A web app designed for multi-synthesizer jamming. Users can create a session and choose to add one or more synthesizer modules (current choices, a Mono Synth, Duo Synth, and FM synth) to their sessions. They can play each synth with the on-screen keys or with a computer keyboard.
Front End
- React.js
- Tone.js
- nexusUI
- react-select
Back End
- Rails 5 API
- JWT token authentication
- BCrypt
- Postgres database
- fast_jsonapi serializer
- Unregistered users can jam solo with synths but will be prompted to signup when saving a session or synth parameters.
- A session show page displays a menu to add 1 to 3 different synthesizer modules at any time.
- Session and modules names can be edited inline.
- Module parameters (Gain, Envelopes, Harmonics, etc..) can be each be saved to backend server and restored in future sessions.