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732 lines (582 loc) · 27.6 KB

File metadata and controls

732 lines (582 loc) · 27.6 KB

bem-tools changelog

0.10.2 (stable)

  • Updated enb to ^1.1.0

0.10.1 (stable)

  • Updated enb to ^0.17.2

0.10.0 (stable)

  • ENB is used as a fallback for bem make and bem server
  • Support for native bem make config is deprecated and will be removed in next version
  • Support for require in BEMJSON
  • Updated npm dependencies
  • Run tests on node.js 0.12 and io.js

0.9.0 (stable)

  • Use clean-css instead of CSSO — Update borschik to ~1.2.0
  • Build less and stylus techs to preliminary files
  • Add templates for bem create
  • Do not run tests on node.js 0.8

0.8.1 (stable)

  • Updated borschik version to 1.0.4
  • Improved sass tech

0.8.0 (stable)

  • Updated borschik version to 1.0.1
  • Updated npm dependencies
  • Added scss tech (v2/sass)
  • Added bemjson.js tech (v2/bemjson.js)

0.7.9 (stable)

  • Added stylus tech (v2/styl)
  • Ability to set --no-colors and --verbosity options with BEM_MAKE_NO_COLORS and BEM_MAKE_VERBOSITY environment variables.

0.7.8 (stable)

— bem create: Add possibility to create entities with predefined content

  • Package: COA is updated to 0.4.0, cli-table to 0.3.0

0.7.7 (stable)

  • New roole and less techs

0.7.6 (stable)

  • Correctly handle promises reject with no reason in tech modules
  • Check that bundle techs don't have common build suffixes
  • Save build cache data only on successful build

0.7.5 (stable)

  • Package: borschik is updated to 0.4.2

0.7.4 (stable)

  • Fixed crash related to underscore->lodash change
  • Reverted: pass Tech#getTechPath() result as bem-create's forceTech argument The change caused level-proto tech to break
  • Tests: level-proto tech is included into bem make suite

0.7.3 (stable)

  • Fix "bem create" as worcker invocation
  • Pass Tech#getTechPath() result as bem-create's forceTech argument

0.7.2 (stable)

  • bem server: fixed encoding problem with files containing non latin characters

0.7.1 (stable)

  • Fixed exception in bem build

0.7.0 (stable)

  • Level scanner no longer fails on symlinks

  • css tech correctly generates classes for modifiers without values (#425)

  • Warning is shown when level does not exists or does not contains .bem directory (#418)

  • Ability to specify multiple elems in elem properties in deps.js files (#401):

      shouldDeps: { block: 'bla', elem: ['e1', 'e2', 'e3'] }

    is equivalent to:

      shouldDeps: [
          { block: 'bla', elem: 'e1' },
          { block: 'bla', elem: 'e2' },
          { block: 'bla', elem: 'e3' }
  • Shortcut for specifying tech dependencies of the same block (#413):

    { block: 'b',  tech: 'js', mustDeps: { tech: 'bemhtml' }  }

    is equivalent to:

    { block: 'b',  tech: 'js', mustDeps: { block: 'b', tech: 'bemhtml' }  }
  • build command for bem bench is customizable via bem-bench-build script in project's package.json

  • GitLibraryNode specifies git dir explicitly with git commands (#355)

  • Base tech is selected according to child's API_VER. Error is thrown when base and child techs have different API_VER (#416)

  • It is possible to write tech module as a function (#363):

    module.exports = function(BEM) {
        return {
            //tech mixin
  • It is possible to write level config as a function (#364):

    module.exports = function(BEM) {
        return {
            //level mixin
  • baseLevelName property can be used in level config to specify simple or project level by name (#367)

  • scanner of simple level doesn't ignore dirs like

  • deps: possibility to declare dependence without explicitly including item (#459):

        block: "some-block",
        mustDeps: [
          {block: "other-block", include: false}

    In this case, other-block won't be included in bundle with some-block automatically. But, if bundle requires both some-block and other-block, other-block will always be included before some-block.

