- fix rplidar_laser_link name issue (#40, #53) - Rename rplidar_gpu_laser_link to rplidar_laser_link in bringup_with_laser.launch - Add rplidar.launch to diffbot_bringup to support framed_id argument - Make use of new diffbot_bringup/launch/rplidar.launch in bringup_with_laser.launch This solves issues in RViz: Transform [sender=unknown_publisher] For frame [rplidar_gpu_laser_link]: Frame [rplidar_gpu_laser_link] does not exist and in the terminal from whic diffbot_slam is launched: [ WARN] [1635345613.864692611]: MessageFilter [target=odom ]: Dropped 100.00% of messages so far. Please turn the [ros.gmapping.message_filter] rosconsole logger to DEBUG for more information.
- Contributors: Franz Pucher
- Update bringup_with_laser.launch pass laser_frame_id argument to rplidar.launch
- rename rosserial node to rosserial_base_controller
- add remo_bringup.rviz
- add model arg to diffbot_bringup launch files
- flip camera image
- add teleop_twist_keyboard to exec dependencies
- use model parameter in diffbot_bringup/view_diffbot.launch
- add keyboard_teleop launch file
- add launch file and rviz config to view real robot
- add rpicamera launch file and camera info
- Contributors: Franz Pucher
- doc: update comment about node launch order
- change node execution order in bringup launch file
- Contributors: Franz Pucher
- add bringup launch file including laser
- Update version, mail and license
- move packages from ros/src to repository toplevel folder
- Contributors: Franz Pucher