- Collect version numbers Core: https://www.patternfly.org/v4/documentation/core/overview/release-notes React: https://www.patternfly.org/v4/documentation/react/overview/release-notes
- Save release and version information Example:
// Save release versions into variables
TAG_REACT=@patternfly/[email protected]
// React
cd submodules/patternfly-react
git fetch origin
git checkout tags/$TAG_REACT
cd packages/react-core
// TODO: update the generator so it doesn't always run the tests
yarn gen:tests --path="./src" --make-tests=false --make-snippets=true --make-fragments=true
mkdir ../../../../snippets/react/$RELEASE
mv src/codeFragmentsWithComments.json ../../../../snippets/react/$RELEASE/fragments.json
// TODO: This file has an extra comma at the end that should not be there
mv src/snippetsWithComments.json ../../../../snippets/react/$RELEASE/snippets.json
// Core
cd ../../../submodules/patternfly
git fetch origin
git checkout tags/$TAG_CORE
npm i
npm run build-patternfly
npx gulp snippets
// snippets will be under workspace/{coreFragments,coreSnippets}.json
// move the snippets into /snippets/core and rename/append the release version
mkdir ../../snippets/core/$RELEASE
mv workspace/coreFragments.json ../../snippets/core/$RELEASE/fragments.json
mv workspace/coreSnippets.json ../../snippets/core/$RELEASE/snippets.json
// Update package.json
// Add commands for react and core
"command": "patternflySnippets.switchVersion_core_$RELEASE",
"title": "Release $RELEASE"
"command": "patternflySnippets.switchVersion_react_$RELEASE",
"title": "Release $RELEASE"
// Add menu items for react and core (and increment the "group": "inline@X"
keys for the other menu items)
"command": "patternflySnippets.switchVersion_core_$RELEASE",
"when": "view == pfSnippetsCore",
"group": "inline@0"
"command": "patternflySnippets.switchVersion_react_$RELEASE",
"when": "view == pfSnippetsReact",
"group": "inline@0"
// Update the configuration entries "patternflySnippets.reactPatternflyRelease": { "type": "string", "default": "$RELEASE", "enum": ["$RELEASE", "2020.05", "2020.04", "2020.03", "2020.02", "2020.01", "2019.11", "2019.10"], "description": "PatternFly release" }, "patternflySnippets.corePatternflyRelease": { "type": "string", "default": "$RELEASE", "enum": ["$RELEASE", "2020.05", "2020.04", "2020.03"], "description": "PatternFly release" },
// Test changes
npm run compile
- Debug/Run by pressing F5 key
- Check for new menu and configuration entries
- Insert some snippets/fragments
- Switch between different release versions
git submodule foreach --recursive git clean -xfd
git submodule foreach --recursive git reset --hard
git submodule update --init --recursive
// Push to github
- First update the package.json version number field
- Update CHANGELOG.md
git checkout -b release-$RELEASE
git add .
git commit -m 'Update to release $RELEASE
git push -u origin release-$RELEASE
// Publish vsce login PatternFly vsce publish
// After a few minutes it will be published to: