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Scalan's Meta-programming Idioms

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Scalan is a framework for development of domain-specific compilers in Scala. In particular, it supports meta-programming based on staged evaluation. Visit Scalan Readme for general introduction about Scalan and how to get started.

The following is the introduction to meta-programming idioms available in Scalan along with example REPL sessions to try them yourself. The core of Scalan (scalan-core module) is application neurtal and generic, thus all the idioms are in principle applicable to any user domain. See example applications of Scalan for variuos domains.

To run all the REPL examples youself you can use your favorite Scala Console. The examples are tested with SBT Scala console and Scala Console Run Configuration of IntelliJ IDEA 15.0.2. In SBT you may need to switch to scalan-core project as shown below.

$ sbt
[info] Loading project definition from /Users/slesarenko/Projects/scalan/scalan/project
[info] Set current project to scalan (in build file:/Users/slesarenko/Projects/scalan/scalan/)
> project scalan-core
[info] Set current project to scalan-core (in build file:/Users/slesarenko/Projects/scalan/scalan/)
> console
[info] Starting scala interpreter...
Welcome to Scala version 2.11.7 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_60).
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.
scala> import scalan._
import scalan._

In IDEA run configuration select an appropriate module like scalan-core shown below

Idiom 1: Staged Evaluation

Staged Evaluation refers to a special mode of program evaluation (or interpretation). Whereas standard evaluation aims to produce output data for given input data, staged evaluation of program P produces graph-based intermediate representation of P, which can be evaluated normally on later stages. For example, given a program

  def mvm(matrix: Matrix[Double], vector: Vector[Double]): Vector[Double] =
    DenseVector(matrix.rows.mapBy(r => r dot vector))

its staged evaluation will result in construction of the following graph (shown with annotations explaining graphical notation).

Staged evaluation can be understood as self-reproducing process, when a program is stage evaluated it reproduces itself in a graph-based IR. See also Isomorphic Specialization by Staged Evaluation paper where staged evaluation is defined in a more formalized way.

Idiom 2: Virtualized Code

Code virtualization is a systematic program transformation performed manually or automatically by Scalanizer. Thus, after virtualization the following code

  def mvm(matrix: Matrix[Double], vector: Vector[Double]): Vector[Double] =
    DenseVector(matrix.rows.mapBy(r => r dot vector))

is transformed to

  def mvm(matrix: Rep[Matrix[Double]], vector: Rep[Vector[Double]]): Rep[Vector[Double]] =
    DenseVector(matrix.rows.mapBy(fun { r => r dot vector }))

Historically, Scalan framework is designed to facilitate easy manual code virtualization as much as it is possible using standard Scala 2.11 or later compiler. Scalanizer, compiler plugin, allows to automatically virtualize a delimited fragment of Scala code.

Virtualized code brings us to "Rep Types" and "Reified Lambdas" idioms.

See also example code and test

Idiom 3: Rep Types

The technique was originally introduced in Polymorphic Embedding and later developed in LMS staging. It is also known as lifted embedding of Slick queries.

In Scalan, during code virtualization, original types (like Matrix and Vector) are replaced with Rep types Rep[Matrix] and Rep[Vector] correspondingly. Here Rep (short for representation) is declared as abstract type

type Rep[+T]

Consider simple example

val x: Rep[Int] = 10
val y = x + 1 

This virtualized code can be evaluated normally by using ScalanDslStd context object where Rep is defined as the following

type Rep[+T] = T
scala> import scalan._
val ctx = new ScalanDslStd 
import ctx._
val x: Rep[Int] = 10
val y = x + 1
import scalan._

scala> ctx: scalan.ScalanDslStd = $anon$1@5935eb9c
scala> import ctx._
scala> x: ctx.Rep[Int] = 10
scala> y: Int = 11

Alternatively, it can be evaluated in staged mode by using ScalanDslExp context object where Rep is defined as the following

type Rep[+T] = Exp[T]

