Time: 10:00-11:00 AM ET Facilitator: Lauren
- Welcome from Susan
- Quick overview of agency and team structure
- Everyone introduces themselves
- Who isn’t here today? What’s their role?
- Fun thing!
Time: 11:00AM-12:00 PM ET Facilitator: Miatta + Brian + Lauren
- Overview of partnership between OFA and 18F
- Contract logistics
- IT
- Collaboration tools
- Some stuff to read
Time: 1:00-2:00 PM ET Facilitator: Lauren + Audrey + Tijan
- Overview of Software Development Lifecycle process
- Overview of ATO process
- OFA/18F work on getting Vendor access
- OFA/18F finish prepping content for Wednesday
- Vendor works on reviewing materials
Time: 11:00 AM-12:00 PM ET Facilitator: Lauren
- Institutional history and context
- Product background
Time: 12:00-12:30 PM ET Facilitator: Laura
- Deliverables
- When is the project done?
Time: 4:00-5:00 PM ET Facilitator: Raft
- Hopes & Fears
- Identify limitations
- Assumptions
- Demo HMDA tool
- Gather feedback on what works vs what is a big no-no
- Balancing ongoing discovery with evaluative research (TBD based on review of TDRS research artifacts)
- Discuss planned research and dev approach
- Recruitment for user research
Time: 11:00 AM-12:00 PM ET Facilitator: Christine
- What we’ve done so far
- Product design decisions/considerations
Time: 1:00-2:00 PM ET Facilitator: Laura
- GitHub
- CircleCI
- Cloud.gov
- Login.gov
- Quick prototype walkthrough
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM ET Facilitator: Raft
- OFA + 18F how we’ve been working so far
- Team roles
- Agile expectations
- User story points
- Acceptance Criteria
- Definition of Done
- Task handoffs
- How do we know when we’re done?
- Team chartering
- Ceremony + meeting scheduling
- How do we work in GitHub
- Workflow and processes *Tools we will use for design, development, TDRS product management, and team communication
Time: 2:00-3:00 PM ET Facilitator: Raft
- Ice breaker activity
- Establish team norms
- Discuss key performance indicators
- Ad hoc questions