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This is my notes on graphQL.

If this is not where you want to be, head on over to the Readme.

GraphQL + Node.js


For this lesson, the final project can be seen here for reference if we get stuck:

This tutorial we will learn how to build an idiomatic GraphQL server entirely from scratch. We will be using these technologies:

  • graphql-yoga: Fully featured GraphQL server with focus on easy setup, performance & great developer experience. It is build on top of Express, apollo-server, and graphql-js, and more.

  • Prisma: GraphQL db proxy that turns your database into a graphql API. This API provides powerful, realtime CRUD operations for our data model.

  • graphql-config and GraphQL CLI: These are graphQL tools.

  • GraphQL bindings: The binding generates dedicated JavaScript functions for each API operation.

  • GraphQL Playground: A GraphQL IDE that allows to interactively explore the functionality of graphQL API by sending queries and mutations to it. This playground does:

    • auto-generates a comprehensive documentation for all available API operations.

    • provides an editor where you can write queries, mutations, subscriptions with auto completion(introspection) and syntax highlighting.

    • also let’s you easily share your API operations.

What to expect

We will be creating a clone of Hacker News.

  1. This lesson we will learn the basics of how a GraphQL server works simply by defining a GraphQL schema for the server. In the beginning these resolvers will only work with data that’s stored in memory.

  2. So since nobody wants a server that’s not able to store and persist data, we will add a database layer to it! The database layer is powered by Prisma and will be connected to your GraphQL server via Prisma bindings. We will think of these bindings as a GraphQL ORM that helps you properly resolve incoming queries.

  3. Once we have the DB connected, we will add more advanced features to the API.

  4. We wil implement signup/login functionality that enables users to authenticate against the API. This will also allow you to check permissions of your users for certain API ooperations.

  5. Next part is we add realtime functionality to the API using GraphQL subscriptions!

  6. Last we will allow the consumers of the API to constrain the list of times they retrieve from the API by adding filtering and pagination capabilities to it!

Woo! This is exciting. Can’t wait to get started on this project!


Question: What is a GraphQL Playground

  1. A GraphQL IDE to work with a GraphQL API

  2. A REST Client

  3. A tool to generation GraphQL operations.

  4. The successor of Postman

Answer: A GraphQL IDE to work with a GraphQL API

Getting Started

First navigate to the folder where you want the project to be. They want you to name it hackernews-node. You can do this manually or through the terminal. You then want to navigate into hackernews-node folder and insert the yarn package manager into it with yarn init -y. That will create a package.json file inside of it!

mkdir hackernews-node
cd hackernews-node
yarn init -y

Create the server

Now we need an entry point for our GraphQL server. The file will be called index.js and it must be located in the src folder. You can do this manually or you can do it through the terminal like this while in the root of hackernews-node:

mkdir src
touch src/index.js

Now if we can start the app by executing node src/index.js inside hackernews-node (where package.json is). Of course it won’t do anything since index.js is empty.

Building up the Dependencies with graphQL-yoga

Let’s actually get started witha GraphQL server! The first thing to do is add a dependency to the project. In the terminal root folder type this:

yarn add graphql-yoga

This will create a folder node_modules with a bunch of items in it. You will also see a new dependency option inside package.json with this entry:

  "dependencies": {
    "graphql-yoga": "^1.13.1"

GraphQL-yoga is a fully featured GraphQL server. It is based on Express.js and a few other libraries to help us build production-ready graphQL servers.

So here’s a list of its features:

  • GraphQL spec-compliant

  • supports file upload

  • realtime functionality with GraphQL subscriptions

  • Works with Typescript typings

  • out-of-the-box support for GraphQL Playground

  • Extensible via Express middlewares

  • Resolves custom directives in your graphQL schema

  • Query performance tracing

  • Accepts both application/json and application/graphql content-types

  • Runs everywhere: Can be deployed via now, up, AWS Lambda, Heroku, etc.

