - }, - getAllSeries: function getAllSeries() { - return this.series.slice() - }, - getSeriesByName: function getSeriesByName(name) { - var found = null; - $.each(this.series, function(i, singleSeries) { - if ( === name) { - found = singleSeries; - return false - } - }); - return found - }, - getSeriesByPos: function getSeriesByPos(pos) { - return this.series[pos] - }, - getSelectedSeries: function getSelectedSeries() { - return null - }, - clearSelection: function clearSelection() { - this.tracker.clearSelection() - }, - hideTooltip: function() { - this.tracker._hideTooltip() - }, - showLoadingIndicator: function() { - this._showLoadIndicator(this.themeManager.getOptions("loadingIndicator"), this.canvas || {}) - }, - render: function(renderOptions) { - this._render(renderOptions) - }, - getSize: function() { - var canvas = this.canvas || {}; - return { - width: canvas.width, - height: canvas.height - } - } - }).include(ui.DataHelperMixin) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-charts, file chart.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var core = DX.viz.core, - charts = DX.viz.charts, - utils = DX.utils, - MAX_ADJUSTMENT_ATTEMPTS = 5, - DEFAULT_PANE_NAME = 'default', - DEFAULT_AXIS_NAME = 'defaultAxisName', - DEFAULT_BUSINESS_RANGE_VALUE_MARGIN = 0.1, - ASYNC_SERIES_RENDERING_DELAY = 25, - _each = $.each; - function prepareAxis(axisOptions) { - return $.isArray(axisOptions) ? axisOptions.length === 0 ? [{}] : axisOptions : [axisOptions] - } - charts.Chart = charts.BaseChart.inherit({ - _setDefaultOptions: function() { - this.callBase(); - this.option({ - defaultPane: DEFAULT_PANE_NAME, - panes: [{ - name: DEFAULT_PANE_NAME, - border: {} - }] - }) - }, - _dispose: function() { - var that = this, - disposeObjectsInArray = this._disposeObjectsInArray; - that.callBase(); - that.panes = null; - that.legend && (that.legend.dispose(), that.legend = null); -, "panesBackground"); -, "panesClipRects"); -, "financialPanesClipRects"); -, "_argumentAxes"); -, "_valueAxes"); -, "seriesFamilies"); - _each(that._paneTrackerGroups || [], function(_, groups) { - groups.paneSeriesGroup.dispose(); - groups.paneMarkerGroup.dispose() - }); - that._paneTrackerGroups = null - }, - _init: function() { - this.__ASYNC_SERIES_RENDERING_DELAY = ASYNC_SERIES_RENDERING_DELAY; - this.paneAxis = {}; - this._crossHairOptions = {}; - this.callBase() - }, - _reinit: function(needRedraw) { - var that = this; - that.translators = {}; - that.panes = that._createPanes(); - that._populateAxes(); - that.callBase(); - delete that._seriesInitializing; - if (!that.series) - that._dataSpecificInit(); - else - that._correctValueAxes(); - that._endLoading(function() { - needRedraw && that._render({force: true}) - }) - }, - _correctBusinessRange: function(range, tickInterval, setTicksAtUnitBeginning) { - var min = 'min', - max = 'max'; - if (!tickInterval || !utils.isDefined(range[min]) || !utils.isDefined(range[max])) - return false; - var tickIntervalRange = {}, - originInterval = tickInterval; - tickInterval = $.isNumeric(tickInterval) ? tickInterval : utils.convertDateTickIntervalToMilliseconds(tickInterval); - if (tickInterval >= Math.abs(range[max] - range[min])) { - if (utils.isDate(range[min])) { - if (!$.isNumeric(originInterval)) { - tickIntervalRange[min] = utils.addInterval(range[min], originInterval, true); - tickIntervalRange[max] = utils.addInterval(range[max], originInterval, false) - } - else { - tickIntervalRange[min] = new Date(range[min].valueOf() - tickInterval); - tickIntervalRange[max] = new Date(range[max].valueOf() + tickInterval) - } - if (setTicksAtUnitBeginning) { - utils.correctDateWithUnitBeginning(tickIntervalRange[max], originInterval); - utils.correctDateWithUnitBeginning(tickIntervalRange[min], originInterval) - } - } - else { - tickIntervalRange[min] = range[min] - tickInterval; - tickIntervalRange[max] = range[max] + tickInterval - } - range.addRange(tickIntervalRange); - return true - } - return false - }, - _seriesVisibilityChanged: function() { - this._processSeriesFamilies(); - this._populateBusinessRange(); - this.renderer.stopAllAnimations(true); - this._render({ - force: true, - asyncSeriesRendering: false, - asyncTrackersRendering: false - }) - }, - _populateBusinessRange: function(visibleArea) { - var that = this, - businessRanges = [], - aggregationRange, - minBound, - maxBound, - i, - themeManager = that.themeManager, - rotated = themeManager.getOptions('rotated'), - singleSeriesRange, - valAxes = that._valueAxes, - valueAxes = {}, - argAxes = that._argumentAxes, - useAggregation = themeManager.getOptions('useAggregation'), - argumentTickInterval, - setTicksAtUnitBeginning, - paneAxis = that.paneAxis, - groupedSeries = that._groupedSeries; - that._disposeObjectsInArray("businessRanges", ["arg", "val"]); - var argRange = new core.Range({ - rotated: !!rotated, - minValueMargin: DEFAULT_BUSINESS_RANGE_VALUE_MARGIN, - maxValueMargin: DEFAULT_BUSINESS_RANGE_VALUE_MARGIN - }); - _each(valAxes, function(_, axis) { - valueAxes[] = axis - }); - _each(paneAxis, function(paneName, pane) { - _each(pane, function(axisName, _) { - var seriesForRange = [], - firstSeriesForRange, - options, - valueAxesForRange, - valRange = new core.Range({ - isValueRange: true, - rotated: !!rotated, - pane: paneName, - axis: axisName, - minValueMargin: DEFAULT_BUSINESS_RANGE_VALUE_MARGIN, - maxValueMargin: DEFAULT_BUSINESS_RANGE_VALUE_MARGIN - }), - valueType, - calcInterval; - _each(groupedSeries, function(_, particularSeriesGroup) { - if (particularSeriesGroup[0].pane === paneName && particularSeriesGroup[0].axis === axisName) - seriesForRange = particularSeriesGroup - }); - _each(valAxes, function(_, axis) { - if (axis.pane === paneName && === axisName) { - valueAxesForRange = axis; - return false - } - }); - firstSeriesForRange = seriesForRange && seriesForRange.length ? seriesForRange[0] : {}; - _each(argAxes, function(_, axis) { - var options = axis.options; - options.type = firstSeriesForRange.argumentAxisType || options.type; - options.argumentType = firstSeriesForRange.argumentType || options.argumentType; - axis.validate(true, that._incidentOccured); - argRange = argRange.addRange(axis.getRangeData()); - argumentTickInterval = options.tickInterval; - setTicksAtUnitBeginning = options.setTicksAtUnitBeginning; - calcInterval = axis.calcInterval - }); - options = valueAxesForRange.options; - options.type = firstSeriesForRange.valueAxisType || options.type; - options.valueType = firstSeriesForRange.valueType || options.valueType; - valueAxesForRange.validate(false, that._incidentOccured); - var axisRange = new core.Range(valueAxesForRange.getRangeData()); - valueType = valueType || options.valueType === 'datetime' ? 'datetime' : undefined; - valRange = valRange.addRange(axisRange); - minBound = valRange.min; - maxBound = valRange.max; - for (i = 0; i < seriesForRange.length; i++) { - if (visibleArea) { - visibleArea.minVal = minBound; - visibleArea.maxVal = maxBound; - if (useAggregation && !visibleArea.adjustOnZoom) { - aggregationRange = seriesForRange[i]._originalBusinessRange; - visibleArea.minVal = utils.isDefined(visibleArea.minVal) ? visibleArea.minVal : aggregationRange.val.min; - visibleArea.maxVal = utils.isDefined(visibleArea.maxVal) ? visibleArea.maxVal : aggregationRange.val.max - } - } - singleSeriesRange = seriesForRange[i].getRangeData(visibleArea, calcInterval); - valRange = valRange.addRange(singleSeriesRange.val); - argRange = argRange.addRange(singleSeriesRange.arg) - } - if (!valRange.isDefined()) - valRange.setStubData(valueType); - businessRanges.push({val: valRange}) - }) - }); - if (!argRange.isDefined()) - argRange.setStubData(argAxes[0].options.argumentType); - var bussinesRangeCorrectedWithTickInterval = that._correctBusinessRange(argRange, argumentTickInterval, setTicksAtUnitBeginning); - !bussinesRangeCorrectedWithTickInterval && argRange.applyValueMargins(); - _each(businessRanges, function(_, item) { - var range = item.val, - vAxis = valueAxes[range.axis]; - range.applyValueMargins(); - if (vAxis && vAxis.options.showZero) - range.correctValueZeroLevel(); - item.arg = argRange - }); - that.businessRanges = businessRanges - }, - _groupSeries: function() { - var that = this, - panes = that.panes, - valAxes = that._valueAxes, - paneList = $.map(panes, function(pane) { - return - }), - series = that.series, - paneAxis = that.paneAxis, - groupedSeries = that._groupedSeries = []; - var getFirstAxisNameForPane = function(axes, paneName) { - var result; - for (var i = 0; i < axes.length; i++) - if (axes[i].pane === paneName) { - result = axes[i].name; - break - } - if (!result) - result = valAxes[0].name; - return result - }; - _each(series, function(i, particularSeries) { - particularSeries.axis = particularSeries.axis || getFirstAxisNameForPane(valAxes, particularSeries.pane); - if (particularSeries.axis) { - paneAxis[particularSeries.pane] = paneAxis[particularSeries.pane] || {}; - paneAxis[particularSeries.pane][particularSeries.axis] = true - } - }); - _each(valAxes, function(_, axis) { - if ( && axis.pane && $.inArray(axis.pane, paneList) != -1) { - paneAxis[axis.pane] = paneAxis[axis.pane] || {}; - paneAxis[axis.pane][] = true - } - }); - that._correctValueAxes(); - var hideGridsOnNonFirstValueAxisForPane = function(paneName) { - var axesForPane = [], - firstShownAxis; - _each(valAxes, function(_, axis) { - if (axis.pane === paneName) - axesForPane.push(axis) - }); - if (axesForPane.length > 1 && that.themeManager.getOptions('synchronizeMultiAxes')) - _each(axesForPane, function(_, axis) { - var gridOpt = axis.options.grid; - if (firstShownAxis && gridOpt && gridOpt.visible) - gridOpt.visible = false; - else - firstShownAxis = firstShownAxis ? firstShownAxis : gridOpt && gridOpt.visible - }) - }; - _each(paneAxis, function(paneName, pane) { - hideGridsOnNonFirstValueAxisForPane(paneName); - _each(pane, function(axisName, _) { - var group = []; - _each(series, function(_, particularSeries) { - if (particularSeries.pane === paneName && particularSeries.axis === axisName) - group.push(particularSeries) - }); - group.length && groupedSeries.push(group) - }) - }) - }, - _cleanPanesClipRects: function(clipArrayName) { - var that = this, - clipArray = that[clipArrayName]; - _each(clipArray || [], function(_, clipRect) { - clipRect && clipRect.remove() - }); - that[clipArrayName] = [] - }, - _createPanes: function() { - var that = this, - panes = that.option('panes'), - panesNameCounter = 0, - bottomPaneName; - if (panes && utils.isArray(panes) && !panes.length || $.isEmptyObject(panes)) - panes = that.initialOption("panes"); - that._cleanPanesClipRects('panesClipRects'); - that._cleanPanesClipRects('financialPanesClipRects'); - that.defaultPane = that.option('defaultPane'); - panes = $.isArray(panes) ? panes : panes ? [panes] : []; - _each(panes, function(_, pane) { - = !utils.isDefined( ? DEFAULT_PANE_NAME + panesNameCounter++ : - }); - if (!that._doesPaneExists(panes, that.defaultPane) && panes.length > 0) { - bottomPaneName = panes[panes.length - 1].name; - that._incidentOccured('W2101', [that.defaultPane, bottomPaneName]); - that.defaultPane = bottomPaneName - } - panes = that.themeManager.getOptions('rotated') ? panes.reverse() : panes; - return panes - }, - _doesPaneExists: function(panes, paneName) { - var found = false; - _each(panes, function(_, pane) { - if ( === paneName) { - found = true; - return false - } - }); - return found - }, - _populateSeries: function() { - var that = this, - themeManager = that.themeManager, - hasSeriesTemplate = !!themeManager.getOptions('seriesTemplate'), - series = hasSeriesTemplate ? that._templatedSeries : that.option('series'), - allSeriesOptions = $.isArray(series) ? series : series ? [series] : [], - argumentAxisOptions = that.option('argumentAxis'), - valueAxisOptions = that.option('valueAxis'), - data, - particularSeriesOptions, - particularSeries, - rotated = themeManager.getOptions('rotated'), - i, - paneList = $.map(that.panes, function(pane) { - return - }), - paneName, - paneIndex; - that.teamplateData = []; - _each(that._paneTrackerGroups || [], function(_, groups) { - groups.paneSeriesGroup.remove(); - groups.paneMarkerGroup.remove() - }); - that._paneTrackerGroups = []; - _each(that.panes, function(_, pane) { - var paneSeriesTrackerGroup = that.renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxc-pane-tracker'}), - paneMarkerTrackerGroup = that.renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxc-pane-tracker'}); - that._paneTrackerGroups.push({ - paneSeriesGroup: paneSeriesTrackerGroup, - paneMarkerGroup: paneMarkerTrackerGroup - }) - }); - that._disposeSeries(); - that.series = []; - themeManager.resetPalette(); - for (i = 0; i < allSeriesOptions.length; i++) { - particularSeriesOptions = $.extend(true, {}, allSeriesOptions[i]); - if (particularSeriesOptions.type && !utils.isString(particularSeriesOptions.type)) - particularSeriesOptions.type = ''; - data =; - = null; - particularSeriesOptions.rotated = rotated; - particularSeriesOptions.customizePoint = themeManager.getOptions("customizePoint"); - particularSeriesOptions.customizeLabel = themeManager.getOptions("customizeLabel"); - particularSeriesOptions.visibilityChanged = $.proxy(this._seriesVisibilityChanged, this); - particularSeriesOptions.resolveLabelsOverlapping = themeManager.getOptions("resolveLabelsOverlapping"); - if (argumentAxisOptions) { - particularSeriesOptions.argumentCategories = argumentAxisOptions.categories; - particularSeriesOptions.argumentAxisType = argumentAxisOptions.type; - particularSeriesOptions.argumentType = argumentAxisOptions.argumentType - } - if (valueAxisOptions) - if (utils.isArray(valueAxisOptions)) - _each(valueAxisOptions, function(iter, options) { - if (!particularSeriesOptions.axis && !iter || particularSeriesOptions.axis === { - particularSeriesOptions.valueCategories = options.categories; - particularSeriesOptions.valueAxisType = options.type; - particularSeriesOptions.valueType = options.valueType; - particularSeriesOptions.showZero = options.showZero - } - }); - else { - particularSeriesOptions.valueCategories = valueAxisOptions.categories; - particularSeriesOptions.valueAxisType = valueAxisOptions.type; - particularSeriesOptions.valueType = valueAxisOptions.valueType; - particularSeriesOptions.showZero = valueAxisOptions.showZero - } - particularSeriesOptions.incidentOccured = that._incidentOccured; - if (! - = 'Series ' + (i + 1).toString(); - var seriesTheme = themeManager.getOptions("series", particularSeriesOptions); - seriesTheme.pane = seriesTheme.pane || that.defaultPane; - paneName = seriesTheme.pane; - paneIndex = that._getPaneIndex(paneName); - if ($.inArray(paneName, paneList) === -1) - continue; - seriesTheme.seriesGroup = that._seriesGroup; - seriesTheme.labelsGroup = that._labelsGroup; - seriesTheme.trackersGroup = that._paneTrackerGroups[paneIndex].paneSeriesGroup; - seriesTheme.markerTrackerGroup = that._paneTrackerGroups[paneIndex].paneMarkerGroup; - particularSeries = core.CoreFactory.createSeries(that.renderer, seriesTheme); - if (!particularSeries.isUpdated) - that._incidentOccured("E2101", [seriesTheme.type]); - else { - particularSeries.index = i; - that.series.push(particularSeries) - } - if (hasSeriesTemplate) { - _each(data, function(_, data) { - _each(particularSeries.getTeamplatedFields(), function(_, field) { - data[field.teamplateField] = data[field.originalField] - }); - that.teamplateData.push(data) - }); - particularSeries.updateTeamplateFieldNames() - } - } - return that.series - }, - _createValueAxis: function(axisOptions, rotated, tickProvider) { - var that = this, - axis; - axisOptions = that.themeManager.getOptions("valueAxis", $.extend({ - isHorizontal: rotated, - tickProvider: tickProvider, - incidentOccured: that._incidentOccured - }, axisOptions), rotated); - if (axisOptions.strips) - _each(axisOptions.strips, function(i, strips) { - axisOptions.strips[i] = $.extend(true, {}, axisOptions.stripStyle, axisOptions.strips[i]) - }); - if (axisOptions.constantLines) - _each(axisOptions.constantLines, function(i, line) { - axisOptions.constantLines[i] = $.extend(true, {}, axisOptions.constantLineStyle, line) - }); - axis = charts.factory.createAxis(that.renderer, axisOptions); - =; - axis.pane = axis.pane || axisOptions.pane; - axis.priority = axisOptions.priority; - return axis - }, - _disposeAxes: function() { - var that = this; - _each(that._valueAxes || [], function(_, axis) { - axis.dispose() - }); - _each(that._argumentAxes || [], function(_, axis) { - axis.dispose() - }); - that._valueAxes = null; - that._argumentAxes = null - }, - _populateAxes: function() { - var that = this, - valueAxes = [], - argumentAxes = [], - panes = that.panes, - themeManager = that.themeManager, - rotated = themeManager.getOptions('rotated'), - valueAxisOptions = that.option('valueAxis') || {}, - argumentOption = that.option('argumentAxis') || {}, - argumentAxesOptions = prepareAxis(argumentOption), - valueAxesOptions = prepareAxis(valueAxisOptions), - axis, - axisNames = [], - tickProvider = core.CoreFactory.getTickProvider(), - paneWithNonVirtualAxis; - that._disposeAxes(); - var createArgumentAxis = function(axisOptions, virtual) { - axisOptions = that.themeManager.getOptions("argumentAxis", $.extend(true, { - isHorizontal: !rotated, - tickProvider: tickProvider, - pane: that.defaultPane, - incidentOccured: that._incidentOccured - }, axisOptions), rotated); - if (axisOptions.strips) - _each(axisOptions.strips, function(i, strips) { - axisOptions.strips[i] = $.extend(true, {}, axisOptions.stripStyle, axisOptions.strips[i]) - }); - if (axisOptions.constantLines) - _each(axisOptions.constantLines, function(i, line) { - axisOptions.constantLines[i] = $.extend(true, {}, axisOptions.constantLineStyle, line) - }); - axis = charts.factory.createAxis(that.renderer, axisOptions); - axis._virtual = virtual; - argumentAxes.push(axis); - return axis - }; - if (rotated) - paneWithNonVirtualAxis = argumentAxesOptions[0].position === 'right' ? panes[panes.length - 1].name : panes[0].name; - else - paneWithNonVirtualAxis = argumentAxesOptions[0].position === 'top' ? panes[0].name : panes[panes.length - 1].name; - _each(panes, function(_, pane) { - var paneName =, - virtual = paneName != paneWithNonVirtualAxis; - var axisOptions = $.extend(true, {}, argumentAxesOptions[0], {pane: paneName}); - createArgumentAxis(axisOptions, virtual) - }); - var valueAxesCounter = 0; - var getNextAxisName = function() { - return DEFAULT_AXIS_NAME + valueAxesCounter++ - }; - var unique = function(array) { - var values = {}, - i, - len = array.length; - for (i = 0; i < len; i++) - values[array[i]] = true; - return $.map(values, function(_, key) { - return key - }) - }; - _each(valueAxesOptions, function(priority, axisOptions) { - var axisPanes = [], - name =; - if (name && $.inArray(name, axisNames) != -1) { - that._incidentOccured("E2102"); - return - } - name && axisNames.push(name); - if (axisOptions.pane) - axisPanes.push(axisOptions.pane); - if (axisOptions.panes && axisOptions.panes.length) - axisPanes = axisPanes.concat(axisOptions.panes.slice(0)); - axisPanes = unique(axisPanes); - if (!axisPanes.length) - axisPanes.push(undefined); - _each(axisPanes, function(_, pane) { - valueAxes.push(that._createValueAxis($.extend(true, {}, axisOptions, { - name: name || getNextAxisName(), - pane: pane, - priority: priority - }), rotated, tickProvider)) - }) - }); - that._valueAxes = valueAxes; - that._argumentAxes = argumentAxes - }, - _correctValueAxes: function() { - var that = this, - rotated = that.themeManager.getOptions('rotated'), - valueAxisOptions = that.option('valueAxis') || {}, - valueAxesOptions = $.isArray(valueAxisOptions) ? valueAxisOptions : [valueAxisOptions], - tickProvider = core.CoreFactory.getTickProvider(), - valueAxes = that._valueAxes || [], - defaultAxisName = valueAxes[0].name, - paneAxis = that.paneAxis || {}, - panes = that.panes, - i, - neededAxis = {}; - var getPaneForAxis = function(axisNameWithoutPane) { - var result; - _each(that.paneAxis, function(paneName, pane) { - _each(pane, function(axisName, _) { - if (axisNameWithoutPane == axisName) { - result = paneName; - return false - } - }) - }); - return result - }; - var axesWithoutPanes = $.map(valueAxes, function(axis) { - if (axis.pane) - return null; - return axis - }); - _each(axesWithoutPanes, function(_, axis) { - axis.pane = getPaneForAxis(; - if (!axis.pane) { - axis.pane = that.defaultPane; - paneAxis[axis.pane] = paneAxis[axis.pane] || {}; - paneAxis[axis.pane][] = true - } - axis.options.pane = axis.pane - }); - for (i = 0; i < panes.length; i++) - if (!paneAxis[panes[i].name]) { - paneAxis[panes[i].name] = {}; - paneAxis[panes[i].name][defaultAxisName] = true - } - var findAxisOptions = function(axisName) { - var result, - axInd; - for (axInd = 0; axInd < valueAxesOptions.length; axInd++) - if (valueAxesOptions[axInd].name == axisName) { - result = valueAxesOptions[axInd]; - result.priority = axInd; - break - } - if (!result) - for (axInd = 0; axInd < valueAxes.length; axInd++) - if (valueAxes[axInd].name == axisName) { - result = valueAxes[axInd].options; - result.priority = valueAxes[axInd].priority; - break - } - if (!result) { - that._incidentOccured("W2102", [axisName]); - result = { - name: axisName, - priority: valueAxes.length - } - } - return result - }; - var findAxis = function(paneName, axisName) { - var axis; - for (i = 0; i < valueAxes.length; i++) { - axis = valueAxes[i]; - if ( === axisName && axis.pane === paneName) - return axis - } - }; - _each(that.paneAxis, function(paneName, axisNames) { - _each(axisNames, function(axisName, _) { - neededAxis[axisName + '-' + paneName] = true; - if (!findAxis(paneName, axisName)) { - var axisOptions = findAxisOptions(axisName); - if (axisOptions) - valueAxes.push(that._createValueAxis($.extend(true, {}, axisOptions, { - pane: paneName, - name: axisName - }), rotated, tickProvider)) - } - }) - }); - valueAxes = $.grep(valueAxes, function(elem) { - return !!neededAxis[ + '-' + elem.pane] - }); - valueAxes.sort(function(a, b) { - return a.priority - b.priority - }); - that._valueAxes = valueAxes - }, - _processSeriesFamilies: function() { - var that = this, - types = [], - families = [], - paneSeries, - themeManager = that.themeManager, - rotated = themeManager.getOptions('rotated'); - if (that.seriesFamilies && that.seriesFamilies.length) { - _each(that.seriesFamilies, function(_, family) { - family.adjustSeriesValues() - }); - return - } - _each(that.series, function(_, item) { - if ($.inArray(item.type, types) === -1) - types.push(item.type) - }); - _each(that.panes, function(_, pane) { - paneSeries = []; - _each(that.series, function(_, oneSeries) { - if (oneSeries.pane === - paneSeries.push(oneSeries) - }); - _each(types, function(_, type) { - var family = core.CoreFactory.createSeriesFamily({ - type: type, - pane:, - rotated: rotated, - equalBarWidth: themeManager.getOptions('equalBarWidth'), - minBubbleSize: themeManager.getOptions('minBubbleSize'), - maxBubbleSize: themeManager.getOptions('maxBubbleSize') - }); - family.add(paneSeries); - family.adjustSeriesValues(); - families.push(family) - }) - }); - that.seriesFamilies = families - }, - _createLegend: function() { - var that = this, - legendData = [], - legendOptions = that.themeManager.getOptions('legend'); - legendData = $.map(that.series, function(seriesItem) { - if (seriesItem.getOptions().showInLegend) - return { - text:, - color: seriesItem.getColor(), - id: seriesItem.index, - states: seriesItem.getLegendStyles() - } - }); - legendOptions.containerBackgroundColor = that.themeManager.getOptions("containerBackgroundColor"); - legendOptions._incidentOccured = that._incidentOccured; - if (that.legend) - that.legend.update(legendData, legendOptions); - else - that.legend = core.CoreFactory.createLegend(legendData, legendOptions, that.renderer, that._legendGroup) - }, - _createTranslator: function(range, canvas, options) { - return core.CoreFactory.createTranslator2D(range, canvas, options) - }, - _createPanesBorderOptions: function() { - var commonBorderOptions = this.themeManager.getOptions('commonPaneSettings').border, - panesBorderOptions = {}; - _each(this.panes, function(_, pane) { - var borderOptions = $.extend(true, {}, commonBorderOptions, pane.border); - panesBorderOptions[] = borderOptions - }); - return panesBorderOptions - }, - _render: function(drawOptions) { - var that = this, - themeManager = that.themeManager, - rotated = themeManager.getOptions('rotated'), - i, - layoutManager = that.layoutManager, - panesBorderOptions = that._createPanesBorderOptions(), - needHideLoadIndicator, - legendHasInsidePosition = that.legend && that.legend.getPosition() === "inside"; - var drawSeries = function drawSeries() { - var panes = that.panes, - hideLayoutLabels = that.layoutManager.needMoreSpaceForPanesCanvas(that.panes, rotated) && !that.themeManager.getOptions("adaptiveLayout").keepLabels, - stackPoints = {}; - _each(that.seriesFamilies || [], function(_, seriesFamily) { - var tr = that._getTranslator(seriesFamily.pane) || {}, - translators = {}; - translators[rotated ? 'x' : 'y'] = tr.val; - translators[rotated ? 'y' : 'x'] = tr.arg; - seriesFamily.updateSeriesValues(translators); - seriesFamily.adjustSeriesDimensions(translators) - }); - that._createCrossHairCursor(); - function applyPaneClipRect(seriesOptions) { - var paneIndex = that._getPaneIndex(seriesOptions.pane); - seriesOptions.setClippingParams(seriesOptions.isFinancialSeries() ? that.financialPanesClipRects[paneIndex].id : that.panesClipRects[paneIndex].id, that._getPaneBorderVisibility(paneIndex)) - } - function preparePointsForSharedTooltip(singleSeries, stackPoints) { - if (!themeManager.getOptions('tooltip').shared) - return; - var points = singleSeries.getPoints(), - stackName = singleSeries.getStackName(); - _each(points, function(index, point) { - var argument = point.argument; - if (!stackPoints[argument]) { - stackPoints[argument] = {}; - stackPoints[argument][null] = [] - } - if (stackName && !DX.utils.isArray(stackPoints[argument][stackName])) { - stackPoints[argument][stackName] = []; - _each(stackPoints[argument][null], function(_, point) { - if (!point.stackName) - stackPoints[argument][stackName].push(point) - }) - } - if (stackName) { - stackPoints[argument][stackName].push(point); - stackPoints[argument][null].push(point) - } - else - _each(stackPoints[argument], function(_, stack) { - stack.push(point) - }); - point.stackPoints = stackPoints[argument][stackName]; - point.stackName = stackName - }) - } - _each(that.series, function(_, particularSeries) { - preparePointsForSharedTooltip(particularSeries, stackPoints); - applyPaneClipRect(particularSeries); - particularSeries.setAdjustSeriesLabels(drawOptions.adjustSeriesLabels); - var tr = that._getTranslator(particularSeries.pane, particularSeries.axis), - translators = {}; - translators[rotated ? 'x' : 'y'] = tr.val; - translators[rotated ? 'y' : 'x'] = tr.arg; - particularSeries.draw(translators, drawOptions.animate && particularSeries.getPoints().length <= drawOptions.animationPointsLimit && that.renderer.animationEnabled(), hideLayoutLabels, that.legend && that.legend.getActionCallback(particularSeries)) - }); - that._trackerGroup.append(); - if (drawOptions.drawLegend && that.legend && legendHasInsidePosition) { - var newCanvas = $.extend({}, panes[0].canvas), - layoutManager = charts.factory.createChartLayoutManager(); - newCanvas.right = panes[panes.length - 1].canvas.right; - newCanvas.bottom = panes[panes.length - 1].canvas.bottom; - that._legendGroup.append(); - that._tooltipGroup.append(); - layoutManager.drawElements([that.legend], newCanvas); - layoutManager.placeDrawnElements(newCanvas) - } - needHideLoadIndicator && that.hideLoadingIndicator(); - that._drawn(); - var drawChartTrackers = function drawChartTrackers() { - var i; - for (i = 0; i < that.series.length; i++) - that.series[i].drawTrackers(); - if (that.legend) { - that.legend.drawTrackers(); - legendHasInsidePosition && that._legendGroup.append(); - legendHasInsidePosition && that._tooltipGroup.append() - } - that.tracker._prepare(); - _each(that._paneTrackerGroups, function(index, paneGroups) { - paneGroups.paneSeriesGroup.append(that._seriesTrackerGroup); - paneGroups.paneMarkerGroup.append(that._markerTrackerGroup) - }); - that._handleRenderComplete() - }; - that._createTooltip(); - if (drawOptions.asyncTrackersRendering) - that.delayedRedraw = setTimeout(drawChartTrackers, drawOptions.trackerRenderingDelay); - else - drawChartTrackers() - }; - drawOptions = that._prepareDrawOptions(drawOptions); - that.callBase(drawOptions); - if (that.stopRedraw) { - that.stopRedraw = false; - return - } - that._createPanesBackground(); - that._stripsGroup.append(); - that._axesGroup.append(); - that._constantLinesGroup.append(); - that._labelAxesGroup.append(); - that._createTranslators(drawOptions); - that._options.useAggregation && _each(that.series, function(_, series) { - series._originalBusinessRange = series._originalBusinessRange || series.getRangeData(); - var tr = that._getTranslator(series.pane, series.axis), - translators = {}; - translators[rotated ? 'x' : 'y'] = tr.val; - translators[rotated ? 'y' : 'x'] = tr.arg; - series.resamplePoints(translators, that._zoomMinArg, that._zoomMaxArg) - }); - if (utils.isDefined(that._zoomMinArg) || utils.isDefined(that._zoomMaxArg)) - that._populateBusinessRange({ - adjustOnZoom: themeManager.getOptions('adjustOnZoom'), - minArg: that._zoomMinArg, - maxArg: that._zoomMaxArg - }); - if (that._options.useAggregation || utils.isDefined(that._zoomMinArg) || utils.isDefined(that._zoomMaxArg)) - that._updateTranslators(); - that._renderTitleAndLegend(drawOptions, legendHasInsidePosition); - if (drawOptions && drawOptions.recreateCanvas) - layoutManager.updatePanesCanvases(that.panes, that.canvas, rotated); - that._drawAxes(panesBorderOptions, drawOptions); - if (layoutManager.needMoreSpaceForPanesCanvas(that.panes, rotated)) { - layoutManager.updateDrawnElements(that._argumentAxes, that._valueAxes, that.canvas, that.dirtyCanvas, that.panes, rotated); - if (that.chartTitle) - that.layoutManager.correctSizeElement(that.chartTitle, that.canvas); - that._updateCanvasClipRect(that.dirtyCanvas); - layoutManager.updatePanesCanvases(that.panes, that.canvas, rotated); - that._drawAxes(panesBorderOptions, drawOptions, true) - } - layoutManager.placeDrawnElements(that.canvas); - that._drawPanesBorders(panesBorderOptions); - that._createClipRectsForPanes(); - for (i = 0; i < that._argumentAxes.length; i++) - that._argumentAxes[i].applyClipRect(that._getElementsClipRectID(that._argumentAxes[i].pane)); - for (i = 0; i < that._valueAxes.length; i++) - that._valueAxes[i].applyClipRect(that._getElementsClipRectID(that._valueAxes[i].pane)); - that._fillPanesBackground(); - that._seriesGroup.append(); - that._labelsGroup.append(); - that._crossHairCursorGroup.append(); - that._legendGroup.append(); - that._tooltipGroup.append(); - needHideLoadIndicator = that._loadIndicator && that._loadIndicator.isShown && that._dataSource && that._dataSource.isLoaded() && !drawOptions.isResize; - if (drawOptions.asyncSeriesRendering) - that.delayedRedraw = setTimeout(drawSeries, ASYNC_SERIES_RENDERING_DELAY); - else - drawSeries() - }, - _createTranslators: function(drawOptions) { - var that = this, - rotated = that.themeManager.getOptions("rotated"), - translators; - if (!drawOptions.recreateCanvas) - return; - that.translators = translators = {}; - that.layoutManager.updatePanesCanvases(that.panes, that.canvas, rotated); - _each(that.paneAxis, function(paneName, pane) { - translators[paneName] = translators[paneName] || {}; - _each(pane, function(axisName, _) { - var translator = that._createTranslator(new core.Range(that._getBusinessRange(paneName, axisName).val), that._getCanvasForPane(paneName), rotated ? {direction: 'horizontal'} : {}); - translator.pane = paneName; - translator.axis = axisName; - translators[paneName][axisName] = {val: translator} - }) - }); - _each(that._argumentAxes, function(_, axis) { - var translator = that._createTranslator(new core.Range(that._getBusinessRange(axis.pane).arg), that._getCanvasForPane(axis.pane), !rotated ? {direction: 'horizontal'} : {}); - _each(translators[axis.pane], function(valAxis, paneAsixTran) { - paneAsixTran.arg = translator - }) - }) - }, - _updateTranslators: function() { - var that = this; - _each(that.translators, function(pane, axisTrans) { - _each(axisTrans, function(axis, translator) { - translator.arg.updateBusinessRange(new core.Range(that._getBusinessRange(pane).arg)); - delete translator.arg._originalBusinessRange; - translator.val.updateBusinessRange(new core.Range(that._getBusinessRange(pane, axis).val)); - delete translator.val._originalBusinessRange - }) - }) - }, - _reinitTranslators: function() { - var that = this; - _each(that._argumentAxes, function(_, axis) { - var translator = that._getTranslator(axis.pane); - if (translator) { - translator.arg.reinit(); - axis.setRange(translator.arg.getBusinessRange()); - axis.setTranslator(translator.arg, translator.val) - } - }); - _each(that._valueAxes, function(_, axis) { - var translator = that._getTranslator(axis.pane,; - if (translator) { - translator.val.reinit(); - axis.setRange(translator.val.getBusinessRange()); - axis.setTranslator(translator.val, translator.arg) - } - }) - }, - _drawAxes: function(panesBorderOptions, drawOptions, adjustUnits) { - var that = this, - i = 0, - layoutManager = that.layoutManager, - rotated = that.themeManager.getOptions("rotated"), - translators = that.translators, - adjustmentCounter = 0, - synchronizeMultiAxes = that.themeManager.getOptions('synchronizeMultiAxes'); - that._reinitTranslators(); - do { - for (i = 0; i < that._argumentAxes.length; i++) - that._argumentAxes[i].resetTicks(); - for (i = 0; i < that._valueAxes.length; i++) - that._valueAxes[i].resetTicks(); - if (synchronizeMultiAxes) - charts.multiAxesSynchronizer.synchronize(that._valueAxes); - drawAxes(rotated ? that._valueAxes : that._argumentAxes); - layoutManager.requireAxesRedraw = false; - if (drawOptions.adjustAxes) { - layoutManager.applyHorizontalAxesLayout(rotated ? that._valueAxes : that._argumentAxes); - !layoutManager.stopDrawAxes && _each(translators, function(pane, axisTrans) { - _each(axisTrans, function(axis, translator) { - translator.arg.reinit(); - translator.val.reinit() - }) - }) - } - drawAxes(rotated ? that._argumentAxes : that._valueAxes); - if (drawOptions.adjustAxes && !layoutManager.stopDrawAxes) { - layoutManager.applyVerticalAxesLayout(rotated ? that._argumentAxes : that._valueAxes); - !layoutManager.stopDrawAxes && _each(translators, function(pane, axisTrans) { - _each(axisTrans, function(axis, translator) { - translator.arg.reinit(); - translator.val.reinit() - }) - }) - } - adjustmentCounter = adjustmentCounter + 1 - } while (!layoutManager.stopDrawAxes && layoutManager.requireAxesRedraw && adjustmentCounter < MAX_ADJUSTMENT_ATTEMPTS); - that.__axisAdjustmentsCount = adjustmentCounter; - function drawAxes(axes) { - _each(axes, function(_, axis) { - axis.clipRectID = that._getCanvasClipRectID(); - axis.stripsGroup = that._stripsGroup; - axis.labelAxesGroup = that._labelAxesGroup; - axis.constantLinesGroup = that._constantLinesGroup; - axis.axesContainerGroup = that._axesGroup; - axis.draw({borderOptions: panesBorderOptions[axis.pane]}, adjustUnits) - }) - } - }, - _createCrossHairCursor: function() { - var that = this, - renderer = that.renderer, - panes = that.panes, - commonCanvas, - canvas, - options = that.themeManager.getOptions('crosshair') || {}, - hLine, - vLine, - attrHLine, - attrVLine, - i; - if (!options || !options.enabled) - return; - attrHLine = { - stroke: options.horizontalLine.color || options.color, - strokeWidth: options.horizontalLine.width || options.width, - dashStyle: options.horizontalLine.dashStyle || options.dashStyle, - visibility: 'hidden', - opacity: options.horizontalLine.opacity || options.opacity - }; - attrVLine = { - stroke: options.verticalLine.color || options.color, - strokeWidth: options.verticalLine.width || options.width, - dashStyle: options.verticalLine.dashStyle || options.dashStyle, - visibility: 'hidden', - opacity: options.verticalLine.opacity || options.opacity - }; - for (i = 0; i < panes.length; i++) { - canvas = panes[i].canvas; - if (!commonCanvas) - commonCanvas = $.extend({}, canvas); - else { - commonCanvas.right = canvas.right; - commonCanvas.bottom = canvas.bottom - } - renderer.createRect(canvas.left,, canvas.width - canvas.right - canvas.left, canvas.height - canvas.bottom -, 0).append(this._crosshairTrackerGroup) - } - if (options.horizontalLine && options.horizontalLine.visible) - hLine = renderer.createLine(commonCanvas.left,, commonCanvas.width - commonCanvas.right,, attrHLine).append(that._crossHairCursorGroup); - if (options.verticalLine && options.verticalLine.visible) - vLine = renderer.createLine(commonCanvas.left,, commonCanvas.left, commonCanvas.height - commonCanvas.bottom, attrVLine).append(that._crossHairCursorGroup); - that._crossHairOptions.horizontalLine = hLine; - that._crossHairOptions.verticalLine = vLine; - that._crossHairOptions.canvas = commonCanvas - }, - _createPanesBackground: function() { - var that = this, - defaultBackgroundColor = that.themeManager.getOptions('commonPaneSettings').backgroundColor, - backgroundColor, - renderer = that.renderer, - rect, - i, - rects = []; - that._panesBackgroundGroup && that._panesBackgroundGroup.clear(); - for (i = 0; i < that.panes.length; i++) { - backgroundColor = that.panes[i].backgroundColor || defaultBackgroundColor; - if (!backgroundColor || backgroundColor === 'none') { - rects.push(null); - continue - } - rect = renderer.createRect(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, { - fill: backgroundColor, - strokeWidth: 0 - }).append(that._panesBackgroundGroup); - rects.push(rect) - } - that.panesBackground = rects; - that._panesBackgroundGroup.append() - }, - _fillPanesBackground: function() { - var that = this, - bc; - _each(that.panes, function(i, pane) { - bc = pane.borderCoords; - if (that.panesBackground[i] != null) - that.panesBackground[i].applySettings({ - x: bc.left, - y:, - width: bc.width, - height: bc.height - }) - }) - }, - _calcPaneBorderCoords: function(pane, rotated) { - var canvas = pane.canvas, - bc = pane.borderCoords = pane.borderCoords || {}; - bc.left = canvas.left; - =; - bc.right = canvas.width - canvas.right; - bc.bottom = canvas.height - canvas.bottom; - bc.width = Math.max(bc.right - bc.left, 0); - bc.height = Math.max(bc.bottom -, 0) - }, - _drawPanesBorders: function(panesBorderOptions) { - var that = this, - rotated = that.themeManager.getOptions('rotated'); - that._panesBorderGroup && (that._panesBorderGroup.detach(), that._panesBorderGroup.clear()); - _each(that.panes, function(i, pane) { - var bc, - borderOptions = panesBorderOptions[], - attr = { - fill: 'none', - stroke: borderOptions.color, - strokeOpacity: borderOptions.opacity, - strokeWidth: borderOptions.width, - dashStyle: borderOptions.dashStyle - }; - that._calcPaneBorderCoords(pane, rotated); - if (!borderOptions.visible) - return; - bc = pane.borderCoords; - that.renderer.createSegmentRect(bc.left,, bc.width, bc.height, 0, borderOptions, attr).append(that._panesBorderGroup) - }); - that._panesBorderGroup.append() - }, - _createClipRect: function(clipArray, index, left, top, width, height) { - var that = this, - clipRect = clipArray[index]; - if (!clipRect) { - clipRect = that.renderer.createClipRect(left, top, width, height); - clipArray[index] = clipRect - } - else - clipRect.updateRectangle({ - x: left, - y: top, - width: width, - height: height - }); - clipRect.append() - }, - _createClipRectsForPanes: function() { - var that = this, - canvas = that.canvas; - _each(that.panes, function(i, pane) { - var hasFinancialSeries = false, - bc = pane.borderCoords, - left = bc.left, - top =, - width = bc.width, - height = bc.height; - that._createClipRect(that.panesClipRects, i, left, top, width, height); - _each(that.series, function(_, series) { - if (series.pane === && series.isFinancialSeries()) - hasFinancialSeries = true - }); - if (hasFinancialSeries) { - if (that.themeManager.getOptions('rotated')) { - top = 0; - height = canvas.height - } - else { - left = 0; - width = canvas.width - } - that._createClipRect(that.financialPanesClipRects, i, left, top, width, height) - } - else - that.financialPanesClipRects.push(null) - }) - }, - _getPaneIndex: function(paneName) { - var paneIndex; - _each(this.panes, function(index, pane) { - if ( === paneName) { - paneIndex = index; - return false - } - }); - return paneIndex - }, - _getPaneBorderVisibility: function(paneIndex) { - var commonPaneBorderVisible = this.themeManager.getOptions('commonPaneSettings').border.visible, - pane = this.panes[paneIndex] || {}, - paneBorder = pane.border || {}; - return 'visible' in paneBorder ? paneBorder.visible : commonPaneBorderVisible - }, - _getElementsClipRectID: function(paneName) { - return this.panesClipRects[this._getPaneIndex(paneName)].id - }, - _getTranslator: function(paneName, axisName) { - var paneTrans = this.translators[paneName], - foundTranslator = null; - if (!paneTrans) - return foundTranslator; - foundTranslator = paneTrans[axisName]; - if (!foundTranslator) - _each(paneTrans, function(axis, trans) { - foundTranslator = trans; - return false - }); - return foundTranslator - }, - _getCanvasForPane: function(paneName) { - var panes = this.panes, - panesNumber = panes.length, - i; - for (i = 0; i < panesNumber; i++) - if (panes[i].name === paneName) - return panes[i].canvas - }, - _getBusinessRange: function(paneName, axisName) { - var ranges = this.businessRanges || [], - rangesNumber = ranges.length, - foundRange, - i; - for (i = 0; i < rangesNumber; i++) - if (ranges[i].val.pane === paneName && ranges[i].val.axis === axisName) { - foundRange = ranges[i]; - break - } - if (!foundRange) - for (i = 0; i < rangesNumber; i++) - if (ranges[i].val.pane === paneName) { - foundRange = ranges[i]; - break - } - return foundRange - }, - _handleSeriesPopulated: function(needRedraw) { - var that = this; - that._processSeriesFamilies(); - that._createLegend(); - that._populateBusinessRange(); - that._processValueAxisFormat(); - that._updateTracker(); - that._endLoading(function() { - needRedraw && that._render({force: true}) - }) - }, - _processValueAxisFormat: function() { - var that = this, - valueAxes = that._valueAxes, - axesWithFullStackedFormat = []; - _each(that.series, function() { - if (this.isFullStackedSeries() && $.inArray(this.axis, axesWithFullStackedFormat) === -1) - axesWithFullStackedFormat.push(this.axis) - }); - _each(valueAxes, function() { - if ($.inArray(, axesWithFullStackedFormat) !== -1) - this.setPercentLabelFormat(); - else - this.resetAutoLabelFormat() - }) - }, - zoomArgument: function(min, max) { - var that = this, - zoomArg = that._argumentAxes[0].adjustZoomValues(min, max); - that._zoomMinArg = zoomArg.min; - that._zoomMaxArg = zoomArg.max; - that._render({ - force: true, - drawTitle: false, - drawLegend: false, - adjustAxes: false, - animate: false, - adjustSeriesLabels: false, - asyncSeriesRendering: false - }) - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-charts, file pieChart.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var core = DX.viz.core, - charts = DX.viz.charts, - utils = DX.utils; - charts.PieChart = charts.BaseChart.inherit({ - _createThemeManager: function() { - return charts.factory.createThemeManager(this.option(), "pie") - }, - _reinit: function(needRedraw) { - var that = this; - that.callBase(); - if (!that.series) - that._dataSpecificInit(); - that._endLoading(function() { - needRedraw && that._render({force: true}) - }) - }, - _populateBusinessRange: function() { - var businessRanges = [], - series = this.series, - singleSeries = series[0], - range, - singleSeriesRange; - this._disposeObjectsInArray("businessRanges"); - if (singleSeries) { - range = new core.Range({series: singleSeries}); - singleSeriesRange = singleSeries.getRangeData(); - range = range.addRange(singleSeriesRange.val); - if (!range.isDefined()) - range.setStubData(); - businessRanges.push(range) - } - this.businessRanges = businessRanges - }, - _seriesVisibilytyChanged: function() { - this.series[0].arrangePoints(); - this._populateBusinessRange(); - this._refresh() - }, - _createTranslator: function(range) { - return core.CoreFactory.createTranslator1D(range.min, range.max, 360, 0) - }, - _populateSeries: function() { - var that = this, - renderer = that.renderer, - themeManager = that.themeManager, - hasSeriesTemplate = !!themeManager.getOptions("seriesTemplate"), - seriesOptions = hasSeriesTemplate ? that._templatedSeries : that.option("series"), - allSeriesOptions = $.isArray(seriesOptions) ? seriesOptions : seriesOptions ? [seriesOptions] : [], - data, - particularSeriesOptions, - particularSeries, - seriesTheme; - that._disposeSeries(); - that.series = []; - themeManager.resetPalette(); - if (allSeriesOptions.length) { - particularSeriesOptions = $.extend(true, {}, allSeriesOptions[0]); - if (particularSeriesOptions.type && !utils.isString(particularSeriesOptions.type)) - particularSeriesOptions.type = ""; - data =; - = null; - particularSeriesOptions.incidentOccured = that._incidentOccured; - seriesTheme = themeManager.getOptions("series", particularSeriesOptions, true); - seriesTheme.seriesGroup = that._seriesGroup; - seriesTheme.trackerGroup = that._trackerGroup; - seriesTheme.seriesLabelsGroup = that._labelsGroup; - seriesTheme.seriesTrackerGroup = that._seriesTrackerGroup; - seriesTheme.markerTrackerGroup = that._markerTrackerGroup; - seriesTheme.visibilityChanged = $.proxy(this._seriesVisibilytyChanged, this); - seriesTheme.customizePoint = themeManager.getOptions("customizePoint"); - seriesTheme.customizeLabel = themeManager.getOptions("customizeLabel"); - particularSeries = core.CoreFactory.createSeries(renderer, seriesTheme); - if (!particularSeries.isUpdated) - that._incidentOccured("E2101", [seriesTheme.type]); - else { - that._processSingleSeries(particularSeries); - that.series.push(particularSeries) - } - = data - } - return that.series - }, - _processSingleSeries: function(singleSeries) { - singleSeries.arrangePoints() - }, - _handleSeriesPopulated: function(needRedraw) { - var that = this; - that._populateBusinessRange(); - that._createLegend(); - that._updateTracker(); - that._endLoading(function() { - needRedraw && that._render({ - force: true, - recreateCanvas: true - }) - }) - }, - _createLegend: function() { - var that = this, - legendOptions = that.themeManager.getOptions("legend"), - data = $.map(that.series[0] ? that.series[0].getPoints() : [], function(item) { - return { - text: item.argument, - color: item.getColor(), - id: item.index, - states: item.getLegendStyles() - } - }); - legendOptions._incidentOccured = that._incidentOccured; - that.legend = core.CoreFactory.createLegend(data, legendOptions, that.renderer, that._legendGroup) - }, - _render: function(drawOptions) { - var that = this, - singleSeries = that.series && that.series[0], - layoutManager = that.layoutManager, - hideLayoutLabels; - drawOptions = that._prepareDrawOptions(drawOptions); - that.callBase(drawOptions); - if (that.stopRedraw) { - that.stopRedraw = false; - return - } - that._renderTitleAndLegend(drawOptions); - if (layoutManager.needMoreSpaceForPanesCanvas([that])) { - layoutManager.updateDrawnElements([], [], that.canvas, that.dirtyCanvas, [that]); - if (that.chartTitle) - that.layoutManager.correctSizeElement(that.chartTitle, that.canvas); - that._updateCanvasClipRect(that.dirtyCanvas) - } - layoutManager.placeDrawnElements(that.canvas); - if (singleSeries) { - hideLayoutLabels = layoutManager.needMoreSpaceForPanesCanvas([that]) && !that.themeManager.getOptions("adaptiveLayout").keepLabels; - layoutManager.applyPieChartSeriesLayout(that.canvas, singleSeries, true); - that._seriesGroup.append(); - that._labelsGroup.append(); - singleSeries.canvas = that.canvas; - singleSeries.resetLabelEllipsis(); - singleSeries.draw(that._createTranslator(that.businessRanges[0], that.canvas), drawOptions.animate && that.renderer.animationEnabled(), hideLayoutLabels); - if (singleSeries.redraw) { - that.renderer.stopAllAnimations(true); - layoutManager.applyPieChartSeriesLayout(that.canvas, singleSeries, hideLayoutLabels); - singleSeries.draw(that._createTranslator(that.businessRanges[0], that.canvas), drawOptions.animate && that.renderer.animationEnabled(), hideLayoutLabels) - } - that._tooltipGroup.append(); - that._trackerGroup.append(); - that._createTooltip(); - singleSeries.drawTrackers(); - that.tracker._prepare("pieChart") - } - that._dataSource && that._dataSource.isLoaded() && !drawOptions.isResize && that.hideLoadingIndicator(); - that._drawn(); - that._handleRenderComplete() - }, - getSeries: function getSeries() { - return this.series && this.series[0] - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-charts, file layoutManager.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var isNumber = DX.utils.isNumber, - math = Math, - decreaseGaps = DevExpress.viz.core.utils.decreaseGaps, - CONNECTOR_MARGIN = 10, - round = math.round; - DX.viz.charts.LayoutManager = DX.Class.inherit(function() { - var ctor = function(options) { - this.verticalElements = []; - this.horizontalElements = []; - this._options = options - }; - var update = function(chart) { - this.chart = chart; - setCanvasValues(chart && chart.canvas) - }; - var dispose = function() { - this.chart = null - }; - var setCanvasValues = function(canvas) { - if (canvas) { - canvas.originalTop =; - canvas.originalBottom = canvas.bottom; - canvas.originalLeft = canvas.left; - canvas.originalRight = canvas.right - } - }; - var placeElementAndCutCanvas = function(elements, canvas) { - $.each(elements, function(_, element) { - var shiftX, - shiftY, - options = element.getLayoutOptions(), - length = getLength(options.cutLayoutSide); - if (!options.width) - return; - switch (options.horizontalAlignment) { - case"left": - shiftX = canvas.left; - break; - case"center": - shiftX = (canvas.width - canvas.left - canvas.right - options.width) / 2 + canvas.left; - break; - case"right": - shiftX = canvas.width - canvas.right - options.width; - break - } - switch (options.verticalAlignment) { - case"top": - shiftY =; - break; - case"bottom": - shiftY = canvas.height - canvas.bottom - options.height; - break - } - element.shift(round(shiftX), round(shiftY)); - canvas[options.cutLayoutSide] += options[length]; - setCanvasValues(canvas) - }) - }; - var drawElements = function(elements, canvas) { - var that = this, - verticalElements = that.verticalElements = [], - horizontalElements = that.horizontalElements = []; - $.each(elements, function(_, element) { - var freeHeight = canvas.height - - canvas.bottom, - freeWidth = canvas.width - canvas.left - canvas.right, - options, - length, - arrayElements; - element.setSize({ - height: freeHeight, - width: freeWidth - }); - element.draw(); - options = element.getLayoutOptions(); - length = getLength(options.cutLayoutSide); - arrayElements = length === "width" ? horizontalElements : verticalElements; - arrayElements.push(element); - canvas[options.cutLayoutSide] += options[length]; - setCanvasValues(canvas) - }) - }; - var getLength = function(side) { - var length = "height"; - if (side === "left" || side === "right") - length = "width"; - return length - }; - var updatePanesCanvases = function(panes, canvas, rotated) { - var pane, - i, - paneSpaceHeight = canvas.height - - canvas.bottom, - paneSpaceWidth = canvas.width - canvas.left - canvas.right, - weightSum = 0, - padding = panes.padding || 10; - for (i = 0; i < panes.length; i++) { - pane = panes[i]; - pane.weight = pane.weight || 1; - weightSum = weightSum + pane.weight - } - rotated ? createPanes(panes, paneSpaceWidth, "left", "right") : createPanes(panes, paneSpaceHeight, "top", "bottom"); - function createPanes(panes, paneSpace, startName, endName) { - var distributedSpace = 0, - oneWeight = (paneSpace - padding * (panes.length - 1)) / weightSum; - $.each(panes, function(_, pane) { - var calcLength = round(pane.weight * oneWeight); - pane.canvas = pane.canvas || {}; - $.extend(pane.canvas, { - deltaLeft: 0, - deltaRight: 0, - deltaTop: 0, - deltaBottom: 0 - }, canvas); - pane.canvas[startName] = canvas[startName] + distributedSpace; - pane.canvas[endName] = canvas[endName] + (paneSpace - calcLength - distributedSpace); - distributedSpace = distributedSpace + calcLength + padding; - setCanvasValues(pane.canvas) - }) - } - }; - var applyPieChartSeriesLayout = function(canvas, singleSeries, hideLayoutLabels) { - var paneSpaceHeight = canvas.height - - canvas.bottom, - paneSpaceWidth = canvas.width - canvas.left - canvas.right, - paneCenterX = paneSpaceWidth / 2 + canvas.left, - paneCenterY = paneSpaceHeight / 2 +, - accessibleRadius = Math.min(paneSpaceWidth, paneSpaceHeight) / 2, - minR = 0.7 * accessibleRadius, - innerRadius = getInnerRadius(singleSeries); - if (!hideLayoutLabels) - $.each(singleSeries.getPoints(), function(_, point) { - if (point._label.hasText() && point.isVisible()) { - var labelBBox = point._label._getOutsideGroupLabelPosition(), - nearestX = getNearestCoord(labelBBox.x, labelBBox.x + labelBBox.width, paneCenterX), - nearestY = getNearestCoord(labelBBox.y, labelBBox.y + labelBBox.height, paneCenterY), - minRadiusWithLabels = Math.max(getLengthFromCenter(nearestX, nearestY) - CONNECTOR_MARGIN, minR); - accessibleRadius = Math.min(accessibleRadius, minRadiusWithLabels) - } - point._label.setPosition(point._label.originalPosition) - }); - else - $.each(singleSeries.getPoints(), function(_, point) { - if (singleSeries.getOptions().label.position === "inside") - return false; - point._label.originalPosition = point._label.getPosition(); - point._label.setPosition('outside') - }); - singleSeries.correctPosition({ - centerX: math.floor(paneCenterX), - centerY: math.floor(paneCenterY), - radiusInner: math.floor(accessibleRadius * innerRadius), - radiusOuter: math.floor(accessibleRadius) - }); - function getNearestCoord(firstCoord, secondCoord, pointCenterCoord) { - var nearestCoord; - if (pointCenterCoord < firstCoord) - nearestCoord = firstCoord; - else if (secondCoord < pointCenterCoord) - nearestCoord = secondCoord; - else - nearestCoord = pointCenterCoord; - return nearestCoord - } - function getLengthFromCenter(x, y) { - return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x - paneCenterX, 2) + Math.pow(y - paneCenterY, 2)) - } - function getInnerRadius(series) { - var innerRadius; - if (singleSeries.type === 'pie') - innerRadius = 0; - else { - innerRadius = singleSeries.innerRadius; - if (!isNumber(innerRadius)) - innerRadius = 0.5; - else { - innerRadius = Number(innerRadius); - if (innerRadius < 0.2) - innerRadius = 0.2; - if (innerRadius > 0.8) - innerRadius = 0.8 - } - } - return innerRadius - } - }; - var isValidBox = function isValidBox(box) { - return !!(box.x || box.y || box.width || box.height) - }; - var correctDeltaMarginValue = function(panes, marginSides) { - var axisPanePosition, - canvasCell, - canvas, - deltaSide, - requireAxesRedraw; - $.each(panes, function(_, pane) { - canvas = pane.canvas; - $.each(marginSides, function(_, side) { - deltaSide = 'delta' + side; - canvas[deltaSide] = Math.max(canvas[deltaSide] - (canvas[side.toLowerCase()] - canvas['original' + side]), 0); - if (canvas[deltaSide] > 0) - requireAxesRedraw = true - }) - }); - return requireAxesRedraw - }; - var getPane = function getPane(name, panes) { - var findPane = panes[0]; - $.each(panes, function(_, pane) { - if (name === - findPane = pane - }); - return findPane - }; - var applyAxesLayout = function(axes, panes, rotated) { - var that = this, - canvas, - axisPanePosition, - axisPosition, - canvasCell, - box, - delta, - axis, - axisLength, - direction, - directionMultiplier, - someDirection = [], - pane, - i; - $.each(panes, function(_, pane) { - $.extend(pane.canvas, { - deltaLeft: 0, - deltaRight: 0, - deltaTop: 0, - deltaBottom: 0 - }) - }); - for (i = 0; i < axes.length; i++) { - axis = axes[i]; - axisPosition = axis.options.position || 'left'; - = {}; - box = axis.getBoundingRect(); - pane = getPane(axis.pane, panes); - canvas = pane.canvas; - if (!isValidBox(box)) - continue; - direction = "delta" + axisPosition.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + axisPosition.slice(1); - switch (axisPosition) { - case"right": - directionMultiplier = 1; - canvas.deltaLeft += axis.padding ? axis.padding.left : 0; - break; - case"left": - directionMultiplier = -1; - canvas.deltaRight += axis.padding ? axis.padding.right : 0; - break; - case"top": - directionMultiplier = -1; - canvas.deltaBottom += axis.padding ? axis.padding.bottom : 0; - break; - case"bottom": - directionMultiplier = 1; - canvas.deltaTop += axis.padding ? : 0; - break - } - switch (axisPosition) { - case"right": - case"left": - if (!box.isEmpty) { - delta = box.y + box.height - (canvas.height - canvas.originalBottom); - if (delta > 0) { - that.requireAxesRedraw = true; - canvas.deltaBottom += delta - } - delta = canvas.originalTop - box.y; - if (delta > 0) { - that.requireAxesRedraw = true; - canvas.deltaTop += delta - } - } - axisLength = box.width; - someDirection = ['Left', 'Right']; - break; - case"top": - case"bottom": - if (!box.isEmpty) { - delta = box.x + box.width - (canvas.width - canvas.originalRight); - if (delta > 0) { - that.requireAxesRedraw = true; - canvas.deltaRight += delta - } - delta = canvas.originalLeft - box.x; - if (delta > 0) { - that.requireAxesRedraw = true; - canvas.deltaLeft += delta - } - } - someDirection = ['Bottom', 'Top']; - axisLength = box.height; - break - } - if (![axisPosition] && canvas[direction] > 0) - canvas[direction] += axis.getMultipleAxesSpacing(); -[axisPosition] =[axisPosition] || 0; -[axisPosition] += canvas[direction] * directionMultiplier; - canvas[direction] += axisLength - } - that.requireAxesRedraw = correctDeltaMarginValue(panes, someDirection) || that.requireAxesRedraw; - this.stopDrawAxes = applyFoundExceedings(panes, rotated) - }; - var applyVerticalAxesLayout = function(axes) { - var chart = this.chart; - this.applyAxesLayout(axes, chart.panes, chart.option('rotated')) - }; - var applyHorizontalAxesLayout = function(axes) { - var chart = this.chart; - axes.reverse(); - this.applyAxesLayout(axes, chart.panes, chart.option('rotated')); - axes.reverse() - }; - var placeDrawnElements = function(canvas) { - var that = this, - horizontalElements = that.horizontalElements, - verticalElements = that.verticalElements; - correctElementsPosition(horizontalElements, 'width'); - placeElementAndCutCanvas(horizontalElements, canvas); - correctElementsPosition(verticalElements, 'height'); - placeElementAndCutCanvas(verticalElements, canvas); - function correctElementsPosition(elements, direction) { - $.each(elements, function(_, element) { - var options = element.getLayoutOptions(), - side = options.cutLayoutSide; - canvas[side] -= options[direction] - }) - } - }; - var needMoreSpaceForPanesCanvas = function(panes, rotated) { - var that = this, - needHorizontalSpace = 0, - needVerticalSpace = 0; - $.each(panes, function(_, pane) { - var paneCanvas = pane.canvas, - needPaneHorizonralSpace = that._options.width - (paneCanvas.width - paneCanvas.left - paneCanvas.right), - needPaneVerticalSpace = that._options.height - (paneCanvas.height - - paneCanvas.bottom); - if (rotated) { - needHorizontalSpace += needPaneHorizonralSpace > 0 ? needPaneHorizonralSpace : 0; - needVerticalSpace = Math.max(needPaneVerticalSpace > 0 ? needPaneVerticalSpace : 0, needVerticalSpace) - } - else { - needHorizontalSpace = Math.max(needPaneHorizonralSpace > 0 ? needPaneHorizonralSpace : 0, needHorizontalSpace); - needVerticalSpace += needPaneVerticalSpace > 0 ? needPaneVerticalSpace : 0 - } - }); - return needHorizontalSpace > 0 || needVerticalSpace > 0 ? { - width: needHorizontalSpace, - height: needVerticalSpace - } : false - }; - var updateDrawnElements = function(argumentAxis, valueAxis, canvas, dirtyCanvas, panes, rotated) { - var that = this, - needRemoveSpace, - saveDirtyCanvas = $.extend({}, dirtyCanvas), - verticalAxes = rotated ? argumentAxis : valueAxis, - horizontalAxes = rotated ? valueAxis : argumentAxis; - needRemoveSpace = this.needMoreSpaceForPanesCanvas(panes, rotated); - if (!needRemoveSpace) - return; - needRemoveSpace.height = decreaseGaps(dirtyCanvas, ["top", "bottom"], needRemoveSpace.height); - needRemoveSpace.width = decreaseGaps(dirtyCanvas, ["left", "right"], needRemoveSpace.width); - -= -; - canvas.bottom -= saveDirtyCanvas.bottom - dirtyCanvas.bottom; - canvas.left -= saveDirtyCanvas.left - dirtyCanvas.left; - canvas.right -= saveDirtyCanvas.right - dirtyCanvas.right; - updateElements(that.horizontalElements, "width", "height"); - updateElements(that.verticalElements, "height", "width"); - updateAxis(verticalAxes, "width"); - updateAxis(horizontalAxes, "height"); - function updateAxis(axes, side) { - if (axes && needRemoveSpace[side] > 0) { - $.each(axes, function(i, axis) { - var bbox = axis.getBoundingRect(); - axis.updateSize(); - needRemoveSpace[side] -= bbox[side] - axis.getBoundingRect()[side] - }); - if (needRemoveSpace[side] > 0) - $.each(axes, function(_, axis) { - axis.updateSize(true) - }) - } - } - function updateElements(elements, length, otherLength) { - $.each(elements, function(_, element) { - var options = element.getLayoutOptions(), - side = options.cutLayoutSide, - freeSpaceWidth = dirtyCanvas.width - dirtyCanvas.left - dirtyCanvas.right, - freeSpaceHeight = dirtyCanvas.height - - dirtyCanvas.bottom, - updateObject = {}; - element.setSize({ - width: freeSpaceWidth, - height: freeSpaceHeight - }); - updateObject[otherLength] = 0; - updateObject[length] = needRemoveSpace[length]; - element.changeSize(updateObject); - canvas[side] -= options[length] - element.getLayoutOptions()[length]; - needRemoveSpace[length] -= options[length] - element.getLayoutOptions()[length] - }) - } - }; - var correctSizeElement = function(element, canvas) { - element.setSize({ - width: canvas.width - canvas.right - canvas.left, - height: canvas.width - canvas.right - canvas.left - }); - element.changeSize({ - width: 0, - height: 0 - }) - }; - var applyFoundExceedings = function applyFoundExceedings(panes, rotated) { - var col, - row, - stopDrawAxes, - maxLeft = 0, - maxRight = 0, - maxTop = 0, - maxBottom = 0, - maxColNumber = 0; - $.each(panes, function(_, pane) { - maxLeft = Math.max(maxLeft, pane.canvas.deltaLeft); - maxRight = Math.max(maxRight, pane.canvas.deltaRight); - maxTop = Math.max(maxTop, pane.canvas.deltaTop); - maxBottom = Math.max(maxBottom, pane.canvas.deltaBottom) - }); - if (rotated) - $.each(panes, function(_, pane) { - += maxTop; - pane.canvas.bottom += maxBottom; - pane.canvas.right += pane.canvas.deltaRight; - pane.canvas.left += pane.canvas.deltaLeft - }); - else - $.each(panes, function(_, pane) { - += pane.canvas.deltaTop; - pane.canvas.bottom += pane.canvas.deltaBottom; - pane.canvas.right += maxRight; - pane.canvas.left += maxLeft - }); - $.each(panes, function(_, pane) { - if ( + pane.canvas.bottom > pane.canvas.height) - stopDrawAxes = true; - if (pane.canvas.left + pane.canvas.right > pane.canvas.width) - stopDrawAxes = true - }); - return stopDrawAxes - }; - return { - ctor: ctor, - update: update, - drawElements: drawElements, - updatePanesCanvases: updatePanesCanvases, - applyVerticalAxesLayout: applyVerticalAxesLayout, - applyHorizontalAxesLayout: applyHorizontalAxesLayout, - applyAxesLayout: applyAxesLayout, - applyPieChartSeriesLayout: applyPieChartSeriesLayout, - dispose: dispose, - updateDrawnElements: updateDrawnElements, - placeDrawnElements: placeDrawnElements, - needMoreSpaceForPanesCanvas: needMoreSpaceForPanesCanvas, - correctSizeElement: correctSizeElement - } - }()) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-charts, file multiAxesSynchronizer.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var Range = DX.viz.core.Range, - utils = DX.utils, - adjustValueUtils = utils.adjustValue, - applyPrecisionByMinDeltaUtils = utils.applyPrecisionByMinDelta, - isDefinedUtils = utils.isDefined, - math = Math, - mathFloor = math.floor, - mathMax = math.max, - MIN_RANGE_FOR_ADJUST_BOUNDS = 0.1; - var getValueAxesPerPanes = function(valueAxes) { - var result = {}; - $.each(valueAxes, function(_, axis) { - var pane = axis.pane; - if (!result[pane]) - result[pane] = []; - result[pane].push(axis) - }); - return result - }; - var restoreOriginalBusinessRange = function(axis) { - var businessRange; - if (!axis.translator._originalBusinessRange) - axis.translator._originalBusinessRange = new Range(axis.translator.getBusinessRange()); - else { - businessRange = new Range(axis.translator._originalBusinessRange); - axis.translator.updateBusinessRange(businessRange); - axis.setRange(businessRange) - } - }; - var linearConvertor = { - transform: function(v, b) { - return utils.getLog(v, b) - }, - addInterval: function(v, i) { - return v + i - }, - getInterval: function(base, tickInterval) { - return tickInterval - }, - adjustValue: mathFloor - }; - var logConvertor = { - transform: function(v, b) { - return utils.raiseTo(v, b) - }, - addInterval: function(v, i) { - return v * i - }, - getInterval: function(base, tickInterval) { - return math.pow(base, tickInterval) - }, - adjustValue: adjustValueUtils - }; - var convertAxisInfo = function(axisInfo, convertor) { - if (!axisInfo.isLogarithmic) - return; - var base = axisInfo.logarithmicBase, - tickValues = axisInfo.tickValues, - tick, - ticks = [], - interval; - axisInfo.minValue = convertor.transform(axisInfo.minValue, base); - axisInfo.oldMinValue = convertor.transform(axisInfo.oldMinValue, base); - axisInfo.maxValue = convertor.transform(axisInfo.maxValue, base); - axisInfo.oldMaxValue = convertor.transform(axisInfo.oldMaxValue, base); - axisInfo.tickInterval = math.round(axisInfo.tickInterval); - if (axisInfo.tickInterval < 1) - axisInfo.tickInterval = 1; - interval = convertor.getInterval(base, axisInfo.tickInterval); - for (tick = convertor.adjustValue(convertor.transform(tickValues[0], base)); ticks.length < tickValues.length; tick = convertor.addInterval(tick, interval)) - ticks.push(tick); - ticks.tickInterval = axisInfo.tickInterval; - axisInfo.tickValues = ticks - }; - var populateAxesInfo = function(axes) { - return $.map(axes, function(axis) { - restoreOriginalBusinessRange(axis); - var tickValues = axis.getTickValues(), - options = axis.options, - minValue, - maxValue, - axisInfo = null, - businessRange; - if (tickValues && tickValues.length > 0 && utils.isNumber(tickValues[0]) && options.type !