This folder includes code used for the estimates in the "Missing Data" section of the "Missing Data, Speculative Reading" article.
NOTE: most of the Jupyter notebook files were originally created and run on Google Colab. Several of these notebooks are too large for GitHub's preview; it may render output blocks as empty when they are not.
- MissingMembershipActivities.ipynb This notebook includes estimates missing membership activities and code to generate figures 1-3 for our paper.
- MissingMembers.ipyb This notebook includes estimates missing members and code to generate figures 4-6 for our paper.
- BorrowingCapacity.ipynb This notebook includes code to generate figure 7 for our paper.
- MissingBorrowingActivity.ipynb This notebook estimates minimum missing borrowing activity based on subscriptions and contains code to generate figure 8 for our paper.
- MissingBooks.ipynb — estimate missing books using Copia
- BookcatalogBooksEstimate.ipynb — analyze books from catalog of acquisitions 1933—1940 and estimate missing books
- Sco_prophet_missingdata_weekly.ipynb — calculates logbook gaps; uses Prophet to generate estimates for missing membership events, missing members
- ScoBorrowingCapacity_v1_1data.ipynb — borrowing capacity analysis; used as basis for estimating missing borrowing activity