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Clojure conj 2013 Unsessions

Anthony Marcar edited this page Nov 11, 2013 · 156 revisions

This page is for suggestions for Clojure/conj 2013 Unsessions.
We will have four rooms available at the conference hotel between 7 and 10pm on Thursday, November 14, 2013.

Please note: The Carter Room and Mason B room WILL NOT have a projector.

Time Virginia Ballroom Carter Room Mason A Mason B
7:00 pm Real-time machine learning
+ predictive models
ClojureBridge Backends with ClojureScript,
core.async and Parse
8:00 pm Core.Async Immutant Clojure & Hadoop AR Drones and Clojure
9:00 pm Predictably Fast Clojure What Are the Blockers Datomic
# **ClojureBridge**

Hosted by: @BridgetHillyer, @cndreisbach, @MaggieLitton, @puredanger
Description: ClojureBridge is a new effort to create a project like RailsBridge to teach Clojure and increase diversity in the Clojure community. We'll discuss the current status of the curriculum, events, and ways to help!
Time: 60 minutes
Interest: (name or Twitter) @tcrawley, @radfordsmith, @7maples, @LeifPoorman, @seancorfield, @snootymonkey, @bmaddy, @bodil, @carinmeier, @Bruce_Adams, @sougatabh, @nonrecursive, @yokolet, @tmarble, Kanwei, @hby, @hyPiRion, @0x1b, @tvachon

# **Core.Async** **Hosted by:** Timothy Baldridge, David Nolen
**Description:** Built something with core.async? Have some questions you want to ask? This is the unsession for you! Timothy's core.async talk will attempt to be more of an introduction to the library, so this is the place to ask questions and get answers. This will be very informal, so bring some cool code you've written and demo it for the group.
**Time: 60 minutes**
**Interest:** (name or Twitter) @statonjr, @tcrawley, @miner, @daemianmack, @bmabey, @radfordsmith, @ericsthorsen, @charliekilo, @nodename (hoare.async), @tommyvulgar, @puredanger, @bertonearnshaw, @0x1b, @mattoquist, @jwalsh_, @MaxCountryman, @joelittlejohn, @bmaddy, @bodil, @quoll, @tgkristensen,@sougatabh, @ryanbrush, @jimaltierimusic, @terjesb, @hlship @pmbauer, @tmarble, @minleychris, @garthsc, @maravillas, @fivebats, Kanwei, @metabrogrammer, @hby, @tendant, @adereth, @wsbfg
# **Immutant**

Hosted by: @jcrossley3, @tcrawley
Description: Are you an Immutant user, or interested in using it? We want to hear your feedback - what works well? what can we improve? We'll also discuss our future plans for the project.
Time: 30 minutes
Interest: (name or Twitter) @miner, @charliekilo, @statonjr,@sougatabh, @terjesb, @fivebats, Kanwei

# **Real-time machine learning + predictive models**

Hosted by: Amit Rathore, Philippe Hanrigou
Description: Come learn about our journey in implementing sub-millisecond real-time predictive models in Clojure. We will share our architecture and the lessons we learned in building a predictive service involving 870,000 statistical models, while performing at the scale of 20,000 requests/second with a 640 micro-seconds average response time
Time: 60 minutes
Interest: (name or Twitter) @amitrathore @ph7, @ericsthorsen, @LeifPoorman, @charliekilo, @bmabey, @Baranosky, @adereth, @sivajag, @bertonearnshaw, @MichaelOChurch, @jwalsh_, @trptcolin, @MaxCountryman, @bmaddy, @jfacorro, @tcoupland, @statonjr, @Bruce_Adams,@sougatabh, @ryanbrush, @tommyvulgar, @terjesb, @tmarble, @garthsc, @fivebats, Kanwei, Jamie Brandon, @metabrogrammer, @hby, @konr, @64BitChris, @tendant, @priyatam, @wsbfg, @SarkisKarayan, @thesleepyvegan

