This document lists the known io-homecontrol "Command IDs" (CMD), their corresponding parameters and structure.
These basics should help you understand which wording is used to find parameter information inside the LuaJIT files.
The io-homecontrol® concept is built on the idea of different "applications" or "profiles". Each vendor has to implement a basic set of standard profiles but can also implement its own set of pre-defined profiles.
A Session in the context of io-homecontrol is a predefined Action. As an example this Action could be the exchange of a key or the opening of a window and could consist of one or more packets (with each consisting of 4 frame). A Use Case (UC) is the payload of an io-homecontrol frame. Each UC consists of a Command ID (CMD) and corresponding Parameter (MP = MainParameter) with up to 16 Functional Parameter (FP). The MP is predefined by the CMD. Not every command has a MP. If it has a MP it is either a value or predefined Function. Commands are combined in groups of Command Types.
Naming Conventions & Wording
Based on the official iohc wording and Ethernet Frame description.
- Session: Abstraction describing the whole communication process for one action (eg. close windows)
- Action: A command executed by the actuator
- Layer 1: Packet = Physical (RF/Radio)
- Packet: Breaks down a session transmission into chunks with each containing a preamble, sync word, frame and interpacket gap.
- Carrier Sense: In case of iohc the abuse of the preamble as detection of an incoming signal. Normally just a unmodulated signal.
- Ramp Up Phase: Time it takes for the radio to initiate the power amplifier.
- Preamble: Sequence of a repeating bit pattern (0101010101...) to synchronize the receiver clock with the sender clock and determine the baud rate. At the same time this is also used to announce a transmission to wake-up a receiver from a low-power mode.
- Sync Word (SFD = Start Frame Delimiter): Breaks the preamble and signals the start of the frame.
- Frame: Data after the sync word including the CRC.
- Postamble: Same as preamble but this time it is to signal the end of a transmission.
- (Interframe/Interpacket) Gap: Time between a repeated packet transmission of a session.
- Layer 2: Frame = Data Link
- Transmission Control / Header: Describes a header (CtrlByte1/2) which holds information about the iohc protocol and frame
- MAC Header: Sender & Receiver NodeID in EUI/OUI-48 form
- NodeID: built-in 3-bytes device address (LSBF!)
- Used in every communication to identify the transmitter and the receiver(s).
- Programmed during manufacturing and "cannot be changed" (which is untrue as we will see later...).
- Predefined ranges exist to differentiate manufacturers, types, etc.
- Found on the device labels in plain text and as barcode/qr-code.
"NodeIDs are recycled on a 3 to 5 years basis, depending on the product sales."
"NodeID can be considered unique per installation/home."
- Broadcasts are valid OUI-48 when Bit-Reversed and then Bit-Inverted (see LSBF). 00:00:3F > Reverse > Invert = 03:FF:FF.
- See: Universal vs. Local Bit
- Mentioned in SDN (Somfy Digital Network) documents and observable via SDN Frame Builder
- Payload: Variable length field after the MAC header excluding the CRC which holds the usable data aka Message
- CRC (FCS = Frame Check Sequence): Calculated over the Frame. (CRC/CRC16-CCITT vs. CRC16-KERMIT)
![NOTE] Those values are taken from the ioHome firmware and LuaJIT files and represent only official abbreviations.
Abr. | Meaning |
DCT | Dry Contact Trigger |
IP | Intermediate Position |
OSB | Outdoor Sensor Box |
ISB | Indoor Sensor Box |
MP | Main Parameter |
FP | Functional Parameter |
DHW | Domestic Hot Water |
FCM | |
RCM | Receive Config Mode |
TCM | Transmit Config Mode |
CMD | Command (ID) |
ACT | Actuator |
REV | |
WDT | |
RX | Receive |
TX | Transmit |
GRP | Group |
SID | SystemID |
POS | Current Position |
OTL | Over The Line |
APC | Atlantic |
IVB | Interior Venitian Blind |
EVB | Exterior Venetian Blind |
SUC | Static Update Controller |
IO_SWF | Somfy iohc WireFree (SWF): IO 2.4Ghz Variant |
OVP | Overkiz Radio Protocol |
SCD | Secure Configuration/Credential Device |
SFY | Somfy |
VLX | Velux |
ISB | Inside Sensor Box |
OSB | Outside Sensor Box |
RD | RailDIN |
ZIC | InstallCode |
DI | DeviceId |
BPC | BPinCode |
IR | IndustrialReference |
Labels, Serial Numbers, QR Codes / Barcodes
Software Revision Is = Somfy=%d S2IH=%d POD=%d Rev=%d Hardware Revision Is = Type=0x%02X Month=%d Year=%d Rev=0x%02X
The Serial Number is a 12 byte ASCII string used as a unique identifier for a given product.
Length | 6 byte | 2 byte | 2 byte | 2 byte |
Name | NodeID | OemID | Year | Week |
- NodeID: Built-in Address
- OemID: Manufacturer Identification of the Supplier
- Year: Year of manufacturing
- Week: Week of manufacturing
For some devices the length of the QR code gives a hint about the device itself. The minimum length is 40 hex characters (20 byte).
- QR Code Length
- KeyGo: 40 Hex Chars (20 Byte)
- Situo: 56 Hex Chars (23 Byte)
Somfy Situo QR codes:
qrPayload = "452A1F832ADDFC13C9976011B1C109FBF3952FA14E846341FFFFFFFF"
def parseOneWayControllerQRPayload(qrPayload):
"""Parse 1W Controller QR Payload."""
address = qrPayload[2:8]
productKey = qrPayload[8:40]
return address, productKey
def computeOneWayControllerAddress(controllerAddress, channel = 1)
"""Compute 1W Controller Address. It is unknown if this function just translates to BigEndian."""
# channelAddress = controllerAddress + channel - 1
channelAddress = [0x83, 0x1F, 0x2A]
return channelAddress
def function handleOneWayController(qrPayload, channel = 1, addOrRemove = 1)
payload = [] # Create list which holds the payload
# address = "2A1F83", productKey = "2ADDFC13C9976011B1C109FBF3952FA1"
controllerAddress, productKey = parseOneWayControllerQRPayload(qrPayload)
channelAddress = computeOneWayControllerAddress(controllerAddress, channel)
channelAddress = [0x83, 0x1F, 0x2A]
payload.append(addOrRemove) # Unknown: Either 0 or 1
payload.append(channelAddress) # Channel Address: Same as controllerAddress (but BigEndian)
payload.append(0x00, 0x00, 0x3F) # Broadcast Address
payload.append(productKey) # Product Key
payload.append(0x00, 0x00) # Unknown
payload.append(0x00) # Unknown
payload.append(0x03) # Unknown
A command is built as follow:
Command ID | Parameter |
1 Byte | n Byte |
- Command ID (CMD): Identifies the desired action
- Parameter (MP): Optional Parameter for the desired action.
- The type of the parameter is defined by the CMD
For detailed information on parameters see Parameter
![NOTE] See also KLF200 API:
Appendix 2: List of actuator types and their use of Main Parameter and Functional Parameters
Parameter Details
NOTE: LSB must be 1: The frame is not considered valid if this bit is set to 0!
PARAMETER | A: Level | C: Service | E: Extended Info | I: IsValid |
BIT | 7-5 | 4-3 | 2-1 | 0 |
- bit[3] Priority Level (Velux KLF200 API @ Page 58/59)
- Protection Level
- 0 b[000] = Personal/Human: Most secure level. Will disable all categories (Level 0 to 7).
"Since consequences of misusing this level can deeply impact the system behaviour, and therefore the io-homecontrol image, it is mandatory for the manufacturer that wants to use this level of priority to receive an agreement from io-homecontrol®."
- 1 b[001] = End Product/Environment = (House) Goods Protection: Local Sensors
- 0 b[000] = Personal/Human: Most secure level. Will disable all categories (Level 0 to 7).
- User Level = User Control
- 2 b[010] = Level 1 - High: Controllers have a higher level of priority than others.
- 3 b[011] = Level 2 - Default: Default for (Remote) Controllers. Send immediate Command(s).
- Comfort Level = Automatic Control
- 4 b[100] = Level 1 - TBD
- 5 b[101] = Level 2 - TBD
- 6 b[110] = Level 3 - SAAC: Stand Alone Automatic Controls
- 7 b[111] = Level 4 - TBD (Default Channel: KLF100)
- Protection Level
- bit[2] Priority Service Number
- 0 b[00] = Service 1 - TBD
- 1 b[01] = Service 2 - TBD
- 2 b[10] = Service 3 - TBD
- 3 b[11] = Service 4 - TBD
- bit[2] Extended Info TODO
- 0 b[00] = TBD
- 1 b[01] = TBD
- 2 b[10] = TBD
- 3 b[11] = TBD
- bit[1] Is Valid Frame/Session: Always 1.
Parameter | Actuator Turnaround Time | SyncCtrlGrp | Unknown | RF Support | io-Membership | Power Save Mode |
Bit | 7-6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1-0 |
- bit[7-6] Actuator Turnaround Time (ATT) = Time span in which the actuator normally responds
- 0b00 = 0: 5 seconds
- 0b01 = 1: 10 seconds
- 0b10 = 2: 20 seconds
- 0b11 = 3: 40 seconds
- bit[5] SyncCtrlGrp - Supports Sync Control Group?