== 'discrete') { - businessRange = axis.translator.getBusinessRange(); - minValue = businessRange.minVisible; - maxValue = businessRange.maxVisible; - axisInfo = { - axis: axis, - isLogarithmic: options.type === 'logarithmic', - logarithmicBase: businessRange.base, - tickValues: tickValues, - minValue: minValue, - oldMinValue: minValue, - maxValue: maxValue, - oldMaxValue: maxValue, - inverted: businessRange.invert, - tickInterval: tickValues.tickInterval, - synchronizedValue: options.synchronizedValue - }; - if (businessRange.stubData) { - axisInfo.stubData = true; - axisInfo.tickInterval = axisInfo.tickInterval || options.tickInterval; - axisInfo.isLogarithmic = false - } - convertAxisInfo(axisInfo, linearConvertor); - DX.utils.debug.assert(axisInfo.tickInterval !== undefined && axisInfo.tickInterval !== null, 'tickInterval was not provided') - } - return axisInfo - }) - }; - var updateTickValues = function(axesInfo) { - var maxTicksCount = 0; - $.each(axesInfo, function(_, axisInfo) { - maxTicksCount = mathMax(maxTicksCount, axisInfo.tickValues.length) - }); - $.each(axesInfo, function(_, axisInfo) { - var ticksMultiplier, - ticksCount, - additionalStartTicksCount = 0, - synchronizedValue = axisInfo.synchronizedValue, - tickValues = axisInfo.tickValues, - tickInterval = axisInfo.tickInterval; - if (isDefinedUtils(synchronizedValue)) { - axisInfo.baseTickValue = synchronizedValue; - axisInfo.invertedBaseTickValue = synchronizedValue; - axisInfo.tickValues = [axisInfo.baseTickValue] - } - else { - if (tickValues.length > 1 && tickInterval) { - ticksMultiplier = mathFloor((maxTicksCount + 1) / tickValues.length); - ticksCount = ticksMultiplier > 1 ? mathFloor((maxTicksCount + 1) / ticksMultiplier) : maxTicksCount; - additionalStartTicksCount = mathFloor((ticksCount - tickValues.length) / 2); - while (additionalStartTicksCount > 0 && tickValues[0] !== 0) { - tickValues.unshift(applyPrecisionByMinDeltaUtils(tickValues[0], tickInterval, tickValues[0] - tickInterval)); - additionalStartTicksCount-- - } - while (tickValues.length < ticksCount) - tickValues.push(applyPrecisionByMinDeltaUtils(tickValues[0], tickInterval, tickValues[tickValues.length - 1] + tickInterval)); - axisInfo.tickInterval = tickInterval / ticksMultiplier - } - axisInfo.baseTickValue = tickValues[0]; - axisInfo.invertedBaseTickValue = tickValues[tickValues.length - 1] - } - }) - }; - var getAxisRange = function(axisInfo) { - return axisInfo.maxValue - axisInfo.minValue - }; - var getMainAxisInfo = function(axesInfo) { - for (var i = 0; i < axesInfo.length; i++) - if (!axesInfo[i].stubData) - return axesInfo[i]; - return null - }; - var correctMinMaxValues = function(axesInfo) { - var mainAxisInfo = getMainAxisInfo(axesInfo); - $.each(axesInfo, function(_, axisInfo) { - var scale, - move, - mainAxisBaseValueOffset; - if (axisInfo !== mainAxisInfo) { - if (mainAxisInfo.tickInterval && axisInfo.tickInterval) { - if (axisInfo.stubData && isDefinedUtils(axisInfo.synchronizedValue)) { - axisInfo.oldMinValue = axisInfo.minValue = axisInfo.baseTickValue - (mainAxisInfo.baseTickValue - mainAxisInfo.minValue) / mainAxisInfo.tickInterval * axisInfo.tickInterval; - axisInfo.oldMaxValue = axisInfo.maxValue = axisInfo.baseTickValue - (mainAxisInfo.baseTickValue - mainAxisInfo.maxValue) / mainAxisInfo.tickInterval * axisInfo.tickInterval - } - scale = mainAxisInfo.tickInterval / getAxisRange(mainAxisInfo) / axisInfo.tickInterval * getAxisRange(axisInfo); - axisInfo.maxValue = axisInfo.minValue + getAxisRange(axisInfo) / scale - } - if (mainAxisInfo.inverted && !axisInfo.inverted || !mainAxisInfo.inverted && axisInfo.inverted) - mainAxisBaseValueOffset = mainAxisInfo.maxValue - mainAxisInfo.invertedBaseTickValue; - else - mainAxisBaseValueOffset = mainAxisInfo.baseTickValue - mainAxisInfo.minValue; - move = (mainAxisBaseValueOffset / getAxisRange(mainAxisInfo) - (axisInfo.baseTickValue - axisInfo.minValue) / getAxisRange(axisInfo)) * getAxisRange(axisInfo); - axisInfo.minValue -= move; - axisInfo.maxValue -= move - } - }) - }; - var calculatePaddings = function(axesInfo) { - var minPadding, - maxPadding, - startPadding = 0, - endPadding = 0; - $.each(axesInfo, function(_, axisInfo) { - var inverted = axisInfo.inverted; - minPadding = axisInfo.minValue > axisInfo.oldMinValue ? (axisInfo.minValue - axisInfo.oldMinValue) / getAxisRange(axisInfo) : 0; - maxPadding = axisInfo.maxValue < axisInfo.oldMaxValue ? (axisInfo.oldMaxValue - axisInfo.maxValue) / getAxisRange(axisInfo) : 0; - startPadding = mathMax(startPadding, inverted ? maxPadding : minPadding); - endPadding = mathMax(endPadding, inverted ? minPadding : maxPadding) - }); - return { - start: startPadding, - end: endPadding - } - }; - var correctMinMaxValuesByPaddings = function(axesInfo, paddings) { - $.each(axesInfo, function(_, info) { - var range = getAxisRange(info), - inverted = info.inverted; - info.minValue -= paddings[inverted ? 'end' : 'start'] * range; - info.maxValue += paddings[inverted ? 'start' : 'end'] * range; - if (range > MIN_RANGE_FOR_ADJUST_BOUNDS) { - info.minValue = math.min(info.minValue, adjustValueUtils(info.minValue)); - info.maxValue = mathMax(info.maxValue, adjustValueUtils(info.maxValue)) - } - }) - }; - var updateTickValuesIfSyncronizedValueUsed = function(axesInfo) { - var hasSyncronizedValue = false; - $.each(axesInfo, function(_, info) { - hasSyncronizedValue = hasSyncronizedValue || isDefinedUtils(info.synchronizedValue) - }); - $.each(axesInfo, function(_, info) { - var lastTickValue, - tickInterval = info.tickInterval, - tickValues = info.tickValues, - maxValue = info.maxValue, - minValue = info.minValue; - if (hasSyncronizedValue && tickInterval) { - while (tickValues[0] - tickInterval >= minValue) - tickValues.unshift(adjustValueUtils(tickValues[0] - tickInterval)); - lastTickValue = tickValues[tickValues.length - 1]; - while ((lastTickValue = lastTickValue + tickInterval) <= maxValue) - tickValues.push(utils.isExponential(lastTickValue) ? adjustValueUtils(lastTickValue) : utils.applyPrecisionByMinDelta(minValue, tickInterval, lastTickValue)) - } - while (tickValues[0] < minValue) - tickValues.shift(); - while (tickValues[tickValues.length - 1] > maxValue) - tickValues.pop() - }) - }; - var applyMinMaxValues = function(axesInfo) { - $.each(axesInfo, function(_, info) { - var axis = info.axis, - range = axis.translator.getBusinessRange(); - if (range.min === range.minVisible) - range.min = info.minValue; - if (range.max === range.maxVisible) - range.max = info.maxValue; - range.minVisible = info.minValue; - range.maxVisible = info.maxValue; - if (isDefinedUtils(info.stubData)) - range.stubData = info.stubData; - if (range.min > range.minVisible) - range.min = range.minVisible; - if (range.max < range.maxVisible) - range.max = range.maxVisible; - axis.translator.updateBusinessRange(range); - axis.setRange(range); - axis.setTickValues(info.tickValues) - }) - }; - DX.viz.charts.multiAxesSynchronizer = {synchronize: function(valueAxes) { - $.each(getValueAxesPerPanes(valueAxes), function(_, axes) { - var axesInfo, - paddings; - if (axes.length > 1) { - axesInfo = populateAxesInfo(axes); - if (axesInfo.length === 0 || !getMainAxisInfo(axesInfo)) - return; - updateTickValues(axesInfo); - correctMinMaxValues(axesInfo); - paddings = calculatePaddings(axesInfo); - correctMinMaxValuesByPaddings(axesInfo, paddings); - updateTickValuesIfSyncronizedValueUsed(axesInfo); - $.each(axesInfo, function() { - convertAxisInfo(this, logConvertor) - }); - applyMinMaxValues(axesInfo) - } - }) - }} - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-charts, file tracker.js */ - (function($, DX) { - var charts = DX.viz.charts, - eventsConsts =, - utils = DX.utils, - isFunction = utils.isFunction, - isDefined = utils.isDefined, - MULTIPLE_MODE = 'multiple', - SINGLE_MODE = 'single', - ALL_ARGUMENTS_POINTS_MODE = 'allargumentpoints', - ALL_SERIES_POINTS_MODE = 'allseriespoints', - msPointerEnabled = window.navigator.msPointerEnabled && window.navigator.msMaxTouchPoints || window.navigator.pointerEnabled && window.navigator.maxTouchPoints || null, - MOUSE_EVENT_LOCK_TIMEOUT = 1000, - CLICK_EVENT_LOCK_TIMEOUT = 600, - HOVER_START_DELAY = 100, - HOVER_HOLD_DELAY = 200, - TOOLTIP_HOLD_TIMEOUT = 400, - NONE_MODE = 'none'; - var processMode = function(mode) { - return (mode + "").toLowerCase() - }; - charts.Tracker = DX.Class.inherit({ - ctor: function(options) { - this.__HOVER_HOLD_DELAY = HOVER_HOLD_DELAY; - this.__TOOLTIP_HOLD_TIMEOUT = TOOLTIP_HOLD_TIMEOUT; - this.__HOVER_START_DELAY = HOVER_START_DELAY; - var that = this, - events = = || {}, - getEventHandler = function(func) { - return func && ? function() { - var eventContext = this, - eventArgs = arguments; - setTimeout(function() { - func.apply(eventContext, eventArgs) - }) - } : null - }; - that._reinit(options); - that.pointSelectionMode = that._prepareMode(options.pointSelectionMode); - that.seriesSelectionMode = that._prepareMode(options.seriesSelectionMode); - that.hoverStartDelay = 0; - that.sensitivity = 7; - if (that.pointSelectionMode === MULTIPLE_MODE) { - that._releaseSelectedPoint = that._releaseSelectedPointMultiMode; - that.selectedPoint = [] - } - else - that._releaseSelectedPoint = that._releaseSelectedPointSingleMode; - if (that.seriesSelectionMode === MULTIPLE_MODE) { - that._releaseSelectedSeries = that._releaseSelectedSeriesMultiMode; - that.selectedSeries = [] - } - else - that._releaseSelectedSeries = that._releaseSelectedSeriesSingleMode; - that.tooltipEnabled = options.tooltipEnabled; - that.tooltipShown = options.tooltipShown; - that.tooltipHidden = options.tooltipHidden; - that.seriesClick = getEventHandler(events.seriesClick); - that.pointClick = getEventHandler(events.pointClick); - that.legendClick = getEventHandler(events.legendClick); - that.argumentAxisClick = getEventHandler(events.argumentAxisClick); - that.seriesHover = getEventHandler(events.seriesHover); - that.seriesSelected = getEventHandler(events.seriesSelected); - that.pointHover = getEventHandler(events.pointHover); - that.seriesSelectionChanged = getEventHandler(events.seriesSelectionChanged); - that.pointSelectionChanged = getEventHandler(events.pointSelectionChanged); - that.seriesHoverChanged = getEventHandler(events.seriesHoverChanged); - that.pointHoverChanged = getEventHandler(events.pointHoverChanged); - that.pointSelected = getEventHandler(events.pointSelected); - that.renderer = options.renderer; - that.seriesTrackerGroup = options.seriesTrackerGroup; - that.markerTrackerGroup = options.markerTrackerGroup; - that.seriesGroup = options.seriesGroup; - that.seriesGroup.on(eventsConsts.selectSeries, {tracker: that}, that._selectSeries); - that.seriesGroup.on(eventsConsts.deselectSeries, {tracker: that}, that._deselectSeries); - that.seriesGroup.on(eventsConsts.selectPoint, {tracker: that}, that._selectPoint); - that.seriesGroup.on(eventsConsts.deselectPoint, {tracker: that}, that._deselectPoint); - that.seriesGroup.on(eventsConsts.showPointTooltip, {tracker: that}, that._showPointTooltip); - that.seriesGroup.on(eventsConsts.hidePointTooltip, {tracker: that}, that._hidePointTooltip); - that.crossHairOptions = options.crossHairOptions - }, - _clean: function() { - var that = this; - that.selectedPoint = that.pointSelectionMode === MULTIPLE_MODE ? [] : null; - that.selectedSeries = that.seriesSelectionMode === MULTIPLE_MODE ? [] : null; - that.hoveredPoint = null; - that.hoveredSeries = null; - that._hideTooltip(that.pointAtShownTooltip); - that._clearTimeouts() - }, - _reinit: function(options) { - var that = this; - options = options || {}; - if (that.storedSeries !== options.series) { - that.storedSeries = options.series || []; - that._clean() - } - else if (isDefined(that.storedSeries)) { - that._clearPointSelection(); - that._clearHover(that); - that._clearTimeouts() - } - that.argumentAxis = options.argumentAxis || []; - that.legendGroup = options.legendGroup; - that.legendCallback = options.legendCallback || $.noop - }, - _clearTimeouts: function() { - var that = this, - _clearTimeout = clearTimeout; - _clearTimeout(that.tooltipHoldTimeout); - _clearTimeout(that.cmpCoordTimeout); - _clearTimeout(that.hoverStartTimeOut); - _clearTimeout(that.hoverHoldTimeOut) - }, - dispose: function() { - var that = this; - that._clearTimeouts(); - clearTimeout(that.unlockMouseTimer); - clearTimeout(that.lockClickTimer); - $.each(that.argumentAxis, function(_, axis) { - axis._axisElementsGroup && - }); -; -; - that.legendGroup &&; -; - that.rootTracker &&; - that.argumentAxis = null; - that.seriesTrackerGroup = null; - that.markerTrackerGroup = null; - that.legendGroup = null; - that.legendCallback = null; - that.seriesGroup = null; - that.crossHairOptions = null; - that.selectedPoint = null; - that.selectedSeries = null; - that.hoveredSeries = null; - that.hoveredPoint = null; - that.storedSeries = null; - that.argumentAxis = null; - that.hoveredObject = null; - that.pointAtShownTooltip = null - }, - _prepareMode: function(mode) { - mode = (mode || '').toLowerCase(); - return mode = mode !== SINGLE_MODE && mode !== MULTIPLE_MODE ? SINGLE_MODE : mode - }, - _prepare: function(typeChart) { - var that = this; - that.rootTracker = that.renderer.getRoot(); - $.each(that.argumentAxis, function(_, axis) { - axis._axisElementsGroup && that._eventHandler(axis._axisElementsGroup, { - parser: that._getOptionsAxis, - condition: that._axisCondition, - execute: that._axisEvent - }, { - tracker: that, - axis: axis - }) - }); - that._eventHandler(that.seriesTrackerGroup, { - parser: that._getOptionsPointSeries, - condition: that._seriesCondition, - execute: that._seriesEvent - }, {tracker: that}); - that._eventHandler(that.markerTrackerGroup, { - parser: that._getOptionsPointSeries, - condition: that._pointCondition, - execute: that._pointEvent - }, {tracker: that}); - that.legendGroup && that._eventHandler(that.legendGroup, { - parser: that._getLegendData(typeChart), - condition: that._seriesCondition, - execute: that._getLegendEvent(typeChart) - }, {tracker: that}); - that._eventHandler(that.rootTracker, { - parser: that._getOptionsCrossHair, - execute: that._crossHairEvent - }, {tracker: that}) - }, - _getLegendData: function(typeChart) { - return function(event) { - var target = $(, - itemIndex ='itemIndex'), - that =, - mode = utils.isNumber(itemIndex) &&'mode'); - if (event.type === 'mousemove') - return [that, event.pageX, event.pageY, event.offsetX, event.offsetY]; - if (!utils.isNumber(itemIndex)) - return null; - if (typeChart === 'pieChart') - return [that, that.storedSeries[0].getPoints()[itemIndex], mode, event]; - else - return [that, that.storedSeries[itemIndex], mode, event] - } - }, - _getLegendEvent: function(typeChart) { - var that = this, - legendEvent; - if (typeChart === 'pieChart') - legendEvent = $.extend({}, this._pointEvent, { - touchend: function(that, point, mode, event) { - if (!that.showHoldTooltip) - that._legendClick(that, point, true, event) || that._pointClick(that, point, true, event); - clearTimeout(that.tooltipHoldTimeout); - that._clickLock(that); - that._clearHover(that) - }, - click: function(that, point, mode, event) { - that._legendClick(that, point, false, event) || that._pointClick(that, point, false, event) - } - }); - else - legendEvent = $.extend({}, this._seriesEvent, { - click: function(that, series, mode, event) { - that._legendClick(that, series, false, event) || that._seriesClick(that, series, false, event) - }, - touchend: function(that, series, mode, event) { - that._legendClick(that, series, true, event) || that._seriesClick(that, series, true, event); - that._clickLock(that) - } - }); - this.__legendEvent = legendEvent; - return legendEvent - }, - _eventHandler: function(group, handlers, data) { - var prepareHandlers = this._designerHandlers(handlers); -".dxc-tracker"); - group.on(prepareHandlers, data) - }, - _designerHandlers: function(handler) { - var handlers = {}, - parser = handler.parser, - condition = handler.condition, - execute = handler.execute, - designerHandle = function(eventType, func) { - if (condition && condition[eventType] === null) - return; - handlers[eventType + ".dxc-tracker"] = function(event) { - var options = parser ? parser(event) : event; - if (!options) - return; - if (condition && condition[eventType] && condition[eventType].call) - condition[eventType].apply(null, options.concat([func])); - else - func.apply(null, options) - } - }; - $.each(execute, designerHandle); - return handlers - }, - _getOptionsCrossHair: function(event) { - var that =; - var rootOffset = utils.getRootOffset(that.renderer); - var xe = event.pageX - rootOffset.left; - var ye = event.pageY -; - return [that, xe, ye] - }, - _getOptionsPointSeries: function(event) { - var object = $('point') || $('series'), - that =, - mode = object && processMode($('mode') || object.getOptions().hoverMode); - if (event.type === 'mousemove') - return [that, event.pageX, event.pageY, event.offsetX, event.offsetY]; - if (!object) - return null; - return [that, object, mode, event] - }, - _getOptionsAxis: function(event) { - var that =, - axis =, - mode = axis.options.hoverMode, - argument; - if ( === "tspan") - argument = $('argument'); - else - argument = $('argument'); - if (event.type === 'mousemove') - return [that, event.pageX, event.pageY]; - if (!axis) - return null; - return [that, axis, mode, argument, event] - }, - _pointEvent: { - mouseover: function(that, point, mode) { - if (that.mouseLocked) - return; - that._setHoveredPoint(point, mode); - if (that.tooltipEnabled && point && point.getOptions()) - that._compareCoords(that, function() { - that._showTooltip(that.tooltip, point) - }) - }, - mouseout: function(that, point, mode) { - if (that.mouseLocked) - return; - that._clearHover(that) - }, - touchmove: function(that, point, mode) { - clearTimeout(that.tooltipHoldTimeout); - that.tooltipHoldTimeout = null; - that.showHoldTooltip = true - }, - mousemove: function(that, pageX, pageY, offsetX, offsetY) { - that._setCurCoords(that, pageX, pageY) - }, - touchstart: function(that, point, mode) { - that.showHoldTooltip = false; - that._mouseLock(that); - if (that.tooltipEnabled) - that.tooltipHoldTimeout = setTimeout(function() { - that.showHoldTooltip = true; - that._showTooltip(that.tooltip, point) - }, TOOLTIP_HOLD_TIMEOUT) - }, - touchend: function(that, point, mode, event) { - if (!that.showHoldTooltip) - that._pointClick(that, point, true, event); - clearTimeout(that.tooltipHoldTimeout); - that._clickLock(that); - that._clearHover(that) - }, - click: function(that, point, mode, event) { - that._pointClick(that, point, false, event) - }, - mousedown: function(that, point, mode) { - that._pointEvent.touchstart(that, point, mode) - }, - mouseup: function(that, point, mode, event) { - that._pointEvent.touchend(that, point, mode, event) - } - }, - _pointCondition: { - mouseover: function(that, point, mode, event, func) { - if (mode === ALL_ARGUMENTS_POINTS_MODE && that.hoveredPoint && that.hoveredPoint.argument === point.argument) { - that.hoverHoldTimeOut = clearTimeout(that.hoverHoldTimeOut); - that.hoveredObject = point; - func(that, point, mode); - return - } - that._setHover(that, point, mode, func) - }, - mouseout: function(that, point, mode, event, func) { - that._releaseHover(that, point, mode, func) - }, - touchstart: !msPointerEnabled, - touchend: !msPointerEnabled, - mousedown: msPointerEnabled, - mouseup: msPointerEnabled - }, - _seriesEvent: { - mouseover: function(that, series, mode) { - if (that.mouseLocked) - return; - that._setHoveredSeries(series, mode) - }, - mouseout: function(that, series, mode) { - that._clearHover(that) - }, - mousemove: function(that, pageX, pageY, offsetX, offsetY) { - that._setCurCoords(that, pageX, pageY) - }, - touchstart: function(that) { - that._mouseLock(that) - }, - touchend: function(that, series, _, event) { - that._seriesClick(that, series, true, event); - that._clickLock(that) - }, - click: function(that, series, mode, event) { - that._seriesClick(that, series, false, event) - }, - mousedown: function(that, point, mode) { - that._seriesEvent.touchstart(that, point, mode) - }, - mouseup: function(that, point, mode) { - that._seriesEvent.touchend(that, point, mode) - } - }, - _crossHairEvent: { - mousemove: function(that, x, y) { - if (!that.eventType) { - that.eventType = 'mouse'; - return - } - else if (that.eventType === 'touch') - return; - else if (that.eventType === 'mouse') { - that._moveCrossHair(that, x, y); - that.eventType = null - } - }, - mouseout: function(that) { - that._hideCrossHair(that); - that.eventType = null - }, - touchstart: function(that, x, y) { - that.eventType = 'touch' - }, - touchend: function(that, x, y) { - that.eventType = null - }, - mousedown: function(that, x, y) { - that._crossHairEvent.touchstart(that, x, y) - }, - mouseup: function(that, x, y) { - that._crossHairEvent.touchend(that, x, y) - } - }, - _hideCrossHair: function(that) { - if (!that.crossHairOptions) - return; - var horizontalLine = that.crossHairOptions.horizontalLine, - verticalLine = that.crossHairOptions.verticalLine; - horizontalLine && horizontalLine.applySettings({visibility: 'hidden'}); - verticalLine && verticalLine.applySettings({visibility: 'hidden'}) - }, - _moveCrossHair: function(that, x, y) { - if (!that.crossHairOptions) - return; - var horizontalLine = that.crossHairOptions.horizontalLine, - verticalLine = that.crossHairOptions.verticalLine, - canvas = that.crossHairOptions.canvas || {}; - if (x > canvas.left && x < canvas.width - canvas.right && y > && y < canvas.height - canvas.bottom) { - horizontalLine && horizontalLine.applySettings({visibility: 'visible'}); - verticalLine && verticalLine.applySettings({visibility: 'visible'}); - horizontalLine && horizontalLine.applySettings({translateY: y -}); - verticalLine && verticalLine.applySettings({translateX: x - canvas.left}) - } - else { - horizontalLine && horizontalLine.applySettings({visibility: 'hidden'}); - verticalLine && verticalLine.applySettings({visibility: 'hidden'}) - } - }, - _seriesCondition: { - mouseover: function(that, series, mode, event, func) { - that.hoverStartDelay = 0; - that._setHover(that, series, mode, func) - }, - mouseout: function(that, series, mode, event, func) { - that.hoverStartDelay = HOVER_START_DELAY; - that._releaseHover(that, series, mode, func) - }, - touchstart: !msPointerEnabled, - touchend: !msPointerEnabled, - mousedown: msPointerEnabled, - mouseup: msPointerEnabled - }, - _axisEvent: { - mouseover: function(that, axis, argument) { - if (that.mouseLocked || isDefined(that.hoveredArgument) && that.hoveredArgument === argument) - return; - that._clearHover(that); - if (isDefined(that.hoveredArgument)) - that._toAllArgumentPoints(that.hoveredArgument, 'releasePointHoverState'); - that._toAllArgumentPoints(argument, 'setPointHoverState'); - that.hoveredArgument = argument - }, - mouseout: function(that, axis) { - if (that.mouseLocked || !isDefined(that.hoveredArgument)) - return; - that._toAllArgumentPoints(that.hoveredArgument, 'releasePointHoverState'); - that.hoveredArgument = null - }, - mousemove: function(that, pageX, pageY) { - that._setCurCoords(that, pageX, pageY) - }, - touchstart: function(that) { - that._mouseLock(that) - }, - touchend: function(that, axis, mode, argument, event) { - that._argumentAxisClick(that, axis, argument, true, event); - that._clearHover(that); - that._clickLock(that) - }, - click: function(that, axis, mode, argument, event) { - that._clearHover(that); - that._argumentAxisClick(that, axis, argument, false, event) - }, - mousedown: function(that) { - that._axisEvent.touchstart(that) - }, - mouseup: function(that, axis, mode, argument, event) { - that._axisEvent.touchend(that, axis, mode, argument, event) - } - }, - _axisCondition: { - mouseover: function(that, axis, mode, argument, event, func) { - that._hideCrossHair(that); - if (mode === ALL_ARGUMENTS_POINTS_MODE) - that._setHover(that, axis, argument, func) - }, - mouseout: function(that, axis, mode, argument, event, func) { - that._releaseHover(that, axis, argument, func) - }, - touchstart: !msPointerEnabled, - touchend: !msPointerEnabled, - mousedown: msPointerEnabled, - mouseup: msPointerEnabled - }, - _setHover: function(that, object, mode, func) { - if (object === that.hoveredObject) { - that.hoverHoldTimeOut = clearTimeout(that.hoverHoldTimeOut); - if (mode === object.lastHoverMode) - return - } - if (that.mouseLocked) - return; - clearTimeout(that.cmpCoordTimeout); - clearTimeout(that.hoverStartTimeOut); - that.hoverStartTimeOut = setTimeout(function() { - clearTimeout(that.hoverHoldTimeOut); - that.hoveredObject = object; - func(that, object, mode) - }, that.hoverStartDelay) - }, - _releaseHover: function(that, object, mode, func) { - if (that.mouseLocked) - return; - clearTimeout(that.cmpCoordTimeout); - clearTimeout(that.hoverStartTimeOut); - if (object === that.hoveredObject) - that.hoverHoldTimeOut = setTimeout(function() { - that.hoveredObject = null; - func(that, object, mode); - that.hoverStartDelay = 0 - }, HOVER_HOLD_DELAY) - }, - _compareCoords: function(that, func) { - clearTimeout(that.cmpCoordTimeout); - if (Math.abs(that.pX - that.cX) + Math.abs(that.pY - that.cY) < that.sensitivity) { - if (that.mouseLocked) - return; - func() - } - else { - that.pX = that.cX; - that.pY = that.cY; - that.cmpCoordTimeout = setTimeout(function() { - that._compareCoords(that, func) - }, that.hoverStartDelay === 0 ? HOVER_START_DELAY : 0) - } - }, - _seriesClick: function(that, series, touchEvent, event) { - if (that.lockClick && !touchEvent) - return; - that.seriesClick &&, series, event) - }, - _legendClick: function(that, series, touchEvent, event) { - var legendClick = that.legendClick; - if (that.lockClick && !touchEvent) - return true; - if (legendClick) { -, series, event); - return true - } - return false - }, - _pointClick: function(that, point, touchEvent, event) { - var series = point.series; - if (that.lockClick && !touchEvent) - return; - if (that.pointClick) { -, point, event); - return - } - that.seriesClick &&, series, event); - return - }, - _argumentAxisClick: function(that, axis, argument, touchEvent, event) { - if (that.lockClick && !touchEvent) - return; - that.argumentAxisClick &&, axis, argument, event) - }, - _selectSeries: function(event, mode) { -, mode) - }, - _deselectSeries: function(event, mode) { -, mode) - }, - _selectPoint: function(event, point) { - - }, - _deselectPoint: function(event, point) { - - }, - _showPointTooltip: function(event, point) { - var that =; - that._showTooltip(that.tooltip, point) - }, - _hidePointTooltip: function(event, point) { - - }, - _hideTooltip: function(point) { - var tooltip = this && this.tooltip; - if (!tooltip || point && this.pointAtShownTooltip !== point) - return; - point = point || this.pointAtShownTooltip; - tooltip.hide(); - if (this.pointAtShownTooltip) { - this.pointAtShownTooltip = null; - isFunction(this.tooltipHidden) &&, point) - } - }, - _showTooltip: function(tooltip, point) { - var tooltipFormatObject = point.getTooltipFormatObject(tooltip); - if (!isDefined(tooltipFormatObject.valueText) && !tooltipFormatObject.points || !point.isVisible()) - return; - this.pointAtShownTooltip && this._hideTooltip(this.pointAtShownTooltip); - if (point && point.getOptions()) { - var tooltipCoords = point.getTooltipCoords(); - if (!tooltip.prepare(tooltipFormatObject, { - x: tooltipCoords.x, - y: tooltipCoords.y, - offset: tooltipCoords.offset - })) - return; -; - !this.pointAtShownTooltip && isFunction(this.tooltipShown) &&, point); - this.pointAtShownTooltip = point - } - }, - _setHoveredSeries: function(series, mode) { - var that = this; - if (mode !== NONE_MODE && that.hoveredSeries !== series || series.lastHoverMode !== mode) { - that._clearHover(that); - that.hoveredSeries = series; - series.setHoverState(mode, that.legendCallback(series)); - that.seriesHover &&, series); - that.seriesHoverChanged &&, series) - } - if (mode === NONE_MODE) - $(series).trigger('NoneMode') - }, - _setSelectedSeries: function(series, mode) { - var that = this, - seriesContain = false; - if (this.seriesSelectionMode === MULTIPLE_MODE) - $.each(that.selectedSeries, function(_, sr) { - if (sr == series) { - seriesContain = true; - return false - } - }); - else if (that.selectedSeries == series) - seriesContain = true; - if (!seriesContain || series.lastSelectionMode !== mode) { - if (that.seriesSelectionMode === SINGLE_MODE) { - this._releaseSelectedSeries(); - that.selectedSeries = series - } - else - that.selectedSeries.push(series); - series.setSelectedState(mode, that.legendCallback(series)); - that.seriesSelected &&, series); - that.seriesSelectionChanged &&, series) - } - }, - _setHoveredPoint: function(point, mode) { - var that = this; - var debug = DX.utils.debug; - debug.assert(point.series, 'series was not assigned to point or empty'); - if (that.hoveredPoint === point && !point.series) - return; - that._clearHover(that); - that.hoveredPoint = point; - if (point && point.getOptions()) - that._setHoverStylePointWithMode(point, 'setPointHoverState', mode || processMode(point.getOptions().hoverMode), that.pointHoverChanged, that.legendCallback(point)); - that.pointHover &&, point) - }, - _toAllArgumentPoints: function(argument, func, callBack) { - var that = this; - $.each(that.storedSeries, function(_, series) { - var neighborPoint = series.getPointByArg(argument); - if (neighborPoint) { - series[func](neighborPoint); - callBack &&, neighborPoint) - } - }) - }, - _setHoverStylePointWithMode: function(point, func, mode, callBack, legendCallback) { - var that = this; - switch (mode) { - case ALL_ARGUMENTS_POINTS_MODE: - this._toAllArgumentPoints(point.argument, func, callBack); - break; - case ALL_SERIES_POINTS_MODE: - $.each(point.series.getPoints(), function(_, point) { - point.series[func](point); - callBack &&, point) - }); - break; - case NONE_MODE: - break; - default: - point.series[func](point, legendCallback); - callBack &&, point) - } - }, - _setSelectedPoint: function(point) { - var that = this, - pointContain = false; - if (this.pointSelectionMode === MULTIPLE_MODE) { - $.each(that.selectedPoint, function(_, pt) { - if (pt == point) { - pointContain = true; - return false - } - }); - !pointContain && that.selectedPoint.push(point) - } - else if (that.selectedPoint !== point) { - this._releaseSelectedPoint(); - that.selectedPoint = point - } - else - pointContain = true; - if (!pointContain) { - that._setHoverStylePointWithMode(point, 'setPointSelectedState', processMode(point.getOptions().selectionMode), that.pointSelectionChanged, that.legendCallback(point)); - that.pointSelected &&, point) - } - }, - _releaseHoveredSeries: function() { - var that = this; - if (!that.hoveredSeries) - return; - that.hoveredSeries.releaseHoverState(undefined, that.legendCallback(that.hoveredSeries)); - that.seriesHoverChanged &&, that.hoveredSeries); - that.hoveredSeries = null - }, - _releaseSelectedSeriesMultiMode: function(series) { - var that = this; - if (!that.selectedSeries) - return; - series.releaseSelectedState(undefined, that.legendCallback(series)); - that.seriesSelectionChanged &&, series); - that.selectedSeries = $.map(that.selectedSeries, function(sr) { - if (sr !== series) - return sr - }) - }, - _releaseSelectedSeriesSingleMode: function() { - var that = this, - series = this.selectedSeries; - if (!series) - return; - series.releaseSelectedState(undefined, that.legendCallback(series)); - that.seriesSelectionChanged &&, series); - that.selectedSeries = null - }, - _releaseHoveredPoint: function() { - var that = this, - point = that.hoveredPoint, - mode; - if (!point || !point.getOptions()) - return; - mode = processMode(point.getOptions().hoverMode); - if (mode === ALL_SERIES_POINTS_MODE) - $.each(point.series.getPoints(), function(_, point) { - point.series.releasePointHoverState(point); - that.pointHoverChanged &&, point) - }); - else if (mode === ALL_ARGUMENTS_POINTS_MODE) - that._toAllArgumentPoints(point.argument, 'releasePointHoverState', that.pointHoverChanged); - else { - point.releaseHoverState(that.legendCallback(point)); - that.pointHoverChanged &&, point) - } - if (that.tooltipEnabled && !that.showHoldTooltip) - that._hideTooltip(point); - that.hoveredPoint = null - }, - _releaseSelectedPointMultiMode: function(point) { - var that = this, - points = that.selectedPoint; - if (!points) - return; - that._setHoverStylePointWithMode(point, 'releasePointSelectedState', processMode(point.getOptions().selectionMode), that.pointSelectionChanged, that.legendCallback(point)); - this.selectedPoint = $.map(this.selectedPoint, function(pt) { - if (pt !== point) - return pt - }) - }, - _releaseSelectedPointSingleMode: function() { - var that = this, - point = that.selectedPoint; - if (!point) - return; - that._setHoverStylePointWithMode(point, 'releasePointSelectedState', processMode(point.getOptions().selectionMode), that.pointSelectionChanged, that.legendCallback(point)); - this.selectedPoint = null - }, - _clearPointSelection: function() { - var that = this; - if (that.pointSelectionMode === SINGLE_MODE) - that._releaseSelectedPoint(); - else - $.each(that.selectedPoint || [], function(_, point) { - that._releaseSelectedPoint(point) - }) - }, - clearSelection: function() { - var that = this; - that._clearPointSelection(); - if (that.seriesSelectionMode === SINGLE_MODE) - that._releaseSelectedSeries(); - else - $.each(that.selectedSeries, function(_, series) { - that._releaseSelectedSeries(series) - }) - }, - setTooltip: function(tooltip) { - this.tooltip = tooltip - }, - _mouseLock: function(tracker) { - if (tracker.unlockMouseTimer) - clearTimeout(tracker.unlockMouseTimer); - tracker.mouseLocked = true; - tracker.unlockMouseTimer = setTimeout(function() { - tracker.mouseLocked = false - }, MOUSE_EVENT_LOCK_TIMEOUT) - }, - _clickLock: function(tracker) { - tracker.lockClick = true; - if (tracker.lockClickTimer) - clearTimeout(tracker.lockClickTimer); - tracker.lockClickTimer = setTimeout(function() { - tracker.lockClick = false - }, CLICK_EVENT_LOCK_TIMEOUT) - }, - _setCurCoords: function(that, pageX, pageY) { - that.cX = pageX; - that.cY = pageY - }, - _clearHover: function(that) { - that._releaseHoveredSeries(); - that._releaseHoveredPoint() - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-charts, file dxChart.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var ui = DX.ui, - viz = DX.viz; - DX.registerComponent("dxChart", viz.charts.Chart) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-charts, file dxPieChart.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var ui = DX.ui, - viz = DX.viz; - DX.registerComponent("dxPieChart", viz.charts.PieChart) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - DevExpress.MOD_VIZ_CHARTS = true -} -if (!DevExpress.MOD_VIZ_GAUGES) { - if (!DevExpress.MOD_VIZ_CORE) - throw Error('Required module is not referenced: viz-core'); - /*! Module viz-gauges, file namespaces.js */ - (function(DX) { - DX.viz.gauges = {__internals: { - circularNeedles: {}, - circularMarkers: {}, - linearNeedles: {}, - linearMarkers: {} - }}; - DX.viz.gauges.__tests = {} - })(DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-gauges, file factory.js */ - (function(DX, $, undefined) { - var internals = DX.viz.gauges.__internals, - circularNeedles = internals.circularNeedles, - circularMarkers = internals.circularMarkers, - linearNeedles = internals.linearNeedles, - linearMarkers = internals.linearMarkers; - var _String = window.String, - _isString = DX.utils.isString; - DX.viz.gauges.__factory = { - createCircularValueIndicator: function(type) { - var indicatorType = circularNeedles.RectangleNeedle; - switch (_String(type).toLowerCase()) { - case'rectangleneedle': - case'rectangle': - indicatorType = circularNeedles.RectangleNeedle; - break; - case'triangleneedle': - case'triangle': - indicatorType = circularNeedles.TriangleNeedle; - break; - case'twocolorneedle': - case'twocolorrectangle': - indicatorType = circularNeedles.TwoColorRectangleNeedle; - break; - case'rangebar': - indicatorType = internals.CircularRangeBar; - break - } - return new indicatorType - }, - createLinearValueIndicator: function(type) { - var indicatorType = internals.LinearRangeBar; - switch (_String(type).toLowerCase()) { - case'rectangle': - indicatorType = linearNeedles.RectangleNeedle; - break; - case'rhombus': - indicatorType = linearNeedles.RhombusNeedle; - break; - case'circle': - indicatorType = linearNeedles.CircleNeedle; - break; - case'rangebar': - indicatorType = internals.LinearRangeBar; - break - } - return new indicatorType - }, - createCircularSubvalueIndicator: function(type) { - var indicatorType = circularMarkers.TriangleMarker; - switch (_String(type).toLowerCase()) { - case'trianglemarker': - case'triangle': - indicatorType = circularMarkers.TriangleMarker; - break; - case'textcloud': - indicatorType = circularMarkers.TextCloudMarker; - break - } - return new indicatorType - }, - createLinearSubvalueIndicator: function(type) { - var indicatorType = linearMarkers.TriangleMarker; - switch (_String(type).toLowerCase()) { - case'trianglemarker': - case'triangle': - indicatorType = linearMarkers.TriangleMarker; - break; - case'textcloud': - indicatorType = linearMarkers.TextCloudMarker; - break - } - return new indicatorType - }, - createCircularValueIndicatorInHardMode: function(type) { - var indicatorType = null; - switch (_String(type).toLowerCase()) { - case'rectangleneedle': - indicatorType = circularNeedles.RectangleNeedle; - break; - case'triangleneedle': - indicatorType = circularNeedles.TriangleNeedle; - break; - case'twocolorneedle': - indicatorType = circularNeedles.TwoColorRectangleNeedle; - break; - case'rangebar': - indicatorType = internals.CircularRangeBar; - break; - case'trianglemarker': - indicatorType = circularMarkers.TriangleMarker; - break; - case'textcloud': - indicatorType = circularMarkers.TextCloudMarker; - break - } - return indicatorType ? new indicatorType : null - }, - createLinearValueIndicatorInHardMode: function(type) { - var indicatorType = null; - switch (_String(type).toLowerCase()) { - case'rectangle': - indicatorType = linearNeedles.RectangleNeedle; - break; - case'rhombus': - indicatorType = linearNeedles.RhombusNeedle; - break; - case'circle': - indicatorType = linearNeedles.CircleNeedle; - break; - case'rangebar': - indicatorType = internals.LinearRangeBar; - break; - case'trianglemarker': - indicatorType = linearMarkers.TriangleMarker; - break; - case'textcloud': - indicatorType = linearMarkers.TextCloudMarker; - break - } - return indicatorType ? new indicatorType : null - }, - createCircularNeedle: function(type) { - switch (_String(type).toLowerCase()) { - case'rectangleneedle': - case'rectangle': - return new circularNeedles.RectangleNeedle; - case'twocolorneedle': - case'twocolorrectangle': - return new circularNeedles.TwoColorRectangleNeedle; - case'triangleneedle': - case'triangle': - return new circularNeedles.TriangleNeedle; - case'rangebar': - return new internals.CircularRangeBar - } - return undefined - }, - createLinearNeedle: function(type) { - switch (_String(type).toLowerCase()) { - case'rectangle': - return new linearNeedles.RectangleNeedle; - case'rhombus': - return new linearNeedles.RhombusNeedle; - case'circle': - return new linearNeedles.CircleNeedle; - case'rangebar': - return new internals.LinearRangeBar - } - return undefined - }, - createCircularMarker: function(type) { - switch (_String(type).toLowerCase()) { - case'trianglemarker': - case'triangle': - return new circularMarkers.TriangleMarker; - case'textcloud': - return new circularMarkers.TextCloudMarker - } - return undefined - }, - createLinearMarker: function(type) { - switch (_String(type).toLowerCase()) { - case'trianglemarker': - case'triangle': - return new linearMarkers.TriangleMarker; - case'textcloud': - return new linearMarkers.TextCloudMarker - } - return undefined - }, - createCircularRangeBar: function(parameters) { - return new internals.CircularRangeBar(parameters) - }, - createLinearRangeBar: function(parameters) { - return new internals.LinearRangeBar(parameters) - }, - createCircularScale: function(parameters) { - return new internals.CircularScale(parameters) - }, - createLinearScale: function(parameters) { - return new internals.LinearScale(parameters) - }, - createCircularRangeContainer: function(parameters) { - return new internals.CircularRangeContainer(parameters) - }, - createLinearRangeContainer: function(parameters) { - return new internals.LinearRangeContainer(parameters) - }, - createTitle: function(parameters) { - return new internals.Title(parameters) - }, - createIndicator: function() { - return internals.Indicator && new internals.Indicator || null - }, - createLayoutManager: function() { - return new internals.LayoutManager - }, - createThemeManager: function(options) { - return new internals.ThemeManager(options) - }, - createTracker: function(parameters) { - return new internals.Tracker(parameters) - } - }; - var _isFunction = DX.utils.isFunction, - _String = window.String, - _extend = $.extend; - var _formatHelper = DX.formatHelper; - internals.formatValue = function(value, options, extra) { - options = options || {}; - var text = _formatHelper.format(value, options.format, options.precision), - context; - if (_isFunction(options.customizeText)) { - var context = _extend({ - value: value, - valueText: text - }, extra); - return _String(, context)) - } - return text - }; - internals.getSampleText = function(translator, options) { - var text1 = internals.formatValue(translator.getDomainStart(), options), - text2 = internals.formatValue(translator.getDomainEnd(), options); - return text1.length >= text2.length ? text1 : text2 - } - })(DevExpress, jQuery); - /*! Module viz-gauges, file scale.js */ - (function(DX, $, undefined) { - var _Number = Number, - _String = String, - _isFinite = isFinite, - _min = Math.min, - _max = Math.max, - _abs = Math.abs, - _atan = Math.atan, - _acos = Math.acos, - _ceil = Math.ceil, - _isFunction = DX.utils.isFunction, - _isArray = DX.utils.isArray, - _getCosAndSin = DX.utils.getCosAndSin, - _normalizeAngle = DX.utils.normalizeAngle, - _convertAngleToRendererSpace = DX.utils.convertAngleToRendererSpace, - _map = $.map; - var _formatHelper = DX.formatHelper, - _tickProvider = DX.viz.core.tickProvider; - var PI_DIV_180 = Math.PI / 180; - function binarySearch(x, list) { - var a = 0, - b = list.length - 1, - flag = list[a] - list[b] < 0, - c, - k = -1; - if (list[a] === x) - k = a; - if (list[b] === x) - k = b; - while (k < 0 && a <= b) { - c = ~~((a + b) / 2); - if (list[c] === x) - k = c; - else if (list[c] - x < 0 === flag) - a = c + 1; - else - b = c - 1 - } - return k - } - function sortAsc(x, y) { - return x - y - } - function sortDes(x, y) { - return y - x - } - DX.viz.gauges.__internals.BaseScale = DX.Class.inherit({ - ctor: function(parameters) { - var that = this; - that._renderer = parameters.renderer; - that._container = parameters.container; - that._translator = parameters.translator; - that._root = that._renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxg-scale'}); - that._majorTicks = that._renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxg-major-ticks'}); - that._minorTicks = that._renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxg-minor-ticks'}); - that._labels = that._renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxg-labels'}) - }, - dispose: function() { - var that = this; - that._renderer = that._container = that._renderer = that._root = that._majorTicks = that._minorTicks = that._labels = null; - return that - }, - clean: function() { - var that = this; - that._root.detach(); - that._majorTicks.detach().clear(); - that._minorTicks.detach().clear(); - that._labels.detach().clear(); - that._majorTicksEnabled = that._minorTicksEnabled = that._labelsEnabled = that._options = that.enabled = null; - return that - }, - render: function(options) { - var that = this; - that._options = options; - that._processOptions(options); - if (that._majorTicksEnabled || that._minorTicksEnabled || that._labelsEnabled) { - that.enabled = true; - that._root.append(that._container); - if (that._majorTicksEnabled) - that._majorTicks.append(that._root); - if (that._minorTicksEnabled) - that._minorTicks.append(that._root); - if (that._labelsEnabled) { - that._labels.append(that._root); - that._measureText() - } - } - return that - }, - _processOptions: function(options) { - var that = this; - that._majorTicksEnabled = options.majorTick.visible && options.majorTick.length > 0 && options.majorTick.width > 0; - that._minorTicksEnabled = options.minorTick.visible && options.minorTick.length > 0 && options.minorTick.width > 0; - that._labelsEnabled = options.label.visible && _Number(options.label.indentFromTick) !== 0; - that._setupOrientation() - }, - _getSampleText: function() { - var that = this, - domain = that._translator.getDomain(), - texts = [], - i, - ii, - text, - maxLength = 0, - maxText = ''; - var ticks = _tickProvider.getTicks({ - min: domain[0], - max: domain[1], - tickInterval: that._options.majorTick.tickInterval > 0 ? _Number(that._options.majorTick.tickInterval) : undefined, - screenDelta: that._options.approximateScreenDelta, - gridSpacingFactor: that._getGridSpacingFactor().majorTicks - }); - for (i = 0, ii = ticks.length; i < ii; ++i) { - text = that._formatValue(ticks[i]); - text.length > maxLength && (maxText = text) && (maxLength = text.length) - } - return maxText - }, - _measureText: function() { - var that = this, - value = that._getSampleText(), - text = that._renderer.createText(value, 0, 0, {font: that._options.label.font}).append(that._labels), - bbox = text.getBBox(); - text.remove(); - that._textVerticalOffset = -bbox.y - bbox.height / 2; - that._textWidth = bbox.width; - that._textHeight = bbox.height; - that._textLength = value.length - }, - _formatValue: function(value) { - var options = this._options.label, - text = _formatHelper.format(value, options.format, options.precision); - if (_isFunction(options.customizeText)) { - text = { - value: value, - valueText: text - }; - text = _String(, text)) - } - return text - }, - _setupOrientation: null, - _getCustomValues: function(values, compare) { - var translator = this._translator, - result = []; - if (_isArray(values)) { - result = _map(values, function(x) { - return _isFinite(translator.translate(x)) ? _Number(x) : null - }).sort(compare); - result = _map(result, function(x, i) { - return x !== result[i - 1] ? x : null - }) - } - return result - }, - _generateTicks: function(layout) { - var that = this, - majorTicksOptions = { - tickInterval: that._options.majorTick.tickInterval > 0 ? _Number(that._options.majorTick.tickInterval) : undefined, - gridSpacingFactor: that._getGridSpacingFactor().majorTicks, - numberMultipliers: [1, 2, 5] - }, - minorTicksOptions = { - tickInterval: that._options.minorTick.tickInterval > 0 ? _Number(that._options.minorTick.tickInterval) : undefined, - gridSpacingFactor: that._getGridSpacingFactor().minorTicks, - numberMultipliers: [1, 2, 5] - }; - if (that._options.majorTick.useTicksAutoArrangement) { - majorTicksOptions.useTicksAutoArrangement = true; - majorTicksOptions.renderer = that._renderer; - majorTicksOptions.translator = that._translator; - majorTicksOptions.getCustomAutoArrangementStep = function(values) { - return that._getCuttingFactor(values.length, { - width: that._textWidth, - height: that._textHeight - }, layout) - } - } - return _tickProvider.getFullTicks(that._translator.getDomain()[0], that._translator.getDomain()[1], that._getScreenDelta(layout), majorTicksOptions, minorTicksOptions) - }, - _getTicks: function(layout) { - var that = this, - compareCallback = that._translator.getDomain()[0] < that._translator.getDomain()[1] ? sortAsc : sortDes, - info = that._generateTicks(layout); - var majorValues = that._options.majorTick.showCalculatedTicks ? info.majorTicks : []; - var customMajorValues = that._getCustomValues(that._options.majorTick.customTickValues, compareCallback); - customMajorValues = _map(customMajorValues, function(value) { - return binarySearch(value, majorValues) === -1 ? value : null - }); - var minorValues = that._options.minorTick.showCalculatedTicks ? info.minorTicks : []; - minorValues = _map(minorValues, function(value) { - return binarySearch(value, customMajorValues) === -1 ? value : null - }); - var customMinorValues = that._getCustomValues(that._options.minorTick.customTickValues, compareCallback); - var list = majorValues.concat(minorValues, customMajorValues).sort(compareCallback); - customMinorValues = _map(customMinorValues, function(value) { - return binarySearch(value, list) === -1 ? value : null - }); - return { - major: _map(majorValues.concat(customMajorValues), function(value) { - return { - value: value, - position: that._translator.translate(value) - } - }), - minor: _map(minorValues.concat(customMinorValues), function(value) { - return { - value: value, - position: that._translator.translate(value) - } - }) - } - }, - _createMajorTicks: function(ticks, layout) { - var that = this; - that._majorTicks.clear().applySettings({fill: that._options.majorTick.color}); - var points = that._getTickPoints(_Number(that._options.majorTick.length), _Number(that._options.majorTick.width), layout); - if (points) { - var i = 0, - ii = ticks.length, - element; - that._options.hideFirstTick && ++i; - that._options.hideLastTick && --ii; - for (; i < ii; ++i) { - element = that._renderer.createArea(points); - that._moveTick(element, ticks[i], layout); - element.append(that._majorTicks) - } - } - }, - _createMinorTicks: function(ticks, layout) { - var that = this; - that._minorTicks.clear().applySettings({fill: that._options.minorTick.color}); - var points = that._getTickPoints(_Number(that._options.minorTick.length), _Number(that._options.minorTick.width), layout); - if (points) { - var i = 0, - ii = ticks.length, - element; - for (; i < ii; ++i) { - element = that._renderer.createArea(points); - that._moveTick(element, ticks[i], layout); - element.append(that._minorTicks) - } - } - }, - _createLabels: function(ticks, layout) { - var that = this, - indentFromTick = _Number(that._options.label.indentFromTick); - that._labels.clear().applySettings({ - align: that._getLabelAlign(indentFromTick), - font: that._options.label.font - }); - var textPosition = that._getLabelPosition(that._majorTicksEnabled ? _Number(that._options.majorTick.length) : 0, indentFromTick, layout); - if (textPosition) { - var i = 0, - ii = ticks.length, - points, - text; - that._options.hideFirstLabel && ++i; - that._options.hideLastLabel && --ii; - for (; i < ii; ++i) { - text = that._formatValue(ticks[i].value); - points = that._getLabelOptions(text, textPosition, indentFromTick, ticks[i], layout); - that._renderer.createText(text, points.x, points.y + that._textVerticalOffset).append(that._labels) - } - } - }, - resize: function(layout) { - var that = this, - ticks = that._getTicks(layout); - if (that._majorTicksEnabled) - that._createMajorTicks(ticks.major, layout); - if (that._minorTicksEnabled) - that._createMinorTicks(ticks.minor, layout); - if (that._labelsEnabled) - that._createLabels(ticks.major, layout); - return that - } - }); - function getBasedAngle(startAngle, endAngle) { - var startDelta, - endDelta, - tmp; - if (startAngle > endAngle) { - tmp = endAngle; - endAngle = startAngle; - startAngle = tmp - } - startDelta = 0 <= startAngle && startAngle <= 180 ? _abs(90 - startAngle) : _abs(270 - startAngle); - startDelta = startAngle < 90 && 90 < endAngle || startAngle < 270 && 270 < endAngle ? 0 : startDelta; - endDelta = 0 < endAngle && endAngle < 180 ? _abs(90 - endAngle) : _abs(270 - endAngle); - return startDelta < endDelta ? startDelta : endDelta - } - DX.viz.gauges.__internals.CircularScale = DX.viz.gauges.__internals.BaseScale.inherit({ - _getGridSpacingFactor: function() { - return { - majorTicks: 17, - minorTicks: 5 - } - }, - _getScreenDelta: function(layout) { - return (this._translator.getCodomainStart() - this._translator.getCodomainEnd()) * layout.radius * PI_DIV_180 - }, - _getCuttingFactor: function(ticksCount, maxLabelSize, layout) { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - startAngle = that._translator.getCodomainStart(), - endAngle = that._translator.getCodomainEnd(), - radius = that._getLabelPosition(that._majorTicksEnabled ? _Number(that._options.majorTick.length) : 0, _Number(that._options.label.indentFromTick), layout), - baseAngle = getBasedAngle(_normalizeAngle(startAngle), _normalizeAngle(endAngle)), - baseAngleCosSin = _getCosAndSin(baseAngle), - degreesPerTick = (startAngle - endAngle) / ticksCount, - minAngleBetweenTicks, - widthBasedAngle, - tanOfWidthBasedAngle, - heightBasedAngle, - cosOfHeightBasedAngle, - cuttingBackFactor = 1; - tanOfWidthBasedAngle = (baseAngleCosSin.sin * radius + maxLabelSize.width) / (baseAngleCosSin.cos * radius); - widthBasedAngle = _abs(baseAngle - _atan(tanOfWidthBasedAngle) / PI_DIV_180); - cosOfHeightBasedAngle = baseAngleCosSin.cos - maxLabelSize.height / radius; - heightBasedAngle = -1 > cosOfHeightBasedAngle || cosOfHeightBasedAngle > 1 ? 90 : _abs(baseAngle - _acos(cosOfHeightBasedAngle) / PI_DIV_180); - minAngleBetweenTicks = widthBasedAngle < heightBasedAngle ? widthBasedAngle : heightBasedAngle; - if (degreesPerTick < minAngleBetweenTicks) - cuttingBackFactor = _ceil(minAngleBetweenTicks / degreesPerTick); - return _max(1, cuttingBackFactor) - }, - _setupOrientation: function() { - var that = this; - that._inner = that._outer = 0; - switch (that._options.orientation) { - case'inside': - that._inner = 1; - break; - case'center': - that._inner = that._outer = 0.5; - break; - default: - that._outer = 1; - break - } - }, - _getTickPoints: function(length, width, layout) { - var x1 = layout.x - width / 2, - x2 = layout.x + width / 2, - y1 = layout.y - layout.radius - length * this._outer, - y2 = layout.y - layout.radius + length * this._inner; - return y1 > 0 && y2 > 0 ? [x1, y1, x2, y1, x2, y2, x1, y2] : null - }, - _moveTick: function(element, tick, layout) { - element.rotate(_convertAngleToRendererSpace(tick.position), layout.x, layout.y) - }, - _getLabelPosition: function(tickLength, textIndent, layout) { - var position = layout.radius + tickLength * (textIndent >= 0 ? this._outer : -this._inner) + textIndent; - return position > 0 ? position : null - }, - _getLabelAlign: function() { - return 'center' - }, - _getLabelOptions: function(textValue, textPosition, textIndent, tick, layout) { - var cossin = _getCosAndSin(tick.position), - x = layout.x + cossin.cos * textPosition, - y = layout.y - cossin.sin * textPosition, - dx = cossin.cos * (textValue.length / this._textLength) * this._textWidth / 2, - dy = cossin.sin * this._textHeight / 2; - if (textIndent > 0) { - x += dx; - y -= dy - } - else { - x -= dx; - y += dy - } - return { - x: x, - y: y - } - }, - measure: function(layout) { - var that = this, - result = { - min: layout.radius, - max: layout.radius - }; - if (that._majorTicksEnabled) { - result.min = _min(result.min, layout.radius - that._inner * that._options.majorTick.length); - result.max = _max(result.max, layout.radius + that._outer * that._options.majorTick.length) - } - if (that._minorTicksEnabled) { - result.min = _min(result.min, layout.radius - that._inner * that._options.minorTick.length); - result.max = _max(result.max, layout.radius + that._outer * that._options.minorTick.length) - } - if (that._labelsEnabled) { - if (that._options.label.indentFromTick > 0) { - result.horizontalOffset = _Number(that._options.label.indentFromTick) + that._textWidth; - result.verticalOffset = _Number(that._options.label.indentFromTick) + that._textHeight - } - else { - result.horizontalOffset = result.verticalOffset = 0; - result.min -= -_Number(that._options.label.indentFromTick) + _max(that._textWidth, that._textHeight) - } - result.inverseHorizontalOffset = that._textWidth / 2; - result.inverseVerticalOffset = that._textHeight / 2 - } - return result - } - }); - DX.viz.gauges.__internals.LinearScale = DX.viz.gauges.__internals.BaseScale.inherit({ - _getGridSpacingFactor: function() { - return { - majorTicks: 25, - minorTicks: 5 - } - }, - _getScreenDelta: function(layout) { - return _abs(this._translator.getCodomainEnd() - this._translator.getCodomainStart()) - }, - _getCuttingFactor: function(ticksCount, maxLabelSize, layout) { - var that = this, - labelSize = that.vertical ? maxLabelSize.height : maxLabelSize.width, - screenSize = _abs(that._translator.getCodomainEnd() - that._translator.getCodomainStart()); - return _max(1, _ceil(ticksCount * labelSize / (screenSize + labelSize))) - }, - _setupOrientation: function() { - var that = this; - that.vertical = that._options.vertical; - that._inner = that._outer = 0; - if (that.vertical) - switch (that._options.horizontalOrientation) { - case'left': - that._inner = 1; - break; - case'center': - that._inner = that._outer = 0.5; - break; - default: - that._outer = 1; - break - } - else - switch (that._options.verticalOrientation) { - case'top': - that._inner = 1; - break; - case'middle': - that._inner = that._outer = 0.5; - break; - default: - that._outer = 1; - break - } - }, - _getTickPoints: function(length, width, layout) { - var that = this, - x1, - x2, - y1, - y2; - if (that.vertical) { - x1 = layout.x - length * that._inner; - x2 = layout.x + length * that._outer; - y1 = -width / 2; - y2 = +width / 2 - } - else { - x1 = -width / 2; - x2 = +width / 2; - y1 = layout.y - length * that._inner; - y2 = layout.y + length * that._outer - } - return [x1, y1, x2, y1, x2, y2, x1, y2] - }, - _moveTick: function(element, tick, layout) { - var x = 0, - y = 0; - if (this.vertical) - y = tick.position; - else - x = tick.position; - element.move(x, y) - }, - _getLabelPosition: function(tickLength, textIndent, layout) { - var position = tickLength * (textIndent >= 0 ? this._outer : -this._inner) + textIndent; - if (this.vertical) - position += layout.x; - else - position += layout.y + (textIndent >= 0 ? 1 : -1) * this._textVerticalOffset; - return position - }, - _getLabelAlign: function(textIndent) { - return this.vertical ? textIndent > 0 ? 'left' : 'right' : 'center' - }, - _getLabelOptions: function(textValue, textPosition, textIndent, tick, layout) { - var x, - y; - if (this.vertical) { - x = textPosition; - y = tick.position - } - else { - x = tick.position; - y = textPosition - } - return { - x: x, - y: y - } - }, - measure: function(layout) { - var that = this, - p = layout[that.vertical ? 'x' : 'y'], - result = { - min: p, - max: p - }; - if (that._majorTicksEnabled) { - result.min = _min(result.min, p - that._inner * that._options.majorTick.length); - result.max = _max(result.max, p + that._outer * that._options.majorTick.length) - } - if (that._minorTicksEnabled) { - result.min = _min(result.min, p - that._inner * that._options.minorTick.length); - result.max = _max(result.max, p + that._outer * that._options.minorTick.length) - } - if (that._labelsEnabled) { - if (that._options.label.indentFromTick > 0) - result.max += +_Number(that._options.label.indentFromTick) + that[that.vertical ? '_textWidth' : '_textHeight']; - else - result.min -= -_Number(that._options.label.indentFromTick) + that[that.vertical ? '_textWidth' : '_textHeight']; - result.indent = that[that.vertical ? '_textHeight' : '_textWidth'] / 2 - } - return result - } - }) - })(DevExpress, jQuery); - /*! Module viz-gauges, file baseIndicator.js */ - (function(DX, $, undefined) { - var _isFinite = isFinite, - _Number = Number, - _extend = $.extend; - DX.viz.gauges.__internals.BaseIndicator = DX.Class.inherit({ - setup: function(parameters) { - var that = this; - that._renderer = parameters.renderer; - that._translator = parameters.translator; - that._owner = parameters.owner; - that._tracker = parameters.tracker; - that._className = parameters.className; - that._options = {}; - that._rootElement = that._createRoot(); - that._trackerElement = that._createTracker(); - return that - }, - dispose: function() { - var that = this; - that._renderer = that._owner = that._translator = that._tracker = that._options = that._rootElement = that._trackerElement = null; - return that - }, - _setupAnimation: function() { - var that = this; - if (that._options.animation) - that._animation = { - step: function(pos) { - that._actualValue = that._animation.start + * pos; - that._actualPosition = that._translator.translate(that._actualValue); - that._move() - }, - duration: that._options.animation.duration > 0 ? _Number(that._options.animation.duration) : 0, - easing: that._options.animation.easing - } - }, - _runAnimation: function(value) { - var that = this, - animation = that._animation; - animation.start = that._actualValue; - = value - that._actualValue; - that._rootElement.animate({_: 0}, { - step: animation.step, - duration: animation.duration, - easing: animation.easing - }) - }, - _createRoot: function() { - return this._renderer.createGroup({'class': this._className}) - }, - _createTracker: function() { - return this._renderer.createArea() - }, - _getTrackerSettings: function(){}, - clean: function() { - var that = this; - that._animation && that._rootElement.stopAnimation(); - that._rootElement.detach(); - that._rootElement.clear(); - that._clear(); - that._tracker.detach(that._trackerElement); - that._options = that.enabled = that._animation = null; - return that - }, - render: function(options) { - var that = this; - that.type = options.type; - that._options = options; - that._actualValue = that._currentValue = that._translator.adjust(that._options.currentValue); - that.enabled = that._isEnabled(); - if (that.enabled) { - that._setupAnimation(); - that._rootElement.applySettings({fill: that._options.color}).append(that._owner); - that._tracker.attach(that._trackerElement, that, that._trackerInfo) - } - return that - }, - resize: function(layout) { - var that = this; - that._rootElement.clear(); - that._clear(); - that.visible = that._isVisible(layout); - if (that.visible) { - _extend(that._options, layout); - that._actualPosition = that._translator.translate(that._actualValue); - that._render(); - that._trackerElement.applySettings(that._getTrackerSettings()); - that._move() - } - return that - }, - value: function(arg, _noAnimation) { - var that = this; - if (arg !== undefined) { - var val = that._translator.adjust(arg); - if (that._currentValue !== val && _isFinite(val)) { - that._currentValue = val; - if (that.visible) - if (that._animation && !_noAnimation) - that._runAnimation(val); - else { - that._actualValue = val; - that._actualPosition = that._translator.translate(val); - that._move() - } - } - return that - } - return that._currentValue - }, - _isEnabled: null, - _isVisible: null, - _render: null, - _clear: null, - _move: null - }) - })(DevExpress, jQuery); - /*! Module viz-gauges, file baseMarker.js */ - (function(DX, undefined) { - var TextCloud = DX.viz.core.TextCloud; - var formatValue = DX.viz.gauges.__internals.formatValue, - getSampleText = DX.viz.gauges.__internals.getSampleText; - DX.viz.gauges.__internals.BaseTextCloudMarker = DX.viz.gauges.__internals.BaseIndicator.inherit({ - _move: function() { - var that = this, - bbox, - info = new TextCloud, - textCloudOptions = that._getTextCloudOptions(); - that._text.applySettings({text: formatValue(that._actualValue, that._options.text)}); - bbox = that._text.getBBox(); - info.setup({ - x: textCloudOptions.x, - y: textCloudOptions.y, - textWidth: bbox.width, - textHeight: bbox.height, - horMargin: that._options.horizontalOffset, - verMargin: that._options.verticalOffset, - tailLength: that._options.arrowLength, - type: textCloudOptions.type - }); - that._text.applySettings({ - x:, - y: + that._textVerticalOffset - }); - that._cloud.applySettings({points: info.points()}); - that._trackerElement && that._trackerElement.applySettings({points: info.points()}) - }, - _measureText: function() { - var that = this, - root, - text, - bbox; - if (!that._textVerticalOffset) { - root = that._createRoot().append(that._owner); - text = that._renderer.createText(getSampleText(that._translator, that._options.text), 0, 0, { - align: 'center', - font: that._options.text.font - }).append(root); - bbox = text.getBBox(); - root.remove(); - that._textVerticalOffset = -bbox.y - bbox.height / 2; - that._textWidth = bbox.width; - that._textHeight = bbox.height; - that._textFullWidth = that._textWidth + 2 * that._options.horizontalOffset; - that._textFullHeight = that._textHeight + 2 * that._options.verticalOffset - } - }, - _render: function() { - var that = this; - that._measureText(); - that._cloud = that._cloud || that._renderer.createArea().append(that._rootElement); - that._text = that._text || that._renderer.createText().append(that._rootElement); - that._text.applySettings({ - align: 'center', - font: that._options.text.font - }) - }, - _clear: function() { - delete this._cloud; - delete this._text - }, - getTooltipParameters: function() { - var position = this._getTextCloudOptions(); - return { - x: position.x, - y: position.y, - value: this._currentValue, - color: this._options.color - } - } - }) - })(DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-gauges, file baseRangeBar.js */ - (function(DX, $, undefined) { - var $extend = $.extend; - var formatValue = DX.viz.gauges.__internals.formatValue, - getSampleText = DX.viz.gauges.__internals.getSampleText; - DX.viz.gauges.__internals.BaseRangeBar = DX.viz.gauges.