This is now the version compatible to IRIS using IRIS Native API for Node.js
which is significantly different from the interface availaible for Caché.
Node / JavaScript have wide reputation to work as WebSocket client.
By using the IRIS adapter it becomes easy to control and to consume the results as a
Client for WebSocket Servers and to collect the replies in IRIS.
I used node-v10.15.1-x64.msi and intersystems-iris-native package
You provide a Global for input in namespace USER (default)
set ^ZSocketIn(0)=6
set ^ZSocketIn(1)="Hello"
set ^ZSocketIn(2)="World !"
set ^ZSocketIn(3)="Robert"
set ^ZSocketIn(4)="is waiting"
set ^ZSocketIn(5)="for replies"
set ^ZSocketIn(6)="exit"
The server is controlled by ^ZSocketRun from IRIS
set ^ZSocketRun(0)="wss://" ;echo server
set ^ZSocketRun=1 ; => send to echo server
; -1 => stop server and exit
; 0 => wait for action
and from echo server you get back a Global as output
written by Node.js using the Native API for Node.js
zwrite ^ZSocketOut
^ZSocketOut(2)="World !"
^ZSocketOut(4)="is waiting"
^ZSocketOut(5)="for replies"
Or run
USER>do ^ZSocket
The WebSocket Service is started from OS command line.
You can follow the progress in console output
C:\Program Files\nodejs\cache>node WebSocketIRIS.js <server-ip>:<superserver-port>
Make sure you have git and Docker desktop installed.
Clone/git pull the repo into any local directory
git clone
Open the terminal in this directory, build and run the container:
docker-compose up -d
Next open a IRIS session in namespace USER and prepare the Globals for testing
a test program ZSocket.MAC is in subdirectory src of download directory
Now activate your Node.js client
Have the external IP address and the SuperServerPort ready !
default: localhost:1972 is just a placeholder
docker-compose exec wsock nodejs WebSocketIRIS.js <ip-adr>:<port>
From IRIS terminal run
USER>do ^ZSocket
*** Welcome to WebSocket Micoservice demo ***
Known Hosts (*=Exit) [1]:
1 wss://
2 --- server 2 ----
3 --- server 3 ----
select (1): 1 ==> wss://
Enter text to get echoed from WebSocketClient Service
Terminate with * at first position
or get generated text by %
or append new text with @