In Dominator/Chili we have two types for each event. One is an
algebraic data type which represents the event type (aka, event
name). The other type is a wrapper around the JSVal
which actually
contains the event.
So, for mouse events we have:
data MouseEvent
= Click
| ContextMenu
| DblClick
| MouseDown
| MouseEnter
| MouseLeave
| MouseMove
| MouseOver
| MouseOut
| MouseUp
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Enum, Bounded)
newtype MouseEventObject = MouseEventObject { unMouseEventObject :: JSVal }
We, of course, want to link these to things together. If we are
listening for a Click
event then our handler is going to receive a
There is a type family which associates events with their event objects.
type family EventObjectOf event :: *
type instance EventObjectOf MouseEvent = MouseEventObject
When we call addEventListener
we see that the type ensures the handler matches the event,
addEventListener :: (MonadIO m, IsEventTarget self, IsEvent event, FromJSVal (EventObjectOf event)) =>
-> event -- ^ event to listen for
-> (EventObjectOf event -> IO ()) -- ^ event handler
-> Bool
-> m ()
addEventListener self event callback useCapture = ...
The DOM provides a CustomEvent
object which allows use to create our own events. Unlike MouseEvent
, KeyboardEvent
, etc, we do not know what event types the user might want to use. So we need to get a bit more abstract.
Our CustomEvent
type now looks like this,
data CustomEvent (e :: k) = CustomEvent
to create user supplied types we have two mechanisms. We can refer adhoc CustomEvents
using Symbols.
CustomEvent ("myevent" :: Symbol)
Alteratively, if we use DataKinds
we can use promoted types:
data MyEvents = MyEvent1 | MyEvent2
myEvent1 :: CustomEvent 'MyEvent1
myEvent1 = CustomEvent
The CustomEventObject
looks like:
newtype CustomEventObject (e :: k) a = CustomEventObject { unCustomEventObject :: JSVal }
The type variable a
is the type of the value that may be stored in the detail
of a CustomEvent
to tie the CustomEvent
and CustomEventObject
together we create a type family instances,
type instance EventObjectOf (CustomEvent 'MyEvent1) = CustomEventObject 'MyEvent1 Text
type instance EventObjectOf (CustomEvent 'MyEvent2) = CustomEventObject 'MyEvent2 Int
This tells the compiler that for 'MyEvent1
it is going to need a
handler for the type CustomEventObject 'MyEvent1 Text
. The Text
paramater specifies that the detail
will be type Text
With the above instances, you could not have a single handler that works for any MyEvent
because each constructor maps to a unique CustomEventObject
type. It would be possible to have them all resolve to the same type:
type instance EventObjectOf (CustomEvent 'MyEvent1) = CustomEventObject 'MyEvent Text
type instance EventObjectOf (CustomEvent 'MyEvent2) = CustomEventObject 'MyEvent Text
To add an event listener we just define a handler function and use addEventListener
myEvent1Handler :: CustomEventObject 'EditorAppendEvent Text -> IO ()
myEvent1Handler ev = ...
main :: IO ()
main =
do ...
addEventListener rootNode (CustomEvent :: CustomEvent 'MyEvent1) myEvent1Handler False
To create a new CustomEvent we use the newCustomEvent
newCustomEvent :: (IsEvent (CustomEvent ev), FromJSVal a, ToJSVal a) => CustomEvent ev -> Maybe a -> Bool -> Bool -> IO (CustomEventObject ev a)
newCustomEvent ev detail bubbles cancelable = ...
Once we have our CustomEvent we can use the standard dispatchEvent
myEvent1 <- newCustomEvent (CustomEvent :: CustomEvent 'MyEvent1) (Just ("my event 1 detail" :: Text)) True True
dispatchEvent eventTarget myEvent1
That is the same dispatchEvent
function which is used for built-in
events like MouseEvent
, KeyboardEvent
, etc. The only difference is
that we use newCustomEvent
instead of newEvent
to create the
If we do not want to create a custom data type we can just use Symbols
foobarHandler :: CustomEventObject "foobar" Text -> IO ()
foobarHandler e =
do do md <- detail e
putStrLn $ "foobarHandler -> " ++ show md
type instance EventObjectOf (CustomEvent "foobar") = CustomEventObject "foobar" Text
main :: IO ()
main =
do ...
addEventListener rootNode (CustomEvent :: CustomEvent "foobar") foobarHandler False
foobarEvent <- newCustomEvent (CustomEvent :: CustomEvent "foobar") (Just ("symbol event detail" :: Text)) True True
dispatchEvent rootNode foobarEvent
Note that we still use EventObjectOf
to ensure that type for
is consistent between newCustomEvent
, addEventListener
and foobarHandler
for the custom "foobar"
To get the detail, we just use the detail function and pass it the CustomEventObject
detail :: (FromJSVal a) => CustomEventObject e a -> IO (Maybe a)
detail e =
The detail
can be any value with 'ToJSVal/
FromJSVal` instances.