Releases: reposense/RepoSense
Releases · reposense/RepoSense
RepoSense v1.7
Breaking changes
We've changed columns arrangement slightly to incorporate the new Author's Emails specification in author-config.csv, please make the changes (if necessary) to continue using RepoSense with old author-config.csv files.
Note: that the Author's Emails
has been inserted into the 4th column.
=== Old format ===
Repository's Location | Branch | Author's GitHub ID | Author's Display Name | Author's Git Author Name | Ignore Glob List |
---|---|---|---|---|---| | master | zacharytang | Zac | Zachary Tang | src/main** |
=== New format ===
Repository's Location | Branch | Author's GitHub ID | Author's Emails | Author's Display Name | Author's Git Author Name | Ignore Glob List |
---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | master | zacharytang | [email protected];[email protected] | Zac | Zachary Tang | src/main** |
New Features
- Added a new optional field, Author's Emails, in the author-config.csv, and standalone config file which allows the tracking to be more accurate and closer to the GitHub functionality in addition to using GitHub ID and Author's Name. Authors can simply find their emails in their GitHub Settings, fill in the emails field as shown in the configuration files example, and RepoSense will be able to capture their contributions just like GitHub.
- Added a FAQ section to answer common questions in the User Guide.
- Added
to the default list of file formats. Repository's Location
is now an optional field in theauthor-config.csv
. When the field is not filled, the author will be assigned to all the repositories by default.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a typing lag on the report search bar when there are too many repositories.
- Fixed the mismatch of displayed file content in code view.
- Fixed RepoSense crash when analyzing commits without commit message.
RepoSense v1.6.1
Bug Fix
- Fixed broken link on ramps.
RepoSense v1.6
Breaking changes
New Features
Report UI
- Code View now shows total contribution along with the breakdown of file types and number of blank lines.
- Tool tip on contribution bar and Code view now includes analysis period.
- Added link to author's repository in the code view.
- Code View now supports selective display of certain file types using checkboxes.
- Standalone config can now be ignored in command line using the flag,
. -view
now works as a flag which allows report to be automatically launched after analysis.
Report UI Tweaks
- Expand and Collapse All button in code view is now a toggle button.
- Removed auto lowercase conversion in search bar.
- Renamed Team to Repo/Branch.
- Code view now resets to the top position when switching to view other authors' code.
- Hyperlink to the author's repository in chart view has been replaced with a GitHub icon.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where invalid standalone config can causes program to crash.
- In such an event, the standalone config will be ignored and default values will be used.
- Fixed NullPointerException due to standalone config misconfiguration.
Known Issue
- The redirect link on ramps are broken.
RepoSense v1.5.5
- Branch is now an optional field in csv config file.
- RepoSense will now perform analysis directly on the target repository(s)' working branch by default unless specified otherwise.
RepoSense v1.5.4
Bug Fix
- Fixed a bug that cause Windows user to crash when analyzing a file that does not follow Windows file naming convention.
RepoSense v1.5.3
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where not filling in display name in json config result in crashes.
- Fixed a bug where report's date picker not displaying the date range of summary view on load.
RepoSense v1.5.2
Bug Fix
- Fixed a bug where the author name commits analysis for ramp chart was case sensitive.
RepoSense v1.5.1
Bug fix
- Fixed a bug where some uncommon file formats can cause the program to crash.
RepoSense v1.5
Breaking changes
- Git Author Name field now accepts non-alpha-numeric characters.
- Reorganize to improve the flow.
Bug fixes
- Fixed inconsistent length of contribution bar shown when using different tool bar parameters.
- Fixed the default analysis to show only authors who have contributed during analysis period when no author-config.csv has been provided.
- Fixed -output param not creating nonexistent folder.
- Fixed report's dashboard crashes when modify date to be out of range.
- Fixed granularity#week ramp's url not using correct time gap.
- Fixed a bug where file permission change causes program to crash.
RepoSense v1.4
Breaking changes
We've changed columns arrangement slightly to incorporate the new file formats specification in repo-config.csv, please make the changes (if necessary) to continue using RepoSense with old config files.
Note: that the Ignore Global List
has been shifted to the 4th column.
=== Old format ===
Repository's Location | Branch | [Optional] Ignore Global List | [Optional] Ignore standalone config |
---|---|---|---| | master | test/** | yes |
C:\Users\user\Desktop\GitHub\RepoSense | master | **.csv |
=== New format ===
Repository's Location | Branch | [Optional] File formats | [Optional] Ignore Glob List | [Optional] Ignore standalone config | [Optional] Ignore Commit List |
---|---|---|---|---|---| | master | java; md | test/** | yes | 3d73cf6 |
C:\Users\user\Desktop\GitHub\RepoSense | master | **.csv |
New features
- New field in repo-config.csv to ignore specific commits.1
- New field in repo-config.csv to specify file formats to analyse, oppose to default.1
- Added
param which behaves exactly the same as-repos
flag. -config
is now an optional param. Executing RepoSense without specifying config folder will simply use current working directory as default.
1 See CSV Config Files.
UI tweaks
- Added collapse and expand all functionality in code view.
- Written lines in code view are now highlighted in green.
- Added the landing page link in footer for easier direction to the user guide.