bsky-widget is an open-source project and welcomes contributions from external contributors.
If you have any feature requests, or major enhancements in your mind, do create a GitHub Issue first so that the feature and its approach can be discussed before you spend your time in creating PR
We use pnpm to manage dependencies. Make sure you have the latest pnpm installed
pnpm install
pnpm dev # Runs the playground with your local version of bsky-widget component from `lib` directory
pnpm build:lib # Builds library in `dist`
pnpm build:playground # Builds playground in `static`
pnpm build # Builds both
This project uses playwright image snapshots tests. You can run the test using following command
pnpm test:e2e # Runs the playwright e2e test
For any help, just create a github issue in this repo and I can help out.