We prefer to keep it simple and adhere to the Zig Style Guide.
We use ZLS to auto-format code.
In addition, we try to adhere to the following house-rules:
const x: Foo = .{ .bar = 1 }
// over: const x = Foo{ .bar = 1}
pub fn method(self: Foo) void
// over: pub fn method(self: Self) void
const foo = import("foo.zig"); foo.bar()
// over: const bar = import("foo.zig").bar;
// bar();
const Foo = import("foo.zig").Foo
// over: const Foo = import("Foo.zig")
// Importing types directly instead of using
// a namespace should be reserved for very
// frequent types.
/// Foo does X and returns Y
pub fn foo() usize {
// Descriptive doc comments over imperative ones
As with the Zig Style Guide: use common sense 😊.