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Making Admin Users in Sufia

Michael J. Giarlo edited this page Jan 9, 2017 · 7 revisions


Development Note

If you need to add administrative users in a production or production-like application, please proceed. If you only need to set up an admin user in development, this guide may be too heavyweight for your needs. Instead you should edit config/role_map.yml in the internal test application per these instructions.

Install hydra-role-management

Follow the directions for installing hydra-role-management.

Add the following to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'hydra-role-management'

Then install the gem and run its database migrations:

# each of these commands will produce some output.
bundle install
rails generate roles
rake db:migrate

Add new abilities

When you add new abilities to app/models/ability.rb per the hydra-role-management instructions, add that code to the end of the custom_permissions method.

Add an initial admin user via command-line

Run rails console

$ rails c

Add the administrative role to an administrative user:

admin = Role.create(name: "admin")
admin.users << User.find_by_user_key( "[email protected]" )

Add more admin users

You can add more administrative users via the command-line like you did above, or you can do so via the UI:

Confirm user was made an admin

Run the following commands in the rails console:

u = User.find_by_user_key( "[email protected]" )
# => true

If u.admin? returns true then everything worked as expected.

Or you can verify this in the UI:

  • Login as an admin user
  • Browse to
    • The page should load without exceptions
    • You should see a button labeled "Create a new role"

If you don't see this or get a permission error, you may need to restart your Rails server and try again in the browser.