__internals.BaseIndicator.inherit({ - _measureText: function() { - var that = this, - root, - text, - bbox; - that._hasText = that._isTextVisible(); - if (that._hasText && !that._textVerticalOffset) { - root = that._createRoot().append(that._owner); - text = that._renderer.createText(getSampleText(that._translator, that._options.text), 0, 0, { - 'class': 'dxg-text', - align: 'center', - font: that._options.text.font - }).append(root); - bbox = text.getBBox(); - root.remove(); - that._textVerticalOffset = -bbox.y - bbox.height / 2; - that._textWidth = bbox.width; - that._textHeight = bbox.height - } - }, - _move: function() { - var that = this; - that._updateBarItemsPositions(); - if (that._hasText) { - that._text.applySettings({text: formatValue(that._actualValue, that._options.text)}); - that._updateTextPosition(); - that._updateLinePosition() - } - }, - _updateBarItems: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - backgroundColor, - spaceColor; - that._setBarSides(); - that._startPosition = that._translator.translate(that._translator.getDomainStart()); - that._endPosition = that._translator.translate(that._translator.getDomainEnd()); - that._basePosition = that._translator.translate(options.baseValue); - that._space = that._getSpace(); - backgroundColor = options.backgroundColor || 'none'; - if (backgroundColor !== 'none' && that._space > 0) - spaceColor = options.containerBackgroundColor || 'none'; - else { - that._space = 0; - spaceColor = 'none' - } - that._backItem1.applySettings({fill: backgroundColor}); - that._backItem2.applySettings({fill: backgroundColor}); - that._spaceItem1.applySettings({fill: spaceColor}); - that._spaceItem2.applySettings({fill: spaceColor}) - }, - _getSpace: function() { - return 0 - }, - _updateTextItems: function() { - var that = this; - if (that._hasText) { - that._line = that._line || that._renderer.createPath([], {'class': 'dxg-main-bar'}).append(that._rootElement); - that._text = that._text || that._renderer.createText('', 0, 0, {'class': 'dxg-text'}).append(that._rootElement); - that._text.applySettings({ - align: that._getTextAlign(), - font: that._getFontOptions() - }); - that._setTextItemsSides() - } - else { - if (that._line) { - that._line.remove(); - delete that._line - } - if (that._text) { - that._text.remove(); - delete that._text - } - } - }, - _isTextVisible: function() { - return false - }, - _getTextAlign: function() { - return 'center' - }, - _getFontOptions: function() { - var options = this._options, - font = options.text.font; - if (!font || !font.color) - font = $extend({}, font, {color: options.color}); - return font - }, - _updateBarItemsPositions: function() { - var that = this, - positions = that._getPositions(); - that._backItem1.applySettings(that._buildItemSettings(positions.start, positions.back1)); - that._backItem2.applySettings(that._buildItemSettings(positions.back2, positions.end)); - that._spaceItem1.applySettings(that._buildItemSettings(positions.back1, positions.main1)); - that._spaceItem2.applySettings(that._buildItemSettings(positions.main2, positions.back2)); - that._mainItem.applySettings(that._buildItemSettings(positions.main1, positions.main2)); - that._trackerElement && that._trackerElement.applySettings(that._buildItemSettings(positions.main1, positions.main2)) - }, - _render: function() { - var that = this; - that._measureText(); - if (!that._backItem1) { - that._backItem1 = that._createBarItem(); - that._backItem1.applySettings({'class': 'dxg-back-bar'}) - } - if (!that._backItem2) { - that._backItem2 = that._createBarItem(); - that._backItem2.applySettings({'class': 'dxg-back-bar'}) - } - if (!that._spaceItem1) { - that._spaceItem1 = that._createBarItem(); - that._spaceItem1.applySettings({'class': 'dxg-space-bar'}) - } - if (!that._spaceItem2) { - that._spaceItem2 = that._createBarItem(); - that._spaceItem2.applySettings({'class': 'dxg-space-bar'}) - } - if (!that._mainItem) { - that._mainItem = that._createBarItem(); - that._mainItem.applySettings({'class': 'dxg-main-bar'}) - } - that._updateBarItems(); - that._updateTextItems() - }, - _clear: function() { - var that = this; - delete that._backItem1; - delete that._backItem2; - delete that._spaceItem1; - delete that._spaceItem2; - delete that._mainItem; - delete that._hasText; - delete that._line; - delete that._text - }, - getTooltipParameters: function() { - var position = this._getTooltipPosition(); - return { - x: position.x, - y: position.y, - value: this._currentValue, - color: this._options.color, - offset: 0 - } - } - }) - })(DevExpress, jQuery); - /*! Module viz-gauges, file circularNeedle.js */ - (function(DX, undefined) { - var circularNeedles = DX.viz.gauges.__internals.circularNeedles; - var _Number = Number; - circularNeedles.SimpleIndicator = DX.viz.gauges.__internals.BaseIndicator.inherit({ - _move: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - angle = DX.utils.convertAngleToRendererSpace(that._actualPosition); - that._rootElement.rotate(angle, options.x, options.y); - that._trackerElement && that._trackerElement.rotate(angle, options.x, options.y) - }, - _isEnabled: function() { - return this._options.width > 0 - }, - _isVisible: function(layout) { - return layout.radius - _Number(this._options.indentFromCenter) > 0 - }, - _getTrackerSettings: function() { - var options = this._options, - x = options.x, - y = options.y - (options.radius + _Number(options.indentFromCenter)) / 2, - width = options.width / 2, - length = (options.radius - _Number(options.indentFromCenter)) / 2; - width > 10 || (width = 10); - length > 10 || (length = 10); - return {points: [x - width, y - length, x - width, y + length, x + width, y + length, x + width, y - length]} - }, - _renderSpindle: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - gapSize; - if (options.spindleSize > 0) { - gapSize = _Number(options.spindleGapSize) || 0; - if (gapSize > 0) - gapSize = gapSize <= options.spindleSize ? gapSize : _Number(options.spindleSize); - that._spindleOuter = that._spindleOuter || that._renderer.createCircle().append(that._rootElement); - that._spindleInner = that._spindleInner || that._renderer.createCircle().append(that._rootElement); - that._spindleOuter.applySettings({ - 'class': 'dxg-spindle-border', - cx: options.x, - cy: options.y, - r: options.spindleSize / 2 - }); - that._spindleInner.applySettings({ - 'class': 'dxg-spindle-hole', - cx: options.x, - cy: options.y, - r: gapSize / 2, - fill: options.containerBackgroundColor - }) - } - }, - _render: function() { - var that = this; - that._renderPointer(); - that._renderSpindle() - }, - _clearSpindle: function() { - delete this._spindleOuter; - delete this._spindleInner - }, - _clearPointer: function() { - delete this._element - }, - _clear: function() { - this._clearPointer(); - this._clearSpindle() - }, - measure: function(layout) { - var result = {max: layout.radius}; - if (this._options.indentFromCenter < 0) - result.inverseHorizontalOffset = result.inverseVerticalOffset = -_Number(this._options.indentFromCenter); - return result - }, - getTooltipParameters: function() { - var options = this._options, - cossin = DX.utils.getCosAndSin(this._actualPosition), - r = (options.radius + _Number(options.indentFromCenter)) / 2; - return { - x: options.x + cossin.cos * r, - y: options.y - cossin.sin * r, - value: this._currentValue, - color: options.color, - offset: options.width / 2 - } - } - }); - circularNeedles.RectangleNeedle = circularNeedles.SimpleIndicator.inherit({_renderPointer: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - y2 = options.y - options.radius, - y1 = options.y - _Number(options.indentFromCenter), - x1 = options.x - options.width / 2, - x2 = x1 + _Number(options.width); - that._element = that._element || that._renderer.createArea().append(that._rootElement); - that._element.applySettings({points: [x1, y1, x1, y2, x2, y2, x2, y1]}) - }}); - circularNeedles.TriangleNeedle = circularNeedles.SimpleIndicator.inherit({_renderPointer: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - y2 = options.y - options.radius, - y1 = options.y - _Number(options.indentFromCenter), - x1 = options.x - options.width / 2, - x2 = options.x + options.width / 2; - that._element = that._element || that._renderer.createArea().append(that._rootElement); - that._element.applySettings({points: [x1, y1, options.x, y2, x2, y1]}) - }}); - circularNeedles.TwoColorRectangleNeedle = circularNeedles.SimpleIndicator.inherit({ - _renderPointer: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - x1 = options.x - options.width / 2, - x2 = options.x + options.width / 2, - y4 = options.y - options.radius, - y1 = options.y - _Number(options.indentFromCenter), - fraction = _Number(options.secondFraction) || 0, - y2, - y3; - if (fraction >= 1) - y2 = y3 = y1; - else if (fraction <= 0) - y2 = y3 = y2; - else { - y3 = y4 + (y1 - y4) * fraction; - y2 = y3 + - } - that._firstElement = that._firstElement || that._renderer.createArea().append(that._rootElement); - that._spaceElement = that._spaceElement || that._renderer.createArea().append(that._rootElement); - that._secondElement = that._secondElement || that._renderer.createArea().append(that._rootElement); - that._firstElement.applySettings({points: [x1, y1, x1, y2, x2, y2, x2, y1]}); - that._spaceElement.applySettings({ - points: [x1, y2, x1, y3, x2, y3, x2, y2], - 'class': 'dxg-hole', - fill: options.containerBackgroundColor - }); - that._secondElement.applySettings({ - points: [x1, y3, x1, y4, x2, y4, x2, y3], - 'class': 'dxg-part', - fill: options.secondColor - }) - }, - _clearPointer: function() { - delete this._firstElement; - delete this._secondElement; - delete this._spaceElement - } - }) - })(DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-gauges, file linearNeedle.js */ - (function(DX, undefined) { - var linearNeedles = DX.viz.gauges.__internals.linearNeedles; - var _Number = Number; - linearNeedles.SimpleIndicator = DX.viz.gauges.__internals.BaseIndicator.inherit({ - _move: function() { - var that = this, - delta = that._actualPosition - that._zeroPosition; - that._rootElement.move(that.vertical ? 0 : delta, that.vertical ? delta : 0); - that._trackerElement && that._trackerElement.move(that.vertical ? 0 : delta, that.vertical ? delta : 0) - }, - _isEnabled: function() { - this.vertical = this._options.vertical; - return this._options.length > 0 && this._options.width > 0 - }, - _isVisible: function(layout) { - return true - }, - _getTrackerSettings: function() { - var options = this._options, - x1, - x2, - y1, - y2, - width = options.width / 2, - length = options.length / 2, - p = this._zeroPosition; - width > 10 || (width = 10); - length > 10 || (length = 10); - if (this.vertical) { - x1 = options.x - length; - x2 = options.x + length; - y1 = p + width; - y2 = p - width - } - else { - x1 = p - width; - x2 = p + width; - y1 = options.y + length; - y2 = options.y - length - } - return {points: [x1, y1, x1, y2, x2, y2, x2, y1]} - }, - _render: function() { - var that = this; - that._zeroPosition = that._translator.getCodomainStart() - }, - _clear: function() { - delete this._element - }, - measure: function(layout) { - var p = this.vertical ? layout.x : layout.y; - return { - min: p - this._options.length / 2, - max: p + this._options.length / 2 - } - }, - getTooltipParameters: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - p = that._actualPosition, - parameters = { - x: p, - y: p, - value: that._currentValue, - color: options.color, - offset: options.width / 2 - }; - that.vertical ? parameters.x = options.x : parameters.y = options.y; - return parameters - } - }); - linearNeedles.RectangleNeedle = linearNeedles.SimpleIndicator.inherit({_render: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - p, - x1, - x2, - y1, - y2; - that.callBase(); - p = that._zeroPosition; - if (that.vertical) { - x1 = options.x - options.length / 2; - x2 = options.x + options.length / 2; - y1 = p + options.width / 2; - y2 = p - options.width / 2 - } - else { - x1 = p - options.width / 2; - x2 = p + options.width / 2; - y1 = options.y + options.length / 2; - y2 = options.y - options.length / 2 - } - that._element = that._element || that._renderer.createArea().append(that._rootElement); - that._element.applySettings({points: [x1, y1, x1, y2, x2, y2, x2, y1]}) - }}); - linearNeedles.RhombusNeedle = linearNeedles.SimpleIndicator.inherit({_render: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - x, - y, - dx, - dy; - that.callBase(); - if (that.vertical) { - x = options.x; - y = that._zeroPosition; - dx = options.length / 2 || 0; - dy = options.width / 2 || 0 - } - else { - x = that._zeroPosition; - y = options.y; - dx = options.width / 2 || 0; - dy = options.length / 2 || 0 - } - that._element = that._element || that._renderer.createArea().append(that._rootElement); - that._element.applySettings({points: [x - dx, y, x, y - dy, x + dx, y, x, y + dy]}) - }}); - linearNeedles.CircleNeedle = linearNeedles.SimpleIndicator.inherit({_render: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - x, - y, - r; - that.callBase(); - if (that.vertical) { - x = options.x; - y = that._zeroPosition - } - else { - x = that._zeroPosition; - y = options.y - } - r = options.length / 2 || 0; - that._element = that._element || that._renderer.createCircle().append(that._rootElement); - that._element.applySettings({ - cx: x, - cy: y, - r: r - }) - }}) - })(DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-gauges, file circularMarker.js */ - (function(DX, undefined) { - var circularMarkers = DX.viz.gauges.__internals.circularMarkers; - var _Number = Number; - circularMarkers.TriangleMarker = DX.viz.gauges.__internals.circularNeedles.SimpleIndicator.inherit({ - _isEnabled: function() { - return this._options.length > 0 && this._options.width > 0 - }, - _isVisible: function(layout) { - return layout.radius > 0 - }, - _render: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - x = options.x, - y1 = options.y - options.radius, - dx = options.width / 2 || 0, - y2 = y1 - _Number(options.length), - settings; - that._element = that._element || that._renderer.createArea().append(that._rootElement); - settings = { - points: [x, y1, x - dx, y2, x + dx, y2], - stroke: 'none', - strokeWidth: 0 - }; - if ( > 0) { - settings.strokeWidth = Math.min(, options.width / 4) || 0; - settings.stroke = settings.strokeWidth > 0 ? options.containerBackgroundColor || 'none' : 'none' - } - that._element.applySettings(settings) - }, - _clear: function() { - delete this._element - }, - _getTrackerSettings: function() { - var options = this._options, - x = options.x, - y = options.y - options.radius - options.length / 2, - width = options.width / 2, - length = options.length / 2; - width > 10 || (width = 10); - length > 10 || (length = 10); - return {points: [x - width, y - length, x - width, y + length, x + width, y + length, x + width, y - length]} - }, - measure: function(layout) { - return { - min: layout.radius, - max: layout.radius + _Number(this._options.length) - } - }, - getTooltipParameters: function() { - var options = this._options, - cossin = DX.utils.getCosAndSin(this._actualPosition), - r = options.radius + options.length / 2, - parameters = this.callBase(); - parameters.x = options.x + cossin.cos * r; - parameters.y = options.y - cossin.sin * r; - parameters.offset = options.length / 2; - return parameters - } - }); - circularMarkers.TextCloudMarker = DX.viz.gauges.__internals.BaseTextCloudMarker.inherit({ - _isEnabled: function() { - return true - }, - _isVisible: function(layout) { - return layout.radius > 0 - }, - _getTextCloudOptions: function() { - var that = this, - cossin = DX.utils.getCosAndSin(that._actualPosition), - nangle = DX.utils.normalizeAngle(that._actualPosition); - return { - x: that._options.x + cossin.cos * that._options.radius, - y: that._options.y - cossin.sin * that._options.radius, - type: nangle > 270 ? 'left-top' : nangle > 180 ? 'top-right' : nangle > 90 ? 'right-bottom' : 'bottom-left' - } - }, - measure: function(layout) { - var that = this; - that._measureText(); - return { - min: layout.radius, - max: layout.radius, - horizontalOffset: that._textFullWidth + (_Number(that._options.arrowLength) || 0), - verticalOffset: that._textFullHeight + (_Number(that._options.arrowLength) || 0) - } - } - }) - })(DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-gauges, file linearMarker.js */ - (function(DX, undefined) { - var linearMarkers = DX.viz.gauges.__internals.linearMarkers; - var _Number = Number, - _String = String; - linearMarkers.TriangleMarker = DX.viz.gauges.__internals.linearNeedles.SimpleIndicator.inherit({ - _isEnabled: function() { - var that = this; - that.vertical = that._options.vertical; - that._inverted = that.vertical ? _String(that._options.horizontalOrientation).toLowerCase() === 'right' : _String(that._options.verticalOrientation).toLowerCase() === 'bottom'; - return that._options.length > 0 && that._options.width > 0 - }, - _isVisible: function(layout) { - return true - }, - _render: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - x1, - x2, - y1, - y2, - settings = { - stroke: 'none', - strokeWidth: 0 - }; - that.callBase(); - if (that.vertical) { - x1 = options.x; - y1 = that._zeroPosition; - x2 = x1 + _Number(that._inverted ? options.length : -options.length); - settings.points = [x1, y1, x2, y1 - options.width / 2, x2, y1 + options.width / 2] - } - else { - y1 = options.y; - x1 = that._zeroPosition; - y2 = y1 + _Number(that._inverted ? options.length : -options.length); - settings.points = [x1, y1, x1 - options.width / 2, y2, x1 + options.width / 2, y2] - } - if ( > 0) { - settings.strokeWidth = Math.min(, options.width / 4) || 0; - settings.stroke = settings.strokeWidth > 0 ? options.containerBackgroundColor || 'none' : 'none' - } - that._element = that._element || that._renderer.createArea().append(that._rootElement); - that._element.applySettings(settings) - }, - _getTrackerSettings: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - width = options.width / 2, - length = _Number(options.length), - x1, - x2, - y1, - y2, - result; - width > 10 || (width = 10); - length > 20 || (length = 20); - if (that.vertical) { - x1 = x2 = options.x; - x2 = x1 + (that._inverted ? length : -length); - y1 = that._zeroPosition + width; - y2 = that._zeroPosition - width; - result = [x1, y1, x2, y1, x2, y2, x1, y2] - } - else { - y1 = options.y; - y2 = y1 + (that._inverted ? length : -length); - x1 = that._zeroPosition - width; - x2 = that._zeroPosition + width; - result = [x1, y1, x1, y2, x2, y2, x2, y1] - } - return {points: result} - }, - measure: function(layout) { - var that = this, - length = _Number(that._options.length), - minbound, - maxbound; - if (that.vertical) { - minbound = maxbound = layout.x; - if (that._inverted) - maxbound = minbound + length; - else - minbound = maxbound - length - } - else { - minbound = maxbound = layout.y; - if (that._inverted) - maxbound = minbound + length; - else - minbound = maxbound - length - } - return { - min: minbound, - max: maxbound, - indent: that._options.width / 2 - } - }, - getTooltipParameters: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - s = (that._inverted ? options.length : -options.length) / 2, - parameters = that.callBase(); - that.vertical ? parameters.x += s : parameters.y += s; - parameters.offset = options.length / 2; - return parameters - } - }); - linearMarkers.TextCloudMarker = DX.viz.gauges.__internals.BaseTextCloudMarker.inherit({ - _isEnabled: function() { - var that = this; - that.vertical = that._options.vertical; - that._inverted = that.vertical ? _String(that._options.horizontalOrientation).toLowerCase() === 'right' : _String(that._options.verticalOrientation).toLowerCase() === 'bottom'; - return true - }, - _isVisible: function(layout) { - return true - }, - _getTextCloudOptions: function() { - var that = this, - x = that._actualPosition, - y = that._actualPosition, - type; - if (that.vertical) { - x = that._options.x; - type = that._inverted ? 'top-left' : 'top-right' - } - else { - y = that._options.y; - type = that._inverted ? 'right-top' : 'right-bottom' - } - return { - x: x, - y: y, - type: type - } - }, - measure: function(layout) { - var that = this, - minbound, - maxbound, - arrowLength = _Number(that._options.arrowLength) || 0, - indent; - that._measureText(); - if (that.vertical) { - indent = that._textFullHeight; - if (that._inverted) { - minbound = layout.x; - maxbound = layout.x + arrowLength + that._textFullWidth - } - else { - minbound = layout.x - arrowLength - that._textFullWidth; - maxbound = layout.x - } - } - else { - indent = that._textFullWidth; - if (that._inverted) { - minbound = layout.y; - maxbound = layout.y + arrowLength + that._textFullHeight - } - else { - minbound = layout.y - arrowLength - that._textFullHeight; - maxbound = layout.y - } - } - return { - min: minbound, - max: maxbound, - indent: indent - } - } - }) - })(DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-gauges, file circularRangeBar.js */ - (function(DX, undefined) { - var _Number = Number, - getCosAndSin = DX.utils.getCosAndSin, - convertAngleToRendererSpace = DX.utils.convertAngleToRendererSpace, - max = Math.max, - min = Math.min; - DX.viz.gauges.__internals.CircularRangeBar = DX.viz.gauges.__internals.BaseRangeBar.inherit({ - _isEnabled: function() { - return this._options.size > 0 - }, - _isVisible: function(layout) { - return layout.radius - _Number(this._options.size) > 0 - }, - _createBarItem: function() { - return this._renderer.createArc().append(this._rootElement) - }, - _createTracker: function() { - return this._renderer.createArc() - }, - _setBarSides: function() { - var that = this; - that._maxSide = that._options.radius; - that._minSide = that._maxSide - _Number(that._options.size) - }, - _getSpace: function() { - var options = this._options; - return > 0 ? * 180 / options.radius / Math.PI : 0 - }, - _isTextVisible: function() { - var options = this._options.text || {}; - return options.indent > 0 - }, - _setTextItemsSides: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._options; - that._lineFrom = options.y - options.radius; - that._lineTo = that._lineFrom - _Number(options.text.indent); - that._textRadius = options.radius + _Number(options.text.indent) - }, - _getPositions: function() { - var that = this, - basePosition = that._basePosition, - actualPosition = that._actualPosition, - mainPosition1, - mainPosition2; - if (basePosition >= actualPosition) { - mainPosition1 = basePosition; - mainPosition2 = actualPosition - } - else { - mainPosition1 = actualPosition; - mainPosition2 = basePosition - } - return { - start: that._startPosition, - end: that._endPosition, - main1: mainPosition1, - main2: mainPosition2, - back1: min(mainPosition1 + that._space, that._startPosition), - back2: max(mainPosition2 - that._space, that._endPosition) - } - }, - _buildItemSettings: function(from, to) { - var that = this; - return { - x: that._options.x, - y: that._options.y, - innerRadius: that._minSide, - outerRadius: that._maxSide, - startAngle: to, - endAngle: from - } - }, - _updateTextPosition: function() { - var that = this, - cossin = getCosAndSin(that._actualPosition), - x = that._options.x + that._textRadius * cossin.cos, - y = that._options.y - that._textRadius * cossin.sin; - x += cossin.cos * that._textWidth * 0.6; - y -= cossin.sin * that._textHeight * 0.6; - that._text.applySettings({ - x: x, - y: y + that._textVerticalOffset - }) - }, - _updateLinePosition: function() { - var that = this, - x = that._options.x, - x1, - x2; - if (that._basePosition > that._actualPosition) { - x1 = x - 2; - x2 = x - } - else if (that._basePosition < that._actualPosition) { - x1 = x; - x2 = x + 2 - } - else { - x1 = x - 1; - x2 = x + 1 - } - that._line.applySettings({points: [x1, that._lineFrom, x1, that._lineTo, x2, that._lineTo, x2, that._lineFrom]}); - that._line.rotate(convertAngleToRendererSpace(that._actualPosition), x, that._options.y) - }, - _getTooltipPosition: function() { - var that = this, - cossin = getCosAndSin((that._basePosition + that._actualPosition) / 2), - r = (that._minSide + that._maxSide) / 2; - return { - x: that._options.x + cossin.cos * r, - y: that._options.y - cossin.sin * r - } - }, - measure: function(layout) { - var that = this, - result = { - min: layout.radius - _Number(that._options.size), - max: layout.radius - }; - that._measureText(); - if (that._hasText) { - result.max += _Number(that._options.text.indent); - result.horizontalOffset = that._textWidth; - result.verticalOffset = that._textHeight - } - return result - } - }) - })(DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-gauges, file linearRangeBar.js */ - (function(DX, undefined) { - var _Number = Number, - _String = String; - DX.viz.gauges.__internals.LinearRangeBar = DX.viz.gauges.__internals.BaseRangeBar.inherit({ - _isEnabled: function() { - var that = this; - that.vertical = that._options.vertical; - that._inverted = that.vertical ? _String(that._options.horizontalOrientation).toLowerCase() === 'right' : _String(that._options.verticalOrientation).toLowerCase() === 'bottom'; - return that._options.size > 0 - }, - _isVisible: function(layout) { - return true - }, - _createBarItem: function() { - return this._renderer.createArea().append(this._rootElement) - }, - _createTracker: function() { - return this._renderer.createArea() - }, - _setBarSides: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - size = _Number(options.size), - minSide, - maxSide; - if (that.vertical) - if (that._inverted) { - minSide = options.x; - maxSide = options.x + size - } - else { - minSide = options.x - size; - maxSide = options.x - } - else if (that._inverted) { - minSide = options.y; - maxSide = options.y + size - } - else { - minSide = options.y - size; - maxSide = options.y - } - that._minSide = minSide; - that._maxSide = maxSide; - that._minBound = minSide; - that._maxBound = maxSide - }, - _getSpace: function() { - var options = this._options; - return > 0 ? _Number( : 0 - }, - _isTextVisible: function() { - var textOptions = this._options.text || {}; - return textOptions.indent > 0 || textOptions.indent < 0 - }, - _getTextAlign: function() { - return this.vertical ? this._options.text.indent > 0 ? 'left' : 'right' : 'center' - }, - _setTextItemsSides: function() { - var that = this, - indent = _Number(that._options.text.indent); - if (indent > 0) { - that._lineStart = that._maxSide; - that._lineEnd = that._maxSide + indent; - that._textPosition = that._lineEnd + (that.vertical ? 2 : that._textHeight / 2); - that._maxBound = that._textPosition + (that.vertical ? that._textWidth : that._textHeight / 2) - } - else if (indent < 0) { - that._lineStart = that._minSide; - that._lineEnd = that._minSide + indent; - that._textPosition = that._lineEnd - (that.vertical ? 2 : that._textHeight / 2); - that._minBound = that._textPosition - (that.vertical ? that._textWidth : that._textHeight / 2) - } - }, - _getPositions: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - startPosition = that._startPosition, - endPosition = that._endPosition, - space = that._space, - basePosition = that._basePosition, - actualPosition = that._actualPosition, - mainPosition1, - mainPosition2, - backPosition1, - backPosition2; - if (startPosition < endPosition) { - if (basePosition < actualPosition) { - mainPosition1 = basePosition; - mainPosition2 = actualPosition - } - else { - mainPosition1 = actualPosition; - mainPosition2 = basePosition - } - backPosition1 = mainPosition1 - space; - backPosition2 = mainPosition2 + space - } - else { - if (basePosition > actualPosition) { - mainPosition1 = basePosition; - mainPosition2 = actualPosition - } - else { - mainPosition1 = actualPosition; - mainPosition2 = basePosition - } - backPosition1 = mainPosition1 + space; - backPosition2 = mainPosition2 - space - } - return { - start: startPosition, - end: endPosition, - main1: mainPosition1, - main2: mainPosition2, - back1: backPosition1, - back2: backPosition2 - } - }, - _buildItemSettings: function(from, to) { - var that = this, - side1 = that._minSide, - side2 = that._maxSide; - var points = that.vertical ? [side1, from, side1, to, side2, to, side2, from] : [from, side1, from, side2, to, side2, to, side1]; - return {points: points} - }, - _updateTextPosition: function() { - var that = this; - that._text.applySettings(that.vertical ? { - x: that._textPosition, - y: that._actualPosition + that._textVerticalOffset - } : { - x: that._actualPosition, - y: that._textPosition + that._textVerticalOffset - }) - }, - _updateLinePosition: function() { - var that = this, - actualPosition = that._actualPosition, - side1, - side2, - points; - if (that.vertical) { - if (that._basePosition >= actualPosition) { - side1 = actualPosition; - side2 = actualPosition + 2 - } - else { - side1 = actualPosition - 2; - side2 = actualPosition - } - points = [that._lineStart, side1, that._lineStart, side2, that._lineEnd, side2, that._lineEnd, side1] - } - else { - if (that._basePosition <= actualPosition) { - side1 = actualPosition - 2; - side2 = actualPosition - } - else { - side1 = actualPosition; - side2 = actualPosition + 2 - } - points = [side1, that._lineStart, side1, that._lineEnd, side2, that._lineEnd, side2, that._lineStart] - } - that._line.applySettings({points: points}) - }, - _getTooltipPosition: function() { - var that = this, - crossCenter = (that._minSide + that._maxSide) / 2, - alongCenter = (that._basePosition + that._actualPosition) / 2, - position = {}; - if (that.vertical) - position = { - x: crossCenter, - y: alongCenter - }; - else - position = { - x: alongCenter, - y: crossCenter - }; - return position - }, - measure: function(layout) { - var that = this, - size = _Number(that._options.size), - textIndent = _Number(that._options.text.indent), - minbound, - maxbound, - indent; - that._measureText(); - if (that.vertical) { - minbound = maxbound = layout.x; - if (that._inverted) - maxbound = maxbound + size; - else - minbound = minbound - size; - if (that._hasText) { - indent = that._textHeight / 2; - if (textIndent > 0) - maxbound += textIndent + that._textWidth; - if (textIndent < 0) - minbound += textIndent - that._textWidth - } - } - else { - minbound = maxbound = layout.y; - if (that._inverted) - maxbound = maxbound + size; - else - minbound = minbound - size; - if (that._hasText) { - indent = that._textWidth / 2; - if (textIndent > 0) - maxbound += textIndent + that._textHeight; - if (textIndent < 0) - minbound += textIndent - that._textHeight - } - } - return { - min: minbound, - max: maxbound, - indent: indent - } - } - }) - })(DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-gauges, file rangeContainer.js */ - (function(DX, $, undefined) { - var _Number = Number, - _String = String, - _max = Math.max, - _abs = Math.abs, - _isString = DX.utils.isString, - _isArray = DX.utils.isArray, - _isFinite = isFinite, - _each = $.each, - _map = $.map; - var _Palette = DX.viz.core.Palette; - DX.viz.gauges.__internals.BaseRangeContainer = DX.Class.inherit({ - ctor: function(parameters) { - var that = this; - that._renderer = parameters.renderer; - that._container = parameters.container; - that._translator = parameters.translator; - that._root = that._renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxg-range-container'}) - }, - dispose: function() { - var that = this; - that._renderer = that._container = that._translator = that._root = null - }, - clean: function() { - this._root.detach().clear(); - this._options = this.enabled = null; - return this - }, - _getRanges: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._options, - translator = that._translator, - totalStart = translator.getDomain()[0], - totalEnd = translator.getDomain()[1], - totalDelta = totalEnd - totalStart, - isNotEmptySegment = totalDelta >= 0 ? isNotEmptySegmentAsc : isNotEmptySegmentDes, - subtractSegment = totalDelta >= 0 ? subtractSegmentAsc : subtractSegmentDes, - list = [], - ranges = [], - backgroundRanges = [{ - start: totalStart, - end: totalEnd - }], - threshold = _abs(totalDelta) / 1E4, - palette = new _Palette(options.palette, { - type: 'indicatingSet', - theme: options.themeName - }), - backgroundColor = _isString(options.backgroundColor) ? options.backgroundColor : 'none', - width = options.width || {}, - startWidth = _Number(width > 0 ? width : width.start), - endWidth = _Number(width > 0 ? width : width.end), - deltaWidth = endWidth - startWidth; - if (options.ranges !== undefined && !_isArray(options.ranges)) - return null; - if (!(startWidth >= 0 && endWidth >= 0 && startWidth + endWidth > 0)) - return null; - list = _map(_isArray(options.ranges) ? options.ranges : [], function(rangeOptions, i) { - rangeOptions = rangeOptions || {}; - var start = translator.adjust(rangeOptions.startValue), - end = translator.adjust(rangeOptions.endValue); - return _isFinite(start) && _isFinite(end) && isNotEmptySegment(start, end, threshold) ? { - start: start, - end: end, - color: rangeOptions.color, - classIndex: i - } : null - }); - _each(list, function(i, item) { - var paletteColor = palette.getNextColor(); - item.color = _isString(item.color) && item.color || paletteColor || 'none'; - item.className = 'dxg-range dxg-range-' + item.classIndex; - delete item.classIndex - }); - _each(list, function(_, item) { - var i, - ii, - sub, - subs, - range, - newRanges = [], - newBackgroundRanges = []; - for (i = 0, ii = ranges.length; i < ii; ++i) { - range = ranges[i]; - subs = subtractSegment(range.start, range.end, item.start, item.end); - (sub = subs[0]) && (sub.color = range.color) && (sub.className = range.className) && newRanges.push(sub); - (sub = subs[1]) && (sub.color = range.color) && (sub.className = range.className) && newRanges.push(sub) - } - newRanges.push(item); - ranges = newRanges; - for (i = 0, ii = backgroundRanges.length; i < ii; ++i) { - range = backgroundRanges[i]; - subs = subtractSegment(range.start, range.end, item.start, item.end); - (sub = subs[0]) && newBackgroundRanges.push(sub); - (sub = subs[1]) && newBackgroundRanges.push(sub) - } - backgroundRanges = newBackgroundRanges - }); - _each(backgroundRanges, function(_, range) { - range.color = backgroundColor; - range.className = 'dxg-range dxg-background-range'; - ranges.push(range) - }); - _each(ranges, function(_, range) { - range.startWidth = (range.start - totalStart) / totalDelta * deltaWidth + startWidth; - range.endWidth = (range.end - totalStart) / totalDelta * deltaWidth + startWidth - }); - return ranges - }, - render: function(options) { - var that = this; - that._options = options; - that._processOptions(); - that._ranges = that._getRanges(); - if (that._ranges) { - that.enabled = true; - that._root.append(that._container) - } - return that - }, - resize: function(layout) { - var that = this; - that._root.clear(); - if (that._isVisible(layout)) - _each(that._ranges, function(_, range) { - that._createRange(range, layout).applySettings({ - fill: range.color, - 'class': range.className - }).append(that._root) - }); - return that - }, - _processOptions: null, - _isVisible: null, - _createRange: null - }); - function subtractSegmentAsc(segmentStart, segmentEnd, otherStart, otherEnd) { - var result; - if (otherStart > segmentStart && otherEnd < segmentEnd) - result = [{ - start: segmentStart, - end: otherStart - }, { - start: otherEnd, - end: segmentEnd - }]; - else if (otherStart >= segmentEnd || otherEnd <= segmentStart) - result = [{ - start: segmentStart, - end: segmentEnd - }]; - else if (otherStart <= segmentStart && otherEnd >= segmentEnd) - result = []; - else if (otherStart > segmentStart) - result = [{ - start: segmentStart, - end: otherStart - }]; - else if (otherEnd < segmentEnd) - result = [{ - start: otherEnd, - end: segmentEnd - }]; - return result - } - function subtractSegmentDes(segmentStart, segmentEnd, otherStart, otherEnd) { - var result; - if (otherStart < segmentStart && otherEnd > segmentEnd) - result = [{ - start: segmentStart, - end: otherStart - }, { - start: otherEnd, - end: segmentEnd - }]; - else if (otherStart <= segmentEnd || otherEnd >= segmentStart) - result = [{ - start: segmentStart, - end: segmentEnd - }]; - else if (otherStart >= segmentStart && otherEnd <= segmentEnd) - result = []; - else if (otherStart < segmentStart) - result = [{ - start: segmentStart, - end: otherStart - }]; - else if (otherEnd > segmentEnd) - result = [{ - start: otherEnd, - end: segmentEnd - }]; - return result - } - function isNotEmptySegmentAsc(start, end, threshold) { - return end - start >= threshold - } - function isNotEmptySegmentDes(start, end, threshold) { - return start - end >= threshold - } - DX.viz.gauges.__internals.CircularRangeContainer = DX.viz.gauges.__internals.BaseRangeContainer.inherit({ - _processOptions: function() { - var that = this; - that._inner = that._outer = 0; - switch (_String(that._options.orientation).toLowerCase()) { - case'inside': - that._inner = 1; - break; - case'center': - that._inner = that._outer = 0.5; - break; - default: - that._outer = 1; - break - } - }, - _isVisible: function(layout) { - var width = this._options.width; - width = _Number(width) || _max(_Number(width.start), _Number(width.end)); - return layout.radius - this._inner * width > 0 - }, - _createRange: function(range, layout) { - var that = this, - width = (range.startWidth + range.endWidth) / 2; - return that._renderer.createArc(layout.x, layout.y, layout.radius + that._outer * width, layout.radius - that._inner * width, that._translator.translate(range.end), that._translator.translate(range.start)) - }, - measure: function(layout) { - var width = this._options.width; - width = _Number(width) || _max(_Number(width.start), _Number(width.end)); - return { - min: layout.radius - this._inner * width, - max: layout.radius + this._outer * width - } - } - }); - DX.viz.gauges.__internals.LinearRangeContainer = DX.viz.gauges.__internals.BaseRangeContainer.inherit({ - _processOptions: function() { - var that = this; - that.vertical = that._options.vertical; - that._inner = that._outer = 0; - if (that.vertical) - switch (_String(that._options.horizontalOrientation).toLowerCase()) { - case'left': - that._inner = 1; - break; - case'center': - that._inner = that._outer = 0.5; - break; - default: - that._outer = 1; - break - } - else - switch (_String(that._options.verticalOrientation).toLowerCase()) { - case'top': - that._inner = 1; - break; - case'middle': - that._inner = that._outer = 0.5; - break; - default: - that._outer = 1; - break - } - }, - _isVisible: function(layout) { - return true - }, - _createRange: function(range, layout) { - var that = this, - inner = that._inner, - outer = that._outer, - startPosition = that._translator.translate(range.start), - endPosition = that._translator.translate(range.end), - points; - if (that.vertical) - points = [layout.x - range.startWidth * inner, startPosition, layout.x - range.endWidth * inner, endPosition, layout.x + range.endWidth * outer, endPosition, layout.x + range.startWidth * outer, startPosition]; - else - points = [startPosition, layout.y + range.startWidth * outer, startPosition, layout.y - range.startWidth * inner, endPosition, layout.y - range.endWidth * inner, endPosition, layout.y + range.endWidth * outer]; - return that._renderer.createArea(points) - }, - measure: function(layout) { - var result = {}; - result.min = result.max = layout[this.vertical ? 'x' : 'y']; - var width = this._options.width; - width = _Number(width) || _max(_Number(width.start), _Number(width.end)); - result.min -= this._inner * width; - result.max += this._outer * width; - return result - } - }) - })(DevExpress, jQuery); - /*! Module viz-gauges, file title.js */ - (function(DX, $, undefined) { - var _isString = DX.utils.isString, - _max = Math.max, - _extend = $.extend; - DX.viz.gauges.__internals.Title = DX.Class.inherit({ - ctor: function(parameters) { - this._renderer = parameters.renderer; - this._container = parameters.container - }, - dispose: function() { - this._renderer = this._container = null; - return this - }, - clean: function() { - var that = this; - if (that._root) { - that._root.detach().clear(); - that._root = that._layout = null - } - return that - }, - render: function(titleOptions, subtitleOptions) { - var that = this, - hasTitle = _isString(titleOptions.text) && titleOptions.text.length > 0, - hasSubtitle = _isString(subtitleOptions.text) && subtitleOptions.text.length > 0; - if (!hasTitle && !hasSubtitle) - return that; - that._root = that._renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxg-title'}).append(that._container); - var title = hasTitle ? that._renderer.createText(titleOptions.text, 0, 0, { - align: 'center', - font: titleOptions.font - }).append(that._root) : null, - subtitle = hasSubtitle ? that._renderer.createText(subtitleOptions.text, 0, 0, { - align: 'center', - font: subtitleOptions.font - }).append(that._root) : null, - titleBox = title ? title.getBBox() : {}, - subtitleBox = subtitle ? subtitle.getBBox() : {}, - y = 0; - if (title) { - y += -titleBox.y; - title.applySettings({ - x: 0, - y: y - }) - } - if (subtitle) { - y += -subtitleBox.y; - subtitle.applySettings({ - x: 0, - y: y - }) - } - that._layout = _extend({ - width: _max(titleBox.width || 0, subtitleBox.width || 0), - height: title && subtitle ? -titleBox.y + subtitleBox.height : titleBox.height || subtitleBox.height - }, titleOptions.layout); - return that - }, - getLayoutOptions: function() { - return this._layout - }, - locate: function(left, top) { - this._root.applySettings({ - translateX: left + this._layout.width / 2, - translateY: top - }); - return this - } - }) - })(DevExpress, jQuery); - /*! Module viz-gauges, file tooltip.js */ - (function(DX, $, undefined) { - var _extend = $.extend; - DX.viz.gauges.__internals.Tooltip = DX.viz.core.Tooltip.inherit({ - ctor: function(parameters) { - var that = this; - that._container = parameters.container; - that._tracker = parameters.tracker; - that._root = parameters.renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxg-tooltip'}); - that.callBase(null, that._root, parameters.renderer); - that._setTrackerCallbacks() - }, - dispose: function() { - var that = this; - that._container = that._tracker = that._root = null; - return that._shadow ? that.callBase.apply(that, arguments) : that - }, - _setTrackerCallbacks: function() { - var that = this; - function prepareCallback(target, info) { - var tooltipParameters = target.getTooltipParameters(), - formatObject = _extend({ - value: tooltipParameters.value, - valueText: that.formatValue(tooltipParameters.value), - color: tooltipParameters.color - }, info); - return that.prepare(formatObject, { - x: tooltipParameters.x, - y: tooltipParameters.y, - offset: tooltipParameters.offset - }) - } - function showCallback() { - return - } - function hideCallback() { - return that.hide() - } - that._tracker.setCallbacks({ - 'tooltip-prepare': prepareCallback, - 'tooltip-show': showCallback, - 'tooltip-hide': hideCallback - }) - }, - clean: function() { - this._root.detach(); - return this - }, - render: function(options, size) { - var that = this; - options.canvasWidth = size.width; - options.canvasHeight = size.height; - options.text = {'class': 'dxg-text'}; - that.update(options); - that._tracker.setTooltipState(that.enabled()); - that.enabled() && that._root.append(that._container); - return that - } - }) - })(DevExpress, jQuery); - /*! Module viz-gauges, file layoutManager.js */ - (function(DX, $, undefined) { - var _Number = Number, - _String = String, - _min = Math.min, - _max = Math.max, - _each = $.each; - function patchLayoutOptions(options) { - if (options.position) { - var position = _String(options.position).toLowerCase().split('-'); - options.verticalAlignment = position[0]; - options.horizontalAlignment = position[1] - } - } - DX.viz.gauges.__internals.LayoutManager = DX.Class.inherit({ - setRect: function(rect) { - this._currentRect = rect.clone(); - return this - }, - getRect: function() { - return this._currentRect.clone() - }, - beginLayout: function(rect) { - this._rootRect = rect.clone(); - this._currentRect = rect.clone(); - this._cache = []; - return this - }, - applyLayout: function(target) { - var options = target.getLayoutOptions(); - if (!options) - return this; - var currentRect = this._currentRect, - verticalOverlay = _Number(options.overlay) || 0; - patchLayoutOptions(options); - switch (_String(options.verticalAlignment).toLowerCase()) { - case'bottom': - currentRect.bottom -= _max(options.height - verticalOverlay, 0); - break; - default: - += _max(options.height - verticalOverlay, 0); - break - } - this._cache.push({ - target: target, - options: options - }); - return this - }, - endLayout: function() { - var that = this, - rootRect = that._rootRect, - currentRect = that._currentRect; - _each(that._cache, function(_, cacheItem) { - var options = cacheItem.options, - left, - top, - verticalOverlay = _Number(options.overlay) || 0; - switch (_String(options.verticalAlignment).toLowerCase()) { - case'bottom': - top = currentRect.bottom - verticalOverlay; - currentRect.bottom += _max(options.height - verticalOverlay, 0); - break; - default: - top = - options.height + verticalOverlay; - -= _max(options.height - verticalOverlay, 0); - break - } - switch (_String(options.horizontalAlignment).toLowerCase()) { - case'left': - left = rootRect.left; - break; - case'right': - left = rootRect.right - options.width; - break; - default: - left = rootRect.horizontalMiddle() - options.width / 2; - break - } -, top) - }); - that._cache = null; - return that - }, - selectRectByAspectRatio: function(aspectRatio, margins) { - var rect = this._currentRect.clone(), - selfAspectRatio, - width = 0, - height = 0; - margins = margins || {}; - if (aspectRatio > 0) { - rect.left += margins.left || 0; - rect.right -= margins.right || 0; - += || 0; - rect.bottom -= margins.bottom || 0; - if (rect.width() > 0 && rect.height() > 0) { - selfAspectRatio = rect.height() / rect.width(); - if (selfAspectRatio > 1) - aspectRatio < selfAspectRatio ? width = rect.width() : height = rect.height(); - else - aspectRatio > selfAspectRatio ? height = rect.height() : width = rect.width(); - width > 0 || (width = height / aspectRatio); - height > 0 || (height = width * aspectRatio); - width = (rect.width() - width) / 2; - height = (rect.height() - height) / 2; - rect.left += width; - rect.right -= width; - += height; - rect.bottom -= height - } - else { - rect.left = rect.right = rect.horizontalMiddle(); - = rect.bottom = rect.verticalMiddle() - } - } - return rect - }, - selectRectBySizes: function(sizes, margins) { - var rect = this._currentRect.clone(), - step; - margins = margins || {}; - if (sizes) { - rect.left += margins.left || 0; - rect.right -= margins.right || 0; - += || 0; - rect.bottom -= margins.bottom || 0; - if (sizes.width > 0) { - step = (rect.width() - sizes.width) / 2; - if (step > 0) { - rect.left += step; - rect.right -= step - } - } - if (sizes.height > 0) { - step = (rect.height() - sizes.height) / 2; - if (step > 0) { - += step; - rect.bottom -= step - } - } - } - return rect - } - }) - })(DevExpress, jQuery); - /*! Module viz-gauges, file themeManager.js */ - (function(DX, $, undefined) { - var _extend = $.extend; - DX.viz.gauges.__internals.ThemeManager = DX.viz.core.BaseThemeManager.inherit({ - _themeSection: 'gauge', - _initializeTheme: function() { - var that = this; - if (that._subTheme) { - var subTheme = _extend(true, {}, that._theme[that._subTheme], that._theme); - _extend(true, that._theme, subTheme) - } - that._initializeFont(that._theme.scale.label.font); - that._initializeFont(that._theme.valueIndicator.rangebar.text.font); - that._initializeFont(that._theme.subvalueIndicator.textcloud.text.font); - that._initializeFont(that._theme.valueIndicators.rangebar.text.font); - that._initializeFont(that._theme.valueIndicators.textcloud.text.font); - that._initializeFont(that._theme.title.font); - that._initializeFont(that._theme.subtitle.font); - that._initializeFont(that._theme.tooltip.font); - that._initializeFont(that._theme.indicator.text.font); - that._initializeFont(that._theme.loadingIndicator.font) - } - }) - })(DevExpress, jQuery); - /*! Module viz-gauges, file presetManager.js */ - /*! Module viz-gauges, file baseGauge.js */ - (function(DX, $, undefined) { - var _Number = Number, - _isNumber = DX.utils.isNumber, - _isString = DX.utils.isString, - _getAppropriateFormat = DX.utils.getAppropriateFormat, - _extend = $.extend, - _each = $.each; - DX.viz.gauges.__internals.BaseGauge = DX.viz.core.BaseWidget.inherit({ - _init: function() { - var that = this; - that.callBase.apply(that, arguments); - that._renderer = that._factory.createRenderer({ - width: 1, - height: 1, - pathModified: that.option('pathModified'), - rtl: that.option('rtlEnabled') - }); - that._root = that._renderer.getRoot(); - that._root.applySettings({'class': 'dxg ' + that._rootClass}); - that._translator = that._factory.createTranslator(); - that._themeManager = that._factory.createThemeManager(); - that._tracker = that._factory.createTracker({ - renderer: that._renderer, - container: that._root - }); - that._layoutManager = that._factory.createLayoutManager(); - that._tooltip = that._factory.createTooltip({ - renderer: that._renderer, - container: that._root, - tracker: that._tracker - }); - that._title = that._factory.createTitle({ - renderer: that._renderer, - container: that._root - }); - that._deltaIndicator = that._factory.createDeltaIndicator({ - renderer: that._renderer, - container: that._root - }); - that._setupDomain(); - that._themeManager.setTheme(that.option('theme')) - }, - _dispose: function() { - var that = this; - that.callBase.apply(that, arguments); - that._renderer.dispose(); - that._themeManager.dispose(); - that._tracker.dispose(); - that._title.dispose(); - that._deltaIndicator && that._deltaIndicator.dispose(); - that._tooltip.dispose(); - that._disposeLoadIndicator(); - that._renderer = that._root = that._translator = that._themeManager = that._tracker = that._layoutManager = that._title = that._tooltip = null - }, - _refresh: function() { - var that = this, - callBase = that.callBase; - that._endLoading(function() { - - }) - }, - _clean: function() { - this._cleanCore() - }, - _render: function() { - var that = this; - that._setupCodomain(); - that._setupAnimationSettings(); - if (that._calculateSize() && that._checkDomain()) { - that._renderer.draw(that._element()[0]); - that._setupDefaultFormat(); - that._renderCore() - } - that._drawn() - }, - _cleanCore: function() { - var that = this; - that._tooltip.clean(); - that._title.clean(); - that._deltaIndicator && that._deltaIndicator.clean(); - that._tracker.deactivate(); - that._cleanContent() - }, - _renderCore: function() { - var that = this; - that._title.render(_extend(true, {}, that._themeManager.theme()['title'], processTitleOptions(that.option('title'))), _extend(true, {}, that._themeManager.theme()['subtitle'], processTitleOptions(that.option('subtitle')))); - that._deltaIndicator && that._deltaIndicator.render(_extend(true, {}, that._themeManager.theme()['indicator'], that.option('indicator'))); - that._layoutManager.beginLayout(that._rootRect); - _each([that._deltaIndicator, that._title], function(_, item) { - item && that._layoutManager.applyLayout(item) - }); - that._mainRect = that._layoutManager.getRect(); - that._renderContent(); - that._layoutManager.endLayout(); - that._tooltip.render(_extend(true, {}, that._themeManager.theme()['tooltip'], that.option('tooltip')), { - width: that._width, - height: that._height - }); - that._tracker.activate(); - that._updateLoadIndicator(undefined, that._width, that._height); - that._noAnimation = null; - that.option('debugMode') === true && that._renderDebugInfo(); - that._debug_rendered && that._debug_rendered() - }, - _renderDebugInfo: function() { - var that = this, - group = that._debugGroup || that._renderer.createGroup({'class': 'debug-info'}).append(), - rect; - group.clear(); - rect = that._rootRect; - that._renderer.createRect(rect.left,, rect.width(), rect.height(), 0, { - stroke: '#000000', - strokeWidth: 1, - fill: 'none' - }).append(group); - rect = that._mainRect; - that._renderer.createRect(rect.left,, rect.width(), rect.height(), 0, { - stroke: '#0000FF', - strokeWidth: 1, - fill: 'none' - }).append(group); - rect = that._layoutManager.getRect(); - rect && that._renderer.createRect(rect.left,, rect.width(), rect.height(), 0, { - stroke: '#FF0000', - strokeWidth: 1, - fill: 'none' - }).append(group); - rect = that._title.getLayoutOptions() ? that._title._root.getBBox() : null; - rect && that._renderer.createRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, 0, { - stroke: '#00FF00', - strokeWidth: 1, - fill: 'none' - }).append(group); - rect = that._deltaIndicator && that._deltaIndicator.getLayoutOptions() ? that._deltaIndicator._root.getBBox() : null; - rect && that._renderer.createRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, 0, { - stroke: '#00FF00', - strokeWidth: 1, - fill: 'none' - }).append(group) - }, - _resize: function() { - var that = this; - if (that._calculateSize()) { - that._resizing = that._noAnimation = true; - that._cleanCore(); - that._renderCore(); - that._resizing = null - } - }, - render: function(options) { - options && options.animate !== undefined && !options.animate && (this._noAnimation = true); - this._refresh(); - return this - }, - showLoadingIndicator: function() { - this._showLoadIndicator(this._getLoadIndicatorOption(), { - width: this._width, - height: this._height - }) - }, - _getLoadIndicatorOption: function() { - return _extend(true, {}, this._themeManager.theme()['loadingIndicator'], this.option('loadingIndicator')) - }, - _optionChanged: function(name, newv, oldv) { - var that = this; - switch (name) { - case'theme': - that._themeManager.setTheme(newv); - that._invalidate(); - break; - case'startValue': - case'endValue': - that._setupDomain(); - that._invalidate(); - break; - default: - that.callBase.apply(that, arguments); - break - } - }, - _calculateSize: function() { - var that = this; - that._calculateSizeCore(); - if (that._width === 0 || that._height === 0 || !that._element().is(':visible')) { - that._incidentOccured('W2001', [that.NAME]); - return false - } - else { - that._renderer.resize(that._width, that._height); - return true - } - }, - _checkDomain: function() { - var that = this, - domain = that._translator.getDomain(), - isValid = isFinite(1 / (domain[1] - domain[0])); - if (!isValid) - that._incidentOccured('W2301'); - return isValid - }, - _setupAnimationSettings: function() { - var that = this, - option = that.option('animation'); - that._animationSettings = null; - if (option === undefined || option) { - if (option === undefined) - option = { - enabled: that.option('animationEnabled'), - duration: that.option('animationDuration') - }; - option = _extend({ - enabled: true, - duration: 1000, - easing: 'easeOutCubic' - }, option); - if (option.enabled && option.duration > 0) - that._animationSettings = { - duration: _Number(option.duration), - easing: option.easing - } - } - that._containerBackgroundColor = that.option('containerBackgroundColor') || that._themeManager.theme().containerBackgroundColor - }, - _setupDefaultFormat: function() { - var domain = this._translator.getDomain(); - this._defaultFormatOptions = _getAppropriateFormat(domain[0], domain[1], this._getApproximateScreenRange()) - }, - _setupDomain: null, - _calculateSizeCore: null, - _cleanContent: null, - _renderContent: null, - _setupCodomain: null, - _getApproximateScreenRange: null, - _factory: { - createRenderer: DX.viz.core.CoreFactory.createRenderer, - createTranslator: function() { - return new DX.viz.core.Translator1D - }, - createTracker: function(parameters) { - return new DX.viz.gauges.__internals.Tracker(parameters) - }, - createLayoutManager: function() { - return new DX.viz.gauges.__internals.LayoutManager - }, - createTitle: function(parameters) { - return new DX.viz.gauges.__internals.Title(parameters) - }, - createDeltaIndicator: function(parameters) { - return DX.viz.gauges.__internals.DeltaIndicator ? new DX.viz.gauges.__internals.DeltaIndicator(parameters) : null - }, - createTooltip: function(parameters) { - return new DX.viz.gauges.__internals.Tooltip(parameters) - } - } - }); - function processTitleOptions(options) { - return _isString(options) ? {text: options} : options || {} - } - })(DevExpress, jQuery); - /*! Module viz-gauges, file gauge.js */ - (function(DX, $, undefined) { - var _Rectangle = DX.viz.core.Rectangle; - var _isDefined = DX.utils.isDefined, - _isArray = DX.utils.isArray, - _isNumber = DX.utils.isNumber, - _isFinite = isFinite, - _Number = Number, - _String = String, - _abs = Math.abs, - _extend = $.extend, - _each = $.each, - _map = $.map, - _noop = $.noop; - var OPTION_VALUE = 'value', - OPTION_SUBVALUES = 'subvalues'; - DX.viz.gauges.Gauge = DX.viz.gauges.__internals.BaseGauge.inherit({ - _init: function() { - var that = this; - that.__value = that.option(OPTION_VALUE); - that.__subvalues = that.option(OPTION_SUBVALUES); - if (!_isArray(that.__subvalues)) - that.__subvalues = _isNumber(that.__subvalues) ? [that.__subvalues] : null; - that._selectMode(); - that.callBase.apply(that, arguments); - that._scale = that._createScale({ - renderer: that._renderer, - container: that._root, - translator: that._translator - }); - that._rangeContainer = that._createRangeContainer({ - renderer: that._renderer, - container: that._root, - translator: that._translator - }) - }, - _dispose: function() { - var that = this; - that.callBase.apply(that, arguments); - that._scale.dispose(); - that._rangeContainer.dispose(); - that._disposeValueIndicators(); - that._scale = that._rangeContainer = null - }, - _disposeValueIndicators: function() { - var that = this; - that._valueIndicator && that._valueIndicator.dispose(); - that._subvalueIndicatorsSet && that._subvalueIndicatorsSet.dispose(); - that._valueIndicator = that._subvalueIndicatorsSet = null - }, - _selectMode: function() { - var that = this; - if (that.option(OPTION_VALUE) === undefined && that.option(OPTION_SUBVALUES) === undefined) - if (that.option('needles') !== undefined || that.option('markers') !== undefined || that.option('rangeBars') !== undefined) { - disableDefaultMode(that); - selectObsoleteMode(that) - } - else if (that.option('valueIndicators') !== undefined) { - disableDefaultMode(that); - selectHardMode(that) - } - }, - _setupDomain: function() { - var that = this, - scaleOption = that.option('scale') || {}, - startValue = that.option('startValue'), - endValue = that.option('endValue'); - startValue = _isNumber(startValue) ? _Number(startValue) : _isNumber(scaleOption.startValue) ? _Number(scaleOption.startValue) : 0; - endValue = _isNumber(endValue) ? _Number(endValue) : _isNumber(scaleOption.endValue) ? _Number(scaleOption.endValue) : 100; - that._baseValue = startValue < endValue ? startValue : endValue; - that._translator.setDomain(startValue, endValue); - that._setupValueState() - }, - _setupValueState: function() { - this._setupValue(); - this.__subvalues !== null && this._setupSubvalues() - }, - _calculateSizeCore: function() { - var that = this, - size = that.option('size') || {}, - margin = that.option('margin') || {}; - if (_Number(size.width) === 0 || _Number(size.height) === 0) { - that._width = that._height = 0; - that._rootRect = new _Rectangle - } - else { - var width = size.width > 0 ? _Number(size.width) : that._element().width() || that._getDefaultContainerSize().width, - height = size.height > 0 ? _Number(size.height) : that._element().height() || that._getDefaultContainerSize().height, - marginL = margin.left > 0 ? _Number(margin.left) : 0, - marginR = margin.right > 0 ? _Number(margin.right) : 0, - marginT = > 0 ? _Number( : 0, - marginB = margin.bottom > 0 ? _Number(margin.bottom) : 0; - marginL + marginR >= width && (marginL = marginR = 0); - marginT + marginB >= height && (marginT = marginB = 0); - that._width = width; - that._height = height; - that._rootRect = new _Rectangle({ - left: marginL, - top: marginT, - right: width - marginR, - bottom: height - marginB - }) - } - }, - _cleanContent: function() { - var that = this; - that._rangeContainer.clean(); - that._scale.clean(); - that._cleanValueIndicators() - }, - _renderContent: function() { - var that = this; - that._rangeContainer.render(_extend(true, {}, that._themeManager.theme().rangeContainer, that.option('rangeContainer'), { - themeName: that._themeManager.themeName(), - vertical: that._area.vertical - })); - that._scale.render(_extend(true, {}, that._themeManager.theme().scale, that.option('scale'), { - approximateScreenDelta: that._getApproximateScreenRange(), - offset: 0, - vertical: that._area.vertical - })); - var elements = that._prepareValueIndicators(); - elements = _map([that._scale, that._rangeContainer].concat(elements), function(element) { - return element && element.enabled ? element : null - }); - that._applyMainLayout(elements); - _each(elements, function(_, element) { - that._updateElementPosition(element) - }); - that._updateActiveElements() - }, - _updateIndicatorSettings: function(settings) { - var that = this; - settings.currentValue = settings.baseValue = _isFinite(that._translator.translate(settings.baseValue)) ? _Number(settings.baseValue) : that._baseValue; - settings.vertical = that._area.vertical; - if (settings.text && !settings.text.format && !settings.text.precision) { - settings.text.format = that._defaultFormatOptions.format; - settings.text.precision = that._defaultFormatOptions.precision - } - }, - _prepareValueIndicatorSettings: function() { - var that = this, - options = that.option('valueIndicator') || {}, - defaultOptions = _extend(true, {}, that._themeManager.theme().valueIndicator), - type = _String(options.type || defaultOptions.type).toLowerCase(); - that._valueIndicatorSettings = _extend(true, defaultOptions._default, defaultOptions[type], options, { - type: type, - animation: that._animationSettings, - containerBackgroundColor: that._containerBackgroundColor - }); - that._updateIndicatorSettings(that._valueIndicatorSettings) - }, - _prepareSubvalueIndicatorSettings: function() { - var that = this, - options = that.option('subvalueIndicator') || {}, - defaultOptions = _extend(true, {}, that._themeManager.theme().subvalueIndicator), - type = _String(options.type || defaultOptions.type).toLowerCase(); - that._subvalueIndicatorSettings = _extend(true, defaultOptions._default, defaultOptions[type], options, { - type: type, - animation: that._animationSettings, - containerBackgroundColor: that._containerBackgroundColor - }); - that._updateIndicatorSettings(that._subvalueIndicatorSettings) - }, - _cleanValueIndicators: function() { - this._valueIndicator && this._valueIndicator.clean(); - this._subvalueIndicatorsSet && this._subvalueIndicatorsSet.clean() - }, - _prepareValueIndicators: function() { - var that = this; - that._prepareValueIndicator(); - that.__subvalues !== null && that._prepareSubvalueIndicators(); - return [that._valueIndicator, that._subvalueIndicatorsSet] - }, - _updateActiveElements: function() { - this._updateValueIndicator(); - this._updateSubvalueIndicators() - }, - _prepareValueIndicator: function() { - var that = this, - indicator = that._valueIndicator, - currentValue; - that._prepareValueIndicatorSettings(); - indicator && that._valueIndicatorType !== that._valueIndicatorSettings.type && indicator.dispose() && (indicator = null); - that._valueIndicatorType = that._valueIndicatorSettings.type; - if (!indicator) { - indicator = that._valueIndicator = that._createValueIndicator(that._valueIndicatorType); - if (indicator) { - indicator.setup({ - renderer: that._renderer, - translator: that._translator, - owner: that._root, - tracker: that._tracker, - className: 'dxg-value-indicator' - }); - indicator._trackerInfo = {type: 'value-indicator'} - } - } - indicator.render(that._valueIndicatorSettings) - }, - _prepareSubvalueIndicators: function() { - var that = this, - subvalueIndicatorsSet = that._subvalueIndicatorsSet; - if (!subvalueIndicatorsSet) - subvalueIndicatorsSet = that._subvalueIndicatorsSet = new DX.viz.gauges.__internals.ValueIndicatorsSet({ - renderer: that._renderer, - translator: that._translator, - owner: that._root, - tracker: that._tracker, - className: 'dxg-subvalue-indicators', - indicatorClassName: 'dxg-subvalue-indicator', - trackerType: 'subvalue-indicator', - createIndicator: function() { - return that._createSubvalueIndicator(that._subvalueIndicatorType) - } - }); - that._prepareSubvalueIndicatorSettings(); - var isRecreate = that._subvalueIndicatorSettings.type !== that._subvalueIndicatorType; - that._subvalueIndicatorType = that._subvalueIndicatorSettings.type; - if (that._createSubvalueIndicator(that._subvalueIndicatorType)) - subvalueIndicatorsSet.render(that._subvalueIndicatorSettings, isRecreate) - }, - _processValue: function(value, fallbackValue) { - var _value = this._translator.adjust(value !== undefined ? value : this.__value); - return _isFinite(_value) ? _value : fallbackValue - }, - _setupValue: function(value) { - this.__value = this._processValue(value, this.__value) - }, - _setupSubvalues: function(subvalues) { - var _subvalues = subvalues === undefined ? this.__subvalues : _isArray(subvalues) ? subvalues : _isNumber(subvalues) ? [subvalues] : null; - if (_subvalues === null) - return; - var i = 0, - ii = _subvalues.length, - list = []; - for (; i < ii; ++i) - list.push(this._processValue(_subvalues[i], this.__subvalues[i])); - this.__subvalues = list - }, - _updateValueIndicator: function() { - var that = this; - that._valueIndicator && that._valueIndicator.value(that.__value, that._noAnimation); - that._resizing || that.hideLoadingIndicator() - }, - _updateSubvalueIndicators: function() { - var that = this; - that._subvalueIndicatorsSet && that._subvalueIndicatorsSet.values(that.__subvalues, that._noAnimation); - that._resizing || that.hideLoadingIndicator() - }, - value: function(arg) { - var that = this; - if (arg !== undefined) { - that._setupValue(arg); - that._updateValueIndicator(); - that.option(OPTION_VALUE, that.__value); - return that - } - return that.__value - }, - subvalues: function(arg) { - var that = this; - if (arg !== undefined) { - if (that.__subvalues !== null) { - that._setupSubvalues(arg); - that._updateSubvalueIndicators(); - that.option(OPTION_SUBVALUES, that.__subvalues) - } - return that - } - return that.__subvalues !== null ? that.__subvalues.slice() : undefined - }, - _handleValueChanged: function(name, newv, oldv) { - var that = this; - switch (name) { - case OPTION_VALUE: - that._setupValue(newv); - that._updateValueIndicator(); - that.option(OPTION_VALUE, that.__value); - return true; - case OPTION_SUBVALUES: - if (that.__subvalues !== null) { - that._setupSubvalues(newv); - that._updateSubvalueIndicators(); - that.option(OPTION_SUBVALUES, that.