This is an early backlog & priorities list to make it quick. In the future, we could use the github issues.
Feature 1- implement a recorder page
- 0- init
- add blank page
- add screen stream
- add camera stream
- share screen/window
- 1- styles/layout/etc
- improve styles (css, layout, etc)
- clean nextjs boilerplate codes
- 2- control buttons
- add start/stop recording
- add pause/resume recording
- add save recording
- end streams on stop
- 3- First config
- add config panel
- add redux & share configs with store
- add circle style for avatar
- config avatar position
- config avatar size
- 4- configure screen dimension
- add screen dimension config
- improve control buttons panel position
- add sections on config panel: screen, webcam, audio
- 5- audio stream
- add audio stream
- add audio stream configs
Feature 1- implement a recorder page
- use recorderrtc to record canvas & multiple streams
- open source it and add license
- add recording status + time
- Extra configs
- config output type
- config quality
- add audio visualizations
Feature 2- implement a player/editor page