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564 lines (364 loc) · 22.2 KB

File metadata and controls

564 lines (364 loc) · 22.2 KB

ultraimport module 🔗 source

Module Variables

  • reload_counter
  • cache
  • import_ongoing_stack
  • debug

ultraimport function 🔗 source


Import Python code files from the file system. This is the central main function of ultraimport.


  • file_path (str): Path to the module file that should be imported. It can have any file extension. Please be aware that you must provide the file extension. The path can be relative or absolute. You can use the special string __dir__ to refer to the directory of the caller. If run from a Python REPL, the current working directory will be used for __dir__. If you use advanced debugging tools (or want to save some CPU cycles) you might want to set caller=__file__.

  • objects_to_import (str | (Iterable[str] | Dict[str, object]): Can have several modes depending on the type of the parameter.

    • (str): Name of a single object to import from the module in file_path. The special value '*' selects all objects from that module.
    • (Iterable[str]): A list of names of objects to import.
    • (Dict[str, object]): The keys represent the names of the objects to import. The values define the expected types of those objects. A TypeError is thrown if the types don't match the expectation. If you set lazy=True, you must use a dict for objects_to_import and define the types.
  • add_to_ns (Dict[str, object]): add the objects_to_import to the dict provided. Usually called with add_to_ns=locals() if you want the imported module to be added to the global namespace of the caller.

  • preprocessor (callable): Takes the source code as an argument and can return a modified version of the source code. Check out the debug-transform example on how to use the preprocessor.

  • package (str | int): Can have several modes depending on if you provide a string or an integer. If you provide a string, ultraimport will generate one or more namespace packages and use it as parent package of your imported module. If you set an integer, it means the number of path parts (directories) to extract from the file_path to calculate the namespace package. This can help with subsequent relative imports in your imported files. If package is set to the default None, the module will be imported without setting it parent __package__.

  • use_cache (bool): If set to False, allows re-importing of the same source file even if it was imported before. Otherwise a cached version of the imported module is returned.

  • lazy (bool): Experimental wip If set to True and if objects_to_import is set to None, it will lazy import the module. If set to True and objects_to_import is a dict, the values of the dict must be the type of the object to lazy import from the module. Currently only the type callable is supported.

  • recurse (bool): If set to True, a built-in preprocessor is activated to transparently rewrite all relative import statements (those with a dot like from . import something) to ultraimport() calls. Use this mode if you have no control over the source code of the impored modules.

  • cache_path_prefix (str): Directory for storing preprocessed files. If you use the preprocessor feature or if you use the option recurse=True (which in turn uses the preprocessor feature) you will have the option to store the resulting code after preprocessing. By default, they are stored in parallel to the original source code files, but this option allows to override to location. One common setting is cache_path_prefix='__pycache__' to store the processed files along with the bytecode files.

  • _Note_: Even when you change this directory, this will be hidden from Python. Towards Python, the preprocessed files will always look like they are in the same directory as the original source code files, even if they are not.

Returns: Depending on the parameters returns one of the following:

  • object: If objects_to_import is None, returns a single module object.

  • object: If objects_to_import is a str, returns the single object with the specified name from the imported module.

  • dict: If objects_to_import has the value '*', returns a dict of all items from the imported module.

  • list: If objects_to_import is a List[str], return a list of imported objects from the imported module.

get_module_name function 🔗 source


Return Python compatible module name from file_path. Replace dash and dot characters with underscore characters.


  • file_path (str): File path to a module or directory path to a package


  • module_name (str): Extracted and escaped name of the module

get_package_name function 🔗 source

get_package_name(file_path, package)

Generate necessary package hierarchy according to the package parameter andcreate virtual namespace packages accordingly.


  • file_path (str): File path to a module or directory path to a package
  • package (str): Provide package name as a string. Can contain multiple parts separated by dots. The __path__ of the package will be set to the parent directory of file_path.
  • package (int): Derive package name from the parent directory name(s) of file_path using number of parent directories.

Returns: A tuple containing

  • package_name (str): Name of the package
  • package_path (str): Path to the package
  • package_module (types.ModuleType): Package module object

find_caller function 🔗 source


Find out who is calling by looking at the stack and searching for the first external frame.


  • return_frame (bool): If True, also return the stack frame.

Returns: Depending on the parameters returns one of the following:

  • str: A string with the caller name
  • str, frame: A string with the caller name, the stack frame that was used to extract the caller name

create_ns_package function 🔗 source

create_ns_package(package_name, package_path, caller=None)

Create one or more dynamic namespace packages on the fly.


  • package_name (str): Name of the namespace package that should be created.

  • package_path (str): File system path of a directory that should be associated with the package. You can use the special string __dir__ to refer to the directory of the caller. If run from a Python REPL, the current working directory will be used for __dir__.

