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Releases: sacdallago/biotrainer


12 Jan 14:39
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12.01.2024 - Version 0.8.1


  • Updating dependencies after removing bio_embeddings, notably upgrading torch and adding accelerate
  • Updating examples, documentation, config and test files for inferencer tests to match the new compile mode
  • Replaced the exception with a warning if dropout_rate was set for a model that does not support it (e.g. LogReg)


  • Enable pytorch compile mode. The feature exists since torch 2.0 and is now available in biotrainer. It can be enabled via
disable_pytorch_compile: False 


09 Jan 09:29
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04.01.2024 - Version 0.8.0


  • Removing dependency on bio_embeddings entirely. bio_embeddings is not really maintained
    anymore (last commit 2 years ago) and being dependent on a specific external module for embeddings calculation
    shrinks the overall capabilities of biotrainer. Now, for example, adding LORA layers becomes much easier.
    While bio_embeddings does have its advantages such as a well-defined pipeline and a lot of utilities, it also
    provides a lot of functionalities that is not used by biotrainer. Therefore, a new embedders module was introduced
    to biotrainer that mimics some aspects of bio_embeddings and takes inspiration from it. However, it is built in a more
    generic way and enables, in principle, all huggingface transformer embedders to be used by biotrainer.
  • Ankh custom embedder was removed, because it can now be used directly in biotrainer:
embedder_name: ElnaggarLab/ankh-large
  • Adding new use_half_precision option for transformer embedders
  • Adding missing device option

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a minor problem for model saving in
    If a new model was trained, and it does not improve until early_stop is triggered, it was not saved as a checkpoint.


11 Sep 14:46
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08.09.2023 - Version 0.7.0


  • Added config module to read and verify the given config file. It was decided to refactor the handling of the
    configuration file to allow for higher complexity of the config and to be able to expose the configuration options
    to third party applications, such as servers and file linters. This should pay off for the increase in code complexity.
    All config option classes are as much encapsulated as possible. They are able to validate their given value and
    transform it if necessary (e.g. making file paths absolute or downloading files).
    In addition to the option classes, rules have been defined which can be applied to the whole configuration file.
    They can, amongst others, be used to define mutual exclusive or required options and files,
    depending on the protocol of the value of other options.
  • Updating dependencies


  • Added new unit tests to check the config module


30 Jun 09:29
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28.06.2023 - Version 0.6.0


  • Adding bootstrapping as a method to the Inferencer class. It allows to easily calculate error
    margins for each metric. It can be called like this:
result_dict = inferencer.from_embeddings_with_bootstrapping(per_residue_embeddings,


  • Simplifying and re-using code for monte_carlo_dropout predictions for solvers
  • Changing confidence interval calculation for monte_carlo_dropout predictions and bootstrapping.
    The number of iterations is now no longer included for calculating the interval:
std_dev, mean = torch.std_mean(values, dim=dimension, unbiased=True)
    # Use normal distribution for critical value (z_score)
    z_score = norm.ppf(q=1 - (confidence_level / 2))
    # Confidence range does not include number of iterations:
    # Note that the number of iterations influences the precision of the standard deviation, however.
    confidence_range = z_score * std_dev

Bug fixes

  • Fixed monte carlo dropout predictions for per-residue protocols
  • Fixed version in


  • Adding tests for Inferencer module. All inferencer API methods are covered for all protocols


26 Jun 13:05
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26.06.2023 - Version 0.5.1

Bug fixes

  • Fixing bug that using a custom embedder script failed to create the log directory properly. This includes
    moving the prohibited download check of embedder_name to the verify_config function of


03 Jun 10:04
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30.05.2023 - Version 0.5.0


  • Adding a check in the class that all provided splits are not empty.
    This avoids getting an error after costly training if the test set was empty. (Closes #79)
  • Adding double-check if the cuda device from the out.yml file is available for the Inferencer
    module in (Closes #73)
  • Simplifying the predict example.
    Manual path correction is no longer necessary. Also added fix for mapped_predictions to show up correctly
  • Minor dependency updates


21 Apr 17:55
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04.2023 - Version 0.4.0


  • Adding CustomEmbedder: It is now possible to use language models (embedders) that are not included in bio_embeddings
    directly in biotrainer. See examples/custom_embedder for more information and hands-on instructions.
    This might introduce a security risk when running biotrainer as a remote service. Downloading of any custom_embedder
    source file during execution is therefore disabled.


  • Updating dependencies. Enabled setup for the torch.compile() function of PyTorch 2.0. It is disabled for now
    because it does not seem to be fully compatible with all our setups and models yet.
  • Updating Dockerfile. Does now no longer include bio_embeddings by default. The docker example was adjusted.
  • Adding adam as default optimizer_choice in

Bug fixes

  • Fixed logging and creation point of log_dir in


14 Apr 09:34
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Bug fixes (Breaking changes!):

  • Fixing that using class weights for residue_to_class protocols did not work when providing a mask file.
    ⚠️ Class weights are now only calculated for the training dataset and for resolved residues (residue_to_x)!


