Iso-Seq analysis (based on Load PacBio (bioconda) tools module load pbbioconda/20231004 #for HPC
Merge iso-seq flnc from all samples/tissues ls H_liver-flnc.bam H_gonad-flnc.bam H_eyes-flnc.bam H_gills-flnc.bam H_tentacle-flnc.bam > flnc_all.fofn
isoseq3 cluster flnc_all.fofn clustered.bam --use-qvs
Align Full Length Non Chemiric (FLNC) reads to ref genome pbmm2 align yahs.out_scaffolds_final.fa clustered.hq.bam aln.all_hq.bam --sort --preset ISOSEQ --log-level INFO
Collapse sorted aligned isoseq (bam) isoseq3 collapse aln.all.bam alz.collapsed.all.gff
minimap2 -ax splice -uf -C5 yahs_polished.out_scaffolds_final.fa High_Quality_Isoforms.fasta > aln_iso_hq_polished.sam
samtools sort aln_iso_hq_polished.sam -O sam -o aln_iso_hq_polished_sort.sam (link to github manual TAMA)
TAMA collapse not-capped (the BED files can be converted into GFF with exons and mRNA/transcript tags - done here using BED_to_GFF in Galaxy)
python -s aln_iso_hq_polished_sort.sam -f yahs_polished.out_scaffolds_final.fa -p iso_hq_tama_polished -x no_cap
TAMA collapse capped (the BED files can be converted into GFF with exons and mRNA/transcript tags - done here using BED_to_GFF in Galaxy)
python -s aln_iso_hq_polished_sort.sam -f yahs_polished.out_scaffolds_final.fa -p iso_hq_tama_polished_capped -x capped
python -c iso_hq_tama_polished_capped_trans_read.bed -nc iso_hq_tama_polished_trans_read.bed -o tama_degradation_signature
python -f filelist.txt -p merged_annos
iso_hq_tama_polished_capped.bed capped 1,1,1 caplib
iso_hq_tama_polished.bed capped 2,1,1 nocaplib
bedtools getfasta -name -split -s -fi yahs_polished.out_scaffolds_final.fa -bed isoseq_polished/merged_annos.bed -fo merge_anno_bed_to_fa
python -f merge_anno_bed_to_fa -o orf_aa_merged_polished
Split orf_aa_merged_polished into files for blastp ( The number of outputs is automatically chosen by tama_fasta_splitter or can be selected by the user. In this case, split into 9 output files.
python orf_aa_merged_polished split_orf_aa_merged_polished num_splits
makeblastdb -in uniprot_sprot.fasta -dbtype prot
Blasting the amino acid sequences against the Uniprot/Uniref (in this case it was done with UniprotKB_SwissProt) protein database (run for each of the nine spliced files)
blastp -evalue 1e-10 -num_threads 16 -db uniprot_sprot.fasta -query split_orf_aa_merged_polished.fa
cat blastp_1 blastp_2 blastp_3 blastp_4 blastp_5 blastp_6 blastp_7 blastp_8 blastp_9 > blastp_orf
python -b blastp_orf -o blastp_orf_parsing
python -p ${orf} -a ${bed} -f ${fasta} -o ${outfile}