# **Clojure & Hadoop**

Hosted by: @sritchie, @llasram
Description: Are you using Clojure to write Hadoop MapReduce jobs? Come and discuss, sharing what works and doesn't work with others in the same boat, or planning to so-be. Cascalog, Crackle, clojure-hadoop, Parkour -- all are welcome!
Time: 60 minutes
Interest: (name or Twitter) @LeifPoorman, @Baranosky, @tcoupland,@sougatabh, @ryanbrush, @ztellman, @priyatam, @SarkisKarayan

# **Predictably Fast Clojure**

Hosted by: @ztellman
Description: A exploration of some of the underlying mechanisms in Clojure, and how to build an intuition for how fast your code should run. Time permitting, we'll also explore how to work around these mechanisms, and exploit the full power of the JVM.
Time: 60 minutes
Interest: (name or Twitter) @Baranosky @llasram @puredanger, @trptcolin, @MaxCountryman, @joelittlejohn, @bmaddy, @jfacorro, @bodil, @quoll, @tcoupland, @ph7, @statonjr, @miner,@sougatabh, @BridgetHillyer, @garthsc, @ericsthorsen, @tmarble, @minleychris, @kovasb, @maravillas, Kanwei, Jamie Brandon, @thnetos, @hby, @konr, @64BitChris, @tendant, @adereth, @priyatam, @wsbfg, @SarkisKarayan, @alandipert

# **Datomic**

Hosted by: Bobby Calderwood
Description: Learn about the latest developments in Datomic, including the recent releases of Datomic Pro Starter Edition and Datomic Console!
Time: 60 minutes
Interest: (name or Twitter) @0x1b, @mattoquist, @joelittlejohn, @quoll, @statonjr, @miner @puredanger, @tommyvulgar,@ericsthorsen, @jimaltierimusic, @terjesb @pmbauer, @yokolet, @garthsc, Kanwei, @metabrogrammer, @hby, @konr

# **AR Drones and Clojure**

Hosted by: @carinmeier
Description: Got an AR Drone? Bring it and we will rule the skies of the hotel with flying robots and Clojure. Don't have a drone? That's cool. Drop by and hang out, we will break into groups and hack and fly.
Time: 60 minutes
Interest: (name or Twitter) @quoll, @thnetos, @djKianoosh, @alandipert, @moocar

# **What Are the Blockers**

Hosted by: @mtnygard
Description: In the 2012 State of Clojure survey 38% of respondents said they use Clojure at work. We can presume that 100% of developers would like to use it at work. Let's talk about what stands in the way of broader Clojure adoption. If you've run into issues---whether they're technical, political, or operational---come share your frustrations. If you've been able to get past these, come share your successes so others can benefit from your experience!
Time: 60 minutes
Interest: (name or Twitter) @puredanger, @timbaldridge @jasongilman, @ryanbrush, technomancy,@ericsthorsen, @BridgetHillyer, @hlship, @minleychris, @hby, @hyPiRion, @miner, @thesleepyvegan, @statonjr, @moocar

# **Backends with ClojureScript, core.async and Parse**

Hosted by: @tvachon
Description: Parse is a backend-as-a-service designed to make developing web and mobile apps easy. iOS and Android libraries give you CRUD on arbitrary data out of the box, but their most interesting offering is a Heroku-like JavaScript cloud hosting service. Developers push some JavaScript to Parse's servers and Parse takes care of operational details. Of course, where there's JavaScript the promise of ClojureScript is not far behind. I'll talk about 8 months of using ClojureScript and core.async to build backends for 3 different iOS apps and lead participants through setting up their first ClojureScript backed Parse application.
Time: 60 minutes
Interest: (name or Twitter) @hby, @konr, @miner, @statonjr

# **Harmonikit Hacking**

Hosted by: @richhickey
Description: It's what it sounds like. Get Harmonikit running for yourself, and take a tour through the internals so you can contribute to and/or enhance it. Bring your laptop and iPad, QuNexus et al.
Time: 60 minutes
Interest: (name or Twitter) @tgkristensen, @alandipert, @moocar

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