- Update package.xml add gmapping exec dependency
- Update gmapping_params.yaml improve map resolution (change delta from 0.05 to 0.01)
- remove new lines
- Contributors: Franz Pucher
- add cartographer config lua
- add explaining comment to gmapping launch
- add topic remap for diffbot laser scan
- comment diffbot_navigation in find_package cmake
- comment exec depends
- comment hector_slam exec depend
- remove unused build dependencies
- Fix diffbot_slam gmapping - comment packages that don't provide a noetic version - fix launch file problems - fix parameter arguments - add remapping for scan topic
- add diffbot_slam rviz configs for different algorithms
- add diffbot_slam configs for different algorithms
- add diffbot_slam launch files for different algorithms
- update license
- add initial empty diffbot_slam package
- Contributors: Franz Pucher