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This chart is deprecated. It does not work well with versions of Kubernetes >= 1.26. Please, use the Semaphore custom controller chart to run Semaphore jobs in your Kubernetes cluster.

Install one or multiple Semaphore agent pools in a Kubernetes cluster.


1. Create a Semaphore self-hosted agent type.

You can follow the guide here.

2. Add the helm repository

helm repo add renderedtext

3. Install chart.

Using the registration token generated for the agent type you created, install the chart:

helm upgrade --install my-agent-type-pool charts/agent \
  --namespace semaphore \
  --create-namespace \
  --set agent.endpoint=<your-organization> \
  --set agent.token=<your-agent-type-registration-token>

Using multiple agent type pools

You can create multiple agent type pools, by installing the chart multiple times:

helm upgrade --install my-first-agent-type-pool charts/agent \
  --namespace semaphore \
  --create-namespace \
  --set agent.endpoint=<your-organization> \
  --set agent.token=<my-first-agent-type-pool-token>

helm upgrade --install my-second-agent-type-pool charts/agent \
  --namespace semaphore \
  --create-namespace \
  --set agent.endpoint=<your-organization> \
  --set agent.token=<my-second-agent-type-pool-token>


By default, the Semaphore agent deployment will scale up and down, based on the metrics exposed by the Semaphore API. It relies on the custom Semaphore metrics server to be installed in the same namespace. You can use the external-metrics-server chart to install it on your Kubernetes cluster.

Configure agent pool size

By default, the agent pool will have a minimum of 1 agent and a maximum of 10 agents. However, you can configure it with the agent.autoscaling.min and agent.autoscaling.max values. For example, to create an agent pool that has between 5 and 25 agents:

helm install semaphore-agent charts/agent \
  --namespace semaphore \
  --create-namespace \
  --set agent.endpoint=<your-organization> \
  --set agent.token=<your-agent-type-registration-token> \
  --set agent.autoscaling.min=5 \
  --set agent.autoscaling.max=25

Disable autoscaling

If you don't want the agent deployment to automatically scale, you can disable it with the agent.autoscaling.enabled value. Also, if autoscaling is not enabled, the number of agents is configured with the agent.replicas value. For example, you can install a static agent pool of 25 agents with the following:

helm install semaphore-agent charts/agent \
  --namespace semaphore \
  --create-namespace \
  --set agent.endpoint=<your-organization> \
  --set agent.token=<your-agent-type-registration-token> \
  --set agent.autoscaling.enabled=false \
  --set agent.replicas=25

Configure autoscaling policies

By default, the HPA will behave the following way:

  • If jobs are in the queue, the number of agents will be increased by 200% or by 10, whichever is greatest, every 30s.
  • If some agents are idle, the number of agents will be decreased by 1, every 5 minutes.

However, you can configure both behaviors by overriding the default values. For example, here's an example values.yml to override the default behaviors:

  endpoint: "..."
  token: "..."

    # The number of agents will be either increased by 50%, or increased by 5,
    # whichever is greatest, every 60s.
      selectPolicy: Max
      stabilizationWindowSeconds: 60
        - type: Pods
          value: 5
          periodSeconds: 60
        - type: Percent
          value: 50
          periodSeconds: 60

    # The number of agents will be decreased by 25%, every 120s.
      selectPolicy: Max
      stabilizationWindowSeconds: 60
        - type: Percent
          value: 25
          periodSeconds: 120

You can apply that when installing/upgrading the agent installation:

helm upgrade --install semaphore-agent charts/agent \
  --namespace semaphore \
  --create-namespace \
  -f values.yml

Using a pre-job hook

By default, a pre-job hook is used to install the Semaphore toolbox. However, we recommend pre-installing the Semaphore toolbox (and any other required tools for your builds) in the images used during the jobs, to avoid wasting job running time to install dependencies.

Disabling the pre-job hook

If you do not want to use the default pre-job hook, you can disable it with the jobs.preJobHook.enabled value:

helm upgrade --install brand-new-type charts/agent \
  --namespace semaphore \
  --create-namespace \
  --set agent.endpoint=<your-organization> \
  --set agent.token=<your-agent-type-registration-token> \
  --set jobs.preJobHook.enabled=false

Using a custom pre-job hook

If the default pre-job hook does not fit your needs, you can use a custom one with the jobs.preJobHook.customScript value:

helm upgrade --install brand-new-type charts/agent \
  --namespace semaphore \
  --create-namespace \
  --set agent.endpoint=<your-organization> \
  --set agent.token=<your-agent-type-registration-token> \
  --set jobs.preJobHook.customScript=$(cat | base64)


Since agent pods are deleted by the autoscaler when scaling down, it is recommended to configure your Kubernetes cluster to stream the agent pod logs to an external place, to help with troubleshooting, if needed. This guide describes the usual strategies to accomplish that.


All the available configuration values can be seen with helm show values renderedtext/agent.