Here Exp is a type of expressions which are represented by graphs instead of abstract syntax trees (AST)

scala> import scalan._
val ctx = new ScalanDslExp {
  override val currentPass = DefaultPass("mypass", Pass.defaultPassConfig.copy(constantPropagation = false))
import ctx._
val x: Rep[Int] = 10
val y = x + 1

scala> import scalan._
scala> ctx: scalan.ScalanDslExp = $anon$1@3c72c488
scala> import ctx._
scala> x: ctx.Rep[Int] = s2
scala> y: ctx.Rep[Int] = s4

Note that during staged evaluation each value of the type Rep contains a symbol of the graph instead of data values. In a staged context we can visualize any expression as a graph. Showing y give us the following graph

Idiom 4: Reified Lambdas

In standard evaluation (when type Rep[+T] = T) two type terms Rep[A] => Rep[B] and Rep[A => B] expand to the same type A => B, in staged evaluation however (when type Rep[+T] = Exp[T]) they expand to different types Exp[A] => Exp[B] and Exp[A => B] correspondingly.

To understand the difference consider the following example (in staged context)

import scalan._ 
val ctx = new ScalanDslExp {
  override val currentPass = DefaultPass("mypass", Pass.defaultPassConfig.copy(constantPropagation = false))
import ctx._
val x: Rep[Int] = 10
val inc = (x: Rep[Int]) => x + 1
val y = inc(x)

scala> ctx: scalan.ScalanDslExp = $anon$1@3c72c488
scala> import ctx._
scala> x: ctx.Rep[Int] = s2
scala> inc: ctx.Rep[Int] => ctx.Rep[Int] = <function1>
scala> y: ctx.Rep[Int] = s4

Which give us the following graph

Instances of Rep[A] => Rep[B] are ordinary Scala functions from symbols to symbols.

Now consider the following example

import scalan._ 
val ctx = new ScalanDslExp 
import ctx._
val x: Rep[Int] = 10
val inc = mkLambda({ (x: Rep[Int]) => x + 1 }, mayInline = false)
val y = inc(x)

scala> ctx: scalan.ScalanDslExp = scalan.ScalanDslExp@70cf7d1e
scala> import ctx._
scala> x: ctx.Rep[Int] = s2
scala> inc: ctx.Exp[Int => Int] = s4
scala> y: ctx.Rep[Int] = s7

Which give us the following graph

The function mkLambda reifies the given Scala function and is defined as the following

def mkLambda[A,B](f: Rep[A] => Rep[B], mayInline: Boolean)(implicit eA: LElem[A], eB: Elem[B]): Rep[A => B]

Function fun is a shortcut which is used in most cases

implicit def fun[A,B](f: Rep[A] => Rep[B])(implicit eA: LElem[A], eB: Elem[B]): Rep[A => B] = mkLambda(f, true)

Note: type descriptors LElem and Elem are described in Idiom 10.

The functions work in four steps:

  • creates a fresh symbol for lambda-bound variable x
  • execute argument f using the fresh symbol, computing resulting symbol y
  • store symbols x and y in special graph node Lambda(x,y)
  • add Lambda node to the graph and return its symbol as result

Idiom 5: Staged Transformation by Re-evaluation

As shown in Idiom 3, one way to build a program graph in Scalan is to execute virtualized code of the program in staged mode (perform staged evaluation). Here we consider an alternative. Every graph can be re-evaluated or traversed in topological order, visiting graph nodes with respect to the data-flow dependencies of IR. This formally connects re-evaluation to the semantics of the language and, in a sence, equivalent to staged evaluation of the original code. More formally this is described in our Isomorphic Specialization by Staged Evaluation paper.

Each visited node of the original graph is cloned and added under fresh symbol (identifier) to the sea-of-nodes-like universe of Symbol -> Definition dictionary pairs. The mapping between original and cloned nodes is stored during traversal and is used to keep relationship between cloned nodes. This can be thought of as if the original edges are also cloned to the edges between the cloned nodes.