__subvalues); - return true - } - return false; - default: - return false - } - }, - _optionChanged: function(name, newValue, oldValue) { - var that = this; - if (that._handleValueChanged(name, newValue, oldValue)) - return; - switch (name) { - case'scale': - that._setupDomain(); - that._invalidate(); - break; - default: - that.callBase.apply(that, arguments); - break - } - }, - _optionValuesEqual: function(name, oldValue, newValue) { - switch (name) { - case OPTION_VALUE: - return oldValue === newValue; - case OPTION_SUBVALUES: - return compareArrays(oldValue, newValue); - default: - return this.callBase.apply(this, arguments) - } - }, - _getDefaultContainerSize: null, - _applyMainLayout: null, - _updateElementPosition: null, - _createScale: null, - _createRangeContainer: null, - _createValueIndicator: null, - _createSubvalueIndicator: null, - _getApproximateScreenRange: null - }); - DX.viz.gauges.Gauge.prototype._factory = DX.utils.clone(DX.viz.gauges.__internals.BaseGauge.prototype._factory); - DX.viz.gauges.Gauge.prototype._factory.createThemeManager = function() { - return new DX.viz.gauges.__internals.ThemeManager - }; - function valueGetter(arg) { - return arg.value - } - function setupValues(that, fieldName, optionItems) { - var currentValues = that[fieldName], - newValues = _isArray(optionItems) ? _map(optionItems, valueGetter) : [], - i = 0, - ii = newValues.length, - list = []; - for (; i < ii; ++i) - list.push(that._processValue(newValues[i], currentValues[i])); - that[fieldName] = list - } - function disableDefaultMode(that) { - that.value = that.subvalues = _noop; - that._setupValue = that._setupSubvalues = that._updateValueIndicator = that._updateSubvalueIndicators = null - } - function selectObsoleteMode(that) { - that._needleValues = _map(that.option('needles') || [], valueGetter); - that._markerValues = _map(that.option('markers') || [], valueGetter); - that._rangeBarValues = _map(that.option('rangeBars') || [], valueGetter); - that._needles = []; - that._markers = []; - that._rangeBars = []; - that._setupValueState = function() { - var that = this; - setupValues(that, '_needleValues', that.option('needles')); - setupValues(that, '_markerValues', that.option('markers')); - setupValues(that, '_rangeBarValues', that.option('rangeBars')) - }; - that._handleValueChanged = function(name, newv, oldv) { - var that = this, - result = false; - switch (name) { - case'needles': - setupValues(that, '_needleValues', newv); - result = true; - break; - case'markers': - setupValues(that, '_markerValues', newv); - result = true; - break; - case'rangeBars': - setupValues(that, '_rangeBarValues', newv); - result = true; - break - } - result && that._invalidate(); - return result - }; - that._updateActiveElements = function() { - var that = this; - _each(that._needles, function(_, needle) { - needle.value(that._needleValues[needle._index], that._noAnimation) - }); - _each(that._markers, function(_, marker) { - marker.value(that._markerValues[marker._index], that._noAnimation) - }); - _each(that._rangeBars, function(_, rangeBar) { - rangeBar.value(that._rangeBarValues[rangeBar._index], that._noAnimation) - }); - that._resizing || that.hideLoadingIndicator() - }; - that._prepareValueIndicators = function() { - return prepareObsoleteElements(this) - }; - that._disposeValueIndicators = function() { - var that = this; - _each([].concat(that._needles, that._markers, that._rangeBars), function(_, pointer) { - pointer.dispose() - }); - that._needles = that._markers = that._rangeBars = null - }; - that._cleanValueIndicators = function() { - _each([].concat(this._needles, this._markers, this._rangeBars), function(_, pointer) { - pointer.clean() - }) - }; - that.needleValue = function(index, value) { - return accessPointerValue(this, this._needles, this._needleValues, index, value) - }; - that.markerValue = function(index, value) { - return accessPointerValue(this, this._markers, this._markerValues, index, value) - }; - that.rangeBarValue = function(index, value) { - return accessPointerValue(this, this._rangeBars, this._rangeBarValues, index, value) - } - } - function selectHardMode(that) { - that._indicatorValues = []; - that._valueIndicators = []; - that._setupValueState = function() { - setupValues(this, '_indicatorValues', this.option('valueIndicators')) - }; - that._handleValueChagned = function(name, newv, oldv) { - if (name === 'valueIndicators') { - setupValues(this, '_indicatorValues', newv); - this._invalidate(); - return true - } - return false - }; - that._updateActiveElements = function() { - var that = this; - _each(that._valueIndicators, function(_, valueIndicator) { - valueIndicator.value(that._indicatorValues[valueIndicator._index], that._noAnimation) - }); - that._resizing || that.hideLoadingIndicator() - }; - that._prepareValueIndicators = function() { - return prepareValueIndicatorsInHardMode(this) - }; - that._disposeValueIndicators = function() { - _each(this._valueIndicators, function(_, valueIndicator) { - valueIndicator.dispose() - }); - this._valueIndicators = null - }; - that._cleanValueIndicators = function() { - _each(this._valueIndicators, function(_, valueIndicator) { - valueIndicator.clean() - }) - }; - that.indicatorValue = function(index, value) { - return accessPointerValue(this, this._valueIndicators, this._indicatorValues, index, value) - } - } - function prepareValueIndicatorsInHardMode(that) { - var valueIndicators = that._valueIndicators || [], - userOptions = that.option('valueIndicators'), - optionList = [], - i = 0, - ii; - for (ii = _isArray(userOptions) ? userOptions.length : 0; i < ii; ++i) - optionList.push(userOptions[i]); - for (ii = valueIndicators.length; i < ii; ++i) - optionList.push(null); - var themeSettings = that._themeManager.theme().valueIndicators, - parameters = { - renderer: that._renderer, - owner: that._root, - translator: that._translator, - tracker: that._tracker - }, - newValueIndicators = []; - _each(optionList, function(i, userSettings) { - var valueIndicator = valueIndicators[i]; - if (!userSettings) { - valueIndicator && valueIndicator.dispose(); - return - } - var type = _String(userSettings.type || themeSettings._type).toLowerCase(); - if (valueIndicator && type !== valueIndicator.type) { - valueIndicator.dispose(); - valueIndicator = null - } - if (!valueIndicator) { - valueIndicator = that._createValueIndicatorInHardMode(type); - valueIndicator && valueIndicator.setup(parameters) - } - if (valueIndicator) { - var settings = _extend(true, {}, themeSettings._default, themeSettings[type], userSettings, { - type: type, - animation: that._animationSettings, - containerBackgroundColor: that._containerBackgroundColor - }); - that._updateIndicatorSettings(settings); - valueIndicator.render(settings); - valueIndicator._index = i; - valueIndicator._trackerInfo = {index: i}; - newValueIndicators.push(valueIndicator) - } - }); - that._valueIndicators = newValueIndicators; - return that._valueIndicators - } - function prepareObsoleteElements(that) { - var rangeBars = prepareObsoletePointers(that, '_rangeBars', '_createRangeBar', { - user: that.option('rangeBars'), - common: that.option('commonRangeBarSettings'), - theme: that._themeManager.theme().valueIndicator, - preset: {}, - type: 'rangebar', - className: 'dxg-value-indicator' - }); - var needles = prepareObsoletePointers(that, '_needles', '_createNeedle', { - user: that.option('needles'), - common: that.option('commonNeedleSettings'), - theme: that._themeManager.theme().valueIndicator, - preset: that._getPreset().commonNeedleSettings, - className: 'dxg-value-indicator' - }); - var markers = prepareObsoletePointers(that, '_markers', '_createMarker', { - user: that.option('markers'), - common: that.option('commonMarkerSettings'), - theme: that._themeManager.theme().subvalueIndicator, - preset: that._getPreset().commonMarkerSettings, - className: 'dxg-subvalue-indicator' - }); - var spindle = that._prepareObsoleteSpindle && that._prepareObsoleteSpindle(); - return [].concat(rangeBars, needles, markers, [spindle]) - } - function prepareObsoletePointers(that, fieldName, methodName, options) { - var pointers = that[fieldName], - userOptions = [], - i = 0, - ii; - for (ii = _isArray(options.user) ? options.user.length : 0; i < ii; ++i) - userOptions.push(options.user[i]); - for (ii = pointers.length; i < ii; ++i) - userOptions.push(null); - var themeOption = options.theme, - presetOption = options.preset, - commonOption = options.common || {}, - parameters = { - renderer: that._renderer, - owner: that._root, - translator: that._translator, - tracker: that._tracker, - className: options.className - }, - newPointers = []; - _each(userOptions, function(i, pointerOption) { - var pointer = pointers[i]; - if (!pointerOption) { - pointer && pointer.dispose(); - return - } - var type = _String(pointerOption.type || commonOption.type || presetOption.type || themeOption.type).toLowerCase(), - settings; - if (pointer && pointer.type !== type) { - pointer.dispose(); - pointer = null - } - if (!pointer) { - pointer = that[methodName](type); - pointer.setup(parameters) - } - if (pointer) { - type = options.type || type; - settings = _extend(true, {}, themeOption._default, themeOption[type], commonOption, pointerOption), - settings.spindleSize = null; - settings.animation = that._animationSettings; - settings.containerBackgroundColor = that._containerBackgroundColor; - that._updateIndicatorSettings(settings); - pointer.render(settings); - pointer._index = i; - pointer._trackerInfo = {index: i}; - newPointers.push(pointer) - } - }); - that[fieldName] = newPointers; - return newPointers - } - function accessPointerValue(that, pointers, values, index, value) { - if (value !== undefined) { - if (values[index] !== undefined) { - values[index] = that._processValue(value, values[index]); - pointers[index] && pointers[index].value(values[index]); - that._resizing || that.hideLoadingIndicator() - } - return that - } - else - return values[index] - } - function compareArrays(array1, array2) { - if (array1 === array2) - return true; - if (_isArray(array1) && _isArray(array2) && array1.length === array2.length) { - for (var i = 0, ii = array1.length; i < ii; ++i) - if (_abs(array1[i] - array2[i]) > 1E-8) - return false; - return true - } - return false - } - DX.viz.gauges.__internals.ValueIndicatorsSet = DX.Class.inherit({ - ctor: function(parameters) { - var that = this; - that._parameters = parameters; - that._createIndicator = that._parameters.createIndicator || _noop; - that._root = that._parameters.renderer.createGroup({'class': that._parameters.className}); - that._indicatorParameters = that._indicatorParameters || { - renderer: that._parameters.renderer, - translator: that._parameters.translator, - owner: that._root, - tracker: that._parameters.tracker, - className: that._parameters.indicatorClassName - }; - that._indicators = [] - }, - dispose: function() { - var that = this; - _each(that._indicators, function(_, indicator) { - indicator.dispose() - }); - that._parameters = that._createIndicator = that._root = that._options = that._indicators = that._colorPalette = that._palette = null; - return that - }, - clean: function() { - var that = this; - that._root.detach(); - that._sample && that._sample.clean().dispose(); - _each(that._indicators, function(_, indicator) { - indicator.clean() - }); - that._sample = that._options = that._palette = null; - return that - }, - render: function(options, isRecreate) { - var that = this; - that._options = options; - that._sample = that._createIndicator(); - that._sample && that._sample.setup(that._indicatorParameters).render(options); - that.enabled = that._sample && that._sample.enabled; - that._palette = _isDefined(options.palette) ? new DX.viz.core.Palette(options.palette) : null; - if (that.enabled) { - that._root.append(that._parameters.owner); - that._generatePalette(that._indicators.length); - that._indicators = _map(that._indicators, function(indicator, i) { - if (isRecreate) { - indicator.dispose(); - indicator = that._createIndicator(); - indicator.setup(that._indicatorParameters); - indicator._trackerInfo = { - type: that._parameters.trackerType, - index: i - } - } - indicator.render(that._getIndicatorOptions(i)); - return indicator - }) - } - return that - }, - resize: function(layout) { - var that = this; - that._layout = layout; - _each(that._indicators, function(_, indicator) { - indicator.resize(layout) - }); - return that - }, - measure: function(layout) { - return this._sample.measure(layout) - }, - _getIndicatorOptions: function(index) { - var result = this._options; - if (this._colorPalette) - result = _extend({}, result, {color: this._colorPalette[index]}); - return result - }, - _generatePalette: function(count) { - var that = this, - colors = null; - if (that._palette) { - colors = []; - that._palette.reset(); - var i = 0; - for (; i < count; ++i) - colors.push(that._palette.getNextColor()) - } - that._colorPalette = colors - }, - _adjustIndicatorsCount: function(count) { - var that = this, - indicators = that._indicators, - i, - ii, - indicatorOptions, - indicator, - indicatorsLen = indicators.length, - palette = that._parameters.palette; - if (indicatorsLen > count) { - for (i = count, ii = indicatorsLen; i < ii; ++i) - indicators[i].clean().dispose(); - that._indicators = indicators.slice(0, count); - that._generatePalette(indicators.length) - } - else if (indicatorsLen < count) { - that._generatePalette(count); - for (i = indicatorsLen, ii = count; i < ii; ++i) { - indicator = that._createIndicator(); - indicator.setup(that._indicatorParameters); - indicator._trackerInfo = { - type: that._parameters.trackerType, - index: i - }; - indicator.render(that._getIndicatorOptions(i)).resize(that._layout); - indicators.push(indicator) - } - } - }, - values: function(arg, _noAnimation) { - var that = this; - if (!that.enabled) - return; - if (arg !== undefined) { - if (!_isArray(arg)) - arg = _isFinite(arg) ? [Number(arg)] : null; - if (arg) { - that._adjustIndicatorsCount(arg.length); - _each(that._indicators, function(i, indicator) { - indicator.value(arg[i], _noAnimation) - }) - } - return that - } - return _map(that._indicators, function(indicator) { - return indicator.value() - }) - } - }) - })(DevExpress, jQuery); - /*! Module viz-gauges, file circularGauge.js */ - (function(DX, $, undefined) { - var factory = DX.viz.gauges.__factory; - var isFinite = window.isFinite, - Number = window.Number, - normalizeAngle = DX.utils.normalizeAngle, - getCosAndSin = DX.utils.getCosAndSin, - abs = Math.abs, - max = Math.max, - min = Math.min, - round = Math.round, - slice = Array.prototype.slice, - $extend = $.extend, - $each = $.each; - var PI = Math.PI; - function getSides(startAngle, endAngle) { - var startCosSin = getCosAndSin(startAngle), - endCosSin = getCosAndSin(endAngle), - startCos = startCosSin.cos, - startSin = startCosSin.sin, - endCos = endCosSin.cos, - endSin = endCosSin.sin; - return { - left: startSin <= 0 && endSin >= 0 || startSin <= 0 && endSin <= 0 && startCos <= endCos || startSin >= 0 && endSin >= 0 && startCos >= endCos ? -1 : min(startCos, endCos, 0), - right: startSin >= 0 && endSin <= 0 || startSin >= 0 && endSin >= 0 && startCos >= endCos || startSin <= 0 && endSin <= 0 && startCos <= endCos ? 1 : max(startCos, endCos, 0), - up: startCos <= 0 && endCos >= 0 || startCos <= 0 && endCos <= 0 && startSin >= endSin || startCos >= 0 && endCos >= 0 && startSin <= endSin ? -1 : -max(startSin, endSin, 0), - down: startCos >= 0 && endCos <= 0 || startCos >= 0 && endCos >= 0 && startSin <= endSin || startCos <= 0 && endCos <= 0 && startSin >= endSin ? 1 : -min(startSin, endSin, 0) - } - } - DX.viz.gauges.CircularGauge = DX.viz.gauges.Gauge.inherit({ - _rootClass: 'dxg-circular-gauge', - _selectMode: function() { - this.callBase.apply(this, arguments); - if (typeof this.indicatorValue === 'function') - this._createValueIndicatorInHardMode = function(type) { - return factory.createCircularValueIndicatorInHardMode(type) - } - }, - _setupCodomain: function() { - var that = this, - geometry = that.option('geometry') || {}, - startAngle = geometry.startAngle, - endAngle = geometry.endAngle, - sides; - startAngle = isFinite(startAngle) ? normalizeAngle(startAngle) : 225; - endAngle = isFinite(endAngle) ? normalizeAngle(endAngle) : -45; - if (abs(startAngle - endAngle) < 1) { - endAngle -= 360; - sides = { - left: -1, - up: -1, - right: 1, - down: 1 - } - } - else { - startAngle < endAngle && (endAngle -= 360); - sides = getSides(startAngle, endAngle) - } - that._area = { - x: 0, - y: 0, - radius: 100, - startCoord: startAngle, - endCoord: endAngle, - scaleRadius: geometry.scaleRadius > 0 ? Number(geometry.scaleRadius) : undefined, - sides: sides - }; - that._translator.setCodomain(startAngle, endAngle) - }, - _measureMainElements: function(elements) { - var that = this, - maxRadius = 0, - minRadius = Infinity, - maxHorizontalOffset = 0, - maxVerticalOffset = 0, - maxInverseHorizontalOffset = 0, - maxInverseVerticalOffset = 0; - $each(elements, function(_, element) { - var bounds = element.measure({radius: that._area.radius - (Number(element._options.offset) || 0)}); - bounds.min > 0 && (minRadius = min(minRadius, bounds.min)); - bounds.max > 0 && (maxRadius = max(maxRadius, bounds.max)); - bounds.horizontalOffset > 0 && (maxHorizontalOffset = max(maxHorizontalOffset, bounds.max + bounds.horizontalOffset)); - bounds.verticalOffset > 0 && (maxVerticalOffset = max(maxVerticalOffset, bounds.max + bounds.verticalOffset)); - bounds.inverseHorizontalOffset > 0 && (maxInverseHorizontalOffset = max(maxInverseHorizontalOffset, bounds.inverseHorizontalOffset)); - bounds.inverseVerticalOffset > 0 && (maxInverseVerticalOffset = max(maxInverseVerticalOffset, bounds.inverseVerticalOffset)) - }); - maxHorizontalOffset = max(maxHorizontalOffset - maxRadius, 0); - maxVerticalOffset = max(maxVerticalOffset - maxRadius, 0); - return { - minRadius: minRadius, - maxRadius: maxRadius, - horizontalMargin: maxHorizontalOffset, - verticalMargin: maxVerticalOffset, - inverseHorizontalMargin: maxInverseHorizontalOffset, - inverseVerticalMargin: maxInverseVerticalOffset - } - }, - _applyMainLayout: function(elements) { - var that = this, - measurements = that._measureMainElements(elements), - area = that._area, - sides = area.sides, - margins = { - left: (sides.left < -0.1 ? measurements.horizontalMargin : measurements.inverseHorizontalMargin) || 0, - right: (sides.right > 0.1 ? measurements.horizontalMargin : measurements.inverseHorizontalMargin) || 0, - top: (sides.up < -0.1 ? measurements.verticalMargin : measurements.inverseVerticalMargin) || 0, - bottom: (sides.down > 0.1 ? measurements.verticalMargin : measurements.inverseVerticalMargin) || 0 - }, - rect = that._layoutManager.selectRectByAspectRatio((sides.down - sides.up) / (sides.right - sides.left), margins), - radius = min(rect.width() / (sides.right - sides.left), rect.height() / (sides.down - sides.up)), - x, - y; - var scaler = (measurements.maxRadius - area.radius + area.scaleRadius) / radius; - if (0 < scaler && scaler < 1) { - rect = rect.scale(scaler); - radius *= scaler - } - radius = radius - measurements.maxRadius + area.radius; - x = rect.left - rect.width() * sides.left / (sides.right - sides.left); - y = - rect.height() * sides.up / (sides.down - sides.up); - area.x = round(x); - area.y = round(y); - area.radius = radius; - rect.left -= margins.left; - rect.right += margins.right; - -=; - rect.bottom += margins.bottom; - that._layoutManager.setRect(rect) - }, - _updateElementPosition: function(element) { - element.resize({ - x: this._area.x, - y: this._area.y, - radius: round(this._area.radius - (Number(element._options.offset) || 0)) - }) - }, - _createScale: function(parameters) { - return factory.createCircularScale(parameters) - }, - _createRangeContainer: function(parameters) { - return factory.createCircularRangeContainer(parameters) - }, - _createValueIndicator: function(type) { - return factory.createCircularValueIndicator(type) - }, - _createSubvalueIndicator: function(type) { - return factory.createCircularSubvalueIndicator(type) - }, - _getApproximateScreenRange: function() { - var that = this, - area = that._area, - r = min(that._width / (area.sides.right - area.sides.left), that._height / (area.sides.down - area.sides.up)); - r > area.totalRadius && (r = area.totalRadius); - r = 0.8 * r; - return -that._translator.getCodomainRange() * r * PI / 180 - }, - _getDefaultContainerSize: function() { - return { - width: 300, - height: 300 - } - }, - _getPreset: function() { - var preset = this.option('preset'), - result; - if (preset === 'preset2') - result = { - commonNeedleSettings: {type: 'twocolorrectangle'}, - commonMarkerSettings: {type: 'triangle'} - }; - else if (preset === 'preset3') - result = { - commonNeedleSettings: {type: 'rectangle'}, - commonMarkerSettings: {type: 'triangle'} - }; - else - result = { - commonNeedleSettings: {type: 'rectangle'}, - commonMarkerSettings: {type: 'textcloud'} - }; - return result - }, - _createNeedle: function(type) { - return factory.createCircularNeedle(type) - }, - _createMarker: function(type) { - return factory.createCircularMarker(type) - }, - _createRangeBar: function() { - return factory.createCircularRangeBar() - }, - _prepareObsoleteSpindle: function() { - var that = this, - spindleOption = that.option('spindle') || {}, - visible = that._needles && ('visible' in spindleOption ? !!spindleOption.visible : true); - if (visible) { - var themeOption = that._themeManager.theme().valueIndicator._default, - size = spindleOption.size || themeOption.spindleSize; - visible = size > 0 - } - if (visible) { - var gapSize = spindleOption.gapSize || themeOption.spindleGapSize, - color = spindleOption.color || themeOption.color; - gapSize = gapSize <= size ? gapSize : size; - that._spindle = that._spindle || that._renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxg-value-indicator'}); - that._spindle.append(that._root); - that._spindleOuter = that._spindleOuter || that._renderer.createCircle(0, 0, 0, { - 'class': 'dxg-spindle-border', - stroke: 'none', - strokeWidth: 0 - }).append(that._spindle); - that._spindleInner = that._spindleInner || that._renderer.createCircle(0, 0, 0, { - 'class': 'dxg-spindle-hole', - stroke: 'none', - strokeWidth: 0 - }).append(that._spindle); - that._spindleOuter.applySettings({ - cx: that._area.x, - cy: that._area.y, - r: size / 2, - fill: color - }); - that._spindleInner.applySettings({ - cx: that._area.x, - cy: that._area.y, - r: gapSize / 2, - fill: that._containerBackgroundColor - }); - return { - enabled: true, - _options: {offset: 0}, - measure: function(layout) { - return {} - }, - resize: function(layout) { - that._spindleOuter.applySettings({ - cx: layout.x, - cy: layout.y - }); - that._spindleInner.applySettings({ - cx: layout.x, - cy: layout.y - }); - return that - } - } - } - else { - that._spindle && that._spindle.remove(); - delete that._spindle; - delete that._spindleOuter; - delete that._spindleInner; - return null - } - } - }); - DX.viz.gauges.CircularGauge.prototype._factory = DX.utils.clone(DX.viz.gauges.__internals.BaseGauge.prototype._factory); - DX.viz.gauges.CircularGauge.prototype._factory.createThemeManager = function() { - var themeManager = new DX.viz.gauges.__internals.ThemeManager; - themeManager._subTheme = '_circular'; - return themeManager - } - })(DevExpress, jQuery); - /*! Module viz-gauges, file linearGauge.js */ - (function(DX, $, undefined) { - var factory = DX.viz.gauges.__factory; - var _String = String, - _Number = Number, - max = Math.max, - min = Math.min, - round = Math.round, - slice = Array.prototype.slice, - $extend = $.extend, - $each = $.each; - DX.viz.gauges.LinearGauge = DX.viz.gauges.Gauge.inherit({ - _rootClass: 'dxg-linear-gauge', - _selectMode: function() { - this.callBase.apply(this, arguments); - if (typeof this.indicatorValue === 'function') - this._createValueIndicatorInHardMode = function(type) { - return factory.createLinearValueIndicatorInHardMode(type) - } - }, - _setupCodomain: function() { - var that = this, - geometry = that.option('geometry') || {}, - vertical = _String(geometry.orientation).toLowerCase() === 'vertical'; - that._area = { - vertical: vertical, - x: 0, - y: 0, - startCoord: -100, - endCoord: 100, - scaleSize: geometry.scaleSize > 0 ? _Number(geometry.scaleSize) : undefined - }; - that._scale.vertical = vertical; - that._rangeContainer.vertical = vertical - }, - _measureMainElements: function(elements) { - var that = this, - minBound = 1000, - maxBound = 0, - indent = 0; - $each(elements, function(_, element) { - var bounds = element.measure({ - x: that._area.x + (_Number(element._options.offset) || 0), - y: that._area.y + (_Number(element._options.offset) || 0) - }); - maxBound = max(maxBound, bounds.max); - minBound = min(minBound, bounds.min); - bounds.indent > 0 && (indent = max(indent, bounds.indent)) - }); - return { - minBound: minBound, - maxBound: maxBound, - indent: indent - } - }, - _applyMainLayout: function(elements) { - var that = this, - measurements = that._measureMainElements(elements), - area = that._area, - rect, - offset, - counterSize = area.scaleSize + 2 * measurements.indent; - if (area.vertical) { - rect = that._layoutManager.selectRectBySizes({ - width: measurements.maxBound - measurements.minBound, - height: counterSize - }); - offset = rect.horizontalMiddle() - (measurements.minBound + measurements.maxBound) / 2; - area.startCoord = rect.bottom - measurements.indent; - area.endCoord = + measurements.indent; - area.x = round(area.x + offset) - } - else { - rect = that._layoutManager.selectRectBySizes({ - height: measurements.maxBound - measurements.minBound, - width: counterSize - }); - offset = rect.verticalMiddle() - (measurements.minBound + measurements.maxBound) / 2; - area.startCoord = rect.left + measurements.indent; - area.endCoord = rect.right - measurements.indent; - area.y = round(area.y + offset) - } - that._translator.setCodomain(area.startCoord, area.endCoord); - that._layoutManager.setRect(rect) - }, - _updateElementPosition: function(element) { - element.resize({ - x: round(this._area.x + (_Number(element._options.offset) || 0)), - y: round(this._area.y + (_Number(element._options.offset) || 0)) - }) - }, - _createScale: function(parameters) { - return factory.createLinearScale(parameters) - }, - _createRangeContainer: function(parameters) { - return factory.createLinearRangeContainer(parameters) - }, - _createValueIndicator: function(type) { - return factory.createLinearValueIndicator(type) - }, - _createSubvalueIndicator: function(type) { - return factory.createLinearSubvalueIndicator(type) - }, - _getApproximateScreenRange: function() { - var that = this, - area = that._area, - s = area.vertical ? that._height : that._width; - s > area.totalSize && (s = area.totalSize); - s = s * 0.8; - return s - }, - _getDefaultContainerSize: function() { - var geometry = this.option('geometry') || {}; - if (geometry.orientation === 'vertical') - return { - width: 100, - height: 300 - }; - else - return { - width: 300, - height: 100 - } - }, - _getPreset: function() { - var preset = this.option('preset'), - result; - if (preset === 'preset2') - result = { - commonNeedleSettings: {type: 'rhombus'}, - commonMarkerSettings: {type: 'triangle'} - }; - else - result = { - commonNeedleSettings: {type: 'circle'}, - commonMarkerSettings: {type: 'textcloud'} - }; - return result - }, - _createNeedle: function(type) { - return factory.createLinearNeedle(type) - }, - _createMarker: function(type) { - return factory.createLinearMarker(type) - }, - _createRangeBar: function() { - return factory.createLinearRangeBar() - } - }); - DX.viz.gauges.LinearGauge.prototype._factory = DX.utils.clone(DX.viz.gauges.__internals.BaseGauge.prototype._factory); - DX.viz.gauges.LinearGauge.prototype._factory.createThemeManager = function() { - var themeManager = new DX.viz.gauges.__internals.ThemeManager; - themeManager._subTheme = '_linear'; - return themeManager - } - })(DevExpress, jQuery); - /*! Module viz-gauges, file barGauge.js */ - (function(DX, $, undefined) { - var PI = Math.PI; - var _Number = window.Number, - _isFinite = window.isFinite, - _abs = Math.abs, - _round = Math.round, - _floor = Math.floor, - _min = Math.min, - _max = Math.max, - _isArray = DX.utils.isArray, - _convertAngleToRendererSpace = DX.utils.convertAngleToRendererSpace, - _getCosAndSin = DX.utils.getCosAndSin, - _noop = $.noop, - _extend = $.extend, - _getSampleText = DX.viz.gauges.__internals.getSampleText, - _formatValue = DX.viz.gauges.__internals.formatValue; - var _Rectangle = DX.viz.core.Rectangle, - _Palette = DX.viz.core.Palette; - DX.viz.gauges.BarGauge = DX.viz.gauges.__internals.BaseGauge.inherit({ - _rootClass: 'dxbg-bar-gauge', - _init: function() { - var that = this; - that.callBase.apply(that, arguments); - that._barsGroup = that._renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxbg-bars'}); - that._values = []; - that._context = { - renderer: that._renderer, - translator: that._translator, - tracker: that._tracker, - group: that._barsGroup - }; - that._animateStep = function(pos) { - var bars = that._bars, - i = 0, - ii = bars.length; - for (; i < ii; ++i) - bars[i].animate(pos) - }; - that._animateComplete = function() { - var bars = that._bars, - i = 0, - ii = bars.length; - for (; i < ii; ++i) - bars[i].endAnimation() - } - }, - _dispose: function() { - var that = this; - that.callBase.apply(that, arguments); - that._barsGroup = that._values = that._context = that._animateStep = that._animateComplete = null - }, - _setupDomain: function() { - var that = this, - startValue = that.option('startValue'), - endValue = that.option('endValue'); - _isFinite(startValue) || (startValue = 0); - _isFinite(endValue) || (endValue = 100); - that._translator.setDomain(startValue, endValue); - that._baseValue = that._translator.adjust(that.option('baseValue')); - _isFinite(that._baseValue) || (that._baseValue = startValue < endValue ? startValue : endValue) - }, - _calculateSizeCore: function() { - var that = this, - size = that.option('size') || {}; - if (_Number(size.width) === 0 || _Number(size.height) === 0) { - that._width = that._height = 0; - that._rootRect = new _Rectangle - } - else { - that._width = size.width > 0 ? _Number(size.width) : that._element().width() || 300; - that._height = size.height > 0 ? _Number(size.height) : that._element().height() || 300; - that._rootRect = new _Rectangle({ - left: 0, - top: 0, - right: that._width, - bottom: that._height - }) - } - }, - _setupCodomain: DX.viz.gauges.CircularGauge.prototype._setupCodomain, - _getApproximateScreenRange: function() { - var that = this, - sides = that._area.sides, - width = that._width / (sides.right - sides.left), - height = that._height / (sides.down - sides.up), - r = width < height ? width : height; - return -that._translator.getCodomainRange() * r * PI / 180 - }, - _setupAnimationSettings: function() { - this.callBase(); - if (this._animationSettings) - _extend(this._animationSettings, { - step: this._animateStep, - complete: this._animateComplete - }) - }, - _cleanContent: function() { - var that = this; - that._barsGroup.detach(); - that._animationSettings && that._barsGroup.stopAnimation(); - var i = 0, - ii = that._bars ? that._bars.length : 0; - for (; i < ii; ++i) - that._bars[i].dispose(); - that._palette = that._bars = null - }, - _renderContent: function() { - var that = this, - labelOptions = that.option('label'); - that._barsGroup.append(that._root); - that._context.textEnabled = labelOptions === undefined || labelOptions && (!('visible' in labelOptions) || labelOptions.visible); - if (that._context.textEnabled) { - that._context.textColor = labelOptions && labelOptions.font && labelOptions.font.color || null; - labelOptions = _extend(true, {}, that._themeManager.theme().label, labelOptions); - that._context.formatOptions = { - format: labelOptions.format !== undefined || labelOptions.precision !== undefined ? labelOptions.format : that._defaultFormatOptions.format, - precision: labelOptions.format !== undefined || labelOptions.precision !== undefined ? labelOptions.precision : that._defaultFormatOptions.precision, - customizeText: labelOptions.customizeText - }; - that._context.textOptions = { - font: _extend({}, that._themeManager.theme().label.font, labelOptions.font, {color: null}), - align: 'center' - }; - that._textIndent = labelOptions.indent > 0 ? _Number(labelOptions.indent) : 0; - that._context.lineWidth = labelOptions.connectorWidth > 0 ? _Number(labelOptions.connectorWidth) : 0; - that._context.lineColor = labelOptions.connectorColor || null; - var text = that._renderer.createText(_getSampleText(that._translator, that._context.formatOptions), 0, 0, that._context.textOptions).append(that._barsGroup), - bbox = text.getBBox(); - text.detach(); - that._context.textVerticalOffset = -bbox.y - bbox.height / 2; - that._context.textWidth = bbox.width; - that._context.textHeight = bbox.height - } -; - that._renderBars() - }, - _measureMainElements: function() { - var result = {maxRadius: this._area.radius}; - if (this._context.textEnabled) { - result.horizontalMargin = this._context.textWidth; - result.verticalMargin = this._context.textHeight - } - return result - }, - _renderBars: function() { - var that = this, - options = _extend({}, that._themeManager.theme(), that.option()); - that._palette = new _Palette(options.palette, { - stepHighlight: 50, - theme: that._themeManager.themeName() - }); - var relativeInnerRadius = options.relativeInnerRadius > 0 && options.relativeInnerRadius < 1 ? _Number(options.relativeInnerRadius) : 0.1, - radius = that._area.radius; - if (that._context.textEnabled) { - that._textIndent = _round(_min(that._textIndent, radius / 2)); - radius -= that._textIndent - } - that._outerRadius = _round(radius); - that._innerRadius = _round(radius * relativeInnerRadius); - that._barSpacing = options.barSpacing > 0 ? _Number(options.barSpacing) : 0; - _extend(that._context, { - backgroundColor: options.backgroundColor, - x: that._area.x, - y: that._area.y, - startAngle: that._area.startCoord, - endAngle: that._area.endCoord, - baseAngle: that._translator.translate(that._baseValue) - }); - that._bars = []; - that._updateValues(that.option('values')) - }, - _arrangeBars: function(count) { - var that = this, - radius = that._outerRadius - that._innerRadius; - that._context.barSize = count > 0 ? _max((radius - (count - 1) * that._barSpacing) / count, 1) : 0; - var spacing = count > 1 ? _max(_min((radius - count * that._context.barSize) / (count - 1), that._barSpacing), 0) : 0, - _count = _min(_floor((radius + spacing) / that._context.barSize), count); - that._setBarsCount(_count); - radius = that._outerRadius; - that._context.textRadius = radius + that._textIndent; - that._palette.reset(); - var unitOffset = that._context.barSize + spacing, - i = 0; - for (; i < _count; ++i, radius -= unitOffset) - that._bars[i].arrange({ - radius: radius, - color: that._palette.getNextColor() - }) - }, - _setBarsCount: function(count) { - var that = this, - i, - ii; - if (that._bars.length > count) { - for (i = count, ii = that._bars.length; i < ii; ++i) - that._bars[i].dispose(); - that._bars.splice(count, ii - count) - } - else if (that._bars.length < count) - for (i = that._bars.length, ii = count; i < ii; ++i) - that._bars.push(new BarWrapper(i, that._context)); - if (that._bars.length > 0) { - if (that._dummyBackground) { - that._dummyBackground.detach(); - that._dummyBackground = null - } - } - else { - if (!that._dummyBackground) - that._dummyBackground = that._renderer.createArc().append(that._barsGroup); - that._dummyBackground.applySettings({ - x: that._context.x, - y: that._context.y, - outerRadius: that._outerRadius, - innerRadius: that._innerRadius, - startAngle: that._context.endAngle, - endAngle: that._context.startAngle, - fill: that._context.backgroundColor - }) - } - }, - _updateBars: function() { - var that = this, - i = 0, - ii = that._bars.length; - for (; i < ii; ++i) - that._bars[i].setValue(that._values[i]) - }, - _animateBars: function() { - var that = this, - i = 0, - ii = that._bars.length; - if (ii > 0) { - for (; i < ii; ++i) - that._bars[i].beginAnimation(that._values[i]); - that._barsGroup.animate({_: 0}, that._animationSettings) - } - }, - _updateValues: function(values, noAnimation) { - var that = this, - list = _isArray(values) && values || _isFinite(values) && [values] || [], - i = 0, - ii = list.length, - value; - that._values = []; - for (; i < ii; ++i) { - value = that._translator.adjust(list[i]); - _isFinite(value) && that._values.push(value) - } - that._animationSettings && that._barsGroup.stopAnimation(); - if (that._bars) { - that._arrangeBars(that._values.length); - if (that._animationSettings && !that._noAnimation) - that._animateBars(); - else - that._updateBars() - } - if (!that._resizing) { - that.option('values', that._values); - that.hideLoadingIndicator() - } - }, - values: function(arg) { - if (arg !== undefined) { - this._updateValues(arg); - return this - } - else - return this._values.slice(0) - }, - _optionChanged: function(name, newValue, oldValue) { - switch (name) { - case'values': - this._updateValues(newValue); - break; - default: - this.callBase.apply(this, arguments); - break - } - }, - _optionValuesEqual: function(name, oldValue, newValue) { - switch (name) { - case'values': - return compareArrays(oldValue, newValue); - default: - return this.callBase.apply(this, arguments) - } - } - }); - var ThemeManager = DX.viz.gauges.__internals.ThemeManager.inherit({ - _themeSection: 'barGauge', - _initializeTheme: function() { - var that = this; - that._initializeFont(that._theme.label.font); - that._initializeFont(that._theme.title.font); - that._initializeFont(that._theme.tooltip.font); - that._initializeFont(that._theme.loadingIndicator.font) - } - }); - DX.viz.gauges.BarGauge.prototype._factory = DX.utils.clone(DX.viz.gauges.__internals.BaseGauge.prototype._factory); - DX.viz.gauges.BarGauge.prototype._factory.createThemeManager = function() { - return new ThemeManager - }; - function BarWrapper(index, context) { - var that = this; - that._context = context; - that._background = context.renderer.createArc().append(; - that._background.applySettings({fill: context.backgroundColor}); - that._bar = context.renderer.createArc().append(; - if (context.textEnabled) { - that._line = context.renderer.createPath([], {strokeWidth: context.lineWidth}).append(; - that._text = context.renderer.createText('', 0, 0, context.textOptions).append( - } - that._tracker = context.renderer.createArc(); - context.tracker.attach(that._tracker, that, {index: index}); - that._index = index; - that._angle = context.baseAngle; - that._settings = { - x: context.x, - y: context.y, - startAngle: context.baseAngle, - endAngle: context.baseAngle - } - } - _extend(BarWrapper.prototype, { - dispose: function() { - var that = this; - that._background.detach(); - that._bar.detach(); - if (that._context.textEnabled) { - that._line.detach(); - that._text.detach() - } - that._context.tracker.detach(that._tracker); - that._context = that._settings = that._background = that._bar = that._line = that._text = that._tracker = null; - return that - }, - arrange: function(options) { - var that = this; - that._settings.outerRadius = options.radius; - that._settings.innerRadius = options.radius - that._context.barSize; - that._background.applySettings(_extend({}, that._settings, { - startAngle: that._context.endAngle, - endAngle: that._context.startAngle - })); - that._bar.applySettings(that._settings); - that._tracker.applySettings(that._settings); - that._color = options.color; - that._bar.applySettings({fill: options.color}); - if (that._context.textEnabled) { - that._line.applySettings({ - points: [that._context.x, that._context.y - that._settings.innerRadius, that._context.x, that._context.y - that._context.textRadius], - stroke: that._context.lineColor || options.color - }); - that._text.applySettings({font: {color: that._context.textColor || options.color}}) - } - return that - }, - getTooltipParameters: function() { - var that = this, - cossin = _getCosAndSin((that._angle + that._context.baseAngle) / 2); - return { - x: _round(that._context.x + (that._settings.outerRadius + that._settings.innerRadius) / 2 * cossin.cos), - y: _round(that._context.y - (that._settings.outerRadius + that._settings.innerRadius) / 2 * cossin.sin), - offset: 0, - color: that._color, - value: that._value - } - }, - setAngle: function(angle) { - var that = this; - that._angle = angle; - setAngles(that._settings, that._context.baseAngle, that._angle); - that._bar.applySettings(that._settings); - that._tracker.applySettings(that._settings); - if (that._context.textEnabled) { - that._line.rotate(_convertAngleToRendererSpace(that._angle), that._context.x, that._context.y); - var cossin = _getCosAndSin(that._angle); - that._text.applySettings({ - text: _formatValue(that._value, that._context.formatOptions, {index: that._index}), - x: that._context.x + (that._context.textRadius + that._context.textWidth * 0.6) * cossin.cos, - y: that._context.y - (that._context.textRadius + that._context.textHeight * 0.6) * cossin.sin + that._context.textVerticalOffset - }) - } - return that - }, - setValue: function(value) { - this._value = value; - return this.setAngle(this._context.translator.translate(value)) - }, - beginAnimation: function(value) { - var that = this; - that._value = value; - var angle = that._context.translator.translate(value); - if (!compareFloats(that._angle, angle)) { - that._start = that._angle; - that._delta = angle - that._angle; - that._tracker.applySettings({visibility: 'hidden'}); - if (that._context.textEnabled) { - that._line.applySettings({visibility: 'hidden'}); - that._text.applySettings({visibility: 'hidden'}) - } - } - else - that.animate = _noop - }, - animate: function(pos) { - var that = this; - that._angle = that._start + that._delta * pos; - setAngles(that._settings, that._context.baseAngle, that._angle); - that._bar.applySettings(that._settings) - }, - endAnimation: function() { - var that = this; - if (that._delta !== undefined) { - if (compareFloats(that._angle, that._start + that._delta)) { - that._tracker.applySettings({visibility: null}); - if (that._context.textEnabled) { - that._line.applySettings({visibility: null}); - that._text.applySettings({visibility: null}) - } - that.setAngle(that._angle) - } - } - else - delete that.animate; - delete that._start; - delete that._delta - } - }); - function setAngles(target, angle1, angle2) { - target.startAngle = angle1 < angle2 ? angle1 : angle2; - target.endAngle = angle1 < angle2 ? angle2 : angle1 - } - function compareFloats(value1, value2) { - return _abs(value1 - value2) < 0.0001 - } - function compareArrays(array1, array2) { - if (array1 === array2) - return true; - if (_isArray(array1) && _isArray(array2) && array1.length === array2.length) { - for (var i = 0, ii = array1.length; i < ii; ++i) - if (!compareFloats(array1[i], array2[i])) - return false; - return true - } - return false - } - var __BarWrapper = BarWrapper; - DX.viz.gauges.__tests.BarWrapper = __BarWrapper; - DX.viz.gauges.__tests.stubBarWrapper = function(barWrapperType) { - BarWrapper = barWrapperType - }; - DX.viz.gauges.__tests.restoreBarWrapper = function() { - BarWrapper = __BarWrapper - }; - DX.registerComponent('dxBarGauge', DX.viz.gauges.BarGauge) - })(DevExpress, jQuery); - /*! Module viz-gauges, file tracker.js */ - (function(DX, $, undefined) { - var _setTimeout = window.setTimeout, - _clearTimeout = window.clearTimeout, - _extend = $.extend, - _abs = Math.abs; - var TOOLTIP_SHOW_DELAY = 300, - TOOLTIP_HIDE_DELAY = 300, - TOOLTIP_TOUCH_SHOW_DELAY = 400, - TOOLTIP_TOUCH_HIDE_DELAY = 300; - DX.viz.gauges.__internals.Tracker = DX.Class.inherit({ - ctor: function(parameters) { - DX.utils.debug.assertParam(parameters, 'parameters'); - DX.utils.debug.assertParam(parameters.renderer, 'parameters.renderer'); - DX.utils.debug.assertParam(parameters.container, 'parameters.container'); - var that = this; - that._container = parameters.container; - that._element = parameters.renderer.createGroup({ - 'class': 'dxg-tracker', - stroke: 'none', - strokeWidth: 0, - fill: '#000000', - opacity: 0.0001 - }); - that._showTooltipCallback = function() { - that._showTooltipTimeout = null; - var target =; - that._targetEvent = null; - if (that._tooltipTarget !== target) { - that._tooltipTarget = target; - that._callbacks['tooltip-show']() - } - }; - that._hideTooltipCallback = function() { - that._hideTooltipTimeout = null; - that._targetEvent = null; - if (that._tooltipTarget) { - that._callbacks['tooltip-hide'](); - that._tooltipTarget = null - } - }; - that._dispose = function() { - that._showTooltipCallback = that._hideTooltipCallback = that._dispose = null - }; - that._DEBUG_showTooltipTimeoutSet = that._DEBUG_showTooltipTimeoutCleared = that._DEBUG_hideTooltipTimeoutSet = that._DEBUG_hideTooltipTimeoutCleared = 0 - }, - dispose: function() { - var that = this; - that._dispose(); - that.deactivate(); -; - that._container = that._element = that._context = that._callbacks = null; - return that - }, - activate: function() { - this._element.append(this._container); - return this - }, - deactivate: function() { - this._element.detach(); - this._element.clear(); - return this - }, - attach: function(element, target, info) { -{ - target: target, - info: info - }); - element.append(this._element); - return this - }, - detach: function(element) { - element.detach(); - element.removeData(); - return this - }, - setTooltipState: function(state) { - var that = this, - data; -; - if (state) { - data = {tracker: that}; - that._element.on(tooltipMouseEvents, data).on(tooltipTouchEvents, data) - } - return that - }, - setCallbacks: function(callbacks) { - this._callbacks = callbacks; - return this - }, - _showTooltip: function(event, delay) { - var that = this, - data = $(; - if (that._tooltipTarget === || that._callbacks['tooltip-prepare'](, { - that._hideTooltipTimeout && ++that._DEBUG_hideTooltipTimeoutCleared; - _clearTimeout(that._hideTooltipTimeout); - that._hideTooltipTimeout = null; - _clearTimeout(that._showTooltipTimeout); - that._tooltipEvent = event; - ++that._DEBUG_showTooltipTimeoutSet; - that._showTooltipTimeout = _setTimeout(that._showTooltipCallback, delay) - } - }, - _hideTooltip: function(delay) { - var that = this; - that._showTooltipTimeout && ++that._DEBUG_showTooltipTimeoutCleared; - _clearTimeout(that._showTooltipTimeout); - that._showTooltipTimeout = null; - _clearTimeout(that._hideTooltipTimeout); - ++that._DEBUG_hideTooltipTimeoutSet; - that._hideTooltipTimeout = _setTimeout(that._hideTooltipCallback, delay) - } - }); - var tooltipMouseEvents = { - 'mouseover.gauge-tooltip': handleTooltipMouseOver, - 'mouseout.gauge-tooltip': handleTooltipMouseOut - }; - var tooltipMouseMoveEvents = {'mousemove.gauge-tooltip': handleTooltipMouseMove}; - var tooltipTouchEvents = {'touchstart.gauge-tooltip': handleTooltipTouchStart}; - function handleTooltipMouseOver(event) { - var tracker =; - tracker._x = event.pageX; - tracker._y = event.pageY; -,; - tracker._showTooltip(event, TOOLTIP_SHOW_DELAY) - } - function handleTooltipMouseMove(event) { - var tracker =; - if (tracker._showTooltipTimeout && _abs(event.pageX - tracker._x) > 4 || _abs(event.pageY - tracker._y) > 4) { - tracker._x = event.pageX; - tracker._y = event.pageY; - tracker._showTooltip(event, TOOLTIP_SHOW_DELAY) - } - } - function handleTooltipMouseOut(event) { - var tracker =; -; - tracker._hideTooltip(TOOLTIP_HIDE_DELAY) - } - var active_touch_tooltip_tracker = null; - DX.viz.gauges.__internals.Tracker._DEBUG_reset = function() { - active_touch_tooltip_tracker = null - }; - function handleTooltipTouchStart(event) { - event.preventDefault(); - var tracker = active_touch_tooltip_tracker; - if (tracker && tracker !== - tracker._hideTooltip(TOOLTIP_TOUCH_HIDE_DELAY); - tracker = active_touch_tooltip_tracker =; - tracker._showTooltip(event, TOOLTIP_TOUCH_SHOW_DELAY); - tracker._touch = true - } - function handleTooltipDocumentTouchStart(event) { - var tracker = active_touch_tooltip_tracker; - if (tracker) { - if (!tracker._touch) { - tracker._hideTooltip(TOOLTIP_TOUCH_HIDE_DELAY); - active_touch_tooltip_tracker = null - } - tracker._touch = null - } - } - function handleTooltipDocumentTouchEnd(event) { - var tracker = active_touch_tooltip_tracker; - if (tracker) - if (tracker._showTooltipTimeout) { - tracker._hideTooltip(TOOLTIP_TOUCH_HIDE_DELAY); - active_touch_tooltip_tracker = null - } - } - $(window.document).on({ - 'touchstart.gauge-tooltip': handleTooltipDocumentTouchStart, - 'touchend.gauge-tooltip': handleTooltipDocumentTouchEnd - }) - })(DevExpress, jQuery); - /*! Module viz-gauges, file dxCircularGauge.js */ - (function(DX, undefined) { - DX.registerComponent("dxCircularGauge", DX.viz.gauges.CircularGauge) - })(DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-gauges, file dxLinearGauge.js */ - (function(DX, undefined) { - DX.registerComponent("dxLinearGauge", DX.viz.gauges.LinearGauge) - })(DevExpress); - DevExpress.MOD_VIZ_GAUGES = true -} -if (!DevExpress.MOD_VIZ_RANGESELECTOR) { - if (!DevExpress.MOD_VIZ_CORE) - throw Error('Required module is not referenced: viz-core'); - /*! Module viz-rangeselector, file namespaces.js */ - (function(DevExpress) { - DevExpress.viz.rangeSelector = {utils: {}} - })(DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-rangeselector, file utils.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var rangeSelector = DX.viz.rangeSelector, - utils = rangeSelector.utils, - dxUtils = DX.utils; - var INVISIBLE_POS = -1000; - var findLessOrEqualValueIndex = function(values, value) { - if (!values || values.length === 0) - return -1; - var minIndex = 0, - maxIndex = values.length - 1, - index = 0; - while (maxIndex - minIndex > 1) { - var index = minIndex + maxIndex >> 1; - if (values[index] > value) - maxIndex = index; - else - minIndex = index - } - return values[maxIndex] <= value ? maxIndex : minIndex - }; - var findLessOrEqualValue = function(values, value) { - var index = findLessOrEqualValueIndex(values, value); - if (values && index >= 0 && index < values.length) - return values[index]; - return value - }; - var findNearValue = function(values, value) { - var index = findLessOrEqualValueIndex(values, value); - if (values && index >= 0 && index < values.length) { - if (index + 1 < values.length) - if (dxUtils.isDate(value)) { - if (values[index + 1].getTime() - value.getTime() < value.getTime() - values[index].getTime()) - index++ - } - else if (values[index + 1] - value < value - values[index]) - index++; - return values[index] - } - return value - }; - var findGreaterOrEqualValue = function(values, value) { - var index = findLessOrEqualValueIndex(values, value); - if (values && index >= 0 && index < values.length) { - if (values[index] < value && index + 1 < values.length) - index++; - return values[index] - } - return value - }; - var getInterval = function(valueMin, valueMax, delta) { - var result, - minDateDaysCount, - maxDateDaysCount, - daysCount, - prevMaxDaysCount; - if (dxUtils.isDate(valueMin)) { - if (delta === 'year' || delta === 'quarter' || delta === 'month') - return {months: valueMax.getFullYear() * 12 + valueMax.getMonth() - valueMin.getFullYear() * 12 - valueMin.getMonth()}; - else - return {milliseconds: valueMax.valueOf() - valueMin.valueOf()}; - return result - } - else - return valueMax - valueMin - }; - var getRootOffsetLeft = function(renderer) { - return dxUtils.getRootOffset(renderer).left || 0 - }; - var getEventPageX = function(eventArgs) { - var result = 0; - if (eventArgs.pageX) - result = eventArgs.pageX; - else if (eventArgs.originalEvent && eventArgs.originalEvent.pageX) - result = eventArgs.originalEvent.pageX; - if (eventArgs.originalEvent && eventArgs.originalEvent.touches) - if (eventArgs.originalEvent.touches.length > 0) - result = eventArgs.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX; - else if (eventArgs.originalEvent.changedTouches.length > 0) - result = eventArgs.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX; - return result - }; - var getTextBBox = function(renderer, text, fontOptions) { - var textElement = renderer.createText(text, INVISIBLE_POS, INVISIBLE_POS, {font: fontOptions}).append(); - var textBBox = textElement.getBBox(); - textElement.remove(); - return textBBox - }; - utils.findLessOrEqualValue = findLessOrEqualValue; - utils.findNearValue = findNearValue; - utils.findGreaterOrEqualValue = findGreaterOrEqualValue; - utils.getInterval = getInterval; - utils.getRootOffsetLeft = getRootOffsetLeft; - utils.getEventPageX = getEventPageX; - utils.getTextBBox = getTextBBox - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-rangeselector, file baseVisualElement.js */ - (function(DX) { - DevExpress.viz.rangeSelector.BaseVisualElement = DX.Class.inherit({ - ctor: function(renderer) { - this._renderer = renderer; - this._isDrawn = false - }, - applyOptions: function(options) { - this._options = options || {}; - this._applyOptions(this._options) - }, - _applyOptions: function(options){}, - redraw: function(group) { - var that = this; - if (!that._isDrawn) { - that._isDrawn = !(that._draw(group || that._group) === false); - if (group) - that._group = group - } - else - that._update(group || that._group) - }, - isDrawn: function() { - return !!this._isDrawn - }, - isInitialized: function() { - return !!this._options - }, - _draw: function(group){}, - _update: function(group) { - group.clear(); - this._draw(group) - } - }) - })(DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-rangeselector, file rangeSelector.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var rangeSelector = DX.viz.rangeSelector, - utils = DX.utils, - dataUtils =, - rangeSelectorUtils = rangeSelector.utils, - ParseUtils = DX.viz.core.ParseUtils, - formatHelper = DX.formatHelper, - core = DX.viz.core; - rangeSelector.consts = { - fontHeightRatio: 0.55, - emptySliderMarkerText: '. . .' - }; - rangeSelector.formatValue = function(value, formatOptions) { - var formatObject = { - value: value, - valueText: formatHelper.format(value, formatOptions.format, formatOptions.precision) - }; - return String(utils.isFunction(formatOptions.customizeText) ?, formatObject) : formatObject.valueText) - }; - rangeSelector.RangeSelector = core.BaseWidget.inherit(function() { - var SCALE_TEXT_SPACING = 5; - var defaultRangeSelectorOptions = { - size: undefined, - margin: { - left: 0, - top: 0, - right: 0, - bottom: 0 - }, - scale: { - showCustomBoundaryTicks: true, - showMinorTicks: true, - startValue: undefined, - endValue: undefined, - minorTickCount: undefined, - minorTickInterval: undefined, - majorTickInterval: undefined, - useTicksAutoArrangement: true, - setTicksAtUnitBeginning: true, - minRange: undefined, - maxRange: undefined, - placeholderHeight: undefined, - valueType: undefined, - label: { - visible: true, - format: undefined, - precision: undefined, - customizeText: undefined - }, - marker: { - visible: true, - label: { - format: undefined, - precision: undefined, - customizeText: undefined - } - }, - logarithmBase: 10 - }, - selectedRange: undefined, - sliderMarker: { - visible: true, - format: undefined, - precision: undefined, - customizeText: undefined, - placeholderSize: undefined - }, - behavior: { - snapToTicks: true, - animationEnabled: true, - moveSelectedRangeByClick: true, - manualRangeSelectionEnabled: true, - allowSlidersSwap: true, - callSelectedRangeChanged: "onMovingComplete" - }, - background: { - color: "#C0BAE1", - visible: true, - image: { - url: undefined, - location: 'full' - } - }, - dataSource: undefined, - dataSourceField: 'arg', - redrawOnResize: true, - theme: undefined, - selectedRangeChanged: null - }; - var calculateMarkerSize = function(renderer, value, sliderMarkerOptions) { - var formattedText = value === undefined ? rangeSelector.consts.emptySliderMarkerText : rangeSelector.formatValue(value, sliderMarkerOptions), - textBBox = rangeSelectorUtils.getTextBBox(renderer, formattedText, sliderMarkerOptions.font); - return { - width: Math.ceil(textBBox.width) + 2 * sliderMarkerOptions.padding, - height: Math.ceil(textBBox.height * rangeSelector.consts.fontHeightRatio) + 2 * sliderMarkerOptions.padding + sliderMarkerOptions.pointerSize - } - }; - var calculateScaleLabelHalfWidth = function(renderer, value, scaleOptions) { - var formattedText = rangeSelector.formatValue(value, scaleOptions.label), - textBBox = rangeSelectorUtils.getTextBBox(renderer, formattedText, scaleOptions.label.font); - return Math.ceil(textBBox.width / 2) - }; - var calculateRangeContainerCanvas = function(size, margin, sliderMarkerSpacing) { - var canvas = { - left: margin.left + sliderMarkerSpacing.left, - top: +, - width: size.width - margin.left - margin.right - sliderMarkerSpacing.left - sliderMarkerSpacing.right, - height: size.height - - margin.bottom - - sliderMarkerSpacing.bottom - }; - if (canvas.width <= 0) - canvas.width = 1; - return canvas - }; - var parseSliderMarkersPlaceholderSize = function(placeholderSize) { - var placeholderWidthLeft, - placeholderWidthRight, - placeholderHeight; - if (utils.isNumber(placeholderSize)) - placeholderWidthLeft = placeholderWidthRight = placeholderHeight = placeholderSize; - else if (placeholderSize) { - if (utils.isNumber(placeholderSize.height)) - placeholderHeight = placeholderSize.height; - if (utils.isNumber(placeholderSize.width)) - placeholderWidthLeft = placeholderWidthRight = placeholderSize.width; - else if (placeholderSize.width) { - if (utils.isNumber(placeholderSize.width.left)) - placeholderWidthLeft = placeholderSize.width.left; - if (utils.isNumber(placeholderSize.width.right)) - placeholderWidthRight = placeholderSize.width.right - } - } - return { - widthLeft: placeholderWidthLeft, - widthRight: placeholderWidthRight, - height: placeholderHeight - } - }; - var calculateSliderMarkersSpacing = function(renderer, size, scale, sliderMarkerOptions) { - var leftMarkerSize, - leftScaleLabelWidth = 0, - rightScaleLabelWidth = 0, - rightMarkerSize, - placeholderWidthLeft = 0, - placeholderWidthRight = 0, - placeholderHeight = 0, - parsedPlaceholderSize; - parsedPlaceholderSize = parseSliderMarkersPlaceholderSize(sliderMarkerOptions.placeholderSize); - placeholderWidthLeft = parsedPlaceholderSize.widthLeft || 0; - placeholderWidthRight = parsedPlaceholderSize.widthRight || 0; - placeholderHeight = parsedPlaceholderSize.height || 0; - if (sliderMarkerOptions.visible) { - leftMarkerSize = calculateMarkerSize(renderer, scale.startValue, sliderMarkerOptions); - if (!placeholderWidthLeft) - placeholderWidthLeft = leftMarkerSize.width; - rightMarkerSize = calculateMarkerSize(renderer, scale.endValue, sliderMarkerOptions); - if (!placeholderWidthRight) - placeholderWidthRight = rightMarkerSize.width; - if (!placeholderHeight) - placeholderHeight = Math.max(leftMarkerSize.height, rightMarkerSize.height) - } - if (scale.label.visible) { - leftScaleLabelWidth = calculateScaleLabelHalfWidth(renderer, scale.startValue, scale); - rightScaleLabelWidth = calculateScaleLabelHalfWidth(renderer, scale.endValue, scale) - } - placeholderWidthLeft = Math.max(placeholderWidthLeft, leftScaleLabelWidth); - placeholderWidthRight = Math.max(placeholderWidthRight, rightScaleLabelWidth); - return { - left: placeholderWidthLeft, - right: placeholderWidthRight, - top: placeholderHeight, - bottom: 0 - } - }; - var clearContainer = function(container) { - if (container) - container.empty() - }; - var getContainer = function(that) { - return that._element() - }; - var createRangeContainer = function(rangeContainerOptions) { - return rangeSelector.rangeSelectorFactory.createRangeContainer(rangeContainerOptions) - }; - var createTranslator = function(range, canvas) { - return { - x: core.CoreFactory.createTranslator2D(range.arg, canvas, {direction: "horizontal"}), - y: core.CoreFactory.createTranslator2D(range.val, canvas) - } - }; - var createTranslatorCanvas = function(sizeOptions, rangeContainerCanvas, scaleLabelsAreaHeight) { - return { - left: rangeContainerCanvas.left, - top:, - right: sizeOptions.width - rangeContainerCanvas.width - rangeContainerCanvas.left, - bottom: sizeOptions.height - rangeContainerCanvas.height - + scaleLabelsAreaHeight, - width: sizeOptions.width, - height: sizeOptions.height - } - }; - var createRenderer = function(that) { - var renderer = that.option('renderer'); - if (renderer) - return renderer; - return core.CoreFactory.createRenderer({ - pathModified: that.option('pathModified'), - rtl: that.option('rtlEnabled') - }) - }; - var createThemeManager = function(theme) { - return rangeSelector.rangeSelectorFactory.createThemeManager(theme) - }; - var calculateValueType = function(firstValue, secondValue) { - var types = [$.type(firstValue), $.type(secondValue)]; - $.inArray(); - return $.inArray('date', types) != -1 ? 'datetime' : $.inArray('number', types) != -1 ? 'numeric' : '' - }; - var createSeriesDataSource = function(that) { - var seriesDataSource, - dataSource = that._dataSource && that._dataSource.items(), - scaleOptions = that.option('scale'), - chartOptions = that.option('chart') || {}, - valueType = scaleOptions.valueType; - if (!valueType) - valueType = calculateValueType(scaleOptions.startValue, scaleOptions.endValue); - if (dataSource || chartOptions.series) { - seriesDataSource = new rangeSelector.SeriesDataSource({ - renderer: that.renderer, - dataSource: dataSource, - valueType: (valueType || '').toLowerCase(), - axisType: scaleOptions.type, - chart: chartOptions, - dataSourceField: that.option('dataSourceField'), - backgroundColor: that._userBackgroundColor, - incidentOccured: that._incidentOccured - }); - checkLogarithmicOptions(chartOptions.valueAxis, seriesDataSource.themeManager.theme().valueAxis.logarithmBase, that._incidentOccured) - } - return seriesDataSource - }; - var calculateTranslatorRange = function(that, seriesDataSource, scaleOptions) { - var translatorRange, - minValue, - maxValue, - inverted = false, - isEqualDates; - if (utils.isDefined(scaleOptions.startValue) && utils.isDefined(scaleOptions.endValue)) { - inverted = scaleOptions.inverted = scaleOptions.startValue > scaleOptions.endValue; - minValue = inverted ? scaleOptions.endValue : scaleOptions.startValue; - maxValue = inverted ? scaleOptions.startValue : scaleOptions.endValue - } - else if (utils.isDefined(scaleOptions.startValue) || utils.isDefined(scaleOptions.endValue)) { - minValue = scaleOptions.startValue; - maxValue = scaleOptions.endValue - } - translatorRange = seriesDataSource ? seriesDataSource.getBoundRange() : { - arg: new core.Range, - val: new core.Range({isValueRange: true}) - }; - isEqualDates = utils.isDate(minValue) && utils.isDate(maxValue) && minValue.getTime() === maxValue.getTime(); - if (minValue !== maxValue && !isEqualDates) - translatorRange.arg.addRange({ - invert: inverted, - min: minValue, - max: maxValue, - minVisible: minValue, - maxVisible: maxValue, - dataType: scaleOptions.valueType - }); - translatorRange.arg.addRange({ - base: scaleOptions.logarithmBase, - axisType: scaleOptions.type - }); - if (!translatorRange.arg.isDefined()) { - if (isEqualDates) - scaleOptions.valueType = 'numeric'; - translatorRange.arg.setStubData(scaleOptions.valueType) - } - return translatorRange - }; - var calculateScaleAreaHeight = function(renderer, scaleOptions, visibleMarkers) { - var textBBox, - visibleLabels = scaleOptions.label.visible; - if (scaleOptions.placeholderHeight) - return scaleOptions.placeholderHeight; - else { - textBBox = rangeSelectorUtils.getTextBBox(renderer, '0', scaleOptions.label.font); - return (visibleLabels ? scaleOptions.label.topIndent + textBBox.height : 0) + (visibleMarkers ? scaleOptions.marker.topIndent + scaleOptions.marker.separatorHeight : 0) - } - }; - var getTicksInfo = function(that, scaleOptions, translators, screenDelta) { - var isEmpty = scaleOptions.isEmpty, - tickProvider = core.CoreFactory.getTickProvider(), - minorTicksOptions, - majorTicksOptions, - startValue, - endValue, - businessRange = translators.x.getBusinessRange(); - minorTicksOptions = { - tickInterval: isEmpty ? 0 : that.option('scale').minorTickInterval, - showCustomBoundaryTicks: scaleOptions.showCustomBoundaryTicks, - minorTickCount: scaleOptions.minorTickCount - }; - majorTicksOptions = { - textOptions: { - align: 'center', - font: scaleOptions.label.font - }, - renderer: that.renderer, - getText: function(value) { - return rangeSelector.formatValue(value, scaleOptions.label) - }, - translator: translators.x, - isStartTickGenerated: !utils.isDefined(that.option('scale').majorTickInterval), - tickInterval: scaleOptions.majorTickInterval, - textSpacing: SCALE_TEXT_SPACING, - setTicksAtUnitBeginning: scaleOptions.setTicksAtUnitBeginning, - useTicksAutoArrangement: scaleOptions.useTicksAutoArrangement, - hideLabels: isEmpty - }; - startValue = isEmpty ? businessRange.min : scaleOptions.startValue; - endValue = isEmpty ? businessRange.max : scaleOptions.endValue; - return tickProvider.getFullTicks(startValue, endValue, screenDelta, majorTicksOptions, minorTicksOptions, { - axisType: scaleOptions.type, - dataType: scaleOptions.valueType, - base: scaleOptions.logarithmBase - }) - }; - var updateTickIntervals = function(scaleOptions, screenDelta, incidentOccured) { - var tickProvider = core.CoreFactory.getTickProvider(), - tickIntervals = tickProvider.getTickIntervals(scaleOptions.startValue, scaleOptions.endValue, screenDelta, { - tickInterval: scaleOptions.majorTickInterval, - incidentOccured: incidentOccured - }, { - tickInterval: scaleOptions.minorTickInterval, - incidentOccured: incidentOccured - }, { - axisType: scaleOptions.type, - dataType: scaleOptions.valueType, - base: scaleOptions.logarithmBase - }); - scaleOptions.minorTickInterval = tickIntervals.minorTickInterval; - scaleOptions.majorTickInterval = tickIntervals.majorTickInterval - }; - var updateScaleOptions = function(that, seriesDataSource, translatorRange, screenDelta, scaleOptions) { - var minVisibleX = utils.isDefined(translatorRange.arg.minVisible) ? translatorRange.arg.minVisible : translatorRange.arg.min, - maxVisibleX = utils.isDefined(translatorRange.arg.maxVisible) ? translatorRange.arg.maxVisible : translatorRange.arg.max, - isEmptyInterval; - if (seriesDataSource && !seriesDataSource.isEmpty()) { - scaleOptions.startValue = scaleOptions.inverted ? maxVisibleX : minVisibleX; - scaleOptions.endValue = scaleOptions.inverted ? minVisibleX : maxVisibleX - } - isEmptyInterval = utils.isDate(scaleOptions.startValue) && utils.isDate(scaleOptions.endValue) && scaleOptions.startValue.getTime() === scaleOptions.endValue.getTime() || scaleOptions.startValue === scaleOptions.endValue; - scaleOptions.isEmpty = !utils.isDefined(scaleOptions.startValue) || !utils.isDefined(scaleOptions.endValue) || isEmptyInterval || scaleOptions.valueType === 'string'; - if (scaleOptions.isEmpty) - scaleOptions.startValue = scaleOptions.endValue = undefined; - else { - updateTickIntervals(scaleOptions, screenDelta, that._incidentOccured); - if (scaleOptions.valueType === 'datetime' && !utils.isDefined(scaleOptions.label.format)) - if (!scaleOptions.marker.visible) - scaleOptions.label.format = formatHelper.getDateFormatByTickInterval(scaleOptions.startValue, scaleOptions.endValue, scaleOptions.majorTickInterval); - else - scaleOptions.label.format = utils.getDateUnitInterval(scaleOptions.majorTickInterval) - } - }; - var prepareSliderMarkersOptions = function(that, scaleOptions, screenDelta) { - var sliderMarkerOptions = $.extend(true, {}, that.option('sliderMarker')), - businessInterval; - if (!sliderMarkerOptions.format) { - if (!that.option('behavior').snapToTicks && utils.isNumber(scaleOptions.startValue)) { - businessInterval = Math.abs(scaleOptions.endValue - scaleOptions.startValue); - sliderMarkerOptions.format = 'fixedPoint'; - sliderMarkerOptions.precision = utils.getSignificantDigitPosition(businessInterval / screenDelta) - } - if (scaleOptions.valueType === 'datetime') - if (!scaleOptions.marker.visible) { - if (utils.isDefined(scaleOptions.startValue) && utils.isDefined(scaleOptions.endValue)) - sliderMarkerOptions.format = formatHelper.getDateFormatByTickInterval(scaleOptions.startValue, scaleOptions.endValue, scaleOptions.minorTickInterval !