- Tobias Czauderna (TC)
- Stuart Moodie (SM)
- Anatoly Sorokin (AS)
- Falk Schreiber (FS)
SM: We need to draw the winner.
FS, SM, AS: Do it during the Editors meeting in Gatersleben, record a video, and put in on the website.
FS: What could be done in further promoting SBGN? Astrid did the paper survey, Stuart organised the user survey.
FS, SM: We should definitely put it on the website.
AS: Paper: short communication in Science, Nature?
SM: Write a joint paper for the paper survey and the user survey.
TC: We should go for a journal addressing the user base of SBGN.
FS: How about PLoS ONE?
AS: See here as an example
FS: See here as another example
FS, SM, AS, TC: Have a short paper about the surveys. Investigate where to go.
TC: Work on the next versions of the specifications.
FS: Should we prepare a short list of tasks?
FS: Review of the specifications needed.
SM, TC: We have a list of tasks for the PD specification.
AS: I have put in everything from former discussions in the ER specification.
FS: I'm going to review the AF specification and discuss with Huaiyu if necessary.
TC: I will go through all the three specs.
FS, SM, AS, TC: Agreed to try to finish the next versions of the specs during the meeting.
FS: Huaiyu might have some additional funding for two extra days for SBGN during next COMBINE. I will send a mail to ask.
SM: Maybe organise an extra day during HARMONY.
TC: Next HARMONY runs from 22nd to 25th of April 2014 (Tue to Fri).
SM: Discuss it during the meeting in Gatersleben.
SM: Need to get nominations. Time frame should be two or three weeks for nominations and two or three weeks for the vote.
TC: I will set up a form on SurveyMonkey for the nominations. I will send a mail to the list.
TC: What are the deadlines?
FS: Start nominations next week.
AS: Deadline for the nominations should be 1st of December.
AS: Nominations from 11th to 24th of November, 25th of November to 1st of December to contact nominees, 2nd to 16th of December for the vote.
SM: We should be clear about the rules, especially when it comes to a tie. I will send a mail with the rules from the 2011 vote.
FS: Huaiyu wanted to set up everything but couldn't create a new page.
FS: We should have a history similar to the "Symbol of the Month". Currently there is an entry on the main page and the page for the current "Pathway of the Month".
SM: Create a history for the "Pathway of the Month", put a link on the main page to the history of "Symbol of the Month" and to the history of "Pathway of the Month".
FS: I'm going to do it.
FS: Let's discuss it during the meeting in Gatersleben.
SM: Should be a discussion about the organisation of the development of L2.