It is better illustrated by the following REPL

import scalan._
val ctx = new ScalanDslExp
import ctx._
val calc = fun { (in: Rep[(Int, (Int, Int))]) =>
  val Pair(a, Pair(b, c)) = in
  a * c + b * c

val calcClone = ProgramGraph.transform(calc, NoRewriting)
showGraphs(calc, calcClone)

scala> ctx: scalan.ScalanDslExp = scalan.ScalanDslExp@350bbd5d
scala> import ctx._
scala> calc: ctx.Rep[((Int, (Int, Int))) => Int] = s3
scala> calcClone: ctx.Rep[((Int, (Int, Int))) => Int] = s12

Which outputs the following graphs for calc and calcClone functions

Note, the two graphs are what is called alpha-equivalent, they equal up to renaming of their symbols. Thus, transform without rewriting (more precisely with NoRewriting rewriter) can be considered as identity transformation because it produces a new graph, which is alpha-equivalent to the original.

Staged Transformation by re-evaluation idiom allows to implementent Multi-stage Compilation Pipeline.

Idiom 6: Rewrite rules

Staged evaluation of virtualized code produces a graph-based data structure, step by step adding operations (as nodes) to the resulting graph. For each new node added to the graph a set of rewrite rules is exercised for applicability.

Conceptually, the set of rewrite rules is a partial function, which can optionally replace the symbol into new symbol.

def rewrite[A](x: Exp[A]): Option[Exp[A]]

This function is called for each new node of the graph during staged evaluation. If rewrite returns Some(symbol) then this symbol substitutes the original symbol in further evaluation process. A set of rewrite rules should preserve semantics of the program.

The effect of rewriting is shown in the following REPL session

import scalan._
val ctx = new ScalanDslExp
import ctx._
val calc = fun { (in: Rep[(Int, (Int, Int))]) =>
  val Pair(a, Pair(b, c)) = in
  a * c + b * c

def lemma = postulate { (a: Rep[Int], b: Rep[Int], c: Rep[Int]) =>
  a * c + b * c  <=> (a + b) * c
val rw = new RulesRewriter(List(patternRewriteRule(lemma)))
val calcOpt = ProgramGraph.transform(calc, rw)
showGraphs(calc, calcOpt)

scala> ctx: scalan.ScalanDslExp = scalan.ScalanDslExp@350bbd5d
scala> import ctx._
scala> calc: ctx.Rep[((Int, (Int, Int))) => Int] = s3
scala> lemma: ctx.RRewrite[Int]
scala> rw: ctx.RulesRewriter = scalan.primitives.RewriteRulesExp$RulesRewriter@7a9dfe2c
scala> calcOpt: ctx.Rep[((Int, (Int, Int))) => Int] = s21

Which outputs the following graphs for calc and calcOpt functions

Method transform takes the root symbol of the graph and some rewriter and produces a new graph by staged re-evaluation of the original graph (see idiom 5). It tries to rewrite each node of the new graph.

def transform[A](s: Exp[A], rw: Rewriter = NoRewriting, t: MapTransformer = MapTransformer.Empty): Exp[A]

There are many different ways to define rewriters in Scalan:

  • by specifying first-class rules with postulate
  • by using Scala's PartialFunction[Exp[_], Exp[_]]
  • by direct implementation of Rewriter interface or inheriting from one of the helper classes

Rules can also be associated with compilation phases (see Multi-stage compilation pipeline idiom).

Idiom 7: Type Virtualization

Besides Scala expressions Code Virtualization is also defined for types. Consider the following example.

trait Segment { 
  def start: Int
  def length: Int
  def end: Int
  def shift(ofs: Int): Segment
case class Interval(start: Int, end: Int) extends Segment {
  def length = end - start
  def shift(ofs: Int) = new Interval(start + ofs, end + ofs)

Its virtualized version is the following

trait Segment extends Def[Segment] { self =>
  def start: Rep[Int]
  def length: Rep[Int]
  def end: Rep[Int]
  def shift(ofs: Rep[Int]): Rep[Segment]
abstract class Interval(val start: Rep[Int], val end: Rep[Int]) extends Segment {
  def length = end - start
  def shift(ofs: Rep[Int]) = Interval(start + ofs, end + ofs)

See source code

This transformation is systematic and can be performed either manually or by Scalanizer compiler plugin.