== 0 ? scaleOptions.minorTickInterval : scaleOptions.majorTickInterval) - } - else - sliderMarkerOptions.format = utils.getDateUnitInterval(utils.isDefined(scaleOptions.minorTickInterval) && scaleOptions.minorTickInterval !== 0 ? scaleOptions.minorTickInterval : scaleOptions.majorTickInterval) - } - return sliderMarkerOptions - }; - var showScaleMarkers = function(scaleOptions) { - return scaleOptions.valueType == 'datetime' && scaleOptions.marker.visible - }; - var updateTranslatorRangeInterval = function(translatorRange, scaleOptions) { - var intervalX = scaleOptions.minorTickInterval || scaleOptions.majorTickInterval; - translatorRange = translatorRange.arg.addRange({interval: intervalX}) - }; - var checkLogarithmicOptions = function(options, logarithmBase, incidentOccured) { - if (!options) - return; - if (options.type === 'logarithmic' && options.logarithmBase <= 0 || options.logarithmBase && !$.isNumeric(options.logarithmBase)) { - options.logarithmBase = logarithmBase; - incidentOccured('E2104') - } - else if (options.type !== 'logarithmic') - options.logarithmBase = undefined - }; - var prepareScaleOptions = function(that, seriesDataSource) { - var scaleOptions = $.extend(true, {}, that.option('scale')), - incidentOccured = that._incidentOccured, - parsedValue = 0, - parseUtils = new ParseUtils({incidentOccured: incidentOccured}), - valueType = parseUtils.correctValueType((scaleOptions.valueType || '').toLowerCase()); - if (seriesDataSource) - valueType = seriesDataSource.getCalculatedValueType() || valueType; - if (!valueType) - valueType = calculateValueType(scaleOptions.startValue, scaleOptions.endValue) || 'numeric'; - scaleOptions.valueType = valueType; - if (scaleOptions.valueType === 'string') { - that._incidentOccured("E2201"); - return scaleOptions - } - var parser = parseUtils.getParser(valueType, 'scale'); - if (utils.isDefined(scaleOptions.startValue)) { - parsedValue = parser(scaleOptions.startValue); - if (utils.isDefined(parsedValue)) - scaleOptions.startValue = parsedValue; - else { - scaleOptions.startValue = undefined; - that._incidentOccured("E2202", ["start"]) - } - } - if (utils.isDefined(scaleOptions.endValue)) { - parsedValue = parser(scaleOptions.endValue); - if (utils.isDefined(parsedValue)) - scaleOptions.endValue = parsedValue; - else { - scaleOptions.endValue = undefined; - that._incidentOccured("E2202", ["end"]) - } - } - checkLogarithmicOptions(scaleOptions, defaultRangeSelectorOptions.scale.logarithmBase, that._incidentOccured); - if (!scaleOptions.type) - scaleOptions.type = 'continuous'; - scaleOptions.parser = parser; - return scaleOptions - }; - var correctSizeOptions = function(that, sizeOptions, scaleOptions) { - var size = that.option('size') || {}; - if (!sizeOptions.height && size.height !== 0) - if (scaleOptions.valueType === 'datetime' && scaleOptions.marker.visible !== false) - sizeOptions.height = 160; - else - sizeOptions.height = 120; - if (!sizeOptions.width && size.width !== 0) - sizeOptions.width = 400 - }; - var applyOptions = function(that) { - var rangeContainerCanvas, - seriesDataSource, - translatorRange, - scaleLabelsAreaHeight, - sizeOptions, - sliderMarkerSpacing, - sliderMarkerOptions, - selectedRange, - $container = that.container; - that._isUpdating = true; - sizeOptions = calculateSize(that); - that._actualSize = sizeOptions; - seriesDataSource = createSeriesDataSource(that); - that._scaleOptions = prepareScaleOptions(that, seriesDataSource); - correctSizeOptions(that, sizeOptions, that._scaleOptions); - if (!sizeOptions.width || !sizeOptions.height || !$':visible')) { - that.stopRedraw = true; - that._incidentOccured("W2001", [that.NAME]); - return - } - else - that.stopRedraw = false; - updateRendererSize(that, sizeOptions); - that._updateLoadIndicator(undefined, that.canvas.width, that.canvas.height); - translatorRange = calculateTranslatorRange(that, seriesDataSource, that._scaleOptions); - updateScaleOptions(that, seriesDataSource, translatorRange, sizeOptions.width, that._scaleOptions); - updateTranslatorRangeInterval(translatorRange, that._scaleOptions); - sliderMarkerOptions = prepareSliderMarkersOptions(that, that._scaleOptions, sizeOptions.width); - selectedRange = initSelection(that, that._scaleOptions); - sliderMarkerSpacing = calculateSliderMarkersSpacing(that.renderer, sizeOptions, that._scaleOptions, sliderMarkerOptions); - rangeContainerCanvas = calculateRangeContainerCanvas(sizeOptions, that.option('margin'), sliderMarkerSpacing); - scaleLabelsAreaHeight = calculateScaleAreaHeight(that.renderer, that._scaleOptions, showScaleMarkers(that._scaleOptions)); - that.translators = createTranslator(translatorRange, createTranslatorCanvas(sizeOptions, rangeContainerCanvas, scaleLabelsAreaHeight)); - that._scaleOptions.ticksInfo = getTicksInfo(that, that._scaleOptions, that.translators, rangeContainerCanvas.width); - that._testTicksInfo = that._scaleOptions.ticksInfo; - that._selectedRange = selectedRange; - if (seriesDataSource) - seriesDataSource.adjustSeriesDimensions(that.translators); - that.rangeContainer.applyOptions({ - canvas: rangeContainerCanvas, - scaleLabelsAreaHeight: scaleLabelsAreaHeight, - sliderMarkerSpacing: sliderMarkerSpacing, - translators: that.translators, - selectedRange: selectedRange, - scale: that._scaleOptions, - behavior: that.option('behavior'), - background: that.option('background'), - chart: that.option('chart'), - seriesDataSource: seriesDataSource, - sliderMarker: sliderMarkerOptions, - sliderHandle: that.option('sliderHandle'), - shutter: that.option('shutter'), - selectedRangeChanged: createSelectedRangeChangedFunction(that), - setSelectedRange: function(selectedRange) { - that.setSelectedRange(selectedRange) - } - }); - that._isUpdating = false - }; - var createSelectedRangeChangedFunction = function(that) { - return function(selectedRange, blockSelectedRangeChanged) { - var selectedRangeChanged = that.option('selectedRangeChanged'); - that.option('selectedRange', selectedRange); - if (selectedRangeChanged && !blockSelectedRangeChanged) - setTimeout(function() { -, selectedRange) - }) - } - }; - var calculateSize = function(that) { - var $container = that.container, - size = that.option('size') || {}, - result = { - width: size.width, - height: size.height - }; - if ($container) { - if (!result.width) - result.width = $container.width(); - if (!result.height) - result.height = $container.height() - } - that.canvas = result; - return result - }; - var updateRendererSize = function(that, size) { - var renderer = that.renderer; - if (renderer.isInitialized()) - renderer.getRoot().applySettings({ - width: size.width, - height: size.height - }); - else { - renderer.recreateCanvas(size.width, size.height); - renderer.draw(that.container[0]) - } - }; - var prepareChartThemeOptions = function(that, options) { - var chartTheme, - chartOption = that.option('chart') || {}; - if (!chartOption.theme && options && options.theme) { - chartTheme = options.theme; - if (chartTheme) { - if (typeof chartTheme === 'object') { - chartTheme = chartTheme.chart || {}; - = - } - chartOption.theme = chartTheme - } - } - }; - var initSelection = function(that, scaleOptions) { - var selectedRangeOptions = that.option('selectedRange'), - startValue, - endValue, - parser = scaleOptions.parser || function() { - return null - }, - parseValue = function(value, entity) { - var parsedValue, - result = scaleOptions[entity]; - if (utils.isDefined(value)) - parsedValue = parser(value); - if (!utils.isDefined(parsedValue)) - that._incidentOccured("E2203", [entity]); - else - result = parsedValue; - return result - }; - if (!selectedRangeOptions) - return { - startValue: scaleOptions.startValue, - endValue: scaleOptions.endValue - }; - else { - startValue = parseValue(selectedRangeOptions.startValue, 'startValue'); - startValue = that.rangeContainer.slidersContainer.truncateSelectedRange(startValue, scaleOptions); - endValue = parseValue(selectedRangeOptions.endValue, 'endValue'); - endValue = that.rangeContainer.slidersContainer.truncateSelectedRange(endValue, scaleOptions); - return { - startValue: startValue, - endValue: endValue - } - } - }; - var _isSizeChanged = function(that) { - var actualSize = that._actualSize, - newSize = calculateSize(that); - return actualSize && (actualSize.width !== newSize.width || actualSize.height !== newSize.height) - }; - return { - isSizeChanged: function() { - return _isSizeChanged(this) - }, - _setDefaultOptions: function() { - this.callBase(); - this.option(defaultRangeSelectorOptions) - }, - _dataSourceOptions: function() { - return { - paginate: false, - _preferSync: true - } - }, - _init: function() { - var that = this; - that.container = getContainer(that); - clearContainer(that.container); - that.renderer = createRenderer(that); - that.rangeContainer = createRangeContainer(that.renderer); - that.callBase(); - that._reinitDataSource() - }, - _reinitDataSource: function() { - this._refreshDataSource() - }, - _dispose: function() { - var that = this, - disposeObject = function(propName) { - that[propName] && that[propName].dispose(), - that[propName] = null - }; - that.callBase(); - disposeObject("renderer"); - that.translators = null; - disposeObject("rangeContainer") - }, - _initOptions: function(options) { - var that = this, - themeManager; - that._optionsInitializing = true; - options = options || {}; - that._userOptions = $.extend(true, {}, options); - themeManager = createThemeManager(options.theme); - themeManager.setBackgroundColor(options.containerBackgroundColor); - that.option(themeManager.applyRangeSelectorTheme(options)); - prepareChartThemeOptions(that, options); - if (options.background) - that._userBackgroundColor = options.background.color - }, - _refresh: function() { - var that = this, - callBase = that.callBase; - that._endLoading(function() { - - }) - }, - _render: function(isResizing) { - var that = this, - currentAnimationEnabled, - behaviorOptions; - that._optionsInitializing = false; - applyOptions(that); - if (!that.stopRedraw) { - if (isResizing) { - behaviorOptions = that.option('behavior'); - currentAnimationEnabled = behaviorOptions.animationEnabled; - behaviorOptions.animationEnabled = false; - that.rangeContainer.redraw(); - behaviorOptions.animationEnabled = currentAnimationEnabled - } - else - that.rangeContainer.redraw(); - !isResizing && (!that._dataSource || that._dataSource && that._dataSource.isLoaded()) && that.hideLoadingIndicator() - } - that._drawn(); - that.__rendered && that.__rendered() - }, - _optionChanged: function(name, value, prevValue) { - var that = this; - if (!that._optionsInitializing) - dataUtils.compileSetter(name)(that._userOptions, value, { - functionsAsIs: true, - merge: true - }); - if (name === "dataSource") { - that._reinitDataSource(); - that._invalidate() - } - else if (name === "selectedRange") - that.setSelectedRange(that.option('selectedRange')); - else if (name === "selectedRangeChanged") - that.rangeContainer.slidersContainer.selectedRangeChanged = createSelectedRangeChangedFunction(that); - else if (name === 'containerBackgroundColor' || name === 'theme') { - that._initOptions(that._userOptions); - that._invalidate() - } - else - that.callBase(name, value, prevValue) - }, - _resize: function() { - if (_isSizeChanged(this)) - this._render(true) - }, - _handleDataSourceChanged: function() { - var that = this; - that._endLoading(function() { - if (that.renderer.isInitialized()) - that._render() - }) - }, - getSelectedRange: function() { - var that = this; - var selectedRange = that.rangeContainer.slidersContainer.getSelectedRange(); - return { - startValue: selectedRange.startValue, - endValue: selectedRange.endValue - } - }, - setSelectedRange: function(selectedRange) { - var that = this; - if (that._isUpdating || !selectedRange) - return; - var oldSelectedRange = that.rangeContainer.slidersContainer.getSelectedRange(); - if (oldSelectedRange && oldSelectedRange.startValue === selectedRange.startValue && oldSelectedRange.endValue === selectedRange.endValue) - return; - that.rangeContainer.slidersContainer.setSelectedRange(selectedRange) - }, - resetSelectedRange: function(blockSelectedRangeChanged) { - var that = this; - that.setSelectedRange({ - startValue: that._scaleOptions.startValue, - endValue: that._scaleOptions.endValue, - blockSelectedRangeChanged: blockSelectedRangeChanged - }) - }, - render: function(isResizing) { - this._render(isResizing); - return this - } - } - }()).include(DX.ui.DataHelperMixin) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-rangeselector, file rangeContainer.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var rangeSelector = DX.viz.rangeSelector; - rangeSelector.RangeContainer = rangeSelector.BaseVisualElement.inherit(function() { - var ctor = function(renderer) { - this.callBase(renderer); - this.slidersContainer = createSlidersContainer(renderer); - this.rangeView = createRangeView(renderer); - this.scale = createScale(renderer) - }; - var _applyOptions = function(options) { - var that = this, - isEmpty = options.scale.isEmpty, - viewCanvas = { - left: options.canvas.left, - top:, - width: options.canvas.width, - height: options.canvas.height >= options.scaleLabelsAreaHeight ? options.canvas.height - options.scaleLabelsAreaHeight : 0 - }; - that._viewCanvas = viewCanvas; - that.slidersContainer.applyOptions({ - canvas: viewCanvas, - translator: options.translators.x, - scale: options.scale, - selectedRange: options.selectedRange, - sliderMarker: options.sliderMarker, - sliderHandle: options.sliderHandle, - shutter: options.shutter, - behavior: options.behavior, - selectedRangeChanged: options.selectedRangeChanged, - isEmpty: isEmpty - }); - that.rangeView.applyOptions({ - canvas: viewCanvas, - translators: options.translators, - background: options.background, - chart: options.chart, - seriesDataSource: options.seriesDataSource, - behavior: options.behavior, - isEmpty: isEmpty - }); - that.scale.applyOptions({ - canvas: options.canvas, - translator: options.translators.x, - scale: options.scale, - hideLabels: isEmpty, - scaleLabelsAreaHeight: options.scaleLabelsAreaHeight, - setSelectedRange: options.setSelectedRange - }) - }; - var createSlidersContainer = function(options) { - return rangeSelector.rangeSelectorFactory.createSlidersContainer(options) - }; - var createScale = function(options) { - return rangeSelector.rangeSelectorFactory.createScale(options) - }; - var createRangeView = function(options) { - return rangeSelector.rangeSelectorFactory.createRangeView(options) - }; - var _createClipRectCanvas = function(canvas, sliderMarkerSpacing) { - return { - left: canvas.left - sliderMarkerSpacing.left, - top: -, - width: canvas.width + sliderMarkerSpacing.right + sliderMarkerSpacing.left, - height: canvas.height + sliderMarkerSpacing.bottom + - } - }; - var _draw = function() { - var that = this, - containerGroup, - rangeViewGroup, - slidersContainerGroup, - scaleGroup, - trackersGroup, - clipRectCanvas = _createClipRectCanvas(that._options.canvas, that._options.sliderMarkerSpacing), - viewCanvas = that._viewCanvas; - that._clipRect = that._renderer.createClipRect(clipRectCanvas.left,, clipRectCanvas.width, clipRectCanvas.height).append(); - containerGroup = that._renderer.createGroup({ - 'class': 'rangeContainer', - clipId: - }).append(); - that._viewClipRect = that._renderer.createClipRect(viewCanvas.left,, viewCanvas.width, viewCanvas.height).append(); - rangeViewGroup = that._renderer.createGroup({ - 'class': 'view', - clipId: - }); - rangeViewGroup.append(containerGroup); - that.rangeView.redraw(rangeViewGroup); - slidersContainerGroup = that._renderer.createGroup({'class': 'slidersContainer'}); - slidersContainerGroup.append(containerGroup); - that.slidersContainer.redraw(slidersContainerGroup); - scaleGroup = that._renderer.createGroup({'class': 'scale'}); - scaleGroup.append(containerGroup); - that.scale.redraw(scaleGroup); - trackersGroup = that._renderer.createGroup({'class': 'trackers'}); - trackersGroup.append(containerGroup); - that._trackersGroup = trackersGroup; - that.slidersContainer.appendTrackers(trackersGroup) - }; - var _update = function() { - var that = this, - clipRectCanvas = _createClipRectCanvas(that._options.canvas, that._options.sliderMarkerSpacing), - viewCanvas = that._viewCanvas; - that._clipRect.updateRectangle({ - x: clipRectCanvas.left, - y:, - width: clipRectCanvas.width, - height: clipRectCanvas.height - }); - that._viewClipRect.updateRectangle({ - x: viewCanvas.left, - y:, - width: viewCanvas.width, - height: viewCanvas.height - }); - that.rangeView.redraw(); - that.slidersContainer.redraw(); - that.slidersContainer.appendTrackers(that._trackersGroup); - that.scale.redraw() - }; - var dispose = function() { - this.slidersContainer.dispose(); - this.slidersContainer = null - }; - var prototypeObject = { - createSlidersContainer: createSlidersContainer, - createScale: createScale, - ctor: ctor, - dispose: dispose, - _applyOptions: _applyOptions, - _draw: _draw, - _update: _update - }; - return prototypeObject - }()) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-rangeselector, file scale.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var rangeSelector = DX.viz.rangeSelector, - formatHelper = DX.formatHelper, - utils = DX.utils; - var SCALE_TEXT_SPACING = 5; - rangeSelector.Scale = rangeSelector.BaseVisualElement.inherit({ - _setupDateUnitInterval: function(scaleOptions) { - var key, - hasObjectSingleField = function(object) { - var fieldsCounter = 0; - $.each(object, function() { - return ++fieldsCounter < 2 - }); - return fieldsCounter === 1 - }, - millisecTickInterval, - majorTickInterval = scaleOptions.ticksInfo.majorTickInterval, - majorTicks = scaleOptions.ticksInfo.majorTicks; - if (scaleOptions.valueType === 'datetime') { - if (utils.isObject(majorTickInterval) && !hasObjectSingleField(majorTickInterval)) - utils.logger.warn('More than one field is specified within the object assigned to the "tickInterval" option. Assign an object with a single field specified (days, hours or a similar one).'); - if (majorTicks && majorTicks.autoArrangementStep > 1) { - if (utils.isString(majorTickInterval)) - majorTickInterval = utils.getDateIntervalByString(majorTickInterval); - for (key in majorTickInterval) - if (majorTickInterval.hasOwnProperty(key)) { - majorTickInterval[key] *= majorTicks.autoArrangementStep; - millisecTickInterval = utils.convertDateTickIntervalToMilliseconds(majorTickInterval) - } - majorTickInterval = utils.convertMillisecondsToDateUnits(millisecTickInterval) - } - this.dateUnitInterval = utils.getDateUnitInterval(majorTickInterval) - } - }, - _prepareDatesDifferences: function(datesDifferences, tickInterval) { - var deleteDifferent = tickInterval, - dateUnitInterval, - i; - if (deleteDifferent === 'week') - deleteDifferent = 'day'; - if (deleteDifferent === 'quarter') - deleteDifferent = 'month'; - if (datesDifferences[deleteDifferent]) - for (i = 0; i < utils.dateUnitIntervals.length; i++) { - dateUnitInterval = utils.dateUnitIntervals[i]; - if (datesDifferences[dateUnitInterval]) { - datesDifferences[dateUnitInterval] = false; - datesDifferences.count-- - } - if (dateUnitInterval === deleteDifferent) - break - } - }, - _getMarkerDate: function(date, tickInterval) { - var markerDate = new Date(date.getTime()), - month = 0; - switch (tickInterval) { - case'quarter': - month = formatHelper.getFirstQuarterMonth(date.getMonth()); - case'month': - markerDate.setMonth(month); - case'week': - case'day': - markerDate.setDate(1); - case'hour': - markerDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - break; - case'millisecond': - markerDate.setMilliseconds(0); - break; - case'second': - markerDate.setSeconds(0, 0); - break; - case'minute': - markerDate.setMinutes(0, 0, 0); - break - } - return markerDate - }, - _drawDateMarker: function(date, options) { - var labelPosX, - labelPosY, - dateFormated, - scaleOptions, - textElement; - if (options.x === null) - return; - scaleOptions = this._options.scale; - this.lineOptions['class'] = 'dx-range-selector-date-marker'; - this._renderer.createLine(options.x, options.y, options.x, options.y + scaleOptions.marker.separatorHeight, this.lineOptions).append(; - dateFormated = this._getLabel(date, options.label); - labelPosX = options.x + scaleOptions.tick.width + scaleOptions.marker.textLeftIndent; - labelPosY = options.y + scaleOptions.marker.textTopIndent + scaleOptions.label.font.size; - this.textOptions.align = 'left'; - textElement = this._renderer.createText(dateFormated, labelPosX, labelPosY, this.textOptions).append(; - return labelPosX + textElement.getBBox().width - }, - _drawDateMarkers: function(dates, group) { - var dateMarker, - i, - datesDifferences, - markerDate, - posX, - prevMarkerRightX = -1; - if (this._options.scale.valueType !== 'datetime' || !this.visibleMarkers) - return; - var markerDatePositions = []; - if (dates.length > 1) { - for (i = 1; i < dates.length; i++) { - datesDifferences = utils.getDatesDifferences(dates[i - 1], dates[i]); - this._prepareDatesDifferences(datesDifferences, this.dateUnitInterval); - if (datesDifferences.count > 0) { - markerDate = this._getMarkerDate(dates[i], this.dateUnitInterval); - this.markerDates = this.markerDates || []; - this.markerDates.push(markerDate); - posX = this.translator.translate(markerDate); - if (posX > prevMarkerRightX) { - posX !== null && markerDatePositions.push({ - date: markerDate, - posX: posX - }); - prevMarkerRightX = this._drawDateMarker(markerDate, { - group: group, - y: + this._options.canvas.height - this.markersAreaHeight + this._options.scale.marker.topIndent, - x: posX, - label: this._getLabelFormatOptions(formatHelper.getDateFormatByDifferences(datesDifferences)) - }) - } - } - } - this._initializeMarkersEvents(markerDatePositions, group) - } - }, - _getLabelFormatOptions: function(formatString) { - if (!utils.isDefined(this._options.scale.marker.label.format)) - return $.extend({}, this._options.scale.marker.label, {format: formatString}); - return this._options.scale.marker.label - }, - _calculateRangeByMarkerPosition: function(posX, markerDatePositions, scaleOptions) { - var selectedRange = {}, - i, - position; - for (i = 0; i < markerDatePositions.length; i++) { - position = markerDatePositions[i]; - if (!scaleOptions.inverted) { - if (posX >= position.posX) - selectedRange.startValue =; - else if (!selectedRange.endValue) - selectedRange.endValue = - } - else if (posX < position.posX) - selectedRange.endValue =; - else if (!selectedRange.startValue) - selectedRange.startValue = - } - selectedRange.startValue = selectedRange.startValue || scaleOptions.startValue; - selectedRange.endValue = selectedRange.endValue || scaleOptions.endValue; - return selectedRange - }, - _initializeMarkersEvents: function(markerDatePositions, group) { - var that = this, - markersAreaTop = + this._options.canvas.height - this.markersAreaHeight + this._options.scale.marker.topIndent, - markersTracker, - svgOffsetLeft, - index, - posX, - selectedRange; - if (markerDatePositions.length > 0) { - markersTracker = that._renderer.createRect(that._options.canvas.left, markersAreaTop, that._options.canvas.width, that._options.scale.marker.separatorHeight, 0, { - fill: 'grey', - stroke: 'grey', - opacity: 0.0001 - }); - markersTracker.append(group); - markersTracker.on(, function(e) { - svgOffsetLeft = rangeSelector.utils.getRootOffsetLeft(that._renderer); - posX = rangeSelector.utils.getEventPageX(e) - svgOffsetLeft; - selectedRange = that._calculateRangeByMarkerPosition(posX, markerDatePositions, that._options.scale); - that._options.setSelectedRange(selectedRange) - }); - that._markersTracker = markersTracker - } - }, - _getLabel: function(value, options) { - var formatObject = { - value: value, - valueText: formatHelper.format(value, options.format, options.precision) - }; - return String(utils.isFunction(options.customizeText) ?, formatObject) : formatObject.valueText) - }, - _drawLabel: function(value, group) { - var textY = + this._options.canvas.height - this.markersAreaHeight, - textElement = this._renderer.createText(this._getLabel(value, this._options.scale.label), this.translator.translate(value), textY, this.textOptions); - textElement.append(group); - this.textElements = this.textElements || []; - this.textElements.push(textElement) - }, - _drawTick: function(value, group) { - this.lineOptions['class'] = 'dx-range-selector-tick'; - var secondY = + this._options.canvas.height - this.scaleLabelsAreaHeight, - posX = this.translator.translate(value), - tickElement = this._renderer.createLine(posX,, posX, secondY, this.lineOptions).append(group); - this.tickElements = this.tickElements || []; - this.tickElements.push(tickElement) - }, - _redraw: function(group, isOptimize) { - var that = this, - scaleOptions = that._options.scale, - ticksGroup = that._renderer.createGroup(), - labelsGroup = that._renderer.createGroup().append(group), - majorTicks = scaleOptions.ticksInfo.majorTicks, - minorTicks = scaleOptions.ticksInfo.minorTicks, - customBoundaryTicks = scaleOptions.ticksInfo.customBoundaryTicks, - hideLabels = that._options.hideLabels || majorTicks.hideLabels || !scaleOptions.label.visible, - i; - for (i = 0; i < majorTicks.length; i++) { - if (!hideLabels) - that._drawLabel(majorTicks[i], labelsGroup); - that._drawTick(majorTicks[i], ticksGroup) - } - if (scaleOptions.showMinorTicks) - for (i = 0; i < minorTicks.length; i++) - that._drawTick(minorTicks[i], ticksGroup); - for (i = 0; i < customBoundaryTicks.length; i++) - that._drawTick(customBoundaryTicks[i], ticksGroup); - ticksGroup.append(group); - that._drawDateMarkers(majorTicks, labelsGroup) - }, - _applyOptions: function(options) { - var scaleOptions = options.scale, - labelsAreaHeight; - this.textOptions = { - align: 'center', - 'class': 'dx-range-selector-scale', - font: scaleOptions.label.font, - style: {'-webkit-user-select': 'none'} - }; - this.lineOptions = { - strokeWidth: scaleOptions.tick.width, - stroke: scaleOptions.tick.color, - strokeOpacity: scaleOptions.tick.opacity - }; - this._setupDateUnitInterval(scaleOptions); - this.visibleMarkers = scaleOptions.marker.visible === undefined ? true : scaleOptions.marker.visible; - labelsAreaHeight = scaleOptions.label.visible ? scaleOptions.label.topIndent + scaleOptions.label.font.size : 0; - this.scaleLabelsAreaHeight = options.scaleLabelsAreaHeight; - this.markersAreaHeight = this.scaleLabelsAreaHeight - labelsAreaHeight; - this.translator = options.translator - }, - _draw: function(group) { - this._redraw(group, false) - }, - _update: function(group) { - var callBase = this.callBase; - if (this._markersTracker) -, '**'); - this.callBase = callBase; - this.callBase(group) - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-rangeselector, file rangeFactory.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var rangeSelector = DX.viz.rangeSelector, - renderers = DX.viz.renderers; - rangeSelector.rangeSelectorFactory = function() { - return { - createRangeContainer: function(rangeContainerOptions) { - return new rangeSelector.RangeContainer(rangeContainerOptions) - }, - createSlidersContainer: function(options) { - return new rangeSelector.SlidersContainer(options) - }, - createScale: function(options) { - return new rangeSelector.Scale(options) - }, - createSliderMarker: function(options) { - return new rangeSelector.SliderMarker(options) - }, - createRangeView: function(options) { - return new rangeSelector.RangeView(options) - }, - createThemeManager: function(options) { - return new rangeSelector.ThemeManager(options) - }, - createSlider: function(renderer, sliderIndex) { - return new rangeSelector.Slider(renderer, sliderIndex) - }, - createSlidersEventsManager: function(renderer, slidersController, processSelectionChanged) { - return new rangeSelector.SlidersEventsManager(renderer, slidersController, processSelectionChanged) - }, - createSlidersController: function(sliders) { - return new rangeSelector.SlidersController(sliders) - } - } - }() - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-rangeselector, file slidersContainer.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var rangeSelector = DX.viz.rangeSelector, - utils = DX.utils; - var msPointerEnabled = window.navigator.msPointerEnabled || window.navigator.pointerEnabled; - var isNumber = DX.utils.isNumber; - var isDate = DX.utils.isDate; - var START_VALUE_INDEX = 0, - END_VALUE_INDEX = 1; - rangeSelector.SlidersContainer = rangeSelector.BaseVisualElement.inherit(function() { - var prototypeObject = { - getController: function() { - return this._controller - }, - _drawAreaTracker: function(group) { - var that = this, - areaTracker, - selectedAreaTracker; - areaTracker = that._renderer.createRect(that._options.canvas.left,, that._options.canvas.width, that._options.canvas.height, 0, { - fill: 'grey', - stroke: 'grey', - opacity: 0.0001 - }); - areaTracker.append(group); - selectedAreaTracker = that._renderer.createRect(that._options.canvas.left,, that._options.canvas.width, that._options.canvas.height, 0, { - fill: 'grey', - stroke: 'grey', - opacity: 0.0001, - style: {cursor: 'pointer'} - }); - selectedAreaTracker.append(group); - that._controller.setAreaTrackers(areaTracker, selectedAreaTracker) - }, - dispose: function() { - this._eventsManager.dispose(); - this._eventManager = null - }, - _processSelectionChanged: function(moving, blockSelectedRangeChanged) { - var that = this, - equalLastSelectedRange = function(selectedRange) { - return selectedRange && that._lastSelectedRange.startValue === selectedRange.startValue && that._lastSelectedRange.endValue === selectedRange.endValue - }, - selectedRange = that.getSelectedRange(); - if ((!moving || (that._options.behavior.callSelectedRangeChanged || '').toLowerCase() === "onmoving") && that._options.selectedRangeChanged && !equalLastSelectedRange(selectedRange)) { - that._updateLastSelectedRange(selectedRange); - if (typeof that._options.selectedRangeChanged === 'function') -, selectedRange, blockSelectedRangeChanged); - if (!moving && !equalLastSelectedRange(selectedRange)) - that.setSelectedRange(selectedRange) - } - }, - _updateLastSelectedRange: function(selectedRange) { - selectedRange = selectedRange || this._options.selectedRange; - this._lastSelectedRange = { - startValue: selectedRange.startValue, - endValue: selectedRange.endValue - } - }, - _createSlider: function(sliderIndex) { - return rangeSelector.rangeSelectorFactory.createSlider(this._renderer, sliderIndex) - }, - _createSlidersController: function(sliders) { - return rangeSelector.rangeSelectorFactory.createSlidersController(sliders) - }, - _createSlidersEventsManager: function(controller) { - var that = this; - return rangeSelector.rangeSelectorFactory.createSlidersEventsManager(that._renderer, controller, function(moving) { - that._processSelectionChanged(moving) - }) - }, - ctor: function(renderer) { - var that = this, - sliders; - that.callBase(renderer); - sliders = [that._createSlider(START_VALUE_INDEX), that._createSlider(END_VALUE_INDEX)]; - that._controller = that._createSlidersController(sliders); - that._eventsManager = that._createSlidersEventsManager(that._controller); - that._lastSelectedRange = {} - }, - getSelectedRange: function() { - return this._controller.getSelectedRange() - }, - truncateSelectedRange: function(value, scaleOptions) { - var min = scaleOptions.startValue > scaleOptions.endValue ? scaleOptions.endValue : scaleOptions.startValue, - max = scaleOptions.startValue > scaleOptions.endValue ? scaleOptions.startValue : scaleOptions.endValue; - if (value < min) - value = min; - if (value > max) - value = max; - return value - }, - setSelectedRange: function(selectedRange) { - var that = this, - scale = that._options.scale, - startValue, - endValue, - currentSelectedRange = that._options.selectedRange; - if (selectedRange) { - startValue = selectedRange.startValue; - endValue = selectedRange.endValue - } - if (isNumber(scale.startValue) && isNumber(startValue) || isDate(scale.startValue) && isDate(startValue)) - currentSelectedRange.startValue = startValue; - if (isNumber(scale.endValue) && isNumber(endValue) || isDate(scale.endValue) && isDate(endValue)) - currentSelectedRange.endValue = endValue; - currentSelectedRange.startValue = that.truncateSelectedRange(currentSelectedRange.startValue, scale); - currentSelectedRange.endValue = that.truncateSelectedRange(currentSelectedRange.endValue, scale); - that._controller.applySelectedRange(currentSelectedRange); - that._controller.applyPosition(); - that._processSelectionChanged(false, selectedRange && selectedRange.blockSelectedRangeChanged) - }, - appendTrackers: function(group) { - this._controller.appendTrackers(group) - }, - _applyOptions: function(options) { - var that = this; - that._controller.applyOptions({ - translator: options.translator, - canvas: options.canvas, - sliderMarker: options.sliderMarker, - sliderHandle: options.sliderHandle, - shutter: options.shutter, - scale: options.scale, - behavior: options.behavior - }); - that._eventsManager.applyOptions({behavior: options.behavior}) - }, - _draw: function(group) { - var that = this, - rootElement; - if (msPointerEnabled) { - rootElement = that._renderer.getRoot(); - rootElement && ( = "pinch-zoom") - } - that._controller.redraw(group); - that._drawAreaTracker(group); - that._eventsManager.initialize(); - that._update() - }, - _update: function() { - var that = this, - isEmpty = that._options.isEmpty; - that._eventsManager.setEnabled(!isEmpty); - that._controller.applySelectedRange(isEmpty ? {} : that._options.selectedRange); - that._controller.applyPosition(that.isDrawn()); - that._updateLastSelectedRange(); - that._controller.redraw() - } - }; - return prototypeObject - }()) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-rangeselector, file slidersController.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var rangeSelector = DX.viz.rangeSelector, - utils = DX.utils; - var START_VALUE_INDEX = 0, - END_VALUE_INDEX = 1; - rangeSelector.SlidersController = DX.Class.inherit(function() { - return { - ctor: function(sliders) { - this._sliders = sliders; - sliders[START_VALUE_INDEX].setAnotherSlider(sliders[END_VALUE_INDEX]); - sliders[END_VALUE_INDEX].setAnotherSlider(sliders[START_VALUE_INDEX]) - }, - setAreaTrackers: function(areaTracker, selectedAreaTracker) { - this._areaTracker = areaTracker; - this._selectedAreaTracker = selectedAreaTracker - }, - applyOptions: function(options) { - var that = this, - values = null; - that._options = options; - that.getSlider(START_VALUE_INDEX).applyOptions(options); - that.getSlider(END_VALUE_INDEX).applyOptions(options); - if (options.behavior.snapToTicks) { - values = options.scale.ticksInfo.fullTicks; - if (values.length > 1 && values[0] > values[values.length - 1]) - values = values.reverse() - } - that.getSlider(START_VALUE_INDEX).setAvailableValues(values); - that.getSlider(END_VALUE_INDEX).setAvailableValues(values) - }, - processDocking: function(sliderIndex) { - var that = this; - if (sliderIndex !== undefined) - that.getSlider(sliderIndex).processDocking(); - else { - that.getSlider(START_VALUE_INDEX).processDocking(); - that.getSlider(END_VALUE_INDEX).processDocking() - } - that.setTrackersCursorStyle('default'); - that.applyAreaTrackersPosition() - }, - getSelectedRangeInterval: function() { - var that = this, - type = that._options.scale.type, - base = that._options.scale.logarithmBase, - startValue = that.getSlider(START_VALUE_INDEX).getValue(), - endValue = that.getSlider(END_VALUE_INDEX).getValue(); - if (type === 'logarithmic') - return rangeSelector.utils.getInterval(utils.getLog(startValue, base), utils.getLog(endValue, base)); - else - return rangeSelector.utils.getInterval(startValue, endValue) - }, - moveSliders: function(postitionDelta, selectedRangeInterval) { - var that = this; - that.getSlider(START_VALUE_INDEX).setPosition(that.getSlider(START_VALUE_INDEX).getPosition() + postitionDelta, false, selectedRangeInterval); - that.applyPosition(true) - }, - moveSlider: function(sliderIndex, fastSwap, position, offsetPosition, startOffsetPosition, startOffsetPositionChangedCallback) { - var that = this, - slider = that.getSlider(sliderIndex), - anotherSlider = slider.getAnotherSlider(), - anotherSliderIndex = anotherSlider.getIndex(), - doSwap; - if (slider.canSwap()) - if (sliderIndex === START_VALUE_INDEX ? position > anotherSlider.getPosition() : position < anotherSlider.getPosition()) { - doSwap = fastSwap; - if (!fastSwap) - if (Math.abs(offsetPosition) >= Math.abs(startOffsetPosition) && offsetPosition * startOffsetPosition < 0) { - doSwap = true; - position += 2 * startOffsetPosition; - startOffsetPositionChangedCallback(-startOffsetPosition) - } - if (doSwap) { - that.swapSliders(); - anotherSlider.applyPosition(true) - } - } - slider.setPosition(position, true); - slider.applyPosition(true); - that.applyAreaTrackersPosition(); - that.setTrackersCursorStyle('w-resize') - }, - applySelectedAreaCenterPosition: function(pos) { - var that = this, - slidersContainerHalfWidth = (that.getSlider(END_VALUE_INDEX).getPosition() - that.getSlider(START_VALUE_INDEX).getPosition()) / 2, - selectedRangeInterval = that.getSelectedRangeInterval(); - that.getSlider(START_VALUE_INDEX).setPosition(pos - slidersContainerHalfWidth, false, selectedRangeInterval); - that.applyPosition(); - that.processDocking() - }, - processManualSelection: function(startPosition, endPosition, eventArgs) { - var that = this, - animateSliderIndex, - movingSliderIndex, - positionRange = [Math.min(startPosition, endPosition), Math.max(startPosition, endPosition)]; - animateSliderIndex = startPosition < endPosition ? START_VALUE_INDEX : END_VALUE_INDEX; - movingSliderIndex = startPosition < endPosition ? END_VALUE_INDEX : START_VALUE_INDEX; - that.getSlider(movingSliderIndex).setPosition(positionRange[movingSliderIndex]); - that.getSlider(animateSliderIndex).setPosition(positionRange[animateSliderIndex]); - that.getSlider(movingSliderIndex).setPosition(positionRange[movingSliderIndex], true); - that.getSlider(movingSliderIndex).startEventHandler(eventArgs); - that.getSlider(animateSliderIndex).processDocking(); - that.getSlider(movingSliderIndex).applyPosition(true) - }, - applySelectedRange: function(selectedRange) { - var that = this, - inverted = that._options.scale.inverted; - utils.debug.assertParam(selectedRange, 'selectedRange not passed'); - if (!inverted && selectedRange.startValue > selectedRange.endValue || inverted && selectedRange.startValue < selectedRange.endValue) { - that.getSlider(START_VALUE_INDEX).setValue(selectedRange.endValue); - that.getSlider(END_VALUE_INDEX).setValue(selectedRange.startValue) - } - else { - that.getSlider(START_VALUE_INDEX).setValue(selectedRange.startValue); - that.getSlider(END_VALUE_INDEX).setValue(selectedRange.endValue) - } - }, - getSelectedRange: function() { - var that = this; - return { - startValue: that.getSlider(START_VALUE_INDEX).getValue(), - endValue: that.getSlider(END_VALUE_INDEX).getValue() - } - }, - swapSliders: function() { - var that = this; - that._sliders.reverse(); - that.getSlider(START_VALUE_INDEX).changeLocation(); - that.getSlider(END_VALUE_INDEX).changeLocation() - }, - applyAreaTrackersPosition: function() { - var that = this, - selectedRange = that.getSelectedRange(), - scaleOptions = that._options.scale, - width = that.getSlider(END_VALUE_INDEX).getPosition() - that.getSlider(START_VALUE_INDEX).getPosition(), - options = { - x: that.getSlider(START_VALUE_INDEX).getPosition(), - width: width < 0 ? 0 : width, - y:, - height: that._options.canvas.height, - style: {cursor: scaleOptions.endValue - scaleOptions.startValue === selectedRange.endValue - selectedRange.startValue ? 'default' : 'pointer'} - }; - that._selectedAreaTracker.applySettings(options); - that._areaTracker.applySettings({ - x: that._options.canvas.left, - width: that._options.canvas.width, - y:, - height: that._options.canvas.height - }) - }, - applyPosition: function(disableAnimation) { - var that = this; - that.getSlider(START_VALUE_INDEX).applyPosition(disableAnimation); - that.getSlider(END_VALUE_INDEX).applyPosition(disableAnimation); - that.applyAreaTrackersPosition() - }, - redraw: function(group) { - var that = this; - that.getSlider(START_VALUE_INDEX).redraw(group); - that.getSlider(END_VALUE_INDEX).redraw(group) - }, - appendTrackers: function(group) { - var that = this; - if (that._areaTracker && that._selectedAreaTracker) { - that._areaTracker.append(group); - that._selectedAreaTracker.append(group) - } - that.getSlider(START_VALUE_INDEX).appendTrackers(group); - that.getSlider(END_VALUE_INDEX).appendTrackers(group) - }, - getSlider: function(sliderIndex) { - return this._sliders[sliderIndex] - }, - getAreaTracker: function() { - return this._areaTracker - }, - getSelectedAreaTracker: function() { - return this._selectedAreaTracker - }, - setTrackersCursorStyle: function(style) { - var that = this; - that._selectedAreaTracker.applySettings({style: {cursor: style}}); - that._areaTracker.applySettings({style: {cursor: style}}) - } - } - }()) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-rangeselector, file slidersEventsManager.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var rangeSelector = DX.viz.rangeSelector, - utils = DX.utils, - MIN_MANUAL_SELECTING_WIDTH = 10, - START_VALUE_INDEX = 0, - END_VALUE_INDEX = 1, - addNamespace =, - setEvents = function() { - var win = window; - win = DX.viz.rangeSelector.mockWindow || window; - var touchSupport = "ontouchstart" in win, - msPointerEnabled = win.navigator.msPointerEnabled, - pointerEnabled = win.navigator.pointerEnabled; - = { - start: pointerEnabled ? "pointerdown" : msPointerEnabled ? "MSPointerDown" : touchSupport ? "touchstart mousedown" : "mousedown", - move: pointerEnabled ? "pointermove" : msPointerEnabled ? "MSPointerMove" : touchSupport ? "touchmove mousemove" : "mousemove", - end: pointerEnabled ? "pointerup pointercancel" : msPointerEnabled ? "MSPointerUp MSPointerCancel" : touchSupport ? "touchend mouseup" : "mouseup" - } - }, - _SlidersEventManager, - getEventPageX = rangeSelector.utils.getEventPageX, - rangeSelectorCount = 0; - setEvents(); - var isLeftButtonPressed = function(event) { - var e = event || window.event, - originalEvent = e.originalEvent, - touches = e.touches, - pointerType = originalEvent ? originalEvent.pointerType : false, - eventTouches = originalEvent ? originalEvent.touches : false, - isIE8LeftClick = e.which === undefined && e.button === 1, - isMSPointerLeftClick = originalEvent && pointerType !== undefined && (pointerType === (originalEvent.MSPOINTER_TYPE_TOUCH || 'touch') || pointerType === (originalEvent.MSPOINTER_TYPE_MOUSE || 'mouse') && originalEvent.buttons === 1), - isLeftClick = isIE8LeftClick || e.which === 1, - isTouches = touches && touches.length > 0 || eventTouches && eventTouches.length > 0; - return isLeftClick || isMSPointerLeftClick || isTouches - }; - var isMultiTouches = function(event) { - var originalEvent = event.originalEvent, - touches = event.touches, - eventTouches = originalEvent ? originalEvent.touches : false; - return touches && touches.length > 1 || eventTouches && eventTouches.length > 1 || null - }; - var isTouchEventArgs = function(e) { - return e && e.type && e.type.indexOf('touch') === 0 - }; - _SlidersEventManager = rangeSelector.SlidersEventsManager = function(renderer, slidersController, processSelectionChanged) { - var that = this, - uniqueNS = that._uniqueNS = 'dx-range-selector_' + rangeSelectorCount++, - rangeSelectorEvents =; - that._renderer = renderer; - that._slidersController = slidersController; - that._processSelectionChanged = processSelectionChanged; - that._enabled = true; - that._eventsNames = { - start: addNamespace(rangeSelectorEvents.start, uniqueNS), - move: addNamespace(rangeSelectorEvents.move, uniqueNS), - end: addNamespace(rangeSelectorEvents.end, uniqueNS) - } - }; - _SlidersEventManager.prototype = { - constructor: _SlidersEventManager, - _getRootOffsetLeft: function() { - return rangeSelector.utils.getRootOffsetLeft(this._renderer) - }, - _initializeSliderEvents: function(sliderIndex) { - var that = this, - renderer = that._renderer, - isTouchEvent, - slidersController = that._slidersController, - processSelectionChanged = that._processSelectionChanged, - slider = slidersController.getSlider(sliderIndex), - anotherSlider = slider.getAnotherSlider(), - fastSwap, - startOffsetPosition, - splitterMoving, - sliderEndHandler = function(e) { - if (splitterMoving) { - splitterMoving = false; - slidersController.processDocking(); - processSelectionChanged(false) - } - }, - sliderMoveHandler = function(e) { - var doSwap, - pageX, - offsetPosition, - svgOffsetLeft = that._getRootOffsetLeft(), - position, - sliderIndex = slider.getIndex(); - if (isTouchEvent !== isTouchEventArgs(e)) - return; - if (!isLeftButtonPressed(e, true) && splitterMoving) { - splitterMoving = false; - slidersController.processDocking(); - processSelectionChanged(false) - } - else if (splitterMoving) { - if (!isMultiTouches(e)) { - this.preventedDefault = true; - e.preventDefault() - } - pageX = getEventPageX(e); - position = pageX - startOffsetPosition - svgOffsetLeft; - offsetPosition = pageX - slider.getPosition() - svgOffsetLeft; - slidersController.moveSlider(sliderIndex, fastSwap, position, offsetPosition, startOffsetPosition, function(newStartOffsetPosition) { - startOffsetPosition = newStartOffsetPosition - }); - processSelectionChanged(true) - } - }, - eventsNames = that._eventsNames; - slider.startEventHandler = function(e) { - if (!that._enabled || !isLeftButtonPressed(e) || splitterMoving) - return; - fastSwap = this === slider.getSliderTracker().element; - splitterMoving = true; - isTouchEvent = isTouchEventArgs(e); - startOffsetPosition = getEventPageX(e) - slider.getPosition() - that._getRootOffsetLeft(); - if (!isMultiTouches(e)) { - this.preventedDefault = true; - e.stopPropagation(); - e.preventDefault() - } - }; - slider.on(eventsNames.start, slider.startEventHandler); - $(document).on(eventsNames.end, sliderEndHandler).on(eventsNames.move, sliderMoveHandler); - slider.__moveEventHandler = sliderMoveHandler - }, - _initializeAreaEvents: function() { - var that = this, - renderer = that._renderer, - isTouchEvent, - slidersController = that._slidersController, - processSelectionChanged = that._processSelectionChanged, - areaTracker = slidersController.getAreaTracker(), - unselectedAreaProcessing = false, - splitterMoving = false, - startPageX, - areaEndHandler = function(e) { - var pageX; - if (unselectedAreaProcessing) { - pageX = getEventPageX(e); - if (that._options.behavior.moveSelectedRangeByClick && Math.abs(startPageX - pageX) < MIN_MANUAL_SELECTING_WIDTH) - slidersController.applySelectedAreaCenterPosition(pageX - that._getRootOffsetLeft()); - unselectedAreaProcessing = false; - processSelectionChanged(false) - } - }, - areaMoveHandler = function(e) { - var pageX, - startPosition, - endPosition, - svgOffsetLeft = that._getRootOffsetLeft(); - if (isTouchEvent !== isTouchEventArgs(e)) - return; - if (unselectedAreaProcessing && !isLeftButtonPressed(e)) { - unselectedAreaProcessing = false; - processSelectionChanged(false) - } - if (unselectedAreaProcessing) { - pageX = getEventPageX(e); - if (that._options.behavior.manualRangeSelectionEnabled && Math.abs(startPageX - pageX) >= MIN_MANUAL_SELECTING_WIDTH) { - startPosition = startPageX - svgOffsetLeft; - endPosition = pageX - svgOffsetLeft; - slidersController.processManualSelection(startPosition, endPosition, e); - unselectedAreaProcessing = false; - processSelectionChanged(true) - } - } - }, - eventsNames = that._eventsNames; - areaTracker.on(eventsNames.start, function(e) { - if (!that._enabled || !isLeftButtonPressed(e) || unselectedAreaProcessing) - return; - unselectedAreaProcessing = true; - isTouchEvent = isTouchEventArgs(e); - startPageX = getEventPageX(e) - }); - $(document).on(eventsNames.end, areaEndHandler).on(eventsNames.move, areaMoveHandler); - that.__areaMoveEventHandler = areaMoveHandler - }, - _initializeSelectedAreaEvents: function() { - var that = this, - renderer = that._renderer, - isTouchEvent, - slidersController = that._slidersController, - processSelectionChanged = that._processSelectionChanged, - selectedAreaTracker = slidersController.getSelectedAreaTracker(), - selectedAreaMoving = false, - offsetStartPosition, - selectedRangeInterval, - selectedAreaEndHandler = function(e) { - if (selectedAreaMoving) { - selectedAreaMoving = false; - slidersController.processDocking(); - processSelectionChanged(false) - } - }, - selectedAreaMoveHandler = function(e) { - var positionDelta, - pageX; - if (isTouchEvent !== isTouchEventArgs(e)) - return; - if (selectedAreaMoving && !isLeftButtonPressed(e)) { - selectedAreaMoving = false; - slidersController.processDocking(); - processSelectionChanged(false) - } - if (selectedAreaMoving) { - if (!isMultiTouches(e)) { - this.preventedDefault = true; - e.preventDefault() - } - pageX = getEventPageX(e); - positionDelta = pageX - slidersController.getSlider(START_VALUE_INDEX).getPosition() - offsetStartPosition; - slidersController.moveSliders(positionDelta, selectedRangeInterval); - processSelectionChanged(true) - } - }, - eventsNames = that._eventsNames; - selectedAreaTracker.on(eventsNames.start, function(e) { - if (!that._enabled || !isLeftButtonPressed(e) || selectedAreaMoving) - return; - selectedAreaMoving = true; - isTouchEvent = isTouchEventArgs(e); - offsetStartPosition = getEventPageX(e) - slidersController.getSlider(START_VALUE_INDEX).getPosition(); - selectedRangeInterval = slidersController.getSelectedRangeInterval(); - if (!isMultiTouches(e)) { - this.preventedDefault = true; - e.stopPropagation(); - e.preventDefault() - } - }); - $(document).on(eventsNames.end, selectedAreaEndHandler).on(eventsNames.move, selectedAreaMoveHandler); - that.__selectedAreaMoveEventHandler = selectedAreaMoveHandler - }, - applyOptions: function(options) { - this._options = options - }, - dispose: function() { - $(document).off('.' + this._uniqueNS) - }, - initialize: function() { - var that = this; - if (!that._renderer.isInitialized()) - return; - that._initializeSelectedAreaEvents(that); - that._initializeAreaEvents(); - that._initializeSliderEvents(START_VALUE_INDEX); - that._initializeSliderEvents(END_VALUE_INDEX) - }, - setEnabled: function(enabled) { - this._enabled = enabled - } - }; - rangeSelector.__setEvents = setEvents - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-rangeselector, file slider.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var rangeSelector = DX.viz.rangeSelector, - utils = DX.utils; - var touchSupport = "ontouchstart" in window; - var msPointerEnabled = window.navigator.msPointerEnabled || window.navigator.pointerEnabled; - var animationOptions = {duration: 250}; - var SPLITTER_WIDTH = 8, - TOUCH_SPLITTER_WIDTH = 20, - START_VALUE_INDEX = 0, - END_VALUE_INDEX = 1; - rangeSelector.Slider = rangeSelector.BaseVisualElement.inherit(function() { - return { - getText: function() { - if (this._marker) - return this._marker.getText() - }, - getAvailableValues: function() { - return this._values - }, - getShutter: function() { - return this._shutter - }, - getMarker: function() { - return this._marker - }, - _createSlider: function() { - var that = this, - sliderHandle, - sliderGroup, - sliderHandleOptions = that._options.sliderHandle; - sliderGroup = that._renderer.createGroup({'class': 'slider'}); - sliderGroup.applySettings({ - translateX: that._options.canvas.left, - translateY: - }); - sliderHandle = that._renderer.createLine(0, 0, 0, that._options.canvas.height, { - 'class': 'dx-range-selector-slider', - strokeWidth: sliderHandleOptions.width, - stroke: sliderHandleOptions.color, - strokeOpacity: sliderHandleOptions.opacity - }); - sliderHandle.append(sliderGroup); - sliderGroup.setValid = function(correct) { - sliderHandle.applySettings({stroke: correct ? that._options.sliderHandle.color : that._options.sliderMarker.invalidRangeColor}) - }; - sliderGroup.updateHeight = function() { - sliderHandle.applySettings({points: [0, 0, 0, that._options.canvas.height]}) - }; - sliderGroup.applyOptions = function(options) { - sliderHandle.applySettings(options) - }; - sliderGroup.__line = sliderHandle; - return sliderGroup - }, - _createSliderTracker: function() { - var that = this, - sliderHandleWidth = that._options.sliderHandle.width, - splitterWidth = SPLITTER_WIDTH < sliderHandleWidth ? sliderHandleWidth : SPLITTER_WIDTH, - sliderWidth = touchSupport || msPointerEnabled ? TOUCH_SPLITTER_WIDTH : splitterWidth, - sliderTracker, - sliderTrackerGroup; - sliderTracker = that._renderer.createRect(-sliderWidth / 2, 0, sliderWidth, that._options.canvas.height, 0, { - fill: 'grey', - stroke: 'grey', - opacity: 0.0001, - style: {cursor: 'w-resize'} - }); - sliderTrackerGroup = that._renderer.createGroup({'class': 'sliderTracker'}); - sliderTrackerGroup.applySettings({ - translateX: 0, - translateY: - }); - sliderTracker.append(sliderTrackerGroup); - sliderTrackerGroup.updateHeight = function() { - sliderTracker.applySettings({height: that._options.canvas.height}) - }; - sliderTrackerGroup.__rect = sliderTracker; - return sliderTrackerGroup - }, - _drawSliderTracker: function(group) { - var that = this, - sliderTracker = that._createSliderTracker(); - if (sliderTracker) { - sliderTracker.append(group); - that._sliderTracker = sliderTracker - } - }, - _createSliderMarker: function(options) { - return rangeSelector.rangeSelectorFactory.createSliderMarker(options) - }, - _setPosition: function(position, correctByMinMaxRange) { - var that = this, - correctedPosition = that._correctPosition(position), - value = that._options.translator.untranslate(correctedPosition); - that.setValue(value, correctByMinMaxRange, false); - that._position = correctedPosition - }, - _setPositionForBothSliders: function(startPosition, interval) { - var that = this, - anotherSlider, - startValue, - endValue, - endPosition, - type = that._options.scale.type, - base = that._options.scale.logarithmBase, - inverted = that._options.scale.inverted; - var getNextValue = function(value, isNegative) { - var lgPower; - if (type === 'logarithmic') { - lgPower = utils.addInterval(utils.adjustValue(utils.getLog(value, base)), interval, isNegative); - return utils.raiseTo(lgPower, base) - } - else - return utils.addInterval(value, interval, isNegative) - }; - anotherSlider = that.getAnotherSlider(); - startPosition = that._correctBounds(startPosition); - startValue = that._options.translator.untranslate(startPosition); - endValue = getNextValue(startValue); - if (!inverted && endValue > that._options.scale.endValue || inverted && endValue < that._options.scale.endValue) { - endValue = that._options.scale.endValue; - endPosition = that._options.canvas.left + that._options.canvas.width; - startValue = getNextValue(endValue, true); - startPosition = that._options.translator.translate(startValue) - } - else - endPosition = that._options.translator.translate(endValue); - if (that._values) - if (!inverted ? startValue < that._values[0] : startValue > that._values[that._values.length - 1]) { - startValue = that._correctBusinessValueByAvailableValues(startValue, false); - endValue = getNextValue(startValue) - } - else { - endValue = that._correctBusinessValueByAvailableValues(endValue, false); - startValue = getNextValue(endValue, true) - } - anotherSlider.setValue(endValue, undefined, false); - that.setValue(startValue, undefined, false); - that._position = startPosition; - anotherSlider._position = endPosition - }, - _correctPosition: function(position) { - var that = this, - correctedPosition = that._correctInversion(position); - correctedPosition = that._correctBounds(correctedPosition); - return correctedPosition - }, - _correctInversion: function(position) { - var that = this, - correctedPosition = position, - anotherSliderPosition = that.getAnotherSlider().getPosition(), - slidersInverted = that.getIndex() === START_VALUE_INDEX ? position > anotherSliderPosition : position < anotherSliderPosition; - if (slidersInverted) - correctedPosition = anotherSliderPosition; - return correctedPosition - }, - _correctBounds: function(position) { - var that = this, - correctedPosition = position, - canvas = that._options.canvas; - if (position < canvas.left) - correctedPosition = canvas.left; - if (position > canvas.left + canvas.width) - correctedPosition = canvas.left + canvas.width; - return correctedPosition - }, - _correctBusinessValue: function(businessValue, correctByMinMaxRange, skipCorrection) { - var that = this, - result = that._correctBusinessValueByAvailableValues(businessValue, skipCorrection); - if (correctByMinMaxRange) - result = that._correctBusinessValueByMinMaxRangeFromAnotherSlider(result); - result = that._correctBusinessValueByMinRangeFromStartEndValues(result); - return result - }, - _correctBusinessValueByAvailableValues: function(businessValue, skipCorrection) { - var values = this._values; - if (!skipCorrection && values) - return rangeSelector.utils.findNearValue(values, businessValue); - return businessValue - }, - _correctBusinessValueByMinMaxRangeFromAnotherSlider: function(businessValue) { - var that = this, - result = businessValue, - scale = that._options.scale, - values = that._values, - sliderIndex = that.getIndex(), - anotherBusinessValue = that.getAnotherSlider().getValue(), - isValid = true, - minValue, - maxValue; - if (!scale.inverted && sliderIndex === START_VALUE_INDEX || scale.inverted && sliderIndex === END_VALUE_INDEX) { - if (scale.maxRange) - minValue = that._addInterval(anotherBusinessValue, scale.maxRange, true); - if (scale.minRange) - maxValue = that._addInterval(anotherBusinessValue, scale.minRange, true) - } - else { - if (scale.maxRange) - maxValue = that._addInterval(anotherBusinessValue, scale.maxRange); - if (scale.minRange) - minValue = that._addInterval(anotherBusinessValue, scale.minRange) - } - if (maxValue !== undefined && result > maxValue) { - result = values ? rangeSelector.utils.findLessOrEqualValue(values, maxValue) : maxValue; - isValid = false - } - else if (minValue !== undefined && result < minValue) { - result = values ? rangeSelector.utils.findGreaterOrEqualValue(values, minValue) : minValue; - isValid = false - } - that._setValid(isValid); - return result - }, - _addInterval: function(value, interval, isNegative) { - var result, - type = this._options.scale.type, - base = type === "logarithmic" && this._options.scale.logarithmBase; - if (base) { - var power = utils.addInterval(utils.getLog(value, base), interval, isNegative); - result = Math.pow(base, power) - } - else - result = utils.addInterval(value, interval, isNegative); - return result - }, - _correctBusinessValueByMinRangeFromStartEndValues: function(businessValue) { - var that = this, - values = that._values, - startValue, - endValue, - isValid = true, - scale = that._options.scale, - result = businessValue; - if (scale.minRange) - if (that.getIndex() === END_VALUE_INDEX) { - startValue = that._addInterval(scale.startValue, scale.minRange, scale.inverted); - if (!scale.inverted && result < startValue || scale.inverted && result > startValue) - result = startValue - } - else if (that.getIndex() === START_VALUE_INDEX) { - endValue = that._addInterval(scale.endValue, scale.minRange, !scale.inverted); - if (!scale.inverted && result > endValue || scale.inverted && result < endValue) - result = endValue - } - return result - }, - _applySliderPosition: function(position, disableAnimation) { - var that = this, - isAnimation = that._options.behavior.animationEnabled && !disableAnimation, - top =, - slider = that._slider; - if (isAnimation || slider.inAnimation) { - slider.inAnimation = true; - slider.animate({translate: { - x: position, - y: top - }}, isAnimation ? animationOptions : {duration: 0}, function() { - slider.inAnimation = false - }); - that._sliderTracker.animate({translate: { - x: position, - y: top - }}, isAnimation ? animationOptions : {duration: 0}) - } - else { - that._slider.applySettings({ - translateX: position, - translateY: top - }); - that._sliderTracker.applySettings({ - translateX: position, - translateY: top - }) - } - that._sliderTracker.updateHeight(); - that._slider.updateHeight() - }, - _applyShutterPosition: function(position, disableAnimation) { - var that = this, - shutterSettings, - shutter = that._shutter, - isAnimation = that._options.behavior.animationEnabled && !disableAnimation, - sliderIndex = that.getIndex(); - if (sliderIndex == START_VALUE_INDEX) - shutterSettings = { - x: that._options.canvas.left, - y:, - width: position - that._options.canvas.left, - height: that._options.canvas.height - }; - else if (sliderIndex == END_VALUE_INDEX) - shutterSettings = { - x: position + 1, - y:, - width: that._options.canvas.left + that._options.canvas.width - position, - height: that._options.canvas.height - }; - if (shutterSettings) - if (isAnimation || shutter.inAnimation) { - shutter.inAnimation = true; - shutter.animate(shutterSettings, isAnimation ? animationOptions : {duration: 0}, function() { - shutter.inAnimation = false - }) - } - else - shutter.applySettings(shutterSettings) - }, - _setValid: function(isValid) { - var that = this; - if (that._marker) - that._marker.setValid(isValid); - that._slider.setValid(isValid) - }, - _setText: function(text) { - var that = this; - if (that._marker) - that._marker.setText(text) - }, - ctor: function(renderer, index) { - var that = this; - that.callBase(renderer); - that._index = index - }, - getIndex: function() { - return this._index - }, - setAvailableValues: function(values) { - this._values = values - }, - setAnotherSlider: function(slider) { - this._anotherSlider = slider - }, - getAnotherSlider: function(slider) { - return this._anotherSlider - }, - appendTrackers: function(group) { - var that = this; - if (that._sliderTracker) - that._sliderTracker.append(group) - }, - getSliderTracker: function() { - return this._sliderTracker - }, - changeLocation: function() { - var that = this; - if (that._marker) - that._marker.changeLocation(); - that._index = this._index === START_VALUE_INDEX ? END_VALUE_INDEX : START_VALUE_INDEX; - that._lastPosition = null - }, - setPosition: function(position, correctByMinMaxRange, selectedRangeInterval) { - var that = this, - slider; - if (selectedRangeInterval !== undefined) { - slider = that.getIndex() === START_VALUE_INDEX ? that : that.getAnotherSlider(); - slider._setPositionForBothSliders(position, selectedRangeInterval) - } - else - that._setPosition(position, correctByMinMaxRange) - }, - getPosition: function() { - return this._position - }, - _applyOptions: function(options) { - this._lastPosition = null - }, - setValue: function(value, correctByMinMaxRange, skipCorrection) { - var that = this; - if (value === undefined) { - that._value = undefined; - that._valuePosition = that._position = that.getIndex() === START_VALUE_INDEX ? that._options.canvas.left : that._options.canvas.left + that._options.canvas.width; - that._setText(rangeSelector.consts.emptySliderMarkerText) - } - else { - that._value = that._correctBusinessValue(value, correctByMinMaxRange, utils.isDefined(skipCorrection) ? !!skipCorrection : true); - that._valuePosition = that._position = that._options.translator.translate(that._value); - that._setText(rangeSelector.formatValue(that._value, that._options.sliderMarker)) - } - }, - getValue: function() { - return this._value - }, - canSwap: function() { - var that = this, - scale = that._options.scale, - startValue, - endValue, - anotherSliderValue; - if (that._options.behavior.allowSlidersSwap) { - if (scale.minRange) { - anotherSliderValue = that.getAnotherSlider().getValue(); - if (that.getIndex() === START_VALUE_INDEX) { - endValue = utils.addInterval(scale.endValue, scale.minRange, !scale.inverted); - if (!scale.inverted && anotherSliderValue > endValue || scale.inverted && anotherSliderValue < endValue) - return false - } - else { - startValue = utils.addInterval(scale.startValue, scale.minRange, scale.inverted); - if (!scale.inverted && anotherSliderValue < startValue || scale.inverted && anotherSliderValue > startValue) - return false - } - } - return true - } - return false - }, - processDocking: function() { - var that = this; - that._position = that._valuePosition; - that.applyPosition(false); - that._setValid(true) - }, - applyPosition: function(disableAnimation) { - var that = this, - position = that.getPosition(); - if (that._lastPosition !