- 0 = b[0]: No
- 1 = b[1]: Yes
- bit[4] Unknown
- bit[3] RF Support in Node
- 0: Yes
- 1: No
- bit[2] io-Membership (Always Yes...)
- 0: Yes
- 1: No
- bit[1-0] Power Save Mode
- 0: Off = Always Alive
- 1: On = Low Power Mode
Specifies what or who fired the command.
- 0x00 = User: Local - User button press on Actuator
- 0x01 = User: User Remote Control causing Actuator Action
- 0x02 = Sensor: Rain
- 0x03 = Sensor: Timer
- 0x04 = Security: SCD Controlling Actuator
- 0x05 = UPS: Uninterruptible Power Supply Unit
- 0x06 = SFC: Smart Function Controller
- 0x07 = LSC: Lifestyle Scenario Controller
- 0x08 = SAAC: Stand Alone Automatic Controls
- 0x09 = Sensor: Wind
- 0x0A = Unknown
- 0x0B = Automatic Cycle/External Access/Load Shedding (Managers for requiring a particular electric load shed)
- 0x0C = Sensor: Local Light
- 0x0D = Sensor: Unspecified Enviroment Sensor (Used with commands of Unknown Sensor for Protection of End-Product or house goods)
- 0x10 = Myself: Used when Actuator decides to move by itself (Generated by Actuator)
- 0xC8 = Unknown
- 0xFE = Automatic Cycle
- 0xFF = Emergency: Used in context with Emergency or Security commands. This command originator should never be disabled.
[!NOTE] Typically only USER or SAAC are used.
Standard Parameter Values for Main and Functional Parameters (MP, FP)
Min | Max | Std | Type | Range |
0x0000 | 0xFFFF | 16-bit split into Access Methods | 0 - 65535 | |
0x0000 | Min / On / 1W: Button Up | |||
0x0001 | 1W: Button Down | |||
0x0002 | 1W: Button Stop | |||
0x0003 | 1W: Button Prog (My?) | |||
0x00FE | Button Released | |||
0x00FF | Button Stop | |||
0xC800 | Max / Off / Down | |||
0x0000 | 0xC800 | Relative Percentage (%) | 0 - 100 | |
0xC801 | 0xC8FF | Unknown | ||
0xC900 | 0xD0D0 | Percentage (%) | -100 - 100 | |
0xD0D1 | 0xD0FF | Unknown | ||
0xD100 | Target | Execution Parameter Buffer | ||
0xD101 | 0xD1FF | |||
0xD200 | Current | Execution Parameter Buffer | ||
0xD201 | 0xD2FF | Unknown | ||
0xD300 | Default | Relative / Target / Current | ||
0xD301 | 0xD3FF | Unknown | ||
0xD400 | MP: Ignore / FP: ReadOnly | |||
0xD401 | 0x7CEE | Unknown | ||
0x6E00 | Running | |||
0x7D00 | +/- | Default | ||
0xE000 | Retry | |||
0x7D01 | 0xF7FE | Unknown | ||
0xF7FF | Unknown Feedback Value | |||
0xF800 | 0xFFFF | Unknown | ||
00 | 00 | No Parameter |
01 | 01 | Name |
02 | 02 | Unknown |
03 | 03 | Unknown |
04 | 04 | Identification |
05 | 05 | Refresh: Advanced |
... | ... | Unknown |
0B | 11 | Config State |
01 00 D800 | 16832512 | Refresh: Memorized Position |
01 00 D80A | 16832522 | Secured Position |
01 00 01 | 65537 | My, Open/Up/Raise/Extend, Close/Down/Lower/Retract, Stop, Set: Closure, Deployment, Position |
01 00 12 | 65554 | Manufacturer Settings |
02 F2 0200 | 49414656 | 1W Controller: Pairing All and Delete Node |
7F F1 001D | 2146500637 | IO Key |
7F F1 0022 | 2146500642 | 1W Controller: Pairing |
7F F1 0023 | 2146500643 | 1W Controller: Pairing All |
List of Private Function IDs
This data is from Set&Go io XML definitions.
MP | FP1 | NAME |
0x0004 | 000 | last-transmitted-orders |
0x0004 | 128 | nb-of-transmitted-orders |
0x0004 | 129 | nb-of-out-of-order-due-to-battery |
0x0005 | 000 | detailled-event-subscription |
0x0006 | 000 | batterystatus |
0x0006 | 128 | battery-measurement-at-runtime |
0x0007 | 128 | threshold-per-sensor |
0x0007 | 129 | sensor-status-ackstatus |
0x0007 | 130 | latest-read-environmental-magnitude-per-sensor |
0x0008 | 000 | controller-type |
0x0009 | 000 | battery-state |
0x0009 | 001 | battery-level |
0x4003 | 128 | battery-measurement-at-runtime |
0x4004 | 128 | environmental-magnitude |
0x4100 | 000 | sensor-type |
0x4100 | 001 | benefit-type-group |
0x4100 | 002 | activation-status |
0x4100 | 003 | number-of-threshold-relative-values |
0x4100 | 004 | current-threshold-1-relative-value |
0x4100 | 005 | current-threshold-2-relative-value |
0x4100 | 006 | sensor-based-automatism-scale-factor-value |
0x4100 | 007 | minimum-oem-threshold-absolute-value |
0x4100 | 008 | maximum-oem-threshold-absolute-value |
0x4100 | 009 | minimum-threshold-absolute-value |
0x4100 | 010 | maximum-threshold-absolute-value |
0x4100 | 011 | current-threshold-1-absolute-value |
0x4100 | 012 | current-threshold-2-absolute-value |
0x4100 | 020 | zone-1-action |
0x4100 | 021 | zone-1-user-locking-time |
0x4100 | 022 | zone-1-automatism-locking-time |
0x4100 | 023 | zone-1-repetition-interval |
0x4100 | 024 | zone-1-movement-limitation |
0x4100 | 030 | zone-2-action |
0x4100 | 031 | zone-2-user-locking-time |
0x4100 | 032 | zone-2-automatism-locking-time |
0x4100 | 033 | zone-2-repetition-interval |
0x4100 | 034 | zone-2-movement-limitation |
0x4100 | 040 | zone-3-action |
0x4100 | 041 | zone-3-user-locking-time |
0x4100 | 042 | zone-3-automatism-locking-time |
0x4100 | 043 | zone-3-repetition-interval |
0x4100 | 044 | zone-3-movement-limitation |
0x4101 | 000 | sensor-type |
0x4101 | 001 | linked-adress-that-sends-sensor-events |
0x4101 | 002 | minimum-sensed-value |
0x4101 | 003 | maximum-sensed-value |
0x4101 | 004 | sensor-capacity-scale-factor-value |
0x6103 | 000 | 2way-key-is-recorded |
0x6103 | 001 | local-stimuli-status |
0x6104 | 128 | user-product-name |
0x6105 | 000 | feedback-name |
0x8002 | HARD_VERSION_3S | |
0x9800 | 000 | request-per-recorded-io-sensors |
0x9800 | 001 | status-of-request-per-recorded-io-sensors |
0x9800 | 002 | request-per-recorded-private-sensors |
0x9800 | 003 | status-of-request-per-recorded-private-sensors |
0x9801 | 000 | request-per-delegation |
0x9801 | 001 | status-of-request-per-delegation |
0xA100 | MODE_USER_TOTAL | |
0xA121 | LOCK_OUTPUT | |
0xA122 | LOCK_RELEASE | |
0xA126 | POP_VALUE | |
0xA137 | IN_POP_POSITION | |
0xA205 | M1_RACE_LENGHT | |
0xA237 | NB_RTX_1W_REMOTE_IN_CF | |
0xA330 | EVENT_LIST | |
0xA409 | DEFAUT_LIST | |
0xA500 | DUMP_REQUEST | |
0xA601 | 000 | power-supply-source |
0xA601 | 001 | batterystatus |
0xA601 | 002 | batterystatus-reliability |
0xA601 | 128 | power-supply-min |
0xA601 | 128 | power-supply-min |
0xA601 | 129 | power-supply-max-rms-value |
0xA601 | 129 | power-supply-max-rms-value |
0xA601 | 130 | nb-of-power-shutdown |
0xA601 | 131 | nb-of-double-power-cut |
0xA601 | 132 | nb-of-swicth-from-mains-to-backup-battery |
0xA601 | 133 | nb-of-swicth-from-battery-low-to-battery-very-low |
0xA601 | 134 | battery-measurement-at-runtime |
0xA601 | 135 | nb-of-charge-by-external-power-supply |
0xA601 | 136 | nb-of-storage-mode |
0xA601 | 137 | nb-of-swicth-from-battery-ok-to-battery-low |
0xA602 | 000 | endofmovementcause |
0xA602 | 128 | nb-of-return-in-factory-settings |
0xA602 | 129 | nb-of-return-in-factory-settings-caused-by-private-frame |
0xA602 | 130 | nb-of-stops-caused-by-crown-stop |
0xA602 | 131 | nb-of-stops-caused-by-thermal-protection |
0xA602 | 131 | nb-of-stops-caused-by-thermal-protection |
0xA602 | 132 | nb-of-eld-tcs-in-roll-at-rel |
0xA602 | 132 | nb-of-eld-tcs-in-roll-at-rel |
0xA602 | 133 | nb-of-eld-tcs-in-unroll-at-uel |
0xA602 | 133 | nb-of-eld-tcs-in-unroll-at-uel |
0xA602 | 134 | nb-of-rel-reached-in-counting-mode |
0xA602 | 135 | nb-of-uel-reached-in-counting-mode |
0xA602 | 136 | nb-of-obstacle-in-roll |
0xA602 | 137 | nb-of-obstacle-in-unroll |
