37 | 37 | <script src="site_libs/quarto-html/tippy.umd.min.js"></script>
38 | 38 | <script src="site_libs/quarto-html/anchor.min.js"></script>
39 | 39 | <link href="site_libs/quarto-html/tippy.css" rel="stylesheet">
40 |
| -<link href="site_libs/quarto-html/quarto-syntax-highlighting.css" rel="stylesheet" class="quarto-color-scheme" id="quarto-text-highlighting-styles"> |
41 |
| -<link href="site_libs/quarto-html/quarto-syntax-highlighting-dark.css" rel="prefetch" class="quarto-color-scheme quarto-color-alternate" id="quarto-text-highlighting-styles"> |
| 40 | +<link href="site_libs/quarto-html/quarto-syntax-highlighting.css" rel="stylesheet" id="quarto-text-highlighting-styles"> |
42 | 41 | <script src="site_libs/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
43 | 42 | <link href="site_libs/bootstrap/bootstrap-icons.css" rel="stylesheet">
44 |
| -<link href="site_libs/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" class="quarto-color-scheme" id="quarto-bootstrap" data-mode="light"> |
45 |
| -<link href="site_libs/bootstrap/bootstrap-dark.min.css" rel="prefetch" class="quarto-color-scheme quarto-color-alternate" id="quarto-bootstrap" data-mode="dark"> |
| 43 | +<link href="site_libs/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" id="quarto-bootstrap" data-mode="light"> |
46 | 44 | <script id="quarto-search-options" type="application/json">{
47 | 45 | "location": "navbar",
48 | 46 | "copy-button": false,
249 | 247 | </ul>
250 | 248 | </div> <!-- /navcollapse -->
251 | 249 | <div class="quarto-navbar-tools">
252 |
| - <a href="" class="quarto-color-scheme-toggle quarto-navigation-tool px-1" onclick="window.quartoToggleColorScheme(); return false;" title="Toggle dark mode"><i class="bi"></i></a> |
253 | 250 | </div>
254 | 251 | </div> <!-- /container-fluid -->
255 | 252 | </nav>
@@ -395,150 +392,6 @@ <h1 id="sponsorTitle" data-default-title="<strong>Our Sponsors</strong>"><strong
395 | 392 | }
396 | 393 | }
397 | 394 | toggleBodyColorPrimary();
398 |
| - const disableStylesheet = (stylesheets) => { |
399 |
| - for (let i=0; i < stylesheets.length; i++) { |
400 |
| - const stylesheet = stylesheets[i]; |
401 |
| - stylesheet.rel = 'prefetch'; |
402 |
| - } |
403 |
| - } |
404 |
| - const enableStylesheet = (stylesheets) => { |
405 |
| - for (let i=0; i < stylesheets.length; i++) { |
406 |
| - const stylesheet = stylesheets[i]; |
407 |
| - stylesheet.rel = 'stylesheet'; |
408 |
| - } |
409 |
| - } |
410 |
| - const manageTransitions = (selector, allowTransitions) => { |
411 |
| - const els = window.document.querySelectorAll(selector); |
412 |
| - for (let i=0; i < els.length; i++) { |
413 |
| - const el = els[i]; |
414 |
| - if (allowTransitions) { |
415 |
| - el.classList.remove('notransition'); |
416 |
| - } else { |
417 |
| - el.classList.add('notransition'); |
418 |
| - } |
419 |
| - } |
420 |
| - } |
421 |
| - const toggleGiscusIfUsed = (isAlternate, darkModeDefault) => { |
422 |
| - const baseTheme = document.querySelector('#giscus-base-theme')?.value ?? 'light'; |
423 |
| - const alternateTheme = document.querySelector('#giscus-alt-theme')?.value ?? 'dark'; |
424 |
| - let newTheme = ''; |
425 |
| - if(darkModeDefault) { |
426 |
| - newTheme = isAlternate ? baseTheme : alternateTheme; |
427 |
| - } else { |
428 |
| - newTheme = isAlternate ? alternateTheme : baseTheme; |
429 |
| - } |
430 |
| - const changeGiscusTheme = () => { |
431 |
| - // From: https://github.com/giscus/giscus/issues/336 |
432 |
| - const sendMessage = (message) => { |
433 |
| - const iframe = document.querySelector('iframe.giscus-frame'); |
434 |
| - if (!iframe) return; |
435 |
| - iframe.contentWindow.postMessage({ giscus: message }, 'https://giscus.app'); |
436 |
| - } |
437 |
| - sendMessage({ |
438 |
| - setConfig: { |
439 |
| - theme: newTheme |
440 |
| - } |
441 |
| - }); |
442 |
| - } |
443 |
| - const isGiscussLoaded = window.document.querySelector('iframe.giscus-frame') !== null; |
444 |
| - if (isGiscussLoaded) { |
445 |
| - changeGiscusTheme(); |
446 |
| - } |
447 |
| - } |
448 |
| - const toggleColorMode = (alternate) => { |
449 |
| - // Switch the stylesheets |
