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Deployment CI


NOTE: This is my recreation of already existing monkeytype

This site is currently live: Visit Here

How to run locally

git clone
cd typing-test
npm install
npm start     # to start local server at `localhost:3000`
npm run build # to create production build run

Got new ideas?

Did you know? You can add your theme and wordlist ideas into typing-test.

Here is how you can do it:

To add new theme:

  • Add theme colors into src/stylesheets/themes.scss in following format:
.theme-name {
    --bg-color: background-color;
    --font-color: font-color;
    --hl-color: highlight-color;
    --fg-color: forground-color;

highlight-color is used for caret, wrong characters, timer, selected and onhover colors
forground-color is used for correctly typed characters
Using hex codes for colors is recommended

To add new wordlist:

  • Rename your wordlist as <wordlist-name>.json and place it inside src/wordlists.

The JSON file should only contain single array of words/sentences.

Adding entry to options

  1. Add your theme/wordlist name into src/components/Header.tsx in options:
export const options: Options = {
	time: [15, 30, 45, 60, 120],
	theme: [
	type: ["words", "sentences", <wordlist-name>],

The following should be always same:

  • wordlist-name in Header.tsx and your wordlist file name
  • theme-name in themes.scss and Header.tsx

should always match otherwise themes won't work

  1. Make a pull request

  2. If it's good enough to merge, I'll merge it