This document outlines various useful WordPress CLI commands for managing plugins, themes, and other WordPress functionalities within a Docker environment. It also includes information on custom plugin setup for ACF blocks and form submissions.
To install and activate a plugin:
docker exec wpcli wp plugin install [plugin-slug|zip-url] --activate
Replace [plugin-slug|zip-url]
with either the plugin's slug from the WordPress repository or a direct URL to the plugin's zip file.
To create a new WordPress theme:
docker exec wpcli wp scaffold _s sample-theme --theme_name="Sample Theme" --author="John Doe"
This command creates a new theme based on the _s
(Underscores) starter theme. Customize the sample-theme
, "Sample Theme"
, and "John Doe"
parameters as needed.
Here's a list of recommended plugins along with their installation commands:
# GraphQL API for WordPress
docker exec wpcli wp plugin install wp-graphql --activate
# Headless Mode
docker exec wpcli wp plugin install headless-mode --activate
# Yoast SEO
docker exec wpcli wp plugin install wordpress-seo --activate
# Add WPGraphQL SEO
docker exec wpcli wp plugin install add-wpgraphql-seo --activate
# WPGraphQL Gutenberg
docker exec wpcli wp plugin install --activate
# WPGraphQL Content Blocks
docker exec wpcli wp plugin install --activate
# Advanced Custom Fields Pro
docker exec wpcli wp plugin install --activate
# WPGraphQL for ACF
docker exec wpcli wp plugin install wpgraphql-acf --activate
# Contact Form 7
docker exec wpcli wp plugin install contact-form-7 --activate
# JWT Authentication for WP REST API
docker exec wpcli wp plugin install jwt-authentication-for-wp-rest-api --activate
# Add CORS support
docker exec wpcli wp plugin install wp-cors --activate
# Total Counts for WPGraphQL (Nice to paginate queries)
docker exec wpcli wp plugin install [email protected]:builtbycactus/total-counts-for-wp-graphql.git --activate
Instead of creating custom Gutenberg blocks, we'll use ACF to register blocks. Create a plugin named register-acf-blocks
with the following structure:
* Plugin Name: register-acf-blocks
* Plugin URI:
* Description: This plugin is to register ACF blocks.
* Version: 0.1
* Author: Your Name
* Author URI:
add_action("acf/init", "register_acf_blocks_init");
function register_acf_blocks_init() {
if (function_exists("acf_register_block")) {
// Register your blocks here
"name" => "example-block",
"title" => __("Example Block"),
"description" => __("A custom example block."),
"render_callback" => "render_example_block",
"category" => "theme",
"icon" => "admin-comments",
function render_example_block($block) {
// Render your block content here
Activate the plugin:
docker exec wpcli wp plugin activate register-acf-blocks
- Create a new plugin
* Plugin Name: Contact Form 7 Subscriber Role Capabilities
* Plugin URI:
* Description: This plugin adds capabilities to the subscriber user role for Contact Form 7.
* Version: 0.1
* Author: Your Name
* Author URI:
add_filter("wpcf7_map_meta_cap", "custom_wpcf7_map_meta_cap", 20);
function custom_wpcf7_map_meta_cap($meta_caps) {
// Allow subscribers to read contact forms and submit them
$meta_caps["wpcf7_read_contact_forms"] = "read";
$meta_caps["wpcf7_edit_contact_form"] = "read";
$meta_caps["wpcf7_submit"] = "read";
return $meta_caps;
- Activate the plugin:
docker exec wpcli wp plugin activate contact-form-7-capabilities
- Create a new user with a subscriber role:
docker exec wpcli wp user create form_submitter [email protected] --role=subscriber --user_pass=secure_password
- Configure JWT Authentication:
Add the following to your wp-config.php
define('JWT_AUTH_SECRET_KEY', 'your-secret-key');
define('JWT_AUTH_CORS_ENABLE', true);
Make sure to replace 'your-secret-key' with a secure, unique key.
To create a backup of your database:
docker exec wpcli wp db export /var/www/html/db-backups/backup-site.sql
This command will create a SQL dump of your database in the specified location.