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File metadata and controls

executable file
168 lines (106 loc) · 9.44 KB
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Sample: {{</* q-class "my-class-name" */>}}The text you want formatted here.{{</* /q-class */>}}

Basic Usage: Wrapping any Markdown text in this shortcode will wrap it in a <div> with the given class name in the HTML output. Used for styling.

See: Working with Text


Basic Usage: Generates a bibiliography from the entries in the project's bibiliography.yml file.

See: Citations & Bibliographies


Basic Usage: Adds a linked Author Date citation reference to the text, and a hover pop-up with the full citation text. It also adds the citation to a map of cited works, which can then be output as a page-level bibliography on essay and entry type pages.

See: Citations & Bibliographies


Sample: {{</* q-contributors range="page" type="bio" */>}}

Basic Usage: Can be used to create a page of contributor biographies, a section of bios for a single page, a simple list of contributors, a byline for a particular page, or other similar outputs.

Required Named Parameters: "range" and "type"


Expected Value Description
"initials" Looks for the capital letters in a contributor first and last name and concatenates them together.
"name" Just the first and last name.
"name-plus" The first and last name with, when available, their title and affiliation on a line below.
"bio" First and last name, with pic, url, and bio as available. Plus a link to their contribution.


Expected Value YAML Location Description
"page" .Page.Params.contributor In the current Page under contributor
"essays" .Site.Pages.Params.contributor In any Page with a type: essay under contributor
"all" .Site.Pages.Params.contributor In all Pages under contributor
"primary" .Site.Data.publication.contributor with a type of "primary" In publication.yml under contributor
"secondary" .Site.Data.publication.contributor with a type of "secondary" In publication.yml under contributor
"project-team" .Site.Data.publication.contributor with a type of "project-team" In publication.yml under contributor

YAML Structure:

YAML Attribute Required Notes
Either both first_name and last_name, OR full_name Y If all are included, full_name will override the others.
title N
affiliation N
role N When the shortcode range is "publication-team", role is used in place of title
bio N Markdown okay
url N
pic N Filename only. File must be in the top level image director, or in a sub-directory defined in config.yml with contributorSubDir.

See: Contributors


Sample: {{</* q-figure id="3.1" */>}}

Basic Usage: Inserts a formatted figure image, label, caption and credit line. If using a data/figures.yml file, only an id parameter is required for this shortcode. If other values supplied directly in the shortcode they will override any corresponding values in the data/figures.yml.

Named Parameters Expected Value Description
id string Spaces or special characters should not be used and will be stripped out. When used in a shortcode without a corresponding src parameter, the shortcode will look for a matching id in the project’s data/figures.yml file. When used in a shortcode with a corresponding src parameter, this will create an id for the image markup that can be used to link to the image directly ( and ignores any potentially corresponding information in the data/figures.yml file.
src url Should be the file name of a JPG, PNG or GIF image (fig01.jpg). Avoid using spaces or special characters, and if it’s in a sub-folder within the main img directory (which is defined by the imageDir parameter in the config.yml file), it should include that sub-folder name as well (comparatives/fig01.jpg). If your project uses data/figures.yml file, you shouldn’t use a src parameter in the shortcode as it will override all other information.
alt string For accessibility, all images should have alternative text descriptions. (Tips on crafting good alt text.) Only ever leave blank if the image is purely decorative.
caption string The caption to appear below the figure. Special characters are allowed. Use Markdown for formatting.
credit string Follows the caption. Markdown allowed.
label boolean Default is set to true. true will add a label to the caption, such as "Figure 1.3", false will remove the label. The global label setting is in the config.yml file under the parameter figureLabels.
label_text string Will override the default label text for the figure, which is otherwise constructed automatically with the figureLabelsTextBefore and figureLabelsTextAfter parameters in config.yml.
class is-pulled-right, is-pulled-left, is-full-width, is-centered-small Sets the style of the figure image.

See: Figure Images and Figure YAML


Sample: {{</* q-figure-group id="3.1, 3.2, 3.3" */>}}

Basic Usage: Like q-figure, but with handling for multiple images at once.

Named Parameters Expected Value Description
id string One or more comma-separated ids that match corresponding values in the project’s data/figures.yml file.
caption string The caption to appear below the figure group. Special characters are allowed. Use Markdown for formatting. Overrides any caption information provided in data/figures.yml.
credit string Follows the caption. Markdown allowed. Overrides any caption information provided in data/figures.yml.
label boolean Default is set to true. true will add a label to the caption, such as "Figure 1.3", false will remove the label. The global label setting is in the config.yml file under the parameter figureLabels. If a caption is also provided in the shortcode, the labels will be applied on their own directly under each image in the group, rather than as part of the caption.
class is-pulled-right, is-pulled-left, is-full-width, is-centered-small Sets the style of the group of figures overall.
grid 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Determines the horizontal width (in number of images) of the image grid. If no grid is set, the images will stack on top of one another vertically.

See: Figure Images and Figure YAML

Other Potential Shortcodes

The following have been used previously but are not yet implemented in Quire. They are under consideration.


Sample: {{</* q-link-list "other-formats" */>}}

Basic Usage: Creates an unordered list of links. Makes use of the link-list.html partial in the site templates.


Parameter Position Expected Value Description
0 * "other-formats", "related-resources" Values point to corresponding values in publication.yml

Parameters are not named, but instead defined by their position, starting at 0.

See: Copyright & About Pages


Sample: {{</* q-copyright */>}}

Basic Usage: Adds a copyright statement and licensing information as you’ve defined it in your publication.yml file. Commonly used on Copyright and About pages. The shortcode itself makes use of the copyright.html partial in your site templates.

Parameters: None.

See: Copyright & About Pages


Sample: {{</* q-loc */>}}

Basic Usage: Adds formatted Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data to the page, from values in publication.yml.

Parameters: None

See: Copyright & About Pages


Sample: {{</* q-revision-history */>}}

Basic Usage: Adds a revision history to the page, based on values in publication.yml.

Named Parameters Expected Value Description
format "short", "full" "short" will show only the first publication date and most recently updated date. "long" shows all dates and list of changes for each.

See: Copyright & About Pages


Note: Original version of this was tabled. Still looking for better solution for complex tables.

See: Figures


Note: Not sure we‘ll do this. Might be better to build in with JS rather than have a separate shortcode just for URLs.

See: Working with Text