Let’s write something into the Index.js file

Inside the index.js file that was created in the src folder, insert this:

const { GraphQLServer } = require('graphql-yoga')

// 1
const typeDefs = `
type Query {
  info: String!

// 2
const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    info: () => `This is the API of a Hackernews Clone`

// 3
const server = new GraphQLServer({
server.start(() => console.log(`Server is running on http://localhost:4000`))

Luckily they numbered it so let’s find out what is going on:

  1. The typeDefs constant defines the GraphQL schema. Here, it defines a simple query type with one field called info. The field has the type String!. The ! means the type is required which also means it can never be null.

  2. The resolvers object is the actual implementation of the GraphQL schema. Notice how its structure is identical to the top one?

  3. the schema and resolvers are bundled and passed to the GraphQL Server which is imported from graphql-yoga. This tells the server what API operations are accepted and how they should be resolved.

Now let’s test it!

Now in the root of the project, type this:

node src/index.js

In the terminal you should get the message: Server is running on http://localhost: 4000

When you go to localhost:4000 you should get this GraphQL Playground IDE page:


If you click on the green button on the right, it will show us the API documentation. The documenation is auto-generated based on the schema definition and displays all API operations and data types of our schema! Well since we only made info: String!, we will only get that:


Now let’s use what we have

in the editor of the playground insert this query:

query { info }

Press the play button in the center or you can use the keyboard shortcut: CMD + Enter.

You should get this result in JSON:

  "data": {
    "info": "This is the API of a Hackernews Clone"

So earlier she mentioned that String! where the exclamation mark means it cannot be null. she wants us to test it out and give it null instead of the string inside index.js. After putting in null make sure you restart the server by going to the terminal and close it by CTRL + C and then run it again by node src/index.js again.

Again once you’re in the playground you should get run the editor again. You should get the error message inside the JSON: Error: Cannot return null for non-nullable field

What is going on here is that the underlying graphql-js reference implementation ensures that the return types of the resolvers adher to the type definitions from our graphQL schema. It protects us from making mistakes.

This is the great thing about GraphQL. It enforces that the API actually behaves in the way that is promised by the schema definition! This way, everyone who has access to the GraphQL schema can always be 100% sure about the API operations and data structures that are returned by the API.

More on GraphQL schema

At the core of every GraphQL API, there is a graphql schema.

Okay so most of this is talked about in the introduction that I took notes on here

The schema has 3 different root types:

  1. Query

  2. Mutation

  3. Subscription

The fields on these root types are called root field and define the available API operations.

An example, consider the simple GraphQL schema we used above:

type Query {
    info: String!

In the example above it only has one root field and it is called info. When sending queries, mutations, or subscriptions to a GraphQL API, these always need to start with a root field.

Here is a more advanced example:

type Query {
  users: [User!]!
  user(id: ID!): User

type Mutation {
  createUser(name: String!): User!

type User {
  id: ID!
  name: String!

Here we have the root types: Query and Mutation. Query has users and user. Mutation has createUser. The additional definition of the User type is required because otherwise the schema definition would be incomplete.

Now we learned that it always has to have a root type, but what we didn’t learn is when the root field is itself another object type. This is the case here where the types of the root field is [User!]!, User and User!. In the info example from before, the type of the root field was a String which is called a scalar type.

When the type of a root field is an object type, you can further expand the query/mutation/subscription with fields of that object type. The expanded part is called selection set. Here are the operations that are accepted by GraphQL API that implements the above schema:

If we want to learn more about schema, we can go here:


Question: What role do the root fields play for a GraphQL API

  1. The three root fields are: Query, Mutation, and Subscription

  2. Root fields define the available API operations

  3. Root fields iimplement the available API operations

  4. Root field is another term for resolver

Answer: Root fields define the available API operations

A Simple Query

In this we will query a feed of links that were posted by other users.