  • --no-colors option to disable colors in terminal

  • v1 tech warning shows link to migration instructions

  • q-fs and q-http libraries replaced with q-io

  • underscore library replaced with lodash (#94)

  • benchmarks can be built on multiple bundle levels

0.6.16 (stable)

  • Update csso within borschik dependency to 1.3.8
  • deps.js: Fix levels cache validity check
  • Warn on v1 tech module usage, not creation
  • GitLibraryNode: add origin parameter to customise remote name
  • Update borschik dependency to 0.3.5
  • Version-independent solution for CP#fork (Node.js 0.6+)
  • Add tech name and path to V1 deprecation warning
  • Fix bem create level run without prototype (--level opt)
  • LibraryNode: create the leading directories before checkout
  • bemdecl.js: Traverse through all fields, not only mix and content

0.6.15 (stable)

  • API: getBuildResultChunk() should've been passed source suffix, not destination, and that was fixed. Check your tech modules that they do not broke.

0.6.14 (stable)

  • bem: Fix bug in bem create level that prevented from using level prototype from module installed in node_modules folder on the project level
  • bem: Throw an error when unable to resolve tech by name specified in baseTechName property of tech module

0.6.13 (stable)

  • tech/v2: transformBuildDecl() is reborn and used in buildByDecl()
  • level scanner: use proper suffix for folders representing block with mod and val
  • level scanner: don't ignore block/elem/ and block/mod/ kinds of folders
  • deps.js v2: invalidate when declaration modified date is later than deps.js

0.6.12 (stable)

  • bem: Add level-proto tech that creates levels based on prototypes in .bem/levels/*.js on project level

    Example usage (.bem/level.js):

    exports.getTechs = function() {
        return {
            'docs':   'level-proto', // will create levels <name>.blocks/ with proto in .bem/levels/docs.js
            'blocks': 'level-proto'  // will create levels <name>.blocks/ with proto in .bem/levels/blocks.js
  • bem: Fix bug in bem create level that prevented from creating level without prototype

  • bem make: Fix bug in BemCreateNode that was causing error when using single tech on different names (e.g. level-proto)

  • bem make: require() in .bem/make.js configs behaves more correctly now (try to require any dependency of your project from your .bem/make.js)

  • bem make: level property in BlockNode now initialized on the first access; this helps to deal with levels being created during the bem make build process

  • API: Export logger and template from bem module

  • API: Add Node.create() static method to simplify creation of nodes, see example

    var opts = {
            // node options
        node = registry

0.6.11 (stable)

  • tech v2: Fix cache. Two technologies with the same target name don't overwrite each other's metadata cache anymore
  • bem make: Stop using bem create {block,mod,val} commands in make process

0.6.10 (stable)

  • API: Recommend to use tech V2 API instead of V1
  • API: Deprecate LegacyTech API
  • API: Deprecate bem create block, bem create elem and bem create mod commands, use bem create command with options instead

To disable deprecation warnings set util.deprecate.silence value to false or set BEM_NO_DEPRECATION environment variable to 1.

0.6.9 (stable)

  • bem bench: Add ability to test bh templates and compare them with bemhtml

    You should run bem bench -t bh [...other opts...] to launch bh tests only or just bem bench to run both if they exist.

    See docs for more info.

0.6.8 (stable)

  • deps.js: Correct unique items in forEach in case of deps by techs

0.6.7 (stable)

  • level: Add opts.noCache support to level.createLevel() to force level creation without cache use
  • API: Ability to specify source techs for BundlesLevelNode (via getBundleSourceTechs())
  • code: fixed jshint warnings

0.6.6 (stable)

  • package: Downgrade q from 0.9.6 to 0.9.5 because former is buggy on node 0.10
  • level: Show warning when failed to load a tech during level scan, not fail.
  • level: Fix level scanner to find dirs within mods
  • API: Fix util.isFileP() and mark it as deprecated

0.6.5 (stable)

  • API: Add util.bemParseKey() helper to parse BEM entity key into BEM entity object (fixes bem bench execution error)

0.6.4 (stable)

  • fixed bugs in new level scanner (see BEM-467)

0.6.3 (unstable)

  • bem bench: Run npm install before bem make after revision export

0.6.2 (unstable)

  • bem bench: Disable verbose mode for rsync to stop output buffer overflow
  • bem bench: Disable double error output on rsync

0.6.1 (unstable)

