A Unix-like OS.
I develop, test and use it on Debian GNU/Linux (sid). I did not test it on any other OS, though I believe it should run unmodified or with minor modifications on any recent Linux distribution or other POSIX OS.
Likely you have it already. Check it with
python3 --version
. Python2 is no longer supported. -
apt install python3-docopt or pip can automatically install it for you
depending on your needs
apt install python3-setuptools python3-pip python3-nose
# Pick a directory to store the source.
mkdir ~/src
cd ~/src
# Download opensub-utils...
# ...either by cloning the repository:
git clone https://github.com/rubasov/opensub-utils
cd opensub-utils
# ...or by downloading a tarball (pick the latest tag from github):
wget https://github.com/rubasov/opensub-utils/archive/$TAG.tar.gz
tar xvzf $TAG.tar.gz
cd opensub-utils-$TAG
It works in place, without installation.
# Download docopt.py from github to src/lib/ .
wget -O ... http://.../docopt.py
# Add src/bin/ to your PATH.
vi ~/.bashrc
# pip for python3 is available as Debian package python3-pip
# if you don't have it yet.
# Install opensub-utils (as a non-privileged user to your home) by pip.
cd src/
python3 -m pip install .
# Add $HOME/.local/bin/ to your PATH if you didn't do that already.
vi ~/.bashrc
opensub-hash --version
opensub-hash --help
opensub-get --version
opensub-get --help
python3 -m pip uninstall opensub
apt install pep8
ls src/test/test_*.py | xargs -n1 python3
apt install pep8 python3-nose