0xA602 | 138 | motor-rotation-duration |
0xA602 | 138 | tube-rotation-in-pulses-nb |
0xA602 | 138 | tube-rotation-in-seconds |
0xA602 | 139 | nb-of-eld-in-roll-at-rel-low-level |
0xA602 | 140 | nb-of-eld-in-roll-at-rel-nominal-level |
0xA602 | 141 | nb-of-eld-in-roll-at-rel-high-level |
0xA602 | 142 | total-actuator-functioning-hours |
0xA602 | 142 | total-actuator-functioning-seconds |
0xA602 | 143 | running-time-up-auto-calibration-iteration-quantity |
0xA602 | 144 | running-time-down-auto-calibration-iteration-quantity |
0xA602 | 145 | running-time-up-auto-calibration-setting-quantity |
0xA602 | 146 | running-time-down-auto-calibration-setting-quantity |
0xA602 | 147 | projection-cycles-nb |
0xA602 | 148 | deprojection-cycles-nb |
0xA602 | 149 | nb-of-obstacle-in-projection-phase |
0xA602 | 150 | nb-of-obstacle-in-deprojection-phase |
0xA602 | 151 | nb-of-stops-in-abutment-or-rel-achieved-per-mode |
0xA602 | 152 | nb-of-stops-in-abutment-or-uel-achieved-per-mode |
0xA602 | 153 | nb-of-cycles-in-intermediate-maintenance-mode |
0xA602 | 154 | bad-sensors-sequence-pec |
0xA602 | 155 | nb-of-bad-braking |
0xA602 | 156 | nb-of-slip-after-braking |
0xA602 | 157 | max-slip-during-braking |
0xA602 | 158 | nbmotormoveerrors |
0xA602 | 159 | nbmotorinternalbuserrors |
0xA602 | 160 | maxbatteryvoltage |
0xA602 | 161 | nbendlimitdownadjustments |
0xA602 | 162 | nbendlimitupadjustments |
0xA602 | 163 | nbmotorfactoryreset |
0xA602 | 164 | nbpowerinterruptduringmvt |
0xA602 | 166 | totalactuatorinlowpowermodeduration |
0xA602 | 167 | nbbuserrorreaddetectedbyradioboard |
0xA602 | 168 | nbbuserrorwritedetectedbyradioboard |
0xA602 | 169 | nbbuserrorcrcdetectedbyradioboard |
0xA602 | 170 | nbbuserrorcrcdetectedbymotor |
0xA602 | 171 | nbofmotorpermutations |
0xA602 | 172 | nbofautomaticdesensitization-smart-protect |
0xA602 | 173 | nbofautomaticresensitization-smart-protect |
0xA602 | 174 | nb-of-high-speed-movements |
0xA602 | 175 | overcurrent-detected-before-regulation-pec |
0xA602 | 176 | bad-current-check-before-start-pec |
0xA602 | 177 | bad-current-check-after-start-pec |
0xA602 | 178 | bad-current-check-during-regulation-pec |
0xA602 | 179 | nb-of-eld-in-roll-at-rel-very-high-level |
0xA602 | 180 | nb-of-eld-in-unroll-at-uel-low-level |
0xA602 | 181 | nb-of-eld-in-unroll-at-uel-nominal-level |
0xA602 | 182 | nb-of-eld-in-unroll-at-uel-high-level |
0xA602 | 183 | nb-of-eld-in-unroll-at-uel-very-high-level |
0xA602 | 184 | nb-time-out-detected-to-reach-rel |
0xA602 | 185 | nb-time-out-detected-to-reach-uel |
0xA602 | 186 | nb-overintensity-decteted |
0xA602 | 187 | nb-position-sensor-failures |
0xA602 | 188 | nb-current-sensor-failures |
0xA602 | 189 | nb-product-has-gone-in-secondary-secured-position |
0xA602 | 190 | nb-order-received-on-wired-input |
0xA602 | 191 | nb-order-received-by-radio |
0xA602 | 192 | zones-learning-attempts-nb |
0xA602 | 193 | nb-mouvements-without-abutment |
0xA602 | 194 | nb-mouvements-to-ventilation |
0xA602 | 195 | odometer-in-integration-phase |
0xA603 | 000 | type-of-setting-for-roll-end-limit |
0xA603 | 001 | type-of-setting-for-unroll-end-limit |
0xA603 | 002 | current-status |
0xA603 | 003 | rotation-direction |
0xA603 | 003 | rotation-direction |
0xA603 | 004 | status-of-intermediate-position |
0xA603 | 005 | rotation-direction-determination |
0xA603 | 006 | kinematics |
0xA603 | 006 | kinematics |
0xA603 | 007 | status-of-max-linear-position |
0xA603 | 008 | status-of-stop-mode |
0xA603 | 009 | last-movement |
0xA603 | 010 | travel-current-state |
0xA603 | 010 | travel-current-state |
0xA603 | 011 | travel-zone-state |
0xA603 | 012 | movementmanager-current-state |
0xA603 | 013 | current-settings-within-evb-io |
0xA603 | 014 | brake-slip-upwards |
0xA603 | 015 | brake-slip-downwards |
0xA603 | 016 | initial-type-of-setting-for-roll-end-limit |
0xA603 | 017 | initial-type-of-setting-for-unroll-end-limit |
0xA603 | 018 | behaviour-at-roll-end-limit |
0xA603 | 019 | behaviour-at-unroll-end-limit |
0xA603 | 020 | status-of-flat-slat-position |
0xA603 | 021 | softstart-uel |
0xA603 | 022 | softstop-uel |
0xA603 | 023 | softstart-rel |
0xA603 | 024 | softstop-rel |
0xA603 | 025 | smart-protect-sensitivity |
0xA603 | 026 | visual-pictogram |
0xA603 | 027 | coexistenceid |
0xA603 | 028 | sound-enable |
0xA603 | 029 | recovered-state-after-power-cut |
0xA603 | 030 | output-operator-type |
0xA603 | 031 | input-ergonomy |
0xA603 | 032 | lock-device |
0xA603 | 033 | curtain-outstretching-level |
0xA603 | 128 | low-speed-value-min |
0xA603 | 129 | low-speed-value-max |
0xA603 | 130 | nominal-speed-value-min |
0xA603 | 131 | nominal-speed-value-max |
0xA603 | 132 | default-low-speed-value |
0xA603 | 133 | default-nominal-speed-value |
0xA603 | 134 | high-speed-current-value |
0xA603 | 135 | operationnal-running-timeout-enable |
0xA603 | 136 | operationnal-running-timeout-value-in-s |
0xA603 | 137 | smart-protect-activation |
0xA603 | 138 | automatic-adjustment-of-the-roll-end-limit-every-x-cycles |
0xA603 | 139 | applicativeaccessories |
0xA603 | 140 | maintenance-by-up-down-wt-ergonomy |
0xA603 | 141 | wired-input-type |
0xA603 | 142 | operationnal-running-remaining-time-in-s |
0xA603 | 143 | max-acceptable-sink-current |
0xA604 | 000 | io-profile-and-sub-profile |
0xA604 | 001 | manufacturer-actuator-id |
0xA604 | 002 | product-address |
0xA605 | 000 | current-movement-area |
0xA605 | 001 | current-operating-mode |
0xA606 | 000 | ctn-is-operational |
0xA606 | 128 | max-detected-temperature |
0xA606 | 129 | coil-temperature |
0xA607 | 000 | paired-product-type |
0xA607 | 001 | out-of-order-time-out-in-s |
0xA607 | 002 | paired-product-address-msb-first |
0xA607 | 003 | one-way-key |
0xA607 | 004 | sequence-nb |
0xA607 | 005 | manufacturer-id |
0xA607 | 006 | io-membership-flag |
0xA607 | 007 | controller-type |
0xA607 | 008 | battery-state |
0xA607 | 009 | battery-level |
0xA608 | 000 | nb-of-motors |
0xA608 | 001 | covering-panel |
0xA608 | 002 | position-sensor-type |
0xA609 | 000 | travel-zones-learning-phase |
0xA609 | 001 | secured-ventilation-entry-learning-state |
0xA609 | 128 | current-position-lift |
0xA609 | 128 | current-position-lift |
0xA609 | 128 | current-position-lift |
0xA609 | 129 | roll-end-limit-position |
0xA609 | 129 | roll-end-limit-position |
0xA609 | 129 | roll-end-limit-position |
0xA609 | 129 | roll-end-limit-position |
0xA609 | 130 | unroll-end-limit-position |
0xA609 | 130 | unroll-end-limit-position |
0xA609 | 130 | unroll-end-limit-position |
0xA609 | 130 | unroll-end-limit-position |
0xA609 | 131 | intermediate-position-lift |
0xA609 | 131 | intermediate-position-lift |
0xA609 | 131 | intermediate-position-lift |
0xA609 | 131 | intermediate-position-lift |
0xA609 | 132 | reference-position |
0xA609 | 132 | reference-position |
0xA609 | 133 | exit-unroll-end-limit-position |
0xA609 | 136 | current-position-tilt |
0xA609 | 136 | current-position-tilt |
0xA609 | 137 | intermediate-position-tilt |
0xA609 | 137 | intermediate-position-tilt |
0xA609 | 138 | running-time-up |
0xA609 | 139 | running-time-down |
0xA609 | 140 | flat-slats-value |
0xA609 | 140 | flat-slats-value |
0xA609 | 145 | min-linear-limit-position |
0xA609 | 146 | max-linear-limit-position |