  • caller (str): File system path to the file of the calling module. If you use advanced debugging tools (or want to save some CPU cycles) you might want to set caller=__file__. Otherwise the caller is derrived from the frame stack.

find_existing_module_by_path function 🔗 source


check_file_is_importable function 🔗 source

check_file_is_importable(file_path, file_path_orig)

reload function 🔗 source

reload(ns=None, add_to_ns=True)

Reload ultraimport module

CodeInfo class 🔗 source

CodeInfo(source, file_path, line, offset)

ErrorRendererMixin class 🔗 source

Mixin for Exception classes with some helper functions, mainly for rendering data to console

ErrorRendererMixin.find_frame method 🔗 source

find_frame(frames, depth=1)

ErrorRendererMixin.render_header method 🔗 source

render_header(headline, message)

ErrorRendererMixin.render_suggestion method 🔗 source

render_suggestion(line1, line2)

ErrorRendererMixin.render_table method 🔗 source


Render a table for error output on console output.

The tables are meant to always have to columns with labels in the firstcolumn and values in the second column.

RewrittenImportError class 🔗 source

RewrittenImportError.__init__ method 🔗 source

__init__(message='', combine=None, code_info=None, object_to_import=None, *args)

RewrittenImportError.find_cause method 🔗 source

find_cause(tb=None, depth=0)

RewrittenImportError.find_frame method 🔗 source

find_frame(frames, depth=1)

RewrittenImportError.render_header method 🔗 source

render_header(headline, message)

RewrittenImportError.render_suggestion method 🔗 source

render_suggestion(line1, line2)

RewrittenImportError.render_table method 🔗 source


Render a table for error output on console output.

The tables are meant to always have to columns with labels in the firstcolumn and values in the second column.

CircularImportError class 🔗 source

CircularImportError.__init__ method 🔗 source

__init__(message=None, file_path=None, file_path_resolved=None, *args)

CircularImportError.find_frame method 🔗 source

find_frame(frames, depth=1)

CircularImportError.render_header method 🔗 source

render_header(headline, message)

CircularImportError.render_suggestion method 🔗 source

render_suggestion(line1, line2)

CircularImportError.render_table method 🔗 source


Render a table for error output on console output.

The tables are meant to always have to columns with labels in the firstcolumn and values in the second column.

ExecuteImportError class 🔗 source

ExecuteImportError.__init__ method 🔗 source


ExecuteImportError.find_frame method 🔗 source

find_frame(frames, depth=1)

ExecuteImportError.render_header method 🔗 source

render_header(headline, message)

ExecuteImportError.render_suggestion method 🔗 source

render_suggestion(line1, line2)

ExecuteImportError.render_table method 🔗 source


Render a table for error output on console output.

The tables are meant to always have to columns with labels in the firstcolumn and values in the second column.

ResolveImportError class 🔗 source

ResolveImportError.__init__ method 🔗 source


ResolveImportError.find_frame method 🔗 source

find_frame(frames, depth=1)

ResolveImportError.render_header method 🔗 source

render_header(headline, message)

ResolveImportError.render_suggestion method 🔗 source

render_suggestion(line1, line2)

ResolveImportError.render_table method 🔗 source


Render a table for error output on console output.

The tables are meant to always have to columns with labels in the firstcolumn and values in the second column.

LazyCass class 🔗 source

Lazily-loaded class that triggers module loading on access

LazyCallable class 🔗 source

Lazily-loaded callable that triggers module loading on access

LazyCallable.__init__ method 🔗 source

__init__(importer, callable_name)

LazyModule class 🔗 source

Lazily-loaded module that triggers loading on attribute access

LazyModule.__init__ method 🔗 source

__init__(name, file_path, importer)

Loader class 🔗 source

Loader factory that returns either SourceFileLoader or ExtensionFileLoader depending on file_path

ExtensionFileLoader class 🔗 source

SourceFileLoader class 🔗 source

Preprocessing Python source file loader

SourceFileLoader.__init__ method 🔗 source


SourceFileLoader.check_preprocess method 🔗 source


SourceFileLoader.ensure_dir method 🔗 source


SourceFileLoader.get_data method 🔗 source

get_data(path, direct=False)

SourceFileLoader.get_filename method 🔗 source


SourceFileLoader.is_bytecode method 🔗 source


SourceFileLoader.path_stats method 🔗 source


SourceFileLoader.preprocess method 🔗 source


RewriteImport class 🔗 source

RewriteImport.__init__ method 🔗 source

__init__(file_path=None, *args)

RewriteImport.gen_aliasses_tuple method 🔗 source


RewriteImport.gen_assign method 🔗 source

gen_assign(targets, value)

RewriteImport.gen_call method 🔗 source

gen_call(name, args=[], keywords=[])

RewriteImport.gen_code_info method 🔗 source

gen_code_info(source, file_path, line, offset)

RewriteImport.gen_import method 🔗 source

gen_import(alias, module_path, object_name=None)

RewriteImport.gen_import_call method 🔗 source

gen_import_call(file_path, import_elts=None)

RewriteImport.gen_keyword method 🔗 source

gen_keyword(name, value)

RewriteImport.gen_objects_tuple method 🔗 source


RewriteImport.gen_raise method 🔗 source

gen_raise(alias, code_info, combine, object_to_import)

RewriteImport.gen_try method 🔗 source

    except_body=<ast.Pass object at 0x7ffaf6ac8820>,

RewriteImport.transform_imports classmethod 🔗 source

transform_imports(source, file_path=None, use_cache=True)

RewriteImport.visit_ImportFrom method 🔗 source


Rewrite all import .. from statements

CallableModule class 🔗 source

Makes ultraimport directly callable after doing import ultraimport