29 Mar 13:44
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29.03.2023 - Version 0.3.0


  • Interaction mode: Embeddings from two proteins can now be either multiplied (element-wise) or concatenated
    for protein-protein interaction prediction. This mode is not compatible with all protocols yet,
    tested throughout for sequence_to_class
  • Cross Validation: Implemented k_fold and leave_p_out cross validation modes. The standard hold_out cross
    validation with train/val/test sets is still the default. Splitting itself is done in the file of
    the trainer module. auto_resume also works with all versions of cross validation. If results are missing from a
    previous interrupted run, they are calculated again via inference by existing checkpoints. In addition, the metric
    to choose the best model from the splits can be set manually (default: choose_by: loss)
  • Validation baselines: is now able to calculate "zero-only", "one-only" baselines for
    binary classification tasks. Also adding a "mean-only" baseline for regression tasks.
    The sanity checks can be disabled by a new flag in the config file: sanity_check: False.
    Also computes the dataset bias and a "bias" baseline for interactions.
  • Monte-carlo-dropout inference: now supports monte-carlo dropout inference for models with
    dropout. This enables uncertainty quantification within the model for predictions
  • Adding cli flag --list-embedders to show currently available embedders from bio_embeddings
  • Adding logging to file in addition to logging to console (destination: output_dir/logger_out.log)
  • Adding examples for working with biotrainer files and protein_protein_interaction mode


  • Major refactorings for cross validation modes in the trainer module. Specifically, now contains
    a Trainer class that handles the cross validation
  • Moving to new module validations to prevent circular imports
  • Moving get_split_lists from to to have all fasta-related files in one place
  • Adding a __version__ tag to biotrainer module and to out.yml to keep track of the employed biotrainer version
    for each run
  • Set annotations can now be given via a simplified version, replacing the overcomplicated previous set annotations
    (#New: SET=val #Old: SET=train VALIDATION=True). The old version is still possible, enabling backwards compatibility
  • Renaming save_test_predictions to save_split_ids. Sequence ids of all test/val splits can now be saved in
    combination with the test set predictions in order to reproduce the splits created by biotrainer
  • Using torchmetrics for instead of manually calculated mean squared error
  • Removing from_dict function from Inferencer and moving its functionality to the from_embeddings function
  • Adding a create_from_out_file method to Inferencer to simplify the creation of an
    Inferencer object from an out.yml file
  • Adding random seed to Inferencer method from_embeddings_with_monte_carlo_dropout to keep predictions reproducible

Bug fixes

  • Fixing metrics calculation per epoch: Previously, the mean over all batch results has been calculated,
    which is not correct for every metric or different batch sizes.
    This change affects all classification tasks! Reported test results for classification tasks calculated with
    prior versions are not reliable!
    However, if test_predictions have been stored, correct metrics still can be retrieved


  • Adding tests for cross validation modes (, hold_out, k_fold, leave_p_out)
  • Adding tests for config files (
  • Adding tests for bin_creation in cv_splitter (continuous values to bins for stratified k_fold cross validation,
  • Adding tests for hp_search (random and grid search, checks if number of created hyperparameter combinations is

Pre-release v0.2.1

05 Jan 15:33
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Pre-release v0.2.1 Pre-release

05.12.2022 - Version 0.2.1

Bug fixes

  • Fixing loss function not working on GPU (#62)
  • Fixing incorrect metrics for classification task (#63)
  • Fixing path to string for pretrained model (=> path is correctly saved in out.yml)


  • Using device is now logged
  • Adding a that checks if the test results have some obvious problems (like only predicting a single
    class) (wip)
  • Adding a limited_sample_size flag to train the model on a subset of all training ids. Makes it easy to check if the
    model architecture is able to overfit on the training data
  • Adding metrics from best training iteration to out.yml file (to compare with test set performance)
  • Applying _validate_targets to all protocols in TargetManager


  • Conversion dataset -> torch.tensor moved to
  • Storing training/validation/test ids is replaced with the amount of samples in the respective sets
  • Storing start and end time in a reproducible, readable format
  • Export of ConfigurationException via file for consistency
  • Removing unnecessary double-loading of checkpoint for test evaluation
  • Adding typing to split lists in TargetManager

01.11.2022 - Initial Release: Version 0.2.0


  • Protocols:
    • sequence to value
    • sequence to class
    • residues to class
    • residue to class
  • Easy training on clusters
  • Calculate embeddings via bio_embeddings
  • Configuration tests
  • Automatic check of input file consistency
  • Standardization of input, output and embedding files