  • bem: Add bem bench command see docs (in russian) for more info

  • bem: Add ability to create level prototypes (js files) using bem create level command. See example:

    bem create level -l simple .bem/levels/docs.js
  • bem: Add project tech and project level prototype:

    This command will create my project:

    bem create -b my -T project
    ├── .bem/
    |   ├── levels/
    |   |   ├── blocks.js
    |   |   ├── bundles.js
    |   |   ├── docs.js
    |   |   ├── examples.js
    |   |   └── tech-docs.js
    |   ├── techs/
    |   └── level.js
    └── node_modules/
        ├── .bin/
        |   └── bem -> symplink/to/globally/installed/bem (executable)
        └── bem/ -> symplink/to/globally/installed/bem (module)
  • bem: Add docs tech and docs level prototype.

    This command will create new level based on docs:

    bem create level -l docs docs
    └── .bem/
        └── level.js

    This command will create docs tech for block button:

    bem create -b button -T docs
    |   └── .bem/
    |       └── level.js
    └── ...
  • bem: Add tech-docs tech and tech-docs level prototype.

  • API: Introduce util.findLevel(path, [types]) function

0.6.0 (unstable)

  • new techs API is implemented (see lib/tech/v2.js). It operates with real file paths instead of prefixes. This makes build avoid redundant operations and makes it work faster.
  • as the part of new API new level introspection is implemented. In default implementation it just scans dirs/files and checks their validity to being BEM entity using simple string operations (see scan* methods in lib/level.js).

0.5.33 (stable)

  • package: q updated to 0.8.12
  • package: borschik updated to 0.3.1
  • package: xjst updated to 0.4.13
  • package: ometajs updated to 3.2.4
  • package: preferglobal set to false

0.5.32 (stable)

  • bem: Fix bem create level on Node 0.10.x (Closes #372)
  • bem make: Create parent directory for SymlinkLibraryNode if it doesn't exists (Closes #342)

0.5.31 (stable)

  • bem: Add additional techs and levels from abandoned introspect branch
  • API: Add mkdrip wrapper to util.js
  • bem: ie.css tech should pass absolute path for its chunks
  • bem make: Fix for "Coud not call for method of undefined" when using nodes from API

0.5.30 (stable)

  • bem make: Add ability to customize build rules more flexibly by providing Arch.createCustomNode() method
  • bem make: Add match*() methods to simple level prototype, add tests (Closes #282)

0.5.29 (stable)

  • bem make: don't update git library form upstream when working copy state satisfies to configured one. git update commands chain altered (no git reset for now) (Closes #335)

0.5.27 (stable)

  • bem make: fixed to work on node 0.10 (Closes #357)
  • bem make: some performance boost achieved (#250)

0.5.26 (stable)

  • bem make: Magic nodes doesn't link the nodes it creates with parent magic nodes (Closes #306)
  • deps.js: don't swallow parsing errors (Closes #353)

0.5.25 (stable)

  • bem server: windows fixes

0.5.24 (stable)

  • bem server: Add error handling for server.listen() (Closes #315)
  • bem server: Fix server message about serving address to have real host name it is listening on (Closes #334)
  • bem server: Add socket-only option to make bem server listen only unix socket (Closes #316)
  • bem server: Add a check for specified tcp port value to be a number
  • bem make: Fix recursion error when build target name contain trailing slash (Closes #252)
  • bem make: Use tech.getSuffixes() in MetaNode to build dependencies list (Closes #320)
  • bem make: Git library checkout fixed to work with commit hashes (close #302)
  • bem make: Git library branch parameter is added to specify branch name. Use treeish parameter to specify commit or tag.
  • ie6.css tech: Don't include bundle.css

0.5.21 (stable)

  • Update borschik to 0.2.3

0.5.20 (stable)

  • bem make: Fixed npmPackages check in LibraryNode (Closes #300)
  • bem make: Install production dependencies in LibraryNode by default (Closes #310)
  • Update csso to 1.3.5
  • Update q to 0.8.10

0.5.19 (stable)

  • Freeze dependencies using npm shrinkwrap to fix problems with q 0.8.10 release

0.5.18 (stable)

  • Dummy release

0.5.17 (stable)

