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Welcome to the reportfactory templates repository

This repository provides a collection of self-contained report factories, to be used with the reportfactory package.

Each of the sections below presents the available factories.

Make sure you use the latest version of the reportfactoy by typing:


alerts: analyses of alerts from the Ebola North Kivu analytics cell


This factory contains several reports providing analyses of alerts used routinely by the analytics cell of the Ebola response based in the Emergency Operation Center, North Kivu, DRC. Every sub-coordination having a different data structure, they each have a dedicated report, which essentially differs in terms of data cleaning, but reproduces the same analyses as much as possible.

Note that as data are confidential, these are not shared here. Reports are meant to work with the original alerts files, and will need some adaptations for other data.

Reports include:

  • alerts_goma: report for the Goma sub-coordination

How to use it?

Clone or download the factory, make sure the reportfactory is installed, then:

  1. put the alerts data in xlsx format in alerts/data/raw, formatted as alerts_xxx_date.xlsx, where:

    • xxx indicates a sub-coordination, in lower case (goma, beni, butembo, komanda, mambasa, mangina)
    • date follows the yyyy-mm-dd format
  2. open R in the root factory folder or simply double-click on the open.Rproj file

  3. (first time only) install dependencies by typing:

  1. run the factory by typing:
reportfactory::update_reports(clean_report_sources = TRUE)

By default, reports are produced using a light option, which produces lighter, low-resolution figures. For better quality, you can set that option to FALSE through params by typing:

reportfactory::update_reports(clean_report_sources = TRUE, params = list(light = FALSE))

compare_data: compare dataset updates


This factory is designed for comparing 2 versions of a given datasets. It does the following:

  • check for differences in data structures (names, order and types of the variables)

  • look for duplicates in each dataset

  • compares duplicates in both datasets

  • looks for changes between entries of the two datasets

How to use it?

Clone or download the factory, make sure the reportfactory is installed, then:

  1. put your datasets in data/data_comparison

  2. open R in the root factory folder or simply double-click on the open.Rproj file

  3. (first time only) install dependencies by typing:

  1. run the factory by typing:
reportfactory::update_reports(clean_report_sources = TRUE)

If you have several types of data in the data/data_comparison folder, you can indicate which type of data to compare using:

reportfactory::update_reports(clean_report_sources = TRUE, params = list(type = "xxx"))

where xxx is a character string uniquely present in the type of data to use.



This factory performs analyses of data gathered using GoData2, including:

  • cases data
  • contact tracing data
  • relationships between cases / contacts

The factory is designed for data gathered during the 2019 Ebola outbreak in Eastern DRC. Because of data confidentiality issues, we cannot share the data from the outbreak. Adaptations will be needed for new datasets.

This factory includes the following:

  • aaa_clean_data: data cleaning, outputting clean datasets and specifying their paths as global variables defined in scripts/current_clean_data.R

  • epicurves: epidemic curves for the cases with various stratification

  • transmission_chains: chains of transmission between cases

  • followup: contact tracing followup

How to use it?

Clone or download the factory, make sure the reportfactory is installed, then:

  1. put the data for cases, contacts and relationships in data/raw/[cases/contacts/relationships]_[date].xlsx where [date] has the yyyy-mm-dd format

  2. open R in the root factory folder or simply double-click on the open.Rproj file

  3. (first time only) install dependencies by typing:

  1. run the factory by typing:
reportfactory::update_reports(clean_report_sources = TRUE)

By default, reports are produced using a light option, which produces lighter, low-resolution figures. For better quality, you can set that option to FALSE through params by typing:

reportfactory::update_reports(clean_report_sources = TRUE, params = list(light = FALSE))

linelist_investigations: analyses from the Ebola North Kivu analytics cell


This factory contains several reports providing analyses based on the Master Line List (MLL), used routinely by the analytics cell of the Ebola response based in the Emergency Operation Center, North Kivu, DRC.

Note that as data are confidential, these are not shared here. Reports are meant to work with the MLL data structure, and will need some adaptations for other linelist data.

Reports include:

  • aaa_clean_linelist: data cleaning for the master linelist; will create a clean dataset in rds and xlsx format, and generate a current_clean_data.R script in scripts/ which sets the path to the newly cleaned data

  • active_health_areas: analysis of geographic spread over time, represented by the number of active health areas (i.e. having reported cases over the last 21 days)

  • age_sex: age-sex pyramids, stratified by geographic units and in time

  • epicurves: epicurves with various stratifications, by case characteristics and by geographic units

  • kpi: key performance indicators, used for general summaries of the state of the response

  • temporal_trends: trends of various proportions in time, with some geographical stratifications, including

    • proportions of community death
    • proportions of cases known as contacts
  • transmission_intensity: estimation of transission intensity by active health zones and health areas

  • weekly_presentation_background: summaries used for weekly presentations of epidemic situation updates

How to use it?

Clone or download the factory, make sure the reportfactory is installed, then:

  1. for aaa_clean_linelist, put the master linelist in xlsx format in in data/raw, named as master_linelist_yyyy-mm-dd.xlsx; for other reports, make sure the aaa_clean_linelist report has been run at least once - this will produce a clean rds dataset in data/clean and a script in scripts/current_clean_data.R pointing to the right file, so that any report using clean data will use the latest clean data available in the factory

  2. open R in the root factory folder or simply double-click on the open.Rproj file

  3. (first time only) install dependencies by typing:

  1. run the factory by typing:
reportfactory::update_reports(clean_report_sources = TRUE)

By default, reports are produced using a light option, which produces lighter, low-resolution figures. For better quality, you can set that option to FALSE through params by typing:

reportfactory::update_reports(clean_report_sources = TRUE, params = list(light = FALSE))



This factory performs analyses of transmission chains from the 2019 Ebola outbreak in Eastern DRC. It is used by the Analytics Cell based at the coordination of the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC). Because of data confidentiality issues, we cannot share the data from the outbreak. Adaptations will be needed for new datasets.