0xA609 | 147 | max-toggle-limit-position |
0xA609 | 148 | current-position-in-percent |
0xA609 | 149 | automatic-max-linear-limit-position |
0xA609 | 150 | mp-middle-of-slide-in-order-to-project |
0xA609 | 151 | mu-middle-of-slide-in-order-to-unproject |
0xA609 | 152 | pelp-projection-end-limit-to-project |
0xA609 | 153 | pelu-projection-end-limit-to-unproject |
0xA609 | 154 | nb-auto-learning-requested |
0xA609 | 155 | nb-auto-learning-not-validated |
0xA609 | 156 | secured-ventilation-position-lift |
0xA609 | 157 | secured-ventilation-entry-position-lift |
0xA609 | 158 | seal-position-lift |
0xA60A | 000 | operating-status |
0xA60A | 001 | eld-inhibition-on-start |
0xA60A | 128 | general-eld-level |
0xA60A | 129 | level-set-by-user-when-rolling |
0xA60A | 130 | level-set-by-user-when-unrolling |
0xA60B | 000 | stress-reduction-status |
0xA60B | 000 | stress-reduction-status |
0xA60B | 001 | warning-movement |
0xA60B | 128 | back-impulse-angle |
0xA60B | 129 | nb-of-distressing |
0xA60B | 130 | stress-reduction-value |
0xA60B | 131 | backlashvalue |
0xA60B | 132 | tiltingtime |
0xA60B | 133 | startdelay |
0xA60B | 134 | smart-back-release |
0xA60B | 135 | delta-to-set-auto-uel |
0xA60B | 136 | delta-to-set-auto-rel |
0xA60B | 137 | choregraphy-disable-variator-down-move-min |
0xA60B | 138 | choregraphy-disable-variator-up-move-min |
0xA60B | 139 | choregraphy-enable-variator-down-move-min |
0xA60B | 140 | choregraphy-enable-variator-up-move-min |
0xA60B | 141 | working-angle-tilt-position |
0xA60B | 142 | tiltingtravel |
0xA60B | 143 | covering-panel-closing-delay |
0xA60B | 144 | covered-panel-closing-delay |
0xA60B | 145 | covering-panel-opening-delay |
0xA60B | 146 | covered-panel-opening-delay |
0xA60B | 147 | minimum-angular-open-end-limit |
0xA60B | 148 | position-convertion |
0xA60C | 000 | array-of-160-char |
0xA60C | 001 | line-1-of-10-lines-of-16-char |
0xA60C | 002 | line-2-of-10-lines-of-16-char |
0xA60C | 003 | line-3-of-10-lines-of-16-char |
0xA60C | 004 | line-4-of-10-lines-of-16-char |
0xA60C | 005 | line-5-of-10-lines-of-16-char |
0xA60C | 006 | line-6-of-10-lines-of-16-char |
0xA60C | 007 | line-7-of-10-lines-of-16-char |
0xA60C | 008 | line-8-of-10-lines-of-16-char |
0xA60C | 009 | line-9-of-10-lines-of-16-char |
0xA60C | 010 | line-10-of-10-lines-of-16-char |
0xA60D | 128 | nb-of-paired-1w-controllers |
0xA60D | 129 | nb-of-alive-paired-1w-sensors |
0xA60D | 130 | nb-of-paired-1w-sensors-out-of-order |
0xA60E | 000 | io-1w-sensor-address |
0xA60E | 001 | profil-id |
0xA60E | 002 | battery-level |
0xA60E | 003 | threshold-value |
0xA60E | 004 | thresholds-range |
0xA60E | 005 | status-protection |
0xA60E | 006 | threshold-value-secondary |
0xA60E | 007 | demo-mode |
0xA60F | 128 | nb-of-reset-caused-by-independant-watchdog |
0xA60F | 129 | nb-of-reset-caused-by-external-pin |
0xA60F | 130 | nb-of-reset-caused-by-crc-error |
0xA60F | 131 | nb-of-reset-caused-by-system |
0xA60F | 132 | nb-of-reset-caused-by-brown-out |
0xA60F | 133 | nb-of-reset-caused-by-brown-out-during-power-on |
0xA60F | 134 | nb-of-reset-caused-by-power-on |
0xA60F | 135 | nb-of-reset-caused-by-power-on-without-save-informations |
0xA60F | 136 | nb-of-reset-caused-by-others |
0xA60F | 137 | nb-of-reset-caused-by-window-watchdog |
0xA60F | 138 | nb-of-periodical-system-reset |
0xA60F | 139 | nb-of-reset-because-ram-is-ko |
0xA60F | 140 | total-nb-of-resets |
0xA60F | 141 | nb-of-nominal-init |
0xA60F | 142 | nb-of-warm-reset |
0xA610 | 000 | initial-rotation-direction |
0xA610 | 002 | initial-behaviour-at-roll-end-limit |
0xA610 | 003 | initial-behaviour-at-unroll-end-limit |
0xA610 | 004 | initial-softstart-uel |
0xA610 | 005 | initial-softstop-uel |
0xA610 | 006 | initial-softstart-rel |
0xA610 | 007 | initial-softstop-rel |
0xA610 | 008 | initial-coexistence-id |
0xA610 | 009 | initial-nb-of-motors |
0xA610 | 010 | initial-covering-panel |
0xA610 | 011 | initial-lock-device |
0xA610 | 128 | initial-nb-of-cycles-in-intermediate-maintenance-mode |
0xA610 | 129 | initial-low-speed-value-rpm |
0xA610 | 130 | initial-nominal-speed-value-rpm |
0xA610 | 131 | initial-smart-protect-activation |
0xA610 | 132 | initial-automatic-adjustment-of-the-roll-end-limit-every-x-cycles |
0xA610 | 133 | initial-general-eld-level |
0xA610 | 134 | initial-stress-reduction-value |
0xA610 | 135 | allow-changes-of-automatic-adjustment-at-the-roll-end-limit |
0xA610 | 136 | prohibit-changes-of-roll-end-limit |
0xA610 | 137 | prohibit-changes-of-unroll-end-limit |
0xA610 | 138 | initial-covering-panel-closing-delay |
0xA610 | 139 | initial-covered-panel-closing-delay |
0xA610 | 140 | initial-covering-panel-opening-delay |
0xA610 | 141 | initial-covered-panel-opening-delay |
0xA612 | 000 | pandp-uel-current-mode |
0xA612 | 001 | pandp-rel-current-mode |
0xA613 | 000 | last-events-type-of-last-stop |
0xA613 | 001 | historical-of-the-10-dwp-last-command-received |
0xA613 | 002 | historical-of-the-last-10-orders-received-radio |
0xA613 | 003 | historical-of-the-last-10-orders-manual-received-eg-order-wired |
0xA613 | 004 | historical-of-the-last-10-movements-made |
0xA613 | 005 | historical-of-the-last-20-orders-received |
0xA613 | 006 | 1of4parts-of-the-last-20-orders-received |
0xA613 | 007 | 2of4parts-of-the-last-20-orders-received |
0xA613 | 008 | 3of4parts-of-the-last-20-orders-received |
0xA613 | 009 | 4of4parts-of-the-last-20-orders-received |
0xA613 | 128 | historical-of-10-last-faults-or-failure |
0xA613 | 133 | history-of-el-manual-reinit-in-unit-nb-of-stop-at-uel |
0xA613 | 134 | history-of-el-manual-reinit-in-unit-nb-of-stop-at-del |
0xA613 | 135 | history-of-pnp-auto-reinit-in-unit-nb-of-stop-at-uel |
0xA613 | 136 | history-of-pnp-auto-reinit-in-unit-nb-of-stop-at-del |
0xA613 | 137 | history-of-obstacle-in-unit-nb-of-stop-at-uel |
0xA613 | 138 | history-of-obstacle-in-unit-nb-of-stop-at-del |
0xA613 | 139 | history-of-auto-learning-in-unit-nb-of-el |
0xA614 | 000 | motor-type |
0xA614 | 001 | mode-user-or-production |
0xA614 | 002 | status-of-dielectric-test |
0xA614 | 003 | nb-of-passes-to-test-the-dielectric-test |
0xA614 | 004 | reserve-functional-test |
0xA614 | 005 | functional-test-measured-values |
0xA614 | 006 | status-of-functional-test |
0xA614 | 007 | nb-of-passes-to-test-the-functional-test |
0xA614 | 008 | reserve-programming-test |
0xA614 | 009 | status-of-programming-test |
0xA614 | 010 | nb-of-passes-to-test-the-programming-test |
0xA614 | 011 | noise-value-measured |
0xA614 | 012 | status-of-noise-test |
0xA614 | 013 | nb-of-passes-to-test-the-noise-test |
0xA614 | 014 | last-post-past |
0xA614 | 015 | status-of-the-last-post-made |
0xA614 | 016 | reserve-process |
0xA614 | 017 | blocked-rotor-pec |
0xA614 | 017 | blocked-rotor-pec |
0xA614 | 018 | overcurrent-detected-during-regulation-pec |
0xA614 | 018 | overcurrent-detected-during-regulation-pec |
0xA614 | 019 | speed-pec |
0xA614 | 019 | speed-pec |
0xA614 | 020 | thermal-pec |
0xA614 | 020 | thermal-pec |
0xA614 | 021 | unique-io-nb |
0xA614 | 022 | channel-1-calibration |
0xA614 | 023 | channel-2-calibration |
0xA614 | 024 | channel-3-calibration |
0xA614 | 025 | radio-test-signature |
0xA614 | 026 | vdd-measure |
0xA614 | 027 | ems-software-test-revision |