450 |
| - const alternateStylesheets = window.document.querySelectorAll('link.quarto-color-scheme.quarto-color-alternate'); |
451 |
| - manageTransitions('#quarto-margin-sidebar .nav-link', false); |
452 |
| - if (alternate) { |
453 |
| - enableStylesheet(alternateStylesheets); |
454 |
| - for (const sheetNode of alternateStylesheets) { |
455 |
| - if (sheetNode.id === "quarto-bootstrap") { |
456 |
| - toggleBodyColorMode(sheetNode); |
457 |
| - } |
458 |
| - } |
459 |
| - } else { |
460 |
| - disableStylesheet(alternateStylesheets); |
461 |
| - toggleBodyColorPrimary(); |
462 |
| - } |
463 |
| - manageTransitions('#quarto-margin-sidebar .nav-link', true); |
464 |
| - // Switch the toggles |
465 |
| - const toggles = window.document.querySelectorAll('.quarto-color-scheme-toggle'); |
466 |
| - for (let i=0; i < toggles.length; i++) { |
467 |
| - const toggle = toggles[i]; |
468 |
| - if (toggle) { |
469 |
| - if (alternate) { |
470 |
| - toggle.classList.add("alternate"); |
471 |
| - } else { |
472 |
| - toggle.classList.remove("alternate"); |
473 |
| - } |
474 |
| - } |
475 |
| - } |
476 |
| - // Hack to workaround the fact that safari doesn't |
477 |
| - // properly recolor the scrollbar when toggling (#1455) |
478 |
| - if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') > 0 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') == -1) { |
479 |
| - manageTransitions("body", false); |
480 |
| - window.scrollTo(0, 1); |
481 |
| - setTimeout(() => { |
482 |
| - window.scrollTo(0, 0); |
483 |
| - manageTransitions("body", true); |
484 |
| - }, 40); |
485 |
| - } |
486 |
| - } |
487 |
| - const isFileUrl = () => { |
488 |
| - return window.location.protocol === 'file:'; |
489 |
| - } |
490 |
| - const hasAlternateSentinel = () => { |
491 |
| - let styleSentinel = getColorSchemeSentinel(); |
492 |
| - if (styleSentinel !== null) { |
493 |
| - return styleSentinel === "alternate"; |
494 |
| - } else { |
495 |
| - return false; |
496 |
| - } |
497 |
| - } |
498 |
| - const setStyleSentinel = (alternate) => { |
499 |
| - const value = alternate ? "alternate" : "default"; |
500 |
| - if (!isFileUrl()) { |
501 |
| - window.localStorage.setItem("quarto-color-scheme", value); |
502 |
| - } else { |
503 |
| - localAlternateSentinel = value; |
504 |
| - } |
505 |
| - } |
506 |
| - const getColorSchemeSentinel = () => { |
507 |
| - if (!isFileUrl()) { |
508 |
| - const storageValue = window.localStorage.getItem("quarto-color-scheme"); |
509 |
| - return storageValue != null ? storageValue : localAlternateSentinel; |
510 |
| - } else { |
511 |
| - return localAlternateSentinel; |
512 |
| - } |
513 |
| - } |
514 |
| - const darkModeDefault = false; |
515 |
| - let localAlternateSentinel = darkModeDefault ? 'alternate' : 'default'; |
516 |
| - // Dark / light mode switch |
517 |
| - window.quartoToggleColorScheme = () => { |
518 |
| - // Read the current dark / light value |
519 |
| - let toAlternate = !hasAlternateSentinel(); |
520 |
| - toggleColorMode(toAlternate); |
521 |
| - setStyleSentinel(toAlternate); |
522 |
| - toggleGiscusIfUsed(toAlternate, darkModeDefault); |
523 |
| - }; |
524 |
| - // Ensure there is a toggle, if there isn't float one in the top right |
525 |
| - if (window.document.querySelector('.quarto-color-scheme-toggle') === null) { |
526 |
| - const a = window.document.createElement('a'); |
527 |
| - a.classList.add('top-right'); |
528 |
| - a.classList.add('quarto-color-scheme-toggle'); |
529 |
| - a.href = ""; |
530 |
| - a.onclick = function() { try { window.quartoToggleColorScheme(); } catch {} return false; }; |
531 |
| - const i = window.document.createElement("i"); |
532 |
| - i.classList.add('bi'); |
533 |
| - a.appendChild(i); |
534 |
| - window.document.body.appendChild(a); |
535 |
| - } |
536 |
| - // Switch to dark mode if need be |
537 |
| - if (hasAlternateSentinel()) { |
538 |
| - toggleColorMode(true); |
539 |
| - } else { |
540 |
| - toggleColorMode(false); |
541 |
| - } |
542 | 395 | const icon = "";
543 | 396 | const anchorJS = new window.AnchorJS();
544 | 397 | anchorJS.options = {
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