  • every trait should directly or indirectly inherit Def
  • all method signatures are virtualized using Rep type constructor
  • case class becomes abstract class (which is extended in the boilerplate)
  • object instantiation with new is replaced with the factory-like instantiation.

This virtualized snippet of code is complemented with boilerplate code generated by scalan.meta.BoilerplateTool. The tool parses this virtualized snippet and produces all the necessary boilerplate. (See the boilerplate generated for the example above). Boilerplate is completely transparent for the user and its generation will be implemented by Scalanizer in future versions.

With some limitations, type virtualization works for a rather rich subset of Scala including trait hierarchies, generic (polymorphic) types and high-kind type parameters.

Moreover, type virtualization is also used by the Scalan framework internally to implement First-class Isomorphisms and First-class Converters.

Idiom 8: Virtualized Method Calls

Type vitualization brings us to the question of how to perform staged evaluation of method calls. Consider the following example of staged evaluation of the virtualized code involing method call (dot method)

import scalan._
import scalan.collections._
import scalan.linalgebra._
val ctx = new LADslExp {}
import ctx._
val vvm = fun { p: Rep[(Collection[Double], Collection[Double])] =>
  val Pair(items1, items2) = p
  val v1: Rep[Vector[Double]] = DenseVector(items1)
  val v2: Rep[Vector[Double]] = DenseVector(items2)

By default, all method calls are reified in the graph as nodes using the following type (visualized in a more user-friendly form).

case class MethodCall(receiver: Exp[_], method: Method, args: List[AnyRef]) extends Def[Any] 

This node has a semantics of delayed method invocation, which can be performed on later stages. The concrete mechanism of method call reification is described in symbols as object proxies idiom.

We can implement actual invocation of delayed method calls, for example, by defining a simple rewriter.

object InvokeRewriter extends Rewriter {
  def apply[T](x: Exp[T]): Exp[T] = x match {
    case Def(call: MethodCall) => // extract definition for a given symbol and check it is MethodCall
      call.tryInvoke match {
        case InvokeSuccess(res) => res.asRep[T]
        case _ => x
    case _ => x

In this code the logic behind tryInvoke is the following (see source code for more details)

def tryInvoke: InvokeResult = receiver match {
  case Def(d) =>   // extract definition for a given symbol
    try {
      InvokeSuccess(method.invoke(d, args: _*).asInstanceOf[Exp[_]])
    } catch {
      case e: Exception => InvokeFailure(baseCause(e))
  case _ => InvokeImpossible

Note, that graph is built from the deepest point in call stack. The symbol returned by invoke method is already added to the graph during execution of the method invoke.

Above mentioned InvokeRewriter is used in Scalan by default so that method invocation is controlled by isInvokeEnabled method that can be overriden. The method dot is shown below

abstract class DenseVector[T](val items: Rep[Collection[T]])(implicit val eT: Elem[T])
  extends Vector[T] {
  def dot(other: Rep[Vector[T]])(implicit n: Numeric[T]): Rep[T] = other match {
    case SparseVector(nonZeroIndicesL, nonZeroValuesL, _) =>
      (items(nonZeroIndicesL) zip nonZeroValuesL).map { case Pair(v1, v2) => v1 * v2 }.reduce
    case _ =>
      (other.items zip items).map { case Pair(v1, v2) => v1 * v2 }.reduce

In the following example the function vvm is reified in the context when invocation is enabled for all method calls.

import java.lang.reflect.Method
import scalan._
import scalan.collections._
import scalan.linalgebra._
val ctx = new LADslExp { override def isInvokeEnabled(d: Def[_], m: Method) = true }
import ctx._
val vvm = fun { p: Rep[(Collection[Double], Collection[Double])] =>
  val Pair(items1, items2) = p
  val v1: Rep[Vector[Double]] = DenseVector(items1)
  val v2: Rep[Vector[Double]] = DenseVector(items2)

Idiom 9: Symbols as Object Proxies

During staged evaluation each variable of the virtualized code has type Exp[T] for some T and contains a symbol of the graph instead of data values (See Idiom 3).