0xA614 | 028 | ems-test-status |
0xA614 | 029 | calibration-number |
0xA614 | 128 | software-version |
0xA614 | 129 | part-nb |
0xA614 | 129 | part-nb |
0xA614 | 130 | production-date |
0xA614 | 130 | production-date |
0xA614 | 130 | production-date |
0xA614 | 132 | actuator-serial-nb |
0xA614 | 132 | actuator-serial-nb |
0xA614 | 133 | product-version-finished-product |
0xA614 | 134 | motor-identification-name-commercial-name |
0xA614 | 135 | actuator-serial-nb-on-22-characters |
0xA614 | 137 | nominal-torque |
0xA614 | 138 | commercial-speed |
0xA614 | 139 | ems-date-code-of-manufacture |
0xA614 | 139 | ems-date-code-of-manufacture |
0xA614 | 140 | ems-manufacturing-order |
0xA614 | 141 | ems-plant-code-and-controller-nb |
0xA614 | 142 | ems-test-flags |
0xA614 | 143 | injected-temperature-calibration |
0xA614 | 144 | temperature-calibration-motor-resistivity |
0xA615 | 128 | oem-acces-code |
0xA615 | 129 | eom-name |
0xA615 | 129 | eom-name |
0xA615 | 130 | production-site-name |
0xA615 | 131 | oem-free-words |
0xA615 | 132 | customer-production-date |
0xA615 | 133 | client-model-reference |
0xA615 | 133 | client-model-reference |
0xA615 | 134 | client-model-name |
0xA615 | 134 | client-model-name |
0xA615 | 135 | workstation-nb |
0xA615 | 136 | of-nb |
0xA615 | 137 | cde-nb |
0xA615 | 138 | cde-nb-rank |
0xA615 | 139 | oem-battery-reference |
0xA615 | 140 | oem-battery-name |
0xA615 | 141 | oem-solarpanel-reference |
0xA615 | 142 | oem-solarpanel-name |
0xA617 | 000 | wind-high-speed-activation |
0xA617 | 001 | sun-low-speed-activation |
0xA617 | 128 | low-speed-value |
0xA617 | 129 | nominal-speed-value |
0xA618 | 128 | nb-of-factory-mode-due-to-ems-frame-raz-oem |
0xA618 | 129 | nb-of-factory-mode-due-to-a-prog-7s-on-a-1w-after-a-double-power-cut |
0xA618 | 130 | nb-of-factory-mode-due-to-an-explicit-io-frame |
0xA618 | 131 | nb-of-factory-mode-due-to-a-warm-reset-with-unvalid-end-limits-in-ram |
0xA618 | 132 | nb-of-factory-mode-due-to-a-warm-reset-in-movement |
0xA618 | 133 | nb-of-factory-mode-due-to-bad-ram-and-flash |
0xA618 | 134 | nb-of-withdraw-to-default-values-due-to-bad-flash |
0xA618 | 135 | nb-of-oem-factory-mode-due-to-local-stimuli |
0xA618 | 136 | nb-of-sfy-factory-mode-due-to-local-stimuli |
0xA618 | 137 | nb-of-oem-factory-mode-due-to-serial-link |
0xA618 | 138 | nb-of-sfy-factory-mode-due-to-serial-link |
0xA618 | 139 | nb-of-oem-factory-mode-due-to-an-explicit-io-frame |
0xA619 | 000 | initial-torque-curve |
0xA619 | 001 | penultimate-torque-curve |
0xA619 | 002 | ultimate-torque-curve |
0xA61A | 000 | time-stamp |
0xA61A | 001 | event-name |
0xA61A | 002 | raw-data |
0xA61A | 003 | voltage-type |
0xA61A | 004 | reset-type |
0xA61A | 005 | motor-state-at-power-fail |
0xA61A | 006 | current-position |
0xA61A | 007 | wt-command-type |
0xA61A | 008 | wt-command-details |
0xA61A | 009 | actuator-reaction-type |
0xA61A | 010 | thermal-protection-cause |
0xA61A | 011 | measure-location |
0xA61A | 012 | origin-file-id |
0xA61A | 013 | origin-function-id |
0xA61A | 014 | initial-speed |
0xA61A | 015 | movement-id |
0xA61A | 016 | transmitter-address |
0xA61A | 017 | io-command |
0xA61A | 018 | io-frame-data |
0xA61A | 019 | internal-event-type |
0xA61A | 020 | time-out-origin |
0xA61A | 021 | threshold-value |
0xA61A | 022 | travel-zone |
0xA61A | 023 | stop-type |
0xA61A | 024 | rotation-dir-type |
0xA61A | 025 | odometer-lsb |
0xA61A | 026 | brake-slip-type |
0xA61A | 027 | hot-reset-type |
0xA61A | 028 | reset-count |
0xA61A | 029 | pairing-type |
0xA61A | 030 | manufacturer-id |
0xA61A | 031 | sequence-number |
0xA61A | 032 | master-1w-type |
0xA61A | 033 | setting-modification-type |
0xA61A | 034 | requester |
0xA61A | 035 | previous-value |
0xA61A | 036 | new-value |
0xA61A | 037 | back-to-factory-mode-cause |
0xA61A | 039 | ip-infos |
0xA61A | 040 | rotation-direction |
0xA61A | 041 | upper-end-limit-infos |
0xA61A | 042 | lower-end-limit-infos |
0xA61A | 043 | actuator-status |
0xA61A | 044 | status-rx-frame |
0xA61A | 045 | status-tx-frame |
0xA61A | 046 | particular-position-infos |
0xA61A | 047 | radio-request |
0xA61A | 048 | radio-target |
0xA61B | 128 | nb-hard-obstacle-in-unpaired-mode-open |
0xA61B | 129 | nb-hard-obstacle-in-unpaired-mode-close |
0xA61B | 130 | nb-hard-obstacle-in-interm-maint-mode-z1-open |
0xA61B | 131 | nb-hard-obstacle-in-interm-maint-mode-z2-open |
0xA61B | 132 | nb-hard-obstacle-in-interm-maint-mode-z3-open |
0xA61B | 133 | nb-hard-obstacle-in-interm-maint-mode-z1s-open |
0xA61B | 134 | nb-hard-obstacle-in-interm-maint-mode-z1-close |
0xA61B | 135 | nb-hard-obstacle-in-interm-maint-mode-z2-close |
0xA61B | 136 | nb-hard-obstacle-in-interm-maint-mode-z3-close |
0xA61B | 137 | nb-hard-obstacle-in-interm-maint-mode-z1s-close |
0xA61B | 138 | nb-hard-obstacle-in-count-or-maint-mode-z1-open |
0xA61B | 139 | nb-hard-obstacle-in-count-or-maint-mode-z2-open |
0xA61B | 140 | nb-hard-obstacle-in-count-or-maint-mode-z3-open |
0xA61B | 141 | nb-hard-obstacle-in-count-or-maint-mode-z1s-open |
0xA61B | 142 | nb-hard-obstacle-in-count-or-maint-mode-z1-close |
0xA61B | 143 | nb-hard-obstacle-in-count-or-maint-mode-z2-close |
0xA61B | 144 | nb-hard-obstacle-in-count-or-maint-mode-z3-close |
0xA61B | 145 | nb-hard-obstacle-in-count-or-maint-mode-z1s-close |
0xA61B | 146 | nb-soft-obstacle-in-interm-maint-mode-z1-open |
0xA61B | 147 | nb-soft-obstacle-in-interm-maint-mode-z2-open |
0xA61B | 148 | nb-soft-obstacle-in-interm-maint-mode-z3-open |
0xA61B | 149 | nb-soft-obstacle-in-interm-maint-mode-z1s-open |
0xA61B | 150 | nb-soft-obstacle-in-interm-maint-mode-z1-close |
0xA61B | 151 | nb-soft-obstacle-in-interm-maint-mode-z2-close |
0xA61B | 152 | nb-soft-obstacle-in-interm-maint-mode-z3-close |
0xA61B | 153 | nb-soft-obstacle-in-interm-maint-mode-z1s-close |
0xA61B | 154 | nb-soft-obstacle-in-count-or-maint-mode-z1-open |
0xA61B | 155 | nb-soft-obstacle-in-count-or-maint-mode-z2-open |
0xA61B | 156 | nb-soft-obstacle-in-count-or-maint-mode-z3-open |
0xA61B | 157 | nb-soft-obstacle-in-count-or-maint-mode-z1s-open |
0xA61B | 158 | nb-soft-obstacle-in-count-or-maint-mode-z1-close |
0xA61B | 159 | nb-soft-obstacle-in-count-or-maint-mode-z2-close |
0xA61B | 160 | nb-soft-obstacle-in-count-or-maint-mode-z3-close |
0xA61B | 161 | nb-soft-obstacle-in-count-or-maint-mode-z1s-close |
0xA61B | 162 | nb-obstacle-zair-open |
0xA61B | 163 | nb-obstacle-zair-close |
0xA61B | 164 | nb-in-normative-area-obstacle-open |
0xA61B | 165 | nb-out-normative-area-obstacle-open |
0xA61B | 166 | nb-in-normative-area-obstacle-close |
0xA61B | 167 | nb-out-normative-area-obstacle-close |
0xA61B | 168 | nb-abnormal-resistance-in-initial-mode-open |
0xA61B | 169 | nb-abnormal-resistance-in-initial-mode-close |
0xA61B | 170 | nb-abnormal-resistance-in-interm-maint-mode-open |
0xA61B | 171 | nb-abnormal-resistance-in-interm-maint-mode-close |
0xA61B | 172 | nb-abnormal-resistance-in-count-or-maint-mode-z1-open |
0xA61B | 173 | nb-abnormal-resistance-in-count-or-maint-mode-z2-open |
0xA61B | 174 | nb-abnormal-resistance-in-count-or-maint-mode-z1-close |
0xA61B | 175 | nb-abnormal-resistance-in-count-or-maint-mode-z2-close |
0xA61B | 176 | nb-crown-stop-in-interm-maint-mode-z1-open |