  • bem: Make content read of deps.js files of block to be synchronous to gain some speed boost (PR #261)
  • bem make: Provide a more convenient way to configure the list of bundles and blocks levels to build (Closes #260)
  • bem make: Change signature of getLevels() method of BundleNode to getLevels(tech) to add ability to configure the list of levels more precisely
  • docs: Small JSDoc improvements in BundleNode class
  • docs: Correct links in README (@banzalik)

0.5.16 (stable)

  • bem: Require errors in .bem/level.js were masked (Closes #223)
  • bem: Add .git to ignorable paths during introspection
  • bem: Skip blocks/ level directory during introspection in nested level
  • bem: Introduce bem decl intersect command (Closes #219)
  • bem make: Install library dependencies after checkout (Closes #224)
  • bem make: Do not install dependencies when npmPackages = false (Closes #229)
  • bem make: Ability to configure list of techs to optimize, see BundleNode.getOptimizerTechs() (Closes #231)
  • bem make: Rename bemhtml.js tech to bemhtml, fix this in your .bem/make.js files
  • bem make: Use non interactive mode for svn commands in SvnLibraryNode (Closes #221)
  • bem make: Store *.meta.js files in <project-root>/.bem/cache/ directory (Closes #232)
  • bem make: Fixed bug in the inspector preventing it to work properly in FF (Closes #240)
  • docs: Translate into english chapter about level.js (Closes #38)
  • docs: Updated english docs in installation topic (@fliptheweb, #225)
  • docs: Add
  • docs: Add LICENSE (we use MIT)
  • API: Expose __filename and __dirname vars in .bem/make.js files
  • API: Add util.exec() promised function to execute commands
  • API: Remove relative() function from lib/path.js in favor of that in node 0.6+ (Closes #226)
  • API: Refactor introspection logic (Pull #237)
    • Add createIntrospector() method to Level class to create custom introspectors (see jsdoc)
    • Refactor getDeclByIntrospection() to use createIntrospector()
    • Add getItemsByIntrospection() method to Level class, that returns array of BEM entities in techs
  • API: Refactor LevelNode (Pull #238)
    • Lazy level object creation
    • Use getItemsByIntrospection() to collect BEM items to build
    • Unify actualization of blocks and elems in BundleLevelNode
  • tests: Cover introspection logic
  • tests: Cover deps.intersect() and deps.subtract()
  • tests: Cover building of bundles-as-elements
  • package: Support node 0.8.x (Closes #220)

0.5.15 (stable)

  • bem: Add ; after each include in js-based techs (js and js-i) (Closes #210)
  • bem make: Bugfix: Use Q.when() to call base alterArch() method in BundlesLevelNode (Closes #216)
  • docs: Add russian and english docs for bem make / bem server feature
  • docs: Add more info on --chdir, -C option on bem create * commands (See #204)
  • docs: Add BEM.create() docs: russian and english (Closes #192)
  • docs: Document API changes in (Closes #193)
  • docs: Document extensions in tech modules API (Closes #194)
  • docs: Add russian docs for .bem/level.js config (See #38)
  • API: Implement include() in .bem/make.js files (Closes #209)
  • package: Depends on csso ~1.2.17 (some critical bug fixes)

0.5.14 (unstable)

  • bem: Get rid of Q deprecation warnings (Closes #200)
  • bem make: Node of type MergedBundle depends on all nodes of type BundleNode on the same level (Closes #206)
  • package: Depend on q ~0.8.8 and apw ~0.3.6

0.5.13 (unstable)

  • bem make: Create directory .bem/snapshots if it doesn't exist before writting a snapshot (Closes #201)
  • bem make: Implement clean() method of BemCreateNode
  • bem make: getLevels() method of BundleNode fixed to avoid putting undefined level into the resulting array (Closes #203)
  • API: Add getLevelPath() helper method to BlockNode and LevelNode classes (Closes #190)

0.5.12 (unstable)

  • bem make: Forward errors from borschik with prefix borschik: in BorschikNode
  • bem make: Store output file name in this.output property to use later in the logs in BorschikNode
  • package: Depends on borschik ~0.0.11

0.5.11 (unstable)

