Releases: sbulav/dotfiles
Releases · sbulav/dotfiles
- add nix autoclean (2a9c993)
- fish: add mysql bin to PATH (bed12d8)
- kitty: allow window closing (f16eec5)
- migrate darwin to nix (620d0cd)
- nix: add build scripts (29814df)
- nix: add copyq (99d36fc)
- nix: add file manager, XF86 mic key (a3e1319)
- nix: add home-manager, rofi (0b07ffc)
- nix: add swaylock (a2606bf)
- nix: allow sudo via touchID (01829cb)
- nix: fix hidpi scaling, add swayidle (561fbef)
- nix: fix hyprland deps and startup time (1efc0ee)
- nix: fix nixos rofi;add file (49e436d)
- nix: Install alejandro formatter (12d7fed)
- nixos: work on packages (1160744)
- nix: reorganize file structure (d3e9cfb)
- nix: set up hyprpaper for wallpapers (98db9a5)
- nix: start working on waybar (82323c6)
- nix: stop using GTK portal; set up mime associations (58cc62d)
- nix: switch to greetd+regreet (76ae341)
- nix: switch to unstable, add waybar (b8648cd)
- nix: use master for home-manager and shared packages (62befbb)
- nix: use nix flakes (6008a74)
- nix: work on kb switching (89260e8)
- nvim: add highlight (075a2da)
- nvim: add mapping to paste above/below (595c02e)
- nvim: migrate to blankline v3 (e3d12a4)
- nvim: migrate to conform for formatting (91e830e)
- nvim: remap yanking cmd, add hunk_preview (0b41a29)
- nvim: use lsp managed by nix (0b81336)
Bug Fixes
- fix lf previewer(works in tmux!) (2b5a86f)
- lf: correct script for the preview (95959eb)
- lf: fix video preview in lf (98650e1)
- nvim: lf now requires setup (b906e40)
- nvim: pin lf.nvim as latest commits broke its start (345633a)
- nvim: remove lightbulb sign as it shakes screen on marksman (01899d1)
- nvim: use correct lspsaga function for symbols (6100f96)
- add mini.hipatterns to highlight words/hex colors (0c32fdc)
- migrate to mini.surround (cd51466)
- migrate to mini.trailspace (d460f6a)
- move to mini.splitjoin (4f1686c)
- nvim: switch to use main mini repo (3396b27)
Bug Fixes
- lf: update icons to new format (bd937a8)
- nvim: small fixes to yamlls (b07a1ed)
- remove help filetype from treesitter (3ffa533)
- use correct autocommand name to avoid conflicts (179e58a)
- add treesj plugin (66d0a4d)
- nvim: add lspsaga outline keymap (851869c)
- nvim: switch to maintained HiPhish/nvim-ts-rainbow2 (6e5b74e)
- replace hop with flash.nvim (2d727b3)
Bug Fixes
- disable jenkinsfile linker for now (f90b6bf)
- I prefer 2 chars for markdown (09480b5)
- lf: work on files with speces (bf89f0b)
- new lf.nvim width/height (3a25349)
- nvim: tabnine setup call (b3a11e3)
- add marksman language server (6ba07ed)
- migrate to glepnir's lsp saga (19e96e2)
- nvim: add k8s snippets (95a2fe0)
- nvim: use code actions provided by lspsaga (e04f9fe)
- nvim: use jsonstore to load yaml schemas (4f77cf3)
- nvim: use lspsaga in statusline (51da9c3)
- yaml path and mappings (b595178)
Bug Fixes
- alpha edit plugins hotkey (d33595f)
- nvim: add more fugitive commands on load (8927ffb)
- nvim: bump k8s schema (abaeda7)
- add base64 plugin and mappings (1ba1a20)
- migrate to lazy.nvim (cfe56b9)
Bug Fixes
- nvim: add terraformls to LSP servers (2c90e4f)
- nvim: update spell list (ab653bd)
- git: add autoSetupRemote (f81ed0f)
- kubectl: add k wrapper for kubectl (50729d5)
- nvim: add function to yank current filename (6a12403)
- nvim: add indentscope for hl and textobj (0597981)
Bug Fixes
- disable indentoscope some filetypes (229992d)
- remove lspcontainers, use mason (217f078)
- bump apps vers, fix fonts/colemak, symlinks (aede110)
- switch to lf.nvim (4e9aee0)
Bug Fixes
- correct custom filetype detection (9a8a0b0)
- K9S mappings (5929d30)
- lua docs and includes (ef1280d)
- nvim: fix nvim urlopen search string (34cd639)
- nvim: Format command use vim.lsp.buf.format (9d35a5c)
- nvim: open urls with _ in repo name (1e599b6)
- user acync (a9af3ed)
- lf: add more commands (8e0bb0d)
- lf: use G to open nvim Fugitive (0b0817e)
- nvim: switch to vim.lsp.buf.format (a493269)
- nvim: use default filetype detect in 0.8 (0e3b7ab)
- nvim: use jsonpath in lualine for json (4e216e0)
Bug Fixes
- lf: add more mappings (0dede7d)
- nvim: add more words to spell (b221be3)
- nvim: pin alpha to have MRU starting at 0 (2ec394f)
- lf: try to use lf file manager (1caa897)
- nvim: rework gx to open git repos (a0baeb8)
- nvim: start LSP on InsertEnter (ba51e73)
- nvim: use native filetype detection (722086d)
Bug Fixes
- lf: comment the comments if the lf (60a90f5)
- nvim: always start treesitter (acae014)
- nvim: fix pwd snip, add filename (a0dfcc0)
- nvim: lsp capabilities for linux (b00bb38)