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Welcome! I'm Robert, a seasoned software developer with a passion for systems design, spatial data, and photography. You can check out my photos on Flickr and Unsplash.
With a strong background in Windows administration, I am proficient in IIS, Active Directory, and domain controllers. I am skilled in scripting DOS and PowerShell as needed.
Experienced in managing Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora, Amazon Linux 2, and Arch on remote and local machines. I am well-versed in Bash, SSH, GPG, TMux, Vim, grep, sed, and, more.
The terminal doesn't scare me.
Proficient in Bash, JavaScript, TypeScript, C#, VB.NET, VBA, SQL, PL/pgSQL, and some Python
ASP.NET, especially MVC and .NET Core. I stared developing .NET apps at version 1.1.
React + Redux, dva + umi, Angular + Ngrx, AngularJS, Gatsby, and Vue
For UI/CSS, I prefer the utility classes approach made popular by Tailwind - often combined with a components library like Mantine or Rediux.
Having started my career in GIS in 2003, I have extensive expertise in Esri ArcGIS Desktop, Server, 3D Analyst, Spatial Analyst, Network Analyst, and APIs. I've also worked with QGIS, PostGIS, Leaflet, TileMill, Carto, and low-level tools like GDAL, proj.4, and OGR to build production systems on open-source GIS software.
AWS, Azure, GCP, Firebase, Heroku, Azure, GoDaddy, GitHub Pages, Netlify, Vercel
Docker, VMWare and ESXi, Oracle VirtualBox, Parallels and Vagrant
Visual Studio, VS Code, and Vim/Neovim:
Expert working knowledge of Git.
Previously, I have used Mecurial, TFS, SVN, and Visual Source Safe.
I have informally served as a DevOps engineer in various roles, with experience in webpack, Grunt, Gulp, MSBuild, TFS, VSTS, Mecurial (hg), Git, Hudson/Jenkins CI, Slack, Atlassian Bitbucket/Jira/Bamboo, GitHub Actions, GitLab CE, Docker Compose, Vagrant, unit testing frameworks, Bash, PowerShell, and more.
Redis, NGINX, Let's Encrypt, Docker, Docker Compose, SQLite, SQL Server, and Postgres.
GraphQL and REST, with or without Open API.
My primary expertise is in AWS, where I have managed a network of servers and services since 2012:
- Route 53 (DNS routing),
- VPC (virtual private networking),
- S3 and Glacier (storage and static file hosting),
- CloudFront (content delivery and caching),
- Lambda (event-driven, serverless computing),
- IAM (accounts management),
- RDS (relational databases),
- ElastiCache (application caching, NoSQL database),
- Elastic Beanstalk (infrastructure orchestration, PaaS),
- ECS (Docker container hosting and deployment),
- SES and SNS (email and notifications),
- CloudWatch (logging, metrics),
- CodePipeline and CodeDeploy (build procedures and deployments),
- Certificate Manager (SSL cert management),
- IAM user management, encryption options, two-factor auth, security groups, and more.
I have real-world experience designing architectures that use dynamic auto-scaling, load balancing, fault tolerant capabilities of AWS, and I have a good general knowledge of networking and troubleshooting in such environments.
My PGP public key is 0x6AF2BF57992F19ED.
This blog was made to distribute valuable info and show off my recent work. To that end, I license the content under CC BY 4.0.
Source code I publish here is placed under The MIT License unless otherwise noted. I avoid reposting code that's not mine without proper attribution, but please be careful to distinguish what is mine and what is not.
If you have a doubt about the ownership or terms of anything on this site, email me at mailto:[email protected]