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Migration Notes from 5.x to 6.x

Adam Wead edited this page Mar 24, 2015 · 21 revisions


Make sure you have a running version of Fedora 4. In these instructions we assume that Fedora 4 is running at

Upgrading your app

  • Update your Gemfile to point to the new Sufia gem 'sufia', ' ~> 6.0.0'

  • Add gem 'rsolr', '~> 1.0.6' to your Gemfile

  • Run bundle install

  • Update your config/initializers/resque_config.rb to use the new redis_namespace setting. This setting replaces the old id_namespace.

Resque.redis.namespace = "#{Sufia.config.redis_namespace}:#{Rails.env}"

  • Update config/fedora.yml to include the proper URL for Fedora 4 (don't forget the /rest at the end) and add a new setting base_path A typical development section would look as follows:
  user: fedoraAdmin
  password: fedoraAdmin
  base_path: /dev

Changes to CatalogController

Update your app/controllers/catalog_controller.rb as follows:

  1. Remove require statements: any blacklight, parslet, parsing_nesting
  2. Remove include statements: Hydra::Controller::ControllerBehavior, BlacklightAdvancedSearch::ParseBasicQ
  3. Remove any field name prefixes such as desc_metadata__
  4. Replace line include Blacklight::Catalog with include Hydra::Catalog
  5. Insert line config.search_builder_class = Sufia::SearchBuilder right after configure_blacklight do |config|
  6. Change CatalogController.solr_search_params_logic to CatalogController.search_params_logic
  7. Add :add_advanced_parse_q_to_solr to CatalogController.search_params_logic

The basic structure of your controller would look like this:

class CatalogController < ApplicationController
  include Hydra::Catalog
  include Sufia::Catalog
  CatalogController.search_params_logic += [:add_access_controls_to_solr_params, :add_advanced_parse_q_to_solr]
  configure_blacklight do |config|
    config.search_builder_class = Sufia::SearchBuilder

What's next

[Insert here link to steps to migrate data from Fedora 3 to Fedora 4]