  • bem: Implement various strategies for mass IO operations in Tech.filterPrefixes() and BemBuildNode.isValid() (Closes #167)
  • bem: Fix referencing techs by name
  • bem: Allow use of module.exports = ... in files read by util.readDecl()
  • bem: util.getBemTechPath() returns full tech path now, with extension
  • bem: Add -T option as an alias for -t, --tech for bem build command
  • bem: Add --output-level and --block, --elem, --mod, --val options for bem build command to build BEM entities on bundle levels
  • bem: Allow using require() in decl-like files (Closes #172)
  • bem: Add inspector server feature to bem make and bem server commands
  • bem: Do not create new class from LegacyTech and legacy tech module content mixin in getTechClass() (potential bug fix)
  • bem: Bugfix: bem decl subtract creates empty *.deps.js file (Closes #170)
  • deps.js tech: Fix serializing of empty deps
  • deps.js tech: Fix twice expansion of deps (Closes #163)
  • bem make: Allow build triggering using final file names in case when tech produces many files (Closes #172)
  • bem make: When BEM_IO_STRATEGY === 'callback' and meta was empty promise would never resolve
  • bem make: Add merged bundle support
  • bem server: Listen on file socket on --socket option, configure socket path using --socket-path option and socket permissions using --socket-mode option (Closes #166)
  • docs: Document API changes in BEM.create.block(), BEM.create.elem() and BEM.create.mod() of version 0.5.x (Closes #161)
  • docs: Declare dependency on NodeJS 0.6+
  • API: Add third level optional argument to getTechClass() function of tech method
  • API: Add third level optional argument to createTech() function of tech method
  • API: Add getCreateSuffixes() and getBuildSuffixes() to Tech class to let build system to deal with techs like bemhtml more correct
  • API: Add util.removePath(path) function to remove file and dir paths, but not recursively
  • API: Add util.readJsonJs(path) function to read and eval JSON-JS files
  • API: Add util.symbolicLink(link, target, force) function
  • API: Add util.lpad() alias to util.pad(), add util.rsplit(string, sep, maxsplit) function
  • API: Add getContext() method to LegacyTech class as a proxy to this.techObj.getContext()
  • API: Add getBuildResultChunk() method to LegacyTech class as a proxy to this.techObj.outFile()
  • API: Wait for opts.declaration to load before call to in LegacyTech class
  • tests: Add tests for serializing empty deps in deps.js tech
  • tests: Use bem-bl as git submodule for tests data (Closes #176)
  • tests: Add tests that additionally build i18n and i18n.js techs for bundles
  • tests: Add tests for merged bundle build
  • tests: Add tests for getTechClass() function of tech module
  • package: Add dom-js dependency for i18n tests (Closes #172)
  • package: Add clean target to GNUmakefile
  • package: Depend on coverjs >= 0.0.7-aplha (Closes #191)

0.5.10 (unstable)

  • bem: Use synchronous file existence check in filterPrefixes() instance method in Tech class
  • bem: Fix bug with --chdir option for bem create level command (Closes #151)
  • deps.js tech: More precisely report problems in blocks *.deps.js files
  • deps.js tech: Read every block *.deps.js file only once
  • bem make: Checks for target dir to exist before executing svn info in SvnLibraryNode (Closes #154)
  • bem make: Output collected logs in case of fail in Node (Closes #155)
  • bem make: Fix exception during build of *.meta.js files in BemBuildMetaNode (Closes #153)
  • bem make: Sync mtime checks in isValid() instance method of BemBuildNode class (Closes #157)
  • API: Add util.readDecl() promised function
  • tests: Add legacy Makefile "tests" for bem decl merge command
  • package: Depend on coa ~0.3.5
  • package: Depend on apw ~0.3.4

0.5.9 (unstable)

  • bem make: Build minimized versions of *.bemhtml.js files
  • bem make: Check for svn revision in SvnLibraryNode.isValid()

0.5.8 (unstable)

  • bem make: SvnLibraryNode extends ScmLibraryNode

0.5.7 (unstable)