This factory includes the following:

  • construction of transmission chains as an epicontacts object, from separate files describing cases (master linelist) and transmission events (master transmission list)

  • interactive plots of chains

  • inspection and quality checks on the chains

  • computation of effective reproduction number distribution

  • computation of transmissions across genders, age classes, health zones and health areas

How to use it?

Clone or download the factory, make sure the reportfactory is installed, then:

  1. put the clean master linelist in data/clean/master_linelist_clean_[date].rds where [date] has the yyyy-mm-dd format

  2. put the raw master transmission list data in data/raw/master_transmission_list_[date].xlsx where [date] has the yyyy-mm-dd format

  3. open R in the root factory folder or simply double-click on the open.Rproj file

  4. (first time only) install dependencies by typing:

  1. run the factory by typing:
reportfactory::update_reports(clean_report_sources = TRUE)

By default, reports are produced using a light option, which produces lighter, low-resolution figures. For better quality, you can set that option to FALSE through params by typing:

reportfactory::update_reports(clean_report_sources = TRUE, params = list(light = FALSE))


Contributions are welcome via pull requests against the master branch of the project. Pushing directly to master has been disabled. Please follow the guidelines below for contributions.

Types of contributions

Types of contributions include:

  1. submitting new reports

  2. amending existing reports

  3. reviewing reports sent through pull requests

Fundamentally, 1 and 2 are treated the same way and will undergo the same workflow. Task 3 (reviewing) is slightly different, and described in a separate section.

All contributors, including reviewers, should be duely acknowledged on the document they contributed to.

Submitting new reports or changes

First, make sure you have read the guidelines for writing analysis reports, which you can download from here. To discuss or amend these guidelines, see the corresponding project on github.

We use the usual github workflow for contributions:

  1. fork the project, if you are not yet part of the development team; otherwise, create a new branch named after the issue you address, or (in the absence of corresponding issue) with a name pointing to the report you work on; for instance:
## if work relates to an existing issue 'xxx':
git checkout -b issue_xxx

## otherwise, e.g. if work relates to the temporal_trends report:
git checkout -b temporal_trends 	
  1. make the modifications to the report, test them locally to make sure everything works and looks fine; commit regularly to avoid loosing work, e.g.
git commit -a -m "some short description of changes"
  1. once happy with the new version, submit a pull request against the master branch; ideally, nominate a reviewer to speed up the reviewing process

  2. reviews may require some changes; once the new version is satisfactory, PR will be merged into master and become the new official version of the report; this will need to be copied to the pcloud infrastructure, and used until a new version is made using the process described here.

Revewing changes

As for writing reports, you need to be familiar with the guidelines for writing analysis reports, which you can download from here. To discuss or amend these guidelines, see the corresponding project on github.

Reviews form the cornerstone of a robust workflow, and constitute essential contributions to the analysis work. Therefore, they are duely acknowledged onto the reports themselves. In this section, we briefly outline the steps of a review, and provide some guidelines on how to perform reviews.


Changes to reports (including the creation of new reports) are submitted via Pull Requests (PR) by the authors. A PR basically proposes to merge change made on a separate, dedicated branch onto the reference branch master. As a reviewer, your task is to give your opinion on whether these changes should integrate the master branch, and make suggestions to improve weak points. This will involve the following steps:

  1. open the PR on the github website; you might have been suggested as a reviewer, in which case you receive an email notification with a link to open the PR; or you may just volonteer to perform a review to address an existing issue; the landing page should ressemble the image below:

example of PR page

  1. read the main description of the PR provided by the author on the conversation tab

  1. put yourself down as a reviewer in the reviewer tab, if you are not listed there already

  1. examine the differences between files on the 'Files changed' tab; red lines indicated deletions, and green lines additions; note that these changes reflect all the commits of the PR; this part is particularly useful to flag accidental deletions and get an idea of large sections added; this is also the place where you can write your review and comment on sections of the code - clicking on any given line will open a new comment box, which you can use to start a review; leave this page open until you finish the review (including testing, see below)

  1. test the changes on your computer:
  • get the new version on your computer using git:
## update all remote branches, including the one of the PR
git fetch

## create a local branch matching that of the PR, and move to it
git checkout -b xxx

where xxx should be the name of the branch of the PR.

  • make sure the data needed for the report are present at the right place in your data folder; for aaa_clean_data, this will be a raw xlsx master linelist file in data/raw; for other reports, this will be the cleaned rds data in data/clean/, accompanied by a script in scripts/current_clean_data.R pointing to the right file (generated automatically when aaa_clean_data is compiled

  • compile the report by opening the open.Rproj file in the root of the factory, and typing:

reportfactory::compile_report("report_name_date.Rmd", clean_report_sources = TRUE)

where "report_name_date.Rmd" is the name and date of the report changed.

  • if the compilation is successful, check the output produced in report_outputs/report_name_date/...; go back to the review page on github and complete your review according to your observations

6. Final decision: when your review is finished, conclude it by clicking on 'Review changes' as illustrated below; possible decisions are:

example of PR page

  • approve: all is good, or all changes requested in previous stages of the review have been made; this will enable merging the PR into the master branch

  • request changes: some changes are needed, either to fix issues, improve code or explanations, fine-tune graphics, etc.; it is not uncommon to request changes several times before approving a final version

  • comments: most reviews will either lead to approval or to requesting changes; only use this if neither applies (maybe for questions / conversational items)