0xA61B | 177 | nb-crown-stop-in-interm-maint-mode-z2-open |
0xA61B | 178 | nb-crown-stop-in-interm-maint-mode-z3-open |
0xA61B | 179 | nb-crown-stop-in-interm-maint-mode-z1s-open |
0xA61B | 180 | nb-crown-stop-in-interm-maint-mode-z1-close |
0xA61B | 181 | nb-crown-stop-in-interm-maint-mode-z2-close |
0xA61B | 182 | nb-crown-stop-in-interm-maint-mode-z3-close |
0xA61B | 183 | nb-crown-stop-in-interm-maint-mode-z1s-close |
0xA61B | 184 | nb-crown-stop-in-count-or-maint-mode-z1-open |
0xA61B | 185 | nb-crown-stop-in-count-or-maint-mode-z2-open |
0xA61B | 186 | nb-crown-stop-in-count-or-maint-mode-z3-open |
0xA61B | 187 | nb-crown-stop-in-count-or-maint-mode-z1s-open |
0xA61B | 188 | nb-crown-stop-in-count-or-maint-mode-z1-close |
0xA61B | 189 | nb-crown-stop-in-count-or-maint-mode-z2-close |
0xA61B | 190 | nb-crown-stop-in-count-or-maint-mode-z3-close |
0xA61B | 191 | nb-crown-stop-in-count-or-maint-mode-z1s-close |
0xA61B | 192 | nb-open-over-speed-in-unpaired-phase |
0xA61B | 193 | nb-close-over-speed-in-unpaired-phase |
0xA61B | 194 | nb-open-over-speed-in-initial-mode |
0xA61B | 195 | nb-close-over-speed-in-initial-mode |
0xA61B | 196 | nb-overspeed-in-interm-maint-mode-z1-open |
0xA61B | 197 | nb-overspeed-in-interm-maint-mode-z2-open |
0xA61B | 198 | nb-overspeed-in-interm-maint-mode-z3-open |
0xA61B | 199 | nb-overspeed-in-interm-maint-mode-z1s-open |
0xA61B | 200 | nb-overspeed-in-interm-maint-mode-z1-close |
0xA61B | 201 | nb-overspeed-in-interm-maint-mode-z2-close |
0xA61B | 202 | nb-overspeed-in-interm-maint-mode-z3-close |
0xA61B | 203 | nb-overspeed-in-interm-maint-mode-z1s-close |
0xA61B | 204 | nb-overspeed-in-count-or-maint-mode-z1-open |
0xA61B | 205 | nb-overspeed-in-count-or-maint-mode-z2-open |
0xA61B | 206 | nb-overspeed-in-count-or-maint-mode-z3-open |
0xA61B | 207 | nb-overspeed-in-count-or-maint-mode-z1s-open |
0xA61B | 208 | nb-overspeed-in-count-or-maint-mode-z1-close |
0xA61B | 209 | nb-overspeed-in-count-or-maint-mode-z2-close |
0xA61B | 210 | nb-overspeed-in-count-or-maint-mode-z3-close |
0xA61B | 211 | nb-overspeed-in-count-or-maint-mode-z1s-close |
0xA61B | 212 | nb-manual-movement-from-close-position |
0xA61B | 213 | nb-uncoupled-or-breaking-movement |
0xA61B | 214 | nb-secured-ventilation-entry-learning-pass |
0xA61B | 215 | nb-bounce-effect-pec |
0xA61B | 216 | nb-unlock-successfully |
0xA61B | 217 | nb-manual-movement |
0xA61B | 218 | nb-movements-to-ventilation-error |
0xA61C | 000 | success |
0xA61C | 001 | locking |
0xA61C | 128 | max-torque |
0xA61C | 129 | attempt-index |
0xA620 | 000 | status |
0xA621 | 000 | derogation |
0xA622 | 000 | diagnosis |
0xA623 | 000 | synchro |
0xA624 | 000 | settings |
0xA625 | 000 | temp-mode |
0xA626 | 000 | time-prog-1 |
0xA627 | 000 | time-prog-2 |
0xFFFD | 000 | rs100-debug |
![NOTE] You can find the unaltered data from the XML files and more on the Set&Go io page.
0x0005 | SMF_HAND_SHAKE |
0x0100 | SMF_CONFIG_GET |
0x0101 | SMF_CONFIG_SET |
0x0200 | SMF_RTS_EXEC |
0x0300 | SMF_LOG_GET |
0x0301 | SMF_LOG_CLEAR |
0x0400 | SMF_TIME_GET |
0x0401 | SMF_TIME_SET |
0x5000 | SM_GET_INFO |
0x6000 | SMF_REBOOT_COLA |
- 0 = Binary
- 1 = INTEGER / Binary XML
- 2 = FLOAT / XML
- 3 = STRING
- 4 = BLOB
- 5 = DATE
- 10 = ARRAY
Also called OEM ID. Each Manufacturer has their own ID:
- 0x00 = All / Public / Generic
- 0x01 = Velux
- 0x02 = Somfy
- 0x03 = Honeywell
- 0x04 = Hörmann
- 0x05 = ASSA ABLOY
- 0x06 = Niko
- 0x07 = Window Master
- 0x08 = Renson
- 0x09 = CIAT
- 0x0A = Secuyou
- 0x0B = Overkiz
- 0x0C = Atlantic Group
- 0x0D = Zehnder Group
- 0x0E = ???
- 0x0F = ???
![NOTE] Manufacturers are only defined as Unknown when they are not assigned an ID. This is the case for old io-homecontrol installations.
List of Node Types & Node Sub Types
0000 | 0.00 | 00 0000 0000 | 000000 | All Nodes except Controller (No Type) |
0033 | 0.51 | 00 0000 0000 | 110011 | Smart Plug |
0040 | 1.00 | 00 0000 0001 | 000000 | Interior Venetian Blind (IVB) |
006A | 1.42 | 00 0000 0001 | 110011 | Light Sensor |
0080 | 2.00 | 00 0000 0010 | 000000 | Roller Shutter |
0081 | 2.01 | 00 0000 0010 | 000001 | Roller Shutter with Adjustable Slats |
0082 | 2.02 | 00 0000 0010 | 000010 | Roller Shutter with Projection |
00C0 | 3.00 | 00 0000 0011 | 000000 | Vertical Exterior Awning (Terrace) |
00CA | 3.10 | 00 0000 0011 | 001010 | Window Covering Device |
00CB | 3.11 | 00 0000 0011 | 001011 | Window Covering Controller |
0100 | 4.00 | 00 0000 0100 | 000000 | Window Opener |
0101 | 4.01 | 00 0000 0100 | 000001 | Window Opener with Integrated Rain Sensor |
012E | 4.46 | 00 0000 0100 | 101110 | Temp and Humidity Sensor |
0140 | 5.00 | 00 0000 0101 | 000000 | Garage Door Opener |
017A | 5.58 | 00 0000 0101 | 111010 | Garage Door Opener: Open/Close Only |
0180 | 6.00 | 00 0000 0110 | 000000 | Light: On/Off + Dimming |
0192 | 6.18 | 00 0000 0110 | 010010 | IAS Zone |
01BA | 6.58 | 00 0000 0110 | 111010 | Light: On/Off Only |
01C0 | 7.00 | 00 0000 0111 | 000000 | Gate Opener |
01FA | 7.58 | 00 0000 0111 | 111010 | Gate Opener: Open/Close Only |
0200 | 8.00 | 00 0000 1000 | 000000 | Rolling Door Opener |
0240 | 9.00 | 00 0000 1001 | 000000 | Door Lock / Motorized Bolt |
0241 | 9.01 | 00 0000 1001 | 000001 | Window Lock |
0280 | 10.00 | 00 0000 1010 | 000000 | Vertical Interior Blind |
0290 | 11.00 | 00 0000 1011 | 000000 | Secure Configuration Device (SCD) |
0300 | 12.00 | 00 0000 1100 | 000000 | Beacon = Gateway/Repeater |
0340 | 13.00 | 00 0000 1101 | 000000 | Dual Roller Shutter |
0380 | 14.00 | 00 0000 1110 | 000000 | Heating Temperature Interface |
03C0 | 15.00 | 00 0000 1111 | 000000 | Switch: On/Off |
0400 | 16.00 | 00 0001 0000 | 000000 | Horizontal Awning |
0401 | 16.01 | 00 0001 0000 | 000001 | Pergola Rail Guided Awning |
0440 | 17.00 | 00 0001 0001 | 000000 | Exterior Venetian Blind (EVB) |
0480 | 18.00 | 00 0001 0010 | 000000 | Louver Blind |
04C0 | 19.00 | 00 0001 0011 | 000000 | Curtain Track |
0500 | 20.00 | 00 0001 0100 | 000000 | Ventilation Point |
0501 | 20.01 | 00 0001 0100 | 000001 | Air Inlet |
0502 | 20.02 | 00 0001 0100 | 000010 | Air Transfer |
0503 | 20.03 | 00 0001 0100 | 000011 | Air Outlet |
0540 | 21.00 | 00 0001 0101 | 000000 | Exterior Heating |
057A | 21.58 | 00 0001 0101 | 110011 | Exterior Heating: On/Off Only |
0580 | 22.00 | 00 0001 0110 | 000000 | Heat Pump |
05C0 | 23.00 | 00 0001 0111 | 000000 | Intrusion Alarm System |
0600 | 24.00 | 00 0001 1000 | 000000 | Swinging Shutter |
0601 | 24.01 | 00 0001 1000 | 000001 | Swinging Shutter with Independent Handling of Leaves |
27.00 | 00 0001 1011 | 000000 | Sliding Window | |
28.00 | 00 0001 1100 | 000000 | Zone Control Generator | |
29.00 | 00 0001 1101 | 000000 | Bioclimatic Pergola | |
30.00 | 00 0001 1110 | 000000 | Indoor Siren | |
51.00 | 00 0010 0000 | 000000 | Domestic Hot Water | |
52.00 | 00 0010 0000 | 000000 | Electrical Heater | |
53.00 | 00 0010 0000 | 000000 | Heat Recovery Ventilation | |
3FC0 | 255.00 | 00 1111 1111 | 000000 | Central House Control |
FC00 | 1008.00 | 11 1111 0000 | 000000 | Test and Evaluation (RD) |
FFC0 | 1023.00 | 11 1111 1111 | 000000 | Remote Controller (RC) |
![NOTE] Only values in the HEX row reflect the actual data. You can also get these values when combining TYPE and SUBTYPE binary rows.
