#ifdef GL_ES
precision highp float;
// uncomment the following line if you work in linear space
uniform sampler2D mixbox_lut; // bind the "mixbox_lut.png" texture here
#include "mixbox.glsl" // paste the contents of mixbox.glsl here
void main(void)
vec3 rgb1 = vec3(0, 0.129, 0.522); // blue
vec3 rgb2 = vec3(0.988, 0.827, 0); // yellow
float t = 0.5; // mixing ratio
vec3 rgb = mixbox_lerp(rgb1, rgb2, t);
gl_FragColor = vec4(rgb, 1.0);
vec3 mix_three(vec3 rgb1, vec3 rgb2, vec3 rgb3)
mixbox_latent z1 = mixbox_rgb_to_latent(rgb1);
mixbox_latent z2 = mixbox_rgb_to_latent(rgb2);
mixbox_latent z3 = mixbox_rgb_to_latent(rgb3);
// mix together 30% of rgb1, 60% of rgb2, and 10% of rgb3
mixbox_latent z_mix = 0.3*z1 + 0.6*z2 + 0.1*z3;
vec3 rgb_mix = mixbox_latent_to_rgb(z_mix);
return rgb_mix;
// uncomment the following line if you work in linear space
Texture2D MixboxLUT; // bind the "mixbox_lut.png" texture here
SamplerState MixboxSampler; // FILTER_MIN_MAG_LINEAR_MIP_POINT
#define MIXBOX_LUT(UV) MixboxLUT.SampleLevel(MixboxSampler, UV, 0)
#include "mixbox.hlsl"
float4 PSMain() : SV_Target
float3 rgb1 = float3(0, 0.129, 0.522); // blue
float3 rgb2 = float3(0.988, 0.827, 0); // yellow
float t = 0.5; // mixing ratio
float3 rgb_mix = MixboxLerp(rgb1, rgb2, t);
return float4(rgb_mix, 1.0);
float3 MixThree(float3 rgb1, float3 rgb2, float3 rgb3)
MixboxLatent z1 = MixboxRGBToLatent(rgb1);
MixboxLatent z2 = MixboxRGBToLatent(rgb2);
MixboxLatent z3 = MixboxRGBToLatent(rgb3);
// mix together 30% of rgb1, 60% of rgb2, and 10% of rgb3
MixboxLatent zMix = 0.3*z1 + 0.6*z2 + 0.1*z3;
float3 rgbMix = MixboxLatentToRGB(zMix);
return rgbMix;
#include <metal_stdlib>
using namespace metal;
// uncomment the following line if you work in linear space
#include "mixbox.metal"
fragment float4 // load "mixbox_lut.png" into texture 0
fragment_main(texture2d<float> mixbox_lut [[texture(0)]])
float3 rgb1 = float3(0, 0.129, 0.522); // blue
float3 rgb2 = float3(0.988, 0.827, 0); // yellow
float t = 0.5; // mixing ratio
float3 rgb_mix = mixbox_lerp(mixbox_lut, rgb1, rgb2, t);
return float4(rgb_mix, 1.0);
float3 mix_three(texture2d<float> mixbox_lut,
float3 rgb1, float3 rgb2, float3 rgb3)
mixbox_latent z1 = mixbox_rgb_to_latent(mixbox_lut, rgb1);
mixbox_latent z2 = mixbox_rgb_to_latent(mixbox_lut, rgb2);
mixbox_latent z3 = mixbox_rgb_to_latent(mixbox_lut, rgb3);
// mix together 30% of rgb1, 60% of rgb2, and 10% of rgb3
mixbox_latent z_mix = 0.3*z1 + 0.6*z2 + 0.1*z3;
float3 rgb_mix = mixbox_latent_to_rgb(z_mix);
return rgb_mix;
#include "mixbox.osl"
shader mix(
color rgb1 = color(0.0, 0.015, 0.235), // blue
color rgb2 = color(0.973, 0.651, 0.0), // yellow
float t = 0.5, // mixing ratio
output color rgb_mix = 0
rgb_mix = mixbox_lerp(rgb1, rgb2, t);
color mix_three(color rgb1, color rgb2, color rgb3)
mixbox_latent z1 = mixbox_rgb_to_latent(rgb1);
mixbox_latent z2 = mixbox_rgb_to_latent(rgb2);
mixbox_latent z3 = mixbox_rgb_to_latent(rgb3);
// mix together 30% of rgb1, 60% of rgb2, and 10% of rgb3
mixbox_latent z_mix = 0.3*z1 + 0.6*z2 + 0.1*z3;
color rgb_mix = mixbox_latent_to_rgb(z_mix);
return rgb_mix;
Copyright (c) 2022, Secret Weapons. All rights reserved.
Mixbox is provided under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license for non-commercial use only.
If you want to obtain commercial license, please contact: [email protected]