== position) { - that._applySliderPosition(position, disableAnimation); - that._applyShutterPosition(position, disableAnimation); - that._lastPosition = position - } - }, - on: function(event, handler) { - var that = this; - that._sliderTracker.on(event, handler); - if (that._marker) - that._marker.getTracker().on(event, handler) - }, - _update: function() { - var that = this; - that._marker && that._marker.applyOptions(that._options.sliderMarker); - that._shutter && that._shutter.applySettings({ - fill: that._options.shutter.color, - fillOpacity: that._options.shutter.opacity - }); - that._slider && that._slider.applyOptions({ - strokeWidth: that._options.sliderHandle.width, - stroke: that._options.sliderHandle.color, - strokeOpacity: that._options.sliderHandle.opacity - }) - }, - _draw: function(group) { - var that = this, - slider, - marker, - sliderAreaGroup, - shutter, - startPos, - startWidth, - index = that.getIndex(); - sliderAreaGroup = that._renderer.createGroup({'class': 'sliderArea'}); - sliderAreaGroup.append(group); - if (index === START_VALUE_INDEX) - shutter = that._renderer.createRect(that._options.canvas.left,, 0, that._options.canvas.height, 0); - else if (index === END_VALUE_INDEX) - shutter = that._renderer.createRect(that._options.canvas.left,, that._options.canvas.width, that._options.canvas.height, 0); - if (shutter) { - shutter.append(sliderAreaGroup); - slider = that._createSlider(); - if (slider) - slider.append(sliderAreaGroup); - if (that._options.sliderMarker.visible) { - marker = that._createSliderMarker({ - renderer: that._renderer, - isLeftPointer: index === END_VALUE_INDEX, - sliderMarkerOptions: that._options.sliderMarker - }); - marker.draw(slider) - } - that._shutter = shutter; - that._slider = slider; - that._marker = marker - } - that._drawSliderTracker(group) - } - } - }()) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-rangeselector, file sliderMarker.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var rangeSelector = DX.viz.rangeSelector; - rangeSelector.SliderMarker = DX.Class.inherit(function() { - var ctor = function(options) { - this._renderer = options.renderer; - this._text = options.text; - this._isLeftPointer = options.isLeftPointer; - this._options = options.sliderMarkerOptions; - this._isValid = true; - initializeAreaPoints(this, { - width: 10, - height: 10 - }) - }; - var applyOptions = function(options) { - this._options = options; - this.update() - }; - var getRectSize = function(that, textSize) { - return { - width: Math.round(2 * that._options.padding + textSize.width), - height: Math.round(2 * that._options.padding + textSize.height * rangeSelector.consts.fontHeightRatio) - } - }; - var initializeAreaPoints = function(that, textSize) { - var rectSize = getRectSize(that, textSize); - that._points = []; - if (that._isLeftPointer) { - that._points.push({ - x: 0, - y: 0 - }); - that._points.push({ - x: rectSize.width, - y: 0 - }); - that._points.push({ - x: rectSize.width, - y: rectSize.height - }); - that._points.push({ - x: that._options.pointerSize, - y: rectSize.height - }); - that._points.push({ - x: 0, - y: rectSize.height + that._options.pointerSize - }) - } - else { - that._points.push({ - x: 0, - y: 0 - }); - that._points.push({ - x: rectSize.width, - y: 0 - }); - that._points.push({ - x: rectSize.width, - y: rectSize.height + that._options.pointerSize - }); - that._points.push({ - x: rectSize.width - that._options.pointerSize, - y: rectSize.height - }); - that._points.push({ - x: 0, - y: rectSize.height - }) - } - }; - var getPointerPosition = function(that, textSize) { - var rectSize = getRectSize(that, textSize); - if (that._isLeftPointer) - return { - x: 0, - y: rectSize.height + that._options.pointerSize - }; - else - return { - x: rectSize.width - 1, - y: rectSize.height + that._options.pointerSize - } - }; - var draw = function(group) { - var that = this; - var padding = that._options.padding; - that._sliderMarkerGroup = that._renderer.createGroup({'class': 'sliderMarker'}); - that._sliderMarkerGroup.append(group); - that._area = that._renderer.createArea(that.points, {fill: that._options.color}); - that._area.append(that._sliderMarkerGroup); - that._label = that._renderer.createText(that._text, padding, padding, { - font: that._options.font, - align: 'left', - style: {'-webkit-user-select': 'none'} - }); - that._label.append(that._sliderMarkerGroup); - that._tracker = that._renderer.createRect(0, 0, 2 * padding, 2 * padding + that._options.pointerSize, 0, { - fill: 'grey', - stroke: 'grey', - opacity: 0.0001, - style: {cursor: 'pointer'} - }); - that._tracker.append(that._sliderMarkerGroup); - that._drawn = true; - that.update() - }; - var getTextSize = function(that) { - var textSize = that._label.getBBox(); - if (!that._textHeight && isFinite(textSize.height)) - that._textHeight = textSize.height; - return { - width: textSize.width, - height: that._textHeight - } - }; - var update = function(stop) { - var that = this, - textSize, - rectSize, - pointerPosition; - that._interval && clearInterval(that._interval); - delete that._interval; - if (!that._drawn) - return; - that._label.updateText(that._text); - textSize = getTextSize(that); - if (!stop) { - that._textSize = that._textSize || textSize; - that._textSize = textSize.width > that._textSize.width || textSize.height > that._textSize.height ? textSize : that._textSize; - textSize = that._textSize; - that._interval = setInterval(function() { -, [true]) - }, 75) - } - else { - delete that._textSize; - that._textSize = textSize - } - rectSize = getRectSize(that, textSize); - pointerPosition = getPointerPosition(that, textSize); - that._sliderMarkerGroup.applySettings({ - translateX: -pointerPosition.x, - translateY: -pointerPosition.y - }); - initializeAreaPoints(that, textSize); - that._area.applySettings({ - points: that._points, - fill: that._isValid ? that._options.color : that._options.invalidRangeColor - }); - that._tracker.applySettings({ - width: rectSize.width, - height: rectSize.height + that._options.pointerSize - }); - that._label.applySettings({ - x: that._options.padding, - y: rectSize.height - that._options.padding - }) - }; - var getText = function() { - var that = this; - return that._text - }; - var setText = function(value) { - var that = this; - if (that._text !== value) { - that._text = value; - that.update() - } - }; - var setValid = function(isValid) { - var that = this; - that._isValid = isValid; - that.update() - }; - var changeLocation = function() { - var that = this; - that._isLeftPointer = !that._isLeftPointer; - that.update() - }; - var getTracker = function() { - var that = this; - return that._tracker - }; - return { - ctor: ctor, - draw: draw, - update: update, - getText: getText, - setText: setText, - changeLocation: changeLocation, - applyOptions: applyOptions, - getTracker: getTracker, - setValid: setValid - } - }()) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-rangeselector, file rangeView.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var rangeSelector = DX.viz.rangeSelector; - rangeSelector.RangeView = rangeSelector.BaseVisualElement.inherit(function() { - return {_draw: function(group) { - var that = this, - viewRect, - viewImage, - backgroundColor, - series, - i, - showChart, - canvas, - options = that._options, - seriesOptions, - isEmpty = options.isEmpty; - showChart = options.seriesDataSource && options.seriesDataSource.isShowChart() && !isEmpty; - canvas = options.canvas; - if (showChart) - backgroundColor = options.seriesDataSource.getBackgroundColor(); - else if (!isEmpty && options.background.visible) - backgroundColor = options.background.color; - if (options.background.visible && backgroundColor) { - viewRect = that._renderer.createRect(canvas.left,, canvas.width + 1, canvas.height, 0, { - fill: backgroundColor, - 'class': 'dx-range-selector-background' - }); - viewRect.append(group) - } - if (options.background.visible && options.background.image && options.background.image.url) { - viewImage = that._renderer.createImage(canvas.left,, canvas.width + 1, canvas.height, options.background.image.url, {location: options.background.image.location}); - viewImage.append(group) - } - if (showChart) { - series = options.seriesDataSource.getSeries(); - options.seriesDataSource.adjustSeriesDimensions(options.translators, options.chart.useAggregation); - for (i = 0; i < series.length; i++) { - seriesOptions = series[i].getOptions(); - seriesOptions.seriesGroup = group; - seriesOptions.labelsGroup = group; - series[i].draw(options.translators, options.behavior && options.behavior.animationEnabled && that._renderer.animationEnabled()) - } - } - }} - }()) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-rangeselector, file seriesDataSource.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var rangeSelector = DX.viz.rangeSelector, - charts = DX.viz.charts, - core = DX.viz.core, - coreFactory = core.CoreFactory, - utils = DX.utils; - rangeSelector.SeriesDataSource = DX.Class.inherit(function() { - var createThemeManager = function(chartOptions) { - return charts.factory.createThemeManager(chartOptions, 'rangeSelector.chart') - }; - var isArrayOfSimpleTypes = function(data) { - return $.isArray(data) && data.length > 0 && (utils.isNumber(data[0]) || utils.isDate(data[0])) - }; - var convertToArrayOfObjects = function(data) { - return $.map(data, function(item, i) { - return { - arg: item, - val: i - } - }) - }; - var calculateSeries = function(that, options, templatedSeries) { - var series = [], - particularSeriesOptions, - seriesTheme, - data, - parsedData, - chartThemeManager = that.themeManager, - hasSeriesTemplate = !!chartThemeManager.getOptions('seriesTemplate'), - allSeriesOptions = hasSeriesTemplate ? templatedSeries : options.chart.series, - seriesValueType = options.chart.valueAxis && options.chart.valueAxis.valueType, - dataSourceField, - i; - that.teamplateData = []; - if (options.dataSource && !allSeriesOptions) { - if (isArrayOfSimpleTypes(options.dataSource)) - options.dataSource = convertToArrayOfObjects(options.dataSource); - dataSourceField = options.dataSourceField || 'arg'; - allSeriesOptions = { - argumentField: dataSourceField, - valueField: dataSourceField - }; - that._hideChart = true - } - allSeriesOptions = $.isArray(allSeriesOptions) ? allSeriesOptions : allSeriesOptions ? [allSeriesOptions] : []; - that._backgroundColor = options.backgroundColor !== undefined ? options.backgroundColor : chartThemeManager.getOptions("backgroundColor"); - for (i = 0; i < allSeriesOptions.length; i++) { - particularSeriesOptions = $.extend(true, { - argumentType: options.valueType, - argumentAxisType: options.axisType, - valueType: dataSourceField ? options.valueType : seriesValueType, - incidentOccured: options.incidentOccured - }, allSeriesOptions[i]); - particularSeriesOptions.rotated = false; - data = || options.dataSource; - seriesTheme = chartThemeManager.getOptions("series", particularSeriesOptions); - seriesTheme.argumentField = seriesTheme.argumentField || options.dataSourceField; - if (data && data.length > 0) { - var newSeries = coreFactory.createSeries(options.renderer, seriesTheme); - series.push(newSeries) - } - if (hasSeriesTemplate) { - $.each(data, function(_, data) { - $.each(newSeries.getTeamplatedFields(), function(_, field) { - data[field.teamplateField] = data[field.originalField] - }); - that.teamplateData.push(data) - }); - newSeries.updateTeamplateFieldNames() - } - } - data = hasSeriesTemplate ? that.teamplateData : data; - that._dataValidator = charts.factory.createDataValidator(data, [series], options.incidentOccured, chartThemeManager.getOptions("dataPrepareSettings")); - parsedData = that._dataValidator.validate(); - for (i = 0; i < series.length; i++) { - var particularSeries = series[i]; - particularSeries.updateData(parsedData) - } - return series - }; - var processSeriesFamilies = function(series, equalBarWidth, minBubbleSize, maxBubbleSize) { - var families = [], - types = []; - $.each(series, function(i, item) { - if ($.inArray(item.type, types) === -1) - types.push(item.type) - }); - $.each(types, function(_, type) { - var family = new coreFactory.createSeriesFamily({ - type: type, - equalBarWidth: equalBarWidth, - minBubbleSize: minBubbleSize, - maxBubbleSize: maxBubbleSize - }); - family.add(series); - family.adjustSeriesValues(); - families.push(family) - }); - return families - }; - var prototypeObject = { - ctor: function(options) { - var that = this, - templatedSeries, - seriesTemplate, - themeManager = that.themeManager = createThemeManager(options.chart), - topIndent = themeManager.getOptions('topIndent'), - bottomIndent = themeManager.getOptions('bottomIndent'); - that._indent = { - top: topIndent >= 0 && topIndent < 1 ? topIndent : 0, - bottom: bottomIndent >= 0 && bottomIndent < 1 ? bottomIndent : 0 - }; - that._valueAxis = themeManager.getOptions('valueAxisRangeSelector') || {}; - that._hideChart = false; - seriesTemplate = themeManager.getOptions('seriesTemplate'); - if (options.dataSource && seriesTemplate) - templatedSeries = utils.processSeriesTemplate(seriesTemplate, options.dataSource); - that._series = calculateSeries(that, options, templatedSeries); - that._seriesFamilies = processSeriesFamilies(that._series, themeManager.getOptions('equalBarWidth'), themeManager.getOptions('minBubbleSize'), themeManager.getOptions('maxBubbleSize')) - }, - adjustSeriesDimensions: function(translators, useAggregation) { - var that = this; - if (useAggregation) - $.each(that._series || [], function(_, s) { - s.resamplePoints(translators) - }); - $.each(that._seriesFamilies, function() { - this.adjustSeriesDimensions(translators) - }) - }, - getBoundRange: function() { - var that = this, - rangeData, - valueAxisMin = that._valueAxis.min, - valueAxisMax = that._valueAxis.max, - valRange = new core.Range({ - isValueRange: true, - min: valueAxisMin, - minVisible: valueAxisMin, - max: valueAxisMax, - maxVisible: valueAxisMax, - axisType: that._valueAxis.type, - base: that._valueAxis.logarithmBase - }), - argRange = new core.Range({}), - rangeYSize, - rangeVisibleSizeY, - i, - minIndent, - maxIndent; - for (i = 0; i < that._series.length; i++) { - rangeData = that._series[i].getRangeData(); - valRange.addRange(rangeData.val); - argRange.addRange(rangeData.arg) - } - if (valRange.isDefined() && argRange.isDefined()) { - minIndent = that._valueAxis.inverted ? : that._indent.bottom; - maxIndent = that._valueAxis.inverted ? that._indent.bottom :; - rangeYSize = valRange.max - valRange.min; - rangeVisibleSizeY = ($.isNumeric(valRange.maxVisible) ? valRange.maxVisible : valRange.max) - ($.isNumeric(valRange.minVisible) ? valRange.minVisible : valRange.min); - if (utils.isDate(valRange.min)) - valRange.min = new Date(valRange.min.valueOf() - rangeYSize * minIndent); - else - valRange.min -= rangeYSize * minIndent; - if (utils.isDate(valRange.max)) - valRange.max = new Date(valRange.max.valueOf() + rangeYSize * maxIndent); - else - valRange.max += rangeYSize * maxIndent; - if ($.isNumeric(rangeVisibleSizeY)) { - valRange.maxVisible = valRange.maxVisible ? valRange.maxVisible + rangeVisibleSizeY * maxIndent : undefined; - valRange.minVisible = valRange.minVisible ? valRange.minVisible - rangeVisibleSizeY * minIndent : undefined - } - valRange.invert = that._valueAxis.inverted - } - return { - arg: argRange, - val: valRange - } - }, - getSeries: function() { - var that = this; - return that._series - }, - getBackgroundColor: function() { - var that = this; - return that._backgroundColor - }, - isEmpty: function() { - var that = this; - return that.getSeries().length === 0 - }, - isShowChart: function() { - var that = this; - return !that.isEmpty() && !that._hideChart - }, - getCalculatedValueType: function() { - var that = this, - result; - if (that._series.length) - result = that._series[0].argumentType; - return result - } - }; - return prototypeObject - }()) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-rangeselector, file themeManager.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - DX.viz.rangeSelector = DX.viz.rangeSelector; - DX.viz.rangeSelector.ThemeManager = DX.viz.core.BaseThemeManager.inherit({ - _themeSection: 'rangeSelector', - ctor: function(userTheme) { - this.setTheme(userTheme) - }, - _initializeTheme: function() { - this._initializeFont(this._theme.scale.label.font); - this._initializeFont(this._theme.sliderMarker.font); - this._initializeFont(this._theme.loadingIndicator.font) - }, - applyRangeSelectorTheme: function(userOptions) { - var that = this, - chart = userOptions.chart, - dataSource = userOptions.dataSource, - result; - delete userOptions.dataSource; - delete userOptions.chart; - result = $.extend(true, {}, that._theme, userOptions); - result.dataSource = dataSource; - if (chart) - result.chart = chart; - return result - }, - setBackgroundColor: function(containerBackgroundColor) { - var theme = this._theme; - if (containerBackgroundColor) - theme.containerBackgroundColor = containerBackgroundColor; - theme.shutter.color = theme.shutter.color || theme.containerBackgroundColor - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-rangeselector, file dxRangeSelector.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var ui = DX.ui, - viz = DX.viz; - DX.registerComponent("dxRangeSelector", viz.rangeSelector.RangeSelector) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - DevExpress.MOD_VIZ_RANGESELECTOR = true -} -if (!DevExpress.MOD_VIZ_VECTORMAP) { - if (!DevExpress.MOD_VIZ_CORE) - throw Error('Required module is not referenced: viz-core'); - /*! Module viz-vectormap, file map.js */ - (function(DX, $, undefined) { - = {}; - var _Number = window.Number, - _isFunction = DX.utils.isFunction, - _getRootOffset = DX.utils.getRootOffset; - var DEFAULT_WIDTH = 800, - DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 400; - var DATA_KEY = = 'vectormap-data'; - = DX.viz.core.BaseWidget.inherit({ - _init: function() { - var that = this; - that.callBase.apply(that, arguments); - that.renderer = that._renderer = that._factory.createRenderer({ - width: 1, - height: 1, - pathModified: that.option('pathModified'), - rtl: that.option('rtlEnabled') - }); - that.renderer.draw(that._element().get(0)); - that._root = that._renderer.getRoot(); - that._root.applySettings({ - 'class': 'dxm', - stroke: 'none', - strokeWidth: 0, - fill: 'none', - align: 'center', - cursor: 'default', - style: {overflow: 'hidden'} - }); - that._themeManager = that._factory.createThemeManager(); - that._projection = that._factory.createProjection(); - that._tracker = that._factory.createTracker({root: that._root}); - that._background = that._renderer.createRect(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, {'class': 'dxm-background'}).data(DATA_KEY, {type: 'background'}); - that._areasManager = that._factory.createAreasManager({ - container: that._root, - renderer: that._renderer, - projection: that._projection, - themeManager: that._themeManager, - tracker: that._tracker, - ready: function() { - that.hideLoadingIndicator() - } - }); - that._areasManager.setData(that.option('mapData')); - that._markersManager = that._factory.createMarkersManager({ - container: that._root, - renderer: that._renderer, - projection: that._projection, - themeManager: that._themeManager, - tracker: that._tracker - }); - that._markersManager.setData(that.option('markers')); - that._controlBar = that._factory.createControlBar({ - container: that._root, - renderer: that._renderer, - context: that, - resetCallback: controlResetCallback, - beginMoveCallback: controlBeginMoveCallback, - endMoveCallback: controlEndMoveCallback, - moveCallback: controlMoveCallback, - zoomCallback: controlZoomCallback - }); - that._legend = that._factory.createLegend({ - container: that._root, - renderer: that._renderer, - themeManager: that._themeManager - }); - that._tooltip = that._factory.createTooltip({ - container: that._root, - renderer: that._renderer, - tracker: that._tracker - }); - that._projection.setBounds(that.option('bounds')).setMaxZoom(that.option('maxZoomFactor')).setZoom(that.option('zoomFactor')).setCenter(that.option('center')); - that._themeManager.setTheme(that.option('theme')); - that._themeManager.patchRtlSettings(that.option('rtlEnabled')); - that._setClickCallback(that.option('click')); - that._setCenterChangedCallback(that.option('centerChanged')); - that._setZoomFactorChangedCallback(that.option('zoomFactorChanged')); - that._setTrackerCallbacks() - }, - _dispose: function() { - var that = this; - that.callBase.apply(that, arguments); - that._resetTrackerCallbacks(); - that._themeManager.dispose(); - that._tracker.dispose(); - that._areasManager.dispose(); - that._markersManager.dispose(); - that._controlBar.dispose(); - that._legend.dispose(); - that._tooltip.dispose(); - that._renderer.dispose(); - that._disposeLoadIndicator(); - that._renderer = that._themeManager = that._projection = that._tracker = that._root = that._background = that._areasManager = that._markersManager = that._controlBar = that._legend = that._tooltip = that._centerChangedCallback = that._zoomFactorChangedCallback = null - }, - _setTrackerCallbacks: function() { - var that = this, - renderer = that._renderer, - managers = { - area: that._areasManager, - marker: that._markersManager - }, - projection = that._projection, - controlBar = that._controlBar, - tooltip = that._tooltip, - xdrag, - ydrag, - isControlDrag = false; - that._tracker.setCallbacks({ - click: function(arg) { - var offset = _getRootOffset(renderer); - arg.$event.x = arg.x - offset.left; - arg.$event.y = arg.y -; - var manager = managers[]; - if (manager) - manager.raiseClick(, arg.$event); - if (manager || === 'background') - that._raiseClick(arg.$event) - }, - start: function(arg) { - isControlDrag = === 'control-bar'; - if (isControlDrag) { - =; - controlBar.processStart(arg) - } - else { - xdrag = arg.x; - ydrag = arg.y; - projection.snapCenter() - } - }, - move: function(arg) { - if (isControlDrag) { - =; - controlBar.processMove(arg) - } - else { - projection.moveCenter(xdrag - arg.x, ydrag - arg.y); - xdrag = arg.x; - ydrag = arg.y; - that._applyTranslate() - } - }, - end: function(arg) { - if (isControlDrag) { - =; - controlBar.processEnd(arg) - } - else - projection.isCenterChanged() && that._raiseCenterChanged(); - isControlDrag = false - }, - zoom: function(arg) { - controlBar.processZoom(arg) - }, - 'hover-on': function(arg) { - var manager = managers[]; - if (manager) - manager.hoverItem(, true) - }, - 'hover-off': function(arg) { - var manager = managers[]; - if (manager) - manager.hoverItem(, false) - }, - 'focus-on': function(arg, done) { - var result = false; - if (tooltip.enabled()) { - var proxy = managers[] ? managers[].getProxyItem( : null; - if (!!proxy && tooltip.prepare(proxy, {offset: 12})) { - var offset = _getRootOffset(renderer); - - offset.left, arg.y -; - result = true - } - } - done(result) - }, - 'focus-move': function(arg) { - var offset = _getRootOffset(renderer); - tooltip.move(arg.x - offset.left, arg.y - - }, - 'focus-off': function(arg) { - tooltip.hide() - } - }); - that._resetTrackerCallbacks = function() { - that._resetTrackerCallbacks = that = renderer = managers = projection = controlBar = tooltip = null - } - }, - _adjustSize: function(force) { - var that = this, - size = that.option('size') || {}, - width = size.width >= 0 ? _Number(size.width) : that._element().width(), - height = size.height >= 0 ? _Number(size.height) : that._element().height(), - hidden = false; - if (width === 0) - if (_Number(size.width) === 0) - hidden = true; - else - width = DEFAULT_WIDTH; - if (height === 0) - if (_Number(size.height) === 0) - hidden = true; - else - height = DEFAULT_HEIGHT; - if (hidden || !that._element().is(':visible')) { - that._incidentOccured("W2001", [that.NAME]); - that._width = that._height = 0; - return false - } - var needResize = that._width !== width || that._height !== height || force; - if (needResize) { - that._width = width; - that._height = height; - that._renderer.resize(width, height); - that._projection.setSize(width, height); - that._legend.applyLayout(width, height); - that._tooltip.setSize(width, height); - that._background.applySettings({ - x: 0, - y: 0, - width: width, - height: height - }); - that._applyTranslate(); - that._updateLoadIndicator(undefined, width, height) - } - return needResize - }, - _clean: function() { - var that = this; - that._tracker.clean(); - that._background.detach(); - that._areasManager.clean(); - that._markersManager.clean(); - that._controlBar.clean(); - that._legend.clean(); - that._tooltip.clean() - }, - _render: function() { - var that = this; - if (!that._adjustSize(true)) - return; - that._tooltip.update(that._themeManager.getTooltipSettings(that.option('tooltip'))); - that._tracker.setOptions(that.option('interaction') || {}); - that._controlBar.setZoomPartition(that._projection.getZoomScalePartition()).setZoom(that._projection.getScaledZoom()).setOptions(that._themeManager.getControlBarSettings(that.option('controlBar')), that.option('interaction')); - that._background.applySettings(that._themeManager.getBackgroundSettings(that.option('background'))); - that._background.append(that._root); - that._areasManager.render(that.option('areaSettings')); - that._markersManager.render(that.option('markerSettings')); - that._controlBar.render(); - that._legend.render(that._themeManager.getLegendSettings(that.option('legend'))); - that._tooltip.render(); - that._tracker.render(); - that._drawn() - }, - _optionChanged: function(name, value) { - var that = this; - switch (name) { - case'theme': - that._themeManager.setTheme(value); - that._themeManager.patchRtlSettings(that.option('rtlEnabled')); - that._invalidate(); - break; - case'click': - that._setClickCallback(value); - break; - case'centerChanged': - that._setCenterChangedCallback(value); - break; - case'zoomFactorChanged': - that._setZoomFactorChangedCallback(value); - break; - case'mapData': - that._areasManager.setData(value); - break; - case'markers': - that._markersManager.setData(value); - break; - case'bounds': - that._projection.setBounds(value); - that._invalidate(); - break; - case'maxZoomFactor': - that._projection.setMaxZoom(value); - that._invalidate(); - break; - case'zoomFactor': - that._updateZoomFactor(value); - break; - case'center': - that._updateCenter(value); - break; - default: - that.callBase.apply(that, arguments); - break - } - }, - _getLoadIndicatorOption: function() { - return this._themeManager.getLoadIndicatorSettings(this.option('loadingIndicator')) - }, - _setClickCallback: function(callback) { - this._clickCallback = _isFunction(callback) ? callback : null - }, - _setCenterChangedCallback: function(callback) { - var that = this; - that._centerChangedCallback = _isFunction(callback) ? function() { - that._centerChangedCallback &&, that._projection.getCenter()) - } : null - }, - _setZoomFactorChangedCallback: function(callback) { - var that = this; - that._zoomFactorChangedCallback = _isFunction(callback) ? function() { - that._zoomFactorChangedCallback &&, that._projection.getZoom()) - } : null - }, - _raiseClick: function(arg) { - var that = this; - that._clickCallback && setTimeout(function() { - that._clickCallback &&, arg) - }, 0) - }, - _raiseCenterChanged: function() { - this._centerChangedCallback && setTimeout(this._centerChangedCallback, 0) - }, - _raiseZoomFactorChanged: function() { - this._zoomFactorChangedCallback && setTimeout(this._zoomFactorChangedCallback, 0) - }, - _updateCenter: function(center, _noEvent) { - this._projection.snapCenter().setCenter(center); - if (this._projection.isCenterChanged()) { - this._applyTransform(); - _noEvent || this._raiseCenterChanged() - } - }, - _updateZoomFactor: function(zoomFactor, _noEvent) { - var that = this; - that._projection.snapZoom().setZoom(zoomFactor); - if (that._projection.isZoomChanged()) { - that._controlBar.setZoom(that._projection.getScaledZoom()); - that._applyTransform(true); - _noEvent || that._raiseZoomFactorChanged() - } - }, - _updateViewport: function(viewport, _noEvent) { - var that = this; - that._projection.snapCenter().snapZoom().setViewport(viewport); - that._applyTransform(that._projection.isZoomChanged()); - if (that._projection.isCenterChanged()) - _noEvent || that._raiseCenterChanged(); - if (that._projection.isZoomChanged()) { - that._controlBar.setZoom(that._projection.getScaledZoom()); - _noEvent || that._raiseZoomFactorChanged() - } - }, - _resize: function() { - if (this._adjustSize()) - this._applyTransform(true) - }, - _applyTranslate: function() { - var transform = this._projection.getTransform(); - this._areasManager.transform(transform); - this._markersManager.transform(transform) - }, - _applyTransform: function(redraw, _noTrackerReset) { - _noTrackerReset || this._tracker.reset(); - this._applyTranslate(); - if (redraw) { - this._areasManager.redraw(); - this._markersManager.redraw() - } - }, - _refresh: function() { - var that = this, - callBase = that.callBase; - that._endLoading(function() { - - }) - }, - render: function() { - var that = this; - if (that._width === 0 && that._height === 0) - that._refresh(); - else - that._resize(); - return that - }, - getAreas: function() { - return this._areasManager.getProxyItems() - }, - getMarkers: function() { - return this._markersManager.getProxyItems() - }, - clearAreaSelection: function(_noEvent) { - this._areasManager.clearSelection(_noEvent); - return this - }, - clearMarkerSelection: function(_noEvent) { - this._markersManager.clearSelection(_noEvent); - return this - }, - clearSelection: function(_noEvent) { - return this.clearAreaSelection(_noEvent).clearMarkerSelection(_noEvent) - }, - center: function(value, _noEvent) { - if (value === undefined) - return this._projection.getCenter(); - else { - this._updateCenter(value, _noEvent); - return this - } - }, - zoomFactor: function(value, _noEvent) { - if (value === undefined) - return this._projection.getZoom(); - else { - this._updateZoomFactor(value, _noEvent); - return this - } - }, - viewport: function(value, _noEvent) { - if (value === undefined) - return this._projection.getViewport(); - else { - this._updateViewport(value, _noEvent); - return this - } - }, - convertCoordinates: function(x, y) { - return this._projection.fromScreenPointStrict(x, y) - }, - showLoadingIndicator: function() { - this._showLoadIndicator(this._themeManager.getLoadIndicatorSettings(this.option('loadingIndicator')), { - width: this._width, - height: this._height - }) - }, - _factory: { - createRenderer: function(options) { - return new DX.viz.renderers.Renderer(options) - }, - createTooltip: function(parameters) { - return new Tooltip(parameters) - }, - createLegend: function(parameters) { - return new Legend(parameters) - } - } - }); - var Tooltip = DX.viz.core.Tooltip.inherit({ - ctor: function(parameters) { - var that = this; - that._container = parameters.container; - that._root = parameters.renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxm-tooltip'}); - that.callBase(null, that._root, parameters.renderer); - that._tracker = parameters.tracker; - that._enabled = false - }, - dispose: function() { - var that = this; - that._container = that._root = that._tracker = null; - return that.callBase.apply(that, arguments) - }, - clean: function() { - this._root.detach(); - return this - }, - render: function() { - this._root.append(this._container); - return this - } - }); - var Legend = DX.viz.core.Legend.inherit({ - ctor: function(parameters) { - var that = this; - that._container = parameters.container; - that._root = parameters.renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxm-legend'}); - that._themeManager = parameters.themeManager; - that.callBase(null, null, parameters.renderer, that._root) - }, - dispose: function() { - var that = this; - that._container = that._root = that._themeManager = null; - return that.callBase.apply(that, arguments) - }, - clean: function() { - this._root.detach(); - return this - }, - render: function(options) { - var that = this, - items = [], - i = 0, - ii = options.items ? options.items.length : 0; - for (; i < ii; ++i) - items.push(that._themeManager.getLegendItemSettings(options.items[i] || {})); - that.update(items, options); - that._root.append(that._container); - return that.applyLayout(that._size.width, that._size.height) - }, - applyLayout: function(width, height) { - var that = this, - layoutOptions; - that.setSize({ - width: width, - height: height - }); - that.draw(); - layoutOptions = that.getLayoutOptions(); - if (layoutOptions) { - var left, - top; - if (layoutOptions.horizontalAlignment === 'left') - left = 0; - else if (layoutOptions.horizontalAlignment === 'center') - left = width / 2 - layoutOptions.width / 2; - else - left = width - layoutOptions.width; - if (layoutOptions.verticalAlignment === 'top') - top = 0; - else - top = height - layoutOptions.height; - that.shift(left, top) - } - return that - } - }); - function projectAreaDefault(dataItem) { - return this._projection.projectArea(dataItem.coordinates) - } - function projectAreaGeoJson(dataItem) { - if (dataItem.geometry) { - var type = dataItem.geometry.type, - coordinates = dataItem.geometry.coordinates; - if (coordinates && (type === 'Polygon' || type === 'MultiPolygon')) { - type === 'MultiPolygon' && (coordinates = [].concat.apply([], coordinates)); - return this._projection.projectArea(coordinates) - } - } - return [] - } - function controlResetCallback() { - var projection = this._projection, - isCenterChanged, - isZoomChanged; - projection.snapCenter().snapZoom().setCenter(null).setZoom(null); - isCenterChanged = projection.isCenterChanged(); - isZoomChanged = projection.isZoomChanged(); - if (isCenterChanged || isZoomChanged) - this._applyTransform(isZoomChanged, true); - isCenterChanged && this._raiseCenterChanged(); - isZoomChanged && this._raiseZoomFactorChanged() - } - function controlBeginMoveCallback() { - this._projection.snapCenter() - } - function controlEndMoveCallback() { - this._projection.isCenterChanged() && this._raiseCenterChanged() - } - function controlMoveCallback(dx, dy) { - this._projection.moveCenter(dx, dy); - this._applyTranslate() - } - function controlZoomCallback(zoom, x, y) { - var that = this, - keepPosition = x !== undefined && y !== undefined, - coords, - screenPosition; - if (keepPosition) { - screenPosition = _getRootOffset(that._renderer); - screenPosition = [x - screenPosition.left, y -]; - coords = that._projection.fromScreenPoint(screenPosition[0], screenPosition[1]) - } - that._projection.snapZoom().setScaledZoom(zoom); - if (that._projection.isZoomChanged()) { - keepPosition && that._projection.snapCenter().setCenterByPoint(coords, screenPosition); - that._applyTransform(true, true); - that._raiseZoomFactorChanged(); - keepPosition && that._projection.isCenterChanged() && that._raiseCenterChanged() - } - } - DX.registerComponent('dxVectorMap',; - = {}; - = {}; - = {}; - = Legend; - = Tooltip - })(DevExpress, jQuery); - /*! Module viz-vectormap, file projection.js */ - (function(DX, $, undefined) { - var _Number = Number, - _isFinite = isFinite, - _min = Math.min, - _max = Math.max, - _abs = Math.abs, - _tan = Math.tan, - _atan = Math.atan, - _exp = Math.exp, - _round = Math.round, - _ln = Math.log, - _pow = Math.pow, - _isArray = DX.utils.isArray, - _buildPath = DX.viz.renderers.buildPath; - var PI = Math.PI, - QUARTER_PI = PI / 4, - PI_TO_360 = PI / 360, - TWO_TO_LN2 = 2 / Math.LN2; - var DEFAULT_MIN_ZOOM = 1, - DEFAULT_MAX_ZOOM = 1 << 8; - var MERCATOR_MIN_LON = -180, - MERCATOR_MAX_LON = 180, - MERCATOR_MIN_LAT = -85.0511, - MERCATOR_MAX_LAT = 85.0511; - var mercator = { - aspectRatio: 1, - project: function(coordinates) { - var lon = coordinates[0], - lat = coordinates[1]; - return [lon <= MERCATOR_MIN_LON ? -1 : lon >= MERCATOR_MAX_LON ? +1 : lon / 180, lat <= MERCATOR_MIN_LAT ? +1 : lat >= MERCATOR_MAX_LAT ? -1 : -_ln(_tan(QUARTER_PI + lat * PI_TO_360)) / PI] - }, - unproject: function(coordinates) { - var x = coordinates[0], - y = coordinates[1]; - return [x <= -1 ? MERCATOR_MIN_LON : x >= +1 ? MERCATOR_MAX_LON : 180 * x, y <= -1 ? MERCATOR_MAX_LAT : y >= +1 ? MERCATOR_MIN_LAT : (_atan(_exp(-PI * coordinates[1])) - QUARTER_PI) / PI_TO_360] - } - }; - function createProjectUnprojectMethods(p1, p2, delta) { - var x0 = (p1[0] + p2[0]) / 2 - delta / 2, - y0 = (p1[1] + p2[1]) / 2 - delta / 2, - k = 2 / delta; - return { - project: function(coordinates) { - var p = mercator.project(coordinates); - return [-1 + (p[0] - x0) * k, -1 + (p[1] - y0) * k] - }, - unproject: function(coordinates) { - var p = [x0 + (coordinates[0] + 1) / k, y0 + (coordinates[1] + 1) / k]; - return mercator.unproject(p) - } - } - } - function floatsEqual(f1, f2) { - return _abs(f1 - f2) < 1E-8 - } - function truncate(value, min, max, fallback) { - var _value = _Number(value); - if (_value < min) - _value = min; - else if (_value > max) - _value = max; - else if (!(min <= _value && _value <= max)) - _value = fallback; - return _value - } - function truncateQuad(quad, min, max) { - return { - lt: [truncate(quad[0], min[0], max[0], min[0]), truncate(quad[1], min[1], max[1], min[1])], - rb: [truncate(quad[2], min[0], max[0], max[0]), truncate(quad[3], min[1], max[1], max[1])] - } - } - function parseBounds(bounds) { - var p1 = mercator.unproject([-1, -1]), - p2 = mercator.unproject([+1, +1]), - min = [_min(p1[0], p2[0]), _min(p1[1], p2[1])], - max = [_max(p1[0], p2[0]), _max(p1[1], p2[1])], - quad = bounds; - if (quad && quad.minLon) - quad = [quad.minLon, quad.minLat, quad.maxLon, quad.maxLat]; - if (quad) - quad = truncateQuad(quad, min, max); - return { - minBase: min, - maxBase: max, - min: quad ? [_min([0], quad.rb[0]), _min([1], quad.rb[1])] : min, - max: quad ? [_max([0], quad.rb[0]), _max([1], quad.rb[1])] : max - } - } - function selectCenterValue(value1, value2, center1, center2) { - var result; - if (value1 > -1 && value2 >= +1) - result = center1; - else if (value1 <= -1 && value2 < +1) - result = center2; - else - result = (center1 + center2) / 2; - return result - } - function Projection() { - this.setBounds(null) - } - Projection.prototype = { - constructor: Projection, - _minZoom: DEFAULT_MIN_ZOOM, - _maxZoom: DEFAULT_MAX_ZOOM, - _zoom: DEFAULT_MIN_ZOOM, - setSize: function(width, height) { - var that = this; - that._x0 = width / 2; - that._y0 = height / 2; - if (width / height <= mercator.aspectRatio) { - that._xradius = width / 2; - that._yradius = width / 2 / mercator.aspectRatio - } - else { - that._xradius = height / 2 * mercator.aspectRatio; - that._yradius = height / 2 - } - return that - }, - setBounds: function(bounds) { - var that = this, - _bounds = parseBounds(bounds); - that._minBase = _bounds.minBase; - that._maxBase = _bounds.maxBase; - that._minBound = _bounds.min; - that._maxBound = _bounds.max; - var p1 = mercator.project(_bounds.min), - p2 = mercator.project(_bounds.max), - delta = _min(truncate(_abs(p2[0] - p1[0]), 0.1, 2, 2), truncate(_abs(p2[1] - p1[1]), 0.1, 2, 2)), - methods = delta < 2 ? createProjectUnprojectMethods(p1, p2, delta) : mercator; - that._project = methods.project; - that._unproject = methods.unproject; - var minv = that._project(_bounds.minBase), - maxv = that._project(_bounds.maxBase); - that._minv = [_min(minv[0], maxv[0]), _min(minv[1], maxv[1])]; - that._maxv = [_max(minv[0], maxv[0]), _max(minv[1], maxv[1])]; - that._defaultCenter = that._unproject([0, 0]); - return that.setCenter(that._defaultCenter) - }, - _toScreen: function(coordinates) { - return [this._x0 + this._xradius * coordinates[0], this._y0 + this._yradius * coordinates[1]] - }, - _fromScreen: function(coordinates) { - return [(coordinates[0] - this._x0) / this._xradius, (coordinates[1] - this._y0) / this._yradius] - }, - _toTransformed: function(coordinates) { - return [coordinates[0] * this._zoom + this._dxcenter, coordinates[1] * this._zoom + this._dycenter, ] - }, - _toTransformedFast: function(coordinates) { - return [coordinates[0] * this._zoom, coordinates[1] * this._zoom] - }, - _fromTransformed: function(coordinates) { - return [(coordinates[0] - this._dxcenter) / this._zoom, (coordinates[1] - this._dycenter) / this._zoom] - }, - _adjustCenter: function() { - var that = this, - center = that._project(that._center); - that._dxcenter = -center[0] * that._zoom; - that._dycenter = -center[1] * that._zoom - }, - projectArea: function(coordinates) { - var i = 0, - ii = _isArray(coordinates) ? coordinates.length : 0, - subcoords, - j, - jj, - subresult, - result = []; - for (; i < ii; ++i) { - subcoords = coordinates[i]; - subresult = []; - for (j = 0, jj = _isArray(subcoords) ? subcoords.length : 0; j < jj; ++j) - subresult.push(this._project(subcoords[j])); - result.push(subresult) - } - return result - }, - projectPoint: function(coordinates) { - return coordinates ? this._project(coordinates) : [] - }, - getAreaCoordinates: function(data) { - var k = 0, - kk = data.length, - partialData, - i, - ii, - list = [], - partialPath, - point; - for (; k < kk; ++k) { - partialData = data[k]; - partialPath = []; - for (i = 0, ii = partialData.length; i < ii; ++i) { - point = this._toScreen(this._toTransformedFast(partialData[i])); - partialPath.push(point[0], point[1]) - } - list.push(_buildPath(partialPath)) - } - return list.join(' ') - }, - getPointCoordinates: function(data) { - var point = this._toScreen(this._toTransformedFast(data)); - return { - x: _round(point[0]), - y: _round(point[1]) - } - }, - getZoom: function() { - return this._zoom - }, - setZoom: function(zoom) { - var that = this; - that._zoom = truncate(zoom, that._minZoom, that._maxZoom, that._minZoom); - that._adjustCenter(); - return that - }, - getScaledZoom: function() { - return _round((this._scale.length - 1) * _ln(this._zoom) / _ln(this._maxZoom)) - }, - setScaledZoom: function(scaledZoom) { - return this.setZoom(this._scale[_round(scaledZoom)]) - }, - getZoomScalePartition: function() { - return this._scale.length - 1 - }, - _setupScaling: function() { - var that = this, - k = _round(TWO_TO_LN2 * _ln(that._maxZoom)); - k = k > 4 ? k : 4; - var step = _pow(that._maxZoom, 1 / k), - zoom = that._minZoom, - i = 1; - that._scale = [zoom]; - for (; i <= k; ++i) - that._scale.push(zoom *= step) - }, - setMaxZoom: function(maxZoom) { - var that = this; - that._minZoom = DEFAULT_MIN_ZOOM; - that._maxZoom = truncate(maxZoom, that._minZoom, _Number.MAX_VALUE, DEFAULT_MAX_ZOOM); - that._setupScaling(); - if (that._zoom > that._maxZoom) - that.setZoom(that._maxZoom); - return that - }, - getMinZoom: function() { - return this._minZoom - }, - getMaxZoom: function() { - return this._maxZoom - }, - getCenter: function() { - return [this._center[0], this._center[1]] - }, - setCenter: function(center) { - var _center = _isArray(center) ? center : null; - _center = _center || center && (center.lon || && [center.lon,] || []; - var that = this; - that._center = [truncate(_center[0], that._minBound[0], that._maxBound[0], that._defaultCenter[0]), truncate(_center[1], that._minBound[1], that._maxBound[1], that._defaultCenter[1])]; - that._adjustCenter(); - return that - }, - setCenterByPoint: function(coordinates, screenPosition) { - var that = this, - p = that._project(coordinates), - q = that._fromScreen(screenPosition); - return that.setCenter(that._unproject([-q[0] / that._zoom + p[0], -q[1] / that._zoom + p[1]])) - }, - moveCenter: function(screenDx, screenDy) { - var that = this, - current = that._toScreen(that._toTransformed(that._project(that._center))), - center = that._unproject(that._fromTransformed(that._fromScreen([current[0] + screenDx, current[1] + screenDy]))); - return that.setCenter(center) - }, - getViewport: function() { - var p1 = this._unproject(this._fromTransformed([-1, -1])), - p2 = this._unproject(this._fromTransformed([+1, +1])); - return [p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1]] - }, - setViewport: function(viewport) { - var that = this; - if (!_isArray(viewport)) - return that.setZoom(that._minZoom).setCenter(that._defaultCenter); - var _viewport = truncateQuad(viewport, that._minBase, that._maxBase), - lt = that._project(, - rb = that._project(_viewport.rb), - l = _min(lt[0], rb[0]), - t = _min(lt[1], rb[1]), - r = _max(lt[0], rb[0]), - b = _max(lt[1], rb[1]), - zoom = 2 / _max(r - l, b - t), - xc = selectCenterValue(l, r, -1 - zoom * l, +1 - zoom * r), - yc = selectCenterValue(t, b, -1 - zoom * t, +1 - zoom * b); - return that.setZoom(zoom).setCenter(that._unproject([-xc / zoom, -yc / zoom])) - }, - getTransform: function() { - return { - translateX: this._dxcenter * this._xradius, - translateY: this._dycenter * this._yradius - } - }, - fromScreenPoint: function(x, y) { - return this._unproject(this._fromTransformed(this._fromScreen([x, y]))) - }, - fromScreenPointStrict: function(x, y) { - var that = this, - p = that._fromTransformed(that._fromScreen([x, y])), - q = that._unproject(p); - return [p[0] >= that._minv[0] && p[0] <= that._maxv[0] ? q[0] : NaN, p[1] >= that._minv[1] && p[1] <= that._maxv[1] ? q[1] : NaN] - }, - snapCenter: function() { - this._snappedCenter = this.getCenter(); - return this - }, - isCenterChanged: function() { - var center = this.getCenter(); - return !floatsEqual(this._snappedCenter[0], center[0]) || !floatsEqual(this._snappedCenter[1], center[1]) - }, - snapZoom: function() { - this._snappedZoom = this.getZoom(); - return this - }, - isZoomChanged: function() { - return !floatsEqual(this._snappedZoom, this.getZoom()) - } - }; - = Projection; - = mercator; - = function(stub) { - mercator = stub - }; - = function() { - mercator = - }; - = function() { - return new Projection - } - })(DevExpress, jQuery); - /*! Module viz-vectormap, file controlBar.js */ - (function(DX, undefined) { - var _buildPath = DX.viz.renderers.buildPath, - _setTimeout = setTimeout, - _clearTimeout = clearTimeout, - _round = Math.round, - _pow = Math.pow, - _ln = Math.log; - var _LN2 = Math.LN2; - var COMMAND_RESET = 'command-reset', - COMMAND_MOVE_UP = 'command-move-up', - COMMAND_MOVE_RIGHT = 'command-move-right', - COMMAND_MOVE_DOWN = 'command-move-down', - COMMAND_MOVE_LEFT = 'command-move-left', - COMMAND_ZOOM_IN = 'command-zoom-in', - COMMAND_ZOOM_OUT = 'command-zoom-out', - COMMAND_ZOOM_DRAG = 'command-zoom-drag'; - var _DATA_KEY =, - EVENT_TARGET_TYPE = 'control-bar'; - var COMMAND_TO_TYPE_MAP = {}; - COMMAND_TO_TYPE_MAP[COMMAND_RESET] = ResetCommand; - COMMAND_TO_TYPE_MAP[COMMAND_MOVE_UP] = COMMAND_TO_TYPE_MAP[COMMAND_MOVE_RIGHT] = COMMAND_TO_TYPE_MAP[COMMAND_MOVE_DOWN] = COMMAND_TO_TYPE_MAP[COMMAND_MOVE_LEFT] = MoveCommand; - COMMAND_TO_TYPE_MAP[COMMAND_ZOOM_IN] = COMMAND_TO_TYPE_MAP[COMMAND_ZOOM_OUT] = ZoomCommand; - COMMAND_TO_TYPE_MAP[COMMAND_ZOOM_DRAG] = ZoomDragCommand; - var ControlBar = DX.Class.inherit({ - ctor: function(parameters) { - var that = this; - that._container = parameters.container; - that._createElements(parameters.renderer); - var context = parameters.context, - resetCallback = parameters.resetCallback, - beginMoveCallback = parameters.beginMoveCallback, - endMoveCallback = parameters.endMoveCallback, - moveCallback = parameters.moveCallback, - zoomCallback = parameters.zoomCallback; - parameters = null; - that._reset = function() { - - }; - that._beginMove = function() { - - }; - that._endMove = function() { - - }; - that._move = function(dx, dy) { -, dx, dy) - }; - that._zoom = function(zoom, x, y) { -, zoom, x, y) - }; - that._dispose = function() { - this._reset = this._move = this._zoom = this._dispose = context = resetCallback = moveCallback = zoomCallback = null - } - }, - _createElements: function(renderer) { - var that = this; - that._root = renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxm-control-bar'}); - that._buttonsGroup = renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxm-control-buttons'}).append(that._root); - that._trackersGroup = renderer.createGroup({ - stroke: 'none', - strokeWidth: 0, - fill: '#000000', - opacity: 0.0001, - cursor: 'pointer' - }).append(that._root); - var options = { - bigCircleSize: 58, - smallCircleSize: 28, - buttonSize: 10, - arrowButtonOffset: 20, - incdecButtonSize: 11, - incButtonOffset: 66, - decButtonOffset: 227, - sliderLineStartOffset: 88.5, - sliderLineEndOffset: 205.5, - sliderLength: 20, - sliderWidth: 8, - trackerGap: 4 - }; - that._createButtons(renderer, options); - that._createTrackers(renderer, options); - that._root.applySettings({ - translateX: 50.5, - translateY: 50.5 - }) - }, - _createButtons: function(renderer, options) { - var group = this._buttonsGroup, - size = options.buttonSize / 2, - offset1 = options.arrowButtonOffset - size, - offset2 = options.arrowButtonOffset, - incdecButtonSize = options.incdecButtonSize / 2; - renderer.createCircle(0, 0, options.bigCircleSize / 2).append(group); - renderer.createCircle(0, 0, size).append(group); - renderer.createPath([-size, -offset1, 0, -offset2, size, -offset1]).append(group); - renderer.createPath([offset1, -size, offset2, 0, offset1, size]).append(group); - renderer.createPath([size, offset1, 0, offset2, -size, offset1]).append(group); - renderer.createPath([-offset1, size, -offset2, 0, -offset1, -size]).append(group); - renderer.createCircle(0, options.incButtonOffset, options.smallCircleSize / 2).append(group); - renderer.createSimplePath({d: _buildPath([-incdecButtonSize, options.incButtonOffset, incdecButtonSize, options.incButtonOffset]) + ' ' + _buildPath([0, options.incButtonOffset - incdecButtonSize, 0, options.incButtonOffset + incdecButtonSize])}).append(group); - renderer.createCircle(0, options.decButtonOffset, options.smallCircleSize / 2).append(group); - renderer.createSimplePath({d: _buildPath([-incdecButtonSize, options.decButtonOffset, incdecButtonSize, options.decButtonOffset])}).append(group); - renderer.createSimplePath({d: _buildPath([0, options.sliderLineStartOffset, 0, options.sliderLineEndOffset])}).append(group); - this._zoomDrag = renderer.createRect(-options.sliderLength / 2, options.sliderLineEndOffset - options.sliderWidth / 2, options.sliderLength, options.sliderWidth).append(group); - this._sliderLineLength = options.sliderLineEndOffset - options.sliderLineStartOffset - }, - _createTrackers: function(renderer, options) { - var group = this._trackersGroup, - size = _round((options.arrowButtonOffset - options.trackerGap) / 2), - offset1 = options.arrowButtonOffset - size, - offset2 = _round(_pow(options.bigCircleSize * options.bigCircleSize / 4 - size * size, 0.5)), - size2 = offset2 - offset1, - element; - renderer.createRect(-size, -size, size * 2, size * 2).append(group).data(_DATA_KEY, { - index: COMMAND_RESET, - type: EVENT_TARGET_TYPE - }); - renderer.createRect(-size, -offset2, size * 2, size2).append(group).data(_DATA_KEY, { - index: COMMAND_MOVE_UP, - type: EVENT_TARGET_TYPE - }); - renderer.createRect(offset1, -size, size2, size * 2).append(group).data(_DATA_KEY, { - index: COMMAND_MOVE_RIGHT, - type: EVENT_TARGET_TYPE - }); - renderer.createRect(-size, offset1, size * 2, size2).append(group).data(_DATA_KEY, { - index: COMMAND_MOVE_DOWN, - type: EVENT_TARGET_TYPE - }); - renderer.createRect(-offset2, -size, size2, size * 2).append(group).data(_DATA_KEY, { - index: COMMAND_MOVE_LEFT, - type: EVENT_TARGET_TYPE - }); - renderer.createCircle(0, options.incButtonOffset, options.smallCircleSize / 2).append(group).data(_DATA_KEY, { - index: COMMAND_ZOOM_IN, - type: EVENT_TARGET_TYPE - }); - renderer.createCircle(0, options.decButtonOffset, options.smallCircleSize / 2).append(group).data(_DATA_KEY, { - index: COMMAND_ZOOM_OUT, - type: EVENT_TARGET_TYPE - }); - this._zoomDragCover = renderer.createRect(-options.sliderLength / 2, options.sliderLineEndOffset - options.sliderWidth / 2, options.sliderLength, options.sliderWidth).append(group).data(_DATA_KEY, { - index: COMMAND_ZOOM_DRAG, - type: EVENT_TARGET_TYPE - }) - }, - dispose: function() { - var that = this; - delete that._container; - that._dispose(); - that._root.clear(); - delete that._root; - delete that._buttonsGroup; - delete that._zoomDrag; - delete that._zoomDragCover; - return that - }, - setZoomPartition: function(partition) { - this._zoomPartition = partition; - this._sliderUnitLength = this._sliderLineLength / partition; - return this - }, - setZoom: function(zoom) { - this._adjustZoom(zoom); - return this - }, - setOptions: function(options, interactionOptions) { - options = options || {}; - interactionOptions = interactionOptions || {}; - this._dragAndZoomEnabled = interactionOptions.dragAndZoomEnabled !== undefined ? !!interactionOptions.dragAndZoomEnabled : true; - this._enabled = this._dragAndZoomEnabled && (options.enabled !== undefined ? !!options.enabled : true); - this._buttonsGroup.applySettings(options.shape); - return this - }, - clean: function() { - this._enabled && this._root.detach(); - return this - }, - render: function() { - this._enabled && this._root.append(this._container); - return this - }, - _adjustZoom: function(zoom) { - var that = this; - that._zoomFactor = _round(zoom); - that._zoomFactor >= 0 || (that._zoomFactor = 0); - that._zoomFactor <= that._zoomPartition || (that._zoomFactor = that._zoomPartition); - var transform = {translateY: -that._zoomFactor * that._sliderUnitLength}; - that._zoomDrag.applySettings(transform); - that._zoomDragCover.applySettings(transform) - }, - _applyZoom: function(x, y) { - this._zoom(this._zoomFactor, x, y) - }, - processStart: function(arg) { - if (this._dragAndZoomEnabled) { - var commandType = COMMAND_TO_TYPE_MAP[]; - this._command = new commandType(this, arg) - } - return this - }, - processMove: function(arg) { - if (this._dragAndZoomEnabled) - this._command.update(arg); - return this - }, - processEnd: function(arg) { - if (this._dragAndZoomEnabled) - this._command.finish(arg); - return this - }, - processZoom: function(arg) { - var that = this, - zoomFactor; - if (that._dragAndZoomEnabled) { - if ( - zoomFactor =; - else if (arg.ratio) - zoomFactor = _ln(arg.ratio) / _LN2; - that._adjustZoom(that._zoomFactor + zoomFactor); - that._applyZoom(arg.x, arg.y) - } - return that - } - }); - function disposeCommand(command) { - delete command._owner; - command.update = function(){}; - command.finish = function(){} - } - function ResetCommand(owner, arg) { - this._owner = owner; - this._command = - } - ResetCommand.prototype.update = function(arg) { - !== this._command && disposeCommand(this) - }; - ResetCommand.prototype.finish = function() { - this._owner._reset(); - this._owner._adjustZoom(0); - disposeCommand(this) - }; - function MoveCommand(owner, arg) { - this._command =; - var timeout = null, - interval = 100, - dx = 0, - dy = 0; - switch (this._command) { - case COMMAND_MOVE_UP: - dy = -10; - break; - case COMMAND_MOVE_RIGHT: - dx = 10; - break; - case COMMAND_MOVE_DOWN: - dy = 10; - break; - case COMMAND_MOVE_LEFT: - dx = -10; - break - } - function callback() { - owner._move(dx, dy); - timeout = _setTimeout(callback, interval) - } - this._stop = function() { - _clearTimeout(timeout); - owner._endMove(); - this._stop = owner = callback = null; - return this - }; - arg = null; - owner._beginMove(); - callback() - } - MoveCommand.prototype.update = function(arg) { - this._command !== && this.finish() - }; - MoveCommand.prototype.finish = function() { - disposeCommand(this._stop()) - }; - function ZoomCommand(owner, arg) { - this._owner = owner; - this._command =; - var timeout = null, - interval = 150, - dzoom = this._command === COMMAND_ZOOM_IN ? 1 : -1; - function callback() { - owner._adjustZoom(owner._zoomFactor + dzoom); - timeout = _setTimeout(callback, interval) - } - this._stop = function() { - _clearTimeout(timeout); - this._stop = owner = callback = null; - return this - }; - arg = null; - callback() - } - ZoomCommand.prototype.update = function(arg) { - this._command !== && this.finish() - }; - ZoomCommand.prototype.finish = function() { - this._owner._applyZoom(); - disposeCommand(this._stop()) - }; - function ZoomDragCommand(owner, arg) { - this._owner = owner; - this._zoomFactor = owner._zoomFactor; - this._pos = arg.y - } - ZoomDragCommand.prototype.update = function(arg) { - var owner = this._owner; - owner._adjustZoom(this._zoomFactor + owner._zoomPartition * (this._pos - arg.y) / owner._sliderLineLength) - }; - ZoomDragCommand.prototype.finish = function() { - this._owner._applyZoom(); - disposeCommand(this) - }; - = ControlBar; - = function(parameters) { - return new ControlBar(parameters) - } - })(DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-vectormap, file tracker.js */ - (function(DX, $, undefined) { - var _addNamespace =, - _abs = Math.abs, - _sqrt = Math.sqrt, - _round = Math.round, - _max = Math.max, - _min = Math.min, - _now = $.now, - _extend = $.extend; - var _NAME =, - _DATA_KEY =; - var $doc = $(document); - var EVENTS = {}; - setupEvents(); - var EVENT_START = 'start', - EVENT_MOVE = 'move', - EVENT_END = 'end', - EVENT_ZOOM = 'zoom', - EVENT_HOVER_ON = 'hover-on', - EVENT_HOVER_OFF = 'hover-off', - EVENT_CLICK = 'click', - EVENT_FOCUS_ON = 'focus-on', - EVENT_FOCUS_MOVE = 'focus-move', - EVENT_FOCUS_OFF = 'focus-off'; - var CLICK_TIME_THRESHOLD = 500, - CLICK_COORD_THRESHOLD = 5, - DRAG_COORD_THRESHOLD_MOUSE = 5, - DRAG_COORD_THRESHOLD_TOUCH = 10, - FOCUS_ON_DELAY_MOUSE = 300, - FOCUS_OFF_DELAY_MOUSE = 300, - FOCUS_ON_DELAY_TOUCH = 300, - FOCUS_OFF_DELAY_TOUCH = 400, - FOCUS_COORD_THRESHOLD_MOUSE = 5; - function Tracker(parameters) { - this._root = parameters.root; - this._callbacks = {}; - this._createEventHandlers(); - this._focus = new Focus(this._callbacks) - } - _extend(Tracker.prototype, { - dispose: function() { - var that = this; - that._focus.dispose(); - that._root = that._callbacks = that._focus = that._rootClickEvents = that._$docClickEvents = that._rootZoomEvents = that._$docZoomEvents = that._rootHoverEvents = that._$docHoverEvents = that._rootFocusEvents = that._$docFocusEvents = null; - return that - }, - _createEventHandlers: function() { - var that = this; - that._rootClickEvents = {}; - that._rootClickEvents[EVENTS.start] = function(event) { - var isTouch = isTouchEvent(event); - if (isTouch && !that._isTouchEnabled) - return; - event.preventDefault(); - var coords = getEventCoords(event); - that._clickState = { - x: coords.x, - y: coords.y, - time: _now() - } - }; - that._$docClickEvents = {}; - that._$docClickEvents[EVENTS.end] = function(event) { - var state = that._clickState; - if (!state) - return; - var isTouch = isTouchEvent(event); - if (isTouch && !that._isTouchEnabled) - return; - if (_now() - state.time <= CLICK_TIME_THRESHOLD) { - var coords = getEventCoords(event); - if (_abs(coords.x - state.x) <= CLICK_COORD_THRESHOLD && _abs(coords.y - state.y) <= CLICK_COORD_THRESHOLD) - that._callbacks[EVENT_CLICK]({ - data: $( || {}, - x: coords.x, - y: coords.y, - $event: event - }) - } - that._clickState = null - }; - that._rootDragEvents = {}; - that._rootDragEvents[EVENTS.start] = function(event) { - var isTouch = isTouchEvent(event); - if (isTouch && !that._isTouchEnabled) - return; - var coords = getEventCoords(event); - that._dragState = { - x: coords.x, - y: coords.y, - data: $( || {} - }; - if (that._isDragEnabled) - that._callbacks[EVENT_START]({ - data:, - x: coords.x, - y: coords.y - }) - }; - that._$docDragEvents = {}; - that._$docDragEvents[EVENTS.move] = function(event) { - var state = that._dragState; - if (!state) - return; - var isTouch = isTouchEvent(event); - if (isTouch && !that._isTouchEnabled) - return; - var coords = getEventCoords(event), - threshold = isTouch ? DRAG_COORD_THRESHOLD_TOUCH : DRAG_COORD_THRESHOLD_MOUSE; - if ( || _abs(coords.x - state.x) > threshold || _abs(coords.y - state.y) > threshold) { - state.x = coords.x; - state.y = coords.y; - = true; - = $( || {}; - if (that._isDragEnabled) - that._callbacks[EVENT_MOVE]({ - data:, - x: coords.x, - y: coords.y - }) - } - }; - that._$docDragEvents[EVENTS.end] = function(event) { - var state = that._dragState; - if (!state) - return; - var isTouch = isTouchEvent(event); - if (isTouch && !that._isTouchEnabled) - return; - that._endDragging() - }; - that._rootZoomEvents = {}; - that._rootZoomEvents[EVENTS.wheel] = function(event) { - if (!that._isWheelEnabled) - return; - event.preventDefault(); - if (that._zoomState) - return; - var delta = event.originalEvent.wheelDelta / 120 || event.originalEvent.detail / -3 || 0; - if (delta === 0) - return; - delta = delta > 0 ? _min(_round(delta) || +1, +4) : _max(_round(delta) || -1, -4); - var coords = getEventCoords(event); - if (that._isZoomEnabled) - that._callbacks[EVENT_ZOOM]({ - delta: delta, - x: coords.x, - y: coords.y - }); - that._zoomState = setTimeout(function() { - that._zoomState = null - }, 50) - }; - that._rootZoomEvents[EVENTS.start] = function(event) { - var isTouch = isTouchEvent(event); - if (!isTouch || !that._isTouchEnabled) - return; - var state = that._zoomState = that._zoomState || {}; - if (state.pointer1 && state.pointer2) - return; - var coords; - if (state.pointer1 === undefined) { - state.pointer1 = getPointerId(event) || 0; - coords = getMultitouchEventCoords(event, state.pointer1); - state.x1 = state.x1_0 = coords.x; - state.y1 = state.y1_0 = coords.y - } - if (state.pointer2 === undefined) { - var pointer2 = getPointerId(event) || 1; - if (pointer2 !== state.pointer1) { - coords = getMultitouchEventCoords(event, pointer2); - if (coords) { - state.x2 = state.x2_0 = coords.x; - state.y2 = state.y2_0 = coords.y; - state.pointer2 = pointer2; - state.ready = true; - that._endDragging() - } - } - } - }; - that._$docZoomEvents = {}; - that._$docZoomEvents[EVENTS.move] = function(event) { - var state = that._zoomState; - if (!state) - return; - var isTouch = isTouchEvent(event); - if (!isTouch || !that._isTouchEnabled) - return; - var coords; - if (state.pointer1 !== undefined) { - coords = getMultitouchEventCoords(event, state.pointer1); - if (coords) { - state.x1 = coords.x; - state.y1 = coords.y - } - } - if (state.pointer2 !== undefined) { - coords = getMultitouchEventCoords(event, state.pointer2); - if (coords) { - state.x2 = coords.x; - state.y2 = coords.y - } - } - }; - that._$docZoomEvents[EVENTS.end] = function(event) { - var state = that._zoomState; - if (!state) - return; - var isTouch = isTouchEvent(event); - if (!isTouch || !that._isTouchEnabled) - return; - if (state.ready) { - var startDistance = getDistance(state.x1_0, state.y1_0, state.x2_0, state.y2_0), - currentDistance = getDistance(state.x1, state.y1, state.x2, state.y2); - if (that._isZoomEnabled) - that._callbacks[EVENT_ZOOM]({ - ratio: currentDistance / startDistance, - x: (state.x1_0 + state.x2_0) / 2, - y: (state.y1_0 + state.y2_0) / 2 - }) - } - that._zoomState = null - }; - that._rootHoverEvents = {}; - that._rootHoverEvents[EVENTS.over] = function(event) { - if (that._hoverTarget === - return; - var isTouch = isTouchEvent(event); - if (isTouch) - return; - var data = $(; - if (!data) - return; - that._hoverTarget && that._endHovering(); - that._hoverTarget =; - that._hoverState = {data: data}; - that._callbacks[EVENT_HOVER_ON]({data: data}) - }; - that._$docHoverEvents = {}; - that._$docHoverEvents[EVENTS.out] = function(event) { - var state = that._hoverState; - if (!state) - return; - var isTouch = isTouchEvent(event); - if (isTouch) - return; - var data = $(; - if (!data) - return; - that._endHovering() - }; - that._rootFocusEvents = {}; - that._rootFocusEvents[EVENTS.start] = function(event) { - var isTouch = isTouchEvent(event); - if (!isTouch || !that._isTouchEnabled) - return; - var data = $(; - if (!data) - return; - that._focus.turnOff(FOCUS_OFF_DELAY_TOUCH); - that._focus.turnOn(, data, getEventCoords(event), FOCUS_ON_DELAY_TOUCH); - that._skip$docEvent = true - }; - that._rootFocusEvents[EVENTS.over] = function(event) { - if (that._focusTarget === - return; - that._focusTarget =; - var isTouch = isTouchEvent(event); - if (isTouch) - return; - var data = $(; - if (!data) - return; - if (that._focusTarget) - that._focus.turnOff(FOCUS_OFF_DELAY_MOUSE); - var coords = getEventCoords(event); - if ( - that._focus.move(, data, coords); - else - that._focus.turnOn(, data, coords, FOCUS_ON_DELAY_MOUSE) - }; - that._$docFocusEvents = {}; - that._$docFocusEvents[EVENTS.start] = function(event) { - that._focusTarget =; - var isTouch = isTouchEvent(event); - if (!isTouch || !that._isTouchEnabled) - return; - if (!that._skip$docEvent) - that._focus.turnOff(FOCUS_OFF_DELAY_TOUCH); - that._skip$docEvent = null - }; - that._$docFocusEvents[EVENTS.move] = function(event) { - if (that._focus.disabled) - return; - if (that._focusTarget !