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Add the Elastic Search App-Block to RedKite CMS

The Elastic Search App-Block adds a form to your website with a search field, to let the website users search through it.


The App-Block requires elasticsearch server installed.


You can add the Elastic Search App-Block to the application managed by RedKite CMS, adding it to the composer.json of your Symfony2 application:

    "name": "alphalemon/alphalemon-cms-sandbox",
    "require": {
        "alphalemon/app-elastic-search-bundle": "dev-master",

Be sure that there is declared the reference to repository, under the repositories option:

"repositories": [


        "type": "composer",
        "url": ""

then run the composer's update command:

php composer.phar update alphalemon/app-elastic-search-bundle


This App-Block cannot be added using the usual contextual menu and it must be injected at runtime. You should read the how to change a content at runtime tutorial to have more information about that.

To correctly display the block you have to implement two listeners, one to display the search form and another to display the results on a page. Adding these listeners is quite easy because the Search Bundle provides two base classes that did that job.


A listener is a php object that waits for a specific event is dispatched and does something in reaction of that.

Listener should live under the Listener folder of your deploy bundle, so add that folder if it does not exist.

The Search results page

The Search results listener must display the results of the search on a page of your website, so, as first thing you must add a page with AlphaLemon CMS. Let's assume that your page name is search.


The name of this page is important and it will be used later in this tutorial

The Search results listener

Create a SearchResultsRenderingListener.php under the Listener folder and add the following code:

namespace Acme\WebSiteBundle\Listener;

use AlphaLemon\Block\SearchBlockBundle\Core\Listener\AlSearchResultsRenderingListener as BaseSearchResultsRenderingListener;

class AlSearchResultsRenderingListener extends BaseSearchResultsRenderingListener
    protected function configure()
        return array(
            'slot' => 'main_contents',

The listener extends the abstract Search Bundle object SearchResultsRenderingListener which requires to implements a protected method called configure.

This method must return an array that defines a single option named slot which value is the slot name where the search form will be displayed.

In this example the search form will be displayed on the main_contents slot.

Enable the listener

To enable the listener you must configure it in the Dependency Injector Container, so open the Resources/config/service.xml of your deploy bundle and add the following code:



    <parameter key="acme_web_site.search_listener.class">Acme\WebSiteBundle\Listener\AlSearchResultsRenderingListener</parameter>



    <service id="acme_web_site.search_listener" class="%acme_web_site.search_listener.class%">
        <tag name="alpha_lemon_theme_engine.event_listener" event="page_renderer.before_search_rendering" method="onPageRendering" priority="0" />
        <argument type="service" id="service_container" />


The acme_web_site.search_listener.class must reflect the full namespace of your listener

The Search Form listener

The Search Form listener must display the search form on the page, so create a SearchFormRenderingListener.php under the Listener folder and add the following code:

namespace Acme\WebSiteBundle\Listener;

use AlphaLemon\Block\SearchBlockBundle\Core\Listener\AlSearchFormRenderingListener as BaseSearchFormRenderingListener;

class AlSearchFormRenderingListener extends BaseSearchFormRenderingListener
    protected function configure()
        return array(
            'slot' => 'search_box',
            'page' => 'search',

The listener extends the abstract Search Bundle object AlSearchFormRenderingListener which requires to implements a protected method called configure.

This method must return an array that defines a two options named slot and page.

The slot option is the slot name where the search form will be displayed, in this example it will be displayed on the search_box slot and the page option is the name of the search results page added at the beginning of this tutorial.


The page must be the AlphaLemon CMS Page Name option, not the permalink name

Enable the listener

To enable the listener you must configure it in the Dependency Injector Container, so open the Resources/config/service.xml of your deploy bundle and add the following code:



    <parameter key="acme_web_site.page_listener.class">Acme\WebSiteBundle\Listener\AlSearchFormRenderingListener</parameter>



    <service id="acme_web_site.page_listener" class="%acme_web_site.page_listener.class%">
        <tag name="alpha_lemon_theme_engine.event_listener" event="page_renderer.before_page_rendering" method="onPageRendering" priority="0" />
        <argument type="service" id="service_container" />

This configuration will display the Search form each page of the website.

Configure elasticsearch

The Search Bundle configures the elasticsearch server as follows:

        default: { host: "localhost", port: 9200 }
            client: default
                        url: { analyzer: snowball }
                        content: { analyzer: snowball }
                        driver: propel

To have the elasticsearch server working for your website, that configuration must be changed.

Open the config.yml file of your application and copy that configuration, then change it to fit your needs.

For example, to indicize your website at the host change that configuration as follows:

        default: { host: "", port: 9200 }
            client: default
                        url: { analyzer: snowball }
                        content: { analyzer: snowball }
                        driver: propel

Indicize your website

To indicize the website, simpy run this command for your console:

app/console foq:elastica:populate