Skuber is built on top of Akka HTTP and therefore it is non-blocking and concurrent by default. Almost all requests return a Future, and you need to write a little bit of extra code if you want quick experiments in a single-threaded environment (like Ammonite REPL, or simple tests) It all boils down to either using Await or onComplete - see examples below.
import skuber._
import skuber.json.format._
// Some standard Akka implicits that are required by the skuber v2 client API
implicit val system = ActorSystem()
implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()
implicit val dispatcher = system.dispatcher
You can configure cluster in many different ways. This example directly calls method that reads kubeconfig file at default location. Check kubernetes docs if you don't know what is kubeconfig or where to look for it.
import api.Configuration
// assumes that Success is returned.
val cfg: Configuration = Configuration.parseKubeconfigFile().get
val k8s = k8sInit(cfg)
Here we use k8s
client to get all pods in kube-system
import scala.util.{Success, Failure}
val listPodsRequest = k8s.listInNamespace[PodList]("kube-system")
listPodsRequest.onComplete {
case Success(pods) => pods.items.foreach { p => println( }
case Failure(e) => throw(e)
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration._
val list = Await.result(k8s.list[NamespaceList], 10.seconds) =>
// res19: List[String] = List("default", "kube-public", "kube-system", "namespace2", "ns-1")
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration._
val podSpec = Pod.Spec(List(Container(name = "nginx", image = "nginx")))
val pod = Pod("nginxpod", podSpec)
val podFuture = k8s.create(pod)
// handle future as you see fit
This example creates a nginx service (accessed via port 30001 on each Kubernetes cluster node) that is backed by a deployment of five nginx replicas. Requires defining selector, container description, pod spec, deployment and service:
// Define selector
import LabelSelector.dsl._
val nginxSelector = "app" is "nginx"
// Define nginx container
val nginxContainer = Container(name = "nginx", image = "nginx")
// Define nginx pod template spec
val nginxTemplate = Pod.Template.Spec
.addLabel("app" -> "nginx")
// Define nginx deployment
import skuber.apps.v1.Deployment
val nginxDeployment = Deployment("nginx")
// Define nginx service
val nginxService = Service("nginx")
.withSelector("app" -> "nginx")
.exposeOnNodePort(30001 -> 80)
// Create the service and the deployment on the Kubernetes cluster
val createOnK8s = for {
svc <- k8s create nginxService
dep <- k8s create nginxDeployment
} yield (dep,svc)
createOnK8s.onComplete {
case Success(_) => println("Successfully created nginx deployment & service on Kubernetes cluster")
case Failure(ex) => throw (new Exception("Encountered exception trying to create resources on Kubernetes cluster: ", ex))
// Close client.
// This prevents any more requests being sent by the client.
// this closes the connection resources etc.