- 1 = Light Inside
- 1.B = Light Outside (Sun Sensor)
- byte[1] NodeVariation: Depends on NodeType/SubType
- Window
- 0 = Not Set
- 1 = Top Hung
- 2 = Kip
- 3 = Flat Roof
- 4 = Sky Light
- Window
- Level
- 0x0 = Protection Level: Human
- 0x1 = Protection Level: Environment
- 0x2 = User Level 1
- 0x3 = User Level 2
- 0x4 = Comfort Level 1
- 0x5 = Comfort Level 2
- 0x6 = Comfort Level 3
- 0x7 = Comfort Level 4
- Level Lock
- 0x0 = No: No Priority Level Lock
- 0x1 = Min30: Lock one or more Priority Level for 30 Minutes
- 0x2 = Forever: Lock one or more Priority Level Forever
This definition seems to be also viable for io-homecontrol:
animeo IP operates with a priority scale of 0 (highest) - 32000 (lowest). Using the animeo IP BMS Interface commands can be sent at a priority level between 12500 and 32000. A devices's priority level can be set individually. By default, the animeo IP BMS Interface applies a priority of 12500 to all devices in the system. Changing a priority level of a device will only effect future commands, it will not effect already sent commands. Once a command is sent to a device it will remain locked at that priority level until it is unlocked by adjusting the devices priority to -1; the shade will not be able to be moved unless a command with a higher priority is sent to the device.
- 0-12500 = animeo IP SECURITY
- 12500 = animeo IP BMS Interface (LIMIT) - Default
- 19000 = TIMER
- 20000 = GET HEAT
- 22000 = SUN
- 32000 = DEFAULT
List of Status Replies
ID | Name | Meaning |
0x00 | UNKNOWN_STATUS_REPLY | unknown reply |
0x01 | COMMAND_COMPLETED_OK | no errors detected |
0x02 | NO_CONTACT | no communication to node |
0x03 | MANUALLY_OPERATED | manually operated by a user |
0x04 | BLOCKED | node has been blocked by an object |
0x05 | WRONG_SYSTEMKEY | the node contains a wrong system key |
0x06 | PRIORITY_LEVEL_LOCKED | the node is locked on this priority level |
0x07 | REACHED_WRONG_POSITION | node has stopped in another position than expected |
0x08 | ERROR_DURING_EXECUTION | an error has occurred during execution of command |
0x09 | NO_EXECUTION | no movement of the node parameter |
0x0A | CALIBRATING | the node is calibrating the parameters |
0x0B | POWER_CONSUMPTION_TOO_HIGH | the node power consumption is too high |
0x0C | POWER_CONSUMPTION_TOO_LOW | the node power consumption is too low |
0x0D | LOCK_POSITION_OPEN | door lock errors. (Door open during lock command) |
0x0E | MOTION_TIME_TOO_LONG__COMMUNICATION_ENDED | the target was not reached in time |
0x0F | THERMAL_PROTECTION | the node has gone into thermal protection mode |
0x10 | PRODUCT_NOT_OPERATIONAL | the node is not currently operational |
0x11 | FILTER_MAINTENANCE_NEEDED | the filter needs maintenance |
0x12 | BATTERY_LEVEL | the battery level is low |
0x13 | TARGET_MODIFIED | the node has modified the target value of the command |
0x14 | MODE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED | this node does not support the mode received |
0x15 | COMMAND_INCOMPATIBLE_TO_MOVEMENT | the node is unable to move in the right direction |
0x16 | USER_ACTION | dead bolt is manually locked during unlock command |
0x17 | DEAD_BOLT_ERROR | dead bolt error |
0x18 | AUTOMATIC_CYCLE_ENGAGED | the node has gone into automatic cycle mode |
0x19 | WRONG_LOAD_CONNECTED | wrong load on node |
0x1A | COLOUR_NOT_REACHABLE | that node is unable to reach received colour code |
0x1B | TARGET_NOT_REACHABLE | the node is unable to reach received target position |
0x1C | BAD_INDEX_RECEIVED | io-protocol has received an invalid index |
0x1D | COMMAND_OVERRULED | that the command was overruled by a new command |
0x1E | NODE_WAITING_FOR_POWER | that the node reported waiting for power |
0x20 | NODE_LOCKED | Node is Locked |
0x21 | Wrong Position | Wrong Position |
0x22 | Limits not set | Limits not set |
0x23 | IP not set | IP not set |
0x24 | Out of Range | Out of Range |
0xDF | INFORMATION_CODE | an unknown error code received |
0xE0 | PARAMETER_LIMITED | the parameter was limited by an unknown device |
0xE1 | LIMITATION_BY_LOCAL_USER | the parameter was limited by local button |
0xE2 | LIMITATION_BY_USER | the parameter was limited by a remote control |
0xE3 | LIMITATION_BY_RAIN | the parameter was limited by a rain sensor |
0xE4 | LIMITATION_BY_TIMER | the parameter was limited by a timer |
0xE5 | LIMITATION_BY_SCD | the parameter was limited by a security controlling actuator |
0xE6 | LIMITATION_BY_UPS | the parameter was limited by a power supply |
0xE7 | LIMITATION_BY_UNKNOWN_DEVICE | the parameter was limited by an unknown device |
0xEA | LIMITATION_BY_SAAC | the parameter was limited by a standalone automatic controller |
0xEB | LIMITATION_BY_WIND | the parameter was limited by a wind sensor |
0xEC | LIMITATION_BY_MYSELF | the parameter was limited by the node itself |
0xED | LIMITATION_BY_AUTOMATIC_CYCLE | the parameter was limited by an automatic cycle |
0xEE | LIMITATION_BY_EMERGENCY | the parameter was limited by an emergency |
Command ID: 0x00 (1 byte)
Command Originator (1 byte)
ACEI (1 byte)
Main Parameter (2 bytes)
Functional Parameter 1 (1 byte)
Functional Parameter 2 (1 byte)
00 01 43 D200 00 00
- |Command ID=0x00|Originator=0x01 (User)|ACEI=0x43|MainParam=0xD200 (Current)|FP1=0|FP2=0|
2W Example
- 2W S 1 E 0 FROM 842E3 TO FE90EE CMD 0 DATA(6)03 e7 6400 0000
- Command ID=0x00, Originator=0x03, ACEI=0xe7, MainParam=0x6400, FP1=0, FP2=0
1W Example
- 1W S 1 E 1 B 0 R 0 LPM 0 V 0 U1 0 U2 0 U3 0 FROM 28DB36 TO 3F CMD 0 DATA(14)0167d2000000 SEQ 247B MAC 3cd2ad870771
Command ID: 0x01 (1 byte)
Command originator (1 byte)
ACEI (1 byte)
Mode number (1 byte)
Mode parameter (1 byte)
Unknown (1 byte)
Unknown (1 byte)
- 1W Example:
1W S 1 E 1 B 0 R 0 LPM 1 V 0 U1 0 U2 0 U3 0 FROM 9A5CA0 TO 3F CMD 1 DATA(13)0143000131 SEQ 1848 MAC 13f3e59def08
- 1W Example:
NAME | CMD | OID | PID | ... |
BYTES | 1 | n | n | ... |
Command ID: 0x02 (1 Byte)
ASCII (n Bytes): See Manual Order
- Template:
02 OID 09 PID ... 03 CKS
- OID = Order ID = 0xXX: see Manual Order IDs
- PID = Parameter ID = 1 ... n Bytes: See Manual Order IDs
- CKS = ChecKSum
- Template:
02 474857
= 02 GHW = Get Hardware Version
![NOTE] Only applicable via serial console!