The schema portion

we will implement a feed query which allows to retrieve a list of link ements. In general, when adding a new feature to the API, the process will look pretty similar every time:

  1. Extend the GraphQL schema definition with a new root field( and a new dta types if needed)

  2. Implement corresponding resolver functions for the added fields.

The process is also referred to as schema-driven or schema-first development.

Inside index.js we need to update the typeDefs constant to look like this:

const typeDefs = `
type Query {
  info: String!
  feed: [Link!]!

type Link {
  id: ID!
  description: String!
  url: String!

Basically all we added was we defined a new type called Link that represents the links that can be posted to Hacker News. Each link has an id, a description, and an url. So for the root type we have to add a root field that allows to retrieve a list of Link elements. This list is guranteed to never be null which is why there’s two exclamation mark.

The resolver function portion

Now that we added feed to the schema, we need to add it to the resolver function as well. Resolver functions need to be done for all Root types so which means we will have to write one up for Link as well.

  1. Let’s create a link variable to store the links at runtime. For now everything is stored only in-memory rather than being persisted in a database.

let links = [ {
    id: 'link-0',
    url: '',
    description: 'Fullstack tutorial for GraphQL'
  1. We will add a new resolver for the feed root field for Query. Notice that a resolver always has to be named after the corresponding field from the schema!

feed: () => links,
  1. Now we add for type Link the same way we did for Type Query.

  Link: {
      id: (root) =>,
      description: (root) => root.description,
      url: (root) => root.url,

They will discuss what root is for later..

Now! Let’s test everything out!

Restart the server by ctrl c and type in node src/index.js and head back over to the playground at localhost:4000

You should get a new option on the right like this:


Now we can run something in the editor to test it out:

query {
  feed {

should give you this in JSON from Links:

  "data": {
    "feed": [
        "id": "link-0",
        "url": "",
        "description": "Fullstack tutorial for GraphQL"

The query resolution process

What we defined in the schema such as feed, id, url, and description can also be found in the schema definition that was in the Playgroundd. We learned that every field inside the schema definition is backed by one resolver function whose responsibility is to return the data for precisely that field.

The GraphQL server has tod o is invoke all resolver functions for the field that are contained in the query and then package up the response according to the query’s shape.

Let’s rewind a bit and try and understand what was going on with this:

  Link: {
      id: (root) =>,
      description: (root) => root.description,
      url: (root) => root.url,

Every GraphQL resolver function actually receives four input arguments. As the remaining three are not needed in our scenario right now, we’re simply omitting them.

the first argument is commonly called root or parent.

A thing to remember is that queries can be nested.

So in summary: because the implementation of Link resolvers is complicated, we can actually omit them and the server will work in the same way as it did before.

Okay honestly the way the tutorial described this didn’t help me understand it any further. They did however link to an article that will hopefully explain it better here:


Question: How are GraphQL queries resolver?

  1. With schema-driven development

  2. By Invoking the resolver function of the root field

  3. By invoking all available resolver functions

  4. By invoking the resolver functions for the fields contained in the query

Answer: By invoking the resolver functions for the fields contained in the query

A Simple Mutation

Now we will learn about mutation. Like with Query we will add a Mutation type to the index.js file inside the variable typeDefs this:

type Mutation {
    post(url: String!, description: String!): Link!

The file is starting to get a little too large so we’re going to pull the schema out into its own file and refractor it.

We create a new file inside the src folder called schema.graphql . You can do that via command line like this:

touch src/schema.graphql

Inside that file we are going to coopy the whole entire schema definition that was stored inside typeDefs into the new schema.graphql file.

type Query {
  info: String!
  feed: [Link!]!

type Link {
    id: ID!
    description: String!
    url: String!

type Mutation {
    post(url: String!, description: String!): Link!

Now inside index.js we can delete the entire typeDefs variable and content. Now that the schema is in its own file, we need to tell the server where it is.

