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Roman Danylyk edited this page Nov 25, 2017 · 2 revisions


Methods Description
setCount(int count) Set static number of circle indicators to be displayed. Param count - total count of indicators.
getCount() Return number of circle indicators
setDynamicCount(boolean dynamicCount) Dynamic count will automatically update number of circle indicators if ViewPager page count updates on run-time. If new count will be bigger than current count, selected circle will stay as it is, otherwise it will be set to last one. Note: works if ViewPager set and already have it's adapter. See {@link #setViewPager(ViewPager)}.
setRadius(int radiusDp) Set radius in dp of each circle indicator. Default value is 6 dp. Make sure you set circle Radius, not a Diameter.
setRadius(int radiusPx) Set radius in px of each circle indicator. Default value is 6 dp. Make sure you set circle Radius, not a Diameter.
getRadius() Returns radius of each circle indicators in px.
setPadding(int paddingDp) Set padding in dp between each circle indicator. Default value is 8 dp.
setPadding(int paddingPx) Set padding in px between each circle indicator. Default value is 8 dp.
getPadding() Returns padding in px between each circle indicator.
setScaleFactor(float factor) Set scale factor used in {@link AnimationType#SCALE} animation. Defines size of unselected indicator circles in comparing to selected one. Minimum and maximum values are {@link ScaleAnimation#MAX_SCALE_FACTOR} and {@link ScaleAnimation#MIN_SCALE_FACTOR}. See also {@link ScaleAnimation#DEFAULT_SCALE_FACTOR}.
getScaleFactor() Returns scale factor values used in {@link AnimationType#SCALE} animation. Defines size of unselected indicator circles in comparing to selected one.Minimum and maximum values are {@link ScaleAnimation#MAX_SCALE_FACTOR} and {@link ScaleAnimation#MIN_SCALE_FACTOR}. See also {@link ScaleAnimation#DEFAULT_SCALE_FACTOR}. float value that indicate scale factor
setStrokeWidth(float strokePx) Set stroke width in px to set while {@link AnimationType#FILL} is selected.Default value is {@link FillAnimation#DEFAULT_STROKE_DP} strokePx stroke width in px.
setStrokeWidth(float strokeDp) Set stroke width in dp to set while {@link AnimationType#FILL} is selected. Default value is {@link FillAnimation#DEFAULT_STROKE_DP} strokePx stroke width in px.
getStrokeWidth() Return stroke width in px. If custom stroke width is not set and {@link AnimationType#FILL} is selected.
setSelectedColor(int color) Set color of selected state to circle indicator. Default color is white {@link ColorAnimation#DEFAULT_SELECTED_COLOR}.
getSelectedColor() Return color of selected circle indicator. If custom unselected color. is not set, return default color {@link ColorAnimation#DEFAULT_SELECTED_COLOR}.
setUnselectedColor(int color) Set color of unselected state to each circle indicator. Default color {@link ColorAnimation#DEFAULT_UNSELECTED_COLOR}.@param color color of each unselected circle.
getUnselectedColor() Return color of unselected state of each circle indicator. If custom unselected color is not set, return default color ColorAnimation#DEFAULT_UNSELECTED_COLOR}.
setAutoVisibility(boolean autoVisibility) Automatically hide (View.INVISIBLE) PageIndicatorView while indicator count is <= 1. Default is true.
setOrientation(@Nullable Orientation orientation) Set orientation for indicator, one of HORIZONTAL or VERTICAL. Default is HORIZONTAL.
setAnimationDuration(long duration) Set animation duration time in millisecond. Default animation duration time is {@link BaseAnimation#DEFAULT_ANIMATION_TIME}. (Won't affect on anything unless {@link #setAnimationType(AnimationType type)} is specified and {@link #setInteractiveAnimation(boolean isInteractive)} is false).
getAnimationDuration() Return animation duration time in milliseconds. If custom duration is not set, return default duration time {@link BaseAnimation#DEFAULT_ANIMATION_TIME}.
setAnimationType(@Nullable AnimationType type) Set animation type to perform while selecting new circle indicator. Default animation type is {@link AnimationType#NONE}.
setInteractiveAnimation(boolean isInteractive) Interactive animation will animate indicator smoothly from position to position based on user's current swipe progress. (Won't affect on anything unless {@link #setViewPager(ViewPager)} is specified). isInteractive value of animation to be interactive or not.
setViewPager(@Nullable ViewPager pager) Set {@link ViewPager} to add {@link ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener} and automatically handle selecting new indicators (and interactive animation effect if it is enabled).
releaseViewPager() Release {@link ViewPager} and stop handling events of {@link ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener}.
setRtlMode(RtlMode mode) Specify to display PageIndicatorView with Right to left layout or not. One of {@link RtlMode}: Off (Left to right), On (Right to left) or Auto (handle this mode automatically based on users language preferences). Default is Off.
setSelection(int position) Set specific circle indicator position to be selected. If position < or > total count, accordingly first or last circle indicator will be selected.(Won't affect on anything unless {@link #setInteractiveAnimation(boolean isInteractive)} is false).
setSelected(int position) Set specific circle indicator position to be selected without any kind of animation. If position < or > total count, accordingly first or last circle indicator will be selected.
getSelection() Return position of currently selected circle indicator.
setProgress(int selectingPosition, float progress) Set progress value in range [0 - 1] to specify state of animation while selecting new circle indicator. (Won't affect on anything unless {@link #setInteractiveAnimation(boolean isInteractive)} is true).
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