- This scenario describes how to enable analytics in the api-operator and monitor analytics in the analytics dashboard
This setup provides resources to deploy WSO2 API Manager 3.1.0 and WSO2 APIM Analytics 3.1.0 in the Kubernetes cluster and configure them with WSO2 Microgateway using k8s CRD operator.
Few databases of WSO2 API Manager and Analytics need to be shared with each other and hence we have provided resources to deploy mysql in kubernetes and configure the necessary databases in mysql.
To try out the scenario navigate to k8s-api-operator-<version>
WSO2AM Kubernetes Operator is used to deploy API portal and Analytics dashboard.
Install the WSO2AM Operator in Kubernetes.
>> apictl install wso2am-operator namespace/wso2-system configured serviceaccount/wso2am-pattern-1-svc-account created ... configmap/wso2am-p1-apim-2-conf created configmap/wso2am-p1-mysql-dbscripts created [Setting to K8s Mode]
Install API Portal and API Analytics in a namespace called "wso2"
>> apictl apply -f k8s-artifacts/wso2am-operator/api-portal-with-analytics/wso2-namespace.yaml Output: namespace/wso2 created >> apictl apply -f k8s-artifacts/wso2am-operator/api-portal-with-analytics/mysql/ Output: configmap/mysql-dbscripts created deployment.apps/wso2apim-with-analytics-mysql-deployment created service/wso2apim-with-analytics-rdbms-service created >> apictl apply -f k8s-artifacts/wso2am-operator/api-portal-with-analytics/configmaps/ Output: configmap/dash-conf created configmap/worker-conf created configmap/apim-conf created >> apictl apply -f k8s-artifacts/wso2am-operator/api-portal-with-analytics/custom-pattern.yaml Output: apimanager.apim.wso2.com/custom-pattern-2 created
Access API Portal and API Analytics
>> apictl get pods -n wso2 Output: NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE all-in-one-api-manager-5694f99754-4zhpq 1/1 Running 0 2m39s analytics-dashboard-6d6c5dd-2xd4r 1/1 Running 0 2m39s analytics-worker-6c64b9bd79-794l7 1/1 Running 0 2m39s wso2apim-with-analytics-mysql-deployment-6659655c65-njs7r 1/1 Running 0 3m3s >> apictl get services -n wso2 Output: NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE wso2apim NodePort <none> 8280:32004/TCP,8243:32003/TCP,9763:32002/TCP,9443:32001/TCP 3m43s wso2apim-analytics-service ClusterIP <none> 7612/TCP,7712/TCP,9444/TCP,9091/TCP,7071/TCP,7444/TCP 3m44s wso2apim-dashboard-analytics-service NodePort <none> 9643:32201/TCP 3m44s wso2apim-with-analytics-rdbms-service ClusterIP <none> 3306/TCP 4m7s
Note: To access the API portal and Analytics dashboard, add host mapping entries to the /etc/hosts file. As we have exposed the services in Node Port type, you can use the IP address of any Kubernetes node.
<ANY_K8S_NODE_IP> wso2apim <ANY_K8S_NODE_IP> wso2apim-analytics
For Docker for Mac use "" for the K8s node IP
For Minikube, use minikube ip command to get the K8s node IP
(apictl get nodes -o jsonpath='{ $.items[*].status.addresses[?(@.type=="ExternalIP")].address }')
- This will give the external IPs of the nodes available in the cluster. Pick any IP to include in /etc/hosts file.
API Portal - https://wso2apim:32001/devportal
API Analytics Dashbaord - https://wso2apim-analytics:32201/analytics-dashboard
If you haven't deployed the API Operator please follow the quick start guide in root readme and follow step 2 and 3.
By deploying the analytics configmaps, you can enable analytics as follows.
>> apictl apply -f api-operator/apim-analytics-configs --- configmap/analytics-config created secret/analytics-secret created secret/wso2analytics300-secret created ---
Please follow the scenario 1 readme and deploy the API.
Use the API Analytics dashboard url which configured in Step 1 to browse the analytics information for the API.
You will be able to monitor the analytics as shown in below images.
By changing the following artifacts, you can point the API Operator to use the API Analytics which is deployed outside the Kuberentes cluster or anywhere which is accessible to the API Operator running Kubernetes cluster.
Create two secrets for the analytics server as follows.
- Secret 1: Analytics certificate
- Secret 2: Include admin credentials (base64 encoded username and password) and secret name of the secret 1.
Samples can be found in api-operator/apim-analytics-configs/apim_analytics_secret_template.yaml
To enable analytics you can change the apim_analytics_conf.yaml analyticsEnabled to true. Give the name of the secret you created above in the analyticsSecret field value.
Samples can be found api-operator/apim-analytics-configs/apim_analytics_conf.yaml
- Delete the created API (Find APIs
apictl get api --all-namespaces
)>> apictl delete api <API_NAME> -n <NAMESPACE>
- Delete WSO2 APIM deployment and WSO2 Analytics deployment
>> apictl delete -Rf k8s-artifacts/wso2am-operator/api-portal-with-analytics
- Delete Analytics configs
>> apictl delete -f api-operator/apim-analytics-configs