Inside the constructor server = new GraphQLServer change `typeDefs’s value to the schema location like this:

typeDefs: './src/schema.graphql'

Implementing the resolver function

First we delete the Link resolver because it is not needed anymore. GraphQL server infers what they look like.

  • We are definitely going to need different ID so the best way is to have something increment. So for what they used they have links.length stored in the variable idCount.

let idCount = links.length
  • Inside the Mutation resolver, we implement a post resolver first which creates a new link object then adds it to the existing links list which will then later return the new link.

Mutation: {
  post: (root, args) => {
    const link = {
      id: `link-${idCount++}`,
      description: args.description,
      url: args.url,
    return link

We learned about root for the resolvers parameter, now here we will learn about args. args carries the arguments for the operation. In our case the url and description of the link to be created. We didn’t see it for feed and info resolvers because the corresponding root field didn’t specify any arguments in the schema definition.

Let’s test it out!

The usual. Restart the server.

Inside the playground put this in:

mutation {
    url: ""
    description: "Prisma turns your database into a GraphQL API"
  ) {

The result should look like this:

  "data": {
    "post": {
      "id": "link-1"

If you press the play button again, it will be link-2 and so on..

So for every mutation that we send, the idCount will keep increasing so it will help to give us a unique ID.

Confirm that it worked

When we added (mutation) one, we should now see it in query by typing this:

query {
  feed {

You should get this result:

  "data": {
    "feed": [
        "id": "link-0",
        "url": "",
        "description": "Fullstack tutorial for GraphQL"
        "id": "link-1",
        "url": "",
        "description": "Prisma turns your database into a GraphQL API"
        "id": "link-2",
        "url": "",
        "description": "Prisma turns your database into a GraphQL API"

You’ll see that shows up twice since I pressed play twice with mutation but at least the id is different which is what matters.

When you restart the server the new mutation will be gone since it was stored in memory.


Question: What is the second argument that’s passed into GraphQL resolvers used for?

  1. It carries the return value of the previous resolver execution level

  2. It is an object that all resolvers can write to and read from

  3. It carries the arguments for the incoming GraphQL operation

  4. It carries the AST of the incoming GraphQL operation

Answer: It carries the arguments for the incoming GraphQL operation

Adding a Database

For this we are going to be using Prisma.

Mainly because in real world applications we’re likely to encounter many scenarios which will make creating resolvers more and more complex. Especially since schemas can be nested to multiple levels deep. The implementation can be tricky and may lead to performance problems.

Also we may need to add additional workflows to the mix such as authentication, authorization (permissions), pagination, filtering, realtime, integrating with 3rd party services or legacy systems.

When we implement resolvers and connect to database, we have two options:

  1. Access the database directly (by writing SQL or using another noSQL database API)

    • The issue with the first option is that dealing with SQL in resolvers is that it can get really complex. Also SQL queries are commonly submitted to the database as plain strings. String don’t adhere to any structure. So the tool won’t be able to help you find any issues with them or provide any perks like autocompletion in editors. Writing SQL queries is tedious and error-prone.

  2. Use an ORM that provides an bastraction for your database and let’s you access it directly.

    • ORM might be a good solution at first, but the approach falls short as well. ORM has the problem that they’re implementing rather simple solutions for database access. Which when using graphQL won’t work due to the complexities of queries and the various edge cases.

Prisma solves this problem by providing you with a GraphQL query engine which is taking care of resolving queries for you (oh thank goodness. i don’t think I fully learned how to write resolvers). Thanks to Prisma bindings, query delegating is a simple process where most resolvers can be implemented as a simple one liner.

Prisma’s architecture

If we were to build a server with Prisma, here’s how it would look like:


An important thing to note when using prisma is that now we’re dealing with two GraphQL API layers.

  1. The application layer: The first graphql api layer

Connecting Server and Database with Prisma Bindings


Realtime GraphQL Subscriptions

Filtering, Pagination & Sorting