== - return; - var isTouch = isTouchEvent(event); - if (isTouch && !that._isTouchEnabled) - return; - var data = $(; - if (!data) - return; - var coords = getEventCoords(event); - if (isTouch) { - if (that._dragState && || that._zoomState && that._zoomState.ready) - that._focus.cancel() - } - else if ( - if (that._dragState && { - that._focus.cancel(); - that._focus.turnOn(, data, coords, FOCUS_ON_DELAY_MOUSE * 4) - } - else - that._focus.move(, data, coords); - else if (_abs(coords.x - that._focus.x) > FOCUS_COORD_THRESHOLD_MOUSE || _abs(coords.y - that._focus.y) > FOCUS_COORD_THRESHOLD_MOUSE) - that._focus.turnOn(, data, coords, FOCUS_ON_DELAY_MOUSE) - }; - that._$docFocusEvents[EVENTS.end] = function(event) { - if (that._focus.disabled) - return; - var isTouch = isTouchEvent(event); - if (!isTouch || !that._isTouchEnabled) - return; - that._focusTarget = null; - if (! - that._focus.turnOff(FOCUS_OFF_DELAY_TOUCH); - else if (that._focus.changing) - that._focus.cancel() - }; - that._$docFocusEvents[EVENTS.out] = function(event) { - if (that._focus.disabled) - return; - var isTouch = isTouchEvent(event); - if (isTouch) - return; - that._focusTarget = null; - var data = $(; - if (!data) - return; - that._focus.turnOff(FOCUS_OFF_DELAY_MOUSE) - } - }, - _endDragging: function() { - var that = this, - state = that._dragState; - that._dragState = null; - if (state && that._isDragEnabled) - that._callbacks[EVENT_END]({ - data:, - x: state.x, - y: state.y - }) - }, - _endHovering: function() { - var that = this, - state = that._hoverState; - that._hoverState = that._hoverTarget = null; - if (state) - that._callbacks[EVENT_HOVER_OFF]({data:}) - }, - reset: function() { - var that = this; - that._clickState = null; - that._endDragging(); - that._endHovering(); - that._focus.cancel(); - that._focusTarget = null; - return that - }, - setCallbacks: function(callbacks) { - _extend(this._callbacks, callbacks); - return this - }, - setOptions: function(options) { - this._isTouchEnabled = options.touchEnabled === undefined || !!options.touchEnabled; - this._isWheelEnabled = options.wheelEnabled === undefined || !!options.wheelEnabled; - this._isDragEnabled = options.dragAndZoomEnabled === undefined || !!options.dragAndZoomEnabled; - this._isZoomEnabled = options.dragAndZoomEnabled === undefined || !!options.dragAndZoomEnabled; - return this - }, - clean: function() { - var that = this; - if (that._isTouchEnabled) { - that._root.applySettings({style: { - 'touch-action': '', - '-ms-touch-action': '', - '-webkit-user-select': '' - }}); -'MSHoldVisual', _NAME)).off(_addNamespace('contextmenu', _NAME)) - } - that._detachEventHandlers(); - that.reset(); - return that - }, - render: function() { - var that = this; - if (that._isTouchEnabled) { - that._root.applySettings({style: { - 'touch-action': 'none', - '-ms-touch-action': 'none', - '-webkit-user-select': 'none' - }}); - that._root.on(_addNamespace('MSHoldVisual', _NAME), function(event) { - event.preventDefault() - }).on(_addNamespace('contextmenu', _NAME), function(event) { - isTouchEvent(event) && event.preventDefault() - }) - } - that._attachEventHandlers(); - return that - }, - _attachEventHandlers: function() { - var that = this; - that._root.on(that._rootClickEvents).on(that._rootDragEvents).on(that._rootZoomEvents).on(that._rootHoverEvents).on(that._rootFocusEvents); - $doc.on(that._$docClickEvents).on(that._$docDragEvents).on(that._$docZoomEvents).on(that._$docHoverEvents).on(that._$docFocusEvents) - }, - _detachEventHandlers: function() { - var that = this; -; - $$docClickEvents).off(that._$docDragEvents).off(that._$docZoomEvents).off(that._$docHoverEvents).off(that._$docFocusEvents) - } - }); - function Focus(callbacks) { - this._callbacks = callbacks; - this.disabled = true - } - _extend(Focus.prototype, { - dispose: function() { - var that = this; - clearTimeout(that._onTimer); - clearTimeout(that._offTimer); - that._callbacks = that._onTimer = that._offTimer = = that._data = null - }, - _createCallback: function(target, data, coords) { - var that = this; - return function() { - if ( === target) { - that._callbacks[EVENT_FOCUS_MOVE]({ - data: that._data, - x: coords.x, - y: coords.y - }); - onCheck(true) - } - else - that._callbacks[EVENT_FOCUS_ON]({ - data: data, - x: coords.x, - y: coords.y - }, onCheck) - }; - function onCheck(result) { - that.changing = null; - that.disabled = !result; - if (result) { - that._data = data; - = target; - clearTimeout(that._offTimer); - that._offTimer = null - } - } - }, - turnOn: function(target, data, coords, timeout) { - var that = this; - that.disabled = false; - that.x = coords.x; - that.y = coords.y; - clearTimeout(that._onTimer); - that.changing = true; - that._onTimer = setTimeout(that._createCallback(target, data, coords), timeout) - }, - move: function(target, data, coords) { - this.x = coords.x; - this.y = coords.y; - this._createCallback(target, data, coords)() - }, - turnOff: function(timeout) { - var that = this; - if ( - that._offTimer = that._offTimer || setTimeout(function() { - that._offTimer = null; - that._callbacks[EVENT_FOCUS_OFF]({data: that._data}); - that._data = = null; - that.disabled = true - }, timeout); - else { - clearTimeout(that._onTimer); - that._onTimer = null; - that.disabled = true - } - }, - cancel: function() { - var that = this; - if ( - that._callbacks[EVENT_FOCUS_OFF]({data: that._data}); - clearTimeout(that._onTimer); - clearTimeout(that._offTimer); - that._data = = that._onTimer = that._offTimer = null; - that.disabled = true - } - }); - = Tracker; - = function(mode) { - setupEvents(mode) - }; - = Focus; - = function(focusType) { - Focus = focusType - }; - = function() { - Focus = - }; - = function(parameters) { - return new Tracker(parameters) - }; - function getDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) { - return _sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2)) - } - function isTouchEvent(event) { - var type = event.originalEvent.type, - pointerType = event.originalEvent.pointerType; - return /^touch/.test(type) || /^MSPointer/.test(type) && pointerType !== 4 || /^pointer/.test(type) && pointerType !== 'mouse' - } - function selectItem(flags, items) { - var i = 0, - ii = flags.length, - item; - for (; i < ii; ++i) - if (flags[i]) { - item = items[i]; - break - } - return _addNamespace(item || items[i], _NAME) - } - function setupEvents() { - var flags = [navigator.pointerEnabled, navigator.msPointerEnabled, 'ontouchstart' in window]; - if (arguments.length) - flags = [arguments[0] === 'pointer', arguments[0] === 'MSPointer', arguments[0] === 'touch']; - EVENTS = { - start: selectItem(flags, ['pointerdown', 'MSPointerDown', 'touchstart mousedown', 'mousedown']), - move: selectItem(flags, ['pointermove', 'MSPointerMove', 'touchmove mousemove', 'mousemove']), - end: selectItem(flags, ['pointerup', 'MSPointerUp', 'touchend mouseup', 'mouseup']), - over: selectItem(flags, ['pointerover', 'MSPointerOver', 'mouseover', 'mouseover']), - out: selectItem(flags, ['pointerout', 'MSPointerOut', 'mouseout', 'mouseout']), - wheel: selectItem([], ['mousewheel DOMMouseScroll']) - } - } - function getEventCoords(event) { - var originalEvent = event.originalEvent, - touch = originalEvent.touches && originalEvent.touches[0] || {}; - return { - x: touch.pageX || originalEvent.pageX || event.pageX, - y: touch.pageY || originalEvent.pageY || event.pageY - } - } - function getPointerId(event) { - return event.originalEvent.pointerId - } - function getMultitouchEventCoords(event, pointerId) { - var originalEvent = event.originalEvent; - if (originalEvent.pointerId !== undefined) - originalEvent = originalEvent.pointerId === pointerId ? originalEvent : null; - else - originalEvent = originalEvent.touches[pointerId]; - return originalEvent ? { - x: originalEvent.pageX || event.pageX, - y: originalEvent.pageY || event.pageY - } : null - } - })(DevExpress, jQuery); - /*! Module viz-vectormap, file themeManager.js */ - (function(DX, $, undefined) { - var _Number = Number, - _extend = $.extend, - _each = $.each; - var ThemeManager = DX.viz.core.BaseThemeManager.inherit({ - _themeSection: 'map', - _initializeTheme: function() { - var that = this; - that._initializeFont(that._theme.marker.font); - that._initializeFont(that._theme.tooltip.font); - that._initializeFont(that._theme.legend.font); - that._initializeFont(that._theme.loadingIndicator.font) - }, - dispose: function() { - var that = this; - that.callBase.apply(that, arguments); - that._areasPalette = that._markersPalette = null; - return that - }, - getBackgroundSettings: function(options) { - var theme = this._theme.background, - merged = _extend({}, theme, options); - return { - strokeWidth: merged.borderWidth, - stroke: merged.borderColor, - fill: merged.color - } - }, - getCommonAreaSettings: function(options) { - var settings = _extend({}, this._theme.area, options); - this._areasPalette = new DX.viz.core.GradientPalette(settings.palette, settings.paletteSize); - this._DEBUG_areasPalette = this._areasPalette; - return settings - }, - getAreaSettings: function(commonSettings, options) { - options = options || {}; - var settings = _extend({}, commonSettings, options); - settings.borderWidth = _Number(settings.borderWidth) || 0; - settings.borderColor = settings.borderColor || null; - if (options.color === undefined && options.paletteIndex >= 0) - settings.color = this._areasPalette.getColor(options.paletteIndex); - settings.color = settings.color || null; - settings.hoveredBorderWidth = _Number(settings.hoveredBorderWidth) || settings.borderWidth; - settings.hoveredBorderColor = settings.hoveredBorderColor || settings.borderColor; - settings.hoveredColor = settings.hoveredColor || settings.color; - settings.selectedBorderWidth = _Number(settings.selectedBorderWidth) || settings.borderWidth; - settings.selectedBorderColor = settings.selectedBorderColor || settings.borderColor; - settings.selectedColor = settings.selectedColor || settings.color; - return settings - }, - getCommonMarkerSettings: function(options) { - options = options || {}; - var theme = this._theme.marker, - allSettings = {}; - _each(theme, function(name) { - if (name[0] === '_') { - var partialTheme = theme[name] || {}, - partialOptions = options[name] || {}, - settings = _extend({}, theme, partialTheme, options, partialOptions); - settings.font = _extend({}, theme.font, partialTheme.font, options.font, partialOptions.font); - allSettings[name.substr(1)] = settings - } - }); - this._markersPalette = new DX.viz.core.Palette(options.palette || theme.palette, { - stepHighlight: 50, - theme: this.themeName() - }); - this._DEBUG_markersPalette = this._markersPalette; - return allSettings - }, - getMarkerSettings: function(commonSettings, options, type) { - options = options || {}; - var common = commonSettings[type], - settings = _extend({}, common, options); - settings.font = _extend({}, common.font, options.font); - settings.borderWidth = _Number(settings.borderWidth) || 0; - settings.borderColor = settings.borderColor || null; - settings.color = settings.color || null; - settings.opacity = settings.opacity || null; - settings.hoveredBorderWidth = _Number(settings.hoveredBorderWidth) || settings.borderWidth; - settings.hoveredBorderColor = settings.hoveredBorderColor || settings.borderColor; - settings.hoveredColor = settings.hoveredColor || settings.color; - settings.hoveredOpacity = settings.hoveredOpacity || settings.opacity; - settings.selectedBorderWidth = _Number(settings.selectedBorderWidth) || settings.borderWidth; - settings.selectedBorderColor = settings.selectedBorderColor || settings.borderColor; - settings.selectedColor = settings.selectedColor || settings.color; - settings.selectedOpacity = settings.selectedOpacity || settings.opacity; - return settings - }, - getMarkerColors: function(count) { - var i = 0, - colors = []; - for (; i < count; ++i) - colors.push(this._markersPalette.getNextColor()); - this._markersPalette.reset(); - return colors - }, - getControlBarSettings: function(options) { - var theme = this._theme.controlBar, - merged = _extend({}, theme, options); - return _extend({}, options, {shape: { - strokeWidth: merged.borderWidth, - stroke: merged.borderColor, - fill: merged.color - }}) - }, - getLoadIndicatorSettings: function(options) { - var theme = this._theme.loadingIndicator; - return _extend(true, {}, theme, options) - }, - getTooltipSettings: function(options) { - var theme = this._theme.tooltip, - merged = _extend({}, theme, options), - borderOptions = _extend({}, theme.border, options && options.border, options && !options.border && {color: options.borderColor}); - return _extend({}, options, { - color: merged.color, - border: borderOptions, - text: { - strokeWidth: 0, - stroke: 'none', - fill: 'none', - font: _extend({}, theme.font, merged.font), - 'class': 'dxm-tooltip-text' - }, - arrowLength: merged.arrowLength, - paddingLeftRight: merged.paddingLeftRight, - paddingTopBottom: merged.paddingTopBottom, - opacity: merged.opacity, - shadow: _extend({}, theme.shadow, merged.shadow) - }) - }, - getLegendSettings: function(options) { - return _extend(true, {}, this._theme.legend, options) - }, - getLegendItemSettings: function(item) { - var color = item.color; - if (color === undefined && item.paletteIndex >= 0) - color = this._areasPalette.getColor(item.paletteIndex); - return { - text: item.text, - color: color - } - }, - patchRtlSettings: function(rtlEnabledOption) { - var theme = this._theme; - if (rtlEnabledOption || theme.rtlEnabled && rtlEnabledOption !== false) - $.extend(true, theme, theme._rtl) - } - }); - = ThemeManager; - = function() { - return new ThemeManager - } - })(DevExpress, jQuery); - /*! Module viz-vectormap, file mapItemsManager.js */ - (function(DX, $, undefined) { - var _String = String, - _isString = DX.utils.isString, - _isArray = DX.utils.isArray, - _isFunction = DX.utils.isFunction, - _extend = $.extend, - _each = $.each, - _map = $.map; - var SELECTION_MODE_NONE = 'none', - SELECTION_MODE_SINGLE = 'single', - SELECTION_MODE_MULTIPLE = 'multiple'; - var MapItemsManager = DX.Class.inherit({ - _rootClass: null, - ctor: function(parameters) { - var that = this; - that._container = parameters.container; - that._renderer = parameters.renderer; - that._projection = parameters.projection; - that._themeManager = parameters.themeManager; - that._tracker = parameters.tracker; - that._ready = parameters.ready; - that._root = that._renderer.createGroup({'class': that._rootClass}); - that._items = []; - that._context = { - renderer: that._renderer, - root: that._root, - projection: that._projection, - selectItem: function(index, state, noCallback) { - that.selectItem(index, state, noCallback) - } - } - }, - dispose: function() { - var that = this; - that._container = that._renderer = that._projection = that._themeManager = that._tracker = that._ready = that._root = that._source = that._context = null; - return that - }, - clean: function() { - var that = this; - that._rendered = false; - that._root.detach(); - that._customizeCallback = that._clickCallback = that._selectionChangedCallback = null; - that._destroyItems(); - return that - }, - render: function(options) { - options = options || {}; - var that = this; - that._rendered = true; - that._customizeCallback = _isFunction(options.customize) ? options.customize : null; - that._clickCallback = _isFunction( ? : null; - that._selectionChangedCallback = _isFunction(options.selectionChanged) ? options.selectionChanged : null; - that._hoverEnabled = 'hoverEnabled' in options ? !!options.hoverEnabled : true; - var selectionMode = _String(options.selectionMode).toLowerCase(); - that._selectionMode = selectionMode === SELECTION_MODE_NONE || selectionMode === SELECTION_MODE_SINGLE || selectionMode === SELECTION_MODE_MULTIPLE ? selectionMode : SELECTION_MODE_SINGLE; - that._root.append(that._container); - if (that._source !== null) - that._createItems(); - return that - }, - _destroyItems: function() { - var that = this; - that._root.clear(); - _each(that._items, function(_, item) { - item.clean().dispose() - }); - that._items = []; - that._selectedItems = null - }, - _getItemSettings: null, - _createItem: null, - _isItemSelected: null, - _arrangeItems: null, - _createItems: function() { - var that = this; - that._selectedItems = that._selectionMode === SELECTION_MODE_MULTIPLE ? {} : null; - var selectedList = []; - _each(_isArray(that._source) ? that._source : [], function(i, dataItem) { - dataItem = dataItem || {}; - var settings = that._customizeCallback &&, dataItem) || {}; - var source = { - item: dataItem, - coords: that._getItemCoordinates(dataItem), - attrs: that._getItemAttributes(dataItem) - }; - settings = that._getItemSettings(source, settings); - var item = that._createItem(settings); - item.init(that._context, source, i).render(settings).locate(); - that._items.push(item); - if (that._isItemSelected(source, settings)) - selectedList.push(i) - }); - if (that._selectionMode !== SELECTION_MODE_NONE && selectedList.length > 0) { - if (that._selectionMode === SELECTION_MODE_SINGLE) - selectedList = [selectedList[selectedList.length - 1]]; - _each(selectedList, function(_, index) { - that.selectItem(index, true, true) - }) - } - that._arrangeItems(); - that._ready && that._ready() - }, - _processSource: null, - setData: function(data) { - var that = this; - that._source = null; - if (_isString(data)) - $.getJSON(data).done(updateSource).fail(function(_0, _1, error) { - updateSource(null) - }); - else - updateSource(data); - return that; - function updateSource(source) { - that._source = that._processSource(source) || 0; - if (that._rendered) { - that._tracker.reset(); - that._destroyItems(); - that._createItems() - } - } - }, - transform: function(transform) { - this._root.applySettings(transform); - return this - }, - redraw: function() { - _each(this._items, function(_, item) { - item.locate() - }); - return this - }, - hoverItem: function(index, state) { - if (this._hoverEnabled) - this._items[index].setHovered(!!state); - return this - }, - _raiseSelectionChanged: function(item) { - var that = this; - if (that._selectionChangedCallback) - setTimeout(function() { - that._selectionChangedCallback &&, item.proxy) - }, 0) - }, - selectItem: function(index, state, noCallback) { - var that = this; - if (that._selectionMode === SELECTION_MODE_NONE) - return that; - var item = that._items[index], - previous = item.selected; - item.setSelected(!!state); - if (item.selected === previous) - return that; - if (!noCallback) - that._raiseSelectionChanged(item); - if (item.selected && that._selectionMode === SELECTION_MODE_SINGLE && that._selectedItems) { - that._selectedItems.setSelected(false); - if (!noCallback) - that._raiseSelectionChanged(that._selectedItems); - that._selectedItems = null - } - if (that._selectionMode === SELECTION_MODE_SINGLE) - that._selectedItems = item.selected ? item : null; - else if (item.selected) - that._selectedItems[index] = item; - else - delete that._selectedItems[index]; - return that - }, - clearSelection: function() { - var that = this; - if (that._selectionMode === SELECTION_MODE_NONE) - return that; - if (that._selectionMode === SELECTION_MODE_SINGLE) { - if (that._selectedItems) { - that._selectedItems.setSelected(false); - that._raiseSelectionChanged(that._selectedItems); - that._selectedItems = null - } - } - else - _each(that._selectedItems, function(i, item) { - item.setSelected(false); - that._raiseSelectionChanged(item); - delete that._selectedItems[i] - }); - return that - }, - raiseClick: function(index, $event) { - var that = this, - item = that._items[index]; - if (that._clickCallback) - setTimeout(function() { - that._clickCallback &&, item.proxy, $event) - }, 0); - return that - }, - getProxyItems: function() { - return _map(this._items, function(item) { - return item.proxy - }) - }, - getProxyItem: function(index) { - return this._items[index].proxy - } - }); - = { - init: function(ctx, src, index) { - var that = this; - that._ctx = ctx; - that._src = src; - that._coords = that._project(ctx.projection, src.coords); - that._data = { - index: index, - type: that._type - }; - that.hovered = that.selected = false; - that.proxy = createProxy(that, src.attrs, ctx.selectItem); - that.proxy.type = that._type; - that._init(); - return that - }, - dispose: function() { - disposeItem(this.proxy); - disposeItem(this); - return this - }, - locate: function() { - var that = this; - that._locate(that._transform(that._ctx.projection, that._coords)); - return that - }, - clean: function() { - this._root.detach(); - return this - }, - render: function(settings) { - var that = this; - that._root = that._createRoot().append(that._ctx.root); - that._render(settings); - return that - }, - setHovered: function(state) { - var that = this; - that.hovered = !!state; - that._onHover(); - if (!that.selected) - if (that.hovered) - that._setHoveredState(); - else - that._setDefaultState(); - return that - }, - setSelected: function(state) { - var that = this; - that.selected = !!state; - if (that.selected) - that._setSelectedState(); - else - that.setHovered(that.hovered); - return that - } - }; - function createProxy(item, attributes, selectItem) { - attributes = attributes || {}; - return { - attribute: function(name) { - return name !== undefined ? attributes[name] : _extend({}, attributes) - }, - selected: function(state, _noEvent) { - if (state !== undefined) { - if (item.selected !== !!state) - selectItem(item._data.index, !!state, _noEvent); - return this - } - else - return item.selected - } - } - } - function disposeItem(item) { - _each(item, function(name) { - item[name] = null - }) - } - = MapItemsManager; - = MapItemsManager - })(DevExpress, jQuery); - /*! Module viz-vectormap, file areasManager.js */ - (function(DX, $, undefined) { - var _DATA_KEY =; - var AreasManager ={ - _rootClass: 'dxm-areas', - _processSource: function(source) { - var isGeoJson = source && source.type === 'FeatureCollection'; - this._getItemCoordinates = isGeoJson ? getCoordinatesGeoJson : getCoordinatesDefault; - this._getItemAttributes = isGeoJson ? getAttributesGeoJson : getAttributesDefault; - return isGeoJson ? source.features : source - }, - clean: function() { - this._commonSettings = null; - return this.callBase.apply(this, arguments) - }, - render: function(options) { - this._commonSettings = this._themeManager.getCommonAreaSettings(options || {}); - return this.callBase.apply(this, arguments) - }, - _getItemSettings: function(_, options) { - return this._themeManager.getAreaSettings(this._commonSettings, options) - }, - _createItem: function() { - return new Area - }, - _isItemSelected: function(source, settings) { - return source.attrs.isSelected || settings.isSelected - }, - _arrangeItems: $.noop - }); - function getCoordinatesDefault(dataItem) { - return dataItem.coordinates - } - function getCoordinatesGeoJson(dataItem) { - var coordinates; - if (dataItem.geometry) { - var type = dataItem.geometry.type; - coordinates = dataItem.geometry.coordinates; - if (coordinates && (type === 'Polygon' || type === 'MultiPolygon')) - type === 'MultiPolygon' && (coordinates = [].concat.apply([], coordinates)); - else - coordinates = undefined - } - return coordinates - } - function getAttributesDefault(dataItem) { - return dataItem.attributes - } - function getAttributesGeoJson(dataItem) { - return - } - function Area(){} - $.extend(Area.prototype,, { - _type: 'area', - _project: function(projection, coords) { - return projection.projectArea(coords) - }, - _init: $.noop, - _createRoot: function() { - return this._ctx.renderer.createSimplePath() - }, - _render: function(settings) { - var that = this; - that._styles = { - normal: { - 'class': 'dxm-area', - stroke: settings.borderColor, - strokeWidth: settings.borderWidth, - fill: settings.color - }, - hovered: { - 'class': 'dxm-area dxm-area-hovered', - stroke: settings.hoveredBorderColor, - strokeWidth: settings.hoveredBorderWidth, - fill: settings.hoveredColor - }, - selected: { - 'class': 'dxm-area dxm-area-selected', - stroke: settings.selectedBorderColor, - strokeWidth: settings.selectedBorderWidth, - fill: settings.selectedColor - } - }; - that._root.applySettings(that._styles.normal).data(_DATA_KEY, that._data); - return that - }, - _transform: function(projection, coords) { - return projection.getAreaCoordinates(coords) - }, - _locate: function(coords) { - this._root.applySettings({d: coords}) - }, - _onHover: $.noop, - _setDefaultState: function() { - this._root.applySettings(this._styles.normal).toBackground() - }, - _setHoveredState: function() { - this._root.applySettings(this._styles.hovered).toForeground() - }, - _setSelectedState: function() { - this._root.applySettings(this._styles.selected).toForeground() - } - }); - = AreasManager; - = Area; - = function(parameters) { - return new AreasManager(parameters) - } - })(DevExpress, jQuery); - /*! Module viz-vectormap, file markersManager.js */ - (function(DX, $, undefined) { - var _Number = Number, - _String = String, - _isFinite = isFinite, - _round = Math.round, - _max = Math.max, - _min = Math.min, - _extend = $.extend, - _isArray = DX.utils.isArray, - _processCircleSettings = DX.viz.renderers.processCircleSettings; - var CLASS_DEFAULT = 'dxm-marker', - CLASS_HOVERED = 'dxm-marker dxm-marker-hovered', - CLASS_SELECTED = 'dxm-marker dxm-marker-selected', - TRACKER_SETTINGS = { - stroke: 'none', - strokeWidth: 0, - fill: '#000000', - opacity: 0.0001 - }; - var _DATA_KEY =; - var DEFAULT_MARKER_TYPE = 'dot', - MARKER_TYPES = {}; - var MarkersManager ={ - _rootClass: 'dxm-markers', - ctor: function() { - var that = this; - that.callBase.apply(that, arguments); - that._context.getColors = function(count) { - return that._themeManager.getMarkerColors(count) - }; - that._filter = that._renderer.createFilter('shadow').applySettings({ - x: '-40%', - y: '-40%', - width: '180%', - height: '200%', - color: '#000000', - opacity: 0.2, - dx: 0, - dy: 1, - blur: 1 - }).append() - }, - dispose: function() { - this._filter.dispose(); - this._filter = null; - return this.callBase.apply(this, arguments) - }, - _getItemCoordinates: function(dataItem) { - return dataItem.coordinates - }, - _getItemAttributes: function(dataItem) { - return dataItem.attributes - }, - _processSource: function(source) { - return source - }, - clean: function() { - var that = this; - that._commonSettings = null; - return that.callBase.apply(that, arguments) - }, - render: function(options) { - var that = this; - that._commonSettings = that._themeManager.getCommonMarkerSettings(options); - that._commonSettings._filter = that._filter.ref; - that._commonType = parseMarkerType(options && options.type); - return that.callBase.apply(that, arguments) - }, - _arrangeBubbles: function() { - var markers = this._items, - bubbles = [], - i, - ii = markers.length, - marker, - values = []; - for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) { - marker = markers[i]; - if (marker.type === 'bubble') { - bubbles.push(marker); - if (marker.value !== null) - values.push(marker.value) - } - } - var minValue = _min.apply(null, values), - maxValue = _max.apply(null, values), - deltaValue = maxValue - minValue || 1; - for (i = 0, ii = bubbles.length; i < ii; ++i) { - marker = bubbles[i]; - marker.setSize(marker.value !== null ? (marker.value - minValue) / deltaValue : 0) - } - }, - _getItemSettings: function(source, options) { - var type = parseMarkerType(source.item.type, this._commonType), - style = _extend(, options); - style = this._themeManager.getMarkerSettings(this._commonSettings, style, type); - _extend(source.item, {text: source.item.text || style.text}); - style._type = type; - return style - }, - _createItem: function(settings) { - return new MARKER_TYPES[settings._type] - }, - _isItemSelected: function(source, settings) { - return source.item.isSelected || settings.isSelected - }, - _arrangeItems: function() { - this._arrangeBubbles() - }, - addMarker: function(dataItem) { - var that = this, - index = that._items.length, - marker = that._createItem(dataItem, index); - that._items.push(marker); - if (marker._selected) - that.selectItem(index, true, true); - that._arrangeItems(); - return that - } - }); - var baseMarkerBehavior = _extend({},, { - _type: 'marker', - _project: function(projection, coords) { - return projection.projectPoint(coords) - }, - _init: function() { - this.proxy.coordinates = createCoordinatesGetter(this._src.coords); - this.proxy.text = this._src.item.text - }, - _createRoot: function() { - return this._ctx.renderer.createGroup() - }, - _render: function(settings) { - var that = this; - that._root.applySettings({'class': CLASS_DEFAULT}); - that._create(settings, that._ctx.renderer, that._root); - that._createText(settings, that._ctx.renderer, that._root); - return that - }, - _createText: function(settings, renderer, root) { - var that = this; - if (!that._src.item.text) - return; - var rootbox = that._root.getBBox(), - text = renderer.createText(that._src.item.text, 0, 0, { - align: 'center', - font: settings.font - }).append(root), - textBox = text.getBBox(), - x = _round(-textBox.x + rootbox.width / 2) + 2, - y = _round(-textBox.y - textBox.height / 2) - 1; - text.applySettings({ - x: x, - y: y - }); - renderer.createRect(x + textBox.x - 1, y + textBox.y - 1, textBox.width + 2, textBox.height + 2, 0, TRACKER_SETTINGS).data(_DATA_KEY, that._data).append(root) - }, - _transform: function(projection, coords) { - return projection.getPointCoordinates(coords) - }, - _locate: function(coords) { - this._root.applySettings({ - translateX: coords.x, - translateY: coords.y - }) - }, - _onHover: function() { - this.hovered && this._root.toForeground() - }, - _setDefaultState: function() { - this._root.applySettings({'class': CLASS_DEFAULT}).toBackground(); - this._applyDefault() - }, - _setHoveredState: function() { - this._root.applySettings({'class': CLASS_HOVERED}); - this._applyHovered() - }, - _setSelectedState: function() { - this._root.applySettings({'class': CLASS_SELECTED}).toForeground(); - this._applySelected() - } - }); - function createCoordinatesGetter(coordinates) { - return function() { - return [_Number(coordinates[0]), _Number(coordinates[1])] - } - } - function DotMarker(){} - _extend(DotMarker.prototype, baseMarkerBehavior, { - type: 'dot', - _create: function(style, renderer, root) { - var that = this, - size = style.size > 0 ? _Number(style.size) : 0, - hoveredSize = size, - selectedSize = size + (style.selectedStep > 0 ? _Number(style.selectedStep) : 0), - hoveredBackSize = hoveredSize + (style.backStep > 0 ? _Number(style.backStep) : 0), - selectedBackSize = selectedSize + (style.backStep > 0 ? _Number(style.backStep) : 0), - settings = _processCircleSettings(0, 0, size, style.borderWidth); - that._dotDefault = { - cx:, - cy:, - r: settings.r, - stroke: style.borderColor, - strokeWidth: style.borderWidth, - fill: style.color, - filter: style.shadow ? style._filter : null - }; - that._dotHovered = { - cx:, - cy:, - r: hoveredSize / 2, - stroke: style.hoveredBorderColor, - strokeWidth: style.hoveredBorderWidth, - fill: style.hoveredColor - }; - that._dotSelected = { - cx:, - cy:, - r: selectedSize / 2, - stroke: style.selectedBorderColor, - strokeWidth: style.selectedBorderWidth, - fill: style.selectedColor - }; - that._backDefault = { - cx:, - cy:, - r: settings.r, - stroke: 'none', - strokeWidth: 0, - fill: style.backColor, - opacity: style.backOpacity - }; - that._backHovered = { - cx:, - cy:, - r: hoveredBackSize / 2, - stroke: 'none', - strokeWidth: 0, - fill: style.backColor, - opacity: style.backOpacity - }; - that._backSelected = { - cx:, - cy:, - r: selectedBackSize / 2, - stroke: 'none', - strokeWidth: 0, - fill: style.backColor, - opacity: style.backOpacity - }; - that._back = renderer.createCircle().applySettings(that._backDefault).data(_DATA_KEY, that._data).append(root); - that._dot = renderer.createCircle().applySettings(that._dotDefault).data(_DATA_KEY, that._data).append(root) - }, - _destroy: function() { - this._back = this._dot = null - }, - _applyDefault: function() { - this._back.applySettings(this._backDefault); - this._dot.applySettings(this._dotDefault) - }, - _applyHovered: function() { - this._back.applySettings(this._backHovered); - this._dot.applySettings(this._dotHovered) - }, - _applySelected: function() { - this._back.applySettings(this._backSelected); - this._dot.applySettings(this._dotSelected) - } - }); - function BubbleMarker(){} - _extend(BubbleMarker.prototype, baseMarkerBehavior, { - type: 'bubble', - _create: function(style, renderer, root) { - var that = this; - that._minSize = style.minSize > 0 ? _Number(style.minSize) : 0; - that._maxSize = style.maxSize > that._minSize ? _Number(style.maxSize) : that._minSize; - that.value = _isFinite(that._src.item.value) ? _Number(that._src.item.value) : null; - that._default = { - stroke: style.borderColor, - strokeWidth: style.borderWidth, - fill: style.color, - opacity: style.opacity - }; - that._hovered = { - stroke: style.hoveredBorderColor, - strokeWidth: style.hoveredBorderWidth, - fill: style.hoveredColor, - opacity: style.hoveredOpacity - }; - that._selected = { - stroke: style.selectedBorderColor, - strokeWidth: style.selectedBorderWidth, - fill: style.selectedColor, - opacity: style.selectedOpacity - }; - that._bubble = renderer.createCircle(0, 0, style.maxSize / 2).applySettings(that._default).data(_DATA_KEY, that._data).append(root) - }, - _destroy: function() { - this._bubble = null - }, - _applyDefault: function() { - this._bubble.applySettings(this._default) - }, - _applyHovered: function() { - this._bubble.applySettings(this._hovered) - }, - _applySelected: function() { - this._bubble.applySettings(this._selected) - }, - setSize: function(ratio) { - var that = this, - settings = _processCircleSettings(0, 0, that._minSize + ratio * (that._maxSize - that._minSize), that._default.strokeWidth); - = = =; - = = =; - that._default.r = that._hovered.r = that._selected.r = settings.r; - that._bubble.applySettings(settings); - return that - } - }); - function PieMarker(){} - _extend(PieMarker.prototype, baseMarkerBehavior, { - type: 'pie', - _create: function(style, renderer, root) { - var that = this, - settings = _processCircleSettings(0, 0, style.size > 0 ? _Number(style.size) : 0, style.borderWidth); - that._pieDefault = {opacity: style.opacity}; - that._pieHovered = {opacity: style.hoveredOpacity}; - that._pieSelected = {opacity: style.selectedOpacity}; - that._borderDefault = { - stroke: style.borderColor, - strokeWidth: style.borderWidth - }; - that._borderHovered = { - stroke: style.hoveredBorderColor, - strokeWidth: style.hoveredBorderWidth - }; - that._borderSelected = { - stroke: style.selectedBorderColor, - strokeWidth: style.selectedBorderWidth - }; - var srcValues = that._src.item.values, - i = 0, - ii = _isArray(srcValues) ? srcValues.length : 0, - values = [], - value, - sum = 0; - for (; i < ii; ++i) { - value = _Number(srcValues[i]); - if (_isFinite(value)) { - values.push(value); - sum += value - } - } - that._pie = renderer.createGroup(that._pieDefault); - var translator = new DX.viz.core.Translator1D(0, sum, 90, 450), - startAngle = translator.translate(0), - endAngle, - colors = that._ctx.getColors(values.length); - for (value = 0, i = 0, ii = values.length; i < ii; ++i) { - value += values[i]; - endAngle = translator.translate(value); - renderer.createArc(,, settings.r, 0, startAngle, endAngle, {fill: colors[i]}).data(_DATA_KEY, that._data).append(that._pie); - startAngle = endAngle - } - that._pie.append(root); - that._border = renderer.createCircle(,, settings.r, that._borderDefault).data(_DATA_KEY, that._data).append(root) - }, - _destroy: function() { - this._pie = this._border = null - }, - _applyDefault: function() { - this._pie.applySettings(this._pieDefault); - this._border.applySettings(this._borderDefault) - }, - _applyHovered: function() { - this._pie.applySettings(this._pieHovered); - this._border.applySettings(this._borderHovered) - }, - _applySelected: function() { - this._pie.applySettings(this._pieSelected); - this._border.applySettings(this._borderSelected) - } - }); - function ImageMarker(){} - _extend(ImageMarker.prototype, baseMarkerBehavior, { - type: 'image', - _create: function(style, renderer, root) { - var that = this, - size = style.size > 0 ? _Number(style.size) : 0, - hoveredSize = size + (style.hoveredStep > 0 ? _Number(style.hoveredStep) : 0), - selectedSize = size + (style.selectedStep > 0 ? _Number(style.selectedStep) : 0); - that._default = { - x: -size / 2, - y: -size / 2, - width: size, - height: size - }; - that._hovered = { - x: -hoveredSize / 2, - y: -hoveredSize / 2, - width: hoveredSize, - height: hoveredSize - }; - that._selected = { - x: -selectedSize / 2, - y: -selectedSize / 2, - width: selectedSize, - height: selectedSize - }; - that._image = renderer.createImage().applySettings(that._default).applySettings({ - href: that._src.item.url, - location: 'center' - }).append(root); - that._tracker = renderer.createRect().applySettings(that._default).applySettings(TRACKER_SETTINGS).data(_DATA_KEY, that._data).append(root) - }, - _destroy: function() { - this._image = this._tracker = null - }, - _applyDefault: function() { - this._image.applySettings(this._default); - this._tracker.applySettings(this._default) - }, - _applyHovered: function() { - this._image.applySettings(this._hovered); - this._tracker.applySettings(this._hovered) - }, - _applySelected: function() { - this._image.applySettings(this._selected); - this._tracker.applySettings(this._selected) - } - }); - MARKER_TYPES['dot'] = DotMarker; - MARKER_TYPES['bubble'] = BubbleMarker; - MARKER_TYPES['pie'] = PieMarker; - MARKER_TYPES['image'] = ImageMarker; - function parseMarkerType(type, defaultType) { - return MARKER_TYPES[type] && type || defaultType || DEFAULT_MARKER_TYPE - } - var __originalDefaultMarkerType = DEFAULT_MARKER_TYPE, - __originalMarkerTypes = $.extend({}, MARKER_TYPES); - = function(markerTypes, defaultMarkerType) { - DEFAULT_MARKER_TYPE = defaultMarkerType; - MARKER_TYPES = markerTypes - }; - = function() { - DEFAULT_MARKER_TYPE = __originalDefaultMarkerType; - MARKER_TYPES = __originalMarkerTypes - }; - = baseMarkerBehavior; - = MarkersManager; - = DotMarker; - = BubbleMarker; - = PieMarker; - = ImageMarker; - = function(parameters) { - return new MarkersManager(parameters) - } - })(DevExpress, jQuery); - DevExpress.MOD_VIZ_VECTORMAP = true -} -if (!DevExpress.MOD_VIZ_SPARKLINES) { - if (!DevExpress.MOD_VIZ_CORE) - throw Error('Required module is not referenced: viz-core'); - /*! Module viz-sparklines, file baseSparkline.js */ - (function($, DX) { - var TOOLTIP_MARGIN = 100, - TOOLTIP_ARROW_MARGIN = 10, - DEFAULT_LINE_SPACING = 6, - DEFAULT_EVENTS_DELAY = 200, - TOUCH_EVENTS_DELAY = 1000, - _extend = $.extend, - _abs = Math.abs, - _Number = Number, - _round = Math.round, - core = DX.viz.core, - CoreFactory = core.CoreFactory; - function DEFAULT_CUSTOMIZE_TOOLTIP(customizeObject) { - return {text: customizeObject.valueText.join('
')} - } - DX.viz.sparklines = {}; - DX.viz.sparklines.DEFAULT_CUSTOMIZE_TOOLTIP = DEFAULT_CUSTOMIZE_TOOLTIP; - DX.viz.sparklines.BaseSparkline = core.BaseWidget.inherit({ - render: function() { - this._refresh(); - return this - }, - _rendererType: DX.viz.renderers.Renderer, - _clean: function() { - if (this._tooltipShown) { - this._tooltip.dispose(); - this._tooltip = null; - this._tooltipShown = null; - this._tooltipGroup.clear() - } - this._tooltipContainer.detach(); - this._cleanWidgetElements() - }, - _optionChanged: function(optionName, value) { - if (optionName === 'size' && this._allOptions) { - this._clean(); - this._canvas = this._calculateCanvas(); - this._renderer.resize(this._canvas.width, this._canvas.height); - if (!this._isContainerVisible()) - return; - this._allOptions.size = value; - this._redrawWidgetElements(); - this._prepareTooltipContainer() - } - else if (optionName === 'dataSource' && this._allOptions) - this._refreshDataSource(); - else - this.callBase.apply(this, arguments) - }, - _init: function() { - this.callBase(); - this._canvas = this._calculateCanvas(); - this._renderer = new this._rendererType({ - cssClass: this._widgetClass + ' ' + this._widgetClass + '-' + this._widgetType, - pathModified: this.option('pathModified'), - rtl: this.option('rtlEnabled') - }); - this._renderer.recreateCanvas(this._canvas.width, this._canvas.height); - this._createHtmlElements(); - this._createTooltipGroups(); - this._initTooltipEvents(); - this._drawContainer() - }, - _dispose: function() { - var that = this; - that.callBase(); - that._disposeWidgetElements(); - that._disposeTooltipEvents(); - that._renderer.dispose(); - that._tooltipRenderer.dispose(); - that._translatorX = null; - that._translatorY = null; - delete that._renderer; - delete that._tooltipRenderer; - delete that._tooltipTrackerGroup; - delete that._tooltipGroup; - delete that._tooltipContainer - }, - _render: function() { - var that = this; - that._canvas = that._calculateCanvas(); - that._renderer.resize(that._canvas.width, that._canvas.height); - if (!that._isContainerVisible()) { - that._incidentOccured('W2001', [that.NAME]); - return - } - that._prepareOptions(); - that._createWidgetElements(); - that._drawWidgetElements(); - that._drawn() - }, - _isContainerVisible: function() { - var that = this, - canvas = that._canvas, - enoughWidth = canvas.width - canvas.left - canvas.right > 0, - enoughHeight = canvas.height - - canvas.bottom > 0; - return canvas.height && canvas.width && enoughHeight && enoughWidth - }, - _createWidgetElements: function() { - this._createRange(); - this._createTranslator() - }, - _prepareOptions: function(defaultOptions) { - var that = this, - userOptions = that.option() || {}, - options, - defaultTheme, - theme; - defaultTheme = core.findTheme('default'); - defaultTheme = defaultTheme[this._widgetType]; - options = _extend(true, {}, defaultOptions, userOptions); - if (typeof options.theme === 'string') { - theme = core.findTheme(options.theme); - theme = theme[this._widgetType] - } - else - theme = options.theme; - return _extend(true, {}, defaultTheme, theme, options) - }, - _calculateCanvas: function() { - var that = this, - canvas = {}, - sizeOptions = that.option('size') || {}, - marginOptions = that.option('margin') || {}, - defaultSize = that._defaultSize, - container = that._element(), - width = sizeOptions.width >= 0 ? _Number(sizeOptions.width) : container.width(), - height = sizeOptions.height >= 0 ? _Number(sizeOptions.height) : container.height(); - if (!width && _Number(sizeOptions.width) !== 0) - width = defaultSize.width; - if (!height && _Number(sizeOptions.height) !== 0) - height = defaultSize.height; - return { - width: width, - height: height, - top: _Number( ||, - bottom: _Number(marginOptions.bottom) || defaultSize.bottom, - left: _Number(marginOptions.left) || defaultSize.left, - right: _Number(marginOptions.right) || defaultSize.right - } - }, - _createTooltipGroups: function() { - var that = this, - renderer, - root, - widgetClass = that._widgetClass; - that._tooltipRenderer = renderer = new that._rendererType({ - cssClass: widgetClass + ' ' + widgetClass + '-tooltip', - pathModified: this.option('pathModified'), - rtl: this.option('rtlEnabled') - }); - renderer.recreateCanvas(1, 1); - that._tooltipContainer = $('
'); - renderer.draw(that._tooltipContainer[0]); - root = renderer.getRoot(); - that._tooltipGroup = renderer.createGroup({ - 'class': widgetClass + '-tooltip-group', - style: {'z-index': '1'} - }).append(root); - that._tooltipTrackerGroup = renderer.createGroup({'class': widgetClass + '-tooltip-tracker-group'}).append(root); - that._tooltipTracker = that._createTooltipTracker().append(that._tooltipTrackerGroup) - }, - _createTooltipTracker: function() { - return this._tooltipRenderer.createRect(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, { - fill: 'grey', - opacity: 0 - }) - }, - _initTooltipEvents: function() { - var that = this, - data = { - widget: that, - container: that._tooltipTracker - }; - that._showTooltipCallback = function() { - that._showTooltipTimeout = null; - if (!that._tooltipShown) { - that._tooltipShown = true; - that._showTooltip() - } - that._DEBUG_showCallback && that._DEBUG_showCallback() - }; - that._hideTooltipCallback = function() { - that._hideTooltipTimeout = null; - if (that._tooltipShown) { - that._tooltipShown = false; - that._hideTooltip() - } - that._DEBUG_hideCallback && that._DEBUG_hideCallback() - }; - that._disposeCallbacks = function() { - that = that._showTooltipCallback = that._hideTooltipCallback = that._disposeCallbacks = null - }; - that._tooltipTracker.on(mouseEvents, data).on(touchEvents, data); - that._tooltipTracker.on(menuEvents) - }, - _disposeTooltipEvents: function() { - clearTimeout(this._showTooltipTimeout); - clearTimeout(this._hideTooltipTimeout); - this._showTooltipTimeout = this._showTooltipTimeout = null; -; - this._disposeCallbacks() - }, - _drawContainer: function() { - this._renderer.draw(this._element()[0]) - }, - _createTranslator: function() { - this._translatorX = CoreFactory.createTranslator2D(this._ranges.arg, this._canvas, {direction: "horizontal"}); - this._translatorY = CoreFactory.createTranslator2D(this._ranges.val, this._canvas) - }, - _prepareTooltipOptions: function() { - var that = this, - canvas = that._canvas, - tooltipOpt = that._allOptions.tooltip, - size = that._getTooltipSize(true), - defaultOptions = { - canvasWidth: size.width, - canvasHeight: size.height, - paddingLeftRight: tooltipOpt.paddingLeftRight, - paddingTopBottom: tooltipOpt.paddingTopBottom, - arrowLength: tooltipOpt.arrowLength, - cloudHorizontalPosition: tooltipOpt.horizontalAlignment, - cloudVerticalPosition: tooltipOpt.verticalAlignment, - lineSpacing: tooltipOpt.font.lineSpacing !== undefined && tooltipOpt.font.lineSpacing !== null ? tooltipOpt.font.lineSpacing : DEFAULT_LINE_SPACING - }, - autoJustify = !$.isFunction(that._allOptions.tooltip.customizeText) && !$.isFunction(that._allOptions.tooltip.customizeTooltip), - options = $.extend(defaultOptions, that._allOptions.tooltip, { - customizeTooltip: autoJustify ? DEFAULT_CUSTOMIZE_TOOLTIP : that._allOptions.tooltip.customizeTooltip, - _justify: that._allOptions.tooltip._justify || autoJustify, - _rtl: that.option('rtlEnabled') - }); - that._tooltipOptions = { - size: size, - options: options - }; - return options - }, - _prepareTooltipContainer: function() { - var that = this, - canvas = that._canvas, - width = canvas.width, - height = canvas.height, - renderer = that._tooltipRenderer; - that._updateTooltipSizeToNormal(); - that._tooltipTracker.applySettings({ - width: width, - height: height - }); - that._tooltipContainer.appendTo(that._element()); - that._tooltipInitializated = false; - that._canShowTooltip = that._allOptions.tooltip.enabled - }, - _isTooltipVisible: function() { - return this._tooltip.enabled() && this._tooltip.prepare(this._getTooltipData(), {offset: 0}) - }, - _createTooltip: function() { - var that = this; - that._tooltip = CoreFactory.createTooltip(that._prepareTooltipOptions(), that._tooltipGroup, that._tooltipRenderer); - if (that._isTooltipVisible()) { -; - that._updateTooltipSizeToWide(); - that._checkTooltipSize(); - that._updateTooltipSizeToNormal() - } - else - that._canShowTooltip = false - }, - _doShowTooltip: function(delay) { - var that = this; - if (!that._canShowTooltip) - return; - ++that._DEBUG_clearHideTooltipTimeout; - clearTimeout(that._hideTooltipTimeout); - that._hideTooltipTimeout = null; - clearTimeout(that._showTooltipTimeout); - ++that._DEBUG_showTooltipTimeoutSet; - that._showTooltipTimeout = setTimeout(that._showTooltipCallback, delay) - }, - _doHideTooltip: function(delay) { - var that = this; - if (!that._canShowTooltip) - return; - ++that._DEBUG_clearShowTooltipTimeout; - clearTimeout(that._showTooltipTimeout); - that._showTooltipTimeout = null; - clearTimeout(that._hideTooltipTimeout); - ++that._DEBUG_hideTooltipTimeoutSet; - that._hideTooltipTimeout = setTimeout(that._hideTooltipCallback, delay) - }, - _getNormalTooltipSize: function() { - var size = {}; - size.width = this._canvas.width; - size.left = 0; - size.tooltipLeft = _round(size.width / 2); - return size - }, - _getWideTooltipSize: function(leftWidthDelta, rightWidthDelta) { - var that = this, - canvas = that._canvas, - horizontalPos = that._allOptions.tooltip.horizontalAlignment, - widthDelta = leftWidthDelta + rightWidthDelta, - size = {}; - size.width = canvas.width + widthDelta; - size.left = -leftWidthDelta; - if (horizontalPos === 'right') - size.tooltipLeft = _round(canvas.width / 2); - else if (horizontalPos === 'left') - size.tooltipLeft = _round(canvas.width / 2) + widthDelta; - else - size.tooltipLeft = _round(size.width / 2); - return size - }, - _getTooltipSize: function(isNormal, leftWidthDelta, rightWidthDelta, heightDelta) { - var that = this, - canvas = that._canvas, - isVerticalPosTop = !(that._allOptions.tooltip.verticalAlignment === 'bottom'), - size = !isNormal && (leftWidthDelta || rightWidthDelta) ? that._getWideTooltipSize(leftWidthDelta, rightWidthDelta) : that._getNormalTooltipSize(), - yDelta = heightDelta > 0 ? heightDelta + TOOLTIP_MARGIN : TOOLTIP_MARGIN; - size.height = canvas.height + yDelta; - = isVerticalPosTop ? -size.height : -canvas.height; - size.trackerY = isVerticalPosTop ? yDelta : 0; - size.tooltipY = isVerticalPosTop ? _round(canvas.height / 2) + yDelta - TOOLTIP_ARROW_MARGIN : _round(canvas.height / 2); - return size - }, - _checkTooltipSize: function() { - var that = this, - tooltip = that._tooltip, - options = that._tooltipOptions.options, - tooltipBBox = tooltip.getBBox(), - getWide = that._allOptions.tooltip.allowContainerResizing, - leftDelta = -tooltipBBox.x, - rightDelta = tooltipBBox.x + tooltipBBox.width - that._canvas.width, - topDelta = tooltipBBox.height - TOOLTIP_MARGIN, - size; - if (leftDelta > 0 || rightDelta > 0 || topDelta > 0) - if (getWide) { - that._tooltipOptions.size = size = that._getTooltipSize(false, leftDelta > 0 ? leftDelta : 0, rightDelta > 0 ? rightDelta : 0, topDelta > 0 ? topDelta : 0); - tooltip.setSize(size.width, size.height); - that._updateTooltipSizeToWide() - } - else { - that._canShowTooltip = false; - tooltip.hide() - } - }, - _updateTooltipSizeToWide: function() { - var that = this, - size = that._tooltipOptions.size, - renderer = that._tooltipRenderer; - renderer.resize(size.width, size.height); - renderer.getRoot().applySettings({style: { - left: size.left, - top:, - position: 'absolute', - overflow: 'hidden' - }}); - that._tooltipTracker.applySettings({ - y: size.trackerY, - x: -size.left - }); - that._tooltip.move(size.tooltipLeft, size.tooltipY) - }, - _updateTooltipSizeToNormal: function() { - var that = this, - renderer = that._tooltipRenderer, - canvas = that._canvas; - renderer.resize(canvas.width, canvas.height); - renderer.getRoot().applySettings({style: { - left: 0, - top: -canvas.height, - position: 'absolute' - }}); - that._tooltipTracker.applySettings({ - y: 0, - x: 0 - }) - }, - _showTooltip: function() { - if (!this._tooltipInitializated) { - this._createTooltip(); - this._tooltipInitializated = true; - if (!this._canShowTooltip) - return - } - this._updateTooltipSizeToWide(); - - }, - _hideTooltip: function() { - this._updateTooltipSizeToNormal(); - this._tooltip.hide() - }, - showLoadingIndicator: $.noop - }); - var menuEvents = { - 'contextmenu.sparkline-tooltip': function(event) { - if ( || - event.preventDefault() - }, - 'MSHoldVisual.sparkline-tooltip': function(event) { - event.preventDefault() - } - }; - var mouseEvents = { - 'mouseover.sparkline-tooltip': function(event) { - isPointerDownCalled = false; - var widget =; - widget._x = event.pageX; - widget._y = event.pageY; -,; - widget._doShowTooltip(DEFAULT_EVENTS_DELAY) - }, - 'mouseout.sparkline-tooltip': function(event) { - if (isPointerDownCalled) - return; - var widget =; -; - widget._doHideTooltip(DEFAULT_EVENTS_DELAY) - } - }; - var mouseMoveEvents = {'mousemove.sparkline-tooltip': function(event) { - var widget =; - if (widget._showTooltipTimeout && (_abs(widget._x - event.pageX) > 3 || _abs(widget._y - event.pageY) > 3)) { - widget._x = event.pageX; - widget._y = event.pageY; - widget._doShowTooltip(DEFAULT_EVENTS_DELAY) - } - }}; - var active_touch_tooltip_widget = null, - touchstartTooltipProcessing = function(event) { - event.preventDefault(); - var widget = active_touch_tooltip_widget; - if (widget && widget !== - widget._doHideTooltip(DEFAULT_EVENTS_DELAY); - widget = active_touch_tooltip_widget =; - widget._doShowTooltip(TOUCH_EVENTS_DELAY); - widget._touch = true - }, - touchstartDocumentProcessing = function() { - var widget = active_touch_tooltip_widget; - if (widget) { - if (!widget._touch) { - widget._doHideTooltip(DEFAULT_EVENTS_DELAY); - active_touch_tooltip_widget = null - } - widget._touch = null - } - }, - touchendDocumentProcessing = function() { - var widget = active_touch_tooltip_widget; - if (widget) - if (widget._showTooltipTimeout) { - widget._doHideTooltip(DEFAULT_EVENTS_DELAY); - active_touch_tooltip_widget = null - } - }, - isPointerDownCalled = false; - var touchEvents = { - 'pointerdown.sparkline-tooltip': function(event) { - touchstartTooltipProcessing(event) - }, - 'touchstart.sparkline-tooltip': function(event) { - touchstartTooltipProcessing(event) - } - }; - $(document).on({ - 'pointerdown.sparkline-tooltip': function() { - isPointerDownCalled = true; - touchstartDocumentProcessing() - }, - 'touchstart.sparkline-tooltip': function() { - touchstartDocumentProcessing() - }, - 'pointerup.sparkline-tooltip': function() { - touchendDocumentProcessing() - }, - 'touchend.sparkline-tooltip': function() { - touchendDocumentProcessing() - } - }); - DX.viz.sparklines.BaseSparkline._DEBUG_reset = function() { - active_touch_tooltip_widget = null - } - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-sparklines, file sparkline.js */ - (function($, DX) { - var viz = DX.viz, - charts = viz.charts, - core = viz.core, - MIN_BAR_WIDTH = 1, - MAX_BAR_WIDTH = 50, - DEFAULT_BAR_INTERVAL = 4, - DEFAULT_CANVAS_WIDTH = 250, - DEFAULT_CANVAS_HEIGHT = 30, - DEFAULT_HORIZONTAL_MARGIN = 5, - DEFAULT_VERTICAL_MARGIN = 3, - DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { - disabled: false, - theme: 'default', - dataSource: [], - size: {}, - margin: {}, - type: 'line', - argumentField: 'arg', - valueField: 'val', - winlossThreshold: 0, - showFirstLast: true, - showMinMax: false, - redrawOnResize: false - }, - ALLOWED_TYPES = { - line: true, - spline: true, - stepline: true, - area: true, - steparea: true, - splinearea: true, - bar: true, - winloss: true - }, - _map = $.map, - _extend = $.extend, - _abs = Math.abs, - _round = Math.round, - _isFinite = isFinite, - _Number = Number, - _String = String; - viz.sparklines.Sparkline = viz.sparklines.BaseSparkline.inherit({ - _widgetType: 'sparkline', - _widgetClass: 'dxsl', - _defaultSize: { - width: DEFAULT_CANVAS_WIDTH, - height: DEFAULT_CANVAS_HEIGHT, - left: DEFAULT_HORIZONTAL_MARGIN, - right: DEFAULT_HORIZONTAL_MARGIN, - top: DEFAULT_VERTICAL_MARGIN, - bottom: DEFAULT_VERTICAL_MARGIN - }, - _init: function() { - this.callBase(); - this._refreshDataSource() - }, - _handleDataSourceChanged: function() { - if (this._initialized) { - this._clean(); - this._createWidgetElements(); - this._drawWidgetElements() - } - }, - _dataSourceOptions: function() { - return { - paginate: false, - _preferSync: true - } - }, - _redrawWidgetElements: function() { - this._createTranslator(); - this._correctPoints(); - this._series.draw({ - x: this._translatorX, - y: this._translatorY - }); - this._seriesGroup.append(this._renderer.getRoot()) - }, - _disposeWidgetElements: function() { - delete this._seriesGroup; - delete this._seriesLabelGroup - }, - _cleanWidgetElements: function() { - this._seriesGroup.detach(); - this._seriesLabelGroup.detach(); - this._seriesGroup.clear(); - this._seriesLabelGroup.clear() - }, - _createWidgetElements: function() { - this._createSeries(); - this.callBase() - }, - _drawWidgetElements: function() { - if (this._dataSource && this._dataSource.isLoaded()) - this._drawSeries() - }, - _prepareOptions: function() { - this._allOptions = this.callBase(DEFAULT_OPTIONS); - this._allOptions.type = _String(this._allOptions.type).toLowerCase(); - if (!ALLOWED_TYPES[this._allOptions.type]) - this._allOptions.type = 'line' - }, - _createHtmlElements: function() { - this._seriesGroup = this._renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxsl-series'}); - this._seriesLabelGroup = this._renderer.createGroup({'class': 'dxsl-series-labels'}) - }, - _createSeries: function() { - var that = this, - renderer = that._renderer, - dataValidator; - that._prepareDataSource(); - that._prepareSeriesOptions(); - that._series = core.CoreFactory.createSeries(renderer, that._seriesOptions); - dataValidator = charts.factory.createDataValidator(that._simpleDataSource, [[that._series]], that._incidentOccured, { - checkTypeForAllData: false, - convertToAxisDataType: true, - sortingMethod: true - }); - that._simpleDataSource = dataValidator.validate(); - that._series._options.customizePoint = that._getCustomizeFunction(); - that._series.updateData(that._simpleDataSource) - }, - _parseNumericDataSource: function(data, argField, valField) { - var ignoreEmptyPoints = this.option('ignoreEmptyPoints'); - return _map(data, function(dataItem, index) { - var item = null, - isDataNumber, - value; - if (dataItem !== undefined) { - item = {}; - isDataNumber = _isFinite(dataItem); - item[argField] = isDataNumber ? _String(index) : dataItem[argField]; - value = isDataNumber ? dataItem : dataItem[valField]; - item[valField] = value === null ? ignoreEmptyPoints ? undefined : value : _Number(value); - item = item[argField] !== undefined && item[valField] !== undefined ? item : null - } - return item - }) - }, - _parseWinlossDataSource: function(data, argField, valField) { - var lowBarValue = -1, - zeroBarValue = 0, - highBarValue = 1, - delta = 0.0001, - target = this._allOptions.winlossThreshold; - return _map(data, function(dataItem) { - var item = {}; - item[argField] = dataItem[argField]; - if (_abs(dataItem[valField] - target) < delta) - item[valField] = zeroBarValue; - else if (dataItem[valField] > target) - item[valField] = highBarValue; - else - item[valField] = lowBarValue; - return item - }) - }, - _prepareDataSource: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._allOptions, - argField = options.argumentField, - valField = options.valueField, - dataSource = that._dataSource ? that._dataSource.items() : [], - data = that._parseNumericDataSource(dataSource, argField, valField); - if (options.type === 'winloss') { - that._winlossDataSource = data; - that._simpleDataSource = that._parseWinlossDataSource(data, argField, valField) - } - else - that._simpleDataSource = data - }, - _prepareSeriesOptions: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._allOptions, - defaultPointOptions = { - border: {}, - hoverStyle: {border: {}}, - selectionStyle: {border: {}} - }, - customPointOptions = { - size: options.pointSize, - symbol: options.pointSymbol, - border: { - visible: true, - width: 2 - }, - color: options.pointColor - }; - that._seriesOptions = { - visible: true, - argumentField: options.argumentField, - valueField: options.valueField, - color: options.lineColor, - width: options.lineWidth, - widgetType: "chart" - }; - that._seriesOptions.border = { - color: that._seriesOptions.color, - width: that._seriesOptions.width, - visible: true - }; - that._seriesOptions.type = options.type === 'winloss' ? 'bar' : options.type; - if (options.type === 'winloss' || options.type === 'bar') { - that._seriesOptions.argumentAxisType = 'discrete'; - that._seriesOptions.border.visible = false - } - if (~~options.type.indexOf('area') !== -1) - that._seriesOptions.opacity = that._allOptions.areaOpacity; - that._seriesOptions.seriesGroup = that._seriesGroup; - that._seriesOptions.seriesLabelsGroup = that._seriesLabelGroup; - that._seriesOptions.point = _extend(defaultPointOptions, customPointOptions); - that._seriesOptions.point.visible = false - }, - _createBarCustomizeFunction: function(pointIndexes) { - var that = this, - options = that._allOptions, - winlossData = that._winlossDataSource; - return function() { - var index = this.index, - isWinloss = options.type === 'winloss', - target = isWinloss ? options.winlossThreshold : 0, - value = isWinloss ? winlossData[index][options.valueField] : this.value, - positiveColor = isWinloss ? options.winColor : options.barPositiveColor, - negativeColor = isWinloss ? options.lossColor : options.barNegativeColor, - color; - if (value >= target) - color = positiveColor; - else - color = negativeColor; - if (index === pointIndexes.first || index === pointIndexes.last) - color = options.firstLastColor; - if (index === pointIndexes.min) - color = options.minColor; - if (index === pointIndexes.max) - color = options.maxColor; - return {color: color} - } - }, - _createLineCustomizeFunction: function(pointIndexes) { - var that = this, - options = that._allOptions; - return function() { - var color, - index = this.index; - if (index === pointIndexes.first || index === pointIndexes.last) - color = options.firstLastColor; - if (index === pointIndexes.min) - color = options.minColor; - if (index === pointIndexes.max) - color = options.maxColor; - return color ? { - visible: true, - border: {color: color} - } : {} - } - }, - _getCustomizeFunction: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._allOptions, - dataSource = that._winlossDataSource || that._simpleDataSource, - drawnPointIndexes = that._getExtremumPointsIndexes(dataSource), - customizeFunction; - if (options.type === 'winloss' || options.type === 'bar') - customizeFunction = that._createBarCustomizeFunction(drawnPointIndexes); - else - customizeFunction = that._createLineCustomizeFunction(drawnPointIndexes); - return customizeFunction - }, - _getExtremumPointsIndexes: function(data) { - var that = this, - options = that._allOptions, - lastIndex = data.length - 1, - indexes = {}; - that._minMaxIndexes = that._findMinMax(data); - if (options.showFirstLast) { - indexes.first = 0; - indexes.last = lastIndex - } - if (options.showMinMax) { - indexes.min = that._minMaxIndexes.minIndex; - indexes.max = that._minMaxIndexes.maxIndex - } - return indexes - }, - _findMinMax: function(data) { - var that = this, - valField = that._allOptions.valueField, - firstItem = data[0] || {}, - firstValue = firstItem[valField] || 0, - min = firstValue, - max = firstValue, - minIndex = 0, - maxIndex = 0, - dataLength = data.length, - value, - i; - for (i = 1; i < dataLength; i++) { - value = data[i][valField]; - if (value < min) { - min = value; - minIndex = i - } - if (value > max) { - max = value; - maxIndex = i - } - } - return { - minIndex: minIndex, - maxIndex: maxIndex - } - }, - _createRange: function() { - var that = this, - series = that._series, - isBarType = series.type === 'bar', - DEFAULT_VALUE_RANGE_MARGIN = 0.15, - DEFAULT_ARGUMENT_RANGE_MARGIN = isBarType ? 0.1 : 0, - rangeData = series.getRangeData(); - that._ranges = { - arg: new core.Range({ - stick: !isBarType && series.getPoints().length > 1, - minValueMargin: DEFAULT_ARGUMENT_RANGE_MARGIN, - maxValueMargin: DEFAULT_ARGUMENT_RANGE_MARGIN - }), - val: new core.Range({ - isValueRange: true, - keepValueMargins: true, - minValueMargin: DEFAULT_VALUE_RANGE_MARGIN, - maxValueMargin: DEFAULT_VALUE_RANGE_MARGIN - }) - }; - that._ranges.arg.addRange(rangeData.arg); - that._ranges.val.addRange(rangeData.val); - that._ranges.arg.applyValueMargins(); - that._ranges.val.applyValueMargins() - }, - _getBarWidth: function(pointsCount) { - var that = this, - canvas = that._canvas, - intervalWidth = pointsCount * DEFAULT_BAR_INTERVAL, - rangeWidth = canvas.width - canvas.left - canvas.right - intervalWidth, - width = _round(rangeWidth / pointsCount); - if (width < MIN_BAR_WIDTH) - width = MIN_BAR_WIDTH; - if (width > MAX_BAR_WIDTH) - width = MAX_BAR_WIDTH; - return width - }, - _correctPoints: function() { - var that = this, - seriesType = that._allOptions.type, - seriesPoints = that._series.getPoints(), - pointsLength = seriesPoints.length, - barWidth, - i; - if (seriesType === 'bar' || seriesType === 'winloss') { - barWidth = that._getBarWidth(pointsLength); - for (i = 0; i < pointsLength; i++) - seriesPoints[i].correctCoordinates({ - width: barWidth, - offset: 0 - }) - } - }, - _drawSeries: function() { - var that = this; - if (that._simpleDataSource.length !== 0) { - that._correctPoints(); - that._series.draw({ - x: that._translatorX, - y: that._translatorY - }); - that._seriesGroup.append(that._renderer.getRoot()); - that._prepareTooltipContainer() - } - }, - _isTooltipVisible: function() { - return this.callBase() && this._dataSource.length !== 0 - }, - _getTooltipData: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._allOptions, - dataSource = that._winlossDataSource || that._simpleDataSource, - tooltip = that._tooltip; - if (dataSource.length === 0) - return {}; - var minMax = that._minMaxIndexes, - valueField = options.valueField, - first = dataSource[0][valueField], - last = dataSource[dataSource.length - 1][valueField], - min = dataSource[minMax.minIndex][valueField], - max = dataSource[minMax.maxIndex][valueField], - formattedFirst = tooltip.formatValue(first), - formattedLast = tooltip.formatValue(last), - formattedMin = tooltip.formatValue(min), - formattedMax = tooltip.formatValue(max), - customizeObject = { - firstValue: formattedFirst, - lastValue: formattedLast, - minValue: formattedMin, - maxValue: formattedMax, - originalFirstValue: first, - originalLastValue: last, - originalMinValue: min, - originalMaxValue: max, - valueText: ['Start:', formattedFirst, 'End:', formattedLast, 'Min:', formattedMin, 'Max:', formattedMax] - }; - if (options.type === 'winloss') { - customizeObject.originalThresholdValue = options.winlossThreshold; - customizeObject.thresholdValue = tooltip.formatValue(options.winlossThreshold) - } - return customizeObject - } - }).include(DX.ui.DataHelperMixin) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-sparklines, file bullet.js */ - (function($, DX) { - var charts = DX.viz.charts, - TARGET_MIN_Y = 0.02, - TARGET_MAX_Y = 0.98, - BAR_VALUE_MIN_Y = 0.1, - BAR_VALUE_MAX_Y = 0.9, - DEFAULT_CANVAS_WIDTH = 300, - DEFAULT_CANVAS_HEIGHT = 30, - DEFAULT_HORIZONTAL_MARGIN = 1, - DEFAULT_VERTICAL_MARGIN = 2, - DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { - disabled: false, - theme: 'default', - size: {}, - margin: {} - }, - _String = String, - _Number = Number, - _round = Math.round, - _isFinite = isFinite; - DX.viz.sparklines.Bullet = DX.viz.sparklines.BaseSparkline.inherit({ - _widgetType: 'bullet', - _widgetClass: 'dxb', - _defaultSize: { - width: DEFAULT_CANVAS_WIDTH, - height: DEFAULT_CANVAS_HEIGHT, - left: DEFAULT_HORIZONTAL_MARGIN, - right: DEFAULT_HORIZONTAL_MARGIN, - top: DEFAULT_VERTICAL_MARGIN, - bottom: DEFAULT_VERTICAL_MARGIN - }, - _disposeWidgetElements: function() { - delete this._zeroLevelPath; - delete this._targetPath; - delete this._barValuePath - }, - _redrawWidgetElements: function() { - this._createTranslator(); - this._drawBarValue(); - this._drawTarget(); - this._drawZeroLevel() - }, - _cleanWidgetElements: function() { - this._zeroLevelPath.detach(); - this._targetPath.detach(); - this._barValuePath.detach() - }, - _drawWidgetElements: function() { - this._drawBullet() - }, - _createHtmlElements: function() { - var renderer = this._renderer; - this._zeroLevelPath = renderer.createPath(undefined, {'class': 'dxb-zero-level'}); - this._targetPath = renderer.createPath(undefined, {'class': 'dxb-target'}); - this._barValuePath = renderer.createPath(undefined, {'class': 'dxb-bar-value'}) - }, - _prepareOptions: function() { - var that = this, - options, - startScaleValue, - endScaleValue, - level, - value, - target; - that._allOptions = options = that.callBase(DEFAULT_OPTIONS); - if (that._allOptions.value === undefined) - that._allOptions.value = 0; - if ( === undefined) - = 0; - options.value = value = _Number(options.value); - = target = _Number(; - if (that._allOptions.startScaleValue === undefined) { - that._allOptions.startScaleValue = target < value ? target : value; - that._allOptions.startScaleValue = that._allOptions.startScaleValue < 0 ? that._allOptions.startScaleValue : 0 - } - if (that._allOptions.endScaleValue === undefined) - that._allOptions.endScaleValue = target > value ? target : value; - options.startScaleValue = startScaleValue = _Number(options.startScaleValue); - options.endScaleValue = endScaleValue = _Number(options.endScaleValue); - if (endScaleValue < startScaleValue) { - level = endScaleValue; - that._allOptions.endScaleValue = startScaleValue; - that._allOptions.startScaleValue = level; - that._allOptions.inverted = true - } - }, - _createRange: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._allOptions; - that._ranges = { - arg: { - invert: options.inverted, - min: options.startScaleValue, - max: options.endScaleValue, - axisType: "continuous", - dataType: "numeric" - }, - val: { - min: 0, - max: 1, - axisType: "continuous", - dataType: "numeric" - } - } - }, - _drawBullet: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._allOptions, - isValidBounds = options.startScaleValue !== options.endScaleValue, - isValidMin = _isFinite(options.startScaleValue), - isValidMax = _isFinite(options.endScaleValue), - isValidValue = _isFinite(options.value), - isValidTarget = _isFinite(; - if (isValidBounds && isValidMax && isValidMin && isValidTarget && isValidValue) { - this._drawBarValue(); - this._drawTarget(); - this._drawZeroLevel(); - this._prepareTooltipContainer() - } - }, - _getTargetParams: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._allOptions, - translatorX = that._translatorX, - translatorY = that._translatorY, - minY = translatorY.translate(TARGET_MIN_Y), - maxY = translatorY.translate(TARGET_MAX_Y), - x = translatorX.translate(, - points = [{ - x: x, - y: minY - }, { - x: x, - y: maxY - }]; - return { - points: points, - stroke: options.targetColor, - strokeWidth: options.targetWidth - } - }, - _getBarValueParams: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._allOptions, - translatorX = that._translatorX, - translatorY = that._translatorY, - startLevel = options.startScaleValue, - endLevel = options.endScaleValue, - value = options.value, - y2 = translatorY.translate(BAR_VALUE_MIN_Y), - y1 = translatorY.translate(BAR_VALUE_MAX_Y), - x1, - x2; - if (value > 0) { - x1 = startLevel <= 0 ? 0 : startLevel; - x2 = value >= endLevel ? endLevel : value - } - else { - x1 = endLevel >= 0 ? 0 : endLevel; - x2 = value >= startLevel ? value : startLevel - } - x1 = translatorX.translate(x1); - x2 = translatorX.translate(x2); - return { - points: [{ - x: x1, - y: y1 - }, { - x: x2, - y: y1 - }, { - x: x2, - y: y2 - }, { - x: x1, - y: y2 - }], - fill: options.color - } - }, - _getZeroLevelParams: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._allOptions, - translatorX = that._translatorX, - translatorY = that._translatorY, - minY = translatorY.translate(TARGET_MIN_Y), - maxY = translatorY.translate(TARGET_MAX_Y), - x = translatorX.translate(0); - return { - points: [{ - x: x, - y: minY - }, { - x: x, - y: maxY - }], - stroke: options.targetColor, - strokeWidth: 1 - } - }, - _drawZeroLevel: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._allOptions, - params; - if (0 > options.endScaleValue || 0 < options.startScaleValue || !options.showZeroLevel) - return; - params = that._getZeroLevelParams(); - that._zeroLevelPath.applySettings(params); - that._zeroLevelPath.append(that._renderer.getRoot()) - }, - _drawTarget: function() { - var that = this, - options = that._allOptions, - target =, - startLevel = options.startScaleValue, - endLevel = options.endScaleValue, - params; - if (target > endLevel || target < startLevel || !options.showTarget) - return; - params = that._getTargetParams(); - that._targetPath.applySettings(params); - that._targetPath.append(that._renderer.getRoot()) - }, - _drawBarValue: function() { - var that = this, - params = that._getBarValueParams(); - that._barValuePath.applySettings(params); - that._barValuePath.append(that._renderer.getRoot()) - }, - _getTooltipData: function() { - var that = this, - tooltip = that._tooltip, - options = that._allOptions, - value = options.value, - target =; - return { - originalValue: value, - originalTarget: target, - value: tooltip.formatValue(value), - target: tooltip.formatValue(target), - valueText: ['Actual Value:', value, 'Target Value:', target] - } - }, - _getNormalTooltipSize: function() { - var size = {}, - bbox = this._barValuePath.getBBox(); - size.width = this._canvas.width; - size.left = 0; - size.tooltipLeft = bbox.x + _round(bbox.width / 2); - return size - }, - _getWideTooltipSize: function(leftWidthDelta, rightWidthDelta) { - var that = this, - bbox = that._barValuePath.getBBox(), - horizontalPos = that._allOptions.tooltip.horizontalAlignment, - size = {}; - size.width = leftWidthDelta + rightWidthDelta + that._canvas.width; - size.left = -leftWidthDelta; - if (horizontalPos === 'right') - size.tooltipLeft = bbox.x + _round(bbox.width / 2); - else if (horizontalPos === 'left') - size.tooltipLeft = _round(bbox.width / 2) + leftWidthDelta + rightWidthDelta + bbox.x; - else - size.tooltipLeft = _round(bbox.width / 2) + bbox.x + leftWidthDelta; - return size - } - }) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-sparklines, file dxSparkline.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var ui = DX.ui, - viz = DX.viz; - DX.registerComponent("dxSparkline", viz.sparklines.Sparkline) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module viz-sparklines, file dxBullet.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var ui = DX.ui, - viz = DX.viz; - DX.registerComponent("dxBullet", viz.sparklines.Bullet) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - DevExpress.MOD_VIZ_SPARKLINES = true -} diff --git a/Resource/Default/js/devexpress-web-14.1/js/dx.exporter.debug.js b/Resource/Default/js/devexpress-web-14.1/js/dx.exporter.debug.js deleted file mode 100644 index 304e1abe..00000000 --- a/Resource/Default/js/devexpress-web-14.1/js/dx.exporter.debug.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1916 +0,0 @@ -/*! -* DevExtreme Exporter -* Version: 14.1.7 -* Build date: Sep 22, 2014 -* -* Copyright (c) 2012 - 2014 Developer Express Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED -* EULA: -*/ - -"use strict"; - -if (!DevExpress.MOD_TMP_WIDGETS_FOR_EXPORTER) { - /*! Module tmp-widgets-for-exporter, file ui.menuBase.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var ui = DX.ui, - utils = DX.utils, - events =; - var DX_MENU_CLASS = 'dx-menu', - DX_MENU_ITEM_CLASS = DX_MENU_CLASS + '-item', - DX_MENU_ITEM_HOVERED_CLASS = 'dx-state-hover', - DX_MENU_ITEM_CAPTION_CLASS = DX_MENU_ITEM_CLASS + '-text', - DX_MENU_ITEM_POPOUT_CLASS = DX_MENU_ITEM_CLASS + '-popout', - DX_MENU_ITEM_POPOUT_CONTAINER_CLASS = DX_MENU_ITEM_POPOUT_CLASS + '-container', - DX_MENU_ITEM_DISABLED_CLASS = DX_MENU_ITEM_CLASS + '-disabled', - DX_MENU_ITEM_SELECTED_CLASS = DX_MENU_ITEM_CLASS + '-selected', - DX_MENU_ITEM_WRAPPER_CLASS = DX_MENU_ITEM_CLASS + '-wrapper', - DX_MENU_RTL_CLASS = DX_MENU_CLASS + '-rtl', - DX_ICON_CLASS = 'dx-icon'; - var dxMenuBase = ui.CollectionContainerWidget.inherit({ - _itemRenderDefault: function(item, index, $itemElement) { - var $itemContent, - rtlEnabled; - if (!utils.isDefined(item)) - return; - if (item.visible !== undefined && !item.visible) - $itemElement.hide(); - if (item.disabled) - $itemElement.addClass(DX_MENU_ITEM_DISABLED_CLASS); - rtlEnabled = !!this.option('rtlEnabled'); - if (rtlEnabled) - $itemElement.addClass(DX_MENU_RTL_CLASS); - $itemContent = $('
