The offer of ZPM is growing daily and the shortnames and
acronyms of the offer are sometimes hard to understand and
also hard to type with my lazy fingers.
So I decided to have
- a listing with the descriptions from repository,
- splitted in short junks to avoid backscroll,
- controlled forward / backward scrolling,
- the option to select my packages by number,
- to install or uninstall with limited typing.
It runs with do ^zpmshow
A snaphot from the screen:
USER>d ^zpmshow
1 analyzethis 1.1.4 -- not github --
2 1.0.0 -- no descripition --
3 bitmap-adoption 1.0.3 Bitmaps for nonstandard IDs
4 blocksexplorer 2.2.1 -- not github --
5 bondar-nav 1.0.1 -- no descripition --
6 cache-fast-json 1.0.3 produce pretty JSON output for
Cache + Ensemble
7 classexplorer 1.21.3 -- no description --
8 contest-rest-template 1.0.3 -- no description --
9 csvgen 1.1.6 -- no description --
10 declarative-os 1.0.2 -- no description --
11 delete-helper 1.0.1 -- no description --
12 document-template 1.0.0 -- not github --
13 dsw 2.1.51 -- no description --
14 ecp-job 1.0.1 Multi-Line in Terminal Command
15 excel-light 1.0.0 Light weight Excel download
action (i[nstall),u[ninstall],n[ext],b[back],q[quit]):i package number: 6
6 cache-fast-json 1.0.3 produce pretty JSON output for
Cache + Ensemble
OK (y,n): y
zpm install cache-fast-json
[cache-fast-json] Reload START
[cache-fast-json] Reload SUCCESS
[cache-fast-json] Module object refreshed.
[cache-fast-json] Validate START
[cache-fast-json] Validate SUCCESS
[cache-fast-json] Compile START
[cache-fast-json] Compile SUCCESS
[cache-fast-json] Activate START
[cache-fast-json] Configure START
[cache-fast-json] Configure SUCCESS
[cache-fast-json] Activate SUCCESS
1 analyzethis 1.1.4 -- not github --
2 1.0.0 -- no description --
3 bitmap-adoption 1.0.3 Bitmaps for nonstandard IDs
4 blocksexplorer 2.2.1 -- not github --
5 bondar-nav 1.0.1 -- no description --
6 cache-fast-json 1.0.3 produce pretty JSON output for
Cache + Ensemble
7 classexplorer 1.21.3 -- no description --
8 contest-rest-template 1.0.3 -- no description --
9 csvgen 1.1.6 -- no description --
10 declarative-os 1.0.2 -- no description --
11 delete-helper 1.0.1 -- no description --