So what does it mean to call the method dot on the variable v1 of type Rep[Vector[Double]]? How does Scala compiler resolve dot method name?

val vvm = fun { p: Rep[(Collection[Double], Collection[Double])] =>
  val Pair(items1, items2) = p
  val v1: Rep[Vector[Double]] = DenseVector(items1)
  val v2: Rep[Vector[Double]] = DenseVector(items2)

For each type T which is virtualized as it is described in Idiom 7 BoilerplateTool generates a special implicit conversion. Here is what is generated for Vector type.

  implicit def proxyVector[T](p: Rep[Vector[T]]): Vector[T] = {

This implicit conversion wraps each Rep typed variable with dynamic proxy object using the generic method proxyOps. This means that the method dot is called at the proxy instance and this call is intercepted by dynamic proxy InvocationHandler. Inside InvocationHandler we have all the data in order to create MethodCall node: receiver, method and args array. Created node is added to the graph and associated with a fresh symbol, this symbol is returned as the result of the method call.

Idiom 10: Reified Types

Scalan supports full type reification in virtualized code. In other words, the virtualized code is augmented to carry information about the types of values. Runtime information about elements of type T is represented by instances of type Elem[T] which analogous to TypeTag or Manifest types of Scala.

Consider the following example

  def mvm[T:Numeric](matrix: Matrix[T], vector: Vector[T]): Vector[T] =
    DenseVector(matrix.rows.mapBy(r =>

After its virtualization the method mvm will have an additional context bound Elem.

  def mvm[T:Numeric:Elem](matrix: Rep[Matrix[T]], vector: Rep[Vector[T]]): Rep[Vector[T]] =
    DenseVector(matrix.rows.mapBy(r =>

Type passing style may add additional syntactic noise to the virtualized code, but Elem types (as type descriptors) facilitate generic (aka polytypic) programming patterns and thus allow development of generic meta-programs.

import scalan._
import scalan.collections._
val ctx = new CollectionsDslExp {}
import ctx._
def fromArray[T: Elem](arr: Rep[Array[T]]): Coll[T] = implicitly[Elem[T]] match {
  case e: PairElem[a, b] =>
    implicit val ea = e.eFst
    implicit val eb = e.eSnd
    val pairs = arr.asRep[Array[(a, b)]]
    val as = fromArray[a]( { _._1 })
    val bs = fromArray[b]( { _._2 })
    as zip bs
  case e => CollectionOverArray(arr)
val arr: Rep[Array[Int]] = Array(1, 2, 3)
val pairs: Rep[Array[(Int,Int)]] = Array((1,1), (2,2), (3,3))
showGraphs(fromArray(arr), fromArray(pairs))

Note how the function fromArray is recursively defined over the structure of type descriptor and for the two similar invocations it produces completely different graphs.

Idiom 11: First-class Isomorphisms

Isomorphism in Scalan is a special abstraction to capture bijective correspondence between two types. It is defined by the following virtualized trait.

trait IsoUR[From,To] extends Def[IsoUR[From,To]]{
  def eFrom: Elem[From] 
  def eTo: Elem[To]
  def from(p: Rep[To]): Rep[From]
  def to(p: Rep[From]): Rep[To] 

As any virtualized type, IsoUR requires boilerplate code to be generated. This means that isomorphisms are treated as first-class citizens during staged evaluation. In particular they can be generated as any other functions.