').addClass('dx-menu-item-content').appendTo($itemElement); - this._renderImage(item, $itemContent); - this._renderCaption(item, $itemContent); - this._renderPopout(item, $itemContent) - }, - _renderImage: function(item, $itemContent) { - var $itemImage, - $imageContainer; - if (item.icon) - $itemImage = $('').addClass(DX_ICON_CLASS + "-" + item.icon).appendTo($itemContent); - else if (item.iconSrc) - $itemImage = $('').attr('src', item.iconSrc).appendTo($itemContent); - if ($itemImage) - $itemImage.addClass(DX_ICON_CLASS) - }, - _renderPopout: function(item, $itemContent) { - var $popOutImage, - $popOutContainer; - if (this._hasChildren(item)) { - $popOutContainer = $('').addClass(DX_MENU_ITEM_POPOUT_CONTAINER_CLASS).appendTo($itemContent); - $popOutImage = $('
').addClass(DX_MENU_ITEM_POPOUT_CLASS).appendTo($popOutContainer) - } - }, - _renderCaption: function(item, $itemContent) { - var $itemCaption; - $itemCaption = $('').addClass(DX_MENU_ITEM_CAPTION_CLASS); - if ($.isPlainObject(item)) { - if (item.text) - $itemCaption.text(item.text) - } - else - $itemCaption.html(String(item)); - $itemContent.append($itemCaption) - }, - _renderItemHotTrack: function($item, showHotTrack) { - var $itemWrapper, - menuItem; - menuItem = $; - if (menuItem == this.option('selectedItem') && showHotTrack) - return; - if (!!this.option('hoverStateEnabled')) { - $itemWrapper = $item.parents('.' + DX_MENU_ITEM_WRAPPER_CLASS).eq(0); - if ($itemWrapper.length) - $itemWrapper.toggleClass(DX_MENU_ITEM_HOVERED_CLASS, showHotTrack) - } - }, - _itemDataKey: function() { - return 'dxMenuItemDataKey' - }, - _itemClass: function() { - return DX_MENU_ITEM_CLASS - }, - _itemWrapperSelector: function() { - return '.' + DX_MENU_ITEM_WRAPPER_CLASS - }, - _attachItemHoverEvents: function() { - var itemSelector = this._itemWrapperSelector(), - mouseEnterEventName, - mouseLeaveEventName, - itemMouseEnterAction = this._createAction($.proxy(function(e) { - this._handleItemMouseEnter(e.jQueryEvent) - }, this)), - itemMouseLeaveAction = this._createAction($.proxy(function(e) { - this._handleItemMouseLeave(e.jQueryEvent) - }, this)); - mouseEnterEventName = events.addNamespace('mouseenter', this.NAME); - mouseLeaveEventName = events.addNamespace('mouseleave', this.NAME); - this._itemContainer().off(mouseEnterEventName, itemSelector).on(mouseEnterEventName, itemSelector, $.proxy(function(e) { - itemMouseEnterAction({jQueryEvent: e}) - }, this)); - this._itemContainer().off(mouseLeaveEventName, itemSelector).on(mouseLeaveEventName, itemSelector, $.proxy(function(e) { - itemMouseLeaveAction({jQueryEvent: e}) - }, this)) - }, - _handleItemMouseMove: function(eventArgs) { - var that = this, - $item = that._getItemElementByEventArgs(eventArgs); - if (!that._itemX) - that._itemX = 0; - if (!that._itemY) - that._itemY = 0; - if (Math.abs(event.pageX - that._itemX) > 4 || Math.abs(event.pageY - that._itemY) > 4) { - that._itemX = event.pageX; - that._itemY = event.pageY; - that._handleItemMouseMoveCore($item) - } - }, - _hasChildren: function(item) { - return item.items && item.items.length > 0 - }, - _addCustomCssClass: function($element) { - var cssClass = $.trim(this.option('cssClass')); - if (cssClass) - $element.addClass(cssClass) - }, - _init: function() { - var items = this.option('items'); - this.callBase(); - this.selectedItem = this.option('selectedItem'); - this.enableSelection = this.option('allowSelection'); - if (utils.isDefined(this.selectedItem) && this.selectedItem != null) - return; - this.selectedItem = this._getLastSelectedItem(items); - if (this.selectedItem) - this._setOptionInternal('selectedItem', this.selectedItem) - }, - _setOptionInternal: function(name, value) { - this._optionChangedInternalFlag = true; - this.option(name, value); - this._optionChangedInternalFlag = false - }, - _getLastSelectedItem: function(items) { - var that = this, - selectedItem = null, - nestedSelectedItem; - $.each(items, function(_, item) { - if (item) { - if (item.selected && item.selectable) - selectedItem = item; - if (utils.isArray(item.items)) { - nestedSelectedItem = that._getLastSelectedItem(item.items); - if (nestedSelectedItem) - selectedItem = nestedSelectedItem - } - } - }); - return selectedItem - }, - _updateSelectedItemOnClick: function($itemElement, itemData) { - var prevSelItem = this.$selectedItemWrapper ? this.$selectedItemWrapper.children('.dx-menu-item').eq(0).data(this._itemDataKey()) : null, - actionArgs = { - selectedItem: itemData, - previousSelectedItem: prevSelItem, - itemElement: $itemElement, - itemData: itemData - }, - itemSelectAction = this._createActionByOption("itemSelectAction", actionArgs); - if (this.option('allowSelectOnClick') && itemData.selectable) { - if (this.$selectedItemWrapper) { - this.$selectedItemWrapper.removeClass(DX_MENU_ITEM_SELECTED_CLASS); - if (this.$selectedItemWrapper.children('.dx-menu-item').eq(0).data(this._itemDataKey())) - this.$selectedItemWrapper.children('.dx-menu-item').eq(0).data(this._itemDataKey()).selected = false - } - this._setOptionInternal('selectedItem', null); - this.$selectedItemWrapper = $itemElement.parents('.dx-menu-item-wrapper').eq(0); - this.$selectedItemWrapper.addClass(DX_MENU_ITEM_SELECTED_CLASS); - this._setOptionInternal('selectedItem', itemData); - itemData.selected = true; - itemSelectAction(actionArgs) - } - }, - _handleItemClick: function(e) { - var itemClickActionHandler = this._createAction($.proxy(this._updateOverlayVisibilityOnClick, this)); - this._handleItemJQueryEvent(e, "itemClickAction", {}, {afterExecute: $.proxy(itemClickActionHandler, this)}) - }, - _getItemElementByEventArgs: function(eventArgs) { - return $(eventArgs.currentTarget).children(this._itemSelector()).first() - } - }); - ui.dxMenuBase = dxMenuBase - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module tmp-widgets-for-exporter, file ui.contextMenu.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var ui = DX.ui, - utils = DX.utils, - events =, - fx = DX.fx, - DXMENU = 'dxContextMenu'; - var DX_MENU_CLASS = 'dx-menu', - DX_MENU_ITEM_CLASS = DX_MENU_CLASS + '-item', - DX_MENU_ITEM_POPOUT_CLASS = DX_MENU_ITEM_CLASS + '-popout', - DX_MENU_ITEM_SELECTED_CLASS = DX_MENU_ITEM_CLASS + '-selected', - DX_MENU_ITEM_HOVERED_CLASS = 'dx-state-hover', - DX_MENU_PHONE_CLASS = 'dx-menu-phone-overlay', - DX_MENU_ITEMS_CONTAINER_CLASS = DX_MENU_CLASS + '-items-container', - DX_MENU_ITEM_WRAPPER_CLASS = DX_MENU_ITEM_CLASS + '-wrapper', - DX_SUBMENU_CLASS = 'dx-submenu', - DX_SUBMENU_LEVEL_ID = 'dxSubMenuLevel', - DX_CONTEXT_MENU_CLASS = 'dx-context-menu', - DX_WIDGET_CLASS = 'dx-widget', - DX_MENU_SEPARATOR_CLASS = DX_MENU_CLASS + '-separator', - DX_CONTEXT_MENU_CONTENT_DELIMITER_CLASS = DX_CONTEXT_MENU_CLASS + '-content-delimiter'; - DX.registerComponent("dxContextMenu", ui.dxMenuBase.inherit({ - _deprecatedOptions: { - direction: { - since: "14.1", - message: "Use the 'submenuDirection' option instead." - }, - allowSelectItem: { - since: "14.1", - message: "Use the 'allowSelection' option instead." - } - }, - _optionAliases: { - direction: "submenuDirection", - allowSelectItem: "allowSelection" - }, - _setDefaultOptions: function() { - this.callBase(); - this.option({ - items: [], - showSubmenuMode: 'onHover', - cssClass: '', - invokeOnlyFromCode: false, - position: { - at: 'top left', - my: 'top left' - }, - hoverStateEnabled: true, - allowSelection: true, - allowSelectItem: true, - allowSelectOnClick: true, - selectedItem: null, - itemSelectAction: null, - animation: { - show: { - type: "fade", - from: 0, - to: 1, - duration: 100 - }, - hide: { - type: 'fade', - from: 1, - to: 0, - duration: 100 - } - }, - showingAction: null, - shownAction: null, - hidingAction: null, - hiddenAction: null, - positioningAction: null, - submenuDirection: 'auto', - direction: 'auto', - visible: false, - target: window - }) - }, - _optionsByReference: function() { - return $.extend(this.callBase(), { - animation: true, - position: true, - selectedItem: true - }) - }, - _itemContainer: function() { - return this._overlay.content() - }, - _clean: function() { - if (this._overlay) { - this._overlay._element().remove(); - this._overlay = null - } -'dxhold', this.NAME)); -'contextmenu', this.NAME)) - }, - _optionChanged: function(name, value) { - if (this._optionChangedInternalFlag) - return; - switch (name) { - case'visible': - this._toggleVisibility(value); - break; - case'disable': - break; - case'invokeOnlyFromCode': - break; - case'items': - if (this._overlay.option('visible')) - this._overlay.toggle(false); - this.selectedItem = this._getLastSelectedItem(value); - this._setOptionInternal('selectedItem', this.selectedItem); - this.callBase.apply(this, arguments); - break; - case'selectedItem': - this.selectedItem = value; - break; - default: - if (this._overlay.option('visible')) - this._overlay.toggle(false); - this.callBase.apply(this, arguments) - } - }, - _toggleVisibility: function(value) { - value ? : this.hide() - }, - _render: function() { - this._target = $(this.option('target')); - this.option('position'); - this.callBase() - }, - _renderContentImpl: function() { - this._renderContextMenuOverlay(); - this._renderAdditionGraphicsElements(); - this._attachItemHoverEvents(); - this._attachShowContextMenuEvents(); - this._addCustomCssClass(this._element()); - this.callBase() - }, - _renderDimensions: function(){}, - _renderContextMenuOverlay: function() { - var $overlayElement, - $overlayContent, - overlayOptions = this._getOverlayOptions(); - $overlayElement = $('
').appendTo(this._$element); - $overlayElement.dxOverlay(overlayOptions); - this._overlay = $overlayElement.dxOverlay('instance'); - $overlayContent = this._overlay.content(); - $overlayContent.addClass(DX_CONTEXT_MENU_CLASS).addClass(DX_WIDGET_CLASS); - this._addCustomCssClass($overlayContent); - this._addPlatformDependentClass($overlayContent); - if (this.option('visible')) - - }, - _addPlatformDependentClass: function($element) { - if (DX.devices.current().phone) - $element.addClass(DX_MENU_PHONE_CLASS) - }, - _renderAdditionGraphicsElements: function() { - if (this.option('showAdditionalElements')) { - this.$contentDelimiter = $('
').appendTo(this._itemContainer()); - this.$contentDelimiter.addClass(DX_CONTEXT_MENU_CONTENT_DELIMITER_CLASS); - this.$contentDelimiter.css('position', 'absolute').css('display', 'none').css('z-index', '2000') - } - }, - _attachShowContextMenuEvents: function() { - var that = this, - holdEventName = events.addNamespace('dxhold', this.NAME), - rightClickEventName = events.addNamespace('contextmenu', this.NAME), - holdAction = this._createAction($.proxy(function(e) { - if (!that.option('invokeOnlyFromCode')) - if (e.jQueryEvent.originalEvent && e.jQueryEvent.originalEvent.pointerType !== 'mouse') - - }, this)), - contextMenuAction = this._createAction($.proxy(function(e) { - if (!that.option('invokeOnlyFromCode')) - if ( { - e.jQueryEvent.preventDefault(); - if (e.jQueryEvent.originalEvent) - e.jQueryEvent.originalEvent.returnValue = false - } - }, this)); -, $.proxy(function(e) { - holdAction({jQueryEvent: e}) - }, this)); -, $.proxy(function(e) { - contextMenuAction({jQueryEvent: e}) - }, this)) - }, - _renderItems: function(items) { - var FIRST_SUBMENU_LEVEL = 1; - this._renderSubMenu(items, this._itemContainer(), FIRST_SUBMENU_LEVEL) - }, - _renderSubMenu: function(items, $holder, subMenuLevel) { - var that = this, - $subMenu, - $itemsContainer, - $itemWrapper, - $item; - $subMenu = $('
').appendTo($holder); - $subMenu.addClass(DX_SUBMENU_CLASS); - $, subMenuLevel); - $subMenu.css('display', subMenuLevel === 1 ? 'block' : 'none'); - $itemsContainer = $('
    ').appendTo($subMenu); - $itemsContainer.addClass(DX_MENU_ITEMS_CONTAINER_CLASS); - if (subMenuLevel === 1) { - if (that.option('width')) - $itemsContainer.css('min-width', that.option('width')); - if (that.option('height')) - $itemsContainer.css('min-height', that.option('height')) - } - $.each(items, function(index, item) { - if (item) { - that._renderSeparator(item, index, $itemsContainer); - $itemWrapper = $('
  • ').appendTo($itemsContainer); - $itemWrapper.addClass(DX_MENU_ITEM_WRAPPER_CLASS); - $item = that._renderItem(index, item, $itemWrapper); - if (that.enableSelection && item === that.selectedItem) { - $itemWrapper.addClass(DX_MENU_ITEM_SELECTED_CLASS); - that.$selectedItemWrapper = $itemWrapper - } - if (that._hasChildren(item)) - that._renderSubMenu(item.items, $item, ++subMenuLevel) - } - }) - }, - _renderSeparator: function(item, index, $itemsContainer) { - var $separator; - if (item.beginGroup && index > 0) { - $separator = $('
  • ').appendTo($itemsContainer); - $separator.addClass(DX_MENU_SEPARATOR_CLASS) - } - }, - _showAdditionalGraphicsElements: function() { - var $subMenu = this._itemContainer().children('.dx-submenu').eq(0), - $rootItem = this.option('position').of, - positionAt = this.option('position').at, - positionMy = this.option('position').my, - position = {of: $subMenu}; - if (this.$contentDelimiter) { - this.$contentDelimiter.css('display', 'block'); - if (positionAt === 'left bottom' && positionMy === 'left top' || positionAt === 'right bottom' && positionMy === 'right top') { - this.$contentDelimiter.width($rootItem.width() < $subMenu.width() ? $rootItem.width() - 2 : $subMenu.width() - 2); - if (this._itemContainer().offset().top > $rootItem.offset().top) { - this.$contentDelimiter.height(2); - if (Math.round(this._itemContainer().offset().left) < Math.round($rootItem.offset().left)) { - position.offset = '-1 -1'; - = 'right top'; - = 'right top' - } - else { - position.offset = '1 -1'; - = 'left top'; - = 'left top' - } - } - else { - this.$contentDelimiter.height(3); - if (Math.round(this._itemContainer().offset().left) < Math.round($rootItem.offset().left)) { - position.offset = '-1 2'; - = 'right bottom'; - = 'right bottom' - } - else { - position.offset = '1 2'; - = 'left bottom'; - = 'left bottom' - } - } - } - else { - this.$contentDelimiter.width(2); - this.$contentDelimiter.height($rootItem.height() < $subMenu.height() ? $rootItem.height() - 2 : $subMenu.height() - 2); - if (this._itemContainer().offset().top < $rootItem.offset().top) { - position.offset = positionAt === 'right top' ? '-1 -1' : '1 -1'; - = positionAt === 'right top' ? 'left bottom' : 'right bottom'; - = - } - else { - position.offset = positionAt === 'right top' ? '-1 1' : '1 1'; - = positionMy; - = positionMy - } - } - DX.position(this.$contentDelimiter, position) - } - }, - _getOverlayOptions: function() { - var that = this, - overlayAnimation = this.option('animation'), - overlayOptions = { - animation: overlayAnimation, - closeOnOutsideClick: $.proxy(that._closeOnOutsideClickHandler, that), - closeOnTargetScroll: true, - deferRendering: false, - disabled: this.option('disabled'), - position: { - at: this.option('position').at, - my: this.option('position').my, - of: this._target - }, - shading: false, - showTitle: false, - height: 'auto', - width: 'auto', - rtlEnabled: this.option('rtlEnabled'), - showingAction: $.proxy(that._overlayShowingActionHandler, that), - shownAction: $.proxy(that._overlayShownActionHandler, that), - hidingAction: $.proxy(that._overlayHidingActionHandler, that), - hiddenAction: $.proxy(that._overlayHiddenActionHandler, that), - positionedAction: $.proxy(that._overlayPositionedActionHandler, that) - }; - return overlayOptions - }, - _removeHoverClass: function() { - var that = this, - hovered_items = that._overlay._$container.find('.dx-state-hover'); - $.each(hovered_items, function(_, item) { - $(item).removeClass(DX_MENU_ITEM_HOVERED_CLASS) - }) - }, - _searchActiveItem: function(target) { - if ($(target.parentElement.parentElement).hasClass('dx-menu-item-content')) - return target.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement; - if ($(target.parentElement).hasClass('dx-menu-item-content')) - return target.parentElement.parentElement; - if ($(target).hasClass('dx-menu-item-content')) - return target.parentElement; - else - return undefined - }, - _closeOnOutsideClickHandler: function(e) { - var that = this, - hovered_items = that._overlay._$container.find('.dx-state-hover'), - clickedItem = undefined, - sameUL = false, - shownSubMenus = $.extend([], that._shownSubMenus), - $subMenuElements, - context; - if ( === document) { - this._removeHoverClass(); - return true - } - clickedItem = this._searchActiveItem(; - if (clickedItem !== undefined) { - $.each(hovered_items, function(_, item) { - if (clickedItem.parentElement.parentElement === item.parentElement) - sameUL = true; - if (sameUL && clickedItem.parentElement !== item) - $(item).removeClass(DX_MENU_ITEM_HOVERED_CLASS) - }); - if (this.option('showSubmenuMode') === 'onclick') { - $subMenuElements = $(clickedItem).find('.dx-submenu'); - if ($subMenuElements.length > 0) - $.each(shownSubMenus, function(_, $subMenu) { - context = that._searchActiveItem($subMenu.context).parentElement; - if (context.parentElement === $(clickedItem)[0].parentElement.parentElement && context !== $(clickedItem)[0].parentElement) - that._hideChildrenSubMenus($subMenu) - }) - } - return false - } - else { - this._removeHoverClass(); - return true - } - }, - _overlayShowingActionHandler: function(arg) { - var action = this._createActionByOption('showingAction', {}); - action(arg) - }, - _overlayShownActionHandler: function(arg) { - var action = this._createActionByOption('shownAction', {}); - action(arg) - }, - _overlayHidingActionHandler: function(arg) { - var action = this._createActionByOption('hidingAction', {}); - action(arg); - this._hideAllShownSubMenus() - }, - _overlayHiddenActionHandler: function(arg) { - var action = this._createActionByOption('hiddenAction', {}); - action(arg); - this._setOptionInternal('visible', false) - }, - _overlayPositionedActionHandler: function() { - this._showAdditionalGraphicsElements() - }, - _handleItemMouseEnter: function(eventArgs) { - var that = this, - mouseMoveEventName = events.addNamespace('mousemove', that.NAME), - $itemElement = that._getItemElementByEventArgs(eventArgs), - $subMenuElement = $itemElement.children('.dx-submenu'), - showSubmenuMode = that.option('showSubmenuMode'), - shownSubMenus = $.extend([], that._shownSubMenus), - itemElement, - itemWrapper, - $itemWrapper = $itemElement.parents('.' + DX_MENU_ITEM_WRAPPER_CLASS).eq(0), - hovered_items, - sameOverlay; - $.each(shownSubMenus, function(_, $subMenu) { - itemElement = that._getItemElementByEventArgs(eventArgs); - itemWrapper = $($subMenu.context); - sameOverlay = false; - if ($subMenu.context.parentElement === itemElement[0].parentElement.parentElement && $subMenu.context !== itemElement[0].parentElement) { - hovered_items = that._overlay._$container.find('.dx-state-hover'); - $.each(hovered_items, function(_, item) { - if (item.parentElement === itemWrapper.context.parentElement) - sameOverlay = true; - if (sameOverlay && item.parentElement !== itemWrapper.context.parentElement) - $(item).removeClass(DX_MENU_ITEM_HOVERED_CLASS) - }); - that._hideChildrenSubMenus($subMenu); - itemWrapper.removeClass(DX_MENU_ITEM_HOVERED_CLASS) - } - }); - if ($ - return; - that._renderItemHotTrack($itemElement, true); - if (this.option('showSubmenuMode') !== 'onclick') - if ($subMenuElement.length > 0) { - that._showSubMenuGroup($subMenuElement, $itemElement); - $itemWrapper.addClass(DX_MENU_ITEM_HOVERED_CLASS); - if (showSubmenuMode && showSubmenuMode.toLowerCase() === 'onhoverstay') - $, function(e) { - that._handleItemMouseMove(e) - }) - } - }, - _handleItemMouseLeave: function(eventArgs) { - var that = this, - $itemElement = that._getItemElementByEventArgs(eventArgs), - $subMenuElement = $itemElement.children('.dx-submenu'); - if ($ - return; - if (!$':visible')) - that._renderItemHotTrack($itemElement, false) - }, - _handleItemMouseMoveCore: function($item) { - var $subMenuElement = $item.children('.dx-submenu'); - this._showSubMenuGroup($subMenuElement, $item) - }, - _hideSubMenuGroup: function($subMenu) { - var that = this; - if (this._isSubMenuVisible($subMenu)) - that._hideSubMenuCore($subMenu) - }, - _showSubMenuGroup: function($subMenu, $itemElement, forceRestartTimer) { - var that = this; - if (forceRestartTimer || !this._isSubMenuVisible($subMenu)) - that._showSubMenuCore($subMenu, that._getSubMenuPosition($itemElement)) - }, - _getSubMenuPosition: function($rootItem) { - var isVerticalMenu, - submenuDirection, - rtlEnabled, - position, - $rootItemWrapper; - rtlEnabled = !!this.option('rtlEnabled'); - submenuDirection = this.option('submenuDirection').toLowerCase(); - $rootItemWrapper = $rootItem.parent('.dx-menu-item-wrapper'); - position = { - collision: 'flip', - of: $rootItemWrapper, - offset: { - h: 0, - v: -1 - } - }; - switch (submenuDirection) { - case'left': - = 'left top'; - = 'right top'; - break; - case'right': - = 'right top'; - = 'left top'; - break; - default: - if (rtlEnabled) { - = 'left top'; - = 'right top' - } - else { - = 'right top'; - = 'left top' - } - break - } - return position - }, - _isSubMenuVisible: function($subMenu) { - return $subMenu.css('display') !== 'none' - }, - _animate: function($container, options) { - fx.animate($container, options) - }, - _stopAnimate: function($container) { - fx.stop($container, true) - }, - _showSubMenuCore: function($subMenu, position) { - var animation = this.option('animation') ? this.option('animation').show : {}; - if (this._overlay && this._overlay.option('visible')) { - if (!utils.isDefined(this._shownSubMenus)) - this._shownSubMenus = []; - if ($.inArray($subMenu, this._shownSubMenus)) - this._shownSubMenus.push($subMenu); - $subMenu.css('display', 'block'); - DevExpress.position($subMenu, position); - this._stopAnimate($subMenu); - this._animate($subMenu, animation) - } - }, - _hideSubMenuCore: function($subMenu) { - var index = $.inArray($subMenu, this._shownSubMenus), - animation = this.option('animation') ? this.option('animation').hide : {}; - if (index >= 0) - this._shownSubMenus.splice(index, 1); - this._stopAnimate($subMenu); - this._animate($subMenu, animation.hide); - $subMenu.css('display', 'none') - }, - _updateOverlayVisibilityOnClick: function(actionArgs) { - var $itemElement, - $subMenuElement; - if (actionArgs.args.length && actionArgs.args[0]) { - actionArgs.args[0].jQueryEvent.stopPropagation(); - $itemElement = actionArgs.args[0].itemElement; - $subMenuElement = $itemElement.children('.dx-submenu'); - if ($itemElement.context === $subMenuElement.context && $":visible")) - return; - if (!$ || $ - return; - this._updateSelectedItemOnClick($itemElement, actionArgs.args[0].itemData); - if ($subMenuElement.length === 0) { - var $prevSubMenu = $($itemElement.parents('.dx-submenu')[0]); - this._hideChildrenSubMenus($prevSubMenu); - if (!actionArgs.canceled && this._overlay && this._overlay.option('visible')) - this.option('visible', false) - } - else { - if (this._shownSubMenus && this._shownSubMenus.length > 0) - if (this._shownSubMenus[0].is($subMenuElement) || this._shownSubMenus[0].has($subMenuElement).length === 1) - this._hideChildrenSubMenus($subMenuElement); - else - this._hideAllShownSubMenus(); - this._showSubMenuGroup($subMenuElement, $itemElement) - } - } - }, - _hideChildrenSubMenus: function($curSubMenu) { - var that = this, - shownSubMenus = $.extend([], that._shownSubMenus); - $.each(shownSubMenus, function(_, $subMenu) { - if ($$subMenu) || $curSubMenu.has($subMenu).length) - that._hideSubMenuCore($subMenu) - }) - }, - _hideAllShownSubMenus: function() { - var that = this, - shownSubMenus = $.extend([], that._shownSubMenus); - $.each(shownSubMenus, function(_, $subMenu) { - that._hideSubMenuCore($subMenu) - }) - }, - show: function(jqueryEvent) { - var position = this.option('position'), - actionArgs, - positioningAction; - if (jqueryEvent && jqueryEvent.preventDefault) - position = { - at: 'top left', - my: 'top left', - of: jqueryEvent - }; - if (!position.of) - position.of = this._target; - actionArgs = { - position: position, - jQueryEvent: jqueryEvent - }; - positioningAction = this._createActionByOption('positioningAction', actionArgs); - positioningAction(actionArgs); - if (!actionArgs.canceled && this._overlay) { - if (position) { - this._overlay.option('position', null); - this._overlay.option('position', position) - } - this._overlay.toggle(true); - this._setOptionInternal('visible', true) - } - return this.option('visible') - }, - hide: function() { - if (this._overlay) { - this._overlay.toggle(false); - this._setOptionInternal('visible', false) - } - } - })) - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module tmp-widgets-for-exporter, file */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var ui = DX.ui, - utils = DX.utils, - events =, - fx = DX.fx, - DIV = '
    ', - UL = '
      ', - DXMENU = 'dxMenu', - DURATION = 50; - var DX_MENU_CLASS = 'dx-menu', - DX_MENU_VERTICAL_CLASS = DX_MENU_CLASS + '-vertical', - DX_MENU_HORIZONTAL_CLASS = DX_MENU_CLASS + '-horizontal', - DX_MENU_ITEM_CLASS = DX_MENU_CLASS + '-item', - DX_MENU_ITEM_SELECTED_CLASS = DX_MENU_ITEM_CLASS + '-selected', - DX_MENU_ITEMS_CONTAINER_CLASS = DX_MENU_CLASS + '-items-container', - DX_MENU_ITEM_WITH_SUBMENU_CLASS = DX_MENU_ITEM_CLASS + '-with-submenu', - DX_MENU_ITEM_WRAPPER_CLASS = DX_MENU_ITEM_CLASS + '-wrapper', - DX_CONTEXT_MENU_CLASS = 'dx-context-menu', - DX_MENU_SEPARATOR_CLASS = DX_MENU_CLASS + '-separator', - DX_CONTEXT_MENU_CONTAINER_BORDER_CLASS = DX_CONTEXT_MENU_CLASS + '-container-border'; - DX.registerComponent("dxMenu", ui.dxMenuBase.inherit({ - _deprecatedOptions: { - firstSubMenuDirection: { - since: "14.1", - message: "Use the 'submenuDirection' option instead." - }, - showPopupMode: { - since: "14.1", - message: "Use the 'showFirstSubmenuMode' option instead." - }, - allowSelectItem: { - since: "14.1", - message: "Use the 'allowSelection' option instead." - } - }, - _optionAliases: { - firstSubMenuDirection: "submenuDirection", - showPopupMode: "showFirstSubmenuMode", - allowSelectItem: "allowSelection" - }, - _setDefaultOptions: function() { - this.callBase(); - this.option({ - orientation: 'horizontal', - submenuDirection: 'auto', - firstSubMenuDirection: 'auto', - showFirstSubmenuMode: 'onclick', - showPopupMode: 'onclick', - showSubmenuMode: 'auto', - items: [], - hoverStateEnabled: true, - allowSelection: true, - allowSelectItem: true, - allowSelectOnClick: true, - selectedItem: null, - cssClass: '', - animation: { - show: { - type: "fade", - from: 0, - to: 1, - duration: 100 - }, - hide: { - type: 'fade', - from: 1, - to: 0, - duration: 100 - } - }, - submenuShowingAction: null, - submenuShownAction: null, - submenuHidingAction: null, - submenuHiddenAction: null, - itemSelectAction: null - }) - }, - _optionsByReference: function() { - return $.extend(this.callBase(), { - animation: true, - selectedItem: true - }) - }, - _render: function() { - this.callBase(); - this._element().addClass(DX_MENU_CLASS); - this._addCustomCssClass(this._element()); - this._attachItemHoverEvents() - }, - _renderItems: function(items) { - var that = this, - isVerticalMenu, - $rootGroup, - $itemsContainer, - $itemWrapper, - $item, - $popupMenu, - $separator; - isVerticalMenu = that.option('orientation') === 'vertical'; - $rootGroup = $('
      ').appendTo(that._element()); - $rootGroup.addClass(isVerticalMenu ? DX_MENU_VERTICAL_CLASS : DX_MENU_HORIZONTAL_CLASS); - $itemsContainer = $('
        ').appendTo($rootGroup); - $itemsContainer.addClass(DX_MENU_ITEMS_CONTAINER_CLASS); - $itemsContainer.css('min-height', this._getValueHeight($rootGroup)); - $.each(items, function(index, item) { - if (item) { - that._renderSeparator(item, index, $itemsContainer); - $itemWrapper = $('
      • ').appendTo($itemsContainer); - $itemWrapper.addClass(DX_MENU_ITEM_WRAPPER_CLASS); - $item = that._renderItem(index, item, $itemWrapper); - that._renderSelectedItem(item, $itemWrapper); - that._renderChildrenItems(item, $item) - } - }) - }, - _renderSeparator: function(item, index, $itemsContainer) { - var $separator; - if (item.beginGroup && index > 0) { - $separator = $('
      • ').appendTo($itemsContainer); - $separator.addClass(DX_MENU_SEPARATOR_CLASS) - } - }, - _renderSelectedItem: function(item, $itemWrapper) { - if (this.option('allowSelection')) - if (item === this.selectedItem) { - $itemWrapper.addClass(DX_MENU_ITEM_SELECTED_CLASS); - this.$selectedItemWrapper = $itemWrapper - } - }, - _renderChildrenItems: function(item, $item) { - if (this._hasChildren(item)) { - this._createPopupMenu(item.items, $item, this.selectedItem).appendTo($item); - this._renderBorderElement($item) - } - }, - _renderBorderElement: function($item) { - var $border = $('
        ').appendTo($item); - $border.addClass(DX_CONTEXT_MENU_CONTAINER_BORDER_CLASS); - $border.css('display', 'none') - }, - _getValueHeight: function($root) { - var $div = $("
        ").html("Jj").css({ - width: "auto", - position: "fixed", - top: "-3000px", - left: "-3000px" - }).appendTo($root), - height = $div.height(); - $div.remove(); - return height - }, - _handleItemMouseEnter: function(eventArg) { - var that = this, - DX_MENU_HOVERSTAY_TIMEOUT = 300, - mouseMoveEventName, - $item, - popupMenu, - showFirstSubmenuMode, - isHoverStayMode; - $item = that._getItemElementByEventArgs(eventArg); - if ($ - return; - that._renderItemHotTrack($item, true); - popupMenu = that._getPopupMenuByRootElement($item); - showFirstSubmenuMode = that.option('showFirstSubmenuMode').toLowerCase(); - if (showFirstSubmenuMode !== 'onclick' && popupMenu) { - clearTimeout(that._hidePopupMenuTimer); - clearTimeout(that._showPopupMenuTimer); - isHoverStayMode = that.option('showFirstSubmenuMode') !== 'onhover'; - if (isHoverStayMode && that.visiblePopupMenu == popupMenu && !popupMenu._overlay.option('visible')) { - mouseMoveEventName = events.addNamespace('mousemove', that.NAME); - $, $.proxy(that._handleItemMouseMove, that)); - that._showPopupMenuTimer = setTimeout(function() { - that._showPopupMenu(popupMenu, $item) - }, DX_MENU_HOVERSTAY_TIMEOUT) - } - else - that._showPopupMenu(popupMenu, $item) - } - }, - _handleItemMouseLeave: function(eventArg) { - var that = this, - DX_MENU_HOVER_TIMEOUT = 50, - DX_MENU_HOVERSTAY_TIMEOUT = 300, - $item, - popupMenu, - showFirstSubmenuMode, - timeout; - showFirstSubmenuMode = that.option('showFirstSubmenuMode').toLowerCase(); - timeout = that.option('showFirstSubmenuMode') !== 'onhover' ? DX_MENU_HOVERSTAY_TIMEOUT : DX_MENU_HOVER_TIMEOUT; - $item = that._getItemElementByEventArgs(eventArg); - if ($ - return; - that._renderItemHotTrack($item, false); - if (showFirstSubmenuMode !== 'onclick') { - clearTimeout(that._showPopupMenuTimer); - clearTimeout(that._hidePopupMenuTimer); - that._hidePopupMenuTimer = setTimeout(function() { - popupMenu = that._getPopupMenuByRootElement($item); - that._hidePopupMenu(popupMenu); - if (that.visiblePopupMenu == popupMenu) - that.visiblePopupMenu = null - }, timeout) - } - }, - _handleItemMouseMoveCore: function($item) { - var that = this, - DX_MENU_HOVERSTAY_TIMEOUT = 300, - popupMenu; - if (that._showPopupMenuTimer) { - clearTimeout(that._hidePopupMenuTimer); - clearTimeout(that._showPopupMenuTimer); - popupMenu = that._getPopupMenuByRootElement($item), - that._showPopupMenuTimer = setTimeout(function() { - that._showPopupMenu(popupMenu, $item) - }, DX_MENU_HOVERSTAY_TIMEOUT) - } - }, - _updateOverlayVisibilityOnClick: function(actionArgs) { - var that = this, - $item, - popupMenu; - if (actionArgs.args.length && actionArgs.args[0]) { - actionArgs.args[0].jQueryEvent.stopPropagation(); - $item = actionArgs.args[0].itemElement; - if ($ - return; - popupMenu = that._getPopupMenuByRootElement($item); - this._updateSelectedItemOnClick($item, actionArgs.args[0].itemData); - if (popupMenu) - if (popupMenu._overlay.option('visible')) { - if (that.option('showFirstSubmenuMode') === 'onclick') - that._hidePopupMenu(popupMenu) - } - else - that._showPopupMenu(popupMenu, $item) - } - }, - _createPopupMenu: function(items, $rootItem, nestedSelectedItem) { - var that = this, - popupMenu, - $popupMenuContainer = $('
        '), - $popupMenuTarget = $('
        '), - $popupMenuOverlayContent, - popupMenuMouseEnterName, - popupMenuMouseLeaveName; - popupMenuMouseEnterName = events.addNamespace('mouseenter', that.NAME + '_popupMenu'); - popupMenuMouseLeaveName = events.addNamespace('mouseleave', that.NAME + '_popupMenu'); - $popupMenuContainer.dxContextMenu({ - _templates: this.option("_templates"), - target: $popupMenuTarget, - items: items, - position: that._getPopupMenuPosition($rootItem), - showAdditionalElements: true, - selectedItem: nestedSelectedItem, - cssClass: this.option('cssClass'), - animation: this.option('animation'), - rtlEnabled: this.option('rtlEnabled'), - disabled: this.option('disabled'), - showSubmenuMode: this.option('showSubmenuMode') === 'auto' ? this.option('showFirstSubmenuMode') : this.option('showSubmenuMode'), - itemSelectAction: $.proxy(this._nestedItemSelectActionHandler, this), - itemClickAction: $.proxy(this._nestedItemClickActionHandler, this), - showingAction: $.proxy(this._contextMenuShowingActionHandler, this, $rootItem, popupMenu), - shownAction: $.proxy(this._contextMenuShownActionHandler, this, $rootItem, popupMenu), - hidingAction: $.proxy(this._contextMenuHidingActionHandler, this, $rootItem, popupMenu), - hiddenAction: $.proxy(this._contextMenuHiddenActionHandler, this, $rootItem, popupMenu) - }); - $popupMenuContainer.addClass(DX_CONTEXT_MENU_CLASS); - popupMenu = $popupMenuContainer.dxContextMenu('instance'); - $popupMenuOverlayContent = popupMenu._overlay.content(); - $, null, $.proxy(this._handlePopupMenuMouseEnter, this, $rootItem)); - $, null, $.proxy(this._handlePopupMenuMouseLeave, this, $rootItem)); - return $popupMenuContainer - }, - _getPopupMenuPosition: function($rootItem) { - var isVerticalMenu, - submenuDirection, - rtlEnabled, - popupMenuPosition; - rtlEnabled = !!this.option('rtlEnabled'); - isVerticalMenu = this.option('orientation').toLowerCase() == 'vertical'; - submenuDirection = this.option('submenuDirection').toLowerCase(); - popupMenuPosition = { - collision: 'flip', - of: $rootItem - }; - switch (submenuDirection) { - case'leftOrTop': - = isVerticalMenu ? 'left top' : 'left top'; - = isVerticalMenu ? 'right top' : 'left bottom'; - break; - case'rightOrBottom': - = isVerticalMenu ? 'right top' : 'left bottom'; - = isVerticalMenu ? 'left top' : 'left top'; - break; - case'auto': - default: - if (isVerticalMenu) { - = rtlEnabled ? 'left top' : 'right top'; - = rtlEnabled ? 'right top' : 'left top' - } - else { - = rtlEnabled ? 'right bottom' : 'left bottom'; - = rtlEnabled ? 'right top' : 'left top' - } - break - } - return popupMenuPosition - }, - _nestedItemSelectActionHandler: function(arg) { - this._updateSelectedItemOnClick(arg.itemElement, arg.itemData) - }, - _nestedItemClickActionHandler: function(arg) { - var action = this._createActionByOption('itemClickAction', {}); - action(arg) - }, - _contextMenuShowingActionHandler: function($rootItem, popupMenu) { - var action, - $borderElt, - animation; - action = this._createActionByOption('submenuShowingAction', {}); - action({ - rootItem: $rootItem, - popupMenu: popupMenu - }); - $borderElt = $rootItem.children('.' + DX_CONTEXT_MENU_CONTAINER_BORDER_CLASS); - if (this._options.width !== undefined) - if (this._options.rtlEnabled) - $borderElt.width(this._$element.width() - $rootItem.position().right); - else - $borderElt.width(this._$element.width() - $rootItem.position().left); - $borderElt.css('display', 'block'); - DX.fx.stop($borderElt, true); - animation = this.option('animation') ? this.option('animation').show : {}; - DX.fx.animate($borderElt, animation); - $rootItem.addClass(DX_MENU_ITEM_WITH_SUBMENU_CLASS) - }, - _contextMenuShownActionHandler: function($rootItem, popupMenu) { - var action = this._createActionByOption('submenuShownAction', {}); - action({ - rootItem: $rootItem, - popupMenu: popupMenu - }) - }, - _contextMenuHidingActionHandler: function($rootItem, popupMenu) { - var action, - $borderElt, - animation; - action = this._createActionByOption('submenuHidingAction', {}); - action({ - rootItem: $rootItem, - popupMenu: popupMenu - }); - $borderElt = $rootItem.children('.' + DX_CONTEXT_MENU_CONTAINER_BORDER_CLASS); - animation = this.option('animation') ? this.option('animation').hide : {}; - DX.fx.animate($borderElt, animation); - $borderElt.css('display', 'none'); - $rootItem.removeClass(DX_MENU_ITEM_WITH_SUBMENU_CLASS) - }, - _contextMenuHiddenActionHandler: function($rootItem, popupMenu) { - var action = this._createActionByOption('submenuHiddenAction', {}); - action({ - rootItem: $rootItem, - popupMenu: popupMenu - }) - }, - _handlePopupMenuMouseEnter: function($rootItem) { - this._hoveredPopupMenuContainer = $rootItem - }, - _handlePopupMenuMouseLeave: function($rootItem) { - var that = this, - popupMenu, - HOVER_TIMEOUT = 50; - setTimeout(function() { - if (!that._hoveredPopupMenuContainer || ! { - popupMenu = that._getPopupMenuByRootElement($rootItem); - if (popupMenu) - popupMenu.hide() - } - that._hoveredPopupMenuContainer = null - }, HOVER_TIMEOUT) - }, - _showPopupMenu: function(popupMenu, $popupMenuContainer) { - if (utils.isDefined(this.visiblePopupMenu) && this.visiblePopupMenu !== popupMenu) - this.visiblePopupMenu.hide(); - this._renderItemHotTrack($popupMenuContainer, false); -; - this.visiblePopupMenu = popupMenu; - this._hoveredRootItem = $popupMenuContainer - }, - _hidePopupMenu: function(popupMenu) { - if (!this._hoveredRootItem || ! - if (popupMenu) - popupMenu.hide(); - this._hoveredRootItem = null - }, - _optionChanged: function(name, value) { - if (this._optionChangedInternalFlag) - return; - if (this.visiblePopupMenu) - this.visiblePopupMenu.hide(); - switch (name) { - case'items': - this.selectedItem = this._getLastSelectedItem(value); - this._setOptionInternal('selectedItem', this.selectedItem); - this.callBase.apply(this, arguments); - break; - case'selectedItem': - this.selectedItem = value; - break; - default: - this.callBase.apply(this, arguments) - } - }, - _getPopupMenuByRootElement: function($rootItem) { - var popupMenu = null, - $popupMenu; - if ($rootItem) { - $popupMenu = $rootItem.children('.dx-context-menu'); - if ($popupMenu.length > 0) - popupMenu = $popupMenu.dxContextMenu('instance') - } - return popupMenu - }, - _containNode: function(hierarchy, node) { - var that = this, - nestedResult = false, - result = false; - $.each(hierarchy, function(_, curNode) { - if (curNode == node) - result = true; - if (curNode.items) { - nestedResult = that._containNode(curNode.items, node); - nestedResult ? result = nestedResult : result - } - }); - return result - } - })); - ui.dxMenu.__internals = {MENU_AMIMATION_DURATION: DURATION} - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - /*! Module tmp-widgets-for-exporter, file ui.overlay.js */ - (function($, DX, undefined) { - var ui = DX.ui, - utils = DX.utils, - events =, - fx = DX.fx, - translator = DX.translator; - var OVERLAY_CLASS = "dx-overlay", - OVERLAY_WRAPPER_CLASS = "dx-overlay-wrapper", - OVERLAY_CONTENT_CLASS = "dx-overlay-content", - OVERLAY_SHADER_CLASS = "dx-overlay-shader", - OVERLAY_MODAL_CLASS = "dx-overlay-modal", - RTL_DIRECTION_CLASS = "dx-rtl", - ACTIONS = ["showingAction", "shownAction", "hidingAction", "hiddenAction", "positioningAction", "positionedAction"], - FIRST_Z_INDEX = 1000, - Z_INDEX_STACK = [], - DISABLED_STATE_CLASS = "dx-state-disabled"; - var realDevice = DX.devices.real(), - android4_0nativeBrowser = realDevice.platform === "android" && /^4\.0(\.\d)?/.test(realDevice.version.join(".")) && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") === -1; - var forceRepaint = function($element) { - $element.width(); - if (android4_0nativeBrowser) { - var $parents = $element.parents(), - inScrollView = $".dx-scrollable-native"); - if (!inScrollView) { - $parents.css("backface-visibility", "hidden"); - $parents.css("backface-visibility"); - $parents.css("backface-visibility", "visible") - } - } - }; - var getElement = function(value) { - return $(value instanceof $.Event ? : value) - }; - DX.registerComponent("dxOverlay", ui.Widget.inherit({ - _setDefaultOptions: function() { - this.callBase(); - this.option({ - activeStateEnabled: false, - visible: false, - deferRendering: true, - shading: true, - shadingColor: "", - position: { - my: "center", - at: "center", - of: window - }, - width: function() { - return $(window).width() * 0.8 - }, - height: function() { - return $(window).height() * 0.8 - }, - animation: { - show: { - type: "pop", - duration: 400 - }, - hide: { - type: "pop", - duration: 400, - to: { - opacity: 0, - scale: 0 - }, - from: { - opacity: 1, - scale: 1 - } - } - }, - closeOnOutsideClick: false, - showingAction: null, - shownAction: null, - hidingAction: null, - hiddenAction: null, - contentTemplate: "template", - targetContainer: undefined, - hideTopOverlayHandler: undefined, - closeOnTargetScroll: false, - positioningAction: null, - positionedAction: null - }) - }, - _defaultOptionsRules: function() { - return this.callBase().slice(0).concat([{ - device: function(device) { - var realDevice = DX.devices.real(), - realPlatform = realDevice.platform, - realVersion = realDevice.version; - return realPlatform === "android" && (realVersion[0] < 4 || realVersion[0] == 4 && realVersion[1] <= 1) - }, - options: {animation: { - show: { - type: "fade", - duration: 400 - }, - hide: { - type: "fade", - duration: 400, - to: {opacity: 0}, - from: {opacity: 1} - } - }} - }]) - }, - _optionsByReference: function() { - return $.extend(this.callBase(), {animation: true}) - }, - _wrapper: function() { - return this._$wrapper - }, - _container: function() { - return this._$container - }, - _init: function() { - this.callBase(); - this._initActions(); - this._initCloseOnOutsideClickHandler(); - this._$wrapper = $("
        ").addClass(OVERLAY_WRAPPER_CLASS); - this._$container = $("
        ").addClass(OVERLAY_CONTENT_CLASS); - var $element = this._element(); - this._$wrapper.addClass($element.attr("class")); - $element.addClass(OVERLAY_CLASS); - this._$wrapper.on("MSPointerDown", $.noop) - }, - _clean: $.noop, - _initOptions: function(options) { - this._initTargetContainer(options.targetContainer); - this._initHideTopOverlayHandler(options.hideTopOverlayHandler); - this.callBase(options) - }, - _initTargetContainer: function(targetContainer) { - targetContainer = targetContainer === undefined ? DX.overlayTargetContainer() : targetContainer; - var $element = this._element(), - $targetContainer = $element.closest(targetContainer); - if (!$targetContainer.length) - $targetContainer = $(targetContainer).first(); - this._$targetContainer = $targetContainer.length ? $targetContainer : $element.parent() - }, - _targetContainer: function() { - return this._$targetContainer - }, - _initHideTopOverlayHandler: function(handler) { - this._hideTopOverlayHandler = handler !== undefined ? handler : $.proxy(this._defaultHideTopOverlayHandler, this) - }, - _defaultHideTopOverlayHandler: function() { - this.hide() - }, - _initActions: function() { - this._actions = {}; - $.each(ACTIONS, $.proxy(function(_, action) { - this._actions[action] = this._createActionByOption(action) || $.noop - }, this)) - }, - _visibilityChanged: function(visible) { - if (visible) - this._dimensionChanged() - }, - _dimensionChanged: function() { - this._renderGeometry() - }, - _initCloseOnOutsideClickHandler: function() { - this._documentDownHandler = $.proxy(function() { - this._handleDocumentDown.apply(this, arguments) - }, this) - }, - _handleDocumentDown: function(e) { - if (Z_INDEX_STACK[Z_INDEX_STACK.length - 1] !== this._zIndex) - return; - var closeOnOutsideClick = this.option("closeOnOutsideClick"); - if ($.isFunction(closeOnOutsideClick)) - closeOnOutsideClick = closeOnOutsideClick(e); - if (closeOnOutsideClick) { - var $container = this._$container, - outsideClick = !$ && !$.contains($container.get(0),; - if (outsideClick) { - e.preventDefault(); - this.hide() - } - } - }, - _renderVisibilityAnimate: function(visible) { - if (visible) - this._showTimestamp = $.now(); - this._stopAnimation(); - if (visible) - return this._makeVisible(); - else - return this._makeHidden() - }, - _updateRegistration: function(enabled) { - if (enabled) { - if (!this._zIndex) { - var length = Z_INDEX_STACK.length; - this._zIndex = (length ? Z_INDEX_STACK[length - 1] : FIRST_Z_INDEX) + 1; - Z_INDEX_STACK.push(this._zIndex) - } - } - else if (this._zIndex) { - var index = $.inArray(this._zIndex, Z_INDEX_STACK); - Z_INDEX_STACK.splice(index, 1); - delete this._zIndex - } - }, - _normalizePosition: function() { - this._position = this.option("position") - }, - _makeVisible: function() { - this._normalizePosition(); - var that = this, - deferred = $.Deferred(), - animation = that.option("animation") || {}, - showAnimation =, - completeShowAnimation = showAnimation && showAnimation.complete || $.noop; - this._updateRegistration(true); - if (showAnimation && { - showAnimation = $.extend({type: "slide"}, showAnimation); - $.extend(, {position: this._position}) - } - if (this._isHidingActionCancelled) { - delete this._isHidingActionCancelled; - deferred.resolve() - } - else { - this._actions.showingAction(); - this._$wrapper.css("z-index", this._zIndex); - this._$container.css("z-index", this._zIndex); - this._toggleVisibility(true); - this._animate(showAnimation, function() { - completeShowAnimation.apply(this, arguments); - that._actions.shownAction(); - deferred.resolve() - }) - } - return deferred.promise() - }, - _makeHidden: function() { - var that = this, - deferred = $.Deferred(), - animation = this.option("animation") || {}, - hideAnimation = animation.hide, - completeHideAnimation = hideAnimation && hideAnimation.complete || $.noop; - var hidingArgs = {cancel: false}; - this._actions.hidingAction(hidingArgs); - if (hidingArgs.cancel) { - this._isHidingActionCancelled = true; - this.option("visible", true); - deferred.resolve() - } - else { - this._toggleShading(false); - this._animate(hideAnimation, function() { - that._toggleVisibility(false); - completeHideAnimation.apply(this, arguments); - that._updateRegistration(false); - that._actions.hiddenAction(); - deferred.resolve() - }) - } - return deferred.promise() - }, - _animate: function(animation, completeCallback) { - if (animation) - fx.animate(this._$container, $.extend({}, animation, {complete: completeCallback})); - else - completeCallback() - }, - _stopAnimation: function() { - fx.stop(this._$container, true) - }, - _toggleVisibility: function(visible) { - this._stopAnimation(); - if (!visible) - utils.triggerHidingEvent(this.content()); - this.callBase.apply(this, arguments); - this._$container.toggle(visible); - this._toggleShading(visible); - if (visible) { - this._renderContent(); - this._moveToTargetContainer(); - this._renderGeometry(); - utils.triggerShownEvent(this.content()) - } - else - this._moveFromTargetContainer(); - this._toggleSubscriptions(visible); - this._updateRegistration(visible) - }, - _toggleShading: function(visible) { - this._$wrapper.toggleClass(OVERLAY_MODAL_CLASS, this.option("shading") && !this.option("targetContainer")); - this._$wrapper.toggleClass(OVERLAY_SHADER_CLASS, visible && this.option("shading")); - this._$wrapper.css("background-color", this.option("shading") ? this.option("shadingColor") : "") - }, - _toggleSubscriptions: function(enabled) { - this._toggleHideTopOverlayCallback(enabled); - this._toggleDocumentDownHandler(enabled); - this._toggleParentsScrollSubscription(enabled) - }, - _toggleHideTopOverlayCallback: function(subscribe) { - if (!this._hideTopOverlayHandler) - return; - if (subscribe) - DX.hideTopOverlayCallback.add(this._hideTopOverlayHandler); - else - DX.hideTopOverlayCallback.remove(this._hideTopOverlayHandler) - }, - _toggleDocumentDownHandler: function(enabled) { - var that = this, - eventName = events.addNamespace("dxpointerdown", that.NAME); - if (enabled) - $(document).on(eventName, this._documentDownHandler); - else - $(document).off(eventName, this._documentDownHandler) - }, - _toggleParentsScrollSubscription: function(subscribe) { - var position = this._position; - if (!position || !position.of) - return; - var that = this, - closeOnScroll = that.option("closeOnTargetScroll"), - scrollEventName = events.addNamespace("scroll", that.NAME), - $parents = getElement(position.of).parents().add(window); - that._proxiedTargetScrollHandler = that._proxiedTargetScrollHandler || function() { - return that._targetScrollHandler.apply(that, arguments) - }; - $parents[subscribe && closeOnScroll ? "on" : "off"](scrollEventName, that._proxiedTargetScrollHandler) - }, - _targetScrollHandler: function(e) { - var closeOnScroll = this.option("closeOnTargetScroll"), - closeHandled = false; - if ($.isFunction(closeOnScroll)) - closeHandled = closeOnScroll(e); - if (!closeHandled) - this.hide() - }, - _renderContent: function() { - if (this._contentAlreadyRendered || !this.option("visible") && this.option("deferRendering")) - return; - this._contentAlreadyRendered = true; - this.callBase() - }, - _renderContentImpl: function(template) { - var $element = this._element(), - contentTemplate = template || this._getTemplate(this.option("contentTemplate")); - this._$container.append($element.contents()).appendTo($element); - if (contentTemplate) - contentTemplate.render(this.content()) - }, - _fireContentReadyAction: function() { - if (this.option("visible")) - this._moveToTargetContainer(); - this.callBase.apply(this, arguments) - }, - _moveFromTargetContainer: function() { - this._$container.appendTo(this._element()); - this._detachWrapperToTargetContainer() - }, - _detachWrapperToTargetContainer: function() { - this._$wrapper.detach() - }, - _moveToTargetContainer: function() { - this._attachWrapperToTargetContainer(); - this._$container.appendTo(this._$wrapper) - }, - _attachWrapperToTargetContainer: function() { - var $element = this._element(); - if (this._$targetContainer && !(this._$targetContainer[0] === $element.parent()[0])) - this._$wrapper.appendTo(this._$targetContainer); - else - this._$wrapper.appendTo($element) - }, - _renderGeometry: function() { - if (this.option("visible")) - this._renderGeometryImpl() - }, - _renderGeometryImpl: function() { - this._stopAnimation(); - this._normalizePosition(); - this._renderShading(); - this._renderDimensions(); - this._renderPosition() - }, - _renderShading: function() { - var $wrapper = this._$wrapper, - $targetContainer = this._getTargetContainer(); - $wrapper.css("position", $targetContainer.get(0) === window ? "fixed" : "absolute"); - if (this.option("shading")) - $; - this._renderShadingDimensions(); - this._renderShadingPosition() - }, - _renderShadingPosition: function() { - if (this.option("shading")) { - var $targetContainer = this._getTargetContainer(); - DX.position(this._$wrapper, { - my: "top left", - at: "top left", - of: $targetContainer - }) - } - }, - _renderShadingDimensions: function() { - if (this.option("shading")) { - var $targetContainer = this._getTargetContainer(); - this._$wrapper.css({ - width: $targetContainer.outerWidth(), - height: $targetContainer.outerHeight() - }) - } - }, - _getTargetContainer: function() { - var position = this._position, - targetContainer = this.option("targetContainer"), - positionOf = position ? position.of : null; - return getElement(targetContainer || positionOf) - }, - _renderDimensions: function() { - this._$container.outerWidth(this.option("width")).outerHeight(this.option("height")) - }, - _renderPosition: function() { - translator.resetPosition(this._$container); - var position = this._position, - containerPosition = DX.calculatePosition(this._$container, position); - this._actions.positioningAction({position: containerPosition}); - var resultPosition = DX.position(this._$container, containerPosition); - this._actions.positionedAction({position: resultPosition}); - forceRepaint(this._$container) - }, - _dispose: function() { - this._stopAnimation(); - this._toggleSubscriptions(false); - this._updateRegistration(false); - this._actions = null; - this.callBase(); - this._$wrapper.remove(); - this._$container.remove() - }, - _toggleDisabledState: function(value) { - this.callBase.apply(this, arguments); - this._$container.toggleClass(DISABLED_STATE_CLASS, value) - }, - _toggleRTLDirection: function(rtl) { - this._$container.toggleClass(RTL_DIRECTION_CLASS, rtl) - }, - _optionChanged: function(name, value) { - if ($.inArray(name, ACTIONS) > -1) { - this._initActions(); - return - } - switch (name) { - case"shading": - case"shadingColor": - this._toggleShading(this.option("visible")); - break; - case"width": - case"height": - case"position": - this._renderGeometry(); - break; - case"visible": - this._renderVisibilityAnimate(value).done($.proxy(function() { - if (!this._animateDeferred) - return; - this._animateDeferred.resolveWith(this); - delete this._animateDeferred - }, this)); - break; - case"targetContainer": - this._initTargetContainer(value); - this._invalidate(); - break; - case"deferRendering": - case"contentTemplate": - this._invalidate(); - break; - case"closeOnOutsideClick": - this._toggleDocumentDownHandler(this.option("visible")); - break; - case"closeOnTargetScroll": - this._toggleParentsScrollSubscription(this.option("visible")); - break; - case"animation": - break; - case"rtlEnabled": - this._toggleRTLDirection(value); - break; - default: - this.callBase.apply(this, arguments) - } - }, - toggle: function(showing) { - showing = showing === undefined ? !this.option("visible") : showing; - if (showing === this.option("visible")) - return $.Deferred().resolve().promise(); - var animateDeferred = $.Deferred(); - this._animateDeferred = animateDeferred; - this.option("visible", showing); - return animateDeferred.promise() - }, - show: function() { - return this.toggle(true) - }, - hide: function() { - return this.toggle(false) - }, - content: function() { - return this._$container - }, - repaint: function() { - this._renderGeometry() - } - })); - ui.dxOverlay.__internals = { - OVERLAY_CLASS: OVERLAY_CLASS, - OVERLAY_WRAPPER_CLASS: OVERLAY_WRAPPER_CLASS, - OVERLAY_CONTENT_CLASS: OVERLAY_CONTENT_CLASS, - OVERLAY_SHADER_CLASS: OVERLAY_SHADER_CLASS, - OVERLAY_MODAL_CLASS: OVERLAY_MODAL_CLASS - } - })(jQuery, DevExpress); - DevExpress.MOD_TMP_WIDGETS_FOR_EXPORTER = true -} -if (!DevExpress.MOD_TMP_EXPORTER) { - /*! Module tmp-exporter, file exporter.js */ - (function(DX, $) { - var ui = DX.ui, - utils = DX.utils, - FILE = "file", - BODY = "body", - ICON_TO = 'exportTo', - ICON_PRINT = 'print', - NO_PRINTABLE = 'dx-non-printable', - PRINTABLE = 'dx-printable', - FORMATS_EXPORT = ['PDF', 'PNG', 'SVG'], - FORMATS_SUPPORTS = ['JPEG', 'GIF'].concat(FORMATS_EXPORT), - core = DX.viz.core; - var Exporter = DX.DOMComponent.inherit({ - _normalizeHtml: core.BaseWidget.prototype._normalizeHtml, - _killTracker: core.BaseWidget.prototype._killTracker, - _getSvgElements: function() { - var that = this, - svgArray = []; - $(that.getsourceContainer()).find("svg").each(function(i) { - svgArray[i] = that._normalizeHtml($(this).clone().wrap("
        ").parent().html()) - }); - return JSON.stringify(svgArray) - }, - _appendTextArea: function(name, value, rootElement) { - $(" +
        + + + -
        - - -
        + + +
        - - -
        + + +
        - - -
        + + +
        - +
        + - + +
        + + +
        - -
        - +
        diff --git a/Template/Default/admin/node.htm b/Template/Default/admin/node.htm index ea959420..ecd7bcf1 100644 --- a/Template/Default/admin/node.htm +++ b/Template/Default/admin/node.htm @@ -250,8 +250,8 @@ $("textarea[name='']").val(''); $("input[name='node.status']").val(''); $("input[name='node.order']").val('0'); - jQuery('#modal-6 .modal-title').html('新增节点'); - jQuery('#modal-6').modal('show', {backdrop: 'static'}); + $('#modal-6 .modal-title').html('新增节点'); + $('#modal-6').modal('show', {backdrop: 'static'}); }); }); function nodeRemove(nodeId){ @@ -284,23 +284,24 @@ dataType: "json", data: {node_id: nodeId}, success: function(result){ - if(result.error == 0){ - if( != false && != null) { - var node =; - $("input[name='']").val(; - $("input[name='']").val(; - $("select[name='node.type']").val(node.type); - $("input[name='node.server']").val(node.server); - $("input[name='node.method']").val(node.method); - $("textarea[name='']").val(; - $("input[name='node.status']").val(node.status); - $("input[name='node.order']").val(node.order); - $('#modal-6 .modal-title').html('修改节点'); - /* $('#modal-6').modal('show', {backdrop: 'static'}); */ - reset(true); - } + if(result.code != 200){ + showToastr(result.message, 0, 3000, '系统错误'); + return; + } + if( == 0 && != null){ + var node =; + $("input[name='']").val(; + $("input[name='']").val(; + $("select[name='node.type']").val(node.type); + $("input[name='node.server']").val(node.server); + $("input[name='node.method']").val(node.method); + $("textarea[name='']").val(; + $("input[name='node.status']").val(node.status); + $("input[name='node.order']").val(node.order); + $('#modal-6 .modal-title').html('修改节点'); + reset(true); } else { - showToastr(result.message, 0); + $('#modal-6').modal('hide'); } }, error: function(Xhr){ diff --git a/Template/Default/admin/setting.htm b/Template/Default/admin/setting.htm new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b304fb3e --- /dev/null +++ b/Template/Default/admin/setting.htm @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ + + + +




        + +

        + + + + + +
        + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
        #{$key}if(strlen($option)>60){ echo mb_substr($option,0,60)."...";} else {echo $option;} + 编辑 +
        + + + + diff --git a/Template/Default/admin/test.htm b/Template/Default/admin/test.htm deleted file mode 100644 index a9b23bcf..00000000 --- a/Template/Default/admin/test.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ - - - -
        - -
        - Input validation -
        - - - data-validate="rule1,rule2,...,ruleN" - -
        - -
        - -
        - -
        - - - -
        - -
        - - - -
        - -
        - - - -
        - -
        - - - -
        - -
        - - - -
        - -
        - - - -
        - -
        - - - -
        - -
        - - -
        - -
        - -
        - -
        - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Template/Default/admin/user.htm b/Template/Default/admin/user.htm index 4e987d10..3c885e41 100644 --- a/Template/Default/admin/user.htm +++ b/Template/Default/admin/user.htm @@ -7,28 +7,31 @@



      - -

      - -
      - - - -
      - - +
      + +

      + +
      + + + +
      + @@ -38,6 +41,8 @@

      + + @@ -48,8 +53,10 @@

      @@ -61,13 +68,13 @@

      端口 用户名 到期时间 操作
      {(\Helper\Utils::flowAutoShow($us->transfer))} {(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $us->expireTime))} - 编辑 - 删除 + 编辑 + 删除
@@ -85,142 +92,152 @@