  • More fixes on running of bem make and bem server not in project root
  • bem: Output full stack traces on error
  • bem: Lazy tech paths resolving in Level class
  • bem: bem create * commands display error when there are no techs specified in command line options and defaultTechs in level config is empty
  • bem: Add convenient bem create command to create all type of BEM entities
  • bem server: Convert russian lang messages to english
  • bem server: Fix wrong links in directory listings
  • bem server: Strip query string part before accessing a file
  • bem make: Do not checkout bem-bl by default
  • bem make: Fix LibraryNode
  • bem make: Extend context of .bem/make.js using global
  • bem make: Conditional build of bundle files based on existance of *.bemjson.js and *.bemdecl.js on the file system
  • bem make: Resolve tech module paths using level object in BundleNode
  • bem make: Use Level.createTech() instead of Level.getTech() to construct tech objects for BemBuildNode
  • bem make: Depend nodes of BemBuildNode class only on existing blocks files to increase performance
  • bem make: Run nodes of BemBuildNode class forked by default to increase performance
  • bem make: Add more logging to BundleNode
  • bem make: Add support for csso processing of *.css files for production builds in BorschikNode
  • bem make: Add support for uglifyjs processing of *.js files for production builds in BorschikNode
  • bem make: Rename repo param to url in ScmLibraryNode and its derivatives
  • bem make: Fix cleaning of obsolete dependencies in BemBuildNode
  • bem make: Huge internal refactoring on BundleNode
  • bem make: Rename getCreateDependencies() instance method to getDependencies() in BemBuildNode class
  • bem make: Rename getCreateDependencies() instance method to getDependencies() in BemCreateNode class
  • bem make: Add setFileNode() and setBemCreateNode() instance methods to BundleNode class
  • logging: Log node versions on debug verbosity
  • logging: Log profiling info of bem make
  • logging: Add more debug verbosity logging to BundleNode
  • docs: Add jsdoc for Level class
  • docs: Update jsdoc for Tech class
  • docs: Add docs for bem create elem and bem create mod
  • docs: Add docs for bem create
  • docs: Fix jsdoc for setBemBuildNode() instance method of BundleNode class
  • docs: Add jsdoc for Node, FileNode, MagicNode, ScmLibraryNode
  • API: Export util module as require('bem').util
  • API: Add matchAny() instance method to Level class
  • API: Add instance methods-shortcuts to Level class: getPath(), getPathByObj(), getRelPathByObj()
  • tests: Add tests for bem make
  • tests: Rewrite all tests to mocha
  • package: Add xjst 0.2.21 to dependency list
  • package: Add ometajs ~2.1.10 to dependency list
  • package: Bump q dependency version to ~0.8.5
  • package: Bump apw dependency version to ~0.3.2
  • package: Bump borschik dependency version to ~0.0.10

0.5.6 (unstable)

  • docs: Draft of russian docs for bem make / bem server
  • API: Add resolvePaths(paths) and resolvePath(path) methods to Level class
  • bem make: Add more logging to BorschikNode
  • bem make: Use js-i tech in BundleNode to build bundles *.js files by default
  • package: Bump borschik dependency to ~0.0.9

0.5.5 (unstable)

  • Require node 0.6.x
  • deps.js tech: Fix bug with building of deps.js files introduced in 0.5.2
  • Fix running of bem make and bem server not in project root
  • logging: Add flog() shorthand function to output formatted log as a replacement for console.log
  • logging: Log version number of bem-tools on bem make and bem server
  • bem server: Show http link on server start
  • bem server: Fix current directory output in directory listing
  • bem make: Tune verbosity level for build messages
  • bem make: Log targets to build on build start
  • bem make: Fix validity checks in LibraryNode and BemBuildNode
  • bem make: Move validity cheks from FileNode to GeneratedFileNode
  • bem make: Fix clean() of BemBuildMetaNode
  • bem make: Store relative paths in *.meta.js files
  • API: Add require('bem').version
  • API: Add require('bem/lib/util').writeFileIfDiffers(path, content, force)

0.5.4 (unstable)

  • package: Bump apw dependency version to ~0.3.0

0.5.3 (unstable)

  • deps.js tech: Support deps.js format as a declaration for bem build

0.5.2 (unstable)

  • Add --verbosity option to bem make and bem server commands
  • bem make: Add a lot of colorfull logging
  • bem make: A lot of internal refactorings
  • bem make: Fix dependency bug with building _*.ie.css files
  • bem make: Fix child process handling in BorschikNode and BemBuildNode
  • API: Add winston as logging engine

0.5.1 (unstalbe)

  • bem make: Quick fix removing testing code

0.5.0 (unstable)

  • bem make / server feature introduction