import java.lang.reflect.Method
import scalan._
val ctx = new ScalanDslExp { override def isInvokeEnabled(d: Def[_], m: Method) = true }
import ctx._
val iso = getStructWrapperIso(element[((Int, (Long, Double)), (String, Boolean))])
showGraphs(iso.fromFun, iso.toFun)
scala> iso: ctx.Exp[ctx.IsoUR[_$33,((Int, Double), String)]] forSome { type _$33 } = s15

Note: value iso has expression type and thus it is a symbol of some graph node. Method getStructWrapperIso is generic and works for any type descriptor. It builds an isomorphism between given type and some corresponding flat structure (tuple).

Another example

import java.lang.reflect.Method
import scalan._
val ctx = new ScalanDslExp { override def isInvokeEnabled(d: Def[_], m: Method) = true }
import ctx._
val iso = getStructWrapperIso(element[(Array[(Long, Double)], (String, Boolean))])
showGraphs(iso.fromFun, iso.toFun)

Many different implementations of IsoUR are defined in Scalan and each IsoUR instance is a node of the IR.

Consider concrete implementation of virtualized type Segment

abstract class Interval(val start: Rep[Int], val end: Rep[Int]) extends Segment {
  def length = end - start
  def shift(ofs: Rep[Int]) = Interval(start + ofs, end + ofs)

One specific implementation of Iso (called representation isomorphism) is generated in boilerplate

  type IntervalData = (Int, Int)
  class IntervalIso extends EntityIso[IntervalData, Interval] with Def[IntervalIso] {
    override def from(p: Rep[Interval]) =
      (p.start, p.end)
    override def to(p: Rep[(Int, Int)]) = {
      val Pair(start, end) = p
      Interval(start, end)
    lazy val eFrom = pairElement(element[Int], element[Int])
    lazy val eTo = new IntervalElem(self)
    lazy val selfType = new IntervalIsoElem
import java.lang.reflect.Method
import scalan._
import scalan.common._
val ctx = new SegmentsDslExp { override def isInvokeEnabled(d: Def[_], m: Method) = true }
import ctx._
val iso = isoInterval
showGraphs(iso.fromFun, iso.toFun)

Representation isomorphisms are an integral part of Scalan's staging infrastructure.
Besides representation isomorphisms there are also combinators which can be used to produce new isos from existing isos. For example consider an implementation of IsoUR for a product type (see source code).

abstract class PairIso[A1, A2, B1, B2]
    (val iso1: Iso[A1, B1], val iso2: Iso[A2, B2])
    (implicit val eA1: Elem[A1], val eA2: Elem[A2], val eB1: Elem[B1], val eB2: Elem[B2])
  extends IsoUR[(A1, A2), (B1, B2)] {
  lazy val eFrom: Elem[(A1, A2)] = element[(A1, A2)]
  lazy val eTo: Elem[(B1, B2)] = element[(B1, B2)]

  def from(b: Rep[(B1, B2)]) = {
    Pair(iso1.from(b._1), iso2.from(b._2))
  def to(a: Rep[(A1, A2)]) = {

In Scalan isomorphisms can be composed in many different ways.

import java.lang.reflect.Method
import scalan._
import scalan.common._
val ctx = new SegmentsDslExp { override def isInvokeEnabled(d: Def[_], m: Method) = true }
import ctx._
val interval = isoInterval // method generated in boilerplate for each virtualized class  
val slice = isoSlice 
val pairs = pairIso(interval, slice)
val flatten = getStructWrapperIso(pairs.eFrom) 
val iso = flatten >> pairs
showGraphs(iso.fromFun, iso.toFun)

One of the applications of isomorphisms is an automatic generation of converters between different implementations of the same abstract data type. Consider conversion between SparseVector and DenseVector.

import scalan._
import scalan.linalgebra._
class Ctx extends LADslExp { override def invokeAll = true }
val ctx = new Ctx
import ctx._
val sparse2dense = fun { v: Rep[SparseVector[Double]] =>

Even though invocation of all the methods is requested, the method items cannot be performed, because v is lambda bound variable and the corresponding symbol doesn't have definition, thus there is no object whose method we can call (see Idiom 8).

