- A ruby version manager such as rvm or rbenv
- Ruby 3.2.3 (Installed via ruby manager ^)
- PostgreSQL, if you're not using Docker.
- npm and yarn (
npm install -g yarn
Build and start the application with docker compose up
. Once the application has successfully started, you should be able to visit it at http://localhost:3000/
Run commands in docker with the bin/dc
helper script on macos or Linux.
$ bin/dc rails db:setup
$ bin/dc rails test
Or by prefacing rails
commands with docker compose run stocks
$ docker compose run stocks rails db:setup
$ docker compose run stocks rails test
- Run setup:
- Run the Rails server locally:
It is strongly recommend to use Docker. See instructions above.
Access the app via localhost:5000
Stocks in the Future is a program with the mission of developing highly motivated middle school students who are eager to learn and dedicated to attending class through the use of incentives coupled with a financial literacy curriculum focused on investing that reinforces Math, Language Arts and Social Studies. Stocks in the Future pushes to educate, encourage, and empower the next generation of financially-literate individuals.
If you have any questions about an issue, comment on the issue, open a new issue, or ask in [the RubyForGood slack] (https://join.slack.com/t/rubyforgood/shared_invite/zt-2k5ezv241-Ia2Iac3amxDS8CuhOr69ZA). Stocks-in-the-future has a #stocks-in-the-future channel in the Slack. Feel free to join the community!
- Please create a new branch for each request
- Branch name should include issue number. For example: