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104 lines (80 loc) · 4.34 KB

File metadata and controls

104 lines (80 loc) · 4.34 KB


First and foremost, thank you for contributing to Revideo! We really appreciate your effort ❤️

You can contribute to Revideo by opening issues or pull requests. You can also help us by spreading the word about Revideo online or offline.

What to work on

You can find features or bugs to work on by checking out our issues. If you have ideas for larger new features yourself, please open an issue first to discuss it. You can also join our Discord server to talk to Revideo users and developers and learn about how the project can be improved.

Development Setup

If you want to work on Revideo, you can fork the repository and clone it locally. To install dependencies, run:

npm install

The packages/template folder contains an example revideo project - you should use this project folder to test your code changes. To start the project, run npm run template:dev (or npm run template:render to render a video). You can also navigate to the packages/template folder and just run npm run dev / npm run render in there.

Revideo is a monorepo consisting of many individual packages such as the renderer or ffmpeg package. The monorepo is managed with lerna - every time you make changes, you need to run the following command to build the project:

npx lerna run build

Note that the build process caches changes and sometimes ignores logs when rebuilding. If you want to be sure that console.logs are not ignored, run the above command with the --skip-nx-cache flag.

Navigating and understanding the codebase

Revideo consists of the following packages, which you can find in the /packages folder:

  • 2d: The default renderer for 2D motion graphics
  • cli: The command line interface for Revideo
  • core: All logic related to running and rendering animations.
  • create: A package for bootstrapping new projects.
  • e2e: End-to-end tests.
  • examples: Animation examples used in documentation.
  • ffmpeg: Utilities for ffmpeg and, contains logic for exporting videos
  • internal: Internal helpers used for building the packages.
  • player-react: A React component for displaying Revideo projects in a browser.
  • player: A non-React Player the browser.
  • renderer: A headless renderer for Revideo projects
  • telemetry: Anonymous telemetry for understanding usage
  • template: A template project included for developer's convenience.
  • ui: The user interface used for editing.
  • vite-plugin: A plugin for Vite used for developing and bundling animations

The package names and descriptions are pretty self-explanatory and should help you find what package you need to work on to implement certain features. One thing that is not intuivite is the role of the vite-plugin package:

Revideo doesn't have a true backend server and all of the functionality that does not run in the browser is handled through vite plugins. Within vite-plugin/src/partials, you'll find different vite plugins handling different responsibilities. For instance vite-plugin/src/partials/ffmpegExporter.ts is a vite plugin that manages the communication between the browser sending video frames to the FFmpegExporterServer from packages/ffmpeg through websockets. Other vite plugins are responsible for reading to and writing from .meta files.

We plan on moving away from this setup to a more classical backend server in the future - for now, this is however the way to implement backend functionality when contributing to Revideo.


We use Github Actions for CI/CD, you can find their configuration in .github/workflows. Every pull request gets verified through the .github/workflows/verify.yml pipeline, which checks linting, code style, and runs some tests.

When submitting a PR, you should do the following to avoid the pipeline from failing:

  • run npx lerna run build to verify that the project build works
  • run npx prettier --write . to fix code style issues
  • adhere to the Conventional Commits guidelines for your commit messages (e.g., fix:, feat(ffmpeg):, chore:)


Please join our Discord server if you have any further questions! You can also email us at [email protected].

Thank you for contributing to Revideo and happy coding!