However, we can construct SparseVector object from sparse row data format then perform conversion to DenseVector object and then request dense row data format. The format types are generated in boilerplate based on arguments of the primary constructors of the classes and defined as the following

  type SparseVectorData[T] = (Collection[Int], (Collection[T], Int))
  type DenseVectorData[T] = Collection[T]

The described dataflow graph is constructed in the following example

import scalan._
import scalan.linalgebra._
class Ctx extends LADslExp { override def invokeAll = false }
val ctx = new Ctx
import ctx._
def sparseData2denseData = fun { data: Rep[SparseVectorData[Double]] =>
  val v = SparseVector(data)

Note, that creation of an instance is implemented by applying the method to of the representation iso associated with SparseVector virtualized class (see Idiom 11) and to extract the data from an object the method from is called from the corresponding (maybe different) iso class.

In this graph, method calls of to and from methods can be executed, thus if we request execution of all method calls, the same source code will result in generation of different graph.

import scalan._
import scalan.linalgebra._
class Ctx extends LADslExp { override def invokeAll = true }
val ctx = new Ctx
import ctx._
def sparseData2denseData = fun { data: Rep[SparseVectorData[Double]] =>
  val v = SparseVector(data)

It is easy to recognize which converstion algorithm is represented by the constructed graph.

Idiom 12: First-class Converters

The function like sparseData2denseData can be generated automatically for two virtualized classes if they are different implementations of the same trait, provided an additional requirement is satisfied.

Consider the following function

val vector2dense = fun { v: Rep[Vector[Double]] =>

It performs conversion from any Vector to DenseVector. In particular if we apply it to SparseVector and ConstVector we can generate required converters.

import scalan._
import scalan.linalgebra._
class Ctx extends LADslExp { override def invokeAll = true }
val ctx = new Ctx
import ctx._
val vector2dense = fun { v: Rep[Vector[Double]] =>
val sparseData2denseData = fun { data: Rep[SparseVectorData[Double]] =>
  val v = SparseVector(data)
val constData2denseData = fun { data: Rep[ConstVectorData[Double]] =>
  val v = ConstVector(data)
showGraphs(sparseData2denseData, constData2denseData)

However, attempt to write converter to ConstVector fails

import scalan._
import scalan.linalgebra._
class Ctx extends LADslExp { override def invokeAll = true }
val ctx = new Ctx
import ctx._
val vector2const = fun { v: Rep[Vector[Double]] =>
  ConstVector(v.item, v.length)
scala> <console>:33: error: value item is not a member of ctx.Rep[ctx.Vector[Double]]
         ConstVector(v.item, v.length)

The problem is that the class ConstVector doesn't satisfy convertibility requirement.

Class A is convertable with abstract trait B if any parameter of the primary constructor of A implements some parameterless method defined in B.

For example the constructor of the class ConstVector has the parameter item, but there is no such method defined in the trait Vector.

It is remarkable that if classes A and C are both convertable with trait B then they are mutually convertable. For example classes SparseVector and DenseVector are mutually convertible. Convertibility of a particular class is a domain-specific property and cannot be infered in general non-domain-specific case.

Because non-trivial converters between classes can be generated automatically and convertibility property can be easily recognized, Scalan provides a generic function which can generate a converter (if it is possible) between any two types given by descriptors.

def hasConverter[A,B](eA: Elem[A], eB: Elem[B]): Option[Conv[A,B]] 

where Conv is defined as the following

type Conv[T,R] = Rep[Converter[T,R]]
trait Converter[T,R] extends Def[Converter[T,R]] {
  def eT: Elem[T]
  def eR: Elem[R]
  def convFun: Rep[T => R]
  def apply(x: Rep[T]): Rep[R] 

Note, that converters are defined as virtualized types and thus first-class in Scalan framework and are also added as nodes to the graph.