- Command ID: 0x03 (1 byte)
- Data? (3-6 bytes)
- Example
- 2W S 1 E 0 FROM 0xBox TO 0xDevice CMD 3 DATA(3)030000
- 2W S 1 E 0 FROM 842E3 TO 315824 CMD 3 DATA(3)030000
- Command ID: 0x04 (1 byte)
- Data? (6-20 bytes)
- Example
- 2W S 0 E 1 FROM 0xDevice TO 0xBox/Gateway CMD 4 DATA(14)05 800000000000009a5065010000
- First byte of DATA is the same as CMD 0xFE: The Error Code. 0x05 is OK
- Command ID: 0x0c (1 byte)
- Data? (4 bytes)
- Example
- 2W S 1 E 0 FROM 0xBox TO 0xDevice CMD C DATA(4)d8000000
- Command ID: 0x0d (1 byte)
- Data? (5 bytes)
- Examples
- 2W S 0 E 1 FROM 0xDevice TO 0xBox CMD D DATA(5)05aa0a0000
- 2W S 1 E 0 FROM 842E3 TO 904C09 CMD C DATA(4)d8000000
- 2W S 1 E 0 FROM 842E3 TO DA2EE6 CMD C DATA(4)d8000000
- Command ID: 0x0c (1 byte)
- Data? (5 bytes)
- Example
- 2W S 0 E 1 FROM DA2EE6 TO 842E3 CMD D DATA(5)05aa0d0000
- Command ID: 0x19 (1 byte)
- Data? (1 byte)
- Example
- 2W S 1 E 0 FROM 0xBox TO 0xDevice CMD 19 DATA(1)02 or 03 or 04 or 07
Command ID: 0x20 (1 byte)
Manufacturer ID (1 byte)
Manufacturer Data (n Bytes)
20 02 FF0143000C0000
- Command ID = 0x20
- Manufacturer = 0x02 (Somfy)
- Data = FF 0143000C0000
![IMPORTANT] Manufacture Specific Private Commands. These get defined and interpreted differently for every OEM.
Using private commands can brick your device!
- Example: Thermor I2G =
20 0C 61 0103 C300
AC MaPa F1 F1
61 0103 C3 00
(dec: 195) is 19.5°C set with button61 0103 D2 00
(dec: 210) is 21.0°C set with button
- Parameter:
- 02 - Main Parameter
- Function Parameter:
- 4 more FP
- 02 - stop_after_save_limit
- 04 - enter_settings_mode
- 05 - save_lower_end_limit
- 06 - save_upper_end_limit
- .. - ???
- DF save_settings
- 4 more FP
Command ID: 0x21 (1 byte)
Manufacturer ID (1 byte)
PrivateCommand-ACK Response:
- Man = 1 Byte
- Cmd = 1 Byte
- Ses = 1 Byte
- Status = 1 Byte
Command ID: 0x28 (1 byte)
- Velux KLR100 Pairing Process
# It seems the old Velux remotes handle the discovery in another way?
C8 10 00FFFB 44457C 28 D88C
C8 10 0002FB 44457C 28 A479
C8 10 00003B 44457C 28 853A
![NOTE] No Authentication.
- Command ID: 0x29 (1 byte)
- Node type and subtype (2 bytes): type on 10 bits and subtype on the remainer
- Node type = (field >> 6) & 1023
- Node subtype = field & 63
- Node address (3 bytes)
- Manufacturer ID (1 byte)
- Multi info byte (1 byte)
- Timestamp (2 bytes)
![NOTE] No Authentication.
29 FFC0 XXXXXX 0C CC 0000
- Command ID = 0x29, node type = 1023 (REMOTE_CONTROLLER?), node subtype = 0, node address = XXXXXX, manufacturer = Atlantic, multi info byte = 0xcc, timestamp = 0
id: 0x4
Type: 0x8
SubType: 0xC
IsValid: 0xD
Command ID: 0x2a (1 byte)
Challenge Key (12 bytes)
D4 30 00003B 44457C 2A 01CCD93AE0EADA9AEDF98344 A862 # Velux Kux 100
![NOTE] Observed after launching the box in discover mode
Observed after launching a discover via remote (see example)
Parameters are similar to 0x29
Command ID: 0x2b (1 byte)
Node type and subtype (2 bytes)
- Node type = (field >> 6) & 1023
- Node subtype = field & 63
Node address (3 bytes)
Manufacturer ID (1 byte)
Multi info byte (1 byte)
Timestamp (2 bytes)
- Command ID = 0x2b, node type = 52 (ELECTRICAL_HEATER), node subtype = 1, node address = XXXXXX, manufacturer = Atlantic, multi info byte = 0xcc, timestamp = 4024
- Command ID = 0x2c
No parameter. Some sort of discover ack?
![NOTE] Requires no Authentication
- Command ID = 0x2d
No parameter.
![NOTE] Requires no Authentication.
- Command ID: 0x2e (1 byte)
- ?? (1 byte), 00 (TaHoma sent) and 02 (Sauter heater) observed
![NOTE] observed after launching the box in discover mode
![NOTE] Not Authenticated?
- Example
2E 00
- Command ID: 0x2f (1 byte)
- ?? (1 byte), mirrors what is sent by 2e
![NOTE] Not authenticated?
Command ID: 0x30 (1 byte)
Encrypted key (16 bytes)
Manufacturer ID (1 byte)
?? (1 byte)
Sequence number (2 bytes)
30 7E60491F976ADF653DB0ED785E49A201 02 01 0C25
- Command ID=0x30, key?: 7E60491F976ADF653DB0ED785E49A201, Manufacturer ID=0x02, ??=0x01, Sequence Number=0x0c25
- Command ID: 0x31 (1 byte)
No parameter. Destination device answers with 0x3C.
![NOTE] Requires no authentication.
- Command ID: 0x32 (1 byte)
- Encrypted 2-Way Key (16 bytes)
![NOTE] The Key is encrypted and depends on a challenge submitted before using 0x38 or 0x3C, see LinkLayer
- Command ID: 0x33 (1 byte)
No parameter. Is sent after each 0x32 request.
- Command ID: 0x36 (1 byte)
No parameter.
- Command ID: 0x37 (1 byte)
- Address (3 bytes)
- Command ID: 0x38 (1 byte)
- Challenge (6 bytes)
- Command ID: 0x39 (1 byte)
- ??: (1 byte): 0x00 observed
Command ID: 0x3c (1 byte)
Challenge data (6 bytes)
3C 4D3E778460F1
- Command ID=0x3c, challenge=4d3e778460f1
Command ID: 0x3d (1 byte)
Response data (6 bytes)
3D 3EF8C09565F4
- Command ID=0x3d, response=3EF8C09565F4
- Command ID: 0x46 (1 byte)
- Config Data (9 bytes)
- Command ID: 0x47 (1 byte)
- Config (5 bytes)
- Command ID: 0x48 (1 byte)
- Data? (9 bytes)
![NOTE] Not authenticated?
- Command ID: 0x49 (1 byte)
- File Name Pointer (4 bytes)
![NOTE] Not authenticated?
- Command ID: 0x4a (1 byte)
- File Name = Data (3-13 bytes)
- Command ID: 0x4b (1 byte)
- ?? (1 byte)
- Sequence number of data (1 byte)
- Data (1-18 bytes)
![NOTE] This command is chained to send large numbers of bytes. Maybe used for updates?
- Command ID: 0x4B (1 byte)
- File Name = Data (3-13 bytes)
- Command ID: 0x50 (1 byte)
- Example
- 2W S 1 E 0 FROM 842E3 TO DA2EE6 CMD 50 DATA(0)
![NOTE] No Parameter. Not Authenticated.
- Command ID: 0x51 (1 byte)
- Name (16 bytes ASCII)
![NOTE] Not authenticated.
Command ID: 0x52 (1 byte)
Data: ASCII String (16 bytes)
52 54657374000000000000000000000000
Command ID=0x52, Data="Test"
- Command ID: 0x53 (1 byte)
No parameter.
- Command ID: 0x54 (1 byte)
- Command ID: 0x55 (1 byte)
- Value (14 bytes)
![TIP] See General Info 1 for decoding
- Command ID: 0x56 (1 byte)
- Command ID: 0x57 (1 byte)
- Value (16 bytes)
![TIP] See General Info 2 for decoding
- Command ID: 0xF0 (1 byte)
- Parameter 1 (1 byte)
- Parameter 2 (1 byte)
- Command ID: 0xF1 (1 byte)
- Parameter 1 (1 byte)
- Parameter 2 (1 byte)
- Command ID: 0xF2 (1 byte)
- Parameter 1 (1 byte)
- Parameter 2 (1 byte)
Command ID: 0xFE (1 byte)
?? (1 byte)
11:14:41.320 > 2W S 0 E 1 FROM 0xBox TO 0xDevice CMD FE DATA(1)08
![NOTE] Some kind of Confirmation? I would assume a NACK + ErrorCode
When DATA == 0x05, then this is NOERROR, when answering to CMD 0x19
- Example
11:14:41.320 > 2W S 0 E 1 FROM 842E3 TO D58341 CMD FE DATA(1)08