The following example illustrates the first-class nature of the converters

import scalan._
import scalan.linalgebra._
class Ctx extends LADslExp { override def invokeAll = true }
val ctx = new Ctx
import ctx._
val Some(c) = hasConverter(element[Array[SparseVector[Double]]], element[Array[DenseVector[Double]]])
val sparseData2denseData = fun { data: Rep[Array[SparseVectorData[Double]]] =>
  val vs =

Idiom 13: Isomorphic Specialization

Isomorphic specialization is a distinctive feature of Scalan which is based on the previously described idioms. It allows to automatically specialize (i.e. transfrom) the same program with respect to concrete implementations of abstract data types, which are used in the program. Consider the following example of matrix-vector multiplication

import scalan._
import scalan.linalgebra._
var doInvoke = true
class Ctx extends LADslExp { override def invokeAll = doInvoke }
val ctx = new Ctx
import ctx._
lazy val mvm = fun { p: Rep[(Matrix[Double], Vector[Double])] =>
  val Pair(m, v) = p
  DenseVector(m.rows.mapBy( fun{ r => r dot v }))

All the method calls remain in the graph because they cannot be invoked. However if we explicitly construct an input matrix from the concrete implementation, and then invoke mvm we get the following graph

lazy val ddmvmC = fun { p: Rep[(Collection[Collection[Double]], Collection[Double])] =>
  val Pair(m, v) = p
  val width = m(0).length
  val matrix: Matr[Double] = CompoundMatrix( { r: Coll[Double] => DenseVector(r) }, width)
  val vector: Vec[Double] = DenseVector(v)
  mvm(matrix, vector).items

We wrapped mvm inocation in the new function ddmvmC which effectively means inlining of mvm in the body of ddmvmC. As a consequence, the method rows of Matrix has been invoked and also inlined in the body of ddmvmC, however some method of Collection and Vector are still reified as delayed method calls. Note, that the input type of ddmvmC has been selected to ensure contruction of the concrete class CompoundMatrix.

We can play this trick again by selecting some concrete implementation of Collection trait and wrapping ddmvmC

lazy val ddmvmA = fun { p: Rep[(Array[Array[Double]], Array[Double])] =>
  val Pair(m, v) = p
  val matrix = CollectionOverArray( => CollectionOverArray(r)))
  val vector = CollectionOverArray(v)
  ddmvmC(matrix, vector).arr

The resulting code contain only Array operations which are all supported by Scalan's default codegen and thus this example can be executed.

Note, in these examples we assumed that collections are more concrete that matrix and arrays are more concrete than collections. But this essentially depend on how the classes are implemented. In our case we selected the matrix class implemented in terms of collections and the collection class implemented in terms of arrays. The following example show how to specialize ddmvmC with respect to List based collections.

def ddmvmL = fun { p: Rep[(List[List[Double]], List[Double])] =>
  val Pair(m, v) = p
  val matrix = CollectionOverList( => CollectionOverList(r)))
  val vector = CollectionOverList(v)
  ddmvmC(matrix, vector).arr

This meta-programming pattern is implemented in Scalan framework by using a set of generic rewrite rules which work for any user-defined virtualized traits and classes. The the design and formalization of isomorphic specialization is described in Isomorphic Specialization by Staged Evaluation paper. See also Scala Days Amsterdam talk.

Idiom 14: Multi-stage Transformation Pipeline

Staged evaluation of virtualized code produces a graph-based IR of the program under evaluation. The graph IR can be re-evaluated with a set of rewrite rules constructing a new graph. This process can be repeated many times with different sets of rewrite rules and other graph transformations. The pipeline of such transformations is represented in Scalan by Compiler object.


  1. Scalan framework
  2. Scalanizer: a Scalan Compiler plugin for hotspot optimizations
  3. Scala Days Amsterdam talk
  4. Isomorphic